A senior LDNR military official, Col. Edward Basurin, the Deputy Head of the DPR People’s Militia Department, has confirmed that a false flag PSYOP operation was prepared by western special services (please make sure to also check the article Lilia Shumkova wrote about this). According to Basurin, we are talking about three separate video productions which will be prepared for release by the AngloZionist propaganda machine (aka “the free and democratic press”) and on social media. The three videos will have the following topics:
- First video: it will show how the Russians hordes will attack the noble Ukrainian forces which, of course, will heroically repel the assaults of the barbaric vodka soaked Snow Niggers.
- Second video: the heroic Ukrainian forces, armed with Javelins, will mount a successful counter attack and will penetrate deep inside the territory of the LDNR.
- Third video: LDNR civilians will welcome the Ukronazi forces as European liberators from the Asiatic Russian yoke.
Any civilians killed in the process will, of course, be declared “terrorists”.
The purpose of these videos will be to demoralize both the civilians and the soldiers defending the LDNR. This is what I call the “Borg message” (“surrender, resistance is futile, you shall be assimilated“) from the Star Trek Next Generation series.
When analyzing information, it is a common practice to separately evaluate the source and the actual contents of this information. Nothing personal against Col Basurin (whom I like), but since he is a top level official, I cannot credit him as a source anywhere higher than “B”. That means that he is a pretty decent source, but not only to be categorically trusted. In terms of the actual info, I would rate the above it as a “1” with no hesitation whatsoever: that means that the contents of the information provided by Basurin fully agrees/”fits” with all the other information I have access to.
Therefore, with an overall rating of B-1 this is info we most definitely cannot ignore.
Now, it goes without saying, that Basurin’s purpose in releasing this info is to preempt that PSYOP, just like Russia recently did with the planned false flag chemical attacks. Hopefully this will happen again.
But we need to understand two crucial facts:
- The US and UK are absolutely desperate for war.
- PSYOPS and false flags cost money and resources, the West simply cannot afford canceling them over and over again “just” because the Russians revealed what is being planned.
Finally, on all sides, except in Russia proper, it the overall situation is extremely unstable.
Something must give, and something will give. Probably within weeks, possibly within days.
Today the US tried to engage in some “preparation of the informational battlefield” at the UNSC. It was a waste of time, especially since both Russia and China could veto any decision anyway. But remember, past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.
Colin Powell anybody?
BTW – I want to remind everybody the reason for all this panic: it appears that the West won’t be able to force Russia to send forces into the Ukraine. The only likely Russian move would be to recognize the LDNR and bring in peacekeepers, which would be totally insufficient for western PSYOPs to declare that the Russian hordes are invading the peace loving Ukraine and are about to “loot Kiev” and all of the European continent.
These are the folks who not only did MH-17, the Skripals or even the fake chemical attacks in Syria, these are the folks who also did 9/11 murdering 3000 of their own innocent civilians. For them to fight Russia down the the last Ukie is a totally viable and reasonable plan. So blowing up, say, a Ukie nuclear plant or releasing a “dirty bomb” in downtown Kiev is a no-brainer for them.
I don’t know if Basurin’s very specific warning will preempt this latest PSYOPs and whether the filming and release of these three videos will happen or not, but I would be amazed if we did not see a major, dramatic, false flag taking place somewhere in the Ukraine (either in Banderastan proper or in the LDNR) in the next couple of weeks.
Makes sense, especially with BoJo & Biden rating so poorly in the polls. They won’t easily let this one go after their disasterous play in Kazakhstan.
It is awfully hard to conduct successful PSYOPs when your target has vastly superior HUMINT…
I propose that the next Nobel Peace Prize go to the SVR :-)
@ The Saker
I know your are a good Orthodox Christian and that’s how you’ve figured out the devil’s workings. You’re Amazing!
These People running the Empire do seem to be working right out of Satan’s playbook don’t they. Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie and then accuse the adversary of the very crimes they themselves are guilty of. It’s demonic.
May the Lord grant Right Believing Orthodox Christians victory over all of their enemies.
Oh, gosh Saker. For a second, I thought you meant SRV Stevie Ray and I could get down with that. I heard last night these castrati are trying regime change in the horn of Africa. Again. Everyone’s saying America needs desperately to have a war and one wonders why. Beyond the obvious. What makes these senile pedo porchmonkeys think we’ll battle for them?
Quite possible.. the best analogy that comes to mind is the 1982 Falkland war, where the Argentina military junta who was suffering from very low popularity, decided that attacking the Falkland island will rally popular support and help them divert attention from Argentina’s mounting economic problems.
How it worked out in the end, we all now.
That being said ,deeply unpopular regimes are always prone to drastic foreign adventures to divert attention from domestic problems
The West is preparing these false flags, but the question is will they be believed. For example, you had false flags with the Scripals and Navalny, where military nerve gas was ostensibly “used”, a laughable impossibility, since they all survived the “attacks” Even people in the West questioned the “attacks”. Should any new false flags we inacted, then both the UK and US could well see negative repercussions, with people perceiving them to be nothing more than cheap propaganda.
But remember how effective the MH17 PYSOP was, in spite of the fact that it did not go as planned.
With a “free and democratic” media willing to swallow any cool aid, no matter how insanely stupid the risks of another MH17 size false flag.
The Saker
According to one Western analyst, MH17 was both a false flag and an assassination attempt against President Vladimir Putin, whose plane was in the vicinity (both Putin’s plane and the Malaysian plane had almost identical logo colors). The Ukrainian pilots who shot down the Malaysian plane mistook it for Putin’s plane. If you look at the photo of the cockpit of the airliner, taken soon after the plane crashed, you will see entry and exit holes on both sides of the cockpit, something only armor piercing shells from a planes cannon can do. And yes, many in the West believed Russia was responsible.
However, the West overdid it with the Scripal’s and Navalny, accusing Russia of using military nerve gas, an incredibly stupid accusation, since all three survived the “attacks”, which of course is an impossibility. Even people in the West were not convinced. Any additional false flags would probably backfire, although you will get people who will believe them.
Yes, having that UK Military NURSE lunching at the same time on the same bench as Scripal in Salisbury Park was an enormous stroke of good fortune. What are the odds on that? I loves me a happy never-ending.
Il faut tenir compte que les opinions publiques n’ont plus aucune mémoire des faits après une semaine mais restent imprégnées de la fausse version des faits. Cette récurrence s’explique par la “validité ” que donne l’ancien mensonge au nouveau et ce processus est cumulatif.
But Saker, the Washington master minds do not have to deceive you, me, the Russians, the entire UN or the readership of your blog. All of those probably know the real score. It’s the passive sheep, lemmings and the rest of the low IQ public that consumes the MSM that is the intended target of the false flag propaganda. Washington and London have already established, in the minds of those masses, that President Putin is the reincarnation of Lucrezia Borgia herself with all the chemical and radiological poisonings he is already accused of carrying out. They were playing a long con and kept up that ruse in spite of all the dismissal by the smart people here and elsewhere. That the claims were specious never registered with or were quickly forgotten by a critical mass of the American audience. It will very probably work amongst the Rachel Maddow and Hillary Clinton acolytes. Whatever drastic but stupid “countermeasures” that Washington takes will be supported by probably a majority of Americans in the polls. Check Nate Silver’s website on Day 2. The American propensity to be hornswoggled by charlatans they already know are crooks is far, far greater than Dubya’s comical “won’t get fooled again” assessment. Americans will always get fooled again. TPTB have an entire branch of government called the corporate mass media working on it day and night, and, except for Tucker Carlson, they are always on the same page. Probably a “Russian” transport plane laden with “novichok” crashes in the middle of a university campus or a hospital complex in downtown Kharkov or Odessa.
Yes, their propaganda lies are so absurd but still surprisingly successful. On the positive side, there are signs that the narrative is cracking. Once things get hot or start approaching the hot, some people start coming to their senses. Even Zelensky seemed creeped out by the “Biden” non-entity. Definitely, the crazy is getting too much and some people are looking for a way to leave the ship. Hopefully, Ukrainians with all their Russophobia don’t want to do all the dying by themselves.
I don’t think Russia can let it go this time. We are on our last leg. We need the truth to come to power.
“But remember how effective the MH17 PYSOP was, in spite of the fact that it did not go as planned.”
Indeed, recall the cognitive inertia which served to throttle the general realisation that Exercise MH17 was a false flag mass murder planned and carried out by Western agents (including the Ukrainian armed forces).
The point being that if a false flag serves their purposes, then they’ll go right ahead and do it, because before the general rabble ever figures it out, the Black Hats will already be moving on to their next adventure.
UKUS excelled in making elaborate false flags. To what effect? Does it made wars any easier? Not so much. They could attack Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia… without false flags, the result would be exactly the same. As all victims were helpless.
The military strength ratio is deciding factor, not PRbs. Burning Reichstag was also effective PSYOP. Didn’t help organizers at Nuremburg trial. You lose the war, you’re done. PSYOP or not.
Only if succesfully instigate others to do dirty job, false flag makes sense. Othervise, effects are limited. Like prolonging NS2 approval for couple of months. And who “other” is insane enough to take on Russia??
On top of that, Russian response won’t be just another protest. It will be kinetic and it will be painfull.
Message is clear:
“You acuse me falsely, I slap you senseless. Than we can talk, or fight. Your choice.”
The truth is inconsequential compared to what people believe. I just had a conversation on Friday with a very rational, well informed fellow and he was shocked when I mentioned that the USA was hyping for war between Russia and the Ukraine. He said ‘I like how you said that when there’s 100,000 Russian troops on the border ready to invade.”
This is somebody who is actually better informed than your average western citizen too. The sad point is that only they can pull their blinkers off.
I had the same experience and same conclusion.
In Mexico they say « cada quien ».
I do my best to be in my body, with my breath and sensations. Be at peace no matter what. I know it is easy to say. I have a memory I am not to found of, one of those many. I was a young vipassana meditator, very hard core, and I went to listen to Erigoberta Manchu’, peace Nobel prize and survivor of the massacre in the 80’s in Guatemala. She said that she would be in peace only when « they » bring the bodies of her family back. I found myself judging her poorly for giving away her peace of mind like that… rather than just listening and feeling her, to the extent of that being possible.
May we forgive ourselves.
I truly appreciate your heartfelt reply.
I agree, but. I read a wide variety of sources and what I am noticing, particularly over the last week is that the view that Russia actually has a fair point about Nato encrochment on its borders is being made by people closer and closer to the seats of western power. That they are prepared to come out and say as much suggests very strongly that the use of the mainstream media as a propaganda medium is not an endlessly successful tactic. Increasingly people are calling out the mainstream press for their outrageous dishonesty and failure to tell the whole story, not just on the Ukraine issue, but on a wide range of matters.
I suspect that the removal of the blinkers will be a bit like the act of going bankrupt, slowly at first and then very quickly at the end.
I cannot see that it matters whether such false flags are believed in the West. A Yougov poll is reported to show that about 75% of British people expect Russia to invade Ukraine in the next 2 years, and 83% of Americans. Even Italy registered 60%.
But no one in Russia, China, or the republics would believe such transparent lies. So who cares?
When it comes down to it, military violence will be met with military violence. Teeth will be broken, and not Russian ones.
Problem is enough people believe them,i live in England and the propaganda has done a Goebbels job on the people,many actuallay believe there was a military grade nerve agent attack on the Skripals,wht i would like to know is are the Skripals still alive,they have not been seen or heard of since they left hospital,i would think at least the Daughter would have wanted to be in contact wither her friends and family in Russia,but nothing just silence.
True, Englishman. (Suddenly I see Oscar Homolka as Colonel Stok: “Admit I frightened you, English”).
My point is that it really doesn’t matter at all what British people in general think. The matter is completely out of their hands. Next time there is an election (in a few years, I suppose) they can vote Labour if they want an even more extreme government.
Western governments no longer need or care about public opinion. The weapons are ready to fly, and the public have no say in the matter.
You can be sure that they’re alive and well, otherwise, believe you me, we would have heard about it. Besides, the British only poisoned them slightly! It’s that poor lady who was accidentally killed in the incident.
My sister-in-law in Salisbury told me long ago that they were “hidden” in the 14000 acre property of the Earl of Pembroke, which has plenty of video surveillance because it is open to the public. As good a story as any (she believes in the “Russia did it” scenario)
Guess that Russia have then to destroy the Ukie nazis if they really try to get into LDNR
The denazification of Banderastan is something the people of the Ukraine have to do for themselves.
Russia wants no involvement in that process.
However, if the Banderastan forces attack, Russia will use her firepower to destroy the attacking force.
The Saker
Yes, people in Ukraine will have to solve the Nazi problem in the country. However, can they do it ? As far as I can see, the bulk of these Nazis come from Western Ukraine, the former Galicia. I think the Nazi problem will be solved when Ukraine breaks up into three parts, as predicted by analysts. My answer may be brutal, but I think it is realistic.
Oh I agree with you, see here:
Верно, в ответ на агрессию ЛДНР Россия уничтожит ВСУ и политическое руководство, отдавшее приказ.
Попутно расширив территорию пока непризнанных республик до исторических границ.
На этом военная операция закончится, далее политическая часть – переформатирование экс-УССР во внеблоковую конфедерацию Окраина/Украина (проведение демократических процедур под надзором РФ).
translation .. mod
It is true that in response to the aggression of the LDNR, Russia will destroy the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the political leadership that gave the order.
Along the way, expanding the territory of the so far unrecognized republics to historical borders.
This will end the military operation, then the political part – the reformatting of the ex-Ukrainian SSR into a non-bloc confederation of Outskirts / Ukraine (democratic procedures under the supervision of the Russian Federation).
After Red Army ripped guts out of Nazi armies, the people managed to deal with the leftover nazis, until zone A managed to save most. https://youtu.be/n8K06hkJqKI (Quisling meets his maker) also> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/528398968761074994/
I have no doubt that the prospects of justice will move most 404 nazis to run away, if they can…
MH17…best evidence is the bodies riddled with cannon fire…pilot’s bodies….and Ukie ground staff reporting SU25 pilot saying “wrong airplane” as staff noticed empty racks… Let Court examine forensic pathologist report on corpses….the lies undermine the Dutch Government in the eyes of the people…which is baldly dumbazz.
Helmer, FWITW, opined Skirpals are dead…
The one thing that is massively under-reported, even and especially here in the Vineyard, is that Russia already told Washington about the possibilities the RF has in mind, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko. So that disclosure rules out certain extra-creative responses.
I put that in a comment on Jan. 21, so 10 days ago, and it seems to have gone entirely un-noticed. So here it is again:
NATO knows which measures Russia can take if its initiatives are turned down — diplomat
I take it for quite reasonable that things have gone this way as you mention it here, thanks for mentioning and providing links to that btw.
But here is the kicker as I see it:
– would the RF predict exactly on beforehand ‘what they are capable of, and what they are going to do’? Even Erdogan is not stupid like that.
– even if true -the RF doesn’t make bluffs as I get the idea- , the recipient site might think ‘oh, they are not serious, they don’t dare, that will cost them so dearly’ or even worse ‘those snow niggers from that disguised tank station are sure not able to do that’.
Or, maybe both.
Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride, and existing guides are not valid anymore.
Be healthy and safe, cheers, Rob
I remember the MH 17 narrative that it was a BUK,even Russia says it could have been,however there were accounts about Ukrainian jet fighters in the air at the time that could have shot the aircraft down,one pilot was identified i think he was called Voloshin excuse the spelling if its wrong,then some time later he ended up dead,thats a theory i have heard very little about since,and as another poster said the livery on the aircraft was very much alike,i think it was a attempt to murder Putin.
It’s not the Polish or Ukrainian Nazis I fear, it’s the Nazi H/Q High Command Post in the Oval Office pulling their little dicks.
Reminds me of the famous Dylan Thomas words “Do not go gentle into that good night” The West will certainly not leave silently the whole Ukrainian quagmire without a last desperate attempt to try to turn the tables, they have invested their entire political capital in that failed project and the only way to get out of it is a “Russian invasion” and if the Russians won’t give it to them (as they obviously won’t) the West will have to do it themselves on the Russian behalf.
How could the west do it themselves ‘on the Russian behalf’? The videos this article refers to are their way to do so, I suppose. If so, it will be a virtual invasion, not a real one, and it will not work — not the way they need it to work. The AZ are finished, and they know it. They are just making noise.
Through a false flag, and yes the AZ are finished but they will not give up without messing up the place, like a spoiled kid, if i can’t have the toy I’ll brake it so no one else can have it either.
This PSYOP sounds similar to the White Helmets in Syria.
One can not help but to feel anger reading of evil level Amefica may stoop to get their own way. It makes me feel angry that’s for sure.
When I say about praying I sincerly mean that. God must and will protect Russia and even grant them victory I truly believe. I am sick and tired you read the papers theyre filled with lies, deceit, and so much pure wickedness. I say to myself, why, why would God allow all this? Then I remember His Word, but it is of little comfort.
I tell you I for one will not feel compassion nor any measure of sorrow for our military if and when there are causualities or complete destruction. They show those commercials on tv saying help a veteran. I also say were the f%*$ is our government??? Tbey should be looking out for the men and women. Honestly I believe its just a jew gimmick, money maker.
Back on topic. If anyone has an thought I’m a traitor then you better check to make sure you still got something down tnere or is it your wife tells you what to think. The country is gone.America is not and has not been what many including myself thought we were. Two party f@*$ lie, the f&%@ lie of voting, all of it is a f%&@ lie.
We are failing apart and all we hear is Russia is a threat and China is a threat. A threat to who?? ? I know to who, but so many believe the f@#& lies.
So traitor or unpatriotic it’s your opinion. But I say if you support Chinese f@&$ lies, those who rule over us, the fake f@&$ lie of America then you are the tratoir. You betray all tbat is rignt and holy. Far more important than so called Country or patriotism. No matter what country you call home, be a man and side with righteousness, side with Russia.
Forgive my foul language but like I said this really makes me as a man very angry.
I should read over before posting. That where says chineses the spell check had its way I meant American.
Good day. God bless.
On February 7 and 8, the foreign ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria will visit the Donbas liasion battle line. What do you think about it? An easy bait for a fake flag?
As sacrificial lambs maybe?
Yes, in addition, in Austria S.Kurz is out, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia there are politicians barking dogs of zone A, the chances of V4+ enemies are great, they are waiting for a similar opportunity.
The fals flag is almost a fact. How and when is a matter of the crazy criminals desperation and stupidity.
My only hope is that Mr. Shoigu be watching them ready to obliterate the terrorist mercenaries from usa, uk or wherever else.
But the fals flag will be done.
Hope not against civilians of any side.
I wish they could catch some of those rats alive while carrying out their crime.
All nations that were part of Austria-Hungary, are they are trying or hoping for a WW1 kick event?
the same people who gave us the first world war are the same evil ones who are lusting for war on Russia.. they are hell bent on war and dont care even if most of humanity perishes.. they are hell bent on ruling the world so that Israel emerges as the next ruling state in the world..
As a teenager, drinking in a pub with 20 mates, I once watched my brother take a punch on the chin by a thug who had walked in with one other.
He didn’t flinch. He didn’t take his eyes off the bloke but he didn’t even stand up. He didn’t say a word.
He saved a life or two that night.
Can we also include the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers in the list of crimes committed? About a week ago I participated in a zoom session w/a bunch of peaceniks, concerning the JFK assassination. In an hour and a half, the name Jacob Rubenstein (AKA Jack Ruby) never came up. Similarly Oliver Stone’s new expansion on the assassination, a very well researched production, only cursorily mentioned Ruby. The intelligence (sic.) agencies were thrown under the bus, where they indeed belong, but other powerful components were never mentioned. Maybe at this time it’s best not to mention them by name, just refer to them as ‘the people who did 9-11’. But thanks for stringing them all together.
While it seems beyond reason that a false flag attack will happen when the details of any such attack are known and have been made public, the question is, have been made known where and to whom?
I live in Australia, and last night I caught some of yesterday’s news on the television. The imminent invasion by Russia of Ukraine featured. Same old same old. The Australian public is being groomed to accept any false flag attack as truth.
Most down here still believe MH17 was shot down by Russia and that the Skripals were poisoned by a Russian nerve agent. The MSM narrative is holding, and while this is depressing and deplorable, it is what it is.
Our Prime Minister is due to stand in a general election in the first half of this year. He is thoroughly on the nose, so I expect him to use any foreign development to his advantage. Within Australia it is too easy to blame the Murdoch press contingent of the MSM for the deplorable level of public ignorance, but, in my opinion, it is irresponsible not to.
Living in Australia, the media onslaught against Russia ( and China) is near overwhelming. We don’t watch or listen to the ” news” any more – what with our psychopathic PM and his government of corrupt mental cripples sucking up to the US & now the UK – that way, madness lies.
Down here in the land of Oz, I took one for the team over the last few days, trying to see how they were reporting the massive public protests in Canada. After two hours of watching the vacuous f’wits I was left feeling positively depressed, near to vomiting and more than a lilttle bit antagonised. There are a good number of them that will hang from the gallows for their crimes against humanity if a fair and honest accounting of global affairs is ever done.
For the record, their reporting was dishonest, inaccurate, heavily slanted, and mostly non existent.
The “sanctions” have already been announced, so to “justify” them a “psy-op” certainly will be
Finale of the 1st movement (allegro) of the Neapolitan Overture performed by the US Brass Band.
Let’s move on to the 2nd movement (adagio or andante)
Joe Biden –
“If Russia is sincerely committed to addressing our respective security concerns through dialogue, the United States and our allies and partners will continue to act in good faith.”
I read that today too. They are really a sick group. Corrupt I believe beyond repentence. And to think they have so much power.
I was under the impression that they wanted to get a real Russian attack, not a false one.
Exactly. If they fake one with videos, it won’t be real – it will be a virtaul invasion. Not the same thing, so it will noe give them what they want. Their intention, if this happens, is to use it as a justification to get Russia attacked – probably nuked. They will then have the war they want, but they will not like it as it will last just a few minutes…
From Feb 10th on, there will be the joint military training in Belarus (+ than 30.000 russian soldiers close to the Polish border). Simultaneously, + than 150 battleships from the Pacific, Baltic, North Sea/Barrents and Black Sea fleets will be on firing position
Will Russia just “observe” the CIA/MI-6 false flag in Ukraine/LNDR??
I hate to point it out, but the people who did 9/11 are perfectly capable of nuking the US, blaming Russia, and starting a nuclear war, if they can’t get war with Russia going any other way.
If they had no moral qualms about killing 3000+, of Americans, (and other nationalities), 300,000 or more deaths would not affect their consciences in the slightest..
Somewhere in the Pentagon, (or perhaps that small Country in the Middle East who helped conceive 9/11), someone has thought about it.
And if that is not a good reason for bringing the perpetrators of 9/11 to rightful justice, I don’t know what is.
Yes, I also have no doubt that ‘someone, somewhere’, has already thought about this. They have too much to lose for their greedy palate.
However, during the virtual conference in Davos, President Xi alerted them, with his usual wisdom and subtlety, that “contercurrents” would not “stop the river of history from flowing to the sea”.
@ Saker
Thanks, again, for your crucial updates.
The UK, Canada, the US, the 3B & P+R and others, are all in a frenzy arming the Ukronazis, pushing troops into the war zone, and keeping the hysteria at boiling point. The mercenaries are only waiting for marching orders, all with Javelin and assorted MANPAD to go kill innocent civilians. They need the war Russia refuses to give them, they may end up begging Russia to stop.
“No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the main enemy forces. Only the layman believes that in the course of a campaign he sees the consistent implementation of an original thought that has been considered in advance in every detail and retained to the end.”
von Moltke
Lone Wolf
404 delenda est!
Well we can hold Putin true to his word then, It is not only the perpetrators of the Donbass War Crimes but also the Puppeteers that we’ll reek vengeance upon (well paraphrasing ).
On the heels of Lavrov’s interview with the anti-Russian Russian press reporters,the traitor 5th column has released a letter signed by 100 self-hating Russians calling their own government the aggressors.Maybe the CIA money is wasted on the Ukraine provocations, but they are getting a dividend from funding the self-hating traitors inside Russia. Where oh where is SMERSH today,they are needed again.
Summary execution of the 100 will raise morale in my household.
On closer inspection organizers of this protests are not exactly Russian-Ortodox-Patriots.
Lev Gudkov and Lev Ponomaryov have very close and “financialy-intimate” relation with “American Jewish Committee”.
Say No More! Nudge nudge, Wink wink.
I would not underestimate the power of MSM/Holiwood media messages to ignorant crowds in English speaking countries.
Average person in US is being misinformed every day and after a while that individual will believe that US/NATO/Ukraine are fighting just war.
Their culture is swarmed and twisted with unreal-characters that Boris Jonson and Victoria Nuland in tight-latex-catsuits will be perceived as superheroes.
boba on January 31, 2022 at 5:34 pm EST/EDT
I would not underestimate the power of MSM/Holiwood media messages to ignorant crowds in English speaking countries.
It’s much more than MSM/Hollywood. It all starts here:
From 1980 through 1983, Barbara Honegger served as White House Policy Analyst and as Special Assistant to the Chief Domestic Policy Adviser to President Reagan. She was present at Reagan’s first Cabinet meeting of his first term. Reagan had asked all the Cabinet heads to prepare a statement on the goals for their agency during that term. William A. Casey, CIA Director, reported, ‘’We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’’
Inveterate Liars
Correction: William J. Casey
If everything remains limited to such videos, it would be a good outcome: no real casualties, no rockets fired, LDNR untouched, but all the West screaming against Russia to sever all the diplomatic and economic ties. But German and Eu businessmen would be willing to lose Russia for fake videos? Probably No. if these videos exist, it will be white helmets 2.0 together with something real. Let’s wait and pray for the best all along the Olympics.
the 3 video scenarios could be from Benny Hill, they are so over the top. Reminds of flying aluminum planes which slice into steel super-structures – a deliberate mockery of intelligence; a good way to test double-think in victims.
And do they read your blog for ideas? I suggested faking videos 10 days ago as well as 7 days ago.. They just need to start the narrative for 2 minutes, then move the cameras away to focus on hysterical “western leaders being forced to respond.”
After what they have been doing to the world and to their own people since at least ww2, they are not going to go peacefully. They gambled tens of trillions, they kill their own people and accuse their next chosen target, the dollar is loosing status, their own people have begun to know the truth about their government and angry. If they lose they would be hunted down with vengeance. The chance they have is to have a good war (gwb said I know what makes a popular president is a good war) and they think they will win. Psychopaths think they will survive if they do it right. They never care or cared about any human beings, not about whites, snows, blacks, browns, yellow or sands. Those are expendables and replaceable, dozen a dime. They would sacrifice the entire planet population if they think they will survive. Bush Sr. said if the American people knew what we are doing they would hang us on a lamp post. A snake never walks straight even if you put in a bamboo, Chinese proverb. Let us hope and pray Putin will check mate them before they do any stupid move. To deal with psychopaths is with the language but more forcefully. Remember Paul wolfwotz who said Iraq would be a piece of cake and was pushing and lying for assault on Iraq. When visited the troops I. Iraq and heard explosion he shaken and turned yellow in the face.
I hate wars and I hate killing. But, if those criminals were confronted and stopped in the past we wouldn’t be dealing with it today. We have to stop calling killers heroes.
Salam, peace be on all.
Any thoughts on the Rudi Giulliani protege Vitali Klistchko? Just a total grifter motivated by personal gain?
Giulliani is pure neocon…
Vitali Klitschko…great boxer. Underrated heavy weight champion. Has a PhD. Known as Dr. Iron Fist.
Unrepentant neo-nazi and I suspect was one of the snipers killing police and protestors alike from atop the hotel during Maiden’s finale.
A smart man, yet somehow a total meathead.
On BBC News tonight – program Outside Source – the Kiev correspondent was talking about how Ukrainians are split about Zelensky’s recent comments to Biden – playing down the “imminent invasion”. Some are agreeing with this approach, others are against it especially as it is seen as a slight to those supporting the Ukraine (US, UK etc)
She said the latter POV is garnering support.
And then she said – as of yesterday there is even a hash tag trending on social media there – “Ukraine is not Zelensky”.
In view of recent posts here and by b at MOA – I thought this was notable.
In the program (available on BBC i-player news channel to UK residents) – it’s right at the end – starts at around 52minutes.
Another interesting snippet – courtesy of Wikipedia – and to those who may not know it already –
The two main players in the US State Department – Anthony Blinken & Victoria Nuland – both have family roots in the Ukraine.
‘’Anthony Blinken & Victoria Nuland – both have family roots in the Ukraine.’’
Charles Ellis Schumer is US Senate Majority Leader.
His ancestors originated from the town of Chortkiv, Galicia, in what is now western Ukraine. Wikipedia
They are legion.
I don’t know how well it fits but Scott Ritter’s latest piece on Energy Intelligence hangs together very well and is worth a read.
Canadian troops redeployed over the Dniepr.
US spy plane for search of radioactivity arrive in Europe.
I read that Canada has trained more Ukrainian government troops than any other country: 30,000.
Maybe the false flag will occur against Canadian troops. If that happens the Canadian public may rally around sociopath Justine Trudeau to some degree.
After the weekends protests in Canada, I somehow doubt that Trudeau will get anything approaching ubnderwhelming support, but then again, I am not just watching the mainstream presstitutes.
Probably because the Children of the SS Galician are there,some in Government i suspect,Britain resettled the scum there after the war.
Two points:
I don’t know whether what Basurin reports is true or not. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the notion that these videos are going to matter when the conflict starts. Russia – or the LDNR militias with Russian support – will roll over the Ukraine military so fast that no one is going to believe any videos of Ukrainian forces “penetrating deep into LDNR.” Which means all this work the morons are doing is going to be irrelevant in the end. They will be over-shadowed by what actually happens.
Second, the main takeaway from this if the story is true is that it proves that the plot is still ongoing. All the notions of Biden “reining in” the CIA and the neocons are delusional. Biden is either utterly out of the loop on what is happening in Ukraine or he’s part of it. There is no third option.
We have all been prepared for it and yes they are beyond desperate. Putin and Macron had a long cordial conversation today and some of the things discussed besides Ukraine was cooperation in Nucular energy and forming a Pan European grouping that would include Russia. Already NATO has fractured with several countries refusing to back war let alone sanctions, refusing the stationing of NATO troops withing their borders. The empire of death, destruction and chaos is coming apart at the seems, the empire is thrashing about in confusion and fear. Yup a false flag is very probable. The usual brilliant Mercouris.
Macron is unreliable, but if this is seriously backed by his establishment and not just a reelection stunt, and the False Flag can somehow be blocked, then these two developments may be game changers. Maybe the French peered down into the Abyss and decided to straighten their backs? And the Russians were pleased with this discussion, per readout language, so events unfold rapidly against the war party.
He also mentioned the changed stance by Merkel’s new CDU replacement Friedrich Merz, which accepts EU co-blame for Ukraine. This is also remarkable. And will put pressure on France to quickly mend fences with Russia, before everyone else has a bilateral deal..
– “Cooperation in Nuclear” can include replacement for the vital African/Kazakh/Canadian uranium France needs to continue operating its NPP.. France is being kicked screaming out of Africa, and lost big in Kazakh gamble, and cannot rely on 5-Eyes. So this is a good hook to remove France from the Hegemon and towards some sovereignty and positive cooperation. It also avoids dark winter and gives chance for industry in France. France is being shown a win-win future, free of Anglo-Saxon intrigues..
– “Pan European grouping”: more revenge and blowback from the infamous AUKUS? A way to avoid European war and further limit influence of British/5-Eyes + P3Bs. Russia and France are talking over NATO’s corpse. Also good news is this includes Russia, unlike the worrisome “EU army,” which would replace NATO. So another win-win.
There must be serial group panic attacks in City of London tonight.
Now how to stymie the FF? Peace enforced throughout next two months can help resuscitate Europe and remove 5-Eyes from continent too. If!
It seems that Boris Johnson’s visit today to Ukraine is the British way to try to influence history or to be part of it, somehow. They probably still dream with the time when they reigned over the oceans…
Often the most energetic and dangerous exponent of anti Russia propaganda and misinformation is the UK. Conditioning the population with fear and loathing for all things Russian is an obsession of the UK ruling class (likewise its intelligence agencies) witness their frenetic efforts to whip up anti Russian sentiments by tracing the thread of the Iraq War WMD Chemical and Biological attack scare in 2003, the alleged Syrian Government chemical weapons attacks from 2012 to 2018, to the alleged polonium poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko and culminating in the alleged Novichok poisonings of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in the UK and Alexei Navalany in Russia. The object here is to literally dehumanise Russia and can be viewed coincident with the historic support and manipulation by M16 of Nazis and fascist formations before and after WW2 to fight Bolshevism in Russia and Eastern Europe. The Brits are intent on militarising Eastern Europe under the NATO gumboot to both contain Russia and ultimately subvert its internal security by creating a league of virulent anti Russian states on its west and southwest borders and to provide ‘material aid for anti-Russian counter-espionage and paramilitary operations’. The militarisation of Ukraine in progress (UK MOD continues to airlift weapons to Ukraine since the 17/01/2022) is synonymous with this revived Cold War hostility to Russia and indicative of UK warmongering in Eastern Europe. Expect no less of a provocation from UK intelligence whose old boys’ Etonian network has promised our truculent tin pot leader Boris a baptism in fire to solidify his grip on power!
Are we sure there aren’t renegade US circles of power that might plant and detonate nuclear bombs in Ukraine or launch a missile from Ukraine towards Russia?
Good piece. The problem for the Empire is that they will need support from the EU to make these PSYOPs productive and actionable. Biden and the ruling elite he represents are counting on vassals in the EU to fall in line and support a bankrupt and completely dysfunctional Ukraine. The fundamental problem is that the EU (& rest of the world) are watching the accelerating decline of late-stage American capitalism, that has progressed to the point where its very survival is contingent upon constant debt monetization (aka money printing) to prop up financial markets and the military. This is becoming increasingly tenuous as this orgy of money printing and debt has created gigantic bubbles in every asset class- ‘everything bubble’, increasing inflation and threatening to derail the dollar’s role as world reserve currency. Given these realities, will Germany, France, Italy (major EU economic powers) support the US in a potentially disastrous military encounter with Russia over Ukraine, inimical to their economic interests?
Great analysis.. The evil ones are lusting for war.. If there is a false flag which appears to be certain.. Should we then take into account that we are heading towards nuclear war?
There was clearly a plan to attack and overrun and ethnically cleanse the Donbas using all the shiny new weapons supplied courtesy of the US/ UK taxpayer. Banderastan thought it could ape the success of the Azeris against Armenia in Nagorno Karabakh. They even acquired the Turkish drones that were used there. They may have been deterred by Russian mobilisation, setting the stage for the current hysteria about a Russian invasion. Speculation about a significant operation to seize the coastline linking up with Crimea is extremely unlikely. There is simply nothing in it for Russia. Poroshenko actually offered to give Donbas to Putin and he turned it down flat. The most Putin would do is intervene in a fairly limited operation to prevent the Donbas Militia being overrun. The reason being that Ukraine is a basket case, a failed state, bankrupt and about to implode politically, financially, and socially. The reintegration of the GDR into West Germany in the 1990s nearly bankrupted the country. This applies to Ukraine in spades. It is the poorest country in Europe, with an average standard of living lower than Egypt. If the West wanted to destroy Russia, all they would have to do is offer Russia the Ukraine on a silver platter and find a Russian leader dumb enough to take it off their hands. The retaliation that is being threatened is more likely to materialise in the form of multiple new weapon systems being deployed on the doorstep of the most ardent warmongers.
Psy-ops have unsustainable repeatability. Used too frequently they can easily backfire and become a liability for the perpetrator. In this interconnected age we are seeing this more and more.
I disagree. It really only takes about 25% to 15% to believe and mass media to pound the lie to neutralize the majority from acting in any significant way of opposition. We would like to think that there is a free flow of information in a more interconnected world but the sad fact is the majority of information is controlled by the so called “big tech” conglomerates. Also most people can’t really be bothered if it doesn’t effect their lives on a personal level. I live in the US and I would be shocked if the common man in the street could point to Ukraine on an unmarked map of Europe. In other words don’t know don’t care but have you heard Kanye is divorced from Kim?
No I hadn’t. Everything I know about the Kardashians I have learnt against my will
Here is where my amateur investigation of MH17 led me too. MH17 was shot down by a Ukrainian airforce SU25 fighter and covered up by Western criminal governments. UN/NATO/EU are all international criminal organisations.
All norms of the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO were violated in the investigation of the crash of Malaysia’s MH17 flight in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine’s security services are directly involved in this investigation yet much of the evidence suggests that Ukraine’s security services could well be responsible for the demise of flight MH17.
What was a military plane doing on the route intended for civilian flights? A Russian monitoring system registered that there were Ukrainian Air Force jets, probably Su-25’s in the immediate vicinity, eye witnesses say at least one was climbing and approaching flight MH17. Why was the military jet flying so close to a passenger plane? Why were eye witness reports excluded from the final report?
Why did flight MH17 leave the international corridor? Flight MH17 stayed within the corridor until it reached Donetsk but then it deviated from the route to the north. Was flight MH17 leaving the route as a navigation error or was the crew following instructions by Ukrainian air traffic controllers in Dnepropetrovsk? Why was the altitude of MH17 reduced? Was this to make it within combat range of an Su-25?
Why was a large group of air defense systems deployed to the militia-held regions just before the tragedy? Especially considering that the self-defense forces have no planes. Also on the day of the crash Kiev intensified Kupol-M1 9S18 radar activity, key BUK targeting system components. Where they providing targeting information to the Su-25’s?
I could never work out why MH17’s course was deviated over a war zone. Now i believe it was so that NATO could occupy the Donbass. Cold blooded premeditated mass murder, NATO purposely shot down MH17 as a cover to place 9000 troops in the Donbass.
The leading independent investigator of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 disaster, has revealed breakthrough evidence of tampering and forging of prosecution materials; suppression of Ukrainian Air Force radar tapes; and lying by the Dutch, Ukrainian, US and Australian governments.
The Malaysian Government also revealed how it got in the way of attempts the US was organizing during the first week after the crash to launch a NATO military attack on eastern Ukraine. The cover story for that was to rescue the plane, passenger bodies, and evidence of what had caused the crash. In fact, the operation was aimed at defeating the separatist movements in the Donbass, and to move against Russian-held Crimea.
It was revealed that a secret Malaysian military operation took custody of the MH17 black boxes on July 22, preventing the US and Ukraine from seizing them. The Malaysian operation, revealed by the Malaysian Army colonel who led it, eliminated the evidence for the camouflage story, reinforcing the German Government’s opposition to the armed attack, and forcing the Dutch to call off the invasion on July 27.
@ Doom Sternz
Thank you for this report. You have done a good job. The perpetrators certainly had a plan involving the downing of the MH-17 flight as an excuse for further aggression in the Donbas. The Russian and the Malaysian governments know exactly what happened and have all the evidence needed to prove it, meaning that this crime will be told in future history books.
It is amazing how the majority of the Dutch people accept without questioning the results of the official investigation. They blindly trust their government. Stubbornly, they do not want to hear any divergent opinion. Perhaps they fear that the truth could somehow affect they lifestyle…
A sufficiently large and sufficiently heinous false flag could be reacted upon even before public opinion has had time to react.
Once a fait accompli is in place public opinion would just follow.
Possibly something happening while Putin is in China during the Olympics.
That is why Putin should stay in Moscow. It is tempting providence to travel at this time.
I’m sure Putin will have all the secure teleconferencing he needs while enjoying Chinese hospitality. That will be a strong showing of mutual trust and solidarity with Russia’s biggest ally.
He needs to support China, and ask for support. (Which IMHO he could do on the phone… but alas, this is the price of a very “hot” Cold War II)
That is of great importance to go up against the real aggressor Amerika.
// “We urge Russia to make clear it will stand down its troops”//
That is a US/UK Ultimatum to Russia!
They urge Russia to move their troops more inland! Russia denies invasion plans (so does Ukraine) and rejects withdrawing their troops.
US/UK are going to invade Ukraine preemptively outside Nato command. It could be like a South Vietnam — North Vietnam war (with Dniepr river being the boundary), or a new Berlin Wall/Iron Curtain erected right through Kiev (river Dnieper goes right through), or WW3.
First there will be a False Flag Cyber Attack on Kiev. Then US/UK special forces will make an incursion into Kiev.
They want to lure Russia into invading Ukraine all the way up to the Dnieper river, so the West can have their Iron Curtain 2.0 erected. If Russia does not respond, then Ukraine becomes a de facto Nato occupation/member.
It is however better for Russia not to respond directly to US/UK incursions, let them have their Vietnam 2.0. Russia should respond by helping Syria and Iran protect themselves against Israel!
Zelensky plans to meet Putin on the sidelines at the Olympics. To me, that seems as if Ze is looking for a peaceful approachment with Russia. I would not be surprised if a false flag happens by then.
They say Blinken’s Jewish family roots are from Kiev! Kiev is their objective!
If that’s US/UK ultimatum, let’s put it this way, the West has over 150,000 troops outside of Ukraine, Russia has every right to match that number with another 50,000.
I saw this today.We all need to understand who is on the right side of history,and it’s not the US:
A Finnish blogger shocked Facebook when he published this article: Are you asking about the results of Russian “aggression”? They are as follows: half of Europe and part of Asia got their citizenship from the hands of this particular state.
Let’s remind ourselves who exactly:
– Finland in 1802 and 1918 .. (until 1802 it never had its own state).
– Latvia in 1918 (until 1918 it never had its own state).
– Estonia in 1918 (it never had its own state until 1918).
– Lithuania regained its statehood in 1918 thanks to Russia.
– Poland restored its state with the help of Russia twice, in 1918 and 1944. The division of Poland between the USSR and Germany is only for a short period of time!
– Romania was born as a result of Russian-Turkish wars and became sovereign by the will of Russia in 1877-1878.
– Moldova as a state was born within the USSR.
– Bulgaria liberated itself from the oppression of the Ottoman Empire and regained its independence due to the victory of Russian weapons in the Russian-Turkish war in 1877-1878, which had this goal. As a thank you, the state of Bulgaria participated in two world wars as part of anti-Russian coalitions. Bulgaria is now a member of NATO and has American bases on its territory. After 1945, there was not a single Russian soldier on its territory …
-As a result of this war, Serbia was born as a sovereign state.
– Azerbaijan as a state was first formed as a part of the USSR.
– Armenia was physically preserved and revived as a state only within the USSR.
– Georgia was physically preserved and revived as a state thanks to the Russian Empire
– Turkmenia never had statehood and formed it only as a part of the USSR.
– Kyrgyzstan never had statehood and formed it only as a part of the USSR.
– Kazakhstan never had statehood and formed it only as a part of the USSR.
– Mongolia never had statehood and formed it only with the help of the USSR.
– Belarus and Ukraine also for the first time gained statehood as a result of the Great October Revolution within the USSR republics. And only in 1991 (also from Russia) they gained complete independence.
The role of Russia-USSR in the birth and formation of states such as China, Vietnam, North Korea, India, Greece (in 1821 Russia got it back from the Turks), Algeria, Cuba, Israel, Angola, Mozambique, etc. is also worth considering…
Such a strange “aggression” has historically shown by the Russians!
With the significant contribution of this country, even Switzerland achieved its independence from France. Better to say, it succeeded thanks to Suvorov (217 years ago) and since then Switzerland has never (! ) wasn’t fighting;
It also took place:
– liberation of Austria from the Third Empire in 1945;
– liberation of Czechoslovakia from the Third Empire in 1945;
– The position of Catherine II in 1780 by the creation of the League of Armed Neutrality and the real support of the North American United States in the struggle for their independence from Britain.
– twice in the last 2 centuries, Russia gave independence to most European states after it destroyed Hitler and Napoleon;
– Stalin’s attitude in negotiations with the USA and England, which gave Germany the opportunity to retain statehood after the defeat in 1945;
– Gorbachev’s attitude, which made it possible to reunite both Germany in 1990 without unnecessary problems;
– The Soviet aid of Egypt, after which it managed to resist and strengthen independence in the war with Israel, Britain and France in 1956-57.
– USSR intervention in 1967 that stopped the war between Israel and Egypt (it actually saved the Arabs from being defeated in two wars in 1967-74).
– The crucial role of the Union ensured Angola’s independence in 1975.
And lastly the main thing. It was the USSR that after winning in 2. World War II played a key role in securing the independence of most of the Western European colonies in the process of global decolonization initiated by the Union.
The whole history of Russia suggests that within any power and system, it has been consistent in enforcing the principles of independence and self-determination of nations and nations. She was the one who in every way possible helped create a multi-polar world at any time and all times.
Unfortunately, she very often sacrificed her own interests at the same time, and if Mother Russia’s policy, even a fraction, was similar to that of the British, now half of the world would be part of the Russian Imperial Society of Nations. and the Russian people would bathe in luxury, like the sheikhs of Saudi Arabia, at the expense of states, countries and their capitals liberated by other colonialists.
THAT’S WHY HALF OF THE WORLD IS OBLIGATED TO RUSSIA FOR THE GRIND OF LIFE. And this is why you are all so guilty to this great country!
I’m sending this file to create a memory chain. In memory of 20 million Soviet citizens, 10 million Christians, 1900 priests who were killed, tortured, raped, burned, starved to death and destroyed by Nazis!
.. Now, more than ever, it is imperative to do everything so that the world never forgets, always remember how the Soviet people contributed to the liberation of Europe from fascism.
.. Please join us in making chain of memories, help spread the word..
Send this article to people you know.. “
Written out of history is Lewis and Clarks visit to the Pacific Ocean, where upon, the peoples residing there were not Indians but Russians manning a fishing out post, as the Russians had fishing outposts all the way down to San Diego and only slowly departed as the population grew.
They then sold Alaska in the mid 1800’s as the last remaining western territory occupied by Russia.
One simply can’t make friends out of Russians in this country. It is simply not allowed.
Does the west really believe they can win false flag PSYOPS against society that has CCTV/”News” both real and fake/internet media sharing services, etc.
Remember what happened during the clash with Azerbaijan and Armenia, video was uploaded to social media which directly contradicted whatever lies were being fed to the sheeple.
Folks, brace yourself. A quite bumpy ride is coming ahead.
This is the spirit of the time. It’s not up to us to choose, but we’ll have to live through these historical times. It’s up us to go through this. A major empire is about to collapse and it’s not going to be pretty at all.
Did you ever hear the 2016 leaked phone call between Biden and Poroschenko discussing a contract of services for terrorist attacks/saboteurs and also confirmed SEALs were already in Ukraine?
Specifically a dam was a target, but I couldn’t tell you which as I would need to listen to the recording again to refresh my memory.
I assume it would have been in Crimea. I wonder what happened? FSB saved the day?
Unfortunately not, the phone call was in August 2015, and in November 2015 Crimean power was sabotaged, however they only lost light for about a week and it was fixed shortly thereafter.
SEALs were likely training Ukrops, or the genetic tested “super soldier” program candidates [from zerohedge – can’t find link anymore :( ]
And then…..What?
Until now, preparation for kinetic war was limited to instigating other nations to do dirty work. That doesn’t work so well so far. Except, maybe, 3B+P.
Not even US military is eager to get involved.
Something doesn’t add up.
All this is more likely elaborate play of somewhat less potent center of power. Either Anglo-Saxon feudal oligarchy, still bound to rip-off Crimea, Big Oil pushing LNG, or both. Do they have enough influence to instigate WW3?
Hardly. Apart of contesting military power of Russia, Involving China would be catastrophic for everybody else in West, as they their own basic industry is now … in China. Rebuilding their own industry is humongous task, they do not have money for, and it takes many years.
China will be involved. And than, what?
Compare national unity of French in Napoleon time, or in Nazi Germany to present cohesion in USA. And we all know how those two ended up after attacking Russia alone.
No, no… this is all bluff, and Russia just call it.
US seems in a hurry to get the Russian response:
Falsely claiming it had received the response to its proposals on security guarantees. Only given a few days earlier.
However, the MFA in Russia has just stated it hasn’t responded:
“According to a source with the Russian Foreign Ministry, Moscow is still preparing its response to the American propositions on the proposals.
Reports suggesting that Russia transferred its follow-up to the US, regarding Washington’s answer to Moscow’s security guarantee proposals, are not true, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko stated on Tuesday……”
Curioser and curioser – why the rush to lie and say that Russia has responded? What plans are afoot? Why can’t NATO countries answer the request from Lavrov about the indivisibility of security?
Anything….anything…that can be used to enact all the western promised extra sanctions that are wound up and ready to go…..
some reports of an ukrops military excursion into Donbas being planned to go for approval to Ukraine National defence security committee….presumably they themselve will be neutralised fairly quickly.
Quote: “.. These are the folks who not only did MH-17, the Skripals or even the fake chemical attacks in Syria, these are the folks who also did 9/11 murdering 3000 of their own innocent civilians. For them to fight Russia down the the last Ukie is a totally viable and reasonable plan. So blowing up, say, a Ukie nuclear plant or releasing a “dirty bomb” in downtown Kiev is a no-brainer for them… ”
I wrote a comment about this just a few days ago, but it could be even worse: what if the chosen nuclear plant is CHERNOBYL?
Zaporizhzhia, now
My impression is that Russia somehow has to show that is ready to face directly the US military if possible to threaten it the see what happens, otherwise all this aggressions against Russia through second, third partners will continue non stop in hope to weaken Russia more and more then in time will be ripe to plunder. Probably there is no other option or this circus will continue. This could be terrible but is there a better option?
As usual, RT is doing the job of the western MSM.
They didn’t report the Russian public opinion about the Ukraine crisis but posted a report about some Soros-funded fifth columnists who are whoring themselves to the CIA signing a petition to ‘denounce the war party at the Kremlin’.
Out of a population of 146 million, just above 100 had signed the petition and it clearly shows how insignificant they are. Yet RT goes on to provide free marketing for them.
RT has to undergo a full cleanup.
Many good comments here, I shall try and compliment them.
Let consider Nato’s fighting capability…. Britain joins with one, possibly two brigades, Germany (if she attends) possibly 2 brigades, 1 armoured and then there is the hodge-podge that is the rest of European Nato, lets make that 2 motorized infantry Brigades and 1 armoured brigade. And that is if EVERYONE shows up to the party, which is absolutely not certain.
Let’s see, that is 6 brigades, say 28 000 troops, of which at least 10 000 are not combat ready. And they will all need supplies from uncle Shmuel. Good luck with that!
Nato Air force, (haha) make that max 150 combat ready, armed aircraft with little AD capability.
So Nato needs at least 75 000 combat troops from Shmuel too (ouch!) + transport (double ouch)
This will be an illustrious operation, no doubt… all born in a daydream.
Neither Nato or the US can do this in anytime less than 3 months, if they can at all. And I personally think that all European Nato graciously thanks NO.
Nato the alliance of the unwilling and incompetent.
The problem is that even a “minor, ” purely defensive Russian “incursion” to buttress the LPR/DPR vs. Ukrainian aggression would trigger sanctions vs. North Stream II, isolate Russia from SWIFT, and so on. So far Russia is passively awaiting the upcoming false flag and offensive vs. the LPR/DPR. This approach will prove insufficient.
From Russia’s perspective any violence on either side will represent a loss. Russia needs to do something that would thwart the entire Western plan, not merely respond to its implementation. As soon as the plan is initiated Russia will be targeted and blamed. Unfortunately Russia is currently exuding incompetence and/or helplessness.
False flag initiators sit at the top of a culture of death. It is a culture that thinks nothing of killing the unborn, the aged, and everyone in between. The culture kills, and then it blames the victims.
False flags operations remain a plague because the global general public is incurious and because opposing intelligence organizations are loathe to reveal each other’s secrets to the general public.
The question in my mind is not when the next false flag will occur or what the provokation will be. The question is, will Russia participate this time in the ensuing cover-up of the false flag.
One of the ongoing mysteries about MH-17 is the silence of Russia. I do not write this to accuse Russia. No other country has revealed more than Russia in the way of civilian radar, relevant satellite imagery, and formerly classified information about the Buk missile system and its production. While western governments conducted secret arena tests, Russia demonstrated publicly the impact of a Buk warhead on a large aircraft’s cockpit.
By “silence of Russia” I am referring to the things Russia knows about MH-17 that Russia until this day has not revealed to the global public. Although MH-17 has US fingerprints all over it, Russia continues to reveal only enough to blunt the accusations. That made sense in 2014. Does it still make sense in 2022?
By Russia’s own official admission, Russia can retreat no farther. Does Russia’s refual to retreat extend to the field of information warfare? Will Russia rip off the muzzle and reveal the truth about the pending false flag? I hope so. Will Russian allow the US to win another round of megaphone diplomacy? I hope not.
Nothing short of the truth can turn the false flag into an obsolete weapon. The truth will turn the false flag into a useless tool for extracting wealth from the weak.
Well said Sam.
Re: “False flags operations remain a plague because the global general public is incurious and because opposing intelligence organizations are loathe to reveal each other’s secrets to the general public.”
This is the heart of the matter.
And when it gathers strength and resolve, the opposing side will be forced to act.
Is it merely an “Old-boys agreement” behind it? Could be to save one’s breath, as who would be believed with a dominant MSM bull-horn against them? The entire West circles wagons around these FF rituals, like a coven round the fire. At times it was to obtain kompromat for future favors (traded all around unfortunately), no longer relevant in these existential times.
Regardless, these corrosive understandings will be discarded to end the era of deceptions. We cannot win playing according to these rules. The rule of law and sovereignty requires full transparency. But that will result in a full break and an immediate firewall between Zones; the cognitive dissonance would be too great to manage for a Zone A gang hell-bent on crime. That too may have hindered moving on this issue up to now.
The Russian Ministry of FA’s recent manner of blunt speaking, and a crossing of red lines may soon allow that tipping point .. The reality of history is Hegemons rarely stop once they enter the criminal phase; they lie, even as they lay dying, whether to themselves or their people or to target peoples. The hypocrisy and criminality had to be laid bare for all to see, to drive home the final stake.
One senses this is coming now, imminently.
“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”
Here is a new one…denys smygal ukrainian minister says ukraine, uk, and poland to sign trilateral security pact
Truss just delighted to explain “Poland Ukraine UK” aka PUUK pronounced PUKE.
What I am afraid of. Is Russia will win all the front- military, tactical, geographic, economic, you name it. But except one, only lose in one, the most important one, at least for ordinary/ignorant citizens all around the world, name informational part.
Remember Georgia (2008), Crimea(2014), Syria(2015), and on and on and on?
Russia beat the West all the time, however people still believe Russia is the EVIL MONSTER, and didn’t do any right in those events.
The stupidity of people, how brainwashed they are, and the power of propaganda machines, almost always amazed me.
I pray this time, it will be different.
And the propaganda narrative will collapse in front of people’s eyes.
You are right about Russia losing the “propaganda narrative” but which should be propaganda war! I recall the event when Russia repelled the attack on Ossetia and Abkhazia by Georgia under Sakashvilli. Within 24hrs, 9+pm in Singapore, a BBC reporter dutifully spewed out that it was Russia that is attacking Georgia, and Russia must be “regime changed!” It is all plannedand co-ordinated worldwide with all the MSM globally doing their very significant part.
But it is not just the MSM, foot soldiers or creepies crawling in the deep dark network – who are busy brainwashing people w/all kinds of tales (I call them circulars) forwarded around the world. So grassroots, church (or any religious) groups, interests groups, any and all groups that can be targeted will do. So we get Israel is the special people, China is selling harmful products, Russia is corrupt and crime infested, etc. Remember Tower 7 was reported to have collapsed minutes before it went down by British media.
Just know that the murderous and insidiously corrosive cabal gets the word in first!
Suppose after an Iskander bombing of Ukraine:
Does Spetznatz arrest Vitaly Klitscho…followed by War Crimes Trial…followed by execution…?
The current Western project is one of deliberate polarisation: dividing the rational centre into partisan blocs. The ongoing promotion of postmodernist, “woke” degeneracy actually serves to enhance the appeal of white nationalism and fascism. White-supremacist arguments about the importance of racial consciousness and ethnic separatism are gaining traction among “mainstream” segments of the Western masses. Having resisted the toxic influence of “woke” degeneracy, the lower middle classes are now being drawn to National Socialism.
National Socialism thus synergises Zionism, pan-Islamism, and Ukrainian fascism: for all four ideologies posit that men are irreconcilably opposed to one another on the basis of biology and faith. An “anti-Russian” alliance of “woke” degeneracy, unreconstructed Nazism, papal obscurantism, Wahhabi–Salafi sectarianism, and “Jewish” finance thus becomes a living reality to be reckoned with. The pro-Nazi Uniate bloc in Lviv is being financed by Soros et al. and is patronised by Zionist oligarchs. White nationalism is a powerful force in Ukraine.
Antisemitism in Ukraine also allows the Zionist State of Israel to siphon resources and manpower while posing as a “saviour” of the persecuted Jews. The Zionist oligarchs in Ukraine have thus sponsored anti-Semitic Ukrainian fascists and encouraged emigration of Ukrainian Jews to Israel. The Ukrainian fascists also rely on Israeli weaponry and Wahhabi–Salafi Islamism as bulwarks vs. Russian influence. Never forget that arch-Zionist Theodor Herzl openly fraternised with anti-Semites and backed exclusivity vs. assimilation.
The Nazis, after all, initially tried to sponsor Zionism, as illumined by the Transfer Agreement, and were in turn patronised by the Anglo-Saxon financial elite. The Vatican and its Italian-Fascist backers also sided with the Nazis. Zionism was a form of “Jewish” fascism and acted in tandem with the Fascist International and its financial promoters. The papal bigots also sided with the Fascist International on racial, religious, and political grounds: favouring Germans vs. Slavs, Catholics vs. Orthodox, and fascists vs. communists.
The Anglo-Saxon financiers, of course, always aimed to disrupt Eurasian integration by mutually destroying Russia and Germany: hence their sponsorship of the Great War (1914–8), the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the Great Depression (1929–38), and World War II (1939–45). During the First World War the Anglo-French imperialists attempted to destroy the monarchical Central Powers and also divide the former imperial powers into economic spheres of influence. On this basis the imperialists also aided the Whites vs. the Reds in Russia.
The Anglo-Saxon “sea-powers,” using a pliant France as a proxy, have long marshalled the Vatican and the Fascist International on its behalf through various projects: the Young Turks (pan-Turks) in the former Ottoman Empire; Wahhabi–Salafi pan-Islamism (the Muslim Brotherhood) in the MENA and South-Central Asia; the Italian Fascists and Nazis (via Pan-Europa) in Europe; the Zionists in the MENA; and the Japanese imperialists in East Asia. The “rimland” thus aims to encircle the Eurasian “heartland,” that is, the (former) USSR and Russia.
All this explains why the Empire has long envisioned a combination of Piłsudski’s “Intermarium,” Bandera’s “Ukraine,” Hitler’s “Third/Fourth Reich” (including Otto von Habsburg’s Pan-Europa/European Union), Enver Pasha’s pan-Turkic ideology, Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi–Salafi Muslim Brotherhood, Israel’s Zionism, the Vatican’s “Fatima Prophecy,” and Japanese revanchism as a potent concert vs. Eurasian integration, and specifically vs. the Soviet/Russian legacy, as part of a massive globalist conspiracy to establish a one-world government.
In doing so the “sea-powers” facilitate the near-simultaneous, MAD* of Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, communism, Germany, Russia, Iran, China, and India. Russia and her “friends” cannot wait for the latest false flag to ignite a conflagration, but must instead respond preemptively and thereby “cut” the would-be perpetrators “off at the pass,” so to speak. Russia et al. must stop the upcoming false-flag scenario from being enacted in Ukraine. If they fail to do so, they will suffer immensely and unnecessarily.
*Mutually assured destruction
How Israel is arming Ukrainian Nazis
This is the imperialist mentality in a nutshell. The US empire — like the British empire before it — asserts the divine right to rule the world by force. But even the client regimes are not buying it. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has pushed back on Biden’s talk about supposed “minor incursions” into Ukraine.Meanwhile, the US, the UK and Canada are arming the Ukrainian government.
In a video on YouTube, an Azov fighter “reviewed” a version of an Israeli “Tavor” rifle, manufactured by a Ukrainian state arms firm under licence from Israel Weapons Industries.
What the west is declaring by ignoring and by not admitting the legitimate security concerns of Russia is the equivalent of ignoring the security concerns of the entire World. It may not be long before the western news cycle turns into a “panic cycle” viz imminent war. Beware the ides of March indeed.
Is there no end to the foolishness of these people? If this false flag psyop is true, and carried out, It will surely be revealed for what it is. The perpetrators will lose all credibility with citizens in western countries that don’t fully understand whats going on. It seems quite fantastic that the ‘geniuses’ devising such a plan could think it would work effectively. These people are clearly desperate to come up with such a daft idea.
Is it true that Putin has ordered diplomats and their families in NATO countries to pack up and return home in early February?
The above was stated by Monkey Werx on his site rep for Jan 31st. Monkey Werx specializes in tracking aircraft movement around the world, particularly military aircraft. Apparently US military and government related air traffic is exceptionally high at present. He also presents video evidence of the possibility that military-aged male illegal immigrants are being rounded up in what looks something like MEP (military enlistment processing). Very worrying if true. Like yourself Andrei, and several of the good folks here, Monkey seems to have very reliable sources. He is of the opinion that things are going to go hot in Feb. and that Russia should be let alone to do what they need to do to protect their interests without interference from US or NATO, but Biden and the Deep State are dragging us in.
“These are the folks who not only did MH-17, the Skripals or even the fake chemical attacks in Syria, these are the folks who also did 9/11 murdering 3000 of their own innocent civilians. For them to fight Russia down the the last Ukie is a totally viable and reasonable plan. So blowing up, say, a Ukie nuclear plant or releasing a “dirty bomb” in downtown Kiev is a no-brainer for them.”
American state terrorism is the Terrorism that Dare Not Speak Its Name.
America loves to point its finger and accuse its “enemies” about this or that propaganda issue like terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, or “Freedom and Democracy.”
But America’s self-righteousness finger-pointing only reveals its own crimes–which are without limit and include the 9-11 Reichstag Fire itself.
Imperialist America will not escape the day of reckoning that is coming for it.
That’s how they roll.
It would be useful to catch them red-handed.
I have no pity for ”Ukraine” Its karmic justice
Look at where we are now nearly one month later….
You state the western world wants war…well,if that’s true then why haven’t they moved troops into the Ukraine to fight?It seems to me NATO and surrounding countries are trying their best to stay out of this(besides the economic sanctions)..It is also apparent Putin does not intend to remain in the Ukraine..he is downsizing their government and military status and protecting his borders.The Ukraine and Russia have been at war for many years now,and the US has been fueling this conflict by giving Ukraine money and weapons.With the Ukraine trying to join Nato which agreed to not expand eastward that in itself justifies his actions.We didn’t want russian nukes in Cuba,and he doesn’t want American nukes in the Ukraine…and that’s exactly what would be happening if the Ukraine joins NATO we all know it.