By Batiushka for The Saker Blog
The First and Second Incarnations of Russia
The Russian Lands existed for well over a thousand years before 2022 and took on many highly significant political and geographical forms. These could be described at another time; here we do not have space. However, in the last 300 years, between 1721 and 24 February 2022, they had known only two incarnations: The Russian Empire (1721-1917), and the Soviet Union with the Post-Soviet Russian Federation (1917-2022). The USSR and its totalitarian faults are fairly well known in the West, but even here the West still refuses to believe in the many ‘Soviet’ social virtues, its free medicine, education and culture, which were all inherited from the Empire. The West has blinded itself with its own anti-Russian (disguised as anti-Communist) propaganda. The continuation of a weakened USSR in the Post-Soviet Federation was initially loved by the West, as it was its own creation. Indeed, in many respects the post-Soviet Federation appeared to have adopted the worst of the West and rejected the best of the Soviet Union. By reaction, some suggested that the Federation should return to the USSR. That was never on the agenda. That was an experiment that had failed. On the other hand, the idea that the Federation would become just another Western chimpanzee like Japan was never going to happen either. The Russian Lands have their own identity, their own civilisation.
On the other hand, the Russian Empire is virtually unknown in the West, as the West still believes its own ignorance and lies about it. After all it was the West which destroyed it, with the help of internal traitors and decadent aristocrats, who cruelly exploited the poor and so guaranteed the fall of the Empire. Unsurprisingly, many of these traitors soon afterwards emigrated to the West, given the disaster that they had created in Russia with Western backing. We will therefore spend some time below disillusioning those who still believe in the racist Western/Soviet propaganda stereotypes of ‘tyrannical Asiatic autocracy’, ‘backward obscurantism’, which kept its people in a state of poverty and ignorance. The condescending West said: ‘If only they had been like us clever Western people, all would have been well’. We will look at these realities (1) firstly because they are so little known and many still actually believe in the myths, and secondly because the positive aspects of the pre-Revolutionary Empire are at the heart of the USSR and will also be at the heart of today’s Third Incarnation (see further). Below we look at the real Russian Empire.
The Economy
In the 20 years before 1917 the population of the Empire increased by 62 million, some 50%. It was a time when industrialisation and modernisation accelerated very sharply. National income and productivity increased at a rate unrivalled anywhere else in the world and the budget increased threefold. Personal taxation in the Russian Empire was half the level of that in France and Germany and a quarter of that in Great Britain.
Average earnings were higher than those in any Western European country, less only than those in the USA. Prices were among the lowest in the world and inflation and unemployment were practically non-existent. Thanks to the monetary reform that the Tsar personally insisted on carrying out in 1897, the rouble was guaranteed by gold. The Empire had the largest gold reserves in the world and the Russian gold rouble remains one of the safest investments in the world.
Between 1890 and 1913 GNP increased fourfold. There was a fourfold increase in the extraction of coal and the production of cast iron, and a fivefold increase in that of copper. Between 1911 and 1914 investment in engineering increased by 80% and electrification had begun in many cities. In 1901 the USA extracted 9.9 million tons of oil, Russia 12.1 million tons. Between 1908 and 1913 productivity surpassed that of the USA, Great Britain and Germany. The Empire was the biggest exporter of textiles and one of the biggest of metals and engineering. Russia was on course to becoming the leading world economy by 1950, surpassing both Europe and the USA.
Infrastructure and Agriculture
The Trans-Siberian Railway was completed at the insistence of the last Tsar despite opposition. In 20 years the length of railways and telegraph networks doubled, indeed, the rate of railway construction was one of the highest in the world, the later Soviet rate being a mere fraction of it. Its locomotives were among the best in the world. This was why armoured trains appeared in Russia. The largest fleet of river ships in the world doubled in tonnage during that period. The plane industry was on a par with that of the American.
The car industry was in a similar situation to the German, Russian cars winning races at rallies in Monte Carlo and San Sebastian. Indeed, Mercedes and Daimler engines were invented by the Russian engineer Boris Lutskoy. Pre-Revolutionary Russia also invented: the wireless telegraph, the helicopter, the television, cine-news, the tramway, hydroelectric power stations, the electric plough, the submarine, the parachute, the radio, the electron microscope, the powder fire extinguisher, the astronomical clock, the seismograph, the electric omnibus, the flying boat, the icebreaker, the motorcycle, the airship and double-decker railway carriages.
Thanks to the Agrarian Reform, by 1914 100% of usable land in Asian Russia and 90% in European Russia belonged to the people. The Empire was the biggest exporter of cereals, flax, eggs, milk, butter, meat and sugar in the world. The wheat harvest was one third larger than that of the USA, Canada and Argentina combined. Cereal production doubled during the reign and the number of cattle increased by 60%. The Empire was also first in the world for the numbers of horses, cows, sheep and one of the biggest for the numbers of pigs and goats.
Social Justice, Health and Education
From June 1903 all employers in the Russian Empire were obliged to pay benefit and pension to all employees and their families who had suffered an accident. This amounted to between 50% and 66% of their salary. Trade Unions were formed in 1906 and from June 1912 compulsory health insurance at work was introduced to cover illness or accident. Social insurance legislation was introduced before other European countries and the USA. The US President William Taft declared that: ‘Your Emperor has created such perfect labour legislation which no democratic state can boast of’.
In 1898 the Empire introduced a universal medical welfare system that cost the tiny sum of one rouble per year. The Swiss hygienist Friedrich Erismann praised this system as ‘the greatest achievement in the world in the field of social medicine’. Russia was third in the world for the number of its doctors. The Tsar personally insisted on introducing economic reforms and measures against alcohol abuse, often in spite of the Duma. Alcohol consumption per head was one of the lowest in the world and the lowest in Europe outside Norway. In 1913 the number of mentally ill was 187 in every 100,000, compared to 5,598 per 100,000 in the Russian Federation in 2013. The number of suicides in the Empire was 4.4 per 100,000. In the Russian Federation in 2012 it was 19.5 and 12.1 in the USA.
Compulsory primary education was introduced in 1908, over a generation later than in the West. However, by 1916 literacy in the Empire had already reached 85%. By 1914 there were 150,000 students studying at university institutions. In terms of numbers of students the Russian Empire was joint third in the world with Great Britain. Another 300 million roubles was spent in 1913 on country schools, a budget up from 70 million in 1894. In less than 20 years the education budget rose by 628%. By 1913 there were 130,000 schools in the Empire with 6 million pupils. All education, primary, secondary and tertiary, was free.
The Internal Situation
The pogroms of the late nineteenth century and very early twentieth century, basically race riots, led to the deaths of nearly 3,000 people, about half of them Non-Jews and about half of them Jews. Similar to the Catholic-Protestant race riots in Northern Ireland in the late 20th century, some were started by one side, others by the other. There is no recorded instance of them being encouraged by the State, which built many large synagogues for the Jewish population. None of the pogroms occurred in Russia, but only in what are now Lithuania, Poland, the west of the Ukraine and Moldova. Many Jews lived there because they had been chased out of Western Europe by Anti-Semitism centuries earlier. Sadly, Western propaganda on this subject is still widely believed in the West. It is notable that where the race riots took place were the same places as where the Nazis received help from the local population when they invaded from 1941 onwards.
Another piece of Western/Soviet mythology is the ‘Bloody Sunday’ march in 1905. In this event it was revolutionaries who opened fire and troops defended themselves. There were 130 victims – not 5,000, as invented by Western propaganda. All victims were given immediate medical care. The Tsar was not even in the city at the time. When he learned of it, horrified, he sacked the officials who should have been in charge and at once gave each family that had suffered the enormous sum of 50,000 roubles from his personal money.
Crime was lower than in Western Europe and the USA. In 1908 56 people per 100,000 were imprisoned. In the Soviet Union in 1949 the figure was 1,537 per 100,000 and in the Russian Federation in 2011, 555, with 724 per 100,000 in the USA in the same year. There was a free press and freedom of speech, unlike in the West where strict ‘editorial policies’ (= censorship) were pursued. The Tsar never rejected a single petition for pardon. Fewer death penalties were carried out during his whole reign than in any single day in the Soviet Union until the death of Stalin.
International Relations
The Hague International Tribunal of Justice, suggested in 1898 to prevent wars, but derided by other European leaders, was the personal brainchild of Tsar Nicholas. If it had been implemented as he had wanted, there would never have been any First World War, let alone later wars. Thus, those who had derided it, notably the British and the Germans, signed their own death warrants.
When in February 1904 Japan, urged on, financed and armed to the teeth by the geopolitical imperialists of Great Britain and the USA, treacherously attacked the small and poorly-armed Russian Navy without first declaring war (as it later did at Pearl Harbour), it only took the non-militaristic Russian Empire eighteen months to recover. However, instead of continuing the war and crushing the by then bankrupt Japan militarily, Russia entered peace negotiations, but imposed such terms at the talks in the USA that Japan, forced to agree to them, went into mourning.
During the Great Patriotic War (as the First World War was then known) the Tsar constantly visited the Front. After less than a year, in 1915, given the incompetence of the former supreme commander, his arrogant and foul-mouthed uncle, he took on supreme command, against the advice of all, showing his strength of will. Russia began winning the greatest victories of the War, advancing huge distances and taking huge numbers of prisoners, for example the Tsar Nicholas Offensive, euphemistically known in the West as the ‘Brusilov Offensive’. This was undreamed of by the jealous Western Allies, who were bogged down in immobile and bloody trench warfare, where millions were dying. On the Russian Front, facing far more enemy troops, deaths amounted to fewer than 700,000.
The Armed Forces
In 1914 the Russian Empire was able to 2,000 engineers to help the USA at its request to set up a heavy armaments industry. The Russian Air Force, founded in 1910, was by 1917 the largest in the world, with 700 planes and by 1917 the Russian Navy, reformed and modernised after the dreadnought-armed Japan’s victories, was one of the strongest in the world. Had it not been for the treason of the Allies, of most of the aristocracy and many in the middle class, historians consider that Russia would have occupied Vienna and Berlin in 1917, thus ending the murderous war at least a year early and saving millions of lives. Over 95% of the 2,417,000 captured enemy soldiers returned home safely after the War.
Only 39% of males aged between 15-49 were mobilised in the Russian Empire, as against 81% in Germany, 79% in France, 74% in Austro-Hungary, 72% in Italy and 50% in Great Britain. Per 100,000 of its population, the Empire lost 11 people, as against 34 in France, 31 in Germany, 18 in Austria and 16 in Great Britain. (Reported very high Russian losses are propaganda myths of the anti-Russian West). The military reform was creating one of the strongest and best-equipped armies in the world, which would have been the best by 1917 if Germany had not started the First World War. It was the officers trained in the Imperial Army who in their forties and fifties won the Second World War.
Church Affairs and Culture
By 1913 the Russian Orthodox Church had 67,000 churches and 1,000 monasteries. It had great influence in the Holy Land, Asia and seventeen Russian churches had been built in Western Europe. The Tsar personally paid for the building of St Nicholas Cathedral in New York and ensured that the number of bishops in North America went from one to three. In 1916 there were plans to make sure that every Western capital would have a church and that the service-books of the Church would be translated into all the main Western languages.
Russian culture went through a period known as the Silver Age, with developments in science, philosophy, art, architecture, music and literature. The French writer Paul Valery stated that Russian culture at the beginning of the 20th century was ‘one of the wonders of the world’. Two of the five founders of Hollywood came from Russia. Chanel No 5 was invented by the Russian émigré Verigin.
The Third Incarnation
So much for the little-known past. Of course, there were many iniquities in the Russian Empire. Otherwise, it would not have fallen. The corruption of the parasitic aristocratic class (oligarchs) and the neglect of the working poor were too great. The gap was too large and the Tsar’s move to social justice did not go fast enough to keep pace with the challenges of rapid industrialisation. However, the positive aspects of the Empire and its huge advances and industrialisation, were retained by the Soviet Union. Despite the huge step backward wrought by the Civil War, Bolshevik persecution and artificial famines, by 1930 the USSR was back where Russia had been in 1916. Only in the last generation since the fall of the Soviet Union have those positive aspects been threatened. However, we will talk no more of the past, but of the future, of Russia’s Third Incarnation, of post-24 February 2022 Russia, the New Russia. This Incarnation has realised that it must keep the best of all previous Incarnations in order to survive and to move forward.
We are able to speak of this now only since the campaign of liberation of the Ukraine began on 24 February. Initially, this was launched to free only the Donbass and prevent the planned NATO-sponsored attack on it, set for early March 2022. This liberation campaign has been so successful that it has had to be extended. It seems certain now that all of Novorossiya (the east and south of the Ukraine) will be liberated, enabling Transdnestria to join the Russian Federation. However, given the continued aggression of the rest of the Ukraine and NATO threats from elsewhere, Russian military success may have to be extended.
Until the whole of the Ukraine is demilitarised, and it is continually being remilitarised by the West, the liberation cannot stop. Moreover, with potential threats from NATO-armed Poland and Lithuania towards Kaliningrad and from Romania towards Moldova, from arms shipments from Bulgaria, Slovakia, the Czech Lands and the Baltic States, especially from the US puppet-government in Lithuania, with threats from Sweden and Finland to join NATO, where will it stop? The West has to be freed from Nazism/woke liberalism (it is the same thing. As they say: there is nothing so intolerant as liberalism). True, Germany, France and Italy, their economies crippled by US-imposed, anti-Russian sanctions, are showing reason. This is unlike the laughable bluster coming from the militarily feeble Johnson-regime in the UK, which may well be toppled by popular internal discontent and a wave of strikes.
The Global Implications of the Third Incarnation of Russia
However, it is the economic aspect, with its international dedollarisation, of the Third Incarnation of Russia which is truly world-changing. In the light of the speech of Vladimir Putin at the Saint Petersburg Economic Forum of June 2022, we can say that Russia is returning to its historic path. It wants to leave aside the errors of the past, become a sovereign nation again and no longer be a Western colony. This is unlike the EU, which is clearly just a US vassal, both economically and politically. The future world order will be formed only by strong sovereign states, independent of the dollar and the massive debts of Western countries. These have been caused by their inflationary printing of money that is not based on real commodities such as cereals, oil, gas, minerals, metals, rare earth elements, fertilisers, timber, manufactured goods and gold.
The break with the West and the ‘obsolete geopolitical illusions’ of its elite’s superiority complex, essentially a form of Nazism, is irreversible. Russia will invest in internal economic development in microeconomic and macroeconomic terms, ensuring ‘technological sovereignty’ (which means for instance that Russia already has unique hypersonic missiles), encouraging free enterprise against bureaucracy, improving infrastructure, but also ensuring social justice, fighting against poverty and supporting the family, encouraging far more ‘families to have two, three or more children’. The ideal of social conservatism together with social justice is what is intended. Russia will also help nations in Africa and the Middle East to avoid Western-imposed famine. True, this is an ambitious programme for the future, but this Third Incarnation of Russia is beginning now.
1. As the definitive statistical source, compiled by my friend A. A. Borisiuk, see The History of Russia Which They Ordered to be Forgotten, Veche, 2018. This for the first time conveniently collates all Pre-Revolutionary, Soviet and Emigré Statistics (in Russian).
Si todas esas bondades tenia el zarismo ¿por que fue borrado del mapa por la revolucion de octubre?
If tsarism had all these benefits, why was it erased from the map by the October revolution?
It seems to me that it is abundantly clear that the “Russian revolution” was a project of the Anglos, just as in these decades, the color revolutions, Arab springs, insurrections, the Islamic state, etc.
The Anglo Zionists + the Vatican have never given up in their desire to subdue Russia and the Slavs in general, because they do not submit to the Vatican heresy.
(By the way, the most Russophobic of the Russophobes, are the Slavs captured by the Vatican, for example, Poland, Croatia, Western Ukraine…)
Since when has the Vatican been part of Masonic conspiracies against Russia?
Russia has suffered from the communists the greatest anti-Christian persecution in history since Roman times: 100,000 religious assassinated and thousands of churches destroyed, followed in second place by the Catholic Church in the world (La Cristiada, Mexico; the Spanish Civil War , current China)
It is true that with Pope Francis the great Masonic and LGTBXYZ infiltration within the Church has been discovered because now they do not even hide
Since the Iconoclasm, give or take a decade.
Rather since the ‘West’ adopted the principle of returning to ‘Veritas hebraica’
as the superior one in the interpretation of the Old Testament instead of the Septuagint.
Which iconoclasm? 700s ? 800s? These happened in the (Greek) Eastern Roman empire before the official adoption of orthodox Christianity – originally known simply as Christianity – in Russia in 988. The West has always been envious and destructive toward the East, today a the broad band of Orthodox nations stretching from the North Pole to the Horn of Africa, Eritrea. This band of original faith separates western Europe from Asia. They hate us. (Written from Greece)
From about a thousand years ago.
You reinforce what I affirm.
Unfortunately they didn’t have the internet back then or satellites, however, you can be certain it was a western-zionist inspired assassination.
Batiushka, I look forward to and follow all of your essays on The Saker’s website. They’re excellent. How about letting us know more about you … who you are with your bio.
Other than that: QED … Quad erat demonstrandum! “That which was to be proved has been proven.” I and others understand everything you say as it strips the official Western narratives of their callous illusions.
No more can be said and no greater compliments can be extended. A+ work!
Informate, el bolche fue financiado por banqueros norteamericanos, y manejada por revolucionarios importados, haciendo uso de miles de mercenarios terroristas balticos y chinos, deja de comerte la propaganda roja de una vez.
Be informed, the bolsheh was financed by US bankers, and managed by imported revolutionaries, making use of thousands of Baltic and Chinese terrorist mercenaries, stop eating the red propaganda once and for all.
Parabéns Batiushka. Que bom saber da História tantas coisas que nos foram por tanto tempo sonegados aqui no ocidente.
Congratulations Batiushka. It’s good to know about history so many things that have been withheld from us for so long here in the west.
Thanks. Like seeing Russia with new eyes, now I understand where the great writers came from.
Among the greatest, most creative of them all was Alexander Pushkin a Russian man of African origin a fact about which I feel endlessly proud, part English white and African myself
Additionally I see Russian encluragement for its citizens to have 3-4 and more childre of their very own, a return to larger families. Wonderful! Away from the genocidal Zionist impetus imposed on a globalizaing world and…no more losing its its soverieignty to the Khazars.
And I imagine that the Russian nation unlike the Americans relative to Kennedy can keep Putin and his crowd alive, prortected from western assasination
Thank you for this. I have been aware for some time from rather minimal revisionist sources that pre-revolutionary Russia was a far more wealthy and dynamic country than post-revolutionary Russian official history has tended to portray but seeing it laid out this way so succinctly is very helpful.
I especially like the way the author has summoned the best of Russia’s Imperial culture into the ongoing and future incarnation. So adaptation and development are encouraged – indeed vitally necessary – but the essential spirit of the nation’s people is invoked and enshrined in how the contemporary nation moves forward. This is as it should be for without tapping into the bedrock values and character of the nation it cannot go forward in any genuine way. And since all people want the best for themselves, family members and fellow citizens when properly attuned by a fundamentally decent and uplifted polity there is no reason why they cannot make a decent, moral, uplifted, sane, cultured and joyful society.
Of course it’s not all love, light and roses. But there is huge potential in every people (the potential that used to be, ideally, embodied in the person of an enlightened monarch) and it has been some time since modern cultures have sought to really bring this out fully. I hope this is the path Russia is now embarking on as the author is suggesting.
Impressive information.
(bless the internet)
I was going to say “no comment”, but in reality this article clearly denotes how information is captured in the West, and how they keep us ignorant of what is really going on.
(And I suspect that all the wars have been to try to subjugate and humiliate Russia…, using Europeans as poodles)
Should Russia manage to keep its head while all around them and from afar, all others are losing theirs, then this and next century is looking mighty fine for them. Sky’s the limit!
Any western Government looking to poke the Bear is acting against the interests of the People and should be terminated forthwith.
Seems like an eternity, a decade and a half or so actually since cutting my teeth on Zero-Hedge in the heady world of geopolitics that this Domino-Chain Action of events would be played out. Judging by the very recent elections in South America and Europe and the meagre 4/55 African Leaders who tuned into Zelensky’s Vagina Monologues, the tide’s turning with real, not fake, green-shoots on the horizon.
many points of information I had – zero – idea or understanding of
there has been a complete blackout of what this Country is about despite their accomplishments
I hope Russia wins this Existential Battle !
G’day gabon 45,
Russia has already won its ‘Existential Battle’.
The only issue now is how many Russians are sufficiently awake and aware to follow Putin and his supporters into ‘the Promised Land’ during stasis. DITTO for the rest of us.
”Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God”.
Doesn’t Tsar Nicholas deserved to be sainted, if only for the creation of Hague Convention?
Tzar Nicholas II was sainted in 2000.
Excellent article.
It is sad one must come to this site to learn real history but such is life in the dying zionist empire.
Thanks for your great work.
Thank you for the inside of the history of Russia. Never was this told in schools here in Canada and where I grown up in Switzerland. We only heard that the communists are the devils on this planets. Never heard of all the achievements the Russian Nation has accumulated before we here in the West had the same or similar things. I grew up in Switzerland and I know how much a family pays for healthcare. Here in British Columbia Canada we are fortunate to have a healthcare that is for every person and is paid through the taxes. I hope we all will find a way out of this from the West instigated toxic way.
G’day Walter,
Arguably the Khazarian Bolsheviks and their ilk were/are the ‘devils on this planet’. Many communists are merely “useful idiots” and shabbos goys.
The Rus eliminated the demonic Khazarian empire in the 11th century and Christian Russians shook off the demonic Khazarian Bolshevik yoke again in the mid 1970s; See Dr Peter David Beter’s Audio Letters at See especially Audio Letter #26
And Audio Letter #34, Topic 1 and various following Audio Letters:
Finally, in 2000 AD President Putin and his supporters retook control of Russia yet again from Wall Street Khazarian Bolshevik banksters, many of whom had fled to the US, killing the Rockefellers and taking control of the Pentagon and much of the Rockefellers’ US control apparatus in the late 1970s.
Ah yes, the “English conspiracy”. (That such a thing works only if there is something rotten in the state, one does not seem to consider).
The empire had lost the war against Japan in 1905 why?
And why did the people take to the streets in 1905? Because of the climate?
And who murdered Stolpyn?
And why did he fail with his reforms, at least partly?
And how was the military situation on the (Russian) western front at that time?
And what was the situation with the food supply?
And who instigated the “revolution” in February 1917?
(Strangely enough, no distinction is ever made).
Economic figures are not everything – moreover, they are always relative.
Without the Bolsheviks, the empire would have broken apart already then. Just look at the Ottoman Empire.
Incidentally, Michael Hudson recently: (
But they still made progress through the balance of the 19th century. By the time World War I broke out in 1914, it looked like the world was moving towards socialism. Almost everybody in the 19th century, across the political spectrum, whatever you were advocating was called socialism.
Socialism and strong government as the program of post-rentier industrial capitalism
At the broadest level, socialism meant collecting economic rent and getting rid of the landlords and the aristocracy, either by taxing away rent or nationalizing land and natural monopolies, in hope that that by itself would create a viable industrial economy. you had libertarian socialism, Marxist socialism, anarchist socialism, industrial socialism and Christian socialism. Almost every reformer wanted that as a label. The question is, what kind of socialism were are you going to have?
“Liberals” can’t do history and the sad thing: neither can conservatives.
Funnily enough, “socialism” worked in Russia precisely because of some “peculiarities” because of which old Marx considered a socialist revolution there impossible.
He favored the most advanced, but arch-liberal England, and in the end, they loved Darwin there for that very reason.
And liberalism and socialism, that does not go at all. …
“Ah yes, the ‘English conspiracy’. (That such a thing works only if there is something rotten in the state, one does not seem to consider).”
The British since the 1700s excelled in introducing rot in states, funding and encouraging all sorts of irrational cults and isms.
The reason Marx ‘favoured’ England was simply because he was employed in their service. Favoured british imperialism just like later Alfred Milner who also asserted he was a socialist.
Palmerstons Britain was busy causing unrest everywhere just like the anglosaxon empire does in our time.
Just consider the rot they have introduced in european peoples minds today!
The Empire didn’t lose the war with Japan.
G’day Humml,
If you are inferring that the Jew’s Bolshevik Coup mislabelled as the Russian Revolution in 1917 was due to oppression of the Russian masses in an agrarian society, by Tsar Nichiolas II, I disagree.
The Khazarians murdered Stolpyn thus crippling the reforms he proposed. Then, in their guise as Jewish bankers in London and New York, they organised, funded and sent hundreds of Jewish terror organisers to Russia to lead the Coup. They also fomented revolution among disgruntled Russian other ranks military following the Japanese defeat of the Russian navy by Japan in 1905 and among the burgeoning worker proletariat in St Petersburg. Tsar Nicholas II also allowed Jews to move from the Pale of Settlement into major Russian cities where Jewish children received free education. They repaid that benevolence by fomenting revolution in the universities despite the fact that Imperial Russia was very progressive for that era. See eg: The Truth About Imperial Russia –
Very interesting details, is there a link to the book or the material in which this was compiled?
Thank you.
From its inception, the British and French (through the Rothschild banks) contrived to break up the United States. Although officially neutral during the US civil war, they actively supported the South with weapons and machinery. When Lincoln came looking for money to finance his war, the private banks offered Lincoln loans at exorbitant rates of interest (20+), sufficient to break the young nation. Lincoln’s response was the Greenback and money guaranteed by the US government. While the British and French were trying to undermine the whole United States, two nations defended the Union, Germany and Russia
For Germany’s Bismark, ” The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilization.”
Russia sent her fleet to New York and San Francisco.
“All of a sudden, when events seemed to be at their worst for the North, a ray of sunshine came over the horizon. The Russian fleet had arrived in New York and San Francisco harbors. It was the saving grace the Union needed. Oliver Wendell Holmes, referring to Alexander sending the Russian fleet to America, said he was “our friend when the world was our foe.” In Europe and the American Civil War, Donaldson Jordan and Edwin Pratt claim that “Europe and the North saw this visit of the Russian fleet as a significant demonstration of Russian friendship for the Union in its hour of need.” The incident had a lasting impact on Russian-American relations.
The arrival of the fleet delighted the Lincoln administration. Thomas Bailey claims that “the morale of the United States received a definite boost at a time when it needed stimulants . . . . ” An excerpt from the diary of Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles is an example of the jubilation felt by many Americans. He writes that:
In sending them [the fleet] to this country there is something significant. What will be its effect on France and the French policy we shall learn in due time. It may be moderate; it may exasperate. God bless the Russians. ”
The president sent Mrs. Lincoln with other dignitaries to New York to greet the Russians. The president’s wife drank a toast to the czar. The New York Sun wrote that Mrs. Lincoln’s visit with the Russians was important because Russia was “the only European power that has maintained a hearty sympathy with the United States during our present troubles.” The New York Herald commented that “Mrs. Lincoln knew what she was doing” because she knew it would create “a hearty response throughout the country.” Mrs. Lincoln’s toast was symbolic of the new hope felt by the Union with the arrival of the Russian fleet.
In the 1860s, people knew the private central banks were the real power behind England and France and the constant source of trouble on the continent (polish civil war) and around the world
Shame most Americans do not realize this today.
Spasiba for this eye opener. Learning a lot from you. The realisation sinks in that we have been brain washed for so long. Here there be enlightenment. Thank you.
I find it interesting to read depictions of the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire of the late 1800s & early 1900s & its progress in so many different fields & sectors. It is a curiosity to me that analysts, such as Andrei Martyanov, who I greatly respect, are among those who reminisce fondly about the Soviet Union & believe that had it not been for the Soviet Union, Russia would have ceased to exist in the 20th century, due to the fact that under the Tsar, the Russian Empire was so backward & underdeveloped it would have been swamped by the west, one way or another. But then you read assessments like in this article, & get a very different picture. So which one was it? If I had a way of posing this question to people like Martyanov I would, unfortunately, for some reason, I can’t post comments on his blog, Disqus won’t let me, don’t know why. But that is besides the point, I don’t get it. Why are there Russian patriots out there, the ones who think positively of the Soviet Union, who propagate the notion that the Russian Empire prior to 1917 was a – to use a Donald Trump term – third world s**t hole? My sense is that this is pro-Bolshevik propaganda, but you will often hear these folk refer to their own family experience & how they lived in abject poverty in Tsarist times, but in the Soviet period they greatly prospered. I don’t know, I do not have enough information or knowledge about Russia to be able to make an objective assessment. My own sense, when I read articles like this, is that the Russian Empire for the time, & for the circumstances it was in, in terms of size, population & so forth, was making steady progress, if not impressive progress.
You know why there’s just so many people people still who are brainwashed by the “jews.” People in their subconscious are so convinced they’re like special chosen people of God that nothing they did or do would get some to think otherwise. Isreal commits all kinds of crimes yet ask peopke and tbeir response will be but they’re the chosen ones and the bible says tbey will be saved at some point. It’s sickening how well zionist propoganda has worked.
Reason for that is simple the West and its anti-Russian propaganda is very clever and seeps everywhere at every level, it is the same thing today as it was in the past and during the time of the Russian empire where Russia is continuously portrayed as backward and underdevelopped, in reality Russia was never a backward country it was always in the top 5 most developed countries in the world, Western Europe up until the industrial revolution of the 19th century was more backward then Russia, the European powers up until that time mostly lived in divided feudal states for most of their history in a land devoid of natural ressources with practically no cities and no real industry and with heavy forms of repression where they coudnt consolidate their ressources to develop anything while in Russia they always had a multinational unified empire with hundreds of cities which is why they were always forced to import things from the orient which mostly means Russia, the Slavic territories and the Ottoman empire, in many respects even during the industrial revolution Russia was more advanced then the West in many fields of human rights, science and technological development also one thing that the West doesent take into account when assesing its state of development in relation to Russia in the 19th century is that it often ignores the underdevelopment of its colonies when assesing many of its wellbeing indicators.
G’day Srbalj,
In a world full of bullshit, the sanitary carter is king!
Imperial Russia was by far the leading nation in our world prior to its destruction by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) during WWI and the ‘Red Revolution’ in 1917.
As with general Western attitudes to Russia today; and everything else of merit in our world, our view of Tsars Alexander I and Nicholas II, AND of Imperial Russia, have been totally distorted and besmirched by the KM and their goons and globalist controllers. No surprises there. Just consider how the KM denigrates and castigates Putin and Russia today… or even President Trump for that matter. The only rulers and nations eulogised by KM controlled global governments, MSM, academia and their commentariat, are KM sycophants, enablers and shabbos goys.
Arguably the reason that today many Russians think of the Soviet Union as “the good old days” is that no one alive today experienced the bloody Red Revolution and Stalin’s famines and purges. They’re all dead or were so young that they had no idea of what actually happened prior to WWII, Putin included. Moreover, the Soviet Union that most Russians remember today was substantially de-Stalinised and humanised by the Christian sect that displaced the Bolsheviks in the Kremlin in the 1970s.
Most people are unaware of the fact that Christian Russians finally ousted the Jewish Bolsheviks from the Kremlin in the 1970s and thus Christians became the ‘ruling elite’, with the Bolshevik Jews fleeing to the US. See eg: Dr. Peter David Beter – Audio Letter No. 26 ff –
Thereafter Christians Russians in the Kremlin steadily unwound the Soviet Union’s Talmudic Bolshevik policies, encouraging the Orthodox religion and humanising governance arrangements. Putin knows the truth because he followed in the footsteps of Yuri Andropov and Yevgeny Primakov and the Christians who gradually transforming Bolshevik Communism into a form of Christian socialism throughout the 1970s and 1980s while the Bolsheviks fled to the US, killing and replacing the Rockefeller brothers and ousting and replacing much of their US control apparatus.
Criticising the Soviet Union as seeking demonic world domination after 1977 is completely belied by the facts. Repeating that mantra today evidences either ignorance or bias.
Unfortunately, the illness and death of Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko in the early 1980s led to the election of Mikhail Gorbachev in March 1985 and Gorbachev proved susceptible to Talmudic liberal bribery and propaganda. He also treasonously sold out Russia to Judaic Deep State influences as many in the the Russian elite did in 1917. As a consequence, during the 1990s, US financed Jewish thugs who became oligarchs were able to loot and destroy Russia stealing most of the Soviet Union’s accumulated wealth and taking ownership and control its infrastructure causing much misery and over seven million deaths before
Yeltsin finally ‘saw the light’ in 1999 and appointed Putin, first as Prime Minister and then as President, with instructions to save Russia
Putin became President in 2000. Thereafter Putin and Primakov were able to regain control of Russia for the benefit of Russians. See eg: Russia – Enemy Within: Declassified U.S. Documents Show Russian Oligarchs Supported NATO Expansion –—Enemy-Within-Declassified-U-S-Documents-Show-Russian-Oligarchs-Supported-NATO-Expansion.shtml
RUSSOPHOBIA: The Zio-Anglo-American Conspiracy to Conquer Russia Unravels in Real Time
Putin’s White Guard –
While it is true that the Wall Street funded Jewish oligarchic mafia in Russia looted most of the accumulated Soviet wealth and destroyed much of Russia’s industrial capacity in the 1990s; since regaining control of Russia in 2000, for the last 23 years Putin has steered the nation to growing industrial and economic prosperity. See eg: Made In Russia VIII –
What does Russia produce? 1.
What Does Russia Produce?:
Made In Russia SITREP IV:
Made in Russia V SITREP:
In history there is both light and darkness, with different time spans and eras more connected to bloodshed, and others that see peace, where growth and development in culture and technology take place more freely.
But also there are parallel times, where war and peace occur together, not necessary in equal measure, as quality is a factor of real development, but when great changes and upheaval in both culture and political life happen simultaneously.
Russian history is vast like its lands, multi- faceted, nuanced, and a controversial subject often. Bold, vigorous, fist thumping on the table discussions about, or lofty, rare, spiritually incisive ones, are out of fashion, to use a safe phrase..
It’s this type of article that saves me. A bit of hope and sense in the midst of a Hollywood created fantasy that diminishes any human effort in comparison to the great liberal crusade to destroy all decency and joy.
How dare we challenge the, not so, New World Order?
Thank you Batiushka, there seems a real wisdom in maintaining some anonymity in a world where to prove you are credible you get erased.
It’s ironic that all the “credible” sources mostly hide behind paywalls. Who pays for their crap, do they even need public funds, when their master’s pockets get filled from thin air?
No, instead it’s our stuff is so true you can’t afford to read it. It’s beyond your means to comprehend. Just park yourself in front of a TV, it will all become clear to you.
How was the Russian revolution successful, given the improving standards of living in Russia at the time? Genuine question.
Normal people are still stunned into inaction by psychopaths. Your question is similar to how can the Ukraine be led by Zionist controlled Nazis who at most make up 15% of the population, all the while the world thinks they are democratic? Bigger question, when do we grow up and quit repeating these mistakes?
Neeeeiiiinnnn…… this adulation overlooks a lot of things.
So pure sugar…… but without a pinch of salt even cake is not edible.
Spreading it so thick damages credibility.
Russia could never have defeated Germany.
Not because there were too few soldiers, but because their soldiers could never have equipped and armed.
Soldiers without weapons are… nothing.
In addition, Germany was really modern and a modern army also needs a modern society including a modern industry.
But Russia’s was not modern in large parts…… there a lot of people still worked in agriculture.
Of course they made progress, but catch up with Germany……yes in 70 years.
They never got close to the industry of…per se, much smaller Germany.
By the way, today Switzerland is the most industrialized country in the world.
We are only 8 million, but these 8 million produce twice as much as 8 million in Germany.
I have collected in the field of weapons for many years.
And with the Russians, it was always the case that they were never quite modern, the Russians bought a lot of different things from abroad and rarely achieved uniformity in equipment.
Nagant revolvers, Smith and Wesseon revolvers, pistols….
They bought all sorts of things that were developed in the states of Europe and the USA.
I only see a breakthrough with the T-34 shortly before the WW2.
There were other good tanks out there, but it was the balance of concept in the T-34 that mattered, and for the first time that was really true.
By the way, Switzerland has a very good collection of tanks.
It is that of the Fortress Full-Reuenthal…..
Switzerland had the money for armaments in the 1930s, but it was difficult to buy them back then, everyone was just arming.
But what we had….. we built fortresses for 100 years, and not like in Sevastopol…… but in the mountains.
I have an engineer in the family who worked on the inventory of the forts 35 years ago…… there were 55,000 objects.
When the 3-line rifle came along, the Mosin-Nagant….. it took 20 years for everyone to be equipped with it.
Well, they didn’t invent much themselves back then.
Defeat Germany, yes, but only in a multi-front war.
This succeeded in WWII because the USA made subsequent deliveries and set up two fronts in Italy and France.
I don’t mean to embarrass the Russians, but facts must remain facts.
The Stgw. 44. Missiles, glide bombs, acoustic Torpedoes, new diesel-electric submarines and even a hydrogen peroxide powered submarine….. the Walter submarine. Messerschmitt Jet fighters…….. All-wing aircraft…..
night vision devices……
Germany was simply the knowledge nation of the world.
As big idiots as the Germans are today, they were then… even if their government was criminal.
Well, Russia made progress then…… but that would have taken a long time.
Yes, I’m troubled to given some of the info i have come across over the years. i remember reading about the financial difficulties the great writer Dostoevsky suffered? He even gave casino capitalism [gambling} a try to gain or secure financial freedom to no avail?
Academia is full of fog no question that is why I’d give more credence to sitting down with the Lvov family about the why of their escape into the wilderness a fear that even kept them there? those who have actually suffered the blood sweat and tears of loss!
As for Germany wasn’t it Patton who after winning and seeing learning the truth said something to the effect that all we did was destroy a proud and industrious people.
How troubling is that for me after coming across this history I mean really take a gander again at these words and history and quotes by very in the know people, Dr. Cantelon included:
At the close of World War I, when the leaders of the Western world met in the beautiful Hall of Mirrors to sign the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was compelled to deliver up all the gold she possessed in the Reich Bank of the nation. It would not be long, however, before much of America’s gold would move back again to Germany and to western Europe.
In 1934, when legislation was passed prohibiting the American public from owning gold currency, the door was
left wide open to the foreign holders of American dollars to claim gold in exchange for their paper. But even before this international stage was set, Representative Louis T. McFadden (R-Pa.), Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, made statements on June 10 of 1932 which indicated America’s gold was already moving back to Europe. His statements were recorded in the Congressional Record and pages 140-174 in H. S. Kenan’s book entitled The Federal Reserve Bank. Representative McFadden speaks of those on the other side of the water with a strong banking “fence getting the currency of the Federal Reserve Banks-exchanging that currency for gold and transmitting the gold to the foreign confederates.”
McFadden named the dates on which America’s gold was shipped to Germany:
On April 27, 1932, $750 thousand in gold was sent to Germany. One week later another $300 thousand in
gold was shipped to Germany the same way. In the middle of May of that year, $12 million in gold was shipped to Germany… . Almost every week there was a shipment of gold to Germany-these shipments
are not made for profit. Representative McFadden referred also to the comments of Senator Elihu Root:
Long before we wake up from our dreams of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold which could
have kept us from catastrophe will have vanished, and no rate of interest will tempt it to return.
In his report to Congress, Louis McFadden asked the question,
Why should our depositors and our government be forced to finance the munition factories of Germany
and Soviet Russia?
Representative McFadden continued, Gold was taken from the entrusting American people and was sent to Europe. In the last several months $1,300,000,000 in gold has been sent to Europe every dollar of that gold once belonged to the people of United States and was unlawfully taken from them.
As I weighed the words of Louis McFadden and other Iawmakers, I also witnessed the fantastic scene of America’s vanishing gold. The record was unbelievable:
1949 – $24,500,000,000
1958 – $21 ,593,000,000
1959 – $20,478,483,000
1960- $19,420,997,000
196l – $ 17,667,587,000
1962-$15,997 ,647,000
1965 – $ 13,733,000,000
On and on the gold drain went, unabated. Then came the crisis in the spring of 1968. We were living in Europe at that particular time. On March 14, hysterical crowds of people crowded, screamed, and scrambled their ways to the windows of the banks of England, and to the bank windows of the sub-basements of Paris to exchange their paper for gold. On one single day, the crude and the cultured, the peer and the peasant, carried off 200 tons of the precious metal. They stored it in secret places of their homes and deposited it in various banks in strongboxes labeled with fictitious names.
On that day Senator Everett Dirksen in conversation with Secretary of the Treasury Fowler, William McChesney Martin, and a dozen other senators said,
We have reached the bottom of the barrel.
It seemed like only yesterday when I spoke on monetary matters when America had $26 billion in gold in her treasuries. By June 30 of 1971, it had been reduced to $10.5 billion. Cantelon 1971
So with quotes like these Id say we are looking at something so diabolical that the human mind as someone famously said “it repels the mind” that it could even be possible?
Curtis B. Dall 1968:
“They are driving toward complete control of the worlds long range monetary policy and principal world markets for their own profit. They foment foreign wars to aid this objective.”
I don’t think they liked to much the Christmas truce of WW1 and that right there is for me the key to everything!!!
Christians need to start doing what the early Christians did. Christ is our Lord not Caesar!!!!
The age old Patriotic spirit of Russia in it’s modern incarnation:
The Popular Front and the Solovyov Live TV channel began a big marathon “Truth is behind us! Everything for the Victory!
The military who are fighting neo-Nazism in the Donbass and Ukraine really need support, and above all, moral support. On the portals “Everything for Victory” and “For us the truth” there is a special section “Words of support for the fighters”, where you can write a text message for Russian military personnel and militias of the Republics of Donbass. And in the publics of the project “For Us the Truth” in the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki – an audio message.
The servicemen of the armies of the LPR and DPR also need material support, because the young republics do not have enough resources to purchase the necessary things: from quadrocopters to uniforms, bulletproof vests and berets.
The best military journalists of Russia, musicians, actors, athletes and other famous people of the country are in charge of fundraising for specific units. You can help the soldiers of Donbass with money or find out where to bring things on the website of the Popular Front project “Everything for Victory”:
Join the support marathon, make your contribution to the Victory!
Which fog is thicker and more disorienting, that of war or that of history itself?
Either way, fog always clouds our clarity. Many times it treacherously induces us to project our vision onto it, instead of trying to see beyond it.
Everything then becomes confused. Past, present and future become incomprehensible. This is how paths get lost.
For Russia, there is a hard reckoning with its past. This will be the burden of victory in Ukraine. All the illusions caused by fog must be overcome.
Or once again Russia will defeat itself.
By the way “A Third Incarnation of Russia” I experienced a first today at lunch at a nearby restaurant. I finished a glass of water and to my surprise I see the word Russia spelled out in glass at the bottom of the glass? Along with that word was also the word Ikea. What i said to myself Ikea and Russia? Upon closer inspection the full statement was IKEA Made in Russia. No way I yelled to the surprise of the waitress.
Fantastic! I have always loved your writings on your immensely valuable website.
I have learned so much even after a lifetime of focused study of historical material,
most of which is now recognized as being jealously censored and suppressed.
I myself refer to the November 1917 coup d’etat (an act of treason in wartime?)
as the “Anti-Russian Revolution”, leading to the attempted destruction of Russian society
and the Russian Orthodox Church, language, education, way of life — the very textbook
example of actual genocide, as defined.
G’day Seraphim,
I agree.
The author of the article displays a woeful ignorance of Abraham Lincoln.
The Great Patriotic War for Russia was the Second world war, not that one of 1914-1918.
Russia with the Soviet Union became the Second Power of the world in less than 30 years against all the odds and the permanent menace of the developed capitalist countries. And despite the fail of the Soviet union, Russian people still in possession of their lands and their country thanks to that socialist experience. To say something different is to negate history and actual reality .
The Russian people are in possession of their lands ; not thanks to the Bolsheviks; but thanks to Patriarch Aleksy the Second ; who convinced the Russian Army in 1992 to back Yeltsin’s attempts to establish a decent Nation ; in spite of the Hardliners.
Batiushka, fabulous article with superjj interesting information few in the west are aware of. Russia for many years had made great progress up until 1914. Could you please write an article were you explain why Russia lost the war, capitulating in 1917, and what led to the revolution. I am getting the impression the Bolshevik takeover in November 1917 had a lot of critical foreign support (money from New York bankers, the Germans letting Lenin return, etc.).