In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
“Among the Believers are men who have been true to their Covenant with Allah: of them some have completed their vow to (martyrdom) and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least.” (Quran, 33, 23)
God the Almighty has spoken the truth.
Our beloved brother, the glorious commander Hajj Qasem Soleimani, achieved his highest goal and dearest hope by joining the noble procession of martyrs, becoming rightfully the Master of the Axis of Resistance’s martyrs.
We send our sincere congratulations and condolences to our Master and Imam (al-Mahdi), the Master of Time, may Almighty God accelerate his appearance, to His Eminence the Supreme Leader, Grand Ayatollah Sayed Khamenei, may God preserve him, to our honorable religious authorities and to our dear brothers and officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in particular the Chiefs of Staff of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the great & resistant Iranian people, and in particular to each member of the noble and resistant family of Hajj Qasem, on the occasion of this martyrdom and the loss of this courageous and ingenious commander, an unequaled model, compassionate father of all the Resistants and mujahideen (fighters) of our region.
This glorious martyrdom is such an honour! I congratulate him and I am very happy for him for the high rank he achieved with this beautiful death, in the straight line of the school of (Imam) Hussein and (his sister) Zeinab, peace be upon them.

With the grace of God, the American murderers will not be able to achieve any of their objectives with this enormous crime. On the contrary, all the objectives of Hajj Qasem will be achieved due to the greatness of his soul and his blood and by the action of his brothers, his children and his disciples within the Resistance, and the fighters of all peoples of our Community who reject humiliation and submission to the imperialists and tyrants.
Glory, honor and eminence to the great martyred commander, Hajj Qasem Soleimani, and to all the dear mujahideen who found martyrdom with him, in particular the great martyred leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, may Allah be pleased with them.
I don’t see how this is a ‘beautiful death’
Seems like more of the same ANZ strategy of bombing, for lack of ability to fight.
Too bad there is no force on earth that is capable of opposing the ANZ, even the Hezbollah was created by the Mossad ( Said to have gotten out of hand like al-cia-duh, but like we all say, once CIA, always CIA )
To be murdered by a bomb, in a ‘safe place’ is hardly beautiful or serene. Hardly a warriors death, more like a classic poisoning of another day.
Should be interesting to see how Iran retaliates to these ‘beautiful murders’.
One you think about it the only time a leader in Israel is killed, is when he’s killed by another Jew.
Lastly, even our Hezbollah leader clearly blames the USA, rather than the master Israel, that actually planned, & orchestrated the beautiful murders. Go figure why the Mossad would want to blame the USA for its own mischief unless of course this all according to some orchestrated ANZ-China-Russia OP.
As a Lebanese Syrian, I can confirm the words and meaning of what Nasrallah’s is saying is lost in translation. What he said is nothing like what you think. And this goes for many Countries where words that are translated into English lose their meaning totally.
Well that is fine.
So why don’t you help contribute by explaining where and why the translations are off the mark?
That makes sense.
I watched a show in Spanish, so much heart in it. Translated to English, lost all its heart and power.
So, what I am trying to read into what is being said about this beautiful death is English tends to translate more literal.
Taken out of literal sense of drone strike in a vehicle and put into context of the culmination of what the man worked for and achieved as well as the timing of events and what his death means to the people whom he was important to, that there is honor to his service, that he has moved on and the fight is now left to others.
That stuff is lost on most Americans now, they put deep thought into nothing. The planners that schemed up this hit did not put deep thought into what fires would be ignited with such a strike.
I think the US schemers thought this was a strike against Iran and Hezbollah and didn’t think deep enough to realize this strike ignites fires far beyond that.
Whatever they think they have gained from this, I think they will lose 100x more. I think they are sobering up and realizing that already because I hear tinges of fear in US statements.
To Anglo-Saxons, it may be helpful to think of the martyrdom of Archbishop Thomas a Becket at the hands of King Henry II’s knights.
Henry appointed Becket archbishop, disregarding Becket’s warnings that he would henceforth be loyal to God and the Church rather than to Henry.
When Henry saw how Becket was resisting his will and defending the Church according to his conscience, he complained bitterly, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”
Taking him at his word, some of Henry’s knights immediately went and killed Becket. The latter immediately became a holy martyr and the king lost all the sympathy of his people. He eventually had to come and abase himself humbly before Becket’s memory, and concede all the rights for which Becket had fought.
Similarly, as I see it, General Soleimani did all he could as a soldier by way of military skill and resolution. Growing older, he was willing and even eager to be sacrificed for the good of his cause, as a queen may be sacrificed in chess for the sake of great advantage.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”.
Some here ask, “How might Israel orchestrate another false flag, aka USS Liberty??” in the context of the most recent murder of an Iranian official by Israel.
Well here you go,
So Israel activates Hezbollah, make them nutz by killing supreme hero ( manufactured by consent of NYT )
Hezbollah activates its sleepers in USA, then JUSA (FBI,CIA,DIA, DHS, TSA,…) rounds up all suspected arabs&persians, …. or anybody that seems to feel sorry for Muslims in general,
Then of course USA has the green-light to drop all of its Israel Nukes on MENA targest of interest, e.g. general populations without oil-fields.
Makes one think the safest place in MENA right now is near a USA (Israel) held oil field, as the JUSA isn’t going to harm its ‘prize’.
“So Israel activates Hezbollah”
Sorry mate, but that’s a really ridiculous comment. And you put an article by Paul Joseph Watson? You are more deluded than I thought.
The moment that I realized, that I was not alone, was one of the happiest moments of my life. I am grateful to have had it.
I honor the sacrifice of these warriors.
Sounds like a war declaration…
I have found that the gvt privately declares war all the time, its just a question if one accepts their declaration pubically. They declared war on woman, I accepted and am fighting back.
It is a beautiful death. I get that and there was a piece on Press TV about someone being beheaded who felt that everything had come together for him at that moment before execution. The notion of chivalrous knights, honorable men. I read all the romance tales as a youth and this resonated with me. There is a distinct lack of that, or any sense of honor, in my neighborhood. At the start of the first 1st Gulf War, a misnomer for sure, I discovered the music of Abdel Wahab as presented by Simon Shaheen. I listened as I watched events unfold, with thousands of demonstrators against the war going by my window (San Franciso) and found that I could not hate any one who had created music like this. So, I am sorry. Everyone in my house is near tears, my wife my children We are listening now. Doesn’t sound like rap music to me, that ball clutching gangsta racket that actually typifies my goobermint now.
The idea that you can turn the tide and change the curse of history by murdering military or political leader is nothing but wishful thinking. My personal opinion of this latest hit (Soleimanis) is that it was not really targeting only Iran but most likely to keep U.S forces in Middle East and focusing more countries like Lebanon, Iraq and perhaps even Yemen.
It can’t change the main story how Iran, Russia, Syria (backed by China) have blocked successfully U.S and its allies in Middle East. Let’s not forget also how highly important great nations like Turkey and Pakistan have changed their sides during last few years. America has lost a lot in this area.
The big question is of course the destiny of petrodollar. Keep that in your mind.
Here he is remembering his fellow warriors, who left before him, calling their names:
And here is an old iranian lady singing serenade for martyr Soleimani: