by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog
Remember when Donald Trump said before the 2016 Elections, he wanted to be President to clean up the swamp in Washington? Well, he may be just doing that. President Trump may have just launched a massive sting operation against the rotten flagrant corruption of the “Democrats”. He knew they were planning a massive election fraud, when they insisted on mail-in votes, similar to the absentee votes, and asked that the mail-in votes would be counted at the end.
Pretext for the mail-in votes was “covid” – social distancing, not getting near each other standing in line for voting. A perfect excuse, transformed into a massive voter fraud.
Between 3:30 AM and 4:30 AM, they “found” 140,000 mail-in ballots for Biden in Wisconsin;
Between 3:30 AM and 5:00 AM, they “found” 200,000 mail-in ballots for Biden in Michigan;
Between 2:00 AM and 4:00 AM, they found a million (1,000,000) mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania
All mail-in ballots “received” in the morning hours of November 4, way beyond the voting deadline. All for Biden, none for Trump
Reference video about minute 1’45”.
Republicans were not allowed to be near the ballot counting as observers, as is the common rule in election vote counting, that the opposition is present, to observe the counting process. Example given in Pennsylvania by former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, who denounces “fraud and corruption” in Philadelphia, his home town; see
And fraud and corruption has been going on in at least two more States, Wisconsin and Michigan, and possibly also in Georgia – and maybe others.
President Trump did not agree in principle with the mail-in vote from citizens withing the US, because that is usually not done. Absentee votes yes, from military and Americans living abroad, but not from US citizens living in the US. He finally agreed, but said these mail-in votes must have been received before the voting deadline – 3 November – and must be counted first.
However, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) decided differently, namely that the mail-in votes would be counted last. This leaves room for fraud, as these latter votes will most likely not be matched against votes already cast, nor will they be scrutinized with the rigor of validity the way the ballots cast at the polls are checked, so duplicate votes maybe possible. There have indeed been reports of “dead” people voting.
Trump had sizable leads in the key swing states Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, and also in Georgia – until the mail-in ballots arrived and were counted – see above. That’s when the pendulum swung to the other side, giving Biden the win.
Today, 7 November, it was announced that Joe Biden had “won” the elections with 290 electoral votes (270 needed), against 214 of Donald Trump.
The Trump Team must have suspected that fraud may be part of the “Democrats” strategy. They have planned a sting operation, assisted by the CIA. Each valid ballot distributed to the eligible voters has a small almost unrecognizable water mark.
Law suits are already under way in the three key swing states and more may follow. Recounts will be requested. On the basis of the recounts and the watermarks on the valid ballots, the level of fraud may be determined.
So, the election is far from over, and may end up like in 2000 in the Supreme Court for a final decision. But we are not there yet.
There are other dangers too.
Already now, street riots take place. Protests for or against Woke, the Blacks, the police… you name it. They are funded by disruptive forces, like the Soros Open Society Foundation and others, with similar objectives. More of such riots may ensue, the longer the final decision is postponed. Wouldn’t such social upheavals be a good reason to declare officially a state of emergency – merging into Martial Law?
That would be the ultimate example for the world to see a totally defunct and dystopian “Democracy”.
Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals such as Global Research; ICH; New Eastern Outlook (NEO) and more. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.
Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
Hope shines eternal… ‘assisted by the CIA’… Really not sure about that one…
There have now been 2 US elections with clear voting fraud arranged by the global Neo-Fascist network.
One in 2006 during the re-election of George W. Bush, and now during the 2020 election of Biden. Bush and Biden have both been agents for all the wars the US have conducted since 9/11.
The common denominator for the Republican Bush and the Democrat Biden are Neo-Fascism.
A Biden/Harris Neo-Fascist regime will re-attach the US with the Neo-Fascists already occupying Europe, the Middle East and East Asia. This will ensure more Imperial wars against nations who resist global tyranny.
The Americans who voted for Trump must make a public display so big that the MSM cant hide it.
Take food, water, I-phone and Trump flags, put it in your Truck, Car, Bike or boat and go to Washington DC, and parade you support for Trump. Beware of “Snipers”.
Trump supporters: Truckers, food workers, Farmers, Electricians, Plumbers, Nurses, Police and firefighters must call in sick 14 days (from the CORONA virus) thus stopping all transportation of critical supply and maintenance to major cities until the MSM and Big-Tech ends their censorship of Trump.
Non Compliance works.
I’m not sure if you’re rebutting me or not… Isn’t the CIA practically synonymous with the global fascist network?
There’s a lefti CIA and a Rightie CIA and they are known to get pretty argumentative behind the scenes.
BTW: The current Media shut down of Trump can be expected to end on dec 3 2020.
Dec. 3 2006 was the date the US Supreme Court ruled in the Bush voter fraud case.
Dec.3 2020 is also the date set to end the new (Mink Corona Virus mutation) Lock down in Denmark.
The worst voting and election fraud was when the dems ran a non-eligible candidate. Someone not born on US soil, nor from two US parents, who still to today has not even shown real proof of being US citizen. His social security number stolen from the grave of an immigrated Frenchman.
That incredible fraud not punished was IME the opening of the floodgates.
I’ve seen enough in this sting operation to have genuine hope it may be real Peter. But in those reports it is the DHS in setting the watermark trap & National Guard involved in checking the ballots.
Nowhere have I seen that deepest of DeepState organisations – the CIA – reported as involved. They’re the bad guys from all I’ve seen though a compartmentalised shop window foreign intelligence department provides a skimpy figleaf over the syphilitic Agency.
Pieczenik (the real life Jack Ryan double PhD, former deputy Secretary of State in 5 administrations & CIA agent) himself has said many times the same thing about the CIA.
Pieczenik, who used to work for Kissinger, has said that Democrats have already started being arrested. There’s no indication this is true. So, most likely, the rest of the story is false.
See “Red Line War Room Ep50 (Patriot Webb discusses election fraud HAMR) by Dr. Paul Cottrell”, on youtube,
I think Webb is more trustworthy than Pieczenik.
Sydney Powell has spoken about Hammer (HAMR) and Scorecard; According to George Webb and Paul Cottrell, these are absent from the law suites dropping today, via Giuliani. However, a commenter has claimed that Powell is taking these to Federal court.
These technologies employ vote flipping. And, supposedly, were used to steal the primaries away from Bernie Sanders. If Trump actually ran truthful propaganda operations, and if he wasn’t afraid to take on HAMR and Scorecard (which means taking on factions of the Deep State), then he’d be a dolt not to recruit support from Bernie people. Even Bernie people that support Biden over Trump.
‘Law suits are already under way’
Trump should be sending the troops to arrest any conspirator. CNN, demoncrat etc.
Trump should have played THAT card a very long, long, looooong time ago already. Game over.
Wow. I didn’t think I would see a narrative as stupid as the Q anon one and there here on this otherwise intelligent site I see some truly idiotic writing.
Trump won in 2016 when OBAMA was president. Did Obama rig it against Clinton and let trump win? Did trump steal the election then or did he win it fair and square (or at least as fair as they corrupt practices can be)?
Truth is he won in 2016 because Hilary was detested and people got conned by Obama s hope and change.
Trump then went on to be a totally divisive liar and zionist whore just like the rest of them. He did nothing for the American people, he let COVID take out small business and did nothing, and he gave corporations a bigger tax cut than even obama dared to. His only populist rhetoric was against foreigners and minorities and that only works for so long. His anti war rhetoric ran up against the MIC and just like everywhere else in his policies trump turned out to be all bark and no bite.
People got sick of all that and threw him out. Most weren’t voting for Biden they were voting for anything but trump.
“He did nothing for the American people,”
Personally I couldn’t care Less about the American Sheeple. As an Argentinian who has witnessed your country meddle & overthrow legitimately elected governments worldwide for DECADES & even openly murder foreign leaders I have come to despise you people with a passion. The only reason I liked Trump is that he DIDN’T start any new foreign wars and That for an American’t presidente is nothing short of a miracle in and of itself. Watching your country now swirling round & round down the toilet bowl of history ..just as China & Russia’s future is surging… fills my heart with glee, hope & joy!
99 % in agreement but the sheeple have been let astray…
I have room for forgiveness to the individual Americans.
Like stampeding cattle they bear no individual guilt…
Trump has been in court before and on the winning side I might say.
Should we all hold our breath while this Sting Operation unfolds?
In what states and cites?
How was this watermark created and embedded in the envelopes or ballots?
If this is real, would there be need for these weak attempts in courts?
I commenter earlier on the thread on my article. Would love to think its real. It’s fiction.
Reminds me of all those ‘nuclear bombs’ going off in Yemen, Syria and Lebanon harbor.
I went to look for your comment and here is the link.
This whole story is a little bit of hope porn and technically unfeasible and truly stupid. Sorry – gotto say it.
But I also find rows of ballot counters all acting in perfect concert and unison totally unfeasible. I question the story – cheating happens frequently and both sides of the isle. Just ask Ron Paul.
This is a story of who cheated better and the one elected is the one who cheated better.
A sitcom without a laugh track is indistinguishable from a “tragic situation.”
“It’s fiction.”
Do we know that yet??
I don’t think that we do. And I can’t prove it yet…either way. So, I think we need to be patient enough to know what we don’t know…until we know with great certainty…………..what we DO know.
Language, words are important. That’s why the sentence in Peter’s article that I like the least (most sentences are much better ) is this one:
“That’s when the pendulum swung to the other side, giving Biden the win.”
Excuse me!
Tens of millions of Americans KNOW better…know that it was a Red Wave way bigger than 2016….KNOW that it is impossible for such weak candidates as Biden and Harris (both actual racists in their policies) to garner more votes than Obama ever did in Detroit….by a long shot….or get 100% of large batches of “newly found” votes.
Come on, man!
How about “giving Biden …ONLY…...the appearance of..…the win..IF you are a credulous child with a very low IQ.”…or corrupt as hell, Peter???.
All the rest of the legal and technical details about the watermarks or lack thereof….are the business of those with the power to know and use those details either in court or in arrests and so forth.
It’s going to take a few days, minimum…… to evaluate various sources for reliability and credibility concerning those details…..and not, in my humble opinion for us to leap too fast to any conclusions that may be traps to discredit and demoralize and cause wasted energy chasing our own tails or fretting needlessly.
If ONE recount is actually forced….in ANY state…I have hopes that enough of that “sting tech”…..lower level fraudsters caught in the act “singing” and fingering their higher ups….and so forth…and the whole scam could very quickly unravel….as “the dominoes” fall and the biggest fake votes mess in the History of the Planet….by FAR……is sorted out.
Rumor (by Thomas Wictor) is that the technology and capability to determine the provably correct count in any of the contested states (each of the states in the balance now, was known well in advance, and prepared for by the new CISA ) will only take two days. Until proven otherwise….that sounds pretty good to me!
BECAUSE: Literally scores of millions of Americans know the Crime of the Century when they see it.
AND: As the title of the article hints at…..It is actually plausible that Trump knows what he’s doing ….and IS going for much, much ,more than just a presidential library…… when this is all over.
He certainly knew what to expect after the midterms….especially Arizona “found by a miracle in the dead of night” ballots for Representative Kyrsten Sinema (D) against Martha McSally (R), who had a substantial lead before the Arizona Mafia (McCain …Janet Napolitano ) “got to work” for “Democracy”…..LOL.
This election ain’t over …not by a long, long shot.
They’ve got themselves surrounded and entrapped……the poor, pathetic bastards………… with nothing left but corruption and the Lamestream Bullhorn that is now OBSOLETE.
Even though И agree that this was biggest steal in the history of Presidential election….there is only one thing missing…when you say that people didn’t vote for such a weak candidates (Biden, Harris)….people actually voted against Trump. Not for Biden!
A lot of youth, woman, and some elderly who are not very mobile came out the wood work to vote Biden/Harris. They appear to worship Biden as a covid healer and Harris as the future first woman president once the fossil croaks in the months ahead.
I would love to believe a watermark is going to save the day, but then the flood of ignorance has me paddling in a different direction.
For the past few days I have been familiar with allegations of a sting operation. It was on the Internet. However, I am puzzled by one fact. Were all the ballots printed in one place ? If not, it would mean that covert watermarks were placed in every printing facility which printed ballots, which would have been a huge covert operation and one that was unlikely to have stayed covert. No doubt we shall have answers in the upcoming weeks.
Peter, with all due respect, a sting operation with the help of the CIA? Surely, you can’t be serious here! The CIA is more likely to do double-sting against Trump than a straight sting for him.
I wish you are proven right, but I very much doubt it. Way too fantastic, and way too risky to be attempted in real life. But I hope you are proven right!
Yes, it would be very strange indeed if the CIA participated in a sting operation and backed Trump. You would have expected the opposite.
Peter didn’t actually say whether he believed it or not. His article is titled as a “?”. He is throwing the idea out there to consider since it has started circulating. We hopefully won’t have to wait until later in January to find out.
It’s over.
The swamp won.
Anyone who argues otherwise is just deluded.
… And since conservatives are not willing to fight for it, it’s victory by default.
.. perhaps it’s time for the saker to move?
Zm, what exactly do you mean by “the swamp”? Honestly, Americans not showing enough militant support for “Big Fan of Israel” Trump and his narratives like “Assad gassed people because reasons,” “Soleimani was a terrorist,” “COVID is all China’s fault,” etc. shows that the swamp is still on the back foot.
Whether this will change or Americans show more militant support for “Those [WMDs] Must be Dislodged from Iraq” Biden and his narratives, which will essentially be the same as Trump’s, remains to be seen.
Its what one doesn’t see (or hear about) from the democrats that causes all the troubles.
Really, Alabama? Because Trump and the Republicans were pretty mum on some of the exact same issues.
Health care, for example: Who questions if corrupt medical and insurance corporations should be running that sector into the ground? The private central banks: Who questions if unelected, shadow banksters should control our money? The rich-get-richer wars: Who questions the narratives and spending promoting those?
Take it easy. Trump will be in the White House until January 20, at the very least. Nothing is over. The winner has not even been officially declared.
Not over by a long shot, nobody’s giving up which the left would like that to happen but transparency will prevail with all the voter fraud. No proof I know is what’s gonna be said next. Go to every vote you’ll be surprised at the corruption in our voting process.
“… Did President Trump Just Launch the Largest Sting Operations in US History Against the Corrupt Swamp of the Democratic Party? …”
While hoping that he did, I fear that he did not (the watermark story has been pretty much debunked already – see other comments here).
And then … there are weeks or months of lawsuits pending, but it is not at all clear what “legally acceptable” evidence of fraud would be offered (Al Capone easily got away with multiple murders in the “American courts”, and it was only through a fluke that he was nailed for tax evasion; Whitey Bulger story was a more recent example…).
It has not been debunked, there is a patent for it created in august 2020:
If I had to run a covert operation, I would not publicly apply for a patent describing the means I would use 2 month before the election.
Also, it takes usually years between a patent application and its use in real life.
“They have planned a sting operation, assisted by the CIA”
You are kidding me, the CIA ARE the Deep State, that’s where most of the problems come from. Either Trump is a genius if he has set up a sting operation or he’s an inept fool, and sadly I think it’s the latter !!
No doubt, Geoff.
Perhaps that is why he has survived THE most off the charts harassment and vilification campaign in US History against a duly elected president and has done more than any person alive….by a long, long ways to render the Empire’s Bullhorn full of Bullshit Russia! Russia! Russia! Fake News (and scores of millions of Americans, at least, have known it for a few years now! Why not YOU??? ) OBSOLETE.
And he’s the fool. Yeah, baby! And don’t we feel good about ourselves? LOL.
What a bunch of unabashed Empire Conscious or Unconscious Agents here. Who have ZERO solutions other than whining and coming to absurd Empire serving conclusions.
Well I finally made enough time early this Saturday evening to put such weak minds back on their silly little heels just a wee bit…possibly:
“Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn’s attorney, exposed one of the most significant vote fraud instruments on the Lou Dobbs Tonight show. Here, former National Security Agency analyst J. Kirk Wiebe explains how it worked.”
and the link within….to Sidney Powell and Tom Fitton one one of the few journalists on FAUX…that might find work elsewhere…..after Murdoch is run outta here. That would be Lou Dobbs less than 9 minutes
What is the name of the computer programs (and its Whistleblower Designer and Implementer ) that Sidney drops into the public consciousness, last night???
Hammer and Scorecard.
You might have heard of the former. Catching wind of it elsewhere on the internet I included it (Hammer) in the chat queries to Tore Says. Scorecard is a new one on me:
Which can siphon predetermined “needed” votes in real time so fast (microseconds) that no one noticed or could have noticed the delay…..until Whistle Blower DENNIS MONTGOMERY…”a national hero” says Wiebe stepped up.
The two programs work together.
AGAIN: Here, former National Security Agency analyst J. Kirk Wiebe explains how it worked.
Less than 3 minutes.
I don’t know about water marks yet (but I have more on that…separate comment below…BECAUSE Powell and Wiebe are in a class by themselves in terms of higher rank of probability of having their facts straight….before I move on to what might be a bit more “speculative”. ) but given the loser tone of those that claim they do …..know………….I’m pretty sure they DON’T……Anon and everyone Anon believes.
I don’t know about the watermark but it would be great if it were true. Thanks for the links.
Well people have been saying for a long time that Trump is part of the swamp with his inner circle loaded with neo cons,and of course this story is headed for the non performing bin as it should,who knows which one of the many agencies plant this story until it grew feet and walked on its own.I can’t understand why people are so up in arms for this isn’t the first time that this has happened ,now they don’t need smoke filled back rooms as they cut their deals all they need to do is push a button.!!!!
Yeah that “assisted by the CIA” has the same smell to it like the ‘meeting’ Gandalf had with Saruman the White.
Why would the CIA ‘want’ to destroy the Demoncrats ? They are perfect mold in their hands, aren’t they ? Nothing is more dangerous for such an organization than incorruptable truthfulness, meaning outside of their control. There most certainly are forces in there who can be of help in some instances, but very unlikely in strategic domestic issues – the rule of self preservation denies this.
The answer is very basic:
They (corrupt at the top institutions like the CIA) are not monolithic in all instances. There might be a few decent people even in corrupt institutions anywhere else in the world as well…..and some…just might want to do what’s right …if they see the chance.
Maybe they didn’t know what they were getting into when they were recruited out of college. But finally figured it out. Ummmm???
If these sorts of possibilities never existed anywhere in human history…then the whole species would have gone extinct a long time ago…………..failing nature’s simplest test….of the aggregate moral fitness to survive.
No they are not, they pubically sell a clean election, but then buy a joker soon after in private.
This all leaves me speechless.
Surely it is possible in this day and age to put an electronic mark on each and very valid ballot that was sent out. One voter, one ballot.
Like those numbers the magazine companies —was it Publisher’s Clearing House?—would put on the “special offers” one got in the mail. A computer-generated number for each name.
I wonder why this wasn’t done.
There is a lot of crowing going on.
I feel as though the Trump presidency has brought out the worst in everyone, and the country.
A jeering, know-nothing mentality from the start.
“I feel as though the Trump presidency has brought out the worst in everyone, and the country.
A jeering, know-nothing mentality from the start.”
Yearning for the good ole days of “I’m very good at killing people.” Barrack Hussein Obama???
This unfortunate attitude reminds me of the Empire profiling of Americans… “just tired” of it all.
All I can say is “Toughen up, Buttercups.”
As though Trump were responsible for Russia! Russia! Russia! …and not Hillary and Obama and the Biden Crime Family……ALL of whom just LOVE your unfortunate sentence I put in quotes.
They LOVE it.
I assure you of that.
Thanks. I am buying your optimism.
:”A jeering, know-nothing mentality from the start. ”
Bro Buttercups, you seriously misread me.
I referred to the license felt and displayed by so many to feel, via hatred of Trump the man, to feel entitled to sink to the lowest level of adolescent mud slinging insults of the man who is, actually, like it, or him, or not, the president of the United States. By this “so many” I mean those from whom I expect an articulate discussion, not just excuses for spewing childish epithets.
No need to respond.
Like those numbers the magazine companies —was it Publisher’s Clearing House?—would put on the “special offers” one got in the mail. A computer-generated number for each name.
I wonder why this wasn’t done.
Pretty simple, really. Both “sides” benefit from election fraud from time to time.
This article is pure opinion. And as we know, opinions can be wrong.
Here’s another much better versed opinion with interesting data from a Trump supporter who doesn’t believe in the FRAUD theory.
I tend to agree with it, though I did not vote and I don’t have a dog in the fight.
It is not a theory, there are 1.8 million ghost voters according to Judicial Watch:
But i doubt the Deep State would want to have this fraud exposed, you cannot build democracy by bombs and color revolutions abroad if your own democracy is a fraud which then means bye bye empire.
Karlin at Unz has taken on a person called “Spotted Toad” who is clearly a statistician and
has made several graphs using Stata software.
Spotted Toads graphs point out a lot of numerical irregularities in the vote count.
“Shylock Holmes” another twitter user a different approach to “Spotted Toad” and reached the same conclusions..
Karlin’s article needs more math and statistical nitty gritty ..his explanation that the numbers are merely a reflection the counting process – or that inner city dems are incompetent of pulling of fraud aren’t too convincing imo.
“Did President Trump Just Launch the Largest Sting Operations in US History Against the Corrupt Swamp of the Democratic Party?”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No he did NOT you silly goose! In fact he just fell victim to the biggest & most preannounced electoral fraud EVER perpetrated against ANY president in US history whilst emitting nary a whimper. The USSA is now Argentina, sans the beautiful women & skilled soccer players.*
Nah, I don’t think so.
Game Over for you…(evidently . along time ago! ) not me and millions of others
In all candor, O Unelected Electons Umpire……. what’s good for the goose ….IS doubly good for the gander:
SO: Game ON!!!
Now if ANY of you have the mental fortitude to hold in abeyance one little header meme (referring to the highest level US security clearance said to exist….but which you’re not supposed to be allowed to even consider Socratic Questions from….which lead to citizen investigation that sometimes pays off….BTW….) that drives the Deep State and MSM up the wall (we must protect their control of the narrative….right Game Over ??) I suggest that just taking these hypotheses within the Twitter thread below with a grain of salt but at least mulling over their feasibility as possible hypotheses.
Which might just appeal to a rare few…..a bit more than obediently falling in behind Sleepy Joe & Ho…as psychologically profiled to do by The Masters of Empire-Approved Discourse :
And we shall see….Who Gets The Last Laugh!
OK??? Game On!
Wrong. Argentina ‘s electoral system works very well.
“And we shall see….Who Gets The Last Laugh!.”
We ‘ve ALREADY seen it. That would be Goldman Sachs, the Pentagon, and George Soros among others.
There are explanations for these late mail-in ballots that are plausible, but whether they are true or not remains to be seen. There is no evidence of fraud, but no evidence that there was not fraud. Unfortunately we have a “justice” system in this country that is not interested in discovering the truth, only in winning. We may never know whether the votes not reported until very late in the game were real or fake. We don’t have a legal process that gives a shit one way or the other. The question is not who is right, but who will win.
What is definitely missing is any confidence in US ‘democracy’. And that will not be regained regardless of the outcome in court. There is nothing inherently fraudulent about mail-in voting, but states who don’t normally have many such ballots were overwhelmed by the number this year and had either inadequate resources or inadequate interest in insuring they could process those ballots accurately. Overall, the US election system is ridiculously inefficient and subject to fraud. There is no reason it should be. Voting is not a problem in many third world nations with far fewer resources, so why is it a problem here? In most functioning democracies (all but this one), the person with the most votes wins. Why do we still have an antiquated system that can subvert the will of the majority?
The stark divide in this nation is very ominous. I do not see how the US is governable. It is a failed state hanging on primarily because it is so wealthy and powerful that people refuse to notice that the Emperor is naked. Regardless of the outcome of this week’s debacle, the US does not have a way forward. It is a dangerous and powerful wounded animal.
“There is no evidence of fraud,”
Actually my friend there exists TONS of evidence, including but not limited to piles of dumped USPS mail-in ballots showing up abandoned in multiple places thru-out the country, GOP Poll Watchers being forcibly ejected from polling stations, and vote counters caught on video covering the windows with cardboard so no outsiders could see what they were up to. Not to mention the DNC’s publicly pre-announced intent to openly commit fraud by pushing for YEARS for No-ID Voting, Illegal Immigrant voting “rights” and similar such dementedness. Trump should have stepped on these cockroaches a loooong time ago yet did NOTHING. Now the roaches will run the House. Probably did all along anyway.
Your examples are not proof of election fraud, but simply irregularities in the election process.
You could argue that these actions are suspicious and may even indicate bad faith. But you have not pointed to a single demonstrably fraudulent ballot that was deliberately included in the count. And most likely you will never be able to, because there are no independent witnesses.
Right, evidence is not proof.
But evidence demands to be investigated.
If those are just irregularities and not evidence of fraud, then my grandmother is still alive because I didn’t see her dead even when she was buried.
“Your examples are not proof of election fraud, but simply irregularities in the election process.”
That’s kinda like concluding that the bullet-ridden corpse found on a crime scene belonged to someone who simply succumbed to a very bad skin condition.
“Unfortunately we have a “justice” system in this country that is not interested in discovering the truth, only in winning”.
Like almost everything else in the USA – including, unfortunately, the scientists. “To hell with the truth – how can I earn millions of dollars, get tenure and appear on nationwide TV?”
” There is no evidence of fraud THAT I HAVE SEEN”.
Get a grip dude. The big giveaway in ANY election is if they interfere with the observers. There is only ONE reason to do that. You are about to cheat and don’t want anyone watching.
Please explain why observers were kept 20+ feet away where they couldn’t observe.
Please explain why observers were banned from the count rooms.
Please explain why cardboard was put up on the windows into the count room.
You seriously say there is no evidence of fraud? LMAO. That’s as silly as saying Joe Biden has no mental health issues.
In addition to all else , now I must ‘trust the plan’ ? I trust in God, and Christ, it’s my limit.
The watermarked ballot sting operation sounds like Q anon to me. Not sure I believe Steve Pieczenik. But the supercomputer “Hammer” with application “Scorecard” has been used to steal elections, even in 2012. Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney explains and warns two days before this election:
“Did President Trump Just Launch the Largest Sting Operations in US History Against the Corrupt Swamp of the Democratic Party?”
Denial is the first of the five stages of grief, I get it. But please folks, let’s keep it real. Even a political amateur such as myself understood from the get-go that key social media platforms like FB, Twitter, Google et al NEEDED to be kept OPEN & CENSORSHIP FREE in order for Trump to govern effectively and even survive politically. By hook or by crook. Trump had 4 years to kick some arses & take numbers yet he did NOTHING. Watch now as Sleepy Joe is quickly shuffled aside so that we can have giggling little Ms. Suka Blyat take-over the reigns of the USSA as her corporate masters drive it ever-deeper into Fourth World Status. Granted, one with nukes. What could go wrong?
Did this turn into a conspiracy site?
There is no “Trust the Plan”.
Trump probably will lose and it is his own fault for not doing more to ensure the security of our election process when there was already massive warning signs in 2016.
He did not lock her up. Did not take down the swamp.
He lost as did the rule of law.
That is our current world.
Deal with it.
“Trump probably will lose and it is his own fault for not doing more to ensure the security of our election process when there was already massive warning signs in 2016.”
I agree, and I have stated this at this blog.
If Trump had taken effective steps to put in place a reliable election system, at least for the national election, he would have won the support of every right-minded citizen. He should have appointed an unimpeachable election czar to oversee the creation of a foolproof system. He would ahve been fouight on this by state officials, but that would merely have shone the light brighter on the need for a basic level of consistency and solid methodology. His “czar” should have explained clearly to the American people what he was doing, and why.
Trump seems to have failed to see that reforming our election system and practices should have been number 1 on his list of domestic policy issues.
Trump was a one man show. God’s chosen control every organisation in the empire. They let him take power to give people hope.
War is coming.
Even if Trump and DHS have all the proof of massive fraud. I do not expect the Deep State would want to have this fraud exposed because that would undermine US prestige in the world as an example of democracy when “building” democracy abroad with bombs or color revolutions.
Bingo! Even if it were definitively proven it would be covered up in the interests of the all purpose catch-all, “national security.”
Trump lost 5% of his share among white male voters. That’s why he lost especially in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Winsconsin. All else were details.
Why he lost the %5? Trump run a campaign heavily promoting bulls..t optimism about the economy (lol uber, underpaid wages), boasting about the ‘lowest black unemployment‘, and failing to deliver Phase II of the stimulus. Plus he has done close to nothing about the continuing massive importation of migrant cheap workers, from service workers to H1B’s from India. Why the hell should white males vote for him after 4 years of promises? On a remote chance that he would actually make their concerns a priority in his 2nd term?
Trump did what he really wanted to do: tax cuts (mainly corporate taxes), deregulation, anything Netanyahu wanted, and not starting a new war because the Iran showed its teeth. People always manage to do what they put first. Clearly helping the white male workers has not been a priority. So he lost. Good Riddance
Not even in a banana republic do people vote by mail from the comfort of their home. WTF?! How could that be possible in the world’s greatest democracy?! And you think your elections were fair?! LOL
I agree. The vote-by-mail plan was a stinker.
People who genuinely cannot get to the polling place on Election Day can always vote by absentee ballot. They can go to the polling place and do so in advance. All they have to do is tell the clerk that they will not be in town on Election Day.
When voting from abroad one has to go to the consulate to vote. At least, that was my experience decades ago.
I don’t know how this works for the military.
If the story is true, at this stage all we would know is that Trump intends to sue in Federal Court and that Justice Department agents (armed) would be dispatched to vote counting locations.
All we know at this stage is that Trump intends to sue in Federal Court and that Justice Department agents (armed) have been dispatched to vote counting locations.
As far as doubting CIA involvement, the CIA is not monolithic, and I doubt even if it were, that they would be interested in seeing what is obviously a foreign takeover (China and Zionists) succeed. The CIA prefers to be in charge to being charged with the thought crime of unwokeness.
Sounds a lot like an operation to pacify the victims of the fraud. Nothing will come of this.
Dear Peter,
You say it as if it’s a bad thing… Surely the more chaos within, the less inclination to commit crime without. How can one support the “resistance” and at the same time pray for the health of the world’s number one butcher? Whence this obsession with America – it is as if one’s moral compass cannot function without having America as the shining example of ethical conduct to calibrate one’s apparatus against.
Oh, now that I’m here, I will give Trump one big plus for finally exposing the hypocrisy of the German-led EU Reich which is happy to use US troops as guarantors of its expansion while cutting deals on the side. No mas.
What a delightful dream! But it doesn’t sound much like my version of reality.
Well that is typical psycholocal and post modern warefare scenario.
Juste like color revolution : The globalist and oligarchs are trying to make their storytelling real with massive propoganda machine.
The point is that there are legal challenge in a context of known and massive fraud. It will Lively ends up at republican controlled SCOTUS.
The real life is the legal proceedings and it will colline with the storytelling. Let s wait a little bit.
This is a big fat pacifier told by a group that manipulated the American patriot terribly and ceaselessly with one fairy story after another that never panned out and is now letting them down easy, over time. This is another ‘follow the white rabbit’ story.
Technically it is (a word that I don’t like to use) stupid. Initially told by a questionable person (that still thinks he is a psychologist spook but lost his spookiness tools long time ago – see Larchmonter445) that heard of a blockchain before. I’ll save you the technical explanation and at least six ways that I could break this magical blockchain system told of here. No ballots were magically tracked – a blockchain does not magically track stuff. States that printed numbered and watermarked ballots and this is probably the norm (and I know Washington does that as I have a tech friend there who looks at these things just because he is a tech and he confirmed that), can be broken six ways from Sunday. There is no audit trial that will stand up without a forensics process that will take months if not a year or two. That is why the system can be manipulated. The ones in power prefer it so because both sides cheat. Go seek out Ron Paul, who recently told exactly how.
Besides, QFS blockchain nodes are not running. It does not exist anywhere. Again a tech friend says “QFS smells like another Nescara scam!” But heck, maybe we still find this magical blockchain.
I am sorry Peter fell for this woolly tale. This election was a bloodless coup and it will continue, court cases or not. It was clear to see when Fox News (The traditional Trump ally) headlined – Biden Wins – Big headline, just after AP announced Biden has the numbers. It has huge ramifications for the world and for the USA’ers. I hope it will remain bloodless at least but I see that blood will be shed, even little by little. Its bad, its all bad.
Here is the start and Trump will leave. “While the president insists on Twitter that ballots have not been properly considered and argues that President-elect Joe Biden’s victory is premature, Fox News has learned that under some conditions Trump would consider an appropriate transfer of power.”
…Fox News has learned that under some conditions Trump would consider an appropriate transfer of power.
LOL! As if that Trump has any choice in the matter whatsoever. Better that Trump go peacefully and with some small amount of dignity than find himself escorted to the WH gates on Jan 20th, stripped of his credentials, and left to deal with the gathering mob personally. Not a good look at all.
And if I were him, I’d be working overtime to secret personal assets out of the reach of US attorneys about now, as that’s what’s coming for him next. If he is in bed with Putin, it might be time to renew and fortify old acquaintances.
“… and left to deal with the gathering mob personally …”
And keep in mind, the cabal that Trump is against now, is exactly the same cabal that did in Libya’s Gaddafi – and then laughed about his horrible murder…
VIDEO: Media Deleting Their Election Night Coverage?
NBC News: “Watch: 2020 Election Coverage | NBC News NOW”
ABC News: “2020 Election Results Live: Joe Biden Will Become
46th President of the United States l ABC News”
CBS News: “Watch Election Day 2020 coverage and results live”
American democracy is a joke
Every POTUS had ZIA approval
In periodic capitalism crisis 1% always wins and 99% always lose
The actual crisis is a special one: hegemony end / zero sum resources game
In order to hide the elephant 1% needs a reason (pandemic) and a guilty (Buffoon, Corpse)
Happy reset
If fake ballots were used the FBI should be able to see a difference if they didn’t come from the same machine with the exact same inkt, printed at the same time. But a well thought out election fraud would know this.
And every consumer printer has some identifying microcode that is printed on each print. Wouldn’t be surprised if professional stuff also has it.
But I doubt a thorough investigation will be undertaken.
I can see postmarked the day before and counting absentee ballots that come in before election day first. I can see checking to see if people have requested absentee ballots have already voted. If a ballot has not already been received there needs to be a way to make sure any ballots filled out can be matched against those coming in later up to a reasonable deadline absentee voters and USPS should be required to meet and have procedures and adequate funding in place. Counties, states and the federal government probably should have polling places, DMVs, and Post Offices all next to each other. Do motor voter registration and be sure to require documentation adequate for both drivers license/state id and voter registration. It probably is necessary to have ids with citizenship status, perhaps issue two ids, one with citizenship status to be required only when legally necessary, as in voting.
It looks to me like both flavors of the Republicratic Party wants to be able to cry foul. Of course many votes will come in late and mostly for Biden, or rather against the other guy. Also Trump gained with every race and gender except white males due to his unwise attacks on the Sanders crossover voters so of course he was on track to lose a close deception unlike 2016 where he narrowly won. Even if the crazy voter fraud conspiracies that and the 25% of voting machines being Soros connected that make even Russia-gate sound legit in comparison are true there is the remaining 75% of black box voting machines that are mostly being programmed by felons (and its proprietary, you cannot see it) and run by Repugnant party hacks. You can be sure for every vote Demonbrats try to steal through voter fraud where it is almost impossible to get a left leaning person to even bother to vote once on a sunny day Republicans steal two orders of magnitude more in a way that is two orders of magnitude more difficult to prove — election fraud, like kicking 16.7 million voters off the rolls and requiring witnesses for absentee ballots and also mailing them in and other insane requirements are not enough. So it sounds like even The Saker and his crowd has descended into their own form of either Russia-gate-like nonsense or hypocrisy.
As for Trump supporters who are complete aholes like Mike Bastard in Last Man Shooting Himself in the Foot or whatever his name is in whatever the name of that tell a lie to your vision show is that still think Al Gore was a sore loser (or finally get it after having to walk in a Son of a Bush Hater’s shoes 20 years later) I have no empathy or sympathy. Period. End of story. In the cases of many (almost certainly most) Trump Chumps Deception 2020 is Karma 2020.
Only in a banana republic can you vote from the comfort of your home without an ID and you really think US elections were fair? Give me a break, you must believe in fairy tales too? Lol
It is a sting operation all right, but not against “The Swamp”. It is a sting operation against Trumps supporters to make them passively hope for a miracle that never comes, instead of taking protesting actively against the massive election fraud.
Can’t everyone just look on the bright side? How do US politicians from either wing of the War Party continue to lecture other countries about their elections after this debacle? Also to paraphrase Hughy Long: No matter which party is serving the slop, Wall Street is in the kitchen doing the cooking. That includes Trump and Biden.
I first heard of this ‘sting’ a couple of days ago from Steve Pieczenik who has walked on the dark side for U.S. intelligence during his career. He said that nothing happening is a surprise. It was all expected. They know where every ballot is, was or ended up. According to him thousands of militia have been sent to a number of states to deal with it, taking control of the ballots. This is all so secret, I haven’t heard any verification of it or of anything really happening, except Biden being declared the winner. So, if there is this secret sting ongoing, I suggest they get a move on.
– Trump is in power for still two month.
– What about the legal process for proclaiming results? With regard to this process Biden is not elected.
– How could the mass-media declaration of victory of Biden could overthrow the legal process of contestation of results?
– Are the Supreme Court members honest? Does Trump control the Supreme Court?
– Al Gore had also proclaimed his victory. Bush had even conceded his defeat. But Bush was finally elected by a decision of the Supreme Court.
– The factory of consent cannot change the will of thousands of DC and state personnel who have decided to consciously act contrary to the will of the factory of consent. Biden has no way to act against these unified wills before they are officially in office.
– Is the deep state capable of freezing all its will to maintain the current status quo and transforming the media putsch into a legal decision?
Many think so. I do not.
What I got to understand today is that indeed there was a watermark, however there was a second level of protection too. Well I guess time will tell.
There are at least 17 processes involved in printing paper money to prevent fraud… might hope more than 2 would be used in ballot papers……..
Lol well if the CIA is involved Trump had better pack his bags for they are well noted for screwing things up,besides the CIA is not to be used within the country and I’m sure he knows that,but if its for the one you hope will win then I guess its alright,a lot of folks out there are spreading distrust and misinformation about the turn out, or just voting in general and it seems to be catching as countries across the globe can always fuel distrust and discontent and they can do it on the cheap as the sheep really can’t think for themselves,well until they get their favorite cartoon charter in the seat of power.!!!
What other side is saying about obvious voters fraud? When I say “other side” I mean republicants. Have anyone heard of republican senators and congressman saying anything in support of Trump’s fight against fraud? I don’t think you will hear from them at all.
I really did not think that deep state will dare to take a chance and do this election fraud. And they did just that! Now, they have to act very fast, suppress any information about fraud and pretend that everything is fine. They will push biden as president-elect all the time and american population will follow the narrative as always. Trump’s voice will not be heard anywhere. And that will be the end of it.
The only chance Trump has is US Supreme Court. But do not have high hopes …
Best thing y’all can do… all probably, right now…. is to tune into Tore’s channel.
She does “know things” you just might want to also know……and share around quite a bit.
I do believe that there has been all kinds of fraud, but I don’t believe that this fraud, even when exposed and legally challenged, will tip the scale.
Trump is an outsider of ‘the blob’ and his election was kind of a mistake. Every election has a selected candidate and a ‘fall guy’ who is supposed to lose.
When this gets steamy, someone will whisper to Trump to stop or his second term will be quite short. The blob has controlled him, he may even be lucky to having survived it. But the blob will not allow a second term.
Be glad to get lost of Pompeo (the most incompetent SoS I have seen in decades), that creepy Kushner, and ‘face of evil’ Elliott Abrams. However, Pepe Escobar already predicted the comeback of the three Harpies (as in Shakespears’s Macbeth ‘Enter three witches’.), and expect more of the same.
Biden (DC nickname ‘Pedo Joe’) will be put in the basement again with a lovely nurse. A bit like ‘young Mr. Grace’, the owner of the warehouse in the British comedy series ‘Are you being served’: .
So, soon Kamala Harris will take over and she is so willing, therefore her DC nickname is ‘heels-up Harris’.
The damage done to the reputation of the USA is massive. And internally the nation seems torn to me. Just look at just two tweets: “his enablers have to lose too” (a crowd kicking a Trump symbol).
From the other side of the Atlantic it’s difficult for me to do some predictions about how things will go further, but I’m not optimistic. I fear they will start something on which retreat is not possible anymore.
Cheers, Rob
Tin Foil Hatters:
Not only are there watermarks, the USAF had mini-UAVs flying above the counting desks and tabulating machines video recording everything. These are mosquito sized drones operated from NORAD control center.
Everything will turn out perfectly. Trump will be declared the winner when the Supreme Court sees all the videos.
I have been given consent by the 17 Intel Agencies to give you this top secret information.
Let’s just hope they took the lens covers off the sensors or the videos will be blank.
They are checking the imaging now. Stand by for breaking news.
You’re funny. The next breaking news.
This watermark blockchain (which is not a blockchain) has 3 military bases around it. (One of the real blockchain techs commented “This shit is so screwy & technically impossible it sounds like something David Wilcock made up.”)
The rest of the impossible technobabble is that this blockchain (which does not exist) will end corruption and will transfer the world’s asset backed funds via GPS satellite and is protected by the Space Force. They will reset all world currencies at the same time, and no fiat will exist.
I wish I was joking, but I’m not and this is all open sourced information, so, needed no permission.
True Tinfoil hat stuff, but what is the reason? A few are still chewing on that.
Of course there’s all kinds of infiltration and confusion.
Like Jack Posobiec (MIC agent urging taking to the streets to get the blood flowing for his masters).
So what???
Separating the wheat from the chaff is work that never ends.
But when you find the wheat……..don’t throw that out too.
That’s what all these psyops you love are designed to have you do…..and cheerlead others Like Alexandria Occasional Cortex to hunt down everyone else as well, who refuses to give themselves a frontal lobotomy imbibing “recreational” drugs and other forms of known mental and moral disorientation.
I think Bennie may be on to something relevant to this thread:
Fraction Magic: A real-time demo of the most devastating election theft mechanism yet found, with context and explanation. Demonstration uses a real voting system and real vote databases and takes place in seconds across multiple jurisdictions.
The Opera Ain’t Over………. til the Fat Lady Sings.
“That’s what all these psyops you love are designed to have you do…..and cheerlead others Like Alexandria Occasional Cortex … ”
Just for the record, this is q-anonsence. It is also bs. Its too much trouble to explain :-)
I don’t love psyops and neither do I cheer Cortez. Bro the daffodil is confused.
comment removed … Saker policy is same comment only under one post … already posted on “Ask yourself the crucial question: why?”
… mod
come on, even if there was massive fraud ( probably was , on both sides btw) trump can hardly stand for being a national hero in resistance to evil forces. there are several basic and fundamental qualities required for that.
Being a braggart, being loud and self centered, tweeting like a teenager, name calling opponents etc that doesn’t really give you the dignity to qualifie as a champion worth following.
Yorg congratulations on a complete and utter …………fallacy of composition!
You find greater “dignity” in Joe Biden bragging before his disgusting Council on Foreign relations peers at how he shook down Porkoshcenko to get the Ukrainian federal prosecutor fired? ON TAPE????
You find greater “dignity” in Hunter Biden’s laptop selfies asleep with a crack or meth pipe in his mouth and running around naked in the presence of a 14 year old girl???
Come on, man! You’re makin’ me laugh TOO hard!
I never endorsed biden, who is completely corrupt and a trojan horse for hillary. read more carefully before jumping to conclusions. actually i believe that having trump would have at least been a little better for the rest of the world but that still doesn’t make trump some sort of knight in shining armor .
Frankly, I was expecting mass grass-root pro-Trump protests, but all seems to have fizzled…
No, it has not fizzled. Their energy is being applied where it has the greatest return, namely gathering evidence for the lawsuits.
I don’t see any evidence that the military supports Trump. Who does he think will protect him when its time to leave the White House.
Why is the end of the United States as we know it a problem? This is actually great news. Now the USA can no long complain about elections in Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Afganistan, Iraq or Iran. The list is endless. Now that the USA has forced its own citizens to see that the USA is and has been the most legally corrupt nation on the planet. This can only be a painfull eye opener for Americans and a great relief to all of Americas adversaries.
Don/t worry, the will continue the business as usual. He who has nuc. weapons to protect himself, will be OK, just like before, the others will suffer, just like before. Nothing new.
The Republican+Democrat+Israel love triangle is getting messy.
how could he? The Media have counted and declared a senile old fart and his criminal coup plotters won, so how can the law compete with such logic? If reuters, ap and cnn say it, it must be true.
The saddest part is that now wec/davos have a president that will implement the plans to steal everything🤷♂️
So a big thank you to all R™ murcans that just accept the demoncRats steal a election without as much as a whimper🤬
We now know that the estrogen filled “males” and females from antifa have bigger balls then you guys😉
So from this day and to the end of my life i will laugh every time i meet one of the “exeptional” murcans and ask how proud he/she is to come from The Shithole country that cant even count votes😂😂
(“A republic if you can keep it”, sadly between 2016 and 2020 the world learnt that you could not🤷♂️and that most normal citizens do not even care enough to try and stop a coup😔)émocrates?fbclid=IwAR3gC_TU12LE7zLVxIkT-hx3jRp9wBEodGEOVwVJa3zEPr8KgPOyd3pCf58
Individuals, officials, postal workers arrested for electoral fraud. According to the link above.I checked the links given by arrives on various local media. The twitter post is honest. The counteroffensive has begun. The guy who defrauded and finds himself in the jails of his community accused of electoral crime. He can’t be well. He is going to collaborate with the justice system to lighten his sentence. The fraud of high official of the democrat will be soon exposed.
Trump’s son-in-law asked him to admit defeat
The reaction of the US President himself is not yet known.
According to TASS, according to CNN, citing two sources, Jared Kouchner, the son-in-law and closest aide to U.S. President Donald Trump, offered to accept his defeat in the last presidential election.
Up until a few years ago, a popular mantra in the mainstream medea wos that Stalin reputedly had said:
“It does not matter how many votes for this or that ((i.e, person or cause or party)), but who counts the votes.”
This so-called citation now seem to have been culled from MSM and comment sections.
Would someone please research whether Stalin has truely been reported saying this by any trustworthy reporter?
Or is it like when Göbbels stated “people will believe a lie if repeated often enough” and not telling that he was talking about the lies printed and reported as true in British media?
Yes, agree, Peter, things do not add up at all. Good one.
How can such a sting operation work when the ballots are printed by multiple states using multiple printers? It all sounds fishy to me.
Ah….but if the paper came from 1 mill…….
Even if they did mark all the votes, I have to wonder how they can prove that they actually mark them all. Because if the operation was fraudulent, they could just mark half the votes and claim election fraud afterwards. I am not sure if this “proof” will hold in a court sadly.
I do not really believe that such a covert operation with watermarks could have been run:
1) technically in different states
2) without the FBI and then the demoncrats knowing it
What I do believe, is that statistical tools could be used to prove or disprove the reality of massive frauds.
A very interesting lead about they way they might have performed fraud is given by Sydney Powell, General Flynn’s attorney, who argues that Hammer and ScoreCards programs can be used to modify the counts:
I think the article is correct about the ways the fraud took place. But I can’t believe the sting story. It sounds good,but is just too good to be true. And the time to reveal the sting has past.The Dems have a lot of experience in their big city machines with vote rigging.Unless they messed up in enough spots this time, thin they got away with it. The Presidents best path as I see it ,is the machine rigging.A county in Michigan has already reversed the vote and Trump has now won it.They found 2,000 votes counted for Biden that were really for Trump.The software on the Detroit machines that were found to have counted 6,000 votes for Biden ,but were really for Trump is used in 47 other Michigan counties. If they also “malfunctioned” that might be enough to turn the Michigan vote around.That software was also used in 30 other US states. Texas was offered that software earlier and after a study refused it for just that reason.The state said their study showed it was able to switch votes if it malfunctioned. Another avenue is the many poll workers and postal workers that are coming forth saying they were told by superiors to in some cases add information to ballots,accept ballots that were invalid, back date ballots received past the election cutoff time,etc,etc. Putting all of that together there is a strong smell of election fraud covering this election vote.Worst or best case depending on how its viewed is that 71,000,000 people that voted for the President view this election as illigetimate ,a stolen election.And unlike the Dems view of the 2016 election.In this case they would be right about it.
ya quite embarrassing for all the european PMs and MP who have congratulated Biden…if Trump wins the court cases… and serve as US’ President another 4 years… ha ha ha egg on ya face… sticky…
In your article you write Mr Trump set up a kind of control sysstem with assistance of the CIA.
I always assumed CIA is an association ONLY operating outside The US of A?
Or is it ONLY operating outside the U.S. which is in District of Columbia?
“President Trump did not agree in principle with the mail-in vote from citizens within the US, …He finally agreed”
An inexplicably amateur move that even I, a casual observer, correctly predicted would result in EXACTLY the results we witnessed. Not too bright folks, not too bright at all.
More Than Wrong Again GMTO!
Just one little part of the undercover “sting”:
Countermeasures WERE in place.
And A LOT more will be “incoming”.
You’d best take cover …or duck on outta here…….to not look like a complete Deep State Fake News Shill.
“Countermeasures WERE in place.”
Had “countermeasures” REALLY been in place, we wouldn’t be witnessing this fiasco to begin with. So much for that insouciant argument.
“You’d best take cover …or duck on outta here…….to not look like a complete Deep State Fake News Shill.”
Learn to attack the argument and NOT the speaker if you ever hope to enjoy any actual credibility when you leave a comment.
those are the website’s caps.
Goes into the default settings on the vote counting programs for fractional…decimal voting……to shave little pieces of votes to wherever they are needed. But none of the fractions (to the right of the decimal point….which is also invisible cannot be seen…..except in the final result….after the trickery/CRIME is done) can be seen in printouts or screens.
“We have it all.”
This is what Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney has been looking into…and describing to Lou Dobbs.
Oh, by the way, Feinstein’s hubby and Pelosi are board members and major investors of the owner of that fractional vote shaving system.
The Dominion Vote “Counting” System
Operational in this election in more than 30 states….
Great call, Peter Koenig!
I am agnostic on the actual fraud occurring, but the author appears to know nothing about USA voting. It does not matter whether the President does not agree in principle with mail-in voting; it does not matter what the DNC plans regarding vote counting. Each of the 50 states, plus overseas possessions has their own rules about voting. Some states (Oregon) have ENTIRELY mail-in voting, others have mail-in voting on request. Each state has its own rules about when to accept mail-in ballots. Some require them to arrive by the end of election day, others may be postmarked by election day and for the postmarked by election day states there are different deadlines for their required arrival. There is no centralized national authority regulating elections. The least we can expect for the voter fraud conspiracy people is that they get their facts straight.
“The least we can expect for the voter fraud conspiracy people is that they get their facts straight.”
Come on, man! Don’t you remember Sleepy Joe saying, “We prefer truth….over facts.” ??
AND: We’re ALSO searching for truth here….and to do that you have to take risks make and test hypotheses….etc, etc,
Therefore, it’s “All Good!”
Or at least it should be. So what’s your problem???
But on the other hand…….who needs “conspiracy theories” or even “stings”………..when Sleepy Joe came right out with ….A CONFESSION!!!!
Oh Yeah!! This Sleepy Joe guy would be competitive in a chess match of world leaders!🙃
Play the 24 second video in the first tweet…..Enjoy!
“But wait! There’s more!”
Count of votes is integer number, no decimals there. Notwithstanding this little omission, anything that goes through any kind of computer can be manipulated on zillion ways. Controlling access to data is not enough. There is always too many people that have access to data. Knowing the level of expertise in USA, we cannot assume any reasonable efforts have been made to correctly organize the data and count it.
I was a software guy for many years. You would be surprised ask to enable them to change data once report is generated (!). On paper, on was difficult. On the web, anything goes and nothing is impossible to fake or distort. Yet, many times there is no evil intention, it is simple ignorance. Ignorance does not help in the court of law, so recount of hard copies is the only way.
A few comments:
As long as millions believe it’s stolen, that is a legitimate concern that should be addressed, not made fun of.
How huge is the turnout in most “democratic” precincts in PA? Around 95-105 % ? Would sure like to se numbers here. Turnout in strangely “turned” swing-states vs. rest of country should be exciting to analyse.
Corporate mass media: business as usual with Biden, at last we are obliged to love and worship the US again!
“impossible” with cheating = yet again, the TABOO of admitting the west can do anything wrong, a very strong cultural anxiety at play here, the stronger, the more jubilant rhetoric and storyline in the official medias.
“The Trump Team must have suspected that fraud may be part of the “Democrats” strategy. They have planned a sting operation, assisted by the CIA. ”
How the F can you say the CIA will “Assist” when they have been a big part of the Problem ?
That’s true, but Maybe Trump just said that to expose them, divide them, find out who some key commies are. My .02%
Just for everyone that now talks about ‘the hammer’ or the short form HAMR or something … Take a look at Kevin Shipp, who says that this has credibility issues.
Kevin Shipp
Asked for my thoughts. “Hammer” has serious credibility issues. Barr/DOJ will not investigate (evidence?). Powell suggests Military Intelligence get involved in a domestic election. That should scare the he** out of Constitutionalists. Fitton is correct, Fed/State investigators.
He has a few more tweets about this.
And then, many do not go to the Cafe where I posted the crosstalk just before the latest one. The interesting part here is Lionel (most folks will know him, a strong and full-on Trumper). He gives comments on what the courts in the different states will need to decide.
Brand new overcoats and thick hoodies, maybe boots and raingear, will be quite a expense for Mr. Soros….riots put out not by teargas from cops but by pouring rain and cold will be a little less impressive on tv.
Of curse, if the believers are true and passionate, a little weather won’t matter….we shall see!!