[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
This Spring saw a sudden increase in the volume of articles in the so-called “alternative media and blogosphere” about Putin “selling out” Syria or Iran to the Israelis and their US patrons, or both. What was particularly interesting about this campaign is that it was not triggered by any kind of event or statement by Putin or any other senior Russian decision-makers. True, Israeli politicians made numerous trips to Russia, but each time they walked away without anything tangible to show for their efforts. As for their Russian counterparts, they limited themselves to vague and well-intentioned statements. Nonetheless, the “Putin sold out to Netanyahu” campaign did not stop. Every meeting was systematically interpreted as The Clear Proof that the Zionists control the Kremlin and that Putin was doing Netanyahu’s bidding. The fact that this campaign began ex nihilo did not seem to bother most observers. Soon I started getting steady streams of emails asking me to react to these articles. My reply was always the same one: let’s do the opposite of what these supposed “specialists” are doing and wait for the facts to come out and only then form an opinion.
Truth be told, I had already tackled that canard in my article “Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria.” I also had tried to debunk some of the most persistent and toxic falsehoods about Russia and Israel in my article “Putin and Israel: A Complex and Multi-Layered Relationship.” I also wrote an article entitled “Is Putin Really Ready to “Ditch” Iran?” trying to debunk that stupid theory. Finally, I even tried to compare and contrast the Russian approach towards Israel (which I qualified as “self-interest”) with the attitude of the “collective West” (which I qualified as “prostitution”) in an article entitled “Russia, Israel and the Values of “Western Civilization” – Where Is the Truth?”.
I was naïve to think that any of my arguments would elicit any doubts amongst the “Putin is a traitor” crowd. After all, if being wrong for years could not convince them otherwise, no rational argument would.
Then, news agencies began to report that General Nikolai Patrushev, the Director of the Russian Federal Security Service and the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, would travel to Israel to meet with John Bolton and Bibi Netanyahu. At this point, the steady stream of concerned emails suddenly turned into a deluge! After all, why would such a high-ranking (and rather secretive) Russian official travel to Israel to meet two of the worst and most evil politicians of the Anglo-Zionist Empire? Surely, he had something important to say, no? The consensus (of sorts) was that Patrushev would sell out Iran and Syria in exchange for some (entirely theoretical, quite unlikely and inevitably vague) “concessions” on the Ukraine, Crimea or sanctions.
My reply remained the same. Let’s wait until these folks actually meet and let’s see if their meeting brings about something significant (as a rule, I find getting facts an essential first step before engaging in any analysis; apparently, my detractors feel otherwise).
So, again, I decided to wait.
Then something weird happened: the meeting took place, it was even reported (albeit mostly in general terms), the participants issued their statements and… …nothing. The outcome of the “Jerusalem summit” was greeted by a deafening silence and a few vapid commentaries. My first hunch was that, as the Russian saying goes, the “mountain had given birth to a mouse” and that nothing of importance came out of the summit. Boy, was I ever wrong!
The official Russian position on Iran
The summit *did* indeed produce something of vital significance, but for some reason, the most senior-official statement on Iran that any Russian decision-maker ever made received very little attention. Unless you happened to be a Saker blog reader, you would never find out about it.
See for yourself and click here: http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/russias-patrushev-holds-press-conference-following-russia-us-israeli-talks/ for both the video and the transcript.
To my knowledge, this is the only full-length English language transcript of Patrushev’s statement. (Ruptly posted a video dubbed in English, but it was hardly noticed. As for the transcript, to my knowledge it was never reposted in full).
Which is too bad, since the following words have now been spoken by one of the most authorized and high-ranking Russian officials to date: (emphasis added)
“We have emphasized an importance of easing of the tensions for the country (Syria) between Israel and Iran, by the way of implementation the mutual approaching steps. We have made an emphasis that Syria must not be turned into an arena for geopolitical confrontation. We have also highlighted the need for the international community to help Syria to rebuild its national economy. Among other things, Syria should be free of illegal trade restrictions, unilateral sanctions, as well as sanctions on economic operators that help Syria to rebuild. They also have to be free from all sanctions.
We also turned everyone’s attention to the relations of Syria and other Arab states that should be normalized again. Syria is once again should be a full-fledged member of the Arab League. Also, we pointed out an importance of establishing the contacts of Syrian government with its Kurdish ethnic minority. We stated of importance to unite the efforts to eliminate all remaining in Syria terrorists. We called for immediate disruption of all channels through which terrorists might be able to obtain weapon grade chemical materials and their precursors.
Russia, the United States and Israel should join their efforts to help peace to return to Syria.
In the context of the statements made by our partners with regard to a major regional power, namely Iran, I would like to say the following: Iran has always been and remains our ally and partner, with which we are consistently developing relations both on bilateral basis and within multilateral formats,
This is why we believe that it is inadmissible to describe Iran as the major threat to the regional security and, moreover, to put it on par with the Islamic State or any other terrorist organization, Especially, since Iran contributes substantial efforts to bring peace to Syria and to stabilize the situation in Syria.
We have called on our partners to show restraint and readiness for reciprocal steps, which must serve as the basis for the consistent advancement towards the easing of tensions in the Israeli-Iranian relations”
To my knowledge, this is the very first time that Russia has officially declared Iran not only as a partner but as an ally! A few days later, President Putin confirmed that this was an official position which had his imprimatur when he stated in his interview to the FT that:
“We have established sufficiently good business-like relations with all regional countries, and our positions in the Middle East region have become more stable. Indeed, we have established very good, business-like, partner-like and largely allied relations with many regional countries, including Iran, Turkey and other countries”
This is absolutely huge, especially considering that, unlike Eltsin’s “democratic” Russia or western politicians, Putin does not abandon his allies (if anything, he sometimes defends them for too long even when they have been found guilty of dishonorable actions). Let me repeat this:
Russia has declared that Iran is her *ally*.
The official Russian position on Syria
Next, let’s parse the Patrushev statement once again for some specifics about Syria:
- Israel does not get to impose its will upon Syria. (“Syria must not be turned into an arena for geopolitical confrontation “).
- All sanctions against Syria must be lifted. (“Syria should be free of illegal trade restrictions, unilateral sanctions, as well as sanctions on economic operators that help Syria to rebuild. They also have to be free from all sanctions“).
- The Arab League must fully reinstate Syria. (“Syria once again should be a fully-fledged member of the Arab League”).
- All the remaining terrorists in Syria must be eliminated. (“unite the efforts to eliminate all remaining terrorists in Syria”).
It sure looks to me that Russia’s commitment to Syria’s integrity and freedom is as strong as ever.
Does that look to you like Russia and Israel are working hand-in-hand in Syria?
If so, please read the following for a quick reality check (excerpt from this article):
The initial AngloZionist plan was to overthrow Assad and replace him with the Takfiri crazies (Daesh, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS – call them whatever you want). Doing this would achieve the following goals:
- Bring down a strong secular Arab state along with its political structure, armed forces, and security services.
- Create total chaos and horror in Syria justifying the creation of a “security zone” by Israel not only in the Golan but further north.
- Trigger a civil war in Lebanon by unleashing the Takfiri crazies against Hezbollah.
- Let the Takfiris and Hezbollah bleed each other to death, then create a “security zone,” but this time in Lebanon.
- Prevent the creation of a Shia axis Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon.
- Break up Syria along ethnic and religious lines.
- Create a Kurdistan which could then be used against Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
- Make it possible for Israel to become the uncontested power broker in the Middle-East and force the KSA, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, and all others to have to go to Israel for any gas or oil pipeline project.
- Gradually isolate, threaten, subvert, and eventually attack Iran with a broad regional coalition of forces.
- Eliminate all center of Shia power in the Middle-East.
That was an ambitious plan, but the Israelis felt pretty confident that their US vassal-state would provide the resources needed to achieve it. Now this entire plan has collapsed due to the very high effectiveness of an informal but yet formidable alliance between Russia, Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah. To say that the Israelis are seething with rage and in a state of total panic would be an understatement. Do you think I am exaggerating? Then look at it from the Israeli point of view:
- The Syrian state has survived, and its armed and security forces are now far more capable than they were before the war started (remember how they *almost* lost the war initially? The Syrians bounced back while learning some very hard lessons. By all reports, they improved tremendously, while at critical moments Iran and Hezbollah were literally “plugging holes” in the Syrian frontlines and “extinguishing fires” on local flashpoints. Now the Syrians are doing a very good job of liberating large chunks of their country, including every single city in Syria).
- Not only is Syria stronger, but the Iranians and Hezbollah are all over the country now, which is driving the Israelis into a state of panic and rage.
- Lebanon is rock solid; even the latest Saudi attempt to kidnap Hariri is backfiring.
- Syria will remain unitary, and Kurdistan is not happening. Millions of displaced refugees are returning home.
- Israel and the US look like total idiots and, even worse, as losers with no credibility left.
The simple truth is that Russia foiled *ALL* the Israeli plans for Syria. All of them!
This is an extremely important statement. It is also a somewhat ambiguous one since “ally” means different things to different people. The Allied Powers during WWII included the Anglo nations and the Soviet Union, which did not prevent the western powers to plot and conspire to attack and destroy their putative “ally” (who happened to have destroyed about 80% of the Nazi war machine).
[Sidebar: for those who need a reminder of how the West treats its allies, here is a small memento with three examples of how the West planned to “solve the Russian problem”:
- Plan Totality (1945): earmarked 20 Soviet cities for obliteration in a first strike: Moscow, Gorki, Kuybyshev, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Saratov, Kazan, Leningrad, Baku, Tashkent, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Magnitogorsk, Molotov, Tbilisi, Stalinsk, Grozny, Irkutsk, and Yaroslavl.
- Operation Unthinkable (1945) assumed a surprise attack by up to 47 British and American divisions in the area of Dresden, in the middle of Soviet lines. This represented almost a half of roughly 100 divisions (ca. 2.5 million men) available to the British, American and Canadian headquarters at that time. The majority of any offensive operation would have been undertaken by American and British forces, as well as Polish forces and up to 100,000 German Wehrmacht soldiers.
- Operation Dropshot (1949): included mission profiles that would have used 300 nuclear bombs and 29,000 high-explosive bombs on 200 targets in 100 cities and towns to wipe out 85% of the Soviet Union’s industrial potential at a single stroke. Between 75 and 100 of the 300 nuclear weapons were targeted to destroy Soviet combat aircraft on the ground.
I could also list all the so-called “allies” the West has ditched, betrayed and even murdered since WWII, but that would take too many pages]
So what does Russia mean exactly when she says that Iran is her “ally”?
Patrushev uses the words партнер (partner) and союзник (ally). Just as in English, the word “partner” evokes some community of interests and collaboration but is generally value-neutral. This is why Russian politicians sometimes even speak of countries hostile to Russia as “partners.” Not only are they sarcastic, but “partner” does not invoke any particular feeling or moral obligation on anybody’s part. Partner is just a polite word, nothing more.
The word “ally,” however, is a much stronger one which implies not only common interests but also a real, sincere friendship and a common stance against a common enemy. Unless it is used sarcastically, the term “soiuznik” strongly implies a mutual moral obligation.
It remains unclear what that really means in the case of Iran and Russia. Theoretically, having a common enemy attack one of the members of an alliance (“soiuz”) could mean that Russia would intervene and offer military support or even directly intervene herself. I doubt that Patrushev (or anyone else in the Kremlin) has this kind of intervention in mind, if only for one reason which is that there would be very little, if any, popular support for a war against the USA for the sake of Iran. A much more realistic interpretation of Patrushev’s words would be that:
- Russia will not “sell-out” Iran to anybody in any way, shape or form.
- If Iran is attacked, Russia will offer her total support short of any direct military intervention.
Total support short of any direct military intervention is what the USSR offered the DPRK and, even more so, to Vietnam, and in both cases, the West was eventually defeated. Also, “short of any direct military intervention” does not mean “no military aid”: sending military equipment and instructors, is also below the threshold of “direct military intervention,” as would be the case with political and economic support. Furthermore, Russia has formidable intelligence and reconnaissance capabilities which could play a crucial role in helping Iran resist an AngloZionist attack (look at what Russian radars, electronic warfare, and battle management systems have done to the effectiveness of US and Israeli attacks against Syria!).
Let’s also remember the nature of the Iranian theater of military operations: Iran is a huge country with a very large population (80M+). What this means is that Iran cannot be taken over in a ground invasion. That, in turn, means that the resistance of the Iranian people will never be crushed. And that, in turn, means that there is no need for Russia to prevent a military takeover of Iran. All Russia needs to do is to give Iran the means to effectively resist and the rest will happen naturally (just like Hezbollah did in 2006 against Israel when Iran did not intervene directly and militarily, but simply gave Hezbollah the means to beat back the “only Jewish democracy in the Middle-East”).
Besides, Iranians are fiercely patriotic, and they would probably not welcome any visible Russian military intervention in their country anyway (they won’t say “no” to covert aid, especially not the IRGC). This is a wise approach, especially when compared to cowardly little statelets which always want one occupier to boot out a previous occupier (think Poland, the Baltic statelets or the Nazi-occupied Ukraine nowadays).
Finally, Russia is not acting by herself or in a vacuum: the Chinese have made numerous statements (see here, here or here) showing that Iran also has their backing, which resulted in a state of consternated shock amongst MAGA fanboys. The fact that the US’s “European allies” seemed to be getting cold feet about this entire project (attacking Iran on behalf of Israel, blowing-up the entire Middle-East while bringing down the world economy) only adds to their distress.
[Sidebar: the USN should rent out a few transport/amphibious assault ships, fill them up with Polaks, Balts, Ukies, and Georgians and send them to fight for “the USA” (i.e., for Israel, of course). After all, these folks are locked in a desperate competition to see who of them can brown-nose the Empire the deepest, so why not give them a way to prove their unfailing loyalty to “western values” and the rest of the propaganda nonsense the legacy corporate Ziomedia feeds us (and them!) on a daily basis]
Will any of the above affect the “Putin is a traitor” or “Putin works for Bibi” crowd?
Facts? No! Who needs facts?
No, most probably not. What they will do is just ignore Patrushev’s very official statement just like they have ignored all the facts since they began predicting a “Grand Russian Betrayal” for no less than 5 years now, even if proved wrong every time: remember their whining about Syria “losing” its (utterly useless, dangerous and expensive to destroy) chemical weapons? What about their whining about Russia not doing enough for Novorussia? Or their whining about the Russians being “soft” on Israel after the Israelis caused the loss of a Russian recon aircraft? All these folks who present to us the “proof” that Putin, Bolton, and Netanyahu are “in cahoots”, and have predicted that Patrushev would “sell out” are now very busy looking somewhere else for evidence of Russia’s subservience to Israel.
At the time of writing (July 2nd), the Israelis have yet again conducted an airstrike on Syria, killing four people including a baby. The MI6 sponsored “The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” reported that “at least ten targets were hit in Damascus while a scientific research center and a military airbase were attacked in Homs.” Sounds quite impressive, no?
Actually, no.
For one thing, to evaluate the effectiveness of an airstrike, you don’t list targets, you make a bomb damage assessment (BDA) to ascertain what in reality sustained a hit, and how severely. Now, the Zionist propaganda always issues triumphant reports about how the invincible Israeli air force can make minced meat out of any Russian (or other) air defense system. Some, for example, have already concluded that the Israelis have “neutralized” the S-300 system while others go even further and claim that Russia either “approved” the Israeli attack or even “coordinated” it!
The Russian military has a saying “гражданский – это диагноз” which can be roughly translated as “civilian – that is a diagnosis.” In the case of these ignorant and even silly articles about the Russian air defenses in Syria (“the S-300 don’t work!!!”), that is precisely the case: these are civilians who have no understanding whatsoever of military matters in general, and even less so of air defense topics.
In my article “S-300 in Syria – a Preliminary Assessment,” I explained that:
Sooner or later, however, we can be pretty confident that both the Israelis and the US will have to try to strike Syria again, if only for PR purposes. In fact, this should not be too difficult for them, here is why: First, and contrary to what is often claimed, there are not enough S-300/S-400’s in Syria to indeed “lock” all of the Syrian airspace. Yes, the Russians did create a de-facto no-fly zone over Syria, but not one which could withstand a large and determined attack. What the combined Russian and Syrian forces have done so far is to deny some specific segments of the airspace above and around Syria to the AngloZionist aggressors. This means that they can protect some specific, high-value targets. However, as soon as the US/Israelis get a feel for what has been deployed and where, and how this entire integrated air defense network works, they will be able to plan strikes which, while not terribly effective, will be presented by the propaganda machine as a major success for the AngloZionists. (…) So, all the AngloZionists really need to do is to be very careful in their choice of paths of approach and choice of targets, use low-RCS aircraft and missiles under the cover of a robust EW engagement and then use a large enough number of missiles to give the appearance that the Empire has defeated the Russian and Syrian air defenses.
This is *exactly* what we are witnessing now. How do we know that? After all, we don’t have access to classified BDAs. True. What we can do is use Christ’s wise words and “judge a tree by its fruits” and notice that no amount of Israeli airstrikes in Syria have made any difference. Not only that, but we also know the kind of sustained air campaign which would be needed to meaningfully impact the Syrian armed forces, Hezbollah, the Iranians or the Russians. It sure ain’t what we have seen since the Russians beefed up their air defenses in Syria.
By the way, the SOHR article mentioned above also makes a mistake saying that a “scientific research center” was attacked. Why does this matter? Well, since we know that Syria has no nuclear, chemical or bacteriological research program or weapons, we can immediately conclude that whatever the “scientific research center” was doing (assuming this was not some empty building in the first place) was not something relevant to the Syrian war effort. In other words, this “scientific research center” was chosen as a symbolic target which, for all we know, might not even have been protected in the first place. However, “Israel destroys secret Syrian research center” sounds oh-so-triumphant and presents that it was well worth attacking that target. Heck, the SOHR article even mentions destroyed *orchards* (I kid you not!). I am sure that Hezbollah and the IRGC were both very impressed by the Israeli military prowess and totally heartbroken to have been deprived of their precious orchards :-)
My question to the “Putin is a Zioagent” folks is: why in the world would you expect the Syrians or the Russians to defend empty buildings or orchards from Israeli airstrikes anyways?
Conclusion 1: Putin, the traitor? Hardly!
My regular readers will know that my support for the Kremlin is a sincere one, but also a critical one. Not only do I not believe in flag-waving (called “hat tossing” in Russian), but I do also believe that there is a very dangerous and toxic 5th column inside the Russian elites working to subordinate Russia to the Empire. So while I sometimes like to call myself a “Putin fanboy” or “Putin groupie,” I do that only in a tongue-in-cheek manner. In reality, I believe that Russia in general, and Putin specifically, actually need the criticism of those who want to see Russia truly become a sovereign nation again. So I am all for being critical of Putin and Russia. However, not all criticisms are equal or offered in a sincere spirit.
I have concluded that the folks at Langley (and elsewhere) have figured out that accusing Putin of being a journalist-murdering dictator or a nationalist freak who wants to restore the Russian Empire have entirely failed (especially inside Russia). So they switched strategies and have embarked on a major strategic PSYOP we could call “Putin the traitor”: instead of moaning about Putin being too much of a Russian patriot, they have now decided to paint him as a “not sincerely patriotic” and, truth be told, that new strategy has proven much more effective, especially against the background of the Medvedev government continuing to champion socially reactionary policies.
In fact, I suspect that Patrushev’s statement was, at least in part, designed to debunk the canard about Russia ditching either Iran or Syria. Not only that, but since the Director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and Secretary of the Security Council of Russia has made the Russian support for Iran crystal clear, this will now force the 5th columnists to either shut up or face sanction.
Will the putatively pro-Russian “useful idiots” who spent so much energy trying to convince everybody that Putin was Netanyahu’s puppet learn their lesson? I doubt it. In fact, I don’t think that they will ever admit being wrong: they will explain-away Patrushev’s statement as “empty talk” or something similar and resume their mantras (which is the only thing which gives them “click-visibility” anyway).
Let’s sum up what we all could observe: Russia remains the single biggest “resistance nation” on the planet (the other contender for the top position would, obviously, be Iran). The “Putin betrayed” folks have been denouncing a Russian betrayal for at least five years. The fact that no such betrayal ever materialized has had no impact on those who are little more than useful tools for the Empire. Expect more “Putin the traitor” and “IDF defeats S-300s” articles in the future (the only way to stop them would be to stop clicking on their bait-titles which would force them to find a new source of revenue; I am not holding my breath on this one).
Conclusion 2: back to reality
In the real world the most interesting questions now are 1) how viable the current partnership between Russian and Turkey will prove over time and 2) how strong the Russian-Iranian alliance will become. It is also unclear what role the SCO will play or whether the SCO will grow more impressive military “teeth” (so far, at least as far as I know, no SCO member state has offered military help to Russia). And finally there is the big question of what China will do.
For the time being we see the Empire spewing a lot of hot air and making threats to an almost endless list of countries, while the Israelis engage in what I would call “murder psychotherapy” (which is all that IDF strikes really are) to keep their racist delusions afloat. And while the AngloZionists maniacally pursue these (pretend-)strategies, the rest of the world is building an alternative to the AngloZionist Hegemony. Will the leaders of the Empire prefer a massive war to a quiet (and rather pathetic) self-destruction of the Empire? Looking at the faces of Trump, Pompeo or Bolton, I can’t say that I feel very reassured. Yet I remain hopeful that I will see the day come when the USA, Russia and Palestine are all liberated from their oppressors and recover their full sovereignty.
The Saker
Excellent, definitive, clear, factual and powerful refutation of the fantasies, lies, PSYOPS, and bullshit about Russia and Putin working with Israel against Iran, against Syria and for the Empire’s goals in the Middle East.
Sources linked. Translations made. It’s all here in one fine read.
Good job, Saker!
Yes; Thank you very much. It is indeed excellent to find such a grounded and realistic assessment. My congratulations also. Earth centered Integrity shines through fantasy indeed!
What I find striking is the contrast between Saker’s logical exposition of the facts, and the screaming lunacy of the Western fakestream media sewer. And the presstitutes not only have no idea of what is happening in the world, or are just cynically lying, but they also seem utterly incapable of learning from experience, but then again, their well-paid employment depends on that.
I’m pretty sure there are in the fake-stream media people who know already the realities but time has not yet come for them to make a decision and that is not an easy one to do, it will take some time. The tide is there on the horizon and time will not stop.
My family has been in the local press since WW2. All non-corrupt and morally principled journalists were replaced with ideologically reliable presstitutes long ago. In our so-called Free Press there is NO dissent from the Imperial Party Line. Groupthink is total.
wanna have a *really* good laugh?
go to the (largely unmoderated) comments section here:
but do that only on Sunday late afternoon.
Then you will get a great laugh seeing at how pissed off they are are me debunking their strategic PSYOP.
The Saker-the-cage-rattler ;-)
Is your cage being rattled from the inside, or the outside? Then again, is it even your own cage?
The ‘Russia is bad’ and ‘Russia is our enemy’ hysteria will continue. Some in the so-called alternative media is having a field day with the tragic accident on the Russian submersible and the fire in its battery compartment. Russia was cutting cables on the sea floor. Not any cables. Military cables to prevent communication. And this is something that would be done just before an attack. One particular show host, to bolster his argument, claiming that it is on the record that Putin said if Hillary had been elected, Russia would have attacked America pre-emptively. I called him out and said ‘show me the quote’. He won’t because it doesn’t exist. The long term propaganda has had a devastating effect on many of these people. An event could occur, another 9/11 complete with the dancing Israelis and President Bolton could blame whoever he wished: It was Russia or China or Iran or North Korea or the Houthis and many would believe him.
After a quick peek, I’d say don’t read the comments, life is far to short. Oddly, the majority of US citizens when polled, are unaware that 3 buildings collapsed on 9/11. They think only two fell. That’s the mentality (kudos to their overlord’s hand in miss-education) of what the world faces, three innocents in a car with a madman/woman (gotta be PC) at the wheel! They’re nuts, and kudos to you for living amongst them. I won’t even cross the border 60mins away. A boycott of ‘one’. Maybe I have company out there among my fellow humans, the human ones, but chances are, we’ll never meet.
Thank you for the link…
I will light a fire, pour a cup of tea, hit the link and experience some schadenfreude.
Thx again
BTW- GREAT read.
(From a former “Blue Suiter”)
Brilliant. It’s articles like these that have made the Saker one of the few independent voices on the Internet that has the power to interrupt and influence the global Jewish Mafia monologue, I mean, discourse.
Larchmonter445, before a Parliamentary coup d’état happened in Brazil, in 2016, I wrote a comment claiming the US, UK and the zionist entity were behind the machinations for it, and I asked Mr Putin to help Brazil, a member of the BRICS… ‘Somebody’ disagreed with my comment and said the coup would not happen and the hybrid war that was going on would dissipate. Really? Now, it has been revealed that the US, the UK and the zionist entity were indeed behind that coup and the relentless process of destruction of the Brazilian economy that is still taking place.
How can a commenter be so confident, and at the same time diffuse opinions of people with background knowledge that actually reflect reality due to past experience and knowledge of the situation? I wonder what the role of that ‘commenter’ really was… I hope it happened because the ‘commenter’ was too young and naive…
To the best of my knowledge, the Saker’s article has indeed done a good job in negating ‘the fantasies, lies, PSYOPS, and bullshit about Russia and Putin working with Israel against Iran, against Syria and for the Empire’s goals in the Middle East’ when all the evidence he presented is examined.
However, we do NOT know all the facts.
As I pointed above, in the preparation for the coup d’état in Brasil, none of the other members of the BRICS came to the rescue of the country… NONE! It happened pitilessly, and I believe that some negotiations were behind it among the BRICS members and the US, UK and the zionist entity. At the time, I guessed that Syria was closer to Russia and the goals were bigger, there, due to its location. Brazil lost because somebody had to give in, then…
In the game of geopolitics, as in card games, the players have several cards up their sleeves. Brazil was probably used as one of those cards up the sleeves of one of the players… However, it was not the end of the game — the looser side made sure that the game would continue so they would have the chance to betray the pact.
Can we consider that, with Russia’s victory in Syria, ‘peace’ is assured, and that we can start dreaming again about a future free from barbarism for humanity? If so, it would now be time to rescue Latin America… However, the war in Syria seems to continue, as well as in Donbass… It seems that an endless game is going on and, if I am correct, making the Brazilian trump a waste of time for Russia – and for Brazil…
In this case, I think that it is POSSIBLE that Russia is doing business with the US, the UK and the zionist entity behind the curtains WHEN the situation requires it. Is our beloved leader being Machiavellian? Can the end justify the means in this circumstance? For the US, the possible recue of capitalism-barbarism justifies all out wars… As for me — as well as for the Russians, the Chinese and others –, Russia, China and the dream of a free world must survive at any cost. Who will be the next card up to the sleeves of the players?
What happens behind the curtains should NOT destroy our confidence in Mr Putin and his administration. I believe that they are absolutely aware of the dangers and know what they are doing. The US, the UK and the zionist entity’s deceitfulness can be very dangerous, and Mr Putin is very much aware of it. Yes, something may still go wrong along our way; but I am sure it would not be because of a compliant decision of Mr Putin’s…
If you can, please offer an English translation of your comment
Thank you
The Saker
Translation: MC, are you Brazilian? I’m lazy to write in English, I write poorly. But I think Brazil was warned, Dilma was warned by both Russians and even by Erdogan, who had some personal sympathy for Lula. Pepe Escobar insists on this: they found no interlocutors
MC, Vc é brasileiro? Tenho preguiça de escrever em inglês, escrevo mal. Mas acho que o Brasil foi avisado, a Dilma foi avisada, tanto por russos quanto, até, pelo Erdogan, que tinha lá alguma simpatia pessoal pelo Lula. O Pepe Escobar insiste muito nisso: não encontraram interlocutores.
Good article…however, the author is clearly not professionally conversant in even the basics of air combat…the idea that there are ‘not enough’ S300s and S400s to enforce Anti Access Area Denial zones in Syria’s most sensitive airspace is nonsensical to a professional air combat practitioner…those Israeli strikes are carried out from outside Syrian airspace…
Moreover…the Israeli combat aircraft have not tried to target S300 radars or launchers…they simply do not have effective weapons for that job…in fact no one does…which is why USAF supremo Breedlove has noted in frustration that entirely new weapons need to be developed to counter those mobile high end SAMs…and these would be need to be ground based, not airborne…for reason of physics…aircraft carried missiles that home in on air defense radars have short range…only about one quarter the range of S300/400 anti aircraft missiles…so there exists no possibility of getting close enough to take a shot…
Also useless to mention aircraft and missile RCS, radar cross section…this doesn’t work…I have explained these technicalities in depth on previous occasions…
Now the simple fact is that lobbing missiles from outside Syrian airspace is simply PR…you can’t intercept every missile…so some fixed targets are inevitably hit…but this has nothing to do with the battle of attacking aircraft versus air defense systems…the Russian air defense technology and operational doctrine has made this a no contest…there is no way on earth to take out those S300s and S400s…even if there are only a few of them…even if overwhelmed by an onslaught of hundreds of aircraft they go into quiet mode and move around…and then they pick off targets of opportunity…this is the reality of today’s air combat…airplanes can’t win…
the author is clearly not professionally conversant in even the basics of air combat
wrong, I have personal experience in air defense operations ;-)
I never said, wrote or even implied that
“…the idea that there are ‘not enough’ S300s and S400s to enforce Anti Access Area Denial zones in Syria’s most sensitive airspace
but besides the straw man, are you suggesting that you are such a professional? LOL!
those Israeli strikes are carried out from outside Syrian airspace…
No kidding! So you ARE a pro. Good. You therefore probably understand that even when the airstrikes come from outside country X’s airspace air defense radars are not affected by that ;-)
I have explained these technicalities in depth on previous occasions…
Yes, indeed, I saw you try to argue with a *real* pro (Martyanov) on the Unz review.
Please spare us your “expertise”, really.
The Saker
Saker – this guy is a troll – an ADL troll – see this video – I don’t want to advertise it more – but please watch – https://youtu.be/TAzBsVzYH1o
Even the guy’s name is FB – – that’s the anacronym for Facebook –
yeah, no worries, I know the guy, seen him in the Unz comments section.
he won’t bother us here I think.
Kind regards
I am thankfull for your explanations on air warfare, which I have no experience in. I do have some experience in insurgency/guerialla warfare, and will tell you that Russia is is impregnable cause its distances and Iran is deadbeat also because of its terrain. No sane person would try to invade Russia and a lesser sane person would see an invasion og Iran as impossible. Even if you had air superiority, it would be suicide, and western grunts know this. We were/ are told what to expect, and few of us are interested… Why would I (I am too old) go kill peaceful Russian people? I have no reason. My government also has nil.
Bring on trade and good relations. Russian people are in general quite a sort, direct easy to dehypher and very friendly.
We are not going to war! At least Europe is not!
To “FB”
I read Saker’s article and found it clear and concise. Well thought out and well written.
Too bad I cannot state the same of your empty “strawman” comment/post.
If anyone is guilty of ignorance, concerning ADS, I would suggest that would be you.
Accusing the author of not being “professional…” and then spewing vague nonsense to try and prove your silly accusation, would seem to indicate, that you are not sincere or worse a vile troll.
So much then for the (empty) compliment…. “Good article…”
Talk about “professionally conversant…” geez
Nice try…
Fine, helpful piece. Thank you. Lack of reading comprehension and the rush to pass judgement before the facts are gathered and weighed appear to be like the poor—they shall ever be with us.
alas, I am afraid that you are right!
I agree with this post, pretty much completely. Russia will not go to WWIII over Iran, but it will be happy to sell – or maybe even give – S-400 systems to Iran once the war starts (although such systems will be mostly useless since the US will bomb them the minute they land in Iran.)
Neither will Russia go to WWIII – or even open conflict with Israel – over Lebanon or Hezbollah. Neither will Iran.
On Russia’s part, they have offered the Lebanese military a “military cooperation agreement” which basically would allow the Lebanese access to Russian military exercises, consultants, deals on hardware, etc., etc. But no direct military support in any conflict with Israel. The obvious intent, however, was to send Israel a message saying Russia would prefer no more Israeli attacks on Lebanon – and by extension, Hezbollah.
In the case of Iran, Iran will continue to send Hezbollah whatever it asks for in terms of missiles, technical SIGINT gear, weapons, consultants, etc., etc. However, Iran is not going to attack Israel if Israel attacks Hezbollah again. Iran is not going to invite a US retaliation against it for involving itself in an attack on Israel absent an Israeli (or US) attack on Iran first.
However, what I suspect is going to happen is that Israel is planning another attack on Hezbollah – as they have been threatening Lebanon they would do for the last 13 years. If that happens, I expect the US to join Israel in attacking Hezbollah (but not Lebanon itself – the US will limit its air strikes against direct Hezbollah targets, and ignore Israeli strikes against Lebanese infrastructure. ) The goal will be to degrade Hezbollah sufficiently that it will no longer be an effective actor against Israel in the event of an Iran war.
Once this is accomplished – if it can be, which is not certain – then Israel and the US will be open to starting a war with Iran because Israel will no longer be facing a guaranteed economic problem as a result of Hezbollah missiles forcing the Israeli population into bomb shelters 24×7 and damaging Israeli infrastructure to the same degree it would if it attacked Hezbollah alone now.
As Ayalet Sheked said recently, “there will never be a better time” – in reference to another matter, but mostly in reference to the fact of Donald Trump as President. Trump can be convinced that a war against Hezbollah where Israel does the major effort, but the US supplies 10-20,000 troops and those B-52 he sent to the Middle East, can be positive for the 2020 elections, because he will be told he will get support for “saving Israel from terrorists” and that this will play with Congress and that portion of his base which is Christian Zionist. Whether that proves to be true or not won’t matter. The only thing that matters to the neocons is getting him to believe it.
I just read today that Bolton is allegedly arguing to Trump that Trump needs to get Iran forced out of the JCPOA agreement by the 2020 election so that Trump can deprive the Democrats of the talking point that Trump unilaterally pulled out of the agreement. This argument makes no sense, but it is meaningless enough that Trump could quite possibly buy into it. In any event, the point could be made that if Iran does pull out of the JCPOA, most of the US electorate will have forgotten by then that it was the US who pulled out first.
This is how propaganda works. And how stupid Trump is and how easily he can be manipulated into doing something stupid.
However, what I suspect is going to happen is that Israel is planning another attack on Hezbollah – as they have been threatening Lebanon they would do for the last 13 years.(… ) The goal will be to degrade Hezbollah sufficiently that it will no longer be an effective actor against Israel in the event of an Iran war.
I would never say never, but I think that the Israelis do remember 2006 and Hezbollah’s Divine Victory against all the best IDF units. I cannot imagine any Israeli general ever wanting to command another such operation. As for Hezbollah, considering how “degraded” the last time around, I think that they all are praying every day for a chance to finally move out and go and get the enemy in his own backyard (and keep in mind that both the Iranians and Hezbollah are right next door, in Syria, along with a much tougher and dangerous Syrian military).
Do you think that the Israelis will try something totally different or will they try to do the same thing, only “better”?
The Saker
I expect that if the Zionazis attack, there will be no ground invasion, too dangerous for ‘precious Jewish Souls’, but the inflicting of the Dahiya Doctrine on the entire country, until they run out of munitions.
They tried an air campaign only in 2006 and it didn’t work. They didn’t commit ground troops seriously until near the end, when it was too late to rescue the failure.
This time, it will be a full-scale invasion. And I believe it will be with US assistance, including thousands of US troops and heavy US airstrikes with B-52s. That is a different kettle of fish for Hezbollah.
Israel doesn’t have to destroy Hezbollah, it just needs to degrade them enough that Hezbollah can’t wreck the Israeli economy in an Iran war. Israel just needs the bulk of that Hezbollah missile arsenal destroyed so that hopefully the Iran war can start before it can be replaced by Iran.
A full-scale invasion will mean tens if not hundreds of IDF goons killed in the first hours, and a rain of missiles all over “Israel”. The B-52s will only fire cruise missiles from afar since they cannot use gravity bombs over Lebanon (those pesky Syrian S-300 might be tempted) which means that much less stores overall will be used.
The IDF artillery was TOTALLY unable to help the ground forces and all they did is murder civilians and destroy the Lebanese infrastructure. This will not help them the next time around.
To smoke out Hezbollah from South Lebanon you need to send A LOT of ground forces willing to engage in urban combat. Like what the Russians did in Chechnia.
The Israeli won’t try that in Lebanon because other than beating up and murdering Palestinians the IDF is useless.
The Saker
In 2006 Hezbollah only used its reserve forces. Today its front-line troops are battle-hardened from Syria, whereas the Israeli Death Forces have trained and prepared in the traditional manner by bombing defenceless Gaza, terrifying old men and women at West Bank road-blocks and by shooting wounded Palestinians in the head (by a ‘medic’!)then being hailed as ‘heroes’ by the Israeli Right. And Hezbollah is technologically more advanced than in 2006. The Zionazis’ great problem is that they seem actually to believe that they are a Master Race, and their victims ignorant sub-humans-always a fatal mistake.
If the IDF-USA invade Lebanon and missiles start raining down on the Jewish State, inflicitng real damage, is there any chance this could trigger an uprising and civil conflict within the JS and Occupied Territories of Pals against the Zionists?
I disagree that the US will not use B-52’s to drop gravity bombs. Yes, it will kill thousands of Lebanese civilians. Since when does the US care? Israel killed a thousand Lebanese civilians in a few weeks in 2006 and has threatened to kill many more in the next war. So what’s going to stop them from doing it again?
Syria will not use its S-300’s against US planes over Lebanon. That is exactly what the neocons would want – an excuse to extend the war into Syria – and Russia knows it. Putin won’t allow it. He’s not going to risk WWIII with the US over Lebanon. Neither is Assad going to do it alone, even if Putin would allow him to – which Putin won’t.
When you say “a lot of ground forces” – that is exactly what I said. Israel did not commit 15,000 troops until the end in 2006 when it was too late. This time Israel will commit its entire forces – and will ask the US to commit at least 10-20,000 more – many of whom are already available elsewhere in the Middle East and can be relatively quickly committed to Israel’s assistance via airlift into Lebanon or Jordan or even into the US bases still remaining in Syria. The latter is less likely as it will result in problems with Assad and by extension Russia (however, again, something the neocons might be willing to risk.)
As far as Israeli casualties and missile bombardment, that depends entirely on how the initial conflict begins. If Israel has made the deal with the US to join in, the initial attack – which would presumably occur after some apparently relatively minor “border incident” (similar to the Hezbollah kidnapping of the two soldiers in 2006) – could well be coordinated enough that those B-52s would be the first thing Hezbollah sees happening along with the usual Israeli bombing. And once those B-52s start running sorties every few hours, Hezbollah forces will be concentrating on keeping their heads down.
This time Israel would concentrate its bombing on Southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley, not on Lebanese infrastructure in an attempt to get the Lebanese to turn on Hezbollah, as they tried to do in 2006. They know that won’t work this time around and can’t afford to waste bombs on infrastructure when they need to suppress Hezbollah missiles.
Further, the initial rain of Hezbollah missiles on Israel is not relevant. What matters to Israel is *how long* Hezbollah can keep that up. And that is precisely what the B-52s are there for – to degrade Hezbollah’s arsenal to the point where Hezbollah can not – in an Iran war – keep the pressure on Israel’s economy for months at a time. And once US and Israeli troops have pushed Hezbollah back further north into Lebanon, Hezbollah’s missile arsenal may well become less able to target all of Israel.
The second thing that Hezbollah will see is a full-scale invasion of the entire Israeli military (absent whatever they leave behind on their other borders, in particular the Golan Heights since Hezbollah has forces there, too) with full armor support. At the same or approximately the same time, US forces will come in, probably from Jordan and whatever forces the US has stationed on the Marine Expeditionary ships connected to the Med Fleet.
As far as Israel “not trying that” – the reality is that the IDF will do as they’re ordered, just like US troops will. And as I said previously, Israel can *not* afford a war between the US and Iran as long as Hezbollah has its missile arsenal. Therefore Israel has *no choice* but to get the US to assist it in degrading Hezbollah. Because the neocons are going to get a war started with Iran whether Israel wants it or not – and we *know* Israel wants one.
This is simple straightforward logic. Q.E.D.
Your argument is that an Iran war is effectively impossible and neither is any further war between Israel and Hezbollah. If that is the case, then why is anyone bothering to do any of the things Israel has been doing via-a-vis Hezbollah or Iran? Just to make noise for domestic political effect?
I think not.
It kind of sounds like Blitzkrieg 101.
@ Richard
” And that is precisely what the B-52s are there for – to degrade Hezbollah’s arsenal to the point where Hezbollah can not – in an Iran war – keep the pressure on Israel’s economy for months at a time.”
Hezbollah can keep a spare and better missiles arsenal in Syria ( Iran,Russia,China made ) close to the Lebanese border and cross over fast when needed. Maybe this is one reason of Israelis attacks in Syria.
And you point out that the US-Israel attack on Hezbollah is a prelude of the war against Iran. My question here: Does Iran knows anything about it ? And if you answer yes,because they might read your comment, why shouldn’t they get in the war on Hezbollah side. It is better to fight together than separately if the war is imminent. So they could declare in advance: If Israel attacks Hezbollah ,Iran would not overtly intervene,Hezbollah can handle it,but if US attacks Hezbollah for no reason ,then Iran will come to the rescue,whatever that means.
PS. Versus IDF,a good amount of rocket propelled grenades,sniper rifles,small drones ( kamikaze ) and Manpads should help a lot. I don’t know much about weapons but when I see the Houtis targeting their enemies on those PR videos,it is quite impressing.
Your point about Hezbollah having missiles in Syria is a good one. However, if Hezbollah uses Syrian territory to attack Israel, that would give Israel and excuse to attack Syria more heavily than the pin pricks it has been doing so far. This would put Russia in a bad position, forcing them into conflict with Israel, which Russia does not want. So I would expect Russia to pressure both Assad and Hezbollah to cool it.
In my opinion, it would be more likely that Hezbollah would want to move its forces from Syria back to Lebanon to assist in protecting their country more directly. Hezbollah has been attempting to establish a defensive line along the Golan Heights, but I have no idea how effective that has been.
As for Iran coming to the rescue of Hezbollah, Iran will not directly intervene against Israel or the US in the event of a joint attack on Hezbollah. That would cause the US to attack Iran and Iran is not going to risk that until the US directly attacks Iran in some manner. Iran will directly support Hezbollah by shipping them weapons and other support, but any joint US-Israel attack on Hezbollah is likely to be over within a few months, so Iran’s window of opportunity will be short.
Of course, Iran can continue to rebuild whatever is left of Hezbollah after the war winds down. However, at that point, the goal for the US and Israel will be to get the Iran war started, so Iran will have to worry about itself more than Hezbollah.
All this depends on whether a joint US-Israel attack can actually succeed in degrading Hezbollah sufficiently to make an Iran war feasible for Israel. I’m making no claims about that. I’m simply saying that Israel has to try if they want an Iran war without Hezbollah bombing the crap out of Israel.
Otherwise the situation will remain a stalemate forever. And that is unlikely to continue because Israel really wants Hezbollah and Iran gone, as does the US.
I am sick and tired of hearing if Russia or anyone else resists US aggression its THEY who would risk starting WW3.what about the US and Israel risking starting WW3 by attacking other Countries,would they want a direct confrontation with Russia?
Colonel Pat Lang and some of his commentators were talking about the effectiveness of those B-52s in dealing with underground bunkers in Vietnam. Those planes dig twenty-foot-deep craters over wide areas. They are exactly what Israel needs but doesn’t have in their own arsenal to deal with Hezbollah. And Trump sent four (or two, not sure of the number) to the Middle East – which is perfect for being able to do multiple sorties with short turn-around times, compared to flying them from the US.
Also, Israel needs more troops if they’re going to deal with rooting out embedded Hezbollah forces which, as you correctly note, are larger and better trained and more experienced than they were in 2006 (reportedly, they even have their own tank brigade now.) So another 10-20,000 US troops would be very helpful.
Israel can’t deal with Hezbollah itself. They proved that in 2006, although in that conflict they didn’t commit their ground troops until the conflict was mostly lost and they were taking flak for inflicting so many civilian casualties on Lebanon as well as having lost over 100 soldiers which didn’t go well with the population.
But if Israel wants a war with Iran that the US will fight – and we know they do – they don’t have any choice. They can *not* allow Hezbollah to continue to have that missile arsenal up there. So at some point Israel is going to have to convince the US to help them degrade Hezbollah.
And as Shaked said, “there is no better time” than when they have a President who apparently will do anything Israel asks of him and who hates Iran and “Iranian proxies” – of which Hezbollah is the biggest.
I’d be interested in seeing a post from you based on your military knowledge as to whether direct US involvement with its military assets in support of a full-scale Israeli attack on Hezbollah would materially affect Hezbollah’s survivability.
Read Martin Van Creveld
No, I consider him an Israeli propagandist, sorry!
The Saker
My guess is Hezbollah will be the ’Winner’ and Israel and the US will have the legitimacy and moral stature of a Child Pornographer.
the effectiveness of those B-52s in dealing with underground bunkers in Vietnam. Those planes dig twenty-foot-deep craters over wide areas
Yes, with gravity bombs, not with outdated cruise missiles!
Now Hezbollah missiles, on the other hand, have some pretty darn good warheads.
I already can visualize big craters in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod, Dimona or Herzilia :-)
The Saker…..I am wondering what is the actual missile capability of Hezbollah, what kind of missiles do they have, how many do they have of them ? How much does Israeli intelligence know about this capability ?
What is stopping Israel from basically carpet bombing Lebanon, while taking on a calculated risk of a number of missile strikes ?
They’re to cheap to bomb Lebanon with carpets and the politicians, civilians and IDF are chickens.
As ever Israeli ‘intelligence’ will boast of knowing everything, because they are so very clever, don’t you know, and the goyim, particularly sub-humans like the Lebanese Shia, are just ignorant brutes in comparison. ‘Pride comes before adversity, and a haughty spirit before a fall’.
Estimates of the Hezbollah missile arsenal are all over the map. The minimum figure appears to 50,000. After all, they supposedly had 10-15,000 in 2006 and that was 13 years ago. Iran has supposedly been supplying them regularly since then. Allegedly Hezbollah burned off all its old Katyusha rockets in Syria against Al Qaeda and ISIS. Those only had a range of 10-20 km and are inaccurate. Iran replaced them with much better and more accurate missiles.
The upper end estimates are 100,000 with even less likely 200,000. This is where the “6,500 missiles a day” figure comes from. It is assumed that Hezbollah can fire that many a day for at least thirty days like in 2006, and possibly ninety days. That figure is the absolute maximum, and there is no way Hezbollah can actually fire that many in a day, not under fire, and not unless the logistics and transportation and launch facilities are perfect. So how many can they fire? No one knows – not even Hezbollah until the war actually happens.
Israel will carpet bomb Southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley, regardless of civilian casualties.
Israel’s sole concern is that in the event of an Iran war Hezbollah not be able to conduct continuous missile attacks for long enough to disrupt the Israeli economy. If Hezbollah is able to fire a large number of missiles at the start of an Israeli war against Hezbollah, that is of secondary – but still serious – concern.
This is why I believe Israel will get Trump to commit US troops and B-52s to the next war. Because those B-52s can carpet bomb much better than Israeli aircraft can. B-52’s can carry up to 70,000 pounds in a single mission load out!
B-52s can still carpet bomb and will not have to use cruise missiles like The Saker apparently believes. B-52s have been retrofitted to carry JDAM launchers. JDAM converts “dumb” bombs to “smart” bombs. This enables B-52 bomb loads to be more accurate than they were in Vietnam. B-52s have been removed from the nuclear gravity bomb attack mission because they are not considered “survivable” enough with modern air defenses these days. But they still deliver gravity and JDAM bombs as well as cruise missiles and other weapons. Air defenses are irrelevant as Lebanon is not going to shoot down US B-52s and neither is Syria or Russia, despite Saker’s reference to Syrian S-300s.
Israel does not carpet bomb ‘regardless’ of civilian casualties. As the Yesha Council of Rabbis and Torah Sages made clear in 2006, during the last onslaught on Lebanon, according to Talmudic doctrine, killing civilians is not just permissible, but is, in fact, a mitzvah or ‘good deed’. The more the merrier Yahweh (and Bibi) will be.
Interesting view Richard. With the US empire at its disposal, Israel would seem to have higher chances of knocking out regional opposition, while taking on calculated losses / sacrifices.
Precisely. Everything in war is a calculated risk. Sometimes those calculations are badly wrong.
Nasrallah is calculating that Israel can not attack Hezbollah without suffering significant losses. He’s right. And I believe Israel thinks so, too.
But Israel and the US is a different calculation altogether. And I fear Nasrallah may have overlooked or (more likely) discounted that possibility. He may be right about that. But I don’t think so.
Richard. I don’t think its about Nasrallah overlooking that issue. Its about resistance and survival. Hizbollah was born out of the Islamic and Arab/Secular Palestinian resistance movements against the Zionist state of Israel. Its a natural outcome, not some Iranian or Shia strategic calculation. So its a completely natural reaction regardless of the risk of eventually being attacked by the US military.
I agree with your point. Nasrallah can certainly have confidence in the support and determination of his people.
However, that can produce “cognitive dissonance” in people. Meaning if you know there’s a problem you will not be easily able to handle either physically or emotionally, you tend to think the problem has a low probability of happening.
Well Harry maybe you should take a look at Imam Khomeini speaches from way back in the 40s. And when it comes to the fake pan arabism, well nothing has changed from the era of Nassar to the Errand league!
Some people talk of secuarism as if it was a badge of honor! Take a look around you and be amazed by all this devilworship in the name of freedom, democracy, secularism, darwinism and all that jazz from Ronaissance to the reformation to the french revolution to the great degeneracy called usa!
Maybe you should take a look at the french radicals of the 1800s!
I don’t know if Hezbollah has acquired accurate missiles to hit strategic Israel assets like: Rafael,Elbit systems,Gilat satellite networks, military industries, power transformer stations,etc:
The distance is not too high,the missiles can be shorter.
If that is the case, USA and Israel have to think three times at minimum, before trying to diminish ,degrade Hezbollah capabilities. War is not peace, Orwellians are wrong.
The Iranians spoofed a US drone to capture it, some years ago. Is it possible to intercept Israel or US surveillance satellites’ data, to be used against the aggressors? Or even send faked data down the line, in a naughty ‘cyber’ attack.
As a reminder, look what Nasrallah said here : http://thesaker.is/nasrallah-a-war-against-iran-would-destroy-israel-the-saud-and-us-hegemony/
Talking about Iran with regards to a future war between Hezbollah and israhell is not the right analysis . In such a conflict it will be, as it has been in the past, Syria that will be helping them. What ever you think Iran will do, in reality it will be done by Syria with help from Iran. One has to actually consider the geogarphy of the conflict.
You already have a very good model for the coming war between Hezbollah and israhell; the war in Syria. It takes a little bit of imagination and goodwill on your part. But Syria is a good model for it. In such a model Hezbollah replaces Syria and the israhellis are have the role of isis with the unlucky twist of being a regular army, while isis also has had the support of the entire western world too. In such a conflict Hezbollah will have the advantage of fighting on their own soil and the support of the majority segment of the population, which are the Shia. The israhelli army will again be fighting a guerilla war without an end in case of an invasion of Lebanon. After all the first rule of a sucessful guerilla fight is to have one´s back free, which Hezbollah does! How many invasions in modern time have been sucessful without the cooperation of the invaded governments? How long has the war on Syria lasted so far?
Take a look at Syria. How long has that war lasted so far?
The fact of the matter is, that the balance of power has changed in the region and it is not in favor of israhell. The real power here is the Shia awakening. Our leaders have been telling you for years, that our true strength is not in what ever weapon we hold in our hands, but our ideological fighters. There was a time, when even I thought, that this principal was exaggerated, but it is true. What did MOAB did for the americans in Afghanistan?
Take a look at the Shia in Nigeria, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Iran. And thanks to the war in Syria the Shia in Afghanistan and Pakistan have alos their own Hezbollah stile battlehardened guerilla forces.
One word from our leader Imam KHamenei and only God knows how many hundreds of thousands of Shia will join this war. I have actually spoken with an IRGC colonel, who fought in Syria and he said to me, that they were begging people not to volunteer for the war in Syria. My guess is, that a lot of people will go to Syria and join Hezbollah from there.
Hey Saker: you are doing a solid, relentless job keeping things balanced. you cant know how much I for one appreciates it. you have proven enough to have kept up my faith in Putin and the decent quality of the Russian state he leads, enough to be optimistic about things
we have been beaten up on and comprehensively manipulated by the Zionists for so long, you cant trust any event in the world, historically, then as now, to be what you actually see and not something manipulated, being manipulated by the Zionists. and as with the flow of events the people behind them, the leaders of all nations, all of whom appear to be putty in the hands of the money men..the Zionists Bankers and billionaires, whose reach appears no to be right into our souls.
I would probably only be certain when Putin leads a pogrom on the Russian Atlanticists and kills every one of them. that of course he wont do so I rely on your exhaustive and surely exhausting work in Putin’s defense.
keep it up man..whatever the truth is. let us know. I am sure I echo the sentiments of all your readers
Thanks for your kind words Ben!
I really appreciate them.
Place your faith only in God, as all men err.
Putin is only a man. But so far, he has not seriously disappointed me. I therefore believe that I ought to support him by being critical when he makes a mistake (which he did, and I did).
Kind regards
The Saker
PS: and never surrender, never lose hope and never stop fighting!! :-)
Israelis airstrikes are very effective. it’s not the matter what is destroyed on a ground ( and never was ) from military point of view, rather DIVIDE doctrine. Up to now this zionist’s campaign can be called anything but not fruitless.
okay, I will bite.
please explain to us what the Israelis have achieved with their strikes?
thank you
The Saker
It causes divisions among people who support Syrian cause (incl. Pro-Syrian Expatriates)
It diminishes role of Russia in Syrian conflict.
With each bombing wagons of people who question Russian support is growing.
They are not “Putin haters”, simply hopelessly frustratied.
They are not “Putin haters”, simply hopelessly frustratied.
Yes, and for those I have written this: https://thesaker.is/why-is-putin-allowing-israel-to-bomb-syria/
But yes, I agree with the frustrated folks, I am one of them myself! But I cannot allow my feelings to lead me to believe that I know for a fact that Putin is wrong and that somebody else could do better.
Kind regards
The Saker
Think of people who are facing flying bombs/missiles overhead.
If you cannot protect them they will not support you, or even some will turn against you.
For them geopolitics or articles are meaningless.
I think that most Syrians do realize that if Syria still exists today, it is because of Russia. Therefore I expect the Syrians will show more courage and wisdom than you seem to be willing to credit them with
The Saker
There’s as well some sort of disaccord between Iranian and Syrians ( and Russians ) arising with each bombing.
So here we have another probable effect of this criminal campaign.
Your surmise of “disaccord” has no basis in historic fact. Bombing unites people and their allies to resist. A deep well-spring is filled with hatred of the bombers. It never subsides, even when the bombing stops and the war ends.
To bomb a non-combatant nation (Syria is not at war with Israel, though there is no peace treaty either) is to engender enmity without end.
There is no nation more hated than Israel. Even its new friends in the neighborhood abhor its fascistic operations against the defenseless Palestinians.
The 2006 bombing of civilians in Lebanon united that disunited nation against the criminal operations of Israel.
Ever since, they have embraced Hezbollah’s military for protection. That was because of bombing by the IDF.
An amazing, unintended effect, but historic reality.
You bomb people and they unite and fight to the death against you. Blowing up children and innocent civilians in their homes and schools and public places has always been a desperate act of psychopathy. It is never forgiven or forgotten.
The Ukies shelling of Donbass is the same. The people of East Ukraine will never forgive Kiev and their Nazi military and militias for the carnage. Look at the Lugansk bombing of the park and city hall by the Ukies. It is the single most important act of the Ukie military that will never be forgotten for a hundred years. It killed less than ten people, but it was a horror because it was a military act of obliteration aimed specifically at civilians from the air. It was done with several sorties over the target. Deliberate, as all bombings of civilians are. Pure crime against humanity, prima facie.
No difference in Syria. Russia is attacked by drones and mortar shellings, the Iranians are bombed, the Syrians are bombed, all are united against the criminals in Tel Aviv.
To L445
You Sir obviously “Have Eyes to See”.
Your posts are always a good read.
Yes, Strategic Bombing (even modern day “tactical bombing” – you know “wedding parties”) has NEVER produced the stated results desired by the demonic blood-lust psychopaths.
This was known in WWII, and debated by many prior to Bomber Harris and the equally psychopathic, LeMay’s anti-Human bombing campaign during Europe and Germany.
They knew the effects, that the Germans would UNITE and not “rise up against Hitler” wish of course was the stated (PsyOp) desired outcome…along with the “destruction of German Industry” which also PROVED to be complete BS.
Alas… the psychopaths love to kill Humans from the air, so onto Korea, Vietnam (where the South was bombed more than the North), Cambodia, Laos, Iraq (x2), Libya, Yemen and Syria….
Oh the insanity
Cheers and Take Care.
Let me bite too.
1. Keeps Israel in the news.
2. Helps promote the image of an embattled Israel fighting against its enemies- David/Goliath image.
3. These events can be used as evidence to get more/better armaments/money from the US or to demand US itself get involved.
4. Elections coming up in a few months so it builds the requisite image for the candidate.
5. Adds to building up political support (mainly in the US) for US military involvement against Israel enemies.
The objectives of the strikes are not military but political and PR and PSYOP.
So, all in all, not a big achievement by itself but it all adds up.
1) Agreed
2) Agreed
3) Agreed
4) Meh… but maybe
5) Agreed
The objectives of the strikes are not military but political and PR and PSYOP.
Agreed again!
But I meant “please explain to us what the Israelis have achieved IN SYRIA with their strikes?”
Sorry if that was not clear :-)
The Saker
But I meant “please explain to us what the Israelis have achieved IN SYRIA with their strikes?”
I think it is no longer just Syria. It is Syria-Iran. Russia put the spanner in the works in Syria so they are behind schedule. The plan is now to tackle Syria and Iran simultaneously. I think any Israeli action on Syria needs to be seen in conjunction with what is happening with Iran.
The only thing holding back the US is building up the requisite domestic political support (or at least a lack of political opposition) to an attack on Iran. The downing of the drone was not sufficient so other attempts will be made.
I do not like where it is heading.
“please explain to us what the Israelis have achieved IN SYRIA with their strikes?”
They managed to kill a child amongst the civilians killed in those last airstrikes.
They filmed 2 separate, out of operation, pantsir systems that were subsequently hit.
They give fuel to miserable trolls.
Battlefield in Syria… has no discernable effect.
that is exactly 100% correct!
Allow me to interject if I may. The purpose of these airstrikes is largely symbolic. Each missile that lands on Syrian soil is a reminder to Assad, and perhaps more importantly the world at large, that the Sytran president is not in control of his country. A leader that is forced by circumstance to sit passively as his homeland is subjected to numeorus air strikes appears weak and ineffective, and this perception of weakness extends even unto his allies. The Syrian conflict is unfortunately far from over.
Each missile that lands on Syrian soil is a reminder to Assad, and perhaps more importantly the world at large, that the Sytran president is not in control of his country
Well, since there are still several tens of thousands of Takfiri terrorists running around Syria and since these folks are supported, trained, organized, equipped and, of course, paid by the “western democracies” I am sure that Assad (and everybody else) is aware of that.
A leader that is forced by circumstance to sit passively as his homeland is subjected to numeorus air strikes appears weak and ineffective, and this perception of weakness extends even unto his allies
Assad is actually working on both the diplomatic and military front. He is also regularly seen in various locations in Syria to see for himself what is going on and what people are saying. Assad is no US President, of course! And unlike them, he actually takes care of his country and people.
The Saker
Syria isn’t reciprocating Israeli attacks with counter attacks at this stage. When Assad regains control over Syria (which I think he will, unless he is assassinated or submerged in a more wide-spread regional war), I’d be surprised if he continues not responding to Israeli aggression. I’d also be surprised if he doesn’t re-establish control over the Golan Heights. Israel’s time will come, but at the present time Assad has enough to focus on.
How’s the weather in Tel Aviv, Anon? You made a spelling error, I fear. You clearly meant to say ‘..DIVINE doctrine’, not ‘DIVIDE doctrine’. We know full well that Talmudism sees killing as a Holy act, now don’t we.
“Will the leaders of the Empire prefer a massive war to a quiet (and rather pathetic) self-destruction of the Empire?”
The track record suggests otherwise.
Nuclear weapons used on Japan simply to make a point.
Large number of deaths considered to be “worth it”.
Destruction considered to be creating opportunities for “improvement”.
A financial system that is due for a “reset”. So far, resetting has been done by large scale warfare.
Pathological need to maintain “top dog” status. “Attitude of If I am not dominating then I must be being dominated”
Attitude of “If I can’t have it my way then no one can have anything.”
Anyone outside the group considered to be sub-human.
Doesn’t look good but keep hoping.
Thank you so much for the post, Saker. Absolutely brilliant!
“I remain hopeful that I will see the day come when the USA, Russia and Palestine are all liberated from their oppressors and recover their full sovereignty”
” The initial AngloZionist plan was to overthrow Assad and replace him with the Takfiri crazies (Daesh, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS – call them whatever you want). Doing this would achieve the following goals: ”
This is so exactly, that it must be a leak or a photocopy of the plan ! ( just kidding )
“Let’s sum up what we all could observe: Russia remains the single biggest “resistance nation” on the planet.”
This is again so exactly that i would try to narrow it:
“As Ohio goes, so goes the nation”…As Russia goes , so goes the world.
If Russia fails and is defeated,the most devilish dictatorship that humanity has ever seen will engulf the world.If Russia abides in Truth and the truth in all aspects of life,repents for her past sins, then the humanity as a whole still has a chance of surviving here on Earth.
” Conclusion 2: back to reality ”
Our orthodox Saints had revealed us the answers to these questions. Although this information is not classified, it is either not believed so I keep quiet.
Dear Saker, I’m definitely not an expert on military strategy, indeed I’m not sure I know anything about anything. I’m just an American who thought he knew something about his country and about the world, but woke up one day and realized he didn’t know sh**! Since that day I’ve sought out other sources of information ( instead of paid liars like Limbaugh, Hannity, and so many others) and I’ve also become active in the 911 Truth Movement. President Putin would definitely gain our trust and undying admiration (and also thankfully put us all out of our unpaid jobs) if he would go before the UN and put an end to this massive 911 lie that our treasoness politicians and media figures promote endlessly. In one sentence he could put to rest this ridiculous notion that America has the moral authority to tell any other country anything. We can’t understand why he doesn’t do this and the only reasons I can come up with lead me to not trust him. If you can enlighten me on this it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Dear Dutch Abraham
There is no doubt that Putin knows about 9/11 (most Russians are under no illusions, least of all intelligence folks). The following is my ENTIRELY subjective guess of what happened:
First, when 9/11 happened I strongly suspect that the Russians new that something was up, they even probably told their US colleagues (or not. Depends on many factors). So when it all became apparent they first thought was: “Now the Americans will go ape shit”. So they (mistakenly in my opinion) decided to 1) help the USA 2) shut up about 9/11.
Then, remember that in 2001 Russia was in a terrible state and in the process of reorganization on many levels. I expect that the bureaucratic mess in the intelligence community must have been massive with folks asking not only “how do we not get sucked into this mess” but also “what are the US and Israel *really* up to?. There is a good probability that the decision was taken to hush up the truth about 9/11 just to let the US Deep State & Neocons begin a process which would destroy their empire.
Finally, there is a 5th column in Russia, and in 2001 the two camps had just taken up their positions. You can be sure that 1) the 5th columnists supported the US 100% and 2) that the Eurasian Sovereignists did not want to antagonize the US while they were gradually seizing power.
And then, inevitably, came the moment known as “if you are speaking only now you are too late” and the entire issue was set aside.
Does that make sense?
Kind regards
The Saker
Does that make sense?
It makes no sense to me.
By disclosing the truth about 9/11, Neocons would be destroyed instantly.
The American outrage would lead to criminal prosecutions and spell the end to those who orchasreated 9/11.
“By disclosing the truth about 9/11, Neocons would be destroyed instantly.
The American outrage would lead to criminal prosecutions and spell the end to those who orchasreated 9/11.”
By telling the American public that 9/11 was fake, Russia would be accused of lying and trying to undermine the US state and weaken the people, causing divides within. They make these claims now without any evidence of such efforts by Russia. So if they were to say it, that is EXACTLY what they would do and have their words as proof of it. It is all on perception. American public is NOT favorable to Russia at all. It’s also not Russia’s job to rescue anyone in the West. Russia points to the military build up on its borders almost daily and all these complaints falls on deaf ears. There is NO past experience that shows Russia doing such a thing would bring a positive result.
Once it was admitted to be a false-flag, the Russians, Chinese or Iranians would be blamed. The truth, that it was joint effort by the Zionazis, elements of the US Deep State and Jewish sayanim in the USA, will NEVER be admitted. Not ever.
Please don’t forget, at that time the second Chechen war was in full swing and because of that, the new Russian president – Putin – became under ferocious propaganda fire from all parties in the US and from US allies in Europe and beyond. If Putin would have said a word about 9/11 – in the sense you argue – everyone in the US and its allies would have laughed (in the best case) but most probably would have been outraged. And, don’t forget, even China remained silent in that sense. Those who did it, have taken a lot of things in consideration, it was a well calculated plan, no doubts on that, the whole world had been found on a wrong foot, unprepared for such an event.
And then. The next one.
Be prepared.
Those with sober minds and sufficient intelligence would have realised that Israel and US traitors and Fifth Columnists attacking the USA in order to provoke the destruction of Israel’s neighbours was a real turning point in history. As Boney observed, don’t interrupt the enemy when he’s making a mistake.
By disclosing the truth about 9/11, Neocons would be destroyed instantly.
Not a chance. Look what happens when the Ziomedia says A and Russia says non-A.
Elections meddling?
DNC server hacking?
etc. etc. etc.
It’s all total bull, but most people buy into it.
The US media would NEVER EVER accept the thesis that 9/11 was in inside job
the Russians could offer all the evidence they have, and they will be ignored
just like with the MH17 commission of inquiry who FIRST refused to accept any Russian invitation to talk and THEN blamed Russia for not offering evidence.
No, if Russia had said that 9/11 was an inside job when the USA was hysterically lashing out at the entire planet with “you are either with us or with them” Russia would have been dismissed and probably even accused of backing al-Qaeda (which is what Iraq was attacked for even though everybody knew that Hussein and his Baathist party hated al-Qaeda).
I categorically disagree with you hypothesis.
The Saker
Western publics are dumb, ignorant and thoroughly brainwashed. The Lowy Institute, run by a Zionazi billionaire and Hagganah operative from 1947-8, Frank Lowy, was bragging yesterday that Australian trust in China had fallen to 32% or so, the lowest for many years. The RELENTLESS propaganda hate-campaign is working well. And today, as usual, the Government run, Murdochite staffed ABC, ran hate pieces on the ‘millions of imprisoned Uighurs’ lies, the ‘Hong Kong democrats’ lies and, a newy, ‘fake Chinese beggars in Melbourne’ reports, possibly factual. There are days when all the pieces in a half hour ‘news’ brainwashing are Sinophobic hate propaganda. Dissenting voices, defending the Chinese, such as various senior academics, have now been thoroughly disappeared from the ‘conversation’.
“the Russians could offer all the evidence they have, and they will be ignored”
Or worse. The revelation of the truth of 911—as of Dallas—has to come from inside the USA , from somewhere within the power structure. Or, has to be seen to come from within. That would actually support the “self-cleansing” myth of the USA. IT would even reinforce the American exceptionalism myth. That only Americans are capable of self-regulation and self-improvement. Look! We cleaned up our act on civil rights and treatment of former slaves (of course, really NOT, when you think about it).
The awful joke here (on Americans) is that some huge percentage already doubt the facade narratives of both Dallas and 911 (there are even cracks in the Watergate/Nixon story). Any media outlet that would seriously investigate and expose would, I believe, get a lot of support from American citizens, but would be carved up the media Long Knives. I cannot really picture what factors would have to come together for the truth to emerge of Dallas and 911 to emerge in the USA as an openly discussed issue. At the present time the only real “conspiracy” is the conspiracy of silence and unofficial agreement not to talk about what everyone knows. It is like not talking about the fact that Dad is a drunkard and is abusing little Suzy. Denial of truth leads to psychological dysfunction, in a family and in a country. The energy used to suppress the truth is energy siphoned off from productive social actions and normal communications. As I said, I cannot imagine what has to happen for the USA to be ready to speak of the truth openly.
In Germany it was the broadcasting of films of concentration camps that forced people to accept the truth—not privately, but as a public act.
It’s not that various lies sully the social atmosphere in the USA and the West, and detract from their fable ‘moral values’. In fact almost everything in the West, most particularly the USA, is a lie. US history is mostly lies. US self-adoration and jingoism is mostly based on lies. US and Western mass culture is most lies, many thoroughly debased and deranged. The basic tenets of American Exceptionalism are all lies. Lies within lies within lies. With the Prince of Lies, Trump, sitting atop the entire dung-heap, crowing his own praises. But at least Trump lies openly and boastfully, unlike Obama et al, who lied furtively and cynically.
Dear Saker, thank you for the well thought out response and yes, it does make sense. I can see why President Putin acted as he did back in 2001. He obviously realized, fairly quickly, that he was dealing with some of the most evil, pyscopathic human beings (it might be wrong to assume them as human :))that ever dwelt on this earth. He probably acted prudently by being patient and maybe even hoped that the American people could wrest control of their country back from these demons. Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be the case and the American people that know of this issue are going to need some help from the outside.
On the positive side, though, many things have changed since 2001. Russia is much stronger and very well respected on the world stage, regardless of the lies put forth by the ziomedia. Putin himself has turned into a very capable and respected statesmen, compared to the lunatics that America has put on the same stage (Nikki Haley, Pompeo, Bolton, and even Trump for Christ sake, the man’s a wrestling promoter and a reality show host). Surely the rest of the world can’t take these idiots seriously. Also, the rise of the Internet has brought many voices of truth to the discussion, like yourself, Paul Craig Roberts, Global Reseach, The Unz Review, etc., etc, etc, etc. They would all rise to the defense of President Putin and provide evidence to back up their claims. Also almost 18 years have passed and the spell that was cast on the world and especially the American people is beginning to wear off. The 911 Truth Movement has made great strides and is now a worldwide effort. Also, the lies of the mainstream media are beginning to fall on deaf ears. All they have are lies and projections. People know now that whatever they accuse others of they are doing themselves. Even the comment sections on CNN and Fox News YouTube sites are full of commenters calling them out on their bullshit and most of their support is coming from obvious government paid trolls. The time is ripe for 911 Truth and President Putin would be considered a legendary hero when future, truthful history books are written.
Finally, as far as “if you are speaking only now you are too late”, that time never seems to come for treasoness American politicians and the lapdog media. Barely a day goes by without some bastard on the radio or TV lying to us about 911 and telling us to be very afraid so that we accept the latest outrage by the rising police/security state or the latest illegal war being planned on some other weaker country. President Putin has every right to bring up 911 because the fools running the U.S. Government are now trying to tie Iran to 911. I really believe that if President Putin spoke up now, he would be pulling the last card needed to make the 911 lie crumble like the frail house of cards it’s built on.
Thank you for your kind consideration and I apologize for going on at such great length, Dutch Abraham
Right now, the 911 truthers are mostly labeled as conspiracy theorists. If Putin came to your aid, you would additionally be dismissed as Putin puppets.
Unfortunately, you will have to do it on your own.
Control of the narrative is so vitally important because, in social engineering, what is actually happening is not important ; what is crucial is what people think is happening.
We saw the same thing with the Clinton e-mail business, the pre-election polls and the investigation of purported “Russian interference” in it. None of the reporting on these bore any resemblance to reality ; all of it was painting the mental picture they wanted people to believe and keeping it in front of their eyes.
Saker, thank you for an excellent analysis of the Patrushev Presser — along with your highlighting those critical phrases ( eg Syrian territorial integrity / Iran has always been and remains our ally and so on) signaling Russian resolve to dampen conflict in the Middle East.
To be fair, the Israelis are doing a fantastic job in the PR and propaganda department to encourage this kind of thinking. Every time Bibi meets with Putin or another high profile official from Russia meets with the enemy (I’ll be more blunt than Putin and call them what they really are, after all, I’m not a diplomat), they have a strike on Syria ready to go to conclude the talks. Last year or the year before was another huge flare up when Bibi was in Moscow while the IDF bombed Syria.
This is the pattern every time. It’s designed to split Russia, Iran and Syria, to introduce doubt and mistrust between them. Russia is a huge, huge, huge problem for the Zionazis, they can’t do anything to Russia. Russia has become immune to outside attacks not just militarily, but politically and even economically as well. So the only thing left for them is to destroy the trust Russia’s superb diplomats have achieved over the years and have their unwitting useful idiots in the alternative media perpetuate the message. They are using the borderline paranoid nature of alternative media analysts against them, in this case, they are being too sceptical, looking for a plot behind every corner.
I must say, Saker, you are guilty (or victim, depends on how one looks at it) of this kind of analysis as well. In this case, your expertise, knowledge and experience can fill in the blanks and thus defuse the narrative. Whenever you speak about RT and Sputnik however, you seem to fall into the same “everything is a plot” mentality.
uh?! what did I do or say about RT/Sputnik? what are you referring to?!
The Saker
@And finally there is the big question of what China will do.
If history is of any help in predicting future events, I would rather rely on the past three hundred years of the tacit “comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination” between Russia and China which overrode the squabbles that arose in the troubled times in the wake of both Chinese and Russian Revolutions (as the control of the Chinese Eastern Railway, which led to a short war in 1929). But even before that Russia resisted the proposals of Tibetan lamas to annex Tibet, for example.
Both Russia and China have been ruled and still are, by adult people with a multi-secular political experience who fully understand that collaboration brings a thousand times more fruit than confrontation about perceived slights to nationalistic pride and who built effective mechanisms to avoid such a confrontation.
Mentally and spiritually, I dare say, Chinese ethos is closer to Russian (and what was the European one before it succumbed to the sad caricature of ‘Europe’ that American cowboy gambling ‘ethos’ is).
“Mesdames et Messieurs rien ne va plus les jeux sont faits”, even if you play the ‘Russian roulette’ (or precisely because of that- Russian and Chinese know where the bullet is).
am happy these things came up,not that am with ‘evil’ putin nor with them ‘anglozionist” ,.for all i care truth maybe stranger than the narratives.,am just intrigued on how ”NARRATIVES” makes ones world view and hence makes one to chose to stand with this ‘party’ or that ‘party” in spite of ones true values.Those who control our narratives control our reality,reality is not factual ,reality is what we believe in completely ,we react and operate in reality cause we have been ‘blinded’ or seduced by narratives we refuse to see the facts.
One example is in actual fact ‘america’ is financed by the rest of the world ,whichever way you look at it, any ‘sate player’ is faced with sanction,threats etc, never mind the bonds state players like japan have to buy other wise it may be ‘invaded’ by the ‘evil ‘ state player’ of xi.Any state player better buy ‘boeings’ or any other ‘merican techs’ or ‘arms’ & bombs or the declining state player will be accused of developing ‘WMD’!Better deal in petrodollars,fly boeings,eat macdonald,use google,buy f35 or face discrimination of all kind and also it would help if all and sundry know that ‘america’ will bring jesus back to jerusalem!,it would kinda make it ‘moral’ and feel good for ‘americans’ themselves seems to be how the narratives from the ‘anglomerican’ talking heads goes.It is just business but personal when it comes to the after life!,our kinda christianity rules ok!,get it?.,when the world is destroyed the ‘anglomerican’ narrative makers still wanna rule in the after life!…how do you say…have the cake and eat it too.
so until and unless the majority of the westerners are not seduced by these narratives ,or the narratives factory and the talking heads come clean what hope is there for the rest?…beware the ”we vs them” toxic koolaide it actually makes anyone drinking it a zombi !..let not hate invade our hearts.
‘I was naïve to think that any of my arguments would elicit any doubts amongst the “Putin is a traitor” crowd’.
That’s easily explained!
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”.
– Upton Sinclair
there is also the funny US expression: “where I sit is where I stand” ;-)
‘We are on the edge of the precipice-we must take the next step’.
Hotting up folks….”..A detachment of Royal Marines and the authorities in Gibraltar have seized a supertanker suspected of carrying oil to Syria on the belief it was breaching EU sanctions. 30 Royal Marines from 42 Commando were involved.
Gibraltar’s chief minister Fabian Picardo said:
“We have reason to believe that the Grace 1 was carrying its shipment of crude oil to the Banyas Refinery in Syria.”
“That refinery is the property of an entity that is subject to European Union sanctions against Syria.”
According to reports, the tanker had sailed from Iran. If the oil on board is confirmed to be Iranian, the tanker would also be violating a US ban on Iranian oil exports.”
Any updates re Golan heights…est of Euphrates at all possible….what can Syria do as it says it will hurt back Israel twice as much for recent attacks….note UK SAS had sent force to Gulf of Oman too some days ago allegedly to protect British tankers? Oil pipeline Iraq to Ceyhan sabotaged yestrday too……
The English are expert pirates. Roll on BoJo PM and a ‘no deal’ Brexit.
Thank you so much.
President Putin is a leader prepared to stand up for Russian national interests, while also skilfully avoiding the war that would ultimately undermine those interests. To some, things might appear otherwise, but we should be grateful that he has managed to strike that balance, in a world that seems set for world war three.
Excellent article!
Wondering if you could some day share your thoughts on another conflict-in-the-making: the next American Civil War. After viewing some posts on the youtube channel “Forward Observer,” one might speculate how an internal conflict in the fUSA might alter foreign dynamics after the AngloZionsts become distracted or financially impaired in their foreign projects, such as, for example, the taking down of Syria.
Thank you so much for this message Saker.It is disturbing to hear the naysayers taking what is positive and happening in the Middle East , apart and spreading lies .
Your message along with the transcript of Mr Patrushev’s statement especially ,clarifies what is actually happening on the ground ,gives me hope and confidence that events are proceeding positively .
On the issue of the Israeli destruction of orchards , this is what they do best ,destroy olive grove orchards that are hundreds of years old and belong to the Palestinians ,for many their only source of income.
Not sure where to post this link but it seems ok-on the subject of Israeli deceit and fraud, another example of the deceit and fraud of what passes for govt in the zionist us admin:
On Eve Of 4th Of July Parade U.S. Attempts To Lure Iran Into Shooting Down Another U.S. Plane
Today a manned U.S. reconnaissance plane entered Iranian airspace in a clear attempt to provoke Iran into shooting it down. Such an incident would have created an occasion for Trump to give the American people a special 4th of July fireworks.
On July 3 1988 the guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes shot down the civil Iranian Flight 655 with 290 people on board. The U.S. claimed that the plane’s transponder was signaling an Iranian military identification code, that it was seemingly attacking the Vincennes, that the ship warned the plane 12 times, and that the ship was in international waters when the incident happened.
The crew of the Vincennes received medals for killing the Iranian civilians.
That is a very good article, MoA does a superb job.
and yes, that flight was probably a typical AngloZionist provocation
kudos to the Iranian air defense crews who did the right thing!
The Saker
Thanks for writing this Saker. Its one of those memes thats repeated over and over. The Zionists are poision, i wouldnt be surprised if they are the source of a bunch of these rumors and accusations. I have seen the same thing happen with many groups that genuinely oppose the US/zionists. Its as if they know they are rotten, so they spread confusion and chaos by associating others who are not under their thumb, to themselves.
The most disconnected from reality meme i heard was the Saudis are combating the US/zionists, and Iran/hizbulla is working with the US/zionists. Lol that one was so disturbing to hear, that i went mute. Of course i saw no reason to try and change the person’s mind, because its useless trying to reason with a wahhabi.
Excellent article Saker!
“Israel and the US look like total idiots and, even worse, as losers with no credibility left.
The simple truth is that Russia foiled *ALL* the Israeli plans for Syria. All of them!”
Totally Agree Saker!
They have the legitimacy of mental and moral retards. Hopefully the elections in Israel will bring decent leadership and Trump fires Bolton and Pompeo.
The world will miss Vladimir Putin when he will be no more.
Thank you Saker for this thorough article.
I watched Putin enter the Vatican for his meeting with Francis today. As he walked through he nodded recognition at door attendants and higher functionaries in a respectful, human manner. Watch Trump or any Western leader deal with the flunkies and other untermenschen. Generally they ignore them as if they don’t exist, or exude a phony and unctuous bonhomie for the cameras. Putin is not a narcissistic psychopath, another reason the leaders of the West so hate him. He is a finer human being than they are.
He is so fine and polite, and he behaves in such a correct diplomatic way, that even the italian mainstream media couldn’t find anything to rant about (let alone the fact that EU sanctions against Russia are a sensible disaster for some parts of italian economy, especially in the north of Italy).
Has anyone done the statistics…. I’m under the impression, that always after an Israeli airstrike the Russians and Syrians bomb the takfiris in Idlib harder than ever. https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-air-force-lets-loose-large-attack-across-southern-idlib/ I did not have the time to evaluate that thoroughly but I have noticed this pattern. So, maybe the more the Zionist crazies bomb in Syria, the more takfiris get killed by Russian and Syrian airstrikes. Which lets us speculate when Israel has to use members of the chosen people as cannon fodder…….
As long as Israel is destroying the United States I do not see why Putin would stop them.
1) Russia came to Syria to fight all terrorists and by that times many were coming from former countries of the USSR. Russia knew that should ISIS succeed in Syria, they would then trigger another war in Caucasus similar to the two Chechnya wars. Russia is not in the M.E. to fight with Israel, Turkey, Saudi-Arabia or the US. Russia does not want to be trapped in any war with those countries.
2) It is true that Russia’s intervention in Syria has saved the country from falling into a chaos similar to Libya.
Assad knows that he has a major debt toward Russia and that explains why Syria has done nothing serious against the US, Israel or Turkey repeated aggressions which could have dragged Russia into dangerous territory. True also that Russia’s intervention in Syria has hampered the US and Israel plans concerning the region.
3) Yet The US and Israel are still after the destruction of Syria, Iran and the Hezbollah.
I expect the US and/or Israel to use as a pretext, the Arak reactor reactivation, to launch reprisal bombing and Iran to take this bombing as an act of war and to start real shooting at the enemies: US regional bases, Saudi-Arabia Abqaiq and Israel with the help of Hezbollah.
4) As long as Russian troops will be spared, they will stay neutral as they do not have the strengh locally, nor the will to be involved in a war against Israel Saudi-Arabia and the US that would end with a nuclear apocalypse. That is the clear message given to Israel and to the US in the Jerusalem meeting. What Russia told afterwards was mere propaganda.
5) Yet I am not sure that Russia has understood what is the real objective of this coming war.
The Jews were supposed to have extended their power over the whole world before the return of the Messiah to Jerusalem. Israel’s creation has been premature.
For the Jews, the objective of this war following W.W. I and W.W. II, is to come closer to the final objective.
By plunging the M.E. into chaos, the world-wide oil production will be choked creating a major blow to China, India and Japan. All those people have to be brought to mercy. The US and the Jews hope that this will break the backbone of China and projects such as “new silk road” and organizations such as BRICS, SCO, etc… will collapse . European nations will be once more destroyed, by bankrupt and invasion mainly from Africa.
Meanwhile, the surge of oil price, will save the US shale oil industry and money will flow back to the US as never before, as it will be the only safe haven for the wealthy peoples from all over the world, the famous 0.01 %.
But there is a price to be paid for such scenario. Israel may be temporarily destroyed and the Israelis may have to move to the US, which is already a jewish country. The Shoah was the price paid to get Israel’s creation but the job was not complete. They had the power over most of the world except China that they have woke-up by mistake in the 70s.
This mistake has to be corrected today and then at last they will be able to go with the Messiah to Jerusalem.
Maybe you intended “the invention and uttermost exaggeration of the Shoah”, since the Nurnberg trial was a complete russian-american jewish farce.
Excellent analysis, Saker.
I think the Saker is one of the most credible think tankers of the actual situation about Russia in the world. Sometimes I get weak about my perceptions of the problems of Syria, Venezuela, Irán, etc. but with your help I can overpass that situation and get stronger about the world and his future. And more when I find that in any country, doesn’t matter how bad are the conditions for the people, there are really fighters against the robbers, the killers, the traitors in the government. See what is happening in Mexico.
Thank you for the sanity and honesty. I hope that day come too.
“I will see the day come when the USA, Russia and Palestine are all liberated from their oppressors and recover their full sovereignty.”
As I see it Russia has a pretty good chance of prevailing. Chinais hiding its intentions , as always, but it is no news that China -Russia have warm relations.
The Axis of Resistance is a too big mouthfull for the Evil Empire and they know it. When people fight for their right to live, they come dangerous, very dangerous.
Let the dollar collapse, the mayhem brought on the the US, will be tremendous, and should be broadcast in full HD on the news networks. Rusiia and China will of course loose money , but I doubt they will be near collapse, they have already hedged their bets.
War is coming, I cant foresee if it will be kinetic…Do not rule out a coup in the US, stranger things have happened before.
As frustrating as it must be for Beijing to have to tolerate “colour revolution” in Hong Kong, or biological warfare against its pork supply, I believe Beijing & Moscow are waiting for the right time to strike back. Right now the USA is still strong enough to withstand any “colour revolution” attacks. As envisioned in “Twilight’s Last Gleaming,” the USA needs to suffer a decisive military defeat or economic blow before any such attempts can hace success.
Now that US/UK have resorted to piracy in order to strangle Syria, hijacking a supertanker off Gibraltar, Russia has a chance to support its allies in acts not just words. Russia has stood by while a total blockade of Syria has been implemented, saying only things like ‘well Russia could help supply Syria with oil but this is not very practical’. What about stepping up now and offering solutions to get oil shipped to Syria, and perhaps oppose other sanctions in deeds as well as words..
It does seem that the Syria Express has finally gotten going again so maybe something will happen on the military front.
Another nice on Saker! I might agree 100% on all, but the disagreements are not that important. The main thing is that you in a persuading way dispels the anti Putin defeatists/ trolls that try to denounce his carefull and well planned course.
Should WWIII break out I am sure it would not because of Russia, as I know from friends the horrors from WWII is part of the Russian soul, The Great Patriotic War, where almost all Russian families suffered casualties. A people that have experienced this, do not take armed conflict lightly, I think.
Therefore armed intervention in Syria and possibly in Iran is taken very gravely. And lets not forget Afghanistan.
Great to see Saker so active in the comments section, which he hasn’t been able to do for a while.
That said, I recall Saker saying the USMC are probably the only competent soldiers in all of NATO. How effective would a joint USMC+Israel task force be against Hezbollah?
They would be taught a lesson. Believe me, they would have heavy casualties, because they do not know how to fight an insurgency. ohh yes mass slaughter, but it will not work..
Let me play devil’s advocate here…
USA + Israel advantages include:
*Air supremacy
*Combat experience (US causes trouble everywhere)
*Naval supremacy
*Numerical advantage
*Ability to attack on multiple fronts
How do you propose Hezbollah neutralise the AZ’s advantages when:
*Israel uses all of Lebanon’s airspace with impunity?
*USAF B-52s fly higher than ManPADs?
*US trained the troops against which Hezbollah acquired their combat experience?
*Hezbollah does not have a navy with which to deliver their (limited numbers) Yakhont anti-ship missiles against USN ships?
[Please note: I am against AZ foreign policy, but I am encouraging you to think & articulate. Cheers!]
The problem is that you have most of your facts wrong :-)
study the 2006 Divine Victory.
Kind regards
I am well aware of Hezbollah’s 2006 victory in ground warfare, its mastery of equipment concealment, its good morale, etc.
That said, with all due respect, please list which facts are wrong:
*Does Lebanon or Hezbollah have an air force? (No)
No, but having full air superiority did nothing for the IDF.
*Did USA+Israel train ISIS & al-Qaeda? (Yes)
*Does Hezbollah have a navy? (No)
Which did not prevent them from firing a missile and disabling the Israeli flagship
*Does Hezbollah have enough troops for a 1:5 ratio of defenders vs a combined IDF + US marine expeditionary force? (Probably not)
Hezbollah defeated the full Israeli army with about 1000 of its combatants, which were not even their best units (which were kept north of the Litani river)
*Can a combined US+Israel force simultaneously launch an amphibious assault from the West, air strikes, & invade from the South? (Yes)
You mean invade Lebanon? Look what happened to the Israelis every time they tried.
*Does a B-52 typically fly higher than ManPADs? (Yes)
Yes, that is also irrelevant since nobody knows what kind of air defense systems Hezbollah has. Until they damaged the Israeli Sa’ar 5-class missile boat with a C-802 anti-ship missile nobody knew that Hezbollah had such missiles. Assuming only MANPADs would be very foolish, especially with the Iranians in nextdoor Syria
My answers are in brackets, so again, please tell me which statements are wrong?
Just so you know, I am NOT questioning Hezbollah’s bravery, nor their creativity in warfare. For example, their broadcast of panicked Israeli soldiers calling their mothers from the front lines was a masterstroke of information warfare.
That said, what kind of asymmetric attacks do you think Hezbollah can carry out? For example:
*Can Hezbollah get close enough to sink Israeli offshore platforms?
*Can Hezbollah fire enough missiles to disable Israeli runways, thus preventing their fighters from taking off?
*Does Hezbollah have enough allies remaining in West Bank & Gaza willing to launch raids into Israel proper?
*Can those same allies sustain a campaign long enough to create a 2 or 3 front war for Israel?
*Does Hezbollah have IT crackers that can successfully attack Israel’s digital infrastructure?
*Finally, does Hezbollah have effective means to get its story into Western mainstream media?
You are asking the wrong questions because, with all due respect, you don’t understand Hezbollah and how they see Israel. You also misread the nature of Hezbollah: they won’t fight like a regular army. In fact, if they did, they would most likely be defeated. So rather than do what you suggest, they will impose their “Hezbollah style of warfare” on their attackers. And, finally, you don’t seem to realize that Israelis and US Americans are pretty mediocre soldiers, especially if they don’t win rapidly and things get ugly and tough. I just don’t have the time, energy or inclination to reply point by point to the wrong questions. But I will leave you with an interesting Shia slogan which I encourage you to study and explore:
“Every place is Kerbala and every day is Ashura”
Finally, I recommend that you get the following book
“Hezbollah: The Story from Within” by Naim Qassem
Kind regards
The Saker
Thank you for the suggested reading, I will try to find it.
Just so you know, I am VERY APPRECIATIVE of your efforts to push me to think outside of the conventional box. Your articles have greatly increased my understanding of Russia, & ultimately helped me improve my problem solving in the real world. So again, THANK YOU!
” I just don’t have the time, energy or inclination to reply point by point to the wrong questions.”
But that’s exactly what is needed. Because in my view the “wrong questions” are precisely the ones that need to be asked because they point out where perceptions may be wrong.
Not to mention that such a response also seems like ducking those questions. Or more precisely, an effect of cognitive dissonance.
Thank you for your kind words!
Allow me to respond to that question.
The answer is: no one knows. It would entirely depend on how many forces and what forces the US were to commit to the conflict. 4,000 US Marines would be different than 10,000, and 10,000 would be different than 20,000. Where and how they are delivered in country and their precise mission would also matter. A precision US Air Force air campaign would be different than a massive B-52 bombing campaign and both together along with a major Israeli air campaign would be different still.
How many Israeli troops would be committed to the ground campaign as well? 15,000 was the number mentioned in 2006, but they were committed too late when the conflict was essentially over due to domestic and international political problems in Israel as a result of its brutal air campaign against Lebanon’s civilian infrastructure. This time we can assume every Israeli soldier, tank, and artillery piece not needed to secure Israel’s east and west borders will be committed.
The intangibles are even worse. How many casualties would the US be willing to suffer alongside Israeli casualties? How many casualties could they inflict on Hezbollah before Hezbollah was prepared to go underground instead of directly engaging? How many Lebanese civilian casualties would the US accept as a result of high-altitude B-52 bombing before international or domestic condemnation forces them to back off? How many Hezbollah casualties can such bombing effect? How many Hezbollah missiles caches can be located and destroyed either by ground efforts, US and Israeli SIGINT, and/or the air campaign? How can the US and Israel know how many have been destroyed so as to decide when to terminate the campaign?
All of these are unknown.
What is known is that if Israel wants a war with Iran where Israel can be reasonably sure that Hezbollah can not maintain a long-term missile campaign against Israel, then 1) Israel has to degrade Hezbollah, 2) Israel can not do this itself short of nuking all of Southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley, which isn’t going to happen, and 3) Israel needs the US to have any chance of doing this.
Beyond that, it will be a crap shoot. But Israel and the US neocons have no choice but to roll the dice if they want a war with Iran – which we know they do.
Let’s not forget how much these Alt-Media sites are trying to get more clicks. The more “shocking” headlines, the more clicks they will get. Until lost their credibility.
just found this
I don’t know if this website is credible
but if it is than the Iranians are quite unhappy
I still think Russia must put a visible red line for the cabal (the cabal must finally pay a high price for their murdering) otherwise the cabal just goes on killing innocent people for the next 100 years
just my opinion
Well, first of all, the Syrians are the one who operate S-300, not the Russians. The Russians have a slew of different systems, which are all integrated, and which are only used if Russian forces are attacked. But as for switching off air defense radars, that can happen when 1) you want to deny intelligence to your enemy and 2) when there is a major risk of a SEAD attach. Nothing of the kind was reported about this attack, so I suspect that this article is just the expression of Iranian interests which are not happy about the Russian influence in this conflict. It is known that Iran and Russia do have differences and, after all, why not? Nothing wrong with that.
But I will only take any Iranian complaint seriously if it comes from an official, executive, source.
Kind regards
The Saker
Good comprehensive description of problems and causes.
However, no solution can be lasting while the Enemy of Man
retains the infinite line of credit foolishly given to it in 1913.
“To say that the Israelis are seething with rage and in a state of total panic would be an understatement”
You made my day!!
Putin’s attitude towards Israel is not much different from that he has towards Ukraine. Both
countries have a large population of ethnic Russians, a toxic mix of religion and ethnocentrism,
and are financed and militarily controlled by West.
1. There is a large number of ethnic Russians and even ethnic Ukrainians, not to mention other
non-Jewish citizens of USSR, who reside in Israel, probably in 250000-400000 range, about
2. These people respect RF, Putin in particular, but more than anything else they are fondly
attached to Russian culture and civilizational values. I was astonished to find out that most
immigrant parents , even Jewish ones, send their kids for extracurricular lessons to Russian
schools where they are exposed to Russian language, literature, music, art and similar stuff
they are unlikely to learn in heavily structured Israel’s schools. RF is fully aware of it, as these
schools are not forbidden like in Ukraine, Litva, Latvia and Estonia.
3. Putin is trying very, very hard to avoid any military clashes and violent solutions in spite of
constant provocations. Even few IDF officers I spoke to expressed respect and even admiration for
Russian military and Putin’s accomplishments, although very few ever mentioned his
integrity, superb education and even spiritual enlightenment. Not something they will find in press,
radio or TV, although Israel’s, heavily biased, MSM are still more objective than in the west. Probably
because of Russian language media in Israel, which gets some of their news from RF media and internet.
4. Israel is aware of its precarious position, in economy and security, once USA and UK descend from its
current status. Unusually frequent trips of Netanyahu to Kremlin tells me that ongoing negotiations deal
precisely with such matters, not only with Syrian and Iranian military skirmishes. Interestingly, Netanyahu
prefers to conduct these negotiations in Kremlin, rather then in Jerusalem, where his domestic enemies
have almost no access to what is being negotiated. And here, to use bridge analogy, RF has a rather
strong hand, with many trumps, unlike west with only one.
Best regards, Spiral
Per Wiki:
“Israel is part Russophone and considered to be the world’s only part Russophone country outside the former Soviet Union. Russian is the third most widely spoken first language in Israel, after Hebrew and Arabic, and has the third largest number of Russian speakers outside former Soviet countries, and the highest as a proportion of the total population.[2]
Over 100,000 Israeli citizens live in Russia,[3] with 80,000 Israelis living in Moscow,[4] while hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens reside in Israel, from around 1.5 million native Russian-speaking Israelis.[5]
Avigdor Lieberman seems to represent the political preferences/interests of a lot of these Jewish-Russian-Israelis.
Yes, indeed, as always we can count on reason and logic by the Saker. Again a huge thank you for this analysis!
This issue of why Israel bombs Syria and nothing is being done to stop it (diplomacy by Russia, retaliation by Syria, etc) has been a concern on my mind too. I’ve reached the conclusion that like many of us who try and follow the events as closely as possible, the reality is that we do not know the intricacies as those in the actual command structure do… but has it occured to anyone that maybe the Syrians (along with the Russians, Iranians, etc) actually allow these strikes to happen? Why?? Well there are definitely moles embedded inside the SAA, planted by the Hegemon. I’m sure there are A LOT of instances where ‘info’ is passed along and the moles pick up on it. When bombings on specific targets occurs (as in this latest scientific laboratory location), well moles are flushed out. Get rid of the moles and the war will be half won..
@EVERYBODY: this is typically how trolls work!
Dear friends,
The comment below was intercepted by the moderators, but I decided to let it through in order to show how trolls typically operate.
First, begin with a false premise with which you built your strawman argument:
Israeli bomber jets devastated the entire Iranian/Hezbollah infrastructure throughout southern Syria only a few days ago.
Then, “expand” on your strawman by adding a second one:
This Israeli attack which cost dearly in terms of Iranian human and military assets, only could have taken place with Russian acquiescence. It has weakened Syria’s principal ally therefore Syria itself.
Finally, ask a (pretend-)challenging question:
How do you reconcile this fact with your position that Russia is helping Iran and Syria against Israel and America?
As you see, this troll completely ignored what I have actually written in my piece: instead, he pushes it all away, posits 1 logical fallacy and 2 strawman arguments.
The same troll posted the same commentary on Unz, but over there there is no real moderation.
I am quite proud of my mods immediately spotting this troll.
I hope that this example will be of interest to everybody here!
Kind regards,
The Saker
‘Chinaman’? It just reeks of racist hasbara, and a deep contempt for the intelligence of the goyim.
Another point of view gives contexts and often shows where some opinions can be healthfully questioned, a different shade of light helps put things in better overall perspective. Some don’t understand it, that’s why they censor or call other: trolls.
Iran performance as an opponent of the US hegemony is much more impressive than that of Russia’s. Infact it isn’t even comparable. What it has achieved with much limited resources is quite stunning. So it gets more support, atleast from me.
Yes, Kiev Junta is a fascist regime, but a lot more could have been done to spare lives and pain in Donbass (more than 15.000 civilians died). A lot more could be done in Syria by providing this country stronger means of defense. But Russia has a complex: it wishes to be part of the West, which will never accept her. Russia is genuine when it says it pursues cooperation with the West. No doubts about it.
The S-300 issue and Syria, another one. They were in favor, later not. Israel has the best of the world because it has the support of the US and Russia. It can assassinate unarmed Palestinians and bomb Syria as they please.
Russia’s foreign policy is far from being immaculate. The last zig-zag is Lavrov’s visit to the DPRK and the invitation extended to Kim Jong Un to visit Russia. Why now? Only a few weeks ago Russia was supporting sanctions against the DPRK at the UNSC.
Medvedev showed how “competent” he was during the 2011 Libyan debacle, although obviously Putin was the one who took the final decision to acquiesce to the Western UNSC demands that duped them both.
To clear up the issue with Netanyahu: it was a sacrilege to have such a personality as a guest at the military parade or even worse at the Immortal Regiment, irrespective of the contribution of the Jews to the victory. Firstly, Netanyahu himself is a Hitler-like individual as the latest massacre of the Palestinians prove. It is not about the Jews and Israel but strictly about the criminal murderer. No political considerations could justify an invitation to such an individual.
The problem with Putin is that he “seems” to believe that Russia is primarily a European country and its civilizational foundations european as well-that is Western. This leads him to try to gain the favor of Europeans while sacrificing many positions-to speak in chess terms-that could be exploited more aggressively. Also a country cannot have as its foreign policy dogma the need to prevent WW3 as Putin recently suggested. Not because anyone besides a Bond-type villain would find the prospects of WW3 as nightmarish but for the simple fact that this stance can be exploited by a ruthless enemy to corner you into a “fight or totally submit” position. The most hawkish of the Western establishment seem to pursue this course and I believe Putin’s stance may prove catastrophic at the end..
Many people are on the same side yet petty bickering coupled with pride issues will always be there.
Agreed, Saker.
Really: If the above submission has any connection to China at all, it would have to be the Rent-a-crowd plotters in HongKong. But this is of course not particularly important — what matters is precisely the tactics of smearing Putin for caving in to Western imperialism. Our alleged ”Chinaman” is, in all likelihood, a Western ”anti-authoritarian” of the Trot or anarchist bent. These folks are forever sharing their main enemies with neoconservatives and other ultra-reactionaries.
“This Spring saw a sudden increase in the volume of articles in the so-called “alternative media and blogosphere” about Putin “selling out” Syria or Iran to the Israelis and their US patrons, or both.”
Troll swarming? The critters described in this analysis are definitely part of it. Though the zionazi-gay swarming still accounts for the bulk of it.
How To Spot A Twitter Troll
“It is a matter of simple fact that the British government employs a very large number of people whose full time job is to influence the political narrative on social media. The 77th Brigade of the British Army, the Integrity Initiative, MI5 and MI6 and GCHQ all run major programmes of covert online propaganda. These information warriors operate on twitter, facebook, and in comments sections across the internet.”
Thank you for your ongoing courage, respect and commitment to humanity.
I learned much additional information from the active involvement with the author and the community; very … human.
Point 1
I found the depiction and description of the troll tactics (http://thesaker.is/debunking-the-rumors-about-russia-caving-in-to-israel/#comment-665774), below, to be very, very useful, and would like to compliment the author for this, and further, recommend subsequent articles, specifically addressing this phenomenon, since even a dispersed community of beached submarine commanders is not immune from the infowar carpet-bombing, all people are exposed to, nowadays.
I believe that, at long-last, this issue will start to be more addressed in the media, so, unfortunately, we can expect, with a robust degree of confidence that agents of the adherents of hatred of humanity will connive to (as usual) control the opposition, and nudge it towards their typical anti-logic world-view, where they are faultless, and peoples of many cultures, over 2500 have hated them, for no good reason.
We are becoming aware, with increasing confidence, of the armies of paid interns flooding the internet with shill commentary, supporting the anti-logic worldview of the haters of humanity, and while patterns are discernible, a set of procedural templates, much as you have brought to our attention below, would be very useful to try to administer such an innoculant, into the awareness of the zombified junkies of the cheap info-drugs, pushed by the corrupt mainstream media.
Perhaps the comparison to a fact-based rational argument, as is your specialty, would be useful in the context of an ongoing series.
Point 2
Whether it be the (now) standard control of mainstream media, and the overwhelming fifth-column consolidation of the preponderance of policy and decision-making loci within the United States of America, we see a convergence between the long, long, millennial long pattern of group neurotic behavioural traits (including but not limited to obsessive narcissism), and (not all that clever) cheap deception and manipulative tricks of the cabal of the elite leaders of the cult of hatred of humanity, and the behaviours of the U.S.A. at an administrative level.
Is this a trickle-down cultural subversion?
We know it doesn’t work in economics, but in culture/values, I believe we can see the transformation any of the original, noble ‘American values having been consumed and defecated as the current dominant value set representing the U.S.A.
While it is sad, I once again reiterate that,
What is that quote about battle against an enemy that can know the future?!
We can know the future reactions of the enemies of humanity!
The same tactics, of course adapted situationally to different environmental conditions technology, etc., but the same tactics, over, and over again.
The same system used to torture and mentally enslave each subsequent generation of defenseless infants and children, creates a wide psychological hole in the perceptions of the enslaved adherent, so that, certain inputs will (incredibly) reliably provoke reactions, and it is very likely that this approach can be used to create a cascade of increasingly ridiculous and untenable reactions, even in this upside-down Kafkesque world of info-delirium which has been created by the cabal.
Following the 2500 year long trend, of secretive manipulations, gaming on the destruction of established social infrastructures, to concentrate an immoral power-base, it is overwhelmingly likely that the cult of adherents of Rabanical Talmudistic ideology, will continue to corner the industry of professional shill infowar soldiers.
Identification of the patterns and methods to stymie and reveal these professional shill may be used to provoke a cascading series of neuropathic reactions (programmed subconsciously into adherents), to reveal the larger pattern of manipulations.
I know many here are capable of these tactics.
Let’s get to work!
Great work as usual Saker! This analysis should at least be good evidence for those that aren’t too confused on believing that Putin is a traitor. Russia’s alliance with Iran is now stronger than ever, something Israel must be furious about. With the current trajectory, the SCO in the future will become even closer.
“I could also list all the so-called ‘allies’ the West has ditched, betrayed and even murdered since WWII, but that would take too many pages]” – Very good point, at least Russia and the East offer the rest of the world a cooperative option.
Great analysis. Thanks.
To all,
People must know that Richard Steven Hack IS A ZIONIST TROLL.
He wants a US military war against Iran, like the Jewish mafia, thus Richard Steven Hack is promoting the
war through his fake ‘comments’ for the interest of the criminal jewish mafia on line. He for the past TWENTY years, at least’ spreading the same lies and deception on the internet.
‘Saker’ is not the only medium he is using to fool himself, but he has used and continue to use many sites including ‘goingtotehran.com’, ‘antiwar.com’, http://www.raceforiran.com , ‘informed comments’, and many more.
Don’t pay any attention to this zionist troll.
dear Saker, thanks for the article. on the same topic you may be interested to check Youssef Hindi’s post here:
according to Hindi, the Russian military (represented by Shoigu) is losing patience and is likely to play chess little less (in contrast to Putin) and make more use of the stick
Excellent analysis and refreshingly original!
Thank you.
Would you please insert in the article what SCO stand for with (SCO) following? I found it once, forgot what SCO stands for again, went hunting is a long article with lots of words beginning with s, c, and o, and the full name was not capitalized either, which means I cannot gain ground with a case-sensitive search.
Thank you. I refer to this article a lot when telling friends what is going on. They won’t read it but they will listen to a synthesis.
I have seen a bit here and there on this site regarding Shia eschatology but not much on how the Evangelicals see things panning out.
More on the eschatology driving the West to war.
No stopping the West’s march to apocalypse. Seems obvious the islands will as Trump has said be obliterated.
US missionaries are invading Russia and are spreading the herasy of ‘the rapture’.
A Comparative Study on the Eschatologies of Islam, Christianity, Jews.
No mention of Hinduism’s eschatology or the eschatologies of the Han Chinese or of the 9 who rule the Korea’s.
Great stuff and detailed analysis. Thank you.
When you have a moment would you examine the situation in Iran. In Southern California (i.e. Persia West), I am bombarded by points of view that claim the mullahs are criminal, corrupt and about to lose power. Is there truth to that description? Are they defenders of Syria and criminal and corrupt at the same time?