by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog
Russia has a PLAN…
Like it or not, it is fairly obvious that Russia today is leading events and continues to affect reality mostly in the way that she believes is in her best strategic interests. In other words, cornered Russia had a Plan, a tangible, thought-out, thoroughly vetted – most probably in writing – articulate, fairly all-inclusive, flexible enough yet in-depth Plan that we now learn took years to conceive, develop and massage in multiple fronts. So today Russian leaders focus on the same page swiftly singing along agreed “choir book lyrics” so to speak. Militarily, in due time Russia will succeed per her own goals & terms, not ours. Second-guessing Russia´s Plan is now a blogosphere sport amongst commentariati, but really to no avail. Only “observer” status is granted if not a Russian national with deep involvement in its execution.
… the West does not
Meanwhile, Western “unfriendlies” respond flat-footed like disjointed cartoon characters angrily improvising piecemeal reactions sometimes doubling down on doubtful… if not plain dead-wrong… decisions which are later flip-flopped trying catch up with Russian-led events. Elmer Fudd comes to mind per Ref #5. All the sanctions imposed on Russia have been counter-productive and the Rouble today is stronger than ever. The underlying factor that governs the worldwide Big Bang Breton Woods III revolution (more on that later) is that, for better or for worse, Russia has a Plan and the West just reacts with hit-and-miss off-balance punches zig-zagging its way along without North or compass.
Ref #2 – Ref # 3
Ref #5
White House piracy
In his State of the Union world press opportunity days ago sitting US President Joseph Robinette Biden forever unable to get a grip on events had the nerve to propose an active US-Europe piracy program to “…find and seize [Russian owned] yachts, apartments and jets…”“Our goal is not to give them back” – officially and proudly declared US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan Ref #6 + Ref # 7
So in order to remain coherent with the currently unconscionable US-European mad-house, one next step in the works — preferably under the supervision of surely knowledgeable stiff upper lip UK Royal Navy instructors – would be for Russian ships to be seized in international waters (cargo included) just like pirates in the 17th century British Caribbean. Don´t smile, as Argentina, Venezuela, Iran and Libya have already been through this not that long ago.
And while they are at it, these ´special forces´ could also comply with the US President´s program by looking out for aircraft of any size, type or purpose – including drones and choppers – plus all fine cars & motorcycles, boats, real estate, embassies, consulates, works of art, jewelry, property at large either government or privately owned. They´ve already seized the Gazprom subsidiary Germania because of its sudden “violations to German trade law”, so…
Ref #8
Ref #9
145 million Martians – I kid you not
Constitutional Scholar US Judge Andrew Napolitano summarized it with eloquence : “As if to run even further away from US constitutional norms, a group of legal academics began arguing last week that the property seized from Russians is not really owned by human beings.” If not humans, what would 145 million Russians be then ? “As well, when the [US] feds interfere with contract rights by prohibiting compliance with lawful contracts, that, too, implicates due process and can only be done constitutionally after a jury verdict in the government’s favor, at a trial at which the [US] feds have been able to prove fault…Similarly, when they freeze Russian assets in American banks, they engage in a seizure, and seizures can only constitutionally be done with a search warrant based on probable cause of crime”
Can´t make this stuff up… Ref #10
Mad Max
So visualize high-tech policing forces mandated by the Western-world´s top leader with the mission of seizing Russian whatever anywhere international, including mid-flight. And ask yourself, why not ? It´d be consistent with other measures already taken along the same lines. Please recall that the Western “unfriendlies” — with absolutely no legal teeth — by means of a few keyboard strokes have already frozen (and will eventually “arrest”…) Russia´s international banking accounts to the tune of several hundreds of billions of dollars… that still are 100% “un-usable”, as in worth-less… and which our Western “unfriendlies” per US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan might even think of confiscating altogether, no ? So let´s not mince words and, as the Canadian truckers´ experience proved, today Western world property rights (dominium proprietas) as we have known them for many centuries have ceased to exist.
Harassment to nowhere
“The [Russian] embassy is essentially under a blockade by the US authorities. Bank of America has shut down the accounts of our general consulates in Houston and New York” Ambassador Anatoly Antonov added that diplomats are also receiving threats. How can the much-claimed diplomacy effort ever succeed if the Russian embassy in the US is under blockade with acts of vandalism on the building? Attacks on Russian missions also took place elsewhere, with vehicles rammed into the gates in Dublin and Bucharest. Activists defaced mission buildings with paint in Austria and Latvia. Ref # 11
Along the same lines, the West also has and keeps trying very hard to divide the Russians, to no avail.
The West just keeps sending weapons to Ukraine hoping to prolong the conflict and bleed out Russia.
“Statista” reports that the number of sanctions against Russian individuals and entities imposed by the US, the EU and select countries like Switzerland, the UK and Japan before 22 February was 2754 and between 22 February and 8 March was 2827, of which 366 on entities and remaining on individuals. Adding up both sums means a grand total of 5581 active sanctions today on Russia “the most sanctioned country in the world”. Full credit to T. Sabri Öncü per
Ref # 13
A sixth package of sanctions against Russia would come as early as next week including a ban on Russian oil imports plus also targeting more Russian banks. Ref # 14
More Guantanamos
And to be fully consistent, as the US did with Japanese communities during WW2, it would be expected for Russian-born individuals now in Western countries – tourists, students, children, researchers and diplomats included — to end up jailed in Guantanamos somewhere. Yet again, why not ? Because if the idea is to bother and “punish” Russia, the size and type of “seizure” would not matter much as long as it serves the stated purpose. So the philosophy may well be to just keep prodding the Russian bear until it slips… ( like with a nuclear slip a-la-9/11 ?) … once it gets fed up of so much terribly arbitrary and needless harm. The problem is that militarily speaking the Russians seem to be more than ready for such, Always.Being.Ahead.Of.Events. Apparently our civilized West does not have anything near a “Plan” other than provoking Russia as fast as possible as long as possible with the largest possible damage, right ?
Over the cuckoos nest
If on New Year´s Eve 2022 – only 4 short months ago and with a splendid Nord Stream 2 Russia-Europe oil & gas shining pipeline 100% ready for commissioning — somebody had premonitioned anything anywhere close to the current European suicidal strategy… most probably such individual would have been readily admissioned in a mental care institution for careful evaluation of unavoidable experimental therapies for such unprecedented delusions.
As Russian officials have pretty much repeated in so many words: “We don´t have to be friends if you don´t want to, only arms-length trading partners and business associates. But don´t make us your enemies, we do not want or need to have enemies, and neither should you”. Mind you, under any jurisprudence self-defense is still 100% legitimate.
Nazi nightmares
Germans still endure a very deep shameful-guilt complex regarding what led to and happened during World War 2. Today, Europe at large is working and bullying very hard to eventually develop – or exceed — the very same guilt complex without ever stopping for one single minute to follow and understand what Europe – actively fostered by the US and UK – is doing to Russia for no reason or gain of its own, only self-damage. Plain unwarranted Russophobia.
[ hint: don´t love them, just do business… ]
“…there are 30-some right-wing extremist groups operating in Ukraine – (all numerous and US-trained) — that have been formally integrated into Ukraine’s armed forces…which promote an intolerant and illiberal ideology… ”
Ref # 15
Ref # 16
Ref # 17
Russia AWOL
Europe has not yet understood the implications of Russia now going full speed ahead for import substitution policies with the 80% of the world that still trades and works hard on planet Earth. Russia has already well underway specific agendas for the immediate welcome and establishment of Chinese and Indian SMBs into Russia´s new Bretton Woods III economy leaving Western “unfriendlies” aside and strengthening ties with countries just as sick and tired of Western bullying nonsense as Russia is after being badly pushed around so much for so long. While Europe – and the Western world at large – badly needs Russian produce at any cost. Paraphrasing infamous US Treasury Secretary John Connally, smirking a Mona Lisa smile, Russians could now say “Sorry, our commodities, your problem”…
De-globalization for YOU, not us
True enough, consumer societies and globalized economies may soon be ending for the 20% of the Western world. But the remaining 80% of world population is currently undergoing a massive crowding-in process simply trying to join the unavoidable forces of history behind the Russia-led spanking new Big Bang. Those left out would have nowhere to hide, constituting the real ´pariahs on the global stage´ that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has been keenly looking for lately the poor soul.
In her Plan — not without difficulties — Russia already has huge fallback trading partners willing and able to join Russia´s Bretton Woods III arrangements, including no more and no less than bellwether China and India. The
recent “no limits” agreement with China is simply fully unprecedented. This “New Yorker” article clearly explains why
Ref # 19
quo vadis Europa ?
Europe, instead, has left itself deeply confused hanging idly high and dry in a vacuum chamber neither
- complying with the Minsk agreements that Europeans actively pursued and endorsed, which would mean working with Russia, not 100% against it, nor
- finding a viable and reasonable European outcome for their nonsensical Russophobia – mission impossible
- understanding how badly Europe needs sustained import of Russian + Ukraine commodities for years to come
The lack of sufficient current and future stable year-round supply of Russian unreplaceable produce will mean very bad news for Europe. This includes many other essentials besides the specific Russian oil & gas & coal grades without which in a matter of months if not weeks Europe will become un-livable chaos with rolling power black-outs, fuels and food very hard to find enough of… with migrants roaming and ´camping out´ in streets, parks or churchyards and cemeteries (yes, just like in North Africa…) without shelter, food, health care, schools, jobs or money… and with the tired European middle-classes inevitably joining the coming revolt sooner rather than later. Per The Guardian, “…come October, it’s going to get horrific, truly horrific … a scale beyond what we can deal with”.
Rabobank´s take on food security is that: “ When The ´Food System´ Breaks Down, Everything Will Break Down With It”.
Ref # 20 Ref #21
5 short questions
- Are there any adults left in the European room ?
- Why the unwarranted tone-deaf Russophobia ??
- Does Europe want to provoke Russia into war ???
- Are Europeans willing to keep the US and UK as their belligerent handlers ????
Ref # 22
Ref # 24
- Why not follow German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on this topic ?????
Ref # 26
Dear Poland,
We have your backs! Just like the British Empire had your backs in 1939! We are 100% behind your efforts to antagonize the Russian Bear! In fact, we are sitting quite safely about 7,200 kilometers behind you!
/s/ Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State
The UK is already well out of its depth, but will be swimming in even deeper water if it becomes clear that it was involved in an attack on the Moskva. Uncle will be still 7,200 kms away and likely won’t want to get involved if Russia decides that retribution is overdue.
Have Polish background. Poland is oblivious to their stupidity provoking Russia. Have tried for years to warn on Polish Websites, about danger of foreign troops and weapons in Poland. Guess Poland loves being the BULLSEYE .
What has changed? Just different masters. Poland was always the staging area for attacks against Russia, The big ones of course were Teutonic Knights, Napoleon. (Europe), 1922 (UK used chlorine and mustard gas in Northern Russia), Hitler 1941 (Europe), and the Cold War with the Polish Pope holding the crusade banner.
Not whole of Poland, but sadly you are right about the majority brainwashed by the mass-media. My compatriots seem unable to break the fatal love affair with “the West” and everything “the West” says in favor of looking after our own interest.
PGNiG to announce that it has received a letter from Gazprom announcing the complete suspension of supplies under the Yamal contract from April 27, which means Gazprom is cutting off gas to Poland on April 27.
When you listen to the lofty spiel’s from American leaders, from the Bushes to the Obamas, about the End of History and a New World Order having emerged, it looks a lot like the old one.
And once again we are going to war over the same border:
1788 – Russo-Swedish War
1812 – Napoleon / France and Allies
1863 – Crimean War / UK + France + Ottoman Empire
1914 – World War I / Germany and Allies
*And this period involved the Russian Civil War – UK/France/USA supporting the Whites.
1920 – Soviet – Polish War
1941 – World War II / Germany and Allies
2022 – The United States & Allies ???
A good number of those conflicts were reflected in the Chernobyl Miniseries, broadcast to an American audience:
Little did the Americans know who watched it they would be the next group of soldiers marching through.
The Russians seem to understand what is about to happen implicitly (machine translated):
Versailles World of Illusions
And this trend is disturbing in its recognizability: once again, Europe, intoxicated with its own civilizational exclusivity, is uniting on a single ideological platform that is intolerant of dissent and of specific nations. As it turns out, it doesn’t matter what exactly underlies this ideology: the “holy inquisition”, Bonapartism, fascism or liberalism — the result is almost always the same. And again Drang nach Osten and Lebensraum in the East. Again, the armament is far beyond the necessary defense. More threats and reprisals.
Once every 100 years, this invariably happens. We hoped that our generations would not catch this. Our faith in the collective intelligence of Europe seems to have failed us again.
Link does not work. Mod.
And now, once again, war comes, this time from the “Liberal Progressive” West.
Thanks for this very interesting comment.
The following link works :
ImTranslator gives a very different translation but that is not my point.
Your translation points to the core origin of what is shaping the present moment :
“… once again, Europe, intoxicated with its own civilizational exclusivity, is uniting on a single ideological platform that is intolerant of dissent and of specific nations. As it turns out, it doesn’t matter what exactly underlies this ideology: the “holy inquisition”, Bonapartism, fascism or liberalism — the result is almost always the same. And again Drang nach Osten and Lebensraum in the East. Again, the armament is far beyond the necessary defense. More threats and reprisals.”
Yes and I think that we have a special responsibility, in this era of Late-Modernity, to try to make sense about this recurring trend of Western barbarian aggression.
it all starts, as you state, with the idea that there is a Western civilizational exclusivity. And this exclusivity is rooted in the emergence of Western Christianity, in the territory of the Franks in South-Western Europe, between the 6th and the 16th century. In my book “The continuum of the Cultural Field” I compare the societal evolution of the West with the societal evolution of China and show how these two civilizations developed into such otherworldly cultural fields…
It is also out of Western Christianity, in the territory of the Franks in South-Western Europe, that the new paradigm of Modernity emerged in the 12th century (the reason that is at work in the transformation of money into capital) which later expanded into the territory of the Anglo-Saxons who further expanded this sickness to the whole world.
In the present historical era the center of gravity of the economy-world is completing its shift to East-Asia with Beijing at the core. That means that for the first time, in the history of Modernity, the heart beating core of Modernity is leaving the territory of the West ! But the nature, of Western civilizational axioms, forces the West to combat, unconsciously, what is merely the most natural trend of societal evolution. My next book “Modernity”, that will get published sometimes next June, addresses all these subjects…
The petrodollar is dying, and these are its death throws.
Hope everyone is ready for a nuclear exchange because it seems like this is escalating by the hour today.
Poland media claiming Gazprom shut off all natural gas to Poland
Poland delivered tanks to Ukraine
Germany transferring armor to Ukraine
Ukraine threatening to invade Transnistria and seize 20,000 tons of ammunition stored there.
Bombings and attacks coming from Ukraine into Transnistria
Romanian troops inside Moldova wearing Moldovan uniforms (Transnistria sources)
Buckle up folks.
A sound strategy now would be the closure of the Hormuz Strait.
How so maskazer ?
What for, who would benefit, who would lose ?
Besides many other considreations, in practice it wouldn´t be that simple to close off the Hormuz Strait
Another symbolic movement the Russian Army can do now is to fire “salvo of Bulavas” missiles from Mediteranian Sea straight into kamchatka and carpet bombing the rest of Isis in Syria, arms up time to end, really, end Syrian war now.
To the contrary the US does have a plan. It’s the same tired, stupid, failed plan that they have been running for decades.
The primary “features” of this plan are economic profit and economic profit, and the beneficiaries of this plan – the military complex, energy complex, and financial complex – are all doing very well. As for US and global citizens, and the environment, they are all irrelevant.
The problem with the US plan (aside from the irrelevancies noted above) is that those in charge are suicidally stupid, arrogant, and unable to recognize let alone conceptualize the current and impending catastrophic failure of their plan. Their contingency plan is doubling- tripling- and quadrupling-down, soon to be followed by quintupling.
doG help us all.
“To the contrary the US does have a plan. It’s the same tired, stupid, failed plan that they have been running for decades.
The primary “features” of this plan are economic profit and economic profit…”
On the contrary the “plan” has nothing to do with profit. The plan behind this spiritual war being waged against all of humanity by the demon-possessed, theistic Satanists that control the U.S. is to achieve the goal set forth in Isaiah 14:13,14.
Satanists clearly don’t mind don’t mind making a few dollars on the way.
They own the printing press. They dont need to earn them in any way, as they can and do print all they want.
That´s precisely the problem them now facing Micheal.
Can´t do that no more it´s blowing up in-their-face as we speak, rates, bonds, credit and all
Enter Bretton Woods III
“Our commodities, your problem”
and murderers. by the tons.
This is what happens when the U.S. is run by what Kurt Vonnegut called “upper crust C-students who know no history or geography”. They just aren’t that smart – but they think their Ivy League degrees validate them as smart. They have been able for decades without any personal repercussions to loot and kill around the world. They control the mass media in the western world and stifle any dissent under the guise of “combating misinformation”. They only associate with their fellow “elites” and only listen to their echo chamber media so that they are now drunk on their own Kool-Aid. They have become unhinged from reality to the point where they believe there is no such thing as male or female. Let’s face it, reality doesn’t get any more basic than that. They are living in their own fantasy world that is being destroyed by objective reality and, like children, they are throwing tantrums and grasping at whatever they think might keep their fantasy world intact.
The problem is, these infants have nuclear weapons.
The question is do the nukes woik?
Not that I want to find out, but there are doubts.
What if the buttons get pushed and nothing happens?
There are four kinds of people in the west.
1) Normal people who still sleep and don’t know and/or don’t care about politics. People who are just poor don’t have energy and people who have enough put their energy elsewhere.
2) Normal people who are awaken, do care about politics, strongly disagree with political leaders but are just dismissed by those politicians. Many elections nowadays are just fraud due to massive propaganda and rigging the voting systems.
3) Politicians accompanied by judges, the police and the main stream media who promise lots but are just good actors playing a script writen by those who are really in charge.
4) The ‘leaders’ on the back ground who are not connected to a country but to themselves and their own interest. Those people don’t care any less how many people die as long as they can make profit and remain and progress in power.
By the way; actors are often pretty stupid people in real life. ‘Our’ politicians (and so called journalists) can be described as hookers, they sell everything for short term fame (and hopefully a nice carreer with material gain).
What is Russia’s PLAN for 1) and 2) or is this a missing link?
Can group 2) ask for asylum in Russia?
Does Russia understand that group 3 and group 4 will never ever play with honor and dignity in a fair way?
Group 2) begins to understand that, but still is too small to change course. And it’s too far gone already so it has to escalate one way or the other.
Group 2) also understands that the collective west is crumbling down due to population decrease, financial collapse, migrating issues and woke culture. It’s not if but simply when and it won’t take another decade.
Group 2) further understand that not the whole world is against Russia, but only the west which is far less than half the world. So many countries and people just hate the U.S.A. for messing up things all over the world. That is group 4) is doing so, because even an American president has to follow orders or gets stuck in a swamp, fraudulent voted out of position or just get killed.
Group 2) understands that Russia is not holy and has still some big issues to deal with. For example cleaning up corruption on a large scale. And ‘we’ see China as a big threat for freedom and human prosperity due to their social credit system and oppression on so many subjects. Living in the west was very good for a couple of decades, but we realize it was at the expense of country’s we stole from. Where to go escaping the illusion?
Great post Niccos.
Where to go escaping the illusion? Many of us ‘group 2’members have had the illusion of western exceptionalism stripped away, we see and are sickened by the hypocracy oozing from leadership and media. But there are more of us than the actors admit and we understand that our wellbeing is of no consequence to them.
So in international affairs it is easy enough to see who behaves openly and who is decietful. But where to go? Is there a nation not moving fast toward digital/biometric control of its populations? Anywhere that does not have a ruling elite calculating the profit and everlasting power to be made from a ‘permissions based society’? The WEF and their followers in governments all over the globe talk openly about the 4th industrial revolution and the billions of ‘useless humans’ that will result from AI taking over a lot of human activities. From medicine to finance, government to production, less people will be needed. The burdensome, useless ones will have to live on very low levels of consumption indeed, they will not own anything, they will have to be obedient & they will have no privacy. The BIS talk with delight about the ‘total control’ the CBDC will usher in.
We are I fear at peak human. Those of us born in the 1950’s 60’s & 70’s have had a good run, a time of plenty, freedom to earn, consume, travel & create only constrained by our own imaginations, and energy. It is over. There is nowhere to go where our new government would not want to buy into the 4th industrial revolution, the AI bonanza that capital desires or the biometric/ digital neofeudalism that modern technology makes so temptingly easy.
Perhaps the chaos of Africa or India might provide a short term haven, but I do not think it will last long.
Russia? I do not know. Mr Putin spoke beautifuly and simply yesterday about small and medium sized enterprises but I have read enough history to understand that Russia is entirely able to be brutaly authoritarian to its average citizens.
I think I will watch the west collapse from inside the ring.
I have read enough history to understand that Russia is entirely able to be brutally authoritarian to its average citizens.
Certainly this was the history of Eurasia and this has been thoroughly covered by Russian historians. But two things should be kept in mind.
First, Russian history is a zig-zag pattern towards more freedom and respect for the individual, as government became better. The Mongols and Tartars had to “teach” the rudiments of governance to the Kievan princes and their peoples. The czars slowly learned that the serfs and slaves had to be freed, with the Russian proclamation coming in 1861, a year before Lincoln’s own Proclamation. The tremendous waste of Russian lives in 1905 and at Tannerberg in 1914, showed how far Russia still needed to go, mainly in industrialization but also towards respecting the lives of is soldiers. Despite all the carnage and the supposed loss of freedoms in the Civil War and under Stalinism, the Soviet era also saw a tremendous and undeniable empowerment of the average citizen. The collapse of the USSR and its standard of living was engineered by the Western “democracies”, and by nobody else. Russians will never forger nor forgive that.
Second, Europe and North America were also treading a zig-zag path towards greater freedom and respect for the individual from about 1700 to recent decades.
The years since 1989 show that democracy is far more at risk in the West than in Russia. Russia suffered greatly and they are ready to pay the price for freedom. The West has lost its vigor and its respect for freedom.
Thanks Andrew. Yeah, in the end we are all passengers instead of drivers. Silly humans.
Both your comment Niccos, and Andrew’s are an apt description for many living as Group 2. I worked hard for my family, my children, grandchildren – to provide a future. Now, I don’t know what is in store for them. Can we survive the collapse where we are? Will we eventually have to pull up and leave for another part of the world? I don’t know.
How do the rational, democratic, and free thinking individuals caught in this bizarre world survive, and find a future. In 22 months, I re-focused our entire family resources into food security, independent and physical income via the trades and building, and being off-grid capable. Peak human is such a thought provoking and terrifying thought for those of us with families.
Great comment. Thank you
What is the “Plan” again?
The author does not say he knows of any specifics about the “Plan”. He just says that developments lead him to believe that Russia must necessarily have a relatively smooth Plan worked out to follow etc etc. As a matter of fact he says don´t even try to guess what the Plan is, we all outside can´t know, only Russians in charge well focused on such “Plan” details etc. etc. On the contrary, his impression is that the West does not have any plan at all and just plays it somewhat clumsily by ear and pretty much off key I´d say. Hope you agree Tranquilo.
Thank you. Depends on how much leeway you want to give. “Plan” is in the title, three times in the first paragraph, and one time in the second. It’s like we’re supposed to know the plan. Moreover, five links to it are given under the second paragraph. You do that only if the reader read from you what the plan is, and now will look for the evidence in the links; otherwise, now the reader has to find what the plan is through the links and that’s not serious.
Tranquilo, I guess there are 2 two different “Plan´s” here we shouldn´t mix up.
Plan 1 is the author´s Plan as outlined in detail days ago at with his suggested “Plan” to save Europe from freezing and starving to death come winter.
Plan 2 is Russia´s own Plan we can´t know too much about of course according limitations explained in the very first paragraph of this article. That´s my take IMHO at least. Cordially
I am clueless about the “Plan” in this other article from Mr. Vilches (below), where I couldn’t even know who “the 800-pound Gorilla” is, and I must be the only one who does not know because it’s even written on a sub-headline but not identified under it. It’s just the 800-pound gorilla “with no good intentions in his purposeful mind.”
Tranquilo, I´d guess that the “800-pound gorilla with no good intentions in his purposeful mind” mentioned in such article does not refer to any part of any “Plan”. It would just be an animal analogy to the current European adverse situation described a few words before in the very same paragraph regarding the “terrorizing scenario now looming the Old World”… for neddlessly opposing Russia at all costs.
That is what I took to be the “800-pound gorilla with no good intentions in his purposeful mind”.
This would also match what is described in the chapter on “DE-globalization for YOU, not for us” of this follow-up article. Of course I´m only guessing, but it does make sense in my humble opinion.
I’ll take it from you, Brexito. Let’s let that gorilla be the European adverse situation, though, frankly, ay carajo, it doesn’t seem to rhyme. No, I don’t think it can be that (I wanted to agree). I thought it had to be a person or organization and sure enough it’s the “hungry 800-pound gorilla.” Let’s say it’s the United States.
Yeah rightI agree that the gorilla could be either the US or the European adverse situation, or BOTH !
BTW your English is just perfect but you seem to use some Spanish idioms which match your “tranquil” nicname.
Nice analysis Tranquilo.
Thank you, Brexito.
What do you mean the West doesn’t have a plan? It has a very clear plan which you documented: “destroy everything Russian without risking being destroyed.” Everything I read points to this strategy. The people of Europe and their economies will be sacrificed to achieve this plan and I suspect that even the American economy will be sacrificed.
East Texas Deplorable
I agree. If gas hits $20/gallon the Neocons will just say “damn you Putin!” while everyone below them goes bankrupt / starves.
Believe you me, the UK does not ‘handle’ anyone of any stature in Europe. It is a yap dog for the USA and has been a virulent minor participant in all kinds of terrorism all over the Middle East for years. Europe is ordered about by the yanks, that’s the start and finish of it. UK’s level of bullying concerns small states in the Caribbean and Central America, the odd African outposts of the commonwealth and a few Pacific islands.
If ever Russia needed to identify ‘legitimate strike targets in the UK’, here is a good start list:
1. The MI6 building on the south side of the Thames opposite the UK Parliament.
2. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office buildings in Whitehall.
3. The SAS training centre in Hereford.
4. Sandhurst military officer training academy southwest of London.
5. The naval docks in Devonport and Portsmouth.
6. The runways at Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton and London City airports.
7. The infrastructure at Tilbury docks.
8. Railway lines leading into Waterloo-, London Bridge, Victoria, Liverpool Street and Fenchurch Street stations.
9. BBC TV centre on Wood Lane, West London.
10. The Guardian newspaper premises just next to Kings Cross mainline railway station.
Depending on your appetite for inducing ‘Western Outrage’, you could add the Palace of Westminster and Downing Street to the list. Not to mention Chequers and all the rest of the MSM prostitution service offices.
Almost all the warmongers live and work around London.
So make sure that the majority of any strikes hit the warmongers’ places of work, local areas and critical infrastructure.
It would be far better if no such conflict ever broke out.
But if it has to, do make sure to target the warmongers and the warmongers alone.
Large swathes of the UK populace want nothing to do with Ukraine, want the UK out of NATO and would love to see the USA declared fiscally bankrupt. We have contempt for the unprincipled yapdogs resident in Westminster, plenty of them still delusional enough to think that they can kick ass with India, China and Russia.
…seen to me you missed most important-financial center/district of this stinky/messy western world- City of London…
“Large swathes of the UK populace want nothing to do with Ukraine, want the UK out of NATO and would love to see the USA declared fiscally bankrupt.”
Really? I have ever the feeling all in UK take gun and go to Ukraine. hmm Is there more Info would be really interesting read some voices in uk.
Thank you
“The MI6 building on the south side of the Thames opposite the UK Parliament.”
Totally agree with your manifesto for an improved world…
but…give me time to put some self-stick plastic film on my windows as these will get blown out if the MI6 building gets wiped off the map…
…and indeed as sejmon states, the City of London Financial District – and 10 Downing Street – is where all the malevolence is created …
Strike on UK-NATO is meaningless without at least reminding the Zionists-Bankers in Israhell that Russia can easily help Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon, in case that those who are hiding somewhere in Hell Aviv think that they could pull the string without getting fired from a far.
The collective West is all adrift but the USofA does have a plan. Reduce and retain the Collective West in satellite status, especially Germany. Keep Europe and Russia apart in every way, especially economically. Hinder and damage Russia in every way possible. I would say that as far as one and two are concerned they are doing quite well and as far as three is concerned we will have to see what happens. Hopefully the nations of the EU will wake up before the sh1t totally hits the fan. All is not darkness and despair. There are clear signs that the USofA has grossly overplayed its hand and under estimated its opponents Russia and China.
very concisely stated, particularly the part about US grossly overplaying its hand. I see what to me are disorganized efforts at “walking back” some aspects of this, followed immediately by statements to the contrary. to used vulgar terminology US continues to collectively step on its own d***.
” Russian oil imports”
OK, so can I smoke a Russian cigarette?
IOW, it would be impossible to take any of this seriously, if the clowns imposing ever-new strictures didn’t take themselves so seriously. In the thickening fog I see the face of Jack Nicolson . . .
Russia has not been cornered. The contrary is right. After the defeat in Irak, Syria, and Afghanistan a window of opportunity was opened and gave Russia with the help of China’s “unlimited friendship” a chance to strike a decisive blow against the West and eventually create a neutral denazified democratic people’s republic of Ukraine.
nobody wants NWO..ruled by elitists…Nation states are essentially the only way to retain the culture and ethnicity of the past. Spanish should be spanish, irish …irish etc. Each language presents a different culture and regional traditions are the very essence of humanity. However, there is a problem… Russia has the largest land mass with only 145 million, and resource rich. China has the largest population and comparatively, resource poor. if we are to proceed into the future equably then the resources of the world should be shared equally and no one country should have the “resource blackmail” ability. Similarly with corporations…Serco, Armaments, Media barrons, banking industry…etc
All these crime power bases should be broken up/destroyed. Corporate power is an octopus strangling the world, chasing resources…blackmailing, trafficking etc.
The institutions that support this filth…oxford/cambridge etc…synagogues/masonry/vatican etc should be dismantled and individual wealth should be capped. I cud go on but i guess u understand the gist.
I am pro-russia…NATO is just rothschild private army…A new buzz-word is rebounding through various alternative websites…”kahzarian mafia”…Acolytes are queuing up repeating the mantra. The responsibility lies with the babylonian talmud and its believers,….sabbateans/donmeh/satanists/masons/jacobins/frankists/jesuits etc…just a sample of the various organizations pumping the talmud garbage. The latest…”khazarian mafia”…more jewish deception!
It’s kind of like the fiat currency thing. It works great until it crashes and burns. Is this what happens when you turn chaos theory into your final solution of every problem.
Maintain strict media control of the psy-op and God help us when the zombies wake up?
“In other words, cornered Russia had a Plan, a tangible, thought-out, thoroughly vetted – most probably in writing – articulate, fairly all-inclusive, flexible enough yet in-depth Plan that we know learn took years to conceive, develop and massage in multiple fronts.”
The most irritating thing about the Western (count on chaos) to profit paradigm is they just keep profiting from all the death and mayhem they actively foster. Their is no accountability.
Au contraire … the United States and West do have a plan.
Their plan is to provoke, destabilize, threaten, smear, and wage war against those nations that stand against the West’s Rules-Based World Order by demonizing them as authoritarians, Evil-Doers, and Official Enemies.
No matter how bad things may get in the West, the West can always channel domestic discontent and anger away from Western ruling elites and towards these foreign Enemy Images.
In short, the West is adopting Orwell’s Two Minutes of Hate as an organizing principle of Western civilization and “democracy” itself.
OKay xvfsb, if THAT´s the Western “Plan” please let them be advised that they are losing bad not only today but also tomorrow and next week as current Western economies are unsustainable without a healthy Russia.
The plan requires being out front on propaganda, which they seem to be. A Wikipedia entry for Two Minutes Hate includes the following subsection:
Nonfictional concepts:
The attacks on the liberal opposition by state-owned Russian television channels such as Russia-1 and RT have been characterised as reminiscent of the “two minutes hate”. Russian television portrayed Ukrainian troops as monsters during the War in Donbas. One of the most notorious examples was a 2014 hoax report on Channel One Russia that Ukrainian soldiers had crucified a three-year-old child.[8]
American propaganda by the Committee on Public Information during World War I has also been compared to the propaganda in the “two minutes hate” program.[9]
The Orwellian message implying (at least) that Russia is doing all the hating now, (conveniently exemplified here), USA once did it way back then (follow the links if you care for details)
I really don’t get this “They have no plan!” story line. What if the destruction of Western Europe (especially Germany) is part of that plan? Yeah, the imperial leadership probably hoped that the economic Blitzkrieg against Russia would bring the Russian leadership down. But in my opinion only an idiot can still argue that the destruction of Western Europe is the result of a “lack of a better plan”. All actions that the Empire has taken since the start of the conflict were actions which would have terrible consequences for Europe if Russia is not collapsing within a few weeks. Maybe in the first three or four weeks one could justify the absurdly risky gambles that the Empire was playing to the detriment of Europe as “rational” because up to that point it was not yet obvious that Russia’s economy and financial system would not collapse. But now it is at least a month that it is obvious that the Russians would survive economically. And we knew all along that if they survive economically then they would win against Ukraine sooner or later. So what are the reasons for trying to kill the industry of Germany? Doing so carries no direct benefit for the Empire that is related to the Ukraine war. So there must be another goal. I regard those who argue that the Empire kills the German industry in order to save its face, or because they are stupid or because they are throwing a tantrum, idiots. No idiot can stumble into a catastrophy in such a deliberate a direct way. The Empire wants to kill Europe. That much is clear. The only reasonable discussion is a discussion about why they want to do so. I completely reject the idea that the imperial leadership has no plan. It might be the case that different parts of the leadership have different plans so that it is difficult for us to see which plan the really dominant group is implementing. But let’s stop pretending that only the Russians are able to think. The evil leadership of the Empire has many faults, but it is not stupid.
And stop pretending that Europe matters. The Russians and the Western Empire have divided up Europe among their respective empires. They have installed evil treacherous elites in their respective spheres of influence. They have made sure that for several generations only the most evil and treacherous people are promoted into important positions. And now the Russians want to complain about this sorry state of affairs which they have themselves helped to bring about? Cry me a river! Russia and the USA are what they are because they are self sufficient. Europe is not. Our major strength was our human capital in our military, in our economy and in our political leadership. That has been destroyed by the two winners of WWII.
Ferdl, your comments are a bit longuish but well taken. Please allow me to comment upon the following
” It might be the case that different parts of the leadership have different plans so that it is difficult for us to see which plan the really dominant group is implementing. But let’s stop pretending that only the Russians are able to think. The evil leadership of the Empire has many faults, but it is not stupid. And stop pretending that Europe matters.”
Last but not least: ” Stop pretending that Europe matters” . I disagree, as the cradle of Western civilization Europe matters a lot from very different perspectives including political, historical, finances & economics, technological, strategic, etc. etc. A world without Europe as we know it would be a very different and worse world. And before being run over the French and possibly the Germans too will line up with China & Russia methinks.
” It might be the case that different parts of the leadership have different plans so that it is difficult for us to see which plan the really dominant group is implementing ” You have got a very valid point here Ferdl, the problem being that as explained in the very first paragraph of this article it´s not that Russians are the only ones who can think well. The problem for the West is that Russia has achieved a very unified command under a reasonable highly vetted Plan which they must necessarily have… while the West is at a loss, really.
And that is the Western problem, their confusion in goals & objectives & leadership. Europe has been overtaken by the Anglosaxons both sides of the Atlantic and dragged into a suicidal war with Russia.
They want to destroy Europe and Germany especially because they hate them. Critical race theory, which states that all whites are evil, is the official ideology of the Biden administration. Half of Biden’s cabinet are Jews, most of whom are not real fond of Germany.
As events occur in greater, more intense cycles I wish to make a third post if I may.
This is becoming an A-B option eventuality.
Nato is behind the extra aggression and clearly using assets in vassal states to promote WW3.
I posted prior that if the us/uk/nato conglomerate were to insist upon current doctrine there are only two options.
President Putin is facing launch on threat or standing down.
Current western leadership has clearly shown complicity and intent.
The rebuke of these actions by the Citizens of each nato/uk/us et al. country have been contained/blunted/diverted by sophisticated means and while not able to generate consensus, are able to tamp down dissent….thus my assertion we are removed to terroristic options only to implement change.
So with a heavy heart I proffer this scenario…
Russia finds a way to allow the remaining forces of good(justice minded folk still in government positions) to harass and potentially remove these rogue elements. Or if unable to create such conditions due to say a lack of those folk in power, accept defeat in some agreeable form. otherwise,,,
Thermonuclear War.
For all my searching on this matter all I see is the resolute cadre of hidden and untouchable government personel bent upon forcing this question upon Russia.
Moldova? really? we are opening a multi front War between Russia and nato and everyone involved has stated the clear aim of reducing/defeating Russia..
To engage the panopticon here in America is certain death. leave your phone at home and they track you with the hole you leave in the system.
Those poor Jan 6th prisoners did not understand you get One Shot at the King and if you fail you go to the lowest dungeon forever as a lesson to any others with designs of freedom.
There are about 72 individuals that if they did not show up to work our system of the world would change overnight. While I detest violence in all forms, I only make that statement as part of the analysis. There is an untouchable cadre of folks who if were not there could not create these conditions…there, clear and clean.
There simply is no accessible method of removal… the true “killers” among us are groomed and kept by these agencies while the average American is dumbed down to total passivity..
Anyhoo, I only wish to prove there are some Americans who understand the truth and to also example how we are unable to change events in time to prevent those final choices from being made.
I hope I am wrong.
God bless Russia to do what is needed. We here in america are without fallout shelters by design so do not lament our passing, only remember we were not all crazy warmongers.
God Bless and preserve you All.
“This is becoming an A-B option eventuality.
Nato is behind the extra aggression and clearly using assets in vassal states to promote WW3.”
Have you considered the possibility that there’s only option B? That a start of a world war is the ultimate goal, whether or not Russia submits? And if not with Russia, then by the provocation of some other major power. WW3 could take many forms just as miserable as a nuclear war. Seems to me that the ultimate goal of policy makers in ZoneA is to ‘burn the house down” – leaving themselves as the sole survivors.
“To engage the panopticon here in America is certain death. leave your phone at home and they track you with the hole you leave in the system.”
Not so in the vast majority of cases. At least not yet in the US – unless you’re a Snowden or Assange. Ruin, perhaps in some cases. And with tracking, so what. Does tracking meaningfully interfere with the ability to affect an outcome if it has a basis in law? And even if there is no basis?
“Or if unable to create such conditions due to say a lack of those folk in power, [Russia] accept defeat in some agreeable form. otherwise,,,”
That can’t happen. Let’s say Russia accepts defeat in order to save the world from nuclear war. Russia will be mercilessly violated using a Treaty of Versailles 2.0 MAX framework. China and the rest of the BRICS will get the same treatment from an emboldened and increasingly proficient hyena pack. And with Russia out of the way, and a hyena pack powered with all of Russia vast resources now able to pick off the rest of the BRICS one by one with ease. The rest of the world follow the same fate shortly after the BRICS are devoured. It’s a grotesque ask of Russia.
Any sort of compliance from Russia only means that your position in the line to the same abattoir has moved back only a few spaces. And others have to take your place further up. Why not accept the cards dealt (interesting times), aclimate for hardship, and do the part that you can do in your country.. nonviolently? Such as laying the groundwork for other likeminded people. In fact, it’s a neccessary and integral step concurrent to the struggle that the BRICS face. Waiting for a savior won’t do anyone any good if the people needing saving haven’t done the most to not be dead weight.
Gazprom apparently has ceased flowing gas via the Yamal pipeline in anticipation of Poland intransigence.
This from Zerohedge right now:
‘Poland has confirmed that a suspension of gas is imminent if it doesn’t agree to pay in Rubles. Bloomberg is now reporting, “Poland’s main gas distributor PGNiG says it was informed by Gazprom that starting from Wednesday at CET0800 all deliveries of natural gas will be halted.”
And further, “PGNiG says will seek damages over breach of contract.” ‘
You gotta love the Polish double-down right there!
The Polish people I’ve met professionally in EU countries were to a (wo) man smart, hard working and clear-headed. Makes me wonder if all the quality people left the country!
The question I keep asking myself many times every day is this:
What does Russia intend to do to get back those $billions the EU-US froze, those properties of Russia (consulates…) and Russians that the EU-US seized?
I haven’t read a single official Russian statement of what Russia intends to do. Is this not encouraging more illegal seizures of properties and financial assets?
Patrick, other than the “armed recovery” of such funds (which I don´t think will ever happen, just no need to) and asetts and property etc I guess that Russia will just have to bite the bullet and lose those USD $ 300+ billions + everything else seized or frozen but that with time will be recovered through its new Bretton Woods III arrangement much more important than anythiong else. But Europe and the Western alliance will lose much more than that, trust me. Them playing with fire bunch of crazy lunatics I agree with the article. Europe and other may no longer continue to be as we have known them till today.
The seizure of US, EU, and 5 eyes Business assets inside Russia will offset the stolen central bank assets
“Are there any adults left in the European room ?”
At this stage, I’m convinced that what guides the West is their need of worldwide PERCEPTION of who has the power and sets the rules. This overrules any raitonal speech or idea.
I mean, the West had bet all its coins into “the World will see who calls the shots”. If they fail on the issue of sanctioning Russia over Ukraine or to derail Russia from its track, the rest of the World will start to accomodate to a new reality (Israel has been doing so lately, noteworthy since it is a staunch US ally).
This new reality can only bring very bad news to the West, first and foremost their inability to keep their curency value and consumption level without bringing systematic trade surpluses, something that very few Western countries can show since the 90s because they consume and import more than what they produce and export. Social unrest and regime changes await for them.
No, no adults left in the European room.
While the EU is supplying all sorts of weapons to Ukraine every single day now the EU´s top diplomat wants to make friends !!! “This matter has to be resolved in the battlefield” said Josep Borrell only yesterday.
“The EU and Russia should rebuild relations” he says today.
Can you believe it ?
“Rebuilding the relationship between the EU and Russia will be a very difficult and lengthy process, but it must be done”. Sure, yes, let´s start doing it implementing the Minsk Accords that Europeans brokered very recently, remember ?
Here is a diagram that precisely details the US plan:
I don’t really follow this mindset that Western rulers don’t have a plan. It’s not wise to underestimate adversaries, and at any rate it simply isn’t factual. Western elites have successfully stretched the post-Bretton Woods system out for over half a century now of expropriating the human and natural resources of the planet. They have become enormously wealthy and powerful.
As long as vassals keep vassaling and Zone Bers keep using fiat currency units emitted from Zone Aers and doing business with the criminal banksters and media companies and academics from Zone A things will largely continue as they are.
The empire is only weak if people actually declare independence from it. They have lots of plans to make that less likely, more difficult, and divvy up the world if it does happen in specific places.
We can disagree with the plans and rebel against the plans and hope at least some heads of state aren’t on board with the plans but at the end of the day that doesn’t mean there is a lack of planning.
citizen, you nailed it, that´s it.
The Western “Plan”, if any exists, is on its way to extinction, just like dinosaurs which ruled the world, but…
In other words, stretching Bretton Woods II under current circumstances would be a very BAD plan of sorts.
Western fiat “reserve” currencies are dying hand in hand with the BW II financialization schemes.
So enter Russian Bretton Woods III… impact of which the article clearly defines as “sorry, it´s our commodities but it´s your problem”. And not just the West but actually the whole wide world directly or indirectly needs Russian commodities at ANY cost. The article explains it clearly methinks.
Thanks, this is exactly what interests me. I don’t have much valuable to add on the military/technical side, and I know that’s a lot of interest for this site, but where my experience plugs in is this question of what comes after the current financialization schemes. It’s the economic and industrial underpinning that allows for diplomacy and military engagement with other power blocs. Western currencies were dying 60 years ago and here they are still making oligarchs richer today.
Because to this point, Moscow (and Beijing) have collaborated with the scheming, Moscow to buy time to implement capacity to stop NATO in Eastern Europe and the Near East, while Beijing’s motives/aspirations remain a bit murkier. If what comes next is commodity based, that’s not fatal to the empire. Rather, it simply means that the Eurolemmings, rather than being in the driver’s seat of multipolarity at the crossroads between DC and Beijing, will simply be a rump of humiliated vassals that can barely feed themselves never mind have any concerted say in global affairs. The Five Eyes have access to tremendous natural resources across North America, South America, Australia, and parts of Africa and Asia. Aside from France which has maintained a tad bit more independence, where are most of the EU’s financial reserves and banking arrangements controlled? By a handful of European globalist insiders and DC/NY/London.
So far with the SMO, it seems Europe is the real target of the West. Sure, the empire would love a Russian surrender, but that’s not expected. USUK hasn’t done anything overtly/formally to directly challenge Moscow. The contingent plan is more directly expropriate wealth from the Eurolemmings as that’s who is living an artificially high standard of living.
Until Moscow and Beijing put full public weight behind whatever BWIII means to them (much broader than the SMO itself), we really have no idea based on public information whether what Russia and China seek is ultimately incompatible with the Western oligarchs or is effectively a slightly different partitioning of the world with them.
The hour of irreversible decisions is approaching for the Atlanticist caretakers (hardly a statesperson among them) who have infested the halls of power in European capitals for the past 33 years at least. They have enriched themselves, their families, their clans and their sponsors as the reward for putting the interests of the ‘Empire of lies and plunder’ above those of the people they claim to represent, but now their empty and false promises to the electorate are souring for good. They have nothing left to offer but scarcity, serfdom, misery and war.
What becomes of democracy when political parties morph into ideologically deceptive rackets answering to special interests?
The most richly sponsored, corrupt, and rhetorically persuasive among the candidates they put forward are elected and promptly go about tending to their sponsors’ business while faking concern for the common people. Nous tous, indeed.
What’s coming first, a widening and intensifying proxy war on European soil to further Zioukus interests or the realization by the dumbed-down electorate that the only viable future for Europe lies with Asia.
Elections are coming up in Germany and Italy but, if the current cackle of traitors-in-charge have their way, wider war rather than a possible change of policy will steal the show.
Europe was given the opportunity to reject the hegemonic design of egregious Exceptionalists and become a player among equals in a multipolar world. Alas, by accepting their leadership instead, and remaining a mere tool at their command, it is debasing itself into irrelevance.
“Germans still endure a very deep shameful-guilt complex regarding what led to and happened during World War 2. Today” A whole industry exists because of this guilt clause.
WWI was blamed on Germany and the guilt Clause was part of the punishment included with the loss of the Rhineland, Polish Corridor, the military and of course the reparations, all of this when the war was started by the UK and France in order to save their Empires of Robbery.
The hate of the Germans for WWI could not stand the lies of British propaganda, so they armed the Nazis to go after the Soviets. The propaganda and Nuremberg cleansed UK and France of responsibility and a new period of guilt was imposed on the Germans, and the propaganda industry has had a field day ever since. Added to this was the Red Scare, and this sold well in an education system devoid of critical thinking.
The US has a plan, a quite comprehensive plan, it’s just not working. Time (I mean the last decade), has been running against the US, primarily because of the rise of China. The fundamental threat is that as Europe becomes more and more dependent on Russian energy and Chinese trade that it would break off from US dominance and go its own way. US’s hegemonic position weakens day by day as Chinese economic links grow. US planners saw this and could either accept America’s diminished position and make the best of it, or attack with everything it has to try to thwart the flow of events–that is definitively break Europe off from the East and rescue as much of US hegemony as possible. As Putin rightly says, this is not fundamentally about Ukraine, it’s about the world system. All of the stuff the US has done has been standard stuff, tho taken to the nth degree:1) a war of information, that is lies and demonization, and 2) inflicting economic pain via sanctions and the disruption of trade, banking, finance–this together with a proxy war. This is how the US fights because this is what the US has in its arsenal. In other words the US is doing all it can do to retain its dominance. Fortunately, because of Russia’s foresight and strength, and Chinese power, it is failing. The US, thus, is not without a plan–it is not stupid, it is desperate and evil. It’s always been evil, we’ve just never seen it desperate before.
In sum Rodrigo, you are saying that the US does have a plan, it´s just that it doesn´t work.
OKay, sorry Rodrigo, but to me a plan that doesn´t work means not having a plan.
Right or wrong it´s not a plan, it´s a theory.
And that´s about the US.
What about Europe as part of the Western coalition right ?
Do you think they have a plan ?
Please tell us about it because as the author says the only visible part is having the US and the UK as belligerant handlers of Europe, and that to me doesn´t sound or look like a plan either.
My gueestimate is that either or both Germany and/or France (or even Italy) will end up joining China and Russia and India and Brazil sooner rather than later. Lot´s of infighting in the EU nowadays, please let´s focus on that too.
Moscow clearly gamed this dozens of ways and has many variations of back up plans.
On the other hand, the war party is using its 30 year old playbook which Moscow has seen many times.
Recall how the Kazahk Color Revolution was brushed aside ?
Thank you for opening the eyes of lots of people. Yes the truth hurts sometime, especially when you get brainwashed from the western governments. But better now the later to find out the real truth of this whole process changing worldorder
Western Liberal democracy is far more comfortable with Nazis than they are with Russians and Chinese
Yes well its known in the 17th Century pirates who sailed around the oceans never had a plan but merely hoping to get lucky.
Nothing ever changes.
= S&B.
As New York sports caster Warner Wolf used to say, let´s go to the video tape.
No matter where I am looking, there is hardly a shred of firm unity anymore within the Western coalition against Russia. It is gone baby. Some are paying rubles, vetoing further sanctions on Russia and some are telling Russia to keep it´s resources, while others are almost dead silent. Some are wanting NATO to get more active, some are stopping weapons shipments. I was reading today that Croatia has stated it will not support Finland and Sweden joining NATO, until their stuff gets straightened out. Even if that came about, how long would it take to push the cleanup there through, months, years?
It has already fallen apart, some just don´t look out their window apparently. Without absolute unity, the West is gone. For my money, that is not even the last thing that will happen. Everything will continue to further fragment. But, the show will go on, until Russia finishes what they are doing ………… and then the circus tent may nolonger exist.
My take, regards to all.
Good perspective and well stated John.
No unity in the West, nothing.
Exactly the opposite of Russia´s consolidated leadership.
The first two paragraphs of this article reflect what you say.
I agree
“And while they are at it, these ´special forces´ could also comply with the US President´s program by looking out for aircraft of any size, type or purpose – including drones and choppers – plus all fine cars & motorcycles, boats, real estate, embassies, consulates, works of art, jewelry, property at large either government or privately owned. ”
This is obviously( to me) done in order to punish the Russian oligarchs who failed to overthrow “Putin”, ie., the putin contiuumm, etc., Because from what I have seen and heard, seizing the overseas wealth and luxury properties of the Russian comprador class actually DELIGHTS most Russian people..”take it all” !! they say “Did you find his wife’s jewelry”? Keep looking!!” Over and Over again the “leadership” of collective west fails to grasp the moment
Well, if the “rogue states” of the West fancy a spot of maritime piracy, maybe Russian container shipping might be carrying some of these –
All of a sudden that Merchant Vessel has better offensive armament than many western Naval vessels, and armament that demonstrably works very well indeed.
From Newsweek (U.S.): Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ‘ISIS-Style’ War Crimes
We *tried* to tell you this.
One can only wonder how Stalin would have handled this situation; no doubt it would have been handled differently and the results would have left no doubts to one’s figment of imagination. The West would never have tried any of their current tactics knowing what would have happened to them.
Any talk of “national” or even “imperial” plans must occur within this extraordinary geo-political context.
The Great Davosian Re-setters that own the West socially/culturally/politically/financially (and treat the RoW as hewers of wood and bearers of water) did have a plan, and they’ve been working it for close to a century. The politicians that we “elect” are their creatures and are dutifully carrying that plan out.
The problem is not that there’s no plan, the problem is that 2 of the hewers and bearers went rogue on them. That the 2 represent the most effective military, the largest holding of natural resources, and the greatest manufacturing plant means that they can not only resist, they are quite capable of creating and executing their own plans in diametrical opposition to the Davos plan. What’s perhaps even worse, they’re showing considerable skill at attracting & organizing the lesser hewers and bearers to come either passively or actively to their side.
That’s anathema to the owners. It means a massive blow to their status. They will no longer own the whole world, but barely a quarter of it. Owners of an economic backwater, and but a fraction of what they had, or thought they had in hand but a decade or 2 ago.
Their plan doesn’t work with only a quarter on board, especially as that quarter is no match for the wealth generation capacity of the rogues and their followers. Moreover, should a new set of owners emerge as the upstarts’ plans develop, they’re bound to be wealthier and more powerful than the rump owners. They’re quite aware that big fish eat smaller fish, and so literally everything they’ve been working for for the last century hangs in the balance.
That’s why the situation is exceedingly dangerous. Mackinder said a century ago:
“He who controls Eastern Europe controls the Heartland. He who controls the Heartland controls the World Island (Eurasia). He who controls the World Island controls the world.” The geo-political pivot point is Ukraine, so they cannot lose it or even a significant part of it without losing any chance of controlling the Heartland.
The Great Davosian Re-Setters bet the farm, and it’s slipping away. I don’t expect them to accept and adjust to the new realities elegantly, much less to go gently into the night.
Erebus, IMHO and humble opinion, yes and no.
In your first two paragraphs you correctly describe what should be considered as NO plan available for Davosians in view of current real circumstances, not theories. If the supposed plan that Davos had cannot cope with Russia + China as a minimum (that´s reality not anything else) then sorry to say they never had a plan. Then you go on to say that if Davosians kept one fourth of the world it would also not work well at all for them. There we agree.
The world clearly has gone mad. I can’t see it ever coming to it’s senses like “snap”.
I fear that only a traumatic experience will rip it into place or rip out the cancer, or rip it up, altogether.
This has now become so sick, so twisted and so unbelievable I don’t trust people. We have seen collective madness before, and it led to huge losses, deep suffering and unspeakable trials, before “normalcy” re-appeared.
We are walking straight into such a scenario. I support Russians in their struggle against mad psychopaths, worldwide.
Jorge: Thanks very much for this exquisite summation. Superb article, excellent links, utterly appropriate cynicism!
What more could anyone ask for? :)
This is a very tough and lonely endeavour fully misunderstood by most.
Encouragement means a lot to me.
Thank you JMF
Auntie Ursula plays the female version of Elmer Fudd methinks.
While Russia just keeps munching pop-corn always several steps ahead of the game…
Sorry here but EU-Russian gas scenarios are very dynamic so not enough time to digest a piece of news that yet more important news crop up. Now more from Auntie Ursula…
The European Commission President now says :
“We are mapping out our coordinated EU response”
“Europeans can trust that we stand united and in solidarity…”
I humbly respond:
“Not true, no coordination, no solidarity, no nothing. It´s every man for himself now. Europeans and most specially the EU leadership resemble a bunch of beheaded chickens running around without the slightest idea of what´s really going on. Possibly reading this article very slowly might help…”
And the Russians warn :
” … the unauthorised withdrawal of gas volumes transiting through Poland and Bulgaria to other European countries such as Germany would result in a reduction of transit supplies….” Clearly meaning guys don´t play cute with us or you all will freeze and starve to death sorta like right NOW, understand ?
As far back as I can remember people in the West were trained to fear and hate Russians. I grew up in the 60s and 70s in the US so that means an entire generation before me was also trained to hate Russians. Our entire society was militarized to hate Russian outsiders and all of their allies in every continent. People like this author wonder why Europeans hate the Russians so much. How can they wonder? For the last 80 years we were trained non-stop to hate Russians and at the same time we were militarized – every segment of society. We even have soldiers unveil the flag at the beginning of professional spirts games, sometimes air force jets fly over in formation. Military recruiters cone into our high schools and during lunchtimes set up tables with brochures and applications. We robotically thank them for their service. Even our scientific research and innovations are funded by or guided by the military. We sing Onward Christian Soldiers in churches. A strong military is seen as interchangeable with a strong nation. We are fully militarized.
This reminds me of what I’ve learned about the rise of Japanese militarism and imperialism during the Meiji Restoration in the1800s and beyond, in which political leaders, fearful of outside influences after being closed to foreigners for 200 years, basically handed the country over to military influence top to bottom over the next 80 years. Politics, trade, education, science, religion, recreation, all militarized.
Fast-forward: when every problem became a challenge to be solved by the military, Japan was ultimately defeated.
America is like a new Japan – paranoid, suspicious, imperialistic in our trade dealings, demanding of obedience, and militarized across every facet of society. This won’t end well.
Excellent article. Russia indeed has a Plan. More than that it has a strategy that is based on an understanding of realities that the US and Europe choose to ignore in order to avoid painful change. Russia has had painful change imposed on it, so it’s strategies, military and otherwise are adaptive, even if they seem sometimes slow and cautiously deliberative. I am a Japanese-based media professional. I have worked for just about everyone so I understand media whoredom well…. (mea culpa!).The “official” US media whore for the half dozen people that own 95% of them — and to satisfy public prejudices rooted in what I call the “Public Id” . They can do that because reality doesn’t matter. Reality, however, matters to the Russians, who face existential threats. The US is Humpty Dumpty. Or is it Yankee Pankee? Anyway, sitting on a big wall, waiting to fall. The Russian strategy may seem slow. But it isn’t. As Musashi writes:” Whatever the Way, the master of strategy does not appear fast….Of course, slowness is bad. Really skillful people never get out of time, and are always deliberate, and never appear busy.” (A Book of Five Rings). I write about this kind of awareness in my article on Russian strategy, Russian military strategy appears similar to Moltke’s Auftragstaktik which is built on notions of principle and trust, which guide the Russians in Ukraine in contrast to the Banderites who emphasize power, domination, and violence for its own sake.