Al-Manar TV reports that the consolidated UNIFIL force commander Claudio Graziano said that disarming the resistance can only be done through a political settlement. Speaking at the UN headquarters in New York, Graziano stressed Hizbullah expresses its adherence to UN resolution 1701. “It`s a party that has the support of 60% of the Lebanese,” he said. The UNIFIL chief also said that his force can defend itself even if major changes occurred in Lebanon. “The UNIFIL will continue to operate under all circumstances and it has enough power to confront any aggression against it and to protect civilians,” Graziano said.
The UNIFIL commander however warned that a “presidential void” in Lebanon does not contribute to efforts to establish security in this country. He added that forming having two governments in Lebanon would further complicate the political process because the UNIFIL would have to deal with both of them. “It would be better to have one strong government,” Graziano said.
The military commander praised the victory of the Lebanese army in the north saying this battle would not be the last as long as there exists anti-peace organizations. Graziano rejected the notion of expanding the mandate of the UNIFIL to Lebanon`s border with Syria saying that searching houses for weapons is not a UNIFIL jurisdiction.
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