By videoconference from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 26, 2020
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic is a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness and vulnerabilities. The virus respects no borders. Combatting this pandemic calls for a transparent, robust, coordinated, large-scale and science-based global response in the spirit of solidarity. We are strongly committed to presenting a united front against this common threat.
We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life and the suffering faced by people around the world. Tackling the pandemic and its intertwined health, social and economic impacts is our absolute priority. We express our gratitude and support to all frontline health workers as we continue to fight the pandemic.
The G20 is committed to do whatever it takes to overcome the pandemic, along with the World Health Organization (WHO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group (WBG), United Nations (UN), and other international organizations, working within their existing mandates. We are determined to spare no effort, both individually and collectively, to:
- Protect lives.
- Safeguard people’s jobs and incomes.
- Restore confidence, preserve financial stability, revive growth and recover stronger.
- Minimize disruptions to trade and global supply chains.
- Provide help to all countries in need of assistance.
- Coordinate on public health and financial measures.
Fighting the Pandemic
We commit to take all necessary health measures and seek to ensure adequate financing to contain the pandemic and protect people, especially the most vulnerable. We will share timely and transparent information; exchange epidemiological and clinical data; share materials necessary for research and development; and strengthen health systems globally, including through supporting the full implementation of the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). We will expand manufacturing capacity to meet the increasing needs for medical supplies and ensure these are made widely available, at an affordable price, on an equitable basis, where they are most needed and as quickly as possible. We stress the importance of responsible communication to the public during this global health crisis. We task our Health Ministers to meet as needed to share national best practices and develop a set of G20 urgent actions on jointly combatting the pandemic by their ministerial meeting in April.
We fully support and commit to further strengthen the WHO’s mandate in coordinating the international fight against the pandemic, including the protection of front-line health workers, delivery of medical supplies, especially diagnostic tools, treatments, medicines, and vaccines. We acknowledge the necessity of urgent short-term actions to step up the global efforts to fight the COVID-19 crisis. We will quickly work together and with stakeholders to close the financing gap in the WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan. We further commit to provide immediate resources to the WHO’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, on a voluntary basis. We call upon all countries, international organizations, the private sector, philanthropies, and individuals to contribute to these efforts.
To safeguard the future, we commit to strengthen national, regional, and global capacities to respond to potential infectious disease outbreaks by substantially increasing our epidemic preparedness spending. This will enhance the protection of everyone, especially vulnerable groups that are disproportionately affected by infectious diseases. We further commit to work together to increase research and development funding for vaccines and medicines, leverage digital technologies, and strengthen scientific international cooperation. We will bolster our coordination, including with the private sector, towards rapid development, manufacturing and distribution of diagnostics, antiviral medicines, and vaccines, adhering to the objectives of efficacy, safety, equity, accessibility, and affordability.
We ask the WHO, in cooperation with relevant organizations, to assess gaps in pandemic preparedness and report to a joint meeting of Finance and Health Ministers in the coming months, with a view to establish a global initiative on pandemic preparedness and response. This initiative will capitalize on existing programs to align priorities in global preparedness and act as a universal, efficient, sustained funding and coordination platform to accelerate the development and delivery of vaccines, diagnostics and treatments.
Safeguarding the Global Economy
We commit to do whatever it takes and to use all available policy tools to minimize the economic and social damage from the pandemic, restore global growth, maintain market stability, and strengthen resilience.
We are currently undertaking immediate and vigorous measures to support our economies; protect workers, businesses—especially micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises—and the sectors most affected; and shield the vulnerable through adequate social protection. We are injecting over $5 trillion into the global economy, as part of targeted fiscal policy, economic measures, and guarantee schemes to counteract the social, economic and financial impacts of the pandemic.
We will continue to conduct bold and large-scale fiscal support. Collective G20 action will amplify its impact, ensure coherence, and harness synergies. The magnitude and scope of this response will get the global economy back on its feet and set a strong basis for the protection of jobs and the recovery of growth. We ask our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to coordinate on a regular basis to develop a G20 action plan in response to COVID-19 and work closely with international organizations to swiftly deliver the appropriate international financial assistance.
We support the extraordinary measures taken by central banks consistent with their mandates. Central banks have acted to support the flow of credit to households and businesses, promote financial stability, and enhance liquidity in global markets. We welcome the extension of swap lines that our central banks have undertaken. We also support regulatory and supervisory measures taken to ensure that the financial system continues to support the economy and welcome the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) announced coordination of such measures.
We also welcome the steps taken by the IMF and the WBG to support countries in need using all instruments to the fullest extent as part of a coordinated global response and ask them to regularly update the G20 on the impacts of the pandemic, their response, and policy recommendations. We will continue to address risks of debt vulnerabilities in low-income countries due to the pandemic. We also ask the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to monitor the pandemic’s impact on employment.
Addressing International Trade Disruptions
Consistent with the needs of our citizens, we will work to ensure the flow of vital medical supplies, critical agricultural products, and other goods and services across borders, and work to resolve disruptions to the global supply chains, to support the health and well- being of all people.
We commit to continue working together to facilitate international trade and coordinate responses in ways that avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade. Emergency measures aimed at protecting health will be targeted, proportionate, transparent, and temporary. We task our Trade Ministers to assess the impact of the pandemic on trade.
We reiterate our goal to realize a free, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, predictable and stable trade and investment environment, and to keep our markets open.
Enhancing Global Cooperation
We will work swiftly and decisively with the front-line international organizations, notably the WHO, IMF, WBG, and multilateral and regional development banks to deploy a robust, coherent, coordinated, and rapid financial package and to address any gaps in their toolkit. We stand ready to strengthen the global financial safety nets. We call upon all these organizations to further step up coordination of their actions, including with the private sector, to support emerging and developing countries facing the health, economic, and social shocks of COVID-19.
We are gravely concerned with the serious risks posed to all countries, particularly developing and least developed countries, and notably in Africa and small island states, where health systems and economies may be less able to cope with the challenge, as well as the particular risk faced by refugees and displaced persons. We consider that consolidating Africa’s health defense is a key for the resilience of global health. We will strengthen capacity building and technical assistance, especially to at-risk communities. We stand ready to mobilize development and humanitarian financing.
We task our top relevant officials to coordinate closely in support of the global efforts to counter the pandemic’s impacts, including through proportionate border management measures in accordance with national regulations and to provide assistance where necessary to repatriate citizens.
We value the efforts to safeguard our people’s health through the postponement of major public events, in particular the decision by the International Olympic Committee to reschedule the Olympic Games to a date no later than summer 2021. We commend Japan’s determination to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 in their complete form as a symbol of human resilience.
We stand ready to react promptly and take any further action that may be required. We express our readiness to convene again as the situation requires. Global action, solidarity and international cooperation are more than ever necessary to address this pandemic. We are confident that, working closely together, we will overcome this. We will protect human life, restore global economic stability, and lay out solid foundations for strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.
I recommend this approach,
Sounds great. The proof is in the pudding.
Aside from another Cuban Missile Crisis, it would be difficult to conceive of a more pressing need for cooperation and joint efforts on both the virus and the global economy going into recession or worse.
I expect Russia and China will lead with the US doing nothing and the rest of them with their hands out expecting help to come.
The videos of Russian military vehicles cruising through 600 miles of Italy to get to the red hot zone of Bergamo is the picture of the decade. Italy was abandoned. Serbia was abandoned. The European Dream is a nightmare.
The US is demonizing China while it is running its Experimental Trials in China on Chinese patients.
The Tariff wars are still on.
The Sanctions wars are still on.
The pudding might not be too tasty if things continue as is.
I agree with this assessment, and would add that the G20 statement was hardly extraordinary – just the same old politically correct pablum we’ve been fed ever since political correctness became a social correctness mandate.
Finally, the Russian military are in my native country. About time! Better late than never! The Anglos got a piece of Berlin, but the Russians never got a piece of Tokyo or Rome did they?
“Dulcis et decorum est…” Under the tragic circumstances of the day there is something sweet and honorable in those military vehicles driving up the Italian boot. The children of the Third Rome to the rescue of what is left of the First Rome, abandoned by the spawn of the eternal barbarians, Goths, Frankish and, Anglo.
Sursum corda, but beware the Anglo-phile quislings of our southern stock.
Reply to Larchmonter445 on March 26, 2020 · at 11:03 pm EST/EDT
Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Summit : Statement on COVID-19 By videoconference from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 26, 2020 [pdf]
Really ? Methinks the G20 Leaders are desperately trying to pull all our legs again. It’s the same old story : cognitive dissonance and social engineering as David Icke repeatedly has been saying over the years : The Hunger Games Society – Panem et Circenses – Problem – Reaction – Solution – Crisis management – yet another platform from which to launch the globalist ideology and build upon popular acquiescence to this scam.
David Icke – The Truth Behind The Coronavirus Pandemic: Covid-19 Lockdown & The Economic Crash 679 847 vues •Première diffusée il y a 20 heures London Real 1,36 M abonnés
The members of the G20 are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.
no one noticed who’s conspicuously absent here, one of the few fingers’ full of impacted countries?
At the invitation of Saudi Arabia, Switzerland also participated in this G20 summit.
Iran comes to mind . . .
You win the succinctly said prize with those 4 words.
why would the G-20 have any weight, capability or impact? We have those who are trying to protect and those who are trying to destroy in that group. How can that work?
And in fact, why should we listen at all, given that they are making a mountain out of a molehill? Those behind this media storm were unlucky that this is (in the European epicenter) the mildest flu season in 5 years, resulting in very low mortality. It is just a bunch of politicians, including Putin, acting busy. At least Putin used the chance to remove some tax loopholes for the rich.
More Hollywood-style propaganda – blockbuster lies all the way.
Please refer to this site for the true and up-to-date scenario surrounding this so-called disastrous pandemic – which is showing even less of a mortality rate than the usual annual ‘flus.
Note also that homoeopathy has so far offer the safest and most effective solution for cure in influenza epidemics – as in other types of epidemics, such as measles, mumps, whooping cough, &c. See link below of patients cured of the COVID 19 in Iran with homoeopathy.
Another site to read – the mortality figures are totally blown up.
Please read and understand this to stop spreading unnecessary fear and panic.
Thanks Yuri. But why not give the raw data? I have learned a ton from The Saker, and I am grateful, but tragically he can not read and interpret a graph. This will create a lasting loss of prestige for this blog.
Total mortality in Europe 2016-2020 by week:
you can see that this is the most benign winter of the last four years. The excess mortality was ten times or so larger just two years ago.
You may then think that hot spots like Italy are much worse now. Not so. Go to
The current map will take a while to load, showing Italy with abnormal death last week, everyone else within 3 sigma. The prior week, everyone was within 3 sigma.
Then go to historical maps (you can click the link at the bottom) and move the cursor to see week 2, 2017,
week 6, 2015, can you see that the mortality then was the next darker color? In Italy in week 2, 2017, excess mortality was twice what it is now. This year we have it good.
So, somehow the 2020 dead are far more precious than the 2017 dead, for mainstream media, for zerohedge, The Saker, and Unz. It appears that some of the formerly alternative press is self-censoring, under best of circumstances. The site above is run by a collaboration of 31 Eurpean universities and CDC type agencies, and is the best european data you can find. Then, you can easily ask yourself why such a media storm and why now.
Careful Glib,
You can only compare two sets of data if all other variables remain unchanged. In 2020 we have quarantine, social distancing, self isolation, hand-washing, alcohol-gelling campaign etc..since these measures only existed in 2020, this year will always be an outlier compared to previous years when these measures did not exist.
You can see that mortality has been decreasing throughout the crisis. The decrease started around Feb. 10, week 6. How can a pandemic not increase mortality? I don’t get it.
The quarantine started around March 7 in Italy, (week 10), but mortality has to increase for another 4 weeks because of incubation, in-family contamination, and other effects, such as touching surfaces. Even if the quarantine is perfect. So mortality should increase through week 14 (which is next week, to be posted two weeks from now). Mortality keeps decreasing. Quarantines in other countries started 7-10 days later. Mortality keeps decreasing.
You do not have to be careful to state total mortality data are inconsistent with a pandemic. And not just inconsistent, tens of standard deviations inconsistent. It is you who should be careful about making generic statements about quarantines, you basically imply that the moment you self-isolate you are also going to get cured of CV.
Why do we not notice it in the USA? Because such data are unavailable and will never be. This is a global coup. I am very worried about Russia shutting down now. Possibly the elites are winning there too.
I have a question: How Tedros Adhanom, a genocidal criminal, member of terrorist organization and somebody without any medical degree, got to be elected as a president of WHO.
Tedron was also known for renaming diseases to suit his political ambitions while heading Ethiopian ministry of health.
Here is a full overview of his illustrious career:
Thank you. I knew nothing about Tedros, assumed he was just a doctor.
No cholera in Ethiopia , but plenty of cases of Acute Water Diarhhea! AWD. Amazing.
That same channel had another video about bioweapons. There’s no hope for a humanity which is so depraved as to create such things.
Just heard Trump’s press conference. He used these words many, many times ….Great, fantastic, terrific, tremendous, positively, incredible, unbelievable, really good job, great things. Think he used ‘great’ about 15 times. What a great speaker, what a tremendous conference from an incredible president of the greatest country on earth (or in the universe).
That is his technology of branding whatever he does or is associated with or what he wants to be connected to.
He is a genius at communicating his “message”.
His artful inarticulate speech creates ambiguity behind which he can retreat if “success” does not happen.
This came from decades of promoting himself in the jungle of NYC business and connected politics, graft and ethnic leveraging. He mastered it and then went turbo with Television Reality Shows.
Bringing his technologies to politics came naturally, and he became President because he had skills that defeated the MSM’s hatred of him and all the sabotage by the Deep State and the Dems.
It is a form of the Power of Positive Thinking.
Few world leaders of major note don’t have communication skills. For good or bad. Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, Obama, Mussolini, Hitler, Castro, and Chavez come to mind.
Many thanks for your intelligent comment and explanation. I just wonder how it will all end.
Something the MSM is usually shy to discuss but has quietly snuck the NWO’s motives in this article:
Former Prime Minister of the UK Gordon Brown has called on world leaders to create “a temporary form of global government” to fight the coronavirus outbreak.
As if the crises of the past, 911, terrorism, wars, shootings, bombings, climate change, LGBT rights, etc… weren’t opportune enough for the NWO to force their agenda onto the people. Now we have a global epidemic to deal with.
Were we being told of this virus in advance? This article seems to suggest as much:
There are conflicting statements.. beliefs…opinions….etc…from politicians….medical specialists and ordinary medical staff……somehow a world wide reputable organisation must find the root cause of this virus…..we the world deserve that information.
The only thing unprecedented in this pLandemic is the reaction. So much points to this being pre-planned that Saker and the readers should not fall for this scam.
Remember the “First they came for the Nazis and Pedophiles…” article? Well now they are coming for us all with all the Orwellian and tyrannical measures…
…Based on a virus in the “common cold” family (literally).
Before you say “look at Italy” please see how many died of Influenza in Italy three seasons ago as well as the demographics and previous health condition of all the “body bags”.
Whether the virus was planted ( aka bio-weapon) or just happened like most other similar viruses- the reaction was planned and just looking for an occasion.
This is worse than 911
“This is worse than 911”
I fear that when the dust settles you might be right.
This covid panick (ccp disease as they call it on gateway pundit now) smell so rotten i have gagged several times.
The people that suddenly trust the proven liars in the rentier class and its proxies and ask me to trust them saddens me greatly.
This may be called an Extraordinary Summit – but the results are pretty lower than ordinary.
There was only one true world leader, proven, capable and intelligent at this virtual meeting.
Even President Xi is compromised by needing his Party and his dogmas while bearing “responsibility” for his subordinates in Wuhan delaying the discovery of the novel virus. It will be quite some time before he regains stature.
Putin thinks, talks and acts as a solitary man (representing his nation and the Russian civilization).
All the rest are mediocrities of varying size and shape.
Expect nothing, not even a little something. Then, if something actually comes from this meeting, it will seem a blessing.
There just is one thing I do not agree on Larchmonter445 :-). They are not mediocrities. They are abysmally poor excuses pretending to be at least mediocre. (And then we count a few notches up from there and give Xi Jinping a few notches of a handicap as you say).
I’m so disgusted – actually quite insulted by these people. I did expect, I expected to see a lifting of sanctions at least, at least some points. OK; no more words because they would not be printable.
“Exchange epidemiological data and clinical data”
There is no harmonisation of the way data is collected. Some countries test post-humously, others do not, some do not differentiate between flu and Covid. Cause of death reporting is not consistent.
“Share medical material…”
The EU enacted a ban on export of medical material. They even left their own EU member Italy in the lurch. US has tightened sanctions on Iran. The only ones who are sharing & helping are Russia & China.
“Shield the vulnerable through adequate social protection”
“We ask our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to coordinate”
USA has cut rates, Russia has not, ECB has gone all-in setting up a PEPP (pandemic Emergency purchase program) where they have removed constraints on any asset purchases.
What is even the point of these g20 meetings?
It looks like more soothing but empty talk to me. When their statement begins:
We are determined to spare no effort, both individually and collectively, to:
they could have included the words to read: We are determined to appear to spare no effort, both individually and collectively to:
Protect lives.
Safeguard people’s jobs and incomes.
Restore confidence, preserve financial stability, revive growth and recover stronger.
Minimize disruptions to trade and global supply chains.
Provide help to all countries in need of assistance.
Coordinate on public health and financial measures.
And they are working with their stakeholders! Money interests again? And will meet in April? If this is the danger we are to believe then waiting that long to meet would see countless more die. Why not meet in a couple of days? After all, this is an emergency of such magnatude as to close down entire countries. According to the French microbiologist we read about on this site yesterday, sending everyone to quarantine is exactly the wrong approach to take. Where is the mass testing? Why do they want us locked in our homes for weeks on end?
Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is buying up the world.
“global response in the spirit of solidarity” – what a great expression of words!
Of course, we need solidarity, no doubt, but if there is no continuity of that after this pandemic is solved then everything is in vain because the real cure against perpetuated sickness will not be addressed again. That means : let’s help each other until we trespass the bridge then we can continue with our own ways of playing against each other.
“We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life and the suffering faced by people around the world.” – yeah, I can imagine the sadness you have gentlemen, guess who did that to the large majority of people around the world, may god forgive you all but I don’t. You have never had any remorse when millions of people have been made to suffer and die because of you when you destroyed their lives, their countries…
Furthermore, highlighted is the following : “We are determined to spare no effort, both individually and collectively, to: ? Protect lives. ? Safeguard people’s jobs and incomes. ? Restore confidence, preserve financial stability, revive growth and recover stronger. ? Minimize disruptions to trade and global supply chains. ? Provide help to all countries in need of assistance. ? Coordinate on public health and financial measures. – it is the same old, a sudden infection has decimated the vineyard and the masters went on panic mode, asking for solidarity and offering a candy in return for your further acceptance of slavery. Of course, things will not change for you, once the vineyard is fine and can be harvested, your needs will be forgotten. Until then, you will have to listen to the masters and behave as good slaves, staying at home and waiting for your bills cause they will not stop coming meanwhile your pockets are empty. Depending on the country you live in, you’ll get some money help or not, be sure it won’t be a global goodwill gesture, every country has its own privileged people, this will not change. On the other hand, there are those endangered “big ones” who will be helped, not you the single poor.
But, heads up, embrace the optimistic view !
…excuse me, but all I can see here is jut the typically expected “blah-blah-blah”, that we heard in 2009 with the swine flu and later, with the H1N1.
I´m VERY AFRAID (…sorry by caps…) of this:
…and there is a lot of people that refute with solid arguments this histeria.
Maybe, maybe not.
I wish from the bottom of my heart that all these people are wrong, for our own good.
Meanwhile, be safe bros, all of you..!
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID (High Consequence Infectious Disease).
This came out over a week ago.
Let us suppose that…
amid a horrifying, rising scale of death, the POTUS in a sudden attack of lucidity an’ common sense accepts offer of a batch of one thousand Cuban doctors to help in NY and elsewhere.
Suppose again that three months later the sacrosanct Jew sanctuary NYT headlines : Hi, Cuba, how can we thank you?
Cuba ‘ s leader Diaz Canel shouts back: Welcome, dude, well just cancel the blockade and return us Guantanamo.
Atlanticist “view” how this will end:
Has anyone seen this? UK Medical body basically says Covid19 is nothing to worry about.
It has since been replaced by instructions to “stay home”. CNN “missed” it.
I’ve been told that capitalism is about creating a problem then selling a solution. This looks like solution is forced on people without even the problem is created. As for counts and numbers, no one knows what is actually counted – tested, tested positive, fallen ill etc. And horrifying numbers, omg, in Canada so far 15 died since January, can you imagine? Most of them 80+ already living i nursing homes. On Stats Canada site, mortality data for last 5 years shows 700 deaths per day, illness, traffic accidents, gun violence, overdose, hart and stroke, diabetes, you name it. How much has current panicdemic has changed that rate
Only in Toronto, homicidal death by guns or knives are close to two per week. And no one is asked to socially distance from others.
Thay are doing something to us, we will soon know what.
The problem is corporate and financial globalization. The very thing these thieves are promoting as the solution. More austerity and global government is what they want. More looting of the peoples, and destruction of nation states. Global supply chains and just in time logisitics – all good. These people are proposing global fascism.
What we need to solve problems like this is the exact opposite, a decrease in globalization, and greater focus on localization: free transfer of technology, limitations on patenting, banning patents on life forms, public banking, nationalization of health (big pharm), education, energy, a return to what were once known as “public utilities”.
I think it is time to MbS these corporate and financial sharks in the West, and develop a genuine civil civilization. But this isn’t the change these “leaders” have in mind. They wish to continue MbSing the 99%.
Short comment on G20’s philanthropy: Bwhahaha
Reading the above from G20 is like hearing the Zionazis sing the uplifting Chilean song from the Allende era, Venceremos:
Venceremos, venceremos,
mil cadenas habrá que romper,
Venceremos, venceremos,
la miseria sabremos vencer.
Who would have thought that there were such a strong commitment to health and happiness among the 1% ?
On second thought, now that Boris Johnson has ”come out”, it’s plain to see that the COVID-19 pandemic is nothing to be joking about.
Train travel tells a story about COVID-19.
It is obvious that the story we are being told about the COVID-19 epidemic is wrong.
Everyday 34 trains leave Wuhan for Shanghai.
These trains usually carry 600 or 1200 passengers.
Let us assume that only 50 passengers on each train travel from Wuhan to Shanghai.
For simplicity, we assume this whether the trains carry 600 or 1200 passengers.
So every day 34 * 50 = 1,700 people from Wuhan go to Shanghai.
The virus circulated in Wuhan for roughly 40 days before the authorities took action.
Therefore 34 * 50 * 40 = 68,000 people from Wuhan end up in Shanghai.
These 68,000 + those arriving by plane + those arriving by automobile, result in 353 confirmed cases of Covid19.
More than 68,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Shanghai resulting in 353 cases of Covid19.
Everyday 35 trains leave Wuhan for Beijing.
These trains usually carry 600 or 1200 passengers…..
More than 70,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Beijing resulting in 442 cases of Covid19.
Everyday 37 trains leave Wuhan for Chongqing…..
More than 74,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Chongqing resulting in 576 cases of Covid19.
Everyday 84 trains leave Wuhan for Guangzhou…..
More than 168,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Guangzhou resulting in 1,357 cases of Covid19.
Over the same time period, around 1000 Chinese from Wuhan arrive in Iran.
These are supposedly responsible for 12,729 confirmed cases.
Over the same time period, around 1000 Chinese from Wuhan arrive in Italy.
These are supposedly responsible for 21,157 confirmed cases.
Gathering the summaries together we have:
68,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Shanghai resulting in 353 confirmed cases.
70,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Beijing resulting in 442 confirmed cases.
74,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Chongqing resulting in 576 confirmed cases.
168,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Guangzhou resulting in 1,357 confirmed cases.
1,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Iran resulting in 12,729 confirmed cases.
1,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Italy resulting in 21,157 confirmed cases.
How come visitors from Wuhan to major Chinese cities have almost zero transmission rate?
How come visitors from Wuhan to foreign countries have a very high transmission rate?
Wuhan is in the middle of China.
Why did the disease spread massively overseas but hardly spread at all to the major Chinese cities?
How is that possible?
It seems the disease is being deliberately spread.
The confirmed cases are those reported on March 16, 2020.
The Corona thing in my estimation is an excuse for the advancement of the globalist 1%er agenda, cp. the reference to GAVI.
Expect mandatory vaccinations courtesy of Dr. Gill Bates, and introduction of digital fiat currencies, universal basic income and and other goodies to enslave us more.
For readers interested in an informed, very widely read and plausible view on globalism I wonder if I am allowed to drop the name of Jay Dyer.
This thing is bigger than the Anglozionism vs Russia/China et al dialectic spiel.
Truly scary.