by Amarynth, drawing together a braintrust from The Movable Feast Cafe
We set up a ‘brain trust’ in the Cafe in order to write a combined sitrep for The Saker Blog about the Coronavirus. The new name in the taxonomy is COVID-19 but let’s stick to Novel Coronavirus for now. It is of course too early to come to any conclusions, but we can start isolating the discernible high level trends and perhaps get an early glimpse as to what effect the outbreak may have geopolitically and economically, although it is very early days.
We will not attempt to look at the technical picture here – the numbers of recoveries, the death rates and the infection rates, rates of transmission, life of virus on surfaces and so on because the technical picture is not yet clear and all data is in a state of flux with opposing and inconsistent reports from all sides. One cannot expect otherwise as the world is still shooting at a rapidly moving target in terms of statistical ground and epidemiological analysis.
In addition, we have professional organizations like the WHO and the CDC not really in lockstep and giving different pronouncements on a professional level. It is too early to draw conclusions.
What people are saying:
– Let us look for a moment as to what ‘people are saying’. (If you want to end up deeply into conspiracies, I would suggest you go to subReddits /r/Coronavirus and /r/China_Flu )
– What ‘people are saying’ runs the gamut from messages received in meditation, prayer, even channeling, and this information is being put out there as valid for everyone else in the face of no definitive information you can hang your hat on.
– Every talking head on youtube has suddenly turned into an expert, both on China and on the Novel Coronavirus. Every uninformed blockhead has now turned into a specialist. Every Twitter feed out there now considers itself an insta-influencer.
– Most of the western alternative news medias have suddenly decided to follow their governmental lead on China, and the message is overwhelmingly that Brutal China is indeed very Brutal and very Bad. Note this curse, and the spat is still continuing:
– It is a bioweapon because of how the Chinese are reacting. This was a conspiracy theory just a week ago, but now it is reaching mainstream.
– It is bioengineered because some Indian researchers have found strands of HIV in the analysis of the virus, but then had to retract their studies.
– The Chinese stole it from Canada.
– The US has a patent on Coronavirus.
– Just a short time before the outbreak became public, Bill Gates et al did some kind of a scenario planning on the corona virii becoming a global pandemic –
– China is attacking her own people to reduce population
– Lab Accidents happen. (this is of course a pragmatic view, but usually Level 4 laboratories are situated very far away from the center of busy cities).
– Chinese dissidents spread the virus
– So, China is killing its dissidents and carrying out genocide against its own people. Here is an example of this thinking:
– Wuhan was on the point of massive riots, Hong Kong Style against their government
– The Chinese government is lying and not reporting correctly. The death rate is much higher.
– The Chinese Defense Forces are riddled with virus infected soldiers, and they are being contained somewhere else. There is no information on this excepting wild speculation.
– Every non-flattering video from China is being passed along salaciously; usually grainy and one cannot really figure out where it is from – no markings, road signs, store names or anything where anything can be identified. The scuttlebut is that these mostly security camera videos and actively distributed by Falun Gong. Your guess on this is as good as mine.
As you can see from this list, and it is by no means exhaustive, all over the show, and there are literally 10’s more of these
What the timing indicates
The timing is suspicious no matter how you look at it.
Manufacturing usually shuts down or goes slow over Chinese New Year / Spring Festival which can last as much as 15 days. So, economically, this was a good time for a virus (if China ‘did it’).
On the other hand, this holiday gives rise to the greatest migration of people on our planet which also makes it an ideal time to infect a population (if someone outside of China ‘did it’).
The timing so close to the signing of the of the US/China Phase I Trade Agreement, which the Chinese referred to as only a ‘cease fire’ in the trade war, and the US referred to as a great breakthrough, is suspicious. The Chinese were indicating that they are very hesitant to even go to a phase II negotiation. And of course, there is a black part of the actual agreement that we do not know about.
The Main Tropes
1. The main trope out there is that this is a bioengineered bioweapon. But right at that point opinions diverge so widely that one can only ask questions, and not conclude anything.
2. The second trope is that people are being arrested widely. We’ve seen reports of arrests in Canada and in the US, and out of Harvard. Here is but one:
Not only are people being arrested, some are most probably being taken out.
3. The third trope is that China is “The Sick Man”, and we hate them for dumping this virus on the rest of us. Let me just say that the level of invective against China is not only unprecedented, it is also suspicious. Rebranding of the Coronoa Virus to the Chinese Virus is proceeding apace, even though it has a formal name now – COVID-19. In my life I have never seen such an overt manipulation of the common headspace such as this, since ‘weapons of mass destruction’.
4. The fourth trope is that the US, on a public and governmental basis has decided to vilify China, correctly or incorrectly. Note Mr Pompeo. Is he only taking an opportunity that is presented to him, or does he know more than what we think?
5. The fifth trope is that the civilizational fear against China is suddenly out in the open for everyone to see. It is almost a morphic resonance of fear expressed against China and that China is the culprit. However, we don’t really know who the culprit is actually. We don’t even know if there is a culprit.
Is China the culprit, or is China the victim, or is this a virus that spread from animal to human or has it escaped from some or other lab by accident (or on purpose)? We do not know any of this and this trope just creates more FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt).
6. The sixth trope is that China is wrong no matter what she does. Quarantine and even forced quarantine is expressed by the blockheads of Brutal China Cracking Down on Their People, without thinking what is actually necessary to do for this kind of outbreak, no matter where it comes from. One after the other video supposedly from China showing the so-called Brutal Chinese government is distributed with relish, with nary a thought that you and I are actually being protected by these heavy handed tactics. The snoflakes are out in force talking about human rights, yet, by the looks of things, China is going all out protecting the many.
Because there is a strange consistency in what the State (used generally) says, and what the alternative media says, this is more worrying than anything else. On the one hand nobody can believe the State, and on the other hand alternative media is reproducing and disseminating the message of the State.
7. The seventh trope is that the few voices, even here on The Saker Blog, that try to look at this realistically are drowned out in the general societal willingness to believe the worst. Viva free speech!?!
The formal state, and the western alternative media are generally in lockstep on this issue.
China is now attempting to go back to work. We do not know how successful this is, but some are trying to measure the actual air pollution to try and figure out if China has gone back to work, or not. Economically China has also given guidance to business, saying that this event is a force majeure, known colloquially in contractual terms as ‘an act of God’, and therefore they can renegotiate contracts, delivery dates and completion.
Let us look at what is clear.
1. China is fighting for its life. The death-toll or even containment is not truly visible in any numbers as yet. This will have tremendous impact on supply lines and not only on China’s economy, but all parts of the international supply chain, upstream and downstream. China is acting on expressed unhappiness of their people. They are firing those who do not perform, who put red-tape in the path of directly fighting this virus. It may look brutal to lock people into their homes, but how many do they save by this action? Where do these get food? It is in the Chinese media that food gets delivered. This is something that the western youtube pundits (and their a-hole brothers) forget to report, although this is open and publicized in the Chinese media.
2. This is a catastrophe. It is not a flu, it is not a common cold, it is not something that 5G brought onto China, it is not God punishing the Godless red commies. Whatever it is, it is a catastrophe with world-wide consequences. We do not know enough to come to any meaningful conclusions except to say that considering the timeline, we are right to be suspicious and we may be right to prepare with the basic masks, gloves and limited public exposure, i.e., not visiting large gatherings, for a period of time.
3. If this virus continues, it will have societal impact that may be severe – we won’t shake hands, we won’t hug babies, social interaction will be vastly compromised, and a few more common contact methods like music concerts or sporting activies for humans will be left by the wayside.
4. If it continues much beyond the current level, the extensive economic fallout cannot be estimated. You and I and no analyst in the world can truly get their arms around the economic fallout and the breakdown of worldwide supply chains. Who knows, we may be out of a specific little part for a normal service of a vehicle, we may be out of medicines (the idea of the many people that are taking anti-depressants and such types of medicines having to go cold-turkey is quite scary, and there may be a severe shortage of simple medical equipment, like masks and gloves that are even now getting hard to source – just try buying masks on Amazon).
5. In the current analysis and according to what we have available, we do not yet know enough to be meaningful. Much more than that is pure speculation and gives rise to other agendas being seeded into the public narrative.
What is clear, is that people are scared and terrified.
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Ah the fear of the unknown, I will judge this virus economically. If the Chinese go back to work and the virus spreads like a wildfire, we will know this was a mistake, if the opposite is true, it was prudent. People can live off of rice in a crisis environment so feedings are really not a short term issue.
The more severe the gvt reacts to this virus, the worse the breakout of the virus can be assumed. The longer that good news is withheld from being published, the news would otherwise assumed to be bad, but not wanting to advertize the resulting fear factor. Look to the price of a bbl of oil over the med term, in the short it can be manipulated, but a storage buildup will force prices down and this indicates a global economic slowdown.
There’s no virus. It’s a news show. It’s how time folks! A global show. Like a lot of ‘news’ theses days. I think the show is over so I guess the objective, whatever it is, has been achieved.
This is too easily disproved, so the show must go on.
Back in the early 1990’s I was part of a graduate team at an elite US university investigating a DNA terminator compound for a Big Pharma company named anthramycin. This company wanted to get in on the HIV/AIDS antiviral bandwagon in which billions of dollars were being poured in, mainly by taxpayers. In the end, this potential drug was deemed too lethal for the FDA to approve. My job on the team was to computer model the drug both stereo and in terms of molecular bonding energies as it formed a tether through the “grooves” in DNA, preventing the DNA strands from separating and replicating. I only mention this as I am not a total stranger to the nano world of viruses and purported viruses.
What this well constructed article does not deal with in the least is the question of the test for “infection.” The MSM has chosen to label a positive result as a **case** regardless if there are any symptoms of pneumonia. In the case of HIV, these tests have been basically antigen tests. None of them have been proven in the courts to be worth a damn, as various states had attempted to prosecute “carriers” of HIV for negligent homicide, all of which have been throw out on the basis that these test can prove positive for a ham sandwich. Apparently, the CDC is now using some sort of PCR test (polymerase chain reaction) for this purported virus. It has been recalled this week for “bad reagents.”
My point is that the **keystone** of this “pandemic” rests on the reliability of these tests. This data has certainly not been published on the internet, and I currently do not have access to a university library that subscribes to these expensive scientific journals where it **may** be found.
I will also point out that the relationship between an RNA retrovirus tagged as HIV and the syndrome (a constellation of symptoms) has never been documented. This would strike the general public as incredible, but unfortunately it is true if unpublicized by the MSM. Not to get too technical, there is only one way to prove a relationship between a potentially lethal virus and a disease. This is to take a quantitative sample of a patient who is seriously ill with the symptoms, purify it through ultra centrifugation, and then examine the purified sample under an electron microscope. Viruses can only cause serious illnesses if they multiply into the hundreds of billions. If the EM shows a high density of identical viral particles, then one has established a connection between a particular virus and a disease. In over 35 years, this has never been done for HIV and AIDS. If you find this incredible and are willing to deal a bit with the technology, you might check this interview.
As to whether the entire HIV/AIDS has been a giant scam equivalent to the WMD scam for the invasion of Iraq, I would refer you to:
Chapter 6 – HIV – The Scarlet Letter which can be obtained in Kindle for USD 5.
Then we have the “201” drill in mid-October of last year which centered around a global pandemic of a new corona virus originally beginning in Latin America. It was sponsored by Bill Gates, the DoD, the Davos crowd, Johns Hopkins U., Big Pharma (of which the Johnson&Johnson rep made a plea to eliminate all testing of vaccines), and others. DuckDuckGo it.
After the other giant RNA virus scam, HIV, I will remain totally skeptical that this is a giant psy-op by our masters until such a time as I can see the electron microscope photos. But even then we would still have the issue of whether the detection kits are worth a damn. In 35 years, the HIV kits are not. And let us not forget that the CDC estimates the number of combined deaths from the flu and pneumonia in the USA at 80,000 in a non-epidemic year. At five times the population, this would approach a half million in China.
Thank you for all that info.
Thank you for sharing that information. Skepticism is well warranted.
Thank you for the information shared. It is frightening that so much hysteria can be generated from so little fact. The mainstream, lamestream media and the governments they cover for present conjecture, opinion, hyperbole, unsubstantiated belief and downright falsehoods as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth they want you to take on face value, with the warning that if you disagree you are a misanthrope about to take down the world. Well, they have enough sheeple buying into the lie, that there is fear amongst the unknowing. Just what they want. And who pays for such chutzpah? Why, just the everyday man and woman who don’t have the time or inclination to tilt lances toward windmills. Strange timing on the “201” drill, eh? To be ignorant is unfortunate, to be stupid is inexcusable. Read up on the little exercise, if you can find enough printed about it.
It is time to not fall for the “correctness”, “wokeness”, or any other “-ness” that allows you to walk about in a fog. Wake up.
Great stuff
Good points. You can’t always tell what is going on from the news/pictures. We have seen videos of arrests, apparent mass incarceration, empty streets in Chinese cities, and some sort of chemical fogging operation. But it’s hard to tell where or when these videos were taken. . .
Outside China, there’s another story of a cruise ship which was quarantined in Japan. Funny thing about quarantine: if anyone within the quarantine area did not previously have the disease, they will certainly be exposed to it by those who do. And if this virus is airborne, everyone on that cruise ship is now a potential vector, unless the ship has some air-filtering capability we did not know of. Several thousand vectors now, from all over the planet.
Today’s headline is that the people on the cruise ship have finished their ‘quarantine’ time and will soon be released, despite the fact that dozens of new confirmed cases have been announced on the ship. It is hard to imagine a more effective method for spreading this ‘plague’ worldwide. Both inside and outside China, the ‘quarantine’ efforts are, shall I say, ineffective.
But with all that said, the numbers are tiny so far. It may just be the worst, bioweapon, ever. On a scale of black plague / Spanish flu, this germ gets an ‘F’.
Yet if it behaves like a yeast, now ur talkin real problem.
You’re comparing apples and oranges…a yeast is a eukaryotic single celled organism and coronavirus is what it’s name says…a virus. They are miles apart in the microbial world.
I don’t think it is yeast. Or anything like a yeast.
The problem is, nobody knows how to do a quarantine, not even China with its draconian shutdowns. Within the next six or ten months, every human on the planet will have been exposed to it.
For it to match the destructive power of Spanish flu, it would have to kill a billion or more humans. So far, that does not seem likely, but it hasn’t been long enough to tell.
Those types of comparisons are not as valid with a global economy, it took a lot longer to spread the flu then, where as this time, like a yeast that expands exponentially until its food source is gone, the virus could spread a lot faster and then even affect healthy people economically.
Peoples eating habits(malnutrition) and immunity systems were to blame for the spread then, this time that is not as much a concern. Its the unknown factors, and possibly even the unpublished data that once a things takes hold and has to recognized as a possible global crisis, you have an instant panic in the streets so to speak.
Its obvious that certain segments of particular peoples are scared to death over something related to this virus. Unfounded or not, if you cant afford to get sick, the thought of getting sick, can make you sick. And that’s all this may be. The less I hear of daily stats reducing the dead and infected rate, the more I want to believe its actually rising to some extent, but just how much and when is it panic time is the age old question.
Based on a graph from CDC
using rough estimate of inflection point around Feb 7 the total number of infected will peak around 110-120K in about a month-month and a half.
If they wanted to spread the disease worldwide, they couldn’t have done a better job. I think, never ascribe to conspiracy what can be accounted for by sheer stupidity, especially with a bureaucracy, where they are not allowed to consider factors that have not been officially acknowledged. The whole world witnessed what they did, and yet no voice was raised in objection to my knowledge. Sitting here in my armchair, I predicted a monumental disaster, which would fuel the worldwide panic over the virus. Perhaps fueling the panic was deliberate? No sunshine for two weeks, lots of junk food and the air recirculated in an enclosed space. It was downright criminal.
Thanks Amarynth for your assessment. In the worst case scenario, we will live through some form of “Hurricane Catarina” fallout x100. Nothing to worry if you live in out in countryside with your friends, Smith & Wesson.
Always look on bright side of life!
The question to ask is: Qui Bono–who benefits from the coronavirus?
That is the question most Americans–both mainstream and (fake) alternative media–are afraid to ask because the answer will lead straight back to the United States of America.
The deployment of coronavirus strikes a major hit against the Chinese economy, can politically destabilize the country, and is a global propaganda weapon (aka Yellow Peril memes) against China itself.
Now, which country in the world would benefit from this attack but America first and foremost?
The telltale sign is that the Americans have too eagerly jumped on the coronavirus issue and weaponized in its infowar against China.
Dmitry Orlov himself has noted how very convenient the coronavirus is for America.
A Most Convenient Virus
China’s Coronavirus. “We Cannot Rule Out Man Made Origin of these Infections”
Two Birds with One Flu: Coronavirus is US’ Latest Weapon Against China…and its Own Dissidents
I am most concerned about China’s interpretation of events. There’s no doubt that economic war is going on, that the US wishes to sow chaos and prevent the Silk Road from occurring.
IF the Chinese believe, true or not, that this was an intentional act by the Western intel agencies, all hell will break loose. They will respond in kind or somewhere else with the same destructive effect.
This is I think a very dangerous moment. Imagine Two people arguing and fighting for a long time. Suddenly one side becomes suspiciously very ill and nearly loses their standing economically and socially in their opinion of the government. That is going to invite suspicious and maybe aggression.
I think Orlov is correct QUI-BONO “Who Benefits”; Who really benefits from destroying Chinese economy, which pisses off the ‘voters’ and killing old chinese men??
The virus specifically kills 65+ year old smoking Chinese Men
Now some say this is a pension problem, sort of like USA fixing the social-security problem, setting benefits to 70, and killing everybody over 65.
Orlov takes it one step farther, the age of CCP leaders is +65, without being suspicious ( USA is so schmuelly smart ), they simply kill every male +65 in China, then the new leadership (USA controlled) can take over China, the young, with their HK style ‘New Democracy” ( think soros )
I don’t think that Zion ( AANZ) has a specific problem with CCP, they just want a ‘reset’ and they know today the Chinese have gold/power/economy, so when the reset comes the current CCP can’t be in power, by killing them all today, in the next few years when the reset comes into play, the ZION-AANZ ( anglo-asian-nazi-zionism) can have full control of Reset-Outcome.
Most (85%) victims have been non-smokers. Chinese experts try to say it doesn’t matter, smoking is still bad, but at least you can’t claim smokers are hit more heavily.
Could be why the very top echelons of the mucky-mucks are so invisible these past weeks; they don’t want to accidentally say something really stupid that shows them up for how much or how little they knew of this beforehand.
Imagine how long (or short) it would take for hundreds of millions of locals there to get their irish up & take matters into their own hands, carrying out some 1990’s era “upper management de-layering” to use a buzzword term common here back then.
Quite possibly… but also plausible is the idea China herself has triggered this as a weapon.
Consider the fact that in, I believe 2015?, a top Chinese General said they were going to attack the US with a biological weapon.
Now if they did so openly the US would likely immediately see it as an act of war and retaliate with nukes.
But by releasing it amongst their own population they have plausible deniability.
AND the Chi-coms can ‘afford’ to lose 15% of their population, dismiss the economical issues AND by suffering through all that first will be in the best possible situation to take advantage as it spreads through the west while they have already recovered.
Just speculation of course but we would be fools to rule it out.
Thanks Anonymous. The Cui Bono question and the timing (following the media’s demonization of China with Hong Kong) point to the plausibility of a man-made virus, not made in China, but rather made in the USA.
I am a big fan of John Rappaport on such matters, as he has been analysing such events for many years, and subsequently has been proved correct. It is entirely possible, he will be proved wrong about this, but as his blog seems somewhat compromised, I suggest you read Off-Guardian on this, which I find a tremendous resource, and links to some of what he wrote..
“You could almost hear him thinking, “I wish we could do that in America.”
America, UK, Canada, France, Germany, etc.
You can bet your bottom dollar public health officials all over the world are gathering data on how well “the Chinese experiment” is going. They want to learn lessons. They want to know more about containment, mass quarantines, and lockdowns.
Could, for instance, an American president suddenly declare an emergency in the US and issue orders for travel restrictions on a broad scale?
Could he confine citizens to their cities? Could he bring troops into a city and have them assemble in large public places and wave wands at people to look for body temperature elevation and cart them away to hospitals and other holding areas?
Could federal and state officials cancel sporting and concert events? Could crowds of any kind be forbidden? Could a national election be postponed?”
The most encouraging thing I’ve read about it is this
“Three things the virus does not like: 1. Sunlight, 2. Temperature, and 3. Humidity,” Nicholls said in response to a question about when he thinks confirmed cases will peak, the transcript showed.
“Sunlight will cut the virus’ ability to grow in half so the half-life will be 2.5 minutes and in the dark it’s about 13 to 20 [minutes],” Nicholls said. “Sunlight is really good at killing viruses.”
For that reason, he also added that he doesn’t expect areas such as Australia, Africa and the Southern hemisphere to see high rates of infection because they are in the middle of summer.
Regarding temperatures, Nicholls said the warmer the better for stopping the spread of the virus, according to the transcript of the conference call. ”
I personally think this is another instrument/test of social control, and that everything will be back to normal and forgotten about in a few weeks time, as summer approaches, and that the death rate wil be indistingishable from previous winters where every year flu leading to pneumonia kills a large number of people, especially the over 80’s.
Personally, I have no intention of having a flu vaccination, as I think it more dangerous than the virus.
Tony, the flu vaccine only contains 3 or 4 of the most common strains found in Asia in any given year. There are dozens of flu viruses, so the flu shot only protects against those few. My, just passed, 92 year old father in law, would never get the flu vaccine, he watched too many relitives get sick after getting vaccinated and he too, one time (the only time he got jabbed) had the same experience. I’ve never got flu vacc but one time I got autoinoculated while working in a house with people who were deathly ill after they were vaccinated. I’ll relate the story of my most recent sickness, still lingering four weeks on, and the 92 year old’s passing, a sureal story, in a later cafe.
Odd thing is, the emergency wards at our local hospitals only start filling (overflowing if you read the news) when the Flu Vaccine is being given out, no spike before that time (even delayed this year because the vaccince was almost three weeks late on getting out to administering sites) no spikes weeks after, just during
Get Your Flu Shot time. No corrillation there, eh?
Speaking of sportertainment, see where the uh-oh moment has struck another clique of plutocrats, the ones who run the olympics? they might be seen this time as unimportant little fish this time, minor collateral damage in a much bigger project, like those China/Macao casino owners (Wynn, Adelson?).
They’re going thru painful hand-wringing anguish wondering what will happen if this goes on & they have to cancel the 2020 summer games, this year in tokyo. fancy that.
This is not some leaked analysis. it was a conference call in Hong Kong organised by a large international brokerage firm. I was on this call, I confirm the info in the transcript.
What was telling was the post presentation Q&A. it seemed most of the investment analysts (foreign of HK/China from their accent) on call did not like Nicholls’ opinion that we’ll look back in 6 months and see this as a bad flu. it seemed the investment community has already placed their bet on apocalypse.
After reading and watching everything I could find on this subject, I’m beginning to suspect that the real game is really sophisticated. When Mosssad wants some planes to fall out of the skies – the planes always fall. Everybody knows who is doing it, yet nobody can prove anything with certainty. As Victor Ostrovskiy (the author of “By way of deception”) said – well planned government crimes are usually having a very long list of proxies and plenty of resources to muddy the waters. In this instance, I can sense that the technique of muddying the waters is absolutely phenomenal, yet it feels very directed and definitely not spontaneous. Could be the CIA, Mossad, or anybody else with a vested interest. BTW having many parties who might benefit from this tragedy is also highly suspicious. It makes it very difficult to pin point the real criminal. Just me thinking out loud, mostly from an intuitive point of view.
“What is clear, is that people are scared and terrified.”
Fear is highly contagious, that is clear, and the most successful weapon used against humanity..
A very topical article, with five salient “realities” of Coronavirus, but could there be others,.equally valuable for a full picture, like the roundness of the images for the article, the corona is after all an image of totality ?
I have been out and about, met people in divers situations, including those who have traveled on long haul flights, so far I have not met anyone who is terrified or scared, people haven’t even mentioned the illness.
Quarantine your mind from fear propaganda!
Thanks – but No Thanks!
Some people are being brought to a tipping point.
I often receive the picture of the fear-worked shoal herded by dolphins – just before the feeding frenzy – but unlike a shoal fish an individual human being can question the fear when it doesn’t seem to actually be supporting or protecting them – but rather making them ever more dependent on a ‘Foxy-loxy’ of well or mal-intentioned opportunism.
Toxicity elicits and invokes what we assign to be ‘disease’ conditions. Yes there is a need to nurse and support health in its function – but the presumption we have lost it (because of body’s attempt at detoxification – which can include stopping you and enforcing rest) – is the belief that fuels the mind and the market of the attempt to get it back or hold onto the little we have as ‘conflict or sickness management’ of care delivery services.
Toxicities are both psychic and physical – persistent anxiety and hatred being examples of one and biocides and heavy metals – along with a spectrum of environmental exposures – such as heavy metals, endocrine disruptors and toxic foods being the other. Nocebo of a feared diagnosis can crush the spirit to yield to an expected death.
Science is a most worthy endeavour – but corporately funded and directed or framed scientism is a hidden agenda. This could be patently obvious – but when we use our ‘model’ as a basis to set a narrative identity and continuity, the Model and systems arising or derived from it use us.
You only see cartoon pictures of viruses because in the strict terms of the theory of their existence and function – they have never been seen.
Exosomes are the term for intercellular exchange and communication as part of necessary and ordinary function, but they operate the expression of an environment. The idea of a psychopathic hijacker is an archetype of our human consciousness. We see what we are looking with.
Fear can be given the capacity to hijack your mind – or disconnect you from the presence of connected intelligence to operate as a fragmented and conflicted sense of lack in need of its own supply of power and protection. As if a part of the mind can ‘go rogue’, turn on itself in attack and project its own intent onto the resulting ‘world’ of separate and conflicting ‘others’.
In the US at least the media is feeding the scare.And now they are starting to say China may have infected itself by an escape of the virus from the Wuhan lab.No one seems to mention the other theory that China is being attacked by an outside party.Because that obvious outside party,would be the US.And no one dares to bring that theory up.
Now me,until I see some real prove otherwise. Believe what scientist are saying,”we don’t know yet what caused it.But think it is from animal to human contagion”, I heard one say yesterday that because of the chicken and pork shortages lately in China,a lot more people had started to eat animals that normally were only eaten on a smaller scale,like Bats.And that is how it started.But we simply don’t know yet.And we don’t know how severe it is either. Scientists that I’ve heard say its a lot like the regular flu.In that older people,and those with weak immune systems are most likely to get a worse case,and are the most likely to die from it.According to Western media,China is in panic and chaos over it.And yet we see delegations of Chinese officials and other Chinese going abroad.So maybe the problem is more propaganda,than real.
There are a couple of questions I’m curious about though.How long until there is a vaccine produced in China or Russia to prevent infection from this disease.And along with that,a cure for it.Also in the age of PC,no one is asking,or at least answering the question of,are all the victims ethnically East Asian.If that is true,then more credence could be given to it being an attack on China.As far as I’ve heard,of the several thousand deaths and around a hundred thousand infected.Less than a hundred are outside China.And almost all of them have either been to China recently,or have been in contact with someone who has.But no one says are these people ethnically East Asian,or from multi ethnic groups.
Uncle Bob, Whilst my mother and my sister-in-law are very well qualified in such matters, I have no such professional experience in these sciences. I did maths physics, and spent my life in computing and analysis. I was frequently very ill as a child, in Oldham – a highly air polluted mill town in Lancashire England. I got all the childhood diseases, except smallpox, which I was given sugar a lump to prevent. The headmaster of my school had it, when he was a child. The whooping cough, bronchitus, and scarlett fever were the worst. The Chicken Pox, Measles and Mumps were not such of a problem – we all got them, and so far as I amare, no one died, and most of the time as children we were all completely healthy throughout all of our childhoods – doing dangerous mad things like kids do (well in the 1950’s)
Maybe because I had no vaccinations, except maybe a few times when I was a teenager – after a dog bite, it built up my immune system that since the age of 8, I have Never been physically ill for more than a few days, 3 times in my life.
I simply do not go to the doctor. I have seen him 3 times since 1983 – The first time to get registered., and the last two times to request anti-bacterial ear drops as a result of snorkelling and diving in polluted water.
If I hadn’t been fit, I wouldn’t have been doing it.
16 years ago, I went back, and he said my blood pressure was too high, and prescribed me drugs that made me ill. I went back – and showed him, what his drugs were doing to me, and he prescribed me more drugs. I took my own blood pressure, and it was normal – I showed him the results..he said no you need more drugs – try this.
I thought this guy was mad. Flushed them down the toilet, and went back to work. Not seen him since.
Still here, still got my hair, and it still works.
You go and see your doctor if you like. I’m staying well clear. I’ve got a nice wife, and we are going sailing again soon with our grandkids when it warms up a bit.
We are only in our 60’s. Reckon we can do at least another 30 years yet.
Hey Tony, yes, growing up in the 50s we had all the typical illnesses as you mentioned. I don’t recall hearing anyone having died from them either. In August I went to a small town hospital because of a nasty cat bitten finger. Two doctors did not even look at my finger but everyone there tried their best to pressure me into taking some or many vaccines. I said NO Thanks. I was born in the 50s!
I would suggest that it is not a good idea to flush drugs into the waterway though. Stay away from doctors as much as possible. Your body will thank you later.
I can ditto all you recounted Tony. Raised in Birmingham Uk. Got bronchitis every year bad until I bought. Triumph Bonneville in 1961 and did my best to kill myself along with all the other ton up boys. “Motorcycling” cured me bronchitis. I,avoid vaccines like the plague ( intended ) I,m 80 this year, take no meds whatever and after a design career I maintain excellent slim fitness doing garden maintenance. Which pays for my rather expensive hobbies.
Ive seen certain foods become more scarce here in the states over the past few years, and have wondered just how is China feeding its massive population. With those shortages, and we’ve seen it w/ebola and eating monkeys recently, if some were to resort to feeding on strange critters, a monster could have been born naturally.
But I also want to believe the gods would have seen this coming too and reported it secretly in say the bible, I have not heard of anyone claiming such information yet, but the esoteric nature of interpreting the bible could also be a factor.
The latest on Coronavirus from Paul Craig Roberts.
Wow that’s pessimistic!
WAY too much conjecture and fearmongering in that article.
– covid-19 is a lethal variant of a family of virii which usually cause slight to medium respiratory snydromes.
– lethality seems to be around 3-4%, most of which are elderly
– this is roughly equal to the most lethal strains of influenza
Nature doesn’t care about timing, any conjecture connecting this to trade talks or new year is pure speculation and has zero basis. It’s just our overworked mind trying to put everything into frames.
If credible proof surfaces that it was in fact a economic warfare op, then that evaluation changes of course.
Since this is a new mutation, there is no vaccine or readily available antibody treatment yet
China handles the outbreak splendidly, in fact it is hardly conceivable that a state could do more until the vaccine is ready. From isolation of whole cities to organizing antibody-donors, they protect their people (and the rest of the world).
But the bottom line is, we are just too used to modern medicine basically enabling us to live through everything, but this is not “normal”.
Once a vaccine is mass-produced, the whole epidemic will die out and then it will remain to be seen if the virus can survive. If so, it will add another vaccination you may have to take once a new epidemic wave threatens to roll in.
…”Cui Bono..?”, as some folk asked himself below… All this “stuff” is really suspicious, to put it in mildly.
And like the autors of this very interesting article wrote, “we do not yet know enough to be meaningful.”
Just “wait and watch”…
Many thanks..!
02/18/2020 06:57 PM EST
The Trump administration will require five Chinese state-run media organizations to register their personnel and property with the U.S. government, granting them a designation akin to diplomatic entities.
More telling, today China revoked the press cred. status of 5 WSJ reporters based in beijing for publishing china-bashing articles the week before in op-eds about the virus—SURPRISE by name they’re all absolutely 5 chinese!
China will come out of this stronger and more healthy in the long run.
They are fighting an heroic battle in Wuhan.
The CCP leadership will have to do more of what they are loathe to do: take tighter control of local, city, provincial governments. All the corruption, all the waste, all the calamities originate from too loose a federal-like system.
Zhongnanhai, from where the Standing Committee rules, is a fortress of hands-off governance. They trust ideology and local Communist Committee operatives to do technical jobs, management jobs and elective jobs. Ideology is not an attribute. It is an excuse and in most cases, the cause of the calamities.
The basic instinct of most lower level leaders is to not act, to not report upstream, to not risk.
This will have to change.
No organization can wait for distant leadership to act if time is of the essence.
Central government can build a hospital in six days. But it took a month for the virulence of the virus to be known by Central government. It looked like pneumonia, it looked like the flu. It had a 14-24 day latency. It was the holidays. Everything Black Swan was in effect.
The Chinese society will study and learn and repair and prepare from this disaster.
But, the big question is will the Central government take much tighter responsibility over government at lower levels? This is why they had problems in Hong Kong and why Wuhan festered into a massive disaster.
China is too big, too packed with humanity, too soon to be called fully developed (800 million are not middle class yet) to be capable to deal with all modern challenges. They need another 20-30 years of development.
They will be walking on the Moon before they stop people from eating bats and other wild creatures.
But both days are coming. Probably around their centennial in 2049.
The only thing you need to know is that it is patented ; 100% human activity.
Larchmonter445 the mishandling and coverup of the reality of the COVID-19 virus is being done by the Party itself, from the top. Now they are changing their figures by not reporting asymptomatic people who do have the virus but who are not now sick themselves.
No, the cover up is being done from the bottom up as it always has been because incompetent idiotic officials think they are doing the right thing for the party. seen the Chernobyl TV series? exactly the same.
There is nothing inherently wrong about eating bat soup or other ‘exotic’ wildlife.
Human beings have been eating wildlife for as long as there have been human beings.
Meat didn’t come from supermarkets in the stone age like it does now.
All your statement does is lend credence to the absurd idea that this virus originated at the wet market in Wuhan.
Westerners who continually go on about wet markets want to go and see under what conditions their meat is ‘produced’.
People eat wild mushrooms and die from the poisonous ones. Some people never learn.
@ clickkid
Hunting peoples tend to travel with the herds they hunt, and they understand healthy from sick, or the tribes die.
Not a lot of “bat eaters” actually.
And the wild meat markets in China are totally un-inspected or health checked.
My argument addressed the politics of China’s governance.
You might want to focus on that rather than whether wild, rare, species built to be hosts for these viruses are safe, in your opinion.
Point taken about lack of inspection.
In that case, then introduce regular inspections. No need to ban.
Humans evolve, eskimos can live off of raw fish, but if todays person tried it they would not fare so well, same for meat. And one must consider the life span of yesterdays wildlife eaters too, not to long ago the average age of the American cowboy was 28 years, it was a wild 28 years no doubt, but today getting 28 is not much to brag about.
Then there is this from Dick Allgire, one of the very best remote viewers in the world.
Check the 4:04 to 4:20 minute mark. Go to his Patreon page if you like, but the short, “free” message is that the impact of the Corona virus will be “beyond dire.”
Beyond dire.
I’m not going to argue with him.
This appears to be the global “reset” that so many people have been talking and writing about in recent years. It may turn out to be absolutely vicious — and not in the far flung future, either.
What happens in China will not stay in China.
This is being managed from a meta-political level, from a meta-national level, and anyway, there are no “countries” — only corporate entities. The global system is corporate and has been for a very long time. Most “nations” are corporate subsidiaries and not “sovereign” entities at all. They follow the game plan or script that is dictated to them by their corporate masters. The public sparring of parliaments and presidents is for the most part but a Punch and Judy political puppet show to fruitlessly occupy the time, attention and energy of the slave classes, and keep them hopelessly running in artificially created, political circles for century after century.
Some of the major players? — The World Economic Forum, the WHO, the Bill and Melina Gates Foundation, the BIS. This is no simple operation.
It wouldn’t surprise me if this operation is ultimately being run out of Switzerland (but not by the Swiss government, per se).
This is for all the marbles, for ruthless, planetary domination and control.
If this is true, and i’m not saying its not, wouldn’t these same folks be risking their own selves and family to the depopulation they so desire, or would they already know they have an immunity before going thru w/such a task.
Seems to me that in a survival of the fittest environment they could just as easily end up on the losing side of their own intentions, or be sacrificing themselves for the greater good of humanity like say the arabs fighting for their sovereignty over the western world.
They would have to be awful confident about the outcome before going ahead with their intentions and personally, I dont think that they are that bright or brave.
Those are all good questions.
We will discover the answers to them as time goes by.
True, the global “elite” are neither especially bright nor brave; what they are is murderously, ruthlessly cut-throat, more Machiavelian than a den of rattlesnakes.
Mass murder and theft are the stock in trade for Global Evil, Inc.
They want everything, the whole planet, and if they need a mass cull of humanity to get it, it looks like they are willing to do that.
Still no guaranty they will end up on top, so its the old troubled risk vs reward game, so best wishes to the global political evil elite and may the best man/woman win.
Thanks for the synopsis of the real , the unreal and the maybe on this Covid 19 ( covert? 19) outbreak.
1. There is a level 4 bioweapons grade research lab a few Kilometers in Wuhan from the central market
Maybe Google Earth has further confirmation of this?
2. Hypothesis: reinfection or second time around is the deadliest: That the immune system somehow is slow to spring into action during the first infection. …best to keep yours primed when you are certain that exposure is
inevitable . Then the second exposure after an initial illness will cause a now primed immune system to wildly
overreact in something called a cytokinase storm. ( that is when you see people falling over dead from sudden heart failure/blood pressure drop). Hypothesis only . When one is fearless one does not stop talking nor does one stoop to being distracted or herded by those controlling the narrative. Wringing one’s hands about all we have to fear is fear itself is a f-ing sound bite.
3. I understand the need for scholarly approach but to be a cutting edge blog it is important to stay up on the possibilities. I have a friend who has a twitter following of 20,000 and he says that he can’t be too ‘out there’ or he gets shadow banned but if he does not present the latest discussion and possibilities then he loses the very
people who come to him for non curated ( censored) information. It is a catch-22 which this site does not have to endure.
4. for balance …I read Jon Rappaport who thinks this “virus” is stuff and nonsense. Hmmm, I don’t think Russia which was one of the first to close its borders and which said that any foreign nationals infected would be sent back to their home country did so because their scientists take this threat lightly at all. Or that they are “racist”.
“called a cytokinase storm”
It suffices to protect oneself by taking important enough doses of vitamin c, one of the most powerful antitoxins and one readily available.
The optimal dose in any emergency is upping it to bowel tolerance and then reducing slightly to avoid the unpleasant runs to the outhouse. Half life of vitamin c in the blood is around half an hour, taking part of the daily quantity every 4 hours or so keeps blood levels high without having to take too often.
Stay healthy!
I wrote a related note wednesday on Movable Feast with no response; not that I want to be thanked for anything but it concerns me that w/ all the smart people here at Vineyard no-one was interested in the idea of PREVENTION. Good nutrition can cut all sickness by likely 75% It’s all about immunity.The Chinese are far more aware of the usefulness of key foods and herbs than western cultures, hopefully their bureau chiefs are in touch with some of their wise old healers.. Alongside the vit. C there are several proven-by-trial and research natural tools that could quite cheaply greatly reduce the impact of this virus, many are plants the woods are full of or ones that can be grown easily to replace harvested supplies:Basics like
adequate magnesium
Lesser known remedies like Lomatium(famously a cure for the Spanish flu nineteen-teens,LOOK IT UP) cucurmin, lots more. If no-one wants to recognize my contributions higher up the totem pole I don’t give a hoot. These simple actions could mean saving lots of lives and inestimable costs.
I’m not going to bother with this anymore.
good day
Curcumin is good, but hard to get through the inestineal wall.
I mix ground curcuma with DMSO as solvent that gets stuff into the body and across cell membranes in equal weight let sit at least overnight and take half a teaspoon daily.
Do your own research on DMSO.
First of all, I want to thank amarynth for writing a thoroughly overview in a storm of fuzzy info that is available.
I’ve written some comments in the cafe of 17.02 as reactions on a post of vot tak about an article of Dmitri Orlov about this. Let me just repeat a link to an article about the Spanish flu in 2018, the origins, the impact, and how media and authorities reacted on it. It’s quite thorough. I’d like to invite anyone to read this (and shiver):
Now, knowledge about the dangers of this virus are still misty. Technical discussions are avoided in this article for good reasons. However, I can tell that in my college years I have followed quite some classes on zoology, cytology (how cells function) and bacterial growth, and as a matter of that I can say that I understand the technical background some better than average, and can tell that for sure the official numbers don’t add up.
For what it’s worth, my gut feeling and knowledge tell me that this is not a natural mutation, nor an escaped virus out of a highly secured – but publically known!- lab in China itself.
The ‘coincidences’ are way too much. Wuhan not only has such a lab, it also happens to be quite centric in the most industrial area of China, and be a crossroads of several transport roads. This also caused the explosion of AIDS, via a truck cafe in Africa at much used crossroads. This is the scenario of the legendary movie ’12 monkeys’.
A certain commentator on this site, that suddenly doesn’t comment anymore for a while, has predicted several times that the Hegemon would mobilize biological warfare. Who oh who did recently gather so much info on Russian DNA?
May there be people that would react as ‘Noooo, they wouldn’t do that, would they?’, think of that mysterious avian flu and swine flu that are destroying Chinese livestock. Timing, coincidence? And never on cats or dogs (though a friend of mine that has lived in China for years, told me once that anything with its back upwards gets eaten there).
And then this: read about the biowarfare that the USA has practiced in the Korean war:
Compare that to the use of depleted Uranium in the Yugoslavia and Iraq war, effectively destroying next generations as well in an Old Testamentical way – or shall I say Talmudic way?
If reading that article about the Spanish flu (which may have originated in the USA) give some insight in what that meant to societies in the world, just try to imagine what that would mean in a far more intertwined and transported world today.
We will get some nasty surprises the coming months.
Cheers, Rob
This is the portal I was interested in:
Wrote about Corona, cooperated with Jeff Brown who is the member of our Saker web…
Lots to read about…
Now, that’s an excellent article about developments that you won’t read in the Western MSM.
LOL, China aims to replace up to 30 million pieces of foreign tech in government offices with Chinese tech by 2022. You bet Dell and Microsoft will get hurt as payback for the Huawei joke.
The West is digging its own grave…
Cheers, Rob
May there be people that would react as ‘Noooo, they wouldn’t do that, would they?’, think of that mysterious avian flu and swine flu that are destroying Chinese livestock.
Yes, one of the first & simplest explanations i thought of how this chinese leadership all the way up was so oblivious to the whole thing right under their noses!. far too comfy & cozy in their complacency. it even could be that russia advised them of this ahead of time, but that was their leaders’ reaction!
something i’ve accused putin & his cadre of many times.
BUT in this case, putin maybe has been well-advised & as a result thinking on his feet when he made that whimsical reference to that russian dna collecting going on over a decade ago. but the real tell was closing the russian border someone noted.
we’ve all heard the stories many years about migrant chinese relocating to the wilds of inside russia’s border—was that it?
OR, just as likely, maybe he was advised of the possibility that this ethic chinese bio-weapon was the perfect intentional cover to hide a real or even more real russian genome bio-weapon, to be dispersed totally unsuspecting slowly, over a longer time? using that dna gathered so many years ago, making this a truly insidious binary bio-weapon.
The official story of this being an ethnic chinese bio-weapon designed right under their noses always was too stupid to believe.
maybe that was the focus point of putin’s allusion.
my impression is that this day was coming made certain by China’s responses to USA provocation, total entry into globalization and openness to the world. Mao’s China had walls an means everywhere to protect itself from such attack. Maos China expected such attack, it was a factor of their routine consciousness. such preparedness was lost and they were attacked..that is how it looks to me.
my impression I will say openly.. with no proof save circumstantial on what we know of the west over centuries of open historical that when all is said and done, COVID-19 is an american hatched bio weapon attack on China. in addition I say that China dropped its guard since the days of Mao and has been caught napping on the job of their survival in a world dominated by those who are killers and will stop at nothing to keep what they stole and to setal even more
China forgot its past experience at the hands of the west and the reason for its revolution in the first place. that was their main defense and protective weapon and they lost it. they lost their formerly accurate impression of who the west..especiall the americans really are: the same people who sent poisoned with pox blankets to defenseless native populations to wipe them out. Yes…the same descendants of those people people who dropped not one but 2 atomic weapons on the Japanese who were already beaten, lost the war
China as the central cog in a chain of globalized production/trade and supply is totally ridiculous. every god dam thing is produced in China and the world operates on JITD..just in time delivery. what the hell kind of multi-polarity is that in the world? there is no independencein that, all must work well 100% of the time for there not to be serious prolmes all over the place.
that is clearly is not practical at all, for even if this is a deliberately contrived catastrophe, look at what is happening in the world as manufactured supplies dry up all over the world as China is not working!!
all of this is nothing but monopoly centralized capitalism of the most massive kind that will not work out well for the world regardless.
for multi-polarity to work well there must be real independence globally..ON ALL LEVELS OF SOCIAL EXISTENCE!!! ways must be found to decentralize structutal society, to involve all the people directly in their national social processes…in decision-making on how their society can best meet the collective needs of their nations
To borrow a word used by this essay, I am very suspicious about this virus. Do I believe this is an engineered virus? Yes. Do I believe it was released accidentally? No, not likely. Do I believe China set it loose on their own people as some experiment? Hell no and I’m sick of hearing the non-stop propaganda from the west about how cruel and tyrannical are the Chinese. And not just the Chinese but the Venezuelan government and every other country the beast empire is attempting to crush into submission. The Chinese government must have viewed this as a serious threat to lock down large population centers and throw up a couple of hospitals. Very serious damage would be done to China’s economy first if they had a billion people all sick as can be. So, my suspicion is this was designed and dispersed to spread easily and cause damage to China’s economy. Why did Wilbur Ross make a public statement that this was going to benefit the U.S. economy?
Do I really believe the U.S. and friends would unleash something on the public? Their reputation says YES. They have experimented on their own citizens many times, as has Canada and Britain. We aren’t even talking about the regular use of DU in munitions, used in their ongoing wars of terror. More than any virus, I’m more concerned these tyrants will use something like this as an excuse for full-scale medical tyranny.
A final thought that some believe China, the U.S., and all or most countries are really working together to bring in the NWO, well it makes no sense. If they are all in on it why not dispense with the play-acting and get down to business? They could easily dispose of a large number of people, making the rest more manageable. As Zbignew Brezinski said ‘it is now easier to kill a million people than it is to control a million people’.
“My suspicion is this was designed and dispersed to spread easily and cause damage to China’s economy.”
I agree that many things about the virus point in this direction. What is curious, however, is that the Chinese government has been most vocal about this NOT being a bioweapon.
@Serbian girl
“What is curious, however, is that the Chinese government has been most vocal about this NOT being a bioweapon.”
Very simple really. If the Chinese government officially states that this is a bioweapon directed specifically against the Chinese phenotype, you can just imagine the panic, the pandemonium, the anger from the Chinese populace. And what will that achieve? Remember, the Chinese people are known for their patience, their resilience and their tenacity. From being called the land of the sleeping giant, it has become the economic powerhouse it is today — more than enough to inspire envy and wrath from the Evil hegemon. Let us just wait for China’s response.
COVID19 was certainly deliberate. I think the Chinese higher echelons are already aware of this bio-terrorism from their strongly worded comments on the crisis. It’s a subtle way of dropping hints. There will be a response at some point in the future because this is one of those things that went beyond common human decency.
The article by Metallicman posted on the UNZ cuts through the noise and imo, presented a very persuasive case that this outbreak was manmade. It also touched on efforts to muddy the waters (as usual) on the internet by the usual suspects.
The thing that is missing however is treatment. Massive doses of intravenous Vitamin C has been shown to recover terminally ill patients, one of the better documented cases is Allan Smith from New Zealand. However, big pharma don’t like evidence based treatments like Vitamin C because it can’t be patented. Google will attempt to bury this as much they can. My own personal experience, gobbling up to 10g (i.e 10,000mg) Vitamin C spaced over 24hrs period, for a few days either removes flu symptoms or drastically shortens flu suffering. As long as this works, why does anyone need to fear? The best defence is your own body.
To me, COVID19 is much ado about nothing.
Whenever I have flu, sore throat, tonsillitis, I chop ten or more cloves of raw garlic, leave them exposed for at least 5 – 10 minutes and eat them with my food. Very effective, I promise you. Garlic has antivirus, antibacterial and antifungal properties. On the side, I drink ginger and turmeric brew for their anti-inflammatory properties. To hell with Google and Big Pharma.
I only do garlic if the infection is more serious, though I do keep a fairly regular garlic intake (due to the a calcified molar). Used to go on a regime one whole garlic bulb/day (yep whole bulb, not clove mind you) for months to keep the infection down on the tooth before it eventually calcified.
It was part self-experimentation (this is science!) and part wanting to keep the tooth without a root canal. Wouldn’t recommend it to the public however because it requires a draconian willpower, plus a diet almost devoid of sugar and processed foods.
My simple advice, just pull it out.
My not so simple advice, alternative do exists but use your head :)
Currently it seems impossible to get a reliable assessment of this very important event. There seems to be no consensus among the various information sources developing, and at the same time, targeted disinformation is very likely.
The spectrum of more serious information is broad, some examples:
A few things are quite certain:
– It has a significant geopolitical impact, at least on the economic level
– It happened in the midst of an escalating unconventional war targeting China
– There a many suspicious odds which put an event by chance quite in question, but may not yet exclude it
There are tons of speculations out there, so just another one:
1) COVID-19 is an outcome of mother nature’s creativity at the microbiological level, amplified by high population density, flu-friendly weather conditions and triggered by some bad luck. The Chinese reaction shows they are well prepared for really bad developments, and that likely for some good reasons. We should learn from them.
2) COVID-19 is a highly developed biological weapon, fulfilling some important requiremens:
– Plausible deniability: No tracks to its origin
– Limited range of potential impact: Controllable, but nevertheless highly effective
– Low rate of fatalities, but large disruption on economic, social and political level.
The odds:
– There is a long history of bio-warfare practised by the USA, primarily on the economic level targeting critical resources (potato bug, animal diseases targeting Cuba, Chinese life stocks of chicken and pigs, reports of drone use for spreading swine flu), but also killing humans (from Fort Pitts, to 911 anthrax)
– Chemical and radiological weapons had been increasingly applied by the West (i.e. depleted uranium ammo, technical and political support for White Helmets in Syria)
– Extensive gene sampling in China and Russia by US agents
– Sprawling of level 4 facilities in US and some opportune locations (i.e. Georgia), massive budget for military bio technology
– odd properties of COVID-19: docking mechanism like SARS with a different RNA sequence, but some sequences allowing the infection of immune cells, accompanied by unusual prevalence of immune system suppression in more than 60% of the patients, very untypical for a Corona virus. HIV is locked in sexual contagion pathways, no way to use it as a bioweapon as it is.
– very strange accompanying activities (illegal delivery of biological agents from Canada to Wuhan, firing of ethnic Chinese researchers in the US) and media memes (Wuhan level 4 lab as accidental source)
– timing: Infowar on Huawei using the old Crypto AG stuff, massive escalation on most global fronts, time running out for the empire; central metropolitan area in a traditional migration period
– Popularity of Malthus among the 0.1%’s, and the context of the Cebrowski strategy (
My speculation: An updated Dr. Strangelove-like initiative from one of the many foreign policies of the US testing the ground for a new approach to full spectrum dominance. That would explain the – hopefully – mild outcome in terms of fatalities, the propaganda fog and the active denial of this scenario among bio science insiders.
Reply to : Kassandra on February 19, 2020 · at 4:49 pm EST/EDT
Very Strange. I sent the following text to on 13 February 2020 and yesterday, with some additional bibliography, reposted it on this Random on February 19, 2020 · at 10:21 am EST/EDT It was similarly ignored.
Is Coronovirus an ethnically orientated designer virus ?
«American playgrounds are for retarded children in wheelchairs and Chinese playgrounds are for trapeze artists». «Uriah Heep alias Metallicman» 4th February 2020.
Off topic ? There was a time when testimony from Jeff J Brown was a welcome feature on this website. I say this in the light of his interview with «Uriah Heep, alias Metallicman» (Cf. infra) nom de plume of an American ex-pat currently living in China and who, as a retired technology expert, alludes to his former employment at secure locations for the United States military.
I am still trying to work out whether or not the coronavirus, which can sufficiently weaken the human immune system to produce pneumonia and cause death ultimately from asphyxia, has been engineered so as to kill, specifically, Asians. I’m minded of Project Coast, of ‘mad scientist’ Dr Death Wouter Basson and of his possible ties with comparable research programmes reportedly taking place at the Israel Institute of Biological Research located at Ness Ziona near Tel Aviv. We are aware of the South African Republic’s previous collaboration with the Zionist entity in military and nuclear matters. Selective killing using rogue DNA would suggest the use of nanoparticulate and gene specific biowarfare viral strains conducted by the Pentagon et Consorts and, in the current trade war, crafted to inflict ‘large-scale economic and societal consequences’ on the those who fail to kowtow to the US-Israeli empire.
Full Spectrum Dominance would appear to entail fomenting unrest among the Uyghurs in Xinjiang with Nato and the Saudis happy to repeat what happened during the Beslan school hostage crisis and massacre by mostly Ingush and Chechen fanatics ; a suddenly awakened separatist movement in Taiwan ; increasingly violent pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, likewise funded by the NED ; the Prime Minister of Georgia, the Georgian Health Minister and the US Ambassador all visiting, in 2013, the Richard Green Lugar Center, an ‘imaginary or non-existent research and development unit for biological weapons’ at Tbilisi bordering on Russia ; «And they said there was a little outbreak in Russia, but nothing really happened, because the population is so, so sparse. And then it just like leapfrogged to China. And then it was just like leapfrogging all over China» ; both Moscow and Bejing lodging official complaints regarding the bogus NGOs deployed by Washington to collect thousands of samples of Russian and Chinese citizens’ DNA, as if Han Chinese or Slavic people’s gene pool be thus isolated ; Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou arrested in Canada in 2018 etc.
In early December 2019 – in a time frame corresponding to the incubation period of the pathogen – two weeks before the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, three hundred US athletes went there for two weeks to participate in the Military World Games. In 2002- 2003, an outbreak of SARS in China caused an eventual 8,098 cases, resulting in 774 deaths predominantly in southern Mainland China and Hong Kong. In January 2018 swine, bird flu outbreaks struck South and North Korea ahead of the Olympics. In the run-up to the 2019 Chinese New Year African swine flu devastated the pork industry. the virus wiping out a quarter of China’s porkers :
« … The reports that this is all China’s fault. Chinese are dirty, Chinese are unsanitary. Chinese people are spitting all over the place. China, China, China is terrible. And now on top of that, we got the strange illness, the strange virus. It is a Frankenstein virus that needs at least three host critters. OK, one you say is a rare bat, a rare bat. The second thing is some kind of snake. All right. Maybe a cobra. And the third is some kind of fish. And it has HIV insertions. People, this is a bioweapon. Tell me something that’s missing. That it is not a biological weapon. This is what a biological weapon is […]
Let’s talk just a second here about the pork shortage, which was germ warfare by drones. Now you don’t hear this. You don’t read this in the United States media. But all over China media, it’s police (who) are arresting people and they’re picking up all these custom-made drones, that all these criminal elements have all over the nation. During the height of the Trump trade war, the drones were flying back and forth, spraying lethal viral agents to kill pigs. And this was during the height of the trade war. Each time an agreement was reached, the negotiation team from the U.S. placed more demands. Most of them were totally ridiculous and then they’d walk back from the table and things started pressuring China. Now, the idea that drones would spread a virus is intriguing. And I’m going to talk to you as a technology wonk. Think about it for a minute. It’s not just that drones were being used. Who designed and modified the drones ? You’re telling me pig farmers all over the nation decided to modify a drone ? Who manufactured and modified them ? So, these are professionally modified drones. Somebody designed them. Somebody got on a CAD system, designed the parts, went to a factory, had the plastic parts professionally injection molded, people. That takes at least 30 weeks to do, OK on a short run. All right. They had to have special electronics installed. Well, you can probably do that in somebody’s basement. But nevertheless, how were the drones in the south of China identical to those in the west of China ? Identical to those in the north of China ? Identical to those in the east of China ? Somebody flooded China and agents with these professionally manufactured viral spraying drones. How can the pig farmers get a hold of the exact viral agent ? It’s not just the drones. (Do) the pig farmers know how to create viral agents to kill pigs ? Did they say, oh, that pig died ? I will go over and extract the viral agent from it and spray it over here. No. How did they do it ? How did pig farmers even know how to handle viral agents ? Do you ? Do you know how to handle a viral vial of viral agent and put it in a spraying system ? Do you mix it with water ? Do you make it into an aerosol ? How do you handle it ?
It’s a pig farmer ! And how did they know how to design, build and construct viral spraying mechanisms. Do you know how to construct the viral spraying mechanism ? I’m an aerospace engineer. I know. And even that, I’d have to sit down and look it up. It’s not common knowledge. Meanwhile, the United States media is not reporting on the drone use to decimate the pork industry …». Extracts from TRANSCRIPT : Is Wuhan coronavirus a hit job ? This is a whodunit not to miss. “Uriah Heep”, our expert Sherlock Holmes solves the case !
Knowing that the Colorado beetle came to France with the GIs in 1944, we have come to suspect foul play every time we sample a dose of American hubris. In 1951, under the auspices of their occult NK Project Ultra/Naomi, the US Department of Defense/CIA poisoned, with LSD-25 or a comparable psychoactive substance, many of the 5000 strong population of Pont-Saint-Esprit, a small French village en Occitanie, causing more than a dozen deaths, several hundred patients, including the sixty interned in psychiatric hospitals. Many believe the current strains of Lyme disease to have originated from experiments in labs at Plum Island, Connecticut.
Why would the Rockefeller Foundation patent the Zika virus in 1947 and the US military – via the CDC – own an Ebola patent ? One can speculate as to ulteriour motives on the part of Big Pharma terrorizing people sufficiently to allow the uncritical marketing of whatever molecule they choose. Britain’s’s Pirbright Institute in Woking, Surrey, funded by the Gates Foundation, holds a coronavirus patent since 2015. Event 201, hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was a curious high level meeting in October 2019 in New York with participants including Bill Gates, John Bolton and top brass US military with a certain Eric Toner, an M.D. and researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, who «took part in a simulation, undertaken in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, that posited such a disease could kill 65 million people within 18 months under the right circumstances».
As Jeff J Brown declares to Kevin Barrett (q.v.) unlike what would happen in the throroughly depraved West, the disciplined Chinese are extraordinarily well organised to keep casualty figures low, with China in total lock down and its economy suffering accordingly. He also suggests that the authorities are not acknowledging what is really going on for the time being, for fear of people taking the law into their own hands and lynching Europeans or, as Uncle Shmuel says, Caucasians. There will however be a day of reckoning.
The plot thickens. The untypical immune system supression impact of COVID-19 in more than 60% of patients correlates with a typical cause of fatal outcome among COVID-19 patients: Aspergillus Pneumonia invasion of the lungs, a common cause of death among HIV patients. It also seems to be the cause for the long incubation period compared to other Corona viruses, resulting in a symptom-free contagious period of several daysdue to delayed immune response to the infection. The weakened immune response results in a low expression of immunisation antibodies to COVID-19, making a second infection possible after recovery from a mild first one, and may contribute to other opportunistic infections.
The same infection mechanism like SARS (spike protein docking to the ACE2 membran protein, opening the cell membran for injecting the virus RNA) is specific to a particular cell line in human lungs, AC2. This is the cause for COVID-19 differentiating according to ethnicity. East Asian males seem to have a five times higher expression of AC2 cells in their lung tissue than African or Caucasian males (, women are less affected among all groups.
To my opinion, these are too much factors for interpreting COVID-19 as caused by chance. In particular if you consider the parallel global push for massive escalation (Turkey declaring war on Syria, DEFENDER-2020, NATO expansion to ME, the crass misdemeaning of the malign manatee in Munich). Seems, some opted for high noon.
one should this into account
Thank you so much Amarynth for this much needed analysis.
There are many things we ordinary people do not know, but pretty sure that those in the upper echelons of power know exactly what is going on. Back in January, when I heared that Pope Francis publicly prayed for the people of Wuhan, and I remember thinking that was odd. There were only a couple thousand infected individuals at that time. Pope Francis doesn’t strike me as a person who cares much about Catholics, Christians or even humans in general, but all of a sudden he called for prayers for some people in China… how did he know things were so bad? Trump was tweeting about the virus at the same time…
They obviously knew well before we all did what was happening (or going to happen)
I am quite concerned that Russia has closed their border to Chinese citizens. Why would they do that? What do the Russian authorities know that we don’t?
I am going to speculate about Russia closing its border – note, pure speculation. Did Russia perhaps notice some odd behavior of this virus and closed the border so as not put at risk Russians of ethnic Chinese phenotype? Is this virus phenotypically selective to some degree? Singapore also noticed this. What is clear is that the Chinese phenotype is being struck much harder.
@amarynth and all
Splendid work! Thanks for being balanced and sound open minded
It is ABSOLUTELY important to note our own speculations and personal views/projection where due
and NOT state it as ‘my discovered truth’ is the universal truth, therefore must apply to you and all humanity.
I’d be worried if Rus did not closed it borders. It could prove to be saving Rus, if one of my speculations is true, that is the virus is NOT asian male coded and is mutating, as it is designed to do. Does not the west get exposed too? Yes, perhaps thats the plan and the 500M chosen ones can go to their bunker fairy land. Maybe ‘Trust The Plan!’ is that Qute!
This is also another unfounded imagination I heard that, to date, no one has mention/noticed in the west, which could shed more light to the motives of the who’s who…
It was said during the 5-6 day where Xi is uncustomary off-screen, over 30 urgent calls were made to the black house but there was no answer. Think of its implications – a president of a country calls 5 or more time to reach for president of another country. Xi does not even call Putin 3 times a day. EVER! And Xi did not call Putin during that 5-6 days either. Then when Xi re-appear on the state media, he immediately announce ‘The PPL’s WAR’.
So what happen in the black house? Remember, readers, we are all rumours here!
1) The receptionist is the gatekeeper
2) The in-house communication system in the black house was truncated and disconnected by the cables outside
3) OrangeJesus knew all the fingerprints and he did not want to answer the call
Also, immediately after the virus was officially announced in china, the MIC of USSA immediately showed up demanding the stats of the infection rate, death rates, the effect of virus etc as if to check if the results matches their conference meeting they had just earlier. As if – key word here. When china denied them the stats, they then denied all assistance, and hence followed by the spit and spat war from the Chinese news ministry.
Again, I still refused to pin any party down as The ONE, but Richard S mentioned a country that would most closely match my suspicion, as the mid level benefactor. Is it possible to stay neutral surrounded by war unless the entity is the strongest of them all? Stronger than all war parties? Hmmmmm….
Still if there be the 3 levels of distinct forces in play here, it appears to me, the highest level (pos. non-human or general nature cyclical forces or starcharts) wants a reset, the mid level (the unnamed private family bloodlines) wants collapse, and the lower level (banker/gov) wants a slowdown. Do note I am a pessimist when it comes to human nature, pos due to my prior training. A SOB will always smell like a SOB no matter how expensive is the perfume and pretentious fashion coverings.
Anyhow, to date, it appears, RIC should bounce back strongly and seal the fate of the ‘grand chess game’. For those who wish to block RIC are like, 螳螂挡车 Mantis blocking the car. They are loud but empty substance. They just shown they have a death wish and no eyes.
If on the highest level of Reset – This is a force of nature, RIC are just the players showing up at this season of time. Just as once USA, was spared from heavy casualty in WWII and hence became the ‘strongest’ country. So as the eternal quest in Chinese: does fate made the hero OR the hero made his fate? But I think, as the narrative demands, this Reset will be after Russia too is ‘grazed’ and the final curtain drop. Still there is always a chance, as in any war, the wind suddenly blows the opposite direction.
The funny thing is, even ‘they’ manage to collapse or completely destroy RIC, what do they expect to happen one hour after? Its not like they will be saved and they will go to wild parties. The moment RIC is lost, so will the entire western world instantly collapse. They are the one who made this ‘globalism’ thing so they should know the inter-connectivity. So there is no point at all with all these war. Sometimes I really wonder, what kind of the new world order to them be? If transhuman or MMT or 1984, we still dont need war. Why war? Nuk or bio or weather. Why such unnecessary BIG Show for really a BIG Nothing?
I dont know.
If I know, I wont tell you :)
Be at peace.
As I have learned, what must happen, must happen.
Until then, keep up the good fight and listen to the still spirit within.
P/s for those wishing to boost their vit C, do research more as there other several different types of vit C and which one is best for you.
P/s Olive oil is great too. While keeping my system towards slight alkaline level, I also take coconut oil. You can explore all those trusted old healthy remedy
P/s Remember to wash your hands regularly. Wet wash is better than dry wash.
Serbian girl
yes I am VERY concerned about this recent Russian action. They know something we do not.
I am less puzzled by the comments of the Pope etc. it was pretty obvious back in January that the epidemic was out of control and very much in its exponential growth phase. To the extent we can believe data from China (I do, but for the doubters here I guess you need to acknowledge the possibility of cover up), in China the exponential phase seems over and control in the next few weeks seems likely – except for the Russian action i was optimistic)
don’t read too much into it imho. It is likely that RUS just thinks their medical infrastructure and supplies are not equipped to deal with a large scale outbreak.
NK was one of first to close borders…
Very grateful to you Amarynth. If it’s a bioengineered bioweapon this very very serious in my mind. Very E V I L
Worried about viruses? Read this: “Olive Leaf Extract” by Dr Morton Walker. My brother and I have both seen first hand that this is the real deal.
First let us list what we KNOW –
a) there IS a virus it is related to a cold virus and more closely to the SARS virus – Lancet article
b) the virus is VERY easily transmitted – the cruse ship shows this as does the infection of quarantine workers and healthcare personnel. So far 621 from 3400 with more to be tested and probably quite a number of those tested negative vet to be sero-converted. So in 14 days 1 old man started an infection which was transmitted to more than 600 and closer to 700 people. This was despite rather hapless ef’forts at “quarantine
c) the virus has a very high morbidity (NOT mortality) rate. We know this by looking at the number of cases still listed as severe or critical. 12,000 in China but more tellingly 20, from the cruise ship and from the excellent data presented by Singapore where case histories are made public. What we KNOW is that 21% of current cases are severe and that AT LEAST 2.8% of cases are fatal. However we also know that of cases to date only 22.4% are listed as recovered. So to put this clearly of the cases to date 3% are dead, 17% are listed as severe or critical and 22% recovered. The remaining 58% are reported as in mild condition
d) we also KNOW that there is commonly a 5-10 day period between first mild symptoms and severe pneumonia I think we can assume that another 3-5% will swing to the severe category. So a reasonable assumption is that the severe illness caused by this virus is about 25%. I think the cruse ship data will give some very interesting information if and when studied.
e) Despite what the public health “gurus”are saying the severe illness rate of say 25% is much, much, much more severe that the rate for flu which according to CDC is about 0.04% (42/100,000). So we have a virus that is nearly as infective as the flu but with a much higher rate of serious illness. In its favour it seems not to affect children as severely as the flu. Of course the number of cases of flu actually reported will be a much lower percentage but even if you assume that only 1/100 flu cases are reported this corona virus is 4-5 times more serious.
e) The death from the disease is very, very age related so those over 80 have mortality of 15% and those under 40 just 0.2%.
Now the information I have listed above seems fairly clear cut – it comes from multiple sources and any tendency to lie or distort is balanced by information from other places. For example the information from the cruise ship due to international pressure and the well connected passengers means that many samples HAD to be taken and of course passengers could not disperse. As of yesterday of course this data will be much, much less robust.
Death rates will also vary partly because of the different quality of health services and because of numbers. Fairly obviously 10-200 cases in Singapore, UK, France etc will each be cared for professionally and with the best of the best but anywhere where cases get above 200 I would expect the death rate to go up simply because resources are strained. The same goes for contact tracing and monitoring.
As I have posted before essentially there are 6 possibilities:
1. A natural outbreak in the vicinity of Wuhan, neglected and not noticed for a while until out of control
2. An accidental release from the lab in Wuhan, perhaps via some work on a vaccine
3. A vaccine trial that went horribly wrong
4. An accidental release of a bioweapon from Wuhan
5. Some sort of deliberate release from Wuhan (yep silly but still possible)
6. A bioweapon from a hostile power released deliberately
7. A bioweapon from a hostile power released accidentally (also silly but possible)
In a later post i might discuss the actual evidence for or against any of these possibilities based on known information
Thank you for a sober overview of the current situation.
This incident has exposed the fragility of global supply chains and the globalised economy.
It is time to think about creating many, largely self sufficient economies instead. This system would be more robust and also more equitable, more efficient, less risky and more manageable.
The video “Diamond Princess is COVID-19 mill. How I got in the ship and was removed from it within one day” is deleted. However, this is the transcript of the video:
2 deaths now among the passengers, both over 80.
Thank you Amarynth
There are so many unknowns about this event.
The Oz media hype is over the top.
Aussie cruise ship passengers caught up in quarantine in Japan who have no signs of symptoms but will have to undergo another 14 days quarantine in Darwin or Christmas Island before they are allowed back into Oz. They are complaining about their helplessness and lack of communication. Some even suggest this is a big exercise in control and an experiment in how far people can be pushed around before they break.
Our Universities are suffering a massive backlash as Chinese students are denied entry to start the new school year.
Our health authorities will allow scientist to forgo the ‘tender for research grants’ to develop a new vaccine, instead the authorities will nominate a scientific group to fast track vaccine production.
Wonder who they will be?
So many unanswered questions.
Look I studied a bit of micro 45 years ago and i think Australia (reluctantly) has been dragged into adopting best practice. it is not some mind or fascist control measure. it is what MUST be done.
When you come to infections quarantine with draconian measures is the ONLY way. No ifs no buts.
i am tired of people saying this is just the flu. it is NOT. Clearly this spreads rapidly seems about 1 patient to 3-5 others.
Let me take you through just a bit of maths.
1. we bring back 150 or so from the cruise boat. Given the spread on the boat etc, even if tested negative chances are that at least one has the disease in the early stages (i would personally expect 10-15 but let us stick with 1).
2. Now our single person is not quarantined and say 3 days from now becomes able to spread the disease but is confident because of her “negative” status. She is slow to develop symptoms which are in any case mild Now let us assume that the person IS careful but nevertheless gives it to her sister and niece at a family dinner to celebrate her return. She does get a slight sniffle but does not seek any medical attention.
So day 3 she infects her sister and niece
3. Now her sister is an active member of a church where there is quite a bit of hugging and hand holding and four days days after her meet up with sister manages to spread the infection to 5 people at church (this is EXACTLY what happened in Singapore). She also gives it to her her best friend.
4. The niece spreads it to her husband and a work colleague
5. sometime about a week after our evacuee returns there are in fact 10 cases in Australia but NO ONE has as yet sought medical help because no one is sick enough.
6. Now if we are lucky about day 9, the sister or niece seeks medical attention and our public health people start to panic and put on tracers etc. If however the sister and niece, like our evacuee are symptomless it could be another 5 says before the church members start to get sick that anyone is alerted by which time there could well be 20 more cases – even more if one of them is a ‘super spreader
7. Chances are that even if our public health kicks in quickly and starts to isolate contacts those 20 more will affect another two each, not to mention the provability that the three originals patients may have infected another few people each as they carry on symptomless.
8. What this means is that in roughly 16 days our single un monitored evacuee has infected up to 80 or so others. 15 -20 will require hospitaliasation and 2-3 may die. An additional 400 or so people will be in quarantine.
So with this risk it is totally wise for the government to demand the returnees are in quarantine. the “quarantine”aboard the cruise ship was a sad joke and virtually useless.
hope this helps.
to Watcher
Thanks, but I don’t a maths lesson in how infection spreads … I trained as nurse back in the day when nurses were hospital trained and have handled contagious patients. Never caught anything from them and we didn’t use those useless paper masks of today.
I was quoting what the people in quarantine have been saying about being kept in the dark and treated like guinea pigs as if in some experiment.
YES! ppl have the wrong idea that the mask will protect them from the virus. NO! the mask makes sure, if the person who wears the mask has the virus, the virus is block to go into open air or breath back into the body, thus does not spread to other ppl. Mask is to prevent the virus spreading, not protect the person who wear mask. So normal individual, unless they are confirmed infected, does not need the mask. Its better to stay out of populated area or go to a open area with good air flow, if one is concerned.
I suppose one way the mask can help protect the person wearing it is simply the fact that it prevents you from touching your nose and mouth as much as you would normally.
Peace and stay healthy…
I am sorry Babushka but you seemed to be opposing the quarantine. that I cannot agree with
I agree about the masks but find the idea that you never caught anything a tad complacent. i think that all the hospital trained nurses do understand infection control but I am not sure about the uni trained mob.
I am sure it was not deliberate but those passengers on the ship really have been guinea pigs. With the known morbidity of this “cold” and the fact that it targets older people such as the passengers, it was nothing short of idiocy to leave them on board.
I was just gobsmacked reading the Guardian which reported those two brits saying the Drs told them their flu jabs protected them against this disease. i hope they misunderstood or that the drs were just trying to calm them with rubbish, other wise i think the Japanese health system is rather odd. i do not think a flu jab with protect you against corona or herpes or small pox or rabies or aids.
Cruise ship is the worst place on earth to be in a biological storm.
Because they operate 24/7 buffet’s that are open, and the food is just recycled every four hours, the stuff is just sent to the fridge post breakfast 6am-11am, and then left-over’s are brought back out the next morning re-heated until gone.
People constantly cough and spit over the buffet line,
Almost every time a cruise ship goes out a number of people return with all kinds of food borne illness. Then there is the problem of common recreation rooms. Remember this is now winter time in the North Pacific ocean, so these cruise ships, these people are indoors;
The air is never good in these ships, the air is just recycled over&over
Say 4,000 people on a ship and 500 staff, say a dozen have the viral infection ( fresh passengers from Wuhan on holiday), given its spread from public toilet, and door knobs, and has a 6-9 day shelf life its fair to say in a closed environment that everybody gets infected in a few days. Unless of course you lock yourself in the room and stay away from the buffet line. But how is that? Even if you order food from the kitchen, its still coming from the same kitchen that preps the buffet, and the same people. Well of course you could stay in your room and microwave top-ramen for a few months or weeks on a cruise ship?
I might add that if you have ‘chinese’ on a cruise ship, then you need a huge public space indoors (warm) where guys can smoke everything 30 minutes that means a large area where people are coughing, closed air, sharing lighters and cigarettes and matches; contact over&over that was probably the vector that infected everybody else when these guys go back to their rooms; Smoking is a very ‘social’ guy thing in China, its like tough to smoke, like your an asian clint eastwood
Quarantine only works at your home, where you can ‘bleach’ all stuff that is in question, control who comes & goes, send the strong out for food; Stay home, stay warm;
I know China well having lived there, I can say that even under ‘quarantine’ the Chinese men who some +50% smoke a few packs a day, would still go out every 20 minutes for a smoke. Probably smoke in groups.
In summary going on a cruise-ship is stupid, fall-retard stupid, always been this way. Smoking is self-inflicted stupidity.
I really think if somebody stays away from crowds and keeps his/her home clean, and food cleaned when brought from outside or cook everything then you be fine. Like in Mexico when we bring food home you always soak the food in a little bit of chlorine, or iodine solution that kills everything. You don’t know whether the guy at the market selling food used his finger 5 minutes before to clean his rectum, the entire world operates this way.
Then in China the ‘spitting’ common for people to spit out windows, not unlike in the West where people use to toss their bedpans out the window. Hitting the people outside walking by, another reason you must stay away from city’s and away from crowds and public transport in these times.
Can you explain soaking food in chlorine? This sounds insane.
Same as drinking clorinated water, two drops per five gallons of water was the old rule of thumb, still is………………………drink a little of clorine, or shart oneself to death; easy choice. And anyone who has ever been in a public pool can attest that one can drink clorine……………..and survive.
Covid-19 has killed about 2000 people so far, mostly in the most densely populated place on earth. The death toll from the flu in the past 12 months? 40,000.
China is not the most densely populated country buy a very, very, very long shot. it has a large population but not an especially dense one.
Frankly I find all this about the flu being irritating.
yes the flue does kill people – mostly the seriously old or sick. this disease is clearly much more severe.
The Chinese also have flu epidemics but i have not seen them set out to build two new hospitals in 10 days to cope with just a bad flu
In addition to the African Swine Fever epidemic, China also suffered from a plague of Fall Armyworm moths which attack corn and soybeans. This moth is a native of the United States which spread to South Africa in 2016. South Africa also hosts a Pentagon Bioweapons lab.
In the Plan for a New American Century, reference was made to “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” (Rebuilding America’s Defenses, p60)
The appearance of COVID-19 made me think of this article
This may be of interest for those here who can read Russian, it goes into the genetics and origin of the virus:
Временные методические рекомендации “Профилактика, диагностика и лечение новой коронавирусной инфекции (2019-nCoV)”. Версия 2 (3 февраля 2020 г.) (утв. Министерством здравоохранения РФ)
Temporary guidelines “Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of new coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV).” Version 2 (February 3, 2020) (approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Very current
Infection has gone wild in south Korea. Numbers jump from 31 to 82.
We are soon going to KNOW if this is east asia specific
More to the point, China, Japan, Korea and Singapore will KNOW it.
if it is a bioweapon expect a dramatic shift in alliances.
add thailand and vietnam
Yes – in the Caucasian countries the numbers are stagnating at very low levels – and those few patients are mostly Chinese.
Two Birds with One Flu: Coronavirus Weaponized Against China…and American Dissidents
“By now, most people following the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak have stumbled upon Event 201, the pandemic simulation held at Johns Hopkins University in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, and other ruling-class heavy hitters two months before the epidemic was declared. Seemingly tailor-made to set off “conspiracy theorists” – that class of intellectually-curious thought-criminals whom the US media establishment have placed somewhere between child molesters and drunk drivers on the hierarchy of unforgivability – Event 201 was hurriedly “debunked” by that same establishment, which quickly set up and eviscerated a straw man (“No, Bill Gates didn’t cause the coronavirus epidemic!”) and convinced the group itself to issue a statement denying their exercise was meant to predict the behavior of the actual virus, 65 million deaths and all.
But few are aware that the epidemic playing out in China and two dozen other countries, including the US, is unfolding in line with a decade-old simulation titled “Lock Step” devised by the Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with the Global Business Network. The scenario, one of four included in a publication called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” in 2010, describes a coronavirus-like pandemic that becomes the trigger for the imposition of police-state controls on movement, economy, and other areas of society. The novel coronavirus is thus not merely a depopulation exercise, as some have claimed. It could be the trigger for the imposition of a global police state.
Beyond the disintegrating “official story,” rumormongers have pinned the blame on the Chinese government, suggesting that through malice or incompetence Beijing released a virus cooked up in a top-secret bioweapons program operating in the city’s high-security lab. The chief purveyor of this theory is Dany Shoham, an Israeli biosafety analyst, which should raise a forest of red flags in anyone familiar with Israel’s own experiments in gene-targeted biowarfare even before taking into account Shoham’s own history of fraudulently blaming Saddam Hussein’s Iraq for the 2001 anthrax attacks. Other outlets spreading this theory cite American biosafety consultant Tim Trevan, who opined in a 2017 Nature article – published before the Wuhan lab even opened! – that “diversity of viewpoint” and “openness of information” are both critical to the safe functioning of such a high-risk lab and alien to Chinese culture. The persistence of the “lab accident” theory of coronavirus’ creation thus owes more to cultural chauvinism and sinophobia than any fact-based clues.”
Written 2 weeks ago, but still very relevant. She does a good job summarizing the different theories and debunking the zionazi-gay psywar propaganda.
Right you are. We are witness to a massive, global, corporate operation to impose techno-fascism, or techno-totalitarianism on humanity and the planet.
The medical-pharmaceutical complex is a big part of this, as are the telecommunications companies (5G) and the banking industry.
It’s a satanic conspiracy.
A bit late to the party but thanks very much Amarynth for this write-up. It puts much needed sense into the conversations people are having about this outbreak.
I’ve been tracking the Covid-19 Sitreps published by WHO:
The latest (Nov 19) has some interesting and not at all technical information. So, armed with a map of China’s provinces and pen and paper, I dived into the figures. Here’s what I found.
i. China has 74 280 confirmed cases and 2006 deaths.
ii. The vast majority are in Hubei province (61 682), where Wuhan is.
iii. The six provinces surrounding Hubei have a total of 4987 cases.
iv. Mortality. Hubei reported 1921 deaths while the six provinces had only 35 with Shaanxi province reporting none.
This shows beyond doubt that China’s handling of the outbreak is very good. While it can’t avoid the deaths in Hubei, it’s managed to control morbidity and mortality in the provinces immediately surrounding Hubei. And this after all is the aim of the public health measures taken by China — to limit the spread of an infectious disease.
Yes, the measures are harsh — imagine dumping the ‘suspects’ on an island or in a military base for a period of time, keeping them in isolation and away from normal life much like prison. But until a vaccine or a cure has been found, it’s necessary. Everywhere, in every country. And it’s not for nothing that public health medicine as it’s known today, at one time was also known as state medicine and police medicine. It makes me smile when I see people with tears welling up in their eyes bemoaning the ‘harsh and draconian treatment’ meted out to the unfortunate contacts of Covid-19 thousands of kilometres away until the disease lands at a place near them. Then they start to demand govt action to ‘prevent’ the spread of the bug by…’social isolation.’ There were riots on Natuna island in Indonesia when the govt plumped the evacuees from China there and some misgivings among the folk in a Canadian town iirc when Canadian authorities decided to set up a quarantine centre near their town. There are reports Australia plans to place its quarantine centre on the Christmas Islands. Not sure about the Christmas Islanders’ reaction though.
Stand easy
Well said. 100% agree
it looks as if China has been amazingly successful in containing this outbreak.
it would seem that two countries have been very slack indeed and may have let the infection get away – South Korea where cases rose by 70 just today and japan where the quarantine of the cruise ship was laughable. Several quarantine workers have been infected along with a paper work person. Now the quarantine guys maybe- same in Singapore, but what on earth was a paper work person doing on the boat.
japan had better get its act together soon or the Olympics will be a no no.
I just do not believe the figures coming out from Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, India, and I have some doubts about USA and Canada.
Korea — my thoughts exactly. How did the number of cases spike so suddenly? I don’t know the details but it’s either they’ve redoubled their detection efforts or the virus has been firmly established in the community. In either case both point to slackness.
On Japan giving the ship semi-free pratique, I think the idea (ie. quarantine on board ship) was good — from the point of view of those ashore; that’s the whole idea of pratique after all but perhaps something needs to be said about the implementation. 14 days ago things didn’t look so dire and I think they were relaxed and underestimated the infectivity of the virus.
On the figures coming out of Southeast Asia, I agree with you. Too low. The only figures that look credible to me are those coming out of Singapore. Figures from two giants look very doubtful and worrying — India and Indonesia with only about three each.
The South Korean figure is once again due to a church gathering. I think almost all of the 50 new cases come from one church cluster.
What is interesting is that there was a similar story in Singapore (much better controlled). I wonder if there is a common link- some sort of interchurch gathering perhaps – maybe in China.
Now I agree that the IDEA of keeping the people on the boat was a good one provided they were able to impose effective quarantine. It HAD to start with the crew who were delivering meals to passengers. unless they were incredibly hygiene conscious then the quarantine was never going to work. A young Aussie musician was trapped on board and had to bunk down with the crew. He had a separate cabin but shared a mess with the crew. Immediately it was obvious to me that the ship crew had no idea at all about infection control.
Indeed the crew should also have been in lock down and the Japanese authorities should have had meal packages prepared from outside and delivered. After all from the moment the first on board infection was detected it should have been obvious that the crew were very high risk for infection – some more than others of course.
I have read (was it here?) that Vietnam has quarantined whole towns so it is possible that they ARE acting wisely just not telling the world. Malaysia is a puzzle. Many of those from Singapore have been back and forth to Malaysia during the infection period and it it nearly certain that they will have spread the disease. I tend to think of Malaysia as competent, but then I thought that of japan too.
I regularly follow TruNews. On yesterday’s edition
a business executive with an employee who’s just returned from china has testified.
She said it is well known in China that the virus came from the Wuhan bioweapons lab. Patient 0 was an employee of the lab.
I bookmarked a video to watch later and when I tried to watch it today it turns out TruNews YouTube account doesn’t exist any more. Video is still on their website though.
It seems that TruNews as been banned from Youtube. Maybe definitly this time.
Strange timing…
Probably all their videos will be published directly on their website.
@Yuraka and all
***Pls note again I refused to pin down who is ultimately the acting agent here
Let me give you a more fanciful story and yours is old fake-news – it was flooded on the Chinese internet since day one, which was months ago now…
Now the fanciful story – get your tin foil ready and be entertained!
Somebody apparently went to interview some ex-lab person who used to work in Wuhan biolab and the ex-lab person said, it was acceptable that once they finish their experiment on the animals, say monkey or rats or bats, if they look too cute and the person has formed a bond with the animal, may apply to take it home as pets. Then according to the live interview, filmed and put on youtube, they say some persons got bored and lack of money, then sold it to the Wuhan markets and that’s how ppl ate virus infected ‘dish’.
Fanciful enough?
Lets learn how to think critically –
According to trunews –
‘a business executive with an employee who’s just returned from china has testified.’ which is the source here…
So the question to begin with,
How does ‘a business executives with an employee’ got such news? Since all biolab is run and controlled by CCP alone? Is the business executives an insider and has privileges inside CCP? Business executive in the CCP ranking are less than dogs. Only in the west they are glorified like some super intelligent humans.
And ‘just returned from china’ – most of air travel is in locked down so how does he leave? swim across the ocean? his private spaceship?
And the word ‘testified’? Seriously? under what law? Youtube? His own moral or lying code? Who is this business executives? What business does he run?
Also think – what good is it to you, personally, if the business man or trunews is correct or fake news? Because the VIRUS does not pick sides. Far better to look out for your health and wealth.
You get the point… this is not to pick on you but ppl from the west should really learn some critical thinking skills here… Let not be played by them and be the useful idiot here. Again, not that china is not suppressing some of the news and what not, but we need to make more intelligent reading to serve ourselves and our family.
be safe there
p/s I personally have ban TruNews ages ago
OK time now to look specifically at the for and against the various theories. This is conjecture mostly.
1. The main argument in favour of the “natural”theory is what the Chinese themselves say. Certainly back in December they seemed convinced of a “wet market” origin.
However against this idea is the fact that there were cases before the wet market. I was sceptical about the bat origin of SARS and MERS and the Hendra virus and Lyssa virus. Too bloody convenient and also so panic free. After all no one keeps bats as pets so no need to panic everyone. Also you would need a heck of a lot of natural interaction to get such cross overs and while I am OK with it happening once every hundred years or so, 4 times is stretching my credulity. Then you also need some other strange animal for an extra transfer. Now this whole idea of animal to human transfer arose out of the flu virus. Now it is true that if you keep animals together and if they live closely with humans mutations and transfers can occur. After all in China say with 1.4 billion people and at a time when most were rural sharing close quarters with poultry and pigs then even a 1/1,000 billion chance of a mutation/cross over becomes possible if you assume there are 10 animals for every human then conceivably one every 10 years you could get a transfer. however those days are long since gone. Moreover i just do not believe it can happen with bats. We do not keep bats in barns nor in farmyards. People do not stroke them nor do children cuddle baby bats unlike chickens, ducklings or piglets. I have trouble believing this bat idea.
2. The only thing that supports the accidental release from Wuhan is the location of the P4 lab, but the size of the epidemic and long period before action would mean that the escape went undetected for a long time or was prolonged. A slow leak perhaps or via some feral animal that came and went from the lab. I do not know enough about the quality control of labs in china so I cannot rule out an accident with a virus. This could be for a vaccine or a bioweapon i guess.
3. while I can readily accept that China is working on bioweapons (as i am sure are the USA, Russians, British, Canadians, possibly Australians, Israelis, Georgians and even Indians) I have trouble believing that they would use a SARS type virus, precisely because it was more deadly to East Asians. This i think rules out any accidental release of a bioweapon from China
The other thing that troubles me about the wuhan case is that is seems to me the number of cases in Hubei is way way too many relative to the rest of China. it burst on the scene so suddenly, going way way over expectations. this something seemed to be in mid December. Now it may have been some event eg like the cruise ship – a huge party somewhere where there was a super spreader or perhaps contaminated shopping mall or transport station. Given that despite 5 million people leaving Wuhan90% or more cases are still in the province something seems fishy. Not sure what.
4. a vaccine trial gone horribly wrong is possible BUT the slow response in Wuhan tends a little against this. They would have been prepared. The location too. No one does such trials in built up areas. A strange outbreak in a remote village of say 300 people i could well believe was a trial gone wrong but NOT something on this scale.
5. ignoring the two ideas that are possible but silly we are left with a deliberate release of a bioweapon. There is obviously no clear evidence for this. However the Indian paper while withdrawn raises issues as does the strange spike in the genome plus the obvious low probability of such a natural event. It could be a translation issue but China has called the dead medical workers martyrs which could well carry some subtle meaning. Assuming that the evidence is correct that this virus uses AC2 receptors much more common in East Asians (this needs stronger evidence but the deaths so far is tending to support the idea) then it has very strong support. On the other hand the fact that it targets the old and sick rather undercuts the simple bioweapon idea, although if it proves the case that repeat infections are much much more deadly then yes it would be a weapon of horror. This pattern is not unknown eg Denge fever so maybe look for some “bat” denge fever DNA.
There are more ‘fingerprints’ possibly but lets wait abit more… I am more concern to see if the spread does extend to Asean and Asian and kill the Olympics in Japan… and unto Europe and the west… then we can deduce more… There are tentative reports of TCM is up to 90% effective against the light infected (which is the majority)
To kill this virus, clean, strategically speaking, all earth economy activity must stop for 3 months! Otherwise, every body is a host and it s theoratically continue indefinitely.
Somebody is thinking too hard!
…it burst on the scene so suddenly, going way way over expectations. this something seemed to be in mid December
One reason for that may be the real mode of transmission. This paper just published (19 Feb) suggests that Covid-19 acts differently from SARS and more like the flu. Apart from the lower reaches of the lung, Covid-19 is also found in the nose and throat while SARS is mainly found in the lower part of the lungs. Patients/carriers start shedding the virus early in the infection and since it’s in the nasal passages, it can be spread even by exhaling hard. No need to sneeze, cough or hawk.
BTW very interesting comments. I have to differ from your point about Covid-19 jumping from bats to humans. I think it’s possible but through an intermediate host. The candidates are many — perhaps cats, civets, squirrels, deer, wild pigs or similar animals kept as pets or for sale as game meats. Humans get close to the intermediate host and the virus mutates and makes the jump. So I’m not dismissing the bat theory just yet.
Having said that, at the moment I’m more inclined to think that Covid-19 is man-made, perhaps a pre-vaccine virus that escaped. It’s not a bioweapon from the dual-use BSL-4 lab in Wuhan or elsewhere. I know I’m putting my neck out here and risk being accused of propagating AZ Empire propaganda but hey we have to make a stand somewhere. And in the meantime, until we know more, I’ll stick to an adage attributed to John Maynard Keynes: “When the facts change, I change my mind.”
I suspect Amaranth will be none too pleased with this:^
Oh boy :-) its already turning out to be a ranting day lol. Now you want me to rant about those that just take content and monetize for themselves – and this was not written for others, it was written for us here – and I pulled it together but it was a ‘joint project’. Oh well .. I guess the link back to The Saker site might mean something. Yeah, none too pleased but we are in an open source environment here.
ZH updated me to this article. It’s good for that.
Get the word out.
China may just be getting back to work. I have a piece of electronic medical equipment that is manufactured in China and for us, ships out of the US. I just now received an email that delivery times are back to normal for new equipment ordered, and the order backlog is being shipped.
A while ago in the Cafe I posted about a very small sample size of older people being resistant to this Corona Virus if they use TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). A friend that uses mainly TCM received results from a TCM practitioner in Wuhan. They use Chaga Mushroom as a part of some treatment and at that stage, all of his patients that had Chaga Mushroom and took it, were not susceptible to the virus. But this was a small sample size.
This morning we see this piece of news from China. TCM remedies cure and improve more COVID-19 patients with national promotion.
A while ago, I published this piece on Chaga over at the community site :
As these are herbal formulations, it is not only Chaga, but a full formulation and is medicine. Personally I am glad to see this, as we personally are not into vaccines.
Coronavirus (national – center – right – left – reports)
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated
35.5 million people contracted influenza during the 2018-19 season and
34,200 deaths !!!!! as a result of influenza were recorded.
Population about 328 Million
114 new deaths, 394 new confirmed cases of coronavirus infection were reported
in the Chinese mainland. The total infection number soared to 74,576 with
2,118 deaths as of 24:00 Feb 19.
Population about 1.3-4 Billion
STILL No Non-East Asian Deaths from Corona—But CNN’s Sanjay Gupta Won’t
Admit It
Coronavirus – Statistical Change Causes Confusion – New Case Count Continues
To Decline
Kevin Barrett hosts Jeff J. Brown on his Truth Jihad Radio Show, covering all
aspects of the coronavirus outbreak.
Speculate; when West Nile was running rampent in Canada (not really) the histyria was high. Lots of plans telling people how not to get it (avoid mosquito bites). Symptons ranged from very ill to mild flu like aches and pains, runny nose. I remember being sick at the time, was outside working and kept getting attacked by persistant mosquitos, odd since it was the end of Oct and well past several heavy frosts. Shortly after, the Canadian Medical system asked people to volunterialy come in and be tested………………………so many people (with no symptoms) tested positve West Nile fell off the front pages into the dustbin of history.
As sick as I have been this past four weeks and the supposed, ‘don’t worry you’ll be fine’ mild case of pneumonia that killed my father in law, there are probably more people sick with the corona virus than thought…………how many with flu like mild symptoms that never seek aid and recover quickly in less than 10 days?
Corona virus makes for great propaganda………………..unless millions get tested for antibodies.
Glad to see that we have moved into accepting it’s a bio weapon. Now, for more known facts
– patented virus. Knowing who is very important
– targeting Chinese DNA. No other race has a confirmed death
– occam’s razor. Who has a motive to target China?
Actually the pattern you describe is pretty typical of nearly all disease outbreaks. When a new disease (or mutant variant) arises NO ONE has immunity so many, many people are infected and the vulnerable become severely sick and may die. However perhaps 95% recover with few symptoms. After a month or two and definitely after a year, so many people have been infected and have antibodies that the disease does not spread so fast and most people get just mild symptoms. Young babies have parental immunity. So like the flu or many illnesses the disease becomes endemic and not much of a public health concern. Of course travellers from an area where it is not present are at risk.
Your comment regarding your illness and father in law has me concerned that Canada is also under reporting Corona. With such a large Chinese diaspora in Canada I have always doubted your figures. Did your father in law have any East Asian (or Inuit) ancestry?
Opa was Viking Rus from Odessa (although they called it the Ukraine). He did make it to 92, hope my Irish Viking genes are as good…….lol.
Not sure, but the first reports of the virus were back in Oct, I may be wrong but I read that somewhere……… didn`t make international news for several months. So it was out and about long enough for it to travel and not be recognized, or reported, passing off as `the flu`.
I’m a Public Health doctor in Austin, and I have been doing my best to keep up with this virus, which has lab fingerprints all over it, with timeline mentioned above. It’s War-by-Fire, as classified in Sun Tzu’s Art Of War.
Who started the fire? Who benefits?
Full Documentation Rabbit hole: 6 part series:
Subject: The origins of Wuhan coronavirus………………………………………………Alternate theory… There are other players inn Asia.
Look for Yoichi Shimatsu: Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist, He is ‘Editor at Large’ at the 4th Media and former editor of The Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and Pacific News Service in San Francisco. His uncle is Yoichi Hirama, Rear Admiral (Maritime Self-Defense Force:Navy/Retired 1988) Professor, Director of Library of National Defense Academy (Retired 1998). His family is part if the Samurai class. Read in this order:
There were two major biological warfare attacks against central China.
1. “African” swine fever that has destroyed more than half of China pig population and crossed over into a summer flu among Beijing residents. 2019
2. Wuhan Coronavirus 2019/2020
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 6:
The original plan: The dilution of toxicity indicates the objective as being mild symptoms diagnosed as a case of food poisoning. On a massive scale, a food poisoning scandal would lead to the shut down of fisheries and aquaculture in a huge blow to national food security. However, the virus outsmarted everyone.
What’s so amazing about the Wuhan coronavirus was its regeneration after being clipped of virulence-causing genes that intensify the pain of symptoms in its victims. nCov2019 somehow reconstructed alternative sequences to replace the lopped-off gene sequence
This is exactly what occurred in early January when the Chinese government banned fishing and consumption of fish along the entire 6,300 km (3,900 miles) length of the Yangtze River.
What about the much-feared BSL-4 labs in Wuhan? It’s sad, really, that the Potemkin laboratories are a total sham for pilfering funds and kickbacks from construction and equipment budgets, hollow spaces devoid of any recruits from the higher salaried microbiologists and lab technicians working for major pharmaceuticals, Chinese drug corporations and venture-capital funded biotech start-ups in Shenzhen and Hong Kong or overseas. Higher salaries abroad explain why so many Chinese researchers are not at Wuhan but instead doing the drudgery inside biomedical research laboratories in Shenzhen-Hong Kong, the USA, Canada, UK, Europe and Southeast Asia……………………………………..
Mr Amarynth,
I have another trope.
The Chinese are done with usa and it’s dollar. They also want to cull the non-productive. So they scuttle usa supply chains and oil price when usa is most vulnerable.
They could add on later that cia/mossad released the race specific bio weapon, but that’s another trope.
Anyone knowledgeable on ACE2 enzymes and lungs?
“East Asians, Japanese, and Han Chinese are the most likely people to become severely sick by the coronavirus with a chance of more than 90% when exposed. Europeans only rank in the 50%, Africans in the 60% range, and considered low to medium. It also makes a difference if one is a smoker or non-smoker.
Preliminary studies suggest Wuhan coronavirus is fatal mostly to east asians ethnicity. Non East Asians have very little ACE2 enzym (sic) in their lung cells which are used by the virus as an entry mechanism”
There’s a chart of risk/race which should have ‘the woke’ apoplectic but might actually have some science behind it:
The Ukrainians are giving a very unpleasant welcome to the the Ukrainians evacuated from Wuhan, China:
The ace2 receptors in the lungs are the site where the virus is likely to enter your body, but there are receptors in your heart, kidneys, and especially in the male reproductive organs, the testes. There are concerns that even patients with mild or non-symptomatic COVID19 may be left sterile from the disease.
Well, if that is the case for sterility and the chart in eturbonews is relevant in that the virus is ‘shaped’ towards infecting Asian people then it will certainly fuel the thought that this might have originated in a lab.
I have no opinion and will await fact, science and more data .
All races can become sick from COVID19
Eric Feigl-Ding
Asians have the same #SARSCoV2 receptor genetic profile as other races. Let’s that topic go folks. More important other things like incubation time and lab test accuracy and vaccine development to focus on.
Asians and Other Races Express Similar Levels of and Share the Same Genetic Polymorphisms of the SARS-CoV-2 Cell-Entry Receptor
Iran today is seeing large-scale covid19 cases, especially in Qom.
Please back up this sentence with facts. Mod.
Two people die from corona virus in Qom
Two Iranian Ministry of Health officials have said that two people with coronavirus died at a hospital in Qom. At the same time, it was announced that schools and higher education centers in Qom province were closed on Thursday to examine the situation in the province.
Iran announces diagnosing 3 new cases of “Corona”
Shafaq News / Iranian authorities announced the diagnosis of 3 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the number of infected people to 5, after the death of two people in Qom city.
Two suspects were previously announced in Mazandaran in northern Iran, and a third in Iran.
On Thursday, a public relations official at the Iranian Ministry of Health, Kyanosh Jehanpur, said that three new infections had been found in the country, 2 of them in Qom, and the third in Arak in central Iran.
He pointed out that the number of people infected with the virus in Iran rose to 5 cases, after it was announced that two people had died from the virus, on Wednesday.
Shafaq News / Basra governor, Asaad Al-Eidani announced that he will not allow entry of Iranians , after the death of two Iranians and the registration of Corona virus infections.
Basra announced earlier this morning the establishment of quarantine for an Iraqi family from China via Iran.
Basra Governor Asaad Al-Eidani has sent a letter to Basra health department stipulated that a medical test should be obtained indicating that Corona did not affect any visitor from Iran.
BNO Newsroom
NEW: Kuwait bans travel by boat to and from Iran due to coronavirus, hours after Kuwait Airways announced the suspension of all flights to and from Iran
Iran International English
Based on the reports that Iran International has received, so far, eight #coronavirus patients have died in Qom city’s Kamkar-Arabnia hospital with two hospital personnel in intensive care, and one woman passed away in #Qom’s Imam Reza hospital.
A Canadian woman returning from Iran just tested positive. This just further indicates Iran is now a new epicenter for SARSCoV2 COVID19.
BREAKING A 30 year-old B.C. woman has become the 6th person to test positive for coronoavirus. She recently returned from Iran.
The latest patient is a woman in her 30s who lives in the Fraser Health region, according to provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.
B.C. Ministry of Health says ‘it’s unusual’ given her travel originated in the Middle East.
Iran confirmed 13 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total in the country to 18, with four of the total having died.
“Based on existing reports, the spread of coronavirus started in Qom and with attention to people’s travels has now reached several cities in the country including Tehran, Babol, Arak, Isfahan, Rasht and other cities,” health ministry official Minou Mohrez said, according to the official IRNA news agency.
A woman from Iran has brought COVID19 to Lebanon.
That study is interesting but the sample size is much too small for me to place too much on it.
I think the cruise ship will tell us the answer in a ghastly way. If the ONLY passengers who die or are critical turn out to be east asian, then we will know the answer. The proportions of infected should be much the same as for the ship as a whole 9 or deck by deck and once infected there should be no racial difference in the course of the disease.
Appreciate your comments and agree with most.
One teeniest quibble re only East Asians dying from the cruise ship.
A seemingly Anglo-Aussie male – pictured with his seemingly Anglo-Aussie wife now has contracted the virus while in quarantine on the ship.
I hope this chap recovers……
But people die ….:)
And old people die more frequently than younger people…..
So I anticipate there will be some non East Asian deaths linking to the virus…
Whether among the ship cohort or beyond.
Likely older people (and others) with underlying health issues.
That said…
My views: I have read about bio weapon research for years – decades –
I believe this is a bioweapon targetting China and "collatoral damage" other East Asians.
I suspect it was released in Wuhan by a visiting contingent of US military on Oct 19 2019.
This from a seemingly knowing comment at Unz Review.
China is under attack. Pigs, poulty now people.
Last year I noticed a lot of smug items jeering that China was losing the battle against the fall army worm. Until enough voices questioned how this non-native pest got to China ?
Suddenly there was very little further about the worm.
It seems the Trumpian plan is to bust China and BRI and bring all manufacturing "home" to Mexico under USMC trade deal.
Trumps threat to send US military to clean up drug cartels is part of that.
white whale
I would expect that the rates of basic infection and production of anibodies might be similar for all gruops but the capacity to invade the lunges could be different depending on the number of receptors
So once you allow for age, health, smoking status etc, then you should see that the Caucasian passengers have the same chance of serious disease as those from east Asia. We do not know this yet but the next two weeks will give us an answer.
heres the correct link to anglo-aussie? guy infected.
And agree with …. once we see a proportionate infection across non East Aaians it will reveal if this virus is a targetted bioweapon..
There’s now a woman in her 20s confirmed.
She’s reported as having “mild” case… and “feels fine”.
Well I think we now know the answers. The virus is not east asian specific but it is being spread deliberately probably by drone or aerosol.
New epicentre Iran and Quorm in particular. Frankly this is bizarre. i know that there are some travellers to iran from China but not huge numbers (eg not compared with Bali or Hawaii or Australia etc and probably very, very few to Quorm because it is NOT on the standard tourist trip itinerary. it is a religious centre so maybe pilgrims from Iraq or Syria but NOT China. Moreover those Chinese who do go to iran are younger and less likely to be infected, essentially because the tourist trail is quite hard going so not really for the 75 plus.
So I now have no doubts at all. I am appalled and i cry for Iran which does not deserve this travesty.
Those who produced and spread this virus are evil incarnate. If they do believe in god then i hope they spend the rest of their life fearing the hellfire which they fully deserve.
@Conjecture and friends
***Just my Unfounded Imagination No Insider Info Just Meditations
Since the last MERS, china already know ‘they’ have the bio-weapon to ‘target’ the asian, not necessary chinese (to be more specific here) But from the last one it appears the virus also mutate very fast and I think, I could be wrong, the last stage of spreading went to Greek and a sizeable crowd got infected. As to death rate, it appears, its rather the normal range of serious flu. It also went to a small pockets of german, if I remember correctly. With all the inter-marriage and offspring, for decades and maybe even centuries, none of us are PURE blood anymore. So what now?
Again, most death in this nCov are NOT pure nCov ALONE. So again, thats the hard part here. Thats why the death rate means JACK! and this bio-weapon launch on ‘collateral damage’ is stupid but it does cause a YUGE scare and panic EVERY TIME, and splash on all the news internationally. EVERY TIME! And the money movement, EVERY TIME!
Unless we go to the alien hypothesis of reptilian and humanoids war since creation to examine whats really happening here… but let me stop there.
Bio-warfare cannot possibly target specifics, as reasons above and that gene will react and change/adapt/counter accordingly – its a soup of fluctuation and changing energies, frequencies and vibrations – thats my little understanding of gene-tech. We can only say, some race or gene-type are more susceptible, but not targeted. I think. Also consider the food, each culture intake. What if a chinese eats only burgers from birth. Will his gene expression manifest closer to the western type? Or western baby eats bats pigs and fox from birth, will the gene expression be more like asian? Maybe that explains why India is not affected that much as their diet is mostly plant-based.
So, it could literally be a lottery (based on individual health and immune systems) but this one was dropped in Wuhan, thus the population there got infected more in numbers. As with why it spreads? Or its that somebody continually still leaking the virus, like sleepers in different cities wake up to their orders? Spread or still leaking (thus requires the lock-down)?
Okie enough of my ‘contribution’ HA :D Are you entertained?!
Remember, all are Unfounded Imaginations ONLY!
Bottom line here – Let’s focus on our individual health and wealth and our family. Those unseen forces is beyond our control, let’s take control of what we can in our lives. Currently the movement on the money markets and precious metal in all non-USD is going nuts!
Be safe all
sorry brain freeze – not MERS, SARS :)
You do not need sleeper cells or any such. This particular virus has the following dangerous properties:
1. it is very infectious
2. initial symptoms are very mild – say 3-7 days after infection
3. the patient gets gradualy worse visitng several health centres
4. Only after about 10 days from first sniffle does the patient get serious pnuemonia
7. many seriously sick patients take 3-5 weeks before they die.
Now during the first 4 phases of this disease they are waling around and spreading disease. take a look at Sth Korea. it has reached explosion point and i doubt it can be contained. obviously because of better warning it will not reach the level of China, but it is going to be extreme. With 250 cases mostly in one city, they are now essentially where Wuhan was in mid January (indeed somewhere between the 10th to 20th. Remember the world fist got alarmed and China started to build new hospitals when there were only 278 cases. Even if we accept that those cases were under counted you are still looking at Korea being roughly where china was on say 1 January.
It was for entertainment :) but one cannot be too sure… we know and have evidence that the swine-flu (and all other Ag-related) was spread by drones by the 5th column in china
and since ‘they’ thought of not-them as animals, it might be possible? Just collateral damage grade. Just show biz… though again, ***I refused to pin anyone down for the crime yet…
This bio-virus happening now was in some Chinese fiction story published years before (and won some awards) and it seems to play out scene by scene… and in the story it was leaked by sleepers, city by city, until entire china was eliminated…
fingerprints? Nah! Just fiction and my unfounded imagination :)
If according to the current scientific framework, and if it is NOT Asian gene targeted, then the implication is → EVERY physical body is a viable host, and technically speaking, this bio-virus can remain hidden in perpetuity and indefinitely! And may explode in random and any given time possibly wiping out the entire race, cluster of ppl or nation!
Be safe all
Thanks for posting this–It help answer a lot of questions I’ve had about this story.
If this is indeed an attack with a bio weapon – and I think that is very probable – then a couple of other issues present themselves.
If the attacker still has agents within China, then more attacks could be initiated at any time.
An attacker could perhaps wait for this outbreak to be more or less brought under control. The government gets everybody back to work. Then the attacker seeds more outbreaks into the population. This can be repeated as often as necessary. The general public is left with the Impression that these further outbreaks occur simply because the earlier measures were ineffective in stamping the disease out.
The goal would be to extract concessions from the Chinese government in some area or areas. Obviously the Chinese government would be aware that it was a bio-weapon, but I think we can take that as given.
As virus plagues people, pigs and poultry in China, the "exceptional nation" is enjoying exceptional benefit….
An extract from
MAGAnomics – Big Manufacturing Jump Amid Mid-Atlantic Region Report…
The potential for supply chain disruption as a result of China dealing with the Coronavirus, and almost a complete shutdown of their manufacturing economy, is looming heavy upon Wall Street multinationals invested in China.
》》》However, tangentially related, as a result of USMCA we are now seeing signs of shifted investment into North America and increases in forecasts for US manufacturing…….
The Philadelphia FED tracks factory orders in eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Delaware. New orders in that region soared far higher than all expectations, reflecting a strong consumer-driven economy with ongoing purchases of durable goods.
We have only touched the initial outer edges of impact from the USMCA and there’s no doubt we will see additional shifts in investment and growth in the North American production economy as a result of the new US, Mexico and Canada agreement.
¤¤¤One small example is Microsoft:
>>Microsoft is investing in new data centers within Mexico which indicates they are anticipating to fill a need for clients who need expanded digital technology.
CEO Nadella said the investment is “focused on expanding access to digital technology for people and organizations across the country”.
Think of it like digital service infrastructure. In the same way a construction firm would position itself for anticipated utility service needs and housing development within a community, Microsoft is positioning for needs in the digital and technology space.
As much as companies need access to electricity, water, raw materials and a labor pool, they also need to be able to link into data networks.
These are the very first steps within a resurgence of north American investment.
As we have noted over the past several years the benefits of producing products in Southeast Asia are much less than they were ten to twenty years ago.
President Trump’s focus on ‘America First’ incentives has lowered overall energy costs, decreased the cost of doing business, cut regulatory hurdles and completely reset the total cost of production.
The US is now competitive, and without transportation costs the total cost of durable good manufacturing in the US is now the best bet.
Secure jobs, higher wages, low taxes and consumer confidence creates a domestic cycle of economic growth inside the US.
A big jump in building permits and housing starts is an example of that strength. …….
Not so fast!
The US has had a trade deficit since the 1970s because the accumulation of the Dollar as a reserve currency systematically overvalues the US currency leading to uncompetitiveness. The US has enjoyed geopolitical primacy largely because of this role of the Dollar at the cost of the hollowing out of its economy. The return of US competitiveness must await a much cheaper currency, which will only come as the result of a paradigm shift to a new international monetary system, which will cost the US its primacy.
The other side of this coin is the US government deficit. The fact that foreigners have accumulated US Dollars as reserves, following the default of the US government on its gold obligations in 1971 is what has enabled the US government to run budget deficits for so long without consequence, since taxation and domestic savings were always inadequate. Howevr, we are now in the endgame. Domestic savings are negligible and foreign accumulation of treasuries has slowed markedly. The Fed is now monetizing the deficit.
Eventually we shall have the new paradigm (possibly as a result of this virus), which will probably leave the US as a middle income country. Americans can then begin the long process of rebuilding.
This virus made its debut in Hubei and the word ‘hubei’ means the platform from which springs the ‘White Horse Mountain’. That mountain was named in honour of the White Horse which carried Buddhism to China.
The First Horse of the Apocalypse is a White Horse and it brings Famine Pestilence and Disease.
China makes half of the world’s prescription drugs. So all the diseases kept restrained by those drugs will now also be set free to ravage man and life on earth.
The CoVid-19 virus attaches to angiotensin receptors in smooth muscle tissues including such found in the testicles and the pituitary gland. If untreated the victim may become infertile. Only those who have presented to authorities with flu-like symtoms or unexplained severe gastrointenstinal issues have been treated to prevent disease progression. Those who have evaded detection may go on to infect others by sexual transmission.
Destruction of the pituitary gland and or the testicles would result in men both infertile and bedridden with no strength. Do not underestimate this virus. It is adapting and it may become insect borne. Spring on the steppe frightens me. Can deer carry it? Who knows.
Hubei simply means “North of the river”.
As if.! Get your source link because you are wrong
Here is a delicacy from a secret report by the Pentagon Committee for Biological Warfare:
“A gun or a bomb leaves no doubt that a deliberate attack has occurred. But if … an epidemic slashes
across a crowded city, there is no way of knowing whether anyone attacked, much less who”, adding
hopefully that “A significant portion of the human population within selected target areas may be killed
or incapacitated” with only very small amounts of a pathogen.
Military Games, Wuhan, Oct 2019
NB – No other race has a confirmed death. Sure, all humans are susceptible to the bio weapon, and other races may be infected (assume as a given), but since its targeting specific DNA, only that group exhibits fatality. Now, even if other people from other races die, it could be from other causes such as another fatal disease that was present taking advantage of a weakened immune system from added weakening of the body from added infection from the bio weapon.
The kind of lockdown already done in China, is ample proof of the legality of the bio weapon to them. If, as laughably said, was from animal markets and yet spread so fast, under normal conditions, the outbreak should be similar in any continent where symptomatic Chinese has travelled to. No such outbreak elsewhere. Ponder that
The numbers of those infected in the UK, France, Germany, US, Australia stubbornly refuse to rise from thei very low levels – overwhelmingly Chinese anyway.
China, Korea, Japan, Singapore. – the East Asian genotypes.
It’s pretty damned obvious really.
I would have believed the east asian idea but now it has broken out big time in iran, which is NOT east asian and indeed probably more European in genotype.
We have essentially several possibilities
1. iran is more honest than the US and most of the west
2. iran is the subject of a second bioattack
3. Religious gatherings are a severe health hazard
4. all of the above
Apparently the forst two dead in Iran were Chinese nationals. I can’t find any info on the others.
i had read they were Iranian nationals but you may be right
I will reserve comment about the east asian hypothesis until we know.
I dont know why we are dismissing 5g as it has nothing to do with what happen in wuhan. It is like we are being told to discuss only about this “new virus” on caps. planning to build 10 000 5g bases does not feel safe.
There are quite overwhelming indications that coronavirus has been modified to a bioweapon, and it has been released into the population. The virus are probably infused into an aerosol to be directly inhaled from the air. The perpetrator could probably spray it into someones apartment to escape unnoticed. It could be released
from a car totally unoticeable where the perpetrators are totally safe, or from an aircraft, the possibilities are
Who is interested in such activities ? Well the question is a leading one, but the most common usage in todays evil word run be an elite, it is obviously a weapon for depopulation rather than warfare itself, and of course directed killings. And depopulation may also mean vaccines that in the long run are designed for depopulation which is also the politics of the global elite.
In the case about depopulation and vaccines, point also to Bill Gates at the Munich Security Conference for which he is invited to speak on the subject every year. Bill Gates is also positioned in China with his foundation.
Bill Gates that warned about pandemics at MSC every year 2017-2019 but is not included in the list of participants in 2020
The Munich Security Conference is a Rothschild Syndicate/Rockefeller organisation like almost all of the organisations frequented by the political elite .
Wolfgang Ischinger is a member of the Trilateral Commision (Rockefeller/Rothschild org).
If small South Korea can test 14k people, can’t US test more than just 500 tests for #SARSCoV2?? #COVID19
Dr. Scott Gottlieb
To spot a U.S. #COVID19 outbreak early we must broaden screening. South Korea has tested 14,000 people; U.S. disclosed tests on about 500. We should free docs to test more people who meet clinical criteria, even if no history of Asia travel.
My Op Ed @WSJ.
Matt Stoller
1. It’s quite possible #coronavirus could rapidly accelerate the move to a national health care system. World War II forced the UK government to consolidate its medical bureaucracies and basically create the NHS.
That could very well be the case, I am even more sure that it could be used to force vaccinations on people, amid claims that those who do not line up to take the vaccine are a danger to society and will be sent to a femacamp or some similar measures if they dont comply, at least that is what is in the card in the future plans of this elite when you look at the behaviour of these elite politicians and their masters and agents. Such a threat that has already been expressed by Bill Gates as he pushed depopulation claims and he recently promised 1.5 billion dollars into vaccine development at the Munich Security Conference . I am pretty sure it was MSC 2020 . So I was surprised to see that he was not listed in the participation list. Mark Zuckerberg was there and he is calling for regulations (censorship) done by the governments for his monopoly while entering into news business as well. Everything is lining up for there new war on people while controlling all media and press.
Exactly. Two of my biggest concerns regarding prolonged 5G exposure have been severe immune dysfunction and heart failure. Lo and behold, this is what we are getting reports of. 5G is being criticized as an experiment on humanity. We know that the nervous and endocrine systems are particularly vulnerable to pulsed radiofrequency radiation, people are reporting unpleasant symptoms such as chest pain where 5G has been turned on in Europe, and many municipalities are declaring moratoriums on it due to health concerns. There is no way of knowing at this time if 5G has any bearing on the severity of the disease or other factors such as the rapidity of mutations or an environment that favors the survival of viruses. Japan will start commercial 5G service in March, with the unfortunate confounding factor of the timing of the virus’s introduction, meaning it is likely to take off then anyway. 5G was introduced to Wuhan and other Chinese cities in October. It is going to be hard to determine how much of an impact 5G is having. The experiment will have to be much larger scale before we can get conclusive data. So, turn it on and let’s see! (sarc)
Worldometers has a set of new graphics. If you enter the page, just scroll down a bit and you will see the heading for new graphs. Of course, the indicator that we are all waiting for, if this virus is at all ‘selective’, is not there. But at least there is some better info. The spike over yesterday apparently is counting the infected in prisons.
I have read this very carefully, thank you to Amarinth, Saker for all you do…
So difficult to know the truth, however, the muted response of China in the real world ( but treats this like a bio war attack and involves the army etc. etc…), I think this is an attack on Chinese population by bio warfare.China will not say it openly as the disclosure would incite a disaster. Massive panic will ensue.
Combined with drone propagated attacks on pig farms, now also an attack on chicken farms, I do believe that this is a total attack on China by the waning empire in the west, again…
To force them back from BRI, just like they poisoned them by Opium before…
Saker, thank you for everything, you have no idea how wash brained are we in Europe or how they try to wash-brain-us, how little info we get from our media locally.
You are the sweet ray of light for us who did not succumb to darkness. Thank you for everything you do. You can not imagine how important you are. In this light, Zero Hedge has stolen Amarinth’s post, and usual imbeciles have posted underneath, what a difference between this site and them…
Amarinth, thank you as well
A political test now awaits the west.
Now in late January – about the 27th Australia and other countries banned entry of Chinese when at that stage there were about 4000 cases reported. These numbers had jumped from 278 just one week before.
Today there are 346 cases in South Korea. If there is NOT to be explicit anti china action it is time to ban South Korean entry. The infection is clearly out of control there. it is leaping up by the hundreds daily.
I get the feeling that in the last 36 hours we have moved into a new phase.
South Korea now at 346 cases because they are testing.
Sudden blow-ups in Iran and now Italy.
Obviously the East Asian hypothesis will have to be discarded if it is shown that many of those getting infected and dying are not East Asians.
South Korea from 28 to 346 in less than 3 days. How many more will it take before quarantines and lockdowns start to hit the economy there?
I think in the next few weeks we will get to see how non-authoritarian governments cope with this. I’m guessing not as well as China.
So very true
I do not believe many governments when they say they have no infections.
Oddly enough i do believe Australia, partly because luck was with us. The school/university year had not started and nearly every student and families if they went home to China either did not return or were easily put into quarantine (school kids in particular). Our university year has yet to start.
Also it coincided with very hot weather and bushfires so tourist numbers were right down. Having no land borders also helps.
However I do not believe India at all nor Indonesia nor Malaysia.
I get the impression that the UK while not admitting infections is adopting good public health measures (I might be wrong).
Now as to the US I frankly do not believe their figures. There is not much testing and without a free public health service many, many people will be in the community undetected. this disease has a long latency period so if say there were 20 newly infected cases on say January 31, there might be perhaps 100 seemingly mild cases one to two weeks ago of which 10-15 should just about NOW be presenting at hospitals with severe symptoms and a week from now that number will be 100 and a week later 500.
I think that in countries such as India or Indonesia,, that the cases connected with the virus could be lost against the background noise of all the other illnesses that people get. That goes double for Africa.
You merely have to consider that something like 3 Million people die from normal pneumonia in any given year.
Of course in poor countries the large majority of the population are often very ill indeed before they seek out a doctor.
Despite the outbreaks in Iran and in Italy – where pparently we have the first Caucasian death from this illness – I am still not entirely convinced that there is no ethnic component at work here.
If there is no ethnic dimension; ie non East Asians catch the virus, and die from its associated effects, just as easily as the Chinese do, then I think we can forget about ‘containing’ it. It is unfortunately very likely that there are many thousands outside China who already have the virus.
Even with no ethnic specificity this could still be a bio-weapon against China, with the attackers ready to accept massive ‘collateral damage’ elsewhere, They might even be ready to see the world financial system and economy come down, because they see that the system is on its last legs anyway and they wish to proactively force the reset, rather than just wait for it to happen in an uncontrolled way.
Indeed, if it is a bio-weapon, then perhaps that is the central aim – to force the reset, and the massive debt collapse which must go with it in a controlled way. Woldwide travel restictions and quarantines would be very handy measures indeed to control a public faced with the complete destruction of savings and the loss of income.
We cannot ignore the possibility of a depopulation agenda, especially in the light of the knowledge that infection with the virus can cause male sterility – see link from Anonymous below.
We watch and wait – and pray.
The Wuhan virus may cause infertility in the human male by destruction of testicular tissue.
Very mild cases which apparently resolve without diagnosis let alone treatment may have a hidden sting in that the virus may enter the flow of semen thus making the disease sexually transmissible. Fellatio would seem to be another route to infection also.
No one knows whether the virus can be borne by insects or if it can be carried by wildlife. The Eurasian steppe with its teaming hordes of mosquitoes and mites gives me nightmares.
Little do they realise yet this viruses potential. It may morph into a secondary sexually transmitted form.
Thank you for this analysis. Very little is clear about this disease at this time. I’m in Japan, where it has now gotten a foothold, so more will become clear with time. People here are reacting in one of two ways: completely ignoring it and doing what they always did, never mentioning the biggest news topic; and altering their habits in major ways to try to avoid it. Tourist attractions in our area are largely empty. I’m being warned by a colleague to cancel plans for a meet-up of a disabled group and an expert from Canada with whom they would like to consult, and they only have one chance.
One thing to stick out to me about this disease–the environment seems to play a big role in its severity. China is notorious for air pollution, in winter people tend to be more deficient in vitamin D, and I would expect protein consumption to have decreased if pork is harder to obtain.
I was in Indonesia in January, and there were lots and lots of Chinese tourists, and yet Indonesia, which has only barely begun testing for the virus, has not reported any cases yet, but on the other hand, on Chinese tourist is reportedly thought to have contracted the disease in Bali. On the other hand, there are plenty of Chinese tourists in Japan, and in January a group of taxi drivers seems to have contracted the disease aboard a party boat a group of Chinese had rented the day before. This was transmitted to a relative of one, with fatal effects. The conditions aboard the Diamond Princess also seem to have favored the spread and severity of the disease. I could talk about environmental conditions in Japan’s cities, particularly in their crowded narrow streets that I think could make taxi drivers particularly vulnerable immunologically, but I’ll leave it at that for now.
Also, I would not discount the possibility that 5G is playing a role in this. Radiofrequency radiation at non-thermal levels is known to harm the immune and cardiovascular systems, with modulation being a particularly concerning factor and experts raising concerns that 5G could be particularly bioreactive–we just don’t know what the effects will actually be yet. No safety testing was done, but instead it was rolled out in haste because of international competition it seems. So I guess we will eventually find out.
No, I don’t completely discount a role for 5G either.
Although I do think you are right about its unproven safety, with possible effects on the immune system and so on, many people outside Wuhan have now ‘caught’ whatever it is.
For that reason, I m particularly interested in the possible effects of 5G on the mutation of viruses. Did the autumnal rollout of 5G in Wuhan somehow act as a mutation hothouse for a virus?
All very science-fictiony and speculative I know, but given the circumstances, justified.
Thank you. Yes, people are discussing the possibility of 5G affecting viral mutations. It’s one of many ways it might influence the situation.
Italy, with 43 confirmed cases is now where China was around January 15th – all official figures.
It is very possible, even likely, that this man-made virus SHC014, which they knew should not have been made, is COVID-19.
From MI6 via ‘The Guardian:
“Thousands of Russian-linked social media accounts are attempting to spread panic about the coronavirus outbreak, US officials said.
They said the disinformation campaign promotes unfounded conspiracy theories that the US is behind the outbreak, in an apparent bid to damage its international standing.
False personas are being used on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to advance Russian talking points and conspiracies, including suggesting that the CIA is behind the virus that has claimed more than 2,300 lives, mostly in China.
Philip Reeker, acting assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia, said:
Russia’s intent is to sow discord and undermine US institutions and alliances from within, including through covert and coercive malign influence campaigns.
By spreading disinformation about coronavirus, Russian malign actors are once again choosing to threaten public safety by distracting from the global health response.”
No comments allowed.
5 deaths in Iran from 28 officially confirmed infections.
If we assume a death rate of 2.5%, then – on a country-specific basis – that would imply 200 infections already in Iran, as of already one week ago – condervative estimate.
Well the death rate cannot be used as much of a guide especially in the early stages of disease, because to start with people assume it is ordinary pneumonia..
However i would think that by now Iran has several thousand cases, largely because it has been found in people who fly to UAE and Lebanon and Canada.
Italy now has 45 cases and they are not yet traceable as to source.
So who hates the Italian government?
There’s a report that the strain of virus in Iran is different from that in China.
Could that mean that – if this is a bio-weapon – that the attacker needed a variant of the virus adapted to the predominant genotype in Iran?
Two separate attacks – one on China, one on Iran?
How convenient for US strategic objectives, eh? But bioweapons have the nasty habit of backfiring on the perpetrators. China and Iran are accustomed to hardship. The American underclass is getting there.
The habit of smoking offers protection against CoVid-19
Man is the fire ape. Man is adapted to carbonaceous smoke. Man has long used herb burning as a drug delivery route of consideration efficacy. Many drugs are destroyed by gastric and metabolic process when ingested. The lungs can be utilised to transfer drugs into the bloodstream without modification as would be the case in via ingestion.
There are many health benefits of smoking.
Man like any animal finds his medicine plants.
By now there should be statistically reliable data on what the vector for transmission is – aerosol, human only, whether contagious by human or contact with non-human surface and, if the latter, how long it can live and whether ultra-violet radiation, bleach, isopropyl alcohol etc. can kill it and how quickly.
Also what part other factors play such as age, lifestyle, immune fitness, race and gender.
Other questions, such as ‘can it remain in an individual and re-activate at a later time and how is it mutating?’ and whether unaffected people can propogate it, might take longer.
I am disappointed with the lack of robust data.
USA in 2015: Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate
The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of gain-of-function research.
Jef Akst
Nov 16, 2015
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Russia isn’t only behind election hacking! They’re also trying to smear US over coronavirus … according to State Department
“US State Department officials are claiming Moscow is behind an internet campaign to blame the coronavirus on the US government.
Without citing specific examples, officials told AFP that the foreign nation is using “false personas” to spread conspiracy theories about the virus, including that the virus is the US’ attempt to “wage economic war on China” and that it could be a biological weapon deployed by the CIA to “spread anti-China messages.”
The messages are apparently spread through thousands of online accounts, run by people and not bots, which post similar messages in multiple languages and can be “linked back to Russian proxies.” The unknown number of accounts all received “carte blanche” from the Russian government to say whatever they can to damage the US’ reputation, the report claims.
Philip Reeker (as in “reeks of cow manure”), the acting Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, says Russia’s intent in this loosely-detailed effort is to “undermine US institutions and alliances from within.”
The State Department also blamed this campaign of “Russian talking points” for slower responses to the coronavirus in Africa and Asia.
All this information is supposedly gathered in a report by the Global Engagement Center (GCE) and seen by AFP. The State Department’s GCE has a sketchy history of being accused of spreading its own propaganda, like a $1.5 million program that was deployed to discredit any and all critics of Trump’s policies in Iran. The account @IranDisinfo was running smear campaigns against anyone, including journalists, who dared to challenge the president’s hawkish policies, despite the account supposedly being meant to only combat Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) propaganda.”
A very common israeloamerican tactic
Accuse others what you did to take the attention off yourself.
They should just dissolve the WHO (RE) and save the money – this lie is all the proof you need that the WHO is corrupt and evil, and that we are in a pandemic:
“WHO says it no longer has a process to declare a pandemic, says old system with 6 phases is no longer being used” – Reuters
performed a structural analysis of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of spike glycoprotein responsible for entry of coronaviruses into host cells. The RBDs from the two viruses share 72% identity in amino acid sequences, and molecular simulation reveals highly similar ternary structures. However, 2019-nCoV has a distinct loop with flexible glycyl residues replacing rigid prolyl residues in SARS-CoV. Molecular modeling revealed that 2019-nCoV RBD has a stronger interaction with angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). A unique phenylalanine F486 in the flexible loop likely plays a major role because its penetration into a deep hydrophobic pocket in ACE2. ACE2 is widely expressed with conserved primary structures throughout the animal kingdom from fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, to mammals. Structural analysis suggests that ACE2 from these animals can potentially bind RBD of 2019-nCoV, making them all possible natural hosts for the virus. 2019- nCoV is thought to be transmitted through respiratory droplets. However, since ACE2 is predominantly expressed in intestines, testis, and kidney, fecal-oral and other routes of transmission are also possible. Finally, antibodies and small molecular inhibitors that can block the interaction of ACE2 with RBD should be developed to combat the virus.
The virus makes men infertile because it destroys leyydig cells and testicular tissues.
Interesting material about actions of Si administration and catastrophic mistakes were made at the initial stage of spread coronavirus.
A comment on the Unz Review stated the US military released the virus in Wuhan on Oct 19.
Since reading this I have been alert for reports of virus prior to Jan 2020.
Intrigued with this snippet from ZH about a Sth Korean christian sect with a congregation in Wuhan:
One alleged member, who spoke under condition of anonymity, said in the beginning, nobody took the virus seriously – because authorities said it wasn't serious.
》"Rumours about a virus began to circulate in November but no one took them seriously," said one member, a 28-year-old kindergarten teacher].
“I was in Wuhan in December when our church suspended all gatherings as soon as we learned about [the coronavirus],”said the woman, who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter.
As of Tuesday evening in the US, there were 977 confirmed cases in South Korea, the highest number outside China, as well as 11 deaths.
Of the 84 new cases reported on Tuesday, more than half were reported in Daegu.
West has motivation, means and of course history of using any kind of weapon of mass destruction in past without slightly sense of mercy.
Prof. Christopher Busby in his extensive research papers proved the use of enriched Uranium in Iraq by West, mainly US. In his own word, the health impacts of Faluja catastrophe is worse then Hirushima.
Britain used contaminated blankets with small pox 260 years ago in Americas to wipe out native Americans. General Amherst wrote about this in his laters.
CIA used insects to destroy Cuban agriculture and dropping millions liter of Agent Orange in Vietnam or using Chemical and Bioweapon in Korea by US is documented facts.
Britain used chemical weapons already in 20s in Syria and Iraq.
Heinz Pommer, nuclear scientist, proved in his extensive work that 911 is a nuclear attack.
So, it is not very difficult to suspect and figure out what is going on there.
Here the head of DHS homeland security is questioned about COVID and his ignorance is unbelievable – if this is the calibre of public officials in the USA, they are going to have a lot of pain.
Here is some truth. Make sure you dont watch this.
Mortality rate of novel viruses decreases over time as they evolve to be more new host compatible. Which is useful in finding the virus source. Since Iran has a higher mortality rate than China, this suggests Iran is the source and Wuhan is the China entry point. Which explains why China can’t find patient zero because this person returned to Iran.
Interesting analysis of coronavirus (COVID-19) Mortality Rates
Very interesting – 5G? –