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The Wondeful Wizard of Oz…get’s kicked out of hippy trippy Oregon and has to go to work. Besides grifting. And go down again,and stay down.
I’m sure there’s a board on a wall in Russia’s main Command H/Q which has a pain-dial 1-10, where 1 is kid-gloves and 10 Mr Nuclear-Head Khinzal & Chums.
I reckon Russia’s been operating between Level 2/3 for the most part, with the dial pushing through 4 recently with their attack on Ukraine’s power generation infrastructure. This card, mimicking Ukraine’s forever policy of attacking civilian energy/water/transport structures/facilities these last 8 years and more.
I doubt NATO can continue their Ukrainian adventures should Russia raise the stakes to Level 5.
Or, more likely, a nuclear war. When most of the world’s leaders are safely in London.
If Russia raises the “pain dial” the US Military/Financial Hegemony could/would read that as an act of desperation. That’s how this hegemony thinks.
The US military would then dial up the “pain dial” even more, to start eliminating Russia’s military men, and its military power.
Please remember, the entire Western Financial/Military is against Russia. Those in finance will stop at nothing to preserve and increase their billions of US/UK/EU moneys.
Read Dr. Michael Hudson in describing their intentions with Germany’s industrial/trading. Now destruction is being seen with stupendous energy costs for millions of UK/EU citizens.
If you don’t believe him, then maybe remember what the Western/Russian Oligarchs did in the 80s/90s by destroying much of Russia via “Privatization.”
Thank you, Andrei. Always a pleasure to read and listen to your work
The Russians must by now recognize they are in a serious proxy war with the entire western globohomoschlomo empire. They have no choice but to escalate. Best course of action is to take down the entire west ukie power grid using missiles to attack all major west ukie substations, and keep the lights off for the balance of the conflict.
If this is obvious to more and more keyboard kommandos, armchair generals, and shadetree pundits, why isn’t it obvious to the boys in the kremlin? Could it be the ukies held back on a few of those loose nukes they were supposed to return to Russia in the early 1990s, and are now threatening to use them. Maybe the Russians will decide to dust off some of their 50 year old enhanced radiation devices (neutron bombs) to take out whole divisions with little damage to the infrastructure. Give ’em a sniff of the grape…er radiation. time for everyone to stock up on iodine pills, ammo, booze, and freeze dry?
During Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005, when the lights went out and the supply chains stopped working, the thin veneer of civilization vanished and society descended into anarchy in three days. It’s where the saying ‘we’re three days away from the collapse of civilization’ comes from.
New Orleans is a very different place from Ukraine. They will continue to fight in the dark and there are plenty of political police to keep people from getting frisky. But it will diminish the war capacity and also appease the Russian people who are getting sick of the silk-glove approach.
When the lights go off and people haven’t got a full stomach, the desire for war will quickly evaporate. Leave the fight to the last man narrative to Zelensky and the western media. The cleverest people in Ukraine are the estimated six to ten million who’ve already fled.
One version of that is “we are three meals away” from the end of society. It’s of note that the Ukraine (and Turkish) grain deal was a scam. A few ships went to hungry people in the global south. Over 80 went to EU ports.
Globohomoshlomo empire! I like that
Me, too. Especially the homo part, which is so important to the “West” now.
Bravo! Well said Sir. I personally know for a fact that truth of the German Wehrmacht psychological infiltration of the American Military culture and operations.
The main problem with US led NATO advisors leading the Ukraine forces are they’re not equipped to fight an opponent of equal parity. Since WW2, they’ve never had to and have fought and won in those countries where the outcome was already guaranteed. The ‘success’ of these victories against third-rate militaries has produced the aura of invincibility which surrounds both the US and NATO.
Where it loses, as in Afghanistan, the event is wiped from memory as though it never happened preventing the US from learning from past mistakes. Never in recent history has any country won a war in which it lacked air superiority.
I’ve said before, the days of diplomacy are over and Mr. Putin needs to take this SMO more seriously and conduct it as a war which it is and not half-heartedly tip-toeing through the Ukraine worrying about western media responses. There is already talk of surrounding Russia with NATO, wrecking its economy and starving Russia into submission after which it would be destroyed by dividing it up into a smaller number of easily controlled states. The longer this goes on the more confident and reckless a US led NATO will become.
🇺🇲🇷🇺🇺🇦 Since the end of February, the United States has supplied Ukraine with 140 artillery systems and 660,000 shells and missiles for them, according to official Pentagon data.
41,000 portable missile systems were also deployed from the continental United States to combat armored targets, 1,400 portable anti-aircraft missile systems, 15 helicopters, 38 radars, 10,200 assault rifles and pistols, and about 63.8 million rounds of ammunition. for small arms and 18 patrol boats.
To this end, heavy transport aircraft – both military and chartered by the Pentagon – made 754 flights to Europe. 28 ships, 67 trains and 1.5 thousand trailers were also involved.
In total, more than 47 thousand tons of weapons and military equipment were delivered to Europe for transfer to Ukraine.
According to the US Department of Defense, most of the weapons were delivered to the airfield of the Polish city of Rzeszow, located 90 km from the border with Ukraine.
Russia had to count with that. They had to know that West would do everything to shake Russia
The defense of the contiguity of the Dombas-Crimea-Kerson territory was the reason that determined the tactical retreat from the Karkov region, according to Colonel Mendes Dias, a former NATO soldier. According to him, Ukraine’s main offensive, aimed at breaking Russia’s defense lines, will take place along the Melitopol-Mariopol axis. The NATO military concluded that the extension of the contact line of more than 1000 km was impossible to defend the personnel involved in the Special Military Operation, even with the mobile brigades. Kerson’s offensive, which led Russia to shift part of the reserves from the Karkov region to the south, would have been a feint.
That is a very important point. It was the same during the Great Patriotic War:
The Devil’s Virtuosos: German Generals at War, 1940-5
“The German front in Russia, he argued, was over two thousand miles long. In length it demanded an overstretching of the available forces that was far beyond the safety margin. That was not all. The very configuration of the front was an open invitation to disaster. South from Voronezh it hung in two
large and unseemly bulges, one directed east on Stalingrad, the other south-east towards the Caucasus Mountains. And all the force in these bulges resided in the tips. Along the flanks of the northern bulge stood the make-believe armies of Germany’s allies, strong in men but weak in everything else – armour, anti-tank weapons, artillery and, above all, morale – needed to face a Russian onslaught. Between the two bulges, covering a space three hundred miles wide and ideally suited for Soviet cavalry, there was only a solitary division, 16th Motorised at Elista.” (pg 106)
Hitler’s War
“Hitler, however, neither saw nor sought any alternative: in his speeches of September and November
he had committed himself before the entire nation – he could not relax his grip on Stalingrad and the
Volga now. Late on the twenty-first he again ordered Paulus to hold on.” (pg 541)
The whole southern flank of Stalingrad was held by a single German division stretched over 300 miles and it took the Soviet Union 3 days to reach Kalach and close the Stalingrad cauldron. The difference between then and now is that Shoigu and Putin decided to pull out of Izium, verses being encircled.
That is terrible for the civilians living in those areas. However, I had a grandmother, living near Kharkov, whose village changed hands at least 4 times as I can remember. She told us stories about living in a bombed out house for over two years, the only thing they rebuilt and kept in working order was the stone oven and hearth, choosing to live under timber scraps and in the expanded potato cellar as the war seesawed back and forth. The family was completely on the Soviet side, but during the war, they trusted neither occupant, as both sides were on the lookout for collaborators… all it would take was for some overzealous Komsomoli to enter the village and get the wrong idea. She said only when they heard that Kiev was in Soviet hands, did they decide it was safe to rebuild.
It is so sad to see this all happening again, with the United States being the new aggressor. Russian history is tragic, with each generation experiencing the same thing. I don’t know who wrote the script for the Chernobyl Miniseries, but this scene always brings tears to my eyes:
3 Unsung Heroes | Chernobyl (2019)
That is something no American can understand. IMHO
My only comment is that the Germans did not originate the term Blitzkrieg. That was the British press after the 1940 French campaign. The Germans thought in terms of Bewegunskrieg, or war of movement.
We really cannot do without the down-to-earth coverage by Andrei to keep us in touch with the real situation.
One comment: I want to donate but NOT via paypal, which seems to dominate us like facebook, amazon and google. How can Ido it????
🇺🇲🇺🇦⚡️The United States and its allies discuss the feasibility of providing Ukraine with air defense and fighter jets in the medium and long term – Financial Times
I gather that NATO are clearly openly showing their hand
That hand need biting off,its now very clearer than ever Russia is fighting Nato,i just hope they know it and do what needs to be done.
Hier ist das Szenario dargestellt um was es geht.Ob nun ein Joker gezogen wird es abzuwenden?—Der Wertewesten hat wohl zu weit überreizt mit Schulden.
I did not trust anything from West and Ukrainian propaganda
But now after Harkow massive retreat and loss I do not know who to trust any more.
In the beginning I did not believe that they broke Russian defense lines
Now I always suspect that what West propaganda say is maybe truth
I do not trust anyone anymore.
And I am not alone
Russians will have to seriously overturn situation if they want to bring back trust in anything they do and they say
Most of all, it has been a political coup in the media.
There is no doubt that the concentration of Russian forces was planned beforehand and, knowing the rest, it can simulate.
And the Russian serenity indicates that things are not as they say, but they serve the West to intimidate those who look around before making decisions. And they are just announcing to the world that nothing has changed.
What should concern Russia is how the withdrawal operation was filtered, because they had to leave Ukrainian territory to try to force peace.
And all this because after the drama of the IAEA’s visit to Ukraine, there is greater concern about a nuclear tragedy in the Dombass.
If the West is defeated, it is capable of anything.
Only The Fool trusts /as in believes/ a government. Any government.
And that is in times of peace.
Sure, conditional “trust” is a must. We cannot live without “trusting” the police to not kill us on sight. But trusting any proclaims by a governing entity is a sign of a feeble mind. Feeble as in weak. It searches for security in the belief, yet only betreyal is to be found there. But some never stop searching. For they cannot otherwise.
All Ukrainians who voluntarily received Russian passports will be convicted of treason – Aleksey Arestovich, Advisor to the Head of Volodymyr Zelensky’s Office
if Russia was there to save the citizens they surely have to now.
Russian army and regime, again, were not capable of protecting their people. THOUGH they promised that. It is HUGE blow to moral and integrity to the current ru establishment, incl. Vlad. the Great.
Yes, so far this war is disappointment when we look Russian performance
This defeat must be huge blow to morale of Russian army…it will be hard to rise morale back to previous level
Butt war is going on and nothing is finished. Everything is still open
Russia will have to change strategy, to finally start real war
An to stop nonsense about so called brotherly Ukrainians
Russia have to fight mercilessly and to bring much much more man power to front
To start the WAR without gloves. It is enough of this BS
Or to withdraw troops from Ukraine and to admit total defeat…in that case Russia would enter terrible interior crisis
So the choice is up to them
And first Russia must decide what it wants from this war actually
Many thanks to A le Saker and A Martyanov for their great work of reinformation on the evolution of SMO in particular, but also on the movement of the plates of the great planetary chessboard.
Russia has sounded the revolt of the peoples against the US order based on iniquitous and immoral rules. Today, as in the past, Russia and China carry on their shoulders the hopes of all the peoples oppressed by the unipolar dictatorship of the USA and its vassals. Africans are following with great attention the SMO in Ukraine, the postures around Taiwan, the threats and conflicts around the world, Yemen, Venezuela, Mali, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria, …
The Yellow Vests of France, the Truckers of Canada, the demonstrations of Prague and Barcelona translate feelings that we know very well: the times must change!
I and many other Africans wish Russia’s victory in Ukraine because we are aware that the fate of the southern countries will be impacted by its outcome. I have full confidence in the leadership of the Kremlin and the determination of the Donbas republics! Whatever happens we share their suffering and pray for the achievement of all their goals! Insh Allah the peoples will triumph!o defeatism. No overconfidence. These are skirmishes, the thunder is hopefully coming when time is ripe.
Ukraine worse than the S. African apartheid system, and Europe as the biggest hypocrites ever.
Europe sanctioning S.A. for their apartheid as do-gooders, just to hail and praise the same in Ukraine.
1. Absolutely true that German Generals shaped our view of the war. They moved to the west and wrote self-serving biographies and even flattered the U.S. POV.
2. Kursk, was a good showing by the Red Army but not perfect. Yes, they crushed the German attack in the north but struggled with the southern thrust. The Red Army wanted to catch the Germans between defense lines 1 and 2 but the Germans managed to reach line 3 forcing the Strategic High Command to commit their reserve force to block the Germans. SHC wanted to use the reserve for a flanking counter-attack.
Again, this was a very impressive victory for the Red Army, just pointing out that they struggled in the
Regarding the current situation. We were told that Russia’s best advantage was in striking the UAF while they were moving rather than hunkering down. Well, the UAF moved a lot and I have not seen Russia take advantage of it. So far the best thing I can say about Russia’s performance is that they saved their troops while abandoning a significant amount of equipment. I call it as I see it.
No equipment should have been left,it should have been destroyed if it couldn’t be taken simple as that,if that was the case some officres have questions to answer.
To me it looks like Russia stockpiled equipment in multiple areas so that it would be ready when Russia shifted their troops around. They took the bait at Kherson and ended up being undermanned at Kharkiv. In short, I don’t think they had enough drivers available and demolition requires planning / time. Too much equipment to handle for too few troops.
This looks like the first actual loss for Russia. I do not understand why they are being so stingy with their troop deployment in Ukraine.
> I do not understand why they are being so stingy with their troop deployment in Ukraine.
this is a boxing match thay may go a full 5 rounds. we’re in round 1 imo
you don’t fight like Conor trying to get it done in 20s in the first
that’s not a strategy
Except this is not a boxing match with rules. It is a free-for-all gladiator battle where those who kill their opponent first win, without question
Putin is playing chess while Ze is playing LoL
Where’s your evidence to prove that Russia abandoned equipment?
There is none.
Much of the propaganda comes from compromised telegram and western media agents, the rest is from useful idiots repeating stuff they have no understanding of or experience with. You see it everywhere, even Scott Ritter passes on the FUD narrative as if it were fact.
The fact is Russia has been savaging UKR men on an industrial scale for six+ months, and the last two weeks it has been taken to a new level.
Dear Mr. Andrei Martyanov,
why don’t Russia have images of these atacks?
Thank You for all Your wonderfu information.
Diamantino Junior
History will honor the Russians concept of Slavic Brotherhood which is a basis of the SMO. But that doesnt work when the Brothers are Nazi slaves. IMO Its time to modify the concept.
Why is it that a lot of pro-Russian commentators are unwilling to concede that the incompetence of some Russian military commanders and the indifference of the political leaders are the direct cause of many of the setbacks suffered by Russia in Ukraine? Russian military and political leaders are human beings and they make mistakes too just like all human beings do. It’s childish to label all legitimate criticism of Russia’s military performance in Ukraine as psy-ops or refer to these critics as trolls.
After six months of the operation, the impression is that Russia cannot impose her will on the Ukrainian government. The SMO has highlighted to the whole world the inadequacies of the Russian military in terms of attack drones, defence against naval missiles, surveillance capabilities and military planning. Also after all the threats against Ukrainian “decision making centres” were not followed through, Ukraine and her Western backers have concluded that Russian warnings are not to be taken seriously.
Say your impression and not the impression.
Russia has been patient for at least 8 years, in fact since of the colapse of Soviet Union. It is really strange that pupils would like to see Countries having the same clock as individuals
I deal with facts and the fact as of this moment is that Russia has not imposed her will on Ukraine. As far as I know, Ukraine has not accepted Russia’s terms.
While I am critical of Russia’s military performance in Ukraine, the Russians have done some things very well. The good work that the Russian government has done to minimise the effect of Western sanctions on the Russian economy is to be admired.
I would agree it is clear in my opinion there was no cunning plan to catch Ukrainians in “firebag”/”cauldron”.
Counterattack did not happen. Crushing bombardment that would annihilate VSU did not happen.
What might have happened, is that Ukraine had heavy casualties. And there are some indications of this. But that number from Russian authorities (is it 4000 casualties or what?)…is again something that is highly possibly inflated for reasons of battle morale.
I do not believe in those numbers any more. If Ukros have so many dead soldiers they would not be able to undertake such offensives like one around Harkow
Completely agree here and have been saying for months that the Russian were at risk of losing badly if it didn’t start understanding they are at WAR with the entire west. And to win a war you MUST beat your enemy into submission. Should have been bombing all of Ukraine scorched earth from day one. 24/7 flights over the entire border with Poland and bomb anything and everything that moves. Either the Russian military leadership is incompetent or the Russian military is no where near as formidable as they have proclaimed.
“Either the Russian military leadership is incompetent or the Russian military is no where near as formidable as they have proclaimed.”
And maybe there are some traitors or saboteurs in the upper echelons of the government and military.
The Start of World War III – The Specter Of Nazi Germany Is Rising
The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who funded Hitler to attack Russia want to encourage the Nazis to finish what they started. The Nazi SS were a Jesuit Catholic Order Sea Seclorum run by the Head of the Jesuits, Himmler to finish the war of Catholic Charlemagne against Orthodox Christianity.
Communism was created by Karl Marx who wrote Das Kapital from the notes of old British Empire, British East India Company, British Secret Services Ambassador Urquhart from his – Karl Marx – offices in the British National Library in London. Since then Communism has been used to take over and destroy Russia, China and Biden’s America.
The European Union is girding for a long war against Russia that appears clearly contrary to European economic interests and social stability. A war that is apparently irrational – as many are – has deep emotional roots and claims ideological justification. Such wars are hard to end because they extend outside the range of rationality.
Olaf Scholz, Federal Chancellor of Germany, meets Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, in Kiev, Feb. 14, 2022. (President of Ukraine)
For decades after the Soviet Union entered Berlin and decisively defeated the Third Reich, Soviet leaders worried about the threat of “German revanchism.” Since World War II could be seen as German revenge for being deprived of victory in World War I, couldn’t aggressive German Drang nach Osten be revived, especially if it enjoyed Anglo-American support? There had always been a minority in U.S. and U.K. power circles that would have liked to complete Hitler’s war against the Soviet Union.
It was not the desire to spread communism, but the need for a buffer zone to stand in the way of such dangers that was the primary motivation for the ongoing Soviet political and military clampdown on the tier of countries from Poland to Bulgaria that the Red Army had wrested from Nazi occupation.
This concern waned considerably in the early 1980s as a young German generation took to the streets in peace demonstrations against the stationing of nuclear “Euromissiles” which could increase the risk of nuclear war on German soil. The movement created the image of a new peaceful Germany. I believe that Mikhail Gorbachev took this transformation seriously.
On June 15, 1989, Gorbachev came to Bonn, which was then the modest capital of a deceptively modest West Germany. Apparently delighted with the warm and friendly welcome, Gorbachev stopped to shake hands with people along the way in that peaceful university town that had been the scene of large peace demonstrations.
I was there and experienced his unusually warm, firm handshake and eager smile. I have no doubt that Gorbachev sincerely believed in a “common European home” where East and West Europe could live happily side by side united by some sort of democratic socialism.
Gorbachov on June 13, 1989 in the market-square in Bonn. (Jüppsche/Wikimedia Commons)
Gorbachev died at age 91 two weeks ago, on Aug. 30. His dream of Russia and Germany living happily in their “common European home” had soon been fatally undermined by the Clinton administration’s go-ahead to eastward expansion of NATO. But the day before Gorbachev’s death, leading German politicians in Prague wiped out any hope of such a happy end by proclaiming their leadership of a Europe dedicated to combating the Russian enemy.
These were politicians from the very parties – the SPD (Social Democratic Party) and the Greens – that took the lead in the 1980s peace movement.
German Europe Must Expand Eastward
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is a colorless SPD politician, but his Aug. 29 speech in Prague was inflammatory in its implications. Scholz called for an expanded, militarized European Union under German leadership. He claimed that the Russian operation in Ukraine raised the question of “where the dividing line will be in the future between this free Europe and a neo-imperial autocracy.” We cannot simply watch, he said, “as free countries are wiped off the map and disappear behind walls or iron curtains.”
(Note: the conflict in Ukraine is clearly the unfinished business of the collapse of the Soviet Union, aggravated by malicious outside provocation. As in the Cold War, Moscow’s defensive reactions are interpreted as harbingers of Russian invasion of Europe, and thus a pretext for arms buildups.)
To meet this imaginary threat, Germany will lead an expanded, militarized EU. First, Scholz told his European audience in the Czech capital, “I am committed to the enlargement of the European Union to include the states of the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and, in the long term, Georgia”. Worrying about Russia moving the dividing line West is a bit odd while planning to incorporate three former Soviet States, one of which (Georgia) is geographically and culturally very remote from Europe but on Russia’s doorstep.
In the “Western Balkans”, Albania and four extremely weak statelets left from former Yugoslavia (North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and widely unrecognized Kosovo) mainly produce emigrants and are far from EU economic and social standards. Kosovo and Bosnia are militarily occupied de facto NATO protectorates. Serbia, more solid than the others, shows no signs of renouncing its beneficial relations with Russia and China, and popular enthusiasm for “Europe” among Serbs has faded.
Adding these member states will achieve “a stronger, more sovereign, geopolitical European Union,” said Scholz. A “more geopolitical Germany” is more like it. As the EU grows eastward, Germany is “in the center” and will do everything to bring them all together. So, in addition to enlargement, Scholz calls for “a gradual shift to majority decisions in common foreign policy” to replace the unanimity required today.
What this means should be obvious to the French. Historically, the French have defended the consensus rule so as not to be dragged into a foreign policy they don’t want. French leaders have exalted the mythical “Franco-German couple” as guarantor of European harmony, mainly to keep German ambitions under control.
But Scholz says he doesn’t want “an EU of exclusive states or directorates,” which implies the final divorce of that “couple.” With an EU of 30 or 36 states, he notes, “fast and pragmatic action is needed.” And he can be sure that German influence on most of these poor, indebted and often corrupt new Member States will produce the needed majority.
France has always hoped for an EU security force separate from NATO in which the French military would play a leading role. But Germany has other ideas. “NATO remains the guarantor of our security,” said Scholz, rejoicing that President Biden is “a convinced trans-atlanticist.”
“Every improvement, every unification of European defense structures within the EU framework strengthens NATO,” Scholz said. “Together with other EU partners, Germany will therefore ensure that the EU’s planned rapid reaction force is operational in 2025 and will then also provide its core.
This requires a clear command structure. Germany will face up to this responsibility “when we lead the rapid reaction force in 2025,” Scholz said. It has already been decided that Germany will support Lithuania with a rapidly deployable brigade and NATO with further forces in a high state of readiness.
Serving to Lead … Where?
Robert Habeck speaking at protest before Green Party headquarters, Berlin, Oct. 28, 2020. (Leonhard Lenz/Wikimedia Commons)
In short, Germany’s military buildup will give substance to Robert Habeck’s notorious statement in Washington last March that: “The stronger Germany serves, the greater its role.” The Green’s Habeck is Germany’s economics minister and the second most powerful figure in Germany’s current government.
The remark was well understood in Washington: by serving the U.S.-led Western empire, Germany is strengthening its role as European leader. Just as the U.S. arms, trains and occupies Germany, Germany will provide the same services for smaller EU states, notably to its east.
Since the start of the Russian operation in Ukraine, German politician Ursula von der Leyen has used her position as head of the EU Commission to impose ever more drastic sanctions on Russia, leading to the threat of a serious European energy crisis this winter. Her hostility to Russia seems boundless. In Kiev last April she called for rapid EU membership for Ukraine, notoriously the most corrupt country in Europe and far from meeting EU standards. She proclaimed that “Russia will descend into economic, financial and technological decay, while Ukraine is marching towards a European future.” For von der Leyen, Ukraine is “fighting our war.” All of this goes far beyond her authority to speak for the EU’s 27 Members, but nobody stops her.
Germany’s Green Party foreign minister Annalena Baerbock is every bit as intent on “ruining Russia.” Proponent of a “feminist foreign policy”, Baerbock expresses policy in personal terms. “If I give the promise to people in Ukraine, we stand with you as long as you need us,” she told the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-sponsored Forum 2000 in Prague on Aug. 31, speaking in English. “Then I want to deliver no matter what my German voters think, but I want to deliver to the people of Ukraine.”
“People will go on the street and say, we cannot pay our energy prices, and I will say, ‘Yes I know so we will help you with social measures. […] We will stand with Ukraine and this means the sanctions will stay also til winter time even if it gets really tough for politicians.’”
Certainly, support for Ukraine is strong in Germany, but perhaps because of the looming energy shortage, a recent Forsa poll indicates that some 77 percent of Germans would favor diplomatic efforts to end the war – which should be the business of the foreign minister. But Baerbock shows no interest in diplomacy, only in “strategic failure” for Russia – however long it takes.
In the 1980s peace movement, a generation of Germans was distancing itself from that of their parents and vowed to overcome “enemy images” inherited from past wars. Curiously, Baerbock, born in 1980, has referred to her grandfather who fought in the Wehrmacht as somehow having contributed to European unity. Is this the generational pendulum?
The Little Revanchists
Stepan Bandera torchlight parade in Kiev, Jan. 1, 2020. (A1/Wikimedia Commons)
There is reason to surmise that current German Russophobia draws much of its legitimization from the Russophobia of former Nazi allies in smaller European countries.
While German anti-Russian revanchism may have taken a couple of generations to assert itself, there were a number of smaller, more obscure revanchisms that flourished at the end of the European war that were incorporated into United States Cold War operations. Those little revanchisms were not subjected to the denazification gestures or Holocaust guilt imposed on Germany. Rather, they were welcomed by the C.I.A., Radio Free Europe and Congressional committees for their fervent anticommunism. They were strengthened politically in the United States by anticommunist diasporas from Eastern Europe.
Of these, the Ukrainian diaspora was surely the largest, the most intensely political and the most influential, in both Canada and the American Middle West. Ukrainian fascists who had previously collaborated with Nazi invaders were the most numerous and active, leading the Bloc of Anti-Bolshevik Nations with links to German, British and U.S. Intelligence.
Eastern European Galicia, not to be confused with Spanish Galicia, has been back and forth part of Russia and Poland for centuries. After World War II it was divided between Poland and Ukraine. Ukrainian Galicia is the center of a virulent brand of Ukrainian nationalism, whose principal World War II hero was Stepan Bandera. This nationalism can properly be called “fascist” not simply because of superficial signs – its symbols, salutes or tatoos – but because it has always been fundamentally racist and violent.
Incited by Western powers, Poland, Lithuania and the Habsburg Empire, the key to Ukrainian nationalism was that it was Western, and thus superior. Since Ukrainians and Russians stem from the same population, pro-Western Ukrainian ultra-nationalism was built on imaginary myths of racial differences: Ukrainians were the true Western whatever-it-was, whereas Russians were mixed with “Mongols” and thus an inferior race. Banderist Ukrainian nationalists have openly called for elimination of Russians as such, as inferior beings.
So long as the Soviet Union existed, Ukrainian racial hatred of Russians had anticommunism as its cover, and Western intelligence agencies could support them on the “pure” ideological grounds of the fight against Bolshevism and Communism. But now that Russia is no longer ruled by communists, the mask has fallen, and the racist nature of Ukrainian ultra-nationalism is visible – for all who want to see it.
However, Western leaders and media are determined not to notice.
Thanks Satchi.
Germany did a big job in their schools and universities to vaccinate the students to see any small sign of fascism, in order to avoid the same development.
Many Germans have asked themselves “how could we be so blind”. “How could highly educated people fall into so simple and low life traps”. Manipulation, money and fear of losing positions ?!
But one thing is der Lügenpresse and politicians together. Will the German people participate in this madness on top of the virus scam?? It seems they will.
Then there is the social/racist snob competition of who is most Western, among the third nations and new comers: “I am more European”.
Its ridiculous but has a clear social side. The Sovjet Union was meager life and held down to a boring level compared to an Eldorado of consumer goods in West, remember the little Lada versus the BMW. So clearly the other side glitter(ed) with gold.
Merkel was a clear liberal disaster. Germany had really good bright men, but purged by the usual suspects at the right time for the Cabal. Boring times ahead.
The Jews and Phoenicians are not the same, check your history lest you sound like an idiot. The Phoenicians themselves were an amalgam of differing populations; Greek, sea people (from modern day Crete) and other native populations. Repeating the Jewish propaganda (claiming they are from that land) makes you just another trumpet.
The west, especially the Americans, has always taken one event and projected the outcomes. It doesn’t work like that- short-term objectives over long-term strategic planning. The mantra has indoctrinated the American public to buy into the narrative. War doesn’t start or end due to an “incident.” It will end when one side can no longer sustain its resources and the will to fight.
So says the Soviet Coast Guard Commander. What a joke.
Truth hurting is it?
I don’t know why they are doing what they are doing. It’s clear that they have not been fighting as hard as they should.
Two things:
1. the Ukrainians are trash. The videos of them torturing prisoners and the fact that they have killed so many women and children is disgusting. They need to be denazified the same way Germany was, with overwhelming power, and the total destruction of the society. Ukraine should disappear.
2. The pro gay marriage side pulled a small offensive. That’s it. The majority of the troops present are those of the two republics. The Ukrainians have been contending with a very small force. They cannot lose Ukraine. They will go all-out if they have to.
As the other guy said, in three weeks, I don’t want to hear about all the Ukrainian civilians killed, and all the other awful things the Russians are doing to the entire country.
We’ll come back to your comment in another three weeks.
Let’s see who’d have the last laugh you SOB.
Interesting group of trolls today. They work of the template of expressing opinion as fact. One template many accounts. The troll messaging now seems to be Russian people have been left to die at the hands of the Ukrainians.
Thus supporting the motivation behind the SMO.
The people left behind are not Russia’s problem. Russia had to retreat. They are the problem of the collective West. Surely, the West will not sit and watch as the Ukrainians slaughter their own citizens one by one?
You don’t know what you are dealing with. Brittain. A small shit hole of nobodies took out China twice and they are working on a third. They train 10s of thousands of Ukrainians to kill Russians and suffer no consequences, none. So a few of them will huddle and chill, won’t bother anyone of the UK elite. Not one little bit. No one in the UK gives a rats ass about the people of Ukraine or Russia they just want their oil and gas back. Oh, and the ancestral Black Sea home, Crimea. It really is that serious.
Cheers M
Next time Britain do it, we will take out a British command centre, next time they do it, if they do it again.
Why stop the show when you can raise and drag the killing of 100 000’s of young men out for decades by playing along.
Well they have made a good job of slaughtering their own people for 8 years in Donbass.
Sure. The NATO will cheer the Ukrainians slaughtering their rebels. It will be Ukraine’s ‘internal affairs’.
Waco in 1993 justifies slaughtering one’s own citizens if it is militarily pertinent
U.S. is tops at having civilians killed. U.S. was covertly supporting the Khmer Rouge and all the death squads in Central and South America.
U.S., NATO, UN, etc. supervised the KLA and Albanians as they systematically cleansed, killed or kidnapped Serbian, Roma, Montenegrin and other civilians (including Albanians who did not support the KLA), in Kosovo even though they had a huge amount of soldiers per square mile when the killings and torture were happening.
Heck, even a (Sandzak) Muslim head of a humanitarian association said that the Albanians were operating (at least 5) concentration camps almost a year after NATO and the west took control of Kosovo. He said he was even threatened by the Red Cross in Pristina when he brought that information to them.
the people left behind were told they would be protected
From Oleg Tsarev, a true Patriot and Human Being. Telegram.
Because once again we are abandoning and deceiving people who trusted Russia. They abandoned and deceived some, leaving three regions near Kyiv. Now the same thing happened near Kharkov. And if the most decisive actions are not taken at the front, then after the Kharkiv region there will be Kherson and Zaporozhye, Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
A real punitive operation has been launched on the territory of the Kharkov region. The Ukrainians approached the identification of people who supported Russia very systematically and as harshly as possible: the Kraken group, the police and the SBU were brought into the territory left by the allied forces. A large-scale search has been launched for people who collaborated with the CAA and who trusted Russia. It must be understood that our divisions and administrations left the region so hastily that documents remained on the ground, including lists of employees of some CAAs, lists of enterprises that have already come under the jurisdiction of Russian legislation, lists of state employees who have already come to work under the new government.
They can’t leave. The territory is closed, and there is a filtration. Telegram channels ( ) have been launched in different municipalities, they are being written about today ( ), where information about our supporters is collected.
I receive reports that there are thousands of detainees, many are shot on the spot. They paint the letter “Z” on the houses of our people so as not to forget to deal with them later.
Contacted a friend. Sits at home, thinks when they will come for him. He is sure they will. He said that two of his friends had already been shot. Right next to the house. Since all exits are blocked, he will try to go into the forest and dig a dugout. Will try to wait.
Today I saw bravura reports ( ) that there were no Russian teachers in the Kharkiv region, but all locals who wanted to go to Russia , helped. But this is not true. Tens of thousands of people who did not have time to leave will fall under persecution.
Perhaps there are no Russian teachers in the Kharkiv region now, but there definitely remained teachers who were retrained ( ) in Russian standards in Russia or started working in schools. They write to me that today many of them were detained, and Ukraine demands to change them to Azov. Tell me, is this a reason for joy that instead of Russian teachers, other teachers were arrested ( )? After all, they are all ours.
Many messages from the Kharkiv region … It’s scary for those abandoned by us. And ashamed. It’s a shame they couldn’t defend. It’s a shame that, it turns out, deceived.
Many thanks to A le Saker and A Martyanov for their great work of reinformation on the evolution of WHO in particular, but also on the movement of the plates of the great planetary chessboard. Russia has sounded the revolt of the peoples against the US order based on iniquitous and immoral rules. Today, as in the past, Russia and China carry on their shoulders the hopes of all the peoples oppressed by the unipolar dictatorship of the USA and its vassals. Africans are following with great attention the SMO in Ukraine, the postures around Taiwan, the threats and conflicts around the world, Yemen, Venezuela, Mali, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria, …
The Yellow Vests of France, the Truckers of Canada, the demonstrations of Prague and Barcelona translate feelings that we know very well: the times must change!
I and many other Africans wish Russia’s victory in Ukraine because we are aware that the fate of the southern countries will be impacted by its outcome. I have full confidence in the leadership of the Kremlin and the determination of the Donbas republics!
Whatever happens we share their suffering and pray for the achievement of all their goals! No defeatism, no overconfidence, its just that reality of war is made of ups and downs. Insh Allah the peoples will triumph!
While the rest of Europe suffers acute shortages of energy, it’s only fitting Ukraine should share the same fate as them.
Brothers-in-arms and all that!
Gonzolo Lira’s twitter account was suspended today. His most recent tweets were innocuous, so I would suspect it is related to his being in Kharkov during the offensive.
When it comes to claiming credit for winning wars, Americans are good at one thing: Stealing Honor.
As suggested in the video above, America has tried to steal the honor of being the primary force that defeated the Nazi Third Reich during World War 2, when in fact this honor belongs to the Soviet Union/Russia.
In terms of the defeating ISIS/Islamic State in Syria, America even more outrageously has tried to steal this honor from Syria, Russia, Iran, and Hizbollah, which have been the primary forces fighting against ISIS.
This last claim made by Donald Trump that America defeated ISIS/Islamic State in Syria is worthy of Joseph Goebbels in that the USA and its allies have been arming, sponsoring, and supporting ISIS/Islamic State (not to mention Al-Queda affiliates) around the world–including in Syria.
A Special Relationship: The United States is teaming up with Al Qaeda, again
Even American ally and former leader of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, has stated the Islamic State in fact is a tool of the USA.
Former Afghan President Karzai Calls Islamic State ‘Tool’ of US
The USA should really change its name to the United Thieves of America, as stealing honor is what America specializes in.
ISIS IS US: The Shocking Truth: Behind the Army of Terror
i would add todays corbett report to that list of links:
We all knew Trump’s talk about the US defeating ISIS in Syria was bullshit. At least I knew who it was that had settled that issue. But let us not fool ourselves about the victory of WW2 either. Is anyone so stupid to believe the UK and Russia could have lasted through 1943 {let alone to 1945} without American involvement? Take away American industrial capacity and strategic bombing and what would you have? The U-boats would have starved Britain unto submission without US long range radar enabled aircraft {which sank more U-boats than ships ever did}. And left unaffected by USAAF bombing, Germany industrial output would have carried the day, as it was MUCH larger than the Soviets. I am not discounting the courageousness or contributions of the USSR here, it was of paramount importance, of that we all know. But to claim that the US was only a minor factor of little consequence in winning WW2 is only spoken by fools. The US almost single handedly carried the war in the Pacific for almost four years. We fought a two theater war: The USSR didn’t. Some Soviet historians like to claim the US only got involved in Europe after Russia had settled the bulk of the fighting. Isn’t that what the Soviets did in 1945 when they landed on Japan’s northern islands? Pot calling the kettle black.
More Blitzkrieg thinking on display:
1. The pro-nazi Finnish ruler demands that the Russian people be made to suffer. According to the party girl, “not right” that Russians “can live a normal life, travel in Europe, be tourists”. I would argue that it is no longer right for Russia to allow Finland to feel safe any longer. But instead they must be made to suffer for their betrayal of neutrality agreements with Russia instead.
2. Ukraine claims they will capture Donbass and that will set off a domino effect bringing the downfall of the Russian state. I would argue that while he is right that if the Ukie’s did capture Donbass the rage inside Russia would bring down the current government. They would be quickly replaced with a full patriot government that won’t fight with gloves on. And without the kindness of Putin to shield them. It would be not Russia,but Ukraine that will cease to exist as a state.
3.What happens when you don’t respond decisively to bullies? Think about your own childhood and the answer is clear. Now NATO is considering upping their heavy weapons supplies to Ukraine. Now that they know they are easily able to ship them in,why not is their thinking. I don’t think I even need to posit the answer that should follow this.It should be obviously seen by even a blind man.
4.Kiev now is looking to form a “security treaty” with the US,UK,Turkey and Australia. To guarantee their security against Russia. In other words joining NATO under another name. This is one more reason that the Kremlin needs to stop dealing with the Banderite regime in Kiev. Recognize a new legitimate government. Any thinking of having a real agreement with this bunch is worse than thinking you can piss in the wind.
5. By their own words let them be known. The US plans to secure their total domination of Europe is revealed:
By knocking out the electricity to who knows how many square miles, the Russians have “technically” declared war against nato, in the Ukraine, or so its been said.
Excellent but truly sad interview with Faina Savenkova,on the Grayzone:
“13-year-old on Ukrainian gov’t kill list speaks out”
Some videos for today.
Ukrainian POW was unimpressed with Western mercenaries:
Russian marine units pound enemy positions (good footage here):
LPR heavy artillery destroys enemy military equipment:
Russian ‘Tulpan’ self-propelled mortar pounds enemy positions:
Destroyed Kiev regime military equipment on the Kharkov front:
Russian missile strike destroys Kiev regime ammunition depot:
DPR troops destroy enemy military equipment:
Russian assault helicopters conduct combat mission:
Putin wanted to go easy on the Ukrainians because coming from centuries of a shared history, he was hoping for the best, in this case I mean a settlement and peace. But Washington and London would not allow it, and Putin’s leniency was only taken as a sign of weakness to both NATO and Kiev.I believe the Russian General staff have had a heart to heart talk with Putin to put it mildly, and now they have been given more say in how to fight and draw this SMO to a victorious conclusion. The gloves have come off now, and I hope this can end before Christmas {nice present to the people of both the Dombass and to Ukrainians as well}.
I don’t think that’s the full reason.
War is about weapons and strategy and manpower and a bit of luck.
Before this war starts in full Russia has to have massive, massive stockpiles of all the weapons needed.
These are not made in a day.
If Russia follows it’s WW2 rulebook it will have massive weapons production going.
Kit, materials etc.
I would guess that they have a weapons production target and once it’s reached they can proceed.
You are looking at massive massive stocks needed.
You are looking at new machinery and factories.
Everything must be ready to go on a war footing.
So if that’s the preparation being done. Then let’s be patient. Obviously there has to be lines held. But only a fool would set out for a trip to the north pole with insufficient weapons, trained personnel and proper preparation.
Provided Russia can hold lines and handle offensives. Time is it’s friend if it is getting all this on place.
360 degrees war preparation
Stock production time I would estimate a minimum of a year to really take on NATO. They have had 6 months. I think 6 more months and they will be ready.
Good point,but lets hope Nato give them six months.
I started thinking that we have the powerful 80th anniversary coming up of the November 17, 1942 Soviet counteroffensive that encircled the Nazi Wehrmacht’s 6th Army at Stalingrad, by smashing through the weakly held lines of the Romanian Army that protected the Nazis rear. It’s also commemorated as Artilleryists Day each year due to the power of the bombardment that preceded the Soviet tank assault.
Surely Putin and Shoigu are familiar with the history and we will see him speaking at the Mamayev Kurgan a sacred spot for the Russian people.
If you’re looking for the big offensive fireworks to start after Russia repulses the UAF/NATO autumn offensive before the ground turns muddy, that would be a date to watch. Especially when many of the DIA and NRO boys will be on Thanksgiving leave leaving the arrogant Brits to run part of the Ukrainian command show.
In the comments of this thread and others, I see a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth, with a healthy dose of ‘Concern Trolling’, thrown in, over what is a relatively minor salient.
The West fights to the last Ukrainian soldier. The Russian Federation fights to the last NATO bullet.
The Russian Federation is winning, handily.
As for so called ‘Optics’. No victor of a war ever agonized over how good he looked or the morality of his victory. He wrote whatever history he wanted.
Great analysis. Thank you Andrei.
To put you last topic simply a competent military does not fight for civilians by being stupid in the short term. If RF were to do that they would not be able to continue operations as their loses would be significant and the civilians would lose in the long term.
Per Andrei’s comments, one of the reasons the WW2 German offensive failed was there werent enough troops to cover the vast area of USSR and cope with the number of Russians encountered. This is soething that has never been properly noted.
Instead of 4 million as they had, any force would need at least 20 million & fully equipped and supplied.
And the climate/weather and other health factors defeated them too.
And overstretched supply lines.
Nothing has changed.
Too difficult and costly a goal.
And end result not guaranteed even if victory gained due to climate problems.