oh this is just so *priceless* I just had to post it :-)
AngloZionism at it very very “best”
oh this is just so *priceless* I just had to post it :-)
AngloZionism at it very very “best”
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Yes, this is priceless.
The CIA’s mighty media wurlitzer hard at work.
This looks like a replay of the West’ use of Jews against the Soviets.
The “Soviet Jews” whom the Soviet Government oppressed were not Jews, they were/are modern day Hebrews, not Talmudists (the central book of Judaism is the Talmud, not the old testament of the Bible).
They call themselves Karaites, for reasons which I don’t understand, and I understand even less why the media describes these practitioners of the Hebrew religion as members of the lone tribe which turned its back on the Hebrew religion in favor of a Babylonian mystery religion.
Aleksandra Solzhenitsyn in his two-volume book “Two Hundred Years Together” argued that the Russian Jews where Khazarians who converted to Talmudic Judaism. Therefore, Khazarian Jews are not Semites or descendants of the the tribes of ancient Israel.
For those people it would be a mistake. But for Russia itself I don’t see that as a bad thing. Getting rid of people that hate you is always a plus. Most of those Jews in Russia I hear about support the government (actors, musicians, academia, many business people,etc ). And most Russian Jews are not religious. So having a Rabbi tell them what to do isn’t going to work. But it is certain to end his life in Russia,his gone for good. Getting rid of a rich oligarch class,and other Russophobes among the Jews in Russia,is a blessing.
Most of those Jews in Russia I hear about support the government (actors, musicians, academia, many business people,etc ). And most Russian Jews are not religious. So having a Rabbi tell them what to do isn’t going to work.
You are absolutely correct!
Besides, most russophobic Jews have already emigrated, their last ones are leaving now.
Good for them (not that I care) and good for Russia (which I care a lot about).
So Russia will be left with patriotic Jews, which by itself is wonderful!
Thank you for telling the truth.
I disagree. Strongly disagree. In my personal (extensive) experience the Soviet/Russian Jews very rarely were Russophobic. But most of them – btw, as well as most ethnically Russian emigres – did become such *after* the immigration. This was the easiest and optimal path to “fit” into the (very) Russophobic eg. American or almost any other quasi anglo-saxon local environment. Their Russophobia is simply a survival instict and an instinctive drive to persuade themself that they made correct choice when emigrating (forgot socio psychology term for this well-known phenomenon).
Jews who spent few years in Israel (~ the years required to cancel the free loans given them on arrival) almost always *become* Russophobes and bigger than life patriots of Israel – even though the smartest of them usually leave the place. That’s the result of the same survival instinct as above (=to fit into the environment), embedded deeply on a subconscious level, but in a different settings.
A German publication telling Jews to leave their country. Where have I heard that one before? But on a more serious note, I know a number of Russian Jews, and they all speak highly of Putin and consider him one of the least anti-Semitic leaders out there.
Yes, somebody ought to let the imbeciles who said that “Putin was a Netanyahu stooge” know about all that.
But, wait – these guys don’t care about facts.
To all the Jews (and all others) who hate Russia, I would say, feel free to leave, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
It is not only a German publication. DW is the German state propaganda channel that was established by Nazis after WW2 to continue thier propaganda war against the East. Its first intendat Dr. Hans Otto Wesemann worked for the Gestapo and for Goebbels at the nazi propaganda paper “Das Reich”.
You are misrepresenting the 1930s. It wasn’t the Germans telling Jews to leave Germany, it was the Jewish Palestine organizations that were propagandizing Jews to emigrate from Germany.
If only we here in the USA could be so lucky! No more predatory financial shell games, no more homosexual mafia forcing it’s perversions on our society and children. No more demented culture. A political system that serves the people, and not just 2% of the population. And the best part: No more war culture. Hey, I can dream….
And your dream might well come true.
Just be patient.
History DOES repeat itself.
As I speak to my American Jewish friends, I am totally gob-smacked how many hate Putin and support the Nazi regime in Kiev, I don’t even speak about it anymore to them. From the mouth of Jewish elected officials and various organizations, the American Jewish community absolutely hates Putin (and by extension Russia). But according to DW it appears that it is the duty of every Russian Jew to vocally oppose the SMO or move out the country. Did DW demand that of Americans who opposed the Iraqi invasion?
One of the most insightful articles one can read is by the Jewish American scholar Stephen Cohen entitled “Who Putin is Not” published by The Nation magazine. You can find the article at:
Cohen destroys all the vicious propaganda around Putin (and he is no fan boy but an honest scholar). He has the following quote:
“There is another, easily understood, indicative fact. Not a trace of anti-Semitism is evident in Putin. Little noted here but widely reported both in Russia and in Israel, life for Russian Jews is better under Putin than it has ever been in that country’s long history.” (!!!)
From other articles (before the invasion) Putin sought out strong relationships with Orthodox Jewish leaders and from what I gathered even used state monies to build various synagogues, etc.
It appears Rabbi Goldschmidt moved to Berlin to spout his anti-Russian BS. Rabbi, when the German economy totally tanks and street lights go out, you may see the substantial anti-Jewish Muslim immigrant population in all its diverse glory. Moscow has from what I know thee largest mosque in all of Europe. Yet not once have I read about Muslim attacks on Russian Jews. And oh, BTW the African immigrants blame the slave trade on Jews. Does Germany have Nazi skinheads by the way?
I give up trying to understand this stupidity. Good luck Rabbi.
Chabad is on the same. Seems to be about funding.
“Chabad is an international movement with many donors in Western countries, where there is little support for Russia’s war.
In terms of following and funding, Chabad is also the main Jewish group both in Russia and in Ukraine.
Those two countries have by far the largest Jewish population in Eastern Europe, estimated at 150,000 and 47,000 at least, respectively.”
The World Congress to declare war “to cripple the economy”? Back to 1933 and the USSR.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OFgn0sgbBA Back in the USSR
Democracy is a western system, fundamentally based upon illusions and lies. First Russia unfortunately adopted the western system of communism, which is another system based on illusions, after that cracked, the western church of democracy thought they would adopt full democracy. Democracy, as Plato already knew, is a corrupting people’s anarchism, which in the west has lead to full cultural corruption, cultural decline, and eventually, a take over by an oligarchy. The Russians, having the extremely corrupt democratic west as an example, are trying to prevent wholesale corruption of their culture, by keeping democracy in check.
This is the reason why the west is so angry, they want to extend their corrupt, democratic, demagogic, oligarchic empire, to subvert and corrupt Russia. Like Russia implemented a communism of it’s own, it implemented a ‘democracy’ of its own though, with a strong leader trying to prevent further democratic corruption. Why do you think the corrupted empire is trying to push democracy on the world..
The word ‘democratization’ which Cohen uses, in reality means cultural corruption all over the place, and an easy take over.
To add some points to your post. Russia did NOT adopt the western system of communism. The system was foisted onto Russians after Leon Trotsky (Jew) and gang murdered the Russian Tsar and Royal family (Russian Revolution). The word “democracy” in the West really means “private International Finance Capital” has free reign and control of a democratic countries market and economy without challenge.
The alleged danger from Muslims is a Zionist propaganda scheme, whether it is Muslims after Jews, or western man en mass being ready to persecute Jews, it is all a product of the all powerful propaganda machine of Zionism. So perpetuating these schemes, suggesting that ‘if the lights go out, Muslims will go after Jews’, Removed. Mod. . Moreover, in this respect, the westerners are about totally brainwashed by Zionist propaganda, so that in far as Muslims know what they are dealing with, they are at least less brainwashed.
One should not laugh at this.
This is just another piece of the puzzle of systematically creating conditions for a Big War.
The forces who want a Big War are working tirelessly to reduce the escalation thresholds. And yes, no one would win such a war /well, China may/.
When you have people who -believe- they can “Win” on the battlefield (aka Mr. Borrell and Co) then the onloy thing preventing them launching the war is they are concerned for their Economy being hit or their Friends and aquintances being killed.
Once the Economies are decoupled and people move to “their camp’s territory” there /seemingly/ will be nothing preventing the Borrells of this world to go ahead. To go ahead and conquer those “subhuman” bastards who refuse to budge before the Emperor.
Sure, their beliefs are idiotic. But that matter not. They can still do enough damage that all WILL lose. This is no laughing matter. Regardless of One’s side or One’s (im)morals ..
The famous Jewish American comedian Jon Stewart honored Nazi Azov battalion member Ihor Halushka at a Pentagon sponsored event at Disneyworld in August. Whereas, Stephen Cohen was a great man. A true friend of Russia. So not all Jews are the same.
I, personally, like Jews who are anti Zionist and who condemn Israel for it’s depraved actions against Palestinians.
How many are anti-Zionist though, let alone vocally anti-Zionist?
A Big War? Indeed, Russia and Germany the Zionists believe are set to fulfill the prophecy of the Gog / Magog War {Ezekiel 38/39} which is set to usher in the Messiah and the nation of Israel as the governing world authority over all.
A good question to ask is what this Rabbi believes about this?
Jews were expatriated in the1930s.
And others as well.
For various reasons.
Including the utter paranoia of the Third Reich.
And its need for cash.
There is simply no point in contesting that.
LOL…………………bulls eye to Saker. I remember one interview when he left Moscow and said the Boris Jeltsin times were much better for Jews (under the looting period). Tried to find the link but……so reservation for my memory.
The fact that the Rabbi only cares about Jews and is worried about possibility of Putin getting rid of Ukraine’s Jewish oligarchs like he did in Russia? Why doesn’t he talk about Israel’s occupation of Golan Heights, West Bank etc. Is that a moral occupation?
Hypocrisy at the highest level.
The jew’s want Ukranine as their OLD home land form the Caspean sea to the Ukraine and it has failed ,the Israeli project has not materialize { the new American Century } ( from the Nile to the Euphrates Rivers .This is one
of the reason’s why the Jew’s hate Russian people and Russia so much, this goes back to the @ 9th century
when the Kashanians jew’s where destroyed from these land’s
If they (jew,s ) leave Russia it will be the greatest gift to the Russian people ,They are responsible for many
of the problems and death of the Russian people if it wasn’t for them, Russia would most likely have a population
of 300 to 400 million today instead of 140 million and declining.
Yes, the more emigrate, the better.
But, let them go to Germany.
We don’t need them here.
Germany has been making a big effort to “rebuild” its “Jewish community” by means of inducing Jews from Russia, Poland, etc. to settle there. The Jewish Germans mainly left before, during, and after the war.
But it is quite ironic because at the end of the 19th C it was the influx of Jewish Poles, Lithuanians, etc. that created a lot of stresses and backlash on the part of both assimilated Jewish Germans and their communities and and Gentile/Christian Germans .
AFAIK there are very few Jewish Germans left in Germany.
Just like in Ukraine the jew oligarchs want to safe their oligarch friends before they want to escalate into war.
It’s not jews who are killed in the defence of ukraine. If those soldiers or the people living in those shelled villages would be jewish Ze would have surrendered long ago.
But since no jew is in harms way there is no problem at all to keep the war going for Ze.
And no i do not believe all jews are like that but somehow those in important political positions look to be.
Have someone read kolomsky’s speech that he gave in Israel. It maybe 2014 or 2015. It was a hate speech, I wonder, did Israeli government support it?
The Rabbi is right in saying this is a war between good and evil. For the gospel is clear in that by “faith in Christ Jesus we are saved by his grace”, not by works of the law, for by works of the law no man can be justified. Yes, There is a heaven and a hell, there is one God Jesus Christ and two religions for mankind from the garden of Eden to eternity. Mankind can follow Jesus Christ or follow the Devil. Jesus commanded to love one another, to love your enemies, to do justly, and to love mercy, and walk humbly with the lord. Those that rape, rob, and steal, make war and kill and murder are not following God (Jesus Christ) for that is not love. Love suffers long and is helpful, lifts not up one’s self, but lifts up their neighbor. You can call your self a rabbi but if you are not teaching Jesus Christ our lord and savior you are in error.
I apologize, it was Zelenskyy that said it was a “war between good and evil” the Rabbi appears to agree with him.
Shades of 1933 when the Jewish organizations around the planet declared war on Germany (thereby making all Jews living in Germany foreign nationals of a hostile nation and under the Geneva Convention, eligible for arrest and detention for this fact alone). The National Socialists granted hundreds of thousands for those Jews who were demonstrably loyal to the German nation, such as performance of military service, etc.
Judea declares war on Germany. March 24. 1933.
deja vu anyone?
This rabbi and Israel should widely be criticized that it is absolutely outrageous that they are not supporting this Russian Action against Nazis, who are integrated in the armed forces of Ukraine!
Their own ukraine president states that his Nazis “Are what they are.”
This attitude illustrates the historical and virulent khazarian ashkenazi racism against Slavs/Russians, Russians being the only independent Slavic State remaining. There can be no doubt.
Quote:European Rabbis wants *all* Jews to leave Putin’s Russia! ..
Question ?? You mean also those living in Birobidzhan also ??