This blatant and without a doubt, utterly insane election fraud cannot be allowed to stand.
The Left has decided they would rather literally destroy the country and steal the democracy right out from under the people than allow Trump to serve a second term.
I think it is bleedingly obvious by now that the United States is headed towards some kind of a civil war… one can only pray that it will end in the swift removal of the Deep State, Soros and the Clinton gang, and the restoration of both the country as well as the future of our world.
In any case it’s certainly placed well, to remind some of the stakeholders of their main responsibilites eg. the DOJ, Barr and the FBI.
In the Michigan hearing one could almost physically feel that the people are ready to go to any lengths in this matter, and they are right imho, it’s now or never ! The filth will never again rescind from their powers, they will gut the Republic and replace it with pure fascism via the Great-/Green-reset scam which will be a continuation of the Lockdown scheme, rule of total irresponsibility, devoid of even the semblence of rational reasoning. In one word rule by unrelenting TERROR !
When a country reaches a point where no political figure can command the population and the breakdown of law and order is a threat to national security the choice is between a continued oligarcy (with the support of the military) or a military takeover. In the case of the USA that would make General Mark Alexander Milley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff a major player.
At 62 Milley is due to retire. Milley has sufficient medals to prevent his survival should he fall into a swimming pool. He is not alone in that regard as most high ranking US military officers would also suffer a similar fate. or
This is a very subjectively interpretative statement.
The law is on trial right now and national security can be nothing more than defending ones owns ideological beliefs, so, in essence, the choices are unlimited.
Jesus will not help you. It’s fiction. Everyone is responsible for their acts and debts, and you as a society have made so many of them that only the devil can help you. The one you trust sollar mark. The difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump cares about America interests, but care not about what happens in the rest of the colonial world. Biden cares not about America itself. There is NO Jesus in America.
”the left has decided to rather destroy the country”
Never in my deviant fream I ever knew that Soros, the banksters, the east coast Media, the AIPAC, and all the 03-letter agencies were ‘ the ‘ LEFT’.
Frankly mr anonymous.
People have to understand that this is bigger than the next US President.
It is an attack to end Democracy in all Christian Nations.
The attack against Democracy is coming from the Global Elite within Europe, Britain, America, and China.
The Global Elite is led by the old Royal and Financial Dynasties of Europe and America. They are the owners of the western Central Banking system: The Bank of England, The FED, The ECB, The Bank of Japan, and every Central or National bank of each Nation connected to the Bretton Woods system.
The Global Elite have for generations used Blackmail and Bribe to recruit Agents within Politics, the Military, the juridical system, the Media, within the Police, Health care, Education, and private Corporations.
These Agents executes the agenda of the Global Elite, while pretending to be democrats.
These agents has all been recruited from within secret societies, like the worldwide Free masonic network, and has been financed, protected and supported by their network into high position of power within all western nations.
The Global Elite and their Agents have for generations created Super National entities like The UK, US, The UN, the IMF and The EU, to dictate sovereign Nations to follow the Global Agenda.
Thereby, they have created a de-facto Global Deep State.
Since the millennium the Global Elite has made a pact with Communist China to erect a Global tyranny (Like how China is led today) with the Global Elite and CCP sitting atop controlling the world’s population in slavery. The Globalist attack on 9/11 2001 against the American World trade Center, was the first shot in the ongoing World War III of Terror, to end Democracy.
The Global Elite now have their agents in place within the US military and NATO, but lack the final command over these super powers, which are still controlled by the democratic processes of the western populations. The current US election is the first battle to take down democracy in the west. Thereafter all European Nations, who has already been subjected to Fascist EU rule, will lose their democracy and sovereignty one by one.
When the western democracy falls, The Global Elite will have control over the US Military and NATO in alliance with China, and will use it to threaten every free and sovereign Nation in the world into submission.
The last sovereign Nation standing will be Russia up against the Global Empire, before the whole world is locked back into the dark ages of medieval serfdom.
The above described process of turning a highly educated civilization back into serfdom is nothing new. It has been conducted throughout History by the same Dynasties. These Dynasties grooms their children and agents as Monarch butterflies to keep going toward the end-goal of their forefathers. That is why teaching History to our children is so important to understand the process humanity has been up against for millennial. Just like we are up against it today
Our hope is if President Trump stays in power of the democratic process in the US, and starts to cooperate with President Putin of Russia in arresting National Traitors, while simultaneously joining forces to Nationalize all Central Banks, transform The UN, ending the IMF, ban all non-democratic influence via public Media and secret societies. Thereafter we will have to re-start a long process of educate our children so they don’t make our generations mistakes of letting an Elite (claiming to be benevolent) Creep back into power and send our children back into serfdom.
If you don’t know history and thus don’t understand what is going on in the world right now, then ASK, Instead of supporting the Global Elite by writing stupid comments.
Make no mistakes the most stupid comments are written by Agents brainwashed, bribed or blackmailed by the Global Elite.
Saw this fellow Daniel Estulin for the first time recently. He claims there are two global power groups duking it out for control. One side behind Biden and the other behind Trump.
The concept of two groups fits the facts, IMO, as I doubt Trump and a few patriots in the military could gotten this far alone. Who is on which side, however, is difficult to discern.
I have never seen Donald Trump take responsibility for his (numerous) errors, so I am not sure this isn’t just sour grapes. He blames & defamed China for all of USA’s problems, never once admitting that US business practice has relied on short-term scams. This hypocrite continuously sanctions & threatens Russia, yet claims Vladimir Putin is his friend?
If Donald Trump was truly such a great leader, he would have been able to inspire & unify Americans against the deep state. Clearly this did not happen.
Trumps lied to many times to the people, and he will continue to do so Trump may not have stated any wars, and yet he failed to end any either, but he’s kept the pot stirring with the killing of the Iranian general and now the nuclear scientist, Trump was just a phony and loved attention for he still thinks he’s the king on a reality show, four years of him was more than enough and must be the people agreed and showed him the door.!!!
” that US business practice has relied on short-term scams”
This statement is manifestly false regarding him, he points to the fact that the ruling class sold out the US to China for their personal gain, he said that as far back as the mid Nineties and it never changed to this day.
One should understand how he thinks, he ran for office to fix the country’s main problems as he experienced them (and he called them all out again and again) in his business dealings and by observation in general, he is a very good and alert observer.
He is a straight guy, no double talk in case you haven’t noticed yet, one reason more he is hated by the ‘elite’, where one never does such a thing, cannot do it, or one is in jail at best, more likely adorned atop a lamp post.
The Elites prefer sweet and soft talk, it must sound delicious even if it is pure poison. They despise the people not because they are stupid, but rather because they are dangerous to them by exposing their lies and thus destroy their innate pathologic narcissm (it’s rampant in the Judahites circles for instance, almost a trait – thus their otherness).
His ‘offensive’ against China is not coming from an imperial agenda but strictly business oriented, he does what he can do – erect tariff barriers which is legitimate for a country to do, everything else is fluff and not strategic to him (which doesn’t mean it’s that way for the rest of the government). He despises socialism and communism, but has no problem wahtsoever to make a deal with North Korea for which he is hated to the bone by the elites at home – of course !!!
One should see the whole picture, nit picking and poking at this late state of affairs is simply ridicolous, the West is succumbing to bare bone Fascism and you are upset about how Trump handles China ??! When the US falls you, we are done for a loooong time, and you will have massively pressier problems right in front of you and around you.
The US has been the thorn in the side of The Empire since 1776, hence the numerous wars fought to get it back. Even after 1913 it had to be gathered back under the skirts of Empire bit by bit until by the Bush/Clinton dynasties it was finally completely under the Empire’s control (or so they thought).
Thankfully, like all puppets of Empire the treasonous dogs are extre,Ely arrogant… arrogant to think they could steal this election right under the people’s noses (again). But this time they walked right into the trap.
Personally, I’ve been studying geo-politics since the late 80’s and until 2016 was eternally pessimistic about the future. But with Trump (and the patriots behind him) finally I hold hope.
Trump will be president come January 21, I have no doubt of that (aside a successful assassination)… the truly worrying thing is how will The Empire react? Nuclear false flag blamed on Russia? WWIII, assisted by a ‘united’ and ‘outraged’ world invading the USA for their own good to remove the new ‘Hitler’ who dares to arrest his enemies for treason?
If you thought 2020 was a wild ride, make sure your hat is firmly jammed on top,of your head for 2021.
“…the truly worrying thing is how will The Empire react? Nuclear false flag blamed on Russia? WWIII, assisted by a ‘united’ and ‘outraged’ world invading the USA for their own good to remove the new ‘Hitler’ who dares to arrest his enemies for treason?”
Humm, very interesting comment and strangely if fit a tough I had watching a Amazon serie called Hunters.
The serie is about Nazis in USA, like it was a major discovery.
My thoughts watching tha piece of crap with stellar actors and production was “why was this serie released now”?
My conclusion was that the series is a preparatory psyops in case of defeat in this election.
Reading your comment I see you got the very same hypothesis without watching the series. Amazing
I guess the Nazis are back.
You’re asking Trump to rise to a standard former presidents didn’t achieve. Taking responsibility for errors is rarely the Washington way, and asking him to unify Americans against Deep State is no small thing. Just talking about ‘draining the swamp’ brought him resistance stronger than most former presidents had to face. Just ask JFK how well standing against Deep State works.
Who hasn’t lied to the people? Trump is a clown, but he is also patriotic.
Every time Trump tried to end wars, the entire media (‘left’ & ‘right’)/Deep State squashed it.
It is now stupidly obvious that foreign policy is run by Deep State, not by the office of the president.
Sorry, Deep State is too strong for any president to unify the people against (“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the media” – CIA director William Colby). Citymouse is absolutely right about JFK.
This is NOT about Donald Trump. What is about is this, in 2016 after several swings from republican to democrat in which NEITHER party would carry out the will of the people (to close the borders, expel illegal aliens, stop sending our jobs overseas and get out of these wars), so the people in the ultimate protest vote slapped the establishment squarely across the face by electing a literal clown, Donald J Trump.
The establishment reaction to this was not introspection or a reassessment of policies, but to immediately launch a coup against the new POTUS elect. That open brazen coup attempt of the deep state continued for 4 years and extend into the 2020 election and continues to this day. The message from the deep state is that the people have no right to elect people not anointed by the deep state, and that if they do, it will never be accepted by the deep state. The message is LOUD AND CLEAR…YOU CANNOT VOTE YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS MESS!
None of this has anything to do with Donald Trump, good or bad. The reaction to Trump by the deep state was strictly due Trump NOT BEING A DEEP STATE OPERATIVE.
So I ask everyone, what is the proper response from the people to this message from the deep state? Do we accept the massive obvious cheating and recognize Biden and company as legitimate? They are openly anti-American, anti-White, and are promising to transform the country into a socialist state free of the trappings of American culture (and our constitution). Anyone who says we should just try harder in the next election is a fool or a traitor. If we couldn’t prevail with a landslide such as Trump just won, how are we to find victory in 2024 after team Biden has had four years to pack the court, pack the senate and complete the implementation of the massive censorship campaign to silence conservatives and destroy any potential independent political opponent?
No, it is now or never. This is the moment when patriots are called to act…to sacrifice whatever it takes to defend the nation. We win or lose this battle over the coming six weeks. It is time for every man to steel his heart, pick up his rifle and be ready to march and fight when the call goes out. We need to present these feckless politicians and judges with our own ultimatum: EITHER DO YOUR DUTY AND AWARD THE ELECTION TO THE RIGHTFUL WINNER, TRUMP, OR IT MEANS WAR AND WE ARE COMING TO DRAG YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFY OFFICES AND HANG YOU FROM THE NEAREST LAMP POST! That is the only proper response to this message from the deep state. Let’s roll people!
Bobm: Well said, very well said and lays out the actions needed and the results of no actions. It saddens me, but in the end a lot of people are going to die to preserve the country that was born of revolution and battle.
Never The Last One, ebook edition. A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka, ebook version. March 2014. NATO Is invited to leave Sevastopol, one way or the other.
“be ready to march and fight when the call goes out.”
The problem is that the patriots have no paramilitary organization.
Who will call? Who will be accepted as the legitimate caller?
Sadly I can’t see that any sort of revolution that will change the disastrous course of the US empire and allow it to remain intact for the following systemic reasons…
#1 There is far too much division amongst Mainstreet and this has been propagated to an extraordinary level by the Deep State …this is their main weapon and the reason why no revolution would have any coherence of any sort…no matter how much blood was shed no good could come out of this…people are not even aware of who the real enemy is…how can any sort of revolution work in this situation?
#2 There is no reliable media that is capable of giving Mainstreet reliable news and information. An ill-informed populace cannot stage an effective revolution that will change the direction of the country whether it is bloodless or not…the Deep State network has created this self-preserving situation too.
#3 The populace is not only ill-informed but often poorly educated and the middle class is becoming all but extinct…this comes as a direct result of a system that is obscenely plutocratic and feudalistic
The only solution I see is a disintegration of the US and a succession of States forming independent sovereign entities with their own currencies, banking systems, and central bank models. Needless to say, these CB models would have to be State-owned, and money and debt creation would have to be completely reinvented.
In summary, the Deep State is far too powerful and monolithic to be challenged or taken down as a block. Desperation, revolution, rioting, and carnage on a national scale won’t bring this change but it might just spawn a situation where on a more local level, state by state, change could begin to occur.
Perhaps the brave new pioneers could hopefully provide a sensible model and a blueprint that other states could follow and adopt. As always the biggest challenge will be where will the new leadership come from for these new identities to succeed and who on earth could be trusted with this huge responsibility.
As I see it, this all comes back to the quote from 1813…” We have met the enemy and they are ours”…the problem being that this time around the vast majority of the population… even the likes of Notradamus 93 who vibrates at such an exceedingly high level [LOL]… can’t grasp this absolutely simple concept.
The enemy should be in crystal clear focus… it is the all-powerful network of the Plutocracy, and the Feudal Lords supported by their very own private counterfeit printing press… the FED. The problem is painfully obvious…and the road to a workable solution… well sadly not so much.
The setting and delivery is for his followers, not the entire nation.
It has all his usual ellipses and syntax jolts.
The meat and potatoes of the message gets lost and nothing is sharply presented.
He hits all the important and serious points of evidence of electoral fraud. But if he printed it out, a million copies and dropped it from planes, it would have the same impact.
It isn’t an infomercial, a crafted speech, or a factual, legal presentation.
It reeks of desperation.
What it appears to me is another mistake. He’s like the millionaire who left the doors unlocked and came home to a barren abode. Robbed blind.
I disagree. As presidential speeches go, over the last few decades (admittedly a very low bar), I found it pretty powerful. Even if he’s just speaking to his followers, he is giving millions of people around the country a relatively concise overview of the fraud, an overview that will be shared, in public and private, literally in pubs and households on little phone screens, with many more millions who don’t have this info and are unable to wade through hours of hearings.
Also, on the passion level, well, who can say, but again, compared to anything Bill Clinton said when under pressure, or any of the barbituate-level drivel Obama doled out, I’d rate it highly. Not on whether he looks “presidential” or not… but compared to any of the crap the MSM churns out all day long, and the nasty atmosphere on social media and Big Tech sites.
And what else can Trump do? He’s using what little he has left to draw a line under something. I also liked how he explained that this was all done under the guise of “pandemic”; that again is something his base will remember.
Results of course remain to be seen. I don’t think the Swamp is going to let anything get in their way, but it’s still one for the history books, and, like merely saying “you should be in jail” to H.R.C., Trump making history just saying things that no one in the media will ever say…over the last few decades (admittedly a very low bar).
Thanks very much for the edits, I don’t know what happened. Last sentence shouldn’t be there, no idea why it cut and paste. See if it does it again with this post (?)
On, Wisconsin. Trump just can’t comprehend that mail-in voting overwhelmed the typical Republican voter suppression tactic of reducing the number of poling stations in Milwaukee. Mail-in voting is a perfectly legal method of voting. It enables soldiers overseas to vote since forever. They did a careful recount of the paper ballots in Wisconsin. Trump actually lost more votes than he won. Bring it on, Trump…
The only thing you can do at this point, Trump, is to declare a “national emergency” which will enable you to enact more than 100 special provisions that would become available under the USA Patriot Act. I’m sure your Likudnik buddies (Mossad) are working on it, maybe a new 9/11, who knows?
Soldiers voting is by absentee ballots.. not mail in voting. The media has done a wonderful job in confusing the two.
Remember the time when the media would talk about ‘illegal immigration’, then over the years they dropped the ‘illegal’ part of the phrase and now just call it ‘immigration’. It’s the same issue, but now if you are against ‘illegal immigration’ it’s blasted by the media and big tech as you being against immigration… which then brands you as a racist and hence you’re censored & cancelled.
The media is the bullhorn of the US Dem party & international globalists.
I voted by absentee ballot in New Mexico. I mailed it in. In Colorado that is the only way to vote as they don’t have actual polling stations. What does illegal immigration and globalism even have to do with it?
Thank you Tommy. In fact, the Republican plan (btw I’m a type of Republican) was to steal the election by disqualifying a percentage of valid, but flawed mail-in ballots and take advantage of the fact that those would be mostly Democrat votes. That evil Lyndsay Graham said as much, he even came up with a figure, 3% and his evidence of fraud was solely based on the fact that too few mail-in votes were discarded.
Legal registered voters who vote by mail are more likely to forget to check a box, write in a license number, or sign in two places, or both print and sign their signature than people who vote at a polling station because at a polling station you have someone guiding you through the process. I can just hear the sanctimonious arguments, ‘if you can’t read the instructions then your vote should be discarded’. The instructions on my ballot were like those Software license agreements written in small print, you know the ones that say … ‘do you agree to these terms’. It is unreasonable to expect a 0% error rate for legal registered voters.
And, mail-in absentee voting provides a paper ballot that can be recounted by hand if necessary. That’s why Republicans are so upset. Their tradition methods of suppressing the vote failed in 2020. It didn’t make any difference if there were pitifully few polling stations in our major cities like in past elections. As Linsey Graham said, “We have to do something about mail-in voting or Republicans will never win another election in the USA.
Everyone either seems to think Trump is a genius or a complete moron. He wouldn’t have gotten to where he is by being a complete moron. Sure he’s rough arpund the edges, but that’s what we see on tv. Everyone who has met him has said the same thing about him, namely ‘the Trump you meet in real life is nothing like the guy you see on tv’. Regardless, you each can believe whatever you’d like about the guy. The truth is that there is in fact a deep state. We know this beyond a reasonable doubt. Trump isn’t perfect but he’s the best vessel we have to carry us out of this globalist setup -the covid farse followed by the great reset.
Do any of you recall back in 2012 when Trump tweeted out ‘why are Dominion voting machines switching votes from Romney to Obama’? He was well aware then (8 years ago) that election fraud was taking place. I believe election fraud also took place in 2016 but the Dem party didn’t expect such a wave of support for Trump. They probably believed the lies their own MSM told and they didn’t plan to cheat on as large a scale as they did this time around.
The deep state (which includes the Dem Party, Big Tech, MSM, academia, hollywood, etc) have spent the last 4 years trying to dismiss and deligitimize Trump. Did any of you have illusions that they would play fair for the 2020 elections?
Personally I firmly believe that Trump has an ace up hs sleeve. He (and his team) were probably prepared for this.. the info will be presented at the right moment. They don’t care what the media says pr what big tech does.. This is all going to the Supreme Court and there they will unleash it all.
This is not a beauty contest, Trump and his camp aren’t looking to make friends or have the best meme or best tweet. They care for one thing and one thing only, destroy the deep state or else face the extermination of this country and the peoples way of life. Nothing else matters.
The only good thing Trump did is to expose “deep state” on plain sight and to show that in a “land of choices” – you have no choice. Choices are already picked for you. US is a fascist state and no one can deny this anymore.
That may be ONE more good thing than you have ever done, Stekicar.
And since it is a massively YUGELY important thing that you have no hope of doing one damned little thing about with your attitude……
Ya get the picture, Stekicar???
If not, go look in the mirror.
It is you that chooses to have “no choices”.
About 80 million Americans DID make a very different choice in 2020 including millions that did not vote for Trump in 2016…BECAUSE they now understand something you have “chosen” to STILL not comprehend…..after 4 years of globaloney called Russia!! Russia!! Russia!!
That’s on the strategically quite dense side of the political spectrum, Stekicar. Try to clear your head of your useless cynicism. It solves NOTHING.
I guess, you are an american so you should understand what I am going to write next. If you can not beat them, join them – this is american mentality. “Die trying” for a COMMON cause does not exist in “home of brave and land of free”. What I call selfishness americans call individualism. So, if you think that 80 millions americans will change their “life style” to fight for “justice”, you are awfully wrong.
Sadly Stekicar is actually dead right. It is you that simply cannot see the wood for the trees…Caitlin Johnston nailed it in the below 2 paragraphs…she sees the same pitiful reality that you simply can’t grasp…
“The US government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. It’s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.
All this fuss over who really won the election is missing the point. People are bickering over which oligarchic puppet should be sworn in on January 20th when all the evidence we’ve been given shows that nobody gets to become president if they inconvenience real power in any way, and if they do inconvenience real power they are simply ignored.”
…unquote…and I will repeat what I said before the ‘election’…
For Trump’s entire term we have witnessed nothing but a procession of swamp creatures and warmongering lunatics come and go as cabinet and advisers…and yet we are to believe that there exists some grand plan. The fact that anyone could believe this whoppa is actually more tragic than the very situation itself.
I repeat yet again…the US will continue to degenerate politically, socially, and financially into complete ruin as long as the disastrous FED central bank model persists. This is the foundation of the obscene plutocracy that exists and the root cause of why the country has become dysfunctional at almost every level.
Laugh all you want N93…the real “Tragicomic” here is you….or you AND Greg Hunter who recently referred to tRump as “God’s field general”…I kid you not!
You Controlla Virus Globalist Agenda 2030 Agent. And Agency CAN be unconscious ….either way, like a drunk driving a car at 40 miles an hour down a sidewalk…’re a danger… yourself…and others
AND: I don’t care too much for Greg so even connecting me to his religiosity is DAFT.
Perfect example of the Synechdoche Pamela offered up by Il Pedante but which you probably couldn’t grasp even with tutorial help…despite the fact she has qualifications and experience …and some strategic sense of good and evil…...which you completely lack, despite much corrective effort from her.
Oh, and you guys like Tommy resigned to the End of the World but consoled with the sick pleasure of thinking you are better than all Americans …including those fighting these things in this rant……….which you are as useless as tits on a boar hog in dealing with………ENJOY:
It’s only a few minutes. It won’t do you any good…..’cause you are “gu-on” as they say in Jersey….but there are others that it may “fire up” a wee bit….who aren’t water-soaked Empire kindling quite yet from listening to your “no solutions” limp obedience to your Commonwealth Controllers and Masters.
You said…” despite the fact she has qualifications and experience”.
Tell me, would this be the same ‘expert’ that claims viruses don’t exist and dredges up ridiculous theories that were debunked more than a century ago in an endeavour to bolster your combined pet quest to prove that the whole Covid thing is a completely harmless hoax?
PS How interesting too that your views on so many things are identical to Hunter’s…and here’s me, I had you both down as… well, kindred spirits actually!
The comments on this forum remind me of why I rarely ever comment on this site – it’s teeming with socialist communist Europeans whose pessimism and hatred for America is palpable.
Regardless of how you FEEL about Donald Trump, or his policies, his accomplishments, or what you perceive as his failings – the 2020 United States elections have been fraudulently cast, and stolen in a blatant spree of criminality that has exposed the outlines of a conspiracy against the People of the United States. Donald Trump was elected the President of the United States on election day, and only by nefarious means was this victory impugned.
By the current process of exposition – due primarily to Trumps willingness to actually fight back against the overt criminality – the framework of social manipulation via the intelligence apparatus, the corporate media, law enforcement agencies, and the old boys clubs within both parties, has exposed itself for all to see. Trump’s willingness to fight, his determination to overcome this injustice, is more important than anything else he has done. It is worlds above what any other established politician would have done in the same situation, where simply conceding, despite the fraud, would be a foregone conclusion.
The world teeters on the brink of an atheistic scientific global tyranny many centuries in the making, and people too “intelligent” for their own good have no clue what is actually occurring. Call Trump whatever you like, but he is the manifestation of the folk spirit of the United States of America, who strives for freedom and liberty, and the right to life unhindered by globalist dictates.
I pray for the United States of America, that it may move forward with a new sense of Justice, that it may become again a moral nation free from the clutches of evil cabals.
Well there never was much Justice in the United States or anywhere else we became involved in just ask the Native Americans how much Justice they received, Cuba the Philippines, the countries of South America who have all felt our gentle grace as they were made safe for big business and the banking cartel at the expense of thousands upon thousands that were slaughtered.
The American people were sold a bill of goods years ago that somehow we were special and whatever we demanded from the world it should be delivered no questions asked, but as with all tyrants the world got sick of us and our gentle touch, our endless wars where no peace could exist, it’s time to put it to bed and the world would be a much safer place.!!!
Bro 93, in no way am I resigned to the “end of the world” as you put it. The USA Patriot Act has been in place for almost two decades. All Trump has to do is to declare a “national emergency” and more than 100 special provisions become available to him. He can declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, and assume near-dictatorial powers. In many ways the USA Patriot Act is similar to the German Enabling Act of 1933.
As Trump’s legal options dwindle and it becomes clear that he has lost the election, almost certainly he will avail himself of this option. What will be his “Reichstag fire” will most likely be a false-flag attack on a US asset in the Middle East blamed on Iran. I’m sure his Likudnik pals and the Israelis are working it. May Heaven help the crew of the USS Nimitz which is currently in the Persian Gulf.
Thanks to Trump, the US is not in total Lockdown – for which he is hated throughout the Empire – of course.
When I see those Dem-Mask rituals together with the mandatory ape like spastics for the hearless (what a scam this is !!!), I always start to puke and very, very ugly scenes are unfolding before my eyes – very unhealthy stuff.
I don’t watch any official imagery of our country’s official video conferences anymore, I’d rather watch a Chinese Peoples Party gathering instead, very much more lively then that masked Horror-Show unfolding worse than anything I have ever seen ! Sick is not the right term, instead a curious mix of stubborn stupidity, perverse ritual, and absence of any life-energy, almost a kind of triumph, and of course the gleaming dead eyes throughout. They are definetly on a mission !
Angelo on December 03, 2020 · at 1:21 am EST/EDT
The comments on this forum remind me of why I rarely ever comment on this site
But one can also have another view, that there is humor here, there always was on Saker’s, relax and find it. I genuinely laugh out loud at some of the comments on these threads.
Agree, I miss the humor too, people are so serious and mentally dull these days.
OTOH, a hearty guffaw to carbon and to HDan, who really nailed it. Anyone who doesn’t laugh or see the “sign language” guys as a form of twisted entertainment is beyond hope, probably.
Btw, for a real laugh, check out the videos (and comments, when they allow them) on Mr. Biden’s Youtube channel. The only danger is doing so sober, but of course people who can stand watching them sober are not the intended audience for this kind of entertainment.
Not a Trump fan, nor suffering from irrational Trump Derangement Syndrome. Not even USA located.
If this is his “most important speech” then it simply down ranks every other he’s done to basement levels.
Personally I suspect what he says about election fraud is correct. However, he’s had 4 years to fix the system but, like many of his subpar appointments, it has been a 48-month litany of hot air and Netanyahu humping (and some tax breaks for the hyper wealthy). He chose poorly; failed to defend key reform players; un-drained the swamp; claimed economic boons from the effects of Fed Reserve money printing; mishandled the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’; screwed a reasonable deal with Iran; hugged a North Korean dictator in Vietnam; and blamed China for everything. Woohoo! He’s assassinated a couple of Persians (that we know of) but otherwise refrained to start any new wars — leaving that opportunity for Biden to pick up Obama’s ‘Kill List’ Tuesday project. The US today is largely run as a criminal corporation and the only ‘crime’ at the top is getting caught. In this video production Trump has lost much of the passion (and orange in the hair) and seems to be reading with a whinging whine in his voice. I suspect his next ‘most important’ speech will be conceding defeat at these “unfair” elections etc etc. Personally I’d rather try and ignore Trump for another 4 years than the other more dangerous and murderous ‘Clintonesque’ dung-pile that the US “Universal Business Party” has seemingly selected for 2021-4. Trump had his chance, blew it, and now he’s fading fast into one-term history as the feather duster. Better start working on his Trump Library plans.
You notice, Anonymouse that I at least have a “handle” ???
That means that in case I am all wet and what I lay out does not happen….. a few thousand people can hoot and jeer and repost my erroneous assessment of this STING.
THE Greatest in History.
While all you will do, I predict….is slink away…..OR bitch, bitch, bitch for the rest of your life.
And what’s really FUNNY is that many of you losers are pulling for the criminals.
Tragicomic. Actually makes me laugh! It’s THAT pathetic.
He had the right instincts … but underestimated how entrenched the establishment (old name for deep state) is. He wasn’t smart enough. I blame him for not finding someone who was smart enough to help him.
Trump said nothing new, neither he did present any concrete evidence. I myself believe there has been a fraud but it’s either very hard to prove, or Trump is doing a lousy job at focusing on the right evidence.
This whole speech can be reduced to him reiterating his earlier assertions of fraud, which are all quite legitimate, to be sure, but don’t constitute hard evidence. I’m not sure why’s he still not conceding. He did what he could for Israel and now comes the time for the real hawks to take over.
There’s concrete evidence. A person saying what he saw is concrete evidence.
But, if YOU need something more “concrete”, there are videos showing the frauds everywhere but the mídia.
Well, I have no respect for Trump…but Americans do not like a rigged game. Jupiter rules Sagittarius rising of the USA. Jupiter is righteous judge. Trump may assassinate selectively but he will not wage war heedlessly. sigh. what a choice to have to make….
I really do not care ultimately because the sweep of history will proceed with or without Trump.
There is none so blind as those who will not see (of course there was massive fraud).
Personally, I am not impressed with the Trump could have should have arguments, nor the fact that for many he is not a ‘great leader’. I am impressed that he is still standing. I don’t know of anyone else who could have withstood the deep-state onslaught.
Anyway, there is Globalism and there is Nationalism.
There is the Man and the Moment. We shall soon see if Trump is the man for this moment.
If he is not, then it may be more than Trump fading into history that we should be concerned with.
My belief is that this is a seminal moment. With this great Globalist future on the horizon – we may all be fading into history.
He knows he lost and it wasn’t due to vote fraud. He’s never been fired from a job before and that is the reason he’s acting so damn squirrelly. He’s too use to being in charge, so he can’t be fired.
All he’s doing now is grifting, since he’s broke and no longer has line of credit to tap. Also facing criminal charges like Al Capone. If you ever seen the movie “Training Day”, he’s acting just like the protagonist.
Vote fraud was real. Florida with 11+ millions votes counted everything by midnight and WI and MI could not count 5+ millions votes within the same timeframe?! PA with 8+ million votes was even worse. The best part is that at 6AM, per Google, WI had 95%, MI had 84% and PA had 64% votes counted. How can you know percentage of votes counted when you cannot know how many ballots you have total. I can request ballot to be mailed to me but it does not mean that I will mail ballot back. Right?
Have you ever worked in a warehouse, parts picking an order for a customer?
Do you really count out all the pieces for an order of say 100 boxes of bolts, each box to contain 50 bolts? Hell no, you dont, you scale count or weigh count the order. That’s how you know where they got their percentages.
How many percent there is in 5kg of weight?
Or better, solve this math: 100 ballots + 152 ballots + 45.358kg of ballots = X, where X is total number of ballots and it is 100% of all ballots. 1kg is 2.202lbs.
Per your comment, this is the first election in the world where ballots were counted per weight.
Oh! Come on name me one election where there was no fraud hell fraud in the U.S. is as common as mom’s apple pie even after the country was just formed you had fraud in the elections and it’s only grown as they perfected it, both of Bush’s elections were won by fraud first in Fla. and the second in Ohio didn’t hear all the crying then as the republicans brought in busloads of their supports to muddy up the counting and finally stop it, It’s over and done and so is Trump and good riddance,!!!
People that can’t see that he does….. and he has HAD to…until his next inauguration AFTER which he will not need to nearly so much….are projecting their own impotence…and weariness and most melancholy notes from their “uncertain trumpet” selves..
Have you watched the Michigan Senate Hearing ? You should, then you would grasp that this is not about Trump, but instead a movement, Trump is their Leader, but the whole is more than the sum. Time of appearance is quickly shifting into the background, what counts is physical, spiritual substance.
I very much hope that someone would start the thinking about martial law, and they did, right on time, that they did show that they are at the ready this way or the other way. The train will leave Station that is certain, the question is only when with whom on board.
All the observers from within still cozy armchairs will be called not immediatly but very soon one way or the other, appearance will give way to substance, guess which way leads to where in each instance and there won’t be much of a choosing when there should be, but instead way before THAT is urgently felt – call it Karma but such are the rules…to each what he deserves.
I watched it and the Mayor was fantastic. Whether or not it will make a difference I don’t know. However ‘Joan of Arc’ well may. Americs’s Joan of Arc starring Sidney Powell and Michael Flynn also in the cast Barrak Obama, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Kamila Harris, , Benjamin Netanyahu, Burnie Sanders , Christopher Steele, Richard Dearlove and Stefan Halper. or
whatever are the (official) results, there is one thing that has won, and it is TRUTH. People(s) have awakened to the fact that they have been lied more so long, even their entire lives, which is very difficult to accept for most of people.
there’s a french saying (litterally translated into english, sorry) : “When the lie takes the elevator, the truth takes the stairs. Even if it takes longer, the truth always arrives!”
There will be no civil war. This fear of civil war is just a military tactic by the U.S to go on a assassination spree against their threats. Russia, China, Iran, Syria I hope are not depending on this collapse to explain their lack of response to u.s attacks… they ought to dish out some justice soon because the u.s is just buying time and finding out locations on who to assassinate next..and get no response because apparently the u.s is due for a collapse which is a complete and utter illusion.
Something new is happening and it is not with the old prejudices that it can be apprehended. If the deep state is all-powerful why was Trump elected and why is he still in charge? Cyber and information warfare, supported by the mercenaries BLM and Antifa is very disruptive, the objectives are hidden and so respond Trump. I guess as much as I hope Trump, supported by the army, the national guard, part of the secret service drains the swamp. If it’s as big as he tells his supporters via the Quanon movement it will let emerge a new America. The allegiance of many will be questioned and even changed.
The executive order of September 12, 2018 allows the confiscation of the assets of all fraudsters. Isn’t this enough to begin reconstruction?If he wants to divert China and Russia and overtake them, Trump must release the technologies that the cabal has taken away from exploitation. Care, food, energy is the only game changer I see. It’s the only solution, or our humanity will disappear into the hell wanted by the mad gang of Davos.
Top amongst them is Soros, the Clintons, the DNC, Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos, Bloomberg, Biden & Harris and elements of the Republican Party involved and who have called on Trump to concede. Also those overseas funding this in EU & China.
The ringleaders to be either hanged, jailed or exiled.
This statement is manifestly false regarding him, he points to the fact that the ruling class sold out the US to China…
*Planned obsolescence by GM, Ford, & Chrysler, Enron, derivatives, those are just some of the examples of an American business culture that focuses on maximising short-term gains, & then using “administrative fatigue” tactics to dissuade people from getting their money back. Or what about Cisco, Motorola, GE, & others simply getting complacent & out-competed? I have never seen Trump admit this kind of business culture, 40+years in the making, was made in America, but I certainly see him blaming China.
He is a straight guy, no double talk in case you haven’t noticed yet…
This might be true vis-a-vis Israel, but not true any where else. Why claim to be Putin’s friend, & then sign into law more sanctions against Russia? Why abandon Start & other arms control treaties? Why claim to be Kim Jong-il’s friend, while threatening North Korea with total destruction at the UN? Why invite General Suleimani to a peace conference, only to then brag about his murder? Why the continued interference in Hong Kong, Republic of China (aka Taiwan) & China’s internal affairs?
One should see the whole picture, nit picking and poking at this late state of affairs is simply ridicolous, the West is succumbing to bare bone Fascism and you are upset about how Trump handles China ?
I am sorry to say that it is you that misses the big picture. Equating the USA with the fate of the entire world is as narrow minded as it gets, Americans are infamous for it. By his actions Trump is not much different than his predecessors: all pro-israel & anti-Russia + anti-China. Trump not starting a new war had more to do with countries being strong enough to defend themselves and US military fatigue, than it did with Trump’s morals.
If Trump somehow stays in office another 4 years, there is no doubt he will start a war with China.
Common people get to emotionally “side” with someone just as they would with any sport team; the same simple mechanism, crowd psychology 101. But many of them would be surprised to learn who that person actually is.
whatever are the (official) results, there is one thing that has won, and it is TRUTH. People(s) have awakened to the fact that they have been lied more so long, even their entire lives, which is very difficult to accept for most of people.
there’s a french saying (litterally translated into english, sorry) : “When the lie takes the elevator, the truth takes the stairs. Even if it takes longer, the truth always arrives!”
There will be civil war in the USA. Just a matter of when. It could be 20-50 years from now for all we know.
I don’t think Trump is the one that takes us there. I think he tried what he could and came up short. It’s all too entrenched.
I think people need to start making a plan on first, how to survive under Biden and second, how to eventually thrive when most cards are stacked against you.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Personally, it’s way too early in the game for me to stick my neck out for anyone that isn’t close family or friend. I’m just focused on getting myself in a better place and getting stronger before involving myself in anything else. Think most people should do that right now since we aren’t sure what’s coming in the next 2 months.
This analysis will disappoint those Republican worn out weenies wishing for Joe and Ho’s “Healing & Unity” but also at least mildly upset those Red Wave “Patriots” So Eager to Point to Foreign Interference:
There IS foreign interference of course but its Mother is the City of London…and its Traitorous Bastard Offspring Known troll Th.
is More In the DC Beltway…….in ALL cases…than anywhere else in the world ….by Orders of Magnitude …………no matter which other minor foreign player Sidney Powell cites….in terms of a Dominion contractor in Belgrade or Caracas or anywhere else.Known troll Th.
That’s harder for dumb Americans (as well as others, all over the world, to comprehend …so they end up just taking sides (just like most here) in an obvious set up………….either fearing Chavez-Maduro networks in Venezuela OR emoting their bleeding heart sympathy for these extremely peripheral players……whilst largely ignoring Those In “The City” with their “Great Reset” Agenda 2030 Plans ….to decapitate and exterminate …use like toilet paper and flush ….BOTH…..ultimately..right down the crapper………….once “used”:
Americans, Venezuelans, Serbians …and ALL the rest: The Whole Lot of You!
Lots of details to contradict the Loser “Let’s Throw In the Towel Chorus…Because We Are Too Tired Now (SO Trump Must Also Be! LOL) Attitude within Barbara Boyd’s article with even more in video testimony form (several short punchy clips) in this link sent 5 hours ago to me:
Military IT experts.. one is the Col Waldron who made a ’no bones about it’ testimony at the AZ hearing.. the other is a 21 yr/o active duty analyst.. one of the ‘white hat’ hacker Waldron referred to.. with a damning list of who had access to the Dominion network during the various ‘counts’…
It is not these details by military intel agents (some of whose comrades in arms evidently shot it out with the CIA.facility guards…..and perished days ago….in Frankfurt) but the following by Barbara Boyd that ought to clear one or two minds here to resist falling in with A Second Iteration of the Same Russia, Russia, Russia Empire of Mind Control Crowd.
Barbara Boyd writes:
“A Replay of the Fabricated ‘Russian Hack’?
It is this context which calls into question the sudden and strange emergence of the Communist bogeyman in Powell’s pleadings. For example, the most notable name concerning Smartmatic software, the target in Powell’s lawsuit, is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the man who runs George Soros and the man who has played a role in running fraudulent elections worldwide through operations of private companies. Hugo Chavez, upon whom the Powell lawsuits lavish way too much attention, was nothing but a British agent, deployed to secure the hot drug money so essential to the continuing functioning of the City of London.
The intelligence community of the United States, through the National Endowment for Democracy, the military, the CIA, and the NSA, has repeatedly rigged results in foreign countries. Ask yourself this question: If Mr. Chris Krebs, the now fired director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at Homeland Security, was charged with hardening all election infrastructure in every state against foreign attacks, doesn’t this government agency and others it works with have far more knowledge about how to synchronize an attack across six U.S. states, all of which use a mix of different voting processes and methods, at about the same time, than some foreign actor?
Could it be that we are witnessing, in some of these false trails, the same players who fabricated the Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee in 2016? Why, if we can show that every tool employed by Five Eyes in regime change operations worldwide, including military-grade full-spectrum information warfare, has been turned against Donald Trump for four years, does anyone believe that the final stage of the coup, a fraudulent election, would feature an exotic foreign Communist conspiracy?
A sane investigation of cyber manipulations which took place on November 3 would start right here, focused on that Ninth Circle of Dante’s hell known as the Washington Beltway. What are the current tools used by our own agencies to rig foreign elections? What does the NSA say about activities taking place across the internet and otherwise on November 3?”
Meanwhile a les sane investigation turns into Red-Baiting OR the RINO (Republican In Name Only) faction in both houses AND here, soooo tired.
And what do RINOs do???
They cave.
They cave in. To Joe and Ho Toilet Paper and the Empire that manufactures such. repeatedly. Dependably.
I have stayed silent for some time about the current state of affairs in United States of America, but now it’s time for me to find my voice.
I well remember the last election when D. J. Trump poleaxed the opposition, so much so that the anointed one, Hillary Diane Rodham, even had Newsweek’s ‘madame president’ election edition printed and on the way to the news stands (don’t worry, I’ve got an electronic copy on a disc by itself) before the realization set in that she had lost and lost big time. This was not supposed to happen but it did, so we had an ‘outsider’ suddenly sitting in the exalted halls of the White House.
The next four years saw a concerted and vicious 24/7/365 attack on Donald J. Trump et al, the duly elected President of the United States of America. I’ve been around for a few moons on this rock and I’ve never seen the like, not even when Richard M. Nixon was being pilloried and eventually forced to leave the presidency.
What we have seen in this last campaign was four years and more in the making. After being blindsided in the last election, the forces of evil made very sure they had this one in the bag. Well, they didn’t and they were too obvious, patently obvious, in doing their literally public theft of this election held last month. The problem is like President Trump or not, he is the President and legally elected so. With this election, it seems a man who campaigned little through the entire process, and was publicly told by Hillary Diane Rodham that no matter what, don’t concede, somehow ‘won’ the election with what is now proving to be massive and blatant ‘in your face’ election fraud and the perpetrators of this fraud are giving all us ‘ordinary workers and peasants’ the upraised middle finger.
It is obvious President Trump’s time to right this egregious wrong is limited, but he does have more than two teams of lawyers and patriots risking their all to right this wrong. As for ‘providing proof in public,’ get real, no lawyer worth his salt will publicly announce his evidence and strategy before going to court. However, you can expect the ‘patriots’ of antifa and blm to shortly hit the streets again in another attempt to frighten the populace in to complying with their twisted ideology of what is ‘good’ for the country. Ain’t gonna work and if push comes to shove President Trump has the law behind him to if needs be declare Martial Law to keep things in order while his cases wend their way through the courts to SCOTUS.
All in all, combined with the plague debacle we are now faced with a political debacle of monumental proportions which will play it’s way out in the not too distant future. In the end, sadly people will die and others will be financially destroyed. However, I have few doubts that Truth will prevail and Donald J. Trump will be installed as President of the United States of America for a second term.
I’ve been watching the “evidence” presentations in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan (two hearings), and today’s coverup hearing in Georgia.
The statistical proof is overwhelming in all cases. The MIT professor, Dr. Shiva, and other statistical experts have conclusive evidence of what happened to switch votes via “weighting” Biden 1.3 and Trump 0.7 as the machine’s software documents in its operator’s manual. The Manual is additional evidence. He has done Wayne County, Michigan and Maricopa County, Arizona. Science. Mathematics. Proof.
Then there are Internet traffic tracking records showing the votes going to tally in Barcelona and Frankfurt.
Then there are hundreds of eye witnesses who have sworn under penalty of perjury in all the states that at the times indicated in the download to Media records of live counting (sent from computers in the tally centers to the AP to MSM) match the spikes that were needed to produce the results using weighted manipulation.
As for the mail-in fraud, that is clear with a preponderance of evidence, the standard for civil law suits.
So, we do have evidence in broad daylight. No one has challenged the spray chart analysis of Dr. Shiva or others who show statistical evidence of fraud.
No one denies USB ports abound on the Dominion machines. No one denies that the Internet was in play with the fraud.
The fact is no counter-evidence has been produced to disprove the case being made by Sidney Powell, Rudy and his team, or the Amistad Project teams or other experts who have testified based on their 30+ years of cyber warfare professional work.
All White Hats agree that the fraud occurred. So far, no White Hats have come to the side of the criminals in charge.
Any normal IQ person with a bad high school education (free for the suckers) sitting on a jury would agree with the Prosecutor (Powell and Rudy) that crimes were committed, the fix was in, the fraud exists, and the results are bogus. The election must be sent to the House of Representatives as the Constitution provides.
It’s all out in the sunlight. The evidence is solid. Preponderance. Overwhelming. With no counter-argument other than it’s racist to nullify the vote.
It’s the way of the Constitution. You must cancel the election and move it to Congress.
Proof exists. It’s in the public domain. Unchallenged. Other than some have accused citizens who swore under oath of lying. Trying to cancel the witnesses. Doxxing the witnesses. Terrorizing the witnesses. The usual shit from the Dems and their proxies.
I agree on the fact that the proof is out there and has been shown repeatedly. Perhaps I should have worded my statement differently and said the proof has been shown, just not in the clinical detail that will be shown in SCOTUS briefs and arguments.
The fact is many patriots have risked and are risking their all in a fight against an entrenched system of corruption that is bound and determined to destroy the election process and install a candidate who in no way won the election, and as an aside a candidate who will not live out the year as a functioning two leg. This means that Harris will be president if Trump’s efforts fail, and lurking in the wings is the bane of all that is good, HDR, and a word of advice to K. Harris if Trump’s efforts fail is not to go near any grassy knolls.
It remains to be seen how the election will be thrown to House but in a perfect world Biden et al will quietly pass in to the sunset once all the evidence is publik. But, this world is far from perfect and an epic fight is on that will decide the fate of USA for years to come. I won’t conject on what the other two powerful world leaders will do, if anything, to help a proper installation of the election winner, aka DJT, but as one said not too long ago, he will do anything to keep the world from dissolving in to chaos and stopping the ongoing evolution of the world economy, said evolution sadly leaving what was once ‘the arsenal of democracy’ in the dust.
Agree – the data stream of past elections when you know how to assess it mathematically said from 2012 that the Republicans would win the POTUS for at least 2 terms from 2016 plus up to another 2 on top of that.
Trump has been maligned so much by those who would not accept the American voters did not want more of the same globalist stagnation they saw since 1988 – 2016 under H Bush, Clinton, W Bush and Obama which was always destined to fail, and designed to wreck every country it was put into.
Powerful forces behind the scenes are backing Trump, not just his large voter support base.
Trump has the proof of election fraud.
And if the system fails to address it in a proper way including the Courts as President he has the political and moral authority to come to the rescue as CinC to fix the rot and deal with the insurrection and foreign takeover – as those funding the Democrats are in the main from outside US particularly in EU & China and who have co-opted large US corporations to do same.
It’s obvious that Biden didn’t legitimately win the election but it’s way to late to “save” America and go back to some Leave it to Beaver status quo. Even if Trump does get back in somehow it won’t fix the systemic crisis and corruption that are already terminal. In order to get back in Trump will need to make deals with the devil, he won’t be able to drain the swamp and it will be 4 more years of the same only even more hysteric.
The judeo oligarchy/deepstate obviously hates Trump and wants Biden in the WH. But Trump has consistently surrounded himself with traitors and enemies who prevent him from getting anything done over and over. Why would it be any different this time if he manages to overcome the current coup? If Trump doesn’t go after big tech, the msm, the intelligence agencies etc than he will just be playing defense and making empty twitter threats like usual, only this time his empty twitter threats will probably be censored and “fact checked”.
4 more years of Trump the would be good for exposing the system for what it really is, a dying corrupt Potemkin village. But it can’t be saved and nor can the US as it currently exists right now. The US is just as terminally corrupt as 90s Russia but the crucial difference is that the US is incapable of producing a Putin.
Best comment I’ve seen here yet. Trump is valuable for exposing the fraud, but the fix is in and will stick either way. And he should hope that it does, because if he were somehow able to pull this out, the entire system would reattack him with renewed and even more vigorous vengeance. Absolutely nothing he can do will stop any of this now.
Trump has been a disappointment in the last 4 years, mostly due to terrible appointments, but I think that he has finally wised up in that regard as seen with the new personnel in the Pentagon. The constant establishment attacks and disobedience have also handicapped him, and who else could have stood up to this pressure?
If the Democrats get away with this brazen election fraud they will turn the US into a one party state by legalizing tens of millions of illegals, with open borders even as Covid lockdowns cause massive humanitarian crises in poor countries, capturing the Senate by turning Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico into states, packing the Supreme Court, shutting down the alternative media completely and of course with continued election fraud. So it is now or never. Talk of Republicans winning again in 2022 or 2024 after that is just fantasy or controlled opposition deception.
If the Supreme Court refuses to do its duty and reverse this then Trump needs to
activate the Insurrection Act and arrest the top 5000 to 10000 deep state traitors.
Who’s going to arrest them? They’re either all in on it or too intimidated to do anything about it too. It’s not technically an insurrection anymore after the fact, it’s just the new status quo.
Those who see the United States of America as a captured entity of the Global Financial Syndicate, a suzerainty, please going forward, write the existing suzerain USA as “U$A.”
This way you are communicating that you’re in sync with reality. Those who write as in the MSM, are stating that they’re part of the problem and not willing to make a stand.
The day Americans achieve their sovereignty we will happily write the USA or as we all decide. Until then please make a stand and not be part of the misrepresentation. Are you part of the propaganda or reality?
This is actually one of Trump’s best speeches, to my ears at least. Not nearly as rambling and incoherent as his usual stuff, so he’s to be commended for that at least. But I do have to agree with Larchmonter above, that it comes across as rather desperate at this late stage in the events, which I guess is entirely appropriate. This is a performance piece for posterity, which is highly valuable in its own right. Yes, the election has been stolen, just as many more no doubt have been in the past and will be in the future, but at least one time – this time – it has been documented and spoken up about. Future generations will judge whether this was a productive exercise or not. Being a natural born cynic, I have a feeling they’ll feel that it wasn’t.
This is God’s way of bringing down the self-appointed “shining city on a hill”, and it is poetic justice for the “greatest democracy in the world” -Shakespearean in its quality – that has brought plunder, death and destruction to many.
This is not about Trump or Biden, or even one election. This is about the destruction of an evil force and a world reset. And not before time.
Praying to Jesus he makes a come back here…
This blatant and without a doubt, utterly insane election fraud cannot be allowed to stand.
The Left has decided they would rather literally destroy the country and steal the democracy right out from under the people than allow Trump to serve a second term.
I think it is bleedingly obvious by now that the United States is headed towards some kind of a civil war… one can only pray that it will end in the swift removal of the Deep State, Soros and the Clinton gang, and the restoration of both the country as well as the future of our world.
There are people looking ahead calling for a partial martial law:, it’s being said that Lin Wood and Gen. Flynn also seem to back this idea.
In any case it’s certainly placed well, to remind some of the stakeholders of their main responsibilites eg. the DOJ, Barr and the FBI.
In the Michigan hearing one could almost physically feel that the people are ready to go to any lengths in this matter, and they are right imho, it’s now or never ! The filth will never again rescind from their powers, they will gut the Republic and replace it with pure fascism via the Great-/Green-reset scam which will be a continuation of the Lockdown scheme, rule of total irresponsibility, devoid of even the semblence of rational reasoning. In one word rule by unrelenting TERROR !
When a country reaches a point where no political figure can command the population and the breakdown of law and order is a threat to national security the choice is between a continued oligarcy (with the support of the military) or a military takeover. In the case of the USA that would make General Mark Alexander Milley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff a major player.
At 62 Milley is due to retire. Milley has sufficient medals to prevent his survival should he fall into a swimming pool. He is not alone in that regard as most high ranking US military officers would also suffer a similar fate. or
This is a very subjectively interpretative statement.
The law is on trial right now and national security can be nothing more than defending ones owns ideological beliefs, so, in essence, the choices are unlimited.
Jesus will not help you. It’s fiction. Everyone is responsible for their acts and debts, and you as a society have made so many of them that only the devil can help you. The one you trust sollar mark. The difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump cares about America interests, but care not about what happens in the rest of the colonial world. Biden cares not about America itself. There is NO Jesus in America.
It may very well be a fiction but he has a strong belief here, and there is also strength in numbers no matter the intellectual content.
So that alone powers its own machine, even if the machine is reaching its own maximum infinite insanity, which it appears to be doing.
”the left has decided to rather destroy the country”
Never in my deviant fream I ever knew that Soros, the banksters, the east coast Media, the AIPAC, and all the 03-letter agencies were ‘ the ‘ LEFT’.
Frankly mr anonymous.
People have to understand that this is bigger than the next US President.
It is an attack to end Democracy in all Christian Nations.
The attack against Democracy is coming from the Global Elite within Europe, Britain, America, and China.
The Global Elite is led by the old Royal and Financial Dynasties of Europe and America. They are the owners of the western Central Banking system: The Bank of England, The FED, The ECB, The Bank of Japan, and every Central or National bank of each Nation connected to the Bretton Woods system.
The Global Elite have for generations used Blackmail and Bribe to recruit Agents within Politics, the Military, the juridical system, the Media, within the Police, Health care, Education, and private Corporations.
These Agents executes the agenda of the Global Elite, while pretending to be democrats.
These agents has all been recruited from within secret societies, like the worldwide Free masonic network, and has been financed, protected and supported by their network into high position of power within all western nations.
The Global Elite and their Agents have for generations created Super National entities like The UK, US, The UN, the IMF and The EU, to dictate sovereign Nations to follow the Global Agenda.
Thereby, they have created a de-facto Global Deep State.
Since the millennium the Global Elite has made a pact with Communist China to erect a Global tyranny (Like how China is led today) with the Global Elite and CCP sitting atop controlling the world’s population in slavery. The Globalist attack on 9/11 2001 against the American World trade Center, was the first shot in the ongoing World War III of Terror, to end Democracy.
The Global Elite now have their agents in place within the US military and NATO, but lack the final command over these super powers, which are still controlled by the democratic processes of the western populations. The current US election is the first battle to take down democracy in the west. Thereafter all European Nations, who has already been subjected to Fascist EU rule, will lose their democracy and sovereignty one by one.
When the western democracy falls, The Global Elite will have control over the US Military and NATO in alliance with China, and will use it to threaten every free and sovereign Nation in the world into submission.
The last sovereign Nation standing will be Russia up against the Global Empire, before the whole world is locked back into the dark ages of medieval serfdom.
The above described process of turning a highly educated civilization back into serfdom is nothing new. It has been conducted throughout History by the same Dynasties. These Dynasties grooms their children and agents as Monarch butterflies to keep going toward the end-goal of their forefathers. That is why teaching History to our children is so important to understand the process humanity has been up against for millennial. Just like we are up against it today
Our hope is if President Trump stays in power of the democratic process in the US, and starts to cooperate with President Putin of Russia in arresting National Traitors, while simultaneously joining forces to Nationalize all Central Banks, transform The UN, ending the IMF, ban all non-democratic influence via public Media and secret societies. Thereafter we will have to re-start a long process of educate our children so they don’t make our generations mistakes of letting an Elite (claiming to be benevolent) Creep back into power and send our children back into serfdom.
If you don’t know history and thus don’t understand what is going on in the world right now, then ASK, Instead of supporting the Global Elite by writing stupid comments.
Make no mistakes the most stupid comments are written by Agents brainwashed, bribed or blackmailed by the Global Elite.
Great summary, A. Dane.
Saw this fellow Daniel Estulin for the first time recently. He claims there are two global power groups duking it out for control. One side behind Biden and the other behind Trump.
The concept of two groups fits the facts, IMO, as I doubt Trump and a few patriots in the military could gotten this far alone. Who is on which side, however, is difficult to discern.
“I doubt Trump and a few patriots in the military could gotten this far alone”.
Well, it seems that the global elite also thought that, and were wrong.
I have never seen Donald Trump take responsibility for his (numerous) errors, so I am not sure this isn’t just sour grapes. He blames & defamed China for all of USA’s problems, never once admitting that US business practice has relied on short-term scams. This hypocrite continuously sanctions & threatens Russia, yet claims Vladimir Putin is his friend?
If Donald Trump was truly such a great leader, he would have been able to inspire & unify Americans against the deep state. Clearly this did not happen.
Trumps lied to many times to the people, and he will continue to do so Trump may not have stated any wars, and yet he failed to end any either, but he’s kept the pot stirring with the killing of the Iranian general and now the nuclear scientist, Trump was just a phony and loved attention for he still thinks he’s the king on a reality show, four years of him was more than enough and must be the people agreed and showed him the door.!!!
Dick Lenning
” that US business practice has relied on short-term scams”
This statement is manifestly false regarding him, he points to the fact that the ruling class sold out the US to China for their personal gain, he said that as far back as the mid Nineties and it never changed to this day.
One should understand how he thinks, he ran for office to fix the country’s main problems as he experienced them (and he called them all out again and again) in his business dealings and by observation in general, he is a very good and alert observer.
He is a straight guy, no double talk in case you haven’t noticed yet, one reason more he is hated by the ‘elite’, where one never does such a thing, cannot do it, or one is in jail at best, more likely adorned atop a lamp post.
The Elites prefer sweet and soft talk, it must sound delicious even if it is pure poison. They despise the people not because they are stupid, but rather because they are dangerous to them by exposing their lies and thus destroy their innate pathologic narcissm (it’s rampant in the Judahites circles for instance, almost a trait – thus their otherness).
His ‘offensive’ against China is not coming from an imperial agenda but strictly business oriented, he does what he can do – erect tariff barriers which is legitimate for a country to do, everything else is fluff and not strategic to him (which doesn’t mean it’s that way for the rest of the government). He despises socialism and communism, but has no problem wahtsoever to make a deal with North Korea for which he is hated to the bone by the elites at home – of course !!!
One should see the whole picture, nit picking and poking at this late state of affairs is simply ridicolous, the West is succumbing to bare bone Fascism and you are upset about how Trump handles China ??! When the US falls you, we are done for a loooong time, and you will have massively pressier problems right in front of you and around you.
Absolutely spot on.
The US has been the thorn in the side of The Empire since 1776, hence the numerous wars fought to get it back. Even after 1913 it had to be gathered back under the skirts of Empire bit by bit until by the Bush/Clinton dynasties it was finally completely under the Empire’s control (or so they thought).
Thankfully, like all puppets of Empire the treasonous dogs are extre,Ely arrogant… arrogant to think they could steal this election right under the people’s noses (again). But this time they walked right into the trap.
Personally, I’ve been studying geo-politics since the late 80’s and until 2016 was eternally pessimistic about the future. But with Trump (and the patriots behind him) finally I hold hope.
Trump will be president come January 21, I have no doubt of that (aside a successful assassination)… the truly worrying thing is how will The Empire react? Nuclear false flag blamed on Russia? WWIII, assisted by a ‘united’ and ‘outraged’ world invading the USA for their own good to remove the new ‘Hitler’ who dares to arrest his enemies for treason?
If you thought 2020 was a wild ride, make sure your hat is firmly jammed on top,of your head for 2021.
“…the truly worrying thing is how will The Empire react? Nuclear false flag blamed on Russia? WWIII, assisted by a ‘united’ and ‘outraged’ world invading the USA for their own good to remove the new ‘Hitler’ who dares to arrest his enemies for treason?”
Humm, very interesting comment and strangely if fit a tough I had watching a Amazon serie called Hunters.
The serie is about Nazis in USA, like it was a major discovery.
My thoughts watching tha piece of crap with stellar actors and production was “why was this serie released now”?
My conclusion was that the series is a preparatory psyops in case of defeat in this election.
Reading your comment I see you got the very same hypothesis without watching the series. Amazing
I guess the Nazis are back.
You’re asking Trump to rise to a standard former presidents didn’t achieve. Taking responsibility for errors is rarely the Washington way, and asking him to unify Americans against Deep State is no small thing. Just talking about ‘draining the swamp’ brought him resistance stronger than most former presidents had to face. Just ask JFK how well standing against Deep State works.
Who hasn’t lied to the people? Trump is a clown, but he is also patriotic.
Every time Trump tried to end wars, the entire media (‘left’ & ‘right’)/Deep State squashed it.
It is now stupidly obvious that foreign policy is run by Deep State, not by the office of the president.
Sorry, Deep State is too strong for any president to unify the people against (“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the media” – CIA director William Colby). Citymouse is absolutely right about JFK.
This is NOT about Donald Trump. What is about is this, in 2016 after several swings from republican to democrat in which NEITHER party would carry out the will of the people (to close the borders, expel illegal aliens, stop sending our jobs overseas and get out of these wars), so the people in the ultimate protest vote slapped the establishment squarely across the face by electing a literal clown, Donald J Trump.
The establishment reaction to this was not introspection or a reassessment of policies, but to immediately launch a coup against the new POTUS elect. That open brazen coup attempt of the deep state continued for 4 years and extend into the 2020 election and continues to this day. The message from the deep state is that the people have no right to elect people not anointed by the deep state, and that if they do, it will never be accepted by the deep state. The message is LOUD AND CLEAR…YOU CANNOT VOTE YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS MESS!
None of this has anything to do with Donald Trump, good or bad. The reaction to Trump by the deep state was strictly due Trump NOT BEING A DEEP STATE OPERATIVE.
So I ask everyone, what is the proper response from the people to this message from the deep state? Do we accept the massive obvious cheating and recognize Biden and company as legitimate? They are openly anti-American, anti-White, and are promising to transform the country into a socialist state free of the trappings of American culture (and our constitution). Anyone who says we should just try harder in the next election is a fool or a traitor. If we couldn’t prevail with a landslide such as Trump just won, how are we to find victory in 2024 after team Biden has had four years to pack the court, pack the senate and complete the implementation of the massive censorship campaign to silence conservatives and destroy any potential independent political opponent?
No, it is now or never. This is the moment when patriots are called to act…to sacrifice whatever it takes to defend the nation. We win or lose this battle over the coming six weeks. It is time for every man to steel his heart, pick up his rifle and be ready to march and fight when the call goes out. We need to present these feckless politicians and judges with our own ultimatum: EITHER DO YOUR DUTY AND AWARD THE ELECTION TO THE RIGHTFUL WINNER, TRUMP, OR IT MEANS WAR AND WE ARE COMING TO DRAG YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFY OFFICES AND HANG YOU FROM THE NEAREST LAMP POST! That is the only proper response to this message from the deep state. Let’s roll people!
Bobm: Well said, very well said and lays out the actions needed and the results of no actions. It saddens me, but in the end a lot of people are going to die to preserve the country that was born of revolution and battle.
Never The Last One, ebook edition. A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
An Incident On Simonka, ebook version. March 2014. NATO Is invited to leave Sevastopol, one way or the other.
“be ready to march and fight when the call goes out.”
The problem is that the patriots have no paramilitary organization.
Who will call? Who will be accepted as the legitimate caller?
Sadly I can’t see that any sort of revolution that will change the disastrous course of the US empire and allow it to remain intact for the following systemic reasons…
#1 There is far too much division amongst Mainstreet and this has been propagated to an extraordinary level by the Deep State …this is their main weapon and the reason why no revolution would have any coherence of any sort…no matter how much blood was shed no good could come out of this…people are not even aware of who the real enemy is…how can any sort of revolution work in this situation?
#2 There is no reliable media that is capable of giving Mainstreet reliable news and information. An ill-informed populace cannot stage an effective revolution that will change the direction of the country whether it is bloodless or not…the Deep State network has created this self-preserving situation too.
#3 The populace is not only ill-informed but often poorly educated and the middle class is becoming all but extinct…this comes as a direct result of a system that is obscenely plutocratic and feudalistic
The only solution I see is a disintegration of the US and a succession of States forming independent sovereign entities with their own currencies, banking systems, and central bank models. Needless to say, these CB models would have to be State-owned, and money and debt creation would have to be completely reinvented.
In summary, the Deep State is far too powerful and monolithic to be challenged or taken down as a block. Desperation, revolution, rioting, and carnage on a national scale won’t bring this change but it might just spawn a situation where on a more local level, state by state, change could begin to occur.
Perhaps the brave new pioneers could hopefully provide a sensible model and a blueprint that other states could follow and adopt. As always the biggest challenge will be where will the new leadership come from for these new identities to succeed and who on earth could be trusted with this huge responsibility.
As I see it, this all comes back to the quote from 1813…” We have met the enemy and they are ours”…the problem being that this time around the vast majority of the population… even the likes of Notradamus 93 who vibrates at such an exceedingly high level [LOL]… can’t grasp this absolutely simple concept.
The enemy should be in crystal clear focus… it is the all-powerful network of the Plutocracy, and the Feudal Lords supported by their very own private counterfeit printing press… the FED. The problem is painfully obvious…and the road to a workable solution… well sadly not so much.
Greetings from the south seas
Trump messaging for history.
This is actually weak communication.
The setting and delivery is for his followers, not the entire nation.
It has all his usual ellipses and syntax jolts.
The meat and potatoes of the message gets lost and nothing is sharply presented.
He hits all the important and serious points of evidence of electoral fraud. But if he printed it out, a million copies and dropped it from planes, it would have the same impact.
It isn’t an infomercial, a crafted speech, or a factual, legal presentation.
It reeks of desperation.
What it appears to me is another mistake. He’s like the millionaire who left the doors unlocked and came home to a barren abode. Robbed blind.
(Removed insults,you know better Bro 93,MOD)
Try this Cafe Comment
which contains this link: of this title:
And my criticism of DAVE ….whose polemics in this case are a bit too ……limp….but at least not ill. I wrote:
“My only disappointment with Dave is his calling it “one of the greatest stings in history”.
I ask you a very simple question:
How is it not ALREADY…….THE Greatest Sting In History????” ”
You should feel better in the morning. Or maybe sooner.
Unfortunately I think you are expecting too much from Trump.
I disagree. As presidential speeches go, over the last few decades (admittedly a very low bar), I found it pretty powerful. Even if he’s just speaking to his followers, he is giving millions of people around the country a relatively concise overview of the fraud, an overview that will be shared, in public and private, literally in pubs and households on little phone screens, with many more millions who don’t have this info and are unable to wade through hours of hearings.
Also, on the passion level, well, who can say, but again, compared to anything Bill Clinton said when under pressure, or any of the barbituate-level drivel Obama doled out, I’d rate it highly. Not on whether he looks “presidential” or not… but compared to any of the crap the MSM churns out all day long, and the nasty atmosphere on social media and Big Tech sites.
And what else can Trump do? He’s using what little he has left to draw a line under something. I also liked how he explained that this was all done under the guise of “pandemic”; that again is something his base will remember.
Results of course remain to be seen. I don’t think the Swamp is going to let anything get in their way, but it’s still one for the history books, and, like merely saying “you should be in jail” to H.R.C., Trump making history just saying things that no one in the media will ever say…over the last few decades (admittedly a very low bar).
(Multiple same paragraphs edited, MOD)
Thanks very much for the edits, I don’t know what happened. Last sentence shouldn’t be there, no idea why it cut and paste. See if it does it again with this post (?)
On, Wisconsin. Trump just can’t comprehend that mail-in voting overwhelmed the typical Republican voter suppression tactic of reducing the number of poling stations in Milwaukee. Mail-in voting is a perfectly legal method of voting. It enables soldiers overseas to vote since forever. They did a careful recount of the paper ballots in Wisconsin. Trump actually lost more votes than he won. Bring it on, Trump…
The only thing you can do at this point, Trump, is to declare a “national emergency” which will enable you to enact more than 100 special provisions that would become available under the USA Patriot Act. I’m sure your Likudnik buddies (Mossad) are working on it, maybe a new 9/11, who knows?
Soldiers voting is by absentee ballots.. not mail in voting. The media has done a wonderful job in confusing the two.
Remember the time when the media would talk about ‘illegal immigration’, then over the years they dropped the ‘illegal’ part of the phrase and now just call it ‘immigration’. It’s the same issue, but now if you are against ‘illegal immigration’ it’s blasted by the media and big tech as you being against immigration… which then brands you as a racist and hence you’re censored & cancelled.
The media is the bullhorn of the US Dem party & international globalists.
I voted by absentee ballot in New Mexico. I mailed it in. In Colorado that is the only way to vote as they don’t have actual polling stations. What does illegal immigration and globalism even have to do with it?
Thank you Tommy. In fact, the Republican plan (btw I’m a type of Republican) was to steal the election by disqualifying a percentage of valid, but flawed mail-in ballots and take advantage of the fact that those would be mostly Democrat votes. That evil Lyndsay Graham said as much, he even came up with a figure, 3% and his evidence of fraud was solely based on the fact that too few mail-in votes were discarded.
Legal registered voters who vote by mail are more likely to forget to check a box, write in a license number, or sign in two places, or both print and sign their signature than people who vote at a polling station because at a polling station you have someone guiding you through the process. I can just hear the sanctimonious arguments, ‘if you can’t read the instructions then your vote should be discarded’. The instructions on my ballot were like those Software license agreements written in small print, you know the ones that say … ‘do you agree to these terms’. It is unreasonable to expect a 0% error rate for legal registered voters.
And, mail-in absentee voting provides a paper ballot that can be recounted by hand if necessary. That’s why Republicans are so upset. Their tradition methods of suppressing the vote failed in 2020. It didn’t make any difference if there were pitifully few polling stations in our major cities like in past elections. As Linsey Graham said, “We have to do something about mail-in voting or Republicans will never win another election in the USA.
Everyone either seems to think Trump is a genius or a complete moron. He wouldn’t have gotten to where he is by being a complete moron. Sure he’s rough arpund the edges, but that’s what we see on tv. Everyone who has met him has said the same thing about him, namely ‘the Trump you meet in real life is nothing like the guy you see on tv’. Regardless, you each can believe whatever you’d like about the guy. The truth is that there is in fact a deep state. We know this beyond a reasonable doubt. Trump isn’t perfect but he’s the best vessel we have to carry us out of this globalist setup -the covid farse followed by the great reset.
Do any of you recall back in 2012 when Trump tweeted out ‘why are Dominion voting machines switching votes from Romney to Obama’? He was well aware then (8 years ago) that election fraud was taking place. I believe election fraud also took place in 2016 but the Dem party didn’t expect such a wave of support for Trump. They probably believed the lies their own MSM told and they didn’t plan to cheat on as large a scale as they did this time around.
The deep state (which includes the Dem Party, Big Tech, MSM, academia, hollywood, etc) have spent the last 4 years trying to dismiss and deligitimize Trump. Did any of you have illusions that they would play fair for the 2020 elections?
Personally I firmly believe that Trump has an ace up hs sleeve. He (and his team) were probably prepared for this.. the info will be presented at the right moment. They don’t care what the media says pr what big tech does.. This is all going to the Supreme Court and there they will unleash it all.
This is not a beauty contest, Trump and his camp aren’t looking to make friends or have the best meme or best tweet. They care for one thing and one thing only, destroy the deep state or else face the extermination of this country and the peoples way of life. Nothing else matters.
We’ll wait and see.
The only good thing Trump did is to expose “deep state” on plain sight and to show that in a “land of choices” – you have no choice. Choices are already picked for you. US is a fascist state and no one can deny this anymore.
That may be ONE more good thing than you have ever done, Stekicar.
And since it is a massively YUGELY important thing that you have no hope of doing one damned little thing about with your attitude……
Ya get the picture, Stekicar???
If not, go look in the mirror.
It is you that chooses to have “no choices”.
About 80 million Americans DID make a very different choice in 2020 including millions that did not vote for Trump in 2016…BECAUSE they now understand something you have “chosen” to STILL not comprehend…..after 4 years of globaloney called Russia!! Russia!! Russia!!
That’s on the strategically quite dense side of the political spectrum, Stekicar. Try to clear your head of your useless cynicism. It solves NOTHING.
I guess, you are an american so you should understand what I am going to write next. If you can not beat them, join them – this is american mentality. “Die trying” for a COMMON cause does not exist in “home of brave and land of free”. What I call selfishness americans call individualism. So, if you think that 80 millions americans will change their “life style” to fight for “justice”, you are awfully wrong.
Nostradamus 93
Sadly Stekicar is actually dead right. It is you that simply cannot see the wood for the trees…Caitlin Johnston nailed it in the below 2 paragraphs…she sees the same pitiful reality that you simply can’t grasp…
“The US government simply is not what Americans were taught it is in school, and it is not what they tell you it is in the news. It’s a mostly unelected power establishment which operates in the interests of imperialist expansionism and oligarchic control, with the official elected government operating sort of like the unplugged video game controller you hand your kid brother to keep him from whining for a chance to play.
All this fuss over who really won the election is missing the point. People are bickering over which oligarchic puppet should be sworn in on January 20th when all the evidence we’ve been given shows that nobody gets to become president if they inconvenience real power in any way, and if they do inconvenience real power they are simply ignored.”
…unquote…and I will repeat what I said before the ‘election’…
For Trump’s entire term we have witnessed nothing but a procession of swamp creatures and warmongering lunatics come and go as cabinet and advisers…and yet we are to believe that there exists some grand plan. The fact that anyone could believe this whoppa is actually more tragic than the very situation itself.
I repeat yet again…the US will continue to degenerate politically, socially, and financially into complete ruin as long as the disastrous FED central bank model persists. This is the foundation of the obscene plutocracy that exists and the root cause of why the country has become dysfunctional at almost every level.
Laugh all you want N93…the real “Tragicomic” here is you….or you AND Greg Hunter who recently referred to tRump as “God’s field general”…I kid you not!
Baloney Colonel.
You Controlla Virus Globalist Agenda 2030 Agent. And Agency CAN be unconscious ….either way, like a drunk driving a car at 40 miles an hour down a sidewalk…’re a danger… yourself…and others
AND: I don’t care too much for Greg so even connecting me to his religiosity is DAFT.
Perfect example of the Synechdoche Pamela offered up by Il Pedante but which you probably couldn’t grasp even with tutorial help…despite the fact she has qualifications and experience …and some strategic sense of good and evil…...which you completely lack, despite much corrective effort from her.
Oh, and you guys like Tommy resigned to the End of the World but consoled with the sick pleasure of thinking you are better than all Americans …including those fighting these things in this rant……….which you are as useless as tits on a boar hog in dealing with………ENJOY:
It’s only a few minutes. It won’t do you any good…..’cause you are “gu-on” as they say in Jersey….but there are others that it may “fire up” a wee bit….who aren’t water-soaked Empire kindling quite yet from listening to your “no solutions” limp obedience to your Commonwealth Controllers and Masters.
Now, now…try to keep your hair on Nostradamus 93
You said…” despite the fact she has qualifications and experience”.
Tell me, would this be the same ‘expert’ that claims viruses don’t exist and dredges up ridiculous theories that were debunked more than a century ago in an endeavour to bolster your combined pet quest to prove that the whole Covid thing is a completely harmless hoax?
PS How interesting too that your views on so many things are identical to Hunter’s…and here’s me, I had you both down as… well, kindred spirits actually!
The comments on this forum remind me of why I rarely ever comment on this site – it’s teeming with socialist communist Europeans whose pessimism and hatred for America is palpable.
Regardless of how you FEEL about Donald Trump, or his policies, his accomplishments, or what you perceive as his failings – the 2020 United States elections have been fraudulently cast, and stolen in a blatant spree of criminality that has exposed the outlines of a conspiracy against the People of the United States. Donald Trump was elected the President of the United States on election day, and only by nefarious means was this victory impugned.
By the current process of exposition – due primarily to Trumps willingness to actually fight back against the overt criminality – the framework of social manipulation via the intelligence apparatus, the corporate media, law enforcement agencies, and the old boys clubs within both parties, has exposed itself for all to see. Trump’s willingness to fight, his determination to overcome this injustice, is more important than anything else he has done. It is worlds above what any other established politician would have done in the same situation, where simply conceding, despite the fraud, would be a foregone conclusion.
The world teeters on the brink of an atheistic scientific global tyranny many centuries in the making, and people too “intelligent” for their own good have no clue what is actually occurring. Call Trump whatever you like, but he is the manifestation of the folk spirit of the United States of America, who strives for freedom and liberty, and the right to life unhindered by globalist dictates.
I pray for the United States of America, that it may move forward with a new sense of Justice, that it may become again a moral nation free from the clutches of evil cabals.
Same stuff the USA did around latin America, that is, install dictators , steal elections,etc …it’s now being done here…it’s called karma.
Well there never was much Justice in the United States or anywhere else we became involved in just ask the Native Americans how much Justice they received, Cuba the Philippines, the countries of South America who have all felt our gentle grace as they were made safe for big business and the banking cartel at the expense of thousands upon thousands that were slaughtered.
The American people were sold a bill of goods years ago that somehow we were special and whatever we demanded from the world it should be delivered no questions asked, but as with all tyrants the world got sick of us and our gentle touch, our endless wars where no peace could exist, it’s time to put it to bed and the world would be a much safer place.!!!
Bro 93, in no way am I resigned to the “end of the world” as you put it. The USA Patriot Act has been in place for almost two decades. All Trump has to do is to declare a “national emergency” and more than 100 special provisions become available to him. He can declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, and assume near-dictatorial powers. In many ways the USA Patriot Act is similar to the German Enabling Act of 1933.
As Trump’s legal options dwindle and it becomes clear that he has lost the election, almost certainly he will avail himself of this option. What will be his “Reichstag fire” will most likely be a false-flag attack on a US asset in the Middle East blamed on Iran. I’m sure his Likudnik pals and the Israelis are working it. May Heaven help the crew of the USS Nimitz which is currently in the Persian Gulf.
Thanks to Trump, the US is not in total Lockdown – for which he is hated throughout the Empire – of course.
When I see those Dem-Mask rituals together with the mandatory ape like spastics for the hearless (what a scam this is !!!), I always start to puke and very, very ugly scenes are unfolding before my eyes – very unhealthy stuff.
I don’t watch any official imagery of our country’s official video conferences anymore, I’d rather watch a Chinese Peoples Party gathering instead, very much more lively then that masked Horror-Show unfolding worse than anything I have ever seen ! Sick is not the right term, instead a curious mix of stubborn stupidity, perverse ritual, and absence of any life-energy, almost a kind of triumph, and of course the gleaming dead eyes throughout. They are definetly on a mission !
Angelo on December 03, 2020 · at 1:21 am EST/EDT
The comments on this forum remind me of why I rarely ever comment on this site
But one can also have another view, that there is humor here, there always was on Saker’s, relax and find it. I genuinely laugh out loud at some of the comments on these threads.
Agree, I miss the humor too, people are so serious and mentally dull these days.
OTOH, a hearty guffaw to carbon and to HDan, who really nailed it. Anyone who doesn’t laugh or see the “sign language” guys as a form of twisted entertainment is beyond hope, probably.
Btw, for a real laugh, check out the videos (and comments, when they allow them) on Mr. Biden’s Youtube channel. The only danger is doing so sober, but of course people who can stand watching them sober are not the intended audience for this kind of entertainment.
Not a Trump fan, nor suffering from irrational Trump Derangement Syndrome. Not even USA located.
If this is his “most important speech” then it simply down ranks every other he’s done to basement levels.
Personally I suspect what he says about election fraud is correct. However, he’s had 4 years to fix the system but, like many of his subpar appointments, it has been a 48-month litany of hot air and Netanyahu humping (and some tax breaks for the hyper wealthy). He chose poorly; failed to defend key reform players; un-drained the swamp; claimed economic boons from the effects of Fed Reserve money printing; mishandled the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’; screwed a reasonable deal with Iran; hugged a North Korean dictator in Vietnam; and blamed China for everything. Woohoo! He’s assassinated a couple of Persians (that we know of) but otherwise refrained to start any new wars — leaving that opportunity for Biden to pick up Obama’s ‘Kill List’ Tuesday project. The US today is largely run as a criminal corporation and the only ‘crime’ at the top is getting caught. In this video production Trump has lost much of the passion (and orange in the hair) and seems to be reading with a whinging whine in his voice. I suspect his next ‘most important’ speech will be conceding defeat at these “unfair” elections etc etc. Personally I’d rather try and ignore Trump for another 4 years than the other more dangerous and murderous ‘Clintonesque’ dung-pile that the US “Universal Business Party” has seemingly selected for 2021-4. Trump had his chance, blew it, and now he’s fading fast into one-term history as the feather duster. Better start working on his Trump Library plans.
You notice, Anonymouse that I at least have a “handle” ???
That means that in case I am all wet and what I lay out does not happen….. a few thousand people can hoot and jeer and repost my erroneous assessment of this STING.
THE Greatest in History.
While all you will do, I predict….is slink away…..OR bitch, bitch, bitch for the rest of your life.
And what’s really FUNNY is that many of you losers are pulling for the criminals.
Tragicomic. Actually makes me laugh! It’s THAT pathetic.
This is FUN!
Please read and comply with Saker comment rules.
oh, Trump will not go
and if you do not understand this, you do not ” grok”. the American zeitgeist.
He had the right instincts … but underestimated how entrenched the establishment (old name for deep state) is. He wasn’t smart enough. I blame him for not finding someone who was smart enough to help him.
Trump said nothing new, neither he did present any concrete evidence. I myself believe there has been a fraud but it’s either very hard to prove, or Trump is doing a lousy job at focusing on the right evidence.
This whole speech can be reduced to him reiterating his earlier assertions of fraud, which are all quite legitimate, to be sure, but don’t constitute hard evidence. I’m not sure why’s he still not conceding. He did what he could for Israel and now comes the time for the real hawks to take over.
There’s concrete evidence. A person saying what he saw is concrete evidence.
But, if YOU need something more “concrete”, there are videos showing the frauds everywhere but the mídia.
Well, I have no respect for Trump…but Americans do not like a rigged game. Jupiter rules Sagittarius rising of the USA. Jupiter is righteous judge. Trump may assassinate selectively but he will not wage war heedlessly. sigh. what a choice to have to make….
I really do not care ultimately because the sweep of history will proceed with or without Trump.
There is none so blind as those who will not see (of course there was massive fraud).
Personally, I am not impressed with the Trump could have should have arguments, nor the fact that for many he is not a ‘great leader’. I am impressed that he is still standing. I don’t know of anyone else who could have withstood the deep-state onslaught.
Anyway, there is Globalism and there is Nationalism.
There is the Man and the Moment. We shall soon see if Trump is the man for this moment.
If he is not, then it may be more than Trump fading into history that we should be concerned with.
My belief is that this is a seminal moment. With this great Globalist future on the horizon – we may all be fading into history.
He knows he lost and it wasn’t due to vote fraud. He’s never been fired from a job before and that is the reason he’s acting so damn squirrelly. He’s too use to being in charge, so he can’t be fired.
All he’s doing now is grifting, since he’s broke and no longer has line of credit to tap. Also facing criminal charges like Al Capone. If you ever seen the movie “Training Day”, he’s acting just like the protagonist.
Vote fraud was real. Florida with 11+ millions votes counted everything by midnight and WI and MI could not count 5+ millions votes within the same timeframe?! PA with 8+ million votes was even worse. The best part is that at 6AM, per Google, WI had 95%, MI had 84% and PA had 64% votes counted. How can you know percentage of votes counted when you cannot know how many ballots you have total. I can request ballot to be mailed to me but it does not mean that I will mail ballot back. Right?
Have you ever worked in a warehouse, parts picking an order for a customer?
Do you really count out all the pieces for an order of say 100 boxes of bolts, each box to contain 50 bolts? Hell no, you dont, you scale count or weigh count the order. That’s how you know where they got their percentages.
How many percent there is in 5kg of weight?
Or better, solve this math: 100 ballots + 152 ballots + 45.358kg of ballots = X, where X is total number of ballots and it is 100% of all ballots. 1kg is 2.202lbs.
Per your comment, this is the first election in the world where ballots were counted per weight.
Oh! Come on name me one election where there was no fraud hell fraud in the U.S. is as common as mom’s apple pie even after the country was just formed you had fraud in the elections and it’s only grown as they perfected it, both of Bush’s elections were won by fraud first in Fla. and the second in Ohio didn’t hear all the crying then as the republicans brought in busloads of their supports to muddy up the counting and finally stop it, It’s over and done and so is Trump and good riddance,!!!
Bush?!? Why we do not go even further in history of US elections? Vote early and vote often – does anyone remember who said that?
You asked for the quickest way to get the percentages that they came up with, did you not?
A good guess is better than no guess at all.
sadly – I have to agree with Larchmonter 445 –
This speech is sounding from a defeated man.
I hope the trial gets going fast.
Its outrageous – and the Fat Lady has still to sing…but can truth win at this point in time ?
Not even close, Ann. So don’t be sad. Be glad.
Ever hear of maskirovka???
DJT uses it A LOT.
People that can’t see that he does….. and he has HAD to…until his next inauguration AFTER which he will not need to nearly so much….are projecting their own impotence…and weariness and most melancholy notes from their “uncertain trumpet” selves..
It’s transparent.
@ Bro 93
I fully agree with one particular word from your comment: “… impotence …”. It summarizes perfectly Trump’s present condition.
Have you watched the Michigan Senate Hearing ? You should, then you would grasp that this is not about Trump, but instead a movement, Trump is their Leader, but the whole is more than the sum. Time of appearance is quickly shifting into the background, what counts is physical, spiritual substance.
I very much hope that someone would start the thinking about martial law, and they did, right on time, that they did show that they are at the ready this way or the other way. The train will leave Station that is certain, the question is only when with whom on board.
All the observers from within still cozy armchairs will be called not immediatly but very soon one way or the other, appearance will give way to substance, guess which way leads to where in each instance and there won’t be much of a choosing when there should be, but instead way before THAT is urgently felt – call it Karma but such are the rules…to each what he deserves.
I watched it and the Mayor was fantastic. Whether or not it will make a difference I don’t know. However ‘Joan of Arc’ well may. Americs’s Joan of Arc starring Sidney Powell and Michael Flynn also in the cast Barrak Obama, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Kamila Harris, , Benjamin Netanyahu, Burnie Sanders , Christopher Steele, Richard Dearlove and Stefan Halper. or
whatever are the (official) results, there is one thing that has won, and it is TRUTH. People(s) have awakened to the fact that they have been lied more so long, even their entire lives, which is very difficult to accept for most of people.
there’s a french saying (litterally translated into english, sorry) : “When the lie takes the elevator, the truth takes the stairs. Even if it takes longer, the truth always arrives!”
There will be no civil war. This fear of civil war is just a military tactic by the U.S to go on a assassination spree against their threats. Russia, China, Iran, Syria I hope are not depending on this collapse to explain their lack of response to u.s attacks… they ought to dish out some justice soon because the u.s is just buying time and finding out locations on who to assassinate next..and get no response because apparently the u.s is due for a collapse which is a complete and utter illusion.
Live by the Guaido; die by the Guaido. You’ve been Guaidoed, Donny. How does it feel?
Something new is happening and it is not with the old prejudices that it can be apprehended. If the deep state is all-powerful why was Trump elected and why is he still in charge? Cyber and information warfare, supported by the mercenaries BLM and Antifa is very disruptive, the objectives are hidden and so respond Trump. I guess as much as I hope Trump, supported by the army, the national guard, part of the secret service drains the swamp. If it’s as big as he tells his supporters via the Quanon movement it will let emerge a new America. The allegiance of many will be questioned and even changed.
The executive order of September 12, 2018 allows the confiscation of the assets of all fraudsters. Isn’t this enough to begin reconstruction?If he wants to divert China and Russia and overtake them, Trump must release the technologies that the cabal has taken away from exploitation. Care, food, energy is the only game changer I see. It’s the only solution, or our humanity will disappear into the hell wanted by the mad gang of Davos.
The time has now arrived to arrest all the globalist operatives involved in this election fraud.
Top amongst them is Soros, the Clintons, the DNC, Gates, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos, Bloomberg, Biden & Harris and elements of the Republican Party involved and who have called on Trump to concede. Also those overseas funding this in EU & China.
The ringleaders to be either hanged, jailed or exiled.
This statement is manifestly false regarding him, he points to the fact that the ruling class sold out the US to China…
*Planned obsolescence by GM, Ford, & Chrysler, Enron, derivatives, those are just some of the examples of an American business culture that focuses on maximising short-term gains, & then using “administrative fatigue” tactics to dissuade people from getting their money back. Or what about Cisco, Motorola, GE, & others simply getting complacent & out-competed? I have never seen Trump admit this kind of business culture, 40+years in the making, was made in America, but I certainly see him blaming China.
He is a straight guy, no double talk in case you haven’t noticed yet…
This might be true vis-a-vis Israel, but not true any where else. Why claim to be Putin’s friend, & then sign into law more sanctions against Russia? Why abandon Start & other arms control treaties? Why claim to be Kim Jong-il’s friend, while threatening North Korea with total destruction at the UN? Why invite General Suleimani to a peace conference, only to then brag about his murder? Why the continued interference in Hong Kong, Republic of China (aka Taiwan) & China’s internal affairs?
One should see the whole picture, nit picking and poking at this late state of affairs is simply ridicolous, the West is succumbing to bare bone Fascism and you are upset about how Trump handles China ?
I am sorry to say that it is you that misses the big picture. Equating the USA with the fate of the entire world is as narrow minded as it gets, Americans are infamous for it. By his actions Trump is not much different than his predecessors: all pro-israel & anti-Russia + anti-China. Trump not starting a new war had more to do with countries being strong enough to defend themselves and US military fatigue, than it did with Trump’s morals.
If Trump somehow stays in office another 4 years, there is no doubt he will start a war with China.
Trump and … “morals” (!)…
Common people get to emotionally “side” with someone just as they would with any sport team; the same simple mechanism, crowd psychology 101. But many of them would be surprised to learn who that person actually is.
In Trump’s case, a very revealing source is the article “A Mafia Don with a Pompadour”,
whatever are the (official) results, there is one thing that has won, and it is TRUTH. People(s) have awakened to the fact that they have been lied more so long, even their entire lives, which is very difficult to accept for most of people.
there’s a french saying (litterally translated into english, sorry) : “When the lie takes the elevator, the truth takes the stairs. Even if it takes longer, the truth always arrives!”
There will be civil war in the USA. Just a matter of when. It could be 20-50 years from now for all we know.
I don’t think Trump is the one that takes us there. I think he tried what he could and came up short. It’s all too entrenched.
I think people need to start making a plan on first, how to survive under Biden and second, how to eventually thrive when most cards are stacked against you.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Personally, it’s way too early in the game for me to stick my neck out for anyone that isn’t close family or friend. I’m just focused on getting myself in a better place and getting stronger before involving myself in anything else. Think most people should do that right now since we aren’t sure what’s coming in the next 2 months.
This analysis will disappoint those Republican worn out weenies wishing for Joe and Ho’s “Healing & Unity” but also at least mildly upset those Red Wave “Patriots” So Eager to Point to Foreign Interference:
There IS foreign interference of course but its Mother is the City of London…and its Traitorous Bastard Offspring Known troll Th.
is More In the DC Beltway…….in ALL cases…than anywhere else in the world ….by Orders of Magnitude …………no matter which other minor foreign player Sidney Powell cites….in terms of a Dominion contractor in Belgrade or Caracas or anywhere else.Known troll Th.
That’s harder for dumb Americans (as well as others, all over the world, to comprehend …so they end up just taking sides (just like most here) in an obvious set up………….either fearing Chavez-Maduro networks in Venezuela OR emoting their bleeding heart sympathy for these extremely peripheral players……whilst largely ignoring Those In “The City” with their “Great Reset” Agenda 2030 Plans ….to decapitate and exterminate …use like toilet paper and flush ….BOTH…..ultimately..right down the crapper………….once “used”:
Americans, Venezuelans, Serbians …and ALL the rest: The Whole Lot of You!
Lots of details to contradict the Loser “Let’s Throw In the Towel Chorus…Because We Are Too Tired Now (SO Trump Must Also Be! LOL) Attitude within Barbara Boyd’s article with even more in video testimony form (several short punchy clips) in this link sent 5 hours ago to me:
with this text from the sender, herself:
Military IT experts.. one is the Col Waldron who made a ’no bones about it’ testimony at the AZ hearing.. the other is a 21 yr/o active duty analyst.. one of the ‘white hat’ hacker Waldron referred to.. with a damning list of who had access to the Dominion network during the various ‘counts’…
It is not these details by military intel agents (some of whose comrades in arms evidently shot it out with the CIA.facility guards…..and perished days ago….in Frankfurt) but the following by Barbara Boyd that ought to clear one or two minds here to resist falling in with A Second Iteration of the Same Russia, Russia, Russia Empire of Mind Control Crowd.
Barbara Boyd writes:
“A Replay of the Fabricated ‘Russian Hack’?
It is this context which calls into question the sudden and strange emergence of the Communist bogeyman in Powell’s pleadings. For example, the most notable name concerning Smartmatic software, the target in Powell’s lawsuit, is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, the man who runs George Soros and the man who has played a role in running fraudulent elections worldwide through operations of private companies. Hugo Chavez, upon whom the Powell lawsuits lavish way too much attention, was nothing but a British agent, deployed to secure the hot drug money so essential to the continuing functioning of the City of London.
The intelligence community of the United States, through the National Endowment for Democracy, the military, the CIA, and the NSA, has repeatedly rigged results in foreign countries. Ask yourself this question: If Mr. Chris Krebs, the now fired director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at Homeland Security, was charged with hardening all election infrastructure in every state against foreign attacks, doesn’t this government agency and others it works with have far more knowledge about how to synchronize an attack across six U.S. states, all of which use a mix of different voting processes and methods, at about the same time, than some foreign actor?
Could it be that we are witnessing, in some of these false trails, the same players who fabricated the Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee in 2016? Why, if we can show that every tool employed by Five Eyes in regime change operations worldwide, including military-grade full-spectrum information warfare, has been turned against Donald Trump for four years, does anyone believe that the final stage of the coup, a fraudulent election, would feature an exotic foreign Communist conspiracy?
A sane investigation of cyber manipulations which took place on November 3 would start right here, focused on that Ninth Circle of Dante’s hell known as the Washington Beltway. What are the current tools used by our own agencies to rig foreign elections? What does the NSA say about activities taking place across the internet and otherwise on November 3?”
Meanwhile a les sane investigation turns into Red-Baiting OR the RINO (Republican In Name Only) faction in both houses AND here, soooo tired.
And what do RINOs do???
They cave.
They cave in. To Joe and Ho Toilet Paper and the Empire that manufactures such. repeatedly. Dependably.
There where no frauds in Venezuela.
They only use the usual suspects because they cannot identify the deep state.
You may link the lines where candidates aligned with their”ideology” won….like Argentina.
Transcript of the speech. It has a few glitches. Once you know it’s done by a machine, you know what to look out for.
I have stayed silent for some time about the current state of affairs in United States of America, but now it’s time for me to find my voice.
I well remember the last election when D. J. Trump poleaxed the opposition, so much so that the anointed one, Hillary Diane Rodham, even had Newsweek’s ‘madame president’ election edition printed and on the way to the news stands (don’t worry, I’ve got an electronic copy on a disc by itself) before the realization set in that she had lost and lost big time. This was not supposed to happen but it did, so we had an ‘outsider’ suddenly sitting in the exalted halls of the White House.
The next four years saw a concerted and vicious 24/7/365 attack on Donald J. Trump et al, the duly elected President of the United States of America. I’ve been around for a few moons on this rock and I’ve never seen the like, not even when Richard M. Nixon was being pilloried and eventually forced to leave the presidency.
What we have seen in this last campaign was four years and more in the making. After being blindsided in the last election, the forces of evil made very sure they had this one in the bag. Well, they didn’t and they were too obvious, patently obvious, in doing their literally public theft of this election held last month. The problem is like President Trump or not, he is the President and legally elected so. With this election, it seems a man who campaigned little through the entire process, and was publicly told by Hillary Diane Rodham that no matter what, don’t concede, somehow ‘won’ the election with what is now proving to be massive and blatant ‘in your face’ election fraud and the perpetrators of this fraud are giving all us ‘ordinary workers and peasants’ the upraised middle finger.
It is obvious President Trump’s time to right this egregious wrong is limited, but he does have more than two teams of lawyers and patriots risking their all to right this wrong. As for ‘providing proof in public,’ get real, no lawyer worth his salt will publicly announce his evidence and strategy before going to court. However, you can expect the ‘patriots’ of antifa and blm to shortly hit the streets again in another attempt to frighten the populace in to complying with their twisted ideology of what is ‘good’ for the country. Ain’t gonna work and if push comes to shove President Trump has the law behind him to if needs be declare Martial Law to keep things in order while his cases wend their way through the courts to SCOTUS.
It’s going to be a rough six to eight weeks and only going to get worse as DJT has the entire ‘media’ against him, such as this:, against which he will have to fight in addition to his legal battles.
All in all, combined with the plague debacle we are now faced with a political debacle of monumental proportions which will play it’s way out in the not too distant future. In the end, sadly people will die and others will be financially destroyed. However, I have few doubts that Truth will prevail and Donald J. Trump will be installed as President of the United States of America for a second term.
Show the proof?
I’ve been watching the “evidence” presentations in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan (two hearings), and today’s coverup hearing in Georgia.
The statistical proof is overwhelming in all cases. The MIT professor, Dr. Shiva, and other statistical experts have conclusive evidence of what happened to switch votes via “weighting” Biden 1.3 and Trump 0.7 as the machine’s software documents in its operator’s manual. The Manual is additional evidence. He has done Wayne County, Michigan and Maricopa County, Arizona. Science. Mathematics. Proof.
Then there are Internet traffic tracking records showing the votes going to tally in Barcelona and Frankfurt.
Then there are hundreds of eye witnesses who have sworn under penalty of perjury in all the states that at the times indicated in the download to Media records of live counting (sent from computers in the tally centers to the AP to MSM) match the spikes that were needed to produce the results using weighted manipulation.
As for the mail-in fraud, that is clear with a preponderance of evidence, the standard for civil law suits.
So, we do have evidence in broad daylight. No one has challenged the spray chart analysis of Dr. Shiva or others who show statistical evidence of fraud.
No one denies USB ports abound on the Dominion machines. No one denies that the Internet was in play with the fraud.
The fact is no counter-evidence has been produced to disprove the case being made by Sidney Powell, Rudy and his team, or the Amistad Project teams or other experts who have testified based on their 30+ years of cyber warfare professional work.
All White Hats agree that the fraud occurred. So far, no White Hats have come to the side of the criminals in charge.
Any normal IQ person with a bad high school education (free for the suckers) sitting on a jury would agree with the Prosecutor (Powell and Rudy) that crimes were committed, the fix was in, the fraud exists, and the results are bogus. The election must be sent to the House of Representatives as the Constitution provides.
It’s all out in the sunlight. The evidence is solid. Preponderance. Overwhelming. With no counter-argument other than it’s racist to nullify the vote.
It’s the way of the Constitution. You must cancel the election and move it to Congress.
Proof exists. It’s in the public domain. Unchallenged. Other than some have accused citizens who swore under oath of lying. Trying to cancel the witnesses. Doxxing the witnesses. Terrorizing the witnesses. The usual shit from the Dems and their proxies.
This time they can’t strong arm the Truth.
Larchmonter, my friend and comrade,
I agree on the fact that the proof is out there and has been shown repeatedly. Perhaps I should have worded my statement differently and said the proof has been shown, just not in the clinical detail that will be shown in SCOTUS briefs and arguments.
The fact is many patriots have risked and are risking their all in a fight against an entrenched system of corruption that is bound and determined to destroy the election process and install a candidate who in no way won the election, and as an aside a candidate who will not live out the year as a functioning two leg. This means that Harris will be president if Trump’s efforts fail, and lurking in the wings is the bane of all that is good, HDR, and a word of advice to K. Harris if Trump’s efforts fail is not to go near any grassy knolls.
It remains to be seen how the election will be thrown to House but in a perfect world Biden et al will quietly pass in to the sunset once all the evidence is publik. But, this world is far from perfect and an epic fight is on that will decide the fate of USA for years to come. I won’t conject on what the other two powerful world leaders will do, if anything, to help a proper installation of the election winner, aka DJT, but as one said not too long ago, he will do anything to keep the world from dissolving in to chaos and stopping the ongoing evolution of the world economy, said evolution sadly leaving what was once ‘the arsenal of democracy’ in the dust.
Got ’em.
Agree – the data stream of past elections when you know how to assess it mathematically said from 2012 that the Republicans would win the POTUS for at least 2 terms from 2016 plus up to another 2 on top of that.
Trump has been maligned so much by those who would not accept the American voters did not want more of the same globalist stagnation they saw since 1988 – 2016 under H Bush, Clinton, W Bush and Obama which was always destined to fail, and designed to wreck every country it was put into.
Powerful forces behind the scenes are backing Trump, not just his large voter support base.
Trump has the proof of election fraud.
And if the system fails to address it in a proper way including the Courts as President he has the political and moral authority to come to the rescue as CinC to fix the rot and deal with the insurrection and foreign takeover – as those funding the Democrats are in the main from outside US particularly in EU & China and who have co-opted large US corporations to do same.
It’s obvious that Biden didn’t legitimately win the election but it’s way to late to “save” America and go back to some Leave it to Beaver status quo. Even if Trump does get back in somehow it won’t fix the systemic crisis and corruption that are already terminal. In order to get back in Trump will need to make deals with the devil, he won’t be able to drain the swamp and it will be 4 more years of the same only even more hysteric.
The judeo oligarchy/deepstate obviously hates Trump and wants Biden in the WH. But Trump has consistently surrounded himself with traitors and enemies who prevent him from getting anything done over and over. Why would it be any different this time if he manages to overcome the current coup? If Trump doesn’t go after big tech, the msm, the intelligence agencies etc than he will just be playing defense and making empty twitter threats like usual, only this time his empty twitter threats will probably be censored and “fact checked”.
4 more years of Trump the would be good for exposing the system for what it really is, a dying corrupt Potemkin village. But it can’t be saved and nor can the US as it currently exists right now. The US is just as terminally corrupt as 90s Russia but the crucial difference is that the US is incapable of producing a Putin.
Best comment I’ve seen here yet. Trump is valuable for exposing the fraud, but the fix is in and will stick either way. And he should hope that it does, because if he were somehow able to pull this out, the entire system would reattack him with renewed and even more vigorous vengeance. Absolutely nothing he can do will stop any of this now.
Trump has been a disappointment in the last 4 years, mostly due to terrible appointments, but I think that he has finally wised up in that regard as seen with the new personnel in the Pentagon. The constant establishment attacks and disobedience have also handicapped him, and who else could have stood up to this pressure?
If the Democrats get away with this brazen election fraud they will turn the US into a one party state by legalizing tens of millions of illegals, with open borders even as Covid lockdowns cause massive humanitarian crises in poor countries, capturing the Senate by turning Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico into states, packing the Supreme Court, shutting down the alternative media completely and of course with continued election fraud. So it is now or never. Talk of Republicans winning again in 2022 or 2024 after that is just fantasy or controlled opposition deception.
If the Supreme Court refuses to do its duty and reverse this then Trump needs to
activate the Insurrection Act and arrest the top 5000 to 10000 deep state traitors.
Who’s going to arrest them? They’re either all in on it or too intimidated to do anything about it too. It’s not technically an insurrection anymore after the fact, it’s just the new status quo.
Three short paragraphs and you absolutely nailed the whole sorry mess!
According to Robert Barnes, Rudy Giuliani is good to win public opinion, but not good to win the court about Election Fraud.
Those who see the United States of America as a captured entity of the Global Financial Syndicate, a suzerainty, please going forward, write the existing suzerain USA as “U$A.”
This way you are communicating that you’re in sync with reality. Those who write as in the MSM, are stating that they’re part of the problem and not willing to make a stand.
The day Americans achieve their sovereignty we will happily write the USA or as we all decide. Until then please make a stand and not be part of the misrepresentation. Are you part of the propaganda or reality?
Global Financial SYNDICATE:
This is actually one of Trump’s best speeches, to my ears at least. Not nearly as rambling and incoherent as his usual stuff, so he’s to be commended for that at least. But I do have to agree with Larchmonter above, that it comes across as rather desperate at this late stage in the events, which I guess is entirely appropriate. This is a performance piece for posterity, which is highly valuable in its own right. Yes, the election has been stolen, just as many more no doubt have been in the past and will be in the future, but at least one time – this time – it has been documented and spoken up about. Future generations will judge whether this was a productive exercise or not. Being a natural born cynic, I have a feeling they’ll feel that it wasn’t.
The US is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.
This is God’s way of bringing down the self-appointed “shining city on a hill”, and it is poetic justice for the “greatest democracy in the world” -Shakespearean in its quality – that has brought plunder, death and destruction to many.
This is not about Trump or Biden, or even one election. This is about the destruction of an evil force and a world reset. And not before time.