Dear friends,
It has been almost a month since you heard from me, so I decided to post a short update.
As I indicated in my initial post, I had to take time off for health reasons. I don’t think I have any obligation, even implied, to go into details, but just to reassure you, I can promise you that my problems were a common but painful combo of GI issues made worse by simple cumulative exhaustion: fifteen years of non-stop blogging (all on my so-called “free time”) without any real break was not reasonable, and I frankly neglected to take care of my own health. Anyway, I FINALLY found a competent MD, we did the needed tests, gave me some good advice and I am already on the mend.
Frankly, at 58 I have to be kinder to my body than I was at 20, or else things could get much worse (of course those who hate me would hope me to do the opposite and keep draining myself into the grave).

A happy Saker and his beloved wife :-)
I also decided to take that time off to spend more time with my wonderful family, something I also needed a lot and which I am enjoying every day! Not only that, but I also do a lot of hiking, biking, swimming, free diving, playing guitar, kayaking, reading and all the other things which I love and which are, as the expression goes, “exactly what the doctor ordered”.
I now realize that during the past 15 years I was like the proverbial “frog in slowly boiling water”, and only “jumping out” of this “pan” made me realize two things: how precarious my position was becoming and how much I needed to “get out” back into some “cool water”.
And I am happy to report that I am already feeling much better than a month ago, so this “therapy” is working miracles :-)
Also, I picked my time very carefully. Rather than spend HOURS replying to all sorts of emails and questions about the official and terminally idiotic US narrative(s), I just realized that by my planned date of return (August 1st) the reality of things in the Ukraine will be much clearer (except for the truly hopelessly brainwashed folks whom I never considered as my target audience anyway). Mariupol was only the first big crack in the Western wall of lies. Now the process has begun.
I don’t want to comment about the war itself until my return, but I will just recommend that you listen carefully to what Andrei Martyanov, Bernhard and Gonzalo Lira have to say. Yes, they all are very different personalities, with very different areas of expertise and even more different styles and personalities. That is precisely why I recommend this “combo”, because they represent three different but all honest views of this war (which nowadays is an extremely rare phenomenon!).
And, of course, I recommend the guest posts and analyses posted on the Saker blog while I am on break :-)
But there is one REALLY important which this war has already shown: the true faces of governments, organizations, interests groups and even individuals!
Sadly, most of what we discovered (at least I did) is that the West is far more evil, hypocritical and, frankly suicidally stupid then I ever imagined. Now if you want to call me blind, naive, stupid, pollyannaish or delusional – fine, I will plead guilty as charged: even in my worst nightmares I did not expect such level of truly demonic evil. I have been saying that the AngloZionist Empire and Russia were locked into an existential war since at least 2013, but I did not expect that the Empire would be hateful and stupid enough to choose to hurt itself much, much more than it would ever hurt Russia. Now I see that Bertolt Brecht was absolutely correct: “The belly is still fertile from which the foul beast sprang” and Russia will have to denazify not only the Ukraine (which will break up, also exactly as I predicted many years ago), but also the entire West and that means that the entire planet. I am totally confident that she will succeed, by the way, as many Russians say “we need to truly finish WWII“.
On a personal level, I found out that some of my supposed “friends” were no friends at all: far from showing any sympathy or even understanding for the reasons for my break, they chose to offer their “remote pseudo-diagnostics” and frankly stupid rumors, which used that against me personally and the blog. Now they have to live with themselves, and I don’t envy them as they barked up a caravan which has long passed them: enjoy the dust!
But much more important, to me, was the real outpouring of kindness and support from many HUNDREDS of people, under my original post, by email and even by wonderful letters and cards, sometimes from people who wrote to me for the first time! I cannot put in words who touched I am by such an outpouring of kindness, all I can do is thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could do that personally to each one of you, but I physically can’t.
As the French say, “it is in shitty situation that you see your true friends“. Only one month has passed since I took my break, but I am already much “richer” for discovering that I had many more friends and supporters than I ever imagined. I am deeply grateful for that!
Okay, that’s all on my end. I just want you to know that both me and the blog are doing fine, there is no reason at all to worry about either one. As for me, God willing, I will come back with my “batteries” fully recharged for the next phase of this war – the denazification of NATO and the EU (which I personally expect to probably begin even before that). That third phase will also combine elements of economic, informational and “kinetic” warfare, what the actual ratios will be is anyone’s guess and I won’t hazard one here (at least not now).
For those who have written to me to tell me that they miss my analyses, I want to say this: I ask for your patience as time will pass quickly and I will be back pretty soon already, and in much better shape than when I took my break.
Now I leave you in the kind and trusted hands of my small but wonderful “Saker team” to which I am also immensely grateful for everything they are doing (which is A LOT, more than you can imagine or I can say).
Hugs and cheers to all,
Take care good man, your family need you. We too, blog readers, but that is secondary. Get well, no rush. The war is no rabbit, it is no going to run away, there will always be time for that. You have opened eyes of many people in the West.
God bless you and your family.
Amen to that Christ has Risen..
Second that, best wishes for Andrei’s health and long live the Saker blog.
I Health tip stop drinking so much beer if you do and start smoking a little cannabis if you don’t. I’m an old man and it worked miracles for me. Post script you should dry leaf vape it’s much better for your lungs.
Where did you get the idea that I drink beer?
I mean, seriously, how do folks come up with such nonsense (I never drink beer!)???
Wine person perhaps? :-)
You should be aware that the majority of Hospital Physicians rely on an alcohol / caffeine combination to get us through the day with some remnant of “operational sanity”!
Well thank God that I am not a hospital physician :-)
now please let’s stop this silly talk!
I was about to advise not to drink beer at all, and to avoid canabis – particularly smoking it. Ultimately none of that stuff is good for the body. Good diet! which means mostly clean organic veggies, cereals and a bit of meat and fish if one eats meat, is the way to go.
Then rest and healthy exercise will complete the job.
By rest and healthy exercise I mean to make sure that one incorporates enough physical activity in ones life as one ages. I find walking to be of the best value. Push-ups and abdominals are also useful and essential, but the same sensible way one must do enough, one must not over-do physical exercise, for that can be dangerous to health as well
All the best Saker. You have created an excellent blog that stands on its own now that you are away involuntarily, so well it has been built up! You turned out to be right about Putin. But I simply did not want to be fooled by a corrupt leader again which is why I held out as long as I have.
Get well man! Relax, enjoy and come back healthy
Cannibis might be good for some people for pain management versus crap like oxy contin. People with real pain not people who just want to get high. The MMJ/hemp plants can have real potential with CBD/CBG oil too.
As far as recreational people getting high – no thanks. I have seen too many casualties,
I agree about physical exercise especially if you only do it for overall muscle tone. I can tell Andrei that sitting in front of a computer for many hours is bad for you. Used to work in front of a computer for many hours and thought I was getting carpal, etc. The best thing was the gym especially the Lat machine where you pull downs. It gets your upper back and shoulder muscles back in shape. Sitting in from of PC is terrible. If you do not have a lat machine do pullups or just grab the bar and hang from it if you cannot do pull ups.
I view a lot in life is people replace one addiction for another. One of the best is to replace exercise and working out as addiction over other addictions. Especially replacing smoking, drinking or sitting at the computer or TV with working out. It sounds like Adrei is getting out and staying active which is great. Don’t worry about Russia or the world. As long as Putin is around, everything will work out. He is like the only grown up in the world. The Russians are level headed people plus they are intelligent. Russia is in good hands. Speaking of food – Russia does no GMO poison food.
I will keep praying that the Ukrainians lay down their arms and stop fighting and dying for criminals like Zelensky, Kolomoisky, Soros, Biden, Clintons, Cheney, Nuland, etc.
Hi Saker, good to know you’re on the mend. I have one recommendation for anything GI. Serovera.
Americans and your smokes;)
I work with psychiatry and Cannabis has strong correlation with Schizophrenia and other similar conditions, no matter what doctors Cheech and Chong say.
I´m glkad that you feel better, Saker, I know how utterly draining our situation can be on the soul so take care.
My ex-girlfriend and one of my best friends overall have had a mental breakdown and were diagnosed with acute psychosis/borderline schizophrenia — all because, upon her return from Dubai to Belgrade, she locked herself in the house and was making/listening to music and smoking (hard-hitting) pot.
Today, it’s been almost two years since and she is still on medication (although less amount than earlier) and still coping with it and with all kinds of additional illnesses (manias, crazy paranoia attacks, etc.) and she lost almost all of her friends (except few closest, which also try to keep some distance anyway).
Sure it’s not the pot alone, but the pot was the trigger, so there is that… My two cents on it.
Unfortunately i know too many people with the same mental issues from smoking pot
I am not a doctor, and even if I were, you are not my patient, so there is no way I would give you medical advice; I am not arrogant enough. You are taking medical advice from the person who is your doctor. What morre could I ask?
Glad to hear that you are on the mend!
Welcome back and glad to see you doing better. We all appreciate your devotion and what you have created for so many here, but please, put your health and family first.
Happy that you are on the mend. Continue so…
Thank you Andrei,nice to know you doing ok
Can’t wait to have you back.cheers
Glad to hear things are looking up!
Wishing you a full recovery of body, mind, soul, and spirit in good time.
Your blog has been very valuable for me over a number of years now.
Thank you!
Христос воскрес!
Awesome! Keep recovering, and much love to your beautiful family!
Dear Andrei,
so many thanks for this “Lebenszeichen”. So good to hear you are on the mend and able to prioritize the most important people and tasks in your life. We really look forward to having you back at full strength, however long it takes. Those of us who have gone through similar phases in our lives know how important it is to really step back and wonder at the big picture, and we also know that these things have their own timelines and dynamics.
And afterwards you are stronger than before.
Take care my brother in Christ and all the best for you and your family. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
I’ve followed you for years, since about 2013 or 2014.
May God speed your recovery.
With kind regards,
Great news! Looking forward to reading you analyses again.
Stay invincible, Andrei! :)
Obrigado a ti, tua família, à família Saker. Forte abraço.
So relieved to learn u r “getting healthy.” Wonderful to read your thoughts once more on blog. Prayers for your continued healing and soon return.
God Bless Andrei and pray you keep getting better. You and the Saker Team provide us with invaluable information.
May the Lord, God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, bless you Andrei. And may He keep you and yours safe and sound by His all Holy good and life-giving Spirit. (While I’m at it, may He keep all of us in good shape!)
I am just a nobody living in the United States who is trying to make sense of all this madness while struggling to repent and make ends meet in Southern California.
You and your amazing team, as well as your guest contributors, have helped me tremendously. I’m eternally grateful.
Take care,
Dear Andrei.
May you recover well.
I praise your choirs of Saker team, they are doing a great job in your absents.
Looking forward to your return.
Best regards to you and your wife.
Bravo Andrei!
Take good care of yourself is most important.
Best wishes and thank you for all the Saker info.
Abraços, Marc
Best wishes once again, very glad to hear your vacation of sorts is doing you the good you needed!
The team has been doing well in the duty of blog maintenance. Thanks for assembling them in time so that I’m still refreshing the blog page several times a day because it’s still providing great reporting and perspective.
Христос Bоскресe! Great to hear you are on the mend Andrei. Get well soon! Look forward to seeing you back. Thanks so much for all your hard work, insight and encouragement over the years! Best wishes from all your readers from Australia.
God be with you and your family, including your extended family here @ Saker.
All the best to you and yours Andrei! Each additional day of our journey is a gift. I’m about half a decade ahead of you, and I awake with that same pleasant surprise each morning, that I’m still alive!
If you don’t mind, what is the sidearm you’re carrying in the photo?
First, I only open carry in open carry states, and then only when in the boonies.
In this case it was a Performance Center M&P Shield in 9mm +P.
FYI – I have an old article where I discuss firearms for civilians here:
Fique com Deus.
As the Brits say, no rest for the wicked – as I warned in the previous thread, an attack on Crimea, as ‘suggested’ by RUSI in Britain, is right now being planned :
Ukraine pledges to enter Crimea ‘by end of year’
And if RUSI ‘advice’ is followed by Zelensky, an attack on the Kerch Bridge is immanent. (With Harpoons from Denmark, not known). Zelinsky featured at Davos right now – and ex-Bank-of-England chief Marc Carney, now the Chatham House (British secret services HQ) is Davos advisor on the Great Reset. Banks, Nazi’s, Secret Service in full open Davos coffee-shops- deja-vu, anyone?
“This War Still Presents Nuclear Risks—Especially in Relation to Crimea,” May 20, excerpted May 14 by FT :
In order to attempt a blockade in the Black Sea, the Royal Navy would have to persuade Turkey to allow it through the Bosphorus (which it won’t), get safely through the drifting Ukrainian mines, and finally defeat the Russian Black Sea Fleet plus all Russia’s air and missile forces.
Not a chance.
RUSI will keep the RN hands clean – the Ukies should get themselves killed
Objective – to put Putin in a nuclear showdown.
RUSI could care less how many Slavs should die.
Moscow is on the ball!
London pushing Kiev ‘down warpath’ – Russian ambassador
Please take your comments to either the cafe, or other appropriate threads please. Mod.
Thanks for the update,i am a little older than you and i forget i am not 25 anymore,did my back in garden moving slabs a few weeks ago,its getting better now so i will be going slower from now on,hope you continue to improve,best wishes and thanks for your great work.
How very nice to hear your update and know that your health is returning. We all look forward to your being here regularly again.
I also look forward to reading more about the next broader stages of denazification that you foresee.
Take care, and thanks again for all your hard work over the years.
Nice to read from you Andrei. Discovering your blog recently has made a significant and positive impact on my life – I’m far less anxious about the outcome of this SMO.
For this I wish to extent my gratitude to you and your team. May you continue to enjoy your time doing fun stuff :)
P.S. nice beard!
“Sadly, most of what we discovered (at least I did) is that the West is far more evil, hypocritical and, frankly suicidally stupid then I ever imagined”.
Exactly my experience over the past two years, also. It is horrifying how corrupt and stupid our “leaders” are. Even more horrifying how inert and compliant the broad masses are, and how rare scepticism has become.
But worst of all, I feel, is to realise that the social, economic and political systems about which Westerners are proudest are the main cause of all the corruption.
What passes for democracy involves election and selection processes which almost infallibly weed out everyone who is honest, kind, altruistic, or even intelligent and well-informed. There is a constant race to the bottom: to win an election, a party must make promises that are obviously impossible to keep. This fact alone renders the whole concept of honesty meaningless.
” . . . . Even more horrifying how inert and compliant the broad masses are, and how rare scepticism has become.” Agree 100% Tom !! When ever I hear the SMO being mentioned on talk back radio (ALWAYS in the terms of ‘Putin is a monster/insane/blood thirsty/ insert whatever invective you see fit’ or ‘Russia is losing’, & the real beauty ‘There are no Nazis in Ukraine’ I always try to jump on & attempt to educate listeners on the actual realities. The lack of knowledge of how the West actually works & how advanced a society Russia is, is astounding. President Putin will or at least SHOULD go down in history as one of the great leaders of Russia. IMO he has stood head & shoulders above all other world leaders in terms of competence, honesty & foresight as far back as I’ve been paying attention. Try telling that to the lockdown compliant, mask wearing, Russian hating, “We won the war” idiots that inhabit this wonderful country I call home – New Ealand.
Andrei – good to hear you are on the mend. Old(er) age & thinking one can carry on, forever young without changing anything is a trap I too have succumbed to
Cheers all
Chris in Ch-Ch.
“I FINALLY found a competent MD”
Big blessing to find the one with true vocation.
I checked the word vocation in google. It says: “a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. “not all of us have a vocation to be nurses or doctors””
“Russia will have to denazify not only the Ukraine (which will break up, also exactly as I predicted many years ago), but also the entire West and that means that the entire planet.”
Some like me say it’s not clear even for Ukraine. Beyond that, no country can have that responsibility without going crazy itself, I think. It’s like saying all but one of the countries is crazy and that this one country has to make them all sane. Something’s wrong with that.
“As the French say, “it is in shitty situation that you see your true friends“. Only one month has passed since I took my break, but I am already much “richer” for discovering that I had many more friends and supporters than I ever imagined.”
So few people can write a statement like that – you’re fortunate to be able to experience that. I only met a cat here who called me “outreach operative” and I like him a lot.
Indeed, I wish I could convey in words the amazing contrast of a world gone full-demonic and the appearance of so many good, kind and decent people. The latter give me much hope in my struggle against the former.
Best wishes & good health to you Andrei/Saker. Take your time & get all the rest & recuperation you need, it sounds like you had chronic burnout, I know what that’s like & it took me a full 2 years to recover.
That said you are missed – we have the wonderful A. Martyanov & G. Lira, & some others, for Serbian speakers Dejan Beric who is intermittently on the front lines – but your insights & analysis are invaluable also & I hope you are able to return on the date you mentioned. These are monumentous times, it is becoming ever clearer that the Second World War was nothing other than a final terminal stage in North-west European colonial assault on the world & on each other. The Cold War was an attempt by the last remaining western power to maintain the essential components of the colonial north-south world order, primarily its economic aspects under the guise of fighting communist tyranny. The US expended itself, its wealth, its energies, its talents & even population in this evil crusade & now it is at the tipping point. But this is a tipping point for the world, we are seeing Biblical prophecy unfold before our eyes, after 2,000 years, a final battle of good versus evil is now taking place. The world will either end or a new world will be born. I believe it will be the latter. In this new world sites like The Saker will be essential to continue making sense of it all.
Best to you and the family! That beard certainly says this man belongs in the woods:)
Once in a while, everyone needs a break, especially you Saker. We are witnessing unbelievable events in history, and it is hard to filter all the pressure. One needs to re-learn how to keep inner peace. Thank you for your letter and take care!
Ваше здоровье! За Победу.
The West, significantly including Europe, “were locked into an existential war since at least 2013”. This was very farsighted indeed. It was in front of my nose but I did not see it nor could I believe it. I still do not understand it but I know it is so. Since 2021, and especially after the two long-table discussions of the Russian President with the President of France and the Chancellor of Germany, only then was the proof sufficient und undeniable. A clean break is for the best. One hand alone cannot shake hands. I wish Andrei all the best.
So good to hear from you. Best wishes and have fun. I want to say also that amaranth, Herb and team are doing a superb job in your absence. In only a month they have become a team, wizened up considerably and are quite enjoyable. A great team with a great man.
Only true leaders get a really good „employees“
You are a true leader – your team is superb!
Great to hear you are up and running!
Take care – we missed you but we realized, that we could live – in case we must – without you.
That‘s the biggest achievement of your blog!
Congrats to that as well.
Take care
Regards – Chris
What good news!
Thanks for letting us know Andrei!
You take care saker that’s all that matters
3 decades or more ago, I took a week-long personal development seminar. I do not remember much about it, but on the first day, among other things, we got two lists. One was guidelines and the other was ground-rules. And I remember only one of those, but I still think it very important. It said: first take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.
Hang on in there Andrei! We are ALL looking forward to your return, and hopefully by August the situation will be far clearer (and far more dire for “The Collective West”
The amount (and intensity) of dis-information is staggering. Blogs such as yours are a light in the otherwise Stygian darkness!
Thank you for all you have done, and we hope your recuperation continues uneventfully!
Regards from the Southern Penal Colony (a.k.a Australia!)
Take care and look forward to your analysis of global issues, which I have persuaded my friends to follow. You have been an inspiration to me, keep up your great work.
That is great news you are feeling much better! Looking forward to your return, we’ve been missing your detailed analyses. All the best!
Greetings from Denmark with the best of wishes
Many “heroes” of my awakening from a neo-liberal slumber have fallen… Justin Raimondo, Robert Parry, Stephen F. Cohen, Udo Ulfkotte…
So immensely glad to hear of your recovery..
I’m fairly new to the Saker so I didn’t get a chance to really see much of your work before you had to take time off to mend. However, I’ve heard only good things about you so until you return I’ll enjoy all the wonderful analysis & commentary from your team & guests. Whenever I turn on my computer the Saker is my first stop.
I hope you continue to have fun with your family and just enjoying life. That’s the best way to recharge your batteries. We will be here when you return.
Thank you very much for the personal update. You take care of yourself Andrei, that is most important. The fight will be here when you get back so, heal up amigo. :)
My best wishes to you and yours.
Keep going and stay well…not everyone in the EU is a moron! There are lots of us who hate the system and are critical of the way things are. The next few months will determine who we are…..
I can recommend 7-14 days on a yacht at Sea. Good health is 1’st priority over all, even above WWIII :-).
Salty seawater, sun, away from any civilisation, only with simple daily tasks and good healthy food, makes wonders for the lungs, the blood, the skin, the brain. The beach is a good second choice. Saltwater does miracles.
Well, I got plenty of salt water around were I live (Florida).
Alas, no yacht :-(
So beach (and the rest of the beautiful Florida wilderness) along with rest and a different diet it shall be.
Cheers and thanks!
Hi Andrei,
As usual, very warm greetings from good old Nairobi, Kenya. Get well soon and all the best, whilst at it. What’s pending though is an awfully lots and lots of work in constructing, literally: “The Next 100 Years: Russia’s African Century.”
… Looking forward;
I have treasured your commentary for years, please accept my thanks and take as much time off as you need.
Get well, brother!
Health and happiness to you and your family. And the same for those who work on this blog. A most deepest thank you to all.
We are very happy to hear that your recovery has good prospects. When at home we discovered your blog some weeks ago, it was like a newly discovered talisman, illuminating those of us who live in Zone A through the murky media mists. Priceless. Thank you very much from Spain and take care.
Благослови тебя Бог.
Batteries discharge and aaahhh the solar recharge—time for doing nothingness is always needed.
As always– may the wind fill everyones sails.
God bless you and your loved ones please Saker!
Know from the first day you touched my heart and helped my mind and spirit. Appreciate you.
You make the world a better place.
It’s good to get an update. Rest as much as needed and enjoy your family. Hard core blogging drove you in a rut. You’ll be so much better now that you’re out of the rut. Kinda like that warming water froggy!
Miss your post and take care !
I’ve only recently found the “saker clan”, what beautiful human beings.
Best wishes.
In the chaos You are the peace
In my suffering You’re here with me
In the darkness You never leave
God of mercy You’re walking with me
Without health, you have nothing. And time spent with family is time well spent. You owe us nothing.. we are here because you share. And the mods and alternatives are doing a fine job. You owe yourself and your family everything. Keep doing that which repletes you.
Thank you for this update and all the best to your health!
Know that you have many many more readers and supporters that you even know of rooting for you! Since many like me quietly read everything but never post or send direct emails…
So for this one time, I’d like to write a short reply so that you know! :)
God bless you. Greetings from the Netherlands from a Serbian family.
Wish you a healthy recovery mentally & physically!! Always remember, your family & health come first! Nick
Great photo! You both look relaxed and invigorated, even with sunglasses. All the best for the next two months (and personally, I’ve felt you should take the month of August as well if needs be.) Your perspective is not replaceable and I found myself pining for an analysis by May 9th. Then here we are, a month has past and I have thoroughly enjoyed this website which is extremely well-run and continues to provide great info.
Позрав Андреј, напуни батерије и врати се кад ти се учини да је тренутак. Свако добро теби и твојој породици.
Wish you the very best in your recovery and creating moments with family. It’s a blessing to come to your site as I have for years and get solid honest information. Dependability is not easy to find. Cheers and thank you for your work.
Health and family are the most precious we have to care for: please, take care of yourself and of your beloved ones!
Sometimes it really is more important to stop and smell the roses……enjoy the well deserved rest.
Cheers M
Rest Andrei. Thank you. Best to all your loved ones.
58? Youngster! It’s just gets better, well sort of. I’m 65! Still kicking. Godspeed Andrei. We’re all truly in the epic battle of good vs evil.
Stay strong.
Of course Andrei, take all the time you need. Your well-being is all-important. And yes, with your team we are in very good hands. Two of the sites I visit every day are this site and Mr. Martyanov’s blog site.
Blessings dear Andrie, your guitar sings in your gifted hands, and I am so happy you are flourishing in your recovery. Love the pic, and the warms smiles, August can wait, all the best, – Boris
So happy to know that you are ok. You and your blog have been a great help to me. After several assassination attempts for having seen the French army kill civilians, I had to rebuild a value system. Your blog help me so much. If you, or someone claiming to be you, need something concrete my door is open. If necessary you have my email.
Andrei’s post made my day! So glad that you are feeling better!
Its great to hear from you again, sir and understand that you are in fine, getting finer fettle.
The empire clearly after a period of hybrid war is now settling down for its long and hopefully final war of choice against both external and internal enemies.
God bless you and your family
Wonderful news that you are feeling better.
Come back when you feel fully recovered.
All the best.
This is a good time to thank you for your work. Been following since the Maidan crisis. You and “b” have been guiding my thoughts on not only Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, but also on more clearly understanding the West’s war on Russia or any other rival as the doctrine of “full-spectrum dominance” requires.
God speed your full recovery.
The most horrifying thing I have observed since the SMO was launched has been just how totally pro-nazi the entire west has revealed itself to be.
Our grandparents who fought and died in Europe, would turn in their graves watching how this fascist / nazi mentality has seemingy pervaded the west.
I worry that younger people today do not fully understand what nazism really is.
Democracy is dead here. We have nazi supporting regimes now. Terrifying. We must join with Russia and form an anti-nazi alliance.
I’m glad you are much improved, Andrei. Stress can directly affect the intestines, and painfully so!
Removed. Please read site rules. Mod.
It is interesting that Noam Chomsky recently pissed off a lot of followers by naming Donald Trump as something like the only western leader seeking peace…
Strange days! It’s up to us to work this giant jigsaw puzzle together.
To that end I will put in a special plug for the insights of Michael Hudson. I think the paradigm might shift sooner than the 20 years he estimates. I think something has to break and re-set this decade.
Try some Mg and Cu to improve cell energy. Kind regards!
If you’re supplementing with Mg, I’ve recently heard/learned to “boost” Mg uptake with a bit of K2 and Melatonin. Same .source reports that (older) American males are typically quite “deficient” as to Mg intake. I’m 67 and just started all three. FWIW.