by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog
Shortly after the Russian troops left the outskirts of Kiev, the pro-Ukrainian media fired a broadside of stories about alleged Russian war crimes against peaceful civilians, traces of which were found in the abandoned towns. Before very long the first video appeared, with corpses scattered along the street, some of which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be quite alive. However, this did not prevent a number of publications from coming up with colorful first-person stories about the “atrocities” committed by the Russian military. The bottom line idea was that Russian soldiers do not want to fight and are scared, while simultaneously all too happy to commit war crimes by shooting at civilians and throwing grenades into a basement full of townsfolk hiding there. Soon, the temperature of anti-Russian propaganda went so high that even true-blue pro-Ukrainian viewers and readers began to question the credibility of what was going on.
Let’s try to figure this all out. The Ukrainian army did not liberate Bucha, but quietly returned there following the pullout of Russian troops, which Moscow had announced a couple of days earlier. At the same time, for some strange reason the departing Russian units not only left behind dead bodies lying on the street, but artistically laid them out and evenly distributed over the territory of the town. Well, Russian commanders are hardly capable of such an unnatural performance. Even if there were such a maniac in the Russian command, he would be quickly arrested by his own subordinates and brought before a military court.
Where did all these corpses come from then? Obviously, not all of them are real, because even in the clearly staged video hastily aired by Ukrainian pro-government channels, some of them are seen moving and even standing up. Others could have been shot by Ukrainian advance units because of the white ribbons that the local civilians wore on their sleeves when going out into the street. In addition, given the low level of discipline and the lack of a unified command in the Ukrainian troops and law enforcement agencies, some of the nationalists could have lynched suspected “collaborationists.” In any case, there were enough bodies available to provide a “good picture” for the Ukrainian authorities.
And Kiev needs a picture, and the sooner the better. There was no time to create “burials for the victims” of Russian repressions, to look for a city away from Kiev, or to build a concentration camp complete with furnaces and barracks. A number of European politicians, worried by rising public concerns about the break of energy ties with Russia, demanded that Ukraine come up with a new reason for last-chance anti-Russian sanctions as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, Brussels is proposing to completely block Russian energy supplies and close ports for Russian ships. This is already a last-ditch measure, after which it will be simply impossible to introduce anything else. However, you’ve got to have something to justify the fast-growing tariffs and prices, so the images and “evidence” from Bucha arrived right in time. The investigation of the events in the Bosnian Srebrenica once allowed ratcheting up anti-Serb sentiments in Europe. Now, Zelensky’s “personal Srebrenica” allows the Ukrainian president to drum up more European support, and ideally, to bring about absolutely unprecedented sanctions against Moscow.
The organizers of the “Bucha Scandal” are hardly bothered by the questions that any sane person would ask himself. Why didn’t the Russian troops, retreating in perfect order and without any pressure from the Kiev garrison (the Russians are not falling back, they are simply moving their forces to the Donbass region) remove the corpses from the streets? They have all the equipment they possibly need to pick up all the dead bodies and take them to the crematorium in Bryansk, thus hiding the traces of their “crimes” once and for all. Why did the Russians evenly distribute the corpses throughout the city and did not shoot Ukrainian activists all in one place? Finally, why didn’t the bloodthirsty Russians burn down and mine the city during their retreat? They had enough time to do that. However, despite all these unanswered questions, Russia will be condemned. London, Washington, Paris and Brussels have already decided everything. The emergency meeting by UN Security Council will end in nothing as both Russian and Western resolutions will be blocked and the parties will be left even more dissatisfied with each other.
Bucha is only the beginning though. The directors working with the good actor, Mr. Zelensky, have surely prepared the second and third acts of this drama for us to watch. They are quite banal, but effective nonetheless. It might be a mass grave and some “torture chambers.” This time round they will prepare better, without hiccups. The victims’ hands will be tied with the same ropes, and secret protocols of interrogations and coerced confessions will be properly signed without errors. What they will hardly be able to explain to a thinking audience, however, is why the Russians would want to commit such atrocities in the first place.
It’s unfortunate that the Russians allowed themselves to be caught out in this manner. Why did the Russian authorities take over these areas of the Kiev region, only to withdraw from them? Why would President Putin order a withdrawal from these areas as a “goodwill gesture” to the criminals in Kiev? Surely the Russian military could have arranged for Russian media to record their activities in these areas to avoid these kinds of propaganda own goals.
In my opinion, Russian PR/information management is woeful. Anyone who saw the Sky News interview with Mr Peskov would agree with me. Also the conflict has dragged on for too long and Russia has lost the initiative. She has allowed her enemies to consolidate their support for the Kiev regime. Ukraine obviously cannot defeat Russia in this conflict but Russia is doing a good job of defeating herself.
Critics to Russia does not have sense.
You see there is no need for any logic mental flow. Ukraine could say that Russia took a town that it didn’t took and say that there is a bloody genocide there and the Western governments will repeat and voice it.
You need to stop thinking that Western governments are somehow neutral and may be convinced with a good PR.
They are no neutral, they are totally involved inventing stories against Russia.
All this show is just to justifiy themselves against the European citizens
Putin is acting based on his global view, not his view of what is happening around the world. Putin does not follow vices, he is flexible. This is a reality-based movement. Because the world is undergoing changes, and some events, such as the election of France, can change the dynamics of the war. That’s why Russians like to listen to their enemies, and that’s a good thing. Let’s look at the world, at what is happening in the world. Let’s now look at France. France presents us with the reality of the European Union:
1 – Macron = a complete puppet of the USA, which is supporting Ukraine. A man far from his role, a dangerous chameleon politician with feminine characteristics, feminized.
2 – Marine Le Pen = maybe she leaves Ukraine and disrupts the Empire’s plans. However, she is a woman with an inconsistent historical background, and with masculine characteristics, a masculinized woman.
The US and EU lgbt trans appreciate these and other deviations in Europe’s political leaders and people. Look at the height, physical stature of Urlula von der Leyen, Annalena Baerbock, Olaf Scholz, etc. They are weak figures, who do not have the same expression and confidence as Putin. The Empire saw their psychological weakness and overpowered them. But of these two French freaks, I choose Le Pen, paying to see if she will actually leave NATO. I know she doesn’t have the guts to stand up to The Empire, the CIA. But I’m tired of the feminine Macron with his smug smile.
When we look at Russian decisions, we must take into account that this war needs to have dynamics, because it is not a war against Russia, but a war against the Anglo-American Empire and all its colonies.
Just like the Oktober Revoluion and subsequent civil war was financed by Ashkenazi bankers in London and NYC so that other Ashkenazi could hijack Russia’s government, so, too, (but without a civil war producing tens of millions of dead) have the governments of the English-speaking nations been hijacked by and international banking system that is by, for, and of Ashkenazi.
And who do the Ashkenazi despise even more than Christian Europeans and their descendants? The Rus’, whether they are in Russia, Byelorussia, or Ukriane, the tribe of Ashkenaz would, if they could, genocide the Rus’ in a heartbeat, because the Rus’ managed to overthrow the government of, by, and for Ashenazi which was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Once you understand that except for Putin and the Russian government, the major players here are all Ashkenazi:
* architects of the NATO expansion, the 2014 coup, and a plan to invade, occupy and divide Russia in forthcoming years: American Neocons (formerly Trotskyists) who wrote “The Plan for a New American Century”);
* Victoria Nudleman (aka Nuland), US Dept of State, who directed the coup.
* MOSSAD who ginned up the Maidan protests, and who put the snipers on the rooftops deliberately shooting at both sides to get EVERYBODY on both sides frightened, horrified, and angry at each other. (Anybody who knows anything about the history of Ukraine knows that the Ukrainians have never protested ANY government, no matter who horrible, in the 800 years since Mstistlav III was put to death by Ghengis Khan and the Golden Horde).
* The Western mass media: TV, Radio, Book publishers, newspapers and magazines, almost every single one is Ashkenazi owned, Ashkenazi managed, Ashkenazi edited, and the majority of the writers are Ashkenazi (although in the TV realm, the people allowed to read the news are usually NOT Ashkenazi, lest people notice the source of the lies being told to them).
And remember, director John Carpenter was NEVER given funding by any Hollywood producers after he made “They Live” And despite not a single utterance about any ethnic group, upon its release, the cries of “Anti-[pseudo-]Semitism” went up immediately. As Shakespear’s Queen Gertrude said: “The lady doth protest too much.”
News videos dated after the withdrawal have already emerged showing the mayor happily announcing that the Russian troops have left. The smiling mayor made no mention of the supposed slaughter. And a video of another official from a day or 2 later, also smiling, no mention of any killings.
The artistically arranged propaganda video from 4 days after Russian forces left didn’t show any flies buzzing around the “corpses,” which also lacked visible wounds or blood.
Finally, the UN responded with a denial to Russia’s repeated requests for an official investigation. That pretty much says it all.
Also note the unprecedented move by the UK to deny the request for an emergency meeting – normally pro forma, even with only 3 hours notice on early some morning. Denied twice – just brushed aside without good reason.
This entire façade of propagandic noise is deafening, and the western zombie-mind state is kept spinning on the verge of complete loss of control, with threats of chaos in every supermarket: “Russia is to Blame!”
Water has passed way above the head of the sunken Western criminals to feel shame by any Russian preventive measures. However, Washington, London and their gofers are digging their own grave deeper and deeper with each and every new lie that comes out of their MSM. The West is ripe for a mass revolution. It only needs the trigger like a full fledged energy crunch, stock market collapse and…
I was 6 years old in 1971, when, passing by some hippies and hearing them talk amongst themselves (since I wasn’t over 30, they didn’t stop talkin), and it became readily apparent that these cretins were planning on disrupting American society so much that a civil war would be inevitable within my lifetime.
10 years ago, when I said that we are rapidly approaching a civil war, everyone thought I was crazy (most of all my parents). Now, more than 50% of my fellow citizens agree.
Jay wrote:
Why did the Russian authorities take over these areas of the Kiev region, only to withdraw from them?
My comment:
I have heard the explanation that Russia withdrew as goodwill because of the peace negotiations conducted in Turkey at that time.
However, the day before Russia announced its withdraw from Kiev, the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada decided to DE-platform Kiev as the Capitol of Ukraine, and designate any City of Ukraine as the Capitol.
Normally the seat of Government is within the capitol of a Nation. So in a war, when the capitol falls, the Nation is defeated.
By designating any city in Ukraine as the seat of Government, Russia would then have to conquer every city of Ukraine in order to bring the Ukrainian regime to surrender.
(I believe that the Ukrainian Regime has located to Lvov, 71 Km from the border of Poland).
With that change of tactic by the Ukrainian Regime, there was no longer any reason for Russia to have 50.000 Troops deployed outside Kiev to conquer the Capitol, when the majority of the Ukrainian forces were bombarding civilians in Eastern Ukraine 750 km away from Kiev.
I believe that is the reason why Putin changed tactics and relocated 2/3 of the forces from Kiev to Eastern Ukraine and the 1/3 of the troops near Kiev was relocated 150 Km north into Belarus, in case the Zelensky government should ever approach Kiev again.
Jay wrote:
In my opinion, Russian PR/information management is woeful.
My Comment:
I partially agree. However, all the lies and propaganda against Russia including the blow-back of the sanctions against Russia now striking the western populations are surely being realized by the western population. Reality is setting in.
Jay wrote:
Also the conflict has dragged on for too long and Russia has lost the initiative.
My comment:
The reason why this conflict have dragged on is because the tactical repossession of the Ukrainian Capital, otherwise the war would have ended by now. However instead Russia are eradicating the Azov NAZI battalion and the Ukrainian Forces in Eastern Ukraine, and are advancing to land lock Ukraine from the South. They are literally grounding the Ukrainian military to surrender.
Jay wrote:
Russia has allowed her enemies to consolidate their support for the Kiev regime. Ukraine obviously cannot defeat Russia in this conflict but Russia is doing a good job of defeating herself.
My comment:
You will be just as surprised as the corrupt western press, when the Ukrainian military command raises the white flag.
Russia is not only defeating Ukraine but the EU as well.
Now with the help of either Marine Le Pen or the Yellow west in France.
Even the Germans have started demonstrations in support for Russia.
Evidently the fact that the Russians pushed themselves to the gates of Kiev (and, above all, the fact that they conquered the Hostomel airport in the early stages of the conflict) would lead us to think that they thought a regime change in Ukraine was possible with the establishment of a government favorable to them. Thus the presence of a large military contingent served to encourage the opposition forces to take the initiative and, on the other hand, to provide immediate support once the coup had materialized. In this sense we could interpret the statements of President Putin, in the early stages of the war, who invited the Ukrainian military to take control of the situation in the country
On the contrary, however large, that contingent appeared to be wholly inadequate numerically to allow the military conquest of the Ukrainian capital (it is, in fact, difficult to hypothesize that the Russians have forgotten the terrible lesson learned at the time of the failed attack on Grozny at the beginning of the first Chechen war)
Since this forecast (I mean the coup in Kiev) turned out to be unrealistic, the presence of troops in those localities was completely useless and, moreover, unnecessarily exposed entire columns to the possibility of attacks by the Ukrainian army.
Certainly, therefore, the withdrawal of the Russians from the suburbs of Kiev, rather than “an act of good will” appears to be the acknowledgment of the failure of their intelligence which had deemed possible an uprising that did not manifest itself even in an embryonic state.
But the question remains: shouldn’t Russia, beyond the odds of success, even try to resolve the conflict with a political solution (I mean the coup in Kiev)? Did Russia have to immediately attack massively and frontally the positions of the Ukrainian army deployed in the Donbass and on the Sea of Azov (which, in all probability, Russia will do in the next few days)? You cannot fail to acknowledge that the consequences in terms of destruction and civilian deaths will be very high. Personally I believe that, although it was a failure, the attempt to end the conflict in a substantially bloodless way had to be explored in the light of the enormous advantages that it would have allowed and above all of the many human lives that it would have allowed to save.
Having said that, nothing changes regarding the facts of Bucha: cui prodest the Bucha massacre? Certainly to the Ukrainian leadership because it allows them to solicit Western help, and certainly to the Western leadership because it allows them to justify the negative economic consequences of the sanctions adopted against Moscow to their own electorate. On the contrary, it does not help Russia because it clearly embarrasses the nations that have not sided with the United States in imposing economic sanctions (I mean China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc.). I think it is useless to point out that Russia’s complete international isolation would make its economic and financial situation unsustainable.
The only possibility left is that the massacre is the result of a total lack of discipline of the Russian soldiers who, irritated by having had to retreat, have savagely vented on the civilian population. On the other hand, if Bucha were an isolated case we could consider this as a possible explanation, but, as the massacres are repeated every day, we should conclude that Mr. Putin (which the Western press describes to us, every day, like a terrible and ruthless autocrat) is completely unable to be obeyed by his army of butchers. For me a bit ridiculous explanation, don’t you think?
Good comment. I think you are close to the truth. The massacres are a result of Russian troops taking out their anger at having to retreat and perhaps in vengence at fallen comrades.
Are they angry every day? (since they do massacres every day). They obviously don’t know that “the ghost of Kiev” will tear them all apart. But you are right Russia soldiers are just crazy: not only they love to kill civilians but they also like to write It on missiles. I assure I have never seen such savages (opsssss….sorry, you’re right, HOLLYWOOD). Don’t worry John Cena Will make everything right
There is nothing to support this view. The most likely explanation by far is that Ukrainian or Georgian nazi troops entered the town after the Russian evacuation and made an example of all those identified as “collaborators”, i.e. all those found in possession of Russian army ration packs (which were widely distributed during the couple of weeks the Russians were there). White armbands were tied on many of the dead by the murderers to show that they were Russian collaborators and therefore deserved their fate.
” The massacres are a result of Russian troops taking out their anger at having to retreat and perhaps in vengence at fallen comrades.”
How did they accomplish this in Bucha 4 DAYS after they left?
Are you saying that Russian troops sneaked away from their units, back into Bucha, and then performed dozens of killings in the middle of the street broad daylight (as the propaganda stories tell us happened) ???
And considering that these bodies (dead? some are obviously alive. One even got up and started walking around!) didn’t appear until after the Ukranian army arrived, how did these supposedly frustrated Russian soldiers get away with murder right under the noses of the Ukrainian army which is supposed to be protecting the civilians (That’s literally the purpose of an army — if an army can’t protect it’s PEOPLE, it doesn’t matter a single bit if it can protect the government leaders)
Stefano de Martino wrote
The Russian contingent in Kiev appeared to be inadequate to allow the military conquest of the capital.
My comment:
Remember that The Ukrainian Regime distributed weapons to the civilian population in order for them to be the “last defense the Capital”, thus any Russian assault against Kiev would have created a veritable blood bath. Obviously, that strategy was not acceptable for Russia.
However the designation of ANY City in Ukraine as the Capitol of Ukraine, is so off the scale for the sovereignty of any Government, and confirms what we all know by now: that the Regime controlling Ukraine is nowhere to be found on the territory of Ukraine.
Stefano de Martino wrote
Should Russia, beyond the odds of success, not try to resolve the conflict with a coup in Kiev?
One must acknowledge that the consequences in terms of destruction and civilian deaths will be very high.
I believe that the Russian attempt to end the conflict in a more bloodless way had to be explored in the light of all the human lives that it could have saved.
My comment:
Both the attack on Bucha and Kramatorsk has already been exposed as being conducted by Ukraine.
And now all the weapons distributed by the Ukrainian Regime have been used to loot the citizens of Kiev and Bucha, after the Russian forces left the area.
The state of Ukraine is collapsing before our eyes.
A. Dane.
It is a well-known rule that at the point of contact, in open terrain, the attacker needs approx 3x the combat power as the defenders (this can be achieved through 3x more manpower, or, if say, you have machine guns vs spear-men with leather shield, (Italian army in Africa, late 1930’s) technologocial advantage.
For cities, the ratio required goes up to 10:1.
I cannot imagine that Russian generals are ignorant of this sort of fact.
Given that the Russians sent only about 20,000~40,000 men towards Kiev, it is obvious that this force was never meant to take Kiev, but merely provide enough of a threat to the city and provide enough of an encirclement (not too loose, and not too tight) to draw Ukrainian troops INTO Kiev, but not let them leave (similar to an insect trap once marketed in the United States as “Roach Motel” — “Roaches check in but they can’t check out.”). The purpose was one of simple military deception — to keep the UFA command focussed on preserving Kiev while the Russian army could proceed, relatively unmolested, with the most important work, that of destroying Right Sector Battalion, Aidar Battalioni, Azov Brigade, who have been attacking the civilians in the Donbass region with artillery and sniper fire for 8 years.
You don’t understand military strategy, tactics, operational art, or logistics.
Most of all, you a lack of comprehension of the concept called “defeat in detail” in which a smaller force S is able to defeat its larger opponent L by isolating small portions of the L, thereby achieving force ratios at the point of contact such that S >> L, and S suffers extremely light losses while that portion of L is either captured or takes such high losses that it must be rebuilt from the ground up, including the entire command structure.The reason for surrounding Kiev was to keep the Ukranian troops around Kiev fixed in place, so that the Russian invasion force, while substantially smaller (by a factor of 4) than the Ukranian army, would have local numerical superiority in the Donbass region.
Often, even in battles where a side takes 50% losses, very few of its officers at company commander level and higher become casualties, usually only the lieutenants leading the platoons (these are the officers at the very bottom of the officer chain of command). Thus, while the men get replaced, the company commanders and surviving NCOs above can learn from their mistakes, and once brought back up to strength with replacements, they can apply the lessons learned and the replenished units be successful in subsequent battles. Also, even with 30% casualties, most equipment (including many heavily damaged but repairable “killed” vehicles) are still retained by the losing side.
By completely eliminating units, the rebuilding of the unit is much more costly — the entire command structure must be rebuilt: a completely new set of officers must be brought in — who most likely, even if they know and are familiar with each other, have never worked together with THAT exact arrangement among themselves; A new set of NCOs(*); and a brand new set of privates, most likely fresh from basic training, with zero combat experience.
In some armies, to ease the pain, a unit of similar size has 50% of it’s officer and men transferred into the unit being reformed, the 2nd in command of the original unit put in command of the unit being reformed, and so one down to the chain of command to the company levels, while staff officer positions are filled in from the outside, the NCO core is split in half, half of the 1st sergeants staying in the original organization, and about half sent to the organization being rebuilt (so that neither organization is full of newly-minted first sergeants), and so on down through the NCO ranks down to the corporals, with some to many surviving privates being promoted to corporal. Then both organizations are brought back up to strength with replacements fresh from their initial entry training (Basic training, etc.), of as was sometimes done in WW2, the above remnants would be sent back home, and given fresh in recruits/draftees, and this skeletal command would actually conduct the basic training of these new soldiers themselves (so as to maximize the amount of time that the NCOs would have to observe these new recruits, and also to specifically train these new men how to survive whatever it was that destroyed an battalion or larger command)
(*) most of these NCO will have never met before (because there are many more NCOs than officers), and while offices are the commanders, it’s NCOs who actually run units and make things happen. Officers merely set goals and objectives, write a lot of reports, and, when necessary, administrate disciplinary actions for gross misconduct which requires more than the legal authority that NCO’s have for punishment and correction of petty misconduct).
*”Also the conflict has dragged on for too long”*…
You shame yourself with your Western urge to get instant gratification, ofc the Russians must set the stage(starve them of supplies and mobility) before they take on the Army that the Western Bankers trained& equipped to NATO standards for at least 8 years.
This isn´t WWII where the “Soviet Juggernaut” just steamrolls with little to no consideration to casualties(which in turn isn´t quite true).
Direct your frustration toward the Zombies that you share your country with instead of this eternal Kvetching about basic stuff. The Western Banker Mercenaries that commit Genocide-at-request around the Globe usually bomb their victims back to the Stone age for three MONTHS before they “put boots on the ground” so this isn´t abnormal.
“Why did the Russian authorities take over these areas of the Kiev region, only to withdraw from them?”
You are a Russian general, planning an invasion of Ukraine, and you have a problem: the defenders (600,000 Ukrainian troops) outnumber the attackers (200,000 Russian troops).
What to do? What to do?
Well, there is a way to do it: make a feint towards *there*, and when the Ukrainians rush to *there* you make your main thrust *here* instead.
As a result you have caught the Ukrainians badly out of position, and then you can “hit ’em where they ain’t”.
Which is a long-winded way of answering your question i.e. the Russians made a lunge towards Kiev for no other reason than to sucker the Ukrainians into responding to that move. Then they attacked Somewhere Else (in Donbas through Izyum and then down the M03 highway).
But there comes a time when the Ukrainians suddenly realize that Putin has pulled their pants around their ankles and they’ve been walking around with their bare arse flappin’ in the breeze.
At that moment of realization the Ukrainians looked around to see where the main game really is. And it is obvious even to them: it’s in the Donbas region.
At that point there is, literally, no point in the Russian troops remaining anywhere near Kiev since they are no longer doing anything useful by being there: the game is up, and the Ukrainians realize they’ve been played for a sucker
So….. the Russians may as well pull them back and send them off to join the assault on Donbas.
After all, the Russians still have ground mobility while the Ukrainians do not.
Maybe a future false flag is the murder of Zelensky?
He should kill himself first, since his name includes in illegal and totally outlawed ‘Z’.
From a trusted friend from SOVA in Slovenia, I have received under the table news over current regime having in place all sorts of plans on how to dispose the populace who is unwilling to buy western lies regarding Ukraine. Either you are with lies or you are the enemy of the state. Fascism is creeping in every pores of public life. Its truly terrible and media is totally supporting it. I am thinking of moving out of this EU shithole, I have already visited Russian embassy on any information on the possible move, China also sounds good. Oh BTW, sunflower oil is already at 4 EUR per liter, went up more than 100% in a month. My salary value is depreciated in goods for about 35% in a month. EU-F-U, my empty belly cannot take it any more. F U Ursula, F U Borrel, F U Janša.
Well said. I am in Dublin and so sick of the propaganda here it makes it hard to face the future tbh. I am seriously considering selling the house and going to Vietnam or Indonesia
Why not Russia? And move fast before the iron curtain falls.
ExDublin, The fact you think you can simply move to Asia like a rat fleeing a sinking ship instead of staying and fixing your country demonstrates precisely why you’d be a terrible addition to Asian society. Fact is your contributed to the subversion of your society either through action or inaction. You’re part of the problem. So stay and fix it. And if you don’t then acknowledge that you deserve the society you have and live with it.
“Fascism is creeping in every pores of public life”.
This is so true and is the warning for all of us.
To paraphrase Višeslav Simić :
“the West and Nazism are of the same totalitarian essence, moved by the same lethal spirit”
In china you will be subject to lockdowns and genetic testing weekly. The regime will deliver you food while you are imprisoned in your tiny apartment, and if they decide you aren’t worthy you will get nothing.
As for moving to Russia, you will need to learn the language and you will be suspected as a spy.
Your place is to replace your criminal cabal running your own nation, not fleeing to someplace else.
Zelensky has a gun to his head, and I am sure his family has one as well. Kira Rudik a CIA asset and member of the Rada spoke on CBC in Canada. She ignored that detentions and disappearances of Russian sympathizers are often carried out by the Ukrainian Security service, (SBU), under a sweeping repression by Nazi units that the West has resurrected as our champions. CBC ignores, as Rudik did, outright murder in public view, which is “another layer of extra-judicial repression, in the form of impromptu justice being meted out to civilians, bound up, tied to posts, beaten, humiliated and some killed as a result for just reading in Russian or because they are unable to pronounce certain words in Ukrainian”,
No, the idiot is performing his role as sock-puppet to perfection. He’s going to be preserved for the time being as the head of state of the Ukrainian government in exile in a Nato safe house until disposal on a use-by date. He’s an experienced actor for that position.
Then, maybe, and the narrative will say the new Stalin sent his Ramon Mercader with an ice pick to finish him off as it was done to another infamous Ukrainian traitor, also Jew, under the protection of Uncle Shamuel.
I think you are both correct. NATO has the carrot, and Azov has the stick. Every time Zelensky has tried to negotiate and sounds reasonable, he’s apparently slapped down by those who tear Russia down, no matter the cost in Ukrainian lives.
The biggest problem is that Russia is no way threatening Ukrainian elite. They do not care about fatalities in the places where Russian is spoken (the east). Russia destroyed no bridges, no power plants, the life is normal in the West Ukraine. Even the capital is safe and life is as usual. Russia uses no bombers like Tu22. Also no use of bigger bombs like FOB.
Why would Ukraine negotiate when there is no pressure, no reason to do so?
Ukraine will endless construct “Russian atrocities” in order to get western help.
Sadly is true. Russians are too civilizated when fighting against people who is worse than the worst beast..
You’re propagating the American way of warfare. Why destroying everything you wanna use yourself and what people need to survive? To carpet-bomb cities of millions, would destroy any credit Russia gained in Eurasia,Middle East,Africa and South America.
Step back from your Hollywood image of war, if you wanna build enemies for life, do like the NATO does.
As an American soldier with 33 years of service, Tired Man is exactly right.
Russia has ZERO desire to create in Ukraine new “enemies for a lifetime” nor to produce the level of destruction and casualties necessary to beat them into submission such as what was done to Germany and Japan through bombing campaigns which were ostensibly against specific military production factories, but which, in fact, were meant to produce large levels of destruction of civilian housing, hospitals, etc. using “limitations to bombing accuracy from 20,000+ feet (6500+ meters) as plausible deniability.
In general Russian soldiers have no desire to kill their Ukrainian cousins, except for those foolish enough to start shooting at them.
Chechen leader reveals tactics.
Professor Pirko Turpeinen-Sari Finland
Translated from Serbian “Evening News” magazine.
SREBRENICA, RACAK AND BUCA, THE SAME FACE OF WESTERN PROPAGANDA: Finnish professor exposes lies of American-Nazi diaspora
The PROPAGANDA River from last week strongly reminded me of the propaganda about the destruction and occupation of Yugoslavia, which was launched by the USA – EU – Germany 30 years ago. The actions of the marketing company “Ruder-Fin”, which were paid for and supported by the CIA and the American-Nazi diaspora, resembled today’s Western propaganda.
Now it is not just one company, but more than 100 propaganda companies. Professor Pirko Turpeinen-Sari writes about all this in the author’s article for Serbia’s “Evening News” magazine.
At that time, “Ruder-Finn” had constant cooperation with 400 journalists, to whom they gave information that the CIA and American foreign policy and the BND, the EU and Germany wanted to convey.
Journalists only had to visit the scene for a short time to feel the taste of originality and blood in their stories.
Serbs, who supported international law, had to be demonized. According to this narrative, General Ratko Mladic had to be characterized as a “war criminal”, just as President Putin is in the current conflict in Ukraine.
The explosions in Markale Square and in the line for bread were “false flag” actions accusing the other side and gave rise to NATO bombing Serbs
The “Srebrenica Massacre” was ordered by President Clinton in 1993. The realization of the “massacre” began in August 1995, during a visit by Hague tribunal officials to Tuzla. At the same time, a UN official was with him, interviewing Srebrenica residents, none of whom saw the massacre.
I have a big book on the table: “Srebrenica, Reality and Manipulations”. The articles were written by scientists, generals, UN commanders, of whom General Karemans explained how much political pressure there was immediately after the conflict, to describe what happened, according to the Western narrative.
Despite all the available information, the first propaganda narrative is very much alive and is being used again in the information war in connection with the Russian military operation in Ukraine.
It is most painful for me to tell my grandchildren the extent to which the Finnish government led by Pavo Liponen was ready to serve the United States and Germany.
The police of the Government of Serbia informed the media and the society that on January 15, 1999, the village of Racak in Kosovo would be emptied of terrorists and weapons, since Albanians had previously killed local police officers. AP-TV cameras recorded the fights from early morning to afternoon until around 3 p.m. Several journalists, OSCE inspectors, were stationed on the tops of the hills.
The bodies of the dead could not be pulled from the hill because sporadic shots were fired at the court officials who were trying to conduct a court investigation. The group gathered around one ditch, which was full of corpses – 45, all of them together. Walker claimed that the people were executed in a brutal way. Heads cut off, shot in the neck while the victims were trying to climb out of the ditch.
This false statement was sent by phone to all NATO governments over the weekend, before journalists published their articles and films to the public.
The Yugoslav government has called on the Finnish forensic team to study the bodies in Racak and find out whether the victims died from executions or fighting. Finnish forensic experts determined that no one was shot from a short distance, as Clinton claimed. There were no minors either.
The Finnish government has selected dentist Helena Ranta as chair of the forensic team.
She did not explain to the media what her colleagues really determined. Instead of saying the results clearly, she philosophically thought about things that had nothing to do with the team’s task. The expression of crimes against humanity was in her vocabulary, not in the facts.
After all, the Government of Finland, in cooperation with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, decided to permanently hide the results of the forensic team. The chief specialist of the forensic team, world-famous professor Anti Pentila, could not accept this result. He published the results in an international forensic journal – two years after the bombings took place.
Due to the decisions of the Finnish government, the bombing of Yugoslavia began a few days after the media statements of Helena Ranta. Finnish media do not know about American and British military advisers in Ukraine. They do not know that the Nazi army, in a military coup, was imperceptibly integrated into the Ukrainian army. They do not know that the Russian language is forbidden in public, as well as education.
Western media claimed that Russian forces bombed the maternity hospital in Mariupol. Without any further information, the President of Finland and the Prime Minister Marin strongly condemned the horrific attack of the Russians on the hospital.
Only a few days later, the audience received information that the hospital was occupied by the Ukrainian battalion Azov, which emptied the hospital because of its patients before the bombing. It also became known that Azov forces abused patients and prevented them from fleeing the city by shooting at them during the evacuation.
Near the capital Kiev, in the city of Bucha, the Russian army is accused of killing civilians and leaving bodies on the streets. Following the initial report, the Finnish president and prime minister again condemned the brutality of Russian soldiers on Twitter.
From several sources, the story seemed different.
After Russian troops left the city on March 30, the mayor of Bucha was looking forward to the return of the city to the hands of the Ukrainian army, and the Nazi groups Azov arrived the next day.
A member of the city council in military equipment boasted on television that Azov had arrived and started cleaning the city of associates. They killed civilians who had white ribbons on their hands, which symbolized to Russian soldiers that these civilians were their friends.
Ilya Kiva, a member of the Ukrainian parliament and president of the Socialist Party, reported that the killings of Russian forces in Bucha were a fake action planned and organized by the SBU, the Ukrainian intelligence service, and MI6, the British intelligence service. a bastion of the Nazi-Azov army. One part of the command of that army escaped in two helicopters.
Among the passengers were US military advisers, as well as in Syria. After the liberation of Aleppo, American and other NATO advisers were found in cement tunnels built by Western forces for rebel fighters.
Why does the top of Finland support false information on a case-by-case basis, even though there is no evidence of what really happened? Why is the Finnish government hiding the forensic results of what happened in the village of Racak in the winter of 1999?
On the right side of history
Now it is the turn of the Russians to be in the place of the Serbs. The Russians managed to defeat the Nazi invasion of 1940-1945. They will never forget the crimes of the Nazis, regardless of whether they are now in Eastern Europe or Ukraine. The Russians are on the right side of history, building a multipolar world together with countries that are tired of American atrocities, military oppression, murder, economic sanctions, injustice, and colonial relations with other countries.
“What they will hardly be able to explain to a thinking audience, however, is why the Russians would want to commit such atrocities in the first place.”
There’s the problem, there is no “thinking audience” in the EU as a whole. Just a brainwashed one.
Yes, there is a thinking audience. Not just that, it’s of substancial size.
Remember: The goal of propaganda is not to make everyone believe the BS. They fully expect only a minority to do so. The real goal of propaganda is, to make everyone feel they’re alone and isolated.
Hence, your post is directly supporting the propaganda. Just saying.
Yes, you have this feeling of heaviness in your stomach, and you ask yourself why communicate with the convinced and then get angry with those who are responsible to support their message with evidence. My circle of friends is educators, but the more that I provide peer reviewed evidence, the more they rely on CBC, CNN as sources. While having a beer with a friend, he looked around and asked me how many people in this pub know anything about this conflict? He added that they only care about being able to pay for that beer. Everything that affects their ability to purchase that beer, they blame Russia, however, they have no idea what Russia has done if anything to cause their inability to purchase that beer. Try to explain to someone like this a simple concept GUNS vs. BUTTER economic principle or a more complex how the monetary policy functions, you might as well be speaking to a sack of hammers..
“Remember: The goal of propaganda is not to make everyone believe the BS. They fully expect only a minority to do so. The real goal of propaganda is, to make everyone feel they’re alone and isolated.”
Thank you ZOFH! You’re 100% correct.
There is a neat trap laid for anyone denying Bucha.
Do you deny the 280 or so dead bodies that was the initial claim?
If so you are going to be treated as accepting the 15-25 dead bodies that the media have talked about for the first few days.
Or do you deny the 15-25 dead bodies which is a) harder to disprove, and b) might better be explained by pointing out how they date to Russia’s arrival in Bucha, not its departure. We have all heard how Ukraine’s brave civilians, armed with free weapons handed out in nearby Kiev, were combining with the military to defeat those nasty Russians. 15-25 dead bodies, false or true, in that context is neither here nor there in the US plot to fight to the last Ukrainian.
We have gone to mass slaughter of 250+ to some civilian deaths. We have gone from BBC/NYT reporting numbers in the high 200s to failing to report on Bucha itself but quoting every politician who talks of… mass slaughter.
It is much the same with Russian aggression in Georgia (no proper journalist says it, but talking heads invited on TV say it all the time). Or the 1m Ujghur prisoners which hasn’t been formally claimed for several years, but the myths still get warmed up regularly.
I just kind of wish the Russians would do something like leave spy cameras in place to capture on video the Ukronazis doing their thing.
It would be absolutely delicious to have video evidence to present and completely humiliate Western “leaders” with.
Surely they have the technology for this?
Who is to say they haven’t? After all Russia knows the MO of the Nazi scum. The retreat was probably on purpose to get the evidence. They are not stupid.
Nah, I do not think that would help much to get the people in Zone A an education, they had lost in fantasy…. they would easily swallow any craps that the media throws at them… no critical thinking, want a proof? Just look how hilarious the news, analysis and their experts’ opinions turned out to be… just for the sake of example, random news….
“Surely they have the technology for this?” sure they have it, just be patience, truth will come out at the right time, although people in Zone B already decided, USSA – NATO must go and just drop dead, people in Zone B wanted long lasting peace, and Russia by The Grace of God made this happen.
Alla luce di queste ovvietà perché continuare dar vita al nemico consentendogli il suo benessere rifornendolo con gas e quant’altro?
Trovo questo delirante.
I agree completely. Cut off all gas deliveries to all who joined the anti-Russia sanctions. Help them become “independent” of Russia soon, by or before this winter. As for food, let them ask for US MREs
Hey it’s way more fun to let the West do the cutting off, themselves and fortifies Russia’s image as reliable business partner.
On top, the sanctioning states are financing the operation,for now.
The Zio patsy, Zelinski, not only knows how to play piano with his …., he’s also very good at doing the same with the western public opinion. For EU and US, news of crimes and atrocities is just another variety of entertainment they can watch on their TV screens from the comfort of their homes.
Srebrenica is an apposite comparison except that it was a lot more difficult then for people around the world to see through the lies.
Now, despite the censorship in the MSM, the truth pierces through in the “alt” media.
With that in mind the only thing I disagree with in this report is that “This time round they will prepare better, without hiccups.” I have seen no evidence whatsoever that their lies are manufactured better despite so many years of experience.
I would argue it was easier at that time to identify the Srebrinica, Markdale and other ruses because you had the United Nations forces on the ground. However General Mackenzie of Canada or Morillion of France or even Colin Rose of England were discredited by the fake news media. Today you see the same conspirators working full time on CNN , General Wesley Clark who somehow is a Chairman of an Albanian Oil and Gas Company, William Cohen and Amanpour to name a few.
“What they will hardly be able to explain to a thinking audience, however, is why the Russians would want to commit such atrocities in the first place?” Quite. Just as with Litvinenko, MH17, Skripals, Navalny… and all present and future criminal slander. The guilty parties, however, relish the opportunity of producing a furious, hysterical show for the benefit of their fellow underworld travellers and unthinking mobs.
“The guilty parties, however, relish the opportunity of producing a furious, hysterical show for the benefit of their fellow underworld travellers and unthinking mobs.”
Well as Mr. Rove observed – You can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you should concentrate on, thereby illustrating a common illusion of we-choose-(the audiences) -since-we-are-exceptional.
which he also observed –
We are an empire
We create our own reality
To which others react
Whilst they are reacting
We create another reality
To which others react.
thereby limiting the reactions mostly to we who become the others.
As being a Serb myself, i have clearly Racak and Srebrenica dejavu’s. Western Mediacorps are not very creative, are they?
Whatever actions Russia takes she is damned by the empire of chaos and lies. Russia is fighting for her very existence. Russia is literally the last hope for humanity, if she falls humanity will be swallowed by the darkness thats engulfing this world. All of us can help whatever our situation is. It is a proven fact that our thoughts create our reality ..where mind goes energy flows.. obviously we all do what we can to inform others around us of what’s going on but we can do more. If every one of us took a few moments every hour to send love and wishes for a swift and favourable end to this evil threatening the world we would be of benefit to Russia and all of humanity. I propose that every hour or whenever we get time, we take a few deep breaths to calm our minds and using every ounce of imagination and will power possible we send love blessings and prayers for a swift end to this empire of chaos and lies and a swift victory to the forces of light.
Russia has engaged in a clear war of aggression (as has of course the US in instances too numerous to mention). A war of aggression is considered the supreme crime containing within itself the entirety of the whole (of all other conceivable crimes). And this latter phrase is key ito understanding the sort of legalistic reasoning (as opposed to empirical or even philosophical truth) employed by the servants of NATO: ultimately it is irrelevant whether the Russian military perpetrated the massacres ascribed to it, it is enough of a crime that they were unable to prevent such crimes from occurring in the first place after having taken over large swathes of another country without there being the slightest legally justifiable immediate provocation before hand. They simply invaded and the country went to hell under their watch: it’s the military-scale equivalent of a thief invading a house in broad daylight and the house burning down as a result because the inhabitants of the house began to fight tooth and nail against the invader. Maybe the inhabitants of the house shouldn’t have gone berserk and started shooting
through walls, etc, hitting stoves and furnaces, as they sought to defend themselves from the even more heavily armed intruder, but who can seriously claim that any of the subsequent chaos and even madness would have occurred but for the fact that a heavily armed intruder violently broke into the house to begin with? An invader who was claiming all the while that they were there to save the inhabitants of the house from alleged goings-on that posed no danger even remotely comparable to the anarchic cure being offered by the criminal-cum-rescuer.
Russia entered Ukraine in defense of the Donetsk and Lughansk republics, in response to their requests for help in the face of continuing and escalating attacks on their territory and citizens by the Armed forces of Ukraine, and in accordance with treaties agreed between Russia and the Republics. All perfectly legal and, in the light of 8 years of constant artillery attacks by the AFU, more than justified. Further, it is official Ukraine government policy to invade and capture the Russian territory of Crimea. The vicious NAZI-infested regime of Ukraine has established beyond any doubt that the attacks and attrocities against the people of Donass, and the threat to Crimea, will never cease until the NAZIs are totally and permanently defeated. The rise of the NAZI menace twice in the space of 100 years cannot be tolerated. Russia is performing the unappealing task of nipping the rise of this Ukrainian 4th Reich in the bud – for this we should all be grateful.
I seem to remember that NATO/US used the terms “Right to Protect”, “WMD” and “War Against Terrorism” in order to invade other countries. In this particular case, it’s all 3 that Russia is fighing against.
Does that make it any clearer?
Batko, the discrepancies in the Bucha massacre are rather different from what you list here.
No one is denying that the corpses are real. Their apparent movement in a video were actually distortions in both the windshield and mirror of the cameraman’s vehicle.
However the subsequently produced US satellite photo from March 11, showing bodies in the streets, raises the question: why was nothing said at that time?
On March 31 the pro-Kiev mayor of Bucha posted a video on Facebook that the Russians had retreated, the town was liberated, and said nothing about killings or bodies.
On April 02 the Ukrainian military entered the town, looking for collaborators and saboteurs. It was on the 3rd or 4th that the first footage appeared.
So quite clearly there was a real massacre, committed by Ukrainian troops, against civilians who’d supported the Russian military. Many of the corpses still wore the white strip of cloth marking them as ‘friendlies’ to the Russians.
So there are two crimes to condemn here. The first, the massacre itself. Secondly, the crime of surrounding the massacre with lies: lies to protect the perpetrators from justice, and to incite hate against the innocent.
It is necessary for the Ukrainian propaganda to take this particular shape: to hide the crimes and the character of the so-called nationist battalions within the Ukrainian army, to hide them from the western audiences that are being asked to support and idolize them.
Because after all we are dealing in Kiev with a regime of criminal shamelessness, which knows it is necessary to lie incessantly, otherwise western audiences would shrink back in horror from what they’re being urged to support.
Of course it’s possible that some Russian soldiers got drunk and raped some girls, and also looted stores, and perhaps did worse, but I doubt it would have been widespread or organized. It would rather reflect a breakdown in discipline, perhaps among the lowest class of soldier. However, I also think it more than probable that the Ukrainians staged the mass atrocities. Moreover, I think it’s a better than average bet that they executed anyone with a white band on their arms.
ShermantheGerman, you have no idea what the punishment in the Russian army is for such criminal behavior.
Ukrainians staged the said atriocities by killing the so called collaborators with Russians in Bucha and neatly (NB!) arranging their bodies along the street, but forgot to remove their white pro-Russia bands. There are videos made by the incoming into Bucha Ukrainian groups on the same street three days earlier and no bodies there. However, on these videos one can hear those Ukrainian groups saying that they are going to safary.
Hi, what is the punishment in the Russian military for doing things like that?
As well, it is necessary for the western governments themselves, as well as their client-media outlets, to involve themselves in perpetuating the lie, the false accusation, in abetting the crime after the fact, for the very same reason: to hide from western audiences the true face of what their governments are supporting.
Moreover, with Bucha I think we have entered new territory: whereas before the focus was on Putin, and fabrications of Russian public dismay and discontent, and Russian troops demoralized, were put forth; now western commentators are beginning to state that the problem is the Russian people themselves, that Bucha was not an anomaly but simply what the Russians do. And this assertion wavers between this being the effect of Putin’s rule and being simply the Russian character and its assumed brutality.
So, in fact, the ‘denazification’ rationale of the Russian operation is being turned back against Russia by the Western governments, so that the hereto implicit goal of its Russia policy – the dismemberment of Russia – can now be made explicit, on the basis of Russia now being a fascist State. Clearly this is an escalation, not in that it wasn’t already envisioned, but that it is now being committed to in public.
What do you mean by “…why the Russians would want to commit such atrocities in the first place.” ?
Isn’t it obvious? Because Russians and their demonic leader Putin are evil hellspawn, bent on merciless destruction of all their Slavic brethren and all the peace loving, morally superior, ethically unbreakable NATO/EU/G7/G20 members.
Heavy sarcasm is free of charge! ;-)
All joking aside, I am sure the Russians will not forget how West reacted and treated Russia… and wont be surprised when BUKs, TORs, S’s, Igla’s, kornets, etc… start appearing on every single location in the world where the “evil nations” (as reported by MSM) live.
Western mainstream politics and media are often referred as “post-Truth spaces” now. Whilst wildly unverified claims ramped up in US politics and MSM during the recent Trump versus Democrat-Deep-State-cabal era, in reality, it has been this way since at least the US Neo-Con invasion of Iraq 2.0. With the Powell amateur dramatist performance at the UN. To justify a war of aggression against a state incapable of presenting any imminent threat to US or NATO territories. All of which was, of course, cheer-led by War Party EU branch manager Blair in UK, and these claims were dutifully and uncritically echoed as the truth across all the western political realm and its mainstream media. The US Neo-Con controlled State Department has concluded it doesn’t matter the scale of the lie, a-la Goebbel’s propaganda principles – as long as it is uniformly spread far and wide in mass public domain immediately, and any critiques are shut down by multiple uniform ad-hominen attacks on anyone querying the veracity of the claims. Thus, in this case, any critiques of the legitimacy of the Tochka-U claims are brushed off in western politics and MSM, with blanket accusations that any serious questions, or factual disputing of the events, is either coming from pro-Russian sources or outright Russian agents! The western public knows that its politicians routinely lie, and accept this occurs at the domestic policy level, and yet at same time, they are also reluctant to address the lies at the foreign policy level, due to an underlying fear of damaging both their faith in themselves and their entire society, and what they/ it actually stands for.
It’s that whole Blue Pill/ Red Pill thing.
The Russian authorities have been publiishing effective counterarguments to the fakery going around. Not only that, there are many astute social bloggers who are able to dissect through the lies of the trickery.
There does not need to be a PR mechanism to counter blatant lies. The big picture is the real war that needs to be won. The EoL can continue to ‘win’ their informational war… for those who love to believe the lies.
West has never respected decent behaving Russia. They loathe and ridicule it. What they do respect and fear is vicious ruthlessly operating Russia. This is the main reason why they didn’t joke about Stalin unlike what they do now about Putin. Mr Putin, is it time to finally take your silk gloves off?
I will never watch BBC again, I will never watch CNN again, I will never watch Sky News, nor Al Jezeera, nor Duetchevelle, nor French 24 even if they were broadcasting a guide to the afterlive that ensures eternity. I have seen how they report about Africa and the falsehood and the comfort in deciept undertaken by adult men and women. Now I have seen how they report on Russia they are indeed an empire of lies and I will never entertain the empire in my house or that of my relatives.
To me there are two points only in this situation. What kind of a regime would slaughter their own people for a propaganda operation? We all know the answer to that one,a nazi regime,evil beyond comprehension.
And what is to be done with such a regime? We all know the answer to that one as well. While Russia might want to in the short run get that regime to sign peace terms for the world to see. In the longer term,the regime officials will need to answer for their crimes before a war crimes court. There can’t be any amnesty for them,their crimes are two great for that.
I remember back in 2014 after those savages came to power in the US sponsored coup. A Ukrainian female ex-MP famously said, * “we used to have a government of thieves. Now we have a government of thieves and murderers”. She certainly got that right.
*Interesting side note: I can’t remember the lady’s name. So I tried to Google the statement to see if it would show up. But the only thing that showed up was a link to an article from here on the Vineyard from 2021
I continue to believe that Zelenski is preparing the propaganda battlefield to justify using nuclear weapons. You will recall that at the 2021 NATO summit, Ukraine explicitly threatened to acquire nuclear weapons if NATO didn’t admit them as a member. I further believe that Russia seized the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant to obtain proof of Ukraine’s Nuclear Weapons program and confiscate any reprocessing equipment, isotope sepeeation equipment, and fissile material.
It is not true that Russia is unaware of the vicious propaganda war being conducted against it in the media. It is also not true that Russia is not fighting back against this disinformation.
Russia is, instead, using truth as it’s weapon.
Anatoly Lukashev
The reality of trying to tell the truth is that only a tiny fraction of the folks will be persuaded – perhaps as low as 2% when all is said and done – – that statement by Vox Day was shocking to me the first time I read it, but I’m getting used to it as I now consciously observe it.
The masses hate the truth which requires their abandoning their delusions. As Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth – proving again and again we don’t learn from history, we just explain what happened post facto.
Big crack in the propaganda :
According to Radio Canada.
The Canada involved with ukronazis
(in french)
To worry about the lies from the Empire of Lies is to invite insanity.
I pay zero attention to western media.
War criminals own the word so just sit back and watch them circle the drain.
Schadenfreud awaits
An important rumor spreading on Russian sites,that Vladislav Surkov has been put under house arrest in Russia.That Ukraine was involved in the house arrest. If true,that is really important. The comments I’ve seen approval that move:
Surkov under house arrest for Ukraine?
One can check out the pictures of the Mai Lai massacre back in Vietnam to see what a real massacre looks like.
where is my museum
selective holocaust
there’ve been many Mai Lais
since humanity was lost
i keep seeing the line that “russia is losing the PR war derp”.
1. if true, who cares? western media is produced by and for idiot coastal yuppies in the major cities. it’s not that they’re the largest or most significant group; just the loudest screechers. you don’t hear what anyone else in the opioid sectors think unless you lurk the various MAGA groups on facebook. which brings me to:
2. did trump “win a PR war”? wasn’t he subjected to a non-stop cycle of inflated outrage over every single letter of every single word he said? was he not “BFFs” with putin according to this almighty western press? and yet…he won.
western hasbara is made by idiots for idiots. i lived in the DC area for 13+ years and i can say with total confidence that they are in another world. NO concept of reality or history whatsoever. luckily the US populace has never been known for its collective attention span. for everyone lamenting how this operation has “dragged on”…has it reached a year yet? much less the decades needed to match the US occupation of afghanistan?
russia needs to worry about russians. the west is a lost cause for at least a few more generations.
I have a new thought: Maybe that all helps Russia. Originally they only claimed (independence of ) Donezk and Lugansk and confirmation that Crimea is Russian. But Crimea needs the water from the main land and a direct path to Russian main land would be nice. But that was not part of their requests.
But now that everyone has seen what happens when Russian troops leave an area formally under Russian control with partly Russian friedlich people, it seems impossible to ever retreat again from such areas. So Ukraine will have to lose that parts too.
“What they will hardly be able to explain to a thinking audience, however, is why the Russians would want to commit such atrocities in the first place.”
Well that’s easy. Everyone with a TV tuned to the Main Stream Press knows that all Russians are Evil Genocidal Orcs. If fact, if you don’t agree with that assertion – well, you’ll promptly be banned from Twitter and the rest of the Silicon Valley Big Tech censorship, errrrrr, freedom of speech platforms. And Ukrainian Neo-Nazis are the salt-of-the-earth Aryan boys next door who help little old ladies cross the street (as long as they aren’t Russian or Romanian speakers that is – then they are tied to telephone poles and whipped, but “shhhhh”, they deserve it but let’s not discuss that on TV).
can the videos mentioned in the article be found? are there links to them? would be valuable in terms of evidence. thank you.
This is what George Orwell wrote about the Spanish Civil War and the reporting in the media at the time:
Orwell’s experience during the Spanish War is just one example of what happens to us during war time propaganda.
‘History stopped in 1936’, at which he nodded in immediate understanding. We were both thinking of totalitarianism in general, but more particularly of the Spanish civil war.
Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie.
I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened.
I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines.
Looking back on the Spanish War, George Orwell, 1943, pg. 11
Although off topic, this is some very interest news that might interest people:
The attack on the fuel depots in Belgorod, in the Russian interior, was not carried out by the Ukrainian army, but by a group of saboteurs from the US and British special services, although this information has so far not been confirmed. However, an anonymous German intelligence source claims that the attack was carried out by British special services.
It is therefore time for speculation. Suspicions point in the direction of the Azov steel factory, one of the largest in Europe, which is said to be the headquarters of the Azov Battalion. However, ****it appears to be more likely to be NATO headquarters in Ukraine.****
NATO officers from France, Germany, Britain and Sweden appear to have been overrun at the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol. “They are now contacting Russian troops to ask them to help them leave, to organise a corridor to get out”, according to journalist German Vladimirov (1).
The information is very plausible. In September last year, during military exercises, the Ukrainian army set up a command post for airborne assault troops at a training camp near Urzuf (on the coast of the Sea of Azov, on the border of the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions), where there were British, Canadian and Swedish officers. In Mariupol the operational units are British and Swedish, along with the Ukrainians of the 36th Marine Brigade.
This is why Macron insists on calling Putin every day. He has an election this weekend and a lead of only 3 per cent over Le Pen. If news now breaks that French troops have been killed, Macron’s re-election would be impossible.
There is another piece of information to pick on: the Russian army has captured US Army Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier in Mariupol. The Pentagon neither confirms nor denies this information. The information comes from Kiev via an American working there and the news was published on the Hal Turner Radio Show website.
But let’s continue with the speculation. If the general was in Mariupol, he would be the liaison with the AWACS data transmission system, acting as an advisor and working with the information received from US satellites.
The general has French roots, and there is strong evidence that French Legion mercenaries were operating in Marioupol, have been wiped out and what remains of them have been moved to the port area of the city, possibly to be evacuated by sea.
Further evidence has been found that two foreign instructors were found in a Ukrainian helicopter that was not evacuated from the port area of Marioupol two days ago. French digital media have started to spread Gallia Daily’s information about the ****death of at least two high-ranking French army officers near Mariopol.****
French spokesmen deny everything, but Chinese journalists visited the crash site and confirmed the presence of French documents on the bodies.
Ukrainian MP Ilya Kiva accuses Ukrainian and British secret services of staging the Bucha massacre
Ukrainian politician Ilya Kiva of the “For Life” party reacted to the events in the town of Butcha. Contrary to what the Western media tell us, the reality is quite different. In fact, Ilya Kiva posted a video on his Telegram account in which he accused the Ukrainian secret service (SBU) and the British secret service (MI6) of having staged a scene in Bucha, in order to accuse Russia and provoke hatred in the rest of the world.
“The whole Bucha story was planned and prepared by Ukrainian counter-intelligence and was planned by the MI6 secret service. They arrived early in the morning, cordoned off the area, scattered the corpses and invited journalists to the site.”
The Anglo-Americans have been performing false flags without any consciousness for 8 years now. The “snipers” at the maidan, Ukraine shooting down MH17, the Skripal and Navalny incidents Not on;y do the Anglo-americans support Nazis in the Ukraine but seem to be running Orwellian National Socialist States in their home countries. They love The Big Lie and propaganda with no regards to the truth. We must strive to make the truth known and help the Forces of Civilization defeat these barbaric scum. We will eventually win the info struggle as the Empire of Lies will collapse. The operatives of the Empire will be composed of people lost in their delusions and psychopaths.