Got that in my inbox today. And when they say “enough is enough”, they mean it. The hate free speech and the First Amendment which protects it.
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But its okay to rehabilitate Japanese war atrocities and deny Soviet victory of the great patriotic war. Funny how there is no judgement when Nuland is handing cookies to banderites.
Never mind,
soon we will be fined for Coronacaust denial.
I mean there are some limits clearly set – either the number of Covid19 victims will not be allowed to approach the 6 mil. ceiling, or the number of jewish victims is to be recalculated…
What about Christiane Amanpour at CNN?
She’s off limits for criticism. She was married for 20 years to James Rubin.
“… What about Christiane Amanpour at CNN? …”
Recall her fake “reporting” on CNN from Sarajevo during the Bosnian war in mid 1990s… I remember well a funeral scene at a Sarajevo cemetery, with her commenting live: “another innocent Muslim victim of vicious Serb bombing is being laid to rest”. While the footage actually showed a Christian Orthodox cross on the grave and a Serbian Orthodox priest performing the funeral service! The blissfully ignorant American public easily swallowed anything served…
You got me interested in searching for that clip. Their lies are brutally obvious sometimes.
well… I still remember the BBC (or similar english MSM) reporting about “outgoing” Mortar Fire in Donetsk Airport. And just after saying that, the explosion of some shells meters away, and them running to cover like rabbits… :D
For MSM Reality doesn’t matter if it is in conflict with their Blabbing…
whos going to notice…?
I saw that particular disgusting report live. Sickened to this day when anyone mentions her name. Of course, they never mention that she spearheaded the propaganda war against the Serbian people. I quickly ran to get my dorm mates to witness this evil prostitute desecrating the graves of the two Serbian babies who were targeted by a Bosnian Muslim sniper. Thank you for attempting to educate the clueless know-it-alls.
Below are the words of a writer detailing the witches unconscionable lie, one of many:
Another big CNN story early in the Bosnian conflict was the killing, allegedly by Serb snipers of two “Muslim babies” on a bus. Who could not have been horrified by the tragic sight of the funeral service for those innocent Muslim babies? Where were Ms. Amanpour and CNN to set the record straight? If it had not been for French 2 TV that covered the funeral, this writer would never have known that the babies were Serbian (not Muslim) killed by a Muslim sniper, as was made painfully clear by the presence of a Serbian Orthodox priest conducting the funeral service. . . before it was interrupted by a grenade attack. However, in the CNN coverage the priest had been cropped out, leaving the American audience to believe that Serbs were not only the assassins, but were also responsible for the grenade attack.
Folks, please get back on topic and take other issues to the MFC – thanx, the mod.
Notice how they manage to squeeze in the call for more shekels? Oi Vey! Reminds of the the song – Money Money Money by Abba.
Did you notice they’re asking for a recurring donation too? How much you wanna bet that once you get that started you’ll never be able to turn it off again? Turn off your bank card to stop it and you’ll be getting a call from their lawyers demanding payments in arrears. Plus interest and legal fees, of course!
As Revelation states:
‘2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet’
So those people hate exposure, because they do satan’s work and hate truth also, and want to close it down.
They’ve got their own Congress now too? Or is that our regular bought and paid for Congress and they’ve just decided to make it official by officially renaming it to comply with truth in advertising statutes? Asking for a donation at the end was the height of cheekiness too. As if they don’t have enough already. Gotta admit it’s a clever move, though, asking the enslaved to chip in and help pay for their enslavement. Nicely done!
Their own Congress…?
Senators urge Trump to label goods from West Bank settlements “Made in Israel”
And their own president too. United States of Zion! Check and mate.
The most appropriate place for this message, if received, is the Trash bin. I totally reject the idea that all nations should take responsibility for the holocaust by showing deference to Israeli demands. The only one responsible for the holocaust are those that committed it. Israel has been blackmailing mankind for too long with holocaust guilt. It was a sad part of earth’s history, but so was the Bosnian war, the Armenian genocide, and Rwanda.
Yet, the Tribe won’t allow the Armenians to call their mass ethnic and religious slaughter in 1915 a genocide.
Can only be one genocide. The Tribe has the “rights”.
And don’t dare call the mass wipeout of Native Americans as anything more than “war losses”.
Free Speech is proprietary, not a birthright, don’t you know.
israel hitched their wagon to the rising american empire decades ago. this plan worked just fine as long as the empire was omnipotent or close. this is no longer the case as the empire grows weaker with each passing day and isarel tags along weakening. no amount of admonition, exhortation and money will change this fundamental calculus.
with each passing day defense (s300,400,500, pantsir, EW, etc etc) gets cheaper while offense continues to climb into un-affordability. the micro chip has made the cost of bullying the world prohibitive.
the american empire is predicated on offense to maintain its authority and power. this raison d’etre has no future even with a powerful economy let alone if a hollow economy is backstopping it. israel has never been weaker geo politically and militarily visa vie the neighbors it seeks to intimidate. the israelis know with certainty that hezbollah, syria and iran laugh when netanyahoo threatens them.
they come and they go because nothing really ever changes since human desires remain the same from one millenium to the next
You took the words right out of my mouth! There have been many genocides. What makes them so special? I mean, besides their belief that if you aren’t them you are less than human?
Dear American Jewish Congress,
Yes, enough is enough! Please cease and desist your group’s constant lies, treachery of the highest order, deceit, divide-and-rule strategies and historic murdering, blackmailing and bribing in order to more fully control the goy population on this planet to your benefit and bring about your wet dream of total world domination, which is already DOA. Goys are NOT your cattle. We ARE waking up and will sooner than later decide to chuck all of your “Chosenness” into the cesspool of history, where it rightfully belongs. Please, keep pushing as you have been, and the end result will be a foregone conclusion not the least to your favor.
There is no “antisemitism”. That concept resides entirely in your own minds. You see it only because you are looking into a mirror of your own making but you accuse other humans of it for your own benefit. The majority of your group are not “semites” (in actual fact, your group is murdering actual semites in Palestine whose ancestral homeland you have invaded and usurped). You are from the Caucasus region, not real jews, but facile thinking, lies and greed for power and wealth have turned your brains to lumps of inanimate matter incapable of clear thought. You have given up your human morals for your “chosen ones” delusion and that allows you to say, think and do unspeakable things.
You know in your hearts that you are part of humanity as we all are, but your egos, greed and delusions of grandeur keep you from acknowledging this. We invite you to give up your delusions and join the rest of humanity.The alternative is bleak.
Our patience has entirely run out.
its too late! the Khazars cannot change…too invested in the process they have created, done too much evil up to this day for which they must account. that is a seriously high price to pay yet it is unavoidable for they have done vast destruction of humanity in their process.
but the price, whatever it is determined to be, must be paid to regain their humanity. but they wont pay it, on top of which they are way too superior to admit to and supplicate the Goy.
the time of resolution is nigh however. there is no more avoiding the past. from here on in, or out, the past must be cleared up, resolved positively, which principally includes the Jewish question
Yes, but as humans we are all fallible and delusional to some extent, some more than others. So just in case they are not aware that the rest of us are aware of their schemes, we should give them fair warning (i don’t believe that they are unaware – just deluded by their own belief in their “invincibility”, but anyway, i state it here for sake of completeness).
What is unique about the self-styled “jews” as a group is that their delusion of superiority is and has been maintained and reinforced though many centuries; inculcated (read: brainwashed) into them in “jewish schools” (indoctrination centers) – ie: “we are special” and “the rest of life on earth is here to serve our specialness, as beasts of burden to be used as we see fit”. Thus, with the current system of theirs in place, there is logically no end in sight of their extremely perverted sense of identity of group self. The chain must be broken or this will persist with only one logical outcome. And, no, it will not be with the rest of humanity surrending to them. That outcome will never happen.
so ” groups are forming to dal with the Jews if they do not relent, change positively, reform themselves and com into live with general humanity” that seems a logical reaction yet given Jewish provocation I have no idea why attacks on Jews globally has not already become a very significant factor in routine life.
my focus is on the development of popular reaction to the policies of the governments of the world by the people of the nations. that would collapse capitalism and revolutionize social life, that would more effectively and comprehensively put an end to Jewish power, taking Jewish criminals and the Goy elites of political economy and military cohorts down with them.
I do not see any reform possible from the top down. a political party is by its function parasitic. even without monied power bribery leading them into control of the ordinary people their need to be paid to make their income permanent just as effectively corrupts political parties. by its parasitic nature representative electoral government led by the political parties cannot produce democracy period. the only factor that can produce human democracy and well being is the the people in participatory democracy
I mean even when and if we get decent elected political parties effecting government n the national interest their positive effect would be to advance the popular interest, prepare the people more quickly to the point at which the electoral system evolves into direct participatory popular democracy, which ends permanently, all the danger of political corruption and the dictatorship of the parasitic political party, ‘representative electoral political system.
the English political reality at the moment is stark. the removal of Jeremy Corby and the instatement of Keir Starmer has rendered English politics into a one-party state. Boris Johnson and the Conservatives are awful, gun ho elitist besides themselves in energetic haste to carry through their program of social control, locking down the English people. now Starmer and the Labor Party are equally in haste, as virulent and driving as Boris Johnson has been. which means Labor has now been fully corrupted by the established money power…the Zionists… just as the Conservatives obviously are
the people of England literally have nowhere to go relative to political leadership by organized political parties in their political established system. what is their alternative but to take England over themselves, directly, and set the situation relative to their popular interest?
the people of any and all countries own their nations and have the collective, inalienable right to act socially-politically by collective in their own best interest. as far as I know that is the basic law of society…the people in popular collective action out on the streets of their nation. and whatever they accomplish in response to what they determine as their needs, the reason for them being out there in such action, has basic, fundamental, unalterable legality. the people stand on that.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with their collective action in the general social interest. that is the most revolutionary and advanced form of political action…the people in popular response to a status quo that is out of tune with the interest of the nation…and the nation are the people
in England Boris Johnson ought to be arrested and tried for treason against the English nation, and executed if found guilty. and now Starmer behind him similarly. same with all who have corrupted English politics, the military that beat the people down in the process of carrying out their legit concerns for their nation, for their own lives and interests as they are the nation itself.
the English people are out in the streets and that is where it all begins and can go forward. the English people, as we all face vaccinations which surely are set up to control the people of the world by biological corruption of the human body. there is likely no chance at all that this is not the case. the people of the world must at all cost resist vaccinations, stop that process entirely or we are all done
Attack on the Jews by organized militarized groups surely s part of the response. for the full resolution of the Jewish question the people must come out into the streets and end representative electoral politics for full participatory, direct processes of popular democracy. if in popular democracy the people maintain some forms of electoral activity then there are ways to ensure that that is not corrupt or corruptible. but in the process all that now go on that is anti social…financialization, multinational corporations and their forms of globalization must be ended, nationalism driven by popular democracy becomes the way of nations
and with the end of rapacious capitalism nations can and will find their ways to proper peaceful relations producing the cooperative world essential for facilitation of indefinite human survival in nature
now is the time for the ordinary people of the world to move. we are all now face to face with the game-changing Khazarian needle…Vaccinations for the fake Covid-19 which are bound to contain biological human physical degradation and forms of biological control and depopulation. that is the case for sure. I would wager all my money on it…even my life which I risk in fighting against vaccination. I have no choice. neither do do any of us… especially the goy fools who hold their own people down to be vaccinated. their time will come too, sooner than they think.
In fact they believe in the curative of the vaccination themselves, so in all likelihood they will volunteer their buttock to be pricked
anonymous human
Are they really part off the human race tho?
Their father is the father of lies, the Bible is quite clear on that.
pharisees are the sworn enemies of Christ the Logos and Word of God, their talmud is quite clear on that.
16 Behold, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 17 But beware of men; for they will hand you over to their councils and flog you in their synagogues.…
21Again He said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for Me, but you will die in your sin. Where I am going, you cannot come.
22So the Jews began to ask, “Will He kill Himself, since He says, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come’?
23Then He told them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24That is why I told you that you would die in your sins. For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.
39“Abraham is our father, they replied.
“If you were children of Abraham, said Jesus, “you would do the works of Abraham. 40But now you are trying to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham never did such a thing. 41You are doing the works of your father.
“We are not illegitimate children, they declared. “Our only Father is God Himself.
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on My own, but He sent Me.
43Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. 44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies. 45But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me!
The talmudic pharisees and scribes are in our time known as j e w s and zionists,.-
I am not religious at all yet this post satisfies immensely. it is relevant, precise, apt.” even that long ago Jesus had the Jews down and they killed him for it. Jesus describes the Khazarian collective as an entity parachuted onto the Earth that doe not fit into the collective human movement and seemingly not human at all”
but they are human indeed… are finite like the rest of us, from all the same causes, bleed and die when injured, reproduce the same way we do, mixing easily with the bloods of all humanity when so mated.
the Khazars were apparently of an imperialistic bent early were, defeated apparently producing what I term extreme Jewish trauma which likely led to their relentless focus, unchanging group goal of revenge against the rest of humanity, that has evolved into program of world conquest…and development of the ways and means to take exact this program on all of humanity, along the way adding all and everything they found useful, handy to their program: “Chosen’ religious ideology, the Jewish religion for eg., among the religious choices available at the time.”
the Khazars have stolen and added the cultural, scientific and technological development and overall distinctiveness of all other human groups as they have gone, still do this and hide the evidence as they go. they steal all and call it their own, of their own creation and brilliance
its a long time I even bothered to note anything religious, far less to find it satisfying. I noticed this, it felt apt, correct!
To anonymous human
You are too kind to that lot. They have no hearts and can never be “part of humanity”. They are pure evil.
Katerina, i feel that it is my duty as a human being to try to forgive first and invite reconciliation, in order to avoid the inevitable if that reconciliation fails. If they persist as they have done for so many centuries already, continuing in their depravity, then we can say that we gave them a chance, but they refused to change.
It is almost a 100% certainty that they will ignore any warnings and, in fact, will double down on what they have been doing and what they continue to do. Let them. There will come a time when the rest of us finally snap, form clandestine groups as is already happening, and we will solve the problem once and for all without any help from them nor their enablers. At that point, it will no longer be possible to forget nor forgive.
Perhaps it should be made illegal to ever mention Jew[s|ish] or Israel ever again.
No more falsehoods could then be stated.
Oy Vey, the humanity😂
Their grifting days are soon over, people struggling to survive and insure their children dont starve have no time for the chosenite talmudic pharisee grifting schemes. The everything bubble on wall street will pop and in a few years politicians that want to gift billions to the terrorist pretend state occupying Palestine will be hanged by hungry citizens or suffer the fate of Gadaffi by those same hungry hands.
I pray for the end of zionist power and their terror state in occupied Palestine, may they get what they deserve and may the children of their victims soon see justice done.
Ah, music what great truths lie therein?
In the very last two minutes of this video given below, of a worldwide Chabad online virtual event, the Jewish singer sings how they are conquering nation after nation. What does he mean ?
never forget ….Every Pusher protects their pitch!
These are the same folks who insist that Charlie Hebdo must be allowed free rein to say whatever about Islam and Christianity, under the guise of freedom of expression.
They’re also the ones who want unrestricted immigration for Western countries, but will not tolerate non-Jewish immigrants in Occupied Palestine.
The ” Holocaust” is used to give Israel a free pass on multiple fronts.
The “Holocaust” is invoked to shakedown Germany, with no end in sight, with demands for cash and weapons etc.
It is also used to squeeze approximately $10M per day out of US taxpayers.
And whenever Israel is caught commiting war crimes against its neighbors, justification is sought via the “Holocaust”.
If the “Holocaust” was a factual event, then it should be able to stand up to academic scrutiny.
So why shouldnt historians/academics be allowed to objectively research the claims of the “Holocaust”?
With the MSM already under their full control, Israel and its Zionist supporters are now moving to sanitize Social Media platforms to purge them of all sentiments that do jot accord with Israel’s version of the truth and history.
The holocaust was investigated, but that has also been sent down the memory hole. Try Ron Unz’s website.
It’s very important to remember ALL kinds of Holocausts and Genocides and Mass murders, not just the killings of approx. sex million members of different Jewish European communities. As an example I will remind you about something that many people seem to have forgotten or even never knew …
There was 18.000.000 million people imprisoned in roughly 1.000 German fascist concentration camps scattered all over Europe. Just 7.000.000 survived. 11.000.000 did not.
Nobody ever really cared about, or even commemorates, the number of Human Beings ALSO killed in German concentration camps – those who did NOT bear a yellow star.
Why ?
Another thing to consider is that: in total, 5.978.000 European Jews was killed under WWII. Among them 2.800.000 ethnic Poles (85% out of all polish Jews), 1.500.000 ethnic Russians (71,4% out of all russian Jews – that is , by the way , just about 5,5% out of ALL Russians killed by German – and other European – fascists).
That means that more than 71% of ALL Jewish Believers killed in the second world war were Polish and Russian Ethnics.
It’s very important to bear that in mind when routine-like talking about *The* Jews.
Then, we ought to remember ALL human beings slaughtered in there millions by – other human beings.
I, therefore, will calling on all of you to seriously address ALL kinds of Holocaust denials.
Worth thinking about: Churchill, Eisenhower and de Gaulle each wrote their autobiographies after WWII, over 7,000 pages combined. In either book there is no mention of ‘nazi gas chambers’ ‘a genocide of the Jews’ or of six million Jewish victims of war’
A Red Cross report from 1948, spoke of approx. 300,000 deaths in camps, mainly of disease.
“… in total, 5.978.000 European Jews was killed under WWII. …”
There is no evidence for this whatsoever. You are merely repeating their brazen fabrication.
In total 5.978.000,5.978.001, 5.978.002, 5.978.003, +++ and counting. Even the third or fourth generation false semite is laying claim to victimhood.
With due respect, why not mention the Great Jewish Achievement, genocide of Russian people and nation after their sweet own Revolution. Proxy was proletariat, but the business was to kill Russian people.
Precisely the same happening now right here in all White countries. Proxy is now race, minority, gays, take your pick. Business will be again, genocide of us. No more, no less.
This is the thing to remember, not any psychopath lies. The Holocaust, if it is true, it is a macabre dance on the graves of people. And the idea of raising one “holocaust” somewhere higher than the other massacres is the ultimate racism. But, of course, even the fairly bright brethren amongst us is always dazzled by endless lies, which they, in time, always believe.
Just have a look at the Jewish almanacs of just before and then after the second world war. Their numbers rose well during those 6 years. How can that be explained when 6 million of them supposedly disappeared? They contradict themselves time and again.
The author and journalist Daniel Finkelstein researched the topic of “6 million” and came up with very interesting facts.
He went back over 100 years through various conflicts reported in the media of the time. There were many recurring reports of “6 million victims” “6 million slaughtered” etc in all manner of conflicts stretching back, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the massacre of jews by Germans in WW2…
The 6 million appears to be an emotional tool? Just like i have been reading older UK media going back decades which talk hysterically about the waves of victims that will result from the many Flu epidemics …the Foot and mouth disease. etc,…the current Covid-19 pandemic “crisis” then does not look so convincing…
But surely as the Nazis were so good at keeping meticulous records, someone somewhere must have the exact tally? Surely this is not such a secret that it has had to be withheld for 75 years?? If the evidence were to be presented, showing the source of the data, would this not stop forever, any further speculation???
But then again…it took a Jew to state “Shoah Business is Good Business”….
It is fake news. They began fabricating it in the late 50s early 60s. This was done as cover for their crimes and atrocities against the men women and children of Palestine. It’s fake news.
I have to say that I really don’t know whether exact number of Jews were murdered in WW2. What I do know is that up to 50 million persons were killed, mostly Russians. But other groups, political, national, social were unfortunate to meet an untimely demise. These were Roma people, politicos of various stripe, communists, nationalists, soldiers, sexual deviants, religious groups (Jehovah’s Witnesses) the mentally retarded and so forth.
I was once in East Germany as a tourist and staying in the old city of Weimar. Out of interest I hitched a ride to the nearby notorious concentration camp of Buchenwald. This was where the notorious experimental measures were carried out. All of the above groups were represented, but mainly Soviet POWs, Ernest Thallman leader of the German communists (KPD) who was murdered in 1944 and had a special shrine complete with eternal flame, this was after all the DDR. There was even a shrine to British and Canadian paratroopers. All of the above were regarded by the Nazis as Untermenschen. There was no special group in this slaughter.
So there was no ‘special’ group deserving of more attention than the rest.
Fund raising is an old Jewish custom. When St.Paul “a Hebrew of the Hebrews” came to Ephesus he joined the sizeable Jewish community which already enjoyed special privileges: unlimited transfer of funds to Jerusalem, official positions and exemption from military service. Likewise St.Paul, before departing Ephesus, made a collection and personally carried these Ephesian funds to his fellow Jewish saints in Jerusalem. It’s in the book, Two Thousand Years Among Us.
“In the Steps of St.Paul”, by Wolfgang Pax
I feel good reading these comments. It is just great to see people waking up.
Yes, evil.
Pure evil. They should not live amongst us. No way.
It’s actually the HOLLOW-HOAX.
Jewish Zionist always proliferate the idea of perpetual persecution and victimization, a tenet of Zionism–i.e. no one else suffered during WW II except Jews. I would like to remind those white supremacist Jewish Zionists, who only care about other white Jews anyway, that there were approximately 15 million other non-Jews who were exterminated by the Nazis. These include, but are not limited to Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Yugoslavians, Gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, Spanish Republicans, clergy, communists, political prisoners, trade unionists, and so forth.
White supremacist Jewish Zionists fail to acknowledge, and never will, that it was not only Jews who suffered during WW II. They won’t acknowledge other’s sufferings because it would take away from their “uniqueness” of suffering, that it only happened to them and no one else. Also, it would take away their weaponization of the term anti-Semitic that is simply used as a tactic to silence some people. I agree with the leftist Canadian writer, Yves Engler, that there will come a time when calling someone an anti-Semite will be seen as a badge of honor because it will come to mean standing up for justice.
Finally, Zionism and Nazism share all too many similarities. Sad, isn’t it!