Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on March 8, 2022, on the occasion of the Day of the Wounded.Source: video.moqawama.org
Translation: resistancenews.com
[…] O my brothers and sisters, the events happening around us in terms must strengthen our awareness, our lucidity and our understanding of things, the conclusions we draw from them for the current equations, as well as the lessons and teachings we learn from them. This brings me to the current events that are currently occupying all minds. I start with the events between Russia and Ukraine to state that these are very important events in terms of lessons and learning. As last time, I will just mention some brief points before I come to the internal Lebanese situation.
The first point is that the U.S. representative to the Security Council said in addressing Russia, “Any attack on civilians is considered a war crime, and we are recording all events.” In the sense that the US is monitoring everything closely, and will then try Russia for its (alleged) war crimes. That’s what she said to Russia. But what does she say about the massacres against civilians perpetrated by the US in all its wars? No war waged by the US happened without attacks on civilians, massacres, civilians killed, atrocities against civilians and civilian infrastructure, etc. From the nuclear bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, whose environmental and health effects are still felt today, with traces and effects that persist to this day, to Iraq, the siege of Iraq, the starvation of Iraq and the death of tens of thousands of Iraqi children due to the siege, then the invasion (of Iraq in 2003), etc. According to the Americans themselves, they have killed tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians, and tens of thousands of Afghan civilians. How many times have American planes or drones bombed Afghan wedding ceremonies, turning them into funerals, and then claiming that they were training camps, despite the presence of women, children and old people? But they claimed that they were training camps. What about the Zionist massacres in Palestine for more than 70 years, and the massacres Israel regularly perpetrates? What about the Israeli-Zionist war crimes in Palestine? What about the siege of Gaza? Today, the whole world is shedding tears because this or that city in Ukraine has been under siege for 5, 6 or 7 days. But Gaza has been under siege for many years, for 15 years! But the world remains silent.
What about the massacres of the Saudi-American aggression in Yemen, and the tens of thousands of civilian martyrs in Yemen, children, women, men, old and young? And the entire civilian infrastructure is destroyed in Yemen. What about the siege imposed on Yemen for the past 7 years? And currently, the siege is increasing on oil derivatives (fuels), and we saw yesterday the angry demonstrations in Yemeni cities. But the whole world remains silent about this. Why is this so? Simply, and don’t mind me saying it so bluntly, it’s because all these people are not White, they are not blond and they are not blue-eyed – even if in reality there are some blond and blue-eyed white people among them, but it doesn’t matter. These people do not belong to the world of the White man. I’ll go even further than that: for the United States, even those who belong to the White man’s world are only means, tools, instruments, and have no human value.
This is the case with Ukraine [the US has no hesitation in sacrificing the Ukrainian and European population in general to advance its interests]. Thus, based on the logic of the representative of the United States, it would have been necessary today, before threatening Russia or other countries with trials, to establish dozens and hundreds of sessions to judge the Americans, the British and the Western and European armies for their crimes in Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Africa, in all corners of the world, in India, Pakistan… It is these files that we must start by examining if we want to base ourselves on these principles.
This hypocrisy and double standard is confirmed day after day. Last Friday, in Peshawar, Pakistan, during Friday prayers, a suicide bomber blew himself up, killing dozens of people, including the Imam of the mosque, and injuring dozens more. And the whole world remained silent. This is natural. Because these takfiris suicide bombers are Made in CIA, Made in America. They serve the American project. The whole world must remain silent because it is the US and its tools in the region. Day after day, it is confirmed that the American “values” do not respect humanistic principles, morals, international law, fundamental rights, etc. Nothing matters to them but their political and economic interests and their hegemony. When their political interests ask them to condemn, they condemn. When their political interests ask them to support, they support. On the subject of the massacres perpetrated by Israel, the United States is not content with not condemning, they prevent the Security Council from condemning them! They prevent the whole world from condemning them! They defend the (Israeli) murderers and butchers who shed (Palestinian) blood! This is the truth of the United States, which we have known (for a long time), but we take advantage of the current events to remind it, so that those who have not yet opened their eyes do so, and that those who already know gain in awareness and lucidity, and in clarity of vision.
Also, and this is my second point, every day there is more evidence in the world that trusting the United States is an act of imbecility. I say this to get to Lebanon next. Trusting the United States is stupid and foolish. It is an act of ignorance that endangers the global Muslim community, the nation and the interests of the people. This is what it means to trust the Americans. A few months ago, we saw with our own eyes, and the whole world saw, the experience of the United States in Afghanistan, and how they abandoned and forsook the country. The images of the planes and the airport are still fresh in everyone’s mind.
Let’s not forget the statements of the Afghan officials who collaborated with the Americans for many years: the Afghan President on the run, who was 100% with the Americans, to the point that if they told him not to negotiate with the Taliban, he didn’t do it –while the United States themselves negotiated with them–, if they asked him not to go to Tehran, he didn’t go there, if they wanted him to go to such and such a country, he went there, and so on. He was 100% subservient to the US… So the former Afghan President says: “My mistake was to trust the United States and its international allies.” He claims that he gave them his opinion and thoughts, but they did not respond to him and did not take them into account, considering that it was their vision that was right, that they were the strategists, that the data was in their hands and that they had efficiently anticipated the consequences and results (of their actions), but the result is (the humiliating American debacle) that we saw in Afghanistan. They have abandoned (all their allies).
Today, in Ukraine, the whole world knows that the United States and Great Britain in particular (are the main culprits of the crisis). The rest of the European countries are really poor wretches. It is clear that a number of European countries did not want this problem, like Germany for example, Germany in the first place, and also France to some extent. Other European countries felt that they would be trampled and sacrificed (on the altar of NATO’s aggression against Russia), that their interests were in great danger. The United States, and with them Great Britain, which has left the European Union, have aggravated the situation in Ukraine and pushed it into the lion’s den. But of course, they acted according to precise calculations. For Biden has announced in his strategy that his priority is the fight against Russia and China. With China, the confrontation has its own calculations and its own ways. And as for the confrontation against Russia, Biden is certainly not going to wage a world war against it, because he is not capable of it, and so he has thrown Ukraine against Russia to prevent any agreement between Ukraine and Russia and to provoke this war.
This is demonstrated by the fact that after the first few days (of war), we can all listen on television to the statements of the President of Ukraine, his head of government, his foreign minister and his deputy, and his advisers. What do they say? “They let us fight alone.” Because either (the U.S.) had promised Ukraine that they would fight with them in case of war (against Russia), or, because of the trust of Ukrainians in the U.S., they believed that they would fight alongside them. And that is why Ukrainian leaders are now expressing that their hopes have been dashed. They say they have been left alone to fight. It was the Ukrainian President who said so. Ukraine is calling on the United States (and NATO) to fight on its side, but they are responding that they cannot endanger their States and their people and risk a devastating world war for the sake of Ukraine. I just said that in their eyes, even the White man has no value. (They will not risk a nuclear war) for the sake of Ukraine, for the people of Ukraine, for the White man in Ukraine, in any case. They are not ready for that. “Fight on your own, dear friends. Because as far as we are concerned, we are not ready to fight.” And that’s why they say every day that they will not send any American soldiers to Ukraine, no American planes to Ukraine. But it is you, the United States, who caused this situation and called this catastrophe on Ukraine!
Of course, my statement is not an invitation to the United States to go and fight Russia in Ukraine. I say this only to draw lessons from the current situation, for all those who trust the United States and place their hopes in them. The Ukrainian President asks (the US) to establish a no-fly zone in the skies over Ukraine to prevent Russian planes from hitting them. But they reply he gets is “Sorry, we can’t, because that would mean shooting down Russian planes, which would lead to war, and we are not ready to go to war with Russia for the sake of Ukraine.” Ukraine is calling for a total Western embargo on (Russian) oil and gas, which some countries are ready for, but others have responded frankly that they cannot do without Russian gas. Russian gas is still being sold, and its price has risen. So look at (the inconsistency): on the one hand, they impose sanctions on Russia, and on the other hand, they buy gas from it at high prices. That’s a (telling) example. The same goes for the Ukrainian request to obtain warplanes: the West refuses, because this would make it participate directly in the war. Are there not lessons to be learned there? They let Ukraine fight alone, because they are not ready to go to war for its sake. At most, they impose sanctions, a blockade, consistent with the American objective of weakening Russia. The US is acting in its own interest, not in the interest of Ukraine. This is the truth.
Today, if we could enter the hearts and minds of Ukrainian officials, we would find a feeling of maximum abandonment and neglect. And that’s why (Zelensky) starts to come down from his pedestal: he announces that he is ready to negotiate, to discuss the neutrality of Ukraine and other Russian demands. Why is he starting to reconsider – if his American masters allow him, of course? Because he has realized that those who promised to stand by him, those in whom he trusted and in whom he placed all his hopes, those who put him in this situation, have abandoned him in the middle of the road. I and you have known this lesson (that the United States are treacherous) by heart for a very long time, but I repeat it because Biden is a new proof of it. And before coming to Lebanon, I conclude on the international situation by pointing out the moral collapse of the West. The West lectures us about Western civilization, morality, humanistic values, human rights, etc. But the situation shows their moral decay. Look at how they treat refugees. Black Africans are treated differently, as well as Asians, Muslims, etc. There is discrimination on the basis of religion, race, skin color. Is this the famous Western civilization that they harp on day and night, presenting it to us as a model to follow? Whole States are acting in this way, in an official way! One of the Presidents of these countries, in order to justify this decision (to discriminate in favor of the White Ukrainian refugees), answered that it was the will of his people, who had elected him on this basis. It is therefore a racist culture, which has no connection with humanism or morality!
As far as Lebanon is concerned, I would like to say to the (pro-Western) political forces that if they aspire to please the US, they will never succeed, because the American demands are unlimited and never stop. If anyone thinks that the US can be satisfied with this or that demand, they are deluding themselves, because tomorrow they will demand one, two, three, a hundred, a thousand other things. Their diktats do not stop at any limit. And satisfying them is detrimental to Lebanon’s interests without giving us any compensation. What did the Lebanese officials get in return for their submission? We are already deprived of electricity, gas and dollars by the American sanctions or vetoes, what more could they do?
Lebanon voted against Russia at the UN, when it could have chosen to abstain, as 35 countries did. This is what Lebanon’s national interest demanded: abstention. The Prime Minister of Pakistan said a few days ago, in the face of Western pressure for his country to take an anti-Russian position, “We are not your slaves.” This is an excellent position. It would be good if Lebanon would one day dare to stand up to the American embassy and say, “We are not your slaves.” This would be a proof of freedom, patriotism, sovereignty, independence. But the worst thing is the statement of the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our level of submission is such that the US embassy demanded that this communiqué on Russia and Ukraine be amended to be more virulent against Russia, and this rewriting was made directly by the US embassy. […]
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“Any amount counts, because a little money here and there, it’s like drops of water that can become rivers, seas or oceans…”
I agree that the Hypocrisy of the West is mind-boggling, but it is not just Racism. Racism plays a role for sure, but Yugoslavia was a neighbour to Countries like Austria or Italy, Germany was just a mere 1.000 km away, and they treated the war and the Refugees like as if they are from the moon. And they bombed it also, but it was them who did it, thats the difference, it was in their Interest, at least thats what the disgusting so called Western Elites told the people in the West, so they pretty much ignored it.
In Ukraine the Western Elites are so hysterical because the whole world can see, that they are not as powerful as they think they are. The Western Elites are for a large part moronic pieces of sh.t, they will lose the war, they will lose the economic war, they know nothing about Physics, Biologiy, Math, Military or anything else, they just know who to send some virtue signaling sentences on Twitter, which is pretty much nonsensical at this moment in time. And they know how to parrot idiotic LGBQT+ Nonsense and get ahead in their moronic Organisations.
That’s sexist T before Q, as in Pelosi before Lindsey Graham .
Sexist? Racist?
I rather see it as a spiritual disease. And if there’s one group of people that the Lord Jesus couldn’t stand it was the Hypocrites.
“You hypocrites!” Matthew 15:7
Today the Zionist Neocons who run the USG and favor their hypocrite nation of Apartheid Israhell are the epitome of such title.
It is both things, racist and “culturally” racist.
Ethnic racism vary in different countries, being maximum in the anglosaxon and Germanic world and minimum in the Mediterranean countries (although also exist)
Culturally, however, all western societies are same racist, classist, fascist or however you want to call it.
It is something related with the elites that rule about us, and basically means, if you are our ally you are maximalisticslly a saint. If you are our enemy you are scum.
Please. Races like their own most. (see China)
Yet —> Disliking, seeking to eliminate those of Other Races is an ‘ism’ to detest.
It is time for people to see that racism is not inate to the human pschye, but rather is created by politicans who seek to profit by strife between peoples. Racism is created soley to suit the political situation of the moment. That explains many of these racist positions that would otherwise appear contridictory. One of the first acts of war is to denigrate one’s opponents. To bring an opponent down to a “sub-human” level makes it easier for the agressor’s soldiers to kill them. That is what we are seeing here in this Ukraine thing. “Ukraines” are “good” people, “Russians” are “evil” non-people when in reality they are the very same people. So, it goes with every war. Germans become “krauts”, Chinese become “chinks”, Vietnamise become “gooks”, Arabs become “sand-niggers”, blacks are just “niggers”, and so on, and so on, and on. (Notice how some people suddenly become “good people” again when the political situation change and the people need to be used as “allies”.) People need to stop falling for all this senseless propaganda that is being shoveled on to us.
You are absolutely correct. If everyone in the U$ would turn off their stupid television sets, stop reading their moronic newspapers, and stop paying to see Hollywood garbage, they may be able to think, and then to see.
You are right. The “racism” argument is just rhetoric.
Nasrallah shouldn’t use this misleading argument.
(And about the bombing of Yugoslavia, please remember that the majority of Italians did NOT agree, while NATO+corrupt government just decided for themselves, without asking anyone. Most of Italians still despise mr. D’Alema, Prime Minister at the time, who succumbed to the US waging that imbecile war against out neighbours. Just sayin’.)
Nasrallah is absolutely correct that racism is an absolute plague in the West. Moreover, the racism of the Catholic Church and the Southern European Western Latin countries has been historically endemic, just ask the African or Indigenous subalterns in Latin America, the Caribbean, or Africa.
It’s not an either / or argument. There is an element of racism in some people, politicians and institutions in the West and in others, it’s not racism but ethnocentrism: our way is the best way; your way is the inferior way.
I have absolutely seen racism in some people, mostly but not exclusively, people who haven’t grown up around different races and religions since birth and haven’t had the opportunity to know them as humans equal to themselves from early childhood.
Racism is not innate to the human psyche but an element of tribalism (sticking to what you perceive as your “own kind”) is definitely at play in some people. A person of one race may be totally ok with people of a second race because they got to know them as great colleagues (or vice versa) but maybe they both are suspicious of people from some third race.
Racism, tribalism, ethnocentrism: ultimately they all play out in people who are insecure and/or need ever more control over others to make up for something they lack in themselves.
I agree with you, and I would also suggest to stick with the term “ethnocentrism” which seems to be more appropriate in this context.
Also, there are huge differencies within Europe: countries with a long tradition of culture-mixture, synchretism, foreign ruling and territorial fragmentations, like Italy, behave way less “ethnocentrically” than others.
There are cases, like Germany, of traditional internal divisions (i.e. catholics vs. protestants; bavarians vs. prussians) which render the situation even more complex.
“You are a racist” is never, ever a good argument.
(Especially if uttered by people who do not even believe races exist!)
Yes, but unfortunately Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia and the Bosnian Muslims fell as easy pray to the provocations on the ground with both the CIA and MI6 inciting wars within Yugoslavia. If Yugoslavia was united internally like Russia was , the west couldn’t touch Yugoslavia because it was preparing for 40 years to face the Soviet Union. Economically Croatian Vice President Ante Markovic enacted a brilliant plan which was seeing results until Europe purposely cut off funding.
An absolutely wonderful exposition of truth and plenty of facts we need to encourage as many people as possible to read and act upon.
And then we wonder why the Gods had to run away and hide.
I wish I could get my fellow Americans to understand, that a victory for Russia, is a victory for the American people and a crushing defeat for that imperialistic, malignant tumor called, Washington DC.
The ‘tumor’ is the Jew on every side of every significant issue everywhere.
You mean, Judeo-Zionist occupied territory of Washington D.C.?
Should all the countries (bar the ass-raped ) ones in Zone B leave the United Nations then the UN is history. Time for Zone B to build its own institutions and to increase membership to existing ones to incorporate REAL VALUES & SECURITY.
Why subjugate yourself to the White Man’s Rules, which don’t apply to him, only you?
Saying “white man rules” is just ignorant. It’s not white man rules, it’s jew rules. Jews are not white. Tney only identify as white when conveintient for them or when working to undermine white society.
The western man has been exploited for 100s of years to carry out the jooish agenda ”messianic agenda”. In the western world you dare to even mention the word ”joo” let along criticize joos.
Thank you Mr Hasan Nasrallah it’s been a while and I have missed your speeches which have always found to be undiluted truth, meek and as much inspiring.
Please tell Lebanon and other countries that chose to go that route that they will need to pick a side soon and playing house in both camps will not profit them for long
We are watching everything (in Russian)
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out my mouth “revelation 3:16”
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
Yes, and you are still blaming the crater in the port of Beruit on someone, anyone but yourselves. It is true, there is enough hypocrisy to fill the world and you are contributing your share.
This pisses me off. “people are not White, they are not blond and they are not blue-eyed – even if in reality there are some blond and blue-eyed white people among them”
It’s not white people, average white people like me, it’s the filthy freaking so called chosen ones and the Judus among us white people.
I’m a Christian white man and have enough sense not to buy into that support isreal God will bless us. Tnats crap. I’m sick and tired of America becuase in truth it doesn’t exsist, at least the lie promoted to the world. We are ruled by jewish, and I’ll wont say it, but it’s true. Pure filth.
Don’t blame white people. Or you know what, yeah blame us becuase we are allowing it. Seriously we are guilty of bowing down and worshiping the filth.
God have mercy on us.
Yes, throughout history common whites have aided and abetted the chosen people in their nefarious ventures, because they gained some type of benefit.
The main point of this is if common whites in the West would have stood in absolute opposition to wars of the last century, then that “racket” would have been closed off to the chosen people.
“The war in Ukraine unmasked the racism and hypocrisy of the West”
One of the illustrations of “The jaw dropping power of US propaganda.
This is really ignorant to suggest the American government treats white people different than others. Come over here and see it’s jews ruling America and they hate white Christians more than anyone.
Yeah keep censoring my comments. But I will keep posting or trying. This really pisses me off.
I for one was disappointed in Nasrallah’s message.
Whataboutism is a weak argument, imho.
And he didn’t even use the word Nazi once in his message.
For me, a White, blue-eyed, blond-turned-gray, male, US citizen,
Ukraine and the support of Nazis is by far the worst and
most dangerous thing the US has ever done.
The epiphany for me has been how easily people become Nazi supporters.
Good and descent people, who you never in your life would believe
could support Nazis, were all along just a single sentence away
from supporting Nazis.
“But Zelensky is Jewish, how can there be Nazis influencing Ukraine?”
Boom. That is all it takes to flip people – one sentence.
Good and descent people are just a sentence away from becoming
Nazi supporters. It is a scary world.
Here is how Jewish Zelensky went from gaining office (with the
grease of billionaire Kolomoisky) on a platform of bringing
peace and reconcilliation to the Donbas,
to becoming a pawn of the Nazis.
Here is an article from Haaretz about the oligarch Kolomoisky.
It was Kolomoisky that greased the wheels
in over-the-top corrupt Ukraine so that his comedian could become President.
Here is a 2014 Haaretz article about oligarch Kolomoisky:
You may hit a pay wall so here is the archive:
Got that? Zelensky’s owner has no qualms making alliances with Nazis.
“But Zelensky is Jewish, how can there be Nazis influencing Ukraine?”
its simple NAZI is actually national zionism
There is a quick way to shut down “but Zelenski is Jewish” argument.
Soros is Jewish. That didn’t stop him from collaborating with Nazis in WW2 and now in WW3.
(he works with WEF/Klaus Schwab).
“whataboutism” and “whataboutery” are really nonsense terms.
These terms are meant to ridicule points that demonstrate utter hypocrisy.
Hypocrites – or supporters of gross hypocrisy – try to retain the moral high ground – and they resort to terms of ridicule in order to maintain their arguments.
Very like the “conspiracy theory” dismissal by those who refuse to see.
What a sad day for this site to allow this filth. It’s not white people. It’s jews. Its jews. What has jews threaten to censor your site or what? Notice jews weren’t mentioned at al being responsible. Jews are not white.
Without the Judeo christian world ”the white world” ”the western world” ”NATO” there will be no israel.
I myself don’t trust Nasrallah and I am muslim.
There is no such thing as jedeo Christian. Tbats a lie obviously made up by those eternal liars. You as a Muslim are more a friend to Christians than those jews. Theyre an enemy to all people.
Perhaps you’d enjoy some time with the Azov boys down in Avostal? You appear to have some things in common with them. It’s not “the Jews”, it’s the English. Has been for 200 years. It’s English bankers who ran a pirate, slaving, drug dealing empire and then handed it off to the US. It’s in the process of finally dying (unlike the UK after WWII there is no new international power for the English to harness their empire to).
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was when the English convinced people that their treachery was the fault of the Jews.
Yes the Western hypocrisy is terrible! Enough of this peace stuff. We need to stand up against the USA and fight them and all their allies, everyone of them until the end!
We must Target the following countries with economic sanctions and maybe target the following cities:-
USA (Washington DC and New York)
Germany (Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Cologne)
France (Paris)
Canada (Montreal)
Australia (Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra)
New Zealand (Wellington)
Japan (Tokyo)
South Korea (Soul)
Hungary (Budapest)
Poland (Warsaw)
Secretary General Nasrallah wipes away the cataract that fogs the lens of truth and exposes the purveyors of deception and rancor. His words extol the message of God’s prophets; truly his service to Allah grants him the wisdom to lead his people away from Satan’s temptations.
And ˹remember˺ when Satan made their ˹evil˺ deeds appealing to them, and said, “No one can overcome you today. I am surely by your side.” But when the two forces faced off, he cowered and said, “I have absolutely nothing to do with you. I certainly see what you do not see. I truly fear Allah, for Allah is severe in punishment.” ˹Remember˺ when the hypocrites and those with sickness in their hearts said, “These ˹believers˺ are deluded by their faith.” But whoever puts their trust in Allah, surely Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
(Al-Anfal 8:48-49 Holy Quran)
“Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.” (Romans 2:1 KJV 1611)
Ultimately, there is no East and West.
There is just the Jew, and maybe the rest.
And then a lot of people.
This “camp politics” of us/them is the source of all evil. Nasrallah is right on this even though he simpliefies it a lot for his audience.
Dear Secretary General Nasrallah,
You are a man of great courage and honor. Your stewardship of Hezbollah has rightly earned your people respect and admiration around the world. I agree with 95% of what you say. However, as working-class south-Asian immigrant living the United States for fifty years, I know white people suffer equally under the brutal yoke of the American Deep State, which is merely the property management agents for the Anglo-Zionists based in the City of London and New York. We are all victims of the monstrosity, which has effectively implemented the old British standard of “divide and conquer”. They not only want to separate us from our countrymen, they want to separate us from our neighborhoods, and even our families. Why stop at white and black when you can divide humanity by lifestyles and sexual preferences.
The only way the Anglo-Zionist death cult can be defeated is when all people (no matter their ethnicity, religion, age, or use of pronouns) unite against this common enemy of the planet.
PS> When in doubt about the sincerity of Anglo Zionist, just ask the Boers of South Africa what it was like to be tortured and imprisoned. They will kill and they have killed.
ITA-ENG translation of vignette #1:
“In front of so much horror, Europe cannot just turn away!”
As usual Nasrallah is right to the point. Europeans especially those “less developed” in the EU’s south should read and learn.
I keep coming across this mans speeches & there hasn’t been a one I’ve read that wasn’t powerful. It is no wonder he is so venerated in the Arab world . . . and so hated & feared in Tel Aviv & D.C. When one looks up the meaning of ‘Speaking Truth To Power’ there’s a picture of Nasrallah.
Censorship is intensifying. However there is a possibility, and I sincerely hope so that this will backfire on the Empire of hate and lies. Is there enough patriots in United States to slay imperialist monster?
We (most American-patriots) are drugged-down, under-educated, financially on the edge, suffer from atomized families, suffer from atomized communities, subsist on a diet of poisoned food, while being fed bullshit on a grand scale.
The Anglo-Zionists have spent the last century perfecting this process on first the Brits and then the Yanks. We spend the bulk of our time and energy hating each other, or just “the other”
The far right retains some of its manhood but is drowning in love for Israel or at a minimum the appearance of devotion to Israel out of fear of losing their status. The religious conservatives were taken out 100 years ago by the mass production of the Scofield Bible (Darbyites) and currently live to fellate every Israeli politician while anxiously waiting for the rapture. The Far Left is Israeli occupied territory, their cowardice is only exceeded by their need to fit in. When the going gets tough, they are the last people you want to be standing next to you.
The only hope is on the fringes. The Sovereign Citizens, the Preppers, the Moors, etc. Although small in number, they are fully aware of the Beast that rules the United States. They are armed, independent and recognize the matter is a life and death struggle for themselves, if not humanity. Unfortunately, they suffer from hard coded prejudices that prevents them from organizing and unifying. Only a cataclysmic event could shake them into a need to cooperate.
There are voices that speak the truth, but they are marginalized. All others, such as Donald Trump, fail to recognize the degree of the contagion. If they do, their life is automatically in jeopardy.
Hey you, yeah you in Europe working two jobs just to keep the lights and heating on, guess what, the EU is going to rebuild Ukraine using hundreds of billions of Euros, and you and your family and your children will pay for it.
“The European Union is planning to provide most of the funds needed for Ukraine’s reconstruction, Bloomberg reported citing sources in the European Commission.
According to the publication, the commission is working on a scheme which would support Ukraine on a long-term basis as the bloc expects to be responsible for providing the lion’s share of the funds for the country’s reconstruction. To do that, the EU plans to set up a solidarity trust fund. It will reportedly be based on the post-Covid-19 recovery fund for EU member states and help finance investments and reforms in Ukraine, the sources said.
The EC has not unveiled the exact amount of money they plan for the fund to raise, as Russia’s military operation in Ukraine is still ongoing. However, sources say the figure would amount to hundreds of billions of euros over the next several decades. “
You mean, Judeo-Zionist occupied territory of Washington D.C.?
Salute to Mr Nasrallah’s Truth !!
im white, blond & blue eyed and im telling you The US Gov is satan’s
Well said and correct.
The US govt will implode under its own causes before long and those running things currently fail to understand so. EU & UK too also. Long overdue.
Western Civilization = White Supremacy System
“Racism (white supremacy) is the local and global power system dynamic, structured and maintained by those who classify themselves as white; whether consciously or subconsciously determined; this system consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action, and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war. The ultimate purpose of the system is to ensure white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on Earth — a planet in which the overwhelming majority of people are classified as non-white, (black, brown, red, and yellow) by white-skinned people. All of the non-white people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white-skinned people”. Dra Frances Cress Welsing
William Casey (CIA Director 1981-1987): “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” = Guardian + NY Times + any Western media cloaca
The US now, and always, makes allies of the most corrupt, violent collaborators. Recently, US trained military yahoos have committed 8 coups in West Africa. Of course, military coups are cheaper than honestly negotiating Oil & Gas rights with responsible, democratically elected, popularly supported leadership. ‘Los Zetas’, Mexico’s worst narco gang were trained and armed by US ‘special forces’. Honduras, where democracy was recently restored after a US-OAS coup installed a president and family now facing decades in US prisons for drug trafficking. El Salvador, where ex-President Cristiani is facing murder charges for the executions of 6 Catholic priests, housekeeper, and her young daughter that advocated for negotiations and peace. NAYOYO welcomes military coups and death squads everywhere so long as it favours corporate greed and human rights violations terrify popular dissent. Only the most savage, racist, drug-dealing monsters are embraced as worthy NAYOYO allies because they have NO LOCAL support, and know their lives and future depend on following CIA instructions.
Homer: “Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another.”
Western lies and atrocities are endless and stretch back to slavery, Colonialism, and First Nations genocides. It is easily traced through every Presidency and Western country. The US began with Washington, who would rather sell his slaves to support his army than free them so they could fight in his ranks. Here in Canada, RCMP trained cowards routinely set lethal sniper over watch on First Nations protests. Meanwhile hundreds of First Nations children are found anonymously buried in residential school graves. The UK made noble fortunes from piracy and slavery. Prince Charles lied to Princess Diana so the royals could have a beautiful, compassionate woman reinvigorate their ugly, stupid lineage.
H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956): “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” = Obama = Biden
It more about its ok for the US to bomb whatever but how dare another country, Russia must be destroyed and all stops are being pulled out….
B52’s over Afghanistan 8 months ago, hardly a word, but if Russia farted too loud there would be hell to pay..
The unmasking has been running for 20-30 years. No more unmasking. Take a kitchen knife and drive them out the Vietcong way m2 per m2 until they run in bath-slippers with a plastic bag full of local artifacts and porn movies to the helicopter on the roof. Its sad but there is no other way.
At the end of the day you have to ask yourself where would I rather live?
I Certainly wouldn’t want to live in Russia or China
Yes I could live in the following countries:-
Italy (North)
USA (Certain States)
New Zealand
I am very lucky as I live in New Zealand (South Island) and I love it, but I could live in the above countries.
I just hope Winnie the Pooh and Putin don’t have eyes on NZ. We would fight like crazy if they tried… just look at our Rugby Team