We encountered a technical issue on The Saker Blog. This necessitated a system restore back to yesterday morning. Herb informs me that it is the first time on our production system in seven years.
While we catch up on all the articles posted yesterday, and the new ones for today, I leave you with an open thread.
The serious Ukraine watchers, please sitrep for us the situation as of this morning while I keep myself busy with restoration work on articles and Herb picks up post-restore issues including an assessment if we can recover all comments from yesterday.
Amarynth & Herb
Thanks for update
I was worried.
Moi aussi.
Ils verront bien si c’est juste technique ou s’il y a autre chose.
Another update for all to understand: The citizens of the USA do believe in the constitution and bill of rights as written by our forefathers. We believe in the rule of law. However, the government of the USA doesn’t, they call for their democracy which is not democracy but total population control by a world government under the guise of the UN and WEF. To recognize this is necessary or the whole world will fall under their boot. Hopefully Russia will change this.
Russia may be our best hope in this regard.
The EU has announced an oil embargo on 90% of Russian oil exports by the end of the year – von de Leyen (reported by NYTimes)
The price of oil spiked as a result of the announcement.
Do the European elites have absolutely no sense of self-preservation?
they have the strongest sense of individual self preservation while collective well being is not on the agenda.
Who on earth among us normal people agreed on this criminal decision? No one is most likely the answer. So much for democracy…
More to the point, no-one voted for the showers in the EU taking such decisions. They are all appointed functionaries.
Yeah. And I am giving up whisky – next year.
OMG! Is it THAT bad? I am devastated!
Like the White Queen in “Alice in Wonderland”: “jam yesterday, and jam tomorrow, but never jam today”.
“I’m sure I’ll take you with pleasure!” the Queen said. “Two pence a week, and jam every other day.”
Alice couldn’t help laughing, as she said, “I don’t want you to hire me – and I don’t care for jam.”
“It’s very good jam,” said the Queen.
“Well, I don’t want any to-day, at any rate.”
“You couldn’t have it if you did want it,” the Queen said. “The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday – but never jam to-day.”
“It must come sometimes to ‘jam to-day’,” Alice objected.
“No, it can’t,” said the Queen. “It’s jam every other day: to-day isn’t any other day, you know.”
“I don’t understand you,” said Alice. “It’s dreadfully confusing!”
I believe that is inaccurate: 90% is the goal, starting from Jan 23. Europe proves every day how irrelevant it is.
European leaders are whores for the American Reich,even when their own people suffer,disgusting creatures.
They are Green Cultists thinking their hour has come and so burn the boats
In USA we have a “one drop rule”. Applied here, if one drop of arab oil is introduced into a tanker full of ural oil that will make the oil “not russian”. Nobody suffers and virtue signaling remains intact!
Unfortunately they don’t. People are made stupid or are locked out of any reasonable discourse by the total, marching in lockstep imperial propaganda machine that is the “mainstream media”, fed by imperial astroturf “NGOs”.
But it does not even matter because basically all “European” politicians in high positions are 100% corrupt traitors, groomed and managed by imperial “think tanks” and “NGOs”. The WEF “penetrates” the cabinets with its “Young Global Leaders”, but they are by far not the only one of such ventures.
Russia does the right thing if they are cutting ties and leaving imperially controlled and hollowed out institutions of the “West”, including many “UNO” institutions like e.g. the “WHO”.
Russia, China, India and others have to build new international institutions while holding the “West” at arm’s length.
Better solution is overthrown current governments in Europe and re-establish friendly connections with the East.
These governments are the best we have, the best men and women we can offer from our societies. https://youtu.be/07w9K2XR3f0 Georg Carlin “politicians”.
Surely such decisions are solely for national governments and private corporate purchasers?
Unelected EU junta should have no role to play in such decisions.
Russian oil will simply be “laundered” to get it back into the EU via Greek shipping mafia but at greatly increased cost.
I note (from the site you list) that Russia needs around $45/barrel to make the budget balance.
Oil, including theirs, is selling above $100/barrel.
Russia is discounting their oil to the friendly South (e.g., India) to around $70/barrel.
So, it’s not too difficult to see the game plan in action.
The arogant self-harming delusional European colonies of the USA (or transnational enities that own and run the USA front shop) are on the rising North side of the oil/energy equation — heading to $150/barrel (plus) perhaps as Mr Winter approaches.
The friendly South are given a helpful discount to maintain a trading economy with Russia which can support two scenario options:
(a) they use the Russian oil to stimulate their domestic economies and gain price competitive advantage on exports; and/or
(b) they simply sell the Russian oil before it even arrives (in Greek ships) to third parties which might directly (or indirectly) feed into the thirsty European colonies at going market rates.
Help your local people or make some quick turnover big money?
Perhaps a bit of both, but (imo) be prepared for a new crop of South $billionaires looking for odious $Bling$ in the usual places.
The bottom line: Russian judo throw makes political capital in new world order and the old Anglo/European capitalist entities get the privilage of paying for it. Lol, …. :-)
At a certain temperature, the pipes break/explode.
No sweater or blanket will be of aid in this scenario.
How much von der Leyen is getting from the Arab Sheikhs is the question… 🤔
I honestly do not think the “elites” have anything to worry about.
They will be shielded from the people by secret service, police and army if needed.
besides the western people are 99.99% “sheeps” and strongly believe in individualism and hate of Russians or covid or the latest government propaganda and scare
Hence no rebellion is possible in the Western world anymore.
Yes there are some people in West that understand the bad situation but they are weak and very isolated and small in numbers and under continuous surveillance from secret police.
The “Elites” are safe from their own people no matter what.
The western people will rather die of hunger, cold and no resources before understanding they are wrong.
The ONLY problem are Russia and China, plus Iran and other smaller non aligned countries (North Koreea, etc)
Bogdan, you are too pessimistic.
There is protest against Corona measures going on all over Germany.
Early this year people were marching once a week in over thousand towns.
The police could not control the many small protests happening at the same time, the government had to let it happen or would have to declare martial law.
When the Ukraine war started in february those protests often asked for peace and negotiations.
When the G 7 was held in Toronto, some years back neo- con Stephen Harper had black cages built and put them in empty warehouses to jail people. It is a fact that some people who were just going to work picked up. In Quebec as most places police infiltrate and do things that that allow them to break up protests and arrest anyone.
In America occupy wall street was soon bought , just like black lives matter. This summer there will be protests and you will see them stamped out, just like in North America Their methods are free of charge to Europe. Everything else you will pay for ×7. Bogdan is correct.
The so-called elites are neither shielded from God’s judgment in this life, nor from the demons that come for the soul. Yet the saints are shielded daily and blessed (Psalms 1-2; 23). This we trust.
I do not think people in the West will accomplish any revolution.
“Do the European elites have absolutely no sense of self-preservation?”
No, they have no sense whatsoever. They live in a fantasy world of sorts, supported by fake news, fake TV and an echo chamber from all around them.
We are what we eat, but we also are what we read, see and hear. And if all around you has the same sense of reality, that becomes yours as well, unless you are one of the rare people that searches.
The Europeans have lost it. Totally.
The eurolemmings who run the EU are the greatest bunch of spineless wankers that ever walked the face of the earth.
A question to my learned friends: How did we, the general population of the so called democracies get saddled with this sh1t?
Answers on the back of a fag packet please
I dunno about this “The eurolemmings who run the EU are the greatest bunch of spineless wankers that ever walked the face of the earth.”
Have you taken notice of the gutless traitorous ruling class and their MPs in Australia? Zionist puppets, big pharma whores; they have ruined our economy to appease their master, Uncle Sam. They were told to spit in the eye of the biggest trading customer, China, and willingly did so losing incalculable billions.
Actually the embargo applies to oil not delivered via pipeline, ie tankers. Remind me again which European ports are currently allowing Russian flagged ships to disemark at? Yeah exactly, none. Nothing has changed on the ground. An announcement has been made that changes nothing.
Off course they have. The European Elite profit on it. The oil and gas stocks raise now and are being shorted later. They always self-preserve.
Today’s Sitrep from my armchair:
-Russia continues to grind the UFA into dust;
-The fictional narrative of near victory continues from the Ukraine proving that the comedian actor Zelensky is indeed a leader for the times;
-The EU continues to wag its finger at Russia while paying in rubles;
-The US is already in search for the next war, ready to move on after siphoning off $40B for the MIC on the pretense of Ukraine.
-Zone B is beginning to see a faint light at the end of the imperial tunnel of darkness.
Always freaks me when I get the ‘page can’t be found’ message. Patrick Lancaster has a great Donbass travel vlog, about 45 mins. They travel from DPR into the former Ukraine. Talks to locals, gets opinions, many still guarded as most know what ‘they’ had to live with. Mention of old people dying from not getting pension monies. The mood seems up, talk of future prospects.
As Patrick notes the Zaphore region looks like Orcs just left, very little to no destruction to towns. That surprised even him, as that region fell quickly, allowing the capture of Avozstal.
Couldn’t help but notice the pictures of Saints the driver has tucked in the car headliner…..thousands of miles apart, another country, a different culture, same beliefs. I liked that.
Cheers M
Two observations, Patrick mentions and shows farmers in full swing, that is in the exUkraine controlled side. As he passes some fields you can see where farmers have been taking the first cut off already. Unlike here, farmers today decide weither they’ll even sow. They may just take the crop insurance. Still raining, many fields flooded or just to wet.
Cheers M
Found it….does look like a nice place to visit.
Also from Graham Phillips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kFGB6DqzrY
Mariupol coming back to life.
Sorry to hear about your technical issues.
Here’s the briefing from the Russian MoD:
31.05.2022 (11:30)
Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry
During an inspection of the Azovstal plant underground facilities in Mariupol, where the surrendered Nazis of the Ukrainian Azov formation were hiding, Russian servicemen found an isothermal van.
152 bodies of dead fighters and servicemen of the AFU were stored in the van with the broken cooling system.
I recall that before surrendering, the Azov command publicly appealed to Zelensky to take the bodies of the dead so that their families could bury them on Kiev-controlled territory.
However, there were no requests from Kiev to receive the bodies of the dead from the Azovstal plant.
Moreover, during the inspection of the van, Russian sappers found four mines under the bodies of the dead Ukrainian soldiers. The total mass of explosives in them was enough to destroy all the bodies left in the van.
Based on interviews with captured Azov fighters, it has been established that the mining of the bodies was carried out on direct orders from Kiev.
The purpose of the provocation is to accuse Russia of deliberately destroying the bodies and preventing their removal for transfer to relatives in order to save the political “reputation” of the Kiev regime and Zelensky personally.
In the near future, the Russian side plans to hand over the bodies of Ukrainian fighters and servicemen found on the territory of Azovstal plant to representatives of Ukraine.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.
During the day, high-precision air-based missiles have hit 4 control points, as well as 13 areas of concentration of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment.
Operational-tactical, army and unmanned aviation have hit 3 command posts, 69 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, 1 radar station and 2 ammunition depots of the AFU near Raigorodok and Nikolaevka, Donetsk People’s Republic.
The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 290 nationalists and 23 weapons and military equipment.
1 Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force has been shot down near Kobzatsy, Nikolaev Region.
Russian air defense means have shot down 6 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Donetsk, Makeevka in Donetsk People’s Republic, Popasnaya in Lugansk People’s Republic, Liptsy, Bolshie Prokhody in Kharkov Region, including 1 UAV have been shot down near Snake Island.
Missile troops and artillery have hit 38 command posts, 417 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, and 46 firing positions of artillery and mortar batteries.
36 pieces of weapons and military equipment nave been destroyed, including 1 Ukrainian Uragan multiple-launch rocket system battery, 1 Grad multiple-launch rocket system battery, 2 ammunition depots, and 1 fuel depot.
In total, 184 Ukrainian aircraft and 128 helicopters, 1,070 unmanned aerial vehicles, 325 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,342 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 454 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,738 field artillery and mortars, as well as 3,311 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.
This morning I’ve tried to post a comment, unsuccsessfully
I have a request for Mr. Putin: When you finish with Ukraine, please consider assisting Serbs to retake Kosovo. THAT would mess deep-state and NATO minds so badly that they would never function again.
Ted, it’s a long line, you’ll need to take a number……hmm, I suppose Serbia is on the way to Brussels, may as well clean up along the way.
There really is only one ‘solution’ for deep-state NATO WEF actors, something kinda final.
Cheers M
Yep just like cancer it needs to be completely removed else it will simply reoccur.
When Putin is done in Kosovo, he needs to come to Canada and remove the Nazis from Ottawa.
LOL. Thanks but that’s the job of Canadians. All the parties are gung ho for the digital ID (formerly vaccine passport) and support the Nazis in Ukraine. The only one that doesn’t is the PPC (People’s Party of Canada) and they have no seats yet.
It may be true that the PPC doesn’t support the Nazis in Ukraine, however I couldn’t find any evidence of that on their web site. The PPC is a far right party, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they do support them, at least secretly. The closest declaration of intent I found was this: If elected, the PPC would “continue to work closely with our allies to maintain a peaceful international order, but will not get involved in foreign conflicts unless we have a compelling strategic interest in doing so.” I haven’t found any specific mention of Ukraine or the military conflict there, however the PPC would “work with the Biden administration, or whoever occupies the White House, to reinforce our friendship and cooperation.”
The CPC (Communist Party of Canada), which, like the PPC, does not hold any seats in Parliament, doesn’t support either side in the conflict and they say so. According to the CPC website, “Canada should be striving for peace and a political settlement in Europe, and global disarmament and mutual security of all states and nations… what’s needed are political solutions to political problems, the dissolution of military pacts, mutual security, peace, and strong international bodies such as the UN.”
Why can’t the Ottawans do that?
This wont end until the western Great Unwashed are knee deep in shit. At the moment they’re only ankle deep.
I heard the price of pasta here in the UK will double. The same must happen to pizza dough and so those large slices of bread (90%) with a mere scattering of toppings will also double, at the supermarket, restaurant. All other products will see the same fate, a 100% increase in living costs, for many, survival costs.
removed line quite gross … mod
Pasta already doubled a couple weeks ago here in Maine.
You ought to do that yourself, I agree it needs doing, but Russia has shown the way, we have to do our part too!
Indeed thats been a long time coming,but for that they will need a leadership in Belgrade with some balls,Putin once said he can’t be more Serbian than a Serb,i know just what he meant by that.
I love this idea.
Then recover all of Syria and liberate Golan Heights and Palestine upto the UN boundary. Their minds will fry like fish in an electric trap.
If only.
And then help Poland. It is ruled by a horrible freakshow.
Readovka News 30 May update:
Up-to-date information
For the second day in a row, atrocities from the Ukrainian side have become the topic of the day. The open genocide of the population of the Donetsk People’s Republic continues. hit today fell on school number 22 and school number 5 in Donetsk. perished 6 people another 16 people were injured. It is known that militants are shelling Donetsk from American M-777 howitzers with a caliber of 155 mm.
The situation on the fronts per day:
On the Kharkov front , the situation leveled off. After a series of unsuccessful attempts to push the front line to the Russian borders, the enemy retreated. It is reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to cross the Seversky Donets, and they are again preparing a bridgehead for the transfer of strike forces.
In the Izyum sector , the RF Armed Forces are advancing towards Slavyansk, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine hold their positions. Now the fighting has advanced to Svyatogorsk: the Ukrainian army has advantageous artillery positions there. Also, Russian troops are advancing from the other side, Liman is completely taken. The RF Armed Forces have freed Dibrova and the Old Caravan, now they are trying to move towards Raygorodok.
Lugansk front . Parts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to hold the central regions of Severodonetsk and the industrial zone of the Azot plant. Russian troops have practically knocked out the enemy from Severodonetsk – the remaining militants are hiding in residential buildings. In the village of Borovskoye, in residential buildings, nationalists equipped firing positions, including sniper ones. Local residents were forbidden to leave the city. It is reported that the Russian Armed Forces have advanced in Kamyshevakh and already control 80-90% of the village. The capture of Kamyshevakha will allow a more focused attack on Vrubovka, and the entire grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Zolote will be blocked from three sides.
On the Southern Front , on the border of the Kherson and Nikolaev regions, the front “came to life”, the third day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine they are trying to carry out a counterattack. Readovka previously wrote , the first two attempts failed. The RF Armed Forces managed almost without losses. Today’s attack is taking place near Snegirevka by forces of one battalion tactical group with artillery support.
Also, the terrorist act in Melitopol cannot be ignored . Around 7:40 am in the center of the liberated Melitopol thundered explosion. Two volunteers were injured as a result. “Now they are in the hospital. It is known that Ukrainian saboteurs are behind the explosion in Melitopol.
border territories . Taking into account the current situation in the border regions of the Kursk region with Ukraine, on behalf of the head of the RF Ministry of Defense, the region is being strengthened additional grouping of the RF Armed Forces. On the border of the Bryansk region, Russian border guards clashed with the Ukrainian DRG – several people died.
Arrivals . APU fired residential buildings in the village of Ocheretino, located on the territory controlled by Kyiv. During the shelling of the settlement of Stakhanov in the LPR, one person died and eight were injured. In Horlivka due to shelling a kindergarten, a gas pipeline and an electrical substation were damaged, part of the city was left without electricity. Also, the Ukrainian army fired heavy artillery at Makiivka today.
In the world . Rally started in Yerevan against the current government – opposition deputies broke into the government building, there are wounded among the protesters.
Vladimir Putin awarded rank of the Guards 24th Separate Special Purpose Brigade.
Part of a story from RT in Russian, Yandex machine translation:
A van with the bodies of Ukrainian militants, under which four mines were laid, was found in the underground structures of Azovstal. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the mining was carried out on direct instructions from Kiev in order to accuse Russia of deliberately destroying the remains. It is noted that in total, the bodies of 152 dead militants and soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were found. At the same time, the head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, said that several more “lost” Ukrainian militants were found at Azovstal. In addition, Maria Zakharova noted that neoconservatives from the Democratic Party, using Ukrainian officials as clowns, are putting pressure on Joe Biden, trying to persuade the US president to supply Ukraine with multiple launch rocket systems.
“During the inspection of the van, Russian sappers found four mines placed under the bodies of the dead Ukrainian servicemen. The combined mass of explosives in them was sufficient to destroy all the remaining remains of the bodies in the van. According to the results of interrogations of captured Azov militants, it was established that the mining of bodies was carried out on direct instructions from Kiev. The purpose of the provocation is to accuse Russia of deliberately destroying the remains of the bodies and prevent their removal for transfer to relatives in order to save the political reputation of the Kiev regime and Zelensky personally, ” Konashenkov said.
I should have credited the author, Roman Shimaev, apologies to him.
These are the headlines and some reports on Readovka as translated by Yandex.
-The State Duma proposed blocking donations coming to trash streamers
– Patrushev: Poland moves to seize territories in the west of Ukraine
today at 15:34
-Mishustin: stabilization on the Russian stock market is expected within two years
today at 15:00
-The court arrested in absentia the head of the Ukrainian pre-trial detention center and the head of the district department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
today at 14:04
-The ruble was put into full circulation on the territory of Kherson
today at 13:56
-Rogozin: Scholz risks walking the streets of Moscow very soon as a prisoner
of war today at 13:45
-The head of Roscosmos commented on the statements of the German Chancellor
The head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, spoke about the recent statements by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that Berlin is increasing its military power, and soon they will form “the largest traditional army in Europe” among NATO countries. Earlier, the ruling coalition of Germany agreed to create a special fund for the Ministry of Defense in the amount of 100 billion euros to finance the department.
According to Rogozin, the German politician apparently wants to come to Moscow again. The truth is in a different quality than now.
“The belligerent German Chancellor cannot wait to repeat the experience of his grandfathers and walk through the streets of Moscow again with his fellow soldiers,” the head of Roscosmos said.
By the way, Fritz von Scholz – the grandfather of the current Chancellor of Germany served in the ranks of the Wehrmacht of the Third Reich and took an active part in World War II.
Earlier, Readovka reported that the German Chancellor is more unpopular than ever.
-Medvedev recalled that the anti-Russian sanctions of the West are more aimed at the people than at the country
today at 13:17
-The Russian government will allocate 6 billion rubles to support tour operators
today at 13:09
-Zaporozhye region will celebrate Russia Day for the first time as a public holiday
today at 13:07
-Another Yandex database was “leaked” to the darknet. Food” and Delivery Club
today at 13:03
-The Russian Defense Ministry held a morning briefing on the situation in the Donbas
today at 12:56
The Agency reported on the results of its work to date
The Russian military found a van on Azovstal with the bodies of 152 dead militants, under which there were four mines. This was stated at a briefing on Tuesday, May 31, by the representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov.
The ministry stressed that the mining of the bodies of militants at Azovstal was carried out on direct instructions from Kiev in order to further accuse the Russian side. The Defense Ministry also noted that the actions were carried out in order to accuse Russia of intentionally destroying the remains and prevent their removal for transfer to relatives and thereby save the political “reputation” of the Kiev regime.
In addition, as reported in the department, the command of “Azov” (the organization is banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) before the surrender publicly appealed to the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky with a request to take the bodies of the victims so that families could bury them on the territory controlled by the Kiev regime. However, there were no requests from Kiev to receive the bodies of the dead.
The Russian side plans to transfer the bodies of Ukrainian militants and military personnel found at Azovstal to representatives of Ukraine in the near future, the ministry added.
At the briefing, it was announced that four control points, as well as 13 areas of concentration of manpower and Ukrainian military equipment were hit by high-precision missiles. The ministry also reported that aviation destroyed three control points, 69 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment, a radar station and two ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Raygorodok and Nikolaevka.
What else was reported in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
As a result of air strikes, up to 290 nationalists and 23 units of weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed;
A Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down near the settlement of Kobzartsy;
Russian air defense shot down six Ukrainian UAVs in the areas of the settlements of Donetsk, Makeyevka, Popasnaya, Liptsy, Bolshye Prokhody, also one unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down near the island of Zmeiny;
Rocket troops and artillery hit 38 control points, 417 areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment, 46 firing positions of artillery and mortar batteries – 36 units of weapons and military equipment were destroyed, including the Ukrainian MLRS battery “Hurricane”, MLRS battery “Grad”, two ammunition depots, as well as a fuel depot;
In total, since the beginning of the special operation, 184 aircraft, 128 helicopters, 1070 UAVs, 325 SAMs, 3342 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 454 MLRS installations, 1738 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 3311 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed.
Earlier, Readovka wrote that the Russian Defense Ministry held an evening briefing on the situation in the Donbas.
-Bread producers are asking to extend the sale of unpacked products after June 1
today at 12:39
-Uralvagonzavod delivered a batch of upgraded BRM-1K for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
today at 10:49
-Gazprom has completely stopped gas supply to the Netherlands
today at 09:55
-Sberbank announced that disconnecting from SWIFT does not change the situation in international settlements
today at 09:26
-A space rocket with the flags of the republics of Donbass is installed on the launch pad at Baikonur
today at 08:48
I wonder what/how many constitutes a ‘concentration’ of manpower and military equipment.
I think 50, maybe 40 or 30 or perhaps 20.
Let’s take a lower estimate, say an average of 10 soldiers operating 2 or 3 pieces of military equipment.
417 x 10 = 4170 casualties (KIA, wounded, taken prisoner. Doesn’t sound feasible, especially if a ‘concentration’ would be closer to the 50 mark, over 20,000 losses.
I could be wrong with my interpretation of your statement maskazer, however, these numbers, successes would bring the SMO to a conclusion in days, something I would truly deeply passionately welcome personally.
Am I missing something?
I couldn’t comment on that any more than you do.This is direct from Readovka and Russian source.
I follow those numbers loosely. On a daily basis MoD report 3-400 casualties. Saying 90 days x 300 = 27000 dead Ukros.
My guesstimate would be 25000-30000 dead and the same amount wounded. If we say they started with 100000-150000, there could still be around 100000 Ukro Army left being maintained by new comers..
Here’s my sitrep from my armchair:
It’s estimated that there were hundreds of boys in blue out on the battlefield this morning. Things seemed to be going well until it became apparent that the wild savages had completely surrounded them. They suddenly appeared over the crests of the hills and everyone realized that they were in an existential fight. In other words, it would be a fight for their lives and there would be just one winner.
At first the battle began while mounted, but soon devolved into every man for himself, being hunkered down behind his falling animal. The trumpets sounded, but only a few were able to respond until finally…all fell momentarily silent. The last I saw were two of the enemy raising the head of a defiant one with yellow hair. A quick strike and the life was gone from him, including his scalp. All that remained were dead bodies and the celebratory whoops of the victors. In the distance, the sound of a few quickly departing hoof beats could be heard.
Uh oh. Wrong sitrep. Sorry. That was a leftover report from the battle that took place on the horn.
Beautifully written.
Captures the ugliness, courage, defiance and finality of war.
None of us can take any bit of this earth with us. We stand on tens of thousands of years of remnants humans deceased. The Pharos could not take the treasure buried with them.
In the end what is this life. Humans fighting like animals and also creating the most wonderful music.
In the end we can only hope to take a life well lived and learnt, leave good memories behind, something for the future generations and if we are lucky a little tiny light in the world.
Many of the stars we see in the sky no longer exist. But their light does. We see it each night. Before navigation it helped us find our way.
Maybe when we leave, those of us who wish our world well, who care about truth, justice, honour, courage, maybe we will leave in the atmosphere of this our planet a little light. Something that will guide those in the future after we are gone.
From Military Chronicle: https://voenhronika.ru/
APU came under HARD FIRE! Reports for the morning of May 31: Cleansing in the center of Severodonetsk and the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Kherson. Yuriy Podolyaka (21 videos)
Yesterday, the RF Armed Forces moved across Severodonetsk quickly and without clashes. A video of Kadyrov’s men appeared on the net, moving through the very center of Severodonetsk – there is no more central place.
There are almost no people on the streets, explosions are not heard. At the same time, there was no official order to withdraw troops from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the situation is unclear, but apparently the decision to withdraw from the city was made by the officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the spot.
Local residents say that the Armed Forces of Ukraine settled in the industrial zone in the south of the city.
The American Institute for the Study of War predicts an imminent offensive by the RF Armed Forces on Barvenkovo and Slavyansk. Russian troops are gradually advancing towards Slavyansk and intend to storm the city itself in the coming weeks.
In the Donbass, the heat is below 30 degrees. It is relatively quiet in Slavyansk, electricity appeared yesterday, but intermittently. There is also no water. In neighboring Nikolaevka, people are already sleeping in basements. Everyone is preparing firewood. Continued in the material.
FOR -The American Institute for the Study of War.( lol ) read, The American Institute for the Study of Proxy War.
Armed Forces of Ukraine near Severodonetsk: “THIS IS HELL! The Russians WILL CRUSH US!” Latest reports from Ukraine – evening of May 31 (18 videos)
Servicemen of the 20th rifle battalion of the 3rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine describe the situation near Severodonetsk as hell on earth: “The Russians bomb and fire from mortars 24 hours a day, without a break. When you engage in battle with your people, after two minutes of battle you have there are already a lot of wounded that you have to evacuate. New ones arrive and in a few minutes they are no longer alive. The Russians have artillery, armored vehicles, and their forces are five or six times larger. ” Faced with this firepower, Ukrainians bitterly note the weakness of their forces.
This is an excerpt from an interview with a French correspondent, read in full in our cart .
The Russian EW system neutralized a NATO drone over the Black Sea, which approached the coast of Crimea. The apparatus tried to conduct reconnaissance of Russian facilities and forces in the interests of Ukraine. The combined work of electronic warfare systems made the UAV mission meaningless. He was unable to transfer intelligence to the Ukrainian side.
Alright, that’s why I miss Thorsten’s article today:
Sorry, for your inconvenience!
LPR and Russian troops are cleaning up Severodonetsk.
Chechens, too. Playing a significant role in Lugansk oblast battles.
@ Amarynth & Herb
Thanks to both of you. Good luck with the technical issue.
The article I am posting here is a good assessment of the Battle of Donbass, if we can call it that for lack of an official name. The article focuses on the defeat of the AFU in Severodonetsk, which it considers “the beginning of the end” for Ukraine.
Control of the city gives the Russian army the opportunity to prepare an offensive further. The army of Ukraine has nowhere to retreat, and there are practically no options for a successful outcome.
Severodonetsk is “Mariupol today”
On May 29, according to the press service of the LPR NM, the LPR forces proposed to the nationalists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, blocked near Severodonetsk by the joint coalition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the militia of the DPR and LPR, to voluntarily lay down their arms.
“With the help of an artillery installation, propaganda shells with leaflets were delivered, in which the procedure for leaving the combat zone without weapons is prescribed,” said Fyodor Sergeev, a soldier of the LPR NM.
On March 25, according to the General Staff of the Russian Federation, the units of the LPR NM took control of 93% of the territory of the republic. It was noted that battles were being fought on the outskirts of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. On May 6, the mayor of the city, Alexander Stryuk, reported that Severodonetsk was actually surrounded. On May 12, the head of the LPR, Leonid Pasechnik, said that protected strongholds were equipped inside these cities.
“According to the information that we have, the enemy has prepared quite serious strongholds in the cities of Lysychansk and Severodonetsk.” According to him, the Ukrainian military continued the practice of using civilians as human shields. However, by May 15, the Allied forces of the LPR NM took control of the village of Toshkovskoye south of Severodonetsk and continued the offensive. By this time, according to a number of military experts, a major node of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this direction was under threat of encirclement. And in order to defend themselves, the Ukrainian military has only “manpower”, and the rank and file refuses to go to certain death – without fire support and sane tasks.
On May 19, the soldiers of the 3rd battalion of the 115th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine refused to carry out combat orders coming from both the immediate command and the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky:
“We refuse to carry out combat missions due to the fact that we do not have proper protection behind, namely, heavy equipment that would cover us, and proper leadership,” one of the military men read on camera.
Map of hostilities in Ukraine: Encirclement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Severodonetsk
On May 23, in an interview, British military analyst Michael Clark said that the Russian military is very serious about this operation. The key to success, he called the River Seversky Donets, on the left bank of which the city stands. The Russian army, despite the complexity of the task, crossed it in several places and successfully pushed back the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the south, simultaneously destroying the most combat-ready units of the Ukrainian army from the operational command “North”.
On the same days, the allied forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the National Assembly of the LPR, together with the DPR NM, completely cleared the city of Rubizhnoye and the village of Voevodivka and reached the outskirts of Severodonetsk. Then everything developed rapidly. On May 25, it became known that the Russian military, together with its allies, entered Lisichansk and “almost entered Severodonetsk.” Thus, in fact, the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk agglomeration came out of the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
On the same day, Michael Clarke, in an interview with Sky News, predicted the complete encirclement of Severodonetsk in the next 24-48 hours, stressing that the Russian military competently surrounded the city:
“Their northern and southern ticks west of the city are 10 to 12 miles apart,” Clark said.
On May 18, it also became known that the Russian military began to use the Terminator BMPT in this direction, which, together with tank platoons, are participating in the offensive on Ukrainian positions. This factor, as well as the competent and skillful approach of the Russian military to the formation of boilers and the capture of cities, played a big role in the success of the operation to encircle Severodonetsk.
On May 27, the network got photographs that show how the BMPT “Terminator” unit covers tanks firing at the positions of the Ukrainian military from the occupied height. It is known that the “Terminator” is able to suppress enemy infantry armed with small arms, grenade launchers and anti-tank complexes of the “Javelin” type. It is equipped with two 30-mm guns and anti-tank weapons.
Military expert Konstantin Sivkov noted that as a result of the Severodonetsk operation, the most combat-ready units of the operational command “North” were blocked between the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the forces of the DPR and LPR from several directions.
“Severodonetsk has been taken. It is clear that there will still be a sweep, someone will take cover, but the city has already been taken. The group “Severodonetsk-Lysychansk” has been finally dissected. This is the biggest victory that greatly demoralizes the opponent. This, by the way, suggests that the fighting is being conducted successfully, and the group on the Donetsk arc is being systematically destroyed, “the expert says.
The group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “North”, which for many years was responsible for the strikes on Donetsk and Lugansk, lost the most combat-ready units and a significant amount of equipment. Units of the 15th Regiment of the National Guard, the 27th Separate Rocket Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named after Petro Kalnyshevsky, the 4th Separate Brigade of Operational Assignment of the NSU named after Sergeant Mikhalchuk (military unit 3018), as well as soldiers of the 58th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were surrounded. Before the capture of Severodonetsk, the number of this group was estimated at about 17 thousand people.
Refusal of the Ukrainian military to fight near Severodonetsk
On the Internet, you can find a video with the soldiers of one of the units that refuse to go into battle, because the command did not provide them with cover:
“What to attack with? Where is the support, where is the support?” one of the military commanders shouts and receives no response. Also, one of the soldiers notes that the microdistrict in the north of Severodonetsk Shchedrishchevo of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was handed over on May 14.
The “battalion footage”, as they managed to dub the mass refusal of the Vushniki to fight, was also joined by the military from the 71st Jäger Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:
“With machine guns we stand against cannons, Grads, mortars. No one is helping us, we don’t have any sensible weapons, we don’t have anything. How can we fight for a country that doesn’t care about us?” the military wondered.
Why Severodonetsk is important for Russia
According to military expert, Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov, the grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is falling apart, even the best of the best are demoralized and deprived of motivation to fight.
Specifically, the Severodonetsk group was estimated at about 2-3 thousand people, in Lisichansk – 4-6 thousand. But that’s not even the point: there are several tens of thousands of people in neighboring areas. Now they are demoralized and are under threat of destruction,” says Konstantin Sivkov.
According to the expert, it will no longer be possible to ensure the defense and survival of the remnants of the group.
“They are cut off from everything, there are no special hopes. And, of course, everything turns out faster than with Mariupol, where everyone was biased, they were all sure that they would be saved. And these (Severodonetsk) see an example that no one is going to save them, so they do not resist so much, “says Konstantin Sivkov.
Where did Russian troops advance in Ukraine?
Prospects in the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk direction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to military expert and doctor of military sciences Konstantin Sivkov, are not cheerful. In fact, Severodonetsk is the starting position for the encirclement of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk and the further advancement of the Russian Armed Forces.
“They will be finished off here (in Severodonetsk and Lysychansk), and further, in the west, they will no longer have such forces, they will not give any serious rebuff. In fact, they will surround the cities, and since there are no serious fortifications cut off from the rest of the world, they will quickly surrender, “the expert believes.
The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to military expert Konstantin Sivkov, continues to make mistake after mistake and throws to certain death not only its best units, but also untrained fighters recruited from the street, not providing them with the necessary amount of ammunition and fire support. The practice of intimidation works against the Ukrainian commanders themselves. More and more of Ukraine’s military understand that there is no point in fighting, and most importantly, that the command does not care about their lives. It is noteworthy that not only career military, but also the so-called military formations refuse to fight. The commanders of the 46th separate battalion of special purpose “Donbass – Ukraine” announced their refusal to fight. The reasons are already known: the death of a significant number of soldiers, the shortage of weapons and sane orders.
Sergey Andreev
Lone Wolf
Late June appears to be reasonable for the final act in Phase 2.
Then perhaps Phase 3 starts in Early August. My guess is Phase 3 is the liberation of Odessa
Scott Ritter raises some interesting points about Russia winning handily on the battlefield, but no so much on the political goals…
I’d wish Ritter would stick to what he knows something about. The Azov’s crumbled like stale bread. If anyone will get infested, it’s Europe. Like we are beginning to see.
De-nazification can happen in many different ways. Just like “re-nazification” always is a danger, when people loose their sense of community.
Ritter is irrelevant, made so by his own hand.
There is little in all he has said that has any relation to the Operational events playing out in Ukraine.
Especially, his M777 howitzers which apparently shelled Donetsk city yesterday. That’s what Ukies do with weapons, kill civilians and blast wherever children of Donbass are. Kindergartens, schools, parks, and private housing.
Weapons sent to Ukraine are not changing the war. They are weakening the NATO stocks of weapons, which pleases the Russians.
They are making the final phases of the demilitarization of Ukraine that much easier.
Ritter has to serve his masters. He abandoned his individual efforts and toes the line.
Scott Ritter is a very compromised man.
Compromised how so? The sex conviction?
there might be multiple ones. some times prosecutors convict in only one and keep others as future leverage. Statute of limitations can be 25 years
I’m curious…. do you know how many of those accusations and charges of sexual misconduct &/or paedophilia occurred before he left his post as weapons inspector in Iraq?
There might be none at all. Assange got smeared with sex crime accusations, why do you think that could not happen to Ritter?
Exactly what I’m thinking.
One analyst said Ritter was guilty only of fantasy role play in an online chatroom.
If true, big freakin deal.
Folks here seem to be raking Ritter across the coals because he questions Russia’s political objectives being met.
And for that he’s a compromised shill to be disregarded forever?
Ritter hasn’t swayed from the message of Russia’s utter dominance on the battlefield, which seems to be everyone’s primary focus here.
No one has commented on whether Russia failing (so far) to meet its political goals in SMO is a valid point – only attacking the messenger.
How about commenting on the message and not the messenger?
And regardless who said it, is the failure to meet stated political goals so far a valid point?
Ritter is either a compromised man or he has been controlled opposition/ limited hangout from the get go. I am very suspicious of people with an “Intelligence” back round. Also, I am very suspicious of people that Ritter is associated with.
Unfortunately he’s behaving like a US Neocon and doubling down on his empty rhetoric.
I’m trying to create an accurate profile of Ritter. Who is he associated with that’s suspicious if you don’t mind?
Scott Ritter has been saying similar for some time now. I would suggest he leaves the conduct of the SMO and the thereafter to the Russian Command. I feel Ritter has blown his cover and he is not someone I want to waste time listening to.
It seems he analysis things from an American perspective like a 2D chess game. Russia is playing 3D chess. Maybe that’s why it’s difficult for him to understand fully what is going on.
On EU sanctions. Apparently the EU sanctions on Russia are here to stay. I think the German Chancellor’s logic is illogical. When did a defeated party in a war impose its terms on the winner?
German Chancellor: Sanctions against Russia can be lifted after the conclusion of a peace treaty with Ukraine on the terms of Kyiv
“It is absolutely clear that only an agreement that Ukraine itself considers right can cause the massive restrictions on the economic stability of Russia associated with sanctions to ever end.” the German Chancellor promised very abstractly.
assuming there is an actual ukr government in place and not been overthrown by the peoples . the real army….and some one can do it and arrest them all for war crimes It is a delusional path if ukr believes it can work with Poland.
In case you have not noticed it, everything coming from EU/US has been upside down the last 20 years.
I strongly suspect that next time, East Germany will not be returned to the “West.”
“…Herb informs me that it is the first time on our production system in seven years.”
I wonder if it happened around 5 AM.
Last night I tried to publish a response to Kark Luck. You didn’t publish it. It was good to me but close to “borderline”, so I thought. Japan was called “racist.” I wrote a response to that. I found a couple of things I could change and resubmitted it around 5 AM Eastern time today. I could not do it and thought it was me under attack. I had access to other pages, but on your page there was a “warning” message at the top, the saker banner-strip below and the rest was blank. I had been in the response box for a while, so I don’t know if the problem on your side had already happened or if it happened at the same moment. Anyway, this is the response to Kark Luck’s comment below if it’s okay to publish it:
“Japan has always been a racist superior society in belief, above other Asians and their record shows it.”
Why is it so easy to call an entire nation “racist”? Is that fine? People from third world countries go to Japan to work. The Japanese stayed Japanese. I guess no one would have called them racists if they had mixed themselves with other Asians to become like a melting pot. Their attitudes are only or mostly part of their national pride and self-preservation. There are countries where race-mixture is actively promoted by the media (homosexuality too) even though racial mixing happens naturally.
“That is why they fitted right in with racist Nazi Germany.”
I like to study that history. Nazism emphasized the racial issue in an ugly way, but this “racism” was not about hating other nations (war propaganda said that). Germany’s wars of conquest were also about territory not racism. The United States and Russia conquered a lot to become this big, no? Negative war propaganda outlasts war for the winning side, but exaggerations and lies are negative for all finally. In 1936, Argentinean radioman Angel A. Perrone visited Germany and spoke at the Ibero-American Institute of Hamburg about his impressions. He did not get any impression of racism (like the quotes below show). His speech was published in Germany and at least also in Spain. He was the chief technician of the radio and broadcasting sections of the “La Prensa” newspaper in Buenos Aires. I ran some of his Spanish text through deepl translator. I think it’s a piece of (real) 1936 history:
“An honorable personal invitation from the Ibero-American Institute and the German-Argentine Central Association of Berlin has allowed me to realize a great desire of many years: to know Germany, its beauties, its great scientific, cultural and industrial manifestations, preferably those directly or indirectly related to the specialty that I have been cultivating for twenty-five years.”
“On board the airship “Hindenburg”, a superb exponent of modern German engineering, I arrived at it after a simply wonderful flight and having contemplated, my wife and I, from the air, a spectacle of such superb beauty that we will never forget.”
“…found the most frank support and the greatest possible facilities from the governmental authorities, from the respective private companies, of all its technicians, and of how many people I was forced to use in search of data and explanations. Through all of them I could observe that same sympathy for my country, to which I referred earlier.”
“…a special plane to take me to them and receive the pleasant emotion of seeing many Argentinean and German flags in their aerodrome, raised expressly as proof of the homage and sympathy towards my country.”
“When my wife and I move away from her, we will feel real sorrow, because we are in this country as in ours, but we will have an indelible memory of our stay and above all of the exquisite and many attentions paid with undoubted nobility and generosity to our modest persons, especially by the technical directors of Telefunken and Lorenz with whom I was most intimately in contact.” Published in “Revista Alemana” on October 18, 1936.
India and China are already pouncing on Russian oil after that insipid 90% announcement by Ursula Von whatever.
Those Euro contracts ain’t coming back. There’s X amount of production, everything allocated. When those contracts are cancelled, another Buyer takes up the option and the amount X- new buying contracts is all that’s available to the market. The Europeans will thus be looking elsewhere in the future for their imports of oil at prices 2 or 3 times greater along with the necessary modifications to their refineries.
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, both feet.
Pasta prices are soon to double we are being warned. The Italian communities in London are clearing supermarket shelves.
Anyone familiar with Canada, aka, an oil can masquerading as third world country, knows that there is no shortage of oil and gas, full tank here.
Getting it out of the ground to a green market, totally different issue.
Cheers M
market shelves….had recently just heard of monkey pox, was in Wallyworld, and my wife says look at the toilet paper isle……empty, like back in the day of the thingy…..weird stuff.
thought there might be a problem the other day when I got a message contact webmaster as internal server error….well done on rebuild!!!
This is what my national broadcaster headlines – directly from yahoo news – that trusted source of the world wide web.
The unicorn brigade going to save the Not-zees.
But more interesting is the fact that Høyre (The Right as in political) is pushing for Norway to treat battle-wounded soldiers.
Eerie, but my Vodafone internet,phone was totally dead for 48hours.
GCHQ are on to you!….😋
Children are trafficked on a huge scale for sexual abuse and to harvest their organs.
Thank goodness Russia is shining a light on one possible aspect of this.
“Russia to probe claims of suspicious activity by Red Cross
The Ukrainian branch of the aid group allegedly catalogued children with healthy organs”
Oh My lord
Can you paste the entire article, many of us have RT censored in our land.
The Ukrainian branch of the aid group allegedly catalogued children with healthy organs
Russia to probe claims of suspicious activity by Red Cross
The Russian Investigative Committee said on Sunday it will look into allegations the Ukrainian Red Cross Society was involved in shady activities, including keeping records of children with “healthy organs” in the city of Mariupol.
The claim came from Vladimir Taranenko, the head of the Donetsk-based civic organization ‘Peoples Retinue,’ a volunteer movement that states as one of its goals assisting law enforcement in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).
The activist posted a video of what he called a search of the Red Cross office in Mariupol on his social media and claimed some of the evidence found there casts the group in a very suspicious light.
He claimed the office had medical records for over 1,000 children, but they marked their “healthy organs” instead of any medical conditions or procedures.
Taranenko also claimed that some of the reading materials discovered at the office were instructions on “how to use weapons, including in a format intended for children.”
The video showed at least one military-related manual. It was a printout of “Practical Military Ordnance Identification” by Thomas Gersbeck, a retired US Marines Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technician. The book is a field manual on how to identify unexploded munitions and handle them in a safe manner.
Taranenko has said that DPR investigators will “shed light” on the activities of the society. The Russian committee said it will add the video to a list of evidence it already has regarding suspected crimes by Kiev.
Mariupol is a major port city in the DPR. It was liberated by Russian and Donbass forces during the ongoing military campaign against Ukraine.
Neither the Ukrainian society nor the International Committee of the Red Cross would immediately comment on the allegations.
Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.
The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
All Western NGO’s are compromised and infested with Deep State. All of them!
I have a strong feeling that Russia is not in a hurry to finish with the SMO, but EU/NATO is going to get tired or already tired of the continuation/slow grinding of the SMO. The generals in the NATO countries are finding that the NATO training/technique is not good enough, nor the NATO (US) armament good enough against the Russian counterparts. They understand this better than the politicians. It looks like, those generals are the people, who hold back the bloodthirsty politicians.
By the way, now that Poroshenko is out of the country, there is a real chance the Ukrainian generals might make a putsch against Ze, the Jew. His Jewishness might be a factor too.
Factor in since he was from the following place that specializes in the Crimes seen i
Ukraine https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2022/02/12/israel-a-refuge-for-swindlers/
hope you can get back my post re S and M phonecall to Pres Putin….cannot see it..
This is a surprizing change……….. just saw it on TASS.
The policy of the American leadership on the situation around Ukraine threatens to escalate the conflict, according to The New York Times analyst Christopher Caldwell.
To the contrary.
Trending on Twitter this a.m. (EST) & reported by al-Jazeera, The Guardian, FOX & Insider
Biden: US will not send Ukraine rockets that can reach Russia
However never discount Kissinger’s policy of [quote] “creative ambiguity”.
one wonders …all those countries that get a months supply of gas then say will not pay roubles… will they be sued…can Russia get that money back??? Who else is gonna try that trick?
Moldova has huge debt 700 m dollars too……at one time Ukr had to pay in advance. ….could apply to other countries .
Lithuania gas price went up 27 percent last year….gonna go up another 47 percent in July…..start collecting driftwood folks as cut timber is too expensive apparently. One wonders if those Russian peoples in the Baltics could prefer to return to the “homeland”…..
The Russian people in those Baltics can take over those Baltics…😋
I’m Swiss and don’t speak English well.
I would like to recommend reading this.
Walter Roth Switzerland.
Well, the sanctions…….
Thera Mayssan wrote something worth reading.
150 billion, captured by Russian probes, 30 tons of plutonium and who paid for it, certainly not Ukraine.
For the poorest country in Europe, this is almost unaffordable.
But the Zaporizhia power plant was one of the targets of the Russian army, which captured it on the second day of their special operation, February 26. A fire broke out in an adjacent laboratory during a Russian-Ukrainian skirmish on March 4. As a result, the irresponsibility of the Russian army was denounced. Obviously it was something else entirely, as Moscow had explained. Russia had started transferring these fuels and Ukrainian special forces were trying to prevent this.
Plutonium sells for $5,000 to $11,000 per gram. Bought 30 tons at cost, that’s $150 billion. The price of uranium depends on its enrichment level. With less than 5%, it can only be used for civilian use and must reach at least 80% for military use. If one does not know one’s degree of enrichment, one cannot estimate its price. Russia’s seizure of this undeclared stock likely makes up for any sanctions imposed on them.
The reports we have raise several questions: How long has Ukraine, which ceded all its Soviet stocks to Russia, owned these substances? Where are they from and who paid for them? Alternatively: How high is the enrichment rate of the uranium and who enriched it?
To these questions, the Russian press adds another: how reliable is the International Atomic Energy Agency, which kept this information secret until last week?
In light of these elements, it is appropriate to revise the general accusation that Russia is responsible for this war…………………………………..
It looks like the IAEA bureaucrats are working for the US to spy on Russian operations in the SMO.
The IAEA director is a liar and an idiot who fell for the 1990s Livermore National Laboratory report that tried to downplay the radiation hazard of plutonium. Actually, plutonium is highly carcinogenic if inhaled and taken into cells throughout the body. While alpha particles are slow and do not penetrate very far they pack a punch due to their mass and can readily cause double-strand damage to DNA which result in mutations and ultimately cancer. Furthermore, plutonium is a bone seeker
As an example, Dr. Clark Harvey used to handle plutonium pits in the 325 building at Hanford. Both he and his wife died of cancer within one year of retirement.
All nuclear weapons in Ukraine were transferred to Russia at the fall of the USSR. Much of this uranium is sold to the US to fuel the US commercial reactors. Same with much of the plutonium, with the “hottest” isotope used to fuel US deep space probes.
The Zaporizhzhia reactor complex had the depleted fuel rods replaced with new fuel rods from Russia and the spent fuel rods were returned to Russia to be reprocessed until 2014.
Likewise, the IAEA director is lying about stores of plutonium and enriched uranium in Ukraine. Ukraine cannot produce 30 metric tons of plutonium without a plutonium processing plant? Bear in mind that it took 9 reactors at Hanford Washington dedicated to plutonium production for over 20 years to produce 67.4 tons of plutonium. This plutonium was concentrated and made into plutonium pits at the Hanford 325 building.
Ukraine lacks fuel reprocessing facilities to extract plutonium from fuel rods. In the US this was done using the PUREX process created by three senior scientists at the Hanford 325 building with level 2 security clearances (better than top-secret) Besides, the Ukrainian reactors are used for power generation and not for the production of high burnout fuel.
Plutonium is stored in segregated facilities with multiple levels of security. Strict spacial distribution is maintained and regular audits are conducted to account for the mass down to the nearest milligram. Ukraine just doesn’t have these facilities.
Ukraine also does not have a linear accelerator commonly necessary for the creation of lithium-6 used in a special fuel rod for the production of tritium. Without tritium, a nuclear bomb yield is that of a dirty bomb.
Does anyone know what has happened to Rusvena.ru?
I haven’t been able to access it for over a week.
@ Another Guy
Does anyone know what has happened to Rusvena.ru?
I haven’t been able to access it for over a week.
You got the wrong address, it is not “Rusvena.ru,” it is
Hope that helps.
Lone Wolf
Thank You. That was the problem.
A new clown world story reported on RT. The Azov nazis have now changed their emblem from the SS style Wolfsangel symbol to a Golden Trident in hopes of convincing people they aren’t nazis. Imagine if in 1944-1945 the German nazis have changed their Swastika emblem for something else. Would that have worked for them (?), I doubt it would have. It isn’t going to work for the Azov nazis either,especially when they are so stupid as to say, “However, the commander of the new unit, Maksim Zhorin, told that paper that it was formed “on the same principles and ideological basis as the legendary Azov regiment”. Yes,they are that stupid:
Ukraine’s Azov Battalion swaps neo-Nazi insignia – media
Sprinkling dog shit with glitter may fool some from a distance, but the closer you get no amount of glitter will suppress the stench.
I may have lost this comment into the page of Lavrov’s speeches.
So in case it is of interest:
The application of propaganda was not unique to the German Nazis and persisted as PR and social engineering.
Elitist insiders apply every means to predict and plan for the future so as to shape it to their own agenda. This means that the GoF opportunity for anything and everything is developed as the means to maximise control over unwanted outcomes to their goals which are largely framed in an atheistic view of life as war over diminishing resources, and therefore using any and every kind of psychological and emotional leverage of deceit to supply narratives of illusory virtues set against hyped up or made up threats, to fund and support provided ‘solutions’ that of course advance their goals and have nothing to do with caring or saving anything but their own role and position of usurping the trust of those they pretend to serve or govern.
The issue of toxic exposures of all kinds is in our air, our water, food, materials and radiations. These are largely a result of irresponsible and effectively unaccountable industrial corporate interests, but an intentionally destructive agenda can be discerned as part of what can be seen as cartel monopolies running as transnational powers. At the same time the resilience of a proper level of nutrition and spiritual health or individual, personal and cultural values, makes susceptibility to toxic shocks and strain part of a ‘way of life’ that feeds the ego while robbing the Spirit.
So in my opinion the Nazi ideology was one specific manifestation of a much deeper identification in self specialness set in struggle against evils, by which to claim both supremacy and a basis to deny the humanity of targeted ‘others’. We are none of us ‘special’ or if you prefer all special in our own unique ways.
The cultic manipulation of others as a means of control can take many forms. Fear seeks control as control needs fear to survive – hence the world gone mad by attempts to maintain the corruptions of military and medical industrial complex – that for all its regional variations is transnational or ‘globalist’ as a systemic capture.
This is but a sketch. A few lines drawn of an extremely complex entanglement. While seeking and struggle are active, they need channelling to support life, rather than possess and control life – which is the real ‘virus’ running in the minds of humankind. Biotech is the globalist dream for control of a breadth and depth that ‘justifies’ and executes every kind of sacrifice to attain. Eugenics is about controlling life to the point of creating or rather, distorting and degrading it to ‘our’ own image and agenda. So learn to discern image and symbol from facts of living relationship, or persist in loveless agenda.
I hope that attack is fender off.. southfront also had an attack a few days ago.
Note the EU only put sanctions on cargo port delivered Russian oil not on PIPED Russian oil. That continues as normal. So it’s a nonsense sanction.
Secondly it’s not implemented yet and details are being worked out. Hungary wants to be able to buy cargo port delivered Russian oil if for any reason the piped oil fails
In practice this means other EU states will buy from Hungary they Hungarian labelled Russian oil.
Good thinking:
Russia has every chance of winning in an all-out war with the West. Surprisingly, we are entering the perfect storm (the beginning of the worst global crisis since the Great Depression of the 30s) better than anyone.
A rare combination of crises is concentrated in the world in one place and at one time – energy, food, debt (which will develop into the strongest financial crisis in 100 years), structural, logistical and currency (undermining confidence in reserve currencies).
Russia provides itself with all primary raw materials: oil, gas, coal, ferrous, non-ferrous and rare earth metals, fertilizers, agricultural raw materials. In principle, we can never have an energy or food crisis. If there is, it will be solely because of systemic errors and the stupidity of the authorities, both regional and federal. But this is not the case, so the issues of survival are resolved. Something that 9/10 of the population of the planet (especially Europe and Japan) cannot afford, and Russia is lucky with its geographical position.
Throughout the history of mankind, wars have occurred due to resource insufficiency/scarcity on the trajectory of expanding living space and seizing territories and natural resources. We have unlimited natural resources, territories and all necessary resources. In general, there are no barriers to development.
At the same time, Russia has a net positive international investment position (there are more foreign exchange assets than debts), and when expropriating assets, there is every right to refuse to pay debts and seize foreign property.
The debt burden in Russia is lower than anywhere else among the major countries of the world (122% of non-financial debt to GDP). For comparison, the US and the Eurozone have 282% non-financial debt to GDP, China 285%, Japan 416%, UK 290%, India 173%, Brazil 182%, Turkey and Saudi Arabia 116% each.
However, due to high rates, the cost of servicing debt in Russia is one of the highest in % of GDP, but this is what the CBR will have to do. The high cost of borrowing is an exclusively internal problem and it can be solved.
Therefore, we will definitely not have an energy, food, debt and financial crisis. We are rapidly disengaging from the global financial system, and this is wonderful – every day we are increasing our own strategic stability and security. Literally every day. The peak of the shock was experienced in February-March and more than adequately.
Also, we are not concerned with the structural, systemic crisis that affects the countries of the West (primarily the United States and Europe). Disabling feedback, large-scale degradation of the elite and loss of touch with reality, the expansion of zombie companies and bad debt, uncontrolled monetary emission – all this is past Russia.
We have a structural crisis of a different kind – in the systematic idleness and incompetence of many people who make decisions. Previously, there was hope for the investment climate, that foreigners would come and build our economy from scratch, and we would sit on the fence, hanging everything that could be hung and watching. They did not come and did not build.
The events that are now taking place in international politics – all this aggressive isolation, the flight of foreign businesses from Russia, the expropriation of the assets of officials and oligarchs abroad – this is wonderful! As they say, just what the doctor ordered. Finally, the illusions of self-construction of the economy by proxy will go into the wastebasket, as well as friendship with “Western partners”.
Consequently, the faster the nationalization of the elite will occur and the faster the capital will begin to work in the interests of Russia. I hope that the confrontation will continue, only in such conditions it is possible to build an independent and strong Russia!
“We can never have an energy or food crisis”. We hope the best for Russia, really!
But never underestimate the enemy:
“The Great Famine of 1315-17 effecting Russia and most of Europe”.
“The Russian famine of 1601-1603 killing 1/3 of the population”.
“The Russian famine 1891”.
“The Russian famine of 1921-1922”.
“The Russian 1932-33 famine.
The usual farmer story, too much rain or too little rain or too much sun or the Jews :-D.
I was starting to worry that the Ukrop Victory Squads finally hit.
Sorry to hear about your problems. I’ve written and published an article, “Some of the Major Contradictions in Outlaw US Empire’s War on the World”, about the many Catch-22s the Outlaw US Empire has created very recently and those from the past that are tied to them. I present the mostly forgotten post-WW2 vision of peaceful world co-existence and place it into today’s context, which is something too many gloss over but is at the very core of Russia’s Security Proposals and SMO.
Let’s hope the Russians have told the Azov prisoners about this. It might get them to talk,and maybe if they are allowed to contact their fellows in Ukrainian territory. They could cause a lot of trouble for the Zelensky regime:
“Do Not Take Alive” – Security Service of Ukraine wants to eliminate neo-Nazis
Political scientist Alexey Zhivov @zhivoff specially for the channel Soroca-Beloboka @soroka_belaya_en
In Kiev, the political crisis is gaining momentum , which can easily tear the thin fabric of the Ukrainian statehood into small yellow-blue ribbons.
Official paper signed by the Head of the SBU Bakanov is circulating on the network; it approved the goals and parameters of elimination of representatives of special units of the Ukrainian army. These are primarily neo-Nazis of “Azov” (banned in the Russian Federation).
Operation “Black Phoenix” is ordered, the purpose of which is to prepare and carry out sabotage and terrorist actions on the territory of Russia and the DPR to eliminate representatives of special units of the Ukrainian army.
Surrendered specialists are a valuable information resource for Russian secret services. In addition, the very fact of their surrender is a monstrous blow to the reputation of the Kiev regime and the combat capability of Ukrainian troops, which lately more often surrender or scandal than fight.
Everything that is going on perfectly fits into the logic of the acute political crisis that is gaining strength in Kiev, where there is a division between Zelensky, representing American interests, Zaluzhny, lobbying British interests, and Avakov, who supports neo-Nazis and Ukrainian oligarchs.
Kiev filled with leaflets with revolutionary content, where on behalf of the Ukrainian “hero-warriors” (neo-Nazi- fanatics) Zelensky is declared as the main traitor of Ukraine.
Soon, we can expect an attempt to eliminate neo-Nazis captured by Russia. From the first day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been shelling the pretrial detention center in Elenovka, where the Azov residents are being held. No less real is the prospect of a military coup in Kiev, in which Zelensky will be removed or killed.
American interests, check
British interests, check
Neo-Nazi Kolomoisky interests, check
Ukrainian interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to be continued.
As William Blum once put it, America must Kill Hope and destroy the “threat” of a good example. This is what the so-called “Cold War” was really about: destroying the threat of an alternative development path to America’s global capitalist system.
The U.S. is a government run by hell fiends. Its aim is the thorough genocide of many nations and peoples that it cannot bribe or subjugate. The American populace itself is largely a mass of self-deluding materialists who do not want to know this truth, because they cannot handle it.
Ukraine is not the only proxy war the U.S. and its death forces are currently waging. Syria is in the grip of American terror unimaginable to any honest human being. The U.S. regime has stolen the primary oil land and farmland of that country in order to impoverish and starve it to death, while paying and supplying vast numbers of animalistic Islamic murderers of all stripes to destroy its people in hideous and grotesque ways. That is, after having devastated Iraq in an unprovoked war under fake justification and turned the entire Middle East into a charnel house, Yemen being another current example.
American vassal France has for months had half a hundred officers in Ukraine fighting and advising the corrupt marionettes controlling that country under American supervision. (This fact was concealed from the French electorate before the recent election there, of course, in order to assure the diabolical Macron’s re-election.) It is almost certain that the Russian flagship, “Moskva,” was actually targeted, struck and sunk by in-country French military using NATO missiles and coordinates provided by the U.S. The weapons system used was too sophisticated and dangerous for the Ukros themselves to operate. Plus, we now have at least two Republican senators calling circumlocutorily for the use of nuclear weapons against Russia itself (“to teach it a lesson,” of course).
See retired Colonel and former State Senator Richard Black’s revelations about how the “indispensable nation” is leading the world to nuclear war at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcp0TYx_eUI, for starters. (Colonel Black is the former Chief of the Army Criminal Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General.)
Recently Russia shot a Zircon missile from a warship in the Barents Sea a thousand kilometers to a target in the White Sea. The U.S. media dutifully reported it as a “provocation.” In actual fact, it was a pre-announced demonstration to the American military of the capabilities of this new missile, which flies at Mach 9 and cannot be shot down or otherwise defended against. What the Russians were in effect saying was that, if the U.S. tries to use nukes on Russia itself, this seaborne weapon, among others using advanced technology, will assure the immediate and permanent annihilation of Yankeeland.
Yes, Russland may have an economy much smaller than that of the U.S., but it can defend itself against the megalomaniac Empire of Fraud, Lies and Violence.
Apparently self-promoting Republican (or Democrat) “patriots” do not understand that.
In a presidential address last Saturday, Zelensky said that the military situation in the East was “indescribably difficult.” This expression means it is not winnable. He should accordingly surrender in the East now. Many of the Ukrainians who listened to that are thinking the same thing.
Z just fired his Human Rights minister – who spent time in comfortable Warsaw et al, instead of organizing exit corridors. It seems she was pursuing a Woke agenda, and soldiers died. Warning to Wokie politicians!
Two video reports from the new liberated territories by the intrepid reporter Patrick Lancaster:
Russia’s New Land Bridge To Crimea (Special Report)
See Russia’s Captured Territory In Ukraine (3 Months of War Special Report)
And Mariupol is starting to come back.Shown on video by the well know reporter Graham Phillips:
Mariupol is BACK !!!!!
Graham Phillips hates Patrick Lancaster who he calls a “headless chicken” vlogger who asks for money on his videos. Phillips regards himself on a different level as a journalist who works for principles, not money.
I know,I lectured him twice over his feud with Patrick. And many others have complained about it too. He seems to have curtailed his sipping lately. So hopefully he got the message. I watch them both to see what is happening on the ground there in an up to the minute manner. I don’t care if they ask for money or not (and Graham has done that too,though he seems to forget that). In Patrick’s case he doesn’t work for any group that pays him. So he needs crowdfunding support.If he didn’t get support like that we wouldn’t be able to see on the ground current videos from the war zone like he brings us.And now his latest reporting is going to be reports from the liberated territories. I’m looking forward to seeing eyewitness reporting from that area.
False flag chemical attack, which the Russian military has been warning about for at least a week, has occurred in Severodonetsk:
Up to date asessment of the Moldova situation…previous reports too
If Russa wants to bring a negotiated speedy end to the conflict, it should refuse to sell oil to hostile beligerant states. Surely India and China can use all the energy Russia can supply. If the shoe were on the other foot, the US would have cut off energy supplies on Day 1
Be sure the ‘elites’ puke having to pay with rubles – an absolute genius move by Moscow.
Cutting off gas would not hurt the puking elites, just hapless citizens.
Send elites barf-bags with crowd-funding. Phew!
The CIA: 70 years in Ukraine (excerpt from, The CIA As Organized Crime by Doug Valentine)
I had hated country music most of my life for reasons I’ll go into on another blog post and the reasons are rather hilarious. Suffice to say, at this time I had a comic death rock group called ‘Flaccid Noodle Doom’ and Ernest gave us new life, oh Bela, Bela … only the kids didn’t realize it was comedy and I was sending them up.
Latest from Military Chronicle: https://voenhronika.ru/
The army of Ukraine is defeated ON ALL FRONTS! The latest release of Yuriy Podolyaka – reports from Ukraine (20 videos)
They report the capture of Yarovaya by Russian troops. This means the formation of the Svyatogorsk cauldron for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is dangerous to enter Svyatogorsk, since on the other side there is a strategic height from which it is very convenient for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to shell the city.
The Gauleiter of the occupied territories of the Luhansk People’s Republic stated that the RF Armed Forces control most of Severodonetsk. All supply routes are under fire control of the RF Armed Forces. The evacuation from Severodonetsk and the delivery of goods there is extremely difficult due to the fire destruction of vehicles trying to drive into the city. It is known that Russian troops went directly to the Severodonetsk thermal power plant, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine had previously fled, having lost control over city blocks.
Even at the “Azot” plant, the Armed Forces of Ukraine blew up containers with nitric acid today. Already, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is thinking about retreating from the Lisichansk-Zolotoye line, since the situation there is rapidly deteriorating.
They report the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Tsupovka and Tokarevka (Kharkiv region) and the actual retreat to the Dergachi-Tsirkuny line. At the same time, battles began for the village of Sosnovka.
According to preliminary information, the Ukrainian units suffered losses and have already retreated from the settlement. Continued in the material.
Russian artillery strikes at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Zolochev, Konstantinovka and Slatino. There is active fire destruction of targets on the line of contact. To contain the blow, the Armed Forces of Ukraine transferred additional units to the Slatino-Pitomnik line.
In general, near Kharkov, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are gradually being squeezed out of the positions they occupied during the “big counteroffensive”, driving the enemy to the outskirts of Kharkov. Of course, they will not storm Kharkov now. It’s just that the grouping was strengthened in this direction and the propaganda “successes” ended instantly.
In the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to attack with an approximate loss ratio of 1 to 20, without success.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing for a possible offensive from the Belarusian direction. Since the beginning of the month, fortifications and firing positions have been equipped by several battalions of 100, 104 and 115 territorial defense brigades at the border lines. Gladkovichi – Peschanitsa – Mozhary – Runner in the Zhytomyr region. Battalion command posts of the 115th battalion of the Terodefense were deployed in Malin, Korosten and Narodichi. Mushni – Milyach – Lyutinsk – Zarechnoye in the Rivne region. Control point in Sarny. Cir – Ratno – Vydranitsa in the Volyn region. Control points in Lutsk and Zgorany. In the immediate vicinity of Belarus, the forces of the 6th and 9th border detachments of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine are deployed. In addition, engineering units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived in the Zhytomyr region, which will mine the likely attack routes.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing for the next operation on Snake Island. The command, and especially the Western advisers in charge of it, have taken into account past failures, and are now preparing more thoroughly. The Ukrainian command is waiting for the delivery of Harpoon anti-ship missiles, necessary to destroy the ships of the Russian Navy. Currently, Ukrainian forces are actively conducting training on landing on an unequipped coast. There is reconnaissance of the positions of the RF Armed Forces on the island with the help of the Bayraktar UAV. In addition, since May 25, the strategic UAV RQ-4B Global Hawk of the US Air Force and RQ-4D Phoenix of the NATO Air Force have been operating in the Black Sea every day, which monitor the activities of the Russian Navy ship group. Yesterday, a joint training session was held to organize communications between units of the 73rd SOF center, Navy boats, and the 14th Air Force Regiment of Ukraine. The leadership was carried out by employees of the GUR with the command post by a group of heterogeneous forces. Anti-aircraft missile systems are located in the area of Desantnoye and Glubokoye to cover units from missile strikes.
Thanks RussianBear for this very interesting report.
Zerohedge published an article today on the Azot plant, based on this story —
h t t p s :// w w w. barrons.com/news/russia-strikes-nitric-acid-tank-at-chemical-plant-in-ukraine-s-severodonetsk-governor-01654016706
(spaces inserted to prevent linkification) Naturally blaming Russia … I wonder if Barrons already had a draft of the article yesterday?
The Zerohedge commentariat were not inclined to swallow the story as-is.
Machine translation – when ‘people’ put on uniforms they are servicemen, legit targets.
If the machine says losses are people – that is propaganda, AI enabled.
The UAF were only good as servicemen shelling people for 8 years.
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin with a brief summary of the results of the operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine at 23.00 on May 31, 2022, especially for the Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok channel :
Residential development is almost completely cleared. There is a cleanup of the industrial zone and fighting in the area of the Severodonetsk thermal power plant and the Azot plant.
In the coming days, the complete liberation of Severodonetsk and the beginning of the fighting for Lisichansk will be announced.
Fighting north of the village. Troops from the Novoselki-2 area are pressing in a westerly direction. There are fights in the direction of Krasnogorovka. Of course, there are no boilers there – the Avdeevka-Orlovka highway allows you to continue supplying the enemy grouping.
Fighting on the southern outskirts of New York.
Fighting in the Novolugansk, Uglegorsk TPP and in the Vozdvizhenka area.
Battles at Pilipchatino. The enemy is fortifying in Pokrovsky. Reserves are transferred through the city, which rush into battle for the Artyomovsk-Lysichansk highway. Accumulations of APU equipment are being hit.
Fights near Novaya Kamenka and Stryapovka. The opponents, by bringing forces of up to two BTGs into battle, continue to try to push our troops back from the Artemovsk-Lysichansk highway in the Belogorovka-Berestovoe area, but, according to him, the route is still under close fire control of our troops and it is impossible to fully use it.
Fighting on the southern outskirts of Zolote.
Cleaned up to 80% of Kamyshevakhi.
Fighting in the Installation area and west of Toshkovka. The enemy is trying to keep the Lisichansk-Gorskoye road, as well as Vrubovka, under his control in order to be able to defend Gorskoye and Zolote.
Red Estuary.
The forests south of the Krasny Liman were almost completely cleared and the villages near the river were taken. Today we cleared the village. Yarovaya in the direction of Svyatogorsk. The positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Raygorodok are subjected to heavy blows.
No major changes. Positional battles at Bolshaya Kamyshevakha, Kurulka and Dolgenyoky.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine were forced to leave a number of positions near Tsupovka and retreat to Kharkov after a series of unsuccessful attacks and a long-term fire defeat of the RF Armed Forces, which confidently hold the Cossack Lopan-Liptsy-Ternovoye-Rubezhnoye line.
In general, the “counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” in the Kharkov direction did not bring great success, at the cost of heavy losses, only a number of villages directly on the outskirts of Kharkov were captured, but attempts to build on success and reach the border failed. Similarly, attempts to create a serious foothold on the other side of the Seversky Donets and to strain the flank of the Izyum grouping failed.
Attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to advance in the area of Snegirevka and Davydov Brod ended for the Armed Forces of Ukraine with heavy losses in the absence of significant results. Nevertheless, we can expect the resumption of enemy activity in the Nikopol and Krivoy Rog directions.
11. Odessa, Nikolaev, Marinka, Zaporozhye, Vuhledar – no significant changes.
Some Very Good Commentary (in my opinion):
Voenkor Kitten Z
The Russian Aerospace Forces must destroy American MLRS before they reach the front – my commentary to RIA FAN.
The Russian army is quite capable of preventing American missile systems from reaching the front. The incident is that the United States has previously supplied Ukraine with modern HIMARS systems, but they were accompanied by missiles capable of firing at a distance of 50 to 70 kilometers.
According to my information, HIMARS missile systems were delivered to Ukraine back in April, but in limited quantities. Most of them were sent to the Kharkov region, and they were deliberately placed in urban areas, in fact – under the cover of residential buildings. Subsequently, some of them were destroyed by pinpoint strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
The very discussion of the topic of deliveries of the M270 MLRS and M142 Himars is a kind of diplomatic casuistry, with such information stuffing the West probes the reaction from the Russian Federation. I think that if events at the front develop as negatively for the Armed Forces of Ukraine as they are now, the supply of such modern MLRS to Ukraine will only increase.
We have seen that since April, many Eastern European countries have supplied Ukraine with dozens of their old MLRS — Hurricanes, Grads, etc. Donetsk, Kherson, Melitopol and other liberated cities. Nevertheless, there was no sharp political reaction to these deliveries to Ukraine from Russia. However, possible deliveries of rocket-propelled missile systems from the US are a matter of serious concern in Moscow.
Some commentators say that the very fact of supplying modern MLRS to Ukraine is a casus belli, and Israel would not even tolerate the presence of such weapons on the territory of its neighboring states. Unfortunately, Russia does not have such political positions as Israel. And we cannot afford to strike at the territory of Poland or Romania, through which modern weapons are being delivered to Ukraine.
What we can do in this situation is to strike at the logistics and railway hubs of Ukraine, which receive Western weapons before being sent to the front. And our troops, thank God, are doing this not without success – in the Ukrainian media periodically there are reports of strikes on hangars on the territory of enterprises and warehouses, which do not provide any details about what exactly was destroyed. This is a clear sign that the Russian Aerospace Forces are getting exactly where they need to be.
Unfortunately, in March-April, Russian troops did not attack the logistics and railway infrastructure of Ukraine for a long time, allowing hundreds of weapons to reach the front. Today, in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, no one looks at such things “through the fingers.” However, there are still many targets that need to be attacked to prevent US MLRS from reaching the front line. For example, in Western Ukraine there are several tunnels through which caravans with weapons for the Armed Forces of Ukraine go from Europe. I think it is they who should become the closest whole VKS of the Russian Federation.
It is also necessary to more actively attack railway junction stations and warehouses in the area of major highways, where Western weapons are temporarily stored. Combat and reconnaissance work is hard work, the enemy carefully disguises the movements of his best weapons, and when they hit the place of deployment, they immediately place them in a residential area. Our task is to carefully calculate and precisely destroy such targets. We have no other way.
“Some commentators say that the very fact of supplying modern MLRS to Ukraine is a casus belli, and Israel would not even tolerate the presence of such weapons on the territory of its neighboring states. Unfortunately, Russia does not have such political positions as Israel. And we cannot afford to strike at the territory of Poland or Romania, through which modern weapons are being delivered to Ukraine.”
Problem is that Medvedev already said that if those longer-range missiles are sent, Russia will attack U.S. installations. Biden had said before (day or two ago) that he would not send them. Medvedev believed Biden’s statement to be his last word on that. I don’t think it was his role to put Russia in a bind like that. Too many people who are not the president are speaking like one in Russia (Medvedev, Patrushev, Glazyev). It’s like they’re looking for the limelight but don’t have the skill for it. Now either Russia will attack U.S. installations or Medvedev will have spoken wrongly about something a counselor or security adviser, no matter how high, should not say, right? If Medvedev was speaking for his president, we know what will happen then (I don’t think he was). Putin is too skillful to make the comment that Medvedev made.
You think that Medvedev would foolishly speak out of turn and make the Russian leadership look dysfunctional?
No. I disagree. Medvedev speaks the same language as Putin but in a different way. The gloves are off and the Russians are speaking the same language that only bullies would understand.
“You think that…”
That’s what I strongly suspect, yes. Why exult over it? He thought it would not happen because supposedly Biden knew what Medmedev then told us. That’s not like Putin, right? There was no need to exult. It became false too; Biden left him in offside position, and he spoke out of turn. He has been doing that; he has been mocked in Europe, even in Ukraine. When he started speaking wildly, I thought the others were “burning” him on purpose (perhaps). It very well could be that Putin has a teddy bear side which some of his collaborators are abusing (Patrushev, Medvedev and Glazyev).
In a deeper sense, you’re right, of course. One Mr. Caldwell wrote an opinion article in the NYT where he mentioned that the world again is like “sleepwalking” into war. Medvedev must be reflecting the conversations of meetings, rather than being alone with his thoughts.
Interested read
Please put a comment with your link as to why and what the article is about. Mod.
The actions of US/NATO/WEF are leading to global genocide. What else can you call it when decreased economic production, due to energy cuts, leads to a cascade of other issues. Food shortages, goods shortages, civil unrest, international unrest, etc. Now, that is the biggest crime against humanity. We, the little people, better prepare for this.
Biden acts like a man who expects to evade responsibility for his actions, such as baiting Putin into invading Ukraine.
To some extent that may be a result of his life experience, which has been that of a man able to lie and bully his way out of one tight spot after another.
Plus he has the media on his side, and that is a huge advantage for him.
But I think something more is happening here. I think he plans to foment a full-on conflict with Russia and/or China. Especially China, as can be seen with his inflammatory remarks on Taiwan.
Once this war is well and truly on (around the time of the midterm elections in November) Biden would expect a wave of public support for his “war presidency” to limit the damage that Democrats could otherwise be expected to suffer.
Some may say that’s pessimistic. I think it’s possible and even likely. My fellow Americans seem to have lost their feisty the individualism. Perhaps that was the true goal of the Covid repression — to beat people down so badly they will never rise back up.
I would love to be proven wrong.
Things in the wind, know someone who knows someone in Russia, younger person so even I went, oh really. The Russian rumour mill feels that once Russia is finished with 404, China will address Taiwan.
Biden as a war president, which US citizens will support him? The depressed ones? A war will do him more harm.
Cheers M
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing up Biden’s a*se
Can someone explain to me why the Kherson and Zaporozhye oblasts aren’t forming their own militia to help the Russian military!
I understand the situation in Nikolaev and Odessa does not allow this formation yet, as their aren’t enough liberated cities and towns in those oblasts, however what is going on in Kherson and Zoporozhye?
I would have expected local partisan groups to have been active in all thee areas,but i didn’t hear of any such activity.
Thanks all.
Glad to see you back.
Some videos for today.
The Kiev regime’s Banderite “Azov” death squad is undergoing a corporate rebranding:
Artillery units of Russian Airborne Forces target Kiev regime mortars:
Russia’s Su-35S, Su-30SM conduct airstrikes amid ongoing hostilities:
Russia’s Grad MLRS crews operate at night:
Port of Mariupol resumes operation:
kefir. the creal home-made stuff. not the store-bought.
A very good article on the “3 identities of the former Ukraine”. And how Russia needs to help shape them. One of the best I’ve seen from RT:
“Alexander Nepogodin: Modern Ukraine was built on an anti-Russia foundation, but a large part of the country refused to play along”
“Ukraine’s divisions will help Russia consolidate the territory it now controls. But there’s a lot of challenges ahead”
By Alexander Nepogodin, аn Odessa-born political journalist, expert on Russia and the former Soviet Union.
Russia vs. proxy-war America: Putin’s IQ: 150; Biden’s: 90, and declining. That says it all.
This is Put2. The show is run by RF MIC and Duma.. not Pur2. Put1 went to Geneva a few years ago for the alleged birth of a daughter. A few weeks later Put2 emerged, with a new bround face, no prominent chin, a new non-Judo belly, more hair, and loss of: German and Judo skills.. and wife. Search old vid of Put1 with late Fr. Prez. Chirac.. a TOTALLY different guy to Put2. Maybe cia bumped off Put1, so double moved in.. who knows. Even locals called Put2, Put’s ghost.
Heck even HC is now HC2 and Biden has a JB2. too.. even named!.
There was a nice article on the website from just when your problems began a day ago. I don’t remember the author, but it was about how safe and carefree it used to be in the US during the 1950s and 60s. Can it be restored to the site?
Yanks sending Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) to the Ukraine.
Wonder how long they will last before being taken out?
Well they can’t be brought in by car so they should be easy to locate as soon as they come over the border,and thats where they should be liquidated even if that means bombing all the railway tracks.
The Economist is a (part-owned) Rothschild publication – so it speaks to the global elites.
For all the trolls on this site who want to suggest that China will betray/split from Russia, I post:
May 14th 2022 Senior Colonel Zhou Bo says the war in Ukraine will accelerate the geopolitical shift from West to East – The more popular it becomes to join NATO, the more insecure Europe will be (behind paywall)
First two para’s:
“IF THE ENEMY of my enemy is my friend, is the enemy of my friend also my enemy? Not necessarily. Or so China’s thinking goes when it comes to the raging Russian-Ukrainian war. On the one hand China is Russia’s strategic partner. On the other, China is the largest trading partner of Ukraine Beijing therefore tries painstakingly to strike a balance in its responses to the war between two of its friends. It expresses understanding of Russia’s “legitimate concerns” over NATO’s expansion, while underlining that “the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries must be respected”. [emphasis mine]
Such carefully calibrated neutrality may not be what the warring parties really want, but it is acceptable to both. If China joins the West in condemning Russia, it will be much applauded in Washington and most European capitals. But it will lose Russia’s partnership. And it is only a matter of time before America takes on China again. The Biden administration’s policy towards my country is “extreme competition” that stops just short of war.”
This article [behind paywall] was by invitation was in The Economist a (part-owned) Rothschild publication, hence it speaks to the global elite & the Deep State in each of the so-called Western ‘liberal’ democracies.
May 30th 2022 Recep Tayyip Erdogan on NATO expansion – Turkey’s president explains why his country is blocking Sweden and Finland from joining
Two standout para’s
“As all nato allies accept Turkey’s critical importance to the alliance, it is unfortunate that some members fail fully to appreciate certain threats to our country. Turkey maintains that the admission of Sweden and Finland entails risks for its own security and the organisation’s future. We have every right to expect those countries, which will expect nato’s second-largest army [Turkey] to come to their defence under Article 5, to prevent the recruitment, fundraising and propaganda activities of the PKK, …
Turkey wants the candidate countries to curb the activities of all terrorist organisations and extradite the members of these organisations. We provided clear evidence to the authorities in these countries and waited for action from them. Also Turkey wants these countries to support the anti-terror operations of nato members. Terrorism is a threat for all members and the candidate countries should recognize this reality before joining. Unless they take necessary steps, Turkey will not change its position on this issue.” [emphasis mine]
Can you see that by referring to all Erdogan has neatly captured the threat Ukie NeoNazi formations within the Ukie military – Azov, CD14, Adair, etc & its parliamentary party of Svoboda? I know Russia is not a NATO member, but it does set the precedent.
If you’re wondering why Erdogan would make this call, (in addition to the terror operations in his own backyard, eg Idlib & N-W Syria) recall that it was Putin who saved Erdogan from a US coup attempt back when Obomber (7 Arab/Muslim nations bomber in 8 years) was Prez.
See: US role in Turkey coup a bad mistake – Zbigniew Bzezinski
Why has the interview with Lavrov Lavrov-x-two been removed from The Saker’s site https://thesaker.is/lavrov-x-two/ ?
We had to recover all posts from May 30. That is back up now.
Thank you Amarynth.
(We could use a new SitRep or Open Thread for news. Thanks!)
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin with a brief summary of the results of the operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine at 10:00 pm on June 1, 2022, especially for the Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok channel :
Severodonetsk .
More than 80% of the city is under the control of the RF Armed Forces. The enemy is being held in the area of the Azot plant and the industrial zone. Ukrainian sources explain the benefits of the retreat to Lysichansk, which partially happened – part of the quarters of Severodonetsk was occupied by the RF Armed Forces without serious fighting in the mopping-up regime. The enemy hopes that due to the terrain in Lisichansk he will be able to hold out longer. The myth of the “Severodonetsk fortress” collapsed.
Avdiivka .
Fighting north of Avdiivka towards Krasnogorovka. There is no operational encirclement of the Avdiivka group. The enemy, after the loss of the Avdeevka-Konstantinovka highway, retains 2 roads through Orlovka to supply Avdeevka. Fighting on the southern outskirts of New York and near Novobakhmutovka.
Svetlodarsk .
Fighting in the area of Dolomitny, Novolugansk, Vozdvizhenka, Uglegorsk TPP. Significant progress in this area was not reported today. The key position here is the Uglegorsk TPP.
Artemovsk .
Fights for the fortified area in Pilipchatino. The enemy has transferred several dozen pieces of equipment to the city, strengthening the defense on the outskirts.
Soledar .
Fights for the Artemovsk-Lysichansk highway. The enemy threw into battle part of the reserves withdrawn from Artemovsk, trying to push our troops away from Berestovoye and Belogorovka. Due to the fire damage, it is difficult to use the Artemovsk-Lysichansk highway, part of the supply of the Severodonetsk grouping was transferred to the Artemovsk-Seversk-Lysichansk road. Fighting at Upper Kamenka.
Golden .
More than 80% of Kamyshevakhi has been liberated. The enemy is reinforcing the defenses of Vrubovka, trying to prevent our troops from developing the offensive from the area of Toshkovka and Ustinovka.
Slavyansk .
Battles for Svyatogorsk. Most of the northern coast of the Seversky Donets in the direction of Raygorodok has been cleared. Part of Shchurovo is occupied, advancement to Bogorodichnoye. Fighting on the outskirts of Lake.
Raisin .
Without changes. Positional battles in the area of Velikaya Kamyshevakha, Kurulka, Dolgenkiy.
Kharkov .
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation again seized the initiative here, methodically pushing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the border to Kharkov. Today, the enemy left several small villages after a long fire defeat, including Tsupovka. In the Ternovaya area, after repulsing the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation advanced towards Stary Saltov, leaving, incl. to the road from Stary Saltov to Kharkov. In general, the “big counter-offensive near Kharkov” ended in nothing for the Armed Forces of Ukraine – significant forces were spent to take insignificant villages, some of which had to be given back. Attacks on Kharkiv and Chuguev can not yet be expected, as well as large-scale operations in the Chernihiv and Sumy directions, where the RF Armed Forces are limited to fire damage to the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Carbon .
The enemy launched a counterattack in the direction of Pavlovka, suffered losses and did not achieve success. The battles near Novomikhailovka and Velikaya Novoselovka brought no changes to the situation at the front. In Marinka, no changes, the front froze in the area of the waste heap.
Nikolaev .
Attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to launch attacks in the direction of Kherson from the Nikolaev and Kryvyi Rih directions ended in heavy losses for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in people and materiel. It was not possible to break through the defenses of the RF Armed Forces at Snegirevka and at Davydov Brod. Attempts to achieve tactical success with a swoop turned into failure. It can be expected that the next attempts will prepare more thoroughly. One can note the use of the Kinburn Spit by Russian MLRS for shelling Ochakovo, where 2 small missile boats of the Ukrainian Navy were hit.
Odessa .
The enemy transferred part of the reserves to Nikolaev, revising the city’s defense system. Part of the barriers were dismantled in the center. Preparations are underway for a second attack on about. Serpentine, which will be carried out with the support of the American MLRS HIMARS, which the United States plans to transfer from the territory of Romania. The Russian Black Sea Fleet is taking measures to strengthen the defense of the island.
Zaporozhye .
On the front Kamenskoye-Orekhov-Gulyaipole-Velikaya Novoselovka – positional battles.
you make valid points about Ukraine’s OVERT capabilities. However; none of us can be certain of any COVERT capabilities that Ukraine might have developed since Soviet times. Aside from possible funding and assistance from various governments including the United States, there are many Dot Com Billionaires who might have been willing to provide funding so as to have there own private aresenals.