By Guilherme Wilbert for the Saker Blog
One of the great post-World War II myths, which is repeated like a mantra by starched college students with a syndrome of embracing all the causes of the world, is that the Soviet Union was built on the strength of the people and remained so during the years when it was a de facto country, but this could not be further from reality. Nothing could be further from the truth than that. What happens is that the Soviet Union was a great political-economic power project of a small international clan that had a certain fondness for the idea of dominating a country, especially one that was in tatters like Tsarist Russia.
It all begins, really, with Jacob Schiff, an international banker born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1847 and who migrated to the United States when the American Civil War ended. There he joined the Kuhn & Loeb Co. and gradually worked his way into what would be known as the “Schiff Era. He became a director of the City Bank of New York, Wells Fargo and more. He was an ace with business.
In 1904 in New York when Jacob Schiff’s firm Kuhn & Loeb Company raises funds to make a loan to Japan, which would be used in the Russo-Japanese War against Tsarist Russia. Jacob did not support Tsarist Russia, in fact, all the people I will mention here did not even support the idea of Russia continuing along the lines of the Romanov Family.
So Schiff met with Takahashi Korekiyo, who was the Finance Minister of Japan during the Russo-Japanese War, and this was the bridge for his $200 million (equivalent to billions in 2016!) loan. He really spared no effort to finance the war that would be the beginning of the Russian downfall. It was simply half of what Japan had to use for the war. I mean, Japan was not doing well at that time either. But what could have been the reason for such generosity from Schiff? Well, not much is understood to this day, but some historians believe that because he dealt a lot with anti-Semitism at the time, he saw this loan as a kind of response to what Russia had been doing to the Jews in the Kishinev Pogrom, which today is Chișinău, Moldova. As well as thinking that gold at that time wasn’t worth much compared to the Japanese national effort to win a war.
Well, Japan won the war, the Treaty of Portsmouth is signed, and it is believed that it all happened thanks to the generous loan, since it was made possible for the country to buy more weapons with the borrowed money, and Schiff made his name. His and the Jewish people’s.
This loan had serious international consequences, since it became evident at that time how powerful the Jewish people (at least the bankers) were, and then, the 1903 writing, called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, came to light, showing that there was not only nonsense written in this book, but much that really happened and was witnessed at that time.
Jacob Schiff received from Japan the Order of the Sacred Treasure; and in 1907, the Order of the Rising Sun, the Gold and Silver Star, the second highest of the eight classes of that Order. Schiff was the first foreigner to receive the Order personally from Emperor Meiji at the Imperial Palace. Finally, the Japanese knew how to thank the German who helped them at that moment.
At this moment we are witnessing the Japanese victory in the Russo-Japanese War through a loan making it possible to buy more weapons to fight the Russians, here, it is 1905.
September 5, 1905 to be exact.
And then the First World War breaks out, on July 28, 1914. Gavrillo Princip had killed the Archduke of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Francis Ferdinand. The Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war against Serbia, Princip’s home country, and then, everything really begins. Remember: where there is war, there is money, and if there is money, there are bankers.
Jacob Schiff, knowing that the First World War had started, asked the President of the United States at the time, Woodrow Wilson, to try to stop the war as soon as possible, since his family was still in Germany, and would actively participate in the First World War. And so, another loan.
Schiff ended up lending money to France for “humanitarian causes”.
The banker made sure that none of his money went to Imperial Russia, the country did not even receive any help from the international banker during the Tsarist era. And it is obvious that the country was already in a bad way, in fact, the Russian people’s feeling towards the Tsar was not the best, but nobody had even considered assassinating what would be the last Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland, Nicholas II.
During the Romanov Empire in Russia, most of the Bolsheviks (who would be known as such years after the Tsarist regime fell) were exiled from Russia for criminal-political reasons and ended up going to countries satellite to Russia. Names like Kaganovich, Yagoda, Beria, Kamenev, Stalin, Yezhov, Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin, Sverdlov, Rykov, Zinoviev, Molotov, Emakov, and more, who would come to help consolidate what would be known as the Soviet Union were in exile for crimes they committed in Nicholas II’s Russia.
It was 1918, the First War was over, and along with it came the year of the assassination of the Romanov Family, a dark year for Russia, which would lose its last emperor to the Bolshevik faction that would take power a few years later.
Well, it was not only Jacob Schiff who sympathized with the idea of ending Czarist Russia, Swedish air began to blow inside New York and Olof Aschberg, who had allegedly made a loan to Germany during World War I, which was bad for his image and forced him to change the name of his bank, which would be known as Svensk Ekonomiebolaget, also showed interest in overthrowing the Czar and setting up a new Russia, along Communist lines.
Olof was already a member of the Communist Party of Sweden and met, during a meeting at the Young Socialist Congress of Sweden in 1917, Willi Münzenberg, who was part of the Communist Party of Germany and advocated a reconstruction of Russia after the fall of the Tsar.
So there you have a sneaky history of the biggest and first communist empire after the fall of Romanov dynasty. Many are the sources.
Guilherme Wilbert is a Brazilian law graduate interested in geopolitics and international law.
Thank you sir, now I know that the motor of history is not the class struggle, but the “airs (that) began to blow”. Smoke method.
Sutton wrote a seminal series on this. All true But it’s false to call the revolution a bankers revolution “not of the people.” Just because Ho Chi Minh collaborated with the OSS to expunge the Japanese from Vietnam doesnt make the NVA a capitalist front. Useful bedfellows. Lenin was a devout and brilliant communist and his revolution involved support from myriad strains of participants, not least of which was the working class/peasants.
On the face of it the claim that the Soviet Union was project of “international bankers” is absurd. It was absurd when Nazi polemicists made the claim and its absurd now. The great unifying existential purpose and mission of global finance capital from 1921 to 1990 (after the ruthless pursuit of rent extraction ) was the destruction of the Soviet Union,.. But hear, many rich people even some bankers! were sympathetic to the revolution….. yes and Lenin was an aristocrat…and Constantine was a pagan,.so what ?
Yeah- it’s hard to fathom, especially if you’re into the master of red herrings – Karl Marx.
The project of the ”international bankers” was the destruction and partition of Russia.
To their chagrin they found out that Bismarck’s advise was true: ”Even the most favorable outcome of the war [against Russia] would never result in the disintegration of the main power of Russia, which rests on the millions of native Russians of Greek denomination. Even if separated by treaty, these would always come together again just as quickly as the parts of a dismembered body of mercury. This indestructible empire of the Russian nation, strong by its climate, its deserts, and its wantlessness, as well as by the advantage of having but one frontier in need of protection, would, after its defeat, remain our born adversary in need of revenge, just as modern-day France is in the West”.
They supported the Soviet Union again during WW2 in order to destroy National Socialist Germany, who they viewed as the biggest threat to their power. Only later did they turn against the Soviets, when they started to oppose Zionism after Israel’s invasion and ethnic cleansing of neighbouring countries in 1967. The fact that Britain and America, the headquarters of the banking mafia, were allied with the USSR during WW2 tells you all you need to know about how opposed to each other they really were.
Then how do you explain intervention of 14 imperialist powers against USSR and their support for treasonous white movement? Or British sabotage of any attempt to stop the new rise of Germany?
And how do you explain the treachery of the Brits who stopped the supply of ammunition to the Russians in the middle of their successful offensive of 1916 and the progresses of the Russians on the Caucasian Front (with the threat of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire on Russian terms), the assassination of Rasputin in December 1916 by the British Intelligence Service, the ‘suggestions’ of the British Ambassador to Russia George Buchannan to the Tsar to abdicate with the promise that he and his family would be granted asylum in England, promise quashed by the very cousin of the Tsar, King George V (who eventually saved his other cousin, the Kaiser, from what would have been the first “Nuremberg Trial” for war crimes)?
Please do not quote Trotsky’s “The History of the Russian Revolution”.
Those OSS schmucks helped write the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence. They promised the French would not be allowed postwar to reinhabit their former colonial holdings. When the war was won, the Japanese were used by the US to keep the Viets down until the French could return. Business as usual for the US.
Everything was created by the money exchangers in the Temple and JP Morgan. If Christ had not kicked them out of the Temple, our planet would have peace today.
Here we see again how a single event in history can have disastrous consequences for the future 2000 years later.
The money changers in Israel convinced King Herod, who was a Roman stooge, to have Jesus crucified for his crime of throwing the money changers out of the temple. Usury by an exclusive cabal has been the norm ever since, except now in China, who has seen the light.
I fail to see your reasoning.
how would the planet have peace today?
The suggestion is that the sacrifice of Christ was a revenge killing. But it’s not clear that had the money changers (read: pernicious usury) had NOT been thrown from the temple, peace would reign now.
What is clear is that “money from nothing” was evil’s biggest hoax on mankind. Doomed to failure by it’s own design to exploit others, a ruse perpetrated by the Khazarians. Now, in a final showdown against Russia for it’s temperance shown toward their cult 1,200 years ago.
They Ashkenazis (aka Khazarians) are still pissed off about the Rus’ beating them in a war in 960 AD, and subsequently burning down Atil, their capital.
Any people who can hold a grudge for that long suggests their comeuppance be a statutory requirement. 300 generations of ill-will and it’s paranoid foment are the definition of evil.
The whole thing came out like your 2+2=5 formula for reading the Bible. Admit that this is a conscious application of this understanding formula shared at the cafe on June 22 (for those who may want to read it in extenso). Some might then agree too.
And so, even the Hegel analytical approach to the Historical process is completely obliterated…
That revolutions happens after deep crisisis that aftect both the ruled classes and the ruling classes is forgoten.
What about some more attentive reading of authoritative documents? Big storms goes always along with multiple swells in the periphery that makes the beauty and hopes of marginal participants.
Latest news is the Nazis forced Russia to withdraw from Snake Island.
Once again, as in so many others throughout its history, Russia is defeating itself.
But she is always left with the option to continue to get drunk on her unsurpassable tsarist nostalgia…
Very sad.
Don’t you think RF can take it back again when they need it?
There are no civilians there for the Ukies to hide behind.
There are several good reasons for letting it go for now.
About Serpent Island and the sneaky continental serpents:
Approaches like the one in this article reduce history to an endless series of conspiracies within the ruling class.
The conspiracies exist, but they are an effect, not a cause.
The engine of history is the disputes between the various economic interests for supremacy, almost always overriding the interests of the majority of the population.
The immediate causes of the Revolutions of 1917 (the Bourgeois February and the Socialist October) must be sought not in international conspiracies to overthrow Tsazrism, but in the defeat of the 1905 Revolution.
Along with the struggle to impose particular economic interests (Class Struggle and class fractions), the productive forces develop, to the point of reaching an insurmountable contradiction between the relations of production and social relations.
Economic crises trigger social crises, and these political crises. Those at the top can no longer govern as before, those at the bottom can no longer bear to be governed, the scale of the crisis impels the population to take the initiative.
This is how Revolutions are born.
The October Socialist Revolution of 1917 is an example of the interests of the majority of the population prevailing over the particular interests of the various factions of the ruling class, even if for a short period of time, because soon afterwards everything was distorted by the Stalinist police state.
Before that we have other historical examples less known but as important as the Mexican Revolution (1910), the Haitian Revolution (1791) and even the Quilombo of Palmares in Brazil (in which tens of thousands of former slaves resisted the attacks of colonialism between 1580 and 1695).
And what does this have to do with Snake Island?
In the routing of Russian military operations in Ukraine the different economic interests that exist in Russia are also exposed.
Some continue to aspire to an impossible deal with the U.S., others not so much. There are also those who just don’t want to lose their entire fortune.
And what about the Russian people? For the time being they are following at a relative distance, always supporting from their nationalist tradition.
The time will come when military victory may prove too narrow. And the long-term impacts of sanctions combined with the systemic crisis of Capitalism very broad and deep.
《The surrender of the island was the result of another behind-the-scenes agreement, the details of which we do not know.
And this makes the question of the accountability of not only government agencies, which are totally autonomous from society, but the compliance of their decisions with the national interests of Russia extremely acute.
There is no political arbitration, which would control and determine the course of negotiations and Russia’s policy on Ukraine in general.
This creates a huge field for private interests, of which there is more and more evidence.
Soon we will reach the threshold where the state loses the moral right to speak of national interests, ceasing to be their symbolic carrier.
We will soon learn about the “private” background of these agreements.
And this will be done by the Ukrainian side, which will not give itself the pleasure of poking its Russian colleagues in their own lies to the country. 》
Ukies recaptured Snek Island?
The Ukies couldn’t organize a gay orgy in a San Francisco bathhouse.
Andrei Martyanov has covered this in his latest post.
It was a political decision to stop using the island as an excuse not to de-mine and ship out the grain from Ukraine:
” Snake Island: purely political decision to remove Ukie “argument” about grain “blockade”. Now Ukies started to de-mine approaches to Odessa and it will be very difficult for them to use the silly argument of Snake Island as an excuse. Militarily, VSU will not be able to place there anything because it will be immediately annihilated. The distance between Snake Island and Sevastopol is 260 kilometers–peanuts for P-800 Onix or any of the Kalibrs. VSU knows it and already stated that they have no intent to place anything there. They can’t, even if they wanted to. I will omit here purely operational issue of Snake Island affair, which weakened the Odessa grouping of VSU dramatically. …”
So can several of the commenters above stop their false narratives.
I just read they gave it up so the lying UkroNatos couldn’t claim Russia was holding Ukrainian wheat from the world market.
Among the people who assassinated the year were zionists
The elite international bankers have now replaced most of the hereditary European royal families and taken their place to be our de facto rulers. They oppose socialism that supports the 99% using debt slavery, reduction of workforce wages and benefits, increased unemployment, and biowarfare to reduce world population.
La pregunta clave aquí es ante quién doblan la.rodilla los banqueros internacionales.La respuesta a esta pregunta lo explica todo.
Translation. Mod:
The key question here is who international bankers bend the knee to. The answer to this question explains everything.
They are Babylonian Talmudists, feigning Judaism since 820AD. As a reprieve from annhiliation under the Russian Czar for their thievery and murderous ways.
The following seminal book entitled Usury Civilization details the contents of the above article:
This story must include Gustaf Oscar Wallenberg and Karl Warburg. Mr Wallenberg were first western diplomat in far east.
Mr Wallenberg were also head of Wallenberg crimefamily including Ericsson telephonecompany and Enskilda Banken.
The Tsar got telephones made of ebony and gold. Phones being wiretapped didnt come to his mind. After tsarfamily were butchered by Sverdlovs sonderkommando Russian goldreserve ended up in Stockholm Sweden. Olof Aschberg the red banker helped Wallenberg and Warburg melting down 500.000 kg gold putting new stamps on the bars.
Karl Warburg had a cousin named Paul. One of the founders of the Federal Reserve.
Karl Warburg and Gustaf Oscar Wallenberg were in the swedish parliament 1905-1908, representing the Liberals.
Wallenberg crimefamily represented by brothers Marcus and Jacob were head planners and founders of NSDAP and Hitlerproject. Enskilda Banken stood as owners of IG Farben after world war 2 without cloaking layers. Not good. Wallenberg brothers were defended by lawyers Dulles brothers John Foster and Allen in Washingtonnegotiations. The two happened to be CIA-boss and foreign minister later on.
Karl Warburg was a cousin of Paul Warburg, right. That makes him cousin also with Max and Felix, all three scions of the Warburg wealthy banking family from Hamburg.
Paul and Felix emigrated to America. Paul married Nina J. Loeb, daughter of Solomon Loeb, a founder of the New York investment firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Felix married Frieda Schiff, daughter of Jacob Henry Schiff, the rabid anti-Russian banker who funded the Japanese in their war against Russia and revolutionary propaganda among Russian POW, managed to impose the first economic sanctions against Russia, financed Trotsky through Swedish banks.
Max stayed in Germany, being one of the leading figures to advise German politicians, diplomats, and the military in financial matters, and one of the main promoters and founders of the “Reichseinkauf” (later ”Zentraleinkaufsgesellschaft”), a state-owned central organization to buy food for Germany in foreign countries during the war years. Together with his American brothers he organized financial aid for Jews in Eastern Europe.
In 1919, Max Warburg served the German delegates during the negotiations on the Versailles peace treaty as an economic specialist, whereas his brother Paul served in the same capacity the American delegation.
”From World War I on, his brothers Felix M. and Paul M. Warburg opened the doors to the leading financial circles in North America for their brother. This was – again – especially helpful, when Germany urgently needed fresh capital during the world economic crisis between 1930 and 1932. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, the Warburg Bank came under increasing pressure. Max M. Warburg focused on helping Jewish emigrants to get their money out of Germany via the Palaestina-Treuhand GmbH. After the Warburg Bank was closed by the National Socialists, Warburg himself immigrated in 1938 to New York, where he died” (Jewish Virtual Library, s.v. Max Warburg).
So, there is much more than meet the eyes.
What is ‘paradoxical’ is that all these things were known as they happened.
What about the criminal behavior of the Romanov’s and their courtisans ? What about the misery of the people in the Russia of the czars ? Even a bourgeois Chekov in his plays talks about the utmost contempt and cruelty of the ruling class in regards to the serfs.
That the bolsheviks were criminalized , so what ? Mandela spent 40years in prison , just one example of a revolutionary “criminal”.
The bolshevik revolution , with all it’s bloodshed, did restore Russia’s sovereignty , quite the contrary of what this author is saying.
The USSR is the backbone of modern day Russia , like it or not.
It’s a quite strange sovereignty that which is supported by rabid internationalists, don’t you think? I mean, the trick of managing the state in an authoritarian way and at the same time lobbying for a new international order and the dissolution of the nation-state… is that really securing sovereignty? I’m doubtful about that.
The Romanovs were exceptionally benign.
The romanovs were exceptionally indifferent to the suffering of the people. Why should one grieve about the execution of a half dozen entitled aristocrates ? Because there were “innocent” children among them ? What about the multitude of peasants , workers and serfs children starving to death while the romanovs ate caviar ? Is starving or working to death less violent than being shot ?
On Bloody Sunday 1905? A huge but loyal crowd (set in motion by Georgiy Gapon, a priest who was part of Okhrana-sponsored attempts to organise workers in non-revolutionary directions) fired on by soldiers?
What about you reading some real history instead of comics?
The romanovs were executed , that’s real history; and only you care and think it’s important…
Yorg, were you aware that, after Tsar Alexander II ended serfdom in Russia and sent the Russian navy to support President Lincoln in ending slavery in the USA, Alexander was assassinated several years after Lincoln was? (And the international bankers did not approve of Lincoln either…) Later, Alexander’s son died under mysterious circumstances, and the Bolsheviks/Soviets assassinated Alexander’s grandson. Don’t you think all this bankster and Bolshevik subversion degraded the Romanovs’ ability to govern fairly and effectively…?
After the revolution and during World War 2, the international bankers got billions of dollars worth of American military aid shipped to the USSR. Historians, even Russian ones like Evgeniy Spitsyn admit the Lend-Lease Act’s nonlethal aid (trains, trucks, cargo planes, fuel, food, etc.) was significant.
So, where’s the logic? Did the banker gangsters funnel all this meaningful support to the Bolsheviks/Soviets because they want to “restore Russia’s sovereignty”…? If anything, modern day Russia moving away from trappings of the USSR would explain why the internationalists have flipped Russia from world war “ally” to world war “threat.” Today, Russian Communists get around 19% of votes at elections, Orthodox churches the Marxist-Leninist Atheists shut down are getting rebuilt, and some corrupt oligarchs went to jail (like Khodorkovsky) while others ran to the US, the UK, “Israel,” etc. (like Nevzlin).
Consider this: Igor Kolomoisky, one of the billionaires behind Ukraine’s Azov Battalion and President Zelensky’s celebrity status, is pulling strings from “Israel” right now… all while post-Maidan Ukraine is receiving the billions in American military aid that the Soviet Union once received. The international bankers are backing the Maidanites, so why are the Bolsheviks/Soviets any different?
So why are they different ?
The bolsheviks/soviets fought the banderites/maidenites.
Only politicaly un-educated americans can believe that the globalists/bankers are the allies of communism.
Only rabbid anti-semites believe that the israelis are “pulling the strings”. They are just kapos .
Capitalists are the arch enemies of sovereignty and self-determination.
Capitalists use and have used fascists and nazis to advance their agendas.
All the west’s propaganda on stalin is bs and doesn’t withstand scrutiny and basic commun sense.
No system is perfect, USSR included, but the soviets have built the foundations on which russia will grow, be prosperous and stay sovereign.
The proof ? In the darkest of times and against all odds ,Putin and the other patriotic officials beside him re took control of the country. KGB anybody ?
Will see if in the western world , when it collapses , particularly the usa, has the resources, I mean the people with a statesmenship state of mind, not your average libertairian or your vaporous democrate, to redress their country.
Really, Yorg? The Bolsheviks/Soviets are not fighting the Maidanites. The Maidan Revolution happened in 2014, and the Bolshevik Union was long gone by then. What I think you mean to say is: Orthodox Christian Russians, like Putin, are fighting the Maidanites, and Christianity is antithetical to Marxist-Leninist Atheism. The Soviet-critical book, “Gulag Archipelago” is required reading in Russian high schools for a reason.
Not all the “propaganda on Stalin” comes from “the West” either. Did you know that Khrushchev copped to the Shelling of Mainila as a false flag attack? The Bolsheviks/Soviets hit their own people with artillery, blamed it on Finland, and used that to justify the Winter War. And do not get me started on how all the MacGyver-esque delousing pesticide “gas chambers” were all on the Soviets’ side of Berlin. The Soviet Atheists were helping Zionists make weird chemical weapon allegations long before the White Helmets and Wahhabists were doing it.
Evidence that “globalists/bankers are the allies of communism” can also be seen in another World War 2 “ally:” Chinese Communists. Do you think the globalists/bankers moved so much of their corporate industry so China could lower poverty rates and promote win-win economic development…? Like Russia moving from Marxist-Leninist Atheism back to Christianity is a large part of its policy changes, China moving from Atheism back to Confucianism had a similar effect. Pablo Escobar’s article, “Will Confucius marry Marx” discusses this.
you know exactly what I mean when I say the bolsheviks/soviets fought ( past tense) the banderists/maidenites (same minded scum even if the maidenites weren’t born yet , obviously, in the 1930-40’s)
How ironic that the very same people that , justly, complain and stand up against “cancel culture” want to “cancel” the soviets achievements which can be measured now by Russia’s exceptional resilience.
What you call evidence of collusion between globalists/bankers and the chinese is just misinterpretation. China lowered poverty rates because, believe it or not, some people put their country before their pockets. You find that “strange” behavior mostly in communist countries. It can also be coined “working for the commun good”.
I seriously doubt that in the west there are leaders capable of that.
And what you call “marxist-leninist atheism” is not policy . Religion is in the realm of your beliefs, it’s private.
You’re confusing atheism with secularism. Russia has many religions, and picking one above the others as being the “real deal” is dangerous and dividing people.
Think about it, Yorg: If the Banderites and Maidanites were truly “same minded scum,” then why were the Banderites (or their allies, at least) firebombed and starved by the international clique, while the Maidanites are receiving the same American military aid the Soviets were receiving to attack the Banderites? If the Chinese Communists were so surely going to “put their country before their pockets,” why did the banker gangsters outsource their corporate pockets to China in the first place?
Your theories make no sense because the world elites are somewhat logical. It’s the premises they build their logic on which appear irrational, but that’s because they are subjectively moral, acting in the best interest of only oneself or the people one personally cares about. These premises include religions, and that is how they affect policy.
Consider Marx’s “religion.” Karl Marx wrote in “Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” that, “The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun.” This is a very selfish metaphysical or spiritual perspective – the exact opposite of “put their country before their pockets.”
If we are trying to be objectively moral, acting in the best interest of everyone, then why would all religious beliefs facilitate this equally? Yes, some can get pretty close, but others like Marxist-Leninist Atheism are way off the mark. Even Putin says that.
“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”
~ President Vladimir Putin, 2014
No reference whatsoever (“Many are the sources”), and basic academic errors such as “some historians believe” (which historians?), plus claiming that the Soviet Union was created by international bankers right upfront then the full article is about some banker Jacob Schiff funding the Japanese. Then poor Tsar, everyone was against him, except of course his own people, the miserable Russian peasants who loved him so much. Only not, after all “the Russian people’s feeling towards the Tsar was not the best.” And nobody “had even considered assassinating what would be the last Emperor of Russia”. Really?!! Not even after the 1905’s Bloody Sunday? Finally throw some evil Bolshevik leaders in there, at the end, and that is it (yes, most of them were in exile for obvious political reasons, not common “crimes” as is disengeniously claimed).
ad hominem removed … mod
Removing the Tsar may have suited the West during WW1 – Tsarist Russia was a rather embarrassing ally with its autocratic ways. However the Provisional Government should have been everything the West dreamed of – what it could never do was establish its authority, despite considerable Western backing.
This is not even a new theory although versions of it are often more openly anti-Semitic, with Tsarism being brought down by evil hook-nosed Jews with bags of money etc. according to a plan laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
The possibility that Tsarism fell because it was incompetent can’t be countenanced by such people, although WW1 was a brutal test and long-term weakened even the victors, not to speak of the vanquished.
Was the U.S. all that much different with regard to the working class, history says not as the American worker slaved 10-12 hrs a day paid as little as possible as the War of Blair Mt. shows. The largest battle fought in America other than the battles of the Civil War or the War of Northern Aggression funded by the bankers and England, or in Detroit when the workers were voting on whether to go union and the army sitting up machine guns just in case the slaves got out of hand.
Perhaps that those in the United States should have learned to mind their own affairs and saved all the killing and death that issued from those who thought we were something special, which we weren’t and aren’t except in the ability for creating war and causing misery. Show me a war, and I’ll show you a banker or more behind it, for wars are their lifelines that golden pot at the end of the rainbow, the gift that keeps on giving. The bankers will do anything to get their hands into the treasuries of countries and like a parasite feed from within as the Federal Reserve does.
I fully agree with this comment. The entire article is one big “non sequitur”.
The tales that these of Orthodox Christians tell themselves… No pope but the Tsar, heh? What treasonous logic in relation to the heroic peoples of the Soviet Union and their precious gifts to humanity
John, there is a reference attached with something like 130 citations. Many are the sources!
The author should have referenced each claim, usually that is how it works. Supporting one’s arguments, whatever they may be, with a single source hardly makes for a compelling article. If not primary documents since this is not an academic work, the author should have referenced each and single claim with secondary, credible sources. Again, the author implies that “the Soviet Union, the ultimate symbol of communism, was created by international bankers” but it sounds like the opposite is true just from reading the abstract for the only reference: “[Schiff] and his partners were less enthused when a radical Bolshevik government took power in Russia at the end of that year, and refused to provide any further financing.” Also, “[Schiff] supported Allied intervention in Russia, and was closely associated with anti-Bolshevik Russian elements in the United States”. I did not read the whole document, this is just in the abstract, but if I read it well, there is only one conclusion to be made: the international bankers associated with Schiff wanted nothing to do with the Bolsheviks, in fact they froze any sort of funds going towards the emerging Soviet Union.
I like idealistic and critical people, but be careful what you score John. The parallel drawn is that the Russo-Japanese War preceded the creation of the Soviet Union, with Schiff’s loans helping in the endeavor.
My articles are meant to provoke discussion, but they are also grounded and attached to the text is a link with several quotes and other references proving the historical accuracy I have tried to put into the text.
There’s a happy compromise somewhere.
A reader may also want to know what is coming straight from the writer as a different or new conclusion and what belongs to someone else and who is it. Citations in the text can be the fair thing to do.
The relatively few factual events mentioned in this article do not prove – and are irrelevant to – the author’s main contention, i.e. that “the Soviet Union was created by bankers”. His portrayal of such figures as Lenin and Trotsky (two towering intellectuals, who between them penned at least a dozen major books, including Trotsky’s history of the Russian Revolution) as pawns manipulated by bankers, let alone as criminals, is utterly laughable. Interestingly, the author fails to mention all sorts of events that run counter to his argument, e.g. the Russian Revolution of 1905, the fact that Lenin was provided with a safe-conduct by the Austrians/Germans, the process that led to the creation of the soviets in Petrograd and other cities, etc. etc.
not pertinent statement removed … mod
People can talk all they want and give excuses for everything, but I will tell you this. For decades, I know that Zionism is the root of all evil.
After WW2, I see a movement for real liberalization of women and workers right. But the I see forces taking away those rights.
Somewhere, along the way the banking cartel told them which way to go, and the puppets have never waivered since.
None of these paid “elected” clowns have any interest in the wellbeing of their people, for it is crystal clear that we in the west are going down.
They are owned by the very same people that this author rightfully points out, for it never really matters to them which ‘ism’ they latch on to. It’s about them controlling you.
The western media, corporations and military contractors all owned by them, with a few other degenerates to keep up appearances. The list is endless.
So is the thousands of NGO’s, think tanks and agencies, academics etc..
They have no interest in fixing the complete degradation of America, but lead them in a quest for world domination, again. But because of their endless privatization, their superpower military is contracted out and first allegiance is to their investors, mostly them.
The problem is that Russia or China is/was always a bridge too far, but being a financial Mafia not schooled in warfare; they made their ultimate mistake.
To think that seven racist Jew owned self called “international community” can rule over 190 countries is a pipe dream.
The Soviet Union was not communist. It was Stalinist, a huge difference. It is no longer Stalinist.
Same goes for China – never communist, but Maoist – again huge differences
Stalinism is a metaphysical thesis invented by Trotsky that his adherents use to explain everything by explaining nothing. As for China Jack Chen, who went to live and work with the peasants for a whole year reports that the distribution fund was divided into two parts one of which was distributed equally to all members of the village, while the other part was distributed according to workpoints, a day’s labour counting as 10 workpoints, but heavy labour as 12, light as 7 ( A Year in Upper Felicity 1973). Certainly seems like communism to me, but maybe Jimmy has done on the spot research himself: or was it all the betrayals of international bankers?
1) The so called “protocols of the elders of Zion” were not “came to light”, but they were created by the Tsar’s secret police – that’s beyond doubt.
2) Bolshevik leaders were POLITICALLY prosecuted in Russia and exiled – of course, any state (either then or now) will call the persecutions it commits “criminal activities”!
No doubt, geniuses were employed by the Tsarist secret police, since without all those references to “cemetery in Prague” etc., etc., it is a prophesy, which at least for the next 12o years came true to the single word. No prophet, let alone an academic futurist has ever been so successful.
Perhaps the Bolsheviks wouldn’t have been successful if Czar Nicholas and the Russian aristocracy hadn’t been cravenly foolish, wildly unpopular and intellectual simpletons.
The Russians were not prepared for the bloody depravity of talmudists.
You read about Russia’s pre-revolution progress, before the American/European Banksters decided to infect Russia with revolutionary pestilence, here:
“In the 20 years before 1917 was a time when industrialisation and modernisation [in Russia] accelerated very sharply. … Average earnings were higher than those in any Western European country, less only than those in the USA. … Between 1890 and 1913 GNP increased fourfold. … The car industry was in a similar situation to the German, Russian cars winning races at rallies in Monte Carlo and San Sebastian. Indeed, Mercedes and Daimler engines were invented by the Russian engineer Boris Lutskoy. Pre-Revolutionary Russia also invented: the wireless telegraph, the helicopter, the television, cine-news, the tramway, hydroelectric power stations, the electric plough, the submarine, the parachute, the radio, the electron microscope, the powder fire extinguisher, the astronomical clock, the seismograph, the electric omnibus, the flying boat, the icebreaker, the motorcycle, the airship and double-decker railway carriages.
Thanks to the Agrarian Reform, by 1914 100% of usable land in Asian Russia and 90% in European Russia belonged to the people. The Empire was the biggest exporter of cereals, flax, eggs, milk, butter, meat and sugar in the world. … From June 1903 all employers in the Russian Empire were obliged to pay benefit and pension to all employees and their families who had suffered an accident. … The US President William Taft declared that: ‘Your Emperor has created such perfect labour legislation which no democratic state can boast of’.
In 1898 the Empire introduced a universal medical welfare system that cost the tiny sum of one rouble per year. The Swiss hygienist Friedrich Erismann praised this system as ‘the greatest achievement in the world in the field of social medicine’. Russia was third in the world for the number of its doctors. The Tsar personally insisted on introducing economic reforms and measures against alcohol abuse… Compulsory primary education was introduced in 1908… By 1914 there were 150,000 students studying at university institutions. In terms of numbers of students the Russian Empire was joint third in the world with Great Britain. Another 300 million roubles was spent in 1913 on country schools, a budget up from 70 million in 1894. In less than 20 years the education budget rose by 628%. By 1913 there were 130,000 schools in the Empire with 6 million pupils. All education, primary, secondary and tertiary, was free.”
The Banksters have attacked and harmed one of the most0dynamic countries in the world at the time. The dishonorable rentiers (some were consumed by ethnic hatred) destroyed a great European civilization.
Thank you Anna…..all true…
….Russia been on the on the way to “catch up” american industrial production by 1925…obviously american /german/uk/banksters and politicians did not like same way as they hate VVP/LAVROV today….Thanks Anna
The Tsar was foolish enough to get pulled into WW1, which cruelly exposed the deficiencies of Tsarist rule. He had little military training or schooling, despite being a colonel, but spent a great deal of time at Stavka trying to oversee the military aspect of the war effort and was increasingly cut off from the home front. When the February Revolution broke out, I believe he was at Pskov and had no idea how things were developing in Petrograd.
Russia was not ”pulled” into WW1, it was straightforwardly attacked. Germany declared war against Russia, a war planned for long in cahoots with Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire for the division of Russia.
It was part of a system of alliances, with France as its main continental buddy. Moreover it was seen and perhaps regarded itself as the protector of Orthodox Slavs, especially the Serbs. When the Archduke was shot and Serbia blamed, it could just let Serbia be rubbed out or it could react. It wasn’t in a position to fight a world war and the stresses and strains of one tipped it over the edge. Count Witte, who advocated not getting involved and who died in 1915, tends to look now like the wisest of the people at the top of the Tsarist hierarchy. Although he was in disfavour with the Tsar who did not listen to him.
Protection by Russia of the Orthodox in the Ottoman Empire was established by the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca/Kuchuk-Kainarji of 1774 and was the main reason behind all the wars in the Balkans.
Russia was allied with France since 1894 as a response to the collapse of the Bismarck Alliance System when the anti-Russian aggressive intentions implied in the Triple Alliance of 1882 became transparent.
You are certainly influenced by the ‘revisionist’ history of WW1 ventilated intensely on the net according to which Russia is to be blamed for the initiation of WW1 (and WW2 and ‘invasion’ of Ukraine as well) and which would justify the righteous revolt of the masses sent to the slaughterhouse against the ‘Bloody Tsar’.
Well, nothing would change the fact that Austro-Hungary started the war against Serbia, instead of deferring the case to the Arbitration Court in Hague as requested by the signatories of the Conventions of Hague (initiated by the ‘Bloody Tsar’). Nothing would change the fact that Germany declared war against Russia, without any other reason than that Russia would become too powerful in few years. Russia did NOT start the war. The Tsar and Russian Government were left with no choice when Germany attacked Russia, notwithstanding Witte’s, Rasputin’s, Durnovo (more than others) ‘warnings’.
People cannot fathom any longer that there is something called ‘honour’, keeping your promises.
Russia’s industrial economy was heavily controlled by Britain and France. For example the original name of Donetsk was Yuzovka, after the British industrialist Hughes who founded it. That Tsarist Russia was in alliance with France and Britain had its economic aspect, as well as political and military. The idea that economic motivations were limited to presumed evil Jews scheming in New York as per the author of this and similar theories is sadly naive. Tsarist Russia’s ties got it into a war it was ill-equipped to fight. If it was honour that got Nicholas’s dynasty destroyed and himself killed (and I doubt it) it is just another tick box in favour of being Macchiavellian.
The article is interesting in showing a tendency of financial tycoons on overthrowing the Tsar. But it shows no relation of causality with the aleged title of USSR being created by international bankers. Many things happen in the world simultaneously,and they are all interconnected to some extent. But it is a wild wishful thinking to establish causality relations out of the blue. And even considering that international financists wanted to weaken the Tsar as a main reason for the success of the 1917 revolution, it does not mean they “created” the USSR, or even that they could control or liked the outcome of the revolution. Revolution seize the conditions available to transform reality, which does not mean at all that the available conditions cannot be transformed themselves by the revolution. Interesting article, but the title is inadequate and the “conclusions” are feeble.
Most reasonable comment.
That is one more nonsense about the almighty western class. Also the bankers inspired the Soviets to defeat German Nazism by freeing the world from Nazism.
It is more credible that the bankers financed Nazism as they did with the West in the Cold War.
Contrary to popular opinion. the bankers did not finance Nazi Germany, but they were in fact the proximate cause of the rise of Hitler, who became Chancellor in 1933. The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 at the end of WW1 imposed draconian financial sanctions on Germany causing mass unemployment and destitution of its populace. The US bankers were lending money to Germany, so that they could keep paying the interest on the reparations.
This enabled the rise of Hitler, who in 1933 stopped paying the banks and printed debt free marks to pay people for work done, like building autobahns and making Volkswagens to eliminate unemployment.
The bankers were furious and instructed the prime minister of Great Britain, Neville Chamberlain to declare war on Germany in 1939.
If so, then the process went wrong, I don’t think there is a banker on the planet who believes in the communist ideal. Aren’t bankers the heralds of capitalism? doesn’t make any sense…
Industrial capitalism produces goods for sale, but financial capitalists create money out of thin air as compound interest bearing debt to enslave the 99%.
As Shakespeare wrote ” first kill all the bankers”
Another aspect also leads me to question the facts to be true. Who support after the revolution in 1918 the undeclared war, in which several countries participated, against the Bolsheviks, the so-called white army?
Professor Antony C Sutton wrote a trilogy of books : Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler and Wall Street and F.D.R.
He proved, with documented evidence, that the international bankers had financed the Bolshevik Revolution.
Moreover, Sutton also proved in other books such as National Suicide how the industrialisation of the USSR was helped to a very large extent by the same international bankers who helped helped the Bolsheviks.
Without Western technology transfer neither the Third Reich nor the USSR would have been able to function well.
That “international bankers had financed the Bolshevik Revolution” or “helped” does not at all mean “the Soviet Union, … , was created by international bankers”.
It merely means that bankers ( among many, many others ) helped.
“Western technology transfer” is hugely questionable. These days, the phrase seems to imply gratious giftgiving or perhaps profitable sales; as apposed to “theft of intellectual property”.
In the face of famines, repeating every 2 to 3 years, in southern Russia and Kazakhstan, Soviet Union attempted to buy tractors and such, from europe and america. Who refused to accept payment in gold; but demanded wheat … famine by other means.
The Soviets were familiar with the internal-combustion engine, and had a millenium of experience with plows and such. “technology transfer”, whether gift or sale or theft, seems a stretch.
Soviet tractors, like western tractors of the time, were notoriously energy-inefficient and famously reparable by anybody with a yankee screwdriver and a brain.
If you read the letters between the Wall Street bankers that invested in Gosbank, the Soviet central bank, you will se that they invested because they wanted to support the development towards capitalism that had begun with the NEP, the new economic politic. They didn’t support communism by their investments, they supported capitalism. Excerpts of the letters are in Suttons book Wall Street and the Bolchevic revolution.
Removed. Breaks site rules. Mod.
I have heard since forever all this about the “international bankers” funding the Bolshevik revolution. There is no evidence for it. It is just an assumption some people, mostly anti semites, have in order to make their narrative work.
The globalists do copt socialist movements wherever they can. Something to remember whenever you join a left organization.
However, the real evidence is that the Bolsheviks were funded and advised by German intelligence to take Russia out of the first world war.
Everyone in Russia at the time thought the bolsheviks were fronts for the Germans. German agents advised the Bolsheviks at every level.
Of course the whole first world war was because the Kaiser’s Germany was not complying with the globalist bankers.
When German lost the Bolshies were then on their own. Their problem then was that ‘Western’ globalist agents were undermining them from within. They built networks of opportunists who had joined the party after the revolution because they then wanted ‘something for themselves.’
Stalin used these people against his enemies among the old Bolsheviks, mainly Trotsky. Then he turned on them in the great purge.
So it goes, up to recent times and the ‘Oligarchs’ who are now losing their remaining clout. The global financial elite have been trying fort generations to get control f Russia but it never quite worked for them.
But the idea that ‘Jewish bankers’ are being everything ‘left’ fits the narrative of a certain kind of people. It ties up everything they do not like in a convenient package. Even if it is not real.
Wonder why this thing was run by Saker.
tim rourke, this is a fine article and that is why it was run by Andrei (The Saker). You may not agree with it, but that will be par for the course in these Saker Blog climes as well. We do post a variety of opinions.
This one has both historical accuracy and the writing itself contains quite a bit of humor.
I’m pragmatic and I just invite people that criticize to write a better one for us. So, I’ll be waiting.
“I have heard since forever all this about the “international bankers” funding the Bolshevik revolution. There is no evidence for it. It is just an assumption some people, mostly anti semites, have in order to make their narrative work.”
The evidence for Jewish Wall St banker support for the Bolsheviks is overwhelming, the role of Jacob Schiff in financing them, & supporting Trotsky/Bronstein in particular is so notorious that even in mainstream literature you will read references to it. Even the Wikipedia entry on J. Schiff alludes to his support for the Bolsheviks, & then how he apparently cut off his support when they took power because for dubious reasons he supposedly fell out of love with them. The fact that you just simply do not like references to Jewish bankers – who are a reality, an objective fact in this world – that is your problem. The fact that a very small minority, such as Jews predominantly of German descent, have so much financial/economic power, totally disproportionate to their numbers, is an enigma & an extremely important issue that the mainstream always attempts to suppress. That you use terms like “anti-semitic” to describe those that discuss this matter simply means you are a shill, & you are shilling for people who love the fact you shill for them for free, they are rich, they have power, but they don’t have to pay you because lackeys do their bidding for free. The Bolshevik coup d’etat in Russia in 1917 is one of the major conspiracies in history, & most certainly of the 20th century, & for Russia it was a colossal disaster, one that she was fortunate to survive from.
It’s no wonder you’re confused: “Globalist Bankers – Bolsheviks – Jewish Bankers – Western globalist agents – antisemites” are all one in the same.
And all originated from a talmudists’ cult called the ‘Khazarians’, morphing into today’s Khazarian mafia.
It is a good question but the main man is ill and so dubious material gets in.
Oh dear. I’ve had the best laugh very early in my morning.
People actually believe what they pronounce. Yikes!
Excellent information. Thank you for this informative article.
The motor of the Russian revolution (just as in the case of the French one) was antichristianism.
Not only had the power of Russia been hacked at militarily (and let us not forget the role of the British in triggering the Russian-Japanese war as a response to the Chinese emperor’s offer to Russia of control over Tibet), but -throughout the 19th century- religious faith had been systematically attacked. When the bolsheviks attacked, the army no longer obeyed the czar, as a result of spiritual collapse. The mason Kerensky, who took power in 1905, prepared the moral ground for the bolshevik military onslaught in a raccourci of the way attacks on the Church throughout the 19th century prepared the subjugation of Holy Russia in 1917 by forces of evil.
This said, this collapse would not have happened without serious faults in the Church itself, including in its mainstream doctrines. That is a complex story. But the salient political fact is the subordination of Church to state by Peter I, who fired the patriarch and took the head of Synod he instituted to control the Church.
No one seems to present any evidence here for fine details where it is most needed.
There are a few books which put together shed some light.
Firstly, The International Jew, by Henry Ford (yes, the ford motors guy). He was Christian industrialist, so he would be pissed, that I can understand. This article rubbishes Protocols of Elders of Zion myth, but Ford uses that in 1918 for his book/articles. It may well have been a Tsarist propaganda. But the question is why im 1903 or 1904 put such an effort to put together an elaborate propaganda? Russia had just lost a war if I remember. Was the establishment looking for scapegoats?
Why does Ford use the Protocols myth, risking all his fortune in post war America?
If you read Ford’s book, his penny drop moment comes at the Balfour declaration, given from British foreign minister to…..drum roll….a banker! Was Ford out of his mind to do that kind of thing after a life of successful business? He was much like Elon Musk, enterpreneur, innovator.
Secondly, to emotional socialists, read the Gulag Archipelago to enlighten yourself how power corrupted the Bolsheviks. They could have been influential, but they were just butchers who could read and write, thanks to state educatiom, no intellectuals by any stretch of imagination. You have to be stupid to think that uprooting an established order of government and replacing it with a brand new philosophy to test it on human society will benefit society. They were ISIS of their time who managed to survive, probably because other nations were hell bent on punishing Russians.
Soviet states have still not recovered from that trauma. Take it from someone who grew up in a non communist country and meets that generation now. There is a vacuum in that generation, which will not fill.
Also, it is no secret that Jews have suffered at the hands of Christians throughout history. When they get rich and powerful, the animosity is not going anywhere. Why would it be a sock to see them finance this guy or that guy? It’s business afterall. Why get carried away with hollywood movies where you are either risking your life to support something or fighting it.
Usury is an evil, that’s a given. Control is in the hands of a few, that is also a given. What’s the alternative? Alternative will also look the same, just different set of people.
Left is fond of slogans, it never stopped after French revolution. Socialists are just good at making unthankful people out of perfectly hard working and generally happy ones.
Thirdly, read some of Thomas Sowell, who is still alive. Socialists think they are being led by conscience and virtue. Look what the hippy smoky folks have done to the family structure, and they still have guts to say freedoms were all given after 60s! As if people all abandoned caves in 60s.
Bottom line? You uproot established order at society’s peril.
FWIW Gulag archipelago was 80% fiction according to its author and your average USSR 6th grader knew calculus better second year math major in the USA.
Correction: While Gavrilo Princip was an ethnic Serb, he wasn’t born in Serbia, but in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the organization that planned and executed the assassination was called “Young Bosnia”, which did get some logistic help from “Black Hand”, a secret society within Serbian Army.
Consider the correction added! Thank you.
Fascinating how successful the British elites have been in diverting all the commenters attention away from their roles as the true masterminds while people like Schiff in comparison was a know-nothing but his ignorance certainly facilitated Britains plot against Russia and the world.
The only international thing about the bankers is the anglosaxon empire and everyone else in banking is secondary. This is why they are such a cosy team. And it wasnt until 1915 that the bankers were fully aligned against the Tsar and that was after the FED had been founded.A couple of years earlier both the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds were invested in Russia and it isnt obvious that they would have divested without the revolutionary violence.
For example Nobel staff were murdered in 1907 the same year when Edward VII told the Rothschilds they wouldnt be welcome in Britain unless certain conditions were fulfilled.
In all likeliness the conditions were about not applying market economical consideration when thinking of investing among Britains rivals. Primarily Germany and Russia but the Dreyfuss affaire in France was probably intended to get rid of Gabriel Hanotaux. His plans for industrial development in Africa constituted a threat for Britains hegemonical aims.
For briefness I leave out the British role inside the evolution of nazism and ‘anointment’ of Hitler.
Wallenberg’s are mentioned and they did act in the service of the anglosaxons and this is why the Dulles brothers collaborated afterwards. If Sweden had failed to stay neutral in that second anglosaxon world war, they would have fought on the eastern front and probably shared Germany’s fate.
I think Swedens service to the anglosaxons was the right thing since otherwise I am sure Sweden would have been betrayed by Britain just like they betrayed Norway the british elites only pretending to try to stop Hitler.
I understand that people may think I am very cynical but I think I have correctly judged Britain’s intentions. The USSR would not have been better off having to fight the swedes as well.
Jacob Schiff was a ‘railway tycoon’. His support for Japan had another ulterior motive. He was eying the South Manchuria Railway (and possibly the capture of all the railways built by the Russians).
In the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, all Russian rights and interests in South Manchuria, which included the Russian-built Chinese Eastern Railway, were transferred to Japan. The American railroad king, Edward H. Harriman, attempted to purchase it using Schiff’s connection with Japan. Schiff supported Harriman and tried hard to convince the Japanese to sell it, the more that he linked it to the ‘Open Door’ policy in China. The Japanese were less enthusiastic and Schiff was totally disappointed when in 1910 the Russo-Japanese Agreement was signed, in which two sides would provide each other with “friendly assistance” in improving their railroad lines in Manchuria. He was furious that Japan was allying herself with Russia, which he considered “the enemy of all mankind.” He rightly saw that the agreement would lead to further competition between Japan and the United States over political power in the Far East.
Keep in mind that Schiff was a sympathizer of Germany in the war and as many American Jewish of German origin hoped for Germany’s victory out of their hostility toward ‘anti-Semitic Russia’, the ‘enemy of all mankind’. But also because they were contemplating the ‘opening’ of Russian economy to the American-Jewish business that they hoped the ‘Revolution’ would bring about. They didn’t realize that the Bolsheviks were also ‘infected’ with the vile Russian anti-Semitism. Anyway, he died in 1920 before the introduction of NEP.
If Schiff was so powerful, how is it that the USA joined the Entente in 1917?
The big problem the Bolsheviks had in that year was the “German agents” claim, not concerns about some Jewish banker sitting in a USA about to join the war AGAINST Germany. War-weariness ended up trumping any concerns about German agents. The vast majority of Russians had gained nothing from three years of war.
No need to look back that far – Just look what`s been happening under our noses in our own timeline:
Case in mind is the construct presently known as ukraine.
From the craziez in the basement of the past to the oligarchs and top representatives to the present u.s. foreign policy establishment – same shit, different day. When you bring it up, you are contheorist. When you name the personages involved, you instantly become an antisemite. Eh…
The elders as a forgery? Forgery of what?
Read it, instead of quoting platitudes. It`s not long, even You can manage such a task.
If you are not aware of our jewish problem this day and age of information and disinformation – Your opinion is irrelevant.
Yaall hate the `nazis` yes? Well, without jews – there is no explanation/justification for the emergence of that ideology. It is an essential building block. If not for the jewish revolutionary spirit – there would be no `nazis` out there today.
Yes, the jews are our misfortune the world over. We should treat them precisely the same way they treat the Palestinians. The same way they handled the USS Liberty.
Es evidente que aquí existe libertad de expresión. Por eso comento que he visto aquí que varios autores-no quiero mencionar nombres- que sus artículos reflejan un odio visceral contra el proceso revolucionario y la gran aportacion ideologica, social y cientifica de la Revolución de Octubre. Estos autores no solo demuestran su odio visceral y que a toda costa quieren quitarle el mérito a Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Zhukov y toda esa inmensa pleyade de hombres que con sus ideas y acciones cambiaron el curso de la Historia.
Yo recomendaría que quienes escriben sobre el tema se documenten a partir de la s fuentes EL Capital, EL Imperialismo Ultima Fase del capitalismo, Memorias del Mariscal Zhukov y otras obras de extraordinario contenido. Alli conocerán las raices ideologicas y teoricas que generaron esos movimientos sociales que cambiaron el curso de la historia.
There is no political system other than organized crime, while the banksters became the greatest gang, whose astonishing achievements were to legalize counterfeiting for themselves almost everywhere.
It has become impossible to have anything remotely close any “reasonable” debate about political issues, because of the long history of successful warfare based on deceits and treacheries becoming the foundation of a political economy based on public governments enforcing frauds by private banks.
The essence of our times is that the systems based on debt slavery backed by wars based on deceits are achieving what is necessarily about exponential growth in debts, which results in those runaway debt insanities provoking death insanities.
By the way, while the evidence that the banksters were behind the creation of the Soviet Union is overwhelming, there is also some evidence that something similar happened through the Chinese revolution.
What is actually happening, pretty well everywhere, is that the excessively successful applications of the methods of organized crime are manifesting as runaway criminal insanities, due to the final failure from too much success based on being able to enforce frauds.
Personally speaking, my political career went from worrying about the runaway nuclear arms race, peaking back in the 1980s, when I decided to become involved with registered political activities. That was followed by my working on the issues regarding the funding of the political processes, which involved me having two court cases against the government of Canada regarding the funding of political parties. (I won the first case, but lost the second.) My continuing work on that issue has, since from 2004, up until 2022, has given me the factual basis to attempt a third court case, IF I can find some way to pay for doing so.
I mention that personal history just to give some credence to my claims that I know a lot about the funding of the political processes, and that, the more I learned, the worse it got.
Canada has always being under the control of the international bankers. There was never a time when Canada was not, and it is now automatically getting worse, faster. The Supreme Court of Canada has stated that it is a “political issue” that the court will not adjudicate that the international bankers direct what the Bank of Canada does, while the most successful Canadian politicians are their puppets.
Anyone who thinks that “We The People” are somehow responsible for the excessive success of the international bankers in capturing control over the political processes does not fully face the realities regarding the prolonged and persistent applications of the methods of organized crime throughout all aspects of the political processes.
Russia is a little more interesting that Canada, because of the rougher ride relative to Russia being controlled by the international bankers. The USA is similarly a more interesting situation, because, despite the banksters dominating the USA more and more since 1913, there were historical periods of reversal in the USA, where the banksters lost power for a while.
In my opinion, the biggest problem regarding the triumphs of the banksters are due to them being able to dominate the public languages that are used to discuss political issues. There is almost nothing but layers of controlled opposition surrounding the central core of organized crime. Public political debates drown in false fundamental dichotomies, rather than use unitary mechanisms.
My conclusion, after working on these issues for several decades, and doing everything possible that I could do regarding those issues, are that the central principle of civilization is maliciousness maximization, which has driven civilization to manifest runaway criminal insanities, which will most probably result in civilization committing collective suicide.
What it takes to be an “ace” in finance. Jacob Schiff married Therese Loeb. Paul Warburg (FED founder) married Nina Loeb. Talk about prostituting your daughters.
Very interesting and pertinent essay thank you very much. It goes along with what Dr. Willard Cantelon had to say and teach and which I have quoted from his book quite extensively on other essaies. Here is an interesting piece to add to the author of this essay which he may or may not be aware of:
In an edition of the Los Angeles Times in April, 1973, Murray Seeger tells how the government leaders in Russia seek to control men’s minds and spirits. He describes the heavy volume of anti-religious action and propaganda which have been continued in all parts of Russia against many different faiths ever since the Bolshevik Revolution took place 55 years ago.
In light of the Communist attitude toward Christians and Jews, are men not justified in asking why this government should receive favored treatment?
Why should American taxpayers pay $300 million in taxes to subsidize cheap wheat for the USSR? Or why
should Russia get 200,000 tons of butter from The European Common Market for 20 cents per pound, when the British pay 60 cents for the same butter?
Perhaps some of the international bankers might shed some light on this. They might tell us how the Communist banks were able to borrow 40 billion Eurodollars six months before the dollar was devalued 10% February 6th of 1973, and comment on the extraordinary good fortune of their timing. for when this debt is repaid is repaid, it will be repaid with dollars valued at 90 cents, which means a net profit of $4 billion for the borrowers.
“Only one thing is clear,” wrote one economist from Europe,
“and that is the mystery that surrounds these strange actions.”
That Russia was receiving favored treatment was beyond any question. It had been, ever since the birth of the United Nations. When it was organized in 1945, there were only 50 nations of the world represented in the UN. In the 10 years following its birth, however, Communism had spread over the world at the rate of 44 square miles per hour.
As new nations were being born and being admitted to the UN, the roster clearly revealed the young and struggling nations being admitted were often those who had accepted the doctrines and principles of communism. This doctrine thrived especially in undeveloped areas, estimated to be at least 72% of the whole.
With the apparent domination of Communistic personalities in control of UNESCO and the International Police
Force, reflected in the UN charter, it was difficult to understand how the United States could be removed much further from the position of leadership.
In the 21 years following the establishment of the UN there were 22 presidents of UN General Assembly’ Not
one was an American. The same could be said about the highest office, that of Secretary-General. Cantelon The Day Dollar Dies 1973 Logos International
Ah, the words of Karl Marx:
Money plays the largest part in determining the course of history.
I said it once and i’ll say it again there are actions undertaken by some very powerful banking people who are so diabolical in their planning that it repels the mind that it could even be possible. and woe the important people who knew this:
Abraham Lincoln:
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country…money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign… until wealth is aggregated into few hands and the republic is destroyed.
Benjamin Franklin:
We would gladly have born the tax on tea if we could have granted the power to create our own money.
Meyer Amchel Rothschild:
Give me control over a nations economy and i care not who writes its laws.
Mayor John F Hylan of New York March 22, 1922:
The real menace of our republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus, sparwls its slimy length over our city, state, and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as “international bankers.”
Louis T McFadden Chairman of Banking and currency committee on March 4, 1933 said to congress:
We know from assertions made here by the Honorable John Garner, Vice President of the US, Paul Warburg did come here from Hamburg, Germany for one purpose-to take over the treasury of the US as the international bankers have done with the treasuries of Europe.
Mr. McFadden again on June 10, 1932
It controls everything here, and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.
Curtis B. Dall April 1968:
They are driving toward complete control of the worlds long range monetary policy and principal world markets for their own profit. they foment foreign wars to aid this objective.
and so I’ll leave you all with a song, Listen and pay attention well to the words:
and O from St. John next up the finality of it all with your own personal QR Code stamped in ones head or forehead?
The article and comments, as well as all of humanity, past, present and future, can easily be summarized in one simple phrase. “Wealth, Power and Control the triad of human history”.. No matter how utopian the initial ideal my rise, mankind’s imperfect nature will be the cause of a poisonous result. We are quickly approaching the edge of the cliff, where we can no longer assign blame and all will have to give answer for one’s self, regardless of creed, culture or station in life.
Can we say that the only fault of the Czar – as well as of the French king at the time of the French Revolution, and of the king of Naples removed in between the two events – was that they were all Christian rulers?
The fault of the Tsar were quite a few: 1.failure to develop industry, 2.failure to integrate diverse ethnicities into a single nation by insisting to adherence to a single clerical orthodoxy, as a collateral to (1) failure to create strong army and navy, etc.
Some simple illustration: while Russia GDP in 1865 was comparable to that of the USA, by the end of the century it was only a fraction of.
Obviously there were shadow financial backers and I wouldn’t be surprised that many powerful interests (bankers included) wanted to break Russia.
For example:
Who payed for 5th Congress of RSDRP? travel for 338 persons? accommodations (the same)? place to assemble? printer services?
The RSDLP was part of the Second International which did have financial resources. In 1907, as the 1905 revolution had been defeated, there were a lot of left-wing exiles from the Tsarist Empire in Europe. The 338 delegates make an interesting comparison with the 51 present at the Brussels and London 1903 conference that gave rise to the Bolshevik-Menshevik split.
On the other hand, with their policy of assassinations, the SRs were considered more dangerous at the time by the Russian authorities and often attracted more attention from Western authorities as well.
An old emigre was asked to describe the difference between communism and capitalism. He replied, ‘ one is man exploiting man, the other is the exact opposite’ . There are two types of government – monarchy and oligarchy. All the various isms , fascism , communism or capitalism are just operating systems for oligarchic-banking families and cults.
Putin is a proto – monarch and revered by sane people everywhere because we are hardwired for that dynamic. A ship won’t sail without a captain. I was talking to two American ‘reporters’ in a bar in Moscow in 2008 . They were mystified why there ‘was no opposition to this guy here’. They were silent when I asked why would there be opposition to a leader who does what the people want? Likewise the late tsarist era was on track to surpass even the US in many metrics. This could not be allowed. As Lavrov said – ‘they fear nothing more than honest competition’.
This article is not factual and historically inaccurate. Should not have even been published on this website. It was the incompetent Czarist regime which became the catalyst for the 1917 Russian Revolution. I suggest the author consult some serious works on this subject including E. H. Carr’s masterful study on this subject. The 1917 events were a result of domestic causes in Russia rather than an international conspiracy! See Anthony Beevor’s recent publication on the Russian Revolution. By the way, Beevor is a right-wing Britisher.
The Young Bosnia movement was not a Serb nationalist movement, but a pan-south slavic movement. Thus, its members comprised of all three religions in Bosnia&Herzegovina and subsequently formed Yugoslavia. This was a movement similar to those that led to the formation of Italy and Germany nation states.
There were some 13 previous attempts to assassinate Ferninand including one a couple of years previous to Sarajevo in Dalmatia, where one of the participants was a well known Crotian poet Tin Ujevic. Amongst the peoples that were subjugated by the Holy Roman Empire (aka Austro-Hungarian Empire) it was called by many “the Dungeon of the Peoples”.
It’s always international conspiracy to allow a tectonic shift. Being right wing in Britain doesn’t mean anything when the other side is Russia. Being British is enough to be a rival to Russia, “trying” to keep it on eternal leash.
Same for every other major country at the top of the pecking order, not just Britain.
Domestic causes? Strange.
Can you explain this:
Russian expansion into Crimea two centuries ago is met with grand alliance and wars. Russian expansion into Afghanistan is met with wars. But Bolshevik bulldozer is allowed to rule the continent!
Crimea is far from France Germany Britain, so is Afghanistan. Russia’s western borders are a horse ride from Germany, yet no one was worried? Ha!
Sam Huntington was right in drawing parallels between historic religious rivalry and mistrust between these nations.
Bankers just ride the wave when punches start flying.
This article isn’t very detailed, true.
But banksters cannot be exonerated in communist story. Communism only thrived when money started flowing. They were thugs who got all things going for them. Same as Libyan and surrounding African regions. Anarchy allowed thugs to get a hold of things only a representative govt should have.
You would do well to know that in parts of the world where these things happen ISIS is seen as an extension of the Western project. It’s common knowledge. You can’t prove it, the same way Saddam just couldn’t prove he didn’t have WMDs. I’ll stop before I get into trouble by alleged “terrorists”.
Collective will of rivals had to be in favour of communism to allow it to take root. “It’s just those lesser people being butchered, don’t worry, keep it going”.
@ Harvester
But banksters cannot be exonerated in communist story. Communism only thrived when money started flowing.
Indeed! and then comes Carroll Quigley and his magnum opus that these bankers/banksters are the hope of the world?
I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for 20 years, and was permitted for two years in the early 1960’s to examine its papers and its secret records. I have no aversion to it and to most of its aims, and have for much of of my life have been close to it, and many of its instruments.
According to W. Cleon Skousen:
Dr. Quigley expresses his contempt for members of the American middle class, who think they can preserve what he calls their “petty bourgeoisie” property rights and constitutional privileges.
The hope of the World? Yeah, only when they have satisfied their own belly first will they afford to be generous to others. Then they will become guess what? The Robin Hoods of the world which is what Pierre Paul Schweitzer did with the invention of Erstaz money or Paper Gold if you will March 31, 1968 when he declared:
Gentlemen we are right on schedule.
Schweitzer seemed especially dedicated to the task or policy of taking from the rich to give to the poor.
What a hero? Barf!
And further to this about your “and the bankers riding the wave of historic religious rivalry and mistrust” Consider the words of E. Stanley Jones in his book the Choice Before Us:
God reached out and put his hand on the Russian Communist. Communism is the only political position that really holds the Christian position.
The deception is incredible.
Benjamin Disraeli before the House of Commons July 4, 1856:
The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Thanks, your comment is another keeper Harvester!!! Great choice by the way for a handle. Reminds me of
then he will send His angels in to separate the wheat from the chaff!!
Thanks @Gerry
I have read far less than you allude to in your brief response.
The more I read about Bolsheviks, the more I became aware of what people must look like without conscience, and human capacity to destroy land and society far and wide. The books which confront reality of the evil that happened for three generations in these regions, these books are a torture to read.
There is a lot to unpack between 1890-1919, and very hush hush in the West. Obviously, 1914-1919 wars were directly responsible for 1939-1944, like mother and the child. But no one dares detail how mother was born.
Take for example the first of motion pictures “four horsemen of the apocalypse”. No sounds then, a scene then a slide appear with dialog written. It’s about the first war. A very interesting line comes up – “for two generations we have been told that war is coming”….or something along these words. So people in 1920’s, when the film was made, knew it so well that it had been brewing for 30 odd years.
People like us must ask the question, “why was no one talking about avoiding this war”? Or “what happened to the pacifists?”
Just like now, why can’t America, Russia and China sit down and talk about avoiding total destruction? Give and take, accept the areas of influence, that it’s a multi polar world where fiat currency has to stop its destruction. Get rid of the Azov’s of the world, and tell MSM to shut up.
Of course most people reading this blog know a ballpark answer, so the question is rhetorical :)
Russia and China were under no illusion when US invaded Afghanistan. There was no point doing that even for US to show off. US got bases in kyrgystan, uzbekistan, pakistan, a rail ride through russia and what not. It took the region 13 years to finally stand up to the bullying and humiliation. Funny thing is it was the pipelines and oil/gas supply Nato so desperately wanted to prevent flowing in that place, and that’s exactly what has come to a sudden cliff edge within West, and flowing cheap and easy in those forsaken lands!
The question again….why can’t the arrogant Nato not see it has to sit around the same big table?
Why risk total destruction? Because the destruction will be total, guaranteed. Even a 16 year old knows that.
Funny contradiction i find about English language and current mindset. English has many ways of hiding one’s defeat unlike many other languages. But…..but, but. Nato/US/UK just can’t put that English language capacity to use. They are tongue tied!
They managed to get rid of the pacifists. Peacemakers in politics have disappeared into oblivion before it all began. We’re left with minions. Their first test is question like “do you consider lipstick wearing, born man a man?”
If they dare say yes, career ends right there.
The two generations growing up knowing nothing about peace!
Elites won’t have any nonsense even remotely talking about peace.
This is for Guilherme and Batiushka
An attempt was made to rescue the royal family and bring them back to England. This is confirmed in Nicholas’ diary (he was packing his bag and looking forward to coming to England), and in Pierre Gilliard’s diary, he states that the bolsheviks had discovered the plot by the British to rescue the family.
On discovery of the plot, Lenin immediately ordered their execution:
The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime
Bolshevik authorities at first reported that the Romanov emperor had been shot **** after the discovery of a plot to liberate him.**** For some time the deaths of the Empress and the children were kept secret. Soviet historians claimed for many years that local Bolsheviks had acted on their own in carrying out the killings, and that Lenin, founder of the Soviet state, had nothing to do with the crime.
In 1990, Moscow playwright and historian Edvard Radzinsky announced the result of his detailed investigation into the murders. He unearthed the reminiscences of Lenin’s bodyguard, Alexei Akimov, who recounted how he personally delivered Lenin’s execution order to the telegraph office. The telegram was also signed by Soviet government chief Yakov Sverdlov. Akimov had saved the original telegraph tape as a record of the secret order.
David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington: “The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.”
The Netherlands’ ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke, made much the same point a few months later: “Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.”
“The Bolshevik Revolution,” declared a leading American Jewish community paper in 1920, “was largely the product of Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
As an expression of its radically anti-nationalist character, the fledgling Soviet government issued a decree a few months after taking power that made anti-Semitism a crime in Russia. The new Communist regime thus became the first in the world to severely punish all expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment. Soviet officials apparently regarded such measures as indispensable. Based on careful observation during a lengthy stay in Russia, American-Jewish scholar Frank Golder reported in 1925 that “because so many of the Soviet leaders are Jews anti-Semitism is gaining [in Russia], particularly in the army [and] among the old and new intelligentsia who are being crowded for positions by the sons of Israel.”
My grandfather was one of men sent to bring the family back. He was in the 1/9 Hampshire Cycle Division. The cycle division was not deemed fit for active service abroad so were confined to coastal duty. However, they volunteered for service abroad when asked. He went to India first and was then sent to Ekaterinburg but they arrived too late. They sailed back home via Vancover, Canada.
From the war diary:
“change in temperature from 116 degrees in the shade to 58 degrees below zero. They left Bombay, called at Ceylon, Straits Settlements and China. At one time there were over 300 sick on the boat, and the hospital accommodation held 12. Landed at Vladivostock. Quartered in Russian Cavalry Barracks. Fitted out with Arctic clothing as fast as possible and proceeded into the interior to Omsk, some 4,000 miles journey. Proceeded to Ekaterinburg (foot of Ural Mountains). Temperature reached 50 degrees below zero. Four thousand miles from base and depended upon Vladivostock for supplies and reinforcements.”
“5 December 1919 – Battalion disembarked at Southampton after travelling about 45,000 miles and being overseas three years and nine months.”
This is from an obituary in the Times:
Hamilton Howgrove-Graham was commissioned as Captain in the 1/9 Hampshire Regiment (T). After some time in India, his battalion was sent in 1918 to Siberia in an attempt to help White Russian resistance to the revolution. With scanty communication and little information as to what was happening elsewhere in Russia this small force travelled across Siberia to the Ural Mountains. In the course of this Howgrave-Graham and 20 men were cut off by the Red army. They escaped in commandeered sledges across the snow-covered steppes and eventually rejoined their battalion at Omsk with no serious casualties. In the spring of 1919 an Anglo-Russian Brigade of 5,000 Siberian peasant was raised and of this force Howgrave-Graham was brigade major. Incidentally, he became one of the few Englishmen ever admitted to the Community of Cossacks as an Essaoul (captain). However, the rapid advance of the Red Army from European Russia soon led to the abandonment, and after a long and perilous journey, the Hampshire battallion managed to get through to Vladivostok where they embarked for England.”
They all loved the Russians they met and used to perform cycle displays for them, which the Russians loved. Because of his size, my grandfather used to climb to the top of the cycle pyramid. We used to have a photo of him at the top of the cycle pyramid in Russia somewhere. They also used to hold regular tea dances and invite the Russians who used to laugh at the potty Englishmen dancing together.
All but one returned from the 1/9th Hampshire Cyclists. I don’t think any of them were expected to return.