by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted
Six months after the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) by Russia in Ukraine, the geopolitical tectonic plates of the 21st century have been dislocated at astonishing speed and depth – with immense historical repercussions already at hand. To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, this is the way the (new) world begins, not with a whimper but a bang.
The vile assassination of Darya Dugina – de facto terrorism at the gates of Moscow – may have fatefully coincided with the six-month intersection point, but that won’t change the dynamics of the current, work-in-progress historical drive.
The FSB may have cracked the case in a little over 24 hours, designating the perpetrator as a neo-Nazi Azov operative instrumentalized by the SBU, itself a mere tool of the CIA/MI6 combo de facto ruling Kiev.
The Azov operative is just a patsy. The FSB will never reveal in public the intel it has amassed on those that issued the orders – and how they will be dealt with.
One Ilya Ponomaryov, an anti-Kremlin minor character granted Ukrainian citizenship, boasted he was in contact with the outfit that prepared the hit on the Dugin family. No one took him seriously.
What’s manifestly serious is how oligarchy-connected organized crime factions in Russia would have a motive to eliminate Dugin as a Christian Orthodox nationalist philosopher who, according to them, may have influenced the Kremlin’s pivot to Asia (he didn’t).
But most of all, these organized crime factions blamed Dugin for a concerted Kremlin offensive against the disproportional power of Jewish oligarchs in Russia. So these actors would have the motive and the local base/intel to mount such a coup.
If that’s the case that spells out a Mossad operation – in many aspects a more solid proposition than CIA/MI6. What’s certain is that the FSB will keep their cards very close to their chest – and retribution will be swift, precise and invisible.
The straw that broke the camel’s back
Instead of delivering a serious blow to Russia in relation to the dynamics of the SMO, the assassination of Darya Dugina only exposed the perpetrators as tawdry operatives of a Moronic Murder Inc.
An IED cannot kill a philosopher – or his daughter. In an essential essay Dugin himself explained how the real war – Russia against the collective West led by the United States – is a war of ideas. And an existential war.
Dugin – correctly – defines the US as a “thalassocracy”, heir to “Britannia rules the waves”; yet now the geopolitical tectonic plates are spelling out a new order: The Return of the Heartland.
Putin himself first spelled it out at the Munich Security Conference in 2007. Xi Jinping started to make it happen when he launched the New Silk Roads in 2013. The Empire struck back with Maidan in 2014. Russia counter-attacked coming to the aid of Syria in 2015.
The Empire doubled down on Ukraine, with NATO weaponizing it non-stop for eight years. At the end of 2021, Moscow invited Washington for a serious dialogue on “indivisibility of security” in Europe. That was dismissed with a non-response response.
Moscow took no time to confirm a trifecta was in the works: an imminent Kiev blitzkrieg against Donbass; Ukraine flirting with acquiring nuclear weapons; and the work of US bioweapon labs. That was the straw that broke the New Silk Road camel’s back.
A consistent analysis of Putin’s public interventions these past few months reveals that the Kremlin – as well as Security Council Yoda Nikolai Patrushev – fully realize how the politico/media goons and shock troops of the collective West are dictated by the rulers of what Michael Hudson defines as the FIRE system (financialization, insurance, real estate), a de facto banking Mafia.
As a direct consequence, they also realize how collective West public opinion is absolutely clueless, Plato cave-style, of their total captivity by the FIRE rulers, who cannot possibly tolerate any alternative narrative.
So Putin, Patrushev, Medvedev will never presume that a senile teleprompter reader in the White House or a cokehead comedian in Kiev “rule” anything. The sinister Great Reset impersonator of a Bond villain, Klaus “Davos” Schwab, and his psychotic historian sidekick Yuval Harari at least spell out their “program”: global depopulation, with those that remain drugged to oblivion.
As the US rules global pop culture, it’s fitting to borrow from what Walter White/Heisenberg, an average American channeling his inner Scarface, states in Breaking Bad: “I’m in the Empire business”. And the Empire business is to exercise raw power – then maintained with ruthlessness by all means necessary.
Russia broke the spell. But Moscow’s strategy is way more sophisticated than leveling Kiev with hypersonic business cards, something that could have been done at any moment starting six months ago, in a flash.
What Moscow is doing is talking to virtually the whole Global South, bilaterally or to groups of actors, explaining how the world-system is changing right before our eyes, with the key actors of the future configured as BRI, SCO, EAEU, BRICS+, the Greater Eurasia Partnership.
And what we see is vast swathes of the Global South – or 85% of the world’s population – slowly but surely becoming ready to engage in expelling the FIRE Mafia from their national horizons, and ultimately taking them down: a long, tortuous battle that will imply multiple setbacks.
The facts on the ground
On the ground in soon-to-be rump Ukraine, Khinzal hypersonic business cards – launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31 interceptors – will continue to be distributed.
Piles of HIMARS will continue to be captured. TOS 1A Heavy Flamethrowers will keep sending invitations to the Gates of Hell. Crimean Air Defense will continue to intercept all sorts of small drones with IEDs attached: terrorism by local SBU cells, which will be eventually smashed.
Using essentially a phenomenal artillery barrage – cheap and mass-produced – Russia will annex the full, very valuable Donbass, in terms of land, natural resources and industrial power. And then on to Nikolaev, Odessa, and Kharkov.
Geoeconomically, Russia can afford to sell its oil with fat discounts to any Global South customer, not to mention strategic partners China and India. Cost of extraction reaches a maximum of $15 per barrel, with a national budget based on $40-45 for a barrel of Urals.
A new Russian benchmark is imminent, as well as oil in rubles following the wildly successful gas for rubles.
The assassination of Darya Dugina provoked endless speculation on the Kremlin and the Ministry of Defense finally breaking their discipline. That’s not going to happen. The advances along the enormous 1,800-mile front are relentless, highly systematic and inserted in a Greater Strategic Picture.
A key vector is whether Russia stands a chance of winning the information war with the collective West. That will never happen inside NATOstan – even as success after success is ramping up across the Global South.
As Glenn Diesen has masterfully demonstrated, in detail, in his latest book, Russophobia , the collective West is viscerally, almost genetically impervious to admitting any social, cultural, historical merits by Russia.
And that will extrapolate to the irrationality stratosphere, as the grinding down and de facto demilitarization of the imperial proxy army in Ukraine is driving the Empire’s handlers and its vassals literally nuts.
The Global South though should never lose sight of the “Empire business”. The Empire of Lies excels in producing chaos and plunder, always supported by extortion, bribery of comprador elites, assassinations, and all that supervised by the humongous FIRE financial might. Every trick in the Divide and Rule book – and especially outside of the book – should be expected, at any moment. Never underestimate a bitter, wounded, deeply humiliated Declining Empire.
So fasten your seat belts: that will be the tense dynamic all the way to the 2030s. But before that, all along the watchtower, get ready for the arrival of General Winter, as his riders are fast approaching, the wind will begin to howl, and Europe will be freezing in the dead of a dark night as the FIRE Mafia puff their cigars.
Thanks Pepe, excellent scribbling on this day. Pepe, when only the best will do. We cannot get the truth from MSM. Without Martyanov and Saker and Larry and all you folks they support on their platforms, we would be blind. Another source of the Deep State rage.
Pepe…you are always good…All along the watchtower…(Jimi Hendrix..1968) we approach crescendo of turbulent years of late 60’s……I am sure in this time multi polars world will win …if this happen we will have to go probably for even more scary days than Cuban crisis of late 1962……
Pepe is always good to throw in a classic song to emphasize the point he is making. All Along The Watchtower is an original Bob Dylan song — — but the Jimi Hendrix version is so much more powerful; just the opening gives me goosebumps every time I play the song
Bob Dylan, after hearing Hendrix’ version of *Watchtower* said “It’s his song now.”
Yes, the Powers That Be decided to bury pop-folk music and give teenagers hard rock, along with the drugs to enjoy it with. Out were Dylan, Joan Baez, Kingston Trio, Peter, Paul and Mary. In were Cream, Jefferson Airplane, Janis, Jimi, Led Zeppelin (not to overlook Iron Butterfly and Canned Heat).
You had to buy an album to hear Dylan’s version, or else pick it up occasionally on one of the new “long-version”/ entire-album-side-playing FM stations. Jimi’s version was recorded on a 45, and played on the AM Top 40.
From the moderator:
Off topic has played out long enough. Please get back on topic and take other subject matter to the Moveable Feast Cafe or other open thread. Thanx!
When power of the love is greater than love of power ,there will be peace..J.Hendrix…..
Amen to that !!!
Sejmon, you loosely paraphrased this great Jimi Hendrix quote. So allow me to post the complete quote because it is profound and important in relation to the current crisis….
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace,”
And peace is what we need now more than ever. The challenges the global community is facing are immense and war cannot address these challenges constructively. Only serious global cooperation can do that. The obstacle to this is the ruling elite in the imperial fascist U.S..
“Outside in the cold distance two riders were approaching and the wind began to howl”. What if the two riders are China and Russia, and are blowing the wind that will sweep away the evil empire? Of course, neither Dylan nor Hendrix intended this meaning, but it would be an interesting modern interpretation.
“Jimi Hendrix..1968”
1968-73, I was living at St Mary Abbots Terrace in London. In 1970, he died in St Mary Abbots Hospital. Just a thought.
I remember Jimi’s cover. It was on the two-disc vinyl 1968 album “Electric Ladyland”. “Voodoo Chile”, anyone?
But when I read Pepe’s reference, my mind immediately replayed the composer’s own recording:
Bob Dylan, on his 1967 album “John Wesley Harding”.
Thank you Pepe for your essay which once again hit the nail on the head.
My question is, should not Russia Shoigu in the meantime rethink his strategy in Ukraine and reorganize it? In this past 6 months enormous things have happened and even more enormous things have come to light, so that one doubts whether the “cautious” fight against the Ukrainian “army” is still appropriate. I think that I hear louder and louder also with Pepe, as with some other authors, “Russia fights the evildoers in the control centers”; even if this is the beginning of the 3rd world war, it will have to come to an end sooner or later, there is no other choice. Better an end with horror, like a horror without end. I think that is what the Western “elite” needs to understand where the hammer hangs and then also this sleepwalking population wakes up and so I hope, the “elites” will put an end to their perverse, psychopathic driving. Otherwise these offenders psychopaths are not to be stopped. I hope Russia and with China’s support are aware of this and will tak action. There is no other solution to talk with this psychopaths.
Better an end with horror, like a horror without end
Really ? You are thinking of ending your own life prematurely rather than fighting through ? Do you really think millions of other people should join you in your suicide pact ?
Not to detract from the invariably excellent Pepe, but you’re wrong about our being blind in the absence of the Sakers and Moons and Martyanovs. We need only one weapon against the might of the empire, and it can never be taken away from us.
That weapon is: doubt. Doubt everything the empire has said, is saying, or will ever say, about anything and everything.
I imagine how disappointed is to West to see its effort to force a wrong move of Russian authorities never happen. All is meticulously planed and executed, without rush. Sanctions not working, misery and inflation rising, freeze times approaching and billions wasted against an adversary that is almost self-sufficient, smart and very well prepared. Hard times coming West.
“the information war with the collective West.” I believe that yes at first the globo west was winning the information war. Lately all I see from the western propaganda machine is absolutely unbelievable lies. If a nation wants to maintain an information war the narrative must remain believable. The collective west has now entered the scale of unbelievable propaganda that we would expect to see from a Hollywood production (Expendables, Rambo etc…) The reality is that most people (68% in the US, 48% in the UK, UK has always been a crotch sniffing dogs of the elite but that’s for a different discussion.) No one is buying into this lie anymore. Most people in the world are concerned about fuel, food, medicine, housing, education for their children and basic cost of living issues. I don’t believe that anyone in this world is concerned about Ursula, Klaus, Macron, Sholtz or any other globalists ideologues when it comes to provide for their family. I think that was huge miscalculation (not a really surprising however.) on the part of the globalists. Where the globalists minds live is a very different place than where the rest of civilizations minds work. I sincerely hope that we as a species can over come the desire of a few and work for what is best for all. Time will tell, I’m not optimistic but I would love to be proven wrong on this account. That is all. Thank you for the wonderfully inciteful article as always I enjoy reading your articles. Cheers and have a blessed day sir.
merci infiniment pour votre très raisonnable appel au cœur et à l’esprit .
je serai très heureux de vous lire de nouveau .
Ateb da yn wir Craig – a good and wise response. Diolch. Thanks. Pepe and his like and comments like yours gives us minority Brits hope that maybe some of our fellow citizens are slowly waking up to the truth. I can but hope.
Reading Pepe is always pleasurable. His works are like tunes, easy to whistle.
However, the lyrics he writes are pithy nuggets of data, be they names, dates, events, readouts, quotes or whispers from his inside sources. The words and music a reset of our own observations.
Here we have a good summary and augury. The tectonic plates will be shifting until 2030s, and a cold winter will factor heavily in the EU, as well as on the battlefield of 404.
Bear in mind, the Empire dies very slowly.
On March 28, 2022 those “tectonic plates” shifted permanently as Russia announced gold backing of it’s Ruble. Those plates won’t be shifting back to the west anytime soon. Some further reading for you:
(reported by the Wall Street Journal, August 19, 2022.)
Beginning March 28, 2022 the price of Ruble was 1 usd : 96 RUB. Now the Ruble stands at 1usd: 57 RUB. Russia’s gas “customers” will be paying in Rubles, not usd. Take note how the RUB has appreciated against the dollar. The Rubles they pay for gas doesn’t return them the value of their gold benchmark. It’s Russia’s gold value that sets the standard now.
That Ukraine is bankrupt, and reported by numbers taken from Wall Street is big news. The fact that they’re printing money to cover their spending speaks volumes: the west’s money isn’t getting there.
Neither are their weapons. Of which it was speculated only a small portion made it through. The rest sold on the black market.
All this read in the news on the internet, even from msm/usa now. And the new bottom line is this: no one fights for free.
“The Empire” is bleeding out as we speak. If it “dies very slowly,”‘ no one will notice. Just like at Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD.
Poor Augustus – screaming into the night “Varrus, give me back my Legions !”
Augustus was broken by the news. Strangely, they waited 6 years to send search parties to find out what happened to them. It was a grim discovery.
Some historians think history is repeating itself, with roots from that battle reaching into the present day. If it does, the Empire of Lies will simply disappear. And already, they’re are off to a good start…
With Russian-West relations worse than in the Cold War, in that you did have protocol – diplomatic, clandestine, or otherwise – I’d say Russia’s more likely to go higher up the chain of those responsible for the assassination in obtaining retribution/justice.
“wind will begin to howl, and Europe will be freezing in the dead of a dark night as the FIRE Mafia puff their cigars.”
I can tell it. Now even in Scandinavia the power prices are reaching new level: 8 times more expensive electricity prices than during last summer. Gas in Europe is as expensive as 410 dollars barrel of oil. So aluminium and zinc smelters are closing doors because it takes 14,000 KWh to produce a ton of aluminium and 4,000 KWh to produce a ton of zinc. Fertilizer production shrinking fast, 7 % less fertilizers demand next year meaning big down fall for grain production. People are later not just hungry for love.
But as they use to say: Britain don’t need produce anything. They just continue their fake virtual economy printing money and cheating people. Call it democracy Now!
Travis. The endless articles from various european nations relating to firewood restrictions of sales and export is the most telling. I burst into laughter at Europes fourth industrial revolution being energised by a camp stove. The height of insanity.
The fourth industrial revolution comes after they have collapsed all the western economies…
less resistance when you are starving and destitute.. are observing in real time how ‘they’ mean to accomplish this…
On the FIRE Mafia, Patrick M. Wood has an interesting book giving interesting knowledge on those people (I’m polite here): “Globalization and the Crucible of Global Banking”. A must Read.
That tide is really coming in, eh, King Canute ? ;)
Tide? A Tsunami!
First the beach recedes, dry, fish stranded. In Japan they start running then!
A cup of coffee and a dose of PEPE is always a favorite!!
Excellent work by Pepe and thanks to the Saker blog for posting it. It’s obvious that both MI6-CIA function under the Israeli Mossad, especially nowadays. The entire western banking arrangement is controlled by the big oligarchy as they have the means of providing operational budgets for all the security services in N. America and most of Europe combined. No Russian, Chinese, Brazilian, Iranian, American, Canadian…etc. local oligarch could ever survive without the initial permission/OK from the higher echelon oligarchy, big brother. This isn’t just a generalization but we can confidently conclude that the recent terrorist attack near Moscow, is the work of the entire western security system and NATO. The general idea is to sow anxiety inside Russia and divert attentions worldwide. With the tectonic shifts happening right now, as mentioned by the author, and the subsequent demise of the current dollar system, there’s one place in the world which feels more threatened than all the other countries including the US itself and that place is Israel. If the dollar goes down, Israel will follow soon afterwards. It would be hard to imagine it could continue on without the nonstop support of the dollar-based mafia format.
“… there’s one place in the world which feels more threatened than all the other countries including the US itself and that place is Israel. If the dollar goes down, Israel will follow soon afterwards.”
Just wait until Egypt decides their annual fiat usd$ “sit down” money is not enough to purchase Russian wheat and energy. Ergodan and Assad now back at the BRICS-SCO party; the Kurdish oil theives being put on missile notice; China’s road and rail to the Med (at least) looking like full steam ahead. And Iran, …?
That 1948 occupation of Palestine will likely now be numbered in decades. They’ll be gone by 2060 imo, but the decline may be less than linear. The ME Agenda 2030 is only several years away. And without the annual USA stipend, and Big Brother protection at the UN, they will risk end up looking like Gaza is today.
“Dugin as a Christian Orthodox nationalist philosopher who, according to them, may have influenced the Kremlin’s pivot to Asia (he didn’t).”
Precisely, then, who did?
Glazyev’s Eurasia Pivot, is physical economics in action – ye ain’t seen nuthin yet!
“Dugin – correctly – defines the US as a “thalassocracy”, heir to “Britannia rules the waves”; yet now the geopolitical tectonic plates are spelling out a new order: The Return of the Heartland.”
The USA is not Britannia’s heir – it is it’s arch enemy, despite subversion, assassinations, over centuries.
Join the USA to Russia’s Siberia with the Bering Tunnel planned since 1st Colorado Governor Gilpin in the 1850’s. There Gilpin’s map precisely identifies the common enemy, Britannia, and how to defeat it. China has taken up the Silk Road batton.
Join the EU to the EAEU, an obvious simple imperative.
The simple possibility that self governing humankind could conceive of making major changes, with testable results, is actually ‘capax-Dei’ in action, an Augustinian motive. Not clear if Dugin ever referred to this!
To put it another way, Creation did not end on the 7th Day – it continues with man’s active creative reason participation. Now look again at the explosive effect of the EAEU pivot!
And the heartbreaking tragedy of Mariupol – a key EAEU node with steel production, occupied by Azov for precisely that reason.
These Azov POW’s (survivors) will be tried in cages soon – hopefully Kiev will not target them as they did a few days ago. They must be tried for the crime of subverting Natural Law, capax-dei, Pre-Established Harmony, ongoing Creation itself. What could be more evil?
Look at Zaporizhzhia – it is attacked not just forphysical (excellent) ‘infrastructure’ but for capax-Dei, our actual capability. Expect next target of this kind. Counter with massive credit for huge programs like fusion, the Moon.
@Saker, thanks for letting an (western, Irish) Augustinian POV through!
I hesitate to suppose physical economics could heal the Great Schism?
The Great Schism will never heal for as long as The Vatican thinks of itself as “God’s Church” – all the more so after Vatican II (1965).
You draw the inference.
That is why we have separation of Church and State – except Britain of course, and except the Vatican State.
State and physical economies forged ahead with this principle.
During the Cold War, the USSR State and Church were always close, despite communism. There was a very dangerous moment when the USSR toyed with the Third and Final Rome, and most western jingoists did not understand.
The only way forward is massive development, physical economics.
The pseudo-intellectuals in the West are rabidly anti-Russian but I suspect the number of people who aren’t may be significantly more than we realise. In particular, as we go forward it will be interesting to see how the Woke agenda proceeds in the West as it continues to wreak havoc on the fabric of society and more people become aware of what the end goal is. For sure many of them are still in a comatose state but with the complete collapse of the economic and financial systems over the next 12 months millions of people will be thrust into a level of poverty they could never have imagined before. Then we will see. I suspect the globalist/zionist scumbags have miscalculated but only time will tell.
The U.S has got the war they wanted. All they are risking is quantities of worthless greenbacks as Bidet signs another 3 billion to the cause.
Unless the Russians start putting a price on the Americans involvement in real terms then the U.S will just continue indefinitely to sign checks.
It’s time for Russia to supply weapons of higher calibre to American enemies to take out Americans in Syria, Iraq…wherever Americans are stationed outside America.
And the Russians should take out all western Ukrainian coal fired power stations…sometimes I think Putin likes Western Ukraine too much?
Must say i am surprised some high profile Ukrainian military and officials have not been hit.
Maybe keeping to the high road?
Probably the “hits” will never be known to the general public.
It’s a Bidet with Robinettes.
“… [T]ime for Russia to… take out Americans in Syria, Iraq… wherever Americans are stationed outside America.”
This type of escalation is what Russia is far too wise and pragmatic to engage in. Russia is not a belligerent nation.
“And… should take out all western Ukrainian coal fired power stations…”
But this would harm the civilians, the very opposite of the honorable Russian approach.
You want Russia to act just like America. Why? They are Russia. And Christians are called to love their enemies and pray for those who are abusing them. Why feed into the hate and justify the prejudices of the poor Western Ukrainians?
The minister of Defence in the Czech Republic Jana Černochová has issued a Twitter message today, applauding the murder of Darya Dugina. Happily there exist people in the Czech Republic who are bringing this Czech minister of Defence to court. But from this case one can notice how EU leaders have transformed themselves into hysterical morons without guts & brains. They have delivered themselves totally into a hate alliance with Elensky and his cocaine maffia. Cocaine must be the personal linkage that has brought these EU leaders (f.e. the premier of Finland) in a maffia connection with Elensky, from which they cannot and do not want to be released.
Applauding murder, gay weddings and coke sniffing, yeah it has come to that.
Vaclav Havel must be rolling in his grave.
Czech republic and Czech people can be considered bellow critics. They are “german slavs” indeed. When nazi armies invaded them instead of fighting they were crying. Their masonic friends in France and Britain sold them to the Germans in Munich and stoled their gold. Only Soviet Russia made all possible efforts to afford security garanties for Prague. Benes declared during his exile in London that Czecholovaquia will be the eternal friend of Russia and will never forgive the western treason. Czechs themselves have became treators to russian friendship and slavic brotherhood. They already took part in the agression against Belgrade in 1999. That was the price to pay to be accepted in the “European family”. I am completely disgusted by this country, its people, and by “slavic brotherhood”.
The acknowledged financial power wielded by the U.S. in global affairs has at least two legs – the petro-dollar and her arms industry. I’m not saying that’s all of it, but it’s a big part.
Now Russia and India are moving oil (and gas?) in their own currencies, as are China and Saud Arabia and China and Iran. And as for the vaunted weapon systems, every example sent by the U.S. to Ukraine gets clobbered.
Europe is heading into a cold winter (with the Nord Stream II just sitting there!).
The U.S. is not, but she continues to crumble.
The world really is changing. We have to stop being enemies, easier said than done.
I would not bet on any “sophisticated” arms America exports all over the world: Did you notice how efficient they were against a hundred US $ worth Yemeni drones over Aramco installations in Saudi Arabia? Or their Tomahawk salvos into Syria: 60% shut down, 20% out of target. A glorious joke as hilarious as their fake reserve currency, printed out of thin air, the Judeo-Zionist-owned US fiat money. In short, the title that suits the US rotten magma, more than its Putinian denomination of “The Empire of Lies”, would be The Empire of Fakeries.
What the west hates the most in Russia are young, intelligent, and patriotic people who could lead Russia forward and keep it independent. Ironically, Dugina’s ukrop murderers have chosen the ways of the bolsheviks, who also did not spare anyone smart and courageous enough who could challenge them later. So much for ukraine’s ‘decommunization.’
“the ways of the bolsheviks, who also did not spare anyone smart and courageous enough who could challenge”
I then only wonder how those Bolsheviks managed to beat the whole of Europe and Japan’s mighty Kuantung Army, building the best Tanks and Artillery in huge numbers and up to par other stuff – not to mention they then launched the first satellite into earth orbit.
Could you enlighten me how those bastardly Bolsheviks pulled that out of their sleeves ? (And please, please spare me the 15% of US-Lendlease stuff, having been the deciding factor nonsense)
I’m awaiting the time when the west, in regards to Ukraine, speaks these words from that song “There must be some kind of way out of here”…
Nope, it true, you really cant get out of here.
And no one gets out by mistake, God insured that with a timer.
Great article Pepe-took the words right out of my mouth !.
I’m sure that many of us are dreading that newsflash moment-when the west go full retard and do something really stupid in which an instant response is unavoidable, and necessary, patience has limits.
It seems that the cabal are inching closer to that moment by the hour, they have nothing left to lose..
I’m reminded of the movie “Tropical Thunder”, never go full retard.
Well observed, that is exactly what I was alluding to !.
I think the UkroNazis/USA just did it and went full retard on us this a.m !, they again bombed the Zaporozhye power plant which cut the electricity supply to the cooling system , a scripted pretext for direct intervention ?. Lets wait and see.
Been a while since I got Tropical Thunder off the satellite – Kiev for NATO is making a movie!
And Russia is blowing them to bits!
Reminds me of Baron Munchausen turning up at the Vienna Theater for his own remembrance play while the city is being flattened by cannon. Gilliam’s best!
And the solution – Munchausen demands to simply open the Gates – there was no enemy outside!
Now we have various Berlin politico’s saying simply open NordStream 2 – do they realize how hilarious this is?
Wow Pepe I thought you could only watch Hollywood with a popcorn in a recliner until your wonderful article rich with well thought out and crafted masterpiece having many parts with in perfectly, wow!, like a kaleidoscope.
The “hypersonic businesscards”, “General Winter and the FIRE Mafia puffing their cigars” I feel the concept, you are a word doctor.
“General Winter and the FIRE Mafia puffing their cigars””
Sounds like Dylan (at his best)!
There’s an old Russian saying that in war, Russia can always count Generals to defend the land and its people: General January and General February.
Pleasure to read as always with Pepe.
I have some questions about this statement:
“fully realize how the politico/media goons and shock troops of the collective West are dictated by the rulers of what Michael Hudson defines as the FIRE system (financialization, insurance, real estate), a de facto banking Mafia.”
Who specifically are these people? What is their intent and purpose? What means do they use to achieve their objectives? Will technological advancements make it easier to reach these objectives?
Understand that I have my personal suspicions but I have no way of knowing for sure.
Just my observation if this helps in any way…
Who specifically are these people?…
The global private banksters the head of which is the BIS in Switzerland… this institution is a relic from the 1930s that was set up by fascists to pilfer and launder war booty that the Nazis pillaged in their rampages. It currently has 63 member Central Banks which dance to its tune to varying degrees.
What is their intent and purpose?…
Total global Financial hegemony and the incredible manipulative power that comes with this.
What means do they use to achieve their objectives?…
Everything in the book including murder, perpetual war, and terrorism, and then some… as Pepe stated.
Will technological advancements make it easier to reach these objectives?
Yes absolutely, and if they can eliminate cash and get us all on to CBDCs then we are absolutely done for as a species.
I covered much of this subject with my hypothesis and highlighted a solution in a recent post in the Cafe…
BTW… NZ will in all likelihood be the last country on earth to flick up as to where Natostan is headed.
We even fly the Ukrainian flag from Parliament Building just to advertise to the world ‘our’ Govt’s enthusiastic embrace of backing neo-Nazi fascism.
Cheers from the south seas
Appreciate it Col. Read the movable feast post as well. I whole heartedly agree about CBDCs; this with a national ID is the kiss of death by slavery of the most abject nature. Could it be that a Multi polar world might save us from an absolutely despotic world government? Maybe Russia is making a heroic sacrifice to save its National sovereignty and in the process freeing the rest of the world.
You said…
“Maybe Russia is making a heroic sacrifice to save its National sovereignty and in the process freeing the rest of the world.”
That is precisely how I see it, except there is no “maybe” about it.
Russia and China are both under zero illusions that this battle has now gone existential.
Thank God, I am not alone. Also a NZ farmer and perhaps as a result of being an isolationist by nature my paranoia has been feeding on the idea that there wasn’t another like mind in the whole country!
You might be familiar with Debt Restructuring in the 80s here when the government in the process of hocking off the family silver and needing to make the state owned Rural Bank look viable selectively wrote off a portion of the principal owed on overvalued farmland.Both my farming neighbors suddenly went from unviability to wanting to purchase my property in the midst of a marriage dissolution. My grandfather was a boundary rider in the 19 century and I inherited his Winchester 44 and made it know I’d only accept bullion as a trade for land.
As a conscientious objector from to Vietnam era I am ashamed of NZ’s thoughtless compliant haste regarding Ukraine.
Hi Corrin
So nice to see a growing number of NZ readers/commenters actively engaging in The Saker these days.
I believe it is far and away the standout geopolitical think-tank/blog on the planet.
It seems you and I have a good deal in common.
Around the year 2000, I came within a hair’s breadth of losing my farm and entire wealth in a matrimonial breakup. It took me almost 20 years to get back on my feet again.
The school of hard knocks was a major part of my education. I learnt far more there than I ever did at Uni.
Kevin King wrote:
“The pseudo-intellectuals in the West are rabidly anti-Russian but I suspect the number of people who aren’t may be significantly more than we realise. In particular, as we go forward it will be interesting to see how the Woke agenda proceeds in the West as it continues to wreak havoc on the fabric of society and more people become aware of what the end goal is.”
We have a LONG way to go in that regard. Even people I encounter who are sick and tired of the Ukraine corruption have been so brainwashed by decades of anti-Russian propaganda that invariably, they are genuinely surprised when I tell them that abortion is much more restricted in Russia than in the United States, that there is no tolerance at all for transgenderism, and that Russian law prohibits “gay pride” parades and homosexual propaganda in schools. My well-meaning Christian evangelical acquaintances are amazed to hear these things, since even the “conservative” media sources have never told them truth about Russia. When I tell them that Vladimir Putin is a fellow Christian, their jaws really drop.
I have had the same experiences here in the Deep South of conservative America. No one understand that Russia is closer to our values that our supposed European friends who have brought us to the brink of child transgenderism. I am so tired of the mantra “Russia bad.” But very few people have enough intellectual curiosity and honesty to find out the truth
Thanks Pepe. Your analysis, as always is excellent. I see Pakistan as a fly in the ointment of the Greater Eurasia Partnership. Under the current Pakistani Prime Minister, the US military has flyover rights and I’m sure they are pressing for a military base as well. Sharif is also pushing for the IMF to make another crippling loan the country. You can be sure the terms and conditions will result in more plunder by the West. The Empire’s goal is to derail the BRI, or at least the CPEC part of it. Imran Khan will need to resolve the web of lawfare issues that Sharif has spun him up in. Once new elections are scheduled, Khan can be reelected as PM and put an end to the madness.
All we are hearing in the states is how Russia didnt take over Kiev in 6 days, and I’m sure they made that up and they never even considered the humanitarian aspect.
I guess that’s b/c they have grown used to winning that way so if the opposition doesn’t win that way, they lose that way.
In addition there is no losing plan on the wests side, its now the win or don’t talk about it rules.
I love your little heartfelt comments. They are awesome. I’ve noticed you for some time. Keep it up.
Pepe wrote :
… “If that’s the case that spells out a Mossad operation – in many aspects a more solid proposition than CIA/MI6. What’s certain is that the FSB will keep their cards very close to their chest – and retribution will be swift, precise and invisible.” …
Comforting to hear. It is obvioiusly a very sofisticated operation, and went exactly according to plan.
To intentionally kill a child in front of its father, is evil beyond words.
«And what we see is vast swathes of the Global South – or 85% of the world’s population – slowly but surely becoming ready to engage in expelling the FIRE Mafia from their national horizons, and ultimately taking them down: a long, tortuous battle that will imply multiple setbacks.»
Setbacks are an integral part of that game… Let us just never forget the overall picture… all the way to ultimate victory!
Marvelous, Pepe! You are an incredible author that outmatches most all other journalists!
Aside from the US FIRE Sector, we need to add two other equally, very powerful US players who are causing incredible turmoil:
Economist Dr. Michael Hudson wrote an article back in February of 2022: “America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century –The MIC, OGAM and FIRE Sectors Conquer NATO”
1. The MIC in the US is the monolithic Military Industrial Complex
2. OGAM is the Oil/Gas & Mining industry in the US.
Those three incredibly powerful US forces make up the US Hegemon.
They provide us with the reality that is facing Russia, Eurasia, Latin America, and other Eastern nations who have joined or are purposely trying to join to rid themselves of the brutal force of the US Hegemon.
It’s a mighty task to take on, especially when turbulent times have impacted billions of citizens around the World.
As for EU/UK “leaders” pay their words with little heed. They are simply following orders from MIC, OGAM and the US Fire Sector. And more specifically, the EU/UK/US Financial Aristocrats are in bed with those three segments stemming from the US of A…..Pray we can survive their brutality.
As usual Pepe hits the nail on its head, pointing the finger at the obvious culprits for the attempt to assassinate Dugin: the ‘oligarchy-connected organized crime factions in Russia’, the ‘Khazarian Mafia’ of slave-traders, pimps, usurers, fences, traffickers, revolutionaries, whose origins are in Ukraine but became international ‘evolving’ into FIRE, which historically plotted relentlessly and obstinately for the destruction of the Russian state and Church, failing all the time but undeterred. They fit perfectly Einstein’s definition of insanity: ‘“doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” They match also the other definition of Einstein: “Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe”. They believe that they can repeat the scenario of the assassination of Rasputin and unleash the revolution against the ‘Tsar’.
Fire Mafia. A new term describing the functional mechanisms of the Khazarian Mafia. The analysts are getting closer to calling out the top decision makers who animate the collective western Nazis. After getting to using the more personal Khazarian Mafia term, what will be next, naming names? If you want to solve a problem you identify the problem, not play around indefinitely with its symptoms. I know the Russians are well experienced in these things, they paid a horrible price with the Bolshevik revolution, and even though they are not talking too much about it, I am sure they know exactly what the game is.
“… the politico/media goons and shock troops of the collective West are dictated by the rulers of what Michael Hudson defines as the FIRE system (financialization, insurance, real estate), a de facto banking Mafia.”
“… collective West public opinion is absolutely clueless, Plato cave-style, of their total captivity by the FIRE rulers, who cannot possibly tolerate any alternative narrative.”
“The Empire of Lies excels in producing chaos and plunder, always supported by extortion, bribery of comprador elites, assassinations, and all that supervised by the humongous FIRE financial might. Every trick in the Divide and Rule book …”
“… Europe will be freezing in the dead of a dark night as the FIRE Mafia puff their cigars.”
“… 85% of the world’s population – slowly but surely becoming ready to engage in expelling the FIRE Mafia from their national horizons, and ultimately taking them down: a long, tortuous battle that will imply multiple setbacks. …”
I certainly agree with those statements.
However, as usual, I feel that author consistently underestimates how and why groups of human beings necessarily live as gangs of robbers in their environment. FIRE was due to the prolonged and persistent applications of the methods of organized crime, in order to accomplish the supreme achievement of organized crime, namely, “legalized counterfeiting.”
The Empire of Lies, the heart of FIRE, is that ability to make the public money supplies out of nothing as debts, whereby private banks have those frauds enforced by governments.
FIRE and Empire of Lies are terms to refer to the previously most successful organized crime gangs. However, there has never been, and will never be, as well as certainly is not now, any political system but organized crime.
The Empire of Lies’ FIRE has been burning down the world, because “money” made out of nothing as debts was used to “pay” for strip-mining the natural resources of fresh planet as fast as possible. Adapting to the limits of being able to do so will be something many orders of magnitude beyond anything that has previously happened in human history.
The actually existing system, which still mostly dominates the world (although that getting shakier) is globalized electronic monkey money frauds, backed by threats of force from apes with atomic weapons.
The enforced frauds have become electronic and atomic. Their magnitudes have left flesh and blood human beings far behind. The actually existing systems depend upon most people deliberately ignoring the principle of the conservation of energy, as well as misunderstanding the concept of entropy in absurdly backward ways.
Human beings are energy systems.
However, human beings living within the Empire of Lies and FIRE, are brainwashed to believe in the biggest bullies’ bullshit, which became the banksters’ bullshit.
That bullshit is based on being able to enforce frauds in ways which become exponentially more fraudulent. That system approaches is own limits at exponential rates. Hence, how six months can feel like more than the previous 6, 60, or 600 years, etc. …
The about exponential advancement of everything was led the about exponentially increasing social successfulness based on being able to enforce frauds. The consequences are far worse than merely “collective West public opinion is absolutely clueless.” Similarly, for the Global South, the situation is much worse than merely “ultimately taking them down a long, tortuous battle that will imply multiple setbacks.”
The FIRE system is nothing else than a ‘Ponzi scheme’ on a world scale, but which exhausted its sources of revenue.
There is a crucial difference between a “Ponzi scheme” and the social pyramid systems which ENFORCE frauds.
In a Ponzi Scheme, the individual does not have to be tricked to participate. They can decide not to. However, in the globalized social pyramid systems, the individual is overwhelmingly FORCED to participate, because it is the entire public “money” supply that becomes the “Ponzi.”
Creating a quadrillion units of currency out of nothing as debts is something actually happening on an unimaginable scale. All of the old-fashioned terms, such as “misallocation of capital” or whatever similar euphemisms, are several orders of magnitude less than the actual problem.
The excessive successfulness of sociopolitical systems based on being able to enforce frauds has resulted in runaway criminal insanities.
“We” are already committed to go through series of psychotic breakdowns, because “we” are already that insane.
..but then, one thing is for sure, systemic collapse – THAT is exactly now – (albeit the culprits themselves know about it for some time) – so the name of the game now is to make this collapse a transitory episode to something else while limiting the negative effects, Russia and China are leading in this and already now are cushioning the negative effects thus allowing transformation to happen in the core zone of the (FIRE-Mafia) old system.
Europe – atleast parts of it – will fall out before the US – simply because the US has already shoved them over the edge – while the US will transform from within – it’s not the question of whether anymore – it is absolutly certain to take place – open is only how in detail and into what new forms (atleast partially)..
“There are many here among us, who think that life is but a joke.”
Okay… How many Ukrainian politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: All of them, a leader to promise a brighter future and the rest to screw it up.
Not to worry, Biden will screw it Back Better.
“….outside in the distance a wild cat did growl”
It is known Bear a very kind and show it if someone save his life or his little one but he is also very “deadly” angry if someone kill his little one …and he seen that…there is no escape…
The link included in the reference to Glenn Diesen’s book, Russophobia, is a link to Amazon. May I suggest that alternatives to Amazon be used when providing links to books. See, for example, . Although that site will return links to Amazon-linked vendors, on occasion it will return links to non-Amazon vendors.
The big problem with reading Pepe’s illuminating and thought provoking articles; they come to an end.
No. That’s a break until the next one!
“What’s certain is that the FSB will keep their cards very close to their chest – and retribution will be swift, precise and invisible”
Why must it always be invisible? What do Russia gain by becoming invisible when she will be demonised by those who try to destroy her, regardless?
At least bring down an evil Western ‘leader’ so that future Western leaders know not to mess with a super power at large.
Dugin viene promoviendo la alianza entre Rusia e Irán desde hace tiempo en contra de la orientación filoccidental representada por Lavrov. El ideólogo de Putin, el autor de su viraje de 180, no ha sido otro que la propia OTAN arrinconando a Rusia hasta forzarla a luchar por su supervivencia. Pero las espadas seguirán en alto mientras la desnazificación de Ucrania no venga acompañada de la desionistización de Rusia.
The Watchtower is the Jehovah Witness magazine, just wonderin’?
General Winter is no joker, and there is so much confusion here – to paraphrase Bob Dylan..
I know I am not registered to comment, but perhaps someone who is can respond that all Orthodox Christians sing at Eastertime:
‘Let Habbakuk the God-inspired
Stand with us on the Divine Watchtower
Let him point out to us
The brilliant angel who proclaims
“Today is the day of the world’s salvation
For Christ almighty is risen.’
[Easter Canon of Saint John of Damascus]
From the moderator:
Off topic. Please take off topic subject matter to the MFC or other open thread. Thank you.
I admire your opening the new topic that progressive governments face at this time. The military dimension of the conflict has split into two: battlefield and covert operation: Moskva, Darya, Saki, drones in Crimea, assassination of several local leaders, biowar, etc. The real question is what is the stratigic and tactical response to the centralized coordinated covert acts? Distributing Mr Kinzal business cards on the battlefield accelerates the outcome of the war, but does nothing to covert war.
Russia cannot sit idly, watch Darya get assassinated and do nothing. Playing defense only, by strengthening intelligence and counter intelligence is a losing strategy. As an independent country, Russia cannot accept other countries undeclared covert war against her as their “right or choice.”
It’s time to take a stand and put an end to this “liberal” nonsense.
There’s no political solution to covert war. They always play the “Samson option” card, want to get away with everything they do. The response to them doesn’t have to be covert either, don’t have to dance to their tune.
Does anyone know V.Putin’s CV – covert is not a problem.
Just a FYI, very interesting little morsal,
In an interview yesterday with Mark Sleboda by The Greyzone, they showed how in the upper right corner of the Myrotvorets kill list website front page it is said iti s located in Langley ( VA )….
Thus, this is a CIA´s kill list…what we already knew would happen since the first moments of the Maidan coup…as happened previously in Latin America and other parts of the globe.
That was discussed here a few days ago. There is more on that issue….
Also see
There is a news link from “Uncle Davy” that points to Brussels, NATO HQ. The link is jumbled – try
This is a real rats nest!
It is certainly an existential war. What else could WW III be? And that is what’s approaching. And as history shows, all wars are about power.
to be precise….it is all about banksters $$$$$…..
This message is slightly off-topic, but I’ll post anyway. It concerns the deluge of vile anti-Russian, pro-Nazi propaganda flooding Western MSM.
Today, some leading MSM outlets reported that Twitter and Facebook took the unprecedented step of scrubbing pro-US/NATO/Ukraine content from their platforms. This is shocking. Normally, those websites endorse all pro-Ukie war propaganda.
Here’s one of the MSM articles:
Facebook, Twitter delete ‘inauthentic’ accounts spreading pro-US messages about Ukraine war, China
This is a result of Musk demanding Twitter’s fake account stats. Various outfits, cited below, scan and popped up huge percentages of bot-fake accounts on Twitter, Fakebook …. Highly embarrassing – lot$ of money involved.
Almost half of Biden’s subscribers on Twitter are bots, analysts claim
Nearly 20% of all accounts on the platform are fake, the same research says
Since watching the 2012 film “White Tiger” based on Tankist, ili “Belyy tigr” – it is obvious Russia expected history to repeat……..
It is funny for one who recalls Soviet caricatures in Pravda or Izvestiya of top-hatted capitalists carrying fists full of tanks and rockets marked NATO; and who remembers stations such as “Radio Peace & Progress Voice of Soviet Public Opinion” using phrases such as “hegemonist” and “revanchist” …….about the West, particularly West Germany…….
To see how Western politicians have worked diligently to make it all appear TRUE
Kohl’s brother was KIA on the Eastern Front; Schroeder’s father was KIA in Romania but listed as MIA; Schmidt fought o Eastern Front……..yet Merkel’s grandfather was a Berlin policeman………
This generation has underdone all the learning of those who experienced war first hand and set in train the sleepwalk to a new war…….
The US simply regurgitated Nazism and unleashed The Bloodlands hoping the spillover would consume Western Europe and give a new political ideology to cement US power and create a gulf across the eastern border of Europe.
Just as under Reagan they plotted a “limited nuclear war” confined to Europe – they have come back hoping to undertake a nuclear war in Europe but fear Russia will retaliate with Sarmat and Yars and Bulava…..
European politicians are WEAK. – Scholz and these ludicrous pictures of him with a tank squatting to defecate are bizarre……..he is so autistic and smug and alien……..Johnson is a diabolical individual capable of leaving people smiling in bemusement as he destroys them and their lives………..incredible……..but he is evil and mesmerising his victims………
Chucky Truss leaves BoJo in the shade :
Cheers as Liz Truss says she’s ready to press nuclear button and unleash ‘global annihilation’
See video – no emotion about starting global annihilation.
Global Britain cannot hide anymore behind the 600lb US gorilla. Masks fall at the jolly End of the world Ball (Gulliver).
This is the ultimate most extreme hate and violence speech possible.
Banned on Twitter or Youtube?
Worth testing to find out!
Why is Liz truss still standing? After a statement like that, it’s obvious she acts before she thinks – she’s dangerous.
I fully agree with your thoughts, clearly, logically, and powerfully expressed in your post. Thank you for it.
At the end of 2021, Moscow invited Washington for a serious dialogue on “indivisibility of security” in Europe. The US response was an attempt to overthrow the government of Kazakhstan, a country that shares 7,644-kilometre (4,750 miles) border with Russia.
Dealt with efficiently in 1 week.
Pepe Escobar, another terrific article. I’m delighted to see you still swatting out the truth despite the tremendous efforts to silence you on the part of Empire.
I live in Mexico, but I’m from the U.S. I’ve actually lived in several other countries for a cumulative time of more than ten years: China, Mongolia, Malaysia, Andorra, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Japan. I was telling someone recently that I could foresee a day not too far in the future when Mexico would be a stronger country than the U.S., as inconceivable as that may seem today. The geopolitical tectonic plates are moving in such a way that I can see Latin American countries forming a trading block, and that Mexico will exercise sovereignity in a way that the U.S. has not allowed for a long time.
“A key vector is whether Russia stands a chance of winning the information war with the collective West.”
I completely agree with your assessment of what is going on. But I think, like many of us initially, you are getting that bit about ‘Russia not winning the information war wrong’. Of course right now the West seems to be winning the info war, but very soon that would change. I live in the West and I know what the understanding and the attitude of the ordinary gullible citizens were a couple of months back, but now I have noticed a remarkable change of attitude as the scales start to fall from their eyes.
To be sure the rude and ungrateful attitude of the Ukranian refugees are contributing in no small to this. Many locals have come face-to-face with real Nazis, perhaps for the first time. And the blue and yellow flag is no longer ubiquitous.
The news media continue to churn out flagrant lies constantly, but I am aware that the media also know that they are not making much impact on the ordinary people. The winter trials and tribulations coming to the West would checkmate whatever gains the West seems to be making in the information war.
Been following Pepe since 2004… this man I trust.
“…that will be the tense dynamic all the way to the 2030s”
It won’t take that long. Two more years at most before the Middle East, Europe and then the “World Island” are completely reworked altogether.
The deceitful West can’t possibly make it into the 2030’s
I think Pepe has his bullseye on the target:
(1) crime factions blamed Dugin for a concerted Kremlin offensive against the disproportional power of Jewish oligarchs in Russia. So these actors would have the motive and the local base/intel to mount such a coup (can you say same guys Different country)
(2) that spells out a Mossad operation (can you say World Troublemaker No. 1)
(3) the assassination only exposed the perpetrators as tawdry operatives of a Moronic Murder Inc. (can you say Meyer Lansky – i.e. the Kosher Nostra)
(4) the West is dictated by the rulers of the FIRE system, a banking Mafia (can you say Rothschild).
Any closer and Pepe would need a security detail.
It’s amazing how The US and EU just do the dumbest things thinking everyone is gonna follow the narrative. Like that trip the Pelosi took. Even if you had an IQ of 70, you couldn’t possibly believe it was anything but a clown trying to bait a dragon. Did they actually think the world was going to rally to Taiwan? Why? Even if Taiwan was the most noble and righteous nation on earth, they had to be absolutely stupid to host the clown. And a nation so stupid and irresponsible does not have any right to exist, let alone be independent. A nation like that is just a puppet leading humanity to extinction.
‘General Winter’ has his own way to exfoliate a battle zone. Where to hide the HIMARS?
I’m not a registered user I submit this post to moderation.
What is currently taking in the world this “shifting of tectonic plates” is truly a phenomenon I’m thankful to have been a witness to it’s beginnings.
I’m writing from within the very heart of the beast. That beast who has been carrying along on it’s back the vile merchants of corruption including that great whore who has prostituted nations of men.
Regarding the shifting of mens heart and minds which is currently taking place here the U.S. There is without a doubt 33% who will follow the beast into oblivion without considering their dire circumstance.
However, The remaining percent are rapidly seeing the truth. Donald Trump has reached up knock the proverbial hornets nest loose it has hit the ground and the entire nest is very angry swarming and attacking anyone within distance.
It was the actions of Trump challenging the warmongering MIC and the entire political system plugged into it that has cause this outrage.
Now that this happened this deck of cards, the house of deceit and the empire of lies are collapsing rapidly.
Once you see who the enemy really is you of course can never unsee. There is a tremendous undercurrent of rejection and resistance growing in here among the 70%. (Incidentally, let me insert this here as a reminder there are only 1% transgender and 3% Sodomites in this country heterosexual God honoring and God fearing person still the majority.)
It is as you can imagine a great shock to discover after so many decades our country has been the bully on the playground not really helping other nations after all but, rather to the contrary allowing it’s might and power of size to colonize the world for profit. Seizing every opportunity even to manipulating and creating every conceivable circumstance to gain advantage over others. And then To consider all this gain was not for the citizens but rather for the wealthiest of the elitist oligarchs at the very top sitting aspiring and conspiring how to further exploit the United States to control “their” planet.
As a report let me say On the ground hearts are changing minds are being re-directed fierce loyal alternative news sources have sprung up everywhere running parallel to the MSM.
Many, many are beginning to see the truth of USSR rebirth into Russia. It’s incredible to see how Russia’s Vladimir Putin is held in higher esteem than our own walking dead in DC. Putin is portraying himself for Russia’s sake what the leader of a nation does for his people. Noting of course none of us are perfect and the supreme government leader is not intended to be our spiritual center.
I hope God will raise up a nation as He has done in past times to chastise the others for acts of great wickedness.
For you know it is God who ultimately judges the actions of other men not only in this world but the world to come.
I watch with anticipation better things in the future as Eurasia completes it formation, trading of goods and a new fair financial system is instituted.
Not calling for violence but through unity of economic pressures that the one country who has a strangled hold on the world with wicked ambitions must be neutralized.
…wow, what a breath of fresh air! Truth, how sweet it is… no need to post, just please pass thanks & blessings to Mr. Escobar.
p.s. – name & email are fake to avoid the obvious.
Military solutions are not enough, satisfying as they may be. Since “War is politics by other means”, it seems time for Russia and the Global South (GS) to stop playing defense politically against Collective West (CW) economic sanctions and go over to the offense. The BRICS perhaps, lead by a Russian/Chinese initiative, should consider opening a political/economic front against the Collective West (CW) by offering membership to European countries in the emerging BRICS system.
Michael Hudson & Fabio Vighi – it is all about expanding debt. COVID-19 – US Federal Govt response $3.9 Trillion (as of 06.30.2022). Assume US population of 338,000,000 – per person $11,538. Using labor force participation rate (07.2022) of 62.1% = $18,580 per working individual. It is about the money. People just getting played and loving their cages. Me – $18,580 would buy a lot of vitamin D. I want my $$$ back.
expanding debt? go here and see the geo-politics of a moon base in preparation on colonizing Mars and with it mining asteroids i guess? lots of oil and gas to be had i suppose off world?
Any thoughts Michael Hudson?
ah Toshiba!?!?!?! lol go to timestamp 16:16 of this video lol so perfect for the insanity of our world and globalization!? lol
“To Sir, with love” . . . . não querendo parodiar, mas já parodiando o clássico de 67 de James Clavell, resta-me tão-somente parabenizar nosso ilustre Pepe por tão elequente e esclarecedora matéria. – Obrigado MESTRE!
Machine Translation: …. not wanting to parody, but already parodying the classic of 67 by James Clavell, I can only congratulate our illustrious Pepe for such an elective and enlightening matter. – Thank you master!
“….. Russophobia , the collective West……..” indeed, in NATO Europe the energy crisis is because of ‘the Ukraine war, and big bad Russia weaponizing gas’ is the prevalent narrative, but the ‘Sanctions’ real reason is gaining traction.
Let’s hope Pepe’s article are being translated into Brazilian. Pepe is THE BRAZILIAN PHILOSOPHER. That would help Brazil to appreciate how lucky it is to be part of BRICS, at this pivotal time in history.
I am starting to ask myself why the Russia-leaning commentators push the “Russophobia”-ghost so hard. Here the author speaks of “an almost genetic predisposition for Russophobia”, or something like that (I don’t want to scroll up again to get the literal quote). Can someone without an ugly agenda write something like this? The truth is that in EVERY population, be that the population of the Evil Empire of the West, or be that the population of Russia or China, there is a majority of people who DO NOT LIVE BY ABSOLUTE MORAL STANDARDS, but they live by THE STANDARDS THAT THEIR LEADERS FEED THEM, be that through media, schools, universities or churches. The majority of people EVERYWHERE are moral freeriders who outsource any bigger moral judgement to the group (and thus effectively to the group leaders). Evolutionary this is a necessity in a social species like ours. Making moral judgements by yourself consumes ressources. If everyone in your society is capable of acting morally on the basis of absolute standards, then you yourself can save on spending ressources on making moral jugdements. You just have to copy the behavior of others. Thus a freerider mutation will do better in a society which is by 100% composed of morally capable individuals, than the moral people themselves. This mutation will outcompete the morally capable individuals and spread until a point is reached where the morally incapable people impose immoral standards and freeriding starts to become costly.
No one in the West is genetically anti-russian. We all have a tendency to look more favourably to our own group. But the moral freeriders can be turned in to fervent haters of everyone outside the group (or even certain sectors within the group who are in opposition to the reigning elites). This has nothing to do with Russia per se. Russia is just the enemy. And the Evil Empire of the West has to play the “Hate-Russia-Card” because they have no good alternatives. Our evil elite uses the weapons which it is able to use with more ability than anyone else: deception, propaganda, story telling, emotional manipulation of the masses, call it what you will.
There is a visceral reaction to the word “Russia” in places where Russia has often been an enemy like the Baltic countries or Poland. But the Polish are also very wary and suspisicous of the Germans, and not only since WWII but long before that. The French and the Germans had similar feelings for each other (again this dates back hundreds of years and not only to WWII) etc. This is all kind of natural. But I don’t think that you will find any sort of feelings towards Russia in Ireland or Portugal.
Building up this myth of the genetic hatred for Russians is something that I really don’t understand. There are people who will profess to hate Russia, just as they would profess to hate anything else which they are being told to hate. But that has nothing to do with Russia per se. And outside this lemming-class individuals, people actually hold rather positive views of the Russian operations in Ukraine. This seems far more relevant to me than the fact that the lemmings do what you would expect them to do. Still, we get these references to the “genetic, visceral Russia-hatred” every single day. Why?
Yes, great Pepe has always his pleasant style of good information, for which I thank him warmly. In reading the comments it is also an interesting journey with a lot of changing stations. I do feel that the people are realizing in such a short time – just one generation – that they have been mislead for generations to such an extend that nothing which is said in the MSM or by the politicians is true. As an activist for the Palestinian Liberation, I know how people can be mislead by MSM propaganda and believe the lies dire hard. The information war is raging, reaching even the family table: 9/11, the pandemic, the JFK assassination, the lies of all the wars, the lies in history books provoke hard family dispute. Some are completely disoriented and do not know what to believe as everything is “fake” they say. I reply that they just should read the articles of Pepe Escobar etc… and this re-education will be real joy and happiness for the brain. They can care for it to 100%.