By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog
On Friday, March 25th, Yemeni Forces, under the leadership of the Houthi Ansar Allah, launched a series of ballistic missiles several of which hit Saudi’s energy facilities, including the giant Aramco Oil Facility. At a time when the Western rulers are in fact sanctioning the Europeans on Russia’s oil and gas, and when the actual oil ebbs more than it flows, and its price flows more than it ebbs, this is yet another scourge about which they can afford little publicity.
While the Coalition of the Wicked, US-Saud-Brits triangle, are basking in the fires of Saudi Aramco, Western and West-sponsored outlets ( Reuters, Al Jazeera, CNBC, et al.) are rather busy managing the news to spin it less negative than it really is and working quite seriously to hid the true extent of the damages. How ungenerous of them. Surely, they could share the warmth with their sanctioned-out-of-Russian-energy European servants. If not the actual fire, at least they should allow the Europeans warm themselves vicariously through their leaders. Correct and true images and news of the Aramco fire would be a good start.
One should not be some apathetic by-stander and must do what one can to help spread the warmth, nay, the heat, to all those who need it the most. The statement reported by the English version of Al Mayadeen about the attack and the extent of the damages is straight forward:
“Special sources told Al Mayadeen that Operation Break Siege III is one of the fiercest operations by the Yemeni Armed Forces against Saudi Arabia. The sources said that the information confirms that Aramco facilities in Jeddah were completely burnt, resulting in an unprecedented outbreak of fires.”[1]
Direct and actual facts-on-the-ground reports by major Iranian and the Resistance media are broadcasting the above story, however, Western outlets broadcast much lighter and slimmer version of what is actually occurring. They are reporting something similar to the following statement published by Reuters:
“The coalition has repeatedly said it is exercising self-restraint in the face of the attacks, but launched a military operation in Yemen early on Saturday saying it aimed to protect global energy sources and ensure supply chains. A coalition statement on state media on Friday said the fire had been brought under control.”[2]
A new definition for “under control”, for sure:
Aramco Oil facility burning, Mehr News Agency
Aramco Oil Facility burning, a different angle, Al Mayadeen Net
It is important to remember that Friday, March 25th, marked 8th anniversary of the direct and relentless war on Yemeni people by the US-Brits-Saudi coalition. Officially, that war on the people of Yemen, including innocent men, women, and children, young and old, entered in to its 8 long years of death, destruction, famine, and more. The “human-right-loving” nations and so-called international organizations are mute. They are willfully deaf, dumb, and blind and the said coalition understands no other language but force. So be it.
When the said coalition waged a relentless war against the people of Yemen, they thought they could reach their goals within weeks. Seven years and 1 day, 29 billion dollars direct purchase of military hardware and software from the US government, 34 billion dollars purchase of military equipment from other US and Western Sources, the death and injury suffered by more than 47,000 civilian people, total and complete sanctions and blockade of air, sea, and land, the destruction of most schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, mosques, and more, and the deafening silence of the so-called United Nations and all its subsidiaries later, the Yemeni people have stood tall and proud!
Yesterday, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, the leader of the Ansar Allah movement, in his speech on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of Yemen’s Holy Defense War said,
“The beginning of the war and the one who initiated the war against the Yemeni people is quite telling as to who the aggressor is and who is in the position of defense. The engineers and the architects of this aggressor coalition are [US] America, Britain, and Israel. And the US is the leader of the coalition. Saudi Arabia and UAE are only the executers of this attack and the rest of the members are hired help for money. The role of the Zionists and the Brits in this geometry is quite clear and their fingerprints are found at the crime scenes everywhere. The Brits have been present in all stages of the war against Yemen and the [US] America has participated as a constant over-seer of the battles.”[3]
An article by Lea Akil published in Al Maydeen yesterday nicely contrasts the war in Yemen with the Russian operation in Ukraine and exposes obvious hypocrisies and double standards. It reads:
“Seven years of raging war on Yemen exhausted the population’s capacity to cope, and the global attention shifted toward Ukraine following Russia’s military operation. The darkest forms of irony have been heard by officials concerning Ukraine with complete disregard for Yemen. Simply, the core players fuelling the Saudi war on Yemen have taken a stand in solidarity with Ukraine. In numbers, so far, there are 17,734 martyrs, including 4,017 children, 2,434 women, and 11,283 men, while the number of the wounded reached 28,528, including 4,586 children, 2,911 women, and 10,032 men.”
“It is as simple as that, the United States and its Western allies have rediscovered the importance of international law when it comes to Ukraine but continue to turn a blind eye to Yemen.”[4]
Since the enemies of Yemeni people understand the language of missiles much better than any other language[5], they will be communicated, God Willing, in that language more often as the Yemeni military sources have promised:
“In the upcoming days, Sanaa will continue its strikes on vital Saudi sites if the siege on Yemen continues. Sanaa is determined to destroy Aramco’s vital facilities in Ras Tanura, Rabigh, and Jeddah.”[6]
None the less, there are several effective and simple solutions for the US-Brits-Saudi coalition to get themselves out of their own self-created crises. They could, for example:
1) stop this illegal war on Yemen, remove all their illegal sanctions, give reparation for all the damage they have caused, and give solid and verifiable guarantees not to engage in such acts against Yemen. This will de
2) stop using the Ukrainians as an expendable population and abide by their obligations under multiple security pacts they had with Russia and pay for the economic and security damages they have caused to both the Ukrainians and the Russians;
3) They could repent and ask God for forgiveness and then submit themselves to an independent international committee to be investigated for their crimes and punished accordingly.
Or, they could just print more dollar to buy time. Sooner or later, their wretched deeds will catch up with them. Inshallah.
[1] Al Mayadeen Net,, under: صنعاء وضعت كل منشآت أرامكو أهدافاً لعملياتها, آذار 25, @ 22:18.
[2]Aziz El Yaakoubi & Maha El Dahan, “Saudi Aramco petroleum storage site hit by Houthi attack, fire erupts.” Reuters, March 26, 2022; @ 2:28pm. Accessed online at:
[3] Mehr News Agency, “The Fingerprint of England and [US]America is quite visible everywhere in Yemen War.” Farvardin 5, 1401 [March 25, 2022] @ 21:20; News Code: 5453582. Accessed online at:
[4] Al Mayadeen Net, “Selective Humanity: Who stood with Yemen?” by Lea Akil, March 26, 2022, @ 00:03, Accessed online at:
[5] Mashreq News, “The Enemy understands better the language of missiles,” Bahman 9, 1400 [January 29, 2022] @ 15:54, News Code: 1332683. Accessed online at:
[6] Al Mayadeen Net, “Exclusive: Sanaa announces all Aramco facilities are targets.” March 25, 2022, @ 23:14, Accessed online at:
“China’s state-run oil refiner, Sinopec, has paused discussions with Russia about a petrochemical investment and a deal to market Russian gas in China, Reuters sources suggested on Friday.
Reuters sources have suggested that the reason for the pause in talks is due to China’s wariness over its own companies butting up against Western-levied Russian sanctions.
While the petrochemical deal wasn’t named, Reuters sources said it was in the site selection process and was supposed to be similar in size to the $10 billion Amur gas chemical complex in Siberia. Amur is a joint venture between Sinopec and Russian Sibur.
The new investment in question—which was also a deal with Sibur—was estimated at $500 million for a gas chemical plant.”
Read the rest of article in
Matias, please post something one time, and do not repeat it. I believe that is even in the moderation policy but you could go and take a look.
Secondly, this is hot air and all supposition at this stage. It wants to represent that China is scared of US sanctions and nothing is further from the truth. Your first post I remember came from Reuters, and now it is Clickbait header and nothing inside. Show me some Chinese or some Russian sources and I’ll take a look.
We truly need to move away from these kinds of western bloc so-called reporting. It is either wrong, or they tell lies, or they misrepresent, or they jerk whatever happened right out of context.
The only link I can find on a Chinese site references the Reuters news:
China Daily and Xinhua aren’t reporting this under any category I can parse. Until confirmed by Chinese sources the reporting is highly suspect relying as it does on unnamed sources and from western sources.
Complete bull shit. This “Matias” is nothing but a troll who pretends contributing with some garbage right after the writing of a great article. An article extremely well written by Mansoureh Tajik, creative, with reserved humour, full of wisdom and extremely appropriate in the present conditions.
The goal of this troll is to break the momentum generated by the article and create a disturbance that will affect all following comments and discussions.
I have a suggestion for the moderators: You are doing a wonderful job and your action is critical to ensure the continuous flow of comments and observations of your readers. Please pay particular attention to the first responses to a great article like this one: they are meant to lead the discussion astray, and break the momentum. Throw this garbage where it belongs.
There are always new arslings flooding the site whenever there’s a new cause to provide disinformation for.
Amarynth, please keep up your lucid , knowledgeable and unbiased work. I have the sense that the few places left to hear truth will soon be overrun. I have never gone close to Asia, but I have seen their peaceful rise to something never before in human history.
For decades I have heard them maligned, denigrated and lied about when Western corporations were making trillions, and parking it offshore , and the people of the west slowly decaying. We are firmly in the control of a few rich people, who in turn are controlled by Zionists.
We have to listen to the racists lies perpetuated by our MSM, but the Chinese people listen to their government, and over 5 million can be mobilized to fight tomorrow. Can you tell me which coloured people in the west will fight for the west, when all hell will reign down with thousands of missiles?
The coloured people were initially brought into the west to do the subservient work; they now come in to help pay taxes and pensions. White westerners were always welcome in Canada, but you have any idea why they never came, despite the constant rhetoric : that Canada is the greatest country in the world” It’s because the people in Europe have a much better balance in life.
Russia and China are tied together, much tighter than people understand and their is absolutely nothing that anyone can do to brake that bond. I think that India now understand that, dispite trying to be loved by white people: that is the the Wannabe whites” but the vast majority of Indians that live through colonialism don’t want to be white. They just want to be free.
P.S. This is just a sidebar, but China can easily destroy all them “democracy warships” off their coast. That bullying is only for poor countries but soon to end!
IIRC, has always taken a negative view of Russia. I got disgusted with them and stopped reading after a while.
I agree with what the other man said. I read your comment a d thought those peopke are nothing but lying no good whores why even post it. Stop spreading filthy lies. Interested in working in snit become a farmer and spread manure. Have a good day. God bless.
The wording in that article is speculative at best, one might say it equates to gossip.
If we need to read Reuters, we won’t be coming here, do we Matias?
thank you so much for ‘news’ from empire
I was missing the narrative
Reuterspoliticocnnfoxblackrockvanguard conglomerate
Maybe you are or have been “influenced” by this:
We are a combined Regular and Army Reserve unit. Our aim is to challenge the difficulties of modern warfare using non-lethal engagement and legitimate non-military levers as a means to adapt behaviours of the opposing forces and adversaries.
Who we are
77th Brigade is an agent of change; through targeted Information Activity and Outreach we contribute to the success of military objectives in support of Commanders, whilst reducing the cost in casualties and resources.
Our outputs are a fundamental part of the Army’s Integrated Action model.
Aside from the delivery and support of Information Activities and Outreach we have a role in planning and advising across the Army and wider Defence.
Note to this site: these guys sound very plausible but their purpose is to give misinformation – the fog of war.
Yemen holds 17 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves as of 2017… any other reason, eh? Smart move.. lighting up the night skies, courtesy Aramco oil.
You can add the uae to that axis of the wicked
Very disappointing that Iran continues kissing up to the saudis and engaging in talks with them despite the Saudi aggression on Yemen and the latest execution of over 40 innocent Shias by the Saudi regime
Saudi and other wahabi terrorist have killed many Shias in Iraq, Yemen and Saudi – yet Iran focuses its fight on Israel but kisses up to the Saudis – Iran needs to stop playing dirty politics and take an authentic stand on protecting Shias – same way that President Putin has taken a stand on protecting ethics Russians irrespective of their geographic location
Here we are seeing typical Anglo propaganda at work, whether intentionally, or not (unlikely): Let you and him fight!
It is in the best interest of every nation to live in good peace with its neighbours. And the Anglo pirates and firebombers promote the opposite to play one against the other. The same old game, over and over and over again.
It seems however that your “Coalition of the Wicked” isn’t quite complete. Before you write you should always check what the Russian turncoats are up to.
People want to pick and chose what they report on
Iran’s stand as well as Russia’s on the war on Yemen has been abysmal
A little “clin d’oeil” b/c Saudi arabia didn’t participated in Russian sanctions
also b/c the petro-yuan is coming with the deal between saudi arabia and China
A little news — a 3 day strike suspension by the Houthis. Perhaps there is a little hope.
I just hope they keep up the momentum by regular strikes on oil facilities and other value targets.
Of course, for a poor country like Yemen crippled by a decade of sanctions and relentless military attacks of the West, to maintain this kind of attacks is a demanding task. But hope they attack regularly.
thank you Amarynth. politically a good move, of course that’s why you posted it. hopefully there will be a response thru some back door channels. as you say, perhaps there is a little hope.
In the oil business fear of an upcoming missile strike could be much worse than the strike itself.
True, this axis of the wicked understands either force or economic/financial hit.
UAE, Saudi and Israel are in the same bed with Neo Con America. Their intelligence and security systems are one, as pointed out by a Western researcher long ago, can’t recall his name.
After breaking the Ottoman Caliphate by the Anglo-Saxon Zionist axis, their puppets still control the Middle East and ensure the slavery of the Arab lands.
Hope, the puppets would be soon replaced by public chosen government.
Let me fix the gist of that for you:
Hope, the puppets would be soon replaced by public chosen puppet government.
What goes out of my digital pen comes around in real time, gracing me with lots of pics of what I already drew out. Funny that. I’m sure that was a non Russian warship I stuck upside down under the left side of the hanging cross but. Maybe it wasn’t.
Perhaps ‘the foot’ is coming down on Jewish stuff soon too.
This will self destruct in the time it takes for mod to delete.
Thanks for all the pics Yemen. I’m sure to abuse them. Who’s a Firestarter? One to beat them all.
I’m still waiting for ASIO to call. Maybe a nuke on nat0 will do it.
Let them h(eat) coal they said
Just like the slow embers burning on Madeleine Albright grave.
Mansoureh, thank you for one more brilliant and insightful article.
I am looking for Khomeini’s speeches and writings (english translations). I will be grateful if you can assist, and help locate any.
Not the author of this article but a book you might find useful is “Islam and Revolution: Writings and Declarations of Imam Khomeini” by Hamid Algar. You can find a pdf of it here
“The beginning of the war and the one who initiated the war against the Yemeni people is quite telling as to who the aggressor is and who is in the position of defense. The engineers and the architects of this aggressor coalition are [US] America, Britain, and Israel. And the US is the leader of the coalition. Saudi Arabia and UAE are only the executers of this attack and the rest of the members are hired help for money. The role of the Zionists and the Brits in this geometry is quite clear and their fingerprints are found at the crime scenes everywhere. The Brits have been present in all stages of the war against Yemen and the [US] America has participated as a constant over-seer of the battles.”[3]
Yemen is the crown jewel of Empire Hypocrisy. If bare foot warriors would rather burn your abandoned vehicles than ride in them, what else can you do but bomb their women and children? Make a deal, nah. There is more profit dropping million dollar bombs on impoverished people’s funerals and weddings than peace can ever provide.
Perhaps in the next life you will spend an eternity being trampled dust under the feet of the innocents you butchered. Lets see you lie your way out of that one!
The Saudis het hit with rockets shortly after declaring oil sales to China is Yuan. What a coincidence!
guess the house always wins! so, who’s the house?
Thanks Mansoureh Tajik and Andrei.
Seing Aramco oil facility in SA burn is amazing!
All support for Yemeny Houthis People’s cause and Revolution against this d3vil’s coalition! Allahu Akbar!
In the End West will burn too!
There is much to say about the war being waged on Yemen. Especially, in regards to the world’s hypocrisy in dealing with the subject. In every sense what has happened to Yemen is a crime against all of humanity. Silently they starve children and deprive mothers of medicine. Civilian centers with no military presence are bombed. All of this and worse happens regularly there. Who stands up for these poor people on the world stage? Why don’t more people know or care?
The Empire is sending more Patriot missile batteries but this is totally ineffective against the types of operations the Houthis are engaging in. I pray the Houthis are able to severely curtail the flow of oil from this region and are able to free the people of Yemen. Shut down the oil and the eyes of the world will be on Yemen. Then maybe people will know and care about the crimes committed against the Yemenis.
The profound irony is that the missile attack in Saudi Arabia is so catastrophic for the global economy because Senile Sock Puppet President Biden continues to obstruct petroleum development in the United States. Meanwhile; China will get richer by buying gas and oil from Russia at an extreme discount. China will then use the energy to manufacture stuff that they then sell to Americans and diseased Eurotrash who are freezing their asses off because Putin cut off their gas and oil.
Is there any recent word on what is happening in Mariupol? I know that Google will not enable me to find accurate information even if Western media was willing to report on it.
The climate change scam and the religion of environmentalism will have to be eradicated in Zone A… otherwise, they’ll continue to commit suicide.
Over here there are reports of Russia running out of military equipment by retired U.S. military brass. Which can mean only one thing, that someone is running out of equipment, and who been using more equipment everywhere over the past 20 years, right the Uncles.
They are split, but also mention a small #of hard cores circling Biden, (Cookies Nuland, deep pockets Blinkton and prolly some military heads who would prefer to remain anonymous for their “big surprise” what ever that is), so that all others are muted.
On the Z side, he cant take to many military rejections and continue to run towards the cliff, but doesn’t have the kahunas to make the full surrender, but the less resources he has to choose from, the less time he has to make up his mind.
Interesting report on Saudi thinking about their relations with the West:
Saudi political scientist Mansour Almarzogi: “Only a fool would trust Washington”
Why Riyadh does not take the side of Ukraine?
Saudi Arabia may increase oil production to ease high prices, but refuses. What is the reason?
China is more sympathetic to Russia than Ukraine. Does Saudi Arabia share this view?
How damaged are Riyadh’s relations with the US today?
Would Saudi Arabia want to be part of a Western alliance?
The West has an arrogance based on perceived moral superiority. We see it as a continuation of the claims of European colonialism. 400 years ago, the rest of the world was considered backward, not free, underdeveloped. Europe justified its expansionism, desire for wealth and hegemony over colonized countries with this demand for moral superiority.
Riyadh does not share the position of Western capitals, which believe that Saudi Arabia should be part of the conflict on the side of the West. We are happy to return to you the good advice that we received from Brussels and Washington in the conflict with Iran. For example, the EU urged us to “find a regional solution” and the US said we should “share” the region with Iran. The Ukrainian crisis once again exposes the hypocrisy of the West when it comes to the value of human life or the sovereignty of states. I see absolutely no difference between George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 and Putin’s entry into Ukraine. Hidden under a thin façade of human rights and democracy is the West’s colonial legacy.
High prices have many reasons besides the Ukrainian crisis. In addition, the lack of oil is much greater than our ability to increase production. If we did, you would still pay high prices, but we would lose a lot. Do you remember the standoff over oil prices between Saudi Arabia and Russia in 2020? It wasn’t until Russia and OPEC agreed to Opec+ that the price of oil rose again, for the last time to $125. If Riyadh does not honor these agreements now, we will have to repeat the same difficult experience, and perhaps the new rise will not succeed at all.
We do not want to be part of this conflict in any way. Some studies show that in 10 years, China will replace the US as the world’s number one economy. Consequently, Asia is becoming increasingly important not only for Saudi Arabia, but also for countries such as Germany. Our trade with China in 2019 was $76 billion, while with the US it was only $32 billion.
The key difference between the deals with Washington and Beijing is that the US constantly pursues hegemonic, expansionist goals around the world and then requires us to work towards those goals together with them. And with China, it’s all about business.
Deeply damaged.
History teaches us that even close allies, the US and UK, almost betrayed each other during World War II. Churchill persistently turned to Roosevelt for help – to no avail. Washington did not intervene until the end of the war, until its own strategic interests were threatened.
Even if Washington wants to help, that doesn’t mean he won’t likely harm the friend he wants to help. For example, in Afghanistan, Washington’s goal was to withdraw troops, and now look at the result! Is the US reliable? No. The US is not trustworthy. Only a fool would trust Washington. And only the naive would rely on it. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is neither.
The West is still trying to impose its value system on the rest of the world in a way that ignores contextual, historical, or civilizational boundaries. As before, the claim to moral superiority justifies exceeding these limits. The West systematically uses the issue of human rights as a blackmailing tool to obtain economic and political concessions. If you think that we will not resist, then you are mistaken. (
IS is supposedly rearing it’s head in Israel.
I believe it was a false flag by Saudi-ZOG.
Thank you for this article, Mansoureh. My husband (non-English-speaking) was just asking me about Yemen but I had very little background information to tell him. He’s aware that the US has some reason for backing Saudi Arabia’s attack on Yemen and that the news (in occupied Japan) is totally silent about this. Now I have more information I can tell him.
North Yemen is Zaidi Shia and run by the Houthi group. Because they’re Shia they’re naturally allied with Iran like Hezbollah is, and the Saudis are at war with them — I guess simply because “Iran bad”, since the Houthis, unlike Hezbollah, have never attacked Western or Saudi targets unprovoked AFAIK. South Yemen is run by a different couple of groups, including the internationally-recognized government that the Saudis insist run all of Yemen.
Ironically enough, North and South Yemen used to be separate independent countries. (In fact, during the Cold War, the North was pro-Western and the South was pro-Soviet!) It’s honestly rather stupid that the Saudis are basically trying to force the North to stay united to the South. It would ultimately quite frankly require extirpating the Zaidi Shias of North Yemen.
The Saudis should back out of the war and make a deal with the Houthis and let Yemen split back into the two parts extant before 1990.
Is that really a Huthi attack and not a false flag?
On March 15, Saudi Arabia announced it was mulling selling their oil in Renminbi. A few days later, the attacks on their infrastructure and production capacity began.
It is amazing how these Huthi rebels suddenly developed such shockingly efficient strike capabilities.
I say it’s the usual suspects striking Saudi Arabia – to protect the US dollar.
When the protection racket fails to work the soft way, the hit squad is sent in.