Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah says that the US government knows very well that a war with Iran will entail the eradication of all its forces and interests in the Middle East, and that Israel, the House of Saud and all those who “colluded and schemed” with the US will “pay the price”.
Speaking at a ceremony to mark ‘International Quds Day’, Nasrallah was giving his take on the comments of Iran’s Supreme Leader several days earlier, in which Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that there will be “neither war nor negotiations” with the United States.
Source: Al-Mayadeen Tv (YouTube)
Date: 31 May, 2019
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Nasrallah hasn’t been this excited in many months. Clearly, his raised voice is a clarion call for all allies of Iran and Hezbollah to ready themselves if war does break out. And by being ready, their preparedness will help prevent a war. The US does not want to take casualties. And what is promised them is a regional bloodbath of Americans and their allies. Real losses, destruction of their massive equipment and penetration of all their bases in the region by missiles, rockets and armed drones.
So, his voice is loud. The message unmistakable. Primarily, it is to his supporters. He knows the US Intel has already judged any direct action against Iran anywhere in the region will result in the worst losses American military has taken since Viet Nam.
The last thing CENTCOM wants to fight is an asymmetrical enemy of diverse formations, in scores of locales.
And the enemy is ideologically (religiously) prepared to die as martyr. Finally, there are tens of thousands of battle-hardened fighters from Syria, Iraq,Lebanon and internally in Iran who are well-equipped to savage US ground forces.
These are the facts, Nasrallah loudly enumerates them.
Larchmonter, U$ losses will be much worse than the 40,000 Yanks who died for Anglo Zio Capitalism in Vietnam; because this time Israel will be hurt. Up till now the U$ grunts have willingly fought Israels never-ending list of “existential enemies” — in Egypt, in Iran, in Lebanon, in Iraq, in Syria, and now preparing against Iran again — while little Izzie dances in the corner cheering “Go! Uncle, go gettem!”. But this time, as I wrote previously, Izzie himself will be in the cross-hairs. Can Uncle face that risk? I doubt it.
Remember: 3,000 Yanks died in the carnage in New York City on 911, but not a single Jew — even though NYC has more Jews than Tel Aviv; and that is as it should be, thinks Uncle $cam. Remember: in the sequel to 911 another 4,000 Yanks died in Iraq — grunts giving their all against yet another “existential enemy of Israel” — but not a single Israeli soldier; and that is as it should be, according to Uncle $cam.
Who is Uncle $cam? Rothschild’s Oval Office boy, the current one is called Trump. If Rothschild’s prestige project Israel gets into the cross-hairs as a result of Uncle $cam’s action, that Oval Office boy will be out on his ear.
not a single Jew died in the carnage in New York City on 911
reference, please?
@Milosovic. Thanks for asking me to check my wild statement, it turns out to be false. Here is a detailed list of 77 Jews who died in the 911 attack:
I apologize for promulgating a nakedly Anti-Jewish falsehood. And I apologize to the Saker for posting an unverified assertion.
Yeah, Maroudas let s face it by two different angles as well.
First, if any prominent outstanding or non plebish jew was caught by the devilish 19 arab geniuses of evil who perpetrated the infamous terrorist act that changed contemporary History…
2nd whether the notorious multi-generation jew Larry Silverstein who took and ran the lease of the whole WTC complex just six or seven months earlier – a historic fact –
whether Larry after all gave up a few bucks of the mamoth Insurance money
he pocketed for the destruction of the 3 buildings.
Three (03) yes, bcs in 2007 a poll conducted in the US revealed that around 42% of the ‘mericans did NOT at all know there had been more than two(02) buildings collapsed in the area.
Silverstein, who speaks with Bibi every week (or so we are told)used to have breakfast every day in the WTC restaurant on one of the upper floors. On 9/11, amazingly, he did not. Lucky Larry, as they say.
For one and only one day in the history of the human race and all the sciences as we know them, all known laws of physics were proven to be wrong in a few hours on 911. With all the evidence that exists to the contrary anybody believing the official story should have their heads examined. 911 has been proven to have been a false flag or an inside job in so many ways from the imposibility of the planes surviving the flight with the supposed altitude and speed and not be torn apart before reaching the buildings, to the imposibility of the 8 second freefall which is almost impossible even in the vaccume of space, to the imposibility of the tempertures registered considering the fuel that caused the fires, to the imposibility of fires raging and melting steal but sparing people of flesh and blood standing inside the very hole created by the planes and the impossibility of the hole looking exactly like a plane going through steal reinforced with concrete, to a passport miraculously surviving all the above, to the discovery of the wrong engine at the site, to the fact that there are no pictures of the socalled hijackers boarding the planes, to the fact that none of the would be hijackers knew how to fly a plane, to the fact that Bin Laden never made the FBI most wanted list of 911, to the fact that there are eyewitness testemony proving that the bases of the buildings were demolished before the planes hit the buildings, to the fact that about 200 israhellis were arrested on the day of the attacks some of them with explosives……..
If you have any doubts:
The goal: Destroy religion. Isreal gets destroyed so does the Holy sites for all three faiths. Destroy Saudi Arabia you destroy mecca. Seize complete control of the world. Remove everything that teaches morales, make people feel like murderers (Veganism). People turn on people just for what they eat. More sympathy for animals less sympathy for humans. The rich, top floor eating their steak while we gouge each others eyes put till we’re completely blind phsyically and spiritually. After that we’ll lose limbs but not to woory the new priest, imam, the scientist will give you bionic limbs that too can be controlled. Then, throw us in smart cities, put us in self driven cars what we speak what we say will be measured.
I must agree concerning veganism. What a trade-mark ‘Divide and Rule’, ‘Identarian’ farce it has become. Veganism itself is a morally acceptable position, and one that is healthy and beneficial to the environment, and the animals involved, when it is industrialised animal exploitation that is attacked, and one that can cogently be argued and proselytised. But attempting to impose it, and attacking farmers who are not involved in animal cruelty, is a tactic DESIGNED to fail and incite yet more internecine, socially destructive, hatred.
God gave soul to all of its creations. We humans are the fools thinking that only we know! Sometimes the barrier is removed for some reason for a few moments for someone to learn a thing or two, be shown a thing or two!
There are dreams, then there are lucid dreams and then there is the dream that a dreamer dreams. If you know, what I am talking about, then you know. And if you don´t know, maybe you are the lucky ones!
Almost two decades ago I found myself near a river during a dreaming. The fish began talking to me, telling me things, and then they said: “now that you know, promise that you don´t eat us any more”. I made the promise!
I look down, when I walk, because I don´t want to step on some small being. But sometimes it happens, that I step on a ant and I stop, kneel and ask for forgiveness.
I am in awe of the beauty of this life!
There is consciousness and holiness in everything. And then there are Brother Sun and Sister Moon, as Francis of Assisi called them. Not to forget Mother Earth.
For your pleasure:
Sometimes there is no need for subs.
Excellent video production. Capsule of the fascists crushing the People of Palestine.
The lyrics of the music would be useful to have.
The tragedy of 71 years of a statehood that should never been permitted because it was a con game greased on the depraved actions of the Third Reich and slid into place as a form of logic which hid the truth.
Europe and the USSR (first to recognize the Zionist State) hoped the “Jewish Problem” would go away for good.
Instead, it metastasized into a killing machine that terrorized the Middle East and reaches out anywhere across the globe it wants to assassinate its “enemies”.
I’m not a proponent of “religious states”. The basis of government is bad enough (they all become corrupt or tyrannical eventually). Formulating that reality and potential horror atop religion is a toxic mix.
What we see with Iran is a truncation of the great Persian civilization, as Shiiaism dominates from the power tower of government. (And then, because of the external threats and hybrid war, religion is now what binds the national unity of the Iranian People. But it isolates billions of potential outside support that would stand up for the Persian civilization if it was not secondary to religion.) Thus, some of us non-Shia support the sovereign nation of Iran, but not necessarily the ideology of the religion that rules it. The modern Iran I hope to see is not locked in the 7th century. It is dynamic and can reach back to 600 years before Christ and come forward into the 21st century to be co-creator of a new world, cooperating with the other great civilizations that now are challenged by the Hegemon who leads the soul-dead, morally corrupt, sociopathic Western civilization.
Israel is a complete perversion, a Nazi Redux, the ultimate inversion of religion into terror statehood.
The victim morphed into the predator. There is no hope for that outlaw construct. It has never shown the slightest intent of reform. Our entire lives, it has just grown more awful, rationalizing its brutality and demanding, like any psychopath does, acceptance of its criminal behavior.
In Germany they have not YET banned ALL criticism of Israel as ‘antisemitism’ (but it’s coming)so, when people commemorated al-Quds Day this year, the Zionazis protested the march, yelling abuse and demonstrating their undying support for the Zionazi racist, terrorist, apartheid regime. The sight of the descendants of the victims of Nazis, (and various Sabbat Goy Islamophobes and Arab-haters), yelling abuse at the victims of their people’s Nazi-like actions, is deeply disturbing and depressing. But you can be sure that it will only get worse, and soon not only will ALL criticism of Israel or the actions of ANY Jew, anywhere, be outlawed and criminalised, but so too, inevitably, will hatred of the Palestinians be made compulsory. Whether it comes before the wearing of yamulkes is made compulsory on some Israel Adoration Day (or week, month-who knows?)or after, I cannot say.
Back in 2011, I watched a 4-part dramatic miniseries titled, “The Promise.” It dealt with the occupation of Palestine by Jewish Zionists who emigrated from Eastern Europe in the 1940’s. It was a powerful, visual depiction of what Arab Gentiles went through at the beginning of what is now more than 70 years of brutality.
I have searched for this drama and found another movie made in 2016 with the same title, “The Promise.” That film centers around the last years of the Ottoman Empire. I found it peculiar the movie has the same name as the movie about the plight of the Palestinian people. Perhaps that is why I could not find it via the popular streaming websites like Hulu, etc.
But I persevered and did find it. Here it is: . It is necessary to register and it appears you have to view commercials but that is a small inconvenience for free streaming entertainment.
I recommend watching the drama because the Zionists don’t want any communication that speaks to the atrocities committed by them in historic Palestine.
Thank you for the link. I think you will find this book interesting. It is a very powerfull book by Ralph Schoenman called “the hidden history of zionism”. It destroys all the zionist propagand. And it is free as a pdf on the net.
Schoenman is one of the few and one of the first Jews in America who challenged the Zionist propaganda.
He was based in Santa Barbara, I sort of remember, and used to be on Pacifica Radio, KPFK, 90.7, Los Angeles back in the 70’s-80’s. So he would be in their archives.
He, I recall, documented the ethnic cleansing by Zionists that went back to the early 20th century, Jews cutting down the olive groves of Palestinians to drive them off the land they would eventually get to call the State of Israel. Opened my mind to what ethnic cleansing was before it returned in the news in Serbia, Kosovo, etc. Now it is an every day thing.
White suburbia is being ethnic cleansed by the Liberals. Doubt me? Come to Southern California and watch local single family zoning being turned into multi-family on the same plots of land. It was on the agenda of Obama to transform white suburban areas in all states. Now carried out by the ideologues running and ruining the Blue States. It is going to go everywhere a region turns ‘blue’. There will be total gun control and the end of single family home zoning.
He had the passion of a real revolutionary in his voice. I used o enjoy listening to him on his radio show. for some reason I thought of Lenin everytime I saw a picuture of him!
Man, I thought he was dead. It looks like he is alive. I guess I am going to beging listening to their taking aim again1
Good example of librul goberment: (mayor recently resigned =corruption)
Among young Jews in the USA, support for the racist, fascist, apartheid state of Israel is falling. How could it do otherwise? In Israel the pressure to conform is extreme, and those who cannot abide living under a truly Evil regime can leave, for the USA or Europe or Australia etc. Thus unnatural selection for the worst drives Israel ever further Right, and to self-destruction.
This article pretty much captures the absurdity of the “intelligence” and the source of the absurdity, Israel. Of course, the lapdogs in Pentagon and admin regurgitate the ‘intelligence’ without a bit of supporting information.
The brief exchange with the briefing officer and a correspondent contained in the article would be laughable if it were not so serious. And of course, this is the “intell” which sends the deficit human bolton galloping off and bellowing about the Iranian threat:
(to be absolutely fair, it would be a cold day in hell before the zionists would accept anything coming from Mondoweiss)
The problem is that people attribute rationality to the people running the USA/Israel/UK/Saudi/France. etc. They have convinced themselves of both their moral superiority as well as their military superiority.
One missile hitting the Dimona reactor and Israel will be uninhabitable. Saudi oil fields and US bases and ships are sinkable. But just as Hitler disregarded the advice of his more prudent traditional German generals and relied on his ideological allies, the danger is that they will convince themselves that Iran will be easy to defeat, as Iraq sort of was, at least initially.
Venezuela may have given Trump and his minions a signal to keep their hubris in check. However, given their mental state–deeply fragmented, and obsessive compulsively disposeded towards violence—the possibility of them starting something, anything to relieve their need for a war addiction fix is and will remain all to real.
Don’t forget the politically potent Evangelical/Dominionist Christian masses in the USA. Pence and Pompeo and many Senators, even Generals and Admirals are deep into alliance with the fascist nation-state of Israel because of their biblical indoctrination and practices. They are one with ancient Israel and rationalize the ways and means of present Israel.
This ideology is a very powerful cult within the Christian sector of American society. It is flush with money to use any way they want. It is one heartbeat from the Presidency.
They are obsessed with the prophesies of the end days.The Rapture fulfills their belief system. And like any psychotic, they will do anything to achieve their goal.
What frightens rational people excites these extremists. It pushes and pulls them to arrange the ending they must have to achieve everlasting life.
The US hasn’t had such ideological-political energy since the civil war period and John Brown. Fanaticism runs deep through America’s religions, many of which are cults.
The definition, or your definition of “everlasting life” is completely subjectively interpretative, so in essence, their can be many more than one, but only one, trumps all the others.
I never mentioned “everlasting life” much less defined it.
What the hell are you reading?
By the way, your last clause and final phrase is gibberish. So, your run-on sentence as whole is entirely defective.
Perhaps, you are on the wrong blog or thread or consumed something that altered your comment inadvertently.
In any case, don’t ascribe to me your interpretations.
Yes you did!!? You just wrote “”What frightens rational people excites these extremists. It pushes and pulls them to arrange the ending they must have to achieve everlasting life “”
Indeed, I stand corrected. I used it as a toss-away. I did not define it.
“The ending” is the subject of the sentence. They embrace the Armageddon ending. That is what frightens all who do not have that belief and need.
I could have edited out every word of the sentence after “what they must have.” It was just a throwaway phrase that follows. With it gone, it changes nothing of my sentence and thought presented.
Their view of everlasting life is another topic, I am not interested in.
Thanks for the corrective.
In using it, I just figured you(or really anybody) has/had a definition for it, ergo my response to it. No hard feelings, just a comment.
“Everlasting life” is what you project into the future when you can’t figure out it’s a metaphor for “achieving salvation” or “living in the garden of Eden” or “being one of God’s chosen people” in the present moment.
Again, they are all subjectively interpretative terms, they can mean most anything to most anyone, and toward the end only trumped by, lets say, a superior one, which in most cases will not be understood by the preceding ones.
“…..because of their (Scofield) Biblical indoctrination and practices.”
There, I fixed it for you.
You may want to brush on Pastor Chuck Baldwin’s take on the Ten Steps to Salvation
“The ten-step plan of salvation according to today’s evangelical Christians:
1. Repent of not believing in Donald Trump.
2. Receive Donald Trump as America’s last and only hope and savior.
3. Be baptized in the doctrines of Christian Zionism.
4. Join the Republican Church.
5. Send your tithes and offerings to John Hagee’s effort to help build a third Jewish temple so the antichrist can have a home church.
6. Practice the beatitude, “Blessed are the warmongers who kill Palestinians and Shia Muslims, for theirs is the kingdom of the Greater Israel.”
7. Pray the Christian Zionist prayer: “The will of Benjamin Netanyahu be done in Washington, D.C., as it is in Tel Aviv.”
8. “Be not drunk with the principles of liberty and peace, but be filled with the spirit of AIPAC.”
9. “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary Justin Amash walketh about seeking whom he may devour.”
10. “Go ye into all the world and bomb the Hades out of anyone who doesn’t submit to the Federal Reserve or the demands of the American Empire.”
And thou shalt be saved. Pastor Chuck Baldwin
I totally agree with you.
In fact, if we rely on good old fashioned common sense to avoid a major war in Iran then it is a based on nothing more than very fragile hope.
From where I am standing I witness Trump having all the diplomatic skills and logic of drunken sailor. Given that his three most influential aides, Pence, Pompeo, and Bolton, are warmongering psychopathic rapturists then I would say that the avoidance of a major escalation hangs by a small thread.
Col, what is the difference between “war in Iran” and “war with Iran”?
During the Iraq war the americans bombed a school and killed and injured a lot of children. The injured children were taken to a hospital and were operated on without anesthetics. The room, was full of journalists and photographers. And the pictures they took, could possibly have a huge effect on the western populations opinion about the war. So one of the national tv channels of the country, where I live, brought a teacher form the national filmschool to their studio and asked him a single question: “could these images have been manipulated”. I guess they couldn´t find any journalist in the country, that would take part in this whitewash of murder of children. The man responded by saying: “yes the images could be manipulated”. Then the stations talking head turned his face to the camera again and said “remember, that these images could be manipulated with”. I guess the fact, that the room was full of journalist and photographer was of no consequence. All they needed was a little doubt in the minds of those watching the images to disarm them. I guess images of crying children without arms was too much for the editors of the western newspapers too. A few days later a british photographer said, that his editor had asked him whether or not he had any pictures of the children SMILING!
So which is it?! A war in Iran, a war with Iran or a war on Iran? No doubt the journalists in the west face the same question when writting about the matter even as I write this commment. And their choice is clear too!
Exactly. Those maniacs hate Life on Earth, preferring their lunatic hallucinations of a ‘Heaven’ where racist and xenophobic thugs like themselves would be welcome. What sort of ‘God’ creates and cherishes a Pence, Pompeo or Bolton?
If you were to ask them, or better yet follow their actions non-verbally, the answer would most probably be,”cash money”
do not blaspheme by taking gods blessed name with these savages……..these savages are satans lot and are fulfilling a divine writ, what is happening was meant to happen and will happen much to our sorrow and distress, as for these savages eternal fire is all the will get or have earned, god in heavens is not absent, he is in full command leading these denizens towards fires whose fuel is stones and men, have a little patience, this life is just a brief journey, eternity is everlasting.
One missile hitting Dimona and Palestine and Lebanon and much of Syria will be uninhabitable, too. Sounds daft to me.
I hope Iran doesn’t kick the neo khazars butt too hard. There’s plenty of potential American hostages in Syria and Iraq for Iran to capture and hold hostage like in 1979.
bibi wasn’t able to form a coalition government. So there will be new elections in Israel and if bibi doesn’t win, he’ll have to face corruption charges.
The fissures between secular, racist, fascists Israelis, like the pseudo-Jew Lieberman and the racist, fascist,Talmudist religious fanatics who control Judaism in the Israeli State apparatus, are growing ever more marked. Perhaps they will end up at each others throats, as so often in the past. But wait-there is a safety valve. They can always agree to continue brutalising the Palestinians, more or less forever. And then there is attacking their neighbours and ‘redeeming’ more of Eretz Yisrael as ‘lebensraum’.
I fear Nasrallah – usually correct on most matters in the region – may be underestimating Israel’s and the neocons ability to get Trump to do something stupid. Specifically, join together in attacking Hezbollah.
He knows and everyone knows that Israel can not afford to attack – or allow the US to attack – Iran before degrading Hezbollah’s ability to missile the crap out of Israel. But he also knows that Israel and the US want a war with Iran.
The only logical conclusion is that Israel, having realized that they can’t take out Hezbollah by themselves, will persuade the US to join it in attacking Hezbollah. Nasrallah can not have failed to notice that the US is ramping up talk against Hezbollah, as is Israel. And that all the recent talk about “Iranian proxies” is propaganda intended ultimately to be directed against Hezbollah.
He should hopefully also be aware that Hezbollah’s bunkers and missile caches are vulnerable to those four B-52’s Trump sent to the Middle East. B-52s were effective in Vietnam in destroying Viet Cong supply trails and bunkers, digging twenty-foot-deep craters over wide areas.
He should also be aware that if the US supplies, say, 10,000 troops to assist Israel’s 15,000 or so combat troops in Southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley that it will be possible to root out many of Hezbollah’s forces or force them further north where they will be less effective against Israel in an Iran war.
Nasrallah should be expecting a summer war this summer or next summer. There is little question that this is the plan, simply because it’s the only way the US and Israel can get their Iran war. And we all know neither Israel or the US have given up their intent to get a war with Iran, regardless of the consequences.
The US didn’t care about the consequences when they invaded Afghanistan – a country which has never surrendered to occupation – nor when they invaded Iraq, which was supposed to be a “cakewalk” and turned into a quagmire. And not one single US politician or neocon has paid any price for those disasters. Neither has Israel. So what makes anyone think they care about the “consequences” of an Iran war?
Since WW1 the US military has had a Taylorism style of management which is incapable of learning from it’s mistakes. Not even any Generals have paid any price for those disasters.
The price will be paid when America becomes a bankrupt ex-hegemon and the world frees itself from US dollar hegemony. The Russian people learnt the hard way that letting your country be run by sociopathic oligarchs leads to declining living standards and life expectantcy.
Markets are running out of momentum to the upside ie a triple top topping pattern has completed(also a megaphone topping pattern). My guess is no more kicking the can down the road and financial crisis part 2 has started.
There is a solution to all of this madness. The only people, that can put an end to all of this madness without destroying the planet in the process is the americans themselves. It could turn out, that the weapons in the hands of the american people, can save us all. As long as the american people have the guns, there is a hope for all of us.
All of those behind all of the misery in this world are few in numbers, perhaps not more than a couple of thousands being it their ideologues, members of their think tanks, reporters, economists, politicians and the mad dogs of this apparatus. We all know, who they are and what astronomical crimes they are guilty of. It takes courage on the part of a few americans willing to sacrifice themselves in order to not only save their own people and country but also in the final analysis the world by targetting these monsters on their doorsteps so to speak and put an end to them.
I am amazed, that so many of your veterans commit suicide cowardly, choosing the meaningless and easy way out, when they could have taken at least one of these animals dressed in human skin out, that not only have lied and destroyed their lives but also the lives of millions of other around the world and counting. You americans that know the truth and know the extend of this tragedy and madness and carry the burden, that comes with the knowledge of the truth, have a choice to make. Are you strong enough in your convictions to sacrifice your own lives to save millions or perhaps billions of lives. You know who they are, you know where they are and you have the guns. I know, that I would die a thousand time for the rest of you.
@RS Hack: “So what makes anyone think they [the Men from Uncle] care about the “consequences” of an Iran war?”
The fact that the very first “consequence” will be injury to Uncle’s favourite nephew, Little Izzie? The POTU$A may not care what happens to the U$ sheeple but for sure cares about the dual-citizens who fund his election expenses.
US Forces in Mideast Will Be ‘Annihilated’, Region Will ‘Burn’, if Iran Attacked, Hezbollah Warns
“The US knows well that any war on Iran will not remain confined to Iran’s borders. The entire region will burn, leading to all US forces and interests in the region being annihilated”, he said.
At the same time, the Hezbollah leader voiced doubts that the US would dare to initiate a war with Iran, because it understands the possible consequences for all parties involved.
Tensions between Iran and the US have escalated recently over Washington tightening its sanctions against the Islamic Republic’s oil trade and its increasing regional military presence. The US recently sent an aircraft carrier strike group, 1,500 troops and a regiment of B-52 bombers to the Middle East in a bid to deter the Iranian “threat”.
Tehran slammed Washington’s moves, cautioning it against trying to attack the country and vowing retaliation in response to any aggressive move. At the same time, Iranian leader Ali Khamenei stated that Iran seeks no war with the US. Tehran insists that is ready to hold talks with Washington if the Trump administration changes its policies and starts acting in accordance with international law.”
I think everybody realizes that the usa is now just a pathetic colony of israel, so the quisling pindo stooges, like dump & co., are sidelined, as non-relevant and real interaction is with israel now. Look at who Russia talks with over Syria, if you doubt this.
The reason why the U.S. can’t start a war with Iran
— This powerful deterrent the Iranians were gifted by their good friends in Korea. Multiple reentry warheads and a range covering U.S. bases across much of Europe is a game changer 🇮🇷🇰🇵🇺🇸 🚀