Reposted by special permission from The Greanville Post
DIRTY, DARK SECRETS OF D-DAY FRANCE, 6 JUNE 1944 (Pushing back against revisionist history!)
Reposted by special permission from The Greanville Post
DIRTY, DARK SECRETS OF D-DAY FRANCE, 6 JUNE 1944 (Pushing back against revisionist history!)
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A comprehensive summary…and many of the details continue to be covered up. I was a schoolboy 15 years after the D Day landings and the narrative we learnt at school seemed to be full of non-sequiturs. Some things just did not make sense….for example, a British soldier had told his unit commander that he was taking leave by cycling towards Caen. He arrived in the centre of Caen, walked to a cafe and had a leisurely coffee, then returned excitedly to his unit and told his superiors that they way seemed clear for his unit to go straight to Caen as it seemed to be empty of German troops…his commander refused to believe this and an opportunity was lost, to enter and take Caen without the subsequent aerial bombing that destroyed the whole city….when studying the actual landings, and force dispositions, it never made sense to me why US soldiers were parachuted into swampy ground – where many lost their lives sinking into the quicksands when the peninsula not so far to the rear could have accommodated a hard landing with gliders….the full on attack at Omaha Beach and the massive loss of American lives was also a complete puzzle when an assault could have been launched from the peninsula to the rear rather than use a beach landing. the more so when the actual source of the artillery that killed so many troopers on Omaha Beach was not identified.
Gary Sterne a British military historian noted this anomaly in 2004 after discovering a map of the Maisy site (as opposed to us schoolboys merely identifying and discussing these anomalies in class in the 1960s with an observant teacher) . He did the real hard work of excavating and exposing the site and discovered that the area had been deliberately expunged from the map by the US forces after D Day, quite obviously to hide the gross mistake of not identifying and targeting this source of artillery fire (which could have been spotted with allied air patrols).
Other anomalies can be identified on closer examination of the ‘Battle of the Bulge’ in Christmas 1944. instead of encircling the German positions with a pincer movement, Eisenhower merely ordered the Germans to be pushed back…followed by a 3 month delay in moving Eastwards due to the need to attack the now regrouped German forces first of all in Aachen, then Cologne, then the final battle in Hamm “Der Kampf um den Ruhr Kessel”
I have generally found that the more fascinated i was in researching the minutiae of Theatre operations before during and after D Day, the more incompetence is exposed on the Allied side. ‘Market Garden’ is but one example where historians have officially exposed the failings of British military leaders. The Falaise Pocket being another (where again Montgomery refused to help seal the pocket, allowing Germans to escape to fight another day…)
The Hollywood version “Band of Brothers” exposes one additional issue which was not touched on by Jeff Brown: Widespread looting by all Allied forces…not just the government level sanctioned grabbing of territory to then keep under control but the wholesale looting of civilian homes by allied forces.
On this aspect, it is easy to see why Russia is still respected today by Austrians and Slovenians for example: The Russians invaded, liberated the territory, helped in the rebuild and then moved out. US and British forces largely remain still today, as a military and political influence in all the territories they rolled over.
Treason and conspiracy against Hitler among the generals and their staff in France were important factors in assuring the success of the invasion. Omaha Beach was not expected to happen. The planners of the invasion must have had reason to assume that landing would be easy-going everywhere.
Im impressed brave Saker and Co dared to expose this very important video. The video gives answers to many things of today.
Some of the Intelligent community have stated Mr. Global is frightened, dead scared of something, accelerating desperate manoeuvres like the global lock down.
Developments today are deeply rooted in our history and I hope China and Russia can keep the cigar right until we are home. All the best.
Well Tomsen, Anglosaxons seem to understand only brute force, that’s why they are now ” dead scared of something, accelerating desperate manoeuvres like the global lock down “. And your hope about China and Russia ” keeping the cigar right ” makes sense, because they are doing just that… in a hypersonic fashion
re “the Soviet Red Army was grinding Nazis into dog food”
just a reminder .. only a small proportion of German soldiers were Nazis. German soldiers were, in the main, just soldiers being ground into dog food like so many other soldiers thu history dragged off the farm and thrown into battle.
Dear mijj,
I totally concur! Most soldiers that fought and died on all sides in the wars of the 20th century, were mostly cannon fodder and had little to do with the political ideology of their leaders. Then when it comes to the number of Russian soldiers that died in battle, I would think that the Russians much as the Americans used quantity over quality, something the Chinese also used in Korea.
And as for the competence of the Allied leaders, just remember who it was that gave Eisenhower the top job (Eisenhower got the job after having a chat with Brandelis) and Montgomery’s win in North Africa was due to his predecessor having made all the necessary arrangements. And then to top it off he planned ‘Market Garden’ in 10 days when every Dutch Army Officer who attended their Officer Training school was given that exact same problem and every one who chose Monty’s plan failed.
And of course there was also the rivalry and chicanery amongst those very same officers, including Paton.
There was another ‘joke’ from the 1st WW that reverberated again in the second. “When the English bombed the Germans ducked and when the Germans bombed the English and the Americans ducked, and when the Americans bombed, everybody ducked’ .
And I almost forgot. There was an American training exercise prior to ‘D ‘day called, I believe Operation Sea Lion in preparation for the Normandy landing, The Yanks managed to kill 750 of their own in that little disaster.
“Why, of course, the people don’t want war,” Goering shrugged. “Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”
“There is one difference,” I pointed out. “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”
“Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
– Conversation with Hermann Goering in prison, reported by Gustave Gilbert
Spot on, Andrew >
April 1944 ‘ Exercise Tiger’ Slapton Sands Devon 749 Americans killed.>
but Eisenhower did learn a few lessons from the mistakes made…
I recall even in the ‘recent’ Gulf war, how British troops were killed by American A10 Warthog pilots high on amphetamines, even though the British vehicles had clearly identifiable roof markings…
The issue of “quality versus quantity” was highlighted by Helmut Kohl when he reluctantly had to make the decision to settle once and for all the Polish-German border, much against the vehement resistance of the East Prussian ‘Verband der Vetriebene Ost Voelker.’ He stated that the German people “could be proud of the fact that man-to man, they fought harder and better than the opposition and that it was only the mechanized forces superior in number, which defeated Germany.”
Kohl was roundly attacked for this statement as being pro-Nazi…but that is not what he meant.
Im straying from the topic here but to allow Poland to get Stettin was a major blunder. Even the Poles themselves have not quite adjusted to occupying what is culturally to them, still an alien cityscape.” just looking at a map makes one wonder what madness drove the politicians to run the border so far West.
“This means that the D-Day landing was doing battle against only 23 percent of the Wehrmacht’s forces ”
The remnants, the rear guard. The rest (and the best) having been chewed up by the bear.
Years ago someone, I think it was Scott, published a Russian Army joke on Saker: We accepted Napoleon’s invitation for us to visit Paris. We accepted Hitler’s invitation for us to visit Berlin. We do not expect but shall not turn down an invitation from NATO to visit London.
“The remnants, the rear guard. The rest (and the best) having been chewed up by the bear”.
Partly true. Certainly, the best German divisions had suffered appalling losses; some of them had lost two or three times their entire strength (being replaced each time). Some of the best leaders survived, though, and made the best German divisions very formidable indeed.
A disproportionate number of elite divisions, armoured and mechanised, were deployed in France. Most of them, admittedly, confronted the British and Canadians around Caen; the American forces were mainly faced by infantry.
Ask any veteran of Bourguebus Ridge or Villers-Bocage whether the Germans facing them were “remnants”. Crews of the German “Panther” tanks (Panzer Mark V) claimed soberly that a Panther was the equal of ten Shermans. “Unfortunately,” one commander went on, “The Americans usually had at least a dozen Shermans for each Panther”.
London burning would be most wonderful, we can build a ‘new Dublin’ there once the rubble has been removed. The Anglos and other vermin can go live in the Falklands and make trouble with the local sheep. Of course I say this in jest, Russians are far too honorable to do something like that.
The UK managed to “turn” every (?) German agent in UK and created a large institution to coordinate the stories they then reported, such that the D Day landings were expected to be elsewhere…a vast fake army that did not exist… I have the books on this but memory fails.. It’s not all secret of course, but it’s one of those “public secrets”…left out of the syllabus, so to say. This, BTW, gave that good man Winston the ability to prevent the landings almost to the last hour, by “leak”…
Meantime Dulles and the good people in Bern (No. 23 Herrengasse) were working hard to undermine Roosevelt and combine the nazi armies to destroy USSR. (combine nazi armies? One was cryptonazi) see “Operation Sunrise”
Evidently they had some success. “Some people” might see OTAN as a cryptonaziarmy…
And Groves was working hard to make bombs “for Russia” (NOT for Russia to use, but to be used on Russia… (and Uncle Joe knew…))
The works of the American historian John Mosier are useful correctives to the popular views of both World Wars. In particular he debunks armoured blitzkrieg and strategic bombing. Also the stories around the Normandy breakout and Arnhem.
Bravery is not a sufficient substitute for intelligence.
Both John Mosier, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and the Allies, all did almost everything wrong in an amateurish and unprofessional manner. I already pointed that out in several articles.
In these articles I made LISTS of all their failures and errors, their clumsiness and I pointed out all the places where they were jumping around in the wedding cake.
Intelligence is not a substitute for nose. Either you have nose for the correct way of doing it or you have not!
No matter how brave, Intelligent or strong you are, you cant beat nose!
If Napoleon has lived today he would shake my hand for hours.
Thank you, i usually get called a conspiracy theorist, liar and Putin bot when i use any of this info in arguments/discussions.
Bookmarked for future use against brainwashed neighbour and random “#miga/rah rah u,s,a” sheeps on the interwebz.
The speaker should not have brought the first five books of the Bible which the Jews call the Torah and which Christians believe is part of the inerrant and perfectly wise written words of Almighty God, into it. Those warmongers and murderers had misinterpreted the Bible.
I am familiar with those passages in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Nowhere did God permit “Burn all, steal all, kill all and rape all” as a general permission for the Jews and their allies to do the same for all time and to any or all peoples. The injunction to the Israelites to kill all the Canaanites in Canaan and take over the land of Canaan is directly from God and not extended or extendable to any other peoples outside the land of Canaan.
The reason was because of the sins of the Canaanites which God endured for 400 years. Those sins are many and include sexual immorality, homosexuality and human sacrifice.
That divine command to punish the Canaanites by killing them all, was restricted to the Canaanites. No permission is given for humans to arrogate to themselves the authority to issue and carry out such commands as principles of war.
The US and its allies, if they have done so, will surely suffer God’s wrath in God’s own time.
The USA is now observed to be committing the same sins as the Canaanites short of maybe, human sacrifice (on human sacrifice, I have not read that occurring in the US or that the US approves of it, but correct me if I am wrong). But God’s wrath will surely come.
Other than the above, I concur with the speaker. I have always concluded that the resistance by China to Japan as early as 1931, bogged down the Japanese war machine, sapped and weakened Japan badly by 1941. Japan was unable to pressure the USSR in the east as a result and in fact signed a non-aggression treaty with the USSR in 1941 just before the German assault on the USSR in Operation Barbarossa in June 1941.
That Japan, allied with Germany, signed a non-aggression treaty with the USSR at that critical juncture in 1941, is a surprise. It amounts to a betrayal of Germany. But it also underlined the desperation that Japan was in by being bogged down in China for ten years and betrayed by the USA when it imposed an oil embargo on Japan. Therefore Japan sorted to safe-guard its northern flanks by signing a treaty with the USSR which of course freed Stalin’s hand to fight Hitler with both hands i.e. the USSR need not fear a war on both fronts, west and east.
But Japan still had to fight a two-front war – with the US in its east and China in its west.
Therefore by bogging down Japan, China forced both Japan and Germany to fight unwinnable two-fronts wars (Germany especially after the Normandy landings by the US).
The result for Japan was a foregone conclusion so long as China held down i.e. bogged down Japan in the human quagmire that was China. Japan was forced to fight the USA with one hand and its weaker hand at that, since the bulk of its military machine was stuck in China.
That’s why the US tried to keep Chiang Kai Shek (China’s wartime leader) onside throughout the war i.e. prevent Chiang from making a separate peace with Japan. If Chiang had done so, Japan would then turn its full might on the US in the Pacific and the outcome of the war may be different.
Correction. Operation Barbarossa was in June 1942.
Simon, you had it right the first time.
I rechecked the date. Oops, Operation Barbarossa started in June 1941. Apologies for the mistake.
Regarding human sacrifice; I pray for my country, the USA, often but I also often wonder if my prayers are in vain with over 50 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade. Yea, just because something is legal does not mean you have to do it, but so many of my fellow Americans keep choosing to get and to support getting abortions.
Keep praying bro. Our Lord said to always pray and do not lose heart (Luke 18:1
Great video. The Far East Asian part was unknown to me.
Beyond any discussion and interpretation of real intentions regarding Western leaders, there are hard facts that even those adamantly following the Western storytale cannot counter.
You cannot discuss dates of events, and they tell a lot.
Nazi Germany was prone to unavoidable defeat when they lost the battle of Stalingrad (February 1943) and the Leningrad siege (January 1944) . After failing to get to Baku through Stalingrad to get a indispensable source of oil and energy, the tide of war changed to the Soviet benefit. Leningrad was a turning point of acceleration of German retreat. As an historian described “Following Leningrad, the Soviet army behaved as a spring liberated after being highly compressed for very long, releasing an unstoppable force for the Wehrmacht”
All this introduction to say that Germany was already defeated by early 1944, in disorderly retreat after that. So why spending a lot of resources and soldiers to “get soiled” in Normandy, France and elsewhere if the Russians were doing the deeds? What justifies such a landing?
As far as I understand, the main concern for American strategists was to avoid a German-Russian integration at all costs. With the Russian ressources and the German technology of that time, such an integrated entity was the only one able to compete in a World scale ot the US. No other country or union of countries could do so at that time. Kind of MacKinder vs Mahan.
Normandy was an operation to avoid Russian dominance on the whole of Germany. That is also aligned with the fact that the American aided Stalin duriing the Barbarossa operation, when the Russians were in retreat and the Germans were advancing. Hindering a total German domination of Russia was also critical to the US. Also that explains why the US accepted a neutral Austria but not a neutral Germany, as Stalin proposed.
Otherwise, one cannot undertand why American ships were delivering food and materials to Soviet Arctic ports during 1941-1943 and a few years latter demonizing the Soviet Union as an existential threat.
BUYERS BEWARE: Few people in North America and in Western Europe would like to hear those arguments. You risk to earn many enemies and lose as many friends. Use it with caution.
“If you want to tell people the truth make them laugh otherwise they’ll kill you.” Oscar Wilde
Let this serve as a reminder to anyone in Russia or China who thinks that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were in any way beneficial just because Japan, while not entirely innocent of its own war crimes, ended up on the receiving end. This is the “Stockholm syndrome” I once alluded to on a previous Moveable Feast Cafe.
(Case in point I am reminded of a Xiaomi advertisement in Japan from last year (May 2020) that used a “Fat Man”, a white balloon, and nuclear bomb imagery. The ad received enough backlash for Xiaomi Japan to remove it and apologize. Even if the ad itself were made in Japan, it would not have been any less tasteless.)
Hi everyone! Can I please get book recommendations? In South Africa, we had one chapter about each World War in our entire school career. It basically came down to: it happened, all hail America and Britain. Nazis BAAAD. We don’t know what anyone else did during the war. The end.
So if you have any recommendations of books, videos, or anything else to help me repair the grave miscarriage of history we got, please help.
‘Grave of Fireflies’, Japanese anime about the firebombing of Tokyo.
WARNING! If you don’t find this very disturbing, you are a soulless machine, or an american. Do not watch it all at once.
‘Barefoot Gen’, Japanese manga about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. There are also anime and video versions. Easier on your emotions.
You can also watch Hollywood films … except instead of cheering for the baby men, “snuffing gooks”, imagine yourself as one of those “gooks” being snuffed.
‘Apocalypse Now’ comes to mind. Immortal rock’n’roll swooping down on a grass-hut village, dispensing fire and lead, death and terror. Stop watching when you see the guy doing fake martial-arts exercises in his flophouse. The film changes from truth to worship of the american gods of Rock Hudson and John Wayne voodoo obfuscation.
If you are old enough, re-imagine Bush’s “shock and awe” fireworks displays … except you are huddling on the ground in Bagdad, trying to protect your kids with your body, and the fireworks are not pretty awesome colors in the sky, but shocking explosions knocking the walls down on your head and burning chemicals sticking to your skin.
Thank you! It is a start. I realized that history was presented very one-sided and sometimes very wrong when a teacher told us that ‘Boers do not get lost’ about Majuba. (Anglo-Boer War) The main reason the British could reach the summit of Majuba during the night was that the night watchmen of the Boers looked in the wrong direction the entire time!
It was written by the Boer General in his diary but now the story is presented differently today. That is when I decided not to believe every book I read.
Those flattened cities are the results of carpet bombing – reportedly an idea that originated from Winston Churchill.
Churchill’s scientific advisor, Frederick Alexander Lindemann, later Lord Cherwell, was the source that advocated the “terror bombing” of German civilians.