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Listening now. This is really good stuff so far. I just hope Rudy doesn’t lose them with too much detail and/or vitriol, even if it is entirely justified.
Saker – do you believe that Dominion was created in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez ?
Yeah, what the heck ? Venezuela and Cuba, and possibly China ? No mention of Canada, Spain and Germany, I guess cause « we’re the good guys, and not some filthy commies. »
As I watched Sidney Powell’s video, I was hoping it would not be such obvious BS.
And then, reading people focusing on Giuliani’s hair dye. *smh*
The US has become what it did in Venezuela: One President duly elected, and one pretending he’s still the real president.
The only difference is that America, no matter who’s President, is still APARTHEID Israel’s b*tch.
This is the first time that I have heard that a Venezuelan computer program has been used for voter fraud. I was under the impression that a US military program was used, as admitted by a retired US Army colonel about a week ago, the intent being to switch votes from Trump to Biden. As for the late Hugo Chavez, there was no need for him to cheat at elections, as he was so popular. He used oil revenues to invest in Venezuelan infrastructure, education and health facilities. He died from cancer in record time, with doctors pointing out that cancer patients do not die so fast. It would appear he had a helping hand. Now who could that possibly be ?
yes of course – never has Venezuela ever been first at high tech – so now ? Not.
So sad. Seems dead in the water. We’re in for a nightmare if this legal team doesn’t get this into Supreme Court – I heard if they do – it will be okay. But getting it to Supreme Court may be difficult. I can’t believe how big this conspiracy is….to overthrow Trump
And I do believe the part about Soros involvement. Even people like Sidney Powell so deceived by untruth.
Very sad.
For the record. In no way, shape, or form – can a “vote counting” system (no matter how many back-doors, web services, and scaling algorithms employed) – be described as “high tech” in 2020.
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Dominion corporation was created by Venezuelan engineers. They have their headquarters in Canada. The CEO of Dominion admitted in a press conferece that there was an error of 1 million votes in the Venezuelan elections using their product.
The Trump Legal team cant produce its evidence to the public before the court session.
If they did, their case can be thrown out of court, as it will be regarded as trying to influence the Judges or witnesses in advance.
That is why the Trump legal team only made an opening statement.
They are professionals, and Their evidence will be shown in court.
OK: so the Dominion electronic voting system was invented by a Venezuelan Globalist.
However, many corrupt Western politicians apparently found the voting Systems convenient to implement.
If the Trump Legal team produces evidence in court of electronic voter manipulation in the US, it will raise the question whether election fraud has been conducted via electronic voting or tallying, in most European states since year 2000. If so, it will be a bomb under the Global Deep State.
Many European Nations are now implementing dictatorial measures, like forced Vaccinations, Forced isolation, and arrests of system critics. Measures totally against the laws of National Constitutions.
Even a Doctor has been arrested on video by a swat team:
Once again, it is socialists in collusion with the Deep State operatives who are implementing Fascism, just as they did under Mussolini and Hitler.
In Denmark the Socialist Government proposal of the same EU suggested dictatorial measures were shut down by the Danish parliament.
The Neo-Fascists hiding in the German Bundestag was shamed by German Politician Karsten Hilse
But they only feel anger of being exposed..
The NAZIs are back out in the open.
I watched the video at the last link.
The conduct of the Bundestag members while Karsten ?? spoke was amazingly rude.
Why were they not called to order by the President ?
To me that looks like the same attempt to bully through ridicule and open laughter, snickers, audibly talking over the speaker, etc. that has greeted Giuliani’s presser.
Eine Unverschaemtheit.
Basic standards of public conduct is going downhill very fast and the bullying impulse is growing and is not even questioned. It is celebrated.
Well, more voters for the AfD.
Thanks Katherine for your response.
Jah, de reaktionen im Bundestag war unverschämt.
I do hope they are not using electronic voting machines in Germany? Otherwise the AFD will never be recognized for the votes they actually get from the German population. The same problem sadly exists in many European Nations.
I love Danes being Danish, Germans being German, The French being French, and so on.
Let each Nation keep its Roots, Democracy, Religion and special culture, (we love them the way they are) but let us all unit and standing up against this Global Tyranny trying to enslave us all.
I write here to report what I see is happening in the world, so that people from all nations are able to collect not only my info, but other writers information as well, in order to draw a full picture of who is actually controlling events in every Nation around the globe. My theory is that when we know the agenda and perpetrators beforehand, we will be able to mitigate these attacks against humanity.
Yes, good stuff indeed. And lot’s of it. The people who are currently most worried must be justices at the US Supreme Court, which will probably have the last word on the election. The point is that evidence of voter fraud is on the Internet. Everybody knows about it. And the US Supreme Court ? What is it going to do ? Ignore the evidence and proclaim Biden the “winner” ? If it does, nobody will take the Supreme court seriously again, while repercussions in the streets of the US could be very nasty indeed.
Yes, so many twists and turns yet to be played out in this one. I still expect it to go nowhere because the evidence is so damning and has so many implications beyond just this single election. This amounts to a political nuke if all the evidentiary strings are fully teased out. Not sure at all that the USSC will even agree to hear the case, as Roberts, in particular, is very reluctant to get involved in political food fights, which is how this is being painted, whether rightly or wrongly. I’m sure they’ll find a way to save face by simply letting the time run out on all this. That said and as you said, burying the case and seating Biden is going to be a political and social time bomb as well. His legitimacy is already totally shot before he ever takes office, and he didn’t have any to spare in the first place. This is as bad an outcome as the electoral system could have possibly produced.
Yes very nasty, did you notice the spike in guns sales?
I am looking to buy a pump action shotgun and a semi automatic pistol, also get a concealed carry permit and a kevlarv vest.
Dunno about you but I am scared shitless and worried sleepless.
Hey one and all , if you know of evidence , any evidence of voter fraud in the US lection, please forward it to Trump and his layers, cause They Ain’t’ Got Any Evidence, None Period….NADA …
One more thing Once again, it is socialists in collusion with the Deep State operatives who are implementing Fascism, just as they did under Mussolini and Hitler. I know for a fact, Trumps most read book, like his bible, cause he ain’t never read/opened the other one he held upside down and back to front, is Top Shelf and many of his copied postures are of Mussolini. He fashions himself an authoritarian dictator, loved by all , and those who dare not cross him….It is written all over him , his words, actions..wake up folks…
So True, but it is the Republican/Tea Party and the hard right, not the left…who are the fascists, that is why Trump blasted so much against Antifa a movement against fascism…and No I am not a shill or troll, just an informed critical thinking and well traveled world smart intelligent guy who has a very astute built in bullshit detector…but hey, in a post truth world, seems most prefer the lies….guess it creates a type of fantasy they choose to cling to, rather than deal with reality…the governments of the Western world are nearly all part of an international crime cabal….. truth is We Ain’t the Goods Guys….No more? Sorry folks Never was……and that is a sad truth. Yeah, easier to hide behind the lies, cling to fantasy and fiction….ain’t it? But will that make anything any better? Think about it, mates…..
My level of English is not sufficient to understand everything. But from 1H31 Giuliani says that he smells crime and that he has never seen more vicious criminals. Shortly afterwards Sydney Powell expresses herself with dignity, but visibly shocked by the violence of the battle. An historic battle is unfolding before our eyes.
It is unbelievable.
Powell is indeed a firebrand. I’m in complete awe by her presentation. It will take a massive coverup to dismiss all this.
She has publicly said that if Chief Justice Roberts doesn’t think this is important enough he should be impeached. She is also going after state officials who certify fraudulent results with clear aim at Raffensperger in Georgia if he certifies it tomorrow.
To say scorched earth is the understatement. She is as thorough as she is brilliant. Her opponents learned the hard way not to underestimate her.
If I was Brennan I’d be brushing up on my Spanish If what Lt Gen McInerney has said is true then Brennan will need to evacuate to Paraguay (no extradition).
It goes like this:
1) 2010/11 Brennan takes “Hammer & Scorecard” private.
2) Brennan profits off fixing elections in other countries.
3) Brennan uses it in 2012 for Obama.
4) Brennan uses it in 2016 for Clinton against Sanders
5) 2016 against Trump something goes wrong. My guess is someone else got to it. Whoever gets there last wins.
6) 2020 Trump knew Brennan would have it secured so he forces them to cheat every which way and busts them.
This is going to get real ugly. Get your popcorn.
They didn’t rig the 2016 election because they thought Hillary was going to win with a >99% chance even without cheating. Just goes to show how arrogant they were.
Just got this from my sister in Oregon…………but her link is the whole (unneeded) video complete with 58 minutes of press just sitting there……….which is skip right below….at the 3,490 seconds mark to preserve her time line summary for her email contacts………..and anyone here that wants the highlights fast for lack of time…like me,,,gotta put a roast in the oven!
She says:
and anyone else who doesn’t understand what is going on and how and why it is illegal.. an ‘overview’ of cases filed and to be filed specifically by the Trump Team.. we do have millions of ‘allies’.. real people allies.. around the world who are watching all this closely and wanting to understand.. and rooting..
AVOID the 1st hour of press slowly filling up the room….
press conference starts at 58:00 with Giuliani starting off with a fairly low key explanation ’to the press’ as to multiple kinds of election fraud using actual ‘evidence’ that, as you know, that press is insisting does not exist.. while it is a ‘basic’ civics lesson, I did find it informative.. it’s a bit of an odd feeling, after decades of assuming most Americans of my own generation had fairly comprehensive civics studies, while I was struggling with organic chemistry in Spanish.. either did not have those studies I assumed they had.. or did not pay an iota of attention.. OR have forgotten anything and everything they once learned.. after my stunned reaction as to the complete lack of awareness supposedly ‘elite’ University honors students had as to what was going on in SE Asia in the early and mid 60s.. and witnessing glimmers of ‘awakening’ over the decades.. that I would still not completely understand the depths of apathy exhibited by the US public is my own ‘burden to bear’…
at roughly 1:37:00, Giuliani passes the podium to Sidney Powell who lays out the Dominion/Smartmatic ‘cases’…
at roughly 1:50:30 Sidney hands it over to Jenna Ellis.. who lays out more of how court cases slowly develop.. (despite the frustrated millions, this is going amazingly fast)
at roughly 1:57:30 Sidney steps back in.. a bit more on ‘international’..
and at roughly 2:00:00, Giuliani steps back in to take questions
for anyone who has been impatiently waiting for the real king pins to be arrested.. this one is opening it up.. all the way to Soros and HRC… FELONIES and TREASON.. KNOWING COLLUSION.. ’this is the opening act’ of the legal ‘war’.. that does NOT mean this widespread collusion of election fraud will be ALL that is coming up.. but in many ways cleaning up our elections in a way that decisively empowers ’the vote’ is the most critical aspect for the American public/voters to ’take back’ our vote and our country.. without which however many criminals get arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced is totally moot..
lot more I’m seeing, but will have to come back after dark.. I got a brief period between rain squalls to get a few things done outside..
I answered:
GREAT stuff!!
BTW Tore hasn’t had a show in a week and word is she was deployed around the STOP THE STEAL march in DC a few hundreds of thousands appeared on short notice (at least in terms of timing….what she was doing may or may not be secret) and Tracy Beanz was at the rally but had a house fire 2 days ago (Electrical NO CONSPIRACY ALLEGED…)..but it evidently ruined the house so no Dark to Light podcast for a few days…..
ALSO….Matt Valbiro……Quite Frankly Valbiro’s brother went from NY to DC…… made eye contact with the president in his limo…..”and I touched the glass to transfer the rest of My Life Energy To Him (lol) ….the Secret Service swatted my hand away after less than 1 second on the glass….but Mission Accomplished……Trump received my energy….I KNOW he did!.”
The highlight of Matt’s life. Now he’s ready for the After Life………….lucky dude…
It will indeed be interesting to see how the press plays this in the coming days or whether they even play it at all. Early returns aren’t promising, as they’re already focusing on Rudi’s hair dye running down his face. Distracting yes, but also totally irrelevant. I wonder why they even had diGenova up there if he didn’t have a speaking part? Not much gravitas in that. Giuliani and Powell were both compelling, although the constant Chavez/Maduro references by Giuliani were gratuitous and unnecessary, other than as a further call to war with Venezuela. We’ve done enough to them already, leave them alone for once.
In normal times I would agree with your comment on Chavez/Maduro. However, I know quite a bit about Smartmatic as I was as close as it gets to both the company in its early days and Alfredo Anzola Jr. until he was murdered. Even Alfredo didn’t know the real ownership structure of Smartmatic and he was the founder and brains behind the company. A topic he would actually systematically evade. The Mugica brothers are fronts and always have been, they are not the ones pulling the strings. However, they brought something to the table in the early days which wasn’t money and which wasn’t the Chavez link, as it was not needed at all. I remember that day, about 16 years ago, in their house near the Country Club of Caracas when, before doing lines of coke on their desks in their home office, they had to put away two bank-style money counting machines with piles of bank notes stashed in bags. The two are well-known coke heads and their initial dealings were likely about money laundering. These guys are wankers. Just before Alfredo Jr. passed, his whole family knew that his days were counted, my own eyes saw this, it came as no surprise. His father spoke about it and he already knew his son’s fate was sealed. They all knew Chavez’s clan would be involved, before it even happened. But the family also knew that there was some sort of involvement from the US both in his murder and in the company. A family member was as high up as it gets in the Chavez government, an army guy, uncle if I remember correctly. He confirmed that it wasn’t simply a Chavez hit but that Americans were involved. Take a look and see for yourself the oddities behind his murder, like the story of the pilot in the plane and other things, including the timing as they were taking a lot of heat from the US government to sell the American company. They eventually sold an empty shell and kept the IP and the software at the time which got people in D.C. pissed off. The story is more complicated than what you see at first glance. And then you have Lord Malloch Brown ending up as chairman, Soros’ buddy. The history of the company is littered with voter fraud. The first revenue officially coming in, was from Chavez’s clan and this is a fact. Complicated story to say the least but I know that the Chavez/Maduro link is not the whole deal. Also, to conclude, family members always said that there were powerful US interests who wanted Chavez in power in the first place. Been digging into this for many years and my conclusion so far is that there is something below the surface that screams powerful US involvement in its shareholder structure, which is beyond opaque. Nobody knows who is hiding behind the myriad of off-shore companies which ultimately own Smartmatic. Good luck figuring this one out.
Thanks for the background Desert sub! I have no doubt it would take volumes to document all the skullduggery that was going on here. Future book deals galore out there! Even so, legal arguments – especially of this magnitude – need to be laser focused. The more they get off track onto peripheral issues the easier it is to lose and judges hearing the case; and even honest, non-corrupted, and/or pressured judges always try to stay tightly focused on arguments directly relevant to the case at hand.
Disaffected wrote:
“It will indeed be interesting to see how the press plays this in the coming days or whether they even
play it at all. Early returns aren’t promising, as they’re already focusing on Rudi’s hair dye running down
his face.”
When the facts and the law are against you, attack the witness ….
Impressive press conference.
To understand the depth of dishonesty of the American media, check out this article by CNN. CNN reported on the press conference and claimed:
Here’s a link to the article where you can see the literal quote set forth above in the second paragraph of the article.
Of course, if you listened to the press conference above, you know that is simply not true at all.
Probably the most amusing part about the press conference is the fact Powell and Giuliani predicted the press would do that!
CNN is disgusting.
Overvoting is a situation where the votes cast exceed the amount of registered voters. The Press Conference spoke of precincts that over voted by as much as two or three times the number of registered voters in the precinct. Obviously such a thing reeks of fraud. This is how CNN purports to “debunk” the allegation.
They call it an “imbalance” relating to “sign in” “at a polling station.” CNN makes it look like some obscure technical matter, rather than simply making the straightforward statement that the number of votes casts were two to three times as much as the amount of registered voters. CNN’s description is meant to obscure something which is actually very easy to understand. Had they stated it clearly, it would have raised red flags with readers that something was seriously wrong.
This looks like a lot more than just poor journalism.
did you know the dodgy vote counting in Atlanta GA was done in the CNN Centre.
My friends….the Republican Party is compromised .
Now is Maduro Venezuela and Cuba the ones interfering in the USA elections.
Indeed. Why Giuliani had to involve Venezuela and Cuba at all? Probably usual theatrics to trigger the Pavlovian reflexes of dumb American sheeple … “commies are out to get you”. Russiagate, Chinagate, Venezuelagate……
I’m surprised Putin wasn’t mentioned.
Oh, don’t worry. They’ll dig, and eventually find… « Putin’s Russia » or « The Kremlin » masterminded everything, maybe in cahoots with Iran’s Ayatollahs.
haha – its the Dems that hate Putin
True, Ann… on the cognitive level we plebs and proles are supposed to operate on… But don’t the Repubs, as another part of the Banker Gangster Party, also hate Putin?
Didn’t the Repub Bush admin. install President Saakashvili in Georgia, then push him into attacking South Ossetia against Russia and Putin? Wasn’t the Repub McCain part of the anti-Putin, Maidan coup in Ukraine?
Isn’t the Repub Trump signing off on additional sanctions, seizing more Russian diplomatic property, shipping more weapons [including advanced Javelin missiles] to the anti-Putin Maidanites, having news outlets like RT and Sputnik register under FARA [a censorship law the world elites created for the last world war], and increasing the warmongering against Putin’s REAL allies in Venezuela, China, Iran, Syria, etc. right now…?
The problem is, they cant identify the Deep State,…Thats why they do tell this non sense.
I watched this live.
Two ex-Federal prosecutors, Rudy and Sidney, risking millions of dollars in earnings each year, to tell the world, the voters, the conspirators that they have the facts, the evidence, the methodology, and will bring it all to court shortly.
They have caught the cheaters red-handed.
They have done the courageous thing.
Soon it will be up to courts to use the Constitutional remedies to reverse the outcome of the election.
The stooge press carries on in the Q&A like the swine we know they are.
Everything is here in this presentation. The greatest crime against the People’s democratic process. The coup against Trump. The lies and deceptions by the Media. The total fraud and criminal acts by the Dems and paid “consultants” who handled the computers, software and voting machines.
The grand totals were tallied in Barcelona and Frankfurt. That tells you all about the “secure system”. Total scam.
The media is going to bury this. It is happening already.
The only hope is that the Judiciary starts issuing injunctions against the certification of election results.
At that point, I don’t know what the media would do. Maybe they would attack the judges and call them corrupt. That would be hard to pull off if injunctions issue from a number of different courts. Maybe they would call it a “technical delay” and hope the final decisions goes in favor of Biden. Maybe they would not report it, hoping that quick trials would find in favor of Biden. Maybe they would do something else.
But the media is going to bury this as best as they possibly can. I have no doubt about that.
The only hope is that the courts take action and, if merited, eventually find that 1) fraud really took place and 2) that it was significant enough to change the result of the election.
At that point Biden cannot be sworn in.
Watch the media pull a Schroedinger, and take the bait with Venezuela and Cuba, and try to nail them, all the while denying there was any election fraud. Maybe call it « attempted, but unsuccessful election interference. »
The media is going to bury this. It is happening already.
Yep, seeing it this morning in the news feed already. As predicted, “facts” can indeed be slippery things in the face of determined systemic corruption. The courts, even if they are truly fair and impartial, will no doubt have plenty of pressure on them to render the “correct” verdict, especially given the time pressures involved, so I don’t see much hope for Trump there either. Whatever else he was, Trump was a disruptor, and as we’re seeing now, the system doesn’t tolerate disruption. A lesson for all of us, no doubt.
I think Trumps best odds of remaining president is should Biden croak before the swearing in, he’s a train wreck just waiting to happen
Larch, in spite of the Venezuela b/s I think Rudy is securing some kind of legacy here. Maybe he just doesn’t care for the swamp anymore. Powell, too.
A magisterial performance, in spite of a touch of b/s. Made me proud of this country for a few minutes and even more milliseconds.
The evidence is surely there, and this will go down in the history books, Biden or no Biden. The court decisions should prove very interesting, at the very least. Vote fraud, of course, being American as apple pie for a hundred years. Anyone with any political sense would have known that Philly would be a flash point this year, Detroit too. I feel sad for PA… a ton of good people there who want no part of this.
Go on, trolls, rant away…
The American people have an important message for Donald tRump. You’re fired!
“Littlejohn” (sic):
Eternal Blessings from the Clinton Foundation! Good Job!
Isn’t it great to live in a gangster state? Thanks to you, we don’t just do it, we have to celebrate it!
Thank you!
I don’t like Trump either. He is an embarrassment to the nation. He is in totally over his head.
But Biden will be worse. He routinely supports wars of aggression, corporate bailouts, greater levels of incarceration, more government surveillance and so on and so on. He is an unabashed corporatist as well.
And this is to say nothing of the Hunter Biden fiasco which stinks to high heaven.
Would I like to see Trump gone? Absolutely. Do want Biden? Absolutely not.
This was an election where the citizens were simply not going to win.
The thing that I like about what Guiliani is doing is this. He is exposing the corruption. As to that I wish him godspeed.
The media and elites just want someone they can micromanage, they have that in spades with Biden.
Its a bit more difficult to micromanage Trump.
Alabama, you are exactly right.
Trump damaged the nation by being out of control. The elite want Biden in office so that they can loot the nation through someone that they have under control.
Who is this “Littlejohn”? It is ceratinly not me!
Probably some Democrat who thinks that Biden is the country’s savior.
I don’t like Trump but I dread a Biden presidency.
Same here, Trump is anti-Iran because the tribe tells him so, he is a consistent and admittedly a Jew-lover..
Iran encroachment in Syria, bullshit!
Missile attack in retaliation for chemical attack? Super bullshit.
Still, I don’t want to castrate myself yet by listening to “cancel culture”, so I voted straight Republican.
Who is this “Littlejohn”? It is ceratinly not me!
Germany ended electronic voting in 2009. Netherlands and France 2017. Other countries done similar.
The lady at the press conference mentioned Argentina.
It was the conservative, right wing party (Macri) which insisted in using Smartmatic with machines previously used in Congo. Yes, repeat Congo.
The Peronist opposition (today in government) denounced that the Smartmatic machines are hackable and should be rejected.
Future elections in Argentina will most probably be without electronic voting, except in the Federal Capital, which is run by right wing conservatives.
Cheers from France.
But where these Dominion system used in France for Macron election (2017) ?
It came from EU…
They are not using the Brazilian system for sure.
In a 15 minute interview with Glenn Beck today (20th November) Sidney Powell confirms that “our forces have the server”, and so that means that it will indeed be possible to provide definitive information about how the fraud worked and probably (using comms information) who coordinated it. Yesterday she should could not say if the”good guys” or “bad guys” had it.
In the UK the reporting in The Guardian today was very much as predicted by the Trump legal team yesterday in th video above.
Of course, they are risking a lot of money, like that flowing for Kyle Rittenhouse, liberated on $2 million bond, after killing two and injuring several others…
Not so easy to earn millionaire quotas defending cases in US courts, This is easier money, even if you have to sweat a bit, if needed even sweat shit, as it seems happened to Giuliani during last presser…
Interesting later radio interview with Sidney Powell here:
What she’s claiming sounds incredible. I guess we wait until next week, Friday the 27th November is when she thinks they will launch.
Thankfully Bananas are grown in Hawaii and Florida and lend credibility to the term ‘Banana Republic’ when applied to the USA.
I’m not an USAn but it’s remarkable how uneducated the average person is with respect to the social contract between a citizen and a government, or the rights/duties/responsibilities of each.
The civil servants who knowingly perpetrate these voting charades are properly called ‘traitors’, same as the press who willingly supports these charades. I personally believe Trump won the vote, but there is likely no court in the USA that will hear any facts on this election in an unbiased manner due to the press’s coverage and the censorship of criminal evidence.
“… there is likely no court in the USA that will hear any facts on this election in an unbiased manner …”
More to the point: there is likely no court in the USA that will hear any facts on this election. Period.
Very soon we shall know for sure.
Interesting the conference details British interference in the US election in connection with the fraudulent Smartmatic voting machines and Soros. And also Venezuela & China.
What Gulianni & his team outlines there is just the tip of the iceberg.
Arrests need to made sooner rather than later.
Trump should order troops to move on this asap as national security matter given the foreign involvement identified.
I guarantee Putin and his team would stand for all this sort of nonsense going on or the rioting thats gone on either.
When I heard Powell imply that “brutal, communistic” Venezuela, China, etc. were complicit in her big voter fraud, I shut the video down. Obviously, there is no difference in the mentality of the two U.S. “political parties”. they are both SICK.
Well, that’s you. Yes, obviously on the Venezuela b/s they are covering someone’s arse and are full of you know what. Obviously so.
On the other 75% of material, I think it’s obvious that they have this evidence. I don’t like Giuliani, but I don’t think he’s a fool. He’s a very competent prosecutor. I think they have the evidence. They wouldn’t bother, otherwise. And they’re all being threatened just to do what they’re doing.
The issues here are of utmost importance. I can’t imagine just shutting it off, ’cause they’re full of sh*te on one lousy point.
All the election fraud stuff has the ring of truth, and they will, I suspect, prove this in court.
But you just shut the video down, ignoring the wealth of evidence. Your choice.
The details around the Dominion stuff are minor in comparison to the general election fraud. I agree, both parties are sick. But sticking your head in the sand when confronted with real evidence is a choice, your choice.
Don’t put the people down, like many of us, who don’t chose to join you with your head in the sand.
I have to agree with you. The American sheep are happy to have their own wool pulled over their eyes. “Left” versus “Right” is just political theater. The real war is the “Top” (global financial elite) versus the “Bottom”. Ask yourself – who is getting billions of dollars of free taxpayer money from the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury? Just follow this money and you will begin to understand who is screwing who.
I feel like I need to comment. I love this blog for independent thinking … and I distrust the MSM as much as anyone else … but … I feel recently people here are crossing into blind worship of Trump … if nothing else because they are united by a fear or hatred of Biden – aka Obama, Hillary, Deep State, etc. (More about this at the end of this comment.)
But here, I want to give a few quick comments about Giuliani’s attacks.
Giuliani started his case this way:
I am a lawyer. I have seen battle of experts. If this is the best Giuiani have, he has lost his case. One can bring up interesting statistics here and there, but the most important thing is that there are easy explanations for why mail in ballots went one way toward Biden. (Trump has politicized mail-in ballots, and it’s not hard to see why more Democrats vote by mail in than Republicans this election cycle) In the end, statistics curiosity is not proof of anything. As Giuliani seems to admit quickly, “of course, that’s just speculation”?
Giuliani then characterized the fraud in this election this way:
But all Giuliani gave are anecdotal evidence here and there. Sorry, if you want to prove there is a central plan for fraud, prove the central planning. Anecdotal evidence of irregularities here and there does not do it. I personally doubt the central planning because if this were true, it’d be a large operation. It’s not easy to keep so many people quiet. Something would have leaked out by now.
This may or may not be true. But if true, then what? If America elections have been rotten the last 60 years … then why should we start challenging it just because Trump lost? Why can’t Americans accept this election like they have accepted the last 60 years of elections – including Trump’s victory in 2016?
I personally think American elections have been fraudulent not because of vote counting per se, but because there has never been real discussions about the real important issues that matter to the American people the last 60 or more years. The MSM has been so suffocating and so rotten for so long. But this per se is not reason for us to turn the election in Trump’s favor now…
Giuiani then attacked the merits of mail voting in general. I think enough has been said in the last few weeks in America about this. Reasonable people can definitely disagree about the merits of mail in voting. But I don’t think it’s an issue that should be the basis for overturning the election in Trump’s favor.
About three minutes in, Giuliani made the following accusation. I want to address this because this blog also made a similar accusation last week.
First about Biden’s saying he has the best “fraud team” as somehow proof there is fraud is to me totally insane. The Saker had a similar post last week. The Saker asked us to view this press conference in full, but how many of us viewed Biden’s statement in full last week?
So Biden said, “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” So Biden is perpetuating fraud? Letting a Freudian slip? I guess you can choose to see his statement this way, but if you view his entire statement, you’d know that’s clearly not the case.
My credit card company calls me sometimes when they detect irregular activities on my card. The department that calls is the “credit card fraud department.” Language is a funny thing. Perhaps the credit card company should call it the “anti-fraud” department not “fraud” deparment, but I get the point. I don’t latch on to the idea that my bank is perpetrating fraud!
As for rest of his speech, I do not know of each instance of fraud Giuliani described. Perhaps some are true, perhaps some not. But the numbers don’t seem large. He mentioned 220 affidavits from one county and another 100 from another in Michigan. These are not numbers that change elections.
One might argue, this is just the tip of the ice berg. Maybe …. But that’s not good enough. If the best you can do is bring some irregularities here and there that are expected in any large scale elections and that took place the last 60 or more years, so what?
If legitimate elections must be squeaky clean, then there are no legitimate elections anywhere in the world, any time in the history of the world.
Giuliani talk a lot of technicalities. For example, he mentioned “over votes.” I used to do due diligence in a top large law firm. While we never audited votes, we audited a lot of corporate transactions, licensing, IP, accounting, etc. One often run into issues here and there, sometimes they could lead to something substantial, but often, it’s just clerical issues. Things don’t balance because one didn’t enter things correctly.
According to this CNN article, unreconciled unbalanced numbers are common and do not per se point out to fraud.
I am not saying CNN is right, but let’s understand technicalities for what they are, technicalities. In any case, in my view, if unreconciled numbers are a problem, perhaps we should do a total study of all elections and see about cleaning things up in the future, that’s fine. But this seems to be a systemic problem, not evidence of targeted stealing of votes directed against Trump…
Lastly, before anyone attack me for being pro Biden and anti Trump, I am not. I did vote for Trump in 2016 but Biden in 2020. But that doesn’t matter. I still love Trump for what he stood for – America First in a true sense of the word, putting Americans not the Empire first.
But I don’t think there is a centrally executed plan to “steal” the election from Trump. True, elections have been stolen from the people systemically for most of the history of this country. The people are pawns with the the power that be that control things, the narratives, etc. This is why people from China don’t see elections and democracy as synonymous. Elections involves election gaming. It has nothing to do with serving the people, which true democracy is about.
Anyways, I will write a post about my thoughts about Biden for China soon. Most people from China, surprisingly, prefer Trump over Biden, if nothing more than for the entertainment value Trump provides.
People understand that Biden means a return to Obama and Hillary. Obama and Hillary are part of the deep state that has attacked China subversively, ideologically, for the last 20 years – with their “pivot to Asia” and ideology about “Internet Freedom.”
The American empire will be directed against China – and Russia – for the foreseeable future, whether the deep state or a populist Trump is in power. It is part of the sickness and tragedy that is today’s America.
CNN and its staff could not be trusted with a potato gun.
Their reporting is gutter journalism.
They are a Benedict Arnold style media organization controlled by foreign entities.
There is a lot more known that what was disclosed in the press conference.
Any election fraud must be dealt with and this election follows the known big steal in the 2018 Congressional which is why survelliance systems were put in place to catch them this time.
Giuliani said, a few minutes after your quote, that Biden did a “Freudian slip”, lawyer Allen.
That’s what it was, a Freudian slip. You attorneys know that kind of thing very well. You also know how to twist arguments around for ten hours and make a simple argument incomprehensible and meaningless.
The rest of your post is what the Brits would call “special pleading.” Not sure what you’re trying to say. To say that this site is a nest of Trump worship is outright fraudulent.
Yes, the West is totally corrupt. Denying voter fraud in this country (do you live in the States?), on the other hand, is ludicrous, it’s been a Dem/Repub pastime for a hundred years or more. Everybody did it, does it. I don’t think they ever did it on this scale, however.
You’re “not saying CNN is right”, but you are quoting CNN. I think you can do better (?) than that. What is it you’re saying? You “voted for Trump, then for Biden”, and now, what? Everything is OK? Excuse me for not understanding your compelling argument.
p/s try editing your posts by 9/10ths… it’s helpful, you can still make your point. Everyone here does it…
@ Internal Exile USA
You placed the things and persons here exactly where they belong. Indeed, one could not have spelled it better. I fully share your observations.
I watched this live and the thing that struck me is that Giuliani said that they only have 3 lawyers. I was sort of hoping that they had mobilized at least a 100 lawyers.
Anyway, hard evidence or not, circumstantial evidence is not necessarily ‘anecdotal’, and I doubt that sworn affidavits of specific incidents by corroborating witnesses will be construed as ‘anecdotal’ in a court of law. Statistical analysis is not just a ‘curiosity’.
You say ‘anecdotal evidence of irregularities here and there does not do it’. Well, I’m not a lawyer, but I’m sure that more than one man has been hung with much flimsier evidence.
Your links to CNN and the dissembling of cherry-picked points along with your carefully constructed comment, leads me to the opinion that you may not be commenting as a dispassionate swing voter as you claim.
So, as a lawyer, can you tell me if the anecdotal observation that all elections have been fraudulent for the last 60 years is admissible as a defense?
“… So, as a lawyer, can you tell me if the anecdotal observation that all elections have been fraudulent for the last 60 years is admissible as a defense? …”
Excellent question indeed.
Yes, anecdotal evidence of irregularities can be circumstantial evidence of systemic fraud. But that’s all Giuliani has: circumstantial evidence. He has not given any direct evidence of systemic fraud …
In claiming a massive, centrally planned campaign to steal the election, Giuliani must give evidence of the organization, people, their intent, plan of actions, actions taken, and wide spread, systemic effects that mattered.
As for whether a man can be hung on flimsy evidence, sure! Lots of times, especially for minorities such as African Americans, Hispanics, and us Chinese Americans…. Today, Chinese scholars are now on the short end of the stick for stealing, spying, cheating, etc. … just because they are Chinese… Huawei’s Meng has been trapped in extradition on made up (I wouldn’t even give it “flimsy”) evidence…
As for my characterization of statistical curiosity, if you don’t like it, what should we call it? Statistical PROOF of massive, systematic election fraud? I characterized it as “curiosity” because I believe the anomalies can be readily explained.
As for cherry-picking points, I tried my best to go over the salient points. Please give me one or two points you feel I deliberately glossed over?
Also, just a quick clarification. I am not a “dispassionate” swing voter. I was a PASSIONATE supporter of Trump in 2016 turned a reluctant supporter of Biden in 2020.
Finally, as for whether fraudulent elections in the last 60 years can be admissible as evidence for Giuliani’s case, no. Giuliani needs evidence that supports a massive, systemic, centrally planned operation to steal the votes. Evidence of general, long-standing weakness in the American voting system is not sufficient … maybe not even relevant(?).
Can’t answer me, can you, Lawyer Allen? Evidence of long-standing weakness isn’t enough? You’ve stated your case, now, what on earth were you doing here in the first place? Not relevant? No.
You are not relevant. Goodbye, Lawyer Allen.
” I was a PASSIONATE supporter of Trump in 2016″
Hmmm, that suggests that your charge that this blog has become a nest of Trump lovers is actually a projection of yours.
Your charge is demonstrable false and obviously incorrect to anyone who has actually followed this blog for any amount of time. So the obvious question is: Why do you state this at all????? At the least it is irrelevant. At the worst it is some variety of trolling.
Trump’s lawyers only have to prove to the Supreme Court there is reasonable doubt the elections were (un)fair.
For one, what banana republic allows mail in voting on a massive scale?!
Why were the Democrats passionate proponents of mail in voting?
Answer: They were planning to steal the elections.
They had to do it because their Atlantic Empire was at stake.
Dead right there Dave.
If the Democrats were honest they would welcome a full complete audit and check of all voting.
you are too close to the coal face , from 10000 miles away and no affiliations , i can see Giuliani and his lawyers believe what they are saying . the rot in your country is so deep , the only thing you have to fall back on is the constitution.
I agree. The Giuliani team is passionate and committed.
Just wondering, though, whether, say, Adam Schiff also looked so committed when viewwed from afar during the impeachment farce. A madman can look passionate and committed. To me he was just horrifying, but . . . I am just talking about the optics here.
However this plays out—gets to SCOTUS or not—I don’t think this is going to go away. Giuliani is a fighter, and he has staked a lot on this. His also at his ease before the press and the camera—seasoned.
As he says, he is Italian and he grew up in Brooklyn. Mean Streets. And he used RICO to, finally, take down the (Italian) mob. Now if he made a deal with the Kosher Nostra, he also knows where those bones are buried. Being a former NYC mayor gives him a whole different map on where bodies are buried, including those affecting DJT. Hiring Giuliani is IMO probably the smartest personnel move that Trump made.
If the MSM tries to bury this or TPTB and SCOTUS do successfully bury it, Giuliani should think about hiring a a body guard or two, that is my take. In fact, staying high profile might be a good life-extending plan for Giuliani.
That is the level that things are at in the USA. It has been this way for a long time—LBJ left a few corpses behind him in Texas in the course of his rise to power—but the visible tip of the iceberg is looming bigger now. I am thinking of a new DJT television or Internet channel with Giuliani as a regular guest, or his own show, analyzing high-level crime in the USA. Nightmare for TPTB!!
Speaking of which—digression alert—the details of LBJ’s political career in Texas certainly do not *weaken* the thesis that he orchestrated Dallas ’63.
Digression alert 2: If Biden et al. attempt to nullify the Second Amendment, I foresee a huge new opportunity for the mob, weapons running. And some of those weapons may not be hand-held. The Kosher Nostra would be big in this—they had lots of experience getting weapons to the Zionist terrorists in Palestine. I think Biden & Col had better think very carefully before they try any such stunt.
Not saying I’m for guns or violence. Just sayin’ . . .
Very interesting take, Katherine. Please keep posting on these subjects. Crazy just to keep up these days (it will get worse, harder to get information… censorship shoes will drop, etc.)
it’s an opening statement; an offer of proof. It would take days to introduce the underlying evidence. I think Rudy will get past a nonsuit with this, though. Either he’s got the goods at trial or he doesn’t.
I also know that summarizing ones allegations at a press conference gives a different impression than one gets from analyzing the pleadings and attachments themselves.
Remember the judges parting admonition to the jurors every afternoon.
Great comment, Allen. Thank you.
Likewise. Good job Allen. To be fair though, Giuliani and team did specify that this was just the equivalent of an opening statement and that the actual evidence would be voluminous. Which, unfortunately, is also a problem, as they don’t have months or years to develop an airtight legal case here. And to the degree that Giuliani started drifting off point into unsubstantiated peripheral issues – whether they’re actually true or not – it makes their case look desperate and flimsy, so he would have been better served by maintaining tighter focus on the substantiated charges he was making.
It is not important if Biden won or not. It is possible that democrats had more legal votes. Or not, whatever.
What is important is perception that there was faul play on multiple levels, and that trumps (sic!) everything!
Giuliani only have to convince judges (up to Supreme Court) that there was conspiracy (collusion?) in US ellection procces.
In fact, 70+ million voters seems already convinced.. And that can overturn even SC decissions.
Afterwards, there there will be no need for recounting votes at all. Hope it won’t come to that.
Rest assured, no amount of lawyer weasel lingo will convolute that reality.
This ongoing battle seems to be the birth certificate of Oceania.
And the recent commercial treaty between China and Japan (and 13 others states) the birth of Est-Asia.
The man kind is trap in a closed multipolar world.
May be a small chance that the weakness of USA and china’s patience will allow something different (open multipolar world organized along Silk Road. The USA can join with tunnel across the Bering strait. Recently POTUS has given permits to build railways towards British Columbia.
But the skyrocketing purchase of weaponry everywhere do not make me optimistic. Good Bye good life as would told Dimitry Orlow.
With due respect @Allen its clear as day that Donald Trump has been hounded, rightly or wrongly by the DNC, Anti-Trump RNC, MSM, Deep State, MIC, etc for 4 years with fake scandal after scandal, phony Impeachment, Tax Evasion, bla bla bla…
Why wouldn’t his opponents use any means possible to try and remove him legally or illegally since they have failed every other way and lots of questions remain unanswered regarding the 2020 Elections. The DNC hacks have repeatedly made it clear that they will not allow Trump a second term so their actions these past 4 years leave me with little doubt that they would try and steal the Election any means possible!
As Scott Adams rightly states take about 95% of the Fraud info as incorrect with both sides equally responsible for gas lighting the general public but what is clear to me from researching enough is that this election was the most important opportunity to remove Trump and despite all the claims that the results are legit and that Trump lost as more people voted against him than for Biden/Harris, I find it impossible to believe that Biden received the most votes EVER – more than Obama, considering the weak showing both had in the DNC Primaries prior to the fix against Bernie Sanders. Call me a conspiracy nut but its well documented that the DNC stole it from Bernie twice via dodgy app’s in Iowa, Obama conspiring behind the scenes to inhibit Bernie who happily stepped aside to endorse Biden/Harris just as he did in 2016 for Clinton!
I normally don’t following Steven Crowder but highly recommend the following video which goes a long way into explaining the inconsistencies over Registered Voters missing from Michigan, the high turnout of Trump voters and the unexplained ballot drops going mostly one way to Biden. Ignore the lame jokes and focus on the data that goes a long way into explaining why the establishment is quick to certify the state votes despite clear questions of irregularities existing that defy logic! This also happened in many Swing States to the detriment of Trump/RNC candidates???
Also why have all the MSM videos been scrubbed from YT showing the live Election coverage? Is this done to remove any chance of people documenting the moments when “glitches” happened as evident in the few snippets from CNN clearly showing numbers flipping from Trump/RNC to Biden/DNC or am I missing something…? As most people I went to bed in Australia with Trump leading and woke to see Biden basically winning and the MSM outlets waiting to declare the states Trump was winning that eventually he “lost” and have been unable to search for full coverage as most YT videos have been removed???
I have my doubts that Trump & his Legal Team can “Stop the Steal” as the powers that be are too invested in protecting the racket but appreciate that the days of American Hegemony are nearing its end as this recent election has only highlighted the open corruption, bias, collusion, censorship and pure evil that the powers that be are prepared to use to control the narrative and remove Orange Man Bad!
Pull up a chair, turn the kettle on and pop some popcorn as the next few weeks should become interesting…I wish the Saker and those patriotic Americans safety during these truly troubling times!!!
A vote for Biden, is a vote for fascism and the Great Reset.
British Lord Malloch Browne is the person connected with Soros named in this press conference.
Former head of BP and found to have lied in court proceedings several years ago..
Those members of the UK Parliament interested in justice should looking into his activities and relationship with Soros and the DNC.
Soros (a US citizen) of course funded much of the anti-Brexit movement which is interference there in UK as well. Let alone Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
Lord Mark Malloch Brown is not h same person as Lord Browne of BP.,_Baron_Malloch-Brown
That is not to defend his possible role in this US election fraud.
If you are right I stand corrected.
Google search matched the 2 names up. Their fault.
Whoever it is they need investigating.
It seems that there is enough evidence that there was fraud in the elections that just happened in gringolandia and that can be proven and even more, that the software that they used in the vote counting machines may have been manipulated, but allege that the machines and The programs were delivered by the Venezuelans and the Chinese and the Cubans participated in it, it leaves any rational mind and only serves to kill him due to disbelief in the fraud. Chávez did not make the best system of elections in the world for the gringos to take to their country and serve to scam all their citizens. This practice is essentially gringo.
Australian media headline on this is
“Rudy Giuliani sweaty Meltdown”
Goebbels style!!!
Yes the Australian media like the wicked US and UK & EU media is peddling the Biden won fair and square false narrative. All controlled by the same evil forces. They will have egg on their face soon.
That was to be expected. Did you notice that every time Giuliani wiped his forehead there was a frenzy of camera shutter sounds? The corporate media has been complicit in trying to remove Trump from office for the last 4 years, by creating false narratives and obfuscating information that would help Trump. It’s what they specialize in. The corporate media’s job is not to inform; it’s job is to form public opinion.
The Trump presidency was crippled with 4 years of accusations of Russian collusion and now Trump’s lawyers are going down the same path, implying, Powell actually stated it, that Venezuela interfered in the election. This was a mistake that detracted from their presentation. Giuliani cited Jimmy Carter as to saying that mail in ballots where highly prone to fraud, the same Carter who in 2012 stated that the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world. In Venezuela the election machines print out a receipt so the voter can verify how he or she voted. After the voting is over they randomly choose 54% of the voting machines to audit to compare the electronic vote with the paper receipts, this is done in the presence of observers from all political parties. Hundreds of foreign observers have attested to the legitimacy of the elections in Venezuela.
In the middle of last year Antonio Guterres proclaimed that they had 18 months to save the world. Was he referring to the US election that would occur in 18 months? And then Covid magically appeared that facilitated the corruption of this election and the acceleration of the globalist’s plans. Some of the headlines today are: “John Kerry says ‘Great Reset’ is needed to Stop The Rise of Populism.” and, “Finland’s Prime Minister Warns Covid19 Will Trigger a Populist Backlash.”
Am rather surprised by the low standard of English from people of this stature. Poor language stems from poor education.
Allegations are one thing. Proving them in court, beyond reasonable doubt, is entirely another thing. All Rudy has at this time is indications. Sure, he may have eye witnesses, but witnesses to what? Rudy’s case is a sieve: it will not hold water. Besides, he thinks this can be tried in only 60 days? aint gonna happen.
So the Yanks are incapable of even organising themselves.Bloody pathetic. Say no more.
The date…
Will this Historical Date be given a Proper Name?
Examples, Cinco de Mayo, Bastille Day, Night of the Long Knives
I this is going to get nowhere. They claim Venezuela, Cuba, China involvement. Spoke about communist money…
WTF guys?!?!
How could China, Venezuela, Cuba, get any benefit from any election in US is to be seem… There is Bipartisan consensus about destroying these countries. Did they got nuts?
This circus is becoming utterly ridiculous. I had thought maybe Trump could really make a sound case to revert the game. With this nonsense rhetoric, they are now just making superficial, demagogic politics to flame up the bases.
Whatever, I am Brazilian… I just want their beaches get in fire, so I can get some salted and fried fishes…
@Lisbeth Salander,
I just rolled my eyes when I saw that part.
It’s like Russian Interference all over again … except this time in reverse.
WTF – that’s right! Anti-China policy is the only thing that unites both parties!!!
China would spend the resources to talk to U.S. leaders to get them to drop their anti-China stance, but they wouldn’t spend any resource helping one candidate over another. Not worth the effort!
By the way, interesting video of attitudes of Chinese on the streets toward the U.S. elections.
Giuliani was not speaking to Brazilians.
He was speaking to americans.
China, Cuba and Venezuela–oh and don’t forget Antifa and BLM! Oh yeah and Soros, don’t forget Soros. Soros and all the Democrat governors–and the mayors!!! Don’t forget the mayors. And the Secretaries of State and counties–the county boards of election–don’t forget them. They beat up the Republican observers and put them in cages. Yeah, China and Cuba and Venezuela and Antifa and BLM and George Soros and the governors and the Secretaries of State and the mayors and the county election boards all got together and put the Republicans in cages and fixed the election! Damn, I hate it when that happens.
We’ve expected a big drama from the USA and they delivered. It would be bad someone (Biden) to win by massive fraud and get away with it (criminals get encouraged to do more and bigger crimes when they don’t get caught and avoid justice, so guess what we may expect from Joe in the future…), but overturning the currently imposed on the public result would also be very bad and Trump is also not a good president at all. The new rulers would probably attempt to scapegoat Trump to teach everyone a lesson that you cannot go against them, as they are the beast. They would love to do that to Putin (and Russia as a whole) also, even more. However, Putin is much tougher, smarter, with deeper experience and with a better culture behind him, and it seems that God helps him for some reason.
In the US, they are so concentrated on being on each other’s throats that they fail to notice that they are sinking in a terrible way. The basics are lost in the US. Leave the banks, the politicians, elections, military, mafia, international law or law in general, etc. They lost connection with basic and fundamental things and concepts like family, reality, life, laws of nature, what is humane and normal, how to interact properly with a fellow human being with respect, mercy, and humility, etc. Materialism rules there, while the souls are dead, and people try to find meaning and accomplishment only within themselves, on the basis of their own ego and being. A lot of people think that they can live without God (even if they seem to confess that they actually are believers).
The US may be the only empire (or country) in history that would cease to exist believing to the very last moment, even when they are falling into pieces, that they are wealthy, great, and dominant, while countries like Russia are poor, corrupt, backward, and even have no food, staying hungry. They are just too blind to see it coming. Probably they would be arguing who’s their president up to their very demise, without waking up ever to what is happening around them.
An excellent analysis. Exactly how empires end in confusion and emnity. As I wrote some time ago: To vote for Joe would be paramount to more abuse on an ederly individual in cognitive decline while a vote for Donald would be abuse on someone a intellectually OK yet disadvantaged by being a narcissist.. Both are unusual yet this is being sum total of what the US can offer as leadership is a sad comment on an empire in decline. Whatever happens in the court case any resolution may be too late! or
Looking a lot like my video of ‘US regime change’ may come into play. Mind you much will depend on the value of the dollar. or
Most of this is explosive stuff that establishes that the election was fraudulent and for sure stole it from Trump.
BUT: The crazy Venezuela and Chavez (!!??) angle demolishes the good arguments. This allegedly brilliant Powell lawyer does not understand that? Or perhaps she did, and undermined the whole case?
This claim about undermining the whole case has been disputed.
Dana Frank describes an election in Honduras where the opposition was winning but then the government stops the counting in the early AM then when counting is restarted later the coup regime government is winning.
The morning after the election in the US stunk to high heaven of fraud.
It sure looks like a Honduras type election.
Venezuela and China also being dragged into all this?
Makes me wonder.
I think the following aspect hasn’t been pointed out enough about those “voting machines from Venezuela etc”:
Look at software in this world. Who owns it? For example, I was buying a Huawei smartphone, and to my dismay found out that it has all over the place US-software on it (only hardware is Chinese). Microsoft, Apple, Google, … zoom, …, and so on (tons of lesser known but very powerful software companies). The world of software is pretty much dominated by the USA.
Those voting machines have some hardware, but I am pretty sure that the USA is still capable to produce that simple hardware.
So how does it come that for something as important as voting, “foreign companies” are used for voting in the USA???
It seems very likely that these “foreign companies” are just straw men. As usual, the crimes shall be executed by “foreigners” (so that later one can execute those foreigners).
“The world of software is pretty much dominated by the USA.” As far from truth as it can possible be. Microsoft, Apple, Google, Zoom – very powerful? That is true, they can do as they please. Competent? Not so much. Trust me, I am from that industry and I know what I am talking about.
The crap of software used for elections, may not be as bad because people made it bad in purpose. To me it seems as sheer incompetence. If you have a buddy or two high in political establishment, it is easy to get contracts, especially IT. Then you deliver either nothing or you deliver crap. I am from IT, but I also work for a government. I see those “lesser known but very powerful software companies” every day. So much ignorance and incompetency, it borders with incredible.
US cannot produce engineers, nor programmers, let alone people who can manage huge and important projects. NASA is gone, long time ago. If you check any technical college in USA/Canada you will se that not only huge majority of students are Asians, with few eastern Europeans sprinkled around. Most of teachers are – Asians again, with sprinkle of eastern Europeans. Even if they could produce knowledgeable software people, nothing will happen. When there is no real industry and economy, you simply cannot have anything else, including software. USA also has medical science – the envy of the world. Seriously?
So true Zidar.
It is sad to see such a powerful state that held so much promise decline. To list the things that prevent America from being Great Again may require a page larger than the Declaration of Independence.
Legacy news media consumption and grievence studies education is about as healthy for your brain as eating a cigarette sandwich is for you body. ‘No legacy is so rich as honesty.’ Shakespeare. “Tonto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
Just watched the entire presser. They hit it outta da park. Of interest was the question ‘do you have the server in Germany’ and the reply by Sydney. “No.” Ergo, someone went in and got the machine. I find that of compelling interest.
I found the end part the most interesting where they all insisted that the aim was not to reelect Trump but reinstall trust in the broken system. Somehow I don’t think all these lawyers are really die hard Trump supporters but they all see ‘reform’ as a victory. I may be wrong …
The Venezuela and Cuba tie in with Dominion and Sequoia was the point at which the credibility of the conference went down the toilet.
This 2020 Election is a golden opportunity to clean out all the rats in the US political system woodpile and set it on a proper course – something that is long overdue.
If nothing is done this time there may not be a further opportunity.
There needs to be a cleanup to purge the corruption there that is bringing down both the economic and social fabric of the US.
Most the Democrats involved in this are drug or alcohol addicted persons involved weird activities and cults and such people cannot be allowed to continue to have any levers of power.
They can until they are stopped, and the solution to ridding the swamp critters and their credibility appears to also negatively affect the lower class citizens financially too. too, so, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
Correction i meant to write Smartmatic instead of Dominion in my previous comment.
Smartmatic CEO admitted in a press conference their voting system was tampered with by a million votes in the Venezuelan election. Video:
Peter Neffenger, chairman board of directors Smartmatic, sits on Joe Biden’s DHS transition team.
Dominion Voting and Smartmatic sit on DHS CISA. Trump fired the director of CISA after he refuted election fraud claims. In an interview the director of CISA had expections he would gete fired (before he made the refutation of Trump’s elections fraud claims)
Dave, the Venezuelan Constituent Assembly election of 2017 is misrepresented here.
The opposition called for boycotting the election and for not sending opposition observers, specifically so that they could call the election invalid. That is an old ploy. But there were good international observers luckily that made different statements. They tried this ploy just a month ago in Bolivia, by attacking the international observers. These people were prepared with press support set up beforehand, and this was stopped immediately when these observers shouted loudly that they were being intimidated and in some cases detained.
The statement in your video linked says this clearly, that no opposition were present. To present this as an ‘issue of support’ for the wholesale meddling in the US election, should then also be set in context. The issue was the turnout. They alleged that the Venezuelan government reported more than what really turned out. They do not allege that the election was invalid and the international observers did not call the election invalid.
More generally, this brings me to my next point. And it is a question. Why are these lawyers setting up a not-so-subtle base statement that Venezuela, Cuba, and China ‘interfered in the US elections’? What are they setting up for?
And then, the statement that they are not trying their case in the court of public opinion is of course not true. They are, by outlining their evidence and by shouting at the rest of the press for not reporting ‘the evidence’.
Reminds me of the old joke .. How do you know a lawyer is lying? We got to take things with a grain of salt. Every lawyer says that they can prove their case in court.
A clip from John Rappoport (mods – capitals not mine but part of the quote) :
Sidney Powell, where is the beef?
Nov 19
Sidney Powell, Trump’s lawyer, says she has the precise Dominion Voting Systems algorithm used to flip the election from Trump to Biden. She says she doesn’t make claims she can’t back up.
But this what we need to know. Where are the court cases? Where are the court filings? We’re on the clock.
Something doesn’t seem right here. High-powered lawyer makes many claims about having the goods. The election was stolen from Trump. She knows how. She has whistleblowers with slam-dunk evidence ready to come forward.
Yes, we all know US voting has been very sketchy for a long time. We know both Democrats and Republicans in Congress have been complaining about it for years. This is nothing new. The major voting-machine and software companies are problematic, to say the LEAST. There are back doors in software.
I know a little about court cases. The lawyers often give you links and references to their ongoing efforts. You can read their filings.
So, Sidney, where are they?
In which states? What are the case numbers? What is the exact status of each case?
I know you’re doing interviews. I know you’ve made reference to fund-raising. The Democrats, backed by major media, are trying to run out the clock. They want to push Joe Biden over the finish line. This is not a six-month or one-year situation. This is now.
I’m not aware of one case you’ve actually filed. Tell us, where is it?
If this isn’t going to work, then publish everything you have. The “precise algorithm,” the whole of the evidence.
What are you aiming for, Sidney? An actual overturning of vote totals in states, awarding those states to Trump? New elections? Recounts? Criminal prosecutions? What is it?
Are we looking at cases that are GOING TO BE FILED? You’re not bloviating, are you, Sidney?
My disclaimer : I don’t have a dog in this fight. The choices are equally bad in my view. My interest is in how this US mess will affect the rest of the world and seems to me, there is an overstory, the fraud in the elections, but it is the understory that interests me, i.e., Who ya gonna blame, try to sanction and overthrow? Remember Pompeo is still out there calling sanctions and hellfire and brimstone on anyone that he chooses while playing Shining City upon the Hill in the Golan Heights with Israel right at the moment.
Paul Craig Roberts is equally suspicious. “I am impressed that the legal team made it clear that they are not going to be intimidated by the presstitutes’ lies. Nevertheless, watching the press conference left me with a concern. I suspect that the CIA or NSA has planted on the team a false story that could end up discrediting their efforts in behalf of election integrity. “
So they are guilty of not trying the case in a press conference?
This was an UPDATE, not a trial.
They pointed to their evidence. They aren’t going to present it before a judge sees it.
Their strategy looks to be to take “a conspiracy across multiple states, in ten cities, so it is a national crime”, avoiding the traps in individual states. If the Supreme Court accepts that notion when it finally gets to them, they can shove the election into the Congress.
If you expected to see hard proof in a press conference, if you want to see a lot of local success in local courts, you don’t know the strategy.
For instance, what if they had a key person inside the conspiracy of flipping votes using the software which went on in multiple states? Would you go into each state court system, or go into a Federal Court? It’s a Federal crime to tamper with any election, much less the Federal election.
So, we are waiting on what they do. When they do it, we will hear the evidence. If they can prove their case, the decision will wind up at the SC. And then it may result in an election in the House of Representatives.
I believe it rests on presenting an ironclad statistical analysis that can demonstrate only a fraud and manipulation of the votes could prove the results we have. It is a profound circumstantial case, won with a a conclusion by statistical analysis (mathematical science). This covers the high numbers of votes needed to show a stolen election. And it shows method of the crime. They don’t need a criminal. They just need to demonstrate that the crime occurred.
Larchmonter445, with respect, I think you are turning around what I said.
Of course, they are ‘trying their case in a court of public opinion’. That is how they can create even more strong public support for the case – and ask some more to step forward. They would not be lawyers if they did not create strong public support. It is not a thing of declaring them guilty, it is a thing of knowing what they are doing, is all. Good lawyers will of course do that – marshal the public opinion but they have to say they are not doing that. On strategy, I have no knowledge of any of the laws or processes, so, I cannot say anything about that. I can only say how this presser looked to me.
There was a very good video a few days ago from CrossTalk.
You may have seen stuff from Lionel, a strong Trump supporter, and a practicing trial lawyer. He spoke about how the courts will actually see this case or cases and what would be at stake on that level. It was good, albeit scary listening.
Otherwise, I’ll withdraw to an observer position :-). Where I am, there is no support for Trump and very little in most of Latin America as far as I can see and fwiw. I can only say if he manages to pull this one through, his problems may be multiplied in the world. (This does not mean there is support for the Cadaver, it’s just that most people around me do not believe a word from the US). It is at best a soap opera.
There is no support for any in Latin America, be it Biden or Trump.
As an Argentinian I feel insulted when they seem to accuse Venezuela and Cuba for their banana republic electoral system.
Cheers from France.
@amarynth, dear one,
I merely stated my case. Folks shouldn’t take affront if it differs from their comment.
The Election is the most fraudulent in history. To see it otherwise is to be blinded by ideology or ignorance.
I’ve voted for over six decades in Florida, New York, New Jersey and California. Lots of systems.
Never have seen what went on this year. It’s a wide open, fraudulent extravaganza of cheating.
Whether Rudy and Sidney prove it, it is still up to their getting things done correctly to move the case(s) to the Supreme Court.
If they can’t get it done, it doesn’t somehow cleanse the outcome or the process.
Vote grand tallies in Barcelona and Frankfurt linked to backdoors in all the software in the swing states on machines that have for 20 years been hackable with a screwdriver and a ten-year older tell us everything.
That’s the facts.
JFK was assassinated by a team of shooters, not a lone gunmen.
Biden was “elected” by a fraudulent process.
Same genus, same outcome—a coup.
Here are some of the statistical charts:
Stunning indication of fraud.
“Never have seen what went on this year” — this needs repeating.
In my case, handing an open exposed ballot to a pair of social justice warriors, who could fully see who I voted for and put my ballot into a little box. No opportunity for fraud there? The doors to fraud were wide open, so to speak.
[See, his ballot is marked in the wrong place… throw it out… deal with it when we supposedly put the crap into the Dominion machine…]
Indeed, a totally b.s. election. They did to Trump what they did earlier to Sanders and Tulsi (whatever you make of them), using the same software. What a disaster.
Amarynth: it’s no wonder we’re a little bit pissed off in the U.S. at the moment (and we love you)…
Thanks for the Cross Talk link. I have sort of forgotten about them since the Saker no longer links their shows.
All of the guests were great, but the star—I mean intellectual star—was Fiorella Isabel (sp?). And Lionel stated as much when he said that her encapsulation of the current state of the country was the best and most coherent such summary he had ever heard and he would have it tattooed on his forehead!
Please check out this extremely intelligent young woman and what she has to say. A Latina who was a Sanders supporter, she provides a great analysis and ultimately speaks up articulately for the truth and for all voters. Rare!!!
The whole show is highly recommended, even though it was taped on Nov. 6.
The analyses go far beyond the events of Nov. 3–6.
Links to more recent shows are here:
Superb Crosstalk link, Katherine, thank you very much! Really interesting to hear the views, and I haven’t watched Lionel recently but he and the other guests were refreshing to hear.
Good summary … in line with Paul Craig Robert’s at unz.
Many – including I – will be focused on seeing the evidence in courts.
You may ultimately be right that Giuliani can’t afford to present his evidence to the public before to the courts. But I am of the view that if they are taking all this effort to do a “major” press conference, they would give us some goods … not just more allegations…
An opening argument is not filled with evidence. It is filled with what the prosecution will prove. It sets the jury’s mind to follow the evidence.
Then comes the evidence.
Then comes a summation.
You saw an opening statement. I agree they should have brought the charts of the statistical evidence. Today, in Sputnik a bunch of them are produced. I put the link in comment uppage.
Here it is again:
As Sidney stated in an earlier interview, no lawlyer announces what his/her evidence.
Don’t show hand.
It may also be true that the anxiety created creates conditinos where someone “does somethign stupid” or “does something smart.” I.e., upping the ante may actually affect the process, be a piece in the game of nerves.
Kind a political theory of relativity.
Just speculating.
I sure hope they do have the goods and I hope that no one has to get killed (a l a Seth Rich).
Although I saw a story at some website about a fellow going down in a small plane in Latin America who was an owner of SmartMatic . . . ????
Peace brothers Larchmonter445 and Internal Exile USA. I know when it is time to retire :-)
Don’t let the bastards get ya down!
Peace, cheers and have a great day!
If it helps make you feel better amarynth
an update on his views
>>Dominion, Venezuela, Cuba, and China <<
The lies we tell about other countries are now coming back to discredit our elections
Confession, did not listen to video, moderate me out of conversation. I believe every authentic argument can be summarized into a paragraph, the longer you blather, the more you are appealing to raw emotion and this is what the Neocons do to their enemies.
All I hear from the election was stolen crowd is disconnected arguments, 'mail-in voting is bad', 'monitors were blocked', 'hidden ballots were found', 'valid ballots were hidden'.
If fraud was committed in mail-in voting on a large scale then at least give a theory of how it was done. Prosecutors do that in courtrooms, don't they? What did the Democrats do, did they intercept the mail and commit fraud by pretending to be the voter. If so then you would see a large number of duplicate votes.
Did Democrat households cast illegal votes for deceased or out of state family members? If so then Democrats are bad people so the only remedy is to eliminate them, so go my Flying Monkeys, kill your neighbors … ha-ha-ha [imitating what a Neocon actually does].
But seriously HOW was the mail-in fraud done.
Sending ballot to voters in the mail is an obvious weak point in the sense of “one ballot, one vote.” As has been explained at this blog eaelier, I was mailed a ballot, but would have been given a second one at the polling place. Suppose a few thousand voters who received ballots in the post wentn to the precinct and got a clean ballot. then all of those with a second ballot at home have in the meantime given them to operatives.
The latters’ job is to link them up with new voter names. Maybe on the rolls, maybe not on the rolls. Maybe dead. Many dead still on voter rolls. In fact, mailing out ballots to addresses of dead people is another way to violate one voter, one ballot.
Not rocket science. Vote counting stops, operatives busily mark as many of the duplicate ballots as possible in a short time—hence many just have a vote for Biden and no down-tickets marks—and trundle them into places where counting is being done, unobserved.
That is just one scenario among many (apologies, I am not a profi, just a retiree with no training in voter fraud . . . )
BTW, though, and this just occurred to me: Fauci’s defense of his experments in gain of function viruses is that we have to create the viruses in order to know how to fight them . . . By the same token maybe we have to conduct election fraud in order to know how to fight it . . . same argument . . .Just practicing . . .
The problem of ineligible people remaining on the voter rolls is the same with in person voting. In NJ they did all their voting by mail and used the same voter registration list. In states like PA which allowed both, you had to apply for a mail-in ballot and provide both a driver’s license as well as the last 4 digits of your social security number.
I don’t know how states handled the rather obvious issue of mail in votes and in person votes from the same person.
The only obvious area where I could see fraud would not be organizational but only be family members who know the personal info of close relatives who once lived in the same house which is why I say, ‘go after your neighbors w/clubs’.
“The problem of ineligible people remaining on the voter rolls is the same with in person voting. ”
I don’t think so, unless we are talking about two different things. I think we are. It is one thing for ineligible voters to be on the voter rolls. It is quite another for a lot of unused ballots to be floating around.
Venezuela, Cuba, China, omg. Hate to think that Giuliani and the team are so stupid. So there must be a different reason. Like a justification of the next steps? US under attack from abroad?
Makes me wonder if Giuliani by blaming Venezuela and Cuba for rigging the election is preparing the ground for a next military intervention?
I generally agree with those that were disappointed in what Giuliani et al had to say. They went no further really than what they’d already said in various media. Tucker Carlson said a few nights ago that his team had been hounding Powell for something more concrete than her bald declarations of guilt and tales of Venezuela and China. She gave them nothing, and finally refused contact. That’s a bad move on her part. Carlson’s show is simply as high profile a platform as the patriot side gets, and keeping them fed with juicy tidbits is fundamental to maintaining momentum and building a case in the public domain. If she has the goods, she should’ve let them know what she has. Not the details, of course, but enough to prove there’s a there there.
I generally disagree with the arguments like Lawyer Allen’s however in the sense that this ain’t an ordinary election between Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee like every other in the last 5 decades. Whether one or the other won, whether the Reps or the Dems ruled in whatever combination has long been a distinction without a difference.
It’s different this time. Today, after 500 yrs of European dominance, the world stands at a historical fork in the road. The impending collapse of the monetary system, the Great Reset, BRI, global environmental and developmental issue must be confronted. Pandemic, or not. China and Russia have chosen their road forward, and have enticed at least some to follow them, but many have been waiting for the US to make its choice. This election was its decision, and it appears that its honest, apparently overwhelmingly expressed choice was criminally subverted to meet the goals of a faction with a different, alien agenda. That subversion has consequences that go far beyond what Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee could have wrought, both for Americans and for the rest of us.
A common man above said it’s the birth of Oceania and it sure looks like it. A revolution has been thwarted, and the winners have already made known how they’ll maintain power in perpetuity. The De-prole-ables have been marked out, as have the Inner and Outer Parties and the only question is how long it’ll be before Big Brother is replaced by Big Sister. No laws, only crimes.
Team Trump needs a lot more than what they’ve shown so far, and the Deplorables simply must rise and demand their voice be heard whatever the Venezuelan/Spanish/German/Canadian software indicates. They need to make the political puppets in the State Legislatures and on Capital Hill sweat and their position untenable. A couple thousand votes found here and there, observers locked out, and similar arguments just aren’t going make it to the Supreme Court. They need a MOAB, but I’m not sure they have one.
There’s only so much of those voices I am able to listen to, and am a bit OD now on the voter fraud issue, have read most of the comments, plus other’s on multiple threads on Saker’s and etc, watched the vids,
But what’s it all about ? Not the fraud, but behind the scenes, what we don’t hear ?
Giuliani seemed nervous, I never saw that in him before. So, they were presenting for the American public what will be presented in court, and told not to believe the fake paper’s reports after the hearing. That struck me.
I don’t know anything, accept that I know nothing, but have some thoughts, experiences and expectations. Chaos has been deliberately manufactured, The MSM call independent journalists, all those with views not corresponding theirs, fake. (They soon caught on and stole that). Theft is the name of the game.
The great lie is always evil dressed up as good, we have to recognize evil, lies, perpetration of evil, AND evil masquerading as good ! (small example” please wear your mask, stay 2 meters apart and we will stay safe, keep other’s safe, and maintain our community”, shopping center drone speakers, 20/11/2020 UK).
No small task, but to stand a chance in keeping on track in the chaos follow the trail : discern evil, discern evil dressed as good, and try to stay calm in the face of what the bastards are doing !
It’s complex theater and real life interwoven, that means, at least for now anyway, unforeseen opportunity.
And btw, Trump is an enigma, that further complicates matters.
Commentators are getting upset when they hear Venezuela mentioned. I would suggest people have patience and stay cool.
At about 41:20 in the video Sydney Powell gets to the heart, in my opinion, of “The Dominion Project” (her words). She names Lord Sydney Brown as “one of the leaders of the Dominion Project…and Soros’ #2 man in the UK”. (rough quote) “Dominion shared offices with a Soros entity in Toronto”.
Here is an article about Lord Sydney Brown:
Headline: Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again
I agree, except his name isn’t Sydney Brown It’s Mark Malloch Brown. His wiki entry is very illuminating
, when you consider his jobs and the people he has worked with, and the places he has worked at including
“Malloch Brown became chairman of the board of directors of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer Smartmatic, in 2014.[48][49] Citing Malloch Brown’s former and present relationship with politicians in the Philippines as well as his role in Smartmatic, the IBON Foundation, a non-profit research organization based in the Philippines, criticized him as being “a foreigner who made a career out of influencing elections”,_Baron_Malloch-Brown
I saw almost the entire press conference this morning
The evidence presented here, of the most outrageous US election fraud, is overwhelming and compelling. The coverage of this press conference in all The UK & US Mainstream media, that I have seen is either non-existant, or completely disgusting. This does not surprise me in the slightest. All MSM is controlled from a central source, located somewhere in the depths of hell on this planet. I never thought it was London, but I am not so sure now.
This is a Massive Attack on The USA. It’s an attempt to provoke outright civil war. Why would Americans do that to themselves? Everyone knows that both sides are completely corrupt, but who is doing the corrupting?
Thanks for the correction: Malloch Brown and *not* Sydney Brown. I expect I repeated that mistake in more than one post here.
failed regime change!
The Georgia manual recount has been completed and it has been reported that they did not find any major discrepancies with the electronic vote totals. While the recount would not have been able to identify commingled fake paper ballots it would have identified a problem with the machine counts.
This result if true undermines Powell’s claims about the Dominion machines as they were widely used in GA.
This claim about Georgia election has been disputed.
Giuliani repeated explained that if the mail-in votes contain “bad”‘ votes mixed in with the good, ti doesn’t matter how often you recount, i.e., in Georgia.
It is still garbage in, garbage out.
Yes Katherine I think he also demonstrated the two envelopes are ‘both’ needed to quallify the postal vote as legitimate and that the outer one was discarded in the original count. The recount therefore only counted the contents of the second envelope. Such would make any recount invalid.
I researched it some more and it looks like just paper mail in and provisional ballots were counted and not the electronically cast ballots so the jury is still out on the Dominion machines.
The obvious thing to do would be to take one of the machines that ‘glitched’ and test it to see if the glitch can be replicated. If a bug is found then all results should be rechecked.
Stalin is reported by smirching and sneering North Atlantisist demeaners to have stated:
“What counts in elections is not the votes, but who count them!”
I always doubted that he made this satement concerning elections in his owned lands — bot LOL!:
He must have foretold how the Russkies would help their Cosa Nostra refugies control US elections and betray their asset Trump. What a prescient leader the Soviets had!
Rudi Juliani grew up in the neighborhoods on Southwest Long Island in New York where most of the emmigrants from Soviet Russia also gathered, He helped them suppress the Italian mafiosies of NY so as to clear the playing field for the New Kosher Nostra hopefuls. Seems he has now turned his coat to (rightfully) torn on those schemers and profiteures. Maybe wanting to “only do ona last thing before i die”???
Guiliani and Sydney Powell are not being strictly legal in their approach.
Naturally !
In a sense, the press conference was one part politics and one part legal.
That is the world they are dealing with.
They are obligated to “push certain buttons” to marshal political support.
Peppering their statements with certain buzz words helps strengthen political support.
“Communist”, “Venezuela” and “Cuba” are words that politicians find hard to ignore.
If a politician opposes Trump’s legal team they run the risk of being charged with helping the communists,
Imagine if the Trump legal team only mentioned Lord Sydney Brown and/or Soros. Politicians would
yawn or head for the doors.
The Trump legal team needs to gain traction and political backing. When the dust finally settles some day
people will see who *was* at the heart of this attack upon democracy (IF that day comes) and
“Communist”, “Venezuela” and “Cuba” will barely be footnotes, I surmise.
Correction: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and *not* Lord Sydney Brown
Well, I thought Guilliani was a disgrace re the events of 9/11. I also thought the first press conference, Guilliani did immediately after the election in the yard of some Garden Centre was totally dire. At that point everyone wanted to see Trump speak and we get some bloke, I only vaguely recognised, with a load of masked up Republican Vote Watchers (they observe the election counting) and they were denied access.
The Image presented was completely appalling on Their First Press Conference. However, They did do it very quickly, and it probably did have a big effect on more witnesses of The Election Fraud, having the Courage to come forward, and swear affidavits to what they had witnessed, regardless of their political affilation. I actually saw one live Facebook video (re-uploaded) of a Democrat vote watcher, just outside the count, in the hall, completely appalled at what she was witnessing whilst turning around whilst doing her selfie broadcast, obviously very afraid, that anyone there would see what she was doing. She never even thought she was a journalist, but she did a world class job. I thought she was very brave.
I thought the Image and all the content of yesterday’s Press Conference was a massive improvement including to my amazement Guilliani’s, whilst all the men, and most of the women listening to Guillani were looking at the pretty girl behind him – The set draped in American Flags looked fantastic.
I had already seen Sidney Powell on Youtube, and I thought blimey, I would most definitely want her on my side in any legal battle.
But then you can guess what I thought – very nice and pretty but much too young to have any experience fire or power.
She comes to the microphone. She blows the first journalist away in 2 seconds. “We are not doing questions yet.”
The content of what she said, the style and delivery was so excellent, I may watch her again.
Jenna Ellis is a Rockstar. She is President Trump’s Legal Advisor and she is completely brilliant.
I suggest Mark Malloch Brown should keep his head down. The Americans will not be amused.
You said, “Well, I thought Guilliani was a disgrace re the events of 9/11”
It is still burnt into my brain the images of Guiliani escorting Ariel Sharon around the ravaged scene of the WTC devastation. The pair seemed in such good spirits – it was wrong and wrong from any possible angle that you could interpret it.
Scroll down to the 30 November 2001 smiley photograph (there are plenty to be found elsewhere, as well).
…just read under the photo…
Ariel Sharon didn’t miss a chance to promote an attack upon Iraq, even then and there 30 November 2001.
“Terror must be fought everywhere. Israel and the United States will win in that battle. […] Iraq is a state that is exceptionally dangerous for Israel, a state with the potential for and knowledge of weapons of mass destruction. It may be that within a short time they will have nuclear weapons.”
[Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, joint press conference with New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani at the site of the World Trade Center attacks, New York City, 30 November 2001.] [4]
Yes, LT, and “Iraq has… gone right back to work developing a nuclear arsenal” Trump was little different than Giuliani.
Now, both of them are trying to turn Venezuela, Iran, China, etc. into the new Iraq while pretending their administration is somehow better than “Those [WMDs] must be dislodged from Iraq” Biden’s.
Jenna Ellis DESTROYED the fake news media. She’s walking sexy!!! An amazing shila: fiery, smart, eloquent, good looking… Same with Kayleigh McEnany. Sidney too. Trump certainly knows how to pick his women.
America still produces smart people. The problem is that evil is more resourceful and plentiful.
This conference was a campaign speech to the Electoral College to sway the vote to Trump. Anti Venezuela and Cuban electoral votes to Trump. Reality TV. Place your votes at!
I wonder what really happened during the Democratic primaries beginning with South Carolina where all of a sudden Biden comes out of no where soundly “defeating” Sanders, while the rest of Democratic field for President collapses? Possibly same voter fraud??? No one seems to be looking at that too hard.
@ Robert Shule, Hillary stole the nomination from Sanders for 2016 and Biden did same to Sanders for 2020.
Right, no one is looking at that (except one of the guests does look at that on the Nov. 6. CrossTalk segment).
But *I* sure noticed it!!!
The Bigger Guy (Obama) came out to support the (plain) Big Guy, and told everyone in SC to get out the vote for Biden. The insiders had by that time decided to go with Biden and probably Harris—two losers.Neither one has any right to the candidacy from the pov of the primary process.
But, not to forget, the DNC is a private company and does not have to adhere to the choices of party “members” or registered voters. From that p.o.v., why is everyone up in arms that the Electoral College also does not have to adhere to the wishes of the voters. It’s at least better than the DNC!!!
As the CrossTalk analyst pointed out, Trump did prevail in the primary process. He beat his opponents down and had a right to the candidacy in 2016. Not so Sleepy Joe.
I am wondering though about the mechanics of it all. Just how was the voting process manipulated to select the elite’s favorite? Voting machine manipulation? Selective ballot counting?, or what? I know the Democratic party elites stack the deck through media manipultation before the actual vote, but one gets the impression that the vote itself is being manipulated. Possibly there really was a surge in favor of Biden amongst the rank and file Democratic voters, but that is sort of hard to believe having watched the Democratic primary closely.
It might be easier to control a primary than a regular election
All voters are party members.
It might be much easier to get the world out as to whom the higher-ups want.
Or maybe just plain old vote flipping. It sure was a surprise when Sleepy Joe suddenly jumps out of the cracker jack box three days before Super Tuesday.
All the other candidates stepped down to leave Joe on the top of the heap.
Wiki: “Following the primary, candidates Tom Steyer, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar suspended their campaigns.[1][2][3] With Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropping out, Biden and Michael Bloomberg were left as the only moderates in the race, and the majority coalesced around Biden.”
@Robert Shule,
Backroom dealing. You need to have supporters in the back to get through the (openly) opaque process of party nomination.
You need connections and You need money to have a chance of going through. By the time we know the names of the candidates, they have already been vetted by certain party elders.
Some might think this didn’t apply to Trump. It did.
Trump had enough support to start with to get in. Yes, his charm and positions carried him to victory but he had his supporters in the back. Fox didn’t automatically come to his support. There was a conservative cliche that supported him, that had influence over Fox.
You don’t really need to tamper with votes…
Thought I had read it here in these comments, but I can’t seem to find it again.
Someone had written that a strong test of the Guiliani and Sydney Powell allegations is how Dominion Voting Systems reacts. Guiliani and Powell (G&P) are open to defamation charges from Dominion, perhaps G&P would welcome the charge…regardless…as of this writing Dominion has pulled into it’s shell like a scared turtle.
Headline: Dominion Voting ‘Lawyers Up’ Before Abruptly Backing Out Of Pennsylvania Fact-Finding Hearing
“Dominion Voting Systems Thursday night abruptly backed out of attending a fact-finding hearing that was set for Friday morning with the Pennsylvania House State Government Committee.
At a press conference Friday morning, State Govt Committee Chair Seth Grove said the 1.3. million Pennsylvanians who used Dominion’s voting machines have been “hung out to dry and slapped in their faces.”
Pennsylvania lawmakers had scheduled the hearing with the voting machine manufacturer “to help identify and correct any irregularities in the election process,” according to the House Republican Caucus.”
What is going on now: GOP canvassers threatened in Michigan
BTW. To gauge the mood of the country as a whole, just take a look at the map of the 2020 elections results for the U.S. House of Representatives, : pretty much the entire territory of the U.S. is red. The blue regions are mainly slivers along the two coasts, where the sodomites & Co. appear to be concentrated. (One cannot help but notice how this would render itself for an elegant solution, )
P.S. Uncensored: EXCLUSIVE: GOP Michigan Canvasser Speaks OUT After Feeling Threatened
For me, in this type of fight, there is no reason why you should show your hand prematurely, notwithstanding legal reasons .
The best is to deliver some robust statement about the extent of what you have uncovered, but not to show the details of what you have in term of proof.
One must instill doubt and try to trigger panic, as their stated goal is to convince the relevant persons not to certify their results. No need to have the fraudsters preparing a detailed defense.
The stakes are very high, and the game must be to play hardballs.
Giuliani and Powell seem to be the perfect persons to do this, whatever the real strength of their hand.
OK, I have now watched ALL of the video.
Bravo, Rudi!!
I think he did an incredible job as both main presenter and master of ceremonies.
He really picked up energy and passion as it went on, and then he let the press have it. Righteous wrath.
So, he was sweating. So what.
Talking about an athlete sweating—and that is what Giuliani looked like and acted like, a mental athlete—is just pathetic and scraping the bottom of the barrel by a peanut in the peanut gallery.
I cannot believe that anyone who watched that video can be whinging here that they didn’t present—wait for it—evidence!
That sounds as dense as the press constantly asking questions that showed that they didn’t understand what was going on even after it was *repeatedly* explained.
I too am bothered by the emphasis on Venezuela—or on the evilness of Chavez—but I honestly do not know what the evidence is and so one can only hope that it ALL comes out in the wash. If Chavez ends up not looking so good, tant pis. Chips must fall where they may. You cannot pick and choose beforehand. That is the essence of the what our press has been guilty of doing since Trump was elected. I am heartily glad that Giuliani repeatedly called them out. Any right-thinking person, does not matter what “party”, know that this is the truth and Donald Trump was the victim of a feeding frenzy and takedown from the get-go. There is bound to be a lot of collateral damage here, and if Chavez was involved, so be it. As Malcolm X stated: “I’m interested in the truth and I don’t care who says it.”
The level of Trump hatred has been scary. I have felt i myself and I am not a “Trump supporter.” But I have found that no one would discuss anything with me becuase I didn’t hit 10 on the Trump-Hate-0 Meter. And as Fiorella Isabel pointed out on CrossTalk, Trump’s enemies in the press, Congress, Bid Media, didn’t take him (and anyone who spoke up for him) down for the bad stuff he actually did (remember, Congress gave Trump virtually everything he asked for).
They tried to take him down because he was Donald Trump and he managed to get himself elected.
And out of this hatred they have lifted up Joe Biden, someone as vile as Trump could ever be—but not, like Trump, a popular politician. A sad case.
Anyhow, I thought Giuliani conducted himself with outstanding courage, laughed when he felt like it, and he showed a hell of a lot stamina and focus. They all did. The Three Trumpeteers.
Loads of popcorn on order. I hope it will be needed, i.e., that the Rudi and Sidney show gets the run it deserves.
The level of hatred for anyone who even wants to think rationally about Trump and, more importantly, his supporters, is truly nauseating. I have actually been called out for not participating adequately in the Two Minutes Hate! (Anyone else have that happen…). Literally, someone said “you didn’t join in…” What is this, 7th grade?
The IQ level in the country was never great, but it seems that 10 years of Facebook and phones have shaved a good 20 points or more off the national average. The situation is unlikely to improve, A. Martyanov has written persuasively on this topic in his first book. Prognosis for societies where everyone makes up the truth as they go along are not viable competitors on the international stage any more.
It’s very strange to see “educated” people go along with total propaganda b.s. that can be shown false in ten seconds via a search engine, you know, with that plastic toy camera in your hand… people who don’t want to look. You know, mommy mommy, it’s scary, make it go away!
Trump and Trump’s supporters are two different topics. They are not the same. It’s like painting all Biden voters as being passionately fond of the man… i.e., it can’t be true. But the MSM doesn’t care what’s true or false any more.
Sad days (God help us)
Rudi and Sidney really threw down the gauntlet.
To me this looks like the Joseph E. Welch moment we have been waiting for.
I hope that that is so.
Who do you trust? Giuliani, who covered up 911 by illegally shipping the steel girders of the WTC so they could not be examined as to actual cause of collapse? He should himself be in jail for destroying evidence of a crime.
Or Greg Palast, who for a living investigates voter suppression. It’s really unbelievable that people put any trust in Trump, a lifelong grifter, conartist and drama queen.
The real 2020 election scandal: voter theft targeting Black people, youth. This is an interview conducted by Aaron Mate, who also debunked Russiagate.
I don’t think we are at a “trust” place in this.
We are at an “evidence” place.
Ad hominems have their place, but it can be a very small one . . .
Shit happens . . .
Why Greg Palast doesn’t seem to notice or care when Team Blue does voter fraud is beyond me. I would listen to Bev Harris, who it seems got sick of being ignored. Bev Harris actually saw the bi-partisan reality. A lot of people on the “Left”, these days, are seriously deranged and irrational when it comes to Trump, i.e., they believe the hype.
When they start calling Trump “the most dangerous man in the world”, walk away. Trump never had the power to be that… he never had a cooperative government agency to help him, he was surrounded by the Boltons and Pompeos, his only hope of an ally was Flynn and of course, hell will freeze over before that.
But yeah, Palast really hates Donald Trump, I get that.
Immediately after the 2000 voting farce I came across Greg Palast and was very impressed by him. Read a couple of his books, not all about voting fraud but about other topics as well. He was one of the first real alternative reporters and analysts whom I became aware of.
I understand that he couldn’t get any American publishers or other media outlets to publish his work and he had to go to the UK to find someone to publish him ( or, possibly, back his work).
Somewhere along the line though it seems like Palast lost quite a lot of credibility. Was he too partisan? Was he assumed to be working with national security or something? So I kind of stopped paying attention to him. And he has not been very much of a presence on the Internet, as far as I know.
Odd. . .
If this political hack, Giuliani, and Trump, with his long association with shady real estate deals, casinos, and his fake Trump University fleecing of aspiring real estate students had any objectivity, why are they not hammering away at these statistics?
What we’re witnessing is the Republican version of the Mueller report.
Not that the Democrats are any better.
As the country stumbles along in its collective insanity, it seems like all objectivity is lost. People are unable to see the larger picture, focusing on specific aspects, mistaking one thing for the whole thing.
Lots of Republicans are convinced that Trump won this election fair and square and the Democrats are stealing it with the help of fake ballots of dead people and rigged voting machines.
What both sides are ‘forgetting’ is the role played by the systematic disenfranchisement of millions of voters.
Here is a little item to consider: 6 million out of a voting population of 247 million are ex felons denied the right to vote. Most are minority, most of whom vote Democratic. In Florida alone, 10% are disenfranchised.…/
Also, amazingly omitted from the whole controversy are the several million voters who were illegally cut off the voter rolls. We saw that in Brooklyn NY, where Bernie Sanders’ leaning voters saw over 200,000 voters disappeared by a Democrat, thus undercutting him. Likewise in California and other states, the DNC rigged the primaries against Sanders. That should surely have demotivated the most energetic part of the Democrats to either work for or vote for Biden.
Greg Palast reports on
That 16.7 million people were removed from voter rolls since 2018.
Palast has explained how just this one aspect of voter suppression has been going on for years.
Thus, what effect would 22+ million people, if given the opportunity to vote, would have?
And that doesn’t even count how minority districts get unworkable and way too few voting machines compared to white wealthier districts.
My conclusions about this election:
The same rotten policies of war abroad and class war at home apply, no matter who is in power. They’re just jackals fighting over the corpse of the US body politic. My advice: Don’t fall for this devious means of dividing the people.
The Trump allegations of voter fraud by the Democrats look like the Mueller Report. Until hard evidence is presented in court, which is unlikely, it will be difficult to prove one way or the other.
Trump is not a guardian of our precious democracy. He’s an egomaniac, a sore loser who, if he were truly objective, would point out the huge problem of voter disenfranchisement, but being the racist that he is, he would not do that. It’s the old maxim of seeing the faults of others while overlooking his own. Of course both parties and for that matter most people do that all the time. Didn’t Jesus warn us about this?
Neither Trump nor Biden nor either party give a f*ck about you, or the country, or the world. Blinded by their own greed hate and arrogance, they’ve only worked for themselves and their class.
Everything else is ‘full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
Number of People by State Who Cannot Vote Due to a Felony Conviction – Felon Voting –
In 2016 an estimated 6.1 million people in the United States (2.5% of the nation’s voting age population, excluding DC) could not vote due to a felony conviction – an increase of 4.2% from the 2010 total of 5.85 million and the highest number since at least 1960.
That’s correct, Sub. And if we are going to discuss abusive, economic class ideology, why stop at just voter suppression? Banker gangsters from “both” corporatist parties can pour billions of dollars into manipulating our elections; Citizens United vs. FEC just made this more “official.” Trump and Giuliani will never challenge this because, well, who do you think got the mainstream media corporations to give Trump so much free advertisement when they could have easily treated him like Bernie and third-parties? Trump does not control “his own” media companies (something the Saker criticized him for); his popularity is fully dependent on what the corporatists allow and they would not allow a serious threat this influential.
And Sub, the problem with comparing this to the Mueller Report is that with Russiagate, real evidence of a crime would have to come from the Russian government actually committing a crime. Russia would never stick its neck out like that for “Big Fan of Israel” Trump, so yeah… “big nothing burger.”
However, with the mail-in voter fraud, real evidence for this would have to come from Democrats or some other group operating in the US actually committing a crime. The banker gangsters own Democrats just like they own Republicans, so if the plan is, as you said, “devious means of dividing the people,” why not have some of the banksters’ people really commit voter fraud, present evidence of that, which most Democrats would never accept regardless, and create more militant “support” behind either bankster puppet that way?
I see a day has passed since my earlier post with many states rejecting law suits and states certifying votes but what has me baffled is the fact there still remains no viable explanation fo:
Wayne County results by precinct. What do you notice? SOURCE: WayneCo
A total of over 173,000 votes labeled as AVCB have no voter registration.
149K vote dump at 4:30AM ET … with 3% for Trump.
They did NOT do it this way in the primaries.
Now I went and checked the linked page to see if the quoted source had been updated from Nov 3 and surprise, surprise those 173,000+ AVCB’s are still missing from the results?
Why is nobody concerned with missing records that show no information in those critical Detroit precincts but the ones with actual results show massive turnouts in areas that favoured Trump/RNC…?
Now if this doesn’t seem irregular than how can the state authorities explain who voted if no AVCB’s exist and also how did those 150,000+ votes pop up for Biden if there is no voter records to prove the votes been cast???
“The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for the “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure”
“… on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order, available at, ( is entitled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.” In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was signed, President Trump declares a national emergency. That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what’s coming next.
“Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”
“Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent “foreign interference” in US elections… with data routed through servers in Germany”
“Trump’s 2018 executive order gives the DOJ the power to seize all assets of individuals and companies that were complicit in aiding or covering up this foreign interference in U.S. elections. The National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, “directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election.” That would, of course, have to include practically every CNN fake news anchor, every Big Tech CEO, every fake news journo-terrorist from NBC News, the NY Times and the Washington Post. They are all complicit in gaslighting America and covering up the massive foreign election interference that just took place. Trump’s EO further explains that asset seizures shall target people and entities which have: …materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or (iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order. In other words, the EO covers every person who has been corrupted or compromised by communist China. And that includes at least 80% of Democrat lawmakers, by our estimates, including Senators Feinstein and Schiff.
Every organization involved in the election theft and cover-up can now be seized by the US government.”
We shall see what we shall see.
In respect of my above comment, Giuliani from the first words and then continuing to the end, struck me as being nervous, for whatever reason I did not state, it surprised me, my observation only and based on experience.
Also, Trump as an enigma is an uncomfortable fact that is disagreeable to many : it is not quantifiable, and naturally hard to understand. The current global USA theater/reality show programme is testing to follow.
Rudi Giulinni needs to be appointed SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR under a Presidential Commission by Trump to look into everything and given wide powers to seize evidence and question and detain suspects.
I would recommend he commence giving lie to detector tests to all those involved.
Dont like either party or candidate… watched the first 35 minutes… seems to me, to prove a 5 million vote shortcoming one needs more solid evidence than random affidavits and anecdotes. Individual’s words against another… is weak evidence. Show me a video, an email, and not one of a Trump fan complaining he saw something like Project Veritas, i mean solid evidence. A conspiracy will have some evidence of conspiracy, not individual statements from potentially biased or corrupt, politically motivated Trump supporters.
The trouble is both Trump and Giuliani have a record of lying even over the most trivial matters. They have no credibility and have always framed everything in divisive partisan anti-Democrat terms. The “Radical Left’ trope is ridiculous, anyone with half a brain knows Biden and co are 95% just like Trump and co. at the end of the day. Steal, bomb and threaten, repeat and lie. Trump couldn’t even appear honest when he was right about Russiagate and the media lying about him being a Putin puppet. A sweaty hair die dripping Giuliani doesn’t help either.
Lots of theatre and allegations, but i am not convinced, sorry. We’re talking about a guy who sabotaged his own country’s mail system to suppress mail voting, that is not only criminally depraved, it also indicates he knew mail-in ballots were always going to hurt Trump, just as they did.
Whether there was fraud or not, Trump can go f off and i look forward to saying the same about Biden in 4 years.
“The trouble is both Trump and Giuliani have a record of lying even over the most trivial matters.”
Actually, Trump told the truth about a number of pretty big matters, and that is why he got elected.
As for “show me a video,” you are not AFAIK, a judge in a court of law.
So you will just have to wait, like the rest of us.
As has been *repeatedly* explained, both here and in the presser.
Don’t just look at Jenna!!! Listen to her, too!!
“… Ellis is married to David Rives, he runs an online broadcast network devoted to promoting Creationism …”,
A good reason to confine oneself to just gawking at her.
Buffon vs. Corpse cheap charade for the American sheeple…
Ellis was not channeling her hubby, whoever he is.
She was explaining the point of the presser, which was to give an overview of the legal situation, **not to present evidence.**
Indeed, Buffon vs. Corpse cheap charade for the American sheeple… What a gang…
Can somebody please explain the missing 173,000+ ACVB’s from Wayne County, Detroit Michigan as the state voting records show 0 0 0 0 0 0… for multiple precincts?
The accurate figures that do show had extraordinarily high voter turnout in areas that Trump/DNC won and then when most people went to sleep 150,000+ mysterious ballets dropped with 97% going the Biden making him the winner???
I don’t see the “glitch” just missing totals from the official records but then again nobody cares as the state has certified the votes for Biden!?
Who’s ready to see some fireworks USA style? How do we defend the 1st and 12th Amendments?
Lawful Sheriffs enforcing the Constitution on behalf of the people who elected them:
Armed Sheriffs refusing to comply with the will of the people are escorted off private property by unarmed citizens:
Not one shot was fired. Yet you can’t find ammo anywhere in the USA right now. All sold out.
Dang that pesky 2nd Amendment…
Oh and this tiny little gem tucked away. Looks like the administration moved another chess piece into place at NIST, the agency that issued the World Trade collapse reports. If they are taking flak they must be over the target.
Charge Patriots, Charge!
It appears Zuck has stepped over the line
“Thanks to the extensive efforts of investigators and attorneys for the Amistad Project of the nonpartisan Thomas More Society, who have been following Zuckerberg’s money for the past 18 months”
Pray for Patriots
Detailed news, with an supermodel to make easier to watch, about fraud…