by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog
As Jeffrey A. Lockwood recounted in his 2008 book Six-Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War, the first four nations that pioneered biological warfare were during the 1930s — Hitler’s Germany, Hirohito’s Japan, and Churchill’s England and Canada. However, under U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940s, a biowarfare R&D program, “Operation Capricious,” was created in 1943 so secretly that though it operated under William J. “Wild Bill” Donovan, who headed the OSS predecessor to the CIA, it was hidden even from Donovan himself. The way it was hidden is that it was being described to higher-ups as purely defensive, R&D against insect pests that enemy nations might use against America by bombing America with germ-infected insects. It was placed under the direction of George W. Merck, the hereditary President of the pharmaceutical giant, Merck & Co. This newly formed U.S. biological warfare program, that he headed, produced and stockpiled bacillus anthracis (anthrax), clostridium botulinum (botulism), and other deadly bacteria. However, starting under U.S. President Harry S. Truman, the actually aggressive program was finally approved and operationalized by the U.S. military in 1952 against North Korea and parts of China, but it was crude and unsuccessful, like all prior biowarfare efforts had been.
No biological warfare program has ever been strategically successful, because the really effective pathogens, such as viruses or the plague, simply cannot be successfully targeted — they are too contagious — and no weapon that can’t be targeted can be of use either tactically or strategically. However, the United States today has a vast network of biological-warfare laboratories, by far the world’s largest, many of them located in foreign countries.
As Major Leon A. Fox, who was the chief of the Medical Section for the U.S. Army’s Chemical Warfare Service, was the first to point out, in 1932, which then became published in the journal The Military Surgeon, v. 72, #3, in 1933, and republished in the Veterinary Bulletin, v. 28, pages 79-100:
Bacterial warfare is one of the recent scare-heads that are being served by the pseudo-scientists. …
How are these agents to be introduced into the bodies of the enemy to produce casualties? … Certainly at the present time we know of no disease-producing micro-organisms that will respect uniform or insignia. … The use of bubonic plague today against a field force, when the forces are actually in combat, is unthinkable for the simple reason that the epidemic could not be controlled. …
Many are now associating chemical warfare and bacterial warfare, with the result that in the resolution of adjournment, voted by the General Commission of the Disarmament Conference on July 23, 1932, at Geneva, we find chemical, bacteriological, and incendiary warfare grouped for consideration. …
Certainly at the present time, practically insurmountable difficulties prevent the use of biologic agents as effective weapons.
So, although the U.S. Government, ever since at least 1952, has tried to use bacteria and viruses as weapons, the result has always been failure, for two reasons:
1: Such ‘weapons’ didn’t behave as they had been hoped to behave — they’re uncontrollable (just as Dr. Fox had predicted), and no uncontrollable thing can be effectively used as a weapon.
2: Even if they were to have behaved as they had been hoped to, they cannot be effectively targeted (which again is what Fox had predicted): they would have endangered not only the targeted country but the entire world, even if they worked, since all of us are humans, and since biological ‘weapons’ work only if they’re extremely contagious and thus pose an extreme danger to the entire human species.
Consequently: all of that public expenditure (maybe in the trillions of dollars) is sheer waste, in terms of national defense. But it’s even worse than waste, because it poses extreme danger to ANY nation, including to the one that develops the given ‘weapon’.
And Fox was likewise correct that grouping “chemical and biological weapons” together is plain stupid. Perhaps it works as propaganda, but it certainly is false as science, and as military strategy and tactics. This fact, too, is hidden from the public, instead of published to the public.
The U.S. Arms Control Association, which is secretive but was founded by major figures in America’s military-industrial complex and is charitably funded by U.S. billionaires, has squibs on 16 countries as currently having real or alleged “Chemical and Biological Weapons”, and this ‘charitable’ Association groups together those two types of ‘weapons’, so as to hide the obvious fact that ‘biological weapons’ cannot really exist, as a practical matter, since we all are humans (not only a given targeted country are), and therefore those fake ‘weapons’ are certainly not rationally to be discussed in the same category along with chemical weapons, which — like nuclear weapons — can be targeted, and therefore can and do actually exist as weapons, so that “nuclear weapons and chemical weapons” might be rationally discussed together, but “chemical and biological weapons” cannot (since there are no actual ‘biological weapons’). The ONLY reason why “chemical and biological weapons” are discussed together is that this enables the U.S. military contractors, who derive profits from selling to the United States Government, to continue their “socialism-for-the-rich” gravy train, by treating germs and viruses (which are contagious) as if they were merely chemicals (which are not contagious). For example: On 24 January 2008, Barton J. Bernstein’s article in the Journal of Strategic Studies, “America’s biological warfare program in the Second World War” described U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s unsuccessful attempt, on 14 July 1943, to find out “Why is it so confidential to destroy insect pests?” And it’s why that Deep State program was headed by George Merck, who “led the War Research Service, which initiated the U.S. biological weapons program with Frank Olson.”
Nonetheless, as Whitney Webb well documented in her 30 January 2020 “Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak”, the Pentagon currently has an extensive program of R&D into even just specifically bat-based biological ‘weapons’, and China has cooperated with the Pentagon in that research. Why would China be cooperating with America in order to develop unnaturally deadly — human-created — human pathogens? Whereas America’s funding of this ‘research’ is open, publicly acknowledged (even though the ‘weapons’ that might result from it would be international war-crimes to use), China’s Government claims to have no biological-warfare program. Who, then was funding such useless ‘research’ at the Wuhan lab?
The basic question here, however, is “Why does the public tolerate its biological warfare?” and one possible reason why they tolerate it might be that they are propagandized by the media of the billionaires who benefit from bioweapons R&D — profit from it — and who (like the Arms Control Association, and like the also billionaires-owned-and- controlled media) hide the reality, so that the profits from this useless R&D can continue flowing, from the Government, to themselves.
Who profits from biowarfare R&D? Who are the people that have been behind this?
The laboratories, that do it, receive some, but not all, of their funding from the governments (the taxpayers) in all nations that perform this research — mainly the U.S., but also including China, Canada, and perhaps a few others.
Here are the top 100 U.S. corporations that profit from warfare — invading and militarily occupying and subduing foreign countries (since all actual dangers to U.S. national security that haven’t been “false-flag” events such as 9/11, ended when World War II ended, and were produced in order to increase U.S. military expenditures, not actually in order to protect Americans or anyone else). Other than some universities, such as (in 2015) #56 Johns Hopkins, and #82 Johns Hopkins Health Sys Corp., and drugmakers, like #89 GlaxoSmithKline, few of them seem even possibly to be receiving federal money for the development of biological ‘weapons’. However, if some of them are owned or controlled by the same people who own or control Merck or other drug companies that might be profiting from this, then control of the military contractors could be boosting those drug companies’ stock values. And the ownership and control of virtually all major corporations is hidden by many devices, both legal and illegal. What exists in such a situation is secret government, not even possibly a democratic government.
Regarding specifically China: Are some Chinese profiting from this research; and, if so, which ones? And why isn’t the Chinese Government publicly exposing them, legally trying them in entirely public proceedings, and executing them if clear evidence is presented to the public that they had been doing this illegal research for private profit? Because, if the Chinese Government won’t do that, then it’s not really illegal in China.
All the while, the nation that has by far the largest biological-warfare program, the U.S., continues to expand it, instead of bans it — as international law would require, if the U.S. Government even paid attention to international law, which it doesn’t. (This U.S. flouting of international law is endorsed by both of America’s political Parties; it is bipartisan in the U.S.)
If the public will no longer tolerate its funding biological warfare, then when will the massive public demonstrations be organized throughout the world condemning the U.S., China, and other governments, that either participate in this R&D or else tolerate instead of clearly outlawing it — punish everyone in the given nation who participates in it?
Why haven’t these massive public demonstrations, against this R&D, already occurred?
If this won’t happen, then there is no public demand for accountability, and then this purely destructive R&D will continue, and it will continue to be publicly funded, though it benefits only some stockholders and corporate executives, and causes massive global harm — perhaps including the coronavirus-19 pandemic.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
I agree with you, there should be massive demonstrations by now. But people do not know about it rather than do not care. It is censored or tabu news that the corporations have banned, and they run the press and media, Facebook, Google and Twitter.
Like most everything else in the US dark Ops budget, how would anyone know whether the US disbanded production – never mind eliminated existing stockpiles after the fact – anyway? Hard to get excited about something that you can’t personally confirm either way, not that demonstrations are a genuine solution to anything anyway.
Regarding bio-warfare as an effective “military” strategy, we’re obviously in a new age now. For one, the military no longer needs to be involved in their deployment at all. In fact, it’s much better if they aren’t. For two, the enemies to be targeted are now more often class or politically based, including host country populations. The old days of war being limited to official nation states with clearly delineated national boundaries and interests. Global wars perpetrated by globalists are indeed the coming of the long foretold “all against all,” and they are declared to advance globalist interests, among which is mass selective population reduction and the sowing of fear and chaos in targeted populations in support of draconian “shock doctrine” events.
CV19 is just the first rather tentative battle of the new age, but rest assured, it definitely won’t be the last. The people who deployed it have to be delighted with the results so far.
Someone (like most of us) in the USA is not paying attention…
The subject of virus research is very esoteric and beyond the intellectual capacity of the average person to comprehend, and therefore they are easily misled.
Here is a scholarly article that illustrates this point:
Thanks for providing that link, to the best discussion I’ve yet seen of the question whether Covid-19 was produced as a bioweapon.
One of me own direct ancestors was apparently shopping for rotten fruit at a Peoria greengrocer about 80 years ago, for a wartime biological project underwritten by Mr. Merck.
That one proved to be quite popular. . .
But these days, what do you mean tolerate? These things are forced upon us, regardless. We can’t get rid of Bayer/Monsanto/IGFarben by voting against them. And it seems doubtful that street rioting would help — come to think of it those riots look forced, as well. At least encouraged.
We never got a straight explanation of the Anthrax attack of 2001, by the way. Times have changed.
As for the virus, my own opinion has shifted a bit over the months. I never really thought it was a weapon — it would be one of the world’s worst weapons, only affecting a tiny percentage of people exposed to it, and undoubtedly washing back over whatever person/party/army that released it, doing the same thing. Of course, I do wonder about that ‘hot mic’ moment a while back (was it in March? April?) when some worker in a press briefing room said offhand, “of course, we’ve all been vaccinated against it” — WTF was that?
Anywho, after listening to a series of lectures and podcasts from leading virologists, I recognize that it wasn’t necessarily a lab creation, and could have evolved on its own. Similar viruses exchange genetic material in nature, and natural recombinations occasionally lead to outbreaks such as this. And wild bats are known to harbor populations of some of the worst viruses known to science. French scientist Luc Montagnier, famous for isolating HIV, thinks that it could have been part of a study to develop a vaccine of some sort. But I’m now about 75% convinced that it was simply a wild virus that made its escape, inside a human. (And 25% acknowledge that the most honest scientists have a huge incentive to deny involvement, if there were any — they’d soon be unemployed, for one thing. If I were put in such a position, I’d surely be burning notes, deleting data, and discarding samples.)
A number of virus labs were studying wild bats until last year, and that’s where I think it came from. I think one of the little f*kkers sneezed on one of the researchers before they had it contained. And as we now know, this virus can be multiplying and contagious for about a week before any symptoms show up.
Just to be clear, Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier has clearly stated, that in his opinion the Sars-CoV-2 virus did not evolve naturally and that it must have been produced in a bio lab.
Yes, that is his story. He thinks it might have been part of an effort to develop a vaccine for HIV.
I have been listening to the lectures and podcasts of this virologist, from Columbia University.
I must say, he sounds a bit disingenuous when he says “gawrsh, we would have no idea how to make CoV-19 so deadly” and then goes on to lecture about creating pseudovirions with various interesting features in the lab. One thing they have done is to insert green fluorescent protein into the genome of an experimental virus so that it can be seen, sometimes without a microscope. It glows bright day-glow green. It is considered a ‘safe’ virus that only infects experimental animals or cell cultures, so they can let students piddle around with it. But they are mystified by this new Coronavirus.
I think he may have been threatened, or at least coached.
It’s “our” bioweapons-program because we fund it in our federal taxes.
First of all, it’s not “its”, the people’s, biological warfare.
And they “tolerate” it because they are not being TOLD it is biological warfare.
They trust the public health authorities & so believe what they are told.
That it is a dangerous viral pandemic.
And have gotten used to not thinking for themselves.
Maybe all the incongruencies of the “pandemic” will wake a lot of people up to start putting 2&2 together.
The presumptuousness (loaded with assumptions) in the comment by “Maiden PEI” exemplifies that the reason why such a high percentage of the public believe false things isn’t only that the ‘news’-media are so full of deceptions, but is ALSO that the public are so much into their own beliefs as to be virtually closed-minded to the POSSIBILITY that they believe false things. For example, I would suggest that “Maiden PEI” consider this
“Lab-Made? SARS-CoV-2 Genealogy Through the Lens of Gain-of-Function Research”
22 April 2020, Yuri Deigin, 16,000 words
and especially its end:
“Let me be clear: this does NOT prove that CoV2 was synthesized in the laboratory. Yes, as we have seen above, from a technical standpoint, it would not be difficult for a modern virologist to create such a strain. But there is no direct evidence that anyone did this, and strange coincidences cannot pass for circumstantial evidence. On balance, the current chances against this are still higher than for the natural origins of CoV2. Moreover, even if CoV2 was indeed an unfortunate lab leak, the scientists themselves are not to blame, as they were working within the established international laws and guidelines on such research. Now, those who might be trying to cover up that leak, that’s a different story.”
“Maiden PEI” is obviously ignorant of the technical knowledge that Yuri Deigin pours forth with in his 16,000-word history and summary of the research that had been done on this, and “Maiden PEI” simply presents his or her own prejudices regarding what ‘must’ have happened here. People who do that are always inviting themselves to be deceived by whatever happens to fit their preconceived false ideas. The propagandists have a willing-and-eager target there.
I always start with the assumption that whatever I believe is false, and that I therefore need to find an ironclad case that it is false. Otherwise, I won’t publish anything on the subject. So, in the present instance, I started with the presumption that biological weapons are just another type of weapons, which have as much reason to exist as any other weapons do, and I sought evidence that that belief is false — and I found it and presented it here.
Or, is Maiden PEI just mindful of the fact that mountains of “experts” can be found on both sides of the argument who present mountains of “compelling evidence” in support of their case that the virus is or is not a lab created (possibly) bio-terror weapon. Could he also be mindful of the mountains of circumstantial evidence appearing everyday that this is just another false-flag operation carried out by the usual suspects, which is being actively covered up by a lying press and medical authorities in support of the larger agenda we’re seeing played out now? No such “proof” will ever be offered up for that contention of course, as it will be buried, suppressed, or simply mocked out of existence by the authorities, who have an infinitely larger megaphone. The large scientific institution I work for has several epidemiological experts on staff, and surprise surprise, all of their in-house trainings and information updates are little more than simple word for word regurgitations of public information being disseminated by our lying press. If 9-11 and the whole GWoT thing should have taught us anything, it’s how to recognize a mass propaganda and disinformation campaign when we’re being subjected to it. Sadly, most Americans are pretty “thick” in that regard. There’s no science for this yet, no PhDs getting funded and publishing on it, no international conferences for all the pseudo-intellectual blowhards to gather and pontificate at on somebody else’s dime. It requires mindfulness and attention and a keenly developed BS detector, something even common people have if they work to develop it and simply shut out the noise. I think Maiden PEI has been putting in that work and is right on track here.
Lest that comes off as bit harsh, I do recognize that Mr Zuesse is a professional writer, and is thus a bit hamstrung as to what kind of speculative branches he can crawl out on, lest his paying sponsors or patrons saw them off behind him. I take that in consideration when I read anything professional writers write on this or any other site and I am indeed sympathetic to their plight.
Fortunately, we commenters suffer no restrictions, which is why I normally put as much weight on the informed commentary after the article as I do the articles themselves. Yes, there are outliers on both ends of the credibility spectrum involved, so you have to weigh all that, but that’s par for the course in everyday life anyway. If I had to weigh everything I’ve learned by reading blogs of all types for the past twenty years or so, I’d have to say the comments sections win the prize overall by a pretty large margin. There’s a whole lot of pretty smart people out there of all intelligence, experience, and education levels who have pretty good nose for the truth when you listen to enough of them.
“which is being actively covered up by a lying press and medical authorities in support of the larger agenda we’re seeing played out now? No such “proof” will ever be offered up for that contention of course,”
Of course the MSM will not acknowledge anything relevant until absolutely forced to—and until the “event producers” have developed a plan to channel whatever inchoate protest occurs. Or, to gin up a protest that misdirects attention.
Catherine Austin Fitts (of the Solari Report) estimates that when the s— detectors of 5-10% of the populace have gone off and these people are making it clear that they know that something does not smell right, TPTB will back off their program. This statement came in the context of an interview between CAF and James Corbett, of The Corbett Report, concerning the work that Corbett has done to expose Bill Gates’s back story and to clarify his agenda.
The title of CAF’s program is “The Infection Fraud.” Her position is that regardless of where SARS-CoV-2 came from, it is being used as a pretext to inject nanosurveillance tech, not medicine, into the world’s people. To finally get control of people and finance. Given (1) the rush to get the vaccine online, contra all standard medical procedures, (2) Bill Gates’s openly stated purposes, (3) BG’s not so openly stated background and the character of his leashes, (4) the current USA and global financial emergency, and (5) other atmosperics, I think Fitts’s hypothesis is pretty strong. The interview is still upon Youtube, and I highly recommend:
I for one find Corbett and his documentation to be pretty persuasive.
Regarding the he says/she says aspect of science—isn’t that the essence of the classical view of genuine science? An ongoing back and forth? The fact that the “forth” is being suppressed—doctors and researchers and others who do not support the lockdown and contact-tracing response to fight covid-19 spread are being censored bigtime by the social media—and we are only getting the “back” is also a suspicious aspect that supports Fitts’s contention.
I think the time is coming when we will have to fight back against mandatory surveillance vaccination. Fitts’s advice is to get to know politicos and law enforcement personnel in your local area and work with them to head off brutalization through enforced vaccinations and preserve our rights and the integrity of our physical bodies and minds. For starters, write to them and ask for a detailed response. Fitts mentioned the existence of templates for this, maybe at her site. I cannot recall that detail.
There’s a piece of the HIV virus built in this corona virus. According to several people with professional experience nature having produced SARS-CoV-2 would have a chance of one in a billion and they say it’s lab work, whether accelerated evolution or pure genetic manipulation. Do a search for what Dr Buttar has to say about this.
Good solid points, Maiden PEI !
Go to bitchute and watch some videos with Dr. Dolores Cahill. A very impressive CV, she knows what she is talking about. There are 12 RNA strains different from the usual Corona Virus . 1 or 2 could evolve, 12 means it is a bioweapon. The reason the people are not resisting this is Big Pharma and the NWO or Davos crowd control of Mass Media. Facebook, Youtube, and twitter are actively censoring information also.
People are slowly waking up, but it is tough when ALL members of Congress are cowardly trimmers, I think it is hard for people to grasp that the friendly smiling face on TV is deliberately withholding cures from Covid 19. Vitamins C and D and Zinc cure Covid 19, and act as a prophylactic, meaning you will get a minor case. Get them thru diet or pills.
Zinc in glutamate form is probably the best anti covid treatment known to date.
I speak from some experience having taken tablets containing zinc in this form in 2010 when exposed to covids overseas and being the only member of my group taking these tablets and NOT getting the coronavirus.
I researched these original zinc containing tablets in 2012/13 thinking that maybe it was just a coincidence and noted that the developers of these tablets had done some basic tests on a few hundred people, with the results showing that early exposure to zinc consistently minimized the effects of the infection and reduced the period of infection to just 5 to 7 days.
In 2011 I attempted on a number of occasions to buy similar medicine containing zinc in the UK, France, Italy and Australia but there was nothing available. In recent years however I see that zinc is a common component of many cold medicines.
Also during my time in Northern Australia and SE Asia I took quinine tablets for a number of years without side effects. I also found later that Tonic water containing quinine reduced my hay fever symptoms.
In essence I totally agree with John above and note there is a combo tablet available here in Australia containing Echinacea, Garlic, Zinc & C. These tablets together with drinking Tonic water containing quinine are my weapon of choice against the real or imagined Covid 19 Virus.
the D3 needs to be accompanied by K2 to be utilized, even better teamed with quercetin.
Bloomberg: Pandemic Clears Skies, But Global Warming Continues
Actually, global warming is accelerating.
The MSM will happily promote pandemics, vaccines, stock markets, terror weapons, and victims galore, but not a word about climate collapse.
Well, better get ready. The fuse is lit, and the “big bang” is just around the corner.
In other words, Bloomberg has no idea what the climate will do. Planes or no planes. Or cars. Or power plants.
(Removed language,MOD)
Why does the public tolerate nuclear warfare?
“It’s the Death Instinct, the dark twin of our Life Instinct” — Sigmund Freud, in Why War?, a radio dialogue with Albert Einstein, 1938
Can you provide a link to that conversation? thanx
Qaddafi foresaw this happening in Africa when he gave a long speech to the U.N. in 2009. Bio-weapons have been being tested on, who else, black Africans for a long time. They invent the diseases and then try to invent the vaccinations. Africa has been their testing ground. This is not only done for their now preferred method of waging war, but for obscene profits for the pharmaceutical corporations. They infect the world, then they sell the vaccines.
A comprehensive account of the US Military involvement in bioweapons research.
The big weakness of bio-weapons is their lack of specificity. The holy grail is a bioweapon that can be targetted against a specifc population group. The lack of homogeneity of all population groups makes even that unlikely, but for a bunch of psychos potentially on the brink of losing it all, what do they have to lose?
As the current situation so well demonstrates, the action of the putative pathogen depends on the immune system of the person coming into contact with it.
Even the so called great plague did not kill everyone. Were the people who did not die from the plague maintaining social distancing or self isolating at home or did they have properly functioning immune systems?
Looking at the situation from the medical perspective concentrating on fighting the microbe while ignoring the weakened condition of the victim is simply the wrong point of view and demonstrates a lack of understanding of how nature works.
This is easily demonstrated in animal experiments.
Occidental visitations to the East Cost of North America may have had an unintentional consequence with Viking arrival and attempted colonization of now Newfoundland and South, along Hudson River and Cod catchers fishing Atlantic and shoring up along the Canadian and New England seaboard as some of their diseases shared with natives that had no immunity with near genocidal result as Pilgrims and other new arrivals noted crops unattended and dead grounded native Americans that with the arrival of more sojourners and moving on spread the reduction of natives with industrial strength success. Conquistadors did same. When at Valley Forge, as General in colonial rebellion against Great Britain, George Washington ordered blankets taken from Small Pox ward and be given to natives allied with Great Britain, as a germ warfare ploy. War departments that can spread a disease that adversary troops have yet to experience while having developed an immunity for their own force can make settling in taken lands much easier.
Actually you will find the Brits used TB infected blankets on N. American First Nations to subdue them long before Washington copied the ploy. Spreading disease is a two way street, Syphillus didn’t show up in Europe until Columbus and his men returned from the new world. Just thank God that the psychosis that Brit and Yank elite suffer from is not communicable and it can be easily cured………..if death is a cure.
There is one kind of biological warfare that would be extremely effective, and can be targeted with some precision; and that is by the deliberate release of foreign crop pests or pathogens into a targeted nation’s agricultural sector in peacetime. For instance, let’s assume a particular country has an economy largely dependent on banana cultivation; a literal banana republic. So, and this can mostly be done only in peacetime, you introduce a virus like the tobacco mosaic virus, or a fungus that causes blight, or an invasive insect with no local natural predators such as the fall armyworm caterpillar, to wreck the crop and the economy. The targeted nation doesn’t even have to be an enemy; it might be one that’s just ripe for exploitation by Wall Street corporations and those corporations want is economy so devastated that they can take it over in return for economic “assistance”. I would be astonished if such biological warfare has not been planned for and researched, and more likely than not already attempted.
destroy the ‘continuity of government’ that is what is actually going on to remove Trump. This is a must watch video an absouloutly must watch…
Please get this out!!!!!!!!!
The use of microorganisms as a means of waging war or as bioterror agents is becoming a real possibility now around the world. Any biological agent from a large gamut of human infection causing pathogens could be considered a potential biological weapon. However, only a small number of these agents fulfil the desirable criteria like ease of cultivation and dispersal or dissemination for recognition as possible biological weapons. Anthrax spores pose the biggest bioterrorism threat because it is easier to produce and preserve them. Anthrax spores have already been used in United States and in future also it is most likely preferable agent to be used for biothreat because of high case fatality rates, rapid transmission by aerosol and its stability in the environment. The release of any bio-warfare agent by a militant or miscreant would likely be silent and untraceable or nearly so. Therefore, of the recognized possible biological weapons, anthrax bacilli are rated the most lethal.