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Iconic and sweet image indeed :-)
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Iconic and sweet image indeed :-)
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Symbolic in geopolitical shifts also.
It will take a decade for the shift to be permanent, but most of the non-aligned global community sees Russia as honest, reliable mediator. Respecting sovereignty is key.
The U.S. has trampled on most every country for 80 years. It’s end time is upon us.
There is to admit that there was some rock throwing at Russians lately.
Never mind.
Just emotions of perplexed people (or paid showtime for western media). However, not worse than US sanctions or russophobia in Europe.
Are you capable to distinguish Turkish military from Russian Peacekeeping troops ? Oh, “Never mind.”
Kurdish population have the ground to throw stones at Turkish milit. but they are thankful to Russia for protecting them.
but now I hear the US is building more bases in the oil rich Syrian fields. Here’s the Ron Paul Institute article –
The tectonic shift is ongoing. There have been more incidents like in this image, with Russian and Syrian troops literally standing at the gates of the illegal US bases as American and european troops abandon the bases and leave. Cases of ‘coalition’ convoys heading out with Russian and SAA (Syrian Arab Army) convoys heading in are also not uncommon.
Psychologically, this debacle for ‘coalition’ troops is rough. Here they were, cock of the walk, and suddenly they are ordered to leave and leave as rapidly as possible, with some instances of the locals hastening them on their way with rocks and vegetables thrown at them. They are not stupid, ill informed or naive, they know they should not have been there and all serving ‘coalition’ troops are in direct and abject violation of their sworn oaths and the UCMJ code of the individual countries. My favorite phrase, ‘when they are shooting at you when you leave, you lost’ applies here albeit few shots have hastened these illegally stationed troops onward as they in essence run away in a shower of rocks and potatoes and cabbages.
And, of course the lap dog media are beginning to spin this debacle as best they can, including the totally stupid about face of some of these running troops as they leave Syria in haste, arrive in Irak, stop for a drink of water and turn right around and go back in to Syria. I just about soiled my knickers laughing at this one:
There you have it, folks, plan and baldfaced for all to see, the blatant hypocrisy of US and the ‘coalition’. Good luck to them, they’ll need it as their grand facade of an empire slowly winds down over time.
While the Americans are up to their usual insolent behavior, illegally invading and occupying yet another sovereign country, what does Putin do? Sends Lavrov to complain. This isn’t a sweet picture, it makes my blood boil.
Perhaps Putin should nuke Washington and then your blood will cool?
Russia’s national interests are not at all concerned with potty training the US.
It’s geopolitical moves (Lavrov and his ministry, Shoigu and the MOD, Gazprom and Rosneft) are what Putin cares about and uses. Self-Interest first. (There have been a slew of articles about Primakov’s admonition for Russian leaders to foremost care about Russian interests. That is what Putin does 24/7).
Maybe you should look at the geopolitical situation another way: – whatever the USA does in Syria, basically destructive/nihilistic…discredits the USA in the eyes of the whole world… whatever Russia does in remaining calm and reasonable in the face of extreme provocation, basically behaving in a constructive manner… gains respect for Russia…
A genuine strategy of Winning Hearts and Minds works over the long term…not like the openly hypocritical US approach used eg in Vietnam….(where i remain astonished that the Vietnamese want good relations with the USA after what the latter did…)
Yes it is frustrating to watch an outright rogue state openly illegally occupying a sovereign country and stealing its assets…but this rogue state has many competing – and psychopathic – agencies within it and this makes any more assertive response, very dangerous…
American oil thieves have given themselves the right to shoot any Syrian government official who seeks to reclaim Syrian oil.
America’s pathetic lies and rationalizations for its criminal wars would make Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels blush in shame.
Pentagon Claims US Authority to Shoot Any Syrian Govt Official Who Tries to Take Control of Syrian Oil