We have taken note of an event that was held in Kiev on August 23 and was entitled a “Crimea Platform Summit.” The stated aim of this political project, developed with active involvement of government experts from the United States, the UK and the European Union and funded by the United States Agency for International Development, is “the de-occupation of Crimea and its reintegration with Ukraine.”
The participants involved are just right for this goal – mainly being NATO countries and some international organisations sharing a common delusion that the Crimean Peninsula should be part of the current Ukrainian state and that it can be torn away from the Russian Federation by increasing political and economic pressure on Russia.
In this regard, we would like to point out the following.
The matter of Crimea’s reunification with the Russian Federation was settled in March 2014.This hard-won decision was made by the local residents themselves in a referendum that followed the unconstitutional coup d’etat in Kiev in February 2014. This way Crimeans could remain true to their history, to their Russian culture, the right to speak their native languages, including Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar, and at the same time avoid the dangers of the punitive operation and civil war, which was later unleashed by the Kiev regime in Donbass, as well as the Nazi-like atrocities that Odessa residents suffered in May 2014.
With this background, Ukraine’s new idea is pure populism, a political show outside of reality with the sole aim of keeping the story of Crimea’s temporary period as a region of Ukraine afloat in the public discourse.
At the same time, as we have already warned, we will have to view the participation of certain countries, international organisations and their representatives in the Crimea Platform initiative as an encroachment on the Russian Federation’s territorial integrity, which will have an inevitable impact on our relations.
There is also something else. The final declaration of the “summit” calls on the Russian Federation to “engage” in the “Crimea Platform” activities. We do not see any possibility of participating in this political act due to its cynical anti-Russia nature.
At the same time, we are fully open to interaction with all our international partners in unleashing the unique potential of the Russian Crimea. To do this, we invite our foreign friends to the peninsula to participate in truly Crimean platforms for economic, humanitarian and cultural cooperation.
The ”International Community” responds thus to Maria Zakharova’s comment:
— Bzzz, wrong answer. We expect you to get out of Crimea or else there will be sanctions. Mind you, Navalny and Tikhanovskaya have both signed up, so please make sure to behave.
Zakharova not too impressed by these punks. Ansolutely inexplicable /sarc off/.
Navalny likes to spend his summer holiday in the Schwarzwald, where he produces little films financed by the German government. Fairy tale movies about some fictional palaces built by the Russian president. Maybe he should stay there and live in a small cabin and leave politics to the experts.
Navalny is particularly inspiring when he resorts to “hunger striking”, LOL. Or when he pretends to speak on the phone to the very guy who “poisoned” him, and has this totally ridiculous and stupid hogwash presented as rock-solid evidence across the West of his “martyrdom” and the abysmal state of the Russian penal system.
Zakharova is such a sophisticated, intelligent, and — let’s be frank — charming and beautiful woman. The stark contrast between her and “The International Community” comes across as a rendition of the beauty and the beast.
Nothing new. Same few phrases being repeated indefinitely by the same people.
Also, Zakharova speaks and writes perfect Peking Chinese and English (++others). Which US of North A spooky smokesmen (sorry: should be “spkesbeings) could ever compare to that after WW2?
Exactly! Zakharova is an academic and does politics as a profession, not as a lobbyist. That is a huge difference to her ‘collegues’ in the west.
Right. And the equally significant corollary question:
Are there any Pindos who would be impressed at all by multi-language skills?
We took both in late February ’14, took ’em fair and square, locked the orcs up in their bases and lagers and ships and dared them to come out. Then we held a referendum to decide what to do. Overwhelming vote tally, in excess of 95%, was ‘join Russian Federation’. Which we did.
Now, if the fools west of our borders want to talk about this, first let them have a referendum like we had….in Kosovo to start but also amongst other places. Only then will they have the ‘right’ to disturb the air around us with their never ending verbiage about us. Not one of them, not a one, even has the stones to come to our little piece of heaven….which for us is a blessing, we’d get tired of washing our streets after they trod upon them.
Author http://rhauslander.com/
I am very happy that the Crimeans are reunited with their historical motherland.
I appreciate your concern for Kosovo, but in this case a referendum would be counter-productive.
In Kosovo, the actions of the KLA, the influx of Albanians from Albania proper, and the harassment of non- Albanian population has to led to an exodus of the native population. This dates back many decades….It would make no sense to hold a referendum on territory that has been ethnically cleansed. It would only provide a legal veneer for the empire proxy’s take-over.
Serbian Girl,
I fully understand what happened back then, my point was Kosovo was not offered a referendum or vote of any kind, ‘someone else’ decided their fate for them. I also know that today, such a voting would be useless and pointless.
“We took both in late February ’14, took ’em fair and square, locked the orcs up in their bases and lagers and ships and dared them to come out.”
Your courage and determination is example to the enslaved world how to deal with Empire of delusion.
Tell me with all that threats and arrogance from the west, back in 2014…Didn’t you worried that you are fighting impossible odds, but you did it anyway? I am sure you all was aware of consequences if you fail.
Kosovo was taken from Serbs by force 100 times stronger militarily and 500 times economicaly, not by referendum. So much about democracy.
On 23 February we had precisely zero encouragement or support from anyone. Sevastopol was the base of Russian Black Sea Flot since 1783, but who was to say what the Flot or Russia would do? However, we were determined that as bad as the Ukes were for years there was no way we would tolerate that herd of nazi wannabees coming down here and pulling the same s//t as in Kiev. That dog don’t hunt here.
Besides, the morning of 24 February was an epiphany for all in this berg and on this island.
09:00, 24 February 2014, live interview on Channel 5 Kiev, owned by Poroshenko, the ‘new president’ of Ukeland. The two ‘victors’ of maidan, Oleg Tyagnibok, a sitting Rada deputat and head of Svoboda Party, and V. Yarush, the leader of Pravi Sector, Right Sector, Party, both avowedly ‘nazi’ parties, clearly said thus and this was heard all over this city and this island, live and in living colour ( they both cleaned their web sites on 27 February 2014 but it was too late, we already had the originals with all their nazi foolishness clearly shown):
‘We will bring our combined 5500 fighters down to you, we will make your streets run red with blood, we will put every Russian to the knife and teach you how to be proper Ukrainians.’ Really? My wife is Russian. Our children are Russian. Our friends and comrades are Russian. And you’re going to what??
By 21 February we were already aware of what had happened to the several hundreds of Krim and Sevastopol civilians in their belated journey back to us ( we never did find over 20 of them) in the Korsun Massacre:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loKajkXoTBU (18 +, not for delicate eyes)
Our Berkut and Militsiya had arrived to Sevastopol and Simferopol on 21 February having fought their way back from Kiev, bringing their dead and wounded with them. They arrived to a tumultuous welcome in Sevastopol by over 20,000 citizens who welcomed them as heroes and showered them with flowers and kisses.
21 February we were already arming up and preparing, and some had been preparing since the coup in Kiev started. Our hundreds of babushki and dedushki who blockaded the orcs in their lagers and on their ships, not a one of them having so much as a stale sandwich to throw at the orcs, were, and known to the orcs, backed up in the shadows of surrounding buildings across the streets and next door by armed and ready to fight men. Hence the orcs staying locked up, knowing what would happen to them if one hair on our grandparent’s heads was harmed.
So, in reply, my friend, we were determined. Failure was not an option and we knew it.
“Our hundreds of babushki and dedushki who blockaded the orcs in their lagers and on their ships, not a one of them having so much as a stale sandwich”
Man, you made me cry. Literally.
From an Aussie God bless you all, always know you did the right thing. It is only know our country is waking up to who is real terrorists in this world you did well and what a huge risk you took so good to see.
@Auslander, Before the referendum, how was Crimea administered locally and by whom?
Who were the members of the parliament before and who are they after?
Who were the military, customs officers, doctors, firemen, civil servants… before and who are they after?
Whether just after the referendum or until today, I have never read an article in the Western media that was able to answer these questions factually…
The reason for this absence is simple: the vast majority of people are the same, there was no invasion of Crimea by the Russians driving out the inhabitants, a narrative that prevails in the European and US media…
Just as I have never read an article listing the infrastructure works done since 2014 in Crimea…
Kristof G.
In 1954 Krushchov had given the administration of Autonomous Republik of Krimea to Ukraine SSR. Not the actual territory, just the ‘administration’. I have read these documents and Sevastopol is not mentioned anywhere in them.
When Soviet Union was falling apart in the early ’90’s, US with the willing hands of Kiev decided Sevastopol would also be administered by Kiev. Neither change was legal, both SSSR and OSSR law said the locals had to vote on any such change. There was no vote for either ‘change’, therefore both transfers of ‘administration’ were illegal then and are illegal now. Foggy Bottom had had it’s greedy eye on Sevastopol even then, their cadre was already in place in Sevastopol and planning mightily as to where US Fleet HQ would be (north end of Ulitsiya Bogdanova at the ‘T’), which schools would be overhauled, and ‘Little America’ would stretch from the west end of Rahdio Gorkha at harbor mouth to two kilometers north of Bogdanova Intersection. The locals were all to be summarily put out and the area ‘closed’. I’ve read those documents, too, which said cadre were careless enough to leave in place come Russian Spring of early 2014.
The orcs set up their own local administration for Sevastopol and Russia paid substantial rent for basing the Fleet in Sevastopol and other cities on the Krimea coast. The corruption of the orcs was, is and always will be legendary. The island and city were looted ruthlessly and endlessly. Infrastructure was ignored, only slap dash repairs done if for instance the 50 cm main water feed for Northside blew a gusset and flooded half of Rahdio Gorkha. Electric power was guaranteed to go out minimum twice a week if not more often. It was so bad that when we bought our house as an empty shell in 2007, the first thing I did was to obtain a right large diesel generator so at least our workers would get a full ten hour a day in.
Nothing could be done with any administration entity without paying a bribe, well at least most paid the bribe. The crazy American living on Northside did not and never would pay a bribe and the orcs figured that out fairly quickly. For instance when we went to get my permanent residency for Orcland, the sookha doing the work demanded a hundred buck bribe and told me in clinical detail would happen to me if I didn’t pay including I would be put out and never allowed back in. When she finished her diatribe I pulled the recorder from my pocket and played it back to her. I got the residency in 10 minutes because she knew who we knew and she knew she would be out of a well paying job that afternoon if for no other reason than she was skimming massive money of the bribes she took before sending the money up the food chain.
Everyone we knew then and everyone we know now knew that the orc times were limited and as early is 2011 we were in discussions of how and when to end it.
Author http://rhauslander.com/
An Incident On Simonka paperback edition. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1696160715 NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Auslander, my friend,
How “street” of you to handle the Ukie government with a pocket recorder.
You are the perfect testimony for doubters and haters and a few dopes.
People should see what 30 years of Orc plundering did to Ukraine’s industrial capacity. Every shipyard, plant, factory in every industry went to rot and rust. Their navy, fishing boats, planes, helos, tanks, trucks, trains, engines all suffered corruption and neglect. With no on to blame, they rant against Russia and Russian-speaking citizens of their own dying country.
404 is a well-earned nickname.
A question on Crimean history – is there any truth to Crimea having been offered by the Communists to organised Jewry in the 20s, and hence the possible switch of its sovereignty away from the Russian Socialist Republic?
My mum keeps going on about this, but I would love something to read if there is anything!
Ilya G Poimandres
A question on Crimean history – is there any truth to Crimea having been offered by the Communists to organised Jewry in the 20s, and hence the possible switch of its sovereignty away from the Russian Socialist Republic?
Zeto truth. Zip, nada, nothing.
Always remember that the vast majority of people support the re-unification of Crimea with the Russian motherland. Only the USA and its NATO-satellites favoured Ukraine, as well as countries that were either threatened to get funds cut or otherwise sanctioned by the US voted or of course pribed. I mean, seriously you can’t take it serious if the Marshall islands, Guam or Palau are ‘worried’ about Russian ‘expansions’. They are only worried about wether the American pay checks arrive or not.
The Chinese _de facto_ accepted the referendum, as did Cuba, Argentina, and many more. Some like Venezuela and Syria even _de jure_ accepted it.
After their recent showing against tribesmen with AK47’s in Afgha then I think these people are dangerous deluded clowns…….of course they are welcome to try….
I know it is a lot of fun now to say this, but the Taliban were overthrown, and Al Qaeda forced to flee in a few months. Granted, it was over a bunch of goat-herders. In fact, the Taliban offered to turn over Bin Laden to the US several times before 9/11 and once after, so it did not even require a fight. So, there was a ‘victory’.
But occupying the country, and turning it into Canada was always a fools errand. Although it made a lot of money for the MIC, got Generals promoted, and donations gathered by politicians. So, in that sense it could be called a success … by some.
Zakharova for president (when Putin retires)!
The incomparable Maria might very well replace Lavrov when he retires. She is a highly qualified and experienced actual Diplomat. Being a spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs is just a side job for her.
The recent post on August 20, 2021 of the news conference jointly held between President Putin and German Chancellor Merkel summarized for the international press their talk on a variety of issues between the two nations.
See: http://thesaker.is/news-conference-following-russian-german-talks/
One of the outrageous points Merkel made was in support of the “Crimea Platform”:
“For us, the annexation of Crimea constitutes a violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, we will insist on this point, and I will continue supporting Ukraine’s territorial integrity.”
So here we read the position of Germany is in solidarity with the Bandera Nazi’s in control of the government in Kiev, Ukraine. Germany is supposed to be a federal democratic republic where the power rests with the people and their right of suffrage to decide for themselves how they shall be governed.
Yet Merkel denies the right of the Crimean people to choose to leave the Ukraine through the legal, political process of a fair election that was witnessed by international observers. The Crimean autonomous government then petitioned the Russian Federation to allow it to join together founded on historic, cultural ties to Mother Russia. The request was officially granted and the Crimean Federal District of the Russian Federation is now fully integrated with Russia.
It does not matter what the U.S. thinks or Great Britain or the membership of the European Union. Merkel needs to be reminded she is a servant of the electorate and in a democracy, the supreme authority rests with the people above all else and no leader has the right to dictate otherwise.
Дай бог крымчанам!
Of course, Frau Merkel would never mention Germany’s lack of territorial integrity or its lack of freedom thanks to being occupied by the Outlaw US Empire. I’m very surprised Germans have put up with her for so long.
Considering the indecency of the phrasing, “the de-occupation of Crimea and its reintegration with Ukraine,’ the members of the summit must consider the following questions.
1. The former Yugoslavia was bombed by NATO with depleted uranium. Why the European Union has been condoning these NATO crimes against humanity in the former Yugoslavia?
2. After NATO had waged the war of aggression against Yugoslavia, Kosovo was converted into the largest US military base in Europe. There was no local referendum. Why the European Union has been in support of the grave violations of human rights there?
3. The members of the neonazis Azov battalion had conducted an auto-da-fe by burning dozens of civilians to death in Odessa in 2014. Why the European Union has been condoning and tacitly supporting the atrocious crimes of Ukrainian neonazis?
4. The “most blatant coup” in Kiev was run by zionists from the US State Dept. in collaboration with Ukrainian self-proclaimed neonazis. Why has been European Union supporting Ukrainian self-proclaimed neonazis, all while imprisoning honest historians for questioning apparently invented numbers supporting the holobiz claims? Are the EU governments are so afraid of zionists that they have abandoned any pretense of dignity?
Whoever participated in the Crimea Platform Summit, will face the above questions again and again. The participants are active apologists of the committed atrocities in Ukraine (and, by extension, in the former Yugoslavia). No wonder that some US vassals carefully sent the second-layer bureaucrats to attend the idiotic summit.
Let’s be honest. Chechens had a referendum back in 1990s as far as I can remember. Do they have right to chose to be free? How about Dagestan and some other republics?
Serbs i Croatia had a referendum back in 1990s as far as I can remember. With full Russian complicity they were crushed by force of NATO and their fascist allies. Do Serbs have right to be free?
How about Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh achieving their freedom while Russia has taken upon itself to return their lands to Azarbejan ( https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/10/30/russia-open-to-return-of-armenia-held-land-to-azerbaijan-putin-a71903 )?
Why is it that the Russians are (supposedly) such staunch advocates of the International law everywhere except in its own case.
Russia and Russian leaders were instrumental in destroying USSR and creating independent Ukraine in its borders at the time. Russia recognized Ukraine as independent state. So Russia has no case here. What a few despotic Russian “leaders” are able to destroy from time to time, the whole Russian nation can’t build back in a hundred of years. So, the Russian capacity to make proper historical decisions at proper times is probably the best place for the Russians to start solving their problems with others instead of revoking their obligations. Or as my friend Saker might ask: who is actually non-agreement capable in this particular case?
@Slaven “So Russia has no case here.” (…)
According to you at the beginning of 2014 Russia should have repatriated its sailors and soldiers deployed in Crimea (according to the agreements signed with Ukraine) and then turned its back on what was going to happen next???
Obviously you have never been to Crimea before 2014, you would have felt that the local population was already much closer to Russia than to Ukraine and this before the coup in Kiev and the installation of a puppet …
Russia’s intervention prevented a bloodbath in Crimea (or much more) and its inhabitants live in peace
You would have the strong case if we agree to isolate discusion on USSR only, meaning wilfully forget western influence.
I am not wiling to argue in this topic primarily because I agree in principle with your views. But things are not that simple. Here, take this into acount, and rethink whole Ukraine situation:
“What Makes a Contract Void?
If a court or tribunal rules a contract void, it means the contract has no force or effect, so neither party is bound by it and neither party can rely on it. Usually, this is because:
The object of the agreement is illegal or against public policy (unlawful consideration or subject matter)
The terms of the agreement are impossible to fulfill or too vague to understand
There was a lack of consideration
Fraud (namely false representation of facts) has been committed”
Seems to me ALL can be applied in Ukraine case.
I always find some refined amusement in coming across Serbs on this forum who whine and complain about how Russia “betrayed” them in the 1990s. As if the largest victims of betrayal were not the Russian people who suffered outright Liberal genocide at the hands of triumphant Western imperialism years before NATO blessed Serbia with depleted uranium, Albanian thugs, and military occupation. I have two questions for you:
a) How many Serbs (percentage-wise) are angry at Putin/Russia for what took place in Serbia in the 90s?
b) Why have the Russian people rallied massively behind Putin for all these years if he is a rotten traitor?
Regarding your first question, in a recent poll in Serbia, 95 % view Russia as an ally & major partner. (I posted the link in a previous discussion under the Gašić interview).
Yes, that’s what I’d expect. I was curious whether these anti-Russian Serbian specimina could stomach admitting as much, or if they would tie themselves up in knots, LOL.
Lets wait a while till US abandon Bondstill, Afgani style. Then we’ll see who is who in Serbia.
In other words: When that happens, will our brave, anti-Russian Serbs here keep on wailing if they can see a Russian hand bringing it on? It goes without saying that Russia together with China and Iran will push the NATO swine and scum out of business throughout Eurasia.
This conversation is being closed down as its gone off-topic. Please take to the MFC. Any further will go to trash. Mod.
1.Unfortunately, intentionally or not, some people do not seem to understand simple truth: no Serb is angry with Yeltsin, Putin or anyone else for not helping them although it would have been quite natural if they did. They DID NOT need Russian or anybody’s else help. Ideally, Russia could have stayed NEUTRAL. Since they didn’t stay neutral the Serbs accuse Russia of ACTIVELY HELPING, militarily and politically, their enemies NATO and Croatian nazi-like ultra nationalists in their fight against Serbs including civilians. Serbs also accuse Russia of intentional destruction in cooperation with western “partners “of both Serbian states: in 1990s Yugoslavia and in 2006 the state of Serbia and Montenegro. Russia was an instrument of Serbian defeat and fragmentation.
2.Those Serbs who still support Russia are mostly ignorant of their recent history, sometimes willingly. However, it should be clear to them that if they stay the course and adhere to Russia they will be defeated again because history tends to repeat itself to those who do not learn from it.
Slaven, I understand what you trying to say, but Russia didn’t exist until 2007 Munich conference when Putin told collective west the truth in the face. That was firs time in a century that Russia areised. And western answer to Russia was war in South Ossetia following year.
So be realistic. We are aware that Putin gave medal to Stipe Mesic ( why, nobody knows), that traitors like Kozirev, Yelchin, Chubais or Chernomirdin existed, but they ate not Russia. We Serbs don’t have a better friends than Russians, but we must be aware that they will have some rotten apples. However, Obrenovic’s Serbia also treated Russia badly in second half of 19th century, don’t forget that.
One more thing. Don’t forget that Russia lost its empire by standing with Serbia in WW1. Holy Tzar Nicholas stand with us serbs, even though his advisers told him not to with the reason.
Slaven, we all agree that during the 90’s Russia wasn’t an ally, and even worked against us. Yeltsin was a drunk, Kozyrev, who sold us out completely is an American who lives in Miami (!).. And there were others.
But apart from that particular period in time, what other historical period are you referring to..when you say Russia “was an instrument of Serbian defeat and fragmentation”… ?
BTW I have seen a link circulating here regarding Deripaska – Manafort collaboration in Montenegro independence drive. This is very dubious claim considering that Deripaska lost his entire investment in Montenegro after independence (which he made when while still united with Serbia) and ended up suing the Montenegrin state…Also, the Russian Church was against independence.
I love it when people talk about international law with regards to the arbitrary and legally ambiguous borders of ex-Soviet and ex-Yugoslav republics, which became national borders overnight…
Russia has the case. Russia MUST take what is russian land without looking at “what will west say”. Todays “ukraine” is insult for every Russian and that nazi occupied territory must be returned to Russia. The problem is that Russia still try to play by the rules, while “WEST” just grab and destroy without asking anybody.
Is that a belated case of what a Russian statesman once called ‘Slavophile onanism’, in apparently similar circumstances?
If you talking about Peter Valuev, he was Chernomirdin of that era.
Look, Serbs are the only to admit that without Russia, Serbia would not be formed in 19 century. And for every russian, serbian uprising against German-Ottoman oppression is not a problem. Problem was with some of Russian elite, like Serbian elite, that they like to kiss western asses even today.
I liked Putin’s comparison with a messy divorce. In a messy divorce, the parties take back what they have put in at the beginning. Russia has put in Crimea, for starters (never mind other prized territorial pieces that were taken from other states and incorporated in Ukraine).
A brief refresher on the Kosovo situation (especially for my compatriots).
Kosovo was not forfeit in a war/ coup/ referendum/ nor was it a border issue. It was a unilateral legal manoeuvre that took place several years AFTER the war.
In 1999:
1. NATO waged war against Serbia
2. NATO won
3. NATO as the winning party could dictate whatever terms they wanted in the peace settlement with Serbia…
4. NATO agreed to UNSC 1244 which distinctly says that Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia.
In 2008, NATO unilaterally violated the peace agreement UNSC1244, by recognising independent Kosovo.
When Russia insists upon UNSC1244, Russia is upholding Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity!
The self- declared “government” of independent Kosovo have zero claim to Kosovo, neither historical nor legal. They are squatters.
Since legality cannot be obtained ex-post, the Kosovo “government” has gone to work on Serbia’s extremely strong historical claim: ethnic cleansing, destruction of cultural and religious sites etc..
As a Serb, I can only blame us for our disaster. I’m happy that Russia still trying to help us and didn’t give up even though we don’t deserve it.
First, our king after WW1 created united state with our enemies, Croats and Slovenes, instead of creating Greater Serbia. Croats and Slovenes were always slaves under germanic rule and Serbs gave them freedom.
Second, serbian partizan’s after WW2 started killing and imprisonment their serbian brothers in the name of communist ideology. They sold Kosovo and Krajina and allowed Tito and other croatian partizan’s to divide Serbia into different regions, while they enlarged Croatia on serbian expense. Serbian partizan’s stupidity lead to war in 90’s. Croatian partizan’s always had highest positions in Yugoslavia, but they always cared only for Croatia and just waited for proper time to leave.
Good answer!
The stated aim of this political project, developed with active involvement of government experts from the United States, the UK and the European Union and funded by the United States Agency for International Development…
Ah, things are much clearer now — another one of those things conceived by the Empire to keep the Ukrainian pot boiling. This ‘coven’, to use the inestimable Sergei Lavrov’s description, was the Empire’s initiative from the start. Zelensky was only there to roll out the red carpet and to provide the meeting room. Just about all he’s capable of, really.
Lack of the usual media buildup and initial confusion I put squarely on the Ukraine’s doorstep.
This so-called ‘Platform’ is not going to change things, of course — a complete waste of time. But at least it’s helped RF to further clarify certain important points about the participants. Participants who can’t swim better pray RF doesn’t turn this ‘platform’ into a cliff-diving one for them.
Brief, exemplary comment by Maria Zakharova, and to the point.
Wish Western loudmouths could do the same on essential geopolitical issues… which the obviously cannot.
I know this is tangential but I have a question about the former Yugoslavia. Does UNDRIP offer any help? In the Americas, we are all too familiar with destruction of cultures, genocidal policies towards indigenous peoples, and repopulatation of territory with non-indigenous settlers. UNDRIP is seen as a way to reconcile some of this damage. Would this have any effect on your turf?
It wouldn’t work.
You have to remember that almost all serbian neighbors used to be serbs. They become something else and every agreement with Serbs will always remind them for who they really are and they hate that feeling. In every new opportunity, they will try to exterminate Serbs. The collective west will be always in their side, cos’ in western rulers elite eyes Serbs are same as Russians. So, Serbs will never be safe even with 1000 new peace agreements. Just check Cutileiros peace plan for Bosnia and what happened to that. It will show you who ignited bosnian war.
Clever words do not a vigorous geopolitical response make. This is not foreign policy, but the absence of one, a reactive spasm of logorrhea. And that’s all it ever is. The only time political adventurers stop is when they’re too afraid to act, and sometimes that only happens when one makes an example out of them. I’m not talking about certain people being afraid of Russia ”potentially”; I want people to be afraid of Russia in actuality. And China and Iran are not going to go to war with the West over Crimea, nor any others of this tenuous ”Alliance”. Russia can only count on Russia, and it’s damn well time for foreign policy to reflect that.