Update from our community on this day:   The global Vineyard community focuses on our friend.

A prayer or meditation for The Saker.


For a short period, we will be in slow mode on The Saker blog.

The Saker is going into hospital for a battery of diagnostics tests and one can never estimate how long these will take and the toll that these will take on a human being.   During this short period, The Saker requested that we make the following announcements:

Regular contributors and correspondents

Please continue sending work and articles to The Saker as per the usual procedure.  He will as usual take a look at these and we will prepare the material for posting.

Email to The Saker

Kindly slow this right down.  Your e-mail will probably not get attention for the next little while.

Technical problems go to our Webmaster as usual.

Anything else that is important and cannot wait, please e-email me (but it may have to wait in any event).

For posting important articles and breaking news items, go to the Cafe and on the right hand side bar, there is a news-feed for readers to post these important items.    http://sakerlatam.blog/the-saker-files/news-rss-feeds/

A friend of mine who analyzes ‘Big Data’ recently said that the news cycle is now driven by Twitter and besides even all the de-platforming and attacks on free speech that we’ve almost grown accustomed to, people are in addition self-censoring their words to such an extent that to find true prescient information and solid analysis is very hard.  Let’s not do that in this slow-down period and let’s continue to speak from the heart, spiced with a whole bunch of analytical sense.  If you jones for The Saker, come and join us in the Movable Feast Cafe.

Regular contributions will continue and we will have some of our own Saker analysts on standby in the event of major world changes.  But my expectation is that The Saker will have his tablet with him and report, no matter which diagnostic test he is involved in.

Updates will be posted here when we have them.

All that remains then for this announcement is to send a prayer to The Saker so that he feels better and gets through all these tests with dignity and style.


UPDATE BY THE SAKER: dear friends, Christ is Risen!

I have good news: I got the results of my MRI and bloodwork testing and they are negative, meaning that nothing major and truly serious was found.  What is left are several possibilities (parasites, autoimmune, etc.) all of which can be cured with time.  The acute abdominal pain which triggered it all is now gradually getting better and what I need most now is some time to rest.  I am hopeful and confident that I will be able to resume my work with the same level of commitment and intensity after May 6th.  Until then, please be patient and don’t worry as I will be slowly recuperating.

I want to thank you all for your kind words, support and prayers.  I was immensely touched by your outpouring of support!

Kind regards and hugs to all,

The Saker