Translated by Yrreiht M for The Saker
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Thank you for translating his statement.
The Zionists have the Europeans by the balls.
When a people have become so detached from reality, they are not able to produce any meaningful leadership.
Leadership (whether political, economic, social, etc.) comes mainly from the Middle-classes. Leaders should be well educated, charismatic, analytical, strategic, etc etc. If these Middle-class people are either neo-liberal godless homopushers or nationalistic Christian Zionist Islamophobes, what do you expect to come from them….
….they are all reactionary forces, driven by their media, with no intellectual accumen and are not open to debat or critical thinking.
We can only hope that people will wake up to produce actual leadership that unites people under true critical thinking, debate, honesty and moral values. This probably requires a revolution, but dont expect one if enough people are living comfortably.
Reply to : Harry_Red on June 10, 2019 · at 3:24 pm EST/EDT The Zionists have the Europeans by the balls.
Not so fast laddie … The Anglo-Zionists have got the North Americans by the balls too and, if you look further afield you’ll find they’ve crept into the four corners of the globe. Dieudo’s still pulling ’em in and making a monkey out of all the stuffed shirts in France who think they’ve got everything ‘under control’.
Meanwhile check this out :
Nice to see Alain returning to this site. Better late than never … TMWNS
They control Austfailia too, but let their US slaves pull the strings. No need to be too assertive. But, if you dare stray, say by criticising a rampage of child murder in Gaza, or support the Palestinians in any way, particularly BDS, the shit-storm explodes, the entire fakestream media, particularly Zionazi Central, the Murdoch cancer, and both major political parties, take turns in kicking the tripe out of you, and the accusation of ‘antisemitism’ instantly brings lynch law, a verdict of ‘Guilty’, of course, and immediate execution, politically and socially. Then your name may never be favourably mentioned in polite circles ever again, lest the blabber-mouth thereby reveal themselves as another ‘antisemite’.
Ah, yes the AZ liberal middle-class, the Avant garde which leads from the rear, the Trahison Des Clercs.
Soral introduced us to “political Judaism”. Perfect. Dwell on that.
He elaborates: a project based on the Torah, a theological-racial domination of all others.
Hold that concept.
He points that the real power of the French government are these people, not Macron, not the constitutional powers of the People. Proof: the courts and the police suppress freedom of speech and freedom of thought, to analyze and critique ‘political Judaism’.
As only a French intellectual could so lay out bare, Soral is surgically accurate, precise with his exposure of the real power in France. Power that is leading to trials like Israel conducted to execute Eichmann.
Awesome! And great translation and sub-titles. Thank you.
The air is filled with Truth!
For Americans, follow the crap that is flowing through the Senate, and some state legislatures. It’s coming here.
Theological racism. If you are not of the Torah, you are inferior. The Third Reich couldn’t have been more evil.
“Theological racism. If you are not of the Torah, you are inferior. ”
That is a summary of everyone who rails and rants against “multi-culturalism”.
Of course, the opposite of multi-culturalism is uni-culturalism. Multi-culturalism is more than one culture, thus the opposite is to only have one culture. If you oppose multi-culturalism, then by definition you must favor uni-culturalism. And uni-culturalism is always a message that says my culture is superior, that I couldn’t even possibly consider even tolerating your culture, therefore I must insist that you convert to my culture because multi-culturalism is impossible. If you are not of my culture, then you must be inferior.
The West lives by and for uni-culturalism. That is the raison d’etre behind the ‘Clash of Civilizations’, the rejection of even great societies like China that dare to be different from the glorious ‘Judeo-Christian West’. The ‘Judaised Christian West’ in truth. And, in fact, it is only one tiny stream of Western thought that controls Western politics and feeds the West’s insatiable aggression, murderousness and love of destruction. Call it what you will, Exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny, neoliberalism, Indispensability, Western Moral Values, Enlightenment Values (a pretty sad joke these days)etc, in the end it comes down to a pathological drive to exploit or destroy the other, whether the cultural or racial other, or inside their own collapsing states, the class enemy as well as those aforementioned categories. Whatever it is, it’s not The Sermon on the Mount or The Golden Rule, is it.
Reply to Larchmonter445 on June 10, 2019 · at 3:56 pm EST/EDT
Soral introduced us to “political Judaism”
«Théopolitique» et «Jérusalem Céleste» are terms used by Thierry Meyssan ever since his article in 2003 :
L’AXE DE LA GUERRE DES CIVILISATIONS Sommet historique pour sceller l’Alliance des guerriers de Dieu
Le Sommet de Jérusalem, qui s’est tenu du 12 au 14 octobre 2003 à l’hôtel King David de Jérusalem, a scellé l’alliance entre trois groupes bellicistes : les anciens de la Guerre froide à Washington, les fondamentalistes évangélistes et la mafia russe en Israël. Autour de Richard Perle et de ministres du gouvernement Sharon, ils ont célébré la « théopolitique » qui conduira à l’avènement de la «Jérusalem Céleste» après l’anéantissement de l’Islam. Réunis ensemble pour la première fois, ils ont fondé un organisme permanent pour coordonner leur politique commune.
That was just one of many geopolitical weaponizations of the theological racism.
It’s been going on for well over a century and several decades.
Some historians trace it back many more centuries.
Only recently has it achieved the power it sought at its inception.
Don’t forget the Talmud. That’s where the real poison lies. Or that very many Jews are not Talmudists, but just ‘go along to get along’ socially and with their families etc. No-one wants to be called a ‘self-hating Jew’, now do they. But the Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox and their secular ilk call the shots in Zionazism and in Israel.
Where Soral is not clear-headed at all is when he quotes the notions of promised land and chosen people as evidence of racialism. He either doesn’t care to explain or is squarely in contradiction with the cross he is wearing on his jacket. The Torah, as read by the apostle Paul, St Gregory Palamas, and especially Christ Himself, bears a message of love and universal blessing. Christ’s answer to the question “Who is my neighbour?”, together with the parabole of the racially impure Samaritan, is what set the record straight. As far as theological racism (or rather racialism) is concerned, it is an idolatrous and self-worshiping drift away from true judaism, i.e. from Christianity.
The Torah contains the oldest extent descriptions of the ways and means of genocide, which is described as a blessed activity, pursued on Yahweh’s express orders, even into the future, in the pursuit of ‘Amalek’. If that is your idea of ‘..a message of love and universal blessing.’, then I’m surprised. And that is not even to take into account the Talmud, which is even more grotesquely hateful.
I was going to link to to help illustrate your point about the genocidal Torah. But I got a notice saying, This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
They are getting desperate. We should be setting up alternative services, through Iceland, or perhaps with the help of Russia.
Soral et Dieudonné sont perçus — correctement, il faut le dire — comme ennemis d’État par les sionistes qui sont très puissants en France. Malheureusement, malgré la combativité des Gilets Jaunes, je crains que les Français vont devenir un dégueulasse peuple de maîtres-chanteurs.
Reply to : Nussiminen on June 10, 2019 · at 4:52 pm EST/EDT
Ce sont des talmudo-sionistes qui sont des maîtres-chanteurs les plus dégueulasses.
It is world wide and Soral will be followed by millions more in the darkening days which lay immediately ahead.
The descent into a sort of adipose sub-fascism across the West is proceeding with striking rapidity.
Soral deserves immense respect. If you can read French, you owe it to yourself to check out the Equality and Reconciliation website, which is an enormous font of material. Without splitting hairs, it’s fair to say that this site is the grand-daddy or grandma of the French dissidents. There are some obvious gaps between most of the GIlets Jaunes and people like Alain Soral, but there is a clear convergence in progress.
Almost none of the material on E&R is in English. These are real nationalists and that’s a by-product.
But their thinking is quite widely sourced. For instance, Soral says the American intellectual, Christopher Lasch is a major inspiration. Lasch’s books are very readable, totally reasonable, and he attacks Liberalism (in the historical and still-current European sense, not the intentionally mis-directed American sense) by considering in depth, “What is Progress ?” As you can see from the E&R site, the dissidents have well-attended conferences across France. Just as with the Yellow Vests, the appeal is far far greater outside Paris.
Joe Le Corbeau had a site which offered some of the E&R material in English translation, but I believe that has been off the net for a few years now. Below is a link to an article about Joe Le Corbeau, not Soral, but it’s all of one cloth really. It’s in French, but you can use
This is a ringing plea for open inquiry, tolerance, diversity of ideas and other values that are being trampled underfoot by the ruthless totalitarians who deceitfully pretend to champion them. What struck me in Soral’s statement was the revelation that when the show trial was over his lawyer was also punished with a 5,000 euro fine for expressing solidarity with his client in the courtroom. I cannot help but recall that at the end of a political trial in Tito’s Yugoslavia in the 70s not only was the defendant convicted, that was par for the course, but exactly as in the Soral case so was his lawyer, and for precisely the same reason. Readers should ponder that and ask themselves where Western societies are going. The way things are shaping up, in political trials such as this one the defense lawyer’s only remaining function will be to express solidarity with the prosecutor and to urge his client to plead guilty. Just like in Tito’s Yugoslavia.
Recently, I came across an article in German on the lawyer Sylvia Stolz, who was stripped of her professional rights and sentenced to 3 years and 3 months in prison for her audacity to defend in court Ernst Zündel, who himself was accused of denying the holocaust. During her statements in his defense, including stating historical facts about the holocaust, she was repeatedly ordered to skip any discussion thereof. Orders which she stubbornly – and in my opinion rightfully so – refused to obey.
This example just shows that getting punished for defending a so-called holocaust denier is fairly wide-spread. A fine of 5000 € is quite lenient in contrast to German standards.
By the way, last week I read a pro-Israel article – which I can’t find again, unfortunately. To deflect critique against Israel’s apartheid policy, the author basically claimed that Europeans should STFU because there actions were no better than Israeli punishers. I would think that as long as Jewish organizations and Israel force European and US-American people to STFU by bullshit anti-antisemitic legislation, the moral compass definitively works better in Europe and the US than in Israel.
Is there any material on Alain Soral that is not in French so I can can get a sense of who he is?
That should help you get a better feel for him.
France’s CRIF-run regime has unleashed a vicious persecutions campaign against dissidents
50107 ViewsAugust 02, 2015 100 Comments
Note: for those who are not familiar with the real political situation in France, please read the following background material:
Alain and Dieudonné on “I’m not Charlie” / Summer 2015 [Eng Subs] Ajoutée le 30 juil. 2015 Marta Begemot. Original by sharp7272 “Alain Soral et Dieudonné à la journée “Je ne suis pas Charlie” (27 juin 2015)” Translated to English – subtitles