Dear friends,
Here is the latest installment of my quarterly conversations with Catherine Austin Fitts.
This one was recorded on November 3, 2018.
You can listen to the interview on the original Solari Report page:
Listen to (or download) the Interview MP3 audio file
Read the Transcript
Read the transcript of The Emerging Multipolar World with the Saker – US-Russian Relations & the War Lobby (PDF)
Catherine Austin Fitts is one of the very few sentient Americans. She has been in the correctness about the United States, since she began enlightening the unenlightened in USA.
I’ve a prediction that I truly want to be the greatest wrong I’ve ever predicted.
Israel is going to attempt another 9-1-1, after a fashion. Russia and Iran shall be the real targets to engage in WWIII. China is also to be a target.
The North American Continent is going to be changed into five (5) land masses. Never again is a body of land going to threaten the planet as has the USA.
The DREAM is for the higher beings watching all this insanity to quicken consciousness collectively and the false powers to instantly receive a cosmic reality enema about truth.
Truth? We human beings are not and have never been in an isolation.
Catherine and I are in a continuum of an agreement in multiple ways: Saker is where the reality about Russia is truth.
Catherine empathizes with the sane people in the US government – which I’m sure there are some.
Its also interesting how mistrustful of China she is – I would listen to her – Pepe is a propagandist –
your comment – Higher beings quicken consciousness ? Why would they do that ? Is this only their chess game ?
Good guess. They are planning to detonate a nuclear device, or perhaps two of them, on American soil and then blame it on Iran. I saw this in a prophetic vision.
Their demonic plan has got to be stopped.
CAF introduces a variable that the readers here should consider carefully!
Where is the money of the black budget? And WHY the Americans have never shown those capabilities? The Saker analyses are excellent however the alternative community is blind to the political impacts of certain secret machines .
At one level of analysis – more conspiratorial and hypothetical – this is about trans-national elites wanting global domination. Banking, control of resources, instigating conflicts, depopulation programs. Possibly a secret space program. There is also some indication of East-West factions.
At a more conventional level – one that is easier to document with hard facts – this about competing nation states. The United States, the largest economic and military power, desiring to impose its will on the globe but bumping in to a resurgent Russia and a growing China. This involves military spending and technology, energy politics, national debt, balances of trade, all further complicated by Israel and Jewish influence.
I’m going to suggest that CAF is more the former while the Saker is the latter. Not that either is right or wrong, just that some of what occurs in the world is more open and visible while some is more hidden.
Throw in individual spiritual beliefs and it all gets even more confusing. If you are an Evangelical Christian, maybe we are in the End Times. If you are a New Ager, this is all part of the global transformation of humanity that began in earnest in 2012 and is accelerating. No idea what Russian Orthodox think.
Interesting times we live in.
wow – that was a great ending -Catherine shining like a star and Saker agreeing – AWESOMe
I’m a CAF groupie and a Sakerite pragmatist. These discussions are so valuable. This specific one illustrates to an extent CAF’s (and the general US pop) inability to really understand what it is to plan A War, or to plan For War. There is an inability to understand this viscerally. CAF can explain the world in terms of the flows of big money like nobody else. And she is very right that the US is inshoring and bringing money home. Where I think she loses it, is the value of that money. She is very wary about China (and so am I, but who says this is just conditioning?) Nobody growing up in the West is free of the conditioning of the Chinese Hordes owning us all.
I’ve been following the 21 Trillion going to the ‘secret space program’ for what feels like a lifetime. It is true what CAF says, one cannot buy yacts for that amount of money … it is too large and us normies cannot even contemplate the size and there are not enough yacts in the world to use up that amount of resource. She is convinced that the money, if found, can make things happen in a positive way for the US. I am not so convinced. If it has been blown to space, it is gone. If it has been spent on buying up most of the planet, it is gone. Note that the Pentagon cannot even pass a first level audit. My household accounts can pass that! In reality the space war has eaten a lot of those resources. Check China … 3 human developed moons to save power and to give light at night. Check Russia .. another trip to the moon and wizz bang weapons. Our planetary resources have been eaten by war preps, planetary or space.
I think it is just wrong to consider that somehow China, Russia and the US is in some way connected in order to keep the money flowing and the geopolitical tension alive. That is a Disney story. It is just more important than that, for humanity. We are in a civilizational battle.
The Solari Report quarterly Saker interview, is an invaluable contribution to the Vineyard. Thank you Catherine. Too often, we ignore the sacrifices made by these few dissenting voices. It’s takes true bravery to publicly denounce the sadistic machinations of this empire. Though I may disagree with Catherine’s reasoning and conclusions, she will always have my respect and gratitude.
Fitts is in possession of too much mental ether, and always backs into cognitive dead ends.
She can’t elucidate on any of her instincts or guesses or theories.
Saker is fact-based. Did a terrific job laying down facts, and deftly danced away from the air-head notions of Fitts.
The lady is getting better at asking questions and letting Saker answer.
Her POV at the end was nonsensical. “Elites will save America and probably are doing it covertly as we talk.” Just nonsense.
And “it’s not about sovereign nations, its about humanity getting power to reform the planet.” More nonsense.
Saker stated it early. Ideology has taken hold of the West’s Elites and they can’t reform. They are marching to a bad ending.
That’s the issue of Russophobia, Fake News, Sanction-mania, and ‘Highly Likely’. Cult Behavior rigidly enforces in every sector of our lives, and it is the energy driving the need for violence, terrorism, false flag disasters, assassinations and repression of any who resist.
The need for wars to continue endlessly and more wars to be started (Africa, Central Asia, Latin America) is tied into the policy to transform the human population from 7 Billion to around 300 Million, so the Elites can rule a Feudal system that fits their Ideology. They will use disease, hunger, lack of water and war to eliminate populations. The conditioning has been going on for years.
The Cult of Liberalism is the forerunner of Transhumanist Feudalism. Everything makes sense to them that is abhorrent to all those outside the Cult. And they have the power to pursue these conditions.
Multi-polarity and Eurasian Development are anathema to Western Elites. They will start bigger wars in order to stop them. Russia and China see this clearly now. And so, both are preparing for that war.
I agree with your conclusion, but not with your tone, I think it’s too harsh towards Fitts, I would say she is blind on certain issues, but not an idiot.
She, and many other US based analysts who speak of empire and criticize the government, are pro-American in the sense that they actually, fundamentally do believe what Saker has repeatedly stated, this ridiculous mantra of “we’re number 1” and all that nonsense. If you hear that your country is the best in the world 10 times before breakfast on a regular basis and have it reinforced through no matter where you go, be it the TV, Radio, Newspaper etc. for decades upon decades, it’s hard to snap out of that kind of brainwashing and indoctrination, no matter how woke you think you are. So there has to be something beyond the ridiculous that still makes this deep seeded indoctrination true, there has to be something so secret not even the president knows about it, there has to be a real deal jet for a real scenario, no the lame garbage F-35 the public gets to see… that’s the thought process.
I have seen this time and again in very smart and woke people, like CAF, who still do not have the ability to accept the fact that the stupidity and incompetence they see going on is just that, and that there is no secret plan to save it all, no secret weapons to preserve it all, no plan X, no nothing. There is stupidity, incompetence, corruption, greed.
I imagine people like her existed before the Roman empire fell, or before the Ottoman empire fell, or before the Mongolian empire fell, there certainly were some Brits who could not believe their eyes when it all crashed and burned not too long ago. Not to mention the Soviets, barely anyone imagined it all going away a few short years before it actually did.
The collapse of the US is inevitable, the divide of the society has been artificially deepened for political gain is so far beyond rationality, I don’t see how the US can remain one country for much longer. People from both sides of the isle are talking about the other side as if they are mortal enemies, both sides think the other is evil, both sides think the other is dishonest and so on and so forth. I think there is either going to be another civil war, akin to the Russian revolution of 1917, where most of the planet will stick their finger into the gaping wound to try and get their pound of flesh, or there will be a dissolution akin to the USSR. I don’t see the political climate of the US ending well in any scenario, there is too much scaremongering and bad blood between the factions to return to rationality any time soon.
I agree with you Larch and would like to add a few of my observations.
She claims that the ongoing battle is spiritual, but everything that comes out after and even before that, assures me that her statement is on purely intellectual level and fails to rise on spiritual plane. And because of all that mental ether you mentioned she is unable to process that conclusion even on intellectual level because she is hampered by a false hope. False hope being that 20 trillion dollars is siphoned somewhere. Like money, any amount of it, is able to save the US from falling into societal collapse first and many others after that.
What could that money bring in an instant when it is needed? More control? More weaponized police or even military on the streets? What would that solve?
Where that money went? My take is that some of the elites that she is putting so much faith into are aware of the course the Empire must endure. But, they are not siphoning that money for the benefit of the people as Saker tried to point out to her gently and politely by asking her what are the results. Her deflections of those fact based questions by her laugh…talking about cognitive dissonance… They are just preparing for the proverbial shrinking of the pond and the time when the crocodiles start fighting among themselves. Those in the elite are preparing for better starting positions. They would be survivalists/pragmatists vs dogmatists.
One other sign of false hope is that someone out there among the elites is doing something which is helpful to the people but cannot be seen by others and disregarding the possibility that it might also be a sign of massive corruption or failed projects by myriad of other reasons. Is that possible? Sure! What is the probability of that? …! Possibility and probability are not the same things.
I would not disregard her words that there are people she knows and she talks with that are willing to do something better for the people, such people are everywhere. But how much are they willing to sacrifice? How organized they are? How well are they prepared and positioned? Can they be counted on to stop or manage the societal collapse?
She accepts the intellectual concept of evil but refuse to accept spiritual concept of evil and conclusions stemming from it, therefore fighting the wrong enemy. That leads her to a false hope that 20 trillions siphoned no one knows where, by unknown elite, will miraculously solve problems the US have.
US is heading to a collapse. I am certain that larger percentage of ordinary citizens is aware of that then those elites she put so much trust in. On that i agree with Saker, Trump was the last chance for the US. Now comes the question on what basis the leftovers will be reformed or what will be left to reform even if the collapse leads to destruction not just of way of life as we knew it but destruction of life on planet?
What frightens me most is that majority of the people in the west that are in position of power are more afraid of destruction of their way of life then the destruction of life on planet and therefore fighting the wrong enemy.
Catherine, i apologize if this looked like some sort of sniping at you or the fight you lead. I assure you wholeheartedly that this is not the case. I just say my piece as i see it and as Saker already said i wish i am wrong, for the sake of all of us.
Analysis and commentary for sure, but CAF is simply good people and bright and intelligent and clever, and lives by her honor and she is on the right side. We can do with many more of her quality. I could not stand it if we beat her up. She deserves much more.
Our analysis is like the scientific method. We test her theories, or hypotheses, and others can test our tests.
It’s not personal.
I tried hard to penetrate the substance and found ether. Especially, in comparison to Saker’s answers, she is fairly hollow.
It’s like she’s seen the truth one brief moment, can’t describe it, and over time, falls back on that moment but it simply is not substance. It’s a memory of hers.
“Hey, I know things” she says.
“What things?” we ask.
“Secret things that point to this and that.”
“Good things or bad things?”
“The things could be good.”
21 Trillion is missing. Where did it go? Black Ops, she guessed?
Here’s where to look:
MIC and the private caches of the principals. There will never be accounting or audit of anything touching national security and defense industry or the individuals inside government and the industries.
A few secret weapons like an extra submarine or two off the books.
The Space vehicle X-37 and weapons inside it.
Destabilization projects in scores of countries costing hundreds of billions a year for the Hybrid Wars and Color Revolutions.
Empires are hugely expensive. The US has 800 bases, hundreds of thousands of Special Forces operating in 50-80 countries each year, and hundreds of thousands of paid agents Intel services manage. Bribery is costly.
This is a political empire and it works only as long as there is financing to operate it.
She should have a handle on these veins and arteries where the life blood is flowing.
She has the skills but seems to lack the current knowledge.
What is left is her ether.
We see this on many issues with Dr. Steve Pieczenik. He’s been out of the loop for a long time, has no current sources, guesses a lot, and is useless as a guide to the truth of the Deep State and Shadow Government.
Great credentials and awesome CV in Intel and historic events. But useless and deceptive on crucial matters.
I hunt facts. Saker delivers facts as the basis for his opinion. Yes, he has some intonations of a very personal ideology, but on geopolitical and military matters he’s without a filter. Thus, he is reliable as an analyst and source.
“Destabilization projects in scores of countries costing hundreds of billions a year for the Hybrid Wars and Color Revolutions.”
Larch Here’s the definitive answer to where the missing trillions went. Don’t bother shaking the trees for some secret super “defense” weapons.
For insight into Fitts’ unwillingness to totally discount the possibility of Western (dis)Civilization possessing an Ace-in-the-(w)hole, check the work of Joseph P. Farrell, (e.g.Babylon’s Banksters, Financial Vipers of Venice ) whom she collaborates with. Robert Anton Wilson, also hypothesized that the Smart People and therefore the locus of wealth and power have been migrating on a westward trajectory (think China).
The 9/11 event in its totality– ritual and anthropological aspects included–give us a taste what may be in store. We are in the realm of eschatology and would do well to remember that Antichrist is not necessarily the opposite of Christ but is rather what comes after, an Ersatzchrist.
Twenty one trillion dollars — is what we’re dealing with an artifact of bookkeeping? Or is it a symptom, a relation,a sign? Clearly we aren’t talking about money in its colloquial sense, more like mammon.
Thank you Catharine and Saker, looking forward to your next exchange.
Fitts is in possession of too much mental ether, and always backs into cognitive dead ends.
What a polite, concise way of stating it, @L445. She stops just short of invoking the space lizards or other popular theories for those things she can’t explain. My own explanation is that most, perhaps all, of these stories are grown out of deliberately-planted seeds of disinformation from the usual suspects.
But still, I like the overall conversation. Saker is the sanest English-speaking analyst I know of right now.
It’s going to continue, and get much worse . . .
Larch and others, let me speak up for Catherine and it is not that I disagree with much of what you said. It is clear that after she took the .gov to court, there is much that she cannot say. Some of it is filtering out now in various interviews. She found herself being haunted and hounded by her own government to the extent that she was in fear of her life, as she was the first to actually talk about the missing money in HUD. As we see today, the Pentagon cannot pass a first level audit. At the time when she was in HUD, they could not pass the first level audit, and the more questions she asked, the more she was stonewalled. Some things she cannot say. But she did write a ‘case study’ to give many hints on what is going on. Here is this case study:
She has done subsequent work to show exactly how communities (I think counties in the US) get sucked dry and then they move in the drugs to finish it off.
If we check her twitter, here is another guideline: “cash flows, assets and capital gains can all be estimated using ranges and open source review/discussion. Imperfect but helpful/”
What people see as ‘disney’esque’ behavior is a positive attitude but not speaking what is unspeakable in her domain. This woman will fight to the death with a smile on her face. The 21 Trillion is half the story. The Secret Space Program comes from the issue that she could not trace her own budget in HUD anywhere on earth. At that time she described it as the money is disappearing into space, as she could not trace it. The 21 Trillion has significance as it was equal at the time about a year ago, to the complete US debt, so, we can double that if we add the debt. The stream of missing money has now grown to something into 30 Trillion to my knowledge, and it cannot be found anywhere on earth, even if you add up all the expenses of running an Empire and doubling that a few times.
She is greatly appreciated outside of her country and has just been invited by the new Mexican President to work on housing policies. These are initial and overall recommendations.
Even from that one can glean where she stands and that is that empowerment of communities generate wealth that is greater than financial, but is social and strengthen people.
The Saker is a geo-political analyst and he stays within his competence which is not finance. CAF is a financial wizard. Each time The Saker makes a statement or comment on Russia or geopolitical affairs, she puts it through her filter of finance, to see if his statement flows with her knowledge of where the money is flowing. Sometimes it does, and sometimes not .,.. that is what makes this conversation so incredibly valuable. They are both in control of nuance and sometimes say things that they do not say. Like you say Larch, The Saker is without filter on geopolitical and military matters and that makes him a reliable analyst. CAF has to filter, otherwise she gets haunted and hunted again. This in fact happened just last year. She has to filter her words very very carefully.
So, these are things to bear in mind when we listen to her. If CAF goes ‘fuzzy’, that is the time to pay attention and start asking questions.
Ok, you have my view :-)
Thank you four your response. I have listened to CAF for years now, and admire her greatly.
Do you realise that even her willingness to interview the Saker is a huge step away from political correctness in the US?
Ms. Fitts is right on about the hybrid humansss which the NWO is ordering up like Cyborgs etc. However, such commentators as Tucker Carlson are boldly speaking about the need for a human century. He said to one right wing ideologue—“Whoa, there is no Nicene creed of Capitalism.”
see below: ( hopefully with no ads from the infowars)
Her weakness is what I am seeing more and more among people of my age and that is wistful thinking ( no spelling error—this is different from wishful thinking ). That wistful thinking fueled a whole Q-Anon
phenomenon. There are no hidden heroes waiting in the wings and we all know it..The half of the voting population which never shows up at the pollsis profoundly disillusioned.
Beware, oh beware of confidential sources
for the double game shows hidden forces.
put two and two together
hold your horses
reason first– fantasy tether.
As Americans, we have the longing for what I call the “lost time of righteous men” which I figure disappeared with JFK. ( yeah, yeah imperialist stooge …blah, blah I can hear the barricade stalwarts already) but pragmatism very openly balanced idealism in this man and so he had to be eliminated by those dark forces in the American political psyche)
With ideologues there is no space for nuance, or compromise which require any “human” or “relationship” skills. Wistful is more tolerable than sad and like Ms. Fitts, I am learning to incorporate it into my grief.
Great comment. Also really appreciate amarynth’s words of support for Catherine…..who has good reasons to be a bit of a Space Cadet.
Saker, an Orhtodox Believer doesn’t believe in the American Elites having any positive faction, nor in the ability of the American masses to get any smarter or braver and run them out of town on a rail to GITMO.
I don’t “believe” in either of them either but I don’t know that all good that Trump might ever do went down the toilet the second he retreated on his friend Gen Flynn!
That was tactical and you haven’t seen the last of Flynn. Stay tuned.
So I do not believe that such a dismal American defeat is necessarily the case, already, because: “It ain’t over til it’s over”. And we still have an exciting rip-roaring Infinitely Delayed Financial Cataclysm to Test Humanity’s Mettle!
I KNOW I don’t want to miss THAT!
And if it were over, we would be in impeachment proceedings already or Trump would just come clean and tell the Deplorables he tricked them as much as Obama did, he’s for Empire and not making France, the USA or any other nation great again, and urge them to give up their hopes, their guns and their God-given gonads right now…..and smother their posterity in the cradle….because Deep State and Lucifer Will Rule Forever.
A lot more than half would promptly comply, weeping, by my estimation.
But Humanity still lives as long as any small minority anywhere, be it in Russia, Teheran or Tennessee, refuses “to bend the knee.” to some ugly Goat God.
“Her weakness is what I am seeing more and more among people of my age and that is wistful thinking”
“As Americans, we have the longing for what I call the “lost time of righteous men” which I figure disappeared with JFK.”
Dont delude yourself man, that’s called nostalgia for the old times when you actually had the world’s neck under your boots.
The British had it too, though their genocidal empire had a longer life span. Don’t worry it’s all coming to an end. It’s part of the inevitable process of the weel of life one day at the top the other you are getting stepped on. I am just waiting for the spectacular divine justice for the all horros commited in your name, sorry, freedom.
The Report alludes to something I think of as the global underpants gnomes problem:
1. Steal everything, seize power, and kill anyone who resists.
3. World Peace!
Except that mathematically, such plans are doomed to failure – debt goes to infinity, everyone gets enslaved, and something similar to the failures of the Soviet Union happens.
But that does not stop some from trying. I’d suggest that the Maidan in Ukraine was an attempt by external powers to gain control of the energy flows from Russia to Europe. That merely ended Russia’s attempts to integrate itself with Europe, and caused Russia to rotate toward Beijing.
The next major western stumble was the failure of the false flag gas attcks in Syria, against a background of failed state status for Iraq and for Libya. This precipitated an influx of refugees into southern Europe, and a revulsion against further European intervention in the Middle East. This in turn opens the way for Russian-Iranian power broking on the Arabian Peninsula, and perhaps Russian control of OPEC. All of which may be stretching Russian resources more than they would like.
A major concern of mine is the tendency within Europe to instal first strike capability closer and closer to Russian territory. To get into trouble faster. The war games that Europe periodically runs always ends with tactical nuclear weapons initiated by the West hence recent moves by France and Germany to become more self-sufficient in defence are likely to continue. To put it politely, they want to become less “reliant” on the goodwill of the USA.
A significant wildcard in these manoueverings is the used of concealed containerised weaponry, combined with satellite surveillance, command and control, particularly from low earth orbit small satellites. (see the recent Russian dispute re launching commercial satellits for US companies)
This potentially offers plausible deniability for all sorts of attacks. There is potential for tremendous destabilisation.
Finally, I offer this thought. Neither China nor Russia are a threat to world peace. China, in particular, has a population that is declining in numbers, and the cohort that would provide troops on the ground has more to worry about that fighting a war.
I just read the entire manuscript, since I haven’t been visiting or reading the Saker blog as often as I used to.
Its a pretty chilling manuscript, especially reading the Saker’s comments..
Many of the Saker’s conclusions as a realist, are the same conclusions I have more or less came to since more than 15 years ago. The conclusions are logic and sound.
Catherine Austin Fitts sounds too optimistic to me, and I see this optimism coming from Western people from what I believe is out of fear. Fear of ending of their civilization, fear of destruction, fear of death, and basically a denial of reality and truth. And probably a fear that somehow life on Earth will be extinct after WWIII nuclear exchange, which is not true, cannot be proven and will most likely not happen on a global scale.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I will make sure that Saker and I address these issues in our next discussion.
For several decades, I have been hearing people say that the empire the US enforces for is going to fail. And then it does not. There is rarely a discusson of why not. Just a double down on predictions of future failures. The empire is able to run the reserve currency position for longer. I have theories as to how this has been achieved – but I do not have access to the information to know for sure.
In the process what I have discovered is that hating the empire and hoping it will fail is not the same as understanding why it has continued to the extent it has, what the real governance structure is and what would come next if the US reserve currency continues for many years or loses significant market share or the leadership engineers a reset, etc.
Given the uncertainty as to who and what is really in control and has the most powerful weaponry, we are all just guessing about what is next. Given my research into the black budget, I do believe that things are far stranger than can be explained in a model that discusses geopolitical power in terms of nation states.The most powerful groups are transnational and non- sovereign.
I am an optimist because I believe it is possible for a small percentage of the global population to turn things around – whether in North America or anywhere else on the planet. This is partly because the nature of oppression and evil is so economically expensive and draining it, that the wealth creation potential is possible. There is no economic reason that I know of for human poverty. The other reason is because I am a Christian and I believe that faith is the substance of things hope for – the evidence of things not yet seen. So optimism is a choice. To quote one friend, “Our circumstances are far too dire for the luxury of realism.”
I would suggest our analysis would dramatically improve if we could flush out how the governance system works on Planet Earth. – who and what really runs things and from whence their power comes.
My guess is if we all knew the facts, most of our disagreements would melt away. In the meantime, don’t let your hatred of evil and oppression cause you to fail to understand or to underestimate its power — including the support it receives from many quarters.
I appreciate much of your work. Looking forward to the next discussion on this subject. If such a secret space program exists, why don’t they funnel some tech and know-how to rescue failed endeavours such as the F-35 ? We know how the pentagon system typically operated, without govt’ R&D there’s no internet and no Apple without siri etc, etc, etc.
Dear Catherine,
Have always love your work. Even more so your spirit to fight and your unyielding moral.
I assume we can have an adult conversation here. You do command my respect.
There was an unconfirmed ‘news’ that the east checked mate the west in 2008. And it was batshitcrazy and body bags were ready to be loaded. But the west begged on their knees, literally, and promise to make “something out of nothing” in the trillions! But the east refused as the game is a dead duck. But the western
TPTB are so into their star-guided timetable, they need it to be extended to 2018, as on their cover page. If they parish, they still want to honor and meet their gods on that date. So The east recalculated their star-timetable and demand ‘the shinny staff’ in return, thousand tons a month. The west yielded because they thought to themselves, ‘2019 its going to be all-black anyway. What good is for shinny relics?’
Obviously in the east, if they can pull the pin in 2008, now in 2018 there are plenty more pins to pull. One does not just become emperor for life in a land of people with bad memory of such character in the last 5 thousand years. I wont be surprise the “life long blessing” be reversed and terminated after the dust in the west settles.
In short : The west did not fail because they contracted another decade with the east in a supposed win-win deal. (p/s east is not just china)
Another outrages ‘rumor’ on where the 21 trillion went? Building all the new silk road infrastrucre and investment for free as gift from the west??? The new coming eastern-flavoured system world-civilisation generally speaking. (p/s I was forced to learn English to survived in your world too)
Another proposed clue : you said, “The most powerful groups are transnational and non-sovereign.” If that be true (and its true to me as well), would “USA the corporation” be a liability or still-possible case to be saved and milked?
Finally about those ‘secret space weapons’, I have mentioned in other post here as well – the higher-minded west has come to conclusion and agreement nuk is obsolete. The last war it seems, will have to be alien technology.
my previous comment –
So the next war, if ‘Merika empire wish to fight,
is to deploy those tax-payer milked secret project of alien
Then we are at another level of “show and tell”
But then it would automatically launch the world into the next
level of civilisation
and the old school boys and they ‘dark money’ would suddenly be
in its true form – paper and digits literally
in the face of free energy new paradigm
Whats 5G in free energy world? dynosour…
If they don’t, then ‘Merika empire is just another fancy fable of wannabe and history lesson of what not to do.
The last FF War – alien or no alien?
Dear Katherine, I suspect like many others, the idea or the sight of a death of a country is hard to digest – esp when the media is full of circus acts and QUTE is on fire… and your physical body is still intact. But consider, the entire Qing Dynasty was completely wiped out and USSR lost a major chuck of the land. One too many people, and entire bloodline, has died as collateral damage. Is USSA that indispensable lucky? Granted those most powerful groups are non-sovereign and trans-national?! Tickle them elmo
I grew up as the 3rd generation of the victim of WWII and I suspect your great-grandchildren generation will share my experience. If they are lucky to still be on the land of USA, that is hundred years from now. Again Qing was replaced by the new china and USSR was replaced by Russia. War moves mass of people around. What will the new name for Amerika be? That’s the question those most powerful group are ‘star-charting’.
Thank you for your life, Katherine. I hope this rant of mine is but… useless rant and fiction entertainment. Please be safe. I will continue to watch over you, in spirit and in truth. Peace.
p/s I am aiming for a quantum leap to Type II civilisation of pemernant peace after the dust settles – possibly ‘The Last War” and end to all their anti-human apparatus. See you on the flipped side :)
Dear Catherine,
I would first like to start out by saying that you and your interviews are definitely a force of good and for that I would like to thank you on behalf of all The Saker blog readers if I may. Just the fact that you are bringing out these discussions helps people get closer to the truth.
And now to reply to your points you noted.
In my opinion, just because the Empire has not failed or collapsed yet to this point in time, does not mean that the Empire is not failing, decaying or even spiraling towards collapse. No one can exactly predict the future on the “when” and “how” events will take place, but based on the past and present we can make some estimated guesses where we are heading to….
…..Now here is the issue: from an analytical or even scientific view point, the worst case scenario that could possibly take place in the future according to the information of the past and present, and the current trend, is a thermo-nuclear exchange between 2 or more nuclear armed states.
We scientists and analysts always deal and make estimations based on worst case scenarios. They should not be the only scenarios but they are definitely one of the main scenarios. I as a scientist with one of my expertise being the prediction and modelling of natural hazards (disaster risk), we deal with “worst case” on an almost daily basis.
For the record, I believe the biggest risk to humanity on a global scale are nuclear weapons launched by man. I believe they are a bigger risk than human (or naturally) induced climate change or any other global natural catastrophe that can take place. Furthermore, a nuclear war can take place at almost any moment in time (5, 10, 20, 50 years), purposely or even accidentally, which is really exceptional if you think about it.
As for “hating” the Empire and “hoping for it to fail”, these are just feelings (that I share by the way) that come out of the injustice and oppression that people are witnessing around the world from the Empire.
The Empire is continuing as you mentioned, but it is continuing in a downward decaying direction, and it will continue like this until (1) it catastrophically collapses or it (2) withers into irrelevance, regardless of how much we “hate” it or how “optimistic” we might feel. We pray to God that scenario (2) takes place, but many of us estimate that scenario (1) has a higher probability of occurrence.
Optimism should not blind people to the truth or the problem at hand. Otherwise optimism will be the issue that actually impedes people to find a solution to a problem. You have to recognize and admit to the problem and the direction things are going before you can attempt to solve it or change course.
At the same time, people shouldn’t become hopeless, nihilistic and give up on speaking the truth. There are enough people out there who are too ignorant or too much in denial of what is happening in front of their eyes.
Looking at matters from a different angle, the US and Israel have both discontinued production of their main battle tanks, and in the latter case have even dismantled the factory and tooling used in the production of those tanks. And as main battle tanks are the cornerstone of conventional land warfare, it follows that the US and Israel have moved out of the massed conventional land warfare game.
So what warfare game have the US and Israel moved into now then? It can only lie in the nuke, biological and wunderbar weapon facets of the economic, atmospheric, oceanic and space realms, and combinations thereof. Nukes must have been vastly improved since the Little Boy and Fat Man of WW2, and biological weapons must have definitely improved since the easy but problematic option of just dispersing anthrax spores over enemy territory. And with that kind of black budget being available, the US’s new warfare weapons may well lie in the wunderbar realm; anything is possible, “The truth is out there”.
And it could also be that the US made a major mistake by concluding that with the collapse of the Soviet Union massed conventional warfare will never happen again, and with the current economic climate its now too late to catch up to a resurgent Russia. Wunderbar weapons didn’t help Hitler, the basic Russian production line producing more numerous, cheap yet capable weapons took care of him.
I think CAF is optimistic because she is privy to some information from a covert civil war in the ‘Deep State’ that connects to various ‘conspiracy theories’ that she has to be careful in annunciating. She threw some red pills Saker’s way but he didn’t partake. In mainstream information terms Saker’s pessimism is well placed and I used to wholeheartedly agree and despair. But having researched some rabbit holes and updated my understanding of what Jesus the Christ was telling us, I share CAF’s optimism based on what I think she’s hinting at.
Next time, Saker should ask Catherine what she thinks of ‘Q Anon’. Or maybe Catherine you might say something here on that topic when you come back?
Here comes Novichok to stitch together Skripal, Russia and Iran. Consider also news that UK special forces have been spotted in the past few days in the ukraine carrying chemical weapons readying a false flag CW event.
In 2016 Iran together with the OPCW produced binary nerve agents for the purposes of developing antidotes and treatment protocols. Iran will be accused of deceiving the OPCW in that noble endeavour. Iran will be accused of Plotting to do irreparable harm to the OPCW.
My impression is that the optimism for the West’s future will be realized in the same manner that the Houthis are realizing their hopes and dreams for Yemen. This is as opposed to waiting passively for these unidentified elites, in the shadows, to create a better future for the people of the West. I think that’s the source of my disagreement with CAF’s perspective, as I understand it. I think when the Saker presses about results of resistance, he is challenging whether there are forces within the Western nations who will rise up and defend their interests just like the Houthis have done in Yemen, as an example. He seems to suggest that Western populations would prefer to comply with the rule of the elite, no matter what the consequence for them. He seems to expect mostly cooperation with a hardening of fascist or dictatorship rule.
Austin Fitts: ”we’re the best in the world, the indispensable nation, first among non-equals, so there has to be a secret space program and a backup plan (our obsolete tomahawks, sitting duck naval platforms and defective F-35’s are all about legerdemain) by our mighty elites to get us out of this pickle”. Even a lucid women such as CAF is infected by the calvinist ideology. Well she will soon have another thought coming… 21 trillions dollars went not only to buy Yachts but cocaine, mistresses, prostitutes, child slaves (franklin scandal), booze, etc. Trump is the epitome of this ruling class, linear cretinism will not survive in space…
What the vast majority of Americans (including so-called US alternative media and political critics like Catherine Fitts) don’t have the honesty to admit is that the American Way of Life itself is morally *illegitimate* and deserves to be ended.
This American Way of Life™ has always been based upon expanding the system of US capitalist exploitation first over the North American continent in the 18th and 19th centuries; then the Western hemisphere; afterwards over the capitalist “free world” during the Cold War; and now imposing American unipolar domination over the entire goddamned planet.
This is the agenda disguised behind Americans’ sanctimonious propaganda about “freedom, human rights, democracy, liberty, Western Civilization, Christianity, or Making America Great Again.”
It’s about asserting America’s Manifest Destiny to subjugate the world and then, in Orwellian fashion, calling it “defending freedom”—the freedom to bomb, invade, colonize, exploit, and pillage, that is.
This is American deception in its purest form. It is the basis of American national identity from Wall Street to Main Street, USA.
Indeed, Americans like to call themselves the Land of the Free, when in reality, America is the Land of the Free Lie.
Hell, the USA ludicrously loves to pimp itself as the Beacon of Liberty–even though it was founded upon Black chattel slavery and Native Indian ethnic cleansing, as well as the theft and colonial occupation of an entire continent that continues to this very day.
It is a country that worships “Founding Fathers” … who were slaveowners, ethnic cleansers, and oligarchs. Indeed, George Washington was one of the richest men of his day, a slaveowning oligarch, whom the vast hordes of American patriots today fawn over as an exemplar of freedom.
There is a quasi-religious delusion promoted here that the United States can somehow be reformed or “saved” from its imperial sins.
America has been an empire since it was spawned as an entity well over 200 years ago.
Even Thomas Jefferson openly boasted that the United States was an “Empire of Liberty.”
Well, the American Empire of “Liberty” is in actuality an Empire of Lies—one that will not its evade of Day of Judgement that is coming.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Appreciate the rich discussion. Will check back here to review these and any more comments for my next discussion with Saker.
Germany steals 1,000,000 people from Syria and refuses to give them back.
Jewish Mafia outpost Germany has to do Israel’s bidding. A million Syrian fake refugees further bankrupting the German State is preferable to let them help rebuild Syria. Win-win.
Fitts speculation about the Indonesia tsunami is interesting, but I am concerned that she gets too far ahead of the evidence. Having said that, I would like to point out that this blog has described a technology to produce tsunamis; an article here described several schemes the Russians have developed to cause catastrophic destruction to America, and one of these involved exploding nuclear bombs along an undersea fault line off the East Coast, triggering an earthquake.
Here is a link to the article:
This CAF interview with Richard Dolan titled Globalizing Thievery explains much. And perhaps many will change their minds on CAF being ‘space goofy’.
On TheSaker blog, we often talk about weapons technology. CAF talks about finance technology.
Next interview I’d like to see CAF be more open in raising the questions about a ‘breakaway civilisation’ that Richard Dolan has impeccably researched. It would account for a missing $21Trillion.
Motto: We Can’t MAGA Unless We MAMA ( Make America Moral Again )
I’ve just read the transcript . Obviously, a lady and a gentleman, an optimist and a pragmatist.
Just a few words. Catherine said: ” Where this is going is transhumanism. I don’t think that all the Western
elites are on board for the end of human civilization.”
I don’t think God will let the elites go so far or so low cos He said: ” As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.They ate,they drank,they married wives,they were giving in marriage,until the day that Noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all……..”
So it is about humans,not robots or transhumans. It could be this though:
Stephen Hawking is a Jewish Mafia puppet and as virtual as your beloved Sherlock Holmes.
There is no US Super Weapon that will save the US from itself.
When the Soviet Union reached the end of the road there was a collective awareness of the impossibility to continue as previously. The collective consciousness even survived the US neoliberal onslaught that butchered Russia economically. There is no such equivalent in the US. What we see is mental projections of enemy figures across the spectrum, but a complete inability to handle the basic facts of reality. Where the people of Soviet Russia lacked an overriding mythology or political conviction, nothing else exists for the majority of people in the US. The collective awareness is splintered, confused and in deep denial.
The American psychosis makes the current situation infinitely more dangerous than the collapse of the Soviet Union.
This is an interesting discussion and I regret that we do not have more of this kind. Respecting the fact that the discussion is between two persons living in the United States, I shall concentrate on examples taken from this country, even if I am from Switzerland.
The central question in this discussion seems to be whether the United States have kept some capacities to play a positive role in the world; as I understand it, the Saker says “no” while Catherine Austin Fitts says “yes”. The Saker gives some examples that these capacities have very much decreased. I like to add some other examples. There was a very important movement in the United States against the war in Vietnam; but today, there are only some individual persons who show their solidarity with Syria. And concerning the governments; in my eyes, the last positive contributions happened more than 20 years ago: the protection of the non-smokers and the increased respect of homosexuality.
I very much like to add another point. Progress in general and an ethical behaviour in particular cannot be separated from modesty or humility. And this seems to be a subject which is more or less non-existent in the United States – as far as I can judge from outside. And even if one asks on the level of (almost) presidents who has more of this quality, Bush I or Bush II, Bill or Hillary, then the answer is completely obvious for me.
It is my deep conviction that the Western world has lost the capacity of contributing in a positive way to the planet. I understand that the Saker is worried about the possibility that the Western world will be a bad loser. But in some way, that is their problem.
“The central question in this discussion seems to be whether the United States have kept some capacities to play a positive role in the world”
Good question. I think the US has been the champion of a set of ideas that have benefited humanity: democracy, free market capitalism, human rights. So far as these things have been encouraged they have increased freedom and standards of living, which I think are universally good things. [Not that there aren’t problems or that these can’t be corrupted.]
I think where the US runs in to problems is when it strongly asserts its own national interests (or the interests of the ruling elite that run it). Much of the American public is kept too busy working to survive or is distracted by mindless entertainment. On substantive political issues, especially regarding foreign policy, the public is fed a bunch of propaganda.
I can’t speak knowledgeably about previous eras but certainly since 2001 the US’s actions globally seem to be detrimental. Bush’s war on Iraq was a disaster. Obama’s destruction of Libya and the war in Syria have likewise been disasters. For those that have been paying attention, it appears all along that the plan has been for major regime changes in the Middle East (see Wesley Clark). Those plans have been hampered by Russia, which I believe has led to much of the current animosity.
Syria is an interesting case. Much of the anti-war movement in the US has not coalesced around this; only a small subset of progressives. 1) the lack of significant US troops on the ground has led to a perception of low cost 2) the propaganda has been so much better, demonizing both Assad and Putin 3) it was initiated under Obama and the Left was unwilling to criticize him.
It is my perception that few Americans actually understand the risks that have been involved in the Syria conflict, most notable the risk of a direct US-Russia clash and the possibility of escalation up to and including a nuclear exchange.
Thanks for your comment!
While I like Ms. Fitt’s optimism I don’t see any positive results on the western political front. The Russiaphobic Democratic Party now controls the House of Representatives. I don’t see how this can be viewed as a positive development. It will be interesting to see what Mueller’s final report contains. If he found no real evidence of Russian interference with the 2016 election then that will be positive.
I think it was in Evan thomas’ The Wise Men E. H. Harriman took his sons on a trip of the world, contemplating a world wide shipping empire with rail going from, you guessed it, Lisbon to Vladivostok. I am pretty sure that in what would be in the Yeltsin years, there was an article about what would become OBOR. Nowadays this connectivity is looked on as a threat. Does this boil down to whether certain parties can or cannot collect rents. I think of the Cowboy scene in Mulholland Drive. I got to go
XVII century was Nicholas Jarry .
XVII century was Nicholas Jarry .