Why is it that US news channels censored a press conference by a President of the United States?
Why is it that tech giants feel the need to censor Trump’s tweets?
Why is it that in key Dem states the GOP observers were not allowed to actually observe anything?
Why did the Dems counter-sue just to try to prevent GOP observers from observing the ballot count?
Why do the media conglomerates all declare Biden the victor even though they all know for a fact that this is false (only the courts can declare a victor)?
Why is it that FoxNews was spearheading the anti-Trump cheering during this entire week?
Why is it that the US deep state needs EU leaders to suddenly all congratulate Biden on a victory?
Think of what is coming next: lawsuits in state and federal courts, right?
Then IF the Dems felt confident that the Trump campaign had no case, why not simply relax, wait and see the courts reject the Trump campaign’s petitions?
But no, instead, they are acting exactly as if they were all terrified that the courts might do something which would compromise the victory of the Biden campaign!
The very fact of the need for such extreme haste and such un-retractable statements can only be explained by the fear of the Dems that something in their coup plans might go wrong. And, after all, it is said that Giuliani won over 4000 lawsuits in his career, and he would scare me too :-)
So, in a way, we could consider the Dems massive push to win in the court of public opinion a clear sign that they are much more afraid of a court of law.
Will they succeed? Yeah, probably, Trump’s “aggregate power” is dwarfed the the power of the multi-billion dollars interests who are using all their “propaganda firepower” to settle the issue before the courts get to.
Yet another proof that the Dems are no democrats at all, but a completely immoral gang of USA-hating thugs who are willing to destroy their own country to defeat any outsider, good or bad, daring to challenge them. They very much remind me of Kerensky and his own gang of masonic plutocrats.
Still, until we actually see that the USSC is also willing to betray the people of the USA, we can still keep a tiny little sense of hope in our hearts.
But we now all better prepare for the worst, because if the USSC also caves in, it will be the end of the United States as we know them.
The Saker
Biden saying wait until the votes are counted knowing that extra ballots were being added to reduce Trumps lead.
The problem for the Dems is that they did not do as well as they expected and had to find extra ballots and this made the fraud more obvious.
Have a look at google news and type in trump election fraud. It’s full of articles with words like falsely claiming, wrong, baseless accusations. Propaganda +++
The Democrats and their neocon handlers have simply copied the methods used by Macron, the Rothschild’s banker in France. What Macron did was to sabotage the ballots sent by mail from French overseas possessions and to sabotage the vote count at voting stations, simply by switching ballots. He won by the strange result of 66:33 % (nice round figures). In one town Le Pen voters demonstrated against the obvious voter fraud. There were more demonstrators in the streets than pro-Le Pen ballots at the voting stations in that town.
What we have in these US elections is gigantic voter fraud. It was of course discovered, and it was inevitable for it to be discovered. When you plan a huge con job, you need plenty of people. The more people you have, the more will talk. Some have even talked before cameras. It’s on the Internet.
Any new president will not enter the WH until 21st of January 2021.
In the vote Fraud case against George W Bush, the US-SC ruled on dec. 3. 2006
IF the Dems felt confident that the Trump had no case, why don’t they wait until the dec.3 and let the US Supreme Courts handle Trump’s petitions?
Instead the Global Neo-Fascist MSM run massive propaganda to manipulate public opinion = “the Court of the Street” before the case enters a real “Court of law”.
This is done to intimidate the US Supreme Court not to rule against public opinion (The Court of the street).
If the US-SC caves in to the Court of the street, it will be the end of western Democracy.
The Neo-Fascist pretending to be US Democrats is using the same methods of election fraud as in:
USA 2006 – Afghanistan – Iraq – Ukraine – Canada – Germany – Ireland – Italy – Spain – France, and now once again in the USA.
What is at stake in the current US elections is either the resurrection or final curtain for western democracy.
The 2 cases of US election fraud, exposes how the Global Fascist Elite is manipulating elections worldwide by Institutionalized, systemic voter fraud.
Humans and their rights are being destroyed worldwide by a Global Fascists network with computer and ballot fraud.
Wow. Mass meltdown and delusion.
The nice people on this forum seem to have lost it.
Take it easy. It is not the end of the world.
I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. I remember the bias and meltdown on CNN and other neocon channels when Hilary lost and Trump won. Now Trump has “lost” and Biden has “won” and I witness a replay of CNN on this forum. Almost everyone commenting on this forum has become an expert on American voting and politics, and have the correct formula and solutions for saving Amerika. Quite a monumental achievement for a crowd of mostly non-traditional newcomer Americans and non-Americans. As per drivel, the 49-51% of Americans who “voted” for Biden are dumbass traitors and anti-Americans, and the 47 – 49% who voted for Trump are the true Americans. Really. By what formula? I have relatives who voted for Trump and other relatives who voted for Biden. Susan Rice’s daughter voted for Biden and her son voted for Trump. Kanye West is for Trump while Kim Kadashian cheers Biden. Such splits are replicated in many families across America. So who is a hater and who is a benevolent true lover of America. The 49-51% and 47-49% voting split is what happens in US presidential elections every election cycle. Caitlin Johnstone, Micah Curtis and Bradley Blankenship have pieces on RT that are well thought out, clinically analytical and provide real food for the mind and not polemical drivel.
Just chill out. America will be Ok. We have been predicting the demise of Ukraine for almost a decade. It has not happened! Why should we believe such baseless predictions this time around.
Unfortunately, the point is not whether the election has been won by Trump or Biden.
The point is that if these allegations of institutionalized, systemic voter fraud are revealed as having had been true, then it threatens the entire foundation of American democracy.
This is the real question. There is a great deal of mounting evidence suggesting that exactly this has transpired.
There is absolutely no point in regarding America as a Democracy, or a Constitutional Republic unless this matter has been solved and relevant guilty parties (if found true), are prosecuted.
“The point is that if these allegations of institutionalized, systemic voter fraud are revealed as having had been true, then it threatens the entire foundation of American democracy”
Exactly, this is much bigger than Trump. I would formulate it slightly differently
The point is that if these allegations of institutionalized, systemic voter fraud are revealed as having had been true, then it exposes the myth of the of American democracy
Exactly correct and it exposes the treasonous objectives of the elite pulling the strings; to say that this elite has no loyalty or concern for America is to state the obvious!
The elite’s objective is power and control and all of that flows from huge money which they gather continuously through corruption.
The myth of American democracy, or read most Western democracies, was exposed long ago.
That coup d’etat in Ukraine was in 2014, which means it was six years ago and not a decade ago. Even in those six years Ukraine has seen a remarkable decline. It has no future. And does the US have any future with neocons controlling it ?
Good for you if you think this is business as usual and that this type of voting happens in every election.
Not many would have the courage to come here and write that! LOL
Economically, the US is about finished. The dollar IS fiat money and like all the other fiat money around the world, it will soon disintegrate.
You keep chilling out.US will never again be ok.
It is high time that Karma kicked in,and she is a biatch.
Everybody is missing who the real enemy is.
Yes, MSM.
Unfortunately the human race has been destroyed by politics and computers, so to say America will be ok does not include the debt bomb they shoulder and the cost of living, in the okay America.
OK. But you’re not exactly right where concerning Ukraine. Its demise is not quickly or suddenly, but slowly and definitely.
Prices have upped to near EU levels, buying power of the UAH split in 3, salaries, pensions and wages not really up, social benefits and help to the elderly sliced.
Schools in villages closing one after another, just like medical services and healthcare. Infrastructure fails ever more often, and much more crime, certainly against the weak.
The rich still live their lifes well, and that includes the people and that part of society visible to us through the media. But for many Ukrainians life becomes very hard. For the bottom of the piramid matters do not look much different than the demise of their country.
Voter Fraud to steal an election is against the the Law in America and everything good America stands for in this world. If our legal system allows Media Mob Rule to decide our elections and run a cover up operation that controls and binds the hands and silences the mouths of our LAW enforcement, Dept. of Justice, FBI, State and Federal Courts. and the Unites States Supreme Court then all will be lost. I pray and hope that Patriots in our legal system will have the backbone they need to stand up to the onslaught of Democrat run Media cover up being already brought to bear against them.. If you think that election fraud is OK for our country because somehow it doesn’t matter if we elect a someone who lies,, cheats,, and steals to win then you are nothing but a fool and a sedated sheep for the slaughter
“But we now all better prepare for the worst, because if the USSC also caves in, it will be the end of the United States as we know them.”
The Saker
Another month of Trump & The Twatwaffles and this country would have been beyond saving. Unless you are all good with the fascist crap they have put us through for the last 4 years. It may already be too late to save it.
The only fascism I saw these last 4 years came from the pets of the DNC: ANTIFA/BLM/NFAC street mobs of thugs and arsonists, the hysterical harbingers of the new Medical Tyranny building on the back of the SARS2 Scamdemic, the blatant, massive censorship and overwhelming propaganda imposed on us by the MSM. And worse, of course, is soon to come if this gang of election thieves are not thwarted.
It’ll be another 4 years of Trump and the patriots. By the time his second term is over, he will be ready to retire and this nation will have been snatched from the hands of the globalist pigs. Being concerned about what Trump has done to the country makes you sound like a child who has just escaped the public indoctrination system.
There are rumors of a sting operation using ballot papers encrypted with blockchain technology as to keep track of the ballot papers in case there is fraud. The ballots were supplied by the DHS with an encrypted watermark and delivered to the states. The states themselves could further add other printed stuff to these ballot papers before they were sent out to their citizens. If the states produced extra ballot papers (with fake watermarks) on their own without using the DHS ballot papers then fraud could be detected. See more details: https://principia-scientific.com/us-election-sting-will-qfs-blockchain-encryption-code-technology-win-it/
Would be nice but that sounds awfully far-fetched to me. I’m not sure how DHS could’ve supplied ballot papers in all of the different locally mandated formats — without attracting a lot of notice.
And then there’s that little matter of easily hackable voting machines. No amount of watermarked paper would make them honest.
Dave said, “There are rumors of a sting operation using ballot papers encrypted with blockchain technology.” Corvo replied, “Would be nice but that sounds awfully far-fetched to me. I’m not sure how DHS could’ve supplied ballot papers in all of the different locally mandated formats — without attracting a lot of notice.” Corvo is right to say that it is far-fetched—but for a different reason. The paper supply is not far-fetched at all.
Peter Gaynor is Administrator of FEMA and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. President Trump is so incompetent that he thinks that Chad Wolf is Acting Secretary of Homeland Security instead.
In a disaster, such as this pandemic, the Secretary of Homeland Security commands (at the behest of the President) the entire civilian federal executive branch, as well as all state and local governments, but not Congress, the military, or the federal judiciary. This command is through his subordinate, the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) You can read this at 6 USC §314(a)(5)-(6). §319 describes a “clear chain of command” that runs from everyone counting votes in this election up through Mr. Gaynor to President Trump.
The DHS this year also has a large operation ostensibly to combat election fraud. Here is a link.
When Vice President Biden made the following quote, he was referring to the operation just mentioned: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” The Vice President made a truly Freudian slip here, because, although the operation is ostensibly to combat fraud, the fraud is occurring in several states at once, and the DHS is the organization best able to organize fraud on such a scale, insofar as it can command all the election officials, who apparently are only too willing to comply. The DHS can make its commands secret or even classified, in which case the officials who receive them cannot publicize them legally. The election officials who object to fraud are then invited to complain to the DHS. You must admit that all this is quite a clever scheme.
The sting operation is far-fetched not because it is technically difficult to implement but only because it is within the same organization that is in a position to commit the fraud. If a sting is made public in the near future, then it can be expected to implicate only local Democrats, rather than the DHS at the federal level in a Republican administration. Not every Republican supports the President’s reelection.
True, but you’re asking literally thousands along and in the proximity of the supply chain to maintain near-absolute hush-hush. That would be an awfully huge secret to keep, don’t you think?
Corvo, if everything were 100% hush-hush, the public reaction to the cheating in this election would have been exactly like the public reaction to the similar degree of cheating in the 2004 election, which President Bush stole from Senator Kerry. The President’s father had previously directed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its agents are professionals. This year, by contrast, the cheating was all over the news the morning after it happened. So many reports of cheating are spilling out in the media, it is impossible to keep track of them all.
A professional espionage agency has an inverted pyramid of intelligence, with an I.Q. of roughly 150 at the bottom, trending down to roughly 130 at the top. The smarter spies leave to pursue other careers, leaving the spies of modest intelligence behind to pursue promotion, but all the agents are smart. By contrast, the typical agent of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has an I.Q. shy of 100. Nevertheless, the DHS—tasked with managing disasters—fancies itself to be an espionage agency, and it is enamored with secrecy. By means of classified federal regulations and classified commands, it can silence scrupulous public servants, by law. It wants to keep everything hush-hush—including its stratagems to outwit a microbe or a hurricane, as if a microbe or a hurricane would react differently should the secrecy be breached. The DHS has the legal power to make secrets, but its agents are not intelligent and thorough like the CIA, so, in spite of its secrecy, everything leaks out.
The men who stole the 2020 election seem to be running scared. The Saker asks, “why?” As the saying goes in the South, “Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.” The cheaters made the tactical error of cheating in Georgia, in addition to cheating in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and elsewhere.
Had they stopped after cheating in three Northern states instead, the Senate races would have come out 51-48. By being greedy, however, the cheaters inadvertently turned 51-48 into 50-48. The cheaters were not worried about this slight difference, because they control the cheating in the runoffs, but the 53 Republican Senators who are not party to their cheating are now scared that they will lose their majority. They know that they are popular enough with the voters of Georgia to win both runoffs in a fair election and wind up 52-48, but they have no reason to believe that the cheaters will not strike again in the runoffs and turn 52-48 into 50-50.
Since Senate terms begin January 3, should Republicans lose both runoffs January 5 due to cheating, they could neither block radical legislation nor rectify matters in 2021 merely by persuading a few Republican state legislatures to refrain from the Electoral College vote, so their political advantage lies in rectifying matters now. To be certain to keep Republican control of the Senate, the 53 Republican Senators need Vice President Pence to be reelected instead of losing to Senator Harris. The only way for this to happen is for fewer than 270 Electors to vote for Senator Harris, so that the Senate can choose the Vice President instead.
In a fair election, Senator Harris would now have at most 244 Electoral votes, but the cheating makes it appear that she has at least 270. It is incumbent on the Republican Senators, therefore, to convince enough Republican legislatures not to let Democratic Electors cast their states’ vote on December 14. This means persuading the legislatures of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, or any three of them, or just the two largest of them.
To be persuaded to abstain from the presidential vote in the Electoral College this way, the Republican Legislators will demand a federal fraud investigation large enough for them to hang their hat on, in order to justify their states’ abstention. To be certain to keep Republican control of the Senate, therefore, the Republican Senators need to join President Trump in putting pressure on the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to launch a vigorous investigation, which is precisely what they are doing. Vice President Biden’s reported margin of victory is only about 50,000 votes, while the largest single instance of cheating is 138,000 votes, so a fair investigation would see the President reelected. Unfortunately for him, corruption abounds, and many hate him.
In a disaster like this pandemic, the DHS and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) take command of all the civilian federal executive departments and the state and local governments. Thus, in this disaster, FBI Director Wray reports to Attorney General Barr, who reports to FEMA Administrator Gaynor, who reports to himself as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, who reports in turn to President Trump.
President Trump is so incompetent that he thinks that Undersecretary Wolf is Acting Secretary of Homeland Security instead. Senators are so lazy that they spend their days in countless meetings, taking bribes, and they rarely get around to reading the legislation that they enact (leaving this dreary chore to their underlings). Thus, the Senators may be unaware of the chain of command that they enacted into law in 2002. To the extent that they are aware of the law, however, it is incumbent on them to approve the President’s nomination of Undersecretary Wolf as Secretary, because they do not know whether Administrator Gaynor is masterminding the cheating or not.
The insertion of Undersecretary Wolf into the chain of command as Secretary then enables him to countermand any classified federal regulations that Administrator Gaynor may have issued ordering the FBI and the DOJ to refrain from launching investigations or ordering certain state legislators to specify Democrats as Electors. In principle, he could even issue classified federal regulations commanding the opposite. If both Mr. Gaynor and Mr. Wolf have nothing to do with the cheating, or if both support the cheating, then the approval of the nomination will make no difference, but otherwise the expeditious Senate approval of Mr. Wolf’s nomination may be the only way for Republicans to keep control of the Senate. In this case, Mr. Gaynor may find himself on one side of a tug-of-war, opposite his boss, 53 Republican Senators and the President, with the FBI Director and the Attorney General in the middle.
There are two levels of gaslighting going on here. Everyone knows about Democrats gaslighting every Conservative to be nothing but a deplorable, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic racist. Everyone knows about Democrats gaslighting American history as nothing but the exclusive pursuit of White supremacy, etc. Few realize, however, that some Republicans are gaslighting Democrats in return. These Republicans instigated the lockdowns and let Democrats take the fall for them. They instigated the cheating and let Democrats take the fall for it. They may have instigated the riots and let Democrats take the fall for them too. They may be maneuvering a Democrat into the White House just in time to cope with an economic collapse, in order to relish a crushing Republican landslide in 2024.
But now these Republicans are running scared, because they are afraid that the Democrats will turn tables on them and will slaughter them in 2024. If the 53 Republican Senators approve the nomination of Mr. Wolf, persuade the DOJ and the FBI to launch a large investigation into election fraud, persuade enough Republican Legislators to have their states abstain from the Electoral College vote in order to preserve their majority in the Senate by reelecting Vice President Pence, then the presidential election goes to the House. Here the Never Trumper Republican cheaters in the executive branch may witness—to their utter horror—a majority of states reelecting President Trump.
Even if enough Republican Congressmen side with the Democrats to elect Vice President Biden as President, Vice President Pence may invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment and oust the President before he has a chance to nominate a cabinet, thereby assuming the position of Acting President himself for four years. Even if they persuade Vice President Pence to refrain from such an ouster and to end his career as Vice President suffering within a radical Biden administration, they have no guarantee that President Biden will cooperate with their scheme. He might just resign or die instead, early in his term, and turn the presidency over to Vice President Pence. No matter what happens in the House, the Never Trumper gaslighters may be afraid that Republicans will take the fall for the economic collapse that they have so carefully timed to blame on a Democratic President.
The best tactic for the cheaters at this point—in order for them to compensate for their tactical error of cheating in Georgia—is to persuade a faithless Elector or two (of either party) to vote for a Democrat other than Vice President Pence. Senator Elect Hickenlooper comes to mind, as an example. They can then persuade all the Democratic Congressmen to abandon their party’s nominee for President and to vote for this dark horse that will have sprung out of nowhere, by convincing them that a vote for Biden will be a vote for Pence. The dark horse Democratic President can then take the fall for the economic collapse that the cheaters know is coming. To accomplish this, the cheaters may have to reveal their scheme to enough Republican Congressmen—to convince them to vote for this dark horse Democrat too—without simultaneously tipping off the Democrats. As Mr. Nikonov suggests, stock up on popcorn!
The water-marked paper was sent to ten states, determined to be likely fraudsters. The voting machines were worked by the dept of homeland security. They may not be allowed in some places and (I believe) pulled from service. The criminals may actually see real jail time this time, or we may have been played by keeping us believing that we’ve already won, when in fact the good guys won’t be riding to the rescue, and the demonic rats will get away with it again.
Youtube removed the video. I was privileged to watch it from BitChute. Let’s wait for act II, if this is true. Here is the BitChute link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dJwdQTaN8jZF/
dave, yes, I too wish that story was true.
Unfortunately … Pieczenick is a seriously mentally damaged goods, a fraudster who “… is no longer active with the CIA because along the way, from his younger days, he lost a part of his mind …” and is now “… writing fiction for us to consume …”, a “… decommissioned action officer, in need of repair. But there are no parts in the storage unit …” – as Larchmonter put it.
Do check the debunking of the “watermark” story in the comments
The blockchain encrypted ballots are patented in August 2020, if it has been used in this election i do not know.
“A voting system can use the security of blockchain and the mail to provide a reliable voting system. A registered voter receives a computer readable code in the mail and confirms identity and confirms correct ballot information in an election. The system separates voter identification and votes to ensure vote anonymity, and stores votes on a distributed ledger in a blockchain.”
I do have s revolutionary idea that I may patent soon.
All votes must be presencial.
No ID, no vote.
That’s the future!
The “why” is very clear. For 4 years the swamp has been at war with Trump (I’m no fan BTW), and this is now their get-out-of-jail card. Biden, is back to business as usual. Will any court want to touch this? Definitely NO. This is the end of the US.
Wait, why would the swamp’s “war with Trump” be fundamentally different from its “war” with other Zionist pawns like Al-CIA-da? In fact, Trump ordered that first cruise missile strike on Syria in support of Al-Qaeda affiliates only four months in office.
“There are no doubts that these strikes will contribute to operations of various terrorist groups (like ISIS and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) in the provinces of Homs and Hama. The Ash Sha’irat airfield played an important role in providing an air support to Syrian troops combating terrorists on the ground.
“ISIS terrorists already took an upper hand on this situation and launched an attack against government forces near the important town of Al-Furqalas in Homs province.”
~ “Syrian War Report: US Launched Tomahawk Cruise Missiles At Military Airfield In Homs,” South Front
If he is a perfect ‘Zionist pawn’ why has the empire media villified him night and day for 4 years?
Phep, haven’t Zionist pawns like Al-Qaeda been “vilified… night and day” for decades…? As the saying goes, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
If Trump was controlled opposition you would not be here trying to convince that he is controlled opposition.
Try this, Phep: Replace “Trump” in your statement with “Al-Qaeda.” Would me being here trying to convince everyone that Al-CIA-da is controlled opposition mean that it is not actually controlled? No? Then why claim this about Trump?
“But we now all better prepare for the worst, because if the USSC also caves in, it will be the end of the United States as we know them.”
To which United States do you refer? The one(s) between Canada and Mexico have constituted a corrupt, venal, and bloodthirsty monstrosity since long before your grandparents outgrew their diapers.
That’s what Kamala loves to hear corvo!
Oh, well……”Politics makes strange bedfellows.”, they say…..
Note the above formulation by Saker: “but a completely immoral gang of USA-hating thugs”
You like their same bed???
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is a very common tendency when cynicism and pessimism grip the human heart…………and people forget that the current People’s War………… is sovereign nation states vs the Empire.
ALL sovereign nations…..or nations struggling to regain their lost sovereignty….when their parents and grandparents lost it……………by falling into various forms of trance states…over the span of many decades.
But ideas are powerful…….even when the reality seems forever lost.
“The South Shall Rise Again!”….and this time…SAVE the Union.
Umm, Kamala is a textbook example of a corrupt, venal, and bloodthirsty monstrosity. Your point being?
Oh yeah, something about sovereign states. If the USA breaks up, that’s fine with me. After all, your beloved South believed in the sovereignty of . . . states! *Against* the domination of Washington, that is.
Let’s move to Russia, face it, the US is already full fascist. My ancestral home village is in Transnistria, probably next on the list after Nagorno Karabakh. I’m trying to pick a nice small city not too far from a major one, maybe Veliky Novgorod or Vyborg…
I like the sound of Krasnodar myself.
Of course, Russia won’t be letting Americans in anytime soon. COVID, you know, and while Russia is on the verge of mass immunization with an apparently safe and effective vaccine, we Murrikans have to wait for our beloved pharma corps to come up with some hideously overpriced nostrum of dubious safety and effectiveness.
That is indeed an obstacle… I even work for a Moscow company now and Russian visas are still the bane of my existence…
Krasnodar has the best climate. The mentality is a bit different north to south, something to think about
What do you mean about mentality changing north to south? I would be interested in warm places, what about Sochi, what kind of jobs you can find there?
I woud wish to migrate there too, since my country is getting as US puppet for the decades to come, but already too old, I guess ( although still on active duty…)and with the inconvenient of having to learn Russian, which is quite an endevour…..
Joe Biden Says in this clip
This is just a short sequence of Biden’s speech. Youtube deleted the longer version of it.
The answer to above questions is simple: Chickens have come home to roost! USA denied freedom to others, now USA is facing the same situation itself. As Thysidities, Athenian historian wrote 2500 years ago: tyranny Athens imposed on others, it finally imposed on itself! when writing about Peloponnissian war. American people needs to wake up and realize that evil and lack of respect done by your elites against others, have finally turned on America. If things are to change, it is time for massive civil disobedience. Day in and day out millions out in the streets. Better for the world, as well as for Americans.
Thank you.
Rather than repeat what you’ve said, I’ll just add – I find it strange that so few people fail to see the truth behind the election fiasco. Powerful elites (read money-grubbing, psychopathic warmogering degenerates) are fighting over an ever smaller bag of loot. Although they might mask their evil intent behind different principles (conservatism vs. liberalism), their agendas are almost identical. Trump had a unique opportunity to delay the inevitable. He failed miserably. This could have been due to a) his personal failings or b) strong opposition by the deep state. Whichever case is true, the fault is totally his.
@Anubis64 I think you are desponding here. You have exactly the same message Trump is bad. We divert around these lengthy disparages and connect directly with people who feel the same and want to effect change on the form of government in the US which is oligarchic and about to become totalitarian.
‘If things are to change, it is time for massive civil disobedience. Day in and day out millions out in the streets. ‘
Andalusian, we are with you
“If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.” – Julius Caesar
The deep state controls the MSM and social medias so they can control the narrative. The narrative is like a tsunami. Reality and facts do not matter. Look at what happened in Syria. They organized two false flags (terrible ones honestly) they used that to strike Syria and they did not have to face any consequences. Same for 9/11 and other false flags etc.
If you ask me trumps chances to prevail are around 5%.
I didn’t vote because I couldn’t hold my nose for any of these two jokers.
But one thing I will say, I’m not sad that to see the sycophant of Apartheid Israel, the Israel-firster, the abominable insulter, the liar-in-chief, Trumpty Dumbty will be NO LONGER.
Same here.
I couldn’t vote for either of these two. I don’t like the election of Biden. But I am glad that Trump has to vacate the White House.
I hope we have also seen the last of Pence and Pompeo.
Sorry to inform you that Biden/Harris are even worst zionist. Who do you think put these on power?
Totally true!
Biden is the worst choice ever. I am very worried. I expect war on Russia or Iran in the next 6-10 months.
Could not vote for Trump or Clinton last time. So I wrote in Sanders. But this time my vote was clear, Trump. The Democrats have shown themselves to be an existential threat to be United States.
Well if he is taken down he needs to take some of them down
Pardon Assange
Pardon Snowden
Tell who killed the Kennedy brothers
Tell who is behind Martin Luther’s death
Tell who killed Hoffa
Expose every US malfeasance
Also tell us who did 9/11, though we know Apartheid Israel was the prime mover. But it’d be nice to make it official.
Still, that wish list is a very, very long shot. It will NEVER happen.
Sad to say.
Don’t forget the mother of all public crimes, Dallas 1963. Open all files.
That would be awesome… But it won’t happend… That would make him a Shahid (Marthyr) before MSM would be able to censor him.
The US is now officially a Banana republic in the eyes of billions around the world.
I do fear the demoncRats will start ww3, not on purpose perhaps but by them being dumb and exeptional. Devious coup plotters and small minded as they and their worshipers have proven to be will hopefully overreach in their haste to punish deplorables and tRumps chumps in government, that might be the last drop for “normies” that just want to live their lives without drama.
Maybe the plan is for Israel to wage war through deception by manipulating the US into MAD or at least a devastating (for the US) war with Russia. Clever little shits.
No one in Israel could possibly hope to survive a thermonuclear exchange between the USA and Russia.
“Who would want to live in a world without Russia?”
It is already over – the US is adrift – the neoliberal order status quo from the end of Cold War v1 to 2016 is over.
Trump and Hillary’s ‘deplorables’ want a new status quo, a US for the working people side lined by the neoliberal order.
The rich and powerful elites want a new status quo technocratic tyranny to control the people (repress forever into impotence to plow and plunder) and secure their immense riches.
The election shows that there will be no return to the old status quo.
The next four years will be an intense battle of the two groups.
The struggle is existential – the elites know it – but do the people know it?
A similar, and very important question has been asked yesterday by Iranian scholar Seyed Mohammad Marandi: “However, what sort of country allows the sitting president to be restricted by Twitter?”
Techno-fascist companies like Twitter, Facebook and Google played a key role in every single color revolution and coup that took place anywhere in the world in the past 10-15 years, the rigged US Presidential election of 2020 being no exception. They are all clearly above the law even in USA itself, and are possibly even more dangerous than the Military-Industrial Complex.
One of the reasons for their existence is making the First Amendment irrelevant – a citizen of USA still cannot be tried and imprisoned for criticizing the Government, but can get banned, “de-platformed” or otherwise silenced by a faceless operator (or even an algorithm) for vague reasons and without a right to appeal. The sitting President himself being no exception, as we could witness.
Almost all countries that can be considered sovereign these days understand the threat coming from the Techno-fascists and either wisely keep them out from their territory altogether (like China) or at least put severe regulatory constraints on them (like Russia).
Dealing with the Techno-fascists was even more important than “draining the swamp” and should have been Trump’s top priority from day one. A sadly missed opportunity.
The swamp can only be drained from the outside, not from the inside when you become part of it. That is why it is a good thing Trump is leaving, cause now comes the opportunity to drain the swamp in Trump’s last months in office or outside office.
A sadly missed opportunity willingly missed since at least Google and Palantir CEO Thiel strongly supported Trump with his funding in his, and his associates, crusade to break the US state apart. Palantir being a contractor for Pentagon and DoS.
This undermining of the figure of a sitting president, now that Trump has lost, adds to their ultimate goal that is desprestigiate any state institution.
The crusade against nation states extends to the whole world, as they see nation states like those in Europe as an obstacle for their aims of governance and elimination of any taxes/ barriers for their product, in a mainly technological future world ( already accelerated by the pandemic..) where they think they would be the most productive, and thus must govern over the soon unproductive masses. This is why they find democracy, in a near future where most of the population will be unemployed and thus unproductive ( at blunt economic level..) out of place..
Google owned Youtube who censor conservative viewpoints constantly and several of their founders left to join the Dems. I very much doubt they are supporting Trump in any way.
So there is a fair chance this is propagandistic in nature as one slight of hand in a balanced post makes the dishonesty less noticeable and more believable.
Whers is Bro 93?
We need some hope around here!
My former business partner called this morning Mad As Hell about the Biden announcement….wanting to call out an armed militia.
I said,
“No that is what they want right now….Blood in the streets! And control of the Narrative Blame Game to enable a mass storming of the White House with weapons and MIC rogue military accompanying the armed rabble, to “drag Trump out of the White House” (Nancy Pelosi’s formulation back in August) PRIOR to any court rulings.
Patience, my man! If even one recount in one state is forced…the proof of fraud will be obvious to all the Dems that sent mail-in votes for Biden…before they saw the Hunter laptop reportage on Alt media and Faux PLUS the majority of voters that KNOW this all stinks to high heaven.
THEN….look for a Domino Effect and rats ratting out higher up rats!
Which may already be happening if arrests are proceeding based on the powers of the CISA as reports (Thomas Wictor…..Tore Says….)
He said, “Well, I suppose you’re right. But…but President Trump is playing GOLF right now!!!”
I said, “Really??? That’s a great sign….if he’s THAT relaxed!” LOL
“Hold the Line” is a mental, pyschological order. NOT a paramilitary one.
Meanwhile, being just a lowly citizen in this situation, I am waiting for more data.
And it is comforting to know there are literally MILLIONS of other Americans…more informed and alert than they ever were in the last 100 years……..doing the same. Some of them calmer and a lot more confident than others.
And that’s fine—–the agitation is like smelling salts!—– as long as it doesn’t lead to desperation and traps into the hoped for (by the Deep State) shedding of blood….ASAP.
I wish I had your faith Bro.
Four years of waiting is enough for me.
I dont believe a bloody word of this whole pantomime that is your country.
Imagine the status of Mr Trump in the future however, if it were so and he pulled it off.
Where is God when we need him. He is all powerful why does he/she not fix this ? Did he/she not make a mistake. Why not admit it and fix it? Maybe he is out of Money, so he keeps us confused.so he/she can ask us for money. I was told it is the root of all evil.so why did he give us the idea to make it in the first place? For some reason he/she needs it. He acts like the political party that I support they only talk to me when they need money. LBD you want “HOPE” ask for economic and political equality and when you get that you will not need hope.
Perhaps God is expressing himself right here on this very forum through these good souls who contribute.
Within it I find great knowledge, great wisdom and some comfort.
What has not emerged yet is the will to act.
Whatever that means.
Totally reasonable questions. I ask myself other questions
Should Russia fear the blatant immorality of the Democrats?
Is the world in danger in the hands of gangsters disguised as democrats?
Trump is somewhat clumsy and unpredictable but he knew how to keep a limit. At least reasonable.
Biden is a warmonger of the first hour, from the Falklands war to all the adventures of Bush and Obama.
Aside Biden is senile in 4th phase.
Cheers !
Ask more of China. There is a painting from a tiny gallery around the corner showing the crux of the matter. The US empire followed the British where their strategy was to control a country’s government then exploit their resources. The Chinese strategy is to directly invest in the country’s infrastructre and then ‘buy into’ the actual companies that have the resources they need. Their mantra is everyone wins. This is not a new strategy yet it scares the hell out of the US oligarcs and aged British colonialists.
Although a smaller gallery it has the bigger picture. The Chinese are winning. The US will fail no matter who leads.
Instead of pining after a billionaire narcissist (whom I wholeheartedly supported in 2016), I wish to share this open letter which sheds light on the unending malfeasance of the Ugly American. Trump and Biden may rot in hell.
The neo-colonial regimes in Brazil, Colombia and Guyana are covertly and overtly facilitating the US Empire’s encirclement of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The US objective is clear — to effect regime change.
Many of our brothers and sisters in Brazil, Colombia and Guyana are unaware of the tremendous achievements made by the Bolivarian Revolution. This revolution has enabled First Peoples, including Africans, to move themselves from the margins to the center of Venezuelan society. For the first time in Venezuela’s history, African Venezuelans are now well placed in the higher echelons of the armed forces, government agencies and the diplomatic service.
There’s a good article in UNZ.
It might not be the FRAUD that you think it is.
This article on Unz by Karlin specifically brings up a twitter account called Spotted Toad @toad_spotted and tries to refute his analyses.
In my opinion he does not succeed. I recommend everyone takes a look at Spotted Toad and decides for themselves. There’s a lot of interesting material there.
Shylock Holmes is another account worth checking out.
Karlin’s main point is that there is no voter fraud and the strange numbers are ” an artifact of the counting process” .
Basically more Democrats vote by mail, and these are counted late.
Shylock Holmes goes deeper into this analysis:
“Consider a simple example where everyone votes straight ticket. More Democrats vote by mail, and these are counted late. This would predict overall Democrat improvement, but it should be the same for all races, regardless of whether the Democrat is ahead or behind.
“Indeed, the increase in Democrats relative to Republicans is significantly higher when the Democrat is doing worse overall in early counting. Within each ward, late votes break more heavily to Democrat in exactly those races where they are likely to affect the result.
How long will the US Supreme court take?
The longer this limbo last the worse for Trump.
I guess he could always try to rally his base like Erdogan did during the coup in Turkey.
(But which TV channel would broadcast it?)
Btw Saker: thanks for fantastic coverage of events in the US !
Trump should setup his own status update social media company website, (it would need very tight moderating to start with) Twitter type thing call it Trump Tower and allow conservatives to speak to each other without being constantly censored by the MSM.
He could then message his users on Twitter and encourage them to join it.
@ phep
Yes, nice idea. But what if the internet providers then cut their services off? While the MSM are owned by big $$$, so are the internet access networks…
@ phep
Yes, nice idea. But what if the internet providers then cut their services off? While the MSM, twiter facebook and Google are all owned by big $$$ – so are the internet access networks…
Put up a satellite, use mobile phones? Completely avoid all the fixed line internet architecture?
A bit costly, but it 1 billion worldwide signed up to it, it would pay its way….
It would actually only need internet access. It could be censored but that would via a firewall and would have foreign policy implications.
You mean the same Erdogan who was opposing a “coup” which did not capture or kill any high-ranking officials? Who went on to turn much of Northern Syria into another Golan Heights, and promote Azeris to regard Nagorno-Karabakh like Zionists regard Palestine?
Thanks, Serbian Girl, for bringing up Turkey’s fake coup versus its fake leader; it shows the banker gangsters can try the same thing in Turkey’s “NATO ally,” the US.
Maybe I’ll be proven wrong, but I do think we’re seeing a massive script unfold by the old power elites that have run this country since its inception. This latest stroke kicked off with the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’, and is now shifting gears with this (s)election. In case you haven’t noticed the elites are planning to dismantle the American constitution and with it the liberties enshrined therein. It is no longer needed, now that the American age is coming to an end.
To achieve these goals they need the greatest division possible, as a means for people to fight over ideologies and divisive personalities instead of protecting the liberties in the Bill of Rights they should value above all else. (From a civil law stand point, not a Christian one of course). The divisions have been sown for years, we all remember the alleged ‘shootings’ of blacks during Obama’s time as president and subsequent public outcry. One could go back further still. Trump in turn played his role as perfect polariser, either Americans hate or love him, there is little in between. The near messianic adoration of some circles on the right is as dangerous as the hatred of the left towards this man, who is clearly an intimate member of the financial oligarchy of America (look at his family tree as a start).
The next step in this saga is to dismantle trust in the electoral system. It is dead now, Republicans won’t ever trust it for not being fraudulent and while I firmly believe Trump will be proven right in the courts, the damage is done. At the same time, if Trump gets a comeback, imagine what will happen to the radical left, once they realize that they are being robbed of their ‘victory’ by a court controlled by conservatives? Trump has announced this would happen back in June, why would he anticipate such a close race? How would he have known?
The unravelling of American public institutions is now in full motion, all coupled with surely more lockdowns as we head into winter, their ‘dark winter’ as they like to rub in all the time. In Europe this is already a sad reality. This will bring further unimaginable economic pain and possible supply chain disruptions. The Federal Reserve will be forced to turn on the printing presses back on accelerating the demise of this monetary system.
Brothers and Sisters, especially those in the United States, brace yourselves for very difficult weeks and months ahead. They are going all in with their ‘pandemic’ to take away liberties and they have seen that people comply easy, as an invisible enemy be it a muslim terrorist or a pathogen seems reason enough to forget about the 1st amendment. This will now be coupled with massive political instability, the likes of which the US hasn’t seen since the Civil War era. But during that era, most Americans were still food self-sufficient, those days are long over, this fact will make the impact of this crisis a lot worse!
Not only will it be the end of the USA, it will be the end of the World as we know it. A Dem win will pave the way for total totalitarian control over almost everything except, perhaps, and only perhaps, Russia.
No, No, No! Americans can bring down their own stinking country. But Americans can never bring down the rest of the world. Oh yes, the exceptions are its spineless, shameless vassals. The vassals will definitely go down especially Australia and India. But the rest will hang on because WE who do not live in the US are not profligate brats like those Americans. We can easily make do with what we plant and raise. The USA can burn for all we care! So never mention the world going down with the Evil Empire.
Trump is an imperfect vehicle, as we all are, but he had a sense for individual sovereignty. His innate desire for freedom is that same quality that made America the destination of choice for people across the world for many decades. The events of this past election, if allowed to stand, represents the final note in the song of American freedom. It is the definitive end of the America that once could have been, but can now no longer be.
That Americans did not rise up in the millions in a show of solidarity with Trump this past week is telling, and confirms that the outcome of this election, as blatantly fraudulent as it is, is what America now deserves. I fully expect the medical tyranny of Europe’s technocrats to take full effect very soon. I also fully expect that the economic lifeblood of America will continue to be bled off into pools of increasingly monopolistic activity, leaving only small niches of small business left.
The future is looking increasingly totalitarian, with a void of transparency and an ever greater acceptance of scientism and its end result – atheistic materialism. Christians will have to become stronger than they are now, we are heading into increasingly dark spiritual times.
Exactly! Absolutely agree with every point. Thanks for your post.
Angelo, isn’t Trump also indicative of the less savory reason “America [is] the destination of choice”? Because it helped destabilize and destroy other destinations?
For example, you know those migrant caravans from Honduras that Trump talks about? Most of those people are leaving Honduras because the US backed a corrupt coup during the Obama administration. Now, the Trump administration is trying to do the same in Venezuela and Bolivia.
Should we be supporting this brand of “freedom”? The “freedom” of “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal,” as Pompeo put it…?
Poppadop, Trump was in office for less than 4 years, and was handed a security state that was not under his control. What is happening in Venezuela and Bolivia was a continuation of a policy deeply embedded within the CIA. Trump was advised by the GOP inner circle to appoint Pompeo, Bolton, Abrams, etc and sold a story to justify those appointments. Trump has publicly shown his disdain for all three, and his relationship with Pompeo, the gnarliest of the swamp creatures, is known to be one of convenience and not mutual respect. Trump has said repeatedly he wants to focus on the U.S.A and its internal issues, to re-balance trade deals, and start bringing troops home. He succeeded in not starting any new wars, despite the pressure from the apparatus around him.
A Biden presidency is a surrogate Clinton/Obama presidency, it means greater lockdown, economic destruction via the European led Great Reset, and global conflict as the U.S re-resumes its role as the hammer on those nations not playing along. Venezuela and Bolivia will have more than special operatives to worry about under Biden – their new concerns will likely be aircraft carriers and “precision” missile strikes led by ‘coalition’ forces under yet another fabricated story-line of global terrorism.
I agree, Angelo, that Trump is not really in control, but can’t the exact same “continuation of… policy” excuse be used for any of the banksters and their puppets? For example, Obama never started policies destabilizing Latin America. US Major General Smedley Butler said he “helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street” almost 100 years ago. Obama targeting Libya, Syria, expanding the drone war in Somalia, etc. is just an extension of General Wesley Clark’s “seven countries in five years” which came out of the Bush administration.
Should we cut Obama slack? Or is he just as accountable as Trump is?
And how can you congratulate Trump “not starting any new wars” even though Trump was going above and beyond what Obama attempted to start new wars? Obama’s anti-China TPP? Trump stepped that up via tariffs and sanctions. Obama shipping the THAAD missile system into Korea? Trump had THAAD activated. Obama tolerating General Soleimani fighting the “moderate” terrorists? Trump justified Soleimani’s assassination. Obama radicalizing Chinese Uighurs into joining terrorist groups? Trump blamed China for doing something about it, and the Turkistan Islamic Party was removed from the “official” terrorist list several days ago.
If we all followed Trump’s lead, enacting bankster policies and complaining about how we did not really want to do it (or in Soleimani’s assassination, lie that it was a good idea), how is anything supposed to get better…?
Poppadop, Trump deregulated some restrictions on small and medium lenders contained in the Dodd-Frank bill, it was Bill Clinton’s repeal of Glass-Steagall that destroyed the separation of banks from trading houses, which led to the 2008 meltdown and the deterioration of financial stability within the banking sector. It was the Clinton Bush syndicate who purposely removed the speculative investing restrictions on banks after 50 years of containment. Trump has nothing to do with the ‘banksters’ gaining a foothold on all aspects of modern finance, for that you must go all the way back to Woodrow Wilson.
Obama is a morally bankrupt figurehead who practices sodomy, has a tranny ‘wife’, pimped his so called daughters out, and could be made to do whatever those behind the curtain wanted of him. He was a trained communist mole with a fictitious background, fake university records, and fake birth certificate. Trump for all his imperfections is actually a real man, with a real history, a real family, a real background, and a long list of accomplishments.
Trump went above and beyond what Obama created? Obama was a warmongers warmonger, I cannot fathom anyone who would sell the idea that there is even a comparison. Yes there were decapitations under Trump, there were harsh sanctions, there were symbolic strikes, there were weapon deals with the Saudi Barbaria, but he was measured in his stance in engaging in new conflicts. Had it been Hillary Clinton in office I have little doubt Venezuala would be our new Iraq, or Vietnam right now. Trump let Abrams and Pompeo play their little coup game, but never once showed any interest beyond that.
Please spare me the innocent China line, I know many on this blog are communists and socialists who have leanings towards China and Iran, but the evidence is clear. The Chinese regime is an atheist beast system that engages in organ harvesting, political imprisonment, mandatory abortions, digital social scores based on party fealty and all sorts of evil.
To be fair, Angelo, Trump is a modern American billionaire, New York City real estate mogul, reality TV celebrity, and former pro wrestler. Can a disconnect from reality be applied to each of those titles? Especially with “the ‘banksters’… foothold on all aspects of modern finance,” as you said?
In actual reality, Trump failing at his warmongering has nothing to do with him; after all, wasn’t Obama suffering similar setbacks? The “Assad gassed people because reasons” story? The “Putin invaded Ukraine” story? The “Iran is helping Houthi terrorists” story? Realistically, what would Hillary have done differently?
Those failed because the Internet and alternative media have increased the effectiveness of counter-propaganda and people are actively avoiding giving the banksters PNAC “new Pearl Harbors.” So, why are Trump’s failures special? I mean, he has at least one more chance at lying people into a rich-get-richer conflict over the election results, but when people are reminded of, for example, his support for “President” Guaido, who did not even run in Venezuela’s presidential election, won’t that warmongering fall apart, too?
Finally, resurgent Confucianist China is a better ally of Christian Russia than “Big Fan of Israel” Trump (his actual words) was ever going to be. China absolutely has major problems, but do you think the banksters would have outsourced production to China otherwise? And do you think the banksters would be trying to escalate a world war against China, via Trump and Obama if there were not serious reforms to fix those problems…?
You are trying really hard to convince us that Trump is as bad as everyone else @Poppadop but I am not convinced.
You can add bold and italic that does not win the argument in any way.
Trump had one term and a foreign policy establishment to contend with.
A special prosecutor, impeachment, a hostile media and stolen election.
If you really cared about the things you care about you would be on a Democratic forum trying to stop Biden from doing harm. Instead you are here.
Who benefits if everyone thinks both candidates are equally as bad always? The bankers you claim to be against. Just like the media you are trying to create apathy for Trump and it is not working.
“Both” Candidates =/= “All” Candidates. That’s the banksters’ conditioning against third-parties and critical thinking talking.
Remember when the banksters emphasized how corrupt Yanukovich was in Ukraine and propped up Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, etc.? Should people have been waiting for Yanukovich to return? Or did better leadership take a stand? While Yanukovich was hiding in Russia, Zakharchenko, a mining electrician and militia member, was elected as a prime minister of Donbass, something he gave his life for.
Sorry, Phep: But “on a Democratic forum,” the first step would be teaching and convincing people what Biden did to Ukraine in the first place. Here at The Saker, not only should we know that, we should also know how people like Zakharchenko, etc. prevailed against it. This way, isn’t it easier to show how Trump was never up to the task…?
‘ Trump was never up to the task…?’
You are projecting Biden’s capabilities onto Trump
Really, Phep? We should believe Trump would just go from the fake violence of WWE to defying the Empire’s actual violence? You don’t see any indications that fighting a real war against the Bankster Empire was never in “Bone Spurs” Trump’s capabilities…?
I think the Right (meaning not the wrong) will win. The country is full of voters — mostly Trump voters it appears. I don’t think they’re going to take this lying down. And America is still the richest country in many ways.
At this time a butterfly flapping its wings in PA would create epistemological problems of such magnitude as to load the logical and semantic resources of the US electorate with a burden that it is not reasonably expected to bear. All as the empire implodes …
https://youtu.be/YTmaxC_9HT0 or http://www.cowdisley.com/videos/AimplodeUS.mp4
Seeing the back of the bloated warmongering Jabba the Hutt is worth all the pain and chaos.
I doubt that even the Luciferian Jesuit warmonger Biden can top Donald’s choices for SoS.
What were you thinking, Donald?
It appears President Trump will be defeated.
The State Electors that cast their vote for him in 2016 (Arizona – 11, Wisconsin – 10, Michigan – 16, Pennsylvania – 20, Georgia – 16, North Carolina – 15) represent a loss of 88 out of the 270 needed to win the presidency if the popular vote goes to Biden in those States.
Millions of ballots were counted for President Trump and millions more including those not eligible, were counted against him. Political reform is needed with respect to how bona fide ballots are cast and recorded to reduce election fraud. However there is no motivation by the Congress and the deep money pockets that support them, to do so as this is there chief mechanism to overpower the will of the electorate and deny them their right of suffrage.
Biden will be the oldest president at 78 years old when he assumes office in January, 2021. Trump will be 78 in 2024 and may choose to run again but the globalists will deny him a national voice for sure as he will be the last U.S. President who is not a career politician.
We know corruption exists everywhere in government. The only way the hoi polloi could affect control is through an honestly run political system but the act of voting for high office no longer holds any real meaning in America. It has come down to us verses them, and the “them” is very powerful and insurmountable in the rules they have established to maintain authority over the country for decades upon decades.
The one thing they need to assure their continued existence is our consent. We have to deny them that as much as possible while still enjoying reasonable happiness for ourselves, family, dear friends and colleagues. So we must begin to think how to do it and know that it will take the rest of our natural lives. If we don’t commit to acts of defiance and resistance then we will resign ourselves to being human chattel with no dignity left and no purpose in living in this life.
Sempre gostei das opiniões do Saker, mas estas perguntas são de um mau caratismo sem limites. Ele sabe que sempre, em todas as eleições nos EUA quem diz o vencedor é a mídia e sempre é reconhecida antes do resultado final. E espero que você não concorde com quem usa de seu cargo para difundir mentiras, quem dera aqui no Brasil a mídia cortasse quando o presidente começa a mentir.
Se respeite rapaz, e respeite nosso amigo Saker.
As perguntas são pertinentes, logicas e o fato que não podem ser respondidas trivialmente demonstram claramente a gravidade da situação.
Essas perguntas são quase retóricas e pretendem mais suscitar no leitor o conluio das várias forças (que não propriamente os eleitores americanos) contra um dos candidatos.
Assim (com Biden) o que vamos assistir é a continuação da mentira no forum público com o verniz da verdade. Trump ao menos fez cair a máscara por um período de tempo, toda e qualquer pretensão democratica no “país da liberdade”.
Trump já tendo servido esse propósito, também não me parece que seja possível restaurar o verniz com Biden. Mas é bom não nos esquecermos que o retorno ao “clima” político pré-Trump não augura nada de bom para o resto do mundo.
Yandex translation. Mod:
these questions are almost rhetorical and are intended more to arouse in the reader the collusion of various forces (not exactly the American voters) against one of the candidates.
So (with Biden) what we are going to watch is the continuation of the lie in the public forum with the veneer of truth. Trump at least dropped the mask for a period of time, any and all democratic pretense in the “country of freedom”.
Trump having already served this purpose, it also does not seem to me that it is possible to restore the varnish with Biden. But it’s good not to forget that the return to the pre-Trump political “climate” does not bode well for the rest of the world.
Não, nunca foi a mídia.
Normalmente o candidato espera o resultado oficial ou o outro lado declarar derrota.
Nenhum dos lados citados é a mídia.
Perguntas incomodam tanto assim? Porque?
A verdade normalmente dói mesmo.
Be interesting to see if Soleimani is done with zionistEmpireUSA yet, oh pardon, if z’s world empire is done killing itself, or, how long b4 the planet wins over crazy human self destruction
We are now Ukraine hallelujah!
This is way way worse than Ukraine. As a Ukrainian, I admit there is corruption, terrible economy, government is run Nazis, which is shameful. Not all Ukrainians identify as anti-Russian, I know personally of several friends who are patriotic Ukrainians, but they do not hate Russia, not all Ukrainians support or identify as a Nazis. Bandera is controversial figure in Ukraine. We Ukrainians have common enemies, as everyone else. We need to be united, and realize that we are all Human Beings. And another thing: atrocities in Donbass are terrible. It is sad to see it. It is painful, very painful. Ukraine maybe artificial, however new generation grew up, which knows Ukraine as home. Yes there are those who want to leave, however I know of those who want to stay, because they have no other home. By the way there are lots of “artificial” nations in the world. USA and Canada can be considered as artificial!
The point I want to make is this: As terrible as corruption in Ukraine is, the corruption in the west is worse. I have a question: Is it any worse than cowardly European politicians who grovel at the Empires feet, and because of their inability to stand up could potentially create a situation, where Europe becomes ground zero for a nuclear war? Is it any worse than the fact that US wasted 4 trillion dollars on Iraq war, and committed terrible atrocities? Or the fact that Pentagon sucked up 21 trillion dollars between 1998 and 2015? And what is even worse Pentagon was not audited since 1996! Can you imagine what the trillions of dollars wasted on wars and giving fat paychecks to Pentagon could have done for US infrastructure, for combating global poverty, for solving pressing global problems? 3.6 trillion dollars would have gone a long way to fix rotten US Infrastructure. Ukraine is poor, but what is America’s excuse, and Wests in general? How is it that the most wealthiest nation in history has cities where there are feces in the streets of major cities, where Detroit is looking like a ruin and half deserted? That the high speed rail between San Francisco and Los Angeles cannot be built? How is it that the wealthiest nation in history cannot get pandemic under control? Less wealthier countries did better with pandemic. Even Canada, which is next door to US handled pandemic way better. Canada has only a fraction of the numbers of US. And poisoning of water in Flint, Michigan? Tell me how is it possible in a wealthiest nation on earth? How is it that the west, for all its wealth and power cannot handle its problems? Trillions of dollars are wasted on weapons and war, money which if invested correctly could have done so much good!
I read that Ukraine’s corruption could embarrass Nigerian prince. Well as far as I am concerned nothing beats the above examples from USA. Also Africans are not savages, they are human beings no different from you and me. The reason why Africa is so poor is because Europeans robbed them blind. This why there are so many problems in Africa and corruption is so rampant. Africans had great civilizations and nations, before Europeans came in and robbed everyone blind, and destroyed Africa, setting it backwards. You know what? Ukraine is what West deserves! West has been creating for centuries failed states all around the world, and now the West has a failed state right on its doorstep! What did you expect? Evil done to others eventually migrates home. Ukraine is a mirror to the west. A mirror which show how bankrupt morally are Europe and America! And some wonder how is it possible that the West supports Nazis in Ukraine. The answer is simple: West supports Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Tell me: are they any different from Nazi regimes? How is it any different from Nazis is the collateral murder video, which Chelsea manning leaked to the Wikileaks back in 2010, showing American Soldiers shooting Iraqi civilians, and even enjoying this? Or the fact that Western coalition troops commit terrible atrocities in Afghanistan?
And you wonder why there is support for Ukrainian Nazis? And speaking of Nazis, Bandera was a mass killer, no doubt about it, along with Hitler. However what Hitler and Bandera has done is no worse than what people like Churchill, or King Leopold of Belgium, or Columbus have done:
“The perpetrators of crimes against humanity are often elevated to positions of respect and admiration. It all depends on who did the killing, and who was killed.”
“Leopold held the Congo as his personal fiefdom, the Congo Free State, where he killed as many as 15 million people who were forced to work on rubber plantations. The cruelty of murder and mutilation was exposed after a more than 20-year reign of terror.”
“Instead of Adolf Hitler being the only European who comes to mind when genocide is mentioned, the name Leopold ought to have the same effect. But Hitler killed Europeans and Leopold killed Africans. The crimes of one are widely known while the other escapes condemnation because his crimes were erased.
The same can be said of Winston Churchill. During World War II he presided over a famine in colonial India caused by the theft of rice and wheat which supplied Britain’s armies. An estimated 3 million people died but starvation in Bengal province was not his first opportunity to commit mass murder. After World War I he advocated gassing Iraqis who rebelled against British rule. “I am strongly in favor of using poison gas against uncivilized tribes.” He had already ordered chemical weapons attacks against the Russian Bolsheviks in 1918.”
The point I want to make is before judging Ukraine, take a look at yourselves in the mirror. The above is Nazism in all but the name. You really do not have to be covered in swastikas (by the way swastikas were symbols of good luck and were around for millennia before Nazis appropriated the symbol), or wear Nazi uniforms, or worship Hitler or Bandera for that matter, or hold torchlight rallies to be a Nazi. I once read a south american author who asked a question along the lines around 1950: “you westerners do not think that atrocities committed against africans, against indigenous peoples, against others throughout the world somehow did not incubate Hitler and Nazis, which did to Europe, what Europe perpetrated upon others?”
Wise man once said do not judge for thou you will be judged. I do not in any way condone what is happening in Ukraine. For us Ukrainians is painful. In my experience, this war even tears families apart. I am getting frustrated with people who on this blog disparage Ukraine. Do not get me wrong. I want to see a multi-polar world, and I certainty have no intention of seeing Russia being destroyed, and wish for prosperity for Russia. Ukraine is a cradle of Russia. It hurts that closely related people are enemies, and not all Ukrainians see Russia as an enemy. However it is time for the westerners especially to re examine themselves and their societies. Atrocities and terror perpetrated for centuries in places such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America are Nazism in all but the name. If you want Ukrainian Government to denounce Bandera, please set an example, and start denouncing people like Churchill, who have been seen as heroes for generations by westerners.
“Winston Churchill has as much blood on his hands as the worst genocidal dictators, claims Indian politician”
Some say in Ukraine, life in miserable. Yes I admit life is challenging, but people trying get by as best as they can. The life in the West inst good either, especially in US, where there are so many people in poverty and one paycheck away from losing everything. In conclusion, I have to say that we need to build bridges between peoples, and there are people in Ukraine, as everywhere else who are willing to reach out. We all share the same planet, and we are all human beings. We cannot afford to divide ourselves. Our enemies will use this to destroy us. House divided cannot stand. The non Nazi side of Ukraine should not be ignored.
Andre Vltchek has traveled all around the Ukraine. He spoke face to face and interacted with people who live in Ukraine! Sad things are like this. Ukraine is a beautiful land and has one of the most fertile soils in the world.
Nevertheless the above show hope. And before saying people are brainwashed in Ukraine, take a look how many people are brainwashed in US and Europe! Set an example and show up in the streets by the millions in European capitals and Washington!
Will they succeed? Maybe they will. Maybe they won’t.
– Trump should not have been elected the first time.
– The Russia scandal and the Mueller affair should have led to impeachment. Everything was a monumental flop despite all the media power.
– Trump anticipated these two victories with confidence.
– While the Dems, relayed by all the media power, were shouting victory, Trumps went off to play golf. This is not the attitude of a desperate president.
– Institutions have their own timing that the media cannot always circumvent. Trump is in charge for another two months.
– Flynn tweets: steady , steady for digital soldiers. He is aware of an underlying dynamic.
– The situation is unprecedented, quasi-revolutionary, with large numbers of personnel from the plethora of security forces mobilized and ready to do anything to save their country.
– They are ready to do anything to respect their oath of loyalty to the institutions.
– Such an opportunity to drain the swamp will never come again.
– Alamo, poker, soccer, it is in the mentality of Americans to fight to the end.
– Presumably all the nationalist militias (500 thousand men) are ready to join in.
– The nationalist forces, united by the spite of the fraud, are a large majority in the country. The gravity of the situation unites them. Their common will has merged. They are ready to move forward.Trump is a leader capable of throwing them into battle at the right time.
– The situation is unprecedented, quasi-revolutionary, with large numbers of personnel from the plethora of security forces mobilized and ready to do anything to save their country.
– They are ready to do anything to respect their oath of loyalty to the institutions.
– Such an opportunity to drain the swamp will never come again.
– Alamo, poker, soccer, it is in the mentality of Americans to fight to the end.
– Presumably all the nationalist militias (500 thousand men) are ready to join in.
– The nationalist forces, united by the spite of the fraud, are a large majority in the country. The gravity of the situation unites them. Their common will has merged. They are ready to move forward.Trump is a leader capable of throwing them into battle at the right time.
– Faced with this popular anger, the Dems know that they are weak. They are afraid. They have played all their cards.
– The media dynamic isn’t everything. It fabricates passive consent. But a great number of personnel from many institutions say no and are ready to move.
– Such a situation is comparable to the beginning of the War of Independence.
– Such a situation happens less than once in a century.
– The election is far from being played.
– The biggest is yet to come.
A little fable: “The Dems begged the devil to get Trump off the throne and give the throne to them. OK, said the Devil, I shall get Trump off the throne but you shall get only half the throne.”
The stupid Dems are going to get a diminished throne. Look at the Covid mess, look at the unemployment and economic contraction that lies ahead, look at the geopolitical situation today. Biden the senile thinks he is going to be King. All he is inheriting is a pile of mess. Every word that he utters will fall under the threat of being “fact-checked”. His mike can be switched off at somebody else’s pleasure unless he utters only “fact-checked” stuff. Even little countries will no longer shake in their boots when he dishes out threats at them. If the Dems, deluded that they are, try any new strong-arm stuff internationally, they are very likely to get some painful lessons in reality.
And as for the media: With their favorite whipping boy gone, who will they blame for the many pains and miseries that lie ahead? Will they discover a great new source of danger in Joe Six-pack? Will they perhaps (and hopefully) turn to snarling at each other?
The point I am trying to make is simply this: The Dems earlier helped foster lawlessness and anarchy in the cities. Now they have opened a floodgate with this brazen election fraud. Are they sure they are injury-proof for ever?
That is a fascinating comment, and it brought to my mind the situation of the end of the USSR.
The US was then the sole superpower, with no one to oppose their power, like a car in neutral and revving the engine. With no boundaries on their actions, they displayed their full nature, terrorizing the planet, killing anyone opposed to them. Wasting lives and treasure to the point of bankruptcy.
As for the Dems.:
“With their favorite whipping boy gone, who will they blame for the many pains and miseries that lie ahead?”
And they will have no one to blame, so they will display their full nature beyond anyone’s doubt as to who and what they are. Turn on each other? ….. probably.
Attack the American population?…. probably.
Attack another country to distract from problems at home? ………. probably.
It will hasten the end of the empire, but in a very bloody fashion. I don’t think there will be a soft landing. Business as usual will lead to a very bloody time of aggression by the US.
Why are the American people so frozen? It is not fear…it is dissociation that comes when a child realizes that the parental or older relative figure who takes care of them is also going to abuse/ hurt them again and make them complicit in the abuse in some hideously psychologically demoralizing way.
In short, they can’t quite believe their own eyes and hope against hope that the courts which are supposed to be the referee in situations of such unbalance, will save the day somehow. It is an adolescent country, after all.
Russia, however, has always had its share of old souls wandering about informing folks about what really matters, after all.
It is a murder/suicide ploy of the minions of the ruling class ( the 1% figure that whatever happens they can bail out overseas). They can take down the American working class but it will mean ( yes, Kerensky) their end in the end. AOC is talking making purge lists of enemies–yes, Stalinist/Trotskyist thinking here in the good ol’ USA. Communist tactics wedded with a fascist operating system.
When I told one of my neighbors that google had blocked my Skype ( they own Skype) access overseas , She whispered, ” So it is true what my son has been saying all along about the big tech companies.”
Moderator: Skype is owned not by Google but by Microsoft.
The gun site guys are very practical: Their main concern is ,,” How do we protect ourself and our fields in order to bring in the harvest?” No fear with these folks…they did the dirty work of the ruling class overseas and the implicit deal was for the ruling class to protect the Constitution for the people at home. So the social contract has been shredded on prime time TV for all to see. All bets are off.
Trump should be traveling around having big rallies and urging people to vote for him in the recount ordered by the Supreme Court. If he does so prepare for a Pence presidency. The VP never flies on the same plane as the President, besides, Pence has always been the ace in the hole for the deep state.
More will be revealed….and I hope I am wrong, wrong, wrong.
I know it’s easy for me to say this because I don’t live in the US, but I don’t believe it makes any difference who the president is because the empire is a sinking ship. Better to forget the whole drama and prepare as if the collapse is inevitable.
As artists we have the greatest responsibility to differentiate fact from fiction by painting what we see as the truth. This started before Michelangleo and continued through the most brilliant and greatest painters for hundreds of years. The truth here is that yet another the era of greed and moral decreptitude is ending.
Today the concept of civilization is that beauty can be ugly, songs can be without verse, fashion can be rags, good can be evil, common sense can be nonsence and innocence can be knowledge. This is demonstrated in the false contest of democrats vs republicans in the US and all the words of misdirection. Exploiting these areas we eventually get to Epstein’s Island where the elite test these ideas on the serfs.
Forget the recent election here is the full picture for those with binoculars looking backwards then stepping into the future.
http://www.cowdisley.com/videos/artfuture.mp4 or https://youtu.be/A2drSzBXYg0
“Ask yourself the crucial question: why?”
Uh, GOLDMAN SACHS! my friend. Next question?
This is the hard lesson Americana needed to be taught.
US government has been altering elections around the world for decades.
Why wouldn’t it be done here as well?
People going to have to get off their butts sooner or letter or be ok with rolling over in defeat.
I agree that the people in the U.S. empire needed to be taught a harsh lesson about the realities of elections. This fraud is so blatant that even the profoundly dimwitted surely understand the reality of so called “democracy” under imperial conditions.
I have no faith that “the people” are going to rise up under such conditions. The truly oppressed can be oppressed indefinitely, their very oppression guaranteeing their powerlessness. In order to be successful in unshackling themselves “the people” must have resources at their disposal and know how to use them. These resources and the ability to put them to work must come from a group that already has some measure of power, and this group must have something to gain in creating a new order. Is their such a group inside the ruling faction of the U.S.? Perhaps when the Empire in severely weakened and shaken a power struggle will emerge that will provide such a group or groups.
And that group or groups will still be zionist hogs, pigs, swines.
Who let the hogs, pigs, swines out?
They won’t rise up because one of the reasons they’ve vote are to condemn the protest made by antifa and BLM.
They simply cannot do the exact same thing they condemn.
All the Roosters and all the Bats have come home to roost.
Call it Karmic Justice.
However arrogant people do not believe in Karmic Justice.
Hubris goeth before the FALL.
And all the downtrodden people shall rejoice.
Ironic really that the decline of the US will be in lockstep with Bidens dementia.
Time to put on that Berserker armor and swing that massive sword…
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my life, it’s to never give up. Fight until the bitter end if necessary. Better to die with sword in hand than to relinquish one’s dignity.
The problem is Americans sold their dignity a long time ago in exchange for a mess of porridge.
La démocratie c’est le mal, la démocratie, c’est la mort disait Charles Maurras. Car c’est le règne de l’argent. Vous n’avez pas de chance, aux États-Unis, car vous n’avez pas de modèle historique. La France a une monarchie sacrale, le Roi en haut, les républiques en bas, seule capable de tenir en respect les grands et les riches, pour le bien du peuple. Mon Dieu, ayez pitié de nous, ayez pitié du peuple américain !
I cannot understand why anyone here feels sympathy for a conman like Donald Trump. He pretended to be an outsider who would make a difference and many Americans got carried away by his MAGA nonsense because he was giving voice to their own worst prejudices.
He could have tried to make America a more normal country but instead he continued America’s disgraceful tradition of aggression and bullying against other countries. He repudiated the JCPOA with Iran and replaced that agreement with his illegal and cruel “maximum pressure” designed to make Iran capitulate. He ordered the murder of the Iranian General Qassem Soleimani because he believed he could get away with any crime.
Trump’s administration encouraged Mr Juan Guaido to declare himself “president of Venezuela” and subsequently recognised him as such. The Trump administration oversaw the illegal theft of Venezuelan assets and money in violation of international law. The sanctions his administration imposed on Venezuela have contributed to a humanitarian disaster in that country.
Trump’s administration took American aggression to new lows by orchestrating the arrest in Canada of Huawei’s CFO on the ludicrous charge of violating US sanctions against Iran. His administration subsequently tried to cripple Huawei by denying the company access to US technologies and threatening companies with sanctions to stop them doing business with Huawei. Also his administration oversaw the brazen attempt to steal Chinese company, TikTok’s, American assets.
The Trump administration escalated American aggression against China, Russia and other countries. Note the attempt to pin the blame for the Coronavirus epidemic on China in order to demonize that country as well as the provocations in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South China Sea. His administration walked away from important arms control treaties with the Russian Federation while imposing more sanctions on that country. I highlight the Trump administration’s imposition of sanctions on the North Stream 2 pipeline and sanctions against any company participating in its completion.
The Trump administration continues the totally illegal US occupation of Syria in order to deprive Russia and the Syrian government of the opportunity to stabilize the country. Trump also presided over the theft of Syrian oil and the “recognition” of the Syrian Golan Heights as Israeli territory even though Syria never did anything to hurt American interests.
In Yemen, the Trump administration supports Saudi Arabia and UAE in their illegal and brutal war against that poor country. In Palestine, Trump and his clique who came up with the so-called “deal of the century” to force the Palestinian people to accept a humiliating peace agreement with Israel. Do you think all these victims of American aggression are lamenting Trump’s exit?
Trump is a monster. He is an evil man who embodies the worst of America with his arrogance, buffoonery, cruelty, ignorance, racism and vulgarity.
Bravo to Jay and I don’t see how anybody can argue against this. Only people/nations that have been comprehensively bullied into total submission can mourn the passing of their torturer.
And Biden will be worse, I hear you say. So what? The moment Stalin decided to leave Germany standing in 1945 meant the spreading of the Nazi virus onto the US soil and rebirth of the beast. As the Saker says, prepare and wait – you can expect nothing good from the West.
Some commentators have argued before that the USA itself was the embodiment of Nazism. The implication, if true, is that Nazism was already there to begin with.
Some years back there was an article on this site documenting Stalin’s policies in 1945 – namely, he opposed the partioning of Germany and the Morgenthau plan. He wished for an independent, united Germany that remained friendly to the Soviet Union. Since the Allies wouldn’t have any of that, their respective occupation zones became West Germany and the Soviet one became East Germany.
The Morgenthau plan itself was scrapped out of fear that a resurgent Germany would join the Eastern bloc.
…and yet Trump is the only president in 80 years who did not start a single war.
Trump is not a racist, he has the most black votes of any republican president in US history.
General Soleimani coordinated terrorist groups, he worked with the Clinton admin and transferred salafist headchoppers to the balkans in the 90s, he coordinated terrorist actions against Israeli civilians, so he is no saint, though he apparently did do good things in Syria battling western, israeli and turkish backed terrorist groups.
You blame Trump for Germany halting the North Stream 2 project? Wait and see what happens with a Biden presidency. Germany won’t resume cooperation with Russia on North Stream 2 or on any other matters as long as Belarus and Ukraine are not surrendered to Germany and their EU Reich.
So does Russia support Saudi Arabia too by selling them weapons.
Trump wanted to leave Syria, but the warmongers said NO! So Trump says, okay then at least we should take their oil as compensation. Why else are we there? He exposed the empire for what it is.
Trump could not do what he wanted because he was running as a Republican candidate and he had to take their politics and that of the Deep State and that of the whole Atlantic elite into consideration or else he would not have survived these 4 years.
With regards to China, it is the Democrats that have created modern China and offshoring technical jobs over there and leaving us with the services and financial sector.
So what you’re saying is that Trump reneged on every single promise because… deep state? Why did he lie so blatantly in his inaugural speech? Why go through the whole rigmarole only to go out like a damp squib? He’s an old man, why not risk something in exchange for eternal glory? Or is adrenochrome too wonderful to forsake? Genuine questions (I supported him fully in 2016).
You make a good point re Soleimani etc. It is not about what Trump did – it is what he promised to do and didn’t.
Yes dave you have nailed it here.
Biden with his coterie of neocons in a diminished America will try to undermine the working class Trump support.
Every unnecessary establishment media attack on Trump’s working class base is actually an attack by proxy on the entire working class. The results of this are unlimited war abroad and mass immigration at home.
To extend the empire at any cost to America.
Keep spreading lies about Gen. Soleimani. Not a shred of evidence he or anyone in Iran had anything to do with importing “salafist headchoppers” to the Balkans. That is just the most disgusting slander.
This is like Pompeo, Netanyahu, et al insanely accusing Iran of orchestrating 9/11.
The Hong Kong protests were liberal, Sorosesque. Trump was not behind that.
The Nato activity in eastern Europe did not come from Trump, though he did gave his military carte blanche and many billions of dollars so they would protect Trump against his enemies. Trump has been lucky he survived 4 years.
I disagree – it was a Western op which included a number of right-wing ultra-Catholic players (Rubio, Cruz, Bannon, Zen, Patten, Cotton, CIA and many others).
Blaming China for the greed and decay of the US trade policy is out of place. Trump could have done many things to offset this – not start a global war with China (which was only playing to its advantages).
Trump is not forcing the Palestianians to do anything, it is their Arab neighbors who have been pushing the Palestinians for decades to fight the Israeli and now they have been dumped by them.
Is it not delightful to watch Trump being dumped like a dirty towel by the Zionists to whom he had pledged not only his presidency but also his blood? Wonderful to behold.
@Anubis64 you have posted many comments and every single one attacks Trump in some way.
‘Is it not delightful to watch Trump being dumped’
you are celebrating Trumps failure.
‘like a dirty towel’
A thought stopping cliche a form of propaganda.
‘by the Zionists to whom he had pledged not only his presidency but also his blood?’
When you strip out the propaganda out of the outer parts the middle fact injection does not make much sense does it?
‘Wonderful to behold.’
Encapsulating your celebration with a reminder.
quo bono? Who benefits if everyone is frozen into despondency?
We rise now to oppose a tyranny. Your diversions are clearly designed to avoid this fait accompli and will not succeed.
Sorry, after what Trump has done to Russia and other countries I should be spitting not writing.
‘should be spitting’
thought stopping cliche. A classic form of propaganda.
From an earlier article:
Here, I shall only focus on Trump’s actions as they concern Russia and China. In an attempt to stem the accelerating exsanguination of the American empire, Trump declared a total war on Russia and China that has thus far involved: propaganda and psychological warfare, sanctions, threats, assassinations, mass arrests of Russian and Chinese citizens, sabotage, theft of diplomatic property, bombing Russia’s allies, commandeering of commercial assets and wealth, tariffs, support for coloured revolutions, McCarthyite witch hunts, an offensive against the Russian Orthodox Church and its allies, abrogation of all important international treaties regulating the deployment and monitoring of nuclear weapons, moving nuclear-capable missile bases close to Russian border, using India, Japan, Vietnam et al. as tools against China, weaponizing fascist fiefdoms in Eastern Europe and giving the Ukrainian zhidobandera (Judaeo-banderite) regime hundreds of millions of pounds of military aid, provoking China and Russia with large-scale military exercises and all kinds of military brinkmanship, trade war, weaponizing Hindu nationalism against China, approving extra funding for anti-Russian activities, expanding NATO, boosting Israel’s right-wing regime, strangling Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba and almost provoking a war with Iran. Oh, fresh off the press—moving 10000 soldiers and dozens of aircraft from Germany to Poland. Did I miss anything?
In a collapsing empire, there have been no wars.
‘In an attempt to stem the accelerating exsanguination of the American empire’
You have borrowed this and used it to project onto Trump as well.
Phep, there have been “no wars” because the Internet and alternative media have increased the effectiveness of counter-propaganda and people are actively avoiding giving the banker gangsters PNAC “new Pearl Harbors.” What does that have to do with Trump?
Even the Obama administration’s warmongering was failing in its final years. Remember the “Assad gassed people because reasons” story? We saw evidence and analysis for why Syria’s “moderate” terrorists were behind the chemical weapon attacks, not the Assad government within hours of the attacks. The Armed Forces Tea Party, American military organized anti-war protests within days. And when Russia negotiated the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons, what else were the banskters supposed to do?
Yet when Trump reused the chemical false flag narrative, did what Obama never did by justifying cruise missile strikes on Syria and assassinating General Soleimani, who had only improved his war hero status since the Obama years, was that supposed to NOT escalate another major war…?
If Iran responded, not by giving a few dozen American soldiers headaches and maybe killing “Ayatollah Mike,” but by actually killing dozens of American soldiers, would Trump NOT escalate another major war…? Please clarify.
‘Obama administration’s warmongering was failing in its final years.’
Poppadop what about the death of Gaddafi where Hillary said
‘We came,
We saw,
he died, ha ha ha ha!’ (manic laughing)
Phep, Gaddafi was killed during Obama’s first term in 2011, right? Support for the “moderate rebels” also began that same year. Yet the failed warmongering like the Syrian chemical false flags, the Ukraine crisis, the genocide on Yemen, the THAAD missile system in Korea, etc. was from 2013 onward.
I can just see it clearly… In the best traditions of American myth making (or mythomania), the sybaritic, venal real-estate hustler who missed every single opportunity to do good and reverse some of the criminal overreach of his predecessors is gradually transformed into an honest, hardworking and misunderstood maverick shedding blood, sweat and tears for the REPUBLIC.
He will soon enter the folklore as a relentless fighter against the MAN and the deluded Americans will refer to him every time they wish to express mild disagreement with the current regime. Something similar to that liberal icon Kennedy: “You know, America died on 11/8 sniff…”
another form of emotive propaganda: *sybaritic*, *venal* real-estate *hustler*
‘You know, America died on 11/8 sniff…’
It did not die. The empire has died. It has carried out a color revolution on the US people and that will not end well for them.
Revolution? Your hero could have done ONE thing that he’d promised and I’d be singing his praises. He played his assigned role so poorly that people are glad to see the Jesuitical Russophobe scumbag Biden replace him. Ponder on that.
Edited for conviviality – MOD
@Anubis64 your argument is not logical:
‘Your hero’
You are projecting as the constant theme of your posts is that he is the villain.
Many analysts are saying that Trump may have lost, but Trumpism is alive, after all he got 70 million cast votes…
the people voted for him even after knowing how he really is, thus we must conclude that, at least around half Us voters identify with this hustler…
Take this whitewashing campaign ( and alternative reality of which Trump and his team were masters on ), as a way to prepare his return with a reload of what we have had…
emotive propaganda
thought stopping cliche
“the end of the United States as we know them” would be a great outcome actually
The idea of US should never die,as a constitutional republic.
What is dying is the rule of law of the said constitution.
That idea was christian by the way.
“And, after all, it is said that Giuliani won over 4000 lawsuits in his career…”
Yeah, but this time, dirty compromat about Hunter, which has been hold during past weeks by Trump campaign associated blogs, as that will not wash…Hunter did not run for POTUS…
1) Why is it that tech giants feel the need to censor Trump’s tweets?
Like he is the twats at Twitter’s only victim??? Censorship is a wet blanket used against numerous victims willy-nilly, esp those twats. Why does he even use that service in the first place???
2) Why is it that in key Dem states the GOP observers were not allowed to actually observe anything?
3) Why did the Dems counter-sue just to try to prevent GOP observers from observing the ballot count?
I’ll take both together: because of the charming dudes that show up. This time Roger Stones rioters aren’t showing up in Brooks Brothers suits. Jimmy Dore goes over this well.
4) Why do the media conglomerates all declare Biden the victor even though they all know for a fact that this is false (only the courts can declare a victor)?
Truly outrageous question even to be asking. An unelected Supreme Supreme Cabal stacked with extremists (two of which chosen by Agent Orange) that make Ricard Nixon look like a communist, Joseph McCarthy a socialist, and Kevin McCarthy a progressive deciding Deception 2020??? State courts undoubtedly nearly as bad???
5) Why is it that Fox News was spearheading the anti-Trump cheering during this entire week?
Only foolish tools would have ever thought Faux’s support of populism (and most likely Trump’s as well in my not so humble opinion) was ever genuine, which is most Trump Chumps and Faux viewers which overlaps nearly perfectly as far as I can tell.
Deception 2020 makes the Romulans look like kindergartners and the members of the Deep State and Shadow Government look like PhD. Professors when it comes to either way you lose and we win.
Feel sorry for Trump. As Shaker said he is an outsider. An outsider who doesn’t know which path to take in this collapsed modern western civilization.
Trump have a kind of sense/feeling that this western civilization is crumbling, but he doesn’t have clue for an alternate solution either.
He is an outsider who doesn’t know which path to take.
It doesn’t matter who is at the helm of the sinking Titanic.
Why is it that US news channels censored a press conference by a President of the United States?
Why is it that tech giants feel the need to censor Trump’s tweets?
Seventeen Articles
Approved by the House
August 24, 1789
Fourth Article:
The Freedom of Speech, and of the Press, and the right of the People peaceably to assemble, and consult for their common good, and to apply to the Government for a redress of grievances, shall not be infringed.
Article 19 states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”
Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1949
in the name of the empire. Big Tech (Twitter) and other mass media like Facebook are doing a full frontal attack on the Bill of Rights and thus on the American peoples protections.
Trump should setup his own Tweet and News company and website and encourage all real conservatives to join to bypass this censorship by the MSM.
I think that the proposition that human imagination is one of the most, if not the most, powerful forces on planet earth can be proven by very easy arguments. I’m typing on one right now and you are able to read what I’ve typed through/on another. So, in order to answer all the “Why”s, let’s employ what may very well be the most powerful force on the planet for a very few minutes.
Imagine first that every human being living outside of US borders suddenly ceases to exist and that the “nation” called the USA expands to encompass the entire surface of planet earth.
Imagine that the present whatever-you-want-to-call-it system in the US in which the vast majority of wealth and LARGE-SCALE capital equipment is owned by a microscopic percentage of human beings for their own astronomical profit REMAINS THE SAME.
Imagine that both “labor” (the working class) and “management” (the ruling class, or Elite) can “organize”, as they supposedly can in our present “democracy”. But now, because nobody is alive outside of the former US borders, the owners of large-scale capital equipment no longer have the option to move their capital equipment to other former nations on the planet where there at one time existed desperately poor people who were “willing” to work for food, water and a place to sleep on the factory floor.
Imagine that US environmental, labor, etc. regulations apply, now, everywhere on planet earth (again, because the US is the only nation on planet earth).
Just exactly HOW are the roughly 332 million “Americans” going to “go it alone” when America’s presently-designed economy needs a great number of “immigrants” (of a certain “economic type”) each and every year from now to eternity?
Just exactly WHO is going to buy all of the “excess” natural resources, oil, farm products, manufactured goods, etc. that a small percentage of working Americans can very efficiently produce, but can no longer “export”? NOBODY.
To have available the relatively small amount of warm-weather items that America now imports, Americans will venture forth to those places, AS AMERICANS, and produce and send those products “back home”. Naturally, those American workers working on other parts of the globe outside of FORMER US borders will be paid a wage that also applies to the rest of the American “labor market” and, again, the American regulatory framework will also apply to those workers and facilities and places of production, as well as those workers being able enjoy America’s social benefits.
ALL of the work that is presently being done in America by “temporary foreign workers” and other temporary workers who harvest crops, put roofs on houses, cook food in restaurants, take care of the elderly in nursing homes, etc. will have to be done by Americans who will be paid by other Americans.
Automobiles, trucks, TVs, toilet tissue, etc. will now have to be produced by Americans, for Americans. In other words, absolutely any thing and any service that Americans need/desire will have to be produced by Americans and, again, Americans will have to pay these other Americans to do that — enough payment so that these hard-working Americans will make enough “profit” to “save” enough money to be able to “retire” when they inevitably become physically decrepit.
Here’s the most important question of all. WHO is going to play the role of “enemy” that is necessary to maintain the need, the justification, for the present economically-necessary military industrial complex? Answer: NOBODY. So, just exactly HOW are the tens of millions of people either directly or indirectly employed in that MIC and all of the government “security apparatus” going to be “employed” after the disappearance of those “threats to national security”? (How are they going to behave, what are they going to do, in order to literally survive, especially those living in the large cities?)
How much is the above arrangement (again, an arrangement in which only Americans inhabit the planet, and in which the vast majority of wealth and large-scale capital equipment is owned by a truly microscopic percentage of the population of America for their own astronomical profit) going to “cost” average Americans? Will/would average Americans be able to “afford” that system, that arrangement (the one we live in now)?
NO, they would not!
When I recently asked my brother in law why the American government finds it necessary to import vehicles, TVs, etc. from other countries, his reply was that “if they were produced by Americans in America, they would be too expensive”. (This coming from a man who hired a temporary foreign worker to give additional care to his elderly mother who was ALREADY living in a nursing home).
So now to my point. Just as it is for the vast majority Americans now living in our present multi-national globalized world, Americans living in an America-only world could NOT “afford” what they need and what they want under the present economic arrangement in which the vast majority of wealth and large-scale capital equipment is owned/controlled by a microscopic percentage (and getting smaller by the day) of the population for their own astronomical profit.
THIS is why under the present economic system desperate slave labor is needed to provide what Americans need.
THIS is why when the US Elite “conquers” other nations’ military forces, it does not make those “nations” new States of the USA; and instead installs in those places puppet governments made up of, essentially, US State Department employees who bleed their citizenry and their land-mass dry of anything valuable, to be used by the US Elite as a means of obtaining ever more “profit”.
THIS is why Americans can not afford to have enough children to maintain the present population and, therefore, immigrants of a certain economic status have to be imported from other nations (usually the ones being bled dry by US corporations) into America each and every year from now to eternity.
THIS is why “trade agreements” such as NAFTA between international corporations are needed to exploit the most desperate people on the planet for the greater benefit of a much smaller percentage of the population.
THIS is why any candidate running for POTUS who promises to improve relations between the US and Russia and China and Iran and Venezuela and North Korea must, by “whatever it takes”, be either prevented from becoming POTUS or, if that person becomes POTUS, rendered politically impotent, except when that person does things that the microscopic percentage desires (bomb, bomb, bombing and regime change, change changing).
THIS is why this fraudulent election with all of its illegal acts has happened.
THIS is why the US (in)justice system will ignore all laws and precedent in order to prevent Assolini from remaining POTUS.
Again, what Americans desperately need TODAY is an economic system in which ALL Americans, not just a microscopic percentage, own/control LARGE-SCALE capital equipment COLLECTIVELY, and collectively provide the LABOR (by “divvying up” the necessary labor among ALL citizens) to operate that large-scale capital equipment.
By providing THEIR labor to run THEIR capital equipment, farm THEIR land, take care of THEIR sick and elderly, etc., ALL Americans will have EARNED the right to consume all of the goods and services produced by THIER large-scale capital equipment and THEIR labor. In other words, ALL Americans will get to “profit” from THEIR large-scale capital equipment and THEIR labor, not just a microscopic (and getting smaller by the day) percentage of the American population for their own astronomical profit. The one and only logical, INEVITABLE result of NOT doing this in the present, REAL arrangement is WWIII. The one and only logical, INVEVITABLE result of not doing this in the hypothetical situation above would be VIOLENT REVOLUTION.
Up until a few years ago, a popular mantra in the mainstream medea wos that Stalin reputedly had said:
“It does not matter how many votes for this or that ((i.e, person or cause or party)), but who counts the votes.”
This so-called citation now seem to have been culled from MSM and comment sections.
Would someone please research whether Stalin has truely been reported saying this by any trustworthy reporter?
Or is it like when Göbbels stated “people will believe a lie if repeated often enough” and not telling that he was talking about the lies printed and reported as true in British media?
No one needs to be an expert on american politics or voting systems… no one anywhere from ChInese tundra to south african shores really has to be any
PHD or something. It is enough to have a share of common sense to see what a demented corrupted politics…what a shit third rate system and lastnotleast what a jurassic ballot counting the exceptionalists believe in.
What it is not the end of, is substantial price inflation, and how long after the pandemic has been resolved, will it take to reverse this course.
“We’ve identified at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate”
Why is it that FoxNews was spearheading the anti-Trump cheering during this entire week?
‘On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west if the White House to watch the results come in;’
Attorney Leigh Dundas;
In 30 States, a computer system known to be defective is tallying votes;
This interesting man is also asking why. Author, historian and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson analyses events in the United States as the election drama continues to unfold. Biden looks likely to gain the Presidency, but the ultimate winners and losers of this election are still being decided.
Maybe the computer system is “defective” because of what Sidney Powell, General Flynn’s attorney, exposed in this video:
THAT would be a game changer:
Biden is a Jesuit
Jesuits run DC
Comey was a Commie
Brenner was a Commie
Valerie Jarrett was a Commie
Buttigieg Sr. was a Commie
Jesuit / Commie (China) re-takeover of our government
And there is nothing that you can do about it comrade.
Unless, of course, Putin calls Xi and says that he is targeting Beijing with nukes and tells Xi to get Joe Biden and crew to step aside for Trump. Putin saves the free world from total globalism = communism.
Thanks, as usual, for your insights and thoughtfulness. You might add The Drudge Report to your list of things to think about. Drudge’s reporting has been so biased and anti-Trump that it is totally off the wall. And to think that he was pro-Trump in the last election. What caused this change? Threats? Money? Something else?
PA law establishes that the PA Senate and Lower House decide how the 20 PA Electoral College delegates will vote. The Election last Tuesday is to provide those two bodies with direction.
Perhaps some may have noticed that the leaders of the PA Senate and Lower House called today for an “audit” of the 2016 Election.
Pittsburg and Philadelphia may not be overly concerned about agriculture, manufacturing, fracking, mining and oil extraction, but plenty of Pennsylvanians are — and they placed the PA Senate and Lower House in the control of Republicans.
Some fairly good, rational, unemotional analysis of the political nuts and bolts of this election. He is dead on about a great many, if not the majority of those 70 million dittoheads. An alternative view to the “they stole the election” psywar bullhorned 24/7 by the likudite psywar machine.
How Could 70 Million Still Have Voted for Trump?
“All this is not unlike what happened in the USA in the 1850s decade. The USA is about at 1854 in terms of historical times and events. The 2024 election may therefore be even more ‘contentious’, should Biden and the Democrats fail to aggressively resolve the economic and health dual crises deepening this winter in America. Should Biden adopt a minimalist program and solution–in the name of a renewed ‘bipartisanship’ strategy aimed at placating Mitch McConnell’s Republican Senate–then ‘Bidenomics’ is doomed. It will result in a midterm 2022 election sweep return of Trump forces, maybe under the leadership of Trump, or maybe a Ted Cruz, or maybe a Marco Rubio. Or maybe some clever new face. A minimalist Biden program will suffer the fate of Obama’s minimalist economic stimulus program of January 2009, which resulted in a massive loss of electoral support for Democrats in the midterm elections of 2010 and in turn led to the loss of the US House of Representatives Democrat majority and then the Senate soon after. The economic consequences of that particular gridlock following that are all well known. There is a great risk of the same occurring in 2021-22.
The 2020 election looked in some fundamental ways a lot like 2016, with the differences today being the working and middle classes in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania flipped back to Democrats in 2020 after having voted for Trump in 2016. It was a 3 state flip. That flip was because Trump simply did not deliver on his 2016 promises to bring good paying industrial jobs back to those states after 20 years of free trade, offshoring, and the de-industrialization of the region. A good example of Trump’s failed promises was the Asian Foxconn Corp., maker of Apple iphone parts. Trump and Foxconn promised to bring 5000 jobs to the US upper midwest. It never happened. Foxconn’s operation in the US today is limited to only 250 jobs in a warehouse. So the upper midwest again slipped back by narrow margins to the Democrats. But if the Democrats now can’t deliver jobs either, they’ll just as easily slip back again in 2022 and 2024.
The other difference in 2020 from 2016 is the emergence of real grass roots movements in Georgia and in the southwest in Arizona-Nevada; Black folks and their allies in Georgia and Latinos and Native Americans in the southwest. Also new organizing and mobilizing of people of color and workers in places like Philadelphia, Detroit, Erie, Pittsburg, and elsewhere.
These new growing grass roots movements are the real political forces that determined Biden’s win, along with the working class and middle classes disenchantment with Trump’s failed promises. Biden’s win had therefore less to do with Nancy Pelosi’s strategy of targeting suburban white women, vets, professionals and independents. That strategy failed to produce any ‘blue wave’ whatsoever. In fact, it resulted in Democrat loss of seats in the House of Representatives, while wasting tens of millions of dollars on futile Senate races like that in Kentucky against Mitch McConnell. Just think if that money was spent in Georgia. If it was, there might not be the need to have runoff elections there this coming January for the state’s two Senate seats.”
Vot Tak, Are you being sarcastic about “they stole our elections” and “likudite psywar machine”?
Are you for real?! LOL
Not even in a banana republic do people vote from the comfort of their homes by mail! That is unheard of!
We Europeans have to laugh very hard what you Americans call a fair election LOL!
Likudite?! You do know the Democrats are always favored by Zionists?!
Look, i do not choose side in the Palestian Israeli conflict, that is none of my business, it is a local affair but you guys are so obsessed with Israel and Zionists. There are no Zionists in Europe where i live, only Atlanticists and Germans. Zionism is an American thing.
Van Jones explains in a video Trump does not have to concede and may still be sworn in as a president by a majority of “states” if he refuses to make a confession address in which a president confesses he lost the election. This is allowed in the constitution.
Van Jones then gives the advise to read the handbook by Gene Sharp (CIA, father of color revolutions in Serbia, Ukraine) on how to “protest” against a dictatorship.
First they are stealing Trump’s votes forcing him into a corner making him a “dictator” when he refuses to acknowledge losing the elections, then a color revolution starts according to the Gene Sharp blueprint (as seen in Serbia and Ukraine).
This scenario has been preplanned long before the elections, truly devilish.
This will be interesting times, Trump is not leaving the White House.
Look at the exit polls for Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. The only one that you might want to quibble with, in support of Trump, is Georgia. Biden won, consistent with the exit polling. This saddens me but there you have it. The electorate (people, flesh and blood) decided that they didn’t want Trump as President any longer. It appears, however, that they also decided that they didn’t want more Democrats in the Senate, the House and in Governorships.
Ballot counting in 5 states ceased around 10:45 pm on November 3 when the counters were sent home. Thereafter, the chain of custody of assembled ballots ceased. Faced with doubtful ballots thereafter, the courts may decide to use whatever counts existed before 10:45pm — in which case Trump would win handily.
Penn. Biden 41.8% Trump 57.0%
Mich. Biden 44.4% Trump 54.0%
Georg. Biden 45.6% Trump 53.1%
N.Car. Biden 48.7% Trump 50.1%
Wisc. Biden 46.8% Trump 51.7%
Additionally, the vote counting machines — manufactured by a company owned by Pelosi and Soros — had a “glitch” that transferred 3% of Trump’s votes to Biden. Should the glitch be corrected, Trump would win even more decisively.
Penn. Biden 38.8% Trump 60.0%
Mich. Biden 41.4% Trump 57.0%
Georg. Biden 42.6% Trump 56.1%
N.Car. Biden 45.7% Trump 53.1%
Wisc. Biden 43.8% Trump 54.7%
There is the theory that civilization proceeds by saecula. The end of a saeculum is a time of war and conflict which alters the sensibility of a civilization and is a necessary prerequisite to solutions that address the accumulated problems of an age.
This means that conditions must grow sufficiently bad as to shake the foundations of an era. In the US this means times like the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Great Depression followed by WWII.
We must expect as a matter of course that events must now grow sufficiently terrible to alter the convictions of the great majority of the population. A tyranny originating in the Democratic party enforcing a mad social doctrine while bringing chaos, war, and disaster may be exactly what is needed to fill this bill.
There is no reason to hope to be spared this travail. Whether or not the Democrats prevail now with the failure of the Supreme Court to uphold Trump’s assertions of fraud the struggle will continue until the struggle itself precipitates the necessary events to produce the final breaking of this age.
Rhymes with the Navalny “poisoning”
Americans of the Democratic Party species, independent types and a smattering of disgruntled Republicans are really dumb: they could not fix the supreme court to favor them lest Trump uses it to perpetuate himself in power, they could not steal the House votes, they could not steal the Senate votes, they could not steal State Governorship votes, they could not stuff the court system with bleeding heart liberal judges. Really dumb ass losers. How dare they steal the presidential election. What were they thinking? Really! As for the ~50% of Americans including authentic old stock Americans, who voted democratic, there are just no choice words to describe them, but try treasonous, ungrateful haters of America. Don’t they think America needs a Fuhrer!
Americans of the Democratic Party species, independent types and a smattering of *disgruntled* Republicans are really *dumb*: they could not fix the supreme court to favor them lest Trump uses it to perpetuate himself in power, they could not *steal* the House votes, they could not *steal* the Senate votes, they could not *steal* State Governorship votes, they could not stuff the court system with *bleeding heart liberal judges*. Really *dumb* ass losers.
Propaganda – repetitive and constant use of emotive sentences.
I say Trump seriously damaged his reelection chances in the summer by going along with the scamdemic. The 220,000+ number of deaths from corona in the US is garbage. That propaganda facilitated the mail in ballot fiasco that was guaranteed to be corrupt able. It will be monumental to have this fraud overturned. The only remedy is revolution and civil unrest. That prick Biden is already clamor ing for mandatory mask wearing 24/7. Maybe that will get the natives off their collective asses.
Likud officials worry Biden victory could damage Netanyahu, Israel’s UN standing
“Likud party officials are fretting over the increasingly likely prospect of a win for Democratic US presidential candidate Joe Biden, given that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has developed a particularly close relationship with the Republican incumbent.
Speaking to Zman Yisrael, The Times of Israel’s sister site in Hebrew, on Thursday, the Likud officials warned that a loss for Trump could impact Netanyahu badly, as well as make Washington more wary of clashing with United Nations institutions on Israel’s behalf.
Likud party officials are fretting over the increasingly likely prospect of a win for Democratic US presidential candidate Joe Biden, given that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has developed a particularly close relationship with the Republican incumbent.
Though the final results of the presidential election remain unclear, Biden appeared to be edging toward ousting Donald Trump on Thursday morning.
Speaking to Zman Yisrael, The Times of Israel’s sister site in Hebrew, on Thursday, the Likud officials warned that a loss for Trump could impact Netanyahu badly, as well as make Washington more wary of clashing with United Nations institutions on Israel’s behalf.
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“Now they will tell Netanyahu: Your friend is gone, against all odds, so you will go too,” a senior Likud official said, referring to the premier’s opponents.
“Now they will talk about how Netanyahu severed ties with the Democrats, what price we will all pay and how he — who knows America better than anyone — gambled on the wrong horse,” the official said, speaking anonymously.
“We took a hit. Nikki Haley will not be there for us anymore,” the MK said of the former US ambassador to the UN who took particularly pro-Israel positions.”
It looks like Wikipedia is a political tool nowadays.
Under Melania Trump, “Darth Vader” alredy manage to claim:
“Succeeded by Jill Biden (designate)”
The reason WHY as The Saker asks can be traced back to extensive cross ownership of media and other entities going back to either Rothschilds or other globalist entities allied with them.
The degree of ownership (which is hidden from the public) facilitates the current fraud going on. All of that is hidden via trust companies etc.. many operating out of EU, Switzerland, Bahamas etc…
And Rothchilds = JP Morgan, GE, NBC etc… and the entire list is long.
They will fail in this attempt to remove Trump because a serious split in the Republican Party is happening right now as shown by the scum bucket warmongering George W Bush (who pulled the 911 WTC attacks with his lapdog draft VietNam dodging Cheney, and should be jailed if not hanged over it) who came out yesterday claiming Biden-Harris had won congratulating them and calling on Trump to concede and stand down, and whose familys company the Carlyle Group with Soros makes the shonky voting machines that rigged voting in most of the problem States. As did the also unreliable failed 2012 Presidential candidate Mitt Romney who has a dodgy background with various financial dealings in the private sector.
That split will result in the grass roots and most of the Republican Party either ousting the non Trumpers very soon, or they will split off into a new party – which means you can kiss goodbye to the current GOP Senators and Reps getting further terms in 2022 and theyll be replaced with Trump approved people.
Trump has enormous power because the grass roots centre & right of America support him, not these establishment failures who couldnt get their people to win the 2016 GOP POTUS Nomination and were steadily losing support in the House & Senate with their old world ideas. Those elites would not win elections in the future without them. They will have to go with the Trump flow, or be dinosaurs by 2022.
This election has also shown the elites cannot buy an election result with mega spending (directed at Biden).
Those days are over permanently.
If the Supreme Court fails to act properly and deal with this situation they will be targeted by the people for retribution and it will trigger Republican party implosion a lot faster.
Trump should order the army to deal with this situation by taking charge of all voting stations and doing a manual count of all votes with both party scrutineers observing. And when the fraud is shown they should arrest those implicated. And any protest riots in Washington DC should be banned by Executive Order and troops placed around the city asap with orders to crowd control by water cannon as the initial response. The army should also detain media CEOs and take charge of network news headquarters to ensure balanced reporting.
(FoxNews has changed tune a bit because its ownership mix changed last year).
There is also I understand sufficient evidence now over those voting machines to order the arrest of Soros and the Bush’s and that should be actioned too.
Needless also to say Bush related appointees like Barr and Wray should be sacked unless they act appropriately.
The EU leaders declared Biden winning because they too are under the control of the same evil forces and their complicity will be noted and it will not do them any good in the long term. If eleites cross the people they end up like Louis XVI (thats the way Macron & Merkel will end up).
What will happen if justice does not prevail is the current GOP will be finished and a new party will arise and trounce whoever is running things in 2022 & 2024, because if Biden got in, firstly he would be slid out quickly in favor or Harris and then probably Hillary and they would create such a mess they wouldnt be electable by next term. So the anti-Trumpers should consider right now whether would rather have Trump or Hillary in the White House and all the chaos and party implosion and destablization of both Federal and State Govts.
You may even see some right wing States moving to secede over all this.
Mainstream Media and social media is controlled by the government, the CIA, or what they call the Deep State.
CIA operatives are inflitrated in the MSM as to control the narrative.
Rotschild nonsense has nothing to do with it.
It is the CIA that has invested from the early years in startups like Facebook, Alphabet (google, or alphabet agencies as in CIA) and Twitter. The Internet itself is a government creation (darpa).
NATO agencies help censure Facebook and Twitter, it is not like Zuckerberg is doing this out of his own free will.
Maduro: Guaido ‘Dumped’ Trump Despite Getting $800 Mln Over 2 Years as Media Declares Biden Victory
“The current administration actively supported the Venezuelan opposition figure, who orchestrated an unsuccessful coup attempt in 2018 and reportedly organised another one in 2019. Washington recognises Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president and is pressuring the country with sanctions to force elected president, Nicolas Maduro to resign.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has stated that he feels pity for his American counterpart Donald Trump after Venezuelan opposition figure Juan Guaido rushed to congratulate Democrat Joe Biden on his projected victory in the US presidential election, purportedly disregarding everything that POTUS did for him. Maduro argued that if it were not for Trump and the significant sums of money his administration invested in Guaido, he would be no one.
“Donald Trump created Juan Guaido, his team created this monster. They transferred $800 million to him in a matter of two years”, Maduro said in a televised address to the nation.
The elected Venezuelan president noted that as soon as the media declared Biden’s projected victory, Guaido and his allies “dumped” Trump like “rats fleeing from a sinking ship”.
Maduro, who also congratulated Biden on the expected win in the election, said Venezuelan authorities were ready to establish ties with the White House under a new administration under certain conditions.
“We will work to re-establish channels of dignified, sincere, direct dialogue between the future United States government and the Venezuelan government that I lead”, Maduro stated.”
Saker you are wrong
In US, voting rights continues even after death. It can now be added to the will and be executed by descendants when necessary.
Saker: “Why did the Dems counter-sue just to try to prevent GOP observers from observing the ballot count?
Could it be that the answer to that question is revealed in the article below:
“It’s possible that 2020 election fraud is way bigger than we thought”
Two massive Twitter threads contend that serious computer fraud two years ago in Texas, which turned strong red districts blue, was essentially a trial run for what’s been playing out across America in this election. This post summarizes the core claims in those threads, along with interlineations of information I found.
Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/its_possible_that_2020s_election_fraud_is_way_bigger_than_we_thought.html#ixzz6dJoJQkYW
being Danish I wonder what the Danes would say if our PM’s tweets and facebook posting were banned and what would the French say if their President was banned from same social media ? (well maybe some of them would rejoice… still !!! ) etc etc
too much power to the social media and the MSM… and where they get if from? Answer…. the deep state who loves war… money and power…
They don’t “hate the USA.” They simply crave power above all else. They don’t care about the well being of the nation, one way or the other, and are willing for the nation and its people to suffer if that is the cost of their rise to power. They are indifferent to anything other than their own power.
There are very few people here in the heart of the “red states” who don’t believe that massive fraud was committed in the “swing states” by the forces behind the Democrats — “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in history” as Biden called it. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGRnhBmHYN0 )
There is a visible and growing sentiment that the red states would be better off without the blue states . . . and that will likely become more pronounced if the fraud is allowed to stand and Harris-Biden work to make COVID vaccinations mandatory and eliminate the 2nd amendment. Most people here are sick of endless war and would like to see crumbling infrastructure rebuilt rather than endless trillions for the military, but neither party has seemed interested in changing that.
Just understand that the deplorables also have come to thoroughly deplore those are willing to destroy anything to gain power. The red line has definitely been crossed and there will likely be hell to pay.
Breaking news: Trump fired Mark Esper and hired Christopher C. Miller (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict) as the new Defense Secretary!
What is Trump up to?!
It is possible that the ballot counting was correct, not fraudulent, and that the late returns for Biden are explained by other factors – they were generally from urban areas which are heavily Democrat, and they were mail-in ballots which were expected to be mainly Democrats. The legal actions by the Dems may well have been pre-emptive strikes against expected legal actions by the Republicans. The internet giants probably censored Trump because he was lying and ‘fomenting discord’ – which is, not incidentally, the argument they make for censoring alleged Russian and Iranian bots.
First of all, this is a totally idiotic way to conduct an election and would be even if there weren’t a pandemic and states scrambling to adjust. Most nations have a national election commission that sets the rules for the election, certifies those on the ballot, determines registration rules, oversees the voting, counts the ballots and reports the results. The US should have ditched its arcane late 18th century process long ago, but it does serve the interests of lots of powerful groups and thus hangs on.
Second, I think it is now past time for legal action. I doubt the Trump campaign can afford the elite lawyers and pay the states to conduct recounts. I also doubt any gazillionaire will pony up that much cash on short notice. That leaves the state legislature loophole. Yes, a Republican-controlled legislature could disregard the votes of their state’s citizens and select electors that would vote for Trump, but that would cause a Constitutional crisis of enormous magnitude.
The Republicans need to grasp why Trump was so popular and do everything in their power to support economic populists and non-interventionists in their ranks and dump the neocon libertarians. The Democrats need to take a long look at their own party and realize that catering to the desires of the 1% is not a great way to get votes from the working class. Both parties are non-functional and barring internal regeneration are little more than political artifacts of a dying Empire. It would be better for the parties and the American people for them to stop fighting this battle and strategize for the next.
@Charles D
‘It is possible that the ballot counting was correct, not fraudulent’
Not with razor thin wins in 5 battleground states that Trump lead in hugely that when in all of Biden’s and Trump’s other victories being by very large margins.
You had to be quick, it’s gone now
“Siri how old is the President?”
“Kamala Harris was born in …. “
msm is now doing what it could have done Day 1 or earlier;
Keep the racist, misogenic autocrat from spewing its hateful and violent message of destruction.
Dems are not whingeing to the courts – potus45 is.
msm only goes for view numbers – this essay is quite off-mark.
Keep the *racist*, *misogenic* autocrat from *spewing* its *hateful* and violent message of destruction.
If you strip out this emotive words then the propaganda says it is celebrating censoring Trump at last. And this is also projection of what Biden would likely do if he gains power.
Dear Saker,
As usual you ask the right questions.
God speed to you!
Everybody Knows