By Walt Garlington for the Saker Blog
One way we may be quite certain that the West has lost its contact with the uncreated Grace of the All-Holy Trinity is by considering the guideposts of those who believe themselves to be the champions of traditional Christianity there. The names that come up most often for Roman Catholics are Thomas Aquinas and J.R.R. Tolkien; for Protestants, C.S. Lewis is their waymark. All three represent the same two poles of the post-Great Schism dialectic in the West: Aquinas is the pole of cold, dry rationalism; Tolkien, the warmth and emotions of the sensual/the imagination. Mr Lewis embodies both elements for Protestants with his non-fiction (reason) and his fiction (imagination).
As the West has plod her course after being torn away from the Orthodox Faith by the Bishop of Rome, she has shifted from one pole to the other: from dry Scholasticism to the fleshy Renaissance; thence to mechanistic Deism and its reaction, the volcano of human passions that was Romanticism; followed by frigid scientism, which itself is beginning to yield once again to man’s desire for something living and spiritual.
Such regular, abrupt changes, tending to disorder in society, have generally been unknown in the Orthodox Church, for within her is the fulness of God’s Grace (this has changed somewhat since the fall of the Protector of the Church, the Christian Roman Empire, with the martyrdom of St-Tsar Nicholas II and his family, making the Church more susceptible to worldly attack). But ever since the West lost that Grace, she has been searching desperately for a substitute. Hence the never-ending dialectical swings between reason and imagination; when the West surfeits on one, she then begins to binge on the other.
Father Seraphim Rose of blessed memory explains the movement in the West away from the Orthodox Faith towards these two poles in his Orthodox Survival Course:
‘So we can see that here — and he’s [Thomas Aquinas—W.G.] the pinnacle of Scholasticism — this is a systematization of Christian teaching, and actually subordinates Christian teaching to logic. But logic itself, of course, depends on the starting point. And they thought they were starting with basic Christian revelation. We’ll see soon that there are all kinds of other things entering in, which affect reason. In this Scholastic system logicalness becomes the first test of truth, and the living source of faith is placed in a secondary place. And that’s why later people hated it so much because they felt it to be a completely dead framework in which there’s no life left, idly discussing questions which no one is concerned about, and when you do discuss true questions, you flatten them out and deaden them. And a Western man, under this influence, begins to lose his living relation to the Truth. And thus Christianity is reduced to a system, to the human level. And this is one of the chief roots of the later errors in the West, which can actually be summed up as the attempt to make by human efforts something better than Christianity.
‘ . . .
‘Something else happened. And that is that Orthodox tradition is not only rationalized, it also becomes mixed with romance. The element of pagan legends entering into Orthodox Lives of Saints in this time made it so that there are some Lives of Saints which we have in our Orthodox sources, if you read the same Life of a Saint in a medieval Latin source, you will be completely astonished. . . .
‘And you can see obviously this is absolute fairy tale introduced into a life of a saint, for whatever reasons we don’t know, maybe there’s pagan influences, the result of very good imagination. Well, anyway, this element of romance enters into even such a thing as the Life of a Saint, becomes a total made-up fairy tale. . . .
‘And many other cases we see that in the Roman Catholic sources even from the height of the Middle Ages in the thirteenth century, there are very many of these romantic elements enter in. We cannot trust those sources. And this was the reason that later scholars came to distrust the sources. Also, there, of course, are such things as the legends of the Grail, which come up from Celtic legends, pagan legends, The Golden Legend….’
Fr Seraphim’s mentioning of the Grail is key to understanding what has happened in the West. In their conversation on the Grail legends (skip to the final ten minutes), Jonathan Pageau and Richard Rohlin make the point that this story enters into the Western tradition very quickly after the West’s break with the Orthodox Church, as though she were admitting already that something essential (i.e., the Grace of God) has gone missing, and that no effort should be spared to find it. All the subsequent history of the West is simply a repetition of the Grail story: Western man trying to satisfy the abyss that has opened in his soul now that God’s Grace in the Orthodox Church has been ripped away from him.
For its replacement, the West has tried many experiments of the reason and the imagination, but they have been and always will be doomed to failure, as Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos ably explains:
‘I believe that on the contrary, contemporary theology is conjectural, rationalistic. It is based on the “wealth” which is reason. What Archimandrite Sophrony says is characteristic: “One other kind of imagination about which we wish to speak, is the attempt of intelligence to penetrate the mystery of being and apprehend the Divine world. Such endeavours inevitably involve the imagination, to which many are inclined to give the high-flown label, divine inspiration. The ascetic, devoting himself to active inner silence and pure prayer, resolutely combats this “creative” impulse within himself because he sees in it a “processus” contrary to the true order of being, with man “creating” God in his own image and likeness” (47).
‘Archimandrite Sophrony also writes: “The theologian who is an intellectual [logician] constructs his system as an architect builds a palace or a church. Empirical and metaphysical concepts are the material he uses, and he is more concerned with the magnificence and logical symmetry of his ideal edifice than that it should conform to the actual order of things.
‘“Strange as it may seem, many great men have been unable to withstand this [rationalism], in effect, artless temptation, the hidden cause of which is pride.
‘“One becomes attached to the fruits of one’s intelligence [rationalism] as a mother to her child. The intellectual [logician] loves his creation as himself, identifies with it, shuts himself up with it. When this happens no human intervention can help him – if he will not renounce what he believes to be riches, he will never attain to pure prayer and true theoria” (48).’
Since the West has deformed the Holy Trinity with her doctrines of absolute divine simplicity and of the Filioque in the Nicene Creed (a god resembling very much the god of the Neoplatonists), and also mankind himself through the forgetting of the nous, she cannot attain ‘true theoria’, the vision of and union with the uncreated Light of God; the vision of the logoi of created things; nor converse with the saints and angels – much of which is elaborated upon by St Gregory Palamas and all the other hesychasts who came before and after him. The best traditionalists in the West can do at this point is to create fictional worlds, a fictional Heavenly Kingdom, in a vain attempt to grab hold of that from which they have been cut off. Thus the fawning adoration for the Legendarium of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings by Roman Catholics; and thus the same for Lewis’s Narnia universe by Protestants. Sadly, this is the apex of Christian civilization for the apostate West, sham substitute kingdoms of the mind that they inhabit with imaginary figures who can help them not at all: Sam, Frodo, Galadriel, Aslan, Puddleglum – The Great Eagles of Middle-earth are NOT going to save the West.
We appreciate the wisdom and beauty that is present in works by non-Orthodox Western writers like Tolkien and Lewis, but that does not change what they are: replacements for the noetic Kingdom of Heaven.
Yet it is that very Kingdom that can save her, but it is buried – buried deep beneath the layers of false teachings and destructive practices that have accumulated over the last 1,000 years. It is the Kingdom of the Orthodox Church, the Kingdom of the Saints of the West of the first 1,000 years of her Christian history. If she can recover this Kingdom, she will live. St Nicholas Cabasilas (+14th century), writes regarding it,
‘ . . . the perfect holiness of the saints is God’s greatest gift to men . . . . Rather, it is the whole of his gift. For the choir of saints is the completion and the fruit of all the benefits he has bestowed upon our race; for it heaven and earth and the whole created universe were made; paradise, the prophets, the Incarnate God himself and his teachings, works, Passion and Death had but one purpose—that men might be raised from earth to heaven, that they might inherit the kingdom’ (A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy, Hussey and McNulty, trans., SVS Press, Crestwood, NY, 2010, p. 112).
It is true that in the West one may see an eccentric nun or a charismatic bishop attract some attention once in a while, but this is not enough to save the West. And those that the Roman Catholics claim to be saints are sometimes men and women in deep delusion, who engage in harmful (Margaret Mary Alacoque’s cutting of her chest) or disgusting (Catherine of Siena’s wedding ring supposedly made of the circumcised foreskin of Christ) practices. Most Protestants have abolished sainthood altogether by claiming that all Christians are saints.
Such people cannot lead Westerners to the satisfying union with God for which they long, and for which they were made. But the desire for a real encounter with the Divine remains, and it is leading the West in two different directions: one path goes back toward the old pre-Christian gods, and one seeks out ‘new revelations’ (such as Fatima, Lourdes, etc.). Considering what Pope Francis will be doing on Holy Annunciation this Friday (‘consecrating’ Russia in accordance with Fatima decrees), it is important to refute in advance the Mariolatry and other errors of the Roman Catholics that are manifest in these ‘visions’:
‘ . . . A faulty Trinitarian theology, and an undue emphasis on the Augustinian teachings on original sin and the Atonement, together with an all-male hierarchy, led to the loss of the feminine element in Western Christianity and created a “Goddess-shaped gap.” The Virgin Mary was the obvious candidate to fill that gap.
‘ . . .
‘In the Latin Church, Marian exaggeration soared to ever new heights, checked only briefly by the Protestant Reformation. The Virgin had “added certain perfection to the Maker of the universe” by giving Him a human nature—quite the opposite view from that taken by Scripture and Orthodoxy, which saw the Incarnation as a kenosis, a self-emptying, of Christ—”though He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor.” Bernadine of Siena’s weirdest fantasy, the “seduction of God,” was described in language more appropriate to a Greek legend of Zeus than to the Great Mystery of the Incarnation. The Virgin was higher than the Church … she had authority over her Son in heaven … she appeased the Divine justice and prevented God from chastening sinners … she and the Holy Spirit produced Christ in souls. “Even the tongue of the Holy Spirit” was “scarcely sufficient to celebrate her praises worthily”! Unfortunately the authors and preachers of such offensive nonsense were frequently canonized, which was naturally taken as a sign of official approval. Such distortions could well be the stuff of which Marian apparitions are made. The Goddess, or at least a semi-divine being, had returned.
‘ . . .
‘Who is this Lady who has appeared thousands of times and is acclaimed by millions’? Is she the Mother of God, whom we know within Orthodoxy from the Scriptures and the services and teachings of the Church? It is almost as if the Marian apparition cult has a life and ethos of its own, almost as if it were a separate religion—Christianity overlaid with the worship of the Goddess and spiritism. The Virgin, not Christ, is the central figure. Heaven speaks through her, not Him. Despite Rome’s official teaching, which still precludes placing Mary on a level with her Son, she is predominant. Geoffrey Ashe seems to have put his finger on it when he says that “the vitality of Christ’s own (R.C.!) Church has often seemed to depend on her rather than on Him.”
‘ . . . The need for the Eternal feminine lies deep in the human psyche. That need is met in the Holy Trinity, the heart of Orthodoxy. Where Trinitarian teaching is unbalanced, and the Holy Spirit neglected, the Goddess is likely to re-emerge either under the form of Marian excess, or in the guise of Gnosticism, with its demand for women priests and inclusive language for God.’
–Miriam Lambouras, ‘The Marian Apparitions: Divine Intervention or Delusion?’
Not goddesses and sacred hearts; not air-tight syllogisms; not Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas; not Gandalf and the Valar; not quantum computers and AI. But instead Sts Ambrose of Milan, Bede and Boniface, Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, David of Wales, Etheldreda of Ely, Felix of Nola, Geneviève of Paris, and so many others. Disinter them from their storage vaults in their empty Gothic cathedral museums (to borrow a phrase from Fr Andrew Phillips); prostrate before them; kiss their reliquaries; carry them in procession through city and countryside; go on pilgrimage to greet them; love the God Whom they loved!
But it is too late for the West, some say.
It is not too late!
Even a part of a teardrop, as St Simeon the New Theologian put it, is enough to draw down the mercy of God upon us!
One example from the life of an Orthodox Saint of the West will suffice to illustrate this:
‘The Holy Martyr Pancharius was a friend of the emperor Diocletian. He abandoned Christianity and became a pagan. His mother and sister sent him a letter in which they urged the apostate to fear God and the dread Last Judgment. Having repented, Saint Pancharius openly confessed his faith before the emperor, for which he suffered torture at Rome. Then he was sent to Nicomedia and beheaded in 303.’
Yes, the West has sinned greatly in abandoning the Orthodox Church, but God’s mercy is limitless, and repentance is still possible. Through the prayers of St Pancharius and all her Orthodox Saints, the true treasures of the West because they are overflowing with God’s Grace, may she make the good confession once more; see the Kingdom of God within the hearts of her peoples; see new generations of saints born to her!
If it wasn´t the the sudden appearance of the Magyars in the old Moravian entity, perhaps more of E. Europe would be Orthodox. The arrival of the Magyars cut off parts of Eastern Europe from Byzantium.
yes, the west is still very influenced by roman catholic. And Pope Francis somehow works for the Zionist empire unfortunately. We must now value our artistic heroes who are denouncing the irresponsibility of the Empire. American filmmaker Oliver Stone should be honored here for his current bravery. He was a soldier in the vietnam war and was wounded twice. He is the son of a Jew, but he is denouncing and showing the US arming Ukrainian neo-Nazis. Another artist is the writer and activist Yves Engler. He interrupted a speech by Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly, accusing Ottawa officials of escalating the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and increasing the risk of escalating into a global confrontation.
Engler shared a clip of himself confronting the foreign minister on Twitter on Tuesday.
He shouted, “Stop escalating the war. Stop sending weapons to Ukraine… You will push us into World War III.”
This is courageous and heroic action. We should make statues for these people, because they are heroes of humanity. Here on the blog some people have power and like to condemn with sarcasm and humiliation. We must unite and tolerate, and join all forces to denounce the diabolical actions of the Empire of Lies, the Empire of Chaos. Unfortunately, the Catholic Church is working for Satan’s Empire. We must have faith in God, but we cannot serve the darkness. The religion of the West has become a cult of human science, secularism and pettiness. Divine judgment is coming because Western religion has forgotten universal principles, it has forgotten God.
Roman Catholicism, as Walt says in the article, vacillates between extremes of ‘reason’ and ‘passion’, and with extreme doctrinal inconsistencies.
Aquinas assimilated classical pagan influences, in particular Neo-Platonism from Boethius and Augustine, and Aristotelianism from the Arabic predecessors of the Latin scholastics.
The Summa Theologica of Aquinas was the standard manual in the Latin seminaries until the 1960s. Creatures, with their various ‘degrees of being’, are said to be a set ‘reflection’ of the Being of God (Neo-Platonism), and God is the ‘first mover’ of all of the acts of creatures (Aristotle).
In the hands of Aquinas, that pagan metaphysics dictates a rigid predestinarianism that characterised Roman Catholicism until the Reformation. Roman Catholicism has gradually moved away from that with the Jesuits and their Molinism, and the Protestant ‘Reformers’ took it up, like Luther and Calvin.
Today, Roman popes since John Paul II have openly preached the complete opposite of medieval Roman doctrine, even the ‘universal salvation’ of all humans. They have dumped the rigid pagan metaphysics (‘logic’) of Aquinas for what they ‘feel must be so’ because of how they ‘feel’ about humans.
As Walt indicates, Roman Catholic ‘theology’ is a complete mess, a mental case of extreme errors, even right to the poles of opposition – from the predestinarianism of Augustine and Aquinas to the ‘apokatastasis’ (universal salvation) that was attributed to Origen.
The ‘orthodoxy’ of Roman Catholicism today becomes the ‘heresy’ of tomorrow, and the ‘heresy’ of Roman Catholicism today becomes the ‘orthodoxy’ of tomorrow. And it is always some foolish nonsense, never the orthodoxy of the apostles.
All Christians know that the Christian faith is handed down through the apostles, which is why it is termed the ‘apostolic faith’. It does not change from one century to the next. And they know that no church with the doctrinal record of Rome can claim to be a faithful teacher of the apostolic religion.
Rome is completely hopeless as a doctrinal teacher and as a spiritual guide. It has not got a clue what it is on about, and it has not had a clue for a thousand years. It has no claim to Orthodoxy or to the teaching of the apostles and of the ancient fathers of the Church.
The ‘teaching’ of Rome is a matter of whatever foolishness they choose to come out with next. God has allowed Rome to become a clear sign of where Orthodoxy is not to be found – and by extension, where it is to be found. The foolishness of Rome is a grace, a clear signpost to the saints.
There’s a very interesting discussion to be had about the interface between science and faith.
Science is solely about the testable, the falsifiable, the measurable.
Faith is entirely about that which cannot be rigorously proven one way or the other. Because of that, you have to take a position based on faith. Or of course, you can sit on the fence as an agnostic. What you can’t do is prove scientifically that ‘God Exists’.
One of the interesting this in all this is how faith chooses to evolve as what becomes testable, falsifiable and measurable increases radically, as has happened the past 200 years.
There is actually an enormous role for faith now to address all the scientific capabilities in a moral, not scientific framework. The question ‘what SHOULD be done?’ is totally different to ‘what is it possible technologically to do?’
We currently live in a world where the technological possibilities are pushed relentlessly, but the collective moral voice of the non-expert majority is nowhere to be heard.
There is a parting of the ways coming for the majority: they must decide whether they would like transhumanist freaks like Schwab, Musk etc to start playing god with their neural networks; or they must stand firm and say ‘render that which is Schwab’s unto Schwab; and leave that which is God’s unto God!’
That doesn’t mean you have to ‘believe in God’, per se. It’s simply saying that nature has evolved over millions of years and is one million times wiser than human nutcases thinking they can play God in the 21st century.
If faith wants to be relevant in the 21st century, it must provide guidance in modern arenas, not obsess about ‘virgin births’ 2000 years ago (which could easily have been made up to cover up the scandal of Jesus being a bastard).
It’s actually very valuable to discuss the hypothesis that Jesus was a bastard, simply to highlight to everyone that bastards can influence history just as much as those born within wedlock, which is why they should not in any way be discriminated against.
I’ve always had zero tolerance for Christians discriminating against bastards.
If God of the New Testament exists, he wouldn’t discriminate against anyone on the basis of how they were born.
And if Christianity or any other organised faith wants to stay relevant, it has to modernise, accept the modern world as it is and bring a new faith-centred, moral framework to how to live in it.
@ What you can’t do is prove scientifically that ‘God Exists’.
Right, which is why a scientist is nothing but a failed engineer, once the engineer proves God does exist, the science crowd simply goes into a deep denial about it, gets angry at the engineer, and starts another war.
Settling metaphysical, non-material questions cannot be done within the science paradigm.
I ask the question “how much does God ‘weigh’?”. No scientist can answer this. Then you I say “so how do you construct a scientific experiment that proves God?” Describe the experimental framework I am supposed to use.
That’s the mystery, a definition of, which is not only subject to change, but can be applied objective too, one able to trump the other and (for a poor choice of words) gain an advantage, maybe that’s what it is.
Ah, Alabama visited and was amazed!!!!
loved that place and people:
@ Rhys Jaggar
Strange practically every book of the Old Testament teaches climate change as the work of God. Heck it even provides the solution to climate change.
The New Testament as well teaches it and goes so far as to make it quite clear how God will use it as both a means of punishment and even as a military weapon!!
Check out an interesting comment on the subject here:
It’s time long past time to put an end to all of the lies on the subject of science and faith and more so global warming being the result of industrial pollution and believe as Malcom muggeridge did:
Science and Faith will come together in one big blessed consummation.
Now if I only entitled my book
Welcome to God World
instead of
climate change the work of God
I’d have too much money to help all the widows and orphans and more?
My people really are destroyed for a lack of knowledge???!!!?? Hosea 4
There is no such thing as West, west of what? West from the East? If you’ve ever been to Shanghai, or even to Orenburg in the Urals, you’d know that there’s no such thing as West. If you are thinking of the so-called democracy as being West, then you are quite mistaken. Just imagine a simple thing as not allowing, or bullying the private business not to do business as it wants is democracy, then, of course, the US and the EU is the West, otherwise, it is just dictatorship. The businesses registered in the US and the EU pulling out from Russia is a democratic decision, or a western decision, then we can call something that’s in the US, the UK or the EU as the West…well, is there something called West?
There is an east and west and it is divided by the eyes, the east has the slanted look, the west has round eyes.
For some reason the two can not find much common ground, as one (naturally), considers its self superior to the other, and have fought fiercely for centuries, mostly on the Afgan China border, frustrating central gvts ability to calm the two sides down since they are both far the core of their civilizations.
agree with 90%. We have a problem here. The Angles were ONE of the Germanic peoples. The other Germanic people who also formed England were the Saxons. The main Germanic peoples are: Alans, Bavarians, Franks, Frisians, Lombards, Normans, Ostrogoths, Suevi, etc. The largest ethnicity in the USA is the Germans. So the 5 eyes are the Germanic peoples. Or we could still say, the Sacro Imperio Romano Germanico. Now Russia, Iran and China are facing the German Holy Roman Empire 2.0. Yes, it’s a religious spiritual war and for one side covertly, it’s a race war. For the 5 eyes, and France, Germany, Northern Italy and Northwest Europe, it’s a war against the mixed Russians and Asian Chinese. Humanity divided into 2 parts.
What an opportunity that presents itself to the discerning, that unity awaits the western RCC and the eastern ROC. Discretion calls us to make this choice. Unity in truth.
“A real reconciliation of East and West is impossible and inconceivable on the basis of a materialistic Communism, or of a materialistic Capitalism, or indeed of a materialistic Socialism. The third way will neither be “anti-Communist” nor ‘anti-Capitalist’. It will recognize the truth in liberal democracy, and it will equally recognize the truth in Communism. A critique of Communism and Marxism does not entail an enmity towards Soviet Russia, just as a critique of liberal democracy is not entail enmity towards the west. . . . But the final and most important justification of a ‘third way’ is that there must be a place from which we may boldly testify to, and proclaim, truth, love and justice. No one today likes truth: utility and self interest have long ago been substituted for truth.”
Nikolai Berdyaev
No wonder God died. His body is cut and violently
divided into so many pieces.
Christ body now is use for money/power making purposes while the body of the anti Christ is stitched back together.
“Narnia … Sadly, this is the apex of Christian civilization for the apostate West,”
Complete and utter drivel. Lewis has a pre-eminent position among (Protestant) commentators not because of his Narnia series (which are books for children) but his serious works – particularly ‘Mere Christianity’.
I am not disagreeing with the assertion that the Western Protestant church may be apostate, but to base that assertion on such trivial evidence as the above doesn’t show the author in the best of lights (to put it mildly).
Amen. Let us pray for peace and divine mercy for the world.
Congratulations for a great article.
PS: Our responsibility as Orthodox is great. We need to put forward a good example and pray for everyone. And eventually everything is our fault, for failing to live out our faith in full.
“The evidence of the existence of God is how I live my life.” – Squeaky Fred
They will know you are my disciples if you love one another!!! Jesus
and they lived it in Moravia under Count Zinzendorf!!!
A hymn from Peter Boehler:
“Teach me yet more of Thy blest ways,
Thou slaughtered Lamb of God,
And fix and root in me the grace,
So dearly bought with blood.
O tell me often of each wound,
Of every grief and pain:
And let my heart with joy confess,
From hence comes all my gain.”
Fr. Seraphim’s understanding of Aquinas’s writings is incomplete and misunderstood. In response to the influence of Islamic philosophers on the 13th Century School of Paris, Aquinas systematically explained that human reason correctly used can never be in conflict with Revelation, for God is Truth (“I am the way, the truth, and the life”) and that, if human reason is in conflict with Revelation, then there is a flaw in that reasoning, whether in its initial premises or in its syllogistic processes. Aquinas was also deeply spiritual, as evidenced by his devotional writings, which include the Sequence of the Mass of Corpus Christi.
My limited understanding of Orthodox theology is that its focus is on the spiritual more than the intellectual. Yet the intellectual life is a great jewel of Western Civilization, going back to the Greeks and exemplified by Aristotle, who did not have the benefit of Christian Revelation.
In the order of creation, man, with his intellect, a will that is free to choose the good, and his emotions, stands between the Angelic Orders, who are intellectual, immaterial creatures who made their choice to serve God or not before man existed, and animals who have neither intellect nor free will but do have emotions—dogs can be happy or sad.
Aquinas’ theological philosophy is but an effort to use that faculty—the human intellect—that resembles a faculty of the higher orders of creatures—the Angelic Orders—rather than that which man has in common—the emotions—with lower orders of creatures. And even Aquinas, after a personal revelation, himself said that his writings were but dust in regard to the Great Reality of God.
It sure look like the schism the Author understands is not what appears, but the defeat of the Confederacy in the US Civil War, from a Southron Dixie point of view – see other writings…
Now many would say what could the defeat of the Confederacy have to do with Russia?
Well, it is a fact that Czar Alexander II in 1863 sent the entire Russian Navy to blockade New York and San Francisco, with a written warning to London and Paris, that any imperial attempt to interfere would be an act of war with Russia. Britain was the single supporter of the CSA, and see :
This ensured the victory of the North by President Lincoln, and afterwards the Reconstruction of the South, and the rapid spread of modern industry to Japan, Russia, Germany…
150th Anniversary of Russian Navy’s Arrival in New York Harbor
See President Putin’s Letter to the NYT
Both Czar Alexander II and President Putin knew full well that the Empire of Lies is the British Empire which today Prime Minister Boris Johnston calls Global Britain.
Dios mio!! Pepe Escobar tenía razón: la nueva Era que empieza será el Neo-Feudalismo y las clases parasitarias (la nobleza secular y la nobleza eclesiástica) volverán de nuevo a someter a servidumbre a las clases productivas !!
My God! Pepe Escobar was right: the new era that is beginning will be Neo-Feudalism and the parasitic classes (the secular nobility and the ecclesiastical nobility) will once again return to subject the productive classes to servitude!
“My God! Pepe Escobar was right: the new era that is beginning will be Neo-Feudalism and the parasitic classes (the secular nobility and the ecclesiastical nobility) will once again return to subject the productive classes to servitude!”
Shakespeare’s observation that we are all players on the stage was obviously correct, the stage is set by the Zeitgeist of the times and the players bring such props as they have to allow them to play the parts they think they were born to play!
No individual player creates the Zeitgeist although every player must interact with it, it seems obvious that change is constant and that the important changes take place just beyond human consciousness and so have already happened when we become conscious of them. This suggests, to me, that Men, in general, spend their lives adjusting to the ever changing external and internal reality and when we are no longer able to adjust to the inevitable changes, we die!
Those who believe they were born to the roles of secular Nobility and ecclesiastical Nobility have retinues of dependent sycophants who are living in the reflection of their glory and who’s duty it is to reinforce their Master’s delusions of omnipotence and power!
The most sought after prop and Talisman, for those who would be important, is ‘Wealth’ wealth was originally measured in Gold and Slaves. Weren’t the Slavs once slaves? Perhaps they fear someone wants to repeat the past? I think that that fear is also buried deeply in the psyche of the Chinese people!
An unknown functionary gave the orders for the continuous shelling of the Donbass, the consequences of that are still unknown.
So, interesting times ahead!
Thomas Aquinas did not subordinates Christian teaching to logic; rather, he completed Aristoteles’ work with the missing bit: God. Tolkien may be fun to read, but he was no theologist; being a Christian does not make one a pillar of Christianity.
Fast forward to today, there are still leading traditional Christians. like archbishop Viganò. He hates “globalism” and he is 100 % pro Russia. He saw that we are facing an epic battle on evil, yes all of us, also we Christians in the West.
The Arianism in the diatribe is not orthodoxy.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
My son usually adds “don’t forget, ‘x100’, dad!”
As recovering hyper-rational Protestants, returning home to the true Church has been an incredible journey fir our whole family. The Sunday of the Prodigal Son was a very deeply moving day for us.
Pray for us, Brothers and Sisters, as we deal with the petty persecution among forner friends and family, who at best cannot fathom our decisions, and at worst, now despise us.
No harm must come to the innocent. In its simplest terms this is the doctrine of civilized man and Christianity. Now the predator does not like this religion, he gets hurt way too much. The predator seeks to create a new religion a new moral code based an equality and fairness for all BUT especially fairness and equality for the predator. You see the predator needs prey in order to survive.
Indeed all ability to approach the diving has been lost in the West, and this author’s article is yet one more proof.
The ignorance of elementary concepts is mind-boggling. The author confuses logic (as defined by Aristoteles) with rationalism (Descartes), to begin with. Even worse he projects the rationalism of 16th century and onward upon the past, upon Aquinas’ era and eariler.
Logic is defined by Aristoteles as a tool to inquire into the First Principles, out of which we get the first philosophy, which is theology (the second philosophy is the ‘celestial learnings’, mathematics, and the third is the knowledge of the world of the senses, physics – in the then sense of the word, not present-day physics).
Again, according to Aristoteles the mind has the capability to perceive truths, things which are so and which cannot be proven (imagine this something like the axiom in mathematics). Because it has this ability, it is able under certain circumstances to inquire into the First Principles. This is logic.
What certain circumstances? Plutarchus: “the mind is a fire to be kindled”.
You do not pile things in there, you turn it on. Hence, Logic is not ‘cold and dry’, it is fiery. That is the nature of the intellect – fire.
Rationalism however is the very opposite of this, or rather it is the rejection and exclusion of this. It is the fallen state of the mind, totally cut off from from its divine nature, and turning blind. Moreover this blindness is brought forth as as proof of superiority. Of course rationalism results into a barren mind, cold and dry. It is finished, no fire in there – the end.
Aquinas, back in his time, had tried to approach Aristoteles and bring some order into the mess the roman catholic doctrine was, at the time (it still is). It is debatable whether he achieved it or not.
What needs to be clarified is that in Aquinas’ time, it was still possible to approach and inquire into the First Principles and produce something akin to theology.
Do not – I repeat DO NOT! – project what things have come to mean in your time upon a distant era in the past.
To be able to think clearly, you first need to be able to speak properly. Therefore you need to learn the meanings of the words you use, and then to be able to define what it is you are speaking about. If you are speaking about “table”, you need to be able to define “table” first, in such a way that between “table” and “not table” there is nothing. Nothing in between, no half-table/half-airplane, no confusion, no ambiguity. A clear distinction: there should nothing in between “table” and “not table”.
The ancient religions of antiquity, such as the greek or the egyptian or the persian etc- were NOT paganism. They are complete and coherent theological and initiatic systems, with a well-founded and developed worldview. And it is upon this very worldview that orthodox christianity is built upon.
If you come from the west, you do not and will not understand this. One has to have been born and brought up within such a country, within its traditions, within its norms, to be able to understand both orthodox christianity and its connection with the ancient religions of the very same lands.
Such a person will be able to study Plutarchus, and then, after years, will be able to study Platon, and swim “in the deep waters” of platonic theology.
Same for Egypt, same for Syria, or Persia ….all these lands.
Those ancient religions also have nothing to do with whatever “paganism” has appeared – either the romantic naturalistic atheism of 18th cent and onward, or the witchcraft-ridden superstition of certain barbaric tribes (yes, I refer to the usual suspects, that have caused so many problems in the european continent – and elsewhere).
Repentance? Fine. Grace may be given, and only Christ can do this and knows who, when, where, why. There are no ‘recipes’ for this.
Repentance or not, just keep in mind: this is not like protestantism, where one feels like a saint overnight by merely admitting a mistake. One still has to begin living a different life, and experience of this takes a long time.
To recognize a mistake does not mean it has been dealt with. To recognize being wrong and repent, does not magically transform one into being right from that point on.
Learn to listen to those who have this experience already, who have been there much longer than yourself, instead of continuing talking nonsense.
I believe you’re right while separating LOGIC (out of the word LOGOS; “verb”) from REASON which comes out of the word “RATIO”: which means measure.
The logical mind can be defined by obedience to the rules of logic, i.e. grammar and logical operators in it. It is the mind that elaborate and produces logically built sentences as in some computer program.
Crazy people, psychotic ones though can be very logical still having lost “common sense”. The case of Nazis comes to mind.
On the other hand REASON is measure, so one end up measuring, pondering things and concept against one another using concepts of measures units, meter systems, to assess values then produce some picture of the observed universe. In there appear the conception of objective observation.
Reason is a good tool to prevent psychosis and pursuit of runaway logical discourse up to the point of irealism as in wayward ideologies or delusions, be they social, political or relational.
No, I distinguished between Logic as Aristoteles, the father of logic, defined it, and rationalism – the well-known concept which spread during Enlightenment and has its origins in Descartes.
Regarding the linguistics, Logos has 3 main meanings in the greek language:
– word, utterance
– law (yes, hence the latin derivative lex/legis). The other known word, Nomos (law, also) is related to Onoma, Name. To name something, requires utterance, speech and it also requires ‘ratio’ – the sound and etymology to be proportional to the thing it describes.
An interesting connection here is found in the words Onomothetes (ΟΝΟΜΟΘΕΤΗΣ), the establisher of names, who names things, and Nomothetes (ΝΟΜΟΘΕΤΗΣ), the establisher of law, the lawmaker.
– analogy, proportion, ratio. Logos is also the term for “fraction” in ancient greek mathematics.
So ratio and reason are accurate translations for logos and logic.
Rationalism, though, despite its linguistic origin, came to be defined as something very different from logic – and in fact mutually exclusive.
Please, re-read.
Note, that these are indeed difficult matters. It takes at least a decade, for the best of us, to properly grasp -or begin to grasp- the ancient greek thought (after going through a lot of worthless rubble, also ancient greek, which is still there to train us – and probably provide ammunition for plenty of quarreling and headaches!).
“Learn to listen to those who have this experience already”
Fortunately some don’t learn to listen to those who have (this) experience, which facilitates their demise which some interpret as “returning to their maker”, which some who facilitate their demise do not repent.
Consequently some never attempt to convert some from their beliefs, and would never seek to be so presumptious.
‘The ancient religions of antiquity, such as the greek or the egyptian or the persian etc- were NOT paganism. They are complete and coherent theological and initiatic systems, with a well-founded and developed worldview. And it is upon this very worldview that orthodox christianity is built upon.
If you come from the west, you do not and will not understand this. One has to have been born and brought up within such a country, within its traditions, within its norms, to be able to understand both orthodox christianity and its connection with the ancient religions of the very same lands.
Such a person will be able to study Plutarchus, and then, after years, will be able to study Platon, and swim “in the deep waters” of platonic theology.
Same for Egypt, same for Syria, or Persia ….all these lands.’
Thank the stars for someone who understands the answer to this post and to most of the comments.
Some recent classical scholars with whom I am now thankfully acquainted have broken through the iron curtain of theology and Faustian classical interpretation to reveal the wisdom which I believe has been blocked off and cauterized by various faiths especially those of Abrahamic origin.
These include: Algis Uzdavinys: ‘The Golden Chain’, ‘Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism’, ‘Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity’, Sara Rappe: ‘Reading Neoplatonism, Non discursive thinking in the texts of Plotinus, Proclus and Damascus,’ Gregory Shaw: ‘Theurgy and the Soul The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus,’
and Peter Kingsley’s: ‘Ancient Philosophy, Mystery and Magic Empedocles and Pythagorean Tradition,’ ‘In The Dark Places of Wisdom,’ to name some titles.
Some of these scholars reference the Egyptologist Jan Assman: ‘Death and Salvation in Ancient Egypt and Thomas Taylor a near forgotten Englishman who devoted his life to translating all texts not yet translated.
‘Repentance or not, just keep in mind: this is not like protestantism, where one feels like a saint overnight by merely admitting a mistake. One still has to begin living a different life, and experience of this takes a long time.’
Yes, the old alchemists said that the process was a life time’s work.
If one doesn’t fancy dipping into these texts there are poets such as Hafiz or Rumi or the greats of European literature especially Shakespeare. The late poet Ted Hughes wrote an extraordinary book called ‘Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being.’ which gives much food for thought.
Here we are, in the 21st century, STILL fighting religious wars, and dying for not worshipping the ‘right’ god. This superstition will eventually be the death of civilization. As can be seen, we are slowly but surely walking the path to our own destruction.
Western evangelicals, indeed the entire Roman catholic construct despises the eastern orthodox one. This too, is a factor in the war in the Ukraine today.
Religion, of whatever stripe, is divisive, absolutist, and it retards the acquisition and use of natural law. To my mind though, the most dangerous aspect of religion is the belief in an afterlife. Believe what you wish, however this mindset produces individuals who do not care about the state of the planet or the people on it, because at some point some magical sky-guy will alight and make all perfect and righteous.
In the meantime, ravage the natural world. Ravage those that don’t believe. Because all will eventually be fine.
There are places in the world that you can be put to death for apostasy … i.e. not believing.
This is religion. Eventually it will snuff us all out.
> the most dangerous aspect of religion is the belief in an afterlife
or rebirth. in fact Hinduism makes a point of rebirth so you live a responsible life now, so as not suffer when reborn. when your grandson looks like you and talks like you one can give some credit to this theory and hope good (karma) gives him a good life that he will once again use and live responsibly
end of the day, religion is nothing more a guide and a guardrail for man and mankind
The Doctrine-Dogma of the Roman Catholic Church is the most terrible cancer of mankind. Papal bull-bull decree declaring war against all non-Christians. Columbus followed the papal bull in the ordinance clearly that he could kill, conquer, appropriate, convert to Catholicism and lead into permanent slavery. The Church owns the land, and by decree gives authority to Christians, to plunder wealth, to baptize non-Christians, because non-Christians are without any rights and dignity in any respect. All the discovered nations were literally condemned in advance before the Roman Catholic Church. The novel Pontifex buul is a doctrine-dogma for places and peoples still unknown, and this doctrine is based on the principle of the Roman Catholic Church is “the establishment of the glorious name of the unseen Creator as a revelation, to be glorified and appreciated throughout the world, even in the most remote and undiscovered places. bring them into the bosom of the Catholic faith and the life which gives the cross by which we are redeemed “Columbus discovered on very remote islands and larger islands with the largest groups of inhabitants, therefore very many peoples hitherto undiscovered by others, living in peace very peaceful, and how they might have known about Christianity. Columbus informed the Pope that he could by no means consider all the people he met immediately as enemies. The Pope replied “The purpose is as well as your duty, to bring the peoples of these islands and countries into the embrace of the Catholic Church” The Second Bulla Decree of the world and recognize the high priest the Pope, and that his name confirms the king and queen as lords and supreme ruler. If you do not accept this, however, or places-settlements will be established by force, we warn you that with God’s help we will organize the country against you by force and the war will be all-encompassing and subjugate you in every way and subject to the authority of the church and their highnesses. We will take you and your wives and children as slaves, and as such we will dispose of you in the order of His Majesty the King and Queen. To those who do not accept it, we will take property, do you harm that we can, as it seems with slaves who will not listen to their master, or who do not want to accept, or who oppose and defy “So all people must save themselves to swear, to be obedient, and to allow the full exploitation of the natural world around them.If they fail to do so, the war against them is their fault.The Pope issued a Bull to the Portuguese King to attack Muslims in North Africa declaring that they are full of rage and enemies of Christ, they are always aggressive in disrespecting the Catholic faith, and that they may be subject to the Christian religion.Thus the attack on North Africa was “defensive,” and may be attacked, overshadowed, killed, conquered by Mualimans and other unbelievers and other infidels and enemies of Christ.
On January 7, 2021 Saker published a not-really-an-article entitled:
“Nativity of our Lord and Open Thread”
I wrote a comment on that thread that I think, because of humanity’s increasingly dire situation (so dire that it might very soon actually lead to nuclear war), bears repeating today. Call it an atheist’s desperate appeal for human unity founded on a very old, very simple, very religious-sounding “commandment” (but really isn’t).
Going by your rant, I would be one going to Hell. Have I taken it personally… sure. Am I worried… not at all.
From my point of view, your faith in your beliefs is touching, but ultimately delusional. You see, others too have faith in man-like gods (do I need to spell them out?). All of you provide no spiritual logic to back it up, except hearsay. “My book says it is the Truth, so it must be true.” Depending on a book to present proof of logic is a rather weak argument, because like I implied, others can present their own such “proofs” too.
I will leave it there.
your point well taken. And… the good news (the new testament written by eye witness’s) though,
(If False) then (Eat drink and be merry) = for tomorrow we die.
Walt, for the love of God, you conclude your beautiful prose, most unknown to me, though not either outright rejected, by asserting the proper life-attitude to be that of, “the Fear of God”*, an improper translation if there ever was…this phrase ought to be properly translated into English as, “The Awe of God; The Majesty of God; The Brilliance of God; Walt, fear will distance you from God.
Stuart says, “Read slowly three times for meaning” : Have no fear, and God will appear.
Love is All.
There : IS :
God is Love.
All there is : IS : love
Have no fear.
All there is is God.
Love All and be kind to animals
Properly translated, The Awe and Majesty of God provides the prerequisite for an inner pride for each of God’s creation which is necessary to Reach God. But to you, only the Fear of God suffices. I pray for you. And ask that you include what is known as, Divine Logic into your world, it’s not rationalism, it’s not intellectualism, it’s the love of God that can be known by God’s creations. It’s beyond human understanding, it’s Divine consistency if you wish.
A bit of Divine Logic: Now Walt, try not to speak or mumble after you read what I have to speak, but let what I say, “Roll Over You”, let it travel as on a small creek, softly over pebbles and stones down your river (mind) and let your conscience decide — I’m into resonance. So please, after reading, wait before speaking, and seek resonance or disturbance, your free will to choose…In Genesis, the first Human was androgynous**, both Adam and Eve were as one being, and when Jesus was asked, “When did you know you would return (as The Messiah)?” He spoke divinely, “When Adam fell”, this is not the Divine Logic yet, and Eve said, “I will birth the Messiah”, which means, the proper english translation for Resurrection is Reincarnation, as it was spoken of in their times, two-thousand years ago. This means that Adam and Eve, were Jesus and Mary reincarnated, that’s the Divine Logic!
Lastly, the proper English translation for, “The Fall” is, “The Separation”, for Mary and Jesus did not go down, they remained on the same level as of, for is, and of God, they separated from the Light of the Divine, away from, within and away from God. Not the same as “falling down or rising up” but separating out yet remaining within. A small illusionary circle in a perfect circle…away from The Holy Spirit — which implies that The Answer for each of us, is to speak directly to the Holy Spirit, our conscience, once again. The Light of Torah, or The Torch of Moses (the charged-flashlight in a cave of God, the third-eye).
Which means Walt, we reach first within for The Holy Spirit and are directed thereby to God. We actually do not seek in one leap of faith for The Master as if outside of us, we reach first for what is attainable and currently packaged with our Science Mind, with our Con (when con means, “with” and not “opposed) – Science Mind, to the Holy Spirit we seek, which happens to be the small still voice of conscience inside of us..for it is said, “When Jesus Returned or Reincarnated, the Holy Spirit entered for eternity beside us as if we are now again, androgynous (which helps to explain today’s glamor of Androgyne. A much better term than “transgender” for no gender or “gene” is transitioning from X to Y or Y to X, a physical impossibility (until Covid 2030 and the new mRNA jab – lol)). These people are all about appearance and not substance. It’s Idol warship worship. It’s using your appearance to speak and not your personality. It’s schizoid.
Hope that helps. imho
*One example from the life of an Orthodox Saint of the West will suffice to illustrate this:
‘The Holy Martyr Pancharius was a friend of the emperor Diocletian. He abandoned Christianity and became a pagan. His mother and sister sent him a letter in which they urged the apostate to fear God and the dread Last Judgment. Having repented, Saint Pancharius openly confessed his faith before the emperor, for which he suffered torture at Rome. Then he was sent to Nicomedia and beheaded in 303.’
Androgyny is the possession of both masculine and feminine characteristics in humans. In comparison hermaphroditism is the possession of both both male and female reproductive organs in plants and animals. Androgyny may be expressed with regard to biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression
Perhaps he should have said the “Wrath of God”, would this be untrue or offensive?
Especially in the realm of nature.
Good day Alabama, you inquire, “Perhaps he should have said the “Wrath of God”?
To be wrathful is to be condemnatory, to hold hate as a virtue. Remain forgiving even when struck, for the mad or insane no not what they do, (It’s easy to forgive our animal companions when the eat our dinner!)
When God has only love and no anger, God likely has no wrath (that’s Divine Logic that asserts God can have no hostility to anyone for his creations). For God to have the quality of Wrath would be God hating a creation of God, a schizoid response. The Son/Daughter Cell is one with the GodSelf.
(2) Would this be untrue? imho, I think yes (Divine Logic).
“Especially in the realm of nature.”, please elaborate some more?
(3) Would this be offensive? Certainly not to God, to one’s conception of one-self it would be a retardation. It would be agreeing that at the core of each of us is the devil and not God. That should offend our sensibilities (Divine Logic). We are thoroughly good – as it is oft said, ‘it’s turtles all the way down’.
From our perspective: “Is God wrathing? Or are, “We complaining from growing pains?”
Sorry, I require an editor before posting: Edit: Remain forgiving even when struck, for the mad or insane (k)no(w) not what they do, (It’s easy to forgive our animal companions when the(y) eat our dinner (from our very own plate no less! For instance, I reside with a thirteen-month-old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel who is from the realm of the she-devils, Lilith. She knows what is mine for dinner, yet she eats my meal just heartedly as hers and without any excuse. What am I to do? — And the result: I love her more for her belligerence which is also yet an openness to explore. A freedom I provide from within my nature to her Being. In reply to: “Especially in the realm of nature”.
Edit 2.0 A big blooper : This means that Adam and Eve, were Jesus and Mary reincarnated, that’s the Divine Logic! should have read the reverse:
This means that Mary and Jesus, were Eve and Adam reincarnated, that’s the Divine Logic!
Now that too is interesting, the difference of interpretations between a god and a devil, it can be measured in comfort and seen with a mirror.
As can their struggles against one another, be seen, in the light as well as night.
Or it can be expressed in words, sophisticated words, or the lack of them, too distingwish between the two, again mostly objectively but surely subjectively also.
Perhaps we believe in a different god, this is very likely and leads to death a lot.
So natural wrath is a tornado ripping apart the land and blowing out the ears as it passes, an unnatural one is a man made explosive device sending a vibration to and through the ears.
One is a justifiable tragidy, the other is a crime.
Alabama, you write, “Perhaps we believe in a different god, this is very likely and leads to death a lot.” With my God there is no death. I’m sorry your God destroys you to have you. But keep an upper lip, with grace you might discover there is no death. And then what would believe?
“Natural wrath is a tornado ripping apart the land and blowing out the ears as it passes” and to tornado chasers, the surf of a lifetime. Who decides: you, me, those who suffer, or those who surf?
The natural world for me mimics our inner world. Be at peace to know love and see no evil tragedy in the outer world. All is mystery until death anyway, “Why choose now?” Resolve your crimes within and find no act that justifies harm or tragedy. Peace to all is an act of self-love too.
A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.
I believe you have a long ways to go to find the truth, and it is not what you seem to think it is, best wishes, prep as if today was your last day, for it very well could have been.
Alabama, an eternal God can only create like itSelf, the eternal and everlasting without death or last days, if you want. All else is the devils handiwork, an illusion. Let us pray together that Jesus is not dead on your own crucifix or mine.
I can see a tad further back in time than all todays belief jazz, to know that everyone including yourself, is entitled to their own illusions, but to then bring them to life with proofs is difficult b/c as you say, its the devils handiwork that twists the truth around to fits his needs and desires, which includes much eternal sufferings and deaths b/c both cant be right with opposite proofs.
One cant be both a believer achiever, and likewise an achiever believer, they come from two different places, pretty much like you and I.
I find it’s less about where we came from and a tad bit more about where we are going. Alabama you posit, “they come from two different places, pretty much like you and I”. I’m reminded of the story of how Jerusalem got it’s name. The story is of course of two brothers: Jeru & Salem and how one day, they became embroiled in a furious argument over matters not now important; it did cause the two brothers to part their ways and over time they sought travel to bring great distances between them, so as to punish the other for having opinions not like their own and for providing each a time to dwell in the wild of Sinai. Well, time heals all wounds and then and there as if as one, they both decidedly ending their personal sojourns and set off to meet their very own brother and begin again, their Philadelphia companionship. When they hugged, they marked that place with a stone and set about a stone-circle of reunion surrounding the stone of peace, and because of Jeru and Salem, Jerusalem became the city of peace: The way (Torah) of Jeru & Salem is friendship. Alabama, we might indeed have come from two different places, I think not; but we go as one to that same black-centered-stone back to the divine.
I ought to mention that truth is of course divine and both eternal. And when you wrote, “I believe you have a long ways to go to find the truth”, I recalled how this world is of course profane and not sacred, and that in the profane world the truth is best modeled by being honest, for an honest person will find what they are seeking. A word that can be substituted for honesty is consistency. And so I ask you to be honest with me and point out my inconsistencies, “Why do I have a long ways to go to find the turtle’s truth?”
I normally stay away from elementary education, but I will reply one more time.
Things like this @time heals all wounds, but if time heals all wounds, don’t ya know time also deals them.
And your eternal ness, as if the last 4.5 billion years wasn’t eternal enough to get where ever it is the eternals are wanting to be, b/c it surely cant be here.
So, and for one last time, my reply to your God, the eternal one.
Let me ask you some things about your eternal God, does it have a name, if so what is it.
Let me also tell you some things your eternal God cant do, It cant save Jesus, they said he was going to have to save himself and he has for a short while, but few saw it and even fewer can see it today.
It cant bring people back from the dead, or nearly dead, nor raise them out of hell, that’s their own job.
It cant prevent anything (like a gvt) from mortaging its children’s future, we know this b/c its already happened.
It cant educate anything, it depends on the goodwill of humans to complete the task at hand, and at least in this country, education sucks.
It cant stop a crime before it happens, this is proved everyday.
It cant defend its self in court,( God, I accuse you of crimes against humanity, w/significant proof) it has no means of direct communication or enforcement.
Spiritually its even weak, it can perform single magic tricks to be broadcast and printed biblically around for the ages, but it can not act ubiquitously without harming its own cause.
It can’t provide for its self, it depends on humans to interpretate (something), but lets the human act and hopes it can work with the reaction (many fatal mistakes occurred here, just not to God).
So after all that, why don’t you tell me just one thing it can do,(besides live 1000 years to judge humans) to further its own evolution in todays environment, feed the rich?
Even I myself, am amazed at the ability of the gods to sustain themselves w/o human assistance, especially the spiritual ones.
Over and out.
Tolkien, CS Lewis, and I propose a third, George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars who said over 30 years ago in an interview in Paris Match, “I tried to create a religion for those without one.”
Janice, this is a very important point. Hollywood and other myth-creation factories try to substitute an artificial religion. They know the soul hungers.. and feed it beautiful glittering poison. One attractive to most mankind; to initiate them into the coming One Religion of the Antichrist long in preparation.
Brother Casey has tracked for a while the mind-boggling foundational script running through most Hollywood fare – it is stories from the Bible! They either twist its truth (to erase essential meaning/lessons or merely to confuse), or create empty feel-good stuff which mimics and gives off a sense of wisdom, or are too unoriginal to come up with their own stories..
It is telling the satanists believe more in Scripture and in our Lord than most atheists and mankind! They know the divine Law and rules, and seek to ensnare through seduction and self-corruption.. The damage is more long-lasting if seemingly done via “free will,” rather than coercion.
It has been a spiritual war from Day #1.
Pretty much this. But I will also add that official “Orthodoxy ” suffers from a very real Crypto Papist problem, and so Latin tendencies infiltrate Orthodoxy and cause schisms and other errors and strife. Sergianism, and the work of Patriarch Nikon and the actual Vatican agents around him like Paisius Lagarides and Arseny the Greek are a further example of what I can see on the matter.
But the end of the centuries long prostitution to the West and its immorality and heresies is at hand.
I too submerged myself into the works of Tolkien and CS Lewis and more fantasy, and it too is just vanity and lotus dreams, an escape. What West needs is Orthodoxy. Truth. Reality.
Find the last words of Jesus on the cross before he left this world and you will learn who Virgin Mary is to the Christian : ))
I was raised in a Catholic family but God removed me from born from others so that I didn’t know who I was. Today I am allowed little to know it yet.
The Orthodox Church is beautiful in my eyes, may our hearts not tremble before men but may they praise the Good continually and without the weight of guilt.
Was the foreskin of Jesus disgusting? Many at time of Saint Catherine of Sienna did not think so. I would invite the author to compare his life to that of Saint Catherine.
The phenomenon of receiving rings in vision has also been experienced by other female saints, including Saint Teresa of Avila and more recently Saint Mariam Thresia
Orthodox view of Salvation vs Protestant view of Salvation… explained with chairs.
Very well done.
So many things here that I agree with, but let me just touch on a couple.
After thinking through why Catherine of Siena should be brought up by Catholics at a libertarian political site catering to Christians and non- Christians, I quickly realized why. The strange erotic element that repels you appeals to the non-Christian/pagan/secular feminists/sexually permissive crowd, who share the same political platform. Second, wasn’t Catherine of Siena supportive of the Crusades and rather anti-Muslim too? Bingo. There you have it. Second point. The fascination with the occult/spiritual outside the church manifests not only in fascination with Tolkien at al, but also with games like Dungeons and Dragons and other darker fantasy worlds….eventually, these fantasies become indistinguishable from the New Age. I confess that I dabbled a long-time in this world….but I have always had a love for all things Slavic since childhood and the writings of the Russian saints kept me from straying too far.
February 24 in the Gregorian calendar corresponds to February 11 in the Julian calendar, so the war in Ukraine began, from the point of view of Orthodox Russians, on the memorial of the first apparition of Our Lady in Lourdes. What is the spiritual significance of this? The Blessed Virgin appeared in 1858 in a porphyry cave because she came to give birth – like our Holy Mother the Church – to porphyrogenet, the Great Monarch of the last times. Behind the statue of the Blessed Virgin in the grotto of Massabiele, there is a large block of porphyry – a very legible symbol that reflects the meaning of the apparitions in Lourdes. (Look at the photo at the end of this article: )
World War III will end when the person of this Great Monarch is revealed.
February 11-th also commemorates Saint Theodora, the empress who restored icon worship on the first Sunday of Lent in the year 843. For this reason, the Orthodox christians celebrate Orthodox Triumph Sunday – this year March 13. Theodora gave birth to a son in a porphyry chamber, means a porphyrogenet, who went down in history as Emperor Michael III.
“One becomes attached to the fruits of one’s intelligence as a mother to her child. The intellectual loves his creation as himself, identifies with it, shuts himself up with it.”
What a perfect depiction of the average, delusional, god-believer… thank you!
And… it’s fascinating to see how Orthodox Christians are still obsessed with the historical contrasts occurred between them and the Catholics, while the latter just don’t care at all.
Well the latter even who reject the pope (Sedes) are so full of popedolatry they arfue wveryone who rejects the pope (Orthodox, Prots) goes to hell, and meanwhile they reject the popes since Vatican 2 themselves. And they can’t see the contradiction.
Biblical faith has a specific content. The reason this world is such a mess is because humans left to their own devices will screw things up. I admit I have not studied Eastern Orthodox, but I am a student of the Bible. In Genesis 12 God made a covenant with Abram. In Galatians 3, particularly 3:16 the apostle Paul declares Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of that covenant. Dispensationalist Christians have for the last 170 years been spoon fed that God has a special plan for the Jews today which is false. The Jews themselves cling to this covenant which is a false hope ((Hebrews 8). This can be proven with simple common sense after reading Genesis 12 and asking if the Syrians, Palestinians, Yemenis, Lebanese, and Iranians are blessed by Israel? How about the American tax payer, is he blessed by Israel?
The same logic can be applied to the Catholic Church. Mexico has been exclusively Catholic for 250+ years. It should be heaven on earth. Instead it is a world class narco state almost as dangerous to live in as Syria.
The idiom “cut off” is very important to understand Gen 17:14, Ex 12:15, 30:33, 31:14, Lev17:14 and others. If you read Romans 11 a few times you can see what Paul is saying…..when Christ accepted the terms of the new covenant and was baptized God cut off all the other Jews from Israel except him. Jesus Christ is Israel.
If you read John 14:6, the first chapter of Hebrews, the first chapter of Colossians you can see just how powerfully the Bible projects Jesus Christ as the complete fulfillment of Gods promises.
I present you a narrative and hope you would read for yourself. Certainly accepting Christ is of the greatest value because you have access to his spirit which will confirm through study and prayer all truths. The kingdom of God is now for this generation and there is much work to be done. The only people that will live forever with God are true believers who had a love of the truth that Christ is.
Good points, Rodolfo.
Rom 11 does say the unfaithful Jews were cast off when the death of Jesus Christ ratified the New Covenant Heb 9:15-17, which allowed the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of God to Gentiles as well as faithful Jewish Christians (Jesus Christ and all the apostles were Israelites).
Rom 11 also says it is God’s intention to graft the physical descendants of Abraham back into the olive tree root. This will occur when they “look upon me whom they have pierced and mourn…”, and then repent for rejecting Jesus. Zechariah 12:10. This will occur at the second coming of Jesus to stand on the mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Zech 14:4.
The Abrahamic covenant promises in Genesis 12 and 15 have made their way into the Oded-Yinon plan which is the long term aim of the Zionist Jews, namely to occupy the land between the Nile and Euphrates river. Their attempts to acquire this land area by force of arms will end in tears, but will become a reality when Jesus returns, and then “God’s kingdom comes” (Lord’s Prayer).
An excellent exposition of original, unmodified Christian beliefs is contained in the Racovian Catechism of the 16th-18th century Polish Brethren (Socinians). This is available for purchase on line. The Polish Brethren were situated at the border between Catholic West and Orthodox East, and no doubt had an influence on both cultures. Their refugees from persecution went to the USA via Holland and England. Their teachings on the separation of church and state and toleration of religious freedom eventually influenced the US Constitution, and virtually all “Christian” nations today.
I dunno-I went through a period reading this stuff and Kireevsky and all that.
Its an interesting premise and maybe there is something to it.
But the real problem that dwarfs these theological musings is that the western elites bankrupted themselves to the jews after napolean unleashed them on the west.
American foreign policy, and, therefore, western aggression worldwide, is nothing more than jewish satanism.
Western politicians go along with it because they are atheistic or outright satanists.
Jewish hatred for Russian stems from who knows what- and, honestly, who cares.
The entire west is nothing more than a jewish psychodrame. It has been that way for 60 years.
There are Saints saying that the end of humanity on this planet ( it will continue forever somewhere else ) won’t come until the Gospel will be preached worldwide but in an orthodox way by holy people in life and knowledge.
So people can hear the Truth and choose according to their free will.
In order to happen that it is needed that the strength and influence of the global elites diminish a lot ( otherwise no access to any media ). That is not possible but through a world war which is at the corner ( one year or more ) and the Russians will win ( or stalemate at least )
Thomas Aquinas’ religion is not a relition of logic but of hiwearchical authority vested in man. Half the time he “proves” some dumb view “true” merely by “On the contrary, Augustine saith…” That’s not logic. Augustine is the true cause of the West’s woes.
Original post:
The false consecration of the anti pope Bergoglio
Fortunately, the real Pope Benedict XVI, in the seat impeded , immediately distanced himself from it with his very refined communication style and will make a private prayer on his own, absolutely NOT PARTICIPATING in any celebration with Bergoglio. Perhaps he will make a prayer of reparation to mitigate the offense of Bergoglio’s false consecration, but we cannot know this.
In this regard, the text of the Bergoglian ritual has just been published at this link , which, as we will see, is full of esoteric, Masonic and modernist inversions that make you shudder. We quote and comment with the links to the necessary insights.
Masonic winks in Bergoglio’s rituals
“… We preferred to ignore God, live with our falsehoods, feed aggression, suppress lives”. It could be remembered, in this regard, that the most important and extremist abortionist in the world, a convinced supporter of the termination of pregnancy in the ninth month – and therefore for Catholicism, a ferocious killer of human lives – is the US president Joe Biden, a great friend of Bergoglio, who even received from him the authorization to receive the Eucharist during his last visit to Rome, as you can read here .
” We have torn the garden of the Earth to pieces with war “. The ecological impact of war is obviously less than that on human lives, but it had to return in some way to the Amazonian-Pachamamic ecological drift. Writes prof. Stefano Fontana: “The protection of the environment is in function of the human person, the defense of the human person is in function of himself. The neo-Catholic environmentalism, on the other hand, seems to cancel this hierarchical relationship.
“ We have wounded the heart of our Father with sin , who wants us to be brothers and sisters”. If the phrase refers to prayer, the “heart” of the Our Father is not fraternity at all, which is not even mentioned, but the Eucharist: “give us today our daily bread”. Moreover, if the prayer of Jesus received a wound, this is due precisely to the modification made by Bergoglio with the change in the philological “do not lead us into temptation” with the abusive and inversive “do not abandon us to temptation” which, as they write several Catholic intellectuals,not only is it incorrect as a translation, but also overturns the theological meaning of prayer, assuming that God can abandon himself to temptation and not, rather, “lead man to trials” to strengthen his faith, as often occurs in the Bible. If by our Father, on the other hand, we mean the Lord God himself, we must remember that brotherhood is understood among Christians and by no means as a generic human or universal brotherhood, a typically Masonic concept. The Catholic Trinitarian God created us “brothers” in the only sense of “human species”, but he TAKES US brothers as Sons of God, converted to his faith. Here, too, we are completely out of the way. Also noteworthy is the mention of the “sisters”, in total respect of the politically correct, which is anything but Catholic.
More incredible insights
“… in the mystery of iniquity of evil and of war …”: The mystery of iniquity is quoted by St. Paul in the II Letter to the Thessalonians and does not at all refer to the ordinary evil wrought by man (such as war) but to a very precise eschatological vision, referring to the apostasy of the Church, that is, to the establishment of a false substitute for Christianity through a demonic subversion of the Faith. The attempt to misuse this expression is, therefore, clearly to distance the public from the original meaning, an embarrassing question for Bergoglio, given what he is doing with Catholicism. At the same time, this new mystery of iniquity is used in Bergoglio’s politically oriented pacifist-do-goodist propaganda.
The knots of Mary and of our time
“ You (Maria ed) know how to untie the tangles of our heart and the KNOTS of our time”.The reference is very clear to “Mary who unties the knots”, a cult unknown to Catholicism, set up and spread all over the world by Bergoglio in the 1980s. It is inspired by an eighteenth-century ex voto preserved in a Jesuit church in Augusta, Germany, which was painted by a certain Hyeronimus Langenmantel, belonging to a proto-Masonic academy (the Society of Carpophores) friend and biographer of the Jesuit esotericist Athanasius Kircher . The Novena to Mary who unties the knots (an episode that does not exist in the Gospel) is a worrying reminder of the magical rite of the Nine Knots, in which, for nine days, a formula must be recited by untying the knots of a ribbon. We have written about it extensively at this link.
” Fraternity has been watered down “; “Show the peoples the way of fraternity” . The idea of brotherhood, of a very clear Masonic matrix, comes back for two more times, obsessively. Bergoglio even wrote a pseudo-encyclical entitled “Brothers all”, a kind of Bignami of the Masonic Kalergi plan for the overthrow of all national situations . And he is not surprised that the antipope has received letters of appreciation from about seventy Masonic lodges around the world.
” You,” land of Heaven “, bring the harmony of God back to the world” . The attribute “earth of the sky”, cunningly placed after the very correct Marian ones “ark of the new covenant” and “star of the sea” is quite unusual in the Catholic tradition. The reference is very evident to Mother Earth, to the pagan goddess Pachamama, enthroned by Bergoglio in San Pietro, to whom animal sacrifices are made. Read the interview with two expert anthropologists from South America.
The letter “To dear Freemason brothers”
The attribute “earth of the sky” was pulled out by card. Gianfranco Ravasi (that of the letter “to the dear Masons brothers “) in 2005 instead taken here from an ancient and semi-unknown Byzantine-Slavic song. It represents “the” sphere of creation into which God descends directly and explicitly “.
The theme of Mary seen as Mother earth fertilized by heaven is very dear to the Freemasons, the modernists and, above all, the neo-Arian Enzo Bianchi, so much so that the song “Terra del cielo” is taken up almost only by the community of Bose, Enzo Bianchi, of to whom we wrote here , a pseudo-monk, until a year ago, the favorite theologian of “Pope Francis”, candidly claims that Jesus was not the Son of God and that Mary’s virginity is only a myth.
And despite these monstrous heresies, Bianchi presided over the world spiritual retreat of priests in Ars, in 2018. Last year he was torpedoed by Bergoglio, suddenly, but only for reasons of money and quarrels with his brothers: no dispute at the level doctrinal. (Do you understand why Pope Benedict had to schism them all with the see prevented?).False consecration of Bergoglio: on March 25, pray with the True Pope
” We, therefore, Mother of God and ours, solemnly entrust and consecrate to your Immaculate Heart …”: here is the subtlest and most disturbing inconsistency. Entrusting and consecration are two completely different things that cancel each other out. The entrustment (the theologians explain) is temporary and revocable, while the consecration is definitive and perpetual. An oxymoron, as if to say: it will be a contract with an expiry date and for an indefinite period.
“… Ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine” . Within a few days, the consecration of Russia and Ukraine was announced first, (Mary’s request was for Russia only) and then humanity, with special mention of Russia and Ukraine, after the protests in New York. Times. At the last moment, the Church was also added and then, “ourselves”. For this “dance of consecrations” even those who insist on recognizing Bergoglio as a legitimate pope, even though fiercely criticizing him, are irritated.
In short, if you are a Catholic, better stay away: on March 25, pray for peace together with the true Pope Benedict XVI. © All rights reserved
Ammiccamenti massonico-esoterici nella finta consacrazione dell’ “anti” papa Bergoglio – RomaIT
Simboli massonici
La falsa consacrazione dell’anti papa Bergoglio
Per fortuna, il vero pontefice Benedetto XVI, in sede impedita, ne ha preso subito le distanze con il suo raffinatissimo stile comunicativo e farà in privato una preghiera per conto suo, assolutamente NON-PARTECIPANDO ad alcuna celebrazione con Bergoglio. Forse farà una preghiera di riparazione per mitigare l’offesa della falsa consacrazione di Bergoglio, ma questo non possiamo saperlo.
A tal proposito, è stato appena pubblicato a questo link il testo del rituale bergogliano, che, come vedremo, è ricco di ammiccamenti esoterici, massonici e di inversioni moderniste che fanno rabbrividire. Citiamo e commentiamo con i link ai doverosi approfondimenti.
Ammiccamenti massonici nei rituali di Bergoglio
“…Abbiamo preferito ignorare Dio, convivere con le nostre falsità, alimentare l’aggressività, sopprimere vite”. Si potrebbe ricordare, a tal proposito, che il più importante ed estremista abortista del mondo, sostenitore convinto dell’interruzione di gravidanza al nono mese – e quindi per il Cattolicesimo, feroce soppressore di vite umane – è il presidente Usa Joe Biden, grande amico di Bergoglio, che ha ricevuto perfino da lui l’autorizzazione a ricevere l’Eucaristia durante la sua ultima visita a Roma, come potete leggere qui.
“Abbiamo dilaniato con la guerra il giardino della Terra”. L’impatto ecologico della guerra è, ovviamente, il meno, rispetto a quello sulle vite umane, ma doveva tornare in qualche modo sulla deriva ecologista amazzonico-pachamamica. Scrive il prof. Stefano Fontana: “La tutela dell’ambiente è in funzione della persona umana, la difesa della persona umana è in funzione di se stessa. Il neo ambientalismo cattolico sembra invece annullare questo rapporto gerarchico.
“Abbiamo ferito con il peccato il cuore del Padre nostro, che ci vuole fratelli e sorelle”.Se la frase si riferisce alla preghiera, il “cuore” del Padre nostro non è affatto la fraternità, che non è nemmeno citata, ma l’Eucaristia: “dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano”. Peraltro, se la preghiera di Gesù ha ricevuto una ferita, questa si deve proprio alla modifica operata da Bergoglio con il cambiamento del filologico “non ci indurre in tentazione” con l’abusivo e inversivo “non ci abbandonare alla tentazione” che, come scrivono diversi intellettuali cattolici, non solo è scorretto come traduzione, ma rovescia anche il senso teologico della preghiera, presupponendo che Dio possa abbandonare alla tentazione e non, piuttosto, “indurre l’uomo a delle prove” per fortificarlo la fede, come spesso ricorre nella Bibbia. Se per Padre nostro si intende, invece, lo stesso Signore Dio, bisogna ricordare che la fratellanza è intesa fra i cristiani e nient’affatto come generica fratellanza umana, o universale, concetto tipicamente massonico. Il Dio trinitario cattolico ci ha creato “fratelli” nell’unico senso di “specie umana”, ma CI VUOLE fratelli come Figli di Dio, convertiti alla Sua fede. Anche qui siamo completamente fuori dal seminato. Notevole, poi, la menzione delle “sorelle”, in totale ossequio al politicamente corretto, che è tutto tranne che cattolico.
Altri incredibili approfondimenti
“…nel mistero d’iniquità del male e della guerra…”: Il mistero d’iniquità è citato da San Paolo nella II Lettera ai Tessalonicesi e si riferisce nient’affatto al male ordinario operato dall’uomo (come la guerra) ma a una visione escatologica ben precisa, riferita all’apostasia della Chiesa, cioè all’instaurarsi di un falso surrogato del Cristianesimo attraverso un sovvertimento demoniaco della Fede. Il tentativo nell’uso indebito di questa espressione è, quindi, palesemente quello di allontanare il pubblico dal significato originario, questione imbarazzante per Bergoglio, visto ciò che sta facendo del Cattolicesimo. Al contempo, questo nuovo mistero d’iniquità viene adoperato nella propaganda pacifistoide-buonista politicamente orientata di Bergoglio.
I nodi di Maria e del nostro tempo
“Tu (Maria n.d.r.) sai come sciogliere i grovigli del nostro cuore e i NODI del nostro tempo”.Il riferimento è chiarissimo a “Maria che scioglie i nodi”, un culto ignoto al Cattolicesimo, messo su e diffuso in tutto il mondo proprio da Bergoglio, negli anni ’80. Prende spunto da un ex voto settecentesco conservato in una chiesa gesuitica di Augusta, in Germania, che fu fatto dipingere da un tale Hyeronimus Langenmantel, appartenente a un’accademia proto-massonica (la Società dei Carpofori) amico e biografo del gesuita esoterista Athanasius Kircher. La Novena a Maria che scioglie i nodi (episodio inesistente nel Vangelo) ricorda in modo preoccupante il rito magico dei Nove nodi, nel quale, per nove giorni, si deve recitare una formula sciogliendo i nodi di un nastro. Ne abbiamo scritto diffusamente a questo link.
“si è annacquata la fraternità”; “mostra ai popoli la via della fraternità”. Torna per altre due volte, ossessivamente, l’idea di fratellanza, di chiarissima matrice massonica. Bergoglio ha scritto persino una pseudo-enciclica intitolata “Fratelli tutti”, una specie di Bignami del massonico piano Kalergi per l’abbattimento di ogni realtà nazionale. E non stupisce che l’antipapa abbia ricevuto lettere di apprezzamento da una settantina di logge massoniche del mondo.
“Tu, «terra del Cielo», riporta la concordia di Dio nel mondo”. L’attributo “terra del cielo”, astutamente posto dopo quelli mariani correttissimi “arca della nuova alleanza” e “stella del mare” è del tutto insolito nella tradizione cattolica. Il richiamo è evidentissimo alla Madre terra, alla dea pagana Pachamama, intronizzata da Bergoglio in San Pietro, alla quale si fanno sacrifici animali. Leggete l’intervista a due esperti antropologi del Sudamerica.
La lettera “Ai cari fratelli massoni”
L’attributo “terra del cielo” fu tirato fuori dal card. Gianfranco Ravasi (quello della lettera “ai cari fratelli massoni“) nel 2005 invece qui ripreso da un antico e semisconosciuto canto bizantino-slavo. Rappresenta “l”ambito del creato in cui Dio scende in modo diretto ed esplicito”.
Il tema di Maria vista come la Madre terra fecondata dal cielo è carissimo ai massoni, ai modernisti e, soprattutto, al neoariano Enzo Bianchi, tanto che il canto “Terra del cielo” viene ripreso quasi solo dalla comunità di Bose , Enzo Bianchi, di cui abbiamo scritto qui , uno pseudo-monaco, fino a un anno fa, teologo prediletto di “papa Francesco”, sostiene candidamente che Gesù non era il Figlio di Dio e che la verginità di Maria è solo un mito.
E nonostante queste mostruose eresie, Bianchi ha presieduto il ritiro spirituale mondiale dei preti ad Ars, nel 2018. L’anno scorso è stato silurato da Bergoglio, improvvisamente, ma solo per questioni di soldi e di litigi coi suoi confratelli: nessuna contestazione a livello dottrinale. (Capite perché papa Benedetto ha dovuto scismarli tutti con la sede impedita?).
Falsa consacrazione di Bergoglio: il 25 marzo pregate con il Vero Papa
“Noi, dunque, Madre di Dio e nostra, solennemente affidiamo e consacriamo al tuo Cuore Immacolato…”:qui c’è l’incoerenza più sottile e inquietante. L’affidamento e la consacrazione sono due cose del tutto diverse che si auto-annullano vicendevolmente. L’affidamento (spiegano i teologi) è temporaneo e revocabile, mentre la consacrazione è definitiva e perpetua. Un ossimoro, come dire: sarà un contratto a scadenza e a tempo indeterminato.
“…noi stessi, la Chiesa e l’umanità intera, in modo speciale la Russia e l’Ucraina”. Nel giro di pochissimi giorni, è stata annunciata prima la consacrazione della Russia e dell’Ucraina, (la richiesta di Maria era per la sola Russia) poi, dell’umanità, con menzione speciale di Russia e Ucraina, dopo le proteste del New York Times. All’ultimo momento, si è aggiunta anche la Chiesa e poi, “noi stessi”. Per questa “danza delle consacrazioni” si sono indispettiti anche coloro che si ostinano a riconoscere Bergoglio come legittimo papa, pur criticandolo ferocemente.
Insomma, se siete cattolici, meglio tenersi alla larga: il 25 marzo pregate per la pace insieme al vero papa Benedetto XVI.
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