by Ilana Mercer for the Unz Review, republished with the author’s authorization
On June 9, I tweeted out the following:
“Seattle’s East Precinct has fallen, as Police Chief Carmen Best orders Seattle Police to evacuate. The occupiers, aka the ‘peaceful protesters,’ declare victory. ‘They’ve given us the precinct,’ they boast. Not even in South Africa.”
A mere day on, and the City of Seattle is de facto occupied territory, fallen to the “peaceful protesters”—the same counterculture media darlings who’ve been sacking cities across America.
The rabble—Black Lives Matter sympathizers, which, as police arrest records show is almost entirely local—was further roused by Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, formerly of Mumbai.
Most reprehensibly, Pied Piper Sawant led the “peace makers” to occupy City Hall in downtown Seattle, on Tuesday, June 10.
The altercation between Council Member Sawant and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan gives new meaning to the “broad” sweep of ideas in this dysfunctional city. Sawant, a socialist, called on Mayor Durkan, a progressive, to resign over abuse of power (what power?) and systemic racism (a meaningless abstraction). This, as the city was being sacked.
Surrender Monkeys
As of this writing, the Seattle Police has surrendered without defeat.
Seven blocks of downtown Seattle, renamed the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ), have been appropriated by the Peaceful Ones, with the imprimatur of the mayor and her police chief (Carmen Best aforementioned). Now loosed on the public, these buccaneering entrepreneurs are reported to have set up checkpoints to shake down residents who imagine they may come and go. Not in this satrapy.
On the positive side, Seattle now has that shithole-country vibrancy.
President of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, SPOG, penned an open letter to lunatic Mayor Durkan, pondering how he would fulfill his sworn oath of office to protect lives and property without so much as tear gas.
He got his answer. America did. Across the U.S., the message to law-abiding Americans, from city, town, county council members and other legislators came loud and clear: You’re on your own. Neither police nor politicians are coming to protect what’s left of your businesses or your banal, bourgeoisie little life.
Last I looked, there were 400,000 “guardian angels” in private security toiling to make up for the South African state’s failure to protect its people. Every year, millions in taxpayers’ money are forked out to private security firms to protect the new South Africa’s police stations. “South Africa’s protectors can’t protect themselves.” Will Seattle’s neutered policemen be investigating this option? It’s time for them to cut the shafted taxpayers loose. Let us go private.
When all is said and done, the George Floyd riots are a law-and-order-event. Nothing else matters in the overarching context of a failed state, in which ordered liberty is dead, and the law-abiding are utterly forsaken, even vilified.
Yes, victims are now villains and villains are … martyrs. Unbeknown to Nikolas Fernandez, a gainfully employed security guard, the Capitol Hill district of Seattle now belongs to the “peaceful protesters.” Fernandez dared to drive down it, only to be mobbed by the barbarians and forced to shoot an attacker possessing of animal-like agility. Legacy media quickly turned the narrative on its head. Fernandez, whose brother is a policeman, had invaded “peaceful protester” turf. His attacker took a bullet for peace. Hero.
Kneeling Ninnies
Next came the national kneeling. Once again, Washington State led the way. On June 1, after hundreds of looters ransacked major shopping malls in Bellevue, including the spectacular Bellevue Square, that city’s police chief, Steve Mylett, knelt down like a girl, instead of standing tall like a man for LAW-AND-ORDER.
“That was a scary scene in ‘Deliverance,’” someone quipped on Twitter. That was it. There was no stopping the kinky trend.
Soon, Chief Brian Manley of Austin, Texas, broke down in tears for … the protesters, not for property owners robbed. Real manly. It’s almost as though WASPS get a homo-erotic sexual charge out of prostrating themselves to The Evil Other.
The camera panned out across the country to reveal policemen and guardsmen caving. Against the backdrop of “Mad Max”-like dystopian destruction, men in uniform all collapsed to the pavement s like yogis to the command of their black tormentors. One after another. Here is Santa Cruz Police Chief Andy Mills. KNEELING.
The forces, police and paramilitary, all squatted like sissies. Isn’t there some a code of conduct preventing uniforms from groveling? Police acquit themselves honorably by doing the job ethically. Activism is not in the job description.
In Parker, Colorado, masses assumed the postures of ordination: prostration, lying prone, limbs splayed.
Congressional Democrats, led by Nancy, did the same. Is twerking next? Finally! We have a man in the house! “Georgia State Trooper O’Neal Saddler, black, refused to kneel during a Black Lives Matter protest in Hartwell, saying he only kneels” for God.
And what a hot, decadent mess was this national guard bump-and-grind in Atlanta: men, women, and everything in-between, mostly fat, hips swaying as they give themselves over to Dionysian urges.
Cops can’t be responsible for every misstep a feeble-minded protester takes. An elderly geezer, Martin Gugino, in Buffalo, New York, came right up to a cop’s face when the latter was on the march. Cop pushed the git to get past him. The geezer was expecting a group hug. Wasn’t prepared for a shove. He lost his balance and fell back like a twig. I saw no excess force, except a “get out of my face” shove. But the cops were hung out to dry.
Frey The Faker
As to Jacob Frey’s schtick: His was total grief appropriation. Frey is the mayor of Minneapolis, where George Floyd, in whose honor the global orgy of abreaction and destruction is being carried out, died by cop. Only people who knew an individual can legitimately have a Frey-like grand mal when mourning him. Otherwise, Frey’s performance at the casket was farcical, inauthentic; histrionic. The advice of Humphrey Bogart, playing Rick Blaine in “Casablanca” (channeled by Woody Allen in “Play It Again Sam”), should have been considered: “I never saw a dame yet that didn’t understand a good slap in the mouth …”
The spectacle of mass contagion, where members of the public turn into professional mourners, flocking to funeral happenings for victims they never knew—this is warped. Grief is not a tribal affair. Communities don’t grieve; individuals who incur loss do. These are professional pornographers, not mourners. These phony displays among regular folks are at the root of our festering cultural commons.
As kids, we knew our local policeman by name. He patrolled our neighborhoods regularly and joshed around with us. He lived among us.
Community policing, however, is a thing of the past. Former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson—notorious for shooting Michael Brown—gave a clue as to why. Wilson told The New Yorker that while he didn’t want to work in a white area, liked the black community and had fun there—he had experienced “culture shock.”
Wilson described venturing into a “different culture”: a “pre-gang culture where you’re just running in the streets, not worried about working in the morning, just worried about your immediate gratification.” For his candor about an alien culture overtaking America, Wilson was called racist by CNN’s Boris Sanchez and Kate Bolduan.
“To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely,” said Edmund Burke, in his “Reflections on the Revolution in France” (1790). Darren Wilson’s words suggest a variation on Burke’s theme: To make cops love the communities they police, the communities they police ought to be lovely.
Burke further reminded us in 1790 that, “To love the little platoon we belong to is the first principle (the germ as it were) of public affections.” But what happens when those little platoons are not so little and not so lovely?
A country that is without a modicum of cultural cohesion and is, by D.C. design, comprised of ever-accreting, competing factions—this kind of country cannot be lovely in the Burkean sense.
In fairness to law-enforcement, communities in America must be damn difficult to police.
Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian column since 1999. She’s the author of Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June, 2016). She’s on Twitter, Facebook & Gab. New on YouTube
There is a kind of permanent “autonomous zone” a couple hours drive north of Seattle, in Vancouver, Canada. While it’s known for drug addiction, it is a key gathering area for the marginalized, including First Nations people, sex trade workers, and the homeless. Maybe it’s a Pacific NW thing. (Of note, there is a police station in the centre of Vancouver’s autonomous zone.)
“Communities don’t mourn, only individuals do” says Ms. Mercer. Further downs we read ‘To make cops love the communities they police, the communities they police ought to be lovely.’ Well how are you going to have a lovely Community then, where your testosterone over dosed cops can protect your privileged lifestyle, if you don’t believe in a community? A community consists of more than one individual after all.
Margaret Thatcher is dead and gone but her divisive ideology lives on apparently. Gosh there’s something so arrogant, void of any empathy or compassion, in these ‘in your face’ libertarian type holier than thou know-it-alls. I don’t defend the looting hooligans in Seattle or anywhere else. But your rant here didn’t have any valid solutions or answers to make your community a lovlier place. No wonder the USA is on the brink of a civil war.
What the “middle class including cops” don’t understand when they see the chaos and lack of order — shithole places or countries” is that this lawlessness that scares the hell out of their comfortable lives has been the way of life for the disenfranchised lower classes mostly affecting people of colour.
They are screaming for the normalcy they had without realizing those same dregs of society seem to have taken the view that if there is no peace and justice for I, then neither shall there be peace and justice for thee.
Just reform this unjust unequal system instead of denouncing the system racism as an abstract notion; examples, Philando castille obeyed the law to the letter and still got killed. What about Breonna, Rayshard Brooks — he was asleep in a drive way and cops came and tried to arrest him. He resisted arrest and wrestled the cops to the ground and took a taser and run away while pointing the taser at the cops. What are those supporting that killing saying? He shouldn’t have resisted arrest. So what. He committed a crime– fine — but what happened to the rule of law? Out the window. No due process for him only death is warranted for sleeping in your own car whether drunk or not. Nobody deserves to die without due process no matter what they have done.
Just reform the system. Not gonna happen? Ok. Popcorn.
“…Rayshard Brooks — he was asleep in a drive way…”. How about edit to “…Rayshard Brooks — he was passed out drunk at a fast food drive through when the Black employees at that Wendy’s summoned the police to deal with it”.
Mmmm… Democracy scares some people.
“I saw no excess force, except a “get out of my face” shove. But the cops were hung out to dry.”
This kind of undermines the whole piece.
We all saw “the push” on video.
We saw the old guy’s cracked head with blood flowing out of it.
We saw the cops push on by without a downward or backward glance.
AFAIK we have no idea what the elderly man “expected.”
Is Ms. Mercer a mind reader with her snarky “expecting a hug.”
This is not for me.
(The glam photo probably does something for male commenters on this blog.
Men are so easily controlled!! Pls leave Ms. Mercer at UR. )
I saw that vid and the gentleman clearly approached an advancing police line. What he expected I have no idea, but the ‘push’ was not violent and certainly no riot baton was used. I did notice several police officers hesitate as they passed the gentleman lying on the ground but their sergeant obviously told them to keep moving, which is the correct action. One does not break the line’s integrity, it’s the second or third line who will take care of casualties of both sides.
We have the right to see that differently Auslander. You may see a ‘little shove’, I may see a way too ‘big shove’ especially for an older person. Who am I, or that fellow to know not to break the ‘line integrity’. We are not at war? This is supporting the argument that the cops pushed that fellow way too aggressively, and behind there, was another one that they carried in, that they had just arrested. If this old guy was so in the wrong, why was he not arrested? To me, leaving a fellow bleeding on the ground and no second line taking care, is a little over the top – brain damage over the top. But, the thing that made this stand our for me is that the cops immediately lied .. saying, the fellow slipped. Well, he did not, so, why the lie?
My dear lady, I did not say ‘a little shove’.
I have had extensive riot training and the basic tactics have not changed, although I will say that if I was the Shirt in charge of that line section I’d have put him down harder, old or not, because instead of moving away from a line of advancing police he chose to approach them. In a riot there is no such thing as a ‘graduated’ defense of the line, what is seen by a citizen’s video camera from an entirely different angle than the police line may look totally different from what the police in that line could and did see. If you have not actually been in such a situation, and I have, it is difficult to judge any actions after the fact, but in today’s time that is precisely what is happening, every motion, every nuance, is parsed and chewed upon as if watching a video that can be stop framed at any time is the same as life. It don’t work that way. If one doesn’t want one’s head cracked open in a whorehouse brawl, then stay the heck away from the whorehouse.
That was a very thin line of police advancing, and poorly laid out. Practice is a line thick enough to hold it’s integrity as much as possible, and behind every 4 men in the front line is a junior NCO whose task is to crack anyone who threatens his little unit a stiff one. Behind the junior NCO’s is a thin line of senior NCO’s whose task is to maintain unit integrity and if needs be move reinforcements to a threatened part of the line and if necessary wade in with the reinforcements and literally use his meter long riot baton as a weapon. There’s a whole lot more to the riot control system, but this is good enough for here.
Auslander, no, of course I have not had your training.
But I must say, and perhaps I am being thick as as brick, that you are just confirming my general distrust in today’s policing and I will not talk to them because in my own experience they lie as default. Highly trained is what I get from your description, highly ‘testosteroned’, and they are there to apply force .. not to do community work. They are against the community and there to control .. not to allow the community to do the protest that they want to do. Just take a look at the cops around the Yellow Vests. We see the same in the US.
We may just differ on this point and no need to push it to the 9th, but I will avoid those brothers in blue. I do not find that they are my friend by default, but my enemy.
The man had plenty of space and time to turn around and break his fall. How come he didn’t?
The man got in the face of a cop doing his job so he got pushed aside. Why did he purposely put himself in a position to get pushed aside?
Why did that old man put himself in harms way being as feeble as he was?
In my opinion he was the victim and perpetrator of his own demise. If one is going to become active in a cause one should have the strength and energy to do it or stay out of it.
He is an ‘Old Man’ ergo he will ‘Die’ soon, so what difference does it really make anyway? People who enjoy Virtue signaling righteous indignation can enjoy this and for the ‘Victim’s’ part, at least he really got his ‘fifteen minutes of Fame’ something some one,’Perhaps in the Bible’, said everyone gets but in reality most don’t!
” cops immediately lied .. saying, the fellow slipped. Well, he did not, so, why the lie?”
Of course he slipped, anyone who had normal control of his body could easily have kept their balance after such a mild correction, Please remember; this all took place at a point of confrontation between a Mob and the Civil Authority, what was he doing there? did he know where he was? As soon as he fell he crossed his legs, relaxed, and waited for the Cameras to appear!
“certainly no riot baton was used. ”
No one said a riot baton was used.
” their sergeant obviously told them to keep moving, which is the correct action. ”
You know this how?
You were there?
You have had training in an American police force?
More Mercer-type mind reading going on here, IMO.
Auslander on June 14, 2020 · at 12:30 pm EST/EDT
My lady, please read, posted 20 odd minutes before your post.
My lad:
The problem is the militlarization of the police.
On display in both the video and your posts.
“Anonymous on June 14, 2020 · at 3:46 pm EST/EDT
My lad: The problem is the militlarization of the police. On display in both the video and your posts.”
We were not discussing the militarization of the police in the least, don’t change the subject. I simply showed from my training that I understood what happened and why.
I agree with you nearly every time, but not today.
This was a protest and not a riot. Nobody was being violent as far as I can see. This proves the point of militarization of police since they employed riot tactics at a protest. Nobody was rushing the line. The old guy was just trying to “engage” the police and dialogue.
I agree with Katherine here and do exactly like she says with regards to interacting with police when I so happen to step out into the “real” world. I avoid them like the plague.
Actually, all of these comments are replies to my original post, in which I disagree with Mme Mercer’s characterization of character of “the shove” as anodyne.You have been describing and justifying what is in effect the requirements of a military deployment: to maintain formation, not to stop marching, etc. Please, laddie, don’t be coy. We all know what we are talking about here: Use of excessive and inappropriate force. This arises from the militarization of the police, leading to the misapprehension by police units of their task in situations where they apply overkill in a militarized, hostile, aggressive presentation, where they are not facing a violent “enemy”or riot situ. The aim of such an Auftritt/performance, obviously, is to intimidate. They are basically acting out their military-unit character and creating and boosting tension and fear.
I have just looked again closely at the video of two Buffalo policemen pushing Martin Gugino to the ground.
Here it is again:
One officer uses his baton in a kind of body check and the second officer boosts the effect of the body check using his arm. It looks as though this second push is what actually causes Gugino to fly backwards and lose his footing.
Both shoves are violent. They send he old man flying backwards and he loses his feet and he falls and hits his head hard on the pavement and his hand goes limp, letting the phone drop out of it.
It was not a riot situation. It was a peaceful demonstration against a curfew. Demonstrators were purposefully violating the curfew, exercising their right to free assembly, to protest the curfew
There is really no justification for such violent shoving behavior with baton and arm.
There was no reason for police in “phalanx” formation to move in on demonstrators protesting a curfew.
It is disingenuous to conflate incidents that have wholly different features.
A mob toppling a public monument or rioting or looting bulsinesses is a very different animal from a peaceful demonstration against an overkill curfew order.
And an obvious senior citizen with white hair is obviously not a rioter. It looked as though Gugino had a phone in his hand, which most people have in their hands these days. He didn’t visibly touch a policeman.
Since he is described as an “activist,” it is possible he wanted to dialogue with police. One can only speculate. However, They police could easily have just stepped around Gugino. Instead, two policemen violently shoved him. That is, it was more important to them to maintain their phalanx formation and continue their robotic advance than to merely step aside and around a nonthreatening citizen. It is clearly a physical assault, and is rightly so described.
Ok accept that Barbarians are in charge. Who was in charge before, some benevolent people who would go around the world and destroy countries and enslave people economically. Did Americans bother then to stop all bad that was happening.
There is no need for this. Im not in USA but I wouldn’t want to wish this upon everyone. She describe it like some kind of cult going on out in the public. Then, you would see them echoed around the world by personalities, football players and NGOs. I would like to see reaction from russian and chinese government.
“As kids, we knew our local policeman by name. He patrolled our neighborhoods regularly and joshed around with us. He lived among us.” LOL
I’m old as dirt and this was never the case. Cops were always bastards. I’ve met a few okay cops. I’ve even been helped out a couple of times. I remember one really decent cop in my lifetime.
I’m not a fool. I come from a line of Irish cops. 18 kids in my father’s family. One was the county DA in one of California’s largest counties. One was the sheriff of that county, San Joaquin, others were deputies or in the police department. My father was the only one who didn’t go along with it. He was a lifer in the military though & screwed in the head from Vietnam. My uncles were all asshole cops. Loved getting drunk and beating the F out of people.
None of my generation became cops or joined the military. Everyone was traumatized by their cop fathers. Everyone got drug habits. Some sold drugs and always got a phone call before a raid so no one got busted.
I taught Youthbuild construction skills in Watts, South Central, Compton, Willowbrook. I have 80 gangbanging students who are still my friends. We’re in constant contact. I know them, their families, their friends. One thing I learned from all of it, and this will pop your commercial for Mayor Daley, is the cops are nothing but the rich man’s gang. These people’s lives are based on the The Cradle to Prison Super Highway. They look at their grades in school and then plot how many prison beds they’ll need. Bob Barker’s company provides the orange Crocs, the toothbrushes & everything else. You’re deluded if you think it’s the people that are screwed up. Their social workers, probation officers and everyone in their lives teach them that they are the problem when the problem is the system.
School to prison:
Cradle to Prison Pipeline:
I don’t usually come here for the right wing trash. It was a little more fair than Fox News but only just.
I grew up in the same delicate ambiance the author described. Our little town/village was too poor to have more than than two part time cops, but when the situation warranted it the duty crusher was not averse to issuing an oak shampoo when we youngsters got out of hand but he was more likely to counsel us and then turn us over to our parents. In general, any of us rowdies would much prefer the oak stick/head system. Hanging inside the cellar door at our house was a razor strap. ‘Nough said.
Rock Action, if you have a better system, let’s hear it.
Right Wing Trash, aka Auslander
My friend, Auslander,
We grew up with the common sense that without discipline, society turns into ruin. Without self-discipline, people turn into criminals.
No group of humans can live in safety without rules and discipline. Either it gets internalized by example (oak or strap) or it is learned through observation of others and the lesson of consequences.
What we have is several generations where individuals are told that discipline (Rule of Law) is for others.
Whole communities are raising generations this way. Social institutions are “educating” millions to think that life needs no social contract rules.
And the result is of, course, crime, disorder, riots, looting, division and chaos.
Spare the rod, spoil the child. Civilization requires Rules and Discipline.
Larchmonter, my comrade, I think it’s more a case of we were responsible for what we did, white, black, green or plaid, if we screwed up we caught the devil for doing so, often worse from a father or mother than any cop could do. Now, we have two and more generations of coddled and massively spoiled brats who feel that no matter what happens to them for whatever they may or may not have done, it’s someone else’ fault and someone else has to take responsibility, which generally means monetary compensation or some kind of egregious punishment. I mean, good heavens, they are ‘attacking’ ‘influencers’, whatever they are, on that bane of mankind, ‘social media’! I am appalled!
Bottom line, just because I didn’t tell you it hurts to stick yourself in the eye with a twig doesn’t mean I’m responsible for your pain and suffering when you did defy all common sense and stick yourself in the eye with a twig.
This is a phoney media event. A bunch of social workers do not just chase off the riot police. Black Lives Matter is funded by the Ford Foundation.
And Soros, and it is Soros who provides the training and tactics.
And who controls Soros, Auslander? I don’t think he’s the top of the pyramid by far.
Who do you think might be “running” Soros? Other banksters or hedge-fund managers?
Polly St. George and others think that the top of the pyramid is international hedge-fund managers.
But I think Soros also is a hedge-fund manager. He does have a lot of money and enough insight, smarts, inside info, whatever, to swing deals that affect a whole country’s economy.
It was a tongue in cheek question Katherine, we all know Soros is just a front man for the Banking Cartel. I’d love to know where the real power lies though, l wonder how much higher it goes than the Soros, Rothchilds and Gates level.
If there is any nation that deserves the absolute and utter wrath of retribution, it is the USA.
Sorry, but i have zero sympathy for a nation that was built on continental scale genocide and 4 million slaves. And on top of that, they want minimal influence from government without any social cohesion and building a society on fake and artificial culture, tradition and false interpretation of religious scripture.
Such a materialistic, individualistic, genocidal arrogant and exceptionally corrupt and globally oppressive nation must be made an example of in front of in front of all of humanity and especially in front of its own vassals and allies.
The exceptionality of the USA is to such an extent, that all vassals and allies should be spared the wrath of retribution just so that they can witness their US overlord decay.
On behalf of all nations that were blackmailed, sanctioned or destroyed by the USA, I say burn baby burn.
Especially when some of said vassals/allies are deciding to turn to Russia and/or China for greener pastures. This could be icing on the cake.
The name ‘United States of America’ is sometimes shortened to ‘America’ and anything or anyone relating to the country is named ‘American’. The same name ‘America’ also refers to the landmasses of North and South America, of which Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc. are part. Some allege that the name ‘United States of America’ was deliberately chosen to reflect a Manifest Destiny-esque plan to conquer the entirety of North and South America, but I would be grateful for a better explanation.
Speaking as a USian citizen, ‘American exceptionalism’ also has certain effects on its citizens:
* No universal healthcare or paid maternal leave
* Pig-headed reliance on non-decimal measurements based on English kings’ body parts
* The $1 coin is still rarely supported after decades of inflation
* All the dollar bills are the same color and size, making it difficult to tell the denominations apart
* Pennies are minted in copper-plated zinc, which damages the stomach when swallowed
* No decent public transport, let alone high speed rail
* Only two political parties to choose from
* Citizenship-based taxation forces citizens living outside of the US to pay taxes for both the US and the countries they reside in
It is said that monopolies inhibit innovation. I think it applies here because, since the US sees itself as “exceptional”, there is no real impetus to improve the standards of living, and thus the citizens believe that the status quo is is best.
A link that gives context to astroturf symbiosis of Seattle progressive plutocrats:
Before the barbarians: insight into the relation of crime and policing:
If I am not mistaken, when Constantinople fell, gates were intentionally left open. Did the movers and shakers move to Venice?
And how can I forget Polly:
Quite some months before Constantinople fell the upper crust, middle class and skilled tradesmen had the good sense to flee, mainly through corridors deliberately left open for them by the besiegers. Many of them did indeed head west, but many more headed east and northeast, across the Black Sea. Their influence is plain to see to this day and that is why I’ve always said if you want to understand Mat Rossiya one must study Byzantium. Mother is the heir to that culture lock, stock and barrel.
I come here for views that make more sense than the likes of Faux Business or Clinton News Network, not views an order of magnitude even more demented. The Romulans are kindergartners compared to the Western Deep State/Shadow Government/NGO/Corporate members who have Piled Higher and Deeper degrees in crafting diabolical treacherous schemes.
A socialist police force is worse than anything it would be run on false pretences by these groups financed by the corporate socialist societies which would want to create corporate socialism which is what is going on right now. A corrupt state run by the cadres and the party.
A police force as it is has become today is much the forerunner of the corporate socialism run by the dem party. Policing in general has become the corporate guards and they really seek to gain total control from part control .
The situtation leading up to this takeover of fascist socialism is the corporate design matters of police, iInstead of policing crime they therefore started to police people. Everyone. This has brought forward the idea of gaining total control by socialism, 1984 was the 100 year marker of the system in the making, also the basis for the title 1984 by George Orwell.
The constitution guarantees safety to the people. Safety is privacy. Safety is freedom of speech. Safety is freedom to peaceful assembly. Safety is the right to bear arms. Safety is the safety of personal communications, papers and letters and the modern equivalents, safety in email and other electronic equivalents such as discussionboards and other peaceful assemblies of communications papers and letters would be equivalent of with safety of assembly. Spying on any of these implies violation of the constitution also done by corporations ultimately also running the police in general. There are serious problems here, and they are violations of the constitution.
The way to change however is not to make a party socialist police system. That is the way of total fascism where all rights slowly disappear not a few problems but the whole thing vanish. And fascism itself is the enforcement of socialist laws such as the historical Adolf Hitler, national socialism by design, but fascism by enforcement of the laws, the adapted Reichtag for purpose of sole government, the police force that arise from its needs, and the military that also enforce it.
In terms of fascism It does not really matter if that power comes from one person (dictator) or from a number of people (such as the EU commison a designed fascist system based on democratic socialism). The result remain the same. So imagine the socialist democratic party starting to implement socialism by law and have the police restructured to continue mass surveillance of people, it would quickly be a copy of Adolf Hitler’s Reichtag.
At this time the corporate fascism with limited democracy based on the constitution is still far better. It can be brought under control, and rather than expanded be reduced. The police must stop policing people, they must police crimes, and not to the extent of making it a business of it in any way or form. That must be abandonded completely. The police should be responsibly restructured in order to restore democracy to its full extent as is guaranteed by the constitution. No surveillance. No corporate fascism such as Facebook, Google and Twitter.
There was a time when community policing was a good and positive thing. Now, policing is the enforcement arm of whichever side of the state is in power. It has changed.
Here is a Confession of a Former Bastard Cop for you pleasure.
I watched the full body cam tape of the Atlanta shooting night before last. At the moment they had to arrest him (because he blew on the breath test device), the man resisted, got into a fight with both cops, punched them, took one of the cop’s tasers, ran, turned and tried to shoot them with the taser, and in flight was shot. He later died.
Up to the moment of stupidity, the cops handled him like a neighbor. They needed to determine whether he was drunk or impaired. They spent over 20 minutes in that process. Then the idiot decided he could outrun two Glocks with potentially 38 rounds of ammunition. Three bullets apparently found his body.
I don’t know why he resisted arrest. He would have been home in hours if he could get bail money together.
The gentle handcuffing began like he was an old lady. Instead, he went wild. He fully is responsible for his own demise.
Should the cop have killed him? Should the cop let a felon-to-be (resisting arrest, assaulting two cops, stealing the taser, firing the taser, plus some DUI charges) flee the scene? Should the cops have joined the foot race instead and maybe get more cops to help corral him?
What was the Atlanta protocols for cops in that situation?
The cop who killed him seemed like a mild-mannered cop.
The dead man seemed like a regular low-educated guy. Unfortunately, he couldn’t handle his booze. He used chemically altered judgement. He brought his own existence to an end by fighting with the two cops who were merely treating him like a DUI driver. They were protecting the public and the man himself from his condition, diminished capability.
Was this racism?
Watch the the tape. RT has it.
This was Stupid vs Rule of Law. Stupid lost. It always does. That killing had nothing to do with race.
I have not watched that Larchmonter. Later in the day. But, we cannot say it was, or was not racism, because we have no idea how those cops would have handled someone different. We just cannot say. It seems a little crazy to me that a drunk fellow is now dead. If he was ‘chemically altered’ and I trust your word on this, then how was he supposed to make realistic decisions. He is now dead. Cops could have taken his car keys away and made him call someone to come and get him. That is what I remember from old community policing, when we did not shoot drunk people.
Here is a brilliant reply to a cop. The best I have ever read. I copied and saved it. Thank you amarynth !
Who inflicts the most gun violence in America?
The police forces are not on our side. They work for the elite 1%.
Law and order? Law and order cannot work outside of moral law. The cop pushing that elderly man to the ground is a result of acting outside of moral law. ‘To serve and protect’ remember?
Most police forces in America are trained by the Israeli police. Knee to the neck and get out of my face, is how they deal with the Palestinians on a daily basis. BLM and Antifa are sponsored and trained by Soros. The tribe is working overtime to stoke the flames. Supporting both sides to keep the wars on as many fronts as possible going, is the game plan. “By way of deception Thou shalt make war”
We have to know who our enemy is. How can we win otherwise?
Everything is racism if you choose to wear those filters over your eyes and mind.
I’ve seen stops before. Kids handcuffed sitting on the curb. The cops teaching them a lesson. Then the parents come and cops release them to the parents.
This guy was 27. His decision to resist arrest was all his. The cops would have let him go if he had passed the breath test.
When is it the sole responsibility of a Black Man for his own actions?
You are joined with the Elites who want Black Men as their children. You don’t require them to act their age.
I want Black Men to be responsible as adult citizens. That’s equality under the law.
That’s the conversation that we haven’t heard since Malcolm X and Dr. King. Both of them required Blacks to act with Intelligence and Responsibility.
The man had 3 children but thought getting drunk with some hoe was important. More important than behaving rationally.
Everyone who is not a minor has to behave within the law. That’s the deal. That’s the system some people want to change.
Driving drunk is not okay. Resisting arrest is not okay.
Would Black cops have let him go? Or given him a ride home? Maybe some would. Maybe some Black cops would have done the same thing. The full bodycam tape clearly shows race didn’t matter in this confrontation.
Racism had nothing to do with the shooting. Punching the cops and taking their taser, firing the taser at them got him shot.
This is Michael Brown v.2. Punched the cop in Ferguson. Grabbed at the cop’s gun. Broke 6 laws in 3.5 minutes and got his ass shot dead.
You know why this is a tragedy? He brought it on himself.
Crazy? Yes he was. He chose to fight two cops and to take their weapon and then tried to shoot them with it.
In our society, if you interface as a possible law offender with the police, you are required to obey their orders. You sort out the injustices later with a lawyer arguing in your behalf. You don’t get to punch the cops and take their weapons.
Every person by the age of 7 or 8 should be taught that basic behavior. Certainly by the time your parents allow you to roam the streets or public transport. Definitely by the time your are a teenager. And absolutely by the time you are 27 and have fathered three children.
I don’t know the shooting rules for the Atlanta Police. I do know from what we have in front of us right now, if I were on a jury, I would free this cop of any charges.
He’s been fired. Maybe that’s going to be legal. Maybe his career in policing is over. But the criminality is all on the dead guy.
I still repeat I don’t care what he has done. Either we have due process or not. You can’t have it both ways. Either you agree to the rule of law or not. No law says if a criminal is resisting arrest, kill him.
From drunk offense to death is a very deep issue. It means those in position of power are infantile at best and psychos at worst. No de-escalation tactics. Can’t lock his car and pick him up the next day? Can’t come up with common sense solutions? Defund the police alright if this is the best they can do. Let the shoe fit on the leg for once. Anarchy? Sure that will be the result. Destroyed community? Sure but guess what, for many of them, that so called destroyed community has been part of their lives living within the present system; it won’t be much of change for them.
Their is a simple solution. Provide community services where those are needed and police services where those are needed. I drunk guy who doesn’t seem all that drunk — which could be another lie — drunks don’t fight like that. Who knows why he resisted. He could have been afraid for his life: if he was DUI give his citation or something. I don’t know, I am not a cop but drunk to death definitely Justice it is not
No my friend. Not everything is racism. You rebel against empire. How would you like it if I said, that Russia ought to fix it’s own problems and not scapegoat the US for its failures and lack of international order and rule of law. What if I said, it depends on how you look at things, because I can assure you that Nato is a defense alliance and Russia is overreacting to an imagined threat. What would you say?
Let us be objective. We have patterns of behaviours and organisations that have embedded racism. If that was not true, then why say we need to have people of colour talk and engage like malcolm X and MLK? Ok. Quick question. What did their articulation achieve? We are still talking the same nonsensical racial issues from the 1960s today in 2020. Is this rational. Repeat after me systemic racism exists. Those who refuse to acknowledge this fundamental truth are apologists of the said racism or participants or perpetrators of it. Just like anyone who would reject the fundamental truth that US is a criminal country worthy of Nuremberg trials.
Ponder – personal attacks are not allowed here – please stick to facts and not get personal – comments will go to trash otherwise. Mod.
Dwell on this, Ponder.
2. Examples of Felony Sentences Under Georgia Law
In Georgia, felony penalties range from one year in prison to the death penalty, with the specific sentencing ranges varying for individual offenses. Examples of felony sentencing ranges in Georgia include:
Aggravated assault – One to 20 years in prison (with minimum sentences of three and five years for assaults against the elderly and peace officers, respectively) (C.G.A. § 16-5-21).
Aggravated battery – One to 20 years in prison (with added fines and minimum sentences of three and five years for battery committed against the elderly and peace officers, respectively) (C.G.A. § 16-5-24).
Note well that it specifies peace officers. That’s cops in legal terminology.
They were peace officers doing their job peacefully when the very stupid man became a felon perp, at least two counts, since the dude decided to fight both cops.
Yeah, it would have been cool if the cop had a lasso, and like Will Rogers, roped the dope as he ran away. But that ain’t any rodeo out there. They call them Mean Streets and Asphalt Jungles for a reason.
We equip them with guns and tasers and batons and we give them body armor (some have to buy their own), and we tell them to take care, don’t wake us up, just keep the town safe and peaceful and don’t let any bad guys hurt us or our property, and we’ll see you in the morning, officers.
And then some very stupid guy attacks them and they shoot the guy. And that’s called racist, even if sometimes the cops are Black. Then, in the ensuing hours all Whites are called racist, and Mr. Dead Stupid Man is the new Saint for a few news cycles while some buildings burn down and everyone shows White Guilt or Pays to stay in the marketplace.
For me, all cops need more training and very clear rules of engagement. They should be national, not written 19,000 different ways (how many counties there are). Best practices agreed to. Best practices taught. Best practices enforced. Cops retrained and tested annually or bi-annually for the next decade to ensure it’s all going as well as it can. Cops with bad marks on their records re-schooled, psychologically tested, if still bad, desk jobs only, or fired if they are bad to the core. Consequences fast. All part of the national best practices.
I am dwelling on all those laws that you have given me including the death penalty. I am categorically refusing that cops have the authority and right to execute anyone even if the crime warrants the death penalty. That is what courts are for. That removed. Mod. is due process and not what we have seen in that video. That is at the very least manslaughter. He resisted arrest. So what.
Removed due process is what is lawful ; it’s what makes the legal system a justice systems. The crime must be proven in a court of law even if we have video footage of said crime. Outside of that their is no rule of law. Period. Cops have to obey the law.
“This guy was 27. His decision to resist arrest was all his. The cops would have let him go if he had passed the breath test. ”
IMO these three sentences together are an oxymoron.
Someone who has not passed the breath test is legally drunk.
A legally drunk person is by definition non compos mentis: not capable of making rational judgments and decisions.
So in this context to talk about “his *decision* to resist arrest” is basically a category error. Makes no sense.
The rest of the post displays the same illogic.
It is valid to ask—to speculate–whether a drunk white man would have ended up shot. Possibly a drunk white man would not have run away from the police. And, yes, the policemen should rather have pursued this drunk man, in a vehicle or on foot, rather than just shoot him dead. Or maybe, just let it go?They had his vehicle. They could have showed up at this door the next day with an arrest warrant.
The existence of statistics has been cited somewhere to the effect that more whites per capita of population in the USA are shot by police than are minorities. But I have not seen the statistics per se, nor their source.
So we are left with this scenario:
Obviously and legally drunk black man is shot dead by presumably rationally thinking, sober police officer who presumably has had ample training in handling fire arms.
I’ve noticed the debate here between you guys about this topic, and I wish to throw my hat into the ring.
I moot, for consideration, that what turned a quite cordial and calm interchange into a fatal incident, was the whole handcuffs and ‘your cell awaits,’ procedure. I am white, and right wing, but I really, really, really don’t trust the police, and would never wish to find myself in their custody, totally dependent on hopefully their decency (but who knows), unsure would something be planted on me, unsure of God knows who my cellmate would be, and whether I would be about to experience the worst night of my life.
That whole procedure that starts with handcuffs as a prelude to incarceration, is i believe, at the root of so many, if not the majority of these incidents. To allow police to handcuff you and cart you away, you have to trust them. Hasn’t the penny yet dropped? No sane person should trust them, and the handcuffs & cell routine should never be the default response when other options might be possible. It is what it is; we all know the importance of the role of policing, but also just how far from the ideal, the reality is.
I understand why he resisted arrest. Police ought know they lost all trust with much of society, and like Katherine says, the guy had to deal with what was for him a very threatening situation while supposedly under the influence.
Dear Mr Larchmonter445. You say: “The man had 3 children but thought getting drunk with some hoe was important.” Let me offer you a definition of the word “hoe”: noun, slang: disparaging and offensive. 1. a sexually promiscuous woman; 2. a prostitute, whore; 3. a woman. Anyway you look at it, yours is a disparaging and offensive, and therefore very poor, remark, compounded by your use of the qualifier “some” ie “some hoe”, as in like who cares who she is? Anyway, just out of curiosity, which of those three definitions was in your mind when you used the word? Thanks.
“But the criminality is all on the dead guy.”
1) potential charge is DUI. that’s “driving under the influence”. he’s not driving. he’s parked on private
property (Wendy’s). he is posing no danger to himself or to others. he’s stinking drunk? he’s outrunning two sober cops.
2) how long was the Wendy’s line? we don’t know. so he fell asleep. so what?
3) 2 on 1, he out-wrestles the cops and pulls a taser. that’s a non-lethal weapon. in an exchange of taser shots, he misses and runs. he’s out-running the cops so one or both shoot him. shoot to kill.
4) that’s murder one.
5) so resisting arrest for what? where i live this would be thrown out of court – if it got past the DA’s office.
here is the history of American policing:
What happened to the rule of law? Due process? Or is that just a ruse. I don’t care what he did, if we are too stupid to come up with a better way of policing, then let us say so instead of giving excuses. In my opinion we are in this situation because of the above conduct. I as a person of colour do not trust the police. Period. I arrived at my conclusions through experience; mine and from family and friends. Though I was never charged — did have anything on me them cops— I saw through the prejudice right quick. If for you cops make you feel safe, then know for others they are assholes who need to be reformed and if not then ………….
Either we have due process or not. And just because the 2 cops were handled like they do everybody else and had their egos hurt does not allow them to take the law I to their own hands. And frankly, it’s people who justify/ excuse wrong police actions and demean criminal actions to the point of celebrating police misconduct and criminal actions that are part of the big problem why we can’t have reforms.
You need to live in CHAZ. They will give you your hand-crafted personal Due Process.
The rest of us have one Law. One Due Process.
It begins with obeying the Law.
You think cops should be just fine getting punched and pummeled.
The dude was massively stupid.
He changed his Due Process the minute he resisted arrest and punched the cops.
He stole the taser. No Due Process for the that. He ran away, then fired the taser. No Due Process for that.
Massively stupid preempted his Due Process.
They were going to give him Due Process but he became a Felon, a violent Felon.
He wasn’t that nice quiet guy too sleepy and drunk to drive.
He became a violent felon fleeing from Due Process.
You are Woke but you need to Wake Up.
As far as I know, the police are only supposed to use deadly force on a suspect if they have reason to believe that the suspect is a clear threat to their safety or the lives of others. The man was clearly intoxicated and was running away from the police officers when he was shot. Furthermore, the autopsy suggests that the bullets struck him in the back so I would say that there was no justification for the use of deadly force in this situation.
They are not going to sack the Alamo
Texas Prepares to Defend Alamo Against Rioters
Use link for picture.
With national monuments and statues being taken down and others being outright vandalized by protesters, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush is putting everyone on notice.
Bush has made it very plain that any attacks against The Alamo will be defended.
The Alamo
Texas takes its history very seriously.
One of the institutional monuments in the state that fully represents the role Texas played in the history of the United States is The Alamo.
However, in recent weeks, The Alamo has become the target of vandalism, something that Bush will not tolerate, period.
Bush sent out a tweet just so everyone knows where he stands on this matter…
George P. Bush
· Jun 13, 2020
Don’t mess with the Alamo.
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George P. Bush
@SATXPolice @TxDPS @OfficialAlamo
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4:11 PM – Jun 13, 2020
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As stated above, The Alamo was vandalized in May when the Alamo Cenotaph had been sprayed with graffiti.
After the initial vandalism took place, a group of Texans took it upon themselves to stand guard to ensure it would not happen again.
A representative of that group, David Ahmad, stated, “Well, it’s all pretty simple. If you’re mad that George Floyd got murdered, well good. So am I.
“If you want to respond to that by burning Target, or a drug store, or looting a liquor store, or destroying the Alamo, you can kiss both sides of my ass.
“We’re going to put a stop to you.”
“So, just do it right. Protest the man’s death because it should be protested.
“Things need to change. This bullshit’s got to stop.”
The open defense of the monument by Bush stunned some due to the rather volatile nature of the relationship between Donald Trump and most of the Bush family.
The fact that George P. is the son of Jeb Bush, a man that absolutely despises President Trump, has not swayed the Texan from his support of this president.
In fact, it was recently reported that George P. Bush has put his full support behind Donald Trump’s re-election.
His stance to defend The Alamo will be very much appreciated by both Trump and his supporters.
Sources: Washington Times & Breitbart
As a South African, I highly disagree with Ilana Mercer. The socalled black majority government has elevated a small black middle class and ruling class, but power is centred as ever with white predominantly J**ish big business people, many of whom reside overseas now, in safety. South Africa gas had little say in how it is governed, how its police is funded or trained, etc. The blame is always “those incompetent Africans”, but fundamentally, the political system is deliberately incompetent to facilitate control and chaos.
Also, calls to privatise police should be met with questions as to efficacy of other privatisation of public services in the past and results thereof.
One should look to Russia in the 1990s vs post Putin and team reforms. That is South Africa’s issue. But the special tribe does not get called out on depradations in South Africa, Russia or the US.
Ask whose theories are used since post WW2 to destroy Christian, and i daresay its just good normal, morality in US and western Europe. The names of professors. The Freud obsession with sex. Look it up. Then self same folks tell white (i.e. not special tribe members) its all your fault.
Hope lies in if Putin and Xi continue with their trajectory and if their vision is passed to their successors. Hope also that ordinary White, Latin, African, Asian, native American, etc., people, can defend their body, minds and spirits from false prophets and mass indocrination.
Hear, hear Auslander – I so totally agree with you in re to understanding Мать Родина.
In re to America falling apart, I distinctly see the Leftwaffe at work. The Leftwaffe is made up of the New Left, the Old Left and the Whats Left. And both parties are responsible for the BLM = Burning, Looting, Mayhem movement spreading across USA. I’m so glad that I received Russian Citizenship awhile back and now live in Moscow. Through my wife I have a relative in Sevastopol and I hope to be there in August.
Respectfully yours,