Translated and subtitled by Eugenia.
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Translated and subtitled by Eugenia.
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Why dig-up the past? Let sleeping dogs lie.
On another tact, the Russians could simply ask why, when countless millions were being murdered and repressed, the West repeatedly turned a blind-eye? (and Western intellectuals praised the Revolution without qualm). Wouldn’t this truthful approach be much simpler than flagrantly re-writing history —one would think that it would be. If only, it were not the case, that self-serving indifference to the inhuman suffering and destruction of Soviet times, has eaten like a worm into the heart — and that this indifference now becomes a convenient political slogan once again.
I do not criticize the Russians, truth is painful; and why start telling the truth now? Why start now, when you will be the only one with tears in your eyes — and why give open-invitation, to your enemies, when they mock you already.
Excellent video monologue by Ostashko. Ever thankful to Eugenia for her translation and sub-titles. What a gift she presents each time for the Vineyard. A true friend of Saker’s Vineyard!
As for repentance, it is the merciless destruction of Russia, programmed by the Fifth Column traitors, Liberals and weak-minded.
The aim is the self-immolation of Russian civilization, culture, education and societal unity.
It is energized with money from the West, and the satanic pursuit of the destruction of Orthodox Christianity with the earthly goal of breaking up the nation and stealing its mineral resources.
It isn’t even ideological any longer. It is hatred and greed at a scope never before seen in human history.
Here is a good article by Israel Shamir on the same subject;
The more you learn about USSR history, you start realizing that there were most likely more innocent Russian people dying during the Yeltsin years than the Stalin Years.
Needles to say this goes against everything I’ve been taught to believe all my life. The 6 million and the 60 million seem to be sacred numbers that you are not supposed to question.
Thanks for translating this video.
My maternal and paternal grandfathers, aged in their fifties, as well as my paternal great-grandfather, in his 75th year were sentenced to10 years imprisonment in Siberia for alleged “counter-revolutionary activities.” This was in 1937. Nothing to do with Nazis.
My paternal grandfather, a Cossack, was tortured to extract a confession that he was plotting against the government. He was suspended by his testicles. This was reported by a former inmate of the gulag who had served his time and returned home. This can obviously not be substantiated.
None returned.
Both my father’s and mother’s families were broken up and devastated. Life became a struggle for survival. My maternal grandmother had to provide for herself and 4 children under the age of 16.
Actual crimes? Maternal grandfather, who had fought against Germans in WW1, swore publicly about the shortage of food and having to stand in queues for hours, after having fought for his country. Someone, who was obviously a “good citizen” reported the comment and that was that.There were plenty of “good citizens” then. That’s what fear of government does to people – it turns them into “good citizens.”
My paternal grandfather fought in the Russo-Japanese, as well as in WW1 against the Germans. He also fought as part of the Whites against the Reds in the Russian civil conflict. When he and my great-grandfather resisted forced collectivisation in 1937, they were arrested and charged with “counter-revolutionary” activities. Having fought with the whites obviously was a black mark against my grandfather, and against my great grand father for having a son fighting with the whites.
Personally, after having been brought with such accounts from both sides, as well the accounts of other Russian emigres, it is difficult to forget what we all suffered and are still going through.
I do not agree with continually re-surrecting this – the past i s the past, and, as Putin said – we do not let the dead tug at our sleeves. Yet Putin did well to remember these injustices and for that I am most grateful to him. He is a man of the highest honesty and integrity and is not afraid to face old demons. Remembrance and forgiveness are vital to going forward. So I am all for Russia and stand with all my heart and soul against the demonic, soulless and non-human Anglozionist enemy. My ancestors have shed their blood for Mother Russia – they would expect nothing less from me.
Isn’t that what Solzhenitsyn tried to promote—remembrance from his testimony and exposition of the history?
Many Russians feel he is a traitor to tell that story.
America has slavery and the genocide of Native Americans on its soul, and more recently, hegemonic wars against defenseless nations and using maniacal regimes in Latin America and SE Asia to promote torture and kill millions (if you include Indonesia).
Exposing the government’s evils is crucial to understanding why the world is what it is today.
The USSR had its virtues and its sins. Ideologically constructed governments will always become evil. The people who suffered internally as subjects to the Soviet system deserve remembrance. Part of that is getting the facts straight. The numbers and events should be meticulously checked.
No argument about checking the facts and figures and that this is a prime piece of vicious propaganda used by Anglozionist forces, in the most hypocritical way by not acknowledging their own genocides of whole nations, to wit the Sioux Nation, the Cherokee nation, etc. USA, UK and israeli powers are the most hypocritical, murderous forces on the planet. They make the Soviets look like kindergarten.
Russians who feel that Solzhenitsyn is a traitor to tell this story are those who have a huge chip on their shoulders and who play denial games. To us whose folk suffered so brutally under the Soviet system, his was a breath of fresh air. Too bad if that offends someone.
I believe that these people are the ones (or their ancestors) who actually committed those crimes. This is why they always try to whitewash those crimes, and call “Fascist!” all ones who dare to criticize those crimes.