by Paul Craig Roberts, cross-posted by permission
Paul Craig Roberts
The Saker has written another interesting article in which he gives us the date of the collapse of the AngloZionist or American Empire: January 3, 2020, the day when Washington did not retaliate against Iran for Iran’s retaliation against Washington for murdering General Qasem Soleimani.
You can read The Saker’s case and make up your mind:
An equally good case could be made that the American Empire collapsed on September 11, 2001. This was the day that two symbols of American power—the World Trade Center and the Pentagon—were successfully attacked, according to the US government itself, by an old and dying Osama bin Laden and a handful of Saudi Arabians armed with box cutters. This unlikely group was able, according to Washington, to overcome the entire intelligence networks of the United States, NATO, and Israel’s Mossad, and deliver the most humiliating blow ever suffered by a ruling Superpower.
It was the day when nothing in the National Security State worked. US Airport Security failed four times on the same morning, allowing four US airliners to be hijacked. The US Air Force was unable to put fighters in the air to intercept the hijacked airliners, and two of them were flown into the World Trade Center towers and one into the Pentagon itself, while the Great Superpower was unable to defend itself from an old man in a cave in Afghanistan and a handful of young Saudis.
September 11, 2001, was the day that the world realized that the emperor had no clothes. If Osama bin Laden and a handful of Saudis could defeat the United States, anyone could.
I think The Saker is wrong about Donald Trump. Trump wanted to save American influence by ceasing its fruitless attempts to impose hegemony on the world. Trump wanted to bring the US soldiers home from the Middle East and to normalize relations with Russia. This was a major threat to the power and budget of the military/security complex and to the zionist neoconservatives’ desire to use American military power to make the Middle East into Greater Israel. If 9/11 did not end the American empire, the attack on President Trump from within the government did. The internal demonization of the American president called to mind the internal conflicts that destroyed the Roman Empire.
I agree with The Saker that the Empire is finished. Even if Trump wins and manages to be inaugurated, what can he do? He faces the same powerful forces that stymied his first term. If the crook Biden and the anti-white racist Kamala win, The Camp of the Saints will continue to unfold in the US as the majority white population is demonized, its memorials and history erased, and its power exterminated.
No white American will fight for a government that has demonized him, torn down his statues, and erased his people’s history. An army of feminists, transgendered, Hispanic immigrants, disaffected blacks, and displaced Muslims will not fare well against Russian, Chinese, and Iranian forces. Such a collection is not imbued with pride of country, a requirement for a fighting force.
More than the empire is dead. The country itself is dead.
Trump is trying to resurrect America, but are the people too far gone to respond? We will soon know.
Makes sense. However, the things on September 11 did not work on purpose: services were stood down by someone more powerful than the then-president.
It was America’s Mathias Rust moment.
On 9/11 things did not work because they were made not to work. By now it’s perfectly clear that the attack was an inside job, an excuse for Iraq and Afghanistan to be invaded. According to one analyst, it was even worse than that. The Trade Center was also a huge bank, where somebody pulled off a heist; apparently 100 billion dollars in gold were stolen, 100 billion dollars in diamonds and 100 billion dollars in bonds. According to other analysts, the Trade Center was struck by remotely controlled planes, after which the buildings were finished off by controlled demolition. As for the passengers of the planes, they were apparently kidnapped prior to take off and subsequently killed. And then we also have the theory that no planes struck the Trade Center, as holograms of planes were used, the buildings being brought down entirely by controlled demolition. Analysts point to the fact that aluminium made planes cannot penetrate steel and concrete, as they would have exploded upon impact. I believe the Government Report never explained this anomaly.
Or, the simplest explanation: the attack was known to have been planned but was deliberately allowed to go ahead, and the destruction caused magnified by at least one controlled demolition, Building 7. The purpose? The planned “Pearl Harbour Moment” the neocons were eagerly waiting for.
You did not have remote controlled boeings in 2001, you still don’t have it now, if it was then pilots would be out of work.
If you want to point fingers, then point at at the Germans, because a German NGO in Egypt, which was a cover for BND, brought Muhammad Atta to Germany, he had many many German connections, the pilots who tought the Hamburg cell how to fly were all Germans and 1 dutch guy (in Florida!), not 1 American, the dutch guy owned a pilot school and was himself later arrested for drug trafficking.
Of course you did not have remote controlled Boeings in 2001. However, you did have the technology for remote controlled planes. For example, when a new passenger aircraft is tested, it is sometimes flown by remote control and destroyed on the ground, so that engineers can see how much punishment the aircraft can take.
After all this time it’s amazing that there are still people who believe that terrorists or airplanes hitting buildings, or officials “letting it happen” had anything to do with the World Trade Center.
I’m posting a link to a video that shows what really happened in slow motion. Here’s what you will see if you really want to know, and why wouldn’t you?
1. IN super slow motion you will see that giant chunk of steel and concrete literally disintegrated within a couple of seconds never coming close to reaching the ground.
2. While there were explosive forces in play, there was no heat, no fire. Just tons and tons of dust that burned nobody seconds later when it covered the crowds watching below.
3. Less than a minute after each of the towers disintegrated the amount of rubble at ground level wouldn’t have even filled the lobbies of the buildings.
4. All WTC buildings in the plaza were destroyed that day, not just two or three.
Check it out for yourself at: (Take the red pill)
I believe the West is about to make the biggest blunder in human history by using the Wuhan virus scandemic as a push for digital currency.
This will allow the Yuan to move in as the world currency as dirty money is moved from the greenback.
China can then set up casio agencies in every Western country and wash the money.
This can then extend to banking systems, supermarkets and before long the yuan is the currency of choice.
The only way to stop this would be draconian anti competition laws which will divide the world.
Cookie Boy
Yes, some analysts are indeed stating that Western bankers plan a huge reset, where digital currency would be introduced to terminate the use of sovereign currency and government debt. I don’t know if such a venture is really being planned or if it is feasible, bearing in mind the moves Russia and China are making. According to one analyst, both countries are accumulating gold and silver. The silver would be used to back digital currency, while the gold would be used to back existing sovereign currency. If true, then Western bankers are in big trouble, bearing in mind the huge individual debts of Western countries and the fact that the dollar and euro are printed backed by nothing.
Dr.Roberts has stated “More than the empire is dead. The country itself is dead. Trump is trying to resurrect America, but are the people too far gone to respond? We will soon know”.
Yes, that is perfectly correct. Many analysts have warned of a possible civil war in the US. However, as I have written before, that is virtually impossible. Who would fight in such a civil war ? How many men are prepared to leave their families behind and go out and fight ? Very few indeed.
What is certainly possible are wide scale social, ethnic and political disturbances resembling a civil war, especially should a financial crash occur. The US could well implode, with Washington being helpless to prevent it.
The US is now resembling ancient Rome prior to it’s collapse. Rome became weak due to the following facts: It’s financial expenditures in running the empire ruined it’s treasury, not to mention the debasement of it’s currency; the civil wars it fought weakened it domestically, not to mention it’s political infighting; the Roman elite kept enriching its self at the expense of the ordinary population (which in 476 opened the gates of the city to the Vandals, seeing them as liberators); the empire as such created a heap of enemies and finally mass immigration into the city undermined Rome from within. What happened with ancient Rome is now happening with the US.
Who would fight in civil war?
In ex-Yugoslavia we did not want that inter-ethnic civil war.
But the war happened. When civil war starts it starts with incidents and conflicts and they are growing without your will, sucking more and more people in such bloody mess.
And after a while hatred prevail everything is followed with savage propaganda from all sides and soon you have hell and Armagedon.
And nobody is asking you what you want or not. You find yourself without your will in the disaster in which people killing each other like beasts.
Believe me, that way of thinking that “nobody wants to fight” is pure ilussion when such catastrophe strikes.
Who will fight?
Everyone will fight when that happens. Because, otherwise in such circumstances you cannot survive. Somebody kills somebody’s family and the circle of revenge starts.
And it is terribly hard to stop that.
In ex-Yugoslavia and especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina we stopped because of foreign military intervention. Otherwise, who knows how long would we be killing each other.
People who previously lived, worked, went to school together, went to watch football together, being friends.
Only if you escape in another country you can spare and save yourself.
Civil wars are something dirtiest and the most savage thing in the world.
And inter-ethnic, intetracial, intetreligious wars are the worst of the worst.
I have seen families torn apart, for example husband ethnic Serb, wife Bosniak muslim, two sons, one kiled fighting on muslim side, another killed fighting on Serbian side.
And believe me, you do not want to see normal people turning into killing beasts.
I stopped reading after PCR regurgitated the 9/11 lies about OBL masterminding the 9/11 attacks.
I am pointing out the effect of the official story.
PCR – You’re trying to put pearls before swine. Thanks for the effort.
PCR says the truth. He has exposed the 9 -11 scam a long time ago. One of his many articles:
That’s what confused me. I recall PCR writing to expose the lies way back when, but then this article went with the official story. I was wondering what had happened. But i didn’t recognize his intention from the way he wrote it. To me, it seemed as though he had been turned… my mistake, and my sincere apologies to PCR.
Suggest dropping off the “?” and everything following it — it is part of the tracking system and not the url. In this case “fbclid=” is a Facebook hack for google analytics etc.
done …. mod
My apologies, i completely missed that.
I see. Does this mean you still subscribe to the notion that a cruise missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11? I actually interpreted the line “and two of them were flown into the World Trade Center towers and one into the Pentagon” the way that you were incorporating into the article the latest work of “Scientists for 9/11 Truth” and David Chandler (who once forced NIST to admit that WTC7 had been in a state of absolute free fall for 2,25 seconds) with respect to the Pentagon debate.
Scientists for 9/11 Truth have recently collected an abundance of previously overlooked evidence pointing to the fact that a Boeing 757 did indeed hit the Pentagon on 9/11 and the cruise missile debate is a “red herring”.
They pieced together various photos to produce a general overview of the damage done to the front wall, proving it was big enough to take in a Boeing 757, they analyzed and mapped out the damage done to the light poles and trees leading up to the Pentagon concluding it matches exactly the wing span of a Boeing 757, decoded formerly corrupted FDR data that further proves the authenticity of the damage pattern and identified various actual Boeing 757 plane parts in the debris field. David Chandler has just recently published a new video summarizing their results:
David Chandler: “AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon”
They also recently did a Q and A session with “Colorado 911 Truth” and published a lot of video footage from their 2019 Pentagon evidence conference on David Chandler’s Youtube channel:
The only question that remains seems to be whether the actual passenger plane was remote controlled and electronically hijacked or if it was swapped in mid air for a drone at some rendezvous point as suggested by the infamous “Operation Northwoods” memorandum from 1962. (This would explain the unusual flight path including the 180 degree U-turn and the turning off of the transponder during the flight.)
The alleged AA 77 FDR data file that was presented to the public and analyzed by Scientists for 9/11 Truth could in this respect be just a merger of the actual AA 77 FDR data up to the rendezvous point with the drone and the FDR data produced by the drone from the rendezvous point onward to the Pentagon.
Airplanes and/or missles or thermite (nano or otherwise) do not come close to explaining the visual evidence that has been hidden in plain sight from the public. The various 911 “truth” sites are anything but. They were compromised very early on.
This video shows in remarkable clarity that the buildings disintegrated into dust within seconds and that is why there wasn’t enough rubble on the ground for two ten story buildings much less than for two 110 story buildings plus the portions of the other 5 that went missing that day. What kind of technology can turn giant solid buildings into dust in seconds? Nothing we’ve ever seen before. Certainly not airplanes or missles.
Judy Wood and the “directed energy weapons” story is a disinformation campaign to “cookiefy the discussion” as The Saker once put it so eloquently during an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts.
This view is also shared by Christopher Bollyn, an investigative journalist who researched 9/11 extensively. Paul Craig Roberts also called out Judy Wood for spreading disinformation during his 2019 9/11 Truth interview with Jason Liosatos (from 39 minutes 35 seconds onward).
Paul Craig Roberts 9/11 The Twin Towers Truth What Really Happened Interview [starts at 39:35]
In the interview he also states that he has asked his contacts in the military about the “directed energy weapons” story and they confirmed to him that it is bogus.
Also Judy Wood claims the destruction of the Towers was a “cold event”. Nothing could be further from the truth since the rubble pile then turned out to be a witches’ cauldron where molten steel was flowing around “like in a foundry” and it took 3 months to put the fires out.
9/11 Witnesses: “Molten Steel- Like You’re In a Foundry”
Also there are numerous eye witnesses reporting explosions during the destruction of the buildings.
13 WTC TT Part 4 Eyewitness Reports of Explosions – ESO – Experts Speak Out
36 Reporters Describe the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition
There are even witness reports of explosions occurring way before the destruction of the buildings. William Rodriguez for example witnessed a powerful explosion in the basement of the North Tower that occurred just before the first plane hit.
911 Whistleblowers (FULL DOCUMENTARY | 2019) [William Rodriguez segment]
Barry Jennings got trapped inside of WTC 7 by a powerful explosion before the Twin Towers were destroyed in the morning whereas WTC 7 itself collapsed at 5:20 in the afternoon.
9/11 Whistleblowers: Barry Jennings
And Bob McIlvaine’s son Bobby was killed by an explosion while he was entering the North Tower around the time the first plane hit.
9/11 Father Seeks Justice | The Bobby McIlvaine Act
The Twin Towers were packed with explosives, the bulk of it was most likely located inside the elevator shafts and once everything was in place they were blown to smithereens from top to bottom.
There were explostions, yes. But they caused the type of damage that explosions typically cause. Just like Barry Jennings described. So what? The explosions were set off the confuse us. Did they turn the falling steel into dust?
How do you explain the images shown in the beginning of this video where you can watch the disintegration happen before your eyes. Do you really need to hear some “expert” explain to you that you did not see what you just saw?
Please explain and don’t rely on the testimony of those who got it wrong either due to ignorance, or because they’ve been compromised. If the event was not “cold” as Judy Wood described how do you explain that none of the victims that got caught up in the dust cloud seconds after the event described it as being hot? We saw live videos of people emerging from that cloud. They were not in pain. They did not suffer burns. You are simply relying on others who have never seen these videos and reported on them. Was this all trick photography from dozens of simultaneous cameras taken from different angles? How do you explain a few stories of rubble from two 110 story buildings that, they say, “collapsed”. As the fireman in the video said “110 stories at ground level”. Watch the video before you spread any more misconceptions. Explain what is shown by any type of conventional weapon you know about. Why was David Jennings of ABC news asking “where is all the rubble?” “did it all simply turn to dust?” Why did George Stephanopoulos explain that it all vaporized according to one of the cleanup crew on the ground. That was the best explanation he had because there should have been more rubble on the ground if what you are saying is correct. Much more rubble! Not a small pile on the ground that didn’t even exceed the height of the lobby.
Show me a video of the pools of molten steel. There aren’t any.
Some of your personal digs have been removed. Mod.
“So what? The explosions were set off the confuse us.”
Maybe it is just the other way around and the story about the “directed energy weapon” – that nobody has ever seen – was set up to confuse us while the explosives were put into the buildings to destroy the buildings?
“Did they turn the falling steel into dust?”
The steel was not turned into dust. The concrete was turned into dust, which happens during controlled demolitions, but not the steel. The steel was loaded onto trucks and ultimately shipped to China for recycling.
“400 truckloads of steel per day were removed.”
“If the event was not “cold” as Judy Wood described how do you explain that none of the victims that got caught up in the dust cloud seconds after the event described it as being hot?”
William Rodriguez reported that his leg got burned by the dust cloud while he was hiding behind a truck.
“That was the best explanation he had because there should have been more rubble on the ground if what you are saying is correct. Much more rubble! Not a small pile on the ground that didn’t even exceed the height of the lobby.”
The pile was so shallow because most of the material was ejected out of the towers in all directions by the explosions. See this FEMA graphic of the debris distribution:
“Show me a video of the pools of molten steel. There aren’t any.”
I did already post a video of NYC firemen testifying to the molten steel.
Try again.
After reading “according to the US government itself, ”.
Human? you actually misread to almost comical degree.
Mr Roberts with great respect, this Trump stuff is to my mind simply fear for y’all internally. He says what he thinks will go down well. There is no solid base underneath the man unless it is a zionist base. It is all teeveee wrestling. (E.g., move the troops out of Germany — put them in Poland .. Move the troops from Iraq — replace them with NATO, leave Syria — but take the oil). MAGA is based on plunder, Mr Roberts.
My sadness is that the US is again deluding themselves here. I and my country is a victim of that kind of delusion and perhaps you can fool yourselves internally, but MAGA still means at all costs, i.e., pull resources from others, in order to show up great for the US. Yeah, there are other issues. But let’s not delude ourselves. We have space now delineated as a war fighting domain. No matter who wins and if it matters who wins, I believe that piece will stand. How perfectly horrible.
There is no way on earth that Mr Trump could pull a rabbit out of a hat economically to bring industry back to the US without biggly go for the revolving door of the MIC. The US problems are strategic and systemic – and let’s not even start talking debt and economics. You have no income Mr Roberts, you only have debt – I’m not a good economist, but I can count. And let’s not make Mr Trump the savior against the current Pelosi type onslaught. (Trump is making election against a corpse, i.e., Biden). That is pretty low. The state of the US created a Trump – its been a long time coming. Trump did not create the state of the US – he is a product of it. It is time to think how to let empire down easy – but it must down in my view. There is no more rescuing the American Dream which was based on plunder. Go educate yourselves some engineers and builders and quit the lawyering so that you can be an asset to a planet. (Said with respect to you Mr Roberts – I am just past the stage of the usual platitudes and oh woe is me attitude – Trump has the right instincts, and it is all the other guy’s fault that the could not implement his instincts. The reality is that if he applied for this job of President, he is clearly not able to do it, from a hard business perspective).
You may not be correct my friend, if a trade war has ensued, I think we are about 1/2 way thru our inventory of supply, once the supply is gone its either used items or pick up the pieces and make something new here at home.
The list of back ordered items is growing as is the lag of time in between shipments. At this rate, by the time we are down to our last washing machine, we will be told there is a supply problem and the convenience of the modern day has now become a not enough time nightmare to any and all who fall victim to what appears to be a unsustainable, convenience, situation.
This narrative is developing all around ; all the talk is of “delayed delivery”.
The media will amplify this meme over the next weeks.
And what better way to force one self into compliance than out of necessity.
Thank you for laying it out so clearly. I think I just when from denial to the next phase on this.
OBL masterminding the attacks is not mutually exclusive with the US letting it happen. There are many examples of planes being hijacked. Technically, it’s totally plausible.
The principle fact is that the actual 9/11 Saudi attackers were considered US intelligence assets to varying extents (probably with high-level CIA protection, possibly even double agents), and thus would be immune to any investigation set off by their suspicious behaviors. An example of supreme arrogance of the Pentagon and the beginning of the end of the AZE.
The alleged Saudi hijackers were just the patsies in the operation.
Buildings 1 & 2 did not collapse due to fire; they disintegrated to fine dust.
Fifty times normal background levels of Tritium subsequently found in the bathtub water is confirmation enough that nuclear devices were used.
The nein eleven memorial twin water pools, that fit exactly the building footprints, is in actual fact a waste water treatment plant to remove radioactive contaminants by dilution into the Hudson River, plus the ongoing heat generation, aka the China syndrome.
PCR did not endorse the official story.
Paul Craig Roberts is one of the biggest patriots and 9/11 Truthers in the United States. He has spoken out about 9/11 Truth in his books as well as in countless interviews and promotes organizations like “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth” on his website!
Actually he is a bigger 9/11 Truther than the Saker, since he covered the final nail in the coffin of the official 9/11 story, the release of the University of Alaska Fairbank’s 4 year computer model analysis of the collapse of WTC 7, quite extensively!
This study led by Professor Leroy Hulsey concluded that a) fires could have never brought down WTC7 and b) for the building collapse to be consistent with the available video footage of September 11, 2001 ALL of the steel columns inside of WTC7 had to be removed simultaneously over at least 8 floors:
One the other hand I did not read one bit about this study or Professor Hulsey on the Saker blog till today which is quite disappointing from a 9/11 Truther’s point of view.
PCR: The Official Story of the Collapse of WTC Building 7 Lies in Ruins
PCR: Media Response to Engineering Report on WTC 7
PCR: Presstitute Blackout of 9/11 Study
PCR: America: A Land Without Truth
PCR: University Study Finds Fire Did Not Cause Building 7’s Collapse on 9/11
Matthias, go to basically any page on the Saker blog, scroll down to the bottom, before the black area, right hand side, and you will find a collection of 9/11 material there.
I am well aware of these links. I just expressed my personal regrets that the Saker did – for whatever reason – completely ignore the biggest 9/11 Truth story in a decade (the last major breakthrough for 9/11 Truth was the documentation of the presence of nano thermite in the WTC dust in 2009)
when I read this I sincerely wondered: can he read?! I had 9/11 info up ever since a launched this blog, and I wrote many times about it. Even in this article I mention it.
What is wrong with you people today? Smoking something unhealthy?
The Saker
while PCR covered every angle of the University of Alaska Fairbanks WTC 7 study on his website.
I did not smoke anything. You might have misunderstood my posting. “completely ignore the biggest 9/11 Truth story in a decade“ was referring to the University of Alaska Fairbanks WTC 7 study not the nano thermite.
no 9/11 related results
no 9/11 related results
no results
But I don’t wan to get into a fight here. It’s your website and therefore it’s of course up to you to decide what stories you cover.
He is right about the US being a dead man walking. Trump would have to make a serious effort against all the globalists in the Intel agencies. He does not seem to have the ability to do this. The great “reset’ and mass vaccination will further destroy the West. The young Americans who have received all 72 shots have a 50% rate of chronic health problems. These vaccines affect the genetic code, so long term the birth rate will decline and birth defects increase.
The Democrats adoption of the all White People are evil movement will further cause conflict.25% of young women self identify as Lesbians or Bi sexual. With all the pro LGBT propaganda, the birthrate will fall significantly in the future.
I don’t think the anglo-zionists will give up without taking us to war. Let’s hope Chinese intelligence has kept gods chosen out of the ruling elite.
That Trump, who has never been anything other than his awful and very public self, should now be seen as some sort of savior for America says much about the current state of the nation. And it’s not good or hopeful. Wishful thinking in a fever dream of desperation.
Many thanks. I fully agree with most of your article. I have only one point of contention which is that I believe that the exact point when the USA was lost was not 911. It was the RW coup, executed by Scalia that put W in office. After that, it seemed like a well planned operation went into effect.
When a country reaches a point where no political figure can command the population and the breakdown of law and order is a threat to national security the choice is between a continued oligarcy (with the support of the military) or a military takeover.
My online article on regime change.
Good article, and I won’t argue against your thesis.
But these quotes
“Trump wanted to save American influence by ceasing its fruitless attempts to impose hegemony on the world. “
“Trump is trying to resurrect America”
boggle my mind
Are you saying that you know what The Donald wants?
He is a politician now, and never has had a good track record for speaking the truth, so I really can’t understand how you know what his desires are.
Really, really pertinent.
However how can one not be sad with such developments . We will not be around to see this but I still have hope in the white population and that it will manage to assure it’s survival on this continent. They’ve been through they indépendance War, the civil war during Lincoln and now this more than turmoil. Other countries have had their significant troubles – Russia, China, and others – and survived, now, sadly,it’s the US turn.
While i like the author’s sentiment, i also think he is totally wrong about Trump. Lets face it, Trump is the most unqualified POTUS ever. He was just a businessman, and a soso one at that – he lost billi9ns, gave to file for bankruptcy multiple times, so much so that no US bank will lend him any more, and he had to find foreign German banks to continue with his losing adventure. He is also a psychopath, treating women like sex objects, as well as a narcissistic old fool who keep saying he knows everything when he is actually ignorant. What he is good at is fooling the public with his “ billionaire “ image. Most people assumes that if you are a billionaire you must be smart… As Mark Twain said, “its much easier to fool people than to convince them they had been fooled”….
Trump is just a bully, he has no fortitude, nor the intelligence, to drain any swamp. When faced with the Swamp, he quickly joined it instead – just look at his policies with Iran and Israel.
Things are most certainly accelerating at the rate of knots and no-one knows where and how it’s all going to end.
News just in – in Syria, the Russian Airforce has desroyed headquarters of the favourite Turkish group in Idlib, the leading faction of the so-called “National Liberation Front”, in other words, terrorists under Erdogan’s
protection.That was done, apparently, in retaliation for the destruction he has wrecked in South Caucuses lately.
Another interesting developments from that region – the shooting war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which was basically instigated by the wannabe Sultan, is that he has obviously been told by BOTH Russia and USA to get the hell out of there or else. Russia, of course, has it’s own reasons to get him out of there, as for USA, there is an election fever happening there at present and Armenian diaspora in US is only second one in size and influence to the Israhell’s one. Suddenly the ego-driven baffoon in the White House is claiming that HE HAS BROCKERED the peace deal between two warring sides in South Caucuses. That ceasefire agreement was actually negotiated by Russia and now is being insisted to comply with, by both sides, without any further nonsense.
I strongly suspect this was another clever move by our chess Master. I think VVP has offered Trump this little pre-election gift so that now Trump can thump his chest and crow about his “amazing negotiating skills”, endearing himself to the huge Armenian diaspora there at the same time, while there is a definite quid pro quo at play. I believe in return for that “gift”, Russian President fully expects him to get out of Syria and take his “we are keeping the oil” garbage with him. The alternative, without any doubt, has also been spelled out – get yourselves out of there voluntarily or we are going to put a final stop to US stealing Syrian oil and it’s revenues that are needed for the re-build and re-construction of the country devasteted by “you and your proxies” So, we will see the further developments there.
Meantime, Erdogan, in his desperate attempts to make Turkey a “global player” and resurrect some of the Ottoman Empire glory days, will find himself totally shunned and isolated by everybody – by Russia, the USA and even by EU, which is already happening. No friends anywhere. And then, of course, the internal problems would start raising their ugly heads for him back in Turkey. He is toast. He just cannot see that yet.
As for US election, as far as Russia is concerned it does not really matter who is going to occupy the White House – the policies towards Russia NEVER change.
These who have listened or read the transcript of Russian President recent Valdai speech would realise that there he has outlined the format of the future developments. These who have not seen the transcript of that speech, please do so.
What we are having at present is the extreme PRESSURE and war-mongering threats toward Russia and China, expecting these two to “fold” under such pressure. Accompanied by massive military build-up along the borders of both countries hoping that such would help to achieve this goal. What these imbeciles do not comprehend is that both Russia and China have become increadibly powerful in the last two decades, while the neo-cons mentality is still stuck in the cold war scenarios. Not only that – both countries have allied and will present a unified front. So now you have two against one, let’s see who is going to win.The biggest economy in the world (China), plus the best military power in the world (Russia) and both absolutely ready to defend themselves!
The west is rotted from inside and despite all the aggressive posturing and threats it’s very much an “emperor without clothes”. Their econiomy is collapsing, social structures have already collapsed and their “reserve” currency is heading for the dustbin of history. And then what? The “Great Reset”? Really?!
I think anyone with functioning brains would know the outcome of this confrontation. The globalist’s last gasp attempt will not succeed. Russia and China will not fold. Using nukes against these two would be suicidal.
We will just have to wait and see what the next few months are going to bring; things are spinning faster and faster now and our great hope is that the world’s Hegemon would simply self-destruct without taking the rest with it.
Well spoken. Not only is Erdogan living in a fantasy world, which exists only in his head, but so do the neocons in the USA, who have not given up on their globalist plans of destroying Russia and China.
In 1972 Nixon sends Kissinger to China to establish political and economic relations. The intent was for China to be brought into the Western camp, so that the Soviet Union (Russia) would be isolated. A simple case of divide and conquer. The Chinese, of course, know this, but play along. And the result ? China does indeed join the Western economic camp, but not it’s political one, as it does not turn it’s back on Russia. It is now doing business with both and prospering along the way.
Seeing it’s strategy fail, the West uses NATO to encircle both Russia and China. The intent is to destabilize both, after which NATO would march in. The Covid-19 virus appears all of a sudden, and is ostensibly derived from bats (?). However, the virus is certainly man made, with fingers being pointed at Fort Dietrich, the US bio lab, which in 1980 produced the AIDS virus. Back then monkeys were accused of “producing” the virus, which is rather strange, as monkeys have existed as long as humans, and prior to 1980 AIDS never appeared.
The intent was for Covid-19 to be used as one of the tools in the destabilization of Russia and China, both with respect to their populations and their economies. And yes, Covid-19 appeared in the West, which was also beneficial to the globalists. Analysts are already stating that many small and medium sized businesses will be destroyed, which of course is the intent, as this will give additional power to the globalist corporations. The fact that people are dying is an additional intent, as globalists are also planning to reduce the size of the worlds population. The latest news is that the virus might be producing infertility.
And Erdogan ? He lost his way from the Middle Ages into the 21st century. He has accused Macron of possessing mental problems, when in fact it is the other way round. He cannot forget the Ottoman Empire, poking his nose left, right and center. For example, some years back he told Turks residing in Belgium to increase the size of their families and to start participating in the countries politics, so that in the end they would take over the country (no less). He participated in the joint US/Saudi conspiracy to create ISIS, sending ISIS mercenaries to Syria via Turkey. In return ISIS repayed him with stolen Syrian oil, which enriched both him and his son. He sent a heap of false refugees to Germany, providing them with false Syrian passports, some of which were even printed by ISIS in Syria, which captured one passport office. He also backed Muslims in Eastern Europe. He is now quarreling with Macron, accusing him of anti-Muslim measures, yet he had the audacity to convert in Istanbul the Hagia Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral into a mosque. Now he has sent F-16’s and Turkish troops into Azerbaijan to fight Armenia. One must not forget Turkish involvement in Lybia, and of course a new quarrel with Greece over gas deposits in the Aegean Sea. He has apparently forgotten the state of Turkish finances. This fact, and his foreign policies, will be the ruin of him.
Great comment !
Although I disagree that Erdogan has no friends. He does in fact have some very wealthy friends who are providing him with billions USD. The main financial conduit is BBVA – a Spanish bank (and other EU banks as well.) I doubt the origin of the money is Spanish or even European…(given the dire state of the EU banks) We will never know who is behind the source of funding.
What is curious is that the EU hasn’t slapped Turkey with financial sanctions…(France and Greece have specifically lobbied for it and wanted to sanction Turkey instead of Belarus but it ended up the other way around…)
Nah, the Brits are already hinting the virus might stay for good. Next step is declaring that real money and coins transfer the virus and everything should be digital. Just add some zeros here and there to keep it rolling.
Stock Market trading is apparently totally automated. In the first three minutes you have videos on YouTube showing few million “trades”. Who is trading and who is making the money? Who the hell knows. Just create numbers out of thin air. No one will be the wiser.
This Covid pandemic is ingenious, they can do and say whatever they want. Because the people don’t see the enemy but they do and they are the authority. Its perfection.
Most dangerous weapon of the “Elite” is their game of numbers and the chalice of Babylon’s whore poising the spirit of the masses. The lure of bling and denying the existence of god. Keep them occupied with useless and aimless trash.
“Get a life brah” is the mantra of the age which basically translates to let some master exploit your god given gift to create (in his own image) for his own ends. Or just exploit others if you have the possibility. Consume useless trash to fill up the black hole inside. They will never figure out why its there in the first place. Nor will they try, because it is painful. And most choose the easy way. Cheap drugs, meaningless sex, pointless hedonism.
Its an inhumane system, some might it even call satanic. For very good reason. The first Battle is always on the spiritual level. And they know it.
Most countries are still vassals and protectorates. There will be never a shortage of scumbags selling their mother and their people for some shiny precious.
I try to be an optimist but there is a part in my brain that doesn’t trust any of these actors. Be it the US, China, EU or Russia. After all every single one of them has a pentagram on their symbols, flags, planes, etc. The devil doesn’t lose that easily. Hope I’m wrong. I truly do.
You are not wrong and a good advice to you, dont hope. Know.
Belief in organised religion and politicians is childrens stuff because they dont know. They can only believe the 6 year olds when they give candy and say 2+2=7.
You are now an adult who know what the devil is doing and where its going. Accept it as an adult who know, and be happy you still have strength to be on God’s side.
For what it’s worth, I think you are right not to trust them. I don’t think you are wrong. I think the devil already won, aeons ago. The fact that we live in a material prison world where mandatory slave labor is expected of everyone is a big giveaway, in my opinion.
Have hope for your own personal liberation and salvation. Only divine intervention can save the world at this point.
November 22, 1963
1913 Federal Reserve Act
Take your pick. It was a long time in coming but it is going according to plan. Tragedy and Hope
Basically it gets down to the fact that the “white tribe” ( which happens to be in states which grow the food for the country minus the West Coast techno-fascist lands) has no leadership except Trump. This is a sad state of affairs and, unlike the folks here who hate the American people and who just love to bash Joe-blow American for what seems to be their own unmet emotional needs, it pains me.
Right now, the zeitgeist is this: everyone is taking a big inhalation. The exhalation will come over the long days leading up to Jan 20, 2021. Let us hope some semblance of leadership ( un-assassinated) will emerge.
Trump will not make it to 1/21/2021. He will have to answer for the treacherous assassination under the flag of peace of Solemeini in a court which can not be “packed”. The forces of Din will say “ignorance of the higher law is no excuse” and the forces of mercy? Well, they will have their hands full– perhaps the times ahead will give them the balancing good deeds or perhaps the sacrifice alone will be enough or maybe the prayers of his wife, a good woman.
Looking forward to more articles on the topic of “When did the Empire die”.
The fact that people are openly discussing the topic and writing lots of words on it means that the Empire is truly dead. It is now a zombie Empire.
But it is a zombie Empire with 10,000 nuclear bombs.
Just remember that.
“An equally good case could be made that the American Empire collapsed on September 11, 2001. This was the day that two symbols of American power—the World Trade Center and the Pentagon—were successfully attacked, according to the US government itself, by an old and dying Osama bin Laden and a handful of Saudi Arabians armed with box cutters. This unlikely group …”
In my opinion that should read, “Democracy in the U$A collapsed on September 11, 2001. This was the day that two symbols of U$ power—the World Trade Center and the Pentagon—were successfully attacked *by* the U$ government itself”
Me think that the fall of a governance system does not occur on a given date. It is a process that spans over time and its beginning and end are themselves a process of transition… That being said I think that Paul Craig Roberts got it right in “The Collapse of the United States Is No Longer Avoidable” where he stated the following :
“The United States has lost its youth.
Once the bedrock of a country is discredited among the young generation, the country collapses. It is too late to do anything about it.”
The bedrock of a country is the societal worldview shared by its citizens.
Collapse takes place because a country makes the mistake to let its societal cohesion wither away. Cohesion among the citizens is what ensures societal reproduction over the long haul of many generations. A country may make a mistake but it may also act wisely. A country acts wisely by boosting its societal cohesion and it realizes this by enhancing its societal worldview.
Today societal cohesion is gone in the West. The US more particularly has entered a phase that I call societal atomization. Here is how this came about.
A wave of doubt and the dream of a better tomorrow, that swept over the Western world by the end of the nineteen sixties, converged with shrinking returns on capital investments. Big capital holders and their servants had convinced themselves that they were in a class war against the kids of 68 and they engaged in a class war that extended to the world at large. Their weapon of choice was the forcing of ideology in the minds through propaganda.
This ideology was running on two parallel tracks :
1. A renewal of Liberalism :
Later this renewal came to be known under the public moniker of “Neo-liberalism”. By the end of the nineteen-sixties big capital holders and their servants had diagnosed that the growth of their profits, within Western countries, had peaked and was destined at best to plateau and at worse to slip downwards. Since they had convinced themselves that they were in a class war they thought that their ideology should be let to run in overdrive.
What emerged from this overdrive was ‒ the imposition of an imperial fiat money ‒ the tearing down of national borders for capital to freely invest wherever it wants ‒ the destruction of organized labor :
1.1. by ensuring the free flow of capital around the world big capital holders thought they would be able to generate endless profits. This effectively procured them a few decades of abundant profits that later would be known as the decades of globalization. Note that, when things started to turn sour socially back home because these policies had eliminated most of the Middle-class’ jobs, big capital holders and their servants used their propaganda to deflect criticism over to the countries of the South (China is responsible for stealing US jobs right ?).
1.2. by ensuring the spread around the world of neoliberalism, and the extraterritorial jurisdiction of trade deals, Western countries laid the ideological foundation to resist and to fight the demands of traditional cultures abroad. We know about the accusations against Russia, China, Iran and others but note that silence is being kept total about the savagery of the destruction of local cultures, local languages, local economies, and so on. In this sense Western Late-Modernity has been the historical summit of totalitarianism.
1.3. by ensuring a deepening of neoliberalism at home and doubling down on technological innovation and “rationalization” of the working of the state (termination of social and environmental protection institutions and concentration on the sole institutions of power). This eventually concluded with the most egregious inequality ever observed.
2. A destruction of the cultural field :
This was undertaken under the guise of a new intellectual approach centered around Postmodernism.
Basically, in their class war mood, big capital holders and their servants (the establishment) wanted to get rid, once and for all, of all competition with “the reason that is at work within capital”. What this implied technically was the destruction of all worldviews or grand narratives about the working of reality that people were sharing. This was realized by US universities which hired a bunch of French critical theorists and by pushing their works in the face of society at large.
Fifty years later we observe the following :
2.1. Western worldviews are dead :
A. the labor movement has atrophied and is a spent force that has no real impact any longer on political decision making. Capital was finally triumphing but this meant that middle class workers were on their own… ready to be bamboozled.
B. Christianity, which had been the worldview shared by all Westerners over nearly the totality of the last 2000 years, fell into desuetude.
C. Marxist ideology is dead in the water and the remaining leftist thought was manipulated into identity politics, into democracy and human rights advocacy, into center left neoliberalism, into gender confusion, into wokism, etc …
D. all these factors converged and disintegrated the Western cultural continuum which weakened their economies. A fragile West then also helped a resurgent China to re-establish itself as the center of gravity of the economy-world which had been its traditional position over the last few millennia before the imperial West forced opium on Chinese citizens…
2.2. Western societal atomization :
Losing the worldviews, that bonded the people into tightly knit groups, Western societies rapidly fragmented. The new information technologies furthermore exacerbated this fragmentation. They glued the individuals to their screens separating them from one another, from the traditional groups they belonged to, and from their society. This radical separation boosted the individuals’ egotistic self and everybody landed into the devastating mental state of hyper-individualism that commands the rejection of any and all “authority” or “knowledge”. Societies had suddenly atomized.
The best example, of what is atomization in action, is given by the USA fighting the corona-virus. As any honest observer will attest this kind of atomization drives people crazy and their societies literally enter the territory of pure madness with all the dangers that this implies for humanity as a whole.
Societal atomization is the ultimate symptom of an approaching societal death. It means that the glue, that bonded the individuals into their society, has dissolved and the individual atoms now roam around like crazy particles. Such societies continue nevertheless to run some further powered solely by their force of inertia. But their fall is inevitable. And after societal inertia has been burned out chaos rapidly sets in opening the path to a long transition toward some other future societal arrangement…
If interested to go deeper into this analysis see my recent book “A first blow in Late-Modernity”.
I love you Paul, I’m glad we lived when we did.
This dating game as to when the US empire did or did not ‘fall’ is pointless. The west as a whole has been in peril ever since Stalingrad.
US power is waning overseas. But I think reports of its demise are premature and reflect not a little wishful thinking.
The internal colonization waged against white Americans, both demographically and psychologically, is what matters most.
>An army of feminists, transgendered, Hispanic immigrants, disaffected blacks, and displaced Muslims will not fare well against Russian, Chinese, and Iranian forces.
The question is not how they will fare against foreigners, but how they will fare against an increasingly restive and heavily-armed native white population should it ever feel cornered. The real test will come when, in an engagement, the rainbow rangers begin to take fire from behind. Will their commissars be able to maintain unit cohesion, or will they break?
Similarly, when field agents of domestic security agencies start getting shot in their driveways on a routine basis like Mexican policemen, we will see whether all this talk about organizational resiliency has actually produced any.
Since Russia, China and Iran aren’t planning to make war on Amerikastan, that’s an excellent thing. Right?
“More than the empire is dead. The country itself is dead.”
I rarely visit, but when I have I found something essential missing in the diet. They’ve dumped Monsanto (its future liabilities) on the German colony (Monsanto agreed to be acquired by Bayer for US$66 billion in September 2016).
Why should it not hit home eventually, given the general endemic lack of care and concern for their own, the earth and soil, and the arrogant disregard for foreign places since WW2?
“Since WW2, US military operations have contaminated the Pacific regions with toxic substances, from chemical weapons to radioactive material. Investigative journalist Jon Mitchell estimates that hundreds of thousands of service members, their families and residents of Okinawa, Japan, Guam, Saipan and Johnston Island have been exposed, however the United States has refused to help victims, and sought to cover up the damage.”
[Jon Mitchell: Investigative journalist living in Japan, and author of Poisoning the Pacific: The US Military’s Secret Dumping of Plutonium, Chemical Weapons and Agent Orange]
“More than the empire is dead. The country itself is dead.”
“Trump is trying to resurrect America, but are the people too far gone to respond? We will soon know.”
These statements are a bit contradictory, aren’t they ?
How can you resurrect a dead corpse ??
Some Americans seem to be in denial…..Maybe they have to go through the 7 stages of grief, which starts with shock and denial. This is a state of disbelief and numbed feelings.
“The (US??) Empire is dead.” ……..Fantastic! Great! ………….Finally!
The United States was not founded in order to be an Empire, but the exact opposite…it was founded as.a republic.
“The country itself is dead.”
All you wet blankets, including PCR, need to remember the famous quote by Mark Twain:
And he’s not the only one:
Mark Twain quotation (“The reports of my death have been greatly exagerrated.”) came after his hearing that his obituary had been published in the New York Journal.
Mistaken publications of obituaries aren’t as rare as you might expect. A recent example is of Dave Swarbrick, the British folk/rock violinist, who was killed off mistakenly by the Daily Telegraph in April 1999 when they reported that his visit to hospital in Coventry had resulted in his death. He did at least get the opportunity to read a rather favourable account of his life, not something we all get to do, and to deliver the gag:
“It’s not the first time I have died in Coventry”.
Other than through accidents or murder, the thing that usually precedes the death of the body is the surrender of the spirit and desire to live any longer. It may not be very encouraging to persist with Anglican Stiff Upper Lip, if all your “friends” are like amarynth….who base their identity on victimhood and Apportioning Blame in an absurdly oversimplified fashion……eager every single day to “throw the baby (the still existent residue of anti-imperialism in the consciousness and conscience of non-mentally destroyed American citizens) out with the bath water.”
But seeing through the self-serving egoic hand-wringing pity party nonsense of the would-be funeral goers sure helps!
As for DJT…I find the PCR pessimism and obituary for him and the American republic “greatly exaggerated”.
Especially since his political scalp Hunters……………..have now become The Hunted…themselves…..and every single major issue all the handwringers here are fearfully dreading…(some with eager Schadenfreude anticipation….LOL) are subject to solution ………….if their “lower vibration” state of consciousness is countered in enough “infectious optimism” in emerging leaders within the general population.
And they ARE emerging. You just may not be one of them today!
But that may change tomorrow.
Who knows??? Miracles happen!
Meanwhile check out this bootlegged copy of The Plot Against The President:
(The movie was NOT produced to be pirated before the election or distributed for free…”free” would be a campaign donation???…but to be bought…….but its non-pirated legal viewing is available to you for free —-if you are an Amazon Prime member…..)
which I discovered after listening to yesterday’s Dark to Light:
“Today, we had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Amanda Milius, director of the amazing documentary “The Plot Against the President”, which is based on the book by Lee Smith of the same name.
We get into Amanda’s vision when she set out to make the film, her background and work with the State Department and feelings about the climate there, and what is planned for the future, in addition to speaking about this great film.”
Some people can’t win for losing.
I don’t think that producer-director Amanda Millius……nor her subject…a great many remoralized.Americans and their current president are among those unfortunate souls.
The Empire?
Everyone should lose that absurdly inglorious model.
Like “Yesterday”.
Weird and wrong article. Nationalist Trump nor nationalist Americans are not the Empire.
The hidden hand that took down 9/11, that continue the global regime change operations, that organised the Corona lock down, that organise the Green Deal Bonds that Russia now is joining, is the Empire.
So the Empire didnt collapse. It won.
“Big Fan of Israel” Trump (his words) is a “nationalist”? So far, Trump has ordered cruise missile strikes on Syria because of the chemical weapon false flag Obama tried, activated the THAAD missile system in Korea that Obama had shipped there, sent Javelin missiles to Obama’s Maidanites in Ukraine, had General Soleimani murdered, someone who was opposing terrorism since the Obama administration, etc.
Trump has not been stopping “global regime change operations;” his attempts to continue them have just been failing, like the Bankster Empire itself.
The Commission Report is the lie of the 21st Century just like the fake history books’ explanation of the causes of WW1 were the lie of the 20th Century.
Sadly, I agree with Dr Roberts. This is the end of “America” as a nation-state. The state in its current form not only does not represent the nation, but is openly hostile to it. There can be no future together or the traditional American nation and the usurpers who seek our destruction.
The best culture for each person is always going to be his/her own. The system that was established in this country was well suited to the American nation. It is still well suited to the posterity of that American nation. But it was never designed to accommodate multiculturalism and it cannot survive it implementation.
What comes next?
Trump is trying to resurrect America Paul?
I hope that statement was made in jest.
Trump is using America s Zombie corpse for the continued dismantling of its institutions and sell off of them to corporations (while giving them more Fed bailout money than ever) and in foreign policy is acting as Israel’s ambassador.
Trump is a symptom of the death of the empire. After all he is the bankruptcy king and that is what he is here to do, to usher in America’s bankruptcy.
I see the situation as being that Trump is Israel’s man and also part of a group in US who know the ongoing wars of regime change are sending the country insolvent and causing a lot of political problems both interally and worldwide and wasting a lot of resources.
The EU moneychangers who interact and run the US MIC conversely want these wars to continue to advance their agenda but they dont care what happens to Israel or anyone else in that region or anywhere else if it interferes with their money agenda. That agenda also is about getting control of Russia.
The Gulf States also as part of the later want their oil & gas pipeline into EU which Syria is a obstacle.
Then there’s China caught in another paradigm of the Pacific.
Its a 4 or 5 way tug of war.
With Africa & South America left out in the cold in all this to some extent.
I am quite certain that the western world needs a lesson in a little thing called Humility. Man has taken Christ’s Place via the Rule of Law. We all know it. Good thing We have Nothing Vested in Them, or Their Nukes. Death, where is your victory? And Hell, where is your sting? Where is there a Man of Faith like Abraham ,who also Stood in the Gap and pleaded for mercy with God and saved Just Lot! They kill all the Prophets and would like to take out the Eyes of the Watchers. Woe is Their reward, well done!
American Patriots will stand up and fight and these wimpy Millennials and Generation Z do nothings won’t know what to do.
No empire collapse until its economy collapse. So when did the US empire collapse? My answer: September 15 2008 – the date when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and signaled the start of the Great Recession.
People project an amazing amount of stuff on Trump. Some say he’s avidly trying to undermine the fabric of the US with his racist, fascist shock troops. PCR says he has some kind of coherent foreign policy trying to bring about a coherent set of medium term results. All this stuff drastically overestimates the man. Trump has very few coherent objectives, whether evil or good–he reinterprets reality to suit his whims of the moment every ten seconds.
His only medium term coherent objective is more adulation and money for Donald Trump. Everything else is just tactics, and generally very short-lived and contingent tactics at that, to be replaced by diametrically opposed tactics if it seems expedient for a moment. Covid is a gorgeous example–he dismisses it as unimportant, except when he’s saying it’s very important and serious, and various measures to combat it are completely unnecessary, except when they’re totally necessary and he’s doing an incredible job putting them in place. Depending on people’s own opinions they’ll latch onto different subsets of his statements.
He does have some tendencies, such that he’ll only say or do the opposite about a quarter of the time. So for instance he does tend to say nice things about violent white supremacist militias. But it’s not like he organized them or has anything much to do with them or has bothered to even think about what they might stand for, it’s just that they seem likely to vote for him and they stroke his ego so that makes them good in his book. If for some bizarre reason Black Lives Matter had come out strong for Trump, he’d say nice things about them too, at least part of the time.
To Purple Library Guy
The most brilliant and apt description of the totally ego-driven, very shallow and ignorant baffoon occupying the White House at present! Why lots of people cannot see that is beyond me! An alternative presented is an even more pathetic option – I believe the cabal gets a perverse pleasure in putting up the most deprave, vile creatures for the presidential candidates and then sits back and watches to it’s own amusement as lots of the dumbed-down fools and morons are voting for these!
@PLG, @Katerina
You are looking at appearence and details which is women’s norm evaluation. Real men look at Trumps basic visions and actions which is Troops Home and America First.
Compared to the Democrats vision of Global Troops Stay and Global Green Pedo LGBT, Trump represents a little more sound attitude to the world, despite all his faults.
However, its still a choice between black death or cholera.
well Mr Roberts – why don’t you mention Trump’s licking the boots on Netanyahu ? And selling out America to Israel – I know that Israel is a Western monstrosity – but its still not American to do that.
Also – here is another take on 9/11 – from someone who has very high credentials and was completely torn to pieces by the Truth 9/11 movement – maybe that’s why it still hasn’t succeeded.
Truth finds a way –
To be fair, Ann: Roberts only said what he thinks Trump “wanted.” What Trump wants is not the same thing as him having the power, wisdom, and courage to get what he wants.
But yes: Anyone who did not confuse the reality TV, pro wrestling backgrounds of Trump with… actual real life… knew he was never going to fight his BFFs like Bibi, never mind the entire Bankster Empire.
Trump is just one in a few hundred million like him — an American far more interested brain-dead, patriot BS than tedious reality.
Dixie, its progeny, and other American patriot types of all possible genders, creeds and colors went down a long time ago. The precise date is impossible to determine, but the self-destruct button was terminally punched when a critical mass of so-called citizens — (R) & (D) & (I) voters — earnestly bought into that crazy idea Americans were exceptional. This sense of specialness had a predictable outcome: a combination of pathological self-absorption, extreme wealth concentration combined with unlimited military & stasi budgets, followed on by bi-partisan endorsement of unwinnable, offensive war bingeing. And let’s not forget about the torture… lots and lots of torture. I can personally attest to what it’s like to be on the sharp end of some the US’ bi-partisan endorsed and funded, covert torture systems.
Despite the failures, Americans were way too exceptional to fret about any possible consequences. This is true for the two equally culpable factions of The Party, even more so for those who vote for The Party. I could say “It’s the stupidity, stupid”, but that is an ad hominem argument.
Sounds like I’m taking the p***. I am. After living in Texas for 27 years and CA for another 12, often studying and wanting to discuss meat & potato issues with people who think “Why should I worry? I’m an American!”, I’m no longer invested. A couple friends with multiple advanced university degrees actually said those very words to me back in the ’90s. Both of them had at least one advanced degree from “radically leftist” UC Berkeley.
I’ve lived in London where I saw bad journalism up close while working at the BBC during the run-up to the Iraq invasion. I am living in Brazil as fascists crawl out of their sewers to beat it down again. There’s a grey mural of Hitler and Mussolini across the street from a nearby grocery store, probably painted by local, publicly funded Bolsonaro apparatchiks, and no one seems to notice. Bolsonaro and his supporters think neurons cycling on something other than personal profit are spewing communism. Reminds me of Texas, Ronald Reagan, and his supporters… Been to China too, with (R) & (D) sponsored stasi goon patriots in tow. Blah blah blah… “there you go again”, as Ronald Reagan would say to neurons cycling on something besides personal profit.
Anyway, for someone whelped by a neo-confederate, fascist family in Texas, you could say I’ve been around the block, and I learned a few things I would not have learned if I had played it safe, stayed in Texas and prayed to Jesus. I learned something about flag waggers: flag waggers are similar from country to country, but the flag waggers who think they enjoy much more impunity than they do are the most annoying. I also learned something about new totalitarian systems (same as the old totalitarian systems). In China, people live under pre-selected, despotic rulers they don’t get to choose. In the USA, people get to choose a few of their despotic rulers’ pre-selected front-men (and women). In China, criticizing China can result in torture. In the US, criticizing the US can result in torture. In both countries, criticizing the native state’s enemy du jour is consequence free.
So I’m out, and watching the Great American Perception to Reality Alignment from a long physical and emotional distance ain’t so bad. I recommend it to any individual who can rise above the national “character” that whelped them.