By Sushi for the Saker Blog
Mr. Ron Unz has offered a hypothesis with respect to the origins of the COVID pandemic. He asserts the likelihood of the pandemic originating as a United States biological warfare attack (hereafter BWA)) on China. This essay examines the extraordinary claims of the BWA hypothesis and offers a modified hypothesis which may better fit the available evidence.
The Sagan standard demands that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” This evidentiary threshold may be difficult to meet if an alleged perpetrator engages in covert activity and seeks the deliberate concealment of egregious conduct. An investigation of the BWA hypothesis therefore requires contemplation of “spukhafte Fernwirkung,” or spooky action at a distance.
Key Questions
A key question is “what evidentiary standard is accepted?” Or “How do we establish a fact?” Conventional wisdom asserts science to create facts. This is false. Courts of law assert findings of fact. The underlying premise of science is fundamental skepticism toward all assertions of fact. It is reported the ancients explained the world to be supported at each of its four corners by a global elephant, the four global elephants standing on the back of a massive global turtle. Upon what did the global turtle stand? When Justice Scalia gave his opinion on this matter in Rapanos v. United States he stated: “It is turtles all the way down.”
In the contemporary scientific world view “turtles all the way down” has been replaced with “hypotheses all the way down.” Each unique member in this infinite set of hypotheses is subject to falsification at any time with the arrival of new evidence, or an improved interpretation of old evidence. Anyone who disbelieves this has not been paying attention to contemporary issues of quantum entanglement or string theory. Elites and deplorables both fail to appreciate the degree to which their notion of “reality” continues to be shaped by a Californian serial monogamist bongo player, a sleepy English virgin wading in a great ocean of truth, and a hirsute Swiss patent office clerk. The investor class remains blissfully unaware their presumed lifetime accumulation of capital is entirely predicated on a series of interlinked hypotheses still waiting to be tested in a future Minsky Moment.
Persons who object to the above truth propose the existence of “intelligent design.”
If you elect to believe in intelligent design, then you must accept the Intelligent Designer has created a species hell bent on extinction. If not extinction by overpopulation and famine, then extinction by under fornication and a gerontological withering away to cobwebs and dust motes. If these routes to self-destruction prove to be failures, then there exist alternatives: global climate change, forever rising sea levels, and baked Alaska, or death by neutron ray, plutonic residue, and a random mutagenic apocalypso. If none of these modes of self-destruction are sufficient to the task, then there remains the capacity to manipulate the Intelligent Designer’s carefully crafted genome in pursuit of a freakish death by drowning in one’s own pleural fluids courtesy of SARS-CoV-2.
All this begs the question – Why would a presumed Intelligent Designer waste time creating a species exhibiting galactic imbecility and an unconscionable indifference to its own welfare? Most fungi demonstrate an intelligence surpassing that of homo sapiens sapiens. (Readers are welcome to mentally replace the word “homo” with “LGBTQIA” or other appropriate acronym du jour. Peruse this helpful website to select your desired pronoun, term of identity, species, or sexual affiliation.)
Nature or Nurture?
The current pandemic involves a debate between nature and nurture. It is asserted SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates features which can only originate via an intermediate host. The virus is presumed to be transmitted from its originating species, Rhinolophus affinis, the horseshoe bat, to an intermediate species (a hypothetical pangolin), where it undergoes a degree of mutation and adaptation, and is subsequently transmitted to an unsuspecting homo sapiens.
No such intermediate host has been found. Because of this, and a bristling array of other implausibility (Wade’s language) it is therefore argued that these various extraordinary features of the virus cannot have issued from a natural process. Due to this implausibility, it is asserted the virus can only have originated by deliberate human manipulation of the viral genome. This non sequitur of an argument then demands the identification of the laboratory in which this deliberate human manipulation was performed. The Global Megaphone claims this laboratory to be located in the vicinity of the viral outbreak in Wuhan, China. Such an assertion greatly reduces the number of suspect institutions. The absence of evidence in support of this set of hypotheses is advanced as some form of proof or, when the Global Megaphone is cranked to eleven, as evidence of malfeasance on the part of the Chinese authorities who fail to deliver facts in support of the unfounded accusations raised against them.
The above argument is easily falsified. By extension, it is a bristling implausibility to assert inorganic materials fortuitously combine in the creation of self-replicating organisms. It is even more bristly implausible to assert that one of these self-replicating organisms has developed proficiency in the use of tools and techniques and that the ultimate result of this process, a truly fantastic organism, has now obtained the capacity to manipulate the mechanism of self-replication and is therefore capable of creating entirely new, previously unknown, forms of self-replicating matter. If you are still awake, the absurd implausibility of the Wade thesis is demonstrated. If nature is incapable of creating SARS-CoV-2 then nature must be equally incapable of creating a species capable of performing the necessary laboratory modifications asserted to be found in SARS-CoV-2.
This argument is necessary and sufficient to cast serious doubt on the assertions of Wade, Baker, Pompeo, Redfield, Baric, Chan, Iwasaki et al. But there is more.
The opening paragraphs of this essay depict a world of random artifice, a sphere supported upon a bale of turtles upon which events occur without intent or purpose, where the product of two random events may result in a third random event, a fourth, a fifth, and so on. Human beings are resistant to such a viewpoint despite each individual human life being the direct result of a zygote impregnated by a random sperm, a single lucky victor among the 200 to 500 million competing spermatozoa contained in a single ejaculation.
Every living person is therefore the lucky holder of a winning random ejaculatory lottery ticket; this favorable circumstance has granted them a lifetime of opportunity. We should mourn the Brontobytes of potential brothers and sisters denied equal opportunity. (These facts raise the disturbing question of why, if we legislate against a woman’s right to abortion, no similar legislation against onanism has yet been introduced. Would a male hierarchy be made blind by self-pleasure?)
Our species exhibits a preference for imposed order and an unquestioning, unvarying routine which is called “office work,” “bureaucracy,” “marriage,” or “governance”. Homo sapiens is found to impose order on random events where no actual order may exist. This innate desire of the species for an imposed order gives rise to constructions called “contracts,” “law,” and the “state.” The BWA hypothesis is predicated on the assertion that these constructions, intended to deliver order, contain within them “rogue elements.” These rogue elements act in ways over which we exert no public control, and this egregious conduct undermines and threatens our desired imposed order. We are naturally reluctant to accept and give credence to such a preposterous proposition. This “preposterous proposition” lies at the heart of Mr. Unz’ BWA hypothesis.
Supporting Evidence – The Means
Over a period of decades Sy Hersh has established a reputation as an investigative journalist with few equals. In an article titled The Vice President’s Men published in the London Review of Books Vol. 41 No. 2, of 24 January 2019, Hersh describes a secret cadre of military operatives established within the US government “that bypassed the national security establishment – including the CIA – and wasn’t answerable to congressional oversight.” Led by a Vice-Admiral in the position of assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, this secret commando “quietly conducted at least 35 covert operations against drug trafficking, terrorism and, most important, perceived Soviet expansionism in more than 20 countries . . .”
This group was established “at a time when it became clear the president was drifting and not an effective leader.” This is a reference to a president other than Biden. “We came to realize that the American intelligence community needed the threat from Russia to get their money. Those of us who were running the operations were also amazed that the American press was so incompetent. You could do this kind of stuff all over the world and nobody would ask any questions.” The Hersh article goes into considerable detail on how this unit was explicitly organized to evade civilian oversight; the article suggests the organization structure formed the template for the current Joint Special Operations Command, (JSOC) a group “essentially out of civilian control.”
In 2018 the JSOC force was composed of 70,000 members, nearly double the 33,000 operators it contained prior to the 9/11 attacks. In 2016 these forces deployed to 149 countries; in the 10 months prior to February 2018 JSOC suffered 144 casualties and 20 killed in action. The Military Times reports JSOC has repeatedly sought significant budget increases to fund capabilities for fighting near-peer threats in compliance with a revamped National Defense Strategy (NDS). As stated by Gen. Raymond Thomas, commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, addressing the House Armed Services Committee:
“The NDS calls for a new era, where we compete in what Secretary Mattis calls ‘the contact lair,’ the daily clash of national will that occurs short of armed conflict, where your special operations forces are today building relationships and reducing the enemy,”
The release of pathogens during the Wuhan Military Games merits the description “a clash of national wills that occurs short of armed conflict.” A biowarfare attack represents a clear means of “reducing the enemy,” of “fighting near-peer threats” by disrupting Chinese society and reducing its future economic potential. The revamped NDS, a JSOC expansion in support of a covert clash of wills, and the Hersh reporting on a clandestine special action group controlled by the highest echelons of the Pentagon, all form concrete evidence in support of the BWA hypothesis.
But neither a secret commando, nor a Pentagon cabal, are required. One week after the September 11 terrorist attacks, letters containing weapons grade anthrax were mailed to a variety of targets killing five people and infecting 17 others. According to the FBI, the ensuing investigation became “one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement.”
The initial suspect denied responsibility for the anthrax letters; he claimed: “irresponsible news media coverage based on government leaks” had “destroyed his reputation”. In 2008 the government settled the suspect’s lawsuit with a $5.8 million total payment and officially exonerated him of any involvement in the attacks. The lawsuit was founded on the fact FBI and Justice Department officials had leaked false information to the press. There was no known investigation or prosecution of these leaks.
In April of 2007, a scientist at the government’s biodefense labs located at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, was put under FBI surveillance. An FBI document stated the Fort Detrick researcher was “an extremely sensitive suspect in the 2001 anthrax attacks”. In July 2008, the researcher committed suicide and was never formally charged, or brought to trial. The allegations against him therefore remain untested in a court of law.
This case, and the examples of Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Jonathan Pollard, and many others, all demonstrate the capacity of an independent lone actor to have a major impact on world events. The possibility of a lone actor being responsible for the alleged BWA attacks cannot therefore be rejected. It must also be acknowledged that “one of the largest and most complex investigations in the history of law enforcement” required more than seven years to identify a possible suspect with access to US government (USG) weapons grade anthrax stocks. The FBI has the capacity to identify miscreants depicted on hundreds of public video streams while engaged in misdemeanor trespass, but it evidently lacks equal capacity to undertake the timely investigation of any unauthorized use of a presumably well secured and highly restricted USG biowarfare agent. As stated by an activist organization: “Gram-for-gram, biological weapons are the deadliest weapons ever produced. Germs don’t respect borders, so biological threats—man made and naturally occurring—can quickly have global impacts.” Global impacts affect the world community. This community is wise to have concerns over the security of USG pathogen stocks, the loyalties of those who manage them, and the competence of the authorities to investigate violations of the necessary security protocols.
While the USG is a signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), the USG interprets the BWC to have application only to lethal agents. In the opinion of the USG, the BWC has no application to non-lethal agents and the USG is therefore free to develop, produce, stockpile, acquire, retain, and test, all non-lethal agents. The Federation of American Scientists has issued a position paper expressing their view that the present USG position on biological weapons stands in contravention of the BWC: “current non-lethal weapons research clearly exceeds the limits of acceptability defined by Article I.” There exists a clear history of the USG performing biological weapons testing on unsuspecting American citizens. A Business Insider report headlined: “Over and over again, the military has conducted dangerous biowarfare experiments on Americans” describes some of these tests which included the distribution of pathogens within the New York city subway system. The effectiveness of the BWC has been compromised by insufficient institutional support and the absence of a formal verification regime to monitor compliance (what the Regan administration referred to as “trust but verify”). This absence of a formal verification protocol occurs despite a significant global increase in the number of nations hosting BSL-4 laboratories intended to research lethal pathogens.
The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) undertook a review of US high-containment laboratories and released a report titled: High-Containment Biosafety Laboratories: Preliminary Observations on the Oversight of the Proliferation of BSL-3 and BSL-4 Laboratories in the United States. (GAO-08-108T release date 04-OCT-07). This October 2007 GAO report found:
A total of 1,356 CDC/USDA registered BSL-3 facilities were identified throughout the United States. Approximately 36% of these laboratories are located in academia. 15 BSL-4 facilities were identified in the U.S. in 2007, including nine at federal labs.
Many of these labs are supported by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the guidance of Director Anthony Fauci, M.D.. NIAID also sponsors and directs the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases Network (CREID).
The NIAID Strategic Plan is found at this URL and the National Biodefense Strategy is found here. A Wikipedia article on Biological Safety Levels (BSL) includes a full listing of global bio-safety labs and gives the date each was established. It is noted that this list is incomplete. It is generally acknowledged that BSL-4 laboratories may operate under the auspices of the military. For reasons of national security these military facilities, and their research activities, may not be publicly disclosed. Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has investigated these secretive facilities and has reported on them:
The Lugar Center in Georgia is just one of the many Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries across the world. They are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program – Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa. Much of their work is classified and includes projects on bio-agents and pathogens with pandemic potential.
A Wall Street Journal article titled Coronavirus Epidemic Draws Scrutiny to Labs Handling Deadly Pathogens raises the issue of “the increased risk of accidents or terrorism as more countries handle exotic microbes, say biosafety experts.” These experts include the following:
Scientists at a specialized Wuhan laboratory have been at the forefront of China’s response to its continuing coronavirus epidemic but are drawing attention to risks associated with the expanding global study of deadly pathogens.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology contributed to China’s fast identification earlier this year of the outbreak’s source as a novel, or previously unknown, coronavirus. It was a monumental achievement for a government that aims to rival the West in high-technology, including bioscience.
The totality of the evidence presented supports the Unz BWA hypothesis and demonstrates the USG has the means to undertake such a covert attack. The identical evidence gives notice of a clear and present danger to the welfare of the entire global community from increased levels of research activity lacking any degree of oversight or verification. Biological weapons have been described as a poor mans’ negligible-cost atomic bomb. The expanding global study of deadly pathogens has clear potential to imperil our own species and the welfare of the manifold other species upon which we make reliance.
Georgian Researchers Dissecting Viral Bats.
Note the BSL standard is lower than that found in a dentist’s office. Source URL
Supporting Evidence – The Motive
Certain aspects of the US motive for BWA have already been presented in this essay. Any exegesis of motive is always subject to attack as an expression of bias. A pillar of the US financial community, an executive faced with the need to advance the interests of his organization and its myriad stakeholders, has clear need for an uncompromising and direct appreciation of contemporary realities. Mr. J.P. Dimon, is such an executive; he has offered his opinion in a letter to shareholders and his views have been quoted in a New York Times article:
Coming from the highest echelons of the corporate world, Jamie Dimon, the CEO and chairman of JP Morgan Chase, spoke not of Chinese military advances but instead American political and economic weaknesses. “The Chinese see an America that is losing ground in technology, infrastructure and education—a nation torn and crippled by politics, as well as racial and income inequality—and a country unable to coordinate government policies (fiscal, monetary, industrial, regulatory) in any coherent way to accomplish national goals. Unfortunately, recently, there is a lot of truth to this.”
An America in decline was the fundamental underlying premise of the Trump administration (Make America Great Again) and the Biden administration (Build Back Better). Both administrations followed the path of Obama who in November 2011 articulated a “Pivot to East Asia” strategy, an integrated diplomatic, military, and economic strategy that stretched from the Indian subcontinent through Northeast Asia. The core message: America is going to play a leadership role in Asia for decades to come. This was widely interpreted as an American attempt to contain China, undermine Chinese growth, and enforce the US status as global hegemon, a position threatened by the continued rise of China. Preserving hegemon status is the primary motive for an America in decline to act against China.
Obama’s “Pivot to East Asia” occurred after a change in American military doctrine called Air-Sea Battle (ASB). First outlined in a classified memo in 2009, ASB became official US military doctrine in 2010, the year prior to Obama’s pivot. The central focus of ASB was the creation of an operational doctrine to penetrate and defeat an Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) defense system such as the defense mounted by China.
In a paper titled “Who Authorized Preparations for War with China?” published in the Yale Journal of International Affairs, p. 37, Summer 2013, author Amitai Etzioni asks why the USG is preparing for a war with China, preparations which commenced under Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama.
A 2013 article commenting on the Etzioni paper begins with the comment: “Rarely have relations between China and the United States been so cordial” and then asks: “So why are the two countries’ militaries preparing to do battle with each other?” The Globe and Mail article then goes on to excerpt from the Etzioni paper:
“The United States is preparing for a war with China, a momentous decision that so far has failed to receive a thorough review from elected officials, namely the White House and Congress,” Prof. Etzioni writes. “In the public sphere there was no debate – led by either think tanks or public intellectuals – like that which is ongoing over whether or not to use the military option against Iran’s nuclear program, or the debate surrounding the 2009 surge of troops in Afghanistan.”
And adds: “Soon after assuming power last year [i.e. in 2012], Mr. Xi abandoned his predecessor’s commitment to “peaceful rise,” took direct command of the Central Military Commission and commanded the military to focus on “real combat” and “fighting and winning wars.”
This suggests that during a period of peaceful relations the introduction of an aggressive military doctrine reshaped state policy between the US and China. Obama’s Secretary of Defence Robert Gates openly discussed the need to counter China’s growing military capabilities. In a February 2011 speech to West Point cadets Gates stated that anyone contemplating putting boots on the ground in Asia “should have his head examined.” This suggests a form of confrontation other than a conventional land war – the need to reduce and undermine China in a manner short of war. The covert introduction of biological toxins with the intent to disrupt the economy and destabilize the political structure of China, is therefore seen to be consistent with USG military doctrine and state policy towards China. This evidence provides strong support for the Unz’ BWA hypothesis.
China Surrounds US Military Bases
The 2010 introduction of ASB and the 2011 Obama pivot to Asia were interpreted by Beijing as evidence of the US having hostile intent toward China, part of a broader US effort to encircle China with military bases and pre-positioned forces. It was not until 2012 that China commenced a response to the introduction of this aggressive USG military doctrine, and It was not until 2013 that China commenced reclamation activities in the islands of the South China Sea, defensive works which subsequently became the source of much American (and later international) public complaint. Chinese activity in the South China Sea is more accurately understood as a Chinese defensive response to the US demonstration of hostile military intent. The Global Megaphone, now dialed to 12, refuses to inform the international public of the correct chronological sequence of events or report on the US conduct causing China to reinforce its defensive perimeter.
Mr. Dimon, the Chinese authorities, and this writer, are in general agreement that the source of much international friction derives directly from America’s decline and the incapacity of successive American administrations to positively address the domestic factors underlying this decline. This incapacity to correct American decline provokes a racist response: the creation of an enemy – a devious yellow peril – and the delusional attribution of America’s domestic failures to the evil machinations of a declared external enemy – if not Putin’s Russia, then Xi’s China.
It must be noted that the June 2021 G-7 meeting was a communion of failed colonial powers, a convocation of white privilege representing 45% of nominal global GDP, down from 67% thirty years ago. By implication, 55% of global GDP is now founded in the economies of nations outside the G-7. The United Nations currently recognizes 193 member countries. The G-186, a collection of predominately brown, black, yellow, and red peoples, therefore represents the majority of present-day economic activity. Many of the G-186 nations had their peoples abducted into slavery, their native industries destroyed in favor of increasing Atlanticist exports, their people killed by famine as their sustenance was exported to meet the appetites of the Imperialists, their democratically elected leaders killed and replaced by Atlanticist tyrants, or they were scythed down by an endless hail of machine gun bullets coupled with a genocidal administration, their cities razed by aircraft attack, their citizens murdered and raped, interned in concentration camps, made the subjects of lethal bio-medical research, their very self-worth denied to them in a century of humiliations.
What is being described in the above paragraph is the “rules-based international order” asserted by a self-selected club of G-7 members, an unelected body hardly representative of its own electorates, a group of so called “wealthy nations” which contain large pockets of extreme poverty in excess of any equivalent to be found in the third world. And if you do not believe this then please watch where you place your feet on your next visit to San Francisco.
One of the reasons for this high degree of abject poverty may be found in the communique of Atlanticist major domo Jens Stoltenberg who asserts “we (NATO) now have implemented the biggest reinforcements of our collective defense since the end of the Cold War”. These “reinforcements” represent a collective expense of $1.049 trillion to keep profits up, our electorates confused, and the brown, black, red, and yellow people down. Much of that $1.049 trillion will be spent on US armaments, the last toehold of advanced manufacturing within the United States , a 2018 Pentagon study claiming “all facets of the manufacturing and defense industrial base are currently under threat” and some parts of the military supply chain were “near extinction.”
The Atlanticists have strong motive to vilify any mode of social organization which demonstrates their incompetent governance, and their utter disregard for the welfare of their citizens who fail to obtain membership in the privileged Davos elite: “the people who broke the modern world”. Any contrast with an alternate mode of governance exposes the Atlanticists as being incapable of coordinating government policies (fiscal, monetary, industrial, regulatory) in any coherent way to accomplish national goals. If you contest this assertion, then please provide a coherent explanation of why the USG funded biological research with military application in a country it identifies as a key adversary. Or the fumbling and incompetent G-7 pandemic response in contrast to that of China.
Supporting Evidence – The Opportunity
The section on means gives salient evidence of the USG capacity for covert action concealed from the adversary, the Congress, and from the American people. The section on motive establishes grounds for covert USG destabilization operations intended to undermine China. The literature on USG covert action, the USG history of destabilization of, and interference in, the internal affairs of other nations, and the USG engagement in biological warfare activity, is vast; since this activity has been undertaken on a covert basis (“We lie, we cheat, we steal”) the true extent of relevant USG conduct is likely understated in the literature. Both these prior sections have necessarily been abridged from what would otherwise be a book length exegesis of the available evidence. The present section concerns opportunity – specifically the opportunity for covert action presented by the Wuhan Military Games.
The People’s Republic of China hosted the 7th Military World Games from October 18-27th, 2019. Titled “Military Glory, World Peace,” the Games included over 9 000 military delegates/athletes from 109 countries competing in 27 military and traditional sports. The USG participated but there was no contingent representing either the UK, or Israel. The Iranian contingent numbered 90 athletes. The athlete participant numbers understate the size of each national contingent. For example, the US athletes numbered 172 but the total size of the US contingent is reported to have been in excess of 300 persons. The additional numbers would comprise administrators, physicians, coaches, trainers, equipment technicians, nutritionists, and the like. In addition to the athletic contingents, approximately 230,000 Chinese volunteers were recruited to support the 35 various event venues.
For the first time in the history of the Military World Games a dedicated housing facility, in the form of a self-contained ”athletes village,” was constructed prior to the start of the Games. The US contingent housed itself at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel, a five-star facility located approximately 300 meters (1,000 feet) from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market and 8 air miles from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) where the pandemic is alleged to have originated. The area between the Oriental Hotel and WIV is studded with McDonalds, KFC, and Starbucks outlets. Any athlete tired of a diet of pangolin had easy access to the comforting tastes of home. The athlete’s village was located adjacent to the Wuhan College of Economics and Management in the area to the south of South Lake, approximately six air miles from WIV. Athletic activities were distributed around 35 discrete venues located within Wuhan. These locations ranged from the Air Force Early Warning Academy to Hannan Municipal Airport, (not to be confused with Wuhan Tianhe International Airport which is at the geographic center of China’s airline route network making it a key interconnection hub for all of China), Caidian National Defense Park, Ordnance NCO Academy, Army Engineering University of PLA, and the East Lake Hi-Tech Development Zone. It is therefore evident the athletes required daily travel between their accommodations and their sports venues.
Wuhan Metro comprises 9 lines, 240 stations, and 360 km (220 mi) of route length. The maximum recorded daily ridership is 4.465 million persons, the sixth-busiest rapid transit system in mainland China (the NYC subway system of 248 route miles averages 5.6 million daily rides). Five of the Wuhan lines are entirely underground, one line is elevated above ground, and the balance are mixed above and below grade. Line location is important as is it recognized that pathogens typically degrade with UV exposure. As the USG experiments in the NYC subway demonstrated, an enclosed underground system concentrates the agent and increases the exposure time of the pathogen. Less agent is required than would be the case with open-air dispersal.
The Military Games opening ceremony was attended by Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China. The ceremony highlight was an elaborate performance titled “Torch of Peace,” the main motto of the event. The event mascot, named “Bingbing,” has no known connection to Microsoft. On October 18th, 2019, Microsoft founder Bill Gates participated in “Event 201.” Sponsored by the Gates Foundation and the CIA, among others, Event 201 simulated a novel zoonotic corona virus causing a global pandemic with the lack of an immediately available vaccine resulting in 65 million deaths within 18 months. As of June 12th, 2021, approximately 18 months after the start of the present pandemic, 3.84 million deaths have been attributed to COVID-19 and the global case count is reported as totaling 177 million persons.
Wuhan’s role as a central transportation hub, coupled with the presence of a high ridership metro system, makes it a suitable site for a biological attack intended to initiate a Chinese pandemic, throw Chinese society into disarray, undermine the political leadership, threaten the economy, damage China’s global reputation and inhibit the nation’s capacity for further growth.
The military games facilitates covert activity. The pathogen is easily disguised as medical supplies, tinctures, and ointments, and the range of events created a need for everything from bicycle pumps to rifle scopes. The containers required to ship the athletic equipment of 170 athletes provides ample means for the covert transport of pathogens. Athletes were free to roam, to visit exotic sights such as the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, to explore the metro and seek out the tastes of home at over 100 American fast-food franchises. These excursions created the opportunity for the covert dispersal of a pathogen by military trained “athlete” operatives. The Chinese complained over the poor performance of the US contingent. They expected to be challenged by the best athletes America had to offer but believed the US sent its second, or third string, athletes.
Evidence of Concern
That something occurred in conjunction with the Wuhan Military Games is found in the following evidence:
- Suspected cases arose among international athletes months before China’s first report to WHO.
- A French military athlete, Elodie Clouvel, claimed that she and other athletes had contracted Covid-19 but that no one knew at the time about Covid-19. The athletes thought they had contracted a severe case of flu.
- The French military airport to which the French athletes returned is reported to have been the first site of COVID infection in France.
- When returning French athletes gave press interviews describing their “COVID” experience, the minister of Defense prohibited any further public statements. A gag order is suspected.
- German volleyball player Jacqueline Brock alleged that she fell ill with COVID-19 – “After a few days, some athletes from my team got ill, I got sick in the last two days. I have never felt so sick, either it was a very bad cold or COVID-19. I think it was COVID-19.”
- Former Italian fencing Olympian Matteo Tagliariol said that when he participated in the Military World Games, he and five roommates all got sick with symptoms often seen in COVID-19 patients and experienced a long recovery time afterward. He said his fever and difficulty breathing continued even a week after returning home, that the symptoms “looked like those of COVID-19″. “I had a very high fever and could not breathe. Antibiotics did not help either. I was sick and very weak for three weeks. Then my two-year-old son Leo fell ill. He coughed for three weeks. My partner also got sick. When I started talking about the virus, I thought I was infected. I recognized the symptoms of COVID 19.“ said Tagliariol.
- Frenchman Amirouche Hammar, a 42-year-old fishmonger, became ill in December 2019 and was retrospectively found to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 despite his having no connection to Wuhan and no travel outside of France. His date of infection preceded the first identification of the disease in China. It is believed he caught the disease from his wife who works in a store at Paris airport and interacts with many travelers.
- Commenting on the Hammar case, WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier encouraged other countries to check their records for pneumonia cases of unspecified origin in late 2019, since this would give a “new and clearer picture” of the outbreak.
- A New York Times report suggests the Hammar case “has the potential of blowing up the previously established chronology” of disease transmission.
- Luxembourg triathlete Oliver Gorges said he fell ill with a flu and is to undergo an antibody test to see if he has COVID-19.
- Swedish pentathlete Melina Westerberg said that many of her compatriots were sick at the Games, but none tested positive for the virus claiming: “It was just a coincidence, we all felt safe.”
- Several Swedish athletes were also reportedly unwell, including swimmer Raphael Stacchiotti. These suspected cases support the view of some Swedish epidemiologists that the virus may have been spreading in Sweden as early as November 2019.
- Five of the US troops developed a fever on Oct. 25TH, 2019 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.
- 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel (the hotel which housed the US contingent) were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan.
- The American Military Games team trained at a location near Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab closed by the CDC in July 2019 for a release of toxins in wastewater discharge (the precise nature of the discharge was classified by the USG for reasons of “National Security.”
- The U.S. team used chartered flights to and from the games via Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Washington was one of the earliest states with COVID-19 cases. The US team went home on October 28, 2019, and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. No records of US team activity were kept.
- Canada sent 114 athletes, 57 coaches and support staff. No news release was issued to notify Canadians of Canada’s participation.
- It is reported that one third of the Canadian athletes, an estimated 34 persons, became seriously ill exhibiting lung issues, coughing, vomiting, and diarrhea, resulting in them being quarantined in the rear of the aircraft returning them to Canada. Their request to be tested for COVID-19 was refused and they were dispersed to their home locations.
- New York Times reporting indicates all of these reported illnesses occurred before the “Wuhan government confirmed on Dec. 31 2019 that the health authorities were treating dozens of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause. Symptoms of the new illness include high fever, difficulty breathing and lung lesions. . . Researchers have been encouraged by the fact that patients’ relatives and hospital workers have not been reported to have gotten sick, signaling that the virus may not spread easily among humans.”
- Researchers estimate the SARS-CoV-2 virus was likely circulating undetected for at most two months before the first human cases of COVID-19 were described in Wuhan, China in late-December 2019. These findings push “human-to-human transmission back to mid-October to mid-November of 2019 in Hubei Province, China, with a likely short interval before epidemic transmission was initiated.” October 18–27 is the period of the Wuhan Military Games.
How to Interpret This Evidence
Apart from the last entry, the quality of this evidence is anecdotal and highly variable. Despite being anecdotal, it does exhibit a degree of face validity. There are multiple independent sources reporting from several different nations. The reports include testament from individuals who describe symptoms similar to those of COVID-19. None are reported to have tested positive for COVID-19; it is unclear what testing was performed.
All those persons reporting sick are from NATO member countries; the sole exception is a Swedish athlete. It is unclear if this is due to a lack of reporting on other national contingents, or due to the outbreak of illness being confined to NATO force members. Searches on Google and Bing for African, Asian, South American military games illness reports proved negative.
The indifferent response of the military hierarchy is also curious. As NATO members, both France and Canada would have been in receipt of the US secret notification transmitted in November 2019 alerting allied Games participants to a potential disease outbreak in Wuhan, China. Despite this alert, and the potential risk to their domestic populations from soldiers returning sick from a known area of infection, returnees who displayed symptoms of serious illness were permitted to disperse to their homes.
Reports suggest that when athletes associated their illness with the Wuhan games, their superiors ordered them to silence. Also curious is the loss of reporting on US participants; this was accessed on-line early in January 2020 but now appears to have been scrubbed from the web.
An Alternate Hypothesis
In his essays outlining the BWA hypothesis Mr. Unz correctly highlights the fact that the truth can be compromised by sins of both commission and omission. If you advance a hypothesis, it is incumbent upon you to address any competing hypothesis.
In the present environment we see the politicization of science in a field where the science is largely unsettled. There exists the danger of cancel culture intruding into the process of establishing a scientific consensus, of a turning away from argument based on evidence toward argument based on ideology, on assigning blame and taking reprisal before the facts are known and the evidence carefully sifted.
In preparing this article over a hundred scientific papers were reviewed. This is a small percentage of the estimated 1,200 recent papers on SAS-CoV-2 and the origins of COIVID-19. By fortuitous circumstance one paper came to hand which contains all necessary evidence and argument. Furthermore, it is written in a manner deserving of a Feynman Medal for clarity and for making the science accessible to those persons who are not professional scientists active in this area of study. This paper, authored by R. Frutos, L. Gavotte and C.A. Devaux, and titled Understanding the origin of COVID-19 requires to change the paradigm on zoonotic emergence from the spillover model to the viral circulation model, is an on-line March 18th, 2021 pre-proof from the Elsevier publication Infection, Genetics and Evolution (2021)
This paper provides an overview of the present science which rebuts the assertions of Wade, Baker, Pompeo, Redfield, Baric, Chan, Iwasaki et al. while also delivering an alternate paradigm which potentially explains the illness reported at the Wuhan Military World Games. Key aspects of the paper are presented here. The reader is urged to review the actual paper (available to read on-line at the above link and also available in PDF format) and the supplemental Word document containing an additional 50 scientific citations.
The highlights are as follows:
- SARS-CoV-2 is a naturally occurring virus
- The dynamic of SARS-CoV-2 does not correspond to the spillover model
- The paradigm for zoonotic emergence must be changed
- SARS-CoV-2 evolved in host
- Viruses circulate in many hosts with no reservoir, intermediaries or zoonotic spillover
- A novel model, the “circulation model” explains the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in a parsimonious way
1.1. SARS-CoV-2: the man-made virus theory
- The supposedly engineered sequences were simply natural features
- Naturally occurring polybasic furin cleavage sites have been described in other lineages of coronaviruses such as MERS-CoV, HKU1, HCoV-OC43 or IBV
- The natural occurrence of furin-cleavage sites in various viruses has been documented for long. We provide a list of 50 selected references as Supplementary Data.
- The selection of SARS-CoV-2 through successive passages in cell culture was refuted
- Altogether, these elements indicate that there is no evidence to support the hypothesis of a man-made origin of SARS-CoV-2.
1.2. SARS-CoV-2: the bat-pangolin recombinant virus theory
- The detection of recombination was deduced from metagenomic data, an approach which can by itself generate artifactual recombinants.
- SARS-CoV-2 is phylogenetically branching at an ancestral level to Sarbecoviruses from pangolins, making it impossible to be a descendant from recombination
- There are currently only in silico predictions from metagenomic data and no factual element to support the recombinant hypothesis.
1.3. SARS-CoV-2: a naturally occurring virus
- The extensive APOBEC-driven mutational bias and adaptation suggest that SARS-CoV-2 might have circulated unnoticed in humans for a long time
1.4. The conspiracy theory of SARS-CoV-2: the voluntarily release from a laboratory
- The marginal conspiracy theory of a voluntary release of an engineered virus forwarded by the press, blogs and politicians (Sutton, 2020; Everington, 2020) is not supported by any data
- There is consensus within the scientific community to consider that SARS-CoV-2 has not been engineered and is a naturally occurring virus.
- It is simply impossible to voluntarily release an engineered virus which does not exist.
- There is thus no voluntary release
1.5. A laboratory accident
- Staff members of the Wuhan Institute of Virology have all been tested negative indicating that no accident occurred
- SARS-CoV-2 was never found in the wild and that RaTG13 does not exist as real virus but instead only as a sequence in a computer
- It is a virtual virus which thus cannot leak from a laboratory.
- Laboratory accident can never be definitively excluded, there is currently no evidence to support it.
1.6. A contamination from rural and wild environments
- The main risk of contact and viral contamination lies in anthropized rural environments and to a lower extent in the recreational human presence in wild environments
- The concentration and diversity of bat-borne viruses is higher in human rural settlements than in the wild
1.7. The dynamic of zoonoses: definitions and concepts
- An emerging disease is recognized as such only after having reached an epidemic stage. Before that, the virus circulates in the population, most likely leading to sporadic cases which are not recognized as a novel disease but confused with a known disease, many early symptoms being indeed similar. This is a latency phase or stuttering phase during which the disease is uncharacterized and the virus is undetected
- Unlike known diseases like influenza, a novel emerging disease cannot by definition be identified until the epidemic/outbreak threshold was reached and the epidemic has actually started.
2. Why is the spillover model not compatible with the observed dynamic of COVID-19?
- No experimental data support a spillover of SARS-CoV-2 from any animal species. Since all research and strategies are based on this model, there is a risk of misled investigations. The main problem associated with the spillover model is that it is a theoretical construction and did not come from evidence.
Figure 1 is reproduced from the Frutos paper. It presents a visual comparison of the Spillover Model and the Circulation Model. Green boxes show observed evidence supporting the circulation model. Since the Frutos paper is in pre-print it has not been subject to critical peer review by persons familiar with the relevant science.
There is one critique which may immediately be made. Section 2.1 includes the following assertion:
In the case of COVID-19, this amplifying loop was the conjunction of major celebrations during the new year period in Wuhan combined with a high concentration and mobility of people which made this amplification loop (Frutos et al., 2020a). This accidental nature of such conjunctions of natural and societal events explains why pandemic are so rare.
The Chinese New Year celebrations (also known as Spring Festival) for the year 2020 commenced on Saturday, January 25th, 2020. According to the Lancet article (Huang et al 2020, Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30183-5) the first patient was infected December 1st 2019. This is 56 days prior to the first day of Spring Festival. Even if we accept that persons travelling for family re-unification commence to travel 14 days prior to the start of Spring Festival it is evident that the December 1st, 2019, date is 42 days prior to the most likely early travel period within China.
A news article suggests the earliest COVID-19 infection may be traced back to November 17th, 2019. This is 59 days before the commencement of the most likely early travel period for Spring Festival. A paper by Pekar et al 2021 Timing the SARS-CoV-2 index case in Hubei province DOI: 10.1126/science.abf8003 used genome data combined with molecular clock inference and epidemiological simulation to push the estimated date of first infection back to mid-October – mid-November 2019. The mid-October date is 101 days prior to the January 25th, 2020, start of Spring Festival and 87 days prior to the most likely early start date of Spring Festival travel.
The Wuhan Military World Games opening ceremony took place on 18 October 2019 and the closing ceremony was on 27 October 2019. These dates fit with the findings of Pekar et al 2021. Allowing for a 14-day incubation period gives an index victim date of November 10th, 2019 which approximates press reports of the first Chinese victim.
These dates closely match with the Frutos et al 2021 circulation model. The Military Games brought together participants from most nations of the world. These individuals would have brought with them circulating virii. The Games were staffed by almost one quarter million Chinese volunteers likely brought in from all regions of China. In addition to the volunteers there would have been construction staff, event managers, planners, and government officials from different regions.
The Wuhan Military World Games therefore delivers a high degree of host mixing and represents the “societal event” which delivered a “high concentration and mobility of people.” This congregation of human hosts then resulted in a “stuttering event” during which the latent pathogens had the possibility of repeated host to host transmission resulting in improved adaptation to the human host. It is this “stuttering” which resulted in the repeated occurrence of illness among the Games participants, and the reported occurrence within the staff of the Wuhan Oriental Hotel. It was this repeated congregation of human hosts that formed the amplification event required for the circulating pathogen to reach the outbreak threshold and which triggered the pandemic.
That no athletes tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, or were diagnosed with COVID-19, is likely due to the fact the pathogen, in its “stuttering” phase, created numerous sub-optimal human host adaptations. The hosts became seriously ill but the adaptation, while causing illness, did not in every case achieve the necessary degree of successful adaptation to its human host. Since both SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 were unknown to medical science, a new pathogen was not suspected. The existing paradigm of the Spillover Model inhibited discovery of the new pathogen. There was no athlete contact with pangolins, no one ate bat soup, no one ventured into the BSL-4 laboratories of Wuhan Institute of Virology, no one released a novel chimeric virus as there was no such virus to capture or release. It was only in the aftermath of the stochastic period of the amplification loop that the deterministic phase of transmission commenced, and the pandemic ensued. And it was not until recognition of the fact of a new contagion that the medical community was alerted to the problem and commenced the investigation and identification of the cause.
This article is being forwarded to the lead author of Frutos et al 2021 to present the evidence of an amplification loop associated with the Wuhan Military Games.
Does the application of the Circulation Model invalidate the Unz’ BWA? Does it invalidate the proposed alternate hypothesis based on the Unz’ BWA as suggested in the opening paragraphs? These questions are to be addressed in Part II.
At this point, a reminder of the Saker’s moderation policy on issues Covid, numbers 19 and 20.
We may comment on political, ideological, social and economic aspects of SARS-COV-2/COVID19-
We may not comment on the medical aspects of SARS-COV-2/COVID19 including, but not limited to: origin, prevention, effects on health, treatments and putative “non-existence” (including the “its just like the flu” kind).
In addition, any post denying that there is a pandemic will be removed and its author banned.
This author is writing about the Bio-Warfare Attack Hypothesis. Kindly keep on topic.
Hi, Amarynth. How about hard science facts? Example, “mankind and its multi-layered immune system has co-evolved with coronaviri for millions of years”. Because some criticism has its base in hard sciences, not what passes for medicine in this day and age.
Or “Measured IFR is in the range 0.1-1.0%, averaging 0.3%” (64 citations follow). Is that a social datum or a medical one?
Finally, is “These people in the elites truly are chosen by the gods. Oil starts declining with no stop in sight, a pandemic shows up to curtail its consumption”. Not sure that is social, economic, or medical, although given what passes for medicine in this day and age, it is certainly medical.
drb, “This author is writing about the Bio-Warfare Attack Hypothesis. Kindly keep on topic.”
If you want to chat other stuff, go over to the Movable Feast Cafe.
Thank you, Amarynth. Unz seems to have an agenda ( I am not the first to notice that) of pushing a theory (IMHO correct) of a US lab origin. But, he does it in view of supporting the vaccine campaign. A few examples:
– he rarely censors, but try to post videos of people sticking magnets to the vaccination spot and your comment is gone (in time I have met or heard of sufficient people trying this, that it has become clear not all Pfizer lots contain magnetic elements. There must be a RCT about those ingredients).
– he is a scientist, but he can not bring himself to discuss the human immune system which is at the root of this problem. Just model after model, as we all know not very based in reality. Commenters provide plenty of opportunities to do so.
– Likewise he completely ignores that astounding coincidence of this thing hitting right after oil peaks. After figuring out the culprit (again, correctly IMHO), any discussion of the “why?” is stifled. Not to mention things such as civil liberties and degradation of human life.
So, Unz is ultimately a strongly pro-vaccine site. Perhaps the vaccine truly is the main act of this tragedy, but it is not like we have a choice. With oil ending, food and transports are also declining. Perhaps he thinks this is the least worst of a bunch of bad options.
Given all these requirements I don’t have much to say. Deliberate release of a toxic agent is, in my mind is the most likely scenario though unless it is something that will remain localized to where it is released like anthrax, it becomes a suicidal act. What prevents the perpetrators from also falling ill and dying?
And look at our ‘leaders’. In all photo ops they are all wearing masks that do absolutely nothing to protect against any toxic agent. And yet when they get together as a group afterward, for example at the G7 or whatever they are calling it these days, after the photo op is finished they are all together, no masks, no social distancing, and clearly not afraid they are going to catch anything from anyone. One could be forgiven for thinking they know it is a hoax and an agenda. Given that WHO and world leader and the media very early on declared a world wide emergency also indicates forethought and an agenda. To facilitate this, it would be easy enough to release a toxic poison on an individual basis, in various locations. Just enough to catch everyone’s attention. But most of the hysteria is media driven.
The real bio-warfare attack is the so-called ‘cure’. People often eagerly being vaccinated with a product that causes the production of toxic proteins (prions) in their bodies.
Some will die soon, their blood values all over the place but not where they should be, many will die more slowly with diseases like mad-cow disease, Parkinson’s or ‘just’ a good old autoimmune disease, but die they will.
It’s much more Hegelian than Unz thinks, the virus is not at all what we should worry about…
We don’t need a virus to do all that destruction, gravity and time is all it takes, and we are well on our way to that place.
How about some facts or references to support such an extraordinary claim? I have read comments like yours or similar ones a number of times here at the Saker. Each time without any facts to back up.
I think any attempt to provide backup evidence would be banned as “medical.”
It would also involved discussions by doctors of the actual lethality of the disease for different demographic groups and the appropriateness or non-appropriateness of the govt and medical response.
It would also involve reference to investigations currently taking place in Germany, prompted by the origin and characteristics of PCR tests. Also banned.
So you will have to go to other sites to find the relevant info. I expect naming some of those other sites and webpages is also banned.
Basically I don’t come to The Saker for cutting-edge info on the pandemic. Too much relevant info and debate is banned. Now, there are some interesting covid-19/jab developments in Russia. Perhaps The Saker will provide some background on that.
It is possible that The Saker is being super-careful about what is allowed to be stated or suggested at this site because of the general crackdowns he mentioned some months ago that threaten him and the site.
Just do your own homework. Look up what prions do to your body and especially your brain (think of Parkinson’s and mad cow’s disease), then look up what the new mRNA gentech treatments are causing to be produced in the bodies of the vaccinated. Spike proteines that are known to be toxic. Prions, anyone?
Some medical specialists have enough balls to go against the flow of idiocy and dare tell the scientific truth and nothing but the truth. Here’s just one single but good example:
Ave moritori, I’d say to all unwise enough to get vaccinated.
That COVID-19 is a bioweapon violates the first rule of any official narrative. Just like with the official narrative of 9/11, the official narrative must affirm the notion that the AngloZionist Empire is above reproach, even though the narrative violates the Laws of Physics and the laws of common sense.
We must believe that Osama bin Laden, hold up in a cave in Afghanistan, directed 19 Arabs armed with boxcutters to fly planes at at 300 feet above sea level at 500 knots into steel skyscrapers, reducing them to piles of dust and rubble. We know this because the official narrative came into being fully formed within hours of the attacks, way before any evidence-based investigation could possibly have been done, complete with pictures of the alleged perps plastered all over the MSM. This narrative must be believed because it was the pretext for all the wars of this century, all for Israel.
To claim that COVID-19 is a bioweapon developed in a lab in North Carolina and deployed first in China, then in Iran and Europe, and finally in the USA would make a lie of everything Trump has told us about the virus being a hoax, even though the Times of Israel reported back April of last year that “the US intelligence community became aware of the emerging disease in Wuhan in the second week of [November 2019] and drew up a classified document.” At that time, US intelligence also informed the Trump administration, “which did not deem it of interest.” That the pandemic made over $6 trillion available to the big banks and corporations in the spring to bail them out from the collapsing derivatives market must be purely coincidental.
It behooves all of us to believe everything the Mighty Wurlitzer (MSM) tells us. It’s an article of faith that the AngloZionist Empire is above reproach and would never promote anything that wasn’t in our best interests. If you don’t believe this, there is a nice cell waiting for you in the tropical paradise at Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
Agreed with all Tommy! If the sole point for all this nonsense was to totally discredit the western MSM and the AZ empire itself, they couldn’t have succeeded any more splendidly. I see who’s benefitting most and I listen to the lying spewage they spill out daily to support it, and every fiber of my being screams out “this is 9-11 all over again!” Whether one calls that a “hoax” or not is up for debate, but one thing’s for sure, absolutely nothing we’re being told about all this from official sources is to be trusted in the least!
Just as with 9/11, the real perps behind the deployment of the bioweapon COVID-19 continue to act with impunity, knowing that they will never be held to account for their crimes by any international body. There are at least a dozen bioweapons labs in the USA alone. If a target population appears to have developed herd immunity, it’s back to one of these labs to come up with a more effective one.
Culling the human herd of the elderly, the already infirm, and especially people of color seems to be the ultimate goal of these fiends. This is very similar to what the USA did back in the 19th Century, giving smallpox-infested blankets to the Plains Indians. When you are the “chosen ones” (Europeans), displacing the indigenous and stealing their land is just doing God’s work.
You nailed it precisely.
For what it’s worth, when I first heard of the outbreak, my gut feeling told me:
– This was a biological attack against China
– It was either the USA, UK, France, Israel or Russia who did it; my gut strongly indicated it was France hiding behind the other usual suspects’ (and Russia’s) shadow as cover
– The prospect of a bigger war which involves the Asia pacific theater is now either inevitable or very close to it
All of these are completely* intuitive impulses I had as an immediate reaction to the news. I make no claim of veracity, but that’s what my instincts instantly told me.
Now, since then, as I am no medical expert (or even close) I have focused on the geopolitics of it all, as that is what I know more about, but even in geopolitics I am an amateur. Having watched how geopolitics overall, on a worldwide basis has developed since the outbreak of COVID, I continue to feel at an instinctual level that it is bio-warfare and that it was the west who did it against China, and not the other way around.
Admittedly I have been watching the war fronts more closely than I have the epidemic.
I guess my point is that I have suspended a French Intel hand in COVID from the very start, and France’s behavior since that time has only bolstered this theory, in my opinion.
So if it does turn out to be France after all, I just wanted to be on record saying I thought it was France the whole time ;-)
Why France? I’ve never heard this idea before?
Lol and just why would Russia do it now that makes little to no sense or is it just another case of Russia did it.
Like I said it was an idea that came in the very first moments of me hearing of the epidemic, it isn’t an analysis or reasoned conclusion.
However, it is plausible. Just for fun:
France – they have global super-power pretensions, like UK, but were taken down a notch after WW2. France has had a historically lukewarm view of NATO and has recently been speaking of (Macron, that is) “strategic autonomy for Europe”… If Paris see’s a prospect to achieve political/military primacy over a future post-US-hegemony EU, then it would make sense to crash China and America into each other, creating conditions for Europe to emerge as a new superpower, with Paris as the seat of power.
UK – I thought of the UK because the hostilities in Hong Kong seem to had concluded in favor of the PRC (UK/USA defeat).. and a bitter UK may have chosen to escalate the situation by crossing the rubicon on the west’s behalf against China. UK has a lot to win, including it’s own bid at reforming its empire, like France does. UK and France have similar but opposing prospects in this scenario. Like France, UK also has the naval tech and experience to plausibly resort itself as the maritime superpower, if USA and Chinese fleets had been destroyed in war…. they would just have to produce a lot of the tech they have fast.
USA – For obvious reasons. Escalation of the anti-china movement in the American state on all visible fronts (to civilians) implies that it isn’t implausible for the escalation behind closed doors to be escalating too. American military planners are afraid of China, given her massive population and ability to manufacture weapons. If times is on China’s side, which it appears to be, then it makes sense that the US would try to thwart China’s rise by clandestine means sooner than later. Trump was in charge so anything seemed possible.
Israel – Aren’t they always behind the big mysterious ‘accidents’ that everybody suspects weren’t accidents?
Russia – I agree this one make the least sense. On the other hand, as civilians with no scope of the true nature of private relations of Russia and China, the vacuum of knowledge and context breeds theories… We can see the obvious gestrategic threat presented by the geography of Asia that China represents to Russia over Siberia. Putin and Jinping have done well to adjust relations to accommodate each other against a common threat, but the geostrategic reality remains. In the long run, this is a vulnerability to Russia. So it makes sense that if Russia felt like they could trust the west, that they would choose the west over China, if they were treated with respect and equality among western countries. If they did negotiate something such as this, Russia’s recent close relations with China (and Turkey, but that’s another conversation…) would be trump cards (no pun intended) for Russia, and of a high strategic value to the new alliance which includes Russia.
Of course, again these were my immediate instinctive speculations, don’t take it too seriously. I just commented out of jest, as I saw in the article a lot of French people at the center of the initial outbreak of the virus. I was like ‘ah hah!’ when I saw a plausible point of intervention of French Intel and what game they might have been playing.
I will say, on a more serious note, that I think there is a lot going on with the Putin/Biden summit. If we take a step back right now, there is a lot of stuff happening all at once:
– Nord Stream pipeline almost complete, USA de facto capitulates on that issue
– (During the summit) A Carrier Strike Group enters the South China Sea as soon as Biden gets there, while Russia is conductive massive CSG-sinking exercises in the Pacific near Hawaii
– Assad has won the war, it looks a lot like Biden just capitulated on that war
– US to pull all air defenses from the ME (!?) to bring them to confront China (!?!?!?!)
– Putin’s letter singing overtures of peace (beautifully written letter btw) toward the west, an appeal to drop the hostility between them
– Macron, Merkle want to have direct contacts with Putin, sounding sort of urgent in calling for these contacts
– Price of oil up benefiting Russia, USA, but squeezing China
– MacAfee found dead in his cell, suicide of course
– Assad’s triumphed victory in recent elections
– Iran has a new President Elect, Rouhani is out of there (what next for JCPOA?)
– What did I leave out?
Interesting harmony of simultanious and near-simultaneous events. I feel like the events of the last decade of conflicts, color-revolutions, pipeline wars, etc. is coming to a head right now. I am deeply concerned about the hostilities between USA and China. I don’t see Russia turning from China’s side to be honest, but things look both opaque and highly* consequential right now. What a time to be alive.
Thank you for your thoughts. I understand your reasoning now, anything is possible.
And you’re right, so many events/incidents seem to be happening geopolitically at an accelerating rate in almost an unstoppable momentum until bang! something blows.
Very fascinating article. I for one go for the circulation in the population before hand hypothesis because of this stunning evidence of Sars-Cov-2 circulating in Barcelona, Spain as early as March, 2019. The University of Barcelona found evidence of the virus in waste water ( This blows apart the Wuhan lab release theory. It really could be that the virus was circulating in Europe and was brought over by European athletes attending the Wuhan Military Games where the qualitative leap to an epidemic occurred. It’s very plausible that the athletes attending the games were the raw material which ignited the pandemic. It went from a quantitative to a qualitative change of state. This occurs in nature all of the time. Water gets colder and colder until a different state called ice occurs. I’m looking forward to part 2.
Nathan Rich has done some very good timelines on the Covid-19 issues. You can go to his video listing and find at least 3 solid timelines and well presented –
In this one, he spoofs a supposed BBC journalist (actually himself), making a supposed debunk of the Ft Detrick theory in terms of timeline. It is very funny … but factual … and we need a lighter note.
Our author is correct – it is a bristling array of nonsense being sent into the population. The author did a good job of presenting all of that. (But of course, we have to sit down and read and understand).
People are saying what they thought when they first heard of Covid. I called all my family and told them to do preparations as this will not stay in China.
Glad you link the Nathan Rich video.
I thought of doing so but thought it might be too unserious for this Very Serious Site.
It is pretty funny. I had not heard of Rich, but he seems to be very interested in China—its culture and history. I plan to watch his 20-minute documentaries on Chinese history.
” The investor class remains blissfully unaware their presumed lifetime accumulation of capital is entirely predicated on a series of interlinked hypotheses still waiting to be tested in a future Minsky Moment.”
Or do they? The investor class can read too, or they can pay someone to summarise.
I almost stopped reading after the author’s fairly ridiculous statement at the start of his article (I’ll explain why it’s ridiculous in a moment):
but continued reading to understand the point the author was endeavoring to explain, which is that the assertion that a hypothesis of a natural explanation for the virus *necessitates* an intermediate host to “spillover” to humans is false because it’s also possible for the virus to directly evolve undetected within humans (the “circulatory” model) with the Wuhan military games for example, being a key amplifying event.
This is an interesting hypothesis and well worth exploring.
But back to the author’s initial statement that I deemed “ridiculous”. The author is gaslighting by claiming that Wade et al were claiming that “nature is incapable of making SARS-CoV-2” without intelligent design. Obviously evolution works without an intelligent designer (and thus us, amongst millions of life forms).
What Wade et al are claiming that is that the natural – versus lab – evolution from known bat viruses to the highly human-pathogenic SARS-CoV-2 virus in such a short period of time w/o an intermediate host seems unlikely, and especially compared to the less unlikely possibility of an inadvertent leak from gain-of-function experiments on bat viruses – that we KNOW for a fact were happening – from a poorly secured lab in Wuhan.
Indeed the author’s hypothesis does not preclude the notion that a leak of a gain-of-function experiment happened in Wuhan say in the summer of 2019 which was then amplified during the Wuhan military games among other events.
The point that Unz makes in his BWA hypothesis is the matter of the supposed US military internal warnings about an epidemic in Wuhan in Nov 2019 (though later denied by the them, but independently reported in Israeli media). He uses this to speculate that if the US knew when China didn’t it means US malfeasance (especially given known US use of BW in the past and potentially the present).
While possible, it may also be true that China got to know in some way of an inadvertent leak in Fall 2019 but thought it contained, and the US got wind of the panic. US intelligence then later denied knowing about it to avoid answering a) how they got to know; b) why they didn’t raise a public alarm to warn the world and/or c) why the US was so unprepared (perhaps it was a low level intelligence report and pooh-poohed by the top brass – who since they would be in the firing line if their ineptitude was discovered covered up any mention of this.
That statement (the one excerpted at the beginning of your comment) stumped me, too.
It still does.
Hmm, I enjoyed reading this, thank you.
I have only two bones to pick at with the general thrust of this article….1/- The author writes somewhat disparagingly about the principle of “Intelligent Design”: This is absolutely fine of course, but, to speak thus without at referring in passing to the the co=principle of free will is not only mockery but too a strawman argument.
2/- The counter argument to the US being the culprit is more difficult, since it certainly does appear to be the case that US actors were involved. So; I will not attempt to dispute this but merely point out a matter never mentioned: The UK Badger culls. Given the comment rules I should say no more than that. I rather like this site and would not wish to be banned for my opinion.
I find your comment very interesting because I’ve read a serie of articles linking the origin of Covid19, the Wuhan Military Games and the UK badger cull last year and the author designates the unlikely culprit of this whole affair. The fact that you mention this comforts me in the conclusion I’ve drawn about the origins of Covid19.
“Anyone who disbelieves this has not been paying attention to contemporary issues of quantum entanglement or string theory. Elites and deplorables both fail to appreciate the degree to which their notion of “reality” continues to be shaped by a Californian serial monogamist bongo player, a sleepy English virgin wading in a great ocean of truth, and a hirsute Swiss patent office clerk.”
The author likes talking in riddles and in a condescending manner. You don’t have to be a quantum researcher to understand that science is a process, not an absolute, and one that builds on previous understanding and sometimes demolishes those previous understandings.
I get the last of the three was Einstein but have no idea of the other two and the author fails to give any evidence of why we are all ‘shaped’ by the three of them. I gave up reading due, in my case, to poor ROI.
The bongo player is Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicists, but I have no idea of who the “virgin” is. His meaning is sometimes quite obtuse.
Isaac Newton
“For a successful technology, reality must take precidence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled”
This article appears to be word salad of scientific terms. I am an ex-physicist current working in computational biology. Based on this article, it appears that the author understands neither field.
Due to time constraint, I cannot go through every point/counter-point on why Frutos paper is wrong (BTW, your link to Elsevier is broken), but let me go over something important affecting this field. One big challenge here has been whether we can accept data published by the scientists at its face value. Just yesterday, the following preprint came out about Chinese authorities forcing a researcher to delete his publicly submitted data on early spread of Covid19 –
This author recovered most of the deleted data from various internet cache sites and found that it would significantly change our understanding of the spread of the virus in Dec 2019. Moreover, the author found that the chinese researchers made small tweaks of critical facts in their published paper (compared to a preprint), where the tweaks appear to be politically imposed.
“Time constraint” isn’t a counter. How about writing a counter-article?
“where the tweaks ->appear<- to be politically imposed."
I think that sufficient proof needs to be applied all the way around, no?
Others have done much better job of writing counter-articles. They are linked below.
A. Technical papers:
I looked around for relevant technical publications today and found the following two doing excellent job –
Much of the technical arguments on lab origin revolve around a sequence named “RaTG13”, which the people from WIV released in 2020 (after the pandemic). This sequence is not insignificant, because it has the closest match to SARS-CoV2. So far others established that the WIV authors lied about the RaTG13 sequence. They claimed in the paper that they sequenced it in 2020. Then others found traces of it in public databases from 2018 and earlier. Zhengli Shi, the lead bat researcher from WIV then wrote that they indeed had the sequence in 2018. The implications of this change in key fact and the effort to hide it are profound.
B. Popular article:
The Frutos paper linked by the author is superficial and does not address the co-appearance of so many odd observations related to furin cleavage site. You can read Yuri Deigin’s detailed blog post here –
Mr. Assad:
Thank you for your contribution. Your first link leads to the article: Should we discount the laboratory origin of COVID-19? Published: 25 March 2021. This article lists 9 authors.
A review of the publication history and academic affiliations, areas of research expertise, and most importantly the number of prior citations demonstrates the following:
Rossana Segreto holds a position at the University of Innsbruck her area of research is Applied Mycology, Molecular Mycology, Fungal Biotechnology and her publication history is best described as “thin.” It is unclear to me to what degree Segreto’s publication “High morphological diversity in remote island populations of the peat moss Sphagnum palustre: glacial refugium, adaptive radiation or just plasticity?” bears on the topic of virology and infectious disease.
Mr. Deigin’s publication history is equally thin. His stated area of expertise is as “a biotech entrepreneur and life extension activist” whose sole institutional association is with the commercial firm Youthereum.
Dr Kevin McCairn PhD is the Principal Investigator at Korea Brain Research Institute – Systems Neuroscience and Movement Disorders Laboratory.
Adrian Jones is the reported author of “Teaching the Discipline of History in an Age of Standards (2018),” “Parallel Lives and Tragic Heroisms: Ottoman, Turkish and Australasian Myths about the Dardanelles Campaigns,” and “A review of the European hotel market in 2004.”
Your second citation is for the Wiley puboication “The genetic structure of SARS-CoV-2 does not rule out a laboratory origin” authored by Segreto and Deigin, first published: 17 November 2020 and showing a total of 6 citations.
As I suspect you are fully aware the number of citations an author receives delivers an idea of the worth of the author, and the esteem of his/her peers in an area of shared professional expertise. I suspect you are also aware of the fact that Page and Brin seized upon the idea of citations as the basis for their page ranking system; first as a mean to index scientific achievement and later to rank the entirety of the web.
From what I have been able to learn, Mr Frutos is reported to have 239 publications, and 5,091 citations. See the following link:
Since you claim to be an “an ex-physicist current working in computational biology” perhaps you might explain why your prior expertise leads you to reject the work of an established researcher in the field of virology and infectious disease.
Back in February and the first week of March of 2020 I was at the heart of my local Bernie for President movement, and we were on a roll. Yes Biden won Super Tuesday, but only at the cost of all his rivals but Bernie dropping out. And once the choice was clear and people had a good look at the two of them, we were sure we’d sweep the final primaries. But as the news about COVID-19 kept coming in and it became apparent that we were headed into a lockdown, everything changed.
Two of our main tools were mass rallies, and an army of enthusiastic young volunteers knocking on doors – and within a few weeks we had to shut them down. Phone banking couldn’t make up for that. And as the needle of the Democratic voters’ “mood meter” shifted from hope and anger to fear and calculation, more and more were shifting to wanting a “safe” candidate who could stop Trump. I was also reading reports about how the COVID crisis was shutting down the magnificent French “yellow vest” movement.
My first thoughts were that the timing of this pandemic was too convenient to be a coincidence. I knew about the US’ constellation of biowarfare labs around the globe and the history of the US having attacked China with bioweapons at least during the Korean War, and I’ve long understood that our “billionaire class” – as Bernie so aptly dubbed them – is capable of almost anything. So as the reports about the virus’ strange adaptation to human hosts and the oddities in its composition came in, the hypothesis formed in my mind that perhaps WE, the American working people and the working people of the world, were its target. Its discovery in Wuhan, too late to contain it, and the rush to frame China for it, fit a familiar pattern.
I have seen no proof that this hypothesis is right, and no evidence to contradict it. But your account of suspicious outbreaks among all the Army Games teams from the West, and especially the reports of officials in multiple countries acting to silence discussion of them, certainly adds strong evidence in its favor.
What has mystified me is that in the past 15 months I haven’t seen anyone else propose this hypothesis, even when – however unlikely, implausible or repugnant one might consider it – it so obviously belongs on the spectrum of possible explanations. Perhaps that is because we still can’t accept or face what kind of depraved psychopaths our ruling elite really are, despite 75 years of their holding the threat of global nuclear annihilation over the heads of humanity to terrorize us into submission.
Finally – a conspiracy worthy of the name! I also thought the timing, right as Bernie was ascending was beyond suspicious. All the more so if you were willing to entertain the highly likely possibility that the Super-Tuesday primaries were not only rigged but outright manipulated through clever algorithms inserted into the vote counting machines (from which there was almost no escape. Emphasis on almost – every precinct that hand counted had bernie as winner but they were all small). Clever because the initial vote flipping occurred towards Biden but mostly from Bloomberg/warren (see the TedSoares site as one set of proofs. I have others). Even so, I think there had to be a constellation of motives to unleash this particular virus.
Another absolutely key motive to have a GLOBAL pandemic was the need to inject banks with massive influxes of cash. How many people recall now the truly dire predictions that came from every corner of the financial/economic world in 2019? there was a palpable sense of doom, even as the repo disaster was unfolding.
So my CT has the need to avert economic collapse as Motive #1 (one in which much of the west would collude), but with the American need to derail Bernie while kneecapping the left as a convenient collateral motive. The timing is what gives the strongest indication for both being operative.
i for one find it amazing that both circulation theory can coexist with man-made design. Think about it – if indeed it is man-made, how could the designer ensure that the recipe cannot undergo indeterminate mutation in the wild (circulation theory) and becomes something they cannot control and predict? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand the implication of it. it is like shooting a missile at your enemy but there is a sizable chance it will boomerang at you. If you are the designer you would design something to avoid that pitfall. However, it is only plausible that the designer has mastered the technique of defeating any viral attack no matter how mutated the design has become. We are talking about a major revolution in medicine – mankind has been struggling with virus since modern medicine discovered its existence. There has not been any hints in public order that we have found way to defeat HIV, Ebola per se. No matter how evil the intent of some of the actors may be, I have found it hard to believe they are stupid enough to release an agent that they could not predict the upshot of.
It’s so easy to defeat HIV, Ebola or any silly Corona that you wouldn’t believe it if I told you, and you would rather die from your illness than try the cure. Do some homework and be in awe about the amazing multi-layered human immune system. The real cause of dying from disease is… stupidity.
Soon we’ll have gotten rid of a whole bunch of ultra stupids, those who took the jab, unless it was the traditional one from China.
Evil Bill will be happy, he did spend mountains of money exactly for reasons of population reduction and succeeded.
JC: Very good possibility.
We’ll sooner or later find out.
No jab for me. I prefer the illness.
Headline today at Der Spiegel:
“Jens Spahn zu Corona: Impfung oder Infektion: Das ist die Wahl fuer Jeden Einzelnen”
“[Health Minister] Spahn: Jab or infection: that is the choice for each individual.”
This leaves me speechless.
For reasons that if I named them would probably get my comment banned.
So you work it out, what is going on here.
Der Spiegel puts this story under “Politik” not “Gesundheit.”
Dear Katherine,
I love women with brains using them well. :-) You’re on my list.
With kindest regards from frogland,
Unless they already had the vaccine…sure was quick to develop for the masses…and the virus did no harm to POTUS before it’s release. Nor to BoJo either, as I recall. Both of them initially downplaying the virus.
Francis Boyle says just this (among other fascinating things) in this interview from February 2020.
This is a transcript, link to interview within. Dr. Boyle’s credentials are there too
It’s all there. USA empire origin, that there was already a vaccine.
The author needs to address the behaviour of the virus in Iran as a specific issue.
Other than that the presentation Removed. No attacking author. Mod.
The more complex the subject the clearer the argument needs to be.
From the beginning of this Covid saga I have included it as the third imponderable in my adult life. Was there a second shooter in Dallas? How did Building 7 collapse into its own footprint? Where did Covid19 come from?
In the two prior cases there was an immediate answer provided, neither of which has stood the test of time. In the current case the same process seems to be afoot.
Perhaps in ten years we’ll know more. The Arc of History may, or may not, tend toward justice. It does, however, tend toward truth.
The 2 prior instances did not involve patent rights
Link to the Frutos et al article appears toahve altered.
Correct link as of 2021-06-24 2000 hrs EST is as follows:!
In 2009 the media began to hype the original SARS-CoV as a pandemic. That nonsense was shut down by one man – Wolfgang Wodarg. Wodarg is a virologist and in 2009 a member of the European parliament and the Chair of powerful European medical committee. So what happened in the subsequent decade? Not much from a pandemic point of view despite the hype in 2009.
Fast forward to 2020. Wodarg once again comes forward to try to stop the hype, but now he is not a parliamentarian nor the Chair of that committee.
Draw your own conclusions.
This is the most depressing thread I have even encountered on the Saker blog.
This is one of the most depressing papers I have ever encountered anywhere anytime. There is much I anted o say, attack, correct but my spirit is too low.
So where do we go from here then?
And is there a parallel society particularly of science, very advanced science, more advanced than the science available to general society that gives the rich facility to attack humanity at will and walk free?
the questions mentioned by a poster earlier comes to mind on the possibility of second shooter at Dallas, the 9-11 building falling in its tracks and now Covid-19? who are doing the science making these acts possible? and why would such brilliant people give themselves over to the rich, people like the Zionist to work against the interest of humanity?
This is a good article. Good rational thinking … but to be honest, amarynth, we do need to discuss the science to really discuss this theory, too…
In any case, as with most theories, is that what is the next concrete test we can do to test our theories?
The U.S. pushing to do more tests in China is purely political. We are interested in a global search for the origins of the virus, not trying to disprove a wild politically-motivated “conspiracy” theory.
Why is the Wuhan lab theory a politically-motivated theory? Because if you remove the political insinuations (China made an original sin and should be punished by all for the suffering in the world), it will have little interest. Scientifically, there are just so many other more relevant, more factually-based directions we can take the search for the origins of the virus.
I am sick of the crusade to punish attitude of many of those pushing for a search for origins of the virus. The search should be motivated not by a zeal to punish, but zeal to prevent.
If we can truly remove all the politics, let us search for the origins without pointing fingers. If it’s nature, let’s find out the transmissions and see if we can regulate our interactions with nature to reduce the risk of spillovers … or at least better detect spillovers.
If it’s a lab leak, then let’s regulate the way we carry out lab work around the world … all over the world … because a spillover in one area can lead to a spillover all over the world. This is not an attack of specific countries, just a realization that for the good of humanity, we need to regulate biological weapons or even just biogerm / virus research in a way that is safer…
Now if it’s a government “attack,” then I just it’s going to be hard. We will not be able to take the politics out of the process. If it’s an attack, the attacker needs to answer for its transgressions. But what of the attacked? Does it have a right to seek retribution? Compensation?
“All this begs the question – Why would a presumed Intelligent Designer waste time creating a species exhibiting galactic imbecility and an unconscionable indifference to its own welfare?”
Who says such an Intelligent designer is not designing for the entertainment value such a species would provide? a species constantly toying with the prospect of its own extinction would be quite a challenge…..also, what if there’s not one but TWO Intelligent designers who are engages in a game?
Then again, I include humor in my designer’s tool kit…,.,
“All this begs the question – Why would a presumed Intelligent Designer waste time creating a species exhibiting galactic imbecility and an unconscionable indifference to its own welfare?”
Easy. Or the designer is stupid or there is no designer. Your choice. What is really 100% sure is the stupidity of the human species.
June 25, 20213:53 AM UTC
First COVID-19 case could have emerged in China in Oct 2019 – study
David Stanway
SHANGHAI, June 25 (Reuters) – The virus that causes COVID-19 could have started spreading in China as early as October 2019, two months before the first case was identified in the central city of Wuhan, a new study showed on Friday.
Researchers from Britain’s University of Kent used methods from conservation science to estimate that SARS-CoV-2 first appeared from early October to mid-November 2019, according to a paper published in the PLOS Pathogens journal.
The most likely date for the virus’s emergence was Nov. 17, 2019, and it had probably already spread globally by January 2020, they estimated.
China’s first official COVID-19 case was in December 2019 and was linked to Wuhan’s Huanan seafood market.
However, some early cases had no known connection with Huanan, implying that SARS-CoV-2 was already circulating before it reached the market.
The two most likely explanations are that this is a (1) bio-attack on China, and (2) leak from Fort Detrick.
For (1): US has the means, opportunities and plenty of motives to launch the attack on China. Furthermore, US has a long history in the uses of bioweapons, both during war and peace times. In fact, US even conducted bio-weapon tests on its own citizens (see for examples, ref: [1], [2], [3]). Finally, many circumstantial evidence also support the bio-attack hypothesis: e.g. the timing of outbreak that coincide with Chinese New Year travel, the attack on Iran, the availability of intelligence report from US in November 2019 before Chinese government even know about the pandemic…
For (2): There are many evidences showing the virus was discovered in many part of the world before Wuhan. Genetic analysis of the virus identified many strands unrelated to Wuhan virus, and in fact precede Wuhan strands in evolutionary timeline. Fort Detrick also was known to conduct bio-weapon research, was known to have multiple leaks of dangerous toxins and was closed down by CDC. There were reports of vaping diseases similar to Covid-19 in US during summer of 2019. Blood samples analysis from Red Cross and others show Covid-19 may already be wide-spread in US in 2019.
Finally, these two top candidate hypotheses are not mutually exclusive for the following two reasons:
1. Everyone who has involved in development of complex technical systems/products (e.g. biotech, IT systems, hardware design, organizational workflow…) knows that there will always be multiple iterations/ versions / blocks / variants being developed / produced before the final release: e.g. version 0.1, 0.2, alpha version, beta, release 1.0, 1.1,…. If SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, or even just a peaceful medical research project for gain of functions (or whatever purposes), it is almost certain that there are multiple variants of the virus sitting in the labs somewhere in the world today. Almost equally certain, all these variants or strains of virus will have (slightly or substantially) different behaviors and characteristics in terms of infection rates R0, mortality rates, etc. Conceivably, a lab leak, or even multiple leaks could release different variants, and a bio-attack, or multiple attacks could also involve multiple variants.
2. If it is a bioweapon, it is also almost certain that the designers would need to validate the “features” on some human subjects, preferably in some real living environments (rather than just prisons or other artificial conditions). As evil and notorious as Fort Detrick (e.g. it has a department calls 731, inheriting many projects from the infamous Unit 731 from Japan), it is at least currently and nominally under the supervision of CDC. Gone are the days when US military were allowed to spray bio or chemical weapons in the streets of San Francisco to test the results. That is how the vast networks of oversea bio-labs come in handy. They are ran and own by US military, located in poor countries with weak government control. In contrast to Fort Detrick, they are not under the jurisdiction of US government and don’t need to comply to US laws. If any testing was needed, it was definitely much easier to be done in those countries. Unsurprisingly, there were many reports of strange illness in places where bio-labs are located.
Both the above points argue that it is entirely consistent that the Wuhan outbreak was a bio-attack, and yet there are plenty of cases of Covid-19 or Covid-19-like illness reported in many parts of the world before the Wuhan outbreak due to leak from Fort Detrick. Hence the top two hypotheses are mutually consistent.
Thank you, D.Dan, for a cogent and complete refutation of the author’s attempt to “debunk” the theory that the global (mainly psychological) Plandemic which I call Con-19 kicked off with a weaponized Corona virus attack on China and Iran. I agree with every point.
Fortunately that U$ made Covid-19 disease is the F-35 of the bioweapons world, much hype but little effect — apart from political effects such as Lockdown, digital control, $trillion bank transfers, etc.
Actually, the effect could be exactly as intended, if the intent was economical – namely, the need to save the western banking system from an impending catastrophic collapse. The effect on China would then be considered a secondary effect – desirable, but not entirely necessary. To produce this effect a pandemic needed to be infectious “enough” but not very deadly, so that the psychological effects could be “contained”.
If this CT is right (heck, it’s a bit of an “original” in some aspects), then two observations would be pertinent:
1. The “collateral” effect on China was, in fact, NOT as intended as China recovered faster and more thoroughly than anyone could have predicted. This means that there was an “error” in the designers’ model – they failed to foresee that China would treat the emergence of Covid-19 as a bioweapon, whether it was or not.
2. For the economic motive to hold, “they” needed it to be both contained in a window of time, and not be entirely transparent. Yet, they’d also need a longer “tail” of the pandemic for the economic consequences to become fully manifest and be effective, at least temporarily. If I am right about this, watch for a fourth wave come Fall, to be quickly “countered” with vaccine “boosters”.
I have one question. If you worked at the Wuhan Lab and accidentally exposed yourself, would you tell your boss or hope for the best?
If you worked at the Wuhan Lab and you CANNOT possibly accidentally exposed yourself, as you would be all suited up so there is no chance you would need to tell your boss nor any need to hope for the best. Furthermore they dont work like lonewolf, unlike like in USA and your subliminal movie. You have your western lonewolf that smuggle virus out from your facility, get caught and then released again w the blessing of your 3 letter agency. In the east, ppl work in teams and are accountable to one and other. They worried about their actions can cause to their family. In the west you only have lonewolf and you worship that as hero, as shown in the mind control hollowood movie.
Must be nice living in a world where accidents never happen. Unfortunately, I see the consequences of the unexpected everyday in the world I occupy. By the way you did not answer the question.
Well Marcus, if you worked in a US Bio Lab, and your boses asked you to go to another country to spread a bio weapon, would you? Would you tell………..anyone????
Cheers, M
marcus I answer your question. in the east we dont work as lonewolf so if accident happen, the next person or group there would know straight away. No hiding possible. unless they, the whole lab decide to hide together, of which, they all know, their family will be punished too if they were found out, unlike in the west, crime will get them high office in the WHO. Clear?
Marcus Chapman asks: “If you worked at the Wuhan Lab and accidentally exposed yourself, would you tell your boss or hope for the best?”
This question is a typical technique to seed an unlikely assumption into readers mind (i.e. there EXISTS SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Wuhan Lab) disguising as honest pursuit of truth. But I will bite and answer his question:
1. Yes, I will tell my boss in China. Typical Chinese boss is very competent and professional. Likewise, typical Chinese technical workers are knowledgeable and disciplined. Furthermore, Wuhan Lab has many foreign visitors and researchers who help keep an eye on the behavior of Chinese workers/managers. Finally, Wuhan Lab is NOT known to have any leak and have undergo full audits and investigation by official team from WHO. This is in contrast to Fort Detrick, which is known (with hard evidences) to conduct bio-weapon research, has multiple leaks of dangerous toxins, was close down by CDC, and has never been audited by civilian authority, nor visited by foreign researchers from China/Russia/Cuba/Iran…, nor being investigated by WHO.
2. China government is known to be extremely serious and fast in reaction to wrong doing. For the Wuhan outbreak, over 3,000 officials and political leaders from the local, city, provincial and even central levels have been punished in various ways: fired, early-retirement, transferred (usually to less desirable place), demotion, reprimand, warning. And the punishments are for relative minor mistakes: a few days /weeks of delay in actions / inaction / bad decision in fighting the outbreak. This is in sharp contrast to western politicians and government officials handling of the pandemics, where no single person was punished for months or over a year of incompetency, inaction or bad decisions.
3. On the other hand, good performers and contributors in China are being rewarded. Medical staff, volunteers and ordinary workers are publicized. Chinese Internet are full of keen citizens and journalist reporting good behaviors and gallant efforts by those. This is again in sharp contrast to the Western world, where serious professional workers and volunteers are often being smeared or attacked for various ideological or political reasons.
So if there is an accident in Wuhan lab, both Chinese government and Chinese citizens will be extremely vigilant demanding answers, accountability, responsibility and actions. In comparison, how many people in the West knows about the hundreds of bio-labs ran by US military around the world, and all the projects/leaks/accidents that happened in those places?
It seems to me immaterial whether the virus came from a lab or originated in the wild. Antrax, Swine flu and a host of other viruses or diseases, even Ebola, can be used as bio weapons. What intrigues me is that patent applications were filed in October 2015 related to Covid 19. The record of these applications can be seen here: Espacenet – INPADOC familiegegevens . The important record falls under the heading Prioriteitsdatum which is Dutch for “filing Date”. The implications of this are that surely that the virus was known to exist at that time and patents were filed for and god knows what other plans were being laid at that time.
The link on my previous comment did not work:
Clearly a number of patents were filed in 2015 in relation to covid 19 and also to biometric data processing and display. It’s also interesting to note the same names appearing on the filings.
Dick le Carre
Good find.
That find of yours should tell us everything we need to know.
Can you do some more sleuthing and find out if any of the usual suspects have patented any other nightmares for the Great Unwashed?
Indeed, great find, especially if “Prioriteitsdatum” means something like “filing date”. I don’t speak Dutch.
In contrast with the author of the article, God vs. evil is clear to me in the current crisis. It has sown chaos, confusion, lying on a massive scale, sickness, death, etc., which serve evil well. There are key agents helping to orchestrate all this, but many, many are knowingly or unknowingly providing structural assistance in one way or the other. For example, the agencies and ” experts” who have denied access to obvious cures, as well as the media.
But the welter of words shouting in the propaganda wars largely obscures some simpler truths: Any country (or researcher, for that matter) who engaged in viral gain of function research is culpable. The US and China, along with others, are on record as having participated. They are guilty.
So it seems the author, Unz, and many public personalities are arguing about the distinction between those who released the virus, and those who only prepared to do so by engaging in such research.
What a great distraction. Evil works to confuse and shift your attention from reality. Sifting through the propaganda wars is a slow and likely fruitless journey. Evil is at our door. Many will join because that is the easiest path in the short run, even if by just “going along to get along”. A few will grow closer to God, while others will revel in the chaos, and some will simply die of fright.
Guilty? by whose standard of measure? If your enemy is holding secret to a weapon that can decimate your population you are under national security obligation to investigate and explore symmetrical avenue aren’t you? When US first got the atomic weapon there were plots to drop them across Soviet Union to destroy all her cities. It is fortunate that Soviets caught up to them before the crazies turned that into reality. Again, guilty but whose standard? If I am the one who makes decision I say full steam ahead and no holds bar! Security always trumps moral and philosophical debate. That’s wise move for any nation but not necessarily the best option for collective continuity.
Covid-19 can’t decimate your population, at all, but it will nicely reduce the number of ‘useless consumers’ AKA retirees, who have to be ‘culled as much as possible’ according to the words of Jacques Attali, one of the PTB behind the scenes in France who knew many years ago that Macron would become president and even said he knew who would be next.
Second fly killed with one swat is the entry into more government power and abuse in order to start the Build Back Better NWO BS. Ask our dear ‘friend’ Klaus Schwab, a buddy of Attali and Macron, and the rest of the scum.
I fail to see the relevant patent. Which patent filed in 2015 do you think constitutes a smoking gun / great find of sorts? Patent number or title?
Whatever the opinion about a pandemic, there is no denying about the plandemic.
I will start with assorted memories (from my pov, they are facts. ymmv, cys, etc)
– the narratives for pandemic specifics (coronavirus, wuhan) where inserted into the narrative long before it became known.
In 2019 we have
Strange vaping disease with similar xrays
Ft detrick leak and closure. At that time, somewhere in the internetz someone already mentioned it was a deadly coronavirus that would make lagarde proud by getting rid of the gray plague.
Event 201
Thousands of ceos from major companies cease functions
Us gov has foreknowledge of wuhan pandemic specifics
Wuhan military games
In 2020 we have
France bans cloriquine and hcq, even if they where sold over the counter for the past 60 years. The whole stock goes apparently mising.
In a few weeks the genetic signature is presented and in a few days we have the first vacine candidates.
It also started with major flus on my coworkers. This was in a remote town of a remote country in europe.
The symptoms, major flu, full loss of smell and taste senses, trouble breathing. One of them confided that he tried the extent of loss even with bleach, ammonia etc to jo avail.
When in march, some coworkers called the government lines to ask for advice regarding if it may be the covid virus, they where ask if they where in italy. No italy, no covid they where told. Even if they had all the symptoms they where told they should lead a normal life without restrictions.
Official instructions change by the day. Dont/ Use masks. Its airborne, its not. Etc.
The recent ecxelent series by Romanoff regarding propaganda and manipulation is full of examples of techniques i could see being used on my corner of the world. And the rest of course.
As soon as the initial fear goes away, there is a squizofrenic dettachment between the oficial narrative and the daily life. Over and over ive heard spooky numbers, but other than the effects on retirement homes and the elderly. There seems no great impact on day to day lifes. Even after confinements and curfews, lots of people keep the party going after hours hiding from the authorities.
At this time (mid 2020) the idea of a bwa already made the rounds in certain circles, put forward by the fact that the chinese response was a bwa response, and the only efective.
Otoh, on western coutries, the response was a facade, while the actions where more on par of letting time pass. As if there where quotas to comply.
Now, finally it has come to some of the worlds attention its probably a bwa. Why the change in narrative? Narrative management and control.
Personally, I have no doubt several strains where already making the rounds in 2019.
Wether purposefully, or acidentaly, i also have no doubt is man made. My feelings is that is was on purpose.
It fits nwo modus operandi. It may have been an acidental, or not condoned release, but following the motto dont let a good crises go to waste, it was fully took upon the elites and governments to fit the nsrratives for their plans and desired outcomes.
Many actors can have diferent interests in diferent roles, but they are, in fact, conspiring. Using the plandemic for their own goals.
E. G. United states wanted to blame china, excising it from relations with other countries.
What better way then to have them as fall guy. The guilty of millions of deads. And with the bonus of destroying chinas economy for years to come.
They wanted china to be the tsaernaev brothers. The patsy that would take the blame for the attack.
But china treated it as a bwa, and managed to get mostly unscathed.
Quid bono? Not you and I.
Two countries in particular, U.S. and India. When Wuhan first reported the epidemic, both had officials openly touting victories and how it was high time for their country to shine now with China down, to take manufacturing and other business operations away from China….
It was pathetic but true! Look, Taiwan gov’t even restricted people on the island from shipping masks to the mainland to help…
Now, the U.S. and India are on the opposite end of the spectrum on many things, technology, social development, etc. but on same scale in terms of human depravity.
The virus did arise, but most of the damage was human caused, especially in areas such as U.S., India, Brazil, and Western Europe (Europe at least in the early days).
Look viruses – light lightnings – strike human society all the time. Viruses are even considered a main driver of human evolution. (see links below).
But lightning strikes do not always responsible for the wild conflagrations. Wild conflagrations occur not of lightning per se, but of human stupidity. Like those wild fires in California over the past few years … more manmade disasters than true natural disasters…
Some links to articles on viruses and human evolution:
Brilliant analysis. Now, can someone apply the Circulation Model to the two near-disastrous previous outbreaks of SARS and MERS?
Thanks for the comment.
With the respect to the application of the Frutos model to prior outbreaks, I suspect those who work in the field will undertake a review of those incidents and apply the circulation model as a means to validate the model. Such validation would build confidence in the circulation model as a more appripriate improved understanding of viral transmission.
China reacted from the very beginning as a being the target of a biologic attack, and the way Chine dealt with it, isolating gigantic areas and millions of people. I remember back then that Russia closed its borders with China almost immediately and I thought it was weird since China and Russia have such good relations but then I realized it all made sense with China warning Russia of this biologic attack and then Russia closing its border with China.
Good memory. China definitely treated covid as a foreign attack.
It coordinated very quickly with Russia about closing their borders. I think it’s what good friends do. And Russia, to its best ability, did help China in those earliest days…
I would be amazed if the Chinese authorities, various police, security & military intel. surveillance personnel were not watching every move the various athletic delegations to the military games were making, not just the US, but especially the US delegation. Considering the state of surveillance in China, one would think there is not much the US delegation could do without it being known, & yet the Chinese authorities initially seemed to be taken by surprise by the virus outbreak. Of course, sowing an infection would be a difficult thing to detect & trace, but I would still think that the Chinese security apparatus is on the look out for such possibilities – I mean if they weren’t before, they would be now for sure. Will the US participate in any military games in China in future? Something tells me that the answer is probably negative.
Dear Srbalj, I think you know this, but because you have to tailor the response to the issue you are covering, one can not cover “all bases at once”, so you are stuck covering “one of the bases”, and I’m somewhere out in left-field agreeing with what you are saying (in theory) but have to discuss an issue of concern related to left field- even though we are both on the same team- (so avoid hitting the reply- @ everyone).
Various police, security & military “intelligence”- were already infiltrated many generations ago. It overlaps with the recurring theme of history. (they attack all forms of thought-science (esp Darwinism) / history/ information/ language through deceptive logic if not outright lying). They live on a time frame which is thousands of years in age (if I am not mistaken) so simply over time they have the advantage over all of us in terms of their “power in infiltrate).
The ones who are infiltrated do so unwillingly for the most part, but choose that over God, so it is their choice when they continue in that vain,
Motivation: They are evil, they do not care/ maybe they already know they are going to Hell for an eternity and have decided to take as many of us with them in number as they can…so they keep working…never stoppin’ in deception and evil.
The truth is the truth, it has the principle of being able to withstand the onslaught of time, so if one thinks hard, and decided to stay on that road one can save oneself eternally (of course this road is less traveled)
Back to the topic:
I am pretty sure all intelligence agencies, no matter which country have already been infiltrated. Meaning even though one is from China and the other from the U.S. they are both evil in principle, so some fraction of one department can easily underhandedly work with some other fraction of some other department in different countries respectively as added “cover” and plausible excuse (cover). this is why, the overall picture looks like two countries pointing at each other, when in fact they were on the same team (evil) doing this all as a cover to get at the “masses” (we the people) (to scare us/ cause mass confusion/ and streets for disinformation) to get our minds off of GOD.
You see their point working…
They need to distract us….
(They will use any means necessary, it is hard to know the truth…this is why they chose the word “intelligence” to describe their agencies, because if they called it Satanism / or just plain evil, we would picket them and chase them out of our countries, …so they decided to be sneaky about it).
I agree with your post, I am trying to thinly slice your comment into another topic, as a jumping board into a much larger “pool”
Be well. peace.
If it is a bio weapon attack one should be looking at the UK France and Germany. The Novichok escapades and the other drivel spilled by the perfidious Brits seems in retrospect shielding moves by the UK to prevent any thoughts occurring that it might have been released by them. It is they who want to provoke ww3. The 10 crowns itching to rule for Revelations need democracy to fail in adequately handling this pandemic. It is time to remember these folk are connected by Epstein: Bill Gates and Prince Andrew.
Beside that the facts are sewerage cores it and stored from the sewers of Paris and Barcelona have been examined and Sars-Cov-2 was found in them dating from February and March of 2019. They are the facts.
As someone said above: UK badger cull. You’re on the right track. Also, we are forgetting what the Russians have to say about this. And they did point their finger at a particular foe in february and march 2020 even picked up by the British media. It’s the same foe that Russia has a tussle with right now. Who could that be…?
“Does the application of the Circulation Model invalidate the Unz’ BWA? Does it invalidate the proposed alternate hypothesis based on the Unz’ BWA as suggested in the opening paragraphs?”
Short answer: no.
The Frutos paper gives only a very short and superficial treatment of the question of man-made origins of SARS-CoV2. All it does is attempt to refute certain specific claims of evidence in favour of man-made origins. It does not present one single iota of evidence for the impossibility or implausibility of a man-made origin, nor does it present any evidence that evidence supporting man-made origins does not exist, nor mention any of the epidemiological facts which are suggestive of man-made origins. The analysis is specifically tailored to the allegations against Wuhan, and fails to consider the far more culpable evidence against Fort Detrick. It mentions selection of SARS-Cov2 in cell culture, but no mention of the far more relevant cycled passage of the virus through live animal hosts.
It is a fundamental precept of scientific method that any theory is to be tested by trying to find contrary evidence to refute it, not by simply trying to affirm the theory. Frutos, in contrast, starts with the theory that the virus was nature-made, superficially dismisses a short selection of claims for man-made origins, then randomly declares “there is no evidence to support the hypothesis of a man-made origin of SARS-CoV-2”. Not only that – he then jumps directly to the even broader assertion that the man-made virus does not exist therefore a leak of the man-made virus is impossible. (On the contrary, the factual artificial synthesis of the virus from the theoretical genome has been carried out and published – albeit subsequent to the start of the pandemic – thus proving conclusively that man-made production is indeed possible). Frutos’ argument is not science, it is simply a bland conjuring trick, nothing more. As a scientific argument (referring specifically to this question) it is nothing, zilch, nada, because there is no scientific connection whatsoever between the analysis he gives, and his conclusion that there is no man-made origin.
If you read on, however, the rest of the paper – on the virus circulation paradigm – is excellent. This paper is a paper about the spillover paradigm and the circulation paradigm, and the urgent need to ditch the spillover paradigm which has utterly failed (very crappy theory, anyway!). It is not – at all – a paper about whether the virus has man-made origins or not. Actually, I see the circulation paradigm as an excellent paradigm for studying the man-made virus hypothesis.
So why did Frutos mention the man-made virus hypothesis at all? You have to consider that question in the context of the current intense politicization of science. Scientists who make unpopular assertions get terminated. Scientists who omit to make politically correct assertions get terminated. That, unfortunately, is the fact of today’s highly toxic and highly corrupted world. If you are a policeman going in to arrest a dangerous armed terrorist, you wear a bullet-proof vest. Does the bullet-proof vest form part of the charges against the terrorist? No, it is no more than a safety precaution. The completely vaccuous argument of Frutos against man-made origins for Covid-19 is his bullet-proof vest, nothing else. It is there to protect him from political attack, it is not there for scientific purposes. Indeed, the very fact that his argument against man-made origins is so utterly lacking in scientific methodology could be taken as demonstrating that it is not intended as part of the real subject-matter of the paper.
Ignore the section on man-made origins – it has no bearings on the rest of the paper. There is no proof presented that the virus was not man-made, nor that it could not be man-made.
“The Wuhan Military World Games therefore delivers a high degree of host mixing and represents the “societal event” which delivered a “high concentration and mobility of people.” This congregation of human hosts then resulted in a “stuttering event” during which the latent pathogens had the possibility of repeated host to host transmission resulting in improved adaptation to the human host. It is this “stuttering” which resulted in the repeated occurrence of illness among the Games participants, and the reported occurrence within the staff of the Wuhan Oriental Hotel. It was this repeated congregation of human hosts that formed the amplification event required for the circulating pathogen to reach the outbreak threshold and which triggered the pandemic.”
I would disagree with the characterisation of the Wuhan Military World Games as the event that led to the adaptation of the virus to the human host.
Firstly, I believe the evidence shows that the virus was already circulating in the US long before the Wuhan games, and therefore that circulation in humans inside the USA would better qualify as the adaptation to [American] human targets for the purposes of the circulation paradigm. There have been suggestions that hundreds of thousands of Americans might have been exposed to SARS-CoV2 before December 2019, on the basis of Covid-19 antibodies in archived blood samples. If true, that implies a lengthy and very substantial build-up of human infections before the military games even started. Secondly, more at issue is the issue of increasing the incidence of the disease from a stochastic process to a deterministic process to permit it to take off as an epidemic – for that I suspect the circulation within the games itself to be rather too limited in extent and duration to achieve that by itself, and the military participants themselves were then promptly dispersed back home around the world thus countering the requirement for concentration of cases. Rather, in terms of Frutos’ circulation model, the games would serve as an opportunity for SEEDING the virus into China [and, equally, into France, Italy, Sweden and other countries], subsequent to which would have to follow a period of spreading amongst the CHINESE in China, before an epidemic could take place there.
It may well be that the US military sportsmen were making concerted efforts to spread traces of the virus widely throughout Wuhan city, in order to try to cause as rapid as possible build-up of infections. In this case the stuttering process relevant to the Frutos paradigm is to be viewed as the build-up of infections amongst Chinese in Wuhan both during the games and in the subsequent period leading up to the first DETECTION of the novel disease/virus by the Chinese authorities, and identification of the disease/virus as something new. Since the aim was obviously to exploit the Chinese New Year travel to quickly spread the virus all over China out of control, the Americans evidently expected it to spread much more quickly than it in fact did. This, incidentally, is a weakness of the Frutos paper – it suggests the virus was spread from Wuhan by New Year travel (which had obviously been the plan), whereas the Chinese authorities managed to halt it almost completely from spreading outside Hubei Province even before the New Year started, and almost completely prevented New Year travel.
The virus would have to adapt to the ethnic Chinese bodies, if it originally developed in the USA. The Americans and the Chinese are what Fratos refers to as metapopulations. There seems to be good evidence that the original attack – at least in the form as it suddenly became evident to the Chinese authorities in December 2019 – was ethnically tuned specifically to the asian (especially Chinese) ACE2 binding sites*. There were a number of very interesting papers around the spring of 2020 which discussed the different strains of SARS-CoV2 at that time, although subsequently there were many more mutations complicating the issues. What was interesting in the spring of 2020 was that initially [relative to detection by the authorities] in Wuhan there was one highly deadly form (Strain A) and a second much less dangerous form (Strain B); at first most of the cases [detected] were the very dangerous strain, but within the first 3 weeks or so the second strain took over and the more deadly strain disappeared. It is this second strain seems to have been perfectly adapted to Asians, and was almost exclusively responsible for early infections throughout Asia, whereas a third strain (Strain C) which appeared soon after started taking hold in Europe was completely absent from China, and seems to have been more adapted to the caucasian ACE2 binding sites. Strain B, in contrast, was rare in Europe at that time. [The situation in the USA was very different, probably because they had older strains already well established]. This process of adaptation from American infection to Chinese infection could proberly be viewed as the intra-human evolution referred to by Frutos in his paper (transition from blue human infections to red human infections in Figure 1 – this corresponds to a transition from American-adapted virus infections in Chinese to Chinese-adapted virus infections in Chinese).
* This at least appears so from the perspective of early 2020, before the information of infections prior to December 2019 became available. In the spring of 2020 I claimed that SARS-CoV2 seemed to have been constructed as a specifically race-targetted bioweapon. However with hindsight, once it became known that infections occurred much earlier in the USA, it is possible the forms of SARS-CoV2 introduced to China at the Wuhan games were indeed the US American-adapted strain, which in the intervening period from October to December progressively mutated into a strain better addapted to transmission in Chinese.
In my view, the virus was developed in Fort Detrick as a biological weapon for use against China, Iran and Russia. Whether it was additionally originally conceived of as a weapon against people in the West – for economic purposes and population reduction purposes – is also possible and involves a number of distinct additional issues. Probably different forms of the virus may have been developed in parallel (in particular, the form used against Iran seems to be genomically quite distint from that in Wuhan; alternatively perhaps Israel got hold of the original virus and adapted it themselves to attack Persians?)
The virus leaked in the summer of 2019 (possibly intentionally, but accidentally seems more probable), and caused infections amongst local communities, especially in care homes. It seems then to have spread widely, within certain parts of the US, infecting large numbers of Americans. The vast majority of these infections were not detected – firstly because mostly they had no symptoms, and secondly because where symptoms occurred they were perceived as flu. It was obvious that eventually it would be discovered as a new virus. If it was then established to have been created in a laboratory that would be immensely damaging to the US elites, so it was decided to create an outbreak in China and try to use that to blame China for the outbreak in the US. Thus, the US suppressed news of the early US transmission, blocked use of tests, deliberately facilitated opportunities for new infection from China to the US, blocked use of personal protection materials, and designated all early administration deliberations as top secret. Only after sufficient new infections had taken place to dwarf the old ones were these measures reversed. Likewise the military games were deliberately used to spread initial infections to other NATO countries. By this time (if not earlier) it would have been decided to exploit the virus to destroy the world economies, create extreme fear, abolish civil liberties, impose draconian new laws, and rebuild the global economic structures so that the global elites could continue to control world assets and profit massively from the economic collapse while everybody else loses.