I can’t say that I am ‘surprised’, but still, I am. That he would actually do this really makes reality even weirder than fantasy. Check out what The Donald posted today:
I think that if I was a kinder person I would probably be embarrassed for him, but I cannot muster enough kindness in me for that. To me, he looks like one delusional and pompous ass with a serious narcissistic personality disorder to boot. To think that he actually controls the US nuclear arsenal (at least in theory) is outright frightening.
I suppose that these “tweets” are this idiot’s idea of communicating a message so I will place this in the “speeches and statements” section and nevermind that “tweets” are something which is associated with bird and, hence, bird-brains.
I really wonder what his IQ must be.
I can barely imagine the contempt in which is clown must be held in Moscow, Beijing or Tehran…
Reagan at least was funny. This clown does not even have that.
So yes, Hillary would have been worse, but that’s truly the best I can say about the man.
If that is what leads the Empire, expect the latter to tank very fast.
The Saker
UPDATE: Who thought that the Iranians had no humor? Check out this “reply” from no less than Major General Qasem Soleimani, commander of its Quds Force and 2017 “Saker man of the year”:
According to RT, Soleimani also wrote “Come! We are waiting, I am your enemy. Quds Force is your enemy. You start this war, but we will finish it.”
Sure look like The Donald is not scaring anybody in Iran :-)
You think too highly of the crooks in power. They have no overarching vision or any kind of ideal.
Each and every decision is made on top of the hill of carcasses they managed to pile up. These guys are lost.
Tbh, I dislike the christian religious tone on The Saker sometimes, as I am a pantheist to the core. But I commend you in your enduring fight.
Idk what is going on with the NATO elite these days. It does not make any sense at all, if you think of traditional goals of empire building. So yea I think there are several possibilities:
1: The western elite is just insane.
2: They have been overtaken by AIs which hold them ransom
3: Aliens
4: Some really clever plan for world domination (lol)
5: (and that is what I fear most) worldwide kabuki theatre, all a play until total class domination is achieved by installing a thorough digital governing system
they need war in order to save their printed “fortunes”,hence perpetuate their privileges & power.
That would be #1 for me. Just insanity. What good are profits in terms of actual satisfaction? The consumerist society just lost it, it seems.
The real Japanese theatre that Western patho-politics resembles is bunraku, the puppet theatre. There the puppets (Western politicians) are openly manipulated by black clad puppeteers (Zionazis, other rich elites etc)but we MUST not notice their presence and pretend that they are not there. To comment on the manipulation is pure antipuppeteerism’. And the Grand Puppeteers, the Masters, do not even bother pretending to be invisible, but work openly, dressed in all their finery.
“antipuppeteerism’.” – excellent word, a fitting expression, you made my day, thank you Mulga !
Im going for your 5. Skynet and e-money working in the background.
The liberal “do-gooders” are selling it: SMART cities as future cities but in reality are cancer, autism and desease cities.
This is super-moronic and very annoying. He actually looks moronic and annoyed.
Isn’t it interesting that thesaker calls Trump a retard for doing a thing, and then praise another person as humorous for doing the same?
It’s really only interesting to the dull who can’t make the difference between acting like a clown and ridiculing that clown by imitating him
The Saker
To believe that Soleimani is “ridiculing” Trump is to believe that Soleimani was joking. I don’t think he was; I believe he was dead serious and his remark was a mortal threat, not an insult. Nothing funny about any of this.
One is a battle hardened veteran, the other a draft dodging chickenhawk only fit for mocking.
His Huff and Bluff was called, I dealt with once in the 90s,next comes the whining when he can’t get his way.
He has worse NPD than Obama, I didn’t believe it possible.
To be fair, some of his critics are just as shallow and evil. Trump’s failing badly in his apprenticeship and will need to fire himself in 2020, although he pigheadedly refuses to see that reality, which is essentially par for the course. With luck, the resistance movement he and Hillary helped generate will overcome the Duopoly to form a new political base rejecting Neoliberalism and its cousin Neoconism.
I will start to believe that “Resistance movement” when it begins to make the very first teeny baby steps (walking, not crawling) towards seizing state power. Until that first step is taken, we, the American people, are still in “full retard” mode. Putting all hope in one man (even if he’s the President) is a way to dishonestly excuse ourselves from hard and dangerous work. Hoping for the Republican Party to become good is just as lame as waiting for the Democrat Party to become good. Either a casual glance or an in-depth examination come to the same conclusion: That ain’t gonna happen. We Americans need to start one or more fresh political parties which are explicitly pro-nation and anti-Empire. Personally, I think a multiplicity of parties might be more effective because they could engage more people to step forth, but there is the downside of new parties being unwilling to cooperate. But any new parties should and probably would lose the support of the people if they engage in selfish interests that run counter to the common good. One more thing: It is critical that any group(s) of people who task themselves with starting such a party must not expect, and not even hope, that they, as organizers, will automatically gain a big advantage over citizens who come later. This is critical because we have to avoid what was known in the (long-dead) Left as “vanguardism”, where each small group of leaders put themselves in competition and in opposition to all the other vanguards.
Cosimo, by creating new parties, the nation will have better chances to be split, not in two-three parts but in as many, as many parties are. Of course, that could be avoided if those parties are strong enough from within and find common cause with other parties. Also, there is the danger of infiltration from certain groups of interest (let’s call the lobby). The main danger however, is that of manipulation from the elements of the Empire itself, the actual power lies almost totally in their hands and I’m referring here to Money and all that influence which follows from that “god”. The Empire itself can “create” various parties to achieve that goal of divide and conquer, in that case, people will be more frustrated than ever, more split than ever, not knowing what is really happening, resulting in abandonment of any hope in change. US doesn’t have a history of multiple historical parties as Europe had and has, that would be something new, time is pressing though and people won’t learn so fast. If there is a possibility, there are the independents, they can have a unity if they can chose “clean” people with a truly independent thinking and willingness to do the right thing. Not being biased, such a party could gather people from the both sides of the barricade. At least, that’s my view.
Yes you hit the point!
Your view is absolutely correct.
The most of the new parties are going to be something like the new heads
of the “Lernaean Hydra monster” from the Greek mythology. Most of the new parties simply they are going to be the new heads of the same monster and the same monster is nothing else but the “Deep State” who turned the world as a nightmare.
Example: The government in Greece today is one of those new heads with a leftist color. You can’t imagine how many people regret by that choice.
I was one of the lucky ones to identify them from their start.
New parties (and the color is not important at all) most be examined EXTREMELY CAREFULLY because there is a great danger to be the prostitutes of the same pimp.
I was preparing to give such an answer, and you where a good surprise.
Are you suggesting non party system? In ancient Greek Democracy parties did not exist. People voted for one guy, who run the show (say Pericles), but he still had to convince what was called “Gerousia”, which would be an equivalent to modern parliament. Non party system is possible, people would vote for their local representatives, who would be accountable to the people who voted for him. In my mind this would be a really democratic system.
This means that things like Senate would have to be disbanded, as I look at it as useless body anyway.
The non party system is not a bad idea at all because is the real thing, but at present
such a change with that ancient structure would be something
like a Hydrogen Bomb in the existing political system as it will directly
affect all kinds of devious interests.
You can imagine the reaction of the political rats if they escape….. a heart attack!
Another suggestion from a political philosopher exists and is called “Inclusive Democracy”
You can find some information here ……….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takis_Fotopoulos …… ..
And on his Site you can read many interesting things. It also has a great critique of globalization.
Here: https: //inclusivedemocracy.org/fotopoulos/index.htm
It is in English and Greek.
In my humble opinion he is a very interesting person.
However what can be done now (but of course IF a party has the intent and the absolute necessary majority) is to include in the Constitution an article that provides some kind of punishment or even a permanent abstinence from politics for that party when become government it makes completely different things. It’s outrageous!…. they do the very opposite of what they say pre-election. They deceptioning society. They are murdering the Nation. They are poisoning the future. There is a huge field of discussion on this subject Anonius…..
And also it is an absolute necessity, is to put a barrier on political aversion and to eliminate the phenomenon of politicians serving the interests of a Mafia-type organization from another country. We know VERY WELL WHAT THIS IS and it’s being cauterized many times here and elsewhere. Paul Craig Roberts is an example.
We Greeks discovered Democracy, but then we knew very well and how to punish. Now we forgot what real democracy means, as we have forgotten and what does punishment mean.
Nothing good comes out of it.
A Couple of decades ago LaRouche started, within the Democrat Party a significant, if minor, opposition to both the Republicans and “legitimized” Democratic Leadership. He got the “Mueller treatment” back then …but in spades: penitentiary time (with rather tough work assignment for an elderly gentleman). somewhat similarly for some of his staff…and his mere supporters got secret police (especially FBI files) entries labeling them Potential Violent Overthrower of the Government. Think how that looks to an employer or potential employer of such-labeled persons. No matter how absurd and intense that lie. Anyone here have any realistic hope/plan for a change for the better in the ruling faction’s modus vivendi?
Yes, Roman you are correct. I know about the LaRouche network. The average jail time was about 85 years!
As soon as you ORGANISE you will be targetted, infiltrated, smeared, attacked as anti-semitic, jailed …or worse. The aim is to keep ‘the masses’ disorganised, divided, confused and above all IMPOTENT. It is the mother of all political problems today – organise and survive with integrity.
Trump is such a perfect American Psycho that, if his regime was not determined to cause a thermo-nuclear war, it would be utterly laughable. Of course the deliberate committing and abetting of genocide in Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Iran etc, and the crazed aggression towards Russia, China, Venezuela etc is not at all funny. Just Evil, as ever.
No atomic war just an increased rate of robbing people blind. Atomic war would lead to the theft being futile – they are psychopathic, not stupid.
Trump to be honest simply represents white protestant america and its violent colonial settler mentality. In many ways Trump is more moderate than his supporters. This American Tyrant of course makes his propaganda to please his masses. In its brutal ugliness and cultureless agression, is similar to Nazi or Soviet posters- everything aimed at the simple minded masses. Same with DPRK, and Cuba and Iran to some extent. It can be traced right back to European Absolute Monarchies and Crusaders.
The fact of course is that China, Trumps chosen adversary, also ‘rules by slogan’. In such societies, it is important NOT to think, just do as the Leader says. Cheer him on and cheer for war, like the half naked girls at american ‘sports’ stadiums. China is badly pushed itself into a corner, trading so much with USA and letting it become reliant on them. If they did what Russia did and developed internally. then Trump would have no power over them.
Russia doesnt produce these propaganda campaigns anymore, having seen Communism, and is now the moral leader of the world as a Orthodox orientated state. Russian people today now can be considered among the most free in the world, along with Swiss and Uruguay. This Trump and his USA will go the way of all tyrannies.
I love the racism of saying that all of ‘white protestant’ America is worse than trump and has a violent settler mentality.
I take it that this is supposed to also include the white people in these pictures?
King’s Selma to Montgomery march
Cuba in this silly levelbythebottom rank ?
(Removed insult,MOD)
Where did you get this “received wisdom” that China only “rules by slogans” and that in China “it is important NOT to think, just do as the Leader says” ??? Were you really thinking when you wrote that ? If so, what might be your evidence ?
”In its brutal ugliness and cultureless aggression, it is similar to Nazi or Soviet posters — everything aimed at the simple minded masses. Same with DPRK, and Cuba and Iran to some extent.”
Typical Western sloganeering. The US is unsurpassed by far when it comes to ugliness and cultureless aggression. Nazi Germany was merely apeing Anglo-American imperialism, whose celebration of and gloating in its own crimes in films, books, and newspapers distributed globally were the prime source of ”inspiration” of German Nazi propaganda — not Stalin’s USSR. This has got to be said loud and clear to people posting here that spread nonsensical memes such as ”USSA”.
Cuba, the DPRK, and Iran have what it takes to stand up for their people. Not that appreciated by the West’s fabulous ’anti-authoritarians’.
“Trump to be honest simply represents white protestant america and its violent colonial settler mentality”
-Yes, gotta hate whitey. That is what the left is all about today, I remember the good old days when the left were for worker rights, now they are mainly for race war and gay power.
It’s NOT ‘whitey’- it’s the Western, European, ‘white’, elites who commit most of the monstrous Evil in the world today and have done so for centuries.
Don Trumpleone.
Marlon Brando was a better fit.
Don Corleone
Don’t worry, he does not lead anything … well then again does a nautical figurehead lead the ship?
I do not doubt that he is a pompous, narcissistic ass, as you say; we knew that when we selected him over HRC. But, there is a very important election happening right now, and Trump is boxed in. He can’t oppose the leftist Nazis (ironic, but that is what they are) too strongly for fear that it would increase the vote from those who do not vote so regularly. Trump needs to get his power base, those of us who actually work for a living, to the polls.
Simply, that is all I read into his bluster.
Trump’s toast. The only question is how far up the dial is turned and whether he comes out completely scorched of not. Trump has failed in his first 2 years as President, and he’s about to pay the price.
A candidate working desperately hard to rally his base just before the election is always the signature of a losing candidate. The smart candidate rallied his base last summer, and is now working on the middle ground and the independents who decide elections.
Another near-certain sign of a losing candidate is when they say “Don’t believe the polls.”
All that you say is worthy of consideration. A few points to consider:
1) Trump has been working his base since inauguration. Recent atrocities prompt him to work harder.
2) Midterm elections usually reverse the presidential election year results in Congress. He is working to get his base to the polls. If Trump keeps his majority, then he might come out only slightly browned rather than extra crispy.
3) The polls were wrong in 2016.
“Another near-certain sign of a losing candidate is when they say “Don’t believe the polls.”
-? Seems more like a prerequisite to have any idea of what is happening. If you talk to a person that says “trust the polls” you know you are dealing with a loser.
Unfortunately Trump is a ZioNazi. The world is much bigger than the manufactured DNC vs GOP Truman Show. Time for the US to get real. Trump is simply more debt, more military spending, more wars, more MIC, more Spies, more regime change, more pumping the fake markets, more pampering the Oligarchs etc.
The DNC may be utterly corrupt and a hopeless dead end, but Trump is more of the same old that brought you here with a sadistic bully streak on top, yet also ultimately a dead end.
“but Trump is more of the same old that brought you here with a sadistic bully streak on top, yet also ultimately a dead end.”
-Actually Trump has been amazingly successful so far. He has left many globalist treaties that were iron clad just a few years ago. Trump has done many unbelievable amazing things, and he has barely begun yet. If the Republicans win the mid-terms we are in for a truly amazing few years.. Some like thesaker will call Trump a retard and a weakling, attacking him for what he has failed to do instead of commending him on what he has succeeding in doing.
This is a very common and boring narrative that most people take, they decided that they are either for or against someone and then only lifts up that which supports the narrative they have chosen. The truth is Trump has done amazing things and bad things.. But the bad things are still nothing compared to what Hillary would have done, and she would not have done any amazing things… When you are a child, you want the world to be black and white and you want the people you support to do everything exactly right. But the world is not like that, and if you do not let go of that mentality you are going to be perpetually disappointed and angry.
And honestly, many of the bad things Trump has done, such as moved the Embassy in Israel, put sanctions on Iran, have been enormously beneficial for the anti-globalist forces. And the anti-Russian sanctions, well, Trump simply had no choice on these. They were created by the congress not Trump. He could have refused to sign them but they would have been ratified anyway by the congress. Trump is just one man.
Yes, we all wish Trump would have been a American Putin and cleared out or at-least tamed the internationalist oligarchs ruling USA. But remember that the Russian deep-state was in its infancy when Putin came and cleared it out, while the USA deep state is.. Well.. Honestly there is likely more deep-state then actual state in USA.
Trump is working for the globalists. Just a different faction.
Exactly, Christian. The con-job that Trump is the enemy of the global elites is masterful. You have to be dumb, ignorant and desperate to fall for it.
@Mulga, your post contradicts itself. If a con-job is “masterful’, then it would require a very astute and intelligent person to become aware of it. If, on the other hand, “You have to be dumb, ignorant and desperate to fall for it”, then it is obviously a very poor and unconvincing con.
It reminds me of something out of professional wrestling, which Trump has been involved in.
but… but… I heard that putting solar panels on the Wall will save humanity!
On the same subject, I wrote a piece early morning in the Cafe, with an analytical eye on a Trump speech yesterday – in which he said he wants to ‘help the world’. A few people enjoyed that piece of writing and passed a few ‘virtual glasses of sherry’ around. Two relevant sentences:
“We have a genuine emperor of the world that emerges and you and I must be thankful for his largess and now go and eat your MacDonalds human. “.
“The creature has a firm belief – It believes it is not mortal and the usual natural laws of earth and those of God do not apply.”
This is the scary part, the emergence of emperor in the creature’s own mind.
Gonna end up more and more like Gollum I think…delusionally trying to reach out for that magical ring of power that controls everything “my pretty” but is connected to Sauran the neocons…
Words fail but I will try with just a couple of adjectives that readily come to mind.
What a pompous arrogant elitist a …hole. He has nothing but contempt for the Iranian people-they will be the ones who suffer. The regime will continue on and may even become more active and in your face with arms development, etc.
This may be a tad OT but I do not think so-this production on The Lobby has been attacked and blocked for weeks if not months. Now it is available in all of its putrid and disgusting detail:
I have not seen it all yet but I would hope that it lays out all of the evil coming from the aipac’s, the adelson’s, the sychophant “think” (sic) tanks such as the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies with its ceo who is canadian and has been one of the loudest for iranian regime change.
Meanwhile, the craven govts of UK and France line up line up like school children and sing the chorus.
Dont use the word regime to describe the iranian government.
Because at this point i think it been proven that the iranian goverment respects its people and created a genuine socialist society ( see ramin m’s articles here or andre Vlteck they have been lying to you about iran article) unlike the west where the lied to dumbed down population have the choice between a war criminal or an equally deranged narcissistic striving to become a war criminal.
With this instance i finally understand why the iranian are always on about american western arrogance.
Everyone should watch the Al Jazeera docu mentary now available at electronic intifada.
The international Zionist axis is IMO indeed relevant to all foreign policy issues, including sanctions as “foreign policy.”
Somewhat scary, since actions such as this WILL have unforeseen consequences.
It is important to remember that human nature means we remember affronts / injuries to ourselves, far more efficiently that beneficial actions. The actions of the US WILL be remembered, and when the time comes (and it always does), the consequences will be significant and very far-reaching.
Trump (and his handlers) would do very well to remember the old truism “Revenge is a dish best served cold!”. . . .
Makes one think the IRG commander’s response should have read, “The East Remembers.”
As an (ordinary) American, I would love the Empire to ‘tank’. Imagine what could be done with the resources now spent on the military in all its forms.
This article looks light on analysis and heavy on its disdain for Trump.
What kind of analysis can such a “tweet” possibly elicit? And yeah, I don’t like pompous asses full of hubris, so when you mention my disdain you are spot on.
Maybe you should consider and analyze how he has become so effective in mobilizing his base and taking over the Republican party which many forget that the establishment of the party were very much against him.
No, no really. All sort of clowns inspired a base, from Hitler to Jim Jones and many more. Besides, I think that the folks who voted for him did the right thing considering the alternative. But even though bad is better than worse, bad still remains bad, no?
The midterm elections will be very interesting, if Republicans don’t lose ground as traditionally happens in midterms when the party holds both houses and presidency, the credit will go all to Trump since neither party has made this election about any other issue than Trump.
If Republicans hold the house, I would say it is time for the opposition to start taking Trump very seriously indeed.
At this point I am not even sure that the elections matter. The USA is run by a uniparty of incompetent, ignorant losers who are running both the Empire and the USA into the ground. And while I rejoice in the decay and death of the Empire, I take no joy in seeing a beautiful country like the USA run by folks who are destroying it with every move they make.
The Saker
The IQ of Trump is actually quite high, demonstrated over his long higher education. That’s not disputable.
However, IQ, like height or riches, is not an indicator of knowledge or wisdom.
As a 72 year old man, he possess nothing of wisdom. He has no ideology. He has a vision of MAGA and he measures everything by “success”, “winning”, “championship”. He is compassionate and charitable, but not when demonstrating his “power” or “ownership”.
He wants to win against Iran, Russia, China and North Korea. He wants to be the best of all the world leaders.
He doesn’t seek anything else in his life but “winning”, and it is the motivator for all he does.
A deal (negotiation or relationship) is about “winning”, not the substance of the deal. He wants to beat the other side of the deal, come out on top, and brag about it.
So, he fell right into the shoes and uniform of the Hegemon. Sanctions are like punches and Tweets. He wields them to “win”.
What he is terrified of is the poker players he faces at the global card table. Kim, Putin and Xi are men he hopes won’t sucker him at his game.
Tweet he must. And it’s better than sanctions or cyber warfare or all the lethal things he might do.
Never underestimate him. He knows his game.
And we are all better off with him screwing up the globalists and neo-cons who despise him, many of who want him dead or humiliated and jailed. His enemies are our enemies. That’s the good part of it.
Okay, then how do you explain the infantile nonsense like this movie-style “poster” of himself as some kind of hero? Does he not see how stupid this makes him look?
The Saker
He lives in his egoistic world. He built skyscrapers and resort hotels based on ego and vision.
It’s not “mature”, it is nonsense and infantile, but it is who he has always been.
To be the biggest winner in his world is to be a hero.
He idolizes winning QBs, boxers, running backs, beauty pageant winners. Not high culture, but he loved Pavorotti because Domingo was #1. At his rallies you hear “Nessun dorma”. Extraordinary.
It’s the core of American culture–heroes with blue ribbons, self-made millionaires, Guinness Record book stuff.
He has bad taste, gold plated.
He doesn’t care that he doesn’t “look good”. He is always selling, always closing a deal. It’s the ending he cares about.
It’s America. Horatio Alger, even if his father left him tens of millions. He made it into billions.
It’s crass. but at least it’s not an ideology nor is MAGA a cult.
People want America back. He’s trying to do it. Probably impossible. But he’s indefatigable. His vision is America Great Again. People off opioids, people working at good jobs, cities rising, Main Street busy, farmers doing well, kids getting smart at school again, and US too strong to lose wars (little does he know why they lose, but he wants to win). Nearly all that is good stuff.
I hate his foreign policy. But I don’t underestimate him. America will flip a switch a go totally crazed without him. The Hegemon is wild animal about to devour nations. While he is there, that explosion won’t happen. But he will push around everyone his own way for his own reasons.
People want America back? What America? America is what America always have been. Nothing has changed. Society based on violence, greed, desire to dominate the world…How is America of today any different from America from the past?
The Middle Class has been decimated. Fifty years of Liberalism has gutted the Educational and Cultural centers of society. Drugs are ubiquitous. Federal and State debt is crushing progress and enslaving the people.
Need more?
Dear Larchmonter445,
I don’t need any more, thank you. Trump is not a Gorbachev who sold his country out; nor is he a Yeltsin who let the carpetbaggers in and bombed his parliament. Trump is not a VV Putin, or even a shoelace of Putin, and we are aware of the connections between Trump and Netanyahu, but there is the one thing that Trump is doing and that is annoying the hell out of America’s inner enemies.
A previous poster has stated that Trump cannot do it all by himself, and that is correct, but he is a starting point for all of his blemishes and that opens the gate for something better for all Americans and thus also the world.
For Trump’s vision of making America great again, there is only a few things he has to do and to explain that, all America has to do is to turn back and resurrect its Constitution, to care about America first and leave the rest of the world to resolve their own problems, and to decimate or destroy the parasitic corporations that are devouring this planet.
I doubt that Trump can achieve that, but I hope he is the very start of the process to free us of those chains of servitude to the Multinational corporations that are inflicting so much pain and misery.
I know that my Australia has lost; we lost the rights and freedoms in 1996 when Howard usurped the State gun laws, which also removed every other right we had. Our only hope was that Americans could preserve their freedoms, but if they cannot, then Putin and Xi and others will do it for us, but it will not be pretty.
And just a reminder of what the Chinese believed back in the 1960’s, that if a nuclear war did occur, and China lost 90% of their population, they would still have enough to rebuild. I don’t think that has changed much, and the same goes for Russia. Meanwhile Trump is the only ‘Ace’ Americans hold, and that can be scary.
“but there is the one thing that Trump is doing and that is annoying the hell out of America’s inner enemies.”
That was enjoyable, thoroughly funny. Meanwhile, back in reality https://inequality.org/research/scoring-trump-tax-cuts/
“If that weren’t bad enough, Trump and the GOP now want to come after the services that working families rely on.
Shortly after signing the tax cut package that will add nearly $2 trillion to the deficit over a decade, Trump proposed a budget that would cut $1.3 trillion for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Cart Act. The House Republican budget went even further, proposing $2.1 trillion in health care cuts.
Both budget proposals contained hundreds of billions more in cuts to food assistance, income security, education, and more.
Working families are seeing little benefit from the Trump-GOP tax giveaway — and would be devastated by the cuts to services that have been proposed to help pay for it. But a few people are basking in their new tax-cut windfalls:
President Trump: Though he claimed his tax plan would “cost him a fortune,” the new law will undoubtedly make him one.
Trump refuses to release his tax returns, so we can’t know his exact savings. But he’ll benefit greatly from the lower top individual tax rate, the lower corporate tax rate, and especially from the 20 percent deduction for “pass-through” business income (income from S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and sole proprietorships that’s taxed at the individual rather than the corporate level).”
Dear Anonymous,
I’m glad I gave you a laugh and I’m certain that what you have given back to me is correct, but may I ask you one pertinent question; ‘Would you show us your tax return?’
Please, tax returns are supposedly private and confidential matters and has there ever been a previous president who has been obliged to release their tax returns?
Now if that is correct, then requesting such an intrusion into one’s privacy would have to be a precedent and such a precedent would surely be abused by all and sundry and any bureaucrat or politician.
I also believe that the political circus in DC have already gelded Trump, and thus the ‘tax return’ request is simply a demonstration of that gelding.
May I also point out something to you from your article?
“Both budget proposals contained hundreds of billions more in cuts to food assistance, income security, education, and more.”
Now forget about ‘EDUCATION’. There isn’t any real education in the US and both Russia and China have demonstrated that, and of course the extra fees on students in their quest for a higher education is simply ‘double-dipping’ by over zealous thieves, but!
If these cuts are hitting the working class, then can anyone expect them to vote for Trump in the coming Mid-Term elections? That should give you the correct answer in regards to the tax cuts.
And again, when you state; “Working families are seeing little benefit from the Trump-GOP tax giveaway — and would be devastated by the cuts to services that have been proposed to help pay for it.”
Would you expect these working class Americans to support a President who has inflicted such pain and devastation upon them? The answer will come with the ‘Mid-Term elections’
May I reiterate one point; asking Trump to release his Tax Returns is much the same as asking to see his genitals, and as I have previously stated he has been gelded so there are no genitalia to produce. I hope you enjoy the intended laugh!
“tax returns are supposedly private and confidential matters”
Really (https://qz.com/784186/in-norway-you-can-browse-everyones-tax-returns-but-theres-a-good-reason-you-might-not-want-to/)?
The only negative outcome seems to be to the pathetic ego of the conditioned deplorables:
“Perez-Truglia has found that Norway’s decision to make tax returns transparent has had a vast impact, leading to a significant increase in the gap in well-being between the richest and the poorest Norwegians. People are now acutely aware of their income relative to others, and know that everybody else knows their own status. This seems to make the wealthy happier, and the poor less happy.”
Of course, with a suitably progressive tax-regime, the deluded “Untermensch” could, largely, be protected from their own self harm.
“Would you expect these working class Americans to support a President who has inflicted such pain and devastation upon them?”
Absolutely http://thesaker.is/moveable-feast-cafe-2018-11-01/#comment-576861
The US turkeys keep voting for Christmas (Dems = GOP).
“There was not one good President amongst the lot of them!”
Now just in case you may have come to the conclusion that I am a fan of Trump, that is not correct. However there have been worse Presidents that the Donald; LBJ for example, or Poppy Bush, or slick Willie, or bubby Bush and most definitely Obama.
Now you may wonder as to why I left out Ronnie Reagan, and the reason for that is that once Ronnie realised that it had been Poppy who was behind his attempted assassination, Ronnie simply stood aside and left it to Poppy to make all the required decisions.
There was not one good President amongst the lot of them!
Andrew, this was a really wonderful critique. Thank you.
Dear Anonius,
My pleasure, and thank you indeed for the compliment.
One of the things I cannot help but notice is the bias or prejudice emanating from many of the comments in a most negative manner. It is as though the ‘left’ have had their rose coloured glasses replaced by polarised glasses, and it doesn’t help their cause. It seems that many are simply ‘going with the flow’ without any real comprehension of what is taking place or even trying to find proper solutions to the problems they see.
This is one of the reasons why I appreciate the intelligence displayed by the Russian leaders, and the Chinese as well as the Iranians and even Assard and his Arabs, they all demonstrate intelligence without prejudice.
For the English speaking people, and this goes right back to Cromwell, the Jewish controllers realised that to control the minions they needed parliamentarians to be unintelligent and gullible, and when one looks at most western parliamentarians today that is what we have, and America has the very same idiocracy that permeates the British Commonwealth,
The classic example in Australia was the former president of the ACTU, Bob Hawke* who in about 1985 stated that the Australian worker was too expensive and thus all of our manufacturing had to be sent overseas to places like China and India, just as the Americans did to their workers.
When you look at the revolutions that took place in England, France and then Russia, the main focus of the destruction was on the ‘Middle Classes’ and that is exactly what has happened again in the transference of manufacturing to China, and as Al Jolson sung, ‘the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, in the meantime, in between time, don’t we have fun.’ The reality is though ‘we’ don’t have fun, it’s extremely unfunny trying to survive.
*Bob Hawke was never a politician, but he had always been a great supporter of Israel, and when Gough Whitlam was removed, basically for considering the Palestinians and Israelis to have equality, Rupert Murdoch set Gough up with ‘The Boys From Baghdad’ and then told the ALP that they would never gain government again until they elected Bob Hawke to be their Prime Minister, and that is what happened. Mulga Mumblebrain may claim CIA involvement in Whitlam’s demise, but the main players were Murdoch and Mossad.
Time will tell. . . and so we’ll just wait — as we always do. And, someday, perhaps, we might understand something of this disjointed and surreal half-life, of this pantomime of shadows; but, possibly, regretting that we couldn’t quite grasp its underlying essence when it really mattered, while still free to breath-in and exhale; and then it will all be explained away . . . or not ever understood even once.
Saker, it’s a credit to you and your website that you have such contributors as Larch et el.
Sometimes they make up grandly for your own weak points (no offence).
Mr Trump is not working alone. He is playing his part in a grand plan of senior military figures.
They claim to be ridding the USA of the entrenched, corrupted, treasonous operators and restoring democracy.
They have taken important strides in that direction.
Obviously there is a long way to go.
But imagine the task!
I would point out that he has started no wars after 2 years (is this a record?), he has blown many of the globalist fabricated trade deals, climate accords and alliances out of the water and he is supposedly restaffing the judiciary and DOJ and forced the retirement of many house and senate members.
Mr Trump has identified the enemy of his people and has declared them and their philosophy.
They fight back with image and character assassination, with legal manoeuvrings and organised chaos and with international provocations.
Ultimately, for me, he is a white, Christian, red blooded heterosexual, nationalist and he is not a warmonger.
His declared goals are what we here hope for.
The ship, it is sinking! . . . but wait, a hero enters (stage right; gallant and proud)
He utters an abusive curse upon the insolent curs cramming its deck:
You are sinking our ship, you miserable curs. But, before we sink, beware, your heads!
Our hero basks redolent, and feigns to look upon the miserable galley-slaves; already to their necks in brine:
We shall save this ship, have no fear; and soon, too soon, you shall sport those chains proudly.
And the half-blinded oarsmen, from the depths of the hold, cry out heartily:
We will carry our chains for ever, O’ great hero. But give the command, “Man the pumps!”, soon, before we perish. The Sea! The waves already lash our hides, O’ mighty one.
Our hero . . . alas, they all perish.
Trump is not screwing up for the Adelson/Netanyahu side though. Trump is not independent, he is one faction of the globalists against the previous one. The one thing Obama had going for him was that he had a strained relationship with Netanyahu, not so Trump.
I found your comments about Trump’s motives quite astute, but I just don’t see him as effective against the globalists. NATO is dominating Europe as never before, Latin America is getting regime changed and so on.
Trump has no real support from his base, they threw him in the Lion’s ring with the elites and are watching from a safe distance if he will survive. Trump is isolated and his administration has become an openly Neocon one (Bolton, Pompeo, Pence, Hastert) but that doesn’t bother Trump’s voters much, nor does the butchery in Palestine and Yemen. What the Trump voters really love is his tough talk on ‘illegal aliens’ and the DNC. The more of a bully Trump is against those, the more love he will get from his base. So we get nonsense such as Operation Faithful Patriot…
The DNC is obviously in complete disarray, fake and corrupt as they are, but the GOP is pushing global tyranny as the cure all for America’s ills. That is the agenda of the Deep State as well, so I think the rotten state of the DNC is no accident. Trump is tamed, and the potential of progressive voices in the DNC is kept out of the picture. Nobody in the US is prepared to really rock the boat with profound domestic reforms, starting with the FED, Wall Street, Washington and the budget. So global tyranny and war it is.
What do you mean he doesnt have an ideology. He is a zionist all his words and actions clearly say so!
“The IQ of Trump is actually quite high, demonstrated over his long higher education. That’s not disputable.”
I think it is, actually, disputable, because, since when it is a higuer education degree, especially in the US where higher education is wholy privatized any proof on anyone´s IQ? Not to mention that the current state of affairs in the US at all levels, gives an idea on the quality of its educational system…
But, the more taking into account how good marks are many times achieved by influence of rich donors who most of times happen to be students´ rich parents ( which in the case of The Donald is “highly likely” the case…)…or mentors….trying to get qualified by a title a future puppet to use in the achievement of certain elites´ goals….
Of course, this is not an evil which only happens in the US, you have that, for example, to get into main universities teaching on International Relations you need a “recommendation” by “important” people, and this after having proved by your own personal background that you will not deviate any inch from the line of the elites, like it happens with College of Europe.
During the period of time (fifty years ago) when he was in the Wharton School, and private military academy for high school, America was still a meritocracy educational system. You either had the IQ to score on the tests and learn the material or you failed. He was always in the top echelon. He also has a family of scholarly brothers and sisters. One is a federal judge. There is absolutely no indication ever that the Donald does not have a high IQ.
You may not like him. That’s understandable. He does nothing to indicate he cares about people liking him. He seeks ego satisfaction by being wealthy and famous. That does not diminish his capacities or capabilities.
No President has ever accomplished as much as he has domestically in just two years. His energy is enormous.
You can underestimate him if you choose. But your arguments are futile and puerile, as usual.
“You can underestimate him if you choose. But your arguments are futile and puerile, as usual.”
How is that? I am not an usual poster here….in fact, quite rare…You might be taking me by another anonymous…..Why are my arguments “futile and puerile” and not those of The Saker, with whom I fully agree in his asessment of The Donald?
On the other hand, it is not at all surprising that individuals who live in the richest neighbourhoods in the US or those who live on rents from their bank accounts capital defend this man as if there was no tomorrow…After all he works to benefit that people, and the MIC, mainly….amongst them those who bailed him out before and those who financed his campaign…
Must I recall you that George W. Bush was also a graduate from Yale and Harvard School of Economics and that Pompeo was the “first from his class”….?
“No President has ever accomplished as much as he has domestically in just two years. His energy is enormous. ”
Yah, gutting environmental regulations was so, so, … how shall I put it?
& pandering to special interests, just look at the cabinet.
And nominating a yes man, part of the team that shredded the constitution, to the SCOTUS, that was so, so, … well, I do have words for it. The irony is profound. (And that was part of the plan, the distraction of the accusations, to distract from the obvious substantive failure of the nominee.) But why bother??? As Saker says, “…I take no joy in seeing a beautiful country like the USA run by folks who are destroying it with every move they make.”
And then there’s the Smoot-Hawley remake. Guess where that will end up. I could go on. But it’s a waste.
“we are all better off with him screwing up the globalists and neo-cons who despise him”
Some patience is due the enemy of our enemy. The alternatives are worse.
Larchmonter we’re much of the same mind on Trump.
There is much to dislike in Trump’s Atlas Shrugged impersonation complete with skyscraper-phallic fixation. Even his gold-plate has gold-plate. So yes, the vulgarity of the man is hard to embrace.
Whether there was method in this self-branding madness, or merely, out-sized vulgarity, well, he IS President of the United States, isn’t he? The question is can his ego be harnessed to the betterment of the world? A much trickier question. The movie poster is an embarrassment. For those who doubt his intellectual capacities, Trump does himself no favors with the Twitter-imposed truncation. What he does gain however is an unfiltered line to the people.
There’s an apocryphal tale of the since-departed Chief Economic Advisor (and Goldman Sachs alum) Gary Cohn muttering about how he couldn’t explain balance-of-payments to Trump and the necessity of trade deficits when you are the reserve currency nation. Trump has, in my opinion, a stubborn almost naive faith in the American qualities of enterprise, industry, self-reliance, etc., you know, the qualities that necessitated financial intermediation in the first place, before the horse severed the cart and declared no further need of the farmer. Alas the farmer grows the oats.
Trump believes a re-enfranchised America can compete with other nations on a level and honest playing field without conveyoring the prosperity of other nations into the pockets of the bankers.
At the conflicted heart of America today lies the Triffin Paradox where we discover everyone (surprise-surprise) loses except the paradox-wielders themselves. From wiki:
“The Triffin dilemma or Triffin paradox is the conflict of economic interests that arises between short-term domestic and long-term international objectives for countries whose currencies serve as global reserve currencies…the country whose currency, being the global reserve currency, foreign nations wish to hold, must be willing to supply the world with an extra supply of its currency to fulfill world demand for these foreign exchange reserves, thus leading to a TRADE DEFICIT.”
Wall Street sees trade deficits as virtuous and couldn’t give two ___ about the carnage it unleashes in America. Let America atrophy into a neo-medieval heap around a Manhattan based money-changing citadel –highwaymen, thieves and Deplorables.
Main Street has had to live structural trade deficits. They empty cities, kill industries and introduce all the attendant ills: purposelessness, broken homes, drug abuse, etc. America, no less than the rest of the world, is a victim of the paradox-wielders.Is anyone surprised?
Consequently the center of America is like a dry sponge. Look at the size of Trump’s rallies that CNN is loath to show.
Trump’s re-industrialization is a dagger pointed at the heart of multinational corporatism and Wall Street. Therein lies the core animus that propels the incessant anti-Trump press. But follow the process. The USD as reserve currency cannot survive a reindustrialized America. Petrodollar recycling finances the war machine. The MIC will lose its benefactor too. Exogenously, Eurasian bilateralism is already eroding the petrodollar. US domestic oil production and energy independence weakens the petrodollar lever too.
How smart is Trump? We don’t know yet. Smarter than most will allow, by my estimation. More critically, how smart is the segment of the elite who have taken the decision to reindustrialize (de-financialize) America and jettison reserve currency status? I think Andrei Fursov is right to point out the Rockefeller-Rothschild demarcation with the former getting behind America-first. The latter was headed to the verdant fields of China and America be damned. Now we have probably not so much a schism as a two divergent mission statements.
As you say, “his enemies are our enemies.” The White House hasn’t seen an enemy of our enemies since JFK. I take heart from this.
“So, he fell right into the shoes and uniform of the Hegemon.”
This uniform is more in the style of a jacket with a bulls-eye painted on the back. Should he be seen attempting to remove the jacket, the bulls-eye will come in handy. The Putin summit was an instance of him reaching for a coat-hanger. The outcry was as though he was embracing a high voltage line. Trump cannot alienate the military. Too many simultaneous enemies. However an inward-out approach might cause the uniform to remove itself or fall to the floor in threadbare disrepair.
This is admittedly a highly optimistic account. Much more likely is that WW3 will arrive first. The power of the Presidency is vastly overstated.
Classic Trump lies to misdirect and mislead his followers.
The catch is that Trump is also announcing that 8 countries are getting waivers from those sanctions, including Japan, South Korea, India, and wait for it ….. China.
Those are some sanctions when the Iranians can still sell all their oil.
The interesting part will be how Europe reacts, since apparently they are going to be about the only people Trump is going to sanction with this move.
“U.S. to Give Eight Nations Oil Waivers Under Iran Sanctions, Official Says”
Hahaha, brilliant! That si 100% their mindset: a Hollywood fantasy on cocaine.
I couldn’t agree more with Saker about Trump: “… Hillary would have been worse, but that’s truly the best I can say about the man.”
I will Hava one shot of Sherry too.
“… Hillary would have been worse, but that’s truly the best I can say about the man.”
However saying ‘only’ that says a whole lot, wouldn’t you agree? The difference is WW3 started in earnest versus being dithered over for another few years. More dithering, please. With Hillary, we’d be on the back-end by now, which is to say, queuing at the Gates of Heaven chatting in line with Putin.
OMG — we’re in an alternate universe. ‘I will stand against you’: Iranian general repels Trump’s GoT-themed attack with own meme
I dont think thats an official twitter account mate.
I dont think general qassem soleimani has any socual media
thanks for that Amarynth
One analytical look at the photo of trump above will tell you all there is to know about trump’s IQ. He is posing, trying to look intelligent and strong: how he imagines a ruler with a message should look like.
Unfortunately he does not realize that he is too dumb to understand that having money and thus, power, is not equal to having intelligence.
He is nothing but a pompous ass. The king without clothes.
On the one hand, its unfortunate that “any” country should have someone like this as its president.
Someone so incredibly:
The adjectives are endless really.
But on the other hand, if ever a country, could be said to somehow “deserve” to have someone like this as its president, that country would be America.
Just think about it for a second.
Which country is it, that consistently – across different administrations – insists that its “exceptional”?
Which country is it that acts as if its the only one of importance.
Which country is that now routinely passes laws that it then applies to the rest of the world?
Which country is it that ignores, tears up international rules or make up new ones, when the old ones does not allow it to do as it pleases?
No, I’m not talking about Israel, this time around.
I’m talking about a country that that no day passes without it lecturing, threatning, or sanctioning other countries, under one pretex or another?
It sanctions Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Turkey etc. etc. etc.
This is the country that threatens Chinese vessels in the South China Seas, and Persian(Iranian) vessels in the Persian Gulf.
This is the same country that triggered a nuclear crisis when it found that the Soviets had placed missiles in Cuba, but today rings Russia with missiles et al, while insisting its not aimed at Russia.
Trust me folks, with his nasuating arrogance and endless prattle, Donald Trump is an accurate reflection of America.
Where Trump differs from his predecessors, is in his inability to gloss things over.
Everyone knows that South Korea is a US vassel, and can do nothing without Washington’s approval – but this is something that no previous US president would say outright in public.
Trump on the other hand dispenses with the diplospeak and just say out loud : “South Korea can do nothing without our approval”, end of story.
The United States of America has an Orwellian ability stand reality on its head and portray itself as the “victim” even as the USA victimizes nation after nation around the globe.
If you notice Trump’s propaganda, it usually boils down to the “the poor innocent American (Empire) being threatened or taken advantaged of by foreigners.”
But this is the quintessential American mindset in general: the morally self-righteous American Victimizer masquerades as a morally righteous American Victim.
It truly is quite pathetic and an almost sniveling exercise in America self-pity. This is coming from a country that never fails to beat its chest about how it is the “Leader of the Free World,” “defender of democracy and freedom,” blah, blah….
Donald Trump is merely the latest US regime leader to pander to America’s pathological self of victimhood and its true national pastime of staging Patriotic Pity-Parties.
In short, this is standard American b!tch behavior–now in a more openly ludicrous form.
Trump’s Toxic Aggrieved-Nation Shtick
Its funny,what’s the problem there?Why rejecting some humour from our president…
You are proving how he can drive the news cycle and a narrative. Besides driving his opponents nuts.
He is somewhat getting the NeverTrumpers out of the GOP, and remaking it in a MAGA way. This is pretty impressive. The GOP may hold both houses, which would be unusual. The early voting is quite good for Republicans.
And those who hold him in contempt better not underestimate him and his team. I have read comments from many conservatives and Republicans who did not support him say that he has gotten more done than any Republican president in their lifetimes, and they will back him wholeheartedly from here on. When is the last time you heard a President have that kind of support after a couple of years?
That support is because people realize the US has two options. War (the US sanctions using the weaponized dollar system against the rest of the world is war) or reforms. Reforms are out of the question. The US cannot handle reforms because that means no more Hegemony, which is the core of the cultural superiority complex inherent in the American creed of being #1, never at fault for anything and the American Dream.
The American mythology is a religion GOP America simply cannot give up. Trump and his owners (Zionists) know this very well. What is breaking down in the US is simply basic decency and human rights. Trump will turn the GOP into Likud America, see “Operation Faithful Patriot”.
It is notable how dysfunctional the DNC is in all of this. Essentially the DNC is not a party anymore, they cannot push for the essential reforms because that would rock the fragile US ship and stop the Deep State’s drive to war. The Russiagate nonsense came out of the DNC. So all that is left is grandstanding on artificial domestic policy issues.
Likud America, eh? My bet is more Adelson America.
But the reforms you talk about have to deal with the treason with China over the last 30 years and the insanity with immigration. There is no pretty way to deal with those two issues. And those don’t require giving up American hegemony.
The reform that can’t happen is cutting the military spending. Cutting excessive rules or needless government employees can be done. There are far more people working in the educational bureaucracy now than in the past, for example.
The Democratic Party is just a simulacra or golem. If the Republicans stand for as little as possible, the Democrats promise to stand for even less. It isn’t just the DNC. Even the “radical” Bernie Sanders is fine with all the military spending and misadventure in the Middle East.
Treason with China, you say. As if the US population didn’t benefit from cheap imports. And has it ever interfered in how private corporations search for profit? If Joe and Jane Six-pack ever were to try that, they would get to know instantly what allegations of treason — coming from the rich and powerful, mind you — would do to their ’Exceptional’ self-esteem. As a most sobering comparison, no-one in Sweden is accusing Big Business of ”treason” when industry after industry packs up and leaves. The arrogance and chauvinism of the Labour aristocracy is much a thing of the past here.
It’s always entertaining hearing ”true” US citizens complaining about immigrants. Sorry: the US was built as a genocidal squatter project to begin with — stolen land and stolen labour. Moreover, your violence and tyranny now escalating again in Latin America will keep the immigrants coming. Unlike the fake refugee Euro-squatters colonizing North America, these hapless people only want somewhere to live, not robbing or murdering anyone in the process.
The Bush and Clinton syndicates and their allies were guilty of a lot more than just letting toys be made in China. They permitted the sale/theft of dual-use technology and enabled Chinese spies to have fun throughout the country. They pursued a policy of deindustrializtion of everything, which means the military will have trouble sourcing things. Actually, the list goes on and on. China is a competitor, unlike, say, Malaysia or Mexico. Sweden does not have these military concerns, and couldn’t possibly have the damage of 30 years of Bushes and Clintons. It is like 30 years of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
It is the 30 years of Gorbachev and Yeltsin that is the problem, not the outsourcing of low-end stuff.
As for immigrants, that has also been done in a very destructive way over the last 30 years. Sure, America is founded in blood, slavery, indentured servitude, and massacres. We know that. But why make it worse?
Trump IS making it worse. “Reaganomics” aka “Voodoo Economics” aka “Neoliberalism” created the ills you list.
Now we see Neoliberalism Stage II – Neoliberalism married to an aggressive Military Police State with Il Trumpo flexing for the cameras as the Glorious Protector. Brazil is following the same template.
Yet, fundamentally nothing has changed. Trump’s policies are: More money printing, more bloated military budgets, more corruption and sleaze, more regime change, even more war mongering, economic warfare, direct threats and sanctions on allies if they do not pay the US ever more tribute to prop up the ailing Empire of Misrule.
It’s not all Trump’s fault. I know of Trump voters who fully expected him to be assassinated, yet still happily voted for him… Some support, eh? What Trump said before the elections and his actual policies are totally different things, yet his supporters don’t seem to notice.
“They pursued a policy of deindustrializtion of everything, which means the military will have trouble sourcing things.”
They initiated what Michael Hudson calls “the crapification” of American corporations.
Anyone who has had to replace a twenty-year-old appliance with a new one, or even an old cooking spoon with a new one, knows that virtually all manufactured products are now shoddy compared to what American industry provided for citizens and others decades ago.
It is actually shocking when one just reads through, say, Amazon reviews, how common this theme is, e.g, My Oreck vacuum worked fine for over twenty years; the replacement is cheaper and broke down immediately.” Etc.
I am contemplating a book titled “The Crapification of American Products.”
No disrespect intended toward the Chinese—or the Taiwanese, or the Vietnamese, or the Indonesians, or the Filipinos, or the Haitians, or . . . . you get the point—but it is a fact that in its relentless search for *unreasonable* profits, not reasonable profits, by offshoring its manufacturing, American industry has totally downgraded the the quality of the material world in which we live our day-to-day lives and try to, say, clean the house or upgrade hardware of some kind or even replace a switch in a kitchen range.
Crapification everlywhere you look.
Paul, while agree with you, I think it’s more than and I quote you “… enabled Chinese spies to have fun ..”.
Yes they did that, but the most of all they just passed all the technical details like material specs and product documentation to the Chinese companies. Chinese had to sign a paper, what’s the paper, the same as the one we use in the toilet. Sort of, like the agreements US makes.
If I am not mistaken many if not all parts for F-35 are made there, or so I think I read somewhere. Have you ever wondered why Chinese plane is almost a copy of the F35 (maybe F22)? The only problem is, they can’t make the engines, so they have to buy Russian, until they reverse engineer those as well.
In short, spies are not needed, they are only blamed in MSM for propaganda purposes.
G’day Saker
Um , just wondered what the chump actually tweeted. ?
Went to ‘statements and comments’ section but was just same article.
Could you possible put as adenum ?
Cheers groover.
Mick from aus
He tweeted nothing – just the GoT poster.
Trump tore up the JCPOA, not because it will do anything to Make America Great Again – on the contrary US companies like Boeing which was set to make $billions in selling new passenger planes to Iran, that essentially meant 100s of US jobs, have seen the deal scrapped.
Trump tore up the UNSC-sanctioned agreement, because Sheldon Adelson and other zionists demanded, that it be done!
In regards to all matters in which Israel has an interest, the Zionist Lobby is what dictates what policies get enforced or scrapped, not Trump, not Congress, not US voters:
Below you can see the film the Israel lobby didn’t want you to see:
Aljazeera made this film and had to cancel its showing, because Israel pressure…
The Zionazis have the greatest Sabbat Goy stooge ever in Trump, yet they still accuse him of ‘antisemitism’. No respect for their goy slaves, you see.
well, if Hillary had been in power, you wouldn’t have been able to write these words, because by now we all would have been dissolved in one huge global mushroom cloud. I am very grateful that she has outmaneuvered herself
The Donald is the congenial reflection of whats going on in this fast collapsing empire. Look at the people. Is there anyone with a sane mind left?! You can’t have a healthy minded leader in a sick society and vice versa.
Presidents don’t control anything. This has been true from the start.
In 1840 Emerson observed:
“The farmer imagines power and place are fine things. But the President has paid dear for his White House. It has cost him all of his peace and the best of his manly attributes. To preserve for a short time so conspicuous an appearance before the world, he is content to eat dust before the real masters who stand erect behind his throne.”
Nothing has changed. If the current dust-eater is more conspicuous than others, we can be sure Deepstate has a reason for using a weird creature as frontman. We’ll never know the reason, but we know there IS a reason.
Twitter is cyberspace equivalent of tabloid headlines in working class public square.
Trump is a character projected into the national drama (by Trump himself); the establishment media is 90+% against him so he has to push back. Their attacks are also on an insufferably dumb, crass level. Trump is responding on that level. The American political process more resembles cage match WWE type lowbrow drama than anything reasonable, sane or uplifting. He is just thriving within that lowbrow space.
However, he operates on many levels, projecting to many different constituencies. (His ability to do this 24/7 is extraordinary, btw, and why he is a Force.) So even whilst he maintains a constant presence in these lowbrow barrios, he is also running an Administration working at full steam on a wide variety of initiatives and a fairly impressive track record at this point, despite his having been unable to steer Congress the way he wanted (health care, the wall).
He might be misguided, he might be deluded, but he most certainly is quite smart, well above the 1% IQ percentile.
Take a gander at theconservativetreehouse blog and look into some of the explanations of his trade/economic policies, esp. viz China. That blog also has excellent stuff drilling down into the DOJ processes, though it’s overly granular for my taste.
Saker, I think you have to tune into Trump’s multiple personality approach. He is not just functioning as an individual normal person but using multiple personas to function in multiple different arenas. This is going on with any President whether or not they are aware of it; Trump is the best in a while to understand this, see it, and is quite obviously playing with it. I think you are not seeing him very insightfully even though most of your writing and thinking oozes with insight article after article.
At first, I thought the piece was addressing some inarticulate verbal temper tantrum coming from this God-forsaken tweeting idiot par excellence (whereas the boorish picture possibly was Saker’s own contribution).
”If that is what leads the Empire, expect the latter to tank very fast.”
It will tank very fast, despite the fact El Trumpo is not leading the Empire. He is too much of a narrow-minded narcissist to even bother about what happens to it. Hence, I would modify Saker’s verdict thus:
If that is the Empire’s figurehead, expect the Empire to be officially acknowledged as a piece of carcass very soon
”I can barely imagine the contempt in which this clown must be held in Moscow, Beijing or Tehran…”
I can imagine it all right: Beyond redemption, below contempt. Ditto the tantalizing corollary: What about his compatriots — any better?
Certain similarities with those posed pictures of Mussolini….?
Yes, Trump is literately Hitler *sigh*
Trump is a manifestation of a regression to simpler behaviours in an absurd attempt to gain control over an environment that is rapidly decaying. If we can just get rid of (insert simple cause here e.g. immigrants) then we’ll get back to where we were (before all these problems started). Introduction of new technologies, creation of new inter-dependencies between states and organisations, sophistication of criminal and hostile groups…all these and more challenge the dominance of elites who have no actual solutions. So we regress to right-wing thinking – let’s normalise our world by getting rid of the supposed causes of our woes. If we can’t take personal responsibility for our actions and their effects, we can blame others (blacks, muslims, democrats etc). See you on the other side?
In Germany everyone hates Trump except the anti EU AfD which unfortunatly some Russians also supports in false belief that a divided EU will suit Russian interests, Trump and the Yankee regime must be sanction and each usa corportation operating in EU must be stopped. A Green-Red government will replace Merkels pro Yankee puppet rightwing regime and launch an alliance with Russia as Schröder intended.
What can one say, the poster is dc comics adolescent gay. :-D
It is the sort of thing his core far right supporters get off on. They never grew up, it’s all black hats and white hats, with batman and superman defeating the fiendish villans, to them. This is who his tweets and speeches and press circuses are directed at.
Very purposely divisive and tribal (in all the worst aspects). Very nazi, very israeli. Very likud. Those who own the latter, own trump. 100%.
On the bright side, these likudite’s overt nazi hyper arrogant attitude and methods are repulsive to most who encounter them, in a way the factions that backed clinton are not. The goals of both are the same, zpc/nwo dominance, but the latter are more skillful in going about achieving these goals.
This is the main difference between neolibs and neocons, their methods, their overall goals being essentially the same. Worldwide dominance of an essentially fascist, IE: far right oligarch capitalist manner. The neolibs network and negotiate, the neocons puff out their chests, threaten and demand subservience.
By their very repulsiveness, the netanyahoo/trump/neocon freakshow create an opposition that the obama/clinton/neolib freakshow do not. Look at how obama was able to influence allies in comparison to trump, for a crude comparison. This is essentially the only positive aspect of zionazia’s trump quislings. They say all the wrong things as they do all the wrong actions, as opposed to saying many of the right things while still doing all the wrong actions.
Look at Brazil to make yourself an idea of what is in the making after they have decided all the masks and disguises to fall in such gross way…
Brazil and Ukraine are templates, yes.
In analogy of Game of Thrones factions, the US Government itself, trumpeted that it will take the role of Zombies and attack human civilization.
When I read the title, I thought something serious had happened(on the scale of Trump starting a new war, maybe with Iran/Russia/China), a tweet, I think the world can survive.Personally, I find Trump’s personality more funny than offensive, would theSaker have preferred a bureaucrat who does the same things as Trump, but announces his actions to the world in formal,bureaucratic manner and language?
Personality,behavioral patterns,ego,mannerisms,language,formalities,decorum,rhetoric and the like, while does have some importance and merit, are ultimately decorations, not matters of substance and in matters of substance Washington has always been consistent(consistently aggressive and expansionist that is) regardless of the conduct of it’s figurehead.
“So yes, Hillary would have been worse, but that’s truly the best I can say about the man.”
“If that is what leads the Empire, expect the latter to tank very fast.”
Ugh, enemy……mistake…..not disturbing….some tzu.
I for one found the tweet very funny. It perfectly encapsulates the nature of domestic US politics: a made-for-TV spectacle that occasionally masquerades as foreign policy. No one embodies pure showmanship better than the Donald. And he does it with an ironic sense of himself that endears him even more to his base.
This emperor is running around naked and enjoying it.
With Donald Trump, what you see is exactly what you get.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: “I never thought much of Trump anyway”
The timing is interesting: they say November 5th?
The US must be really desperate to keep piling the sanctions one on the top of the other, as well as hopes to really push Russia into something irrational. I will say: “You can try all you want, but it won’t happen. You want war? You have to start it yourself.”
And yes, Soleimani says it all. I am pretty sure that Iranians are not Iraqis. They may lack some gadgets, but I am sure that gadgets do not win the war. I also think that some of Iran’s missiles were tested in Yemen.
So much disinformation…
Donald Trump is concerned about Congressional elections whilst his ally in Syria and Iran, Qasem Solemeini, is attempting to help him avoid impeachment.
Hassan Rouhani is a Zionist stooge. He will most likely be removed by Solemeini’s IRG if Trump gets his way.
Expect many more bold tweets by Donald Trump ahead of the election — and no meaningful actions by him against ‘partners’ afterward.
Information warfare. Post postmodern style.
As some have acknowledged (and many refuse to), the Trump poster is a rhetorical intertextual reference to Game of Thrones. Simple and straightfoward. Pretty much everyone “gets it” – even when they pretend they don’t.
The Soleimani poster is a response in kind, but more sophisticated and interesting. Evidently it is a rhetorical device in kind, a response; but also an addition to the blockchain of intertextual references blockchain (so to speak). But where does the text iitself come from? Let’s see:
4 “O people of Israel, these prophets of yours are like jackals digging in the ruins. 5 They have done nothing to repair the breaks in the walls around the nation. They have not helped it to stand firm in battle on the day of the Lord. 6 Instead, they have told lies and made false predictions. They say, ‘This message is from the Lord,’ even though the Lord never sent them. And yet they expect him to fulfill their prophecies! 7 Can your visions be anything but false if you claim, ‘This message is from the Lord,’ when I have not even spoken to you?
8 “Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because what you say is false and your visions are a lie, I will stand against you,
— Ezekiel 13:4-8 New Living Translation (NLT)
I will not do your thinking for you, but if you would compare the two texts – their textual contexts, their cultural references, their intended audiences, and (not the same thing at all, but extremely important) their clandestine ultimate audiences (ie those with political power and influence), you might just begin to see something of the sophistication of contemporary information warfare.
As it takes remarkable knowledge of aerodynamics to contruct a hypersonic missile, so it takes remarkable cultural knowledge to construct an information weapon.
Yes I know. But don’t give these crazy people any excuse. They don’t even need one to start a war. It is their reason of being. War is coming. I mean a really big war where the bully finally tries to kick sand in the face of others who are able to defend themselves.
None of you folks understand 4D chess. Can you not see the far-sighted, Themistoclean wisdom in these recent moves by Trump? Do you not understand why Trump is appeasing Zionism? Surely it is obvious why Trump continues to allow the neoconservatives to ramp up tensions with Russia? Am I the only one who discerns why Trump is doubling-down in Syria, Iran and Afghanistan? Do I have to spell it out to you why Trump leaves the Federal Reserve untouched? Why those high-ranking criminals in Washington remain free to continue their nefarious activities (e.g. those who plotted 9/11)?
Allow me to explain 4D chess — you wait and wait and wait until the AZE has all its pieces in place and then…um…well you keep waiting until QAnon tells you what to wait for next. See? It is all about waiting and waiting and waiting. And waiting. Wait for it — waiting and waiting and waiting….
Excellent sarcasm, LOL.
An Irish homage to our stunning Pindo 4D chess master:
Molly Malone has left the building! ;)
Quote of khamenei to student gathering on national day for fighting against global arrogant powers (wow)
“The U.S.’s goal in imposing sanctions is to paralyze and prevent the growth of national economy; but it resulted in a movement towards self-sufficiency in Iran. The Iranian nation used to import everything for years, now it has developed a habit of producing everything”
Good point…the very same thing happened in Russia.
‘Adversity is the mother of invention’…perhaps the modern day version of this old saying should be…’sanctions are the mother of invention’. I wonder when this will dawn on the USA [United Sanctions of America].
Stay assured nothing will dawn on The united sanctions of america
They are too busy wallowing in the blood of their victims in south america, palestine syria iraq Afghanistan and yemen to notice. And their populace is too busy preoccupied with non issues “first world” problems and who to vote for: that lying diceiving mass murder or the other deceiving lying mass murderer, i mean which one lies less? Tough choice….or rather not at all. We always get the leaders we deserve(ah but but electoral vote silent majority bla bla) stop whinning and do a bloody revolution like other countries in worse conditions did! See china iran venezuela and so on! Your(not you specifically colin but you get what i mean) silence and blattant complacency is the reason thousands of innocents are dying everyday! How can we live with ourselves! Everything we are proud of was made with the suffering of others! And we are still doing it today but this time there is a twist we uphold morals in the world and everyone else is beholden to us even our victims! Ha! What a joke
lol, and then there’s this!!!!
WSJ: US to Issue Waivers to Eight Countries Under Iran Sanctions
Waivers allow countries that cut Iran oil imports to avoid U.S. sanctions
The Trump administration said Friday it is granting waivers to eight unnamed countries to allow them temporarily to continue importing Iranian oil without punitive U.S. sanctions, buying time for them to switch to other suppliers.
The announcement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin came days before new sanctions take hold Monday against Iran, with the addition of more than 700 Iranian banks, companies and individuals to the U.S. sanctions blacklist. The administration didn’t identify the eight countries.
Analysts have said that China, India and Turkey were among the countries most likely to be given more time to find alternative supplies.
So Trump decided to back off. WTI seems to be at $62.86 now. https://ourfiniteworld.com/2018/10/14/the-worlds-fragile-economic-condition-part-2/comment-page-40/#comment-191590
“U.S. to grant waivers to eight countries importing Iranian oil. The U.S. has granted exemptions to eight importers of Iranian oil just days before sanctions on Iran take effect. The countries will be allowed to continue to import oil without fear of retribution from the U.S. as long as they continue to make reductions in those purchases, according to Bloomberg. Four of the countries include Iran’s top buyers – China, India, South Korea and Japan. The other four were not identified in the Bloomberg report, but the decision is expected to be announced on Monday.”
and from Chrome Mags
Never thought I’d see Trump blink, but he did on the Iranian oil sanctions. He’s granted exemptions to EIGHT countries, including CHINA, INDIA, SOUTH KOREA & JAPAN. The other FOUR countries will be announced Monday. Its rather obvious he blinked because OPEC did not have the spare capacity to make up for lost Iranian oil, so without somewhere for Iranian oil to go oil price would have shot so high up it would have dinged the US economy something fierce as it heads towards winter.
Rather anti-climatic I’d say. The balloon has been popped. The tension building up on what would happen to Iran if they couldn’t sell their oil or what would happen to oil price, or the US economy if oil price went sky high, is over. The tension is gone. Relax, take it easy and watch oil price barely move now. But I guess that’s a good thing, right. More BAU at leas for now.
Winston Churchill:
“Everything tends towards catastrophe and collapse. I am interested, geared up and happy. Is it not horrible to be made this way.”
Milan, this is off-topic – please post it in the MFC. Also please do not post comments from another site. Thx. Mod
Where, O where are the poets among us like for example this from hammer of time:
Just last week i predicted a major default within the company i work for (~8 billion market cap fossil fuel distributor) and wrote this today to try to get the bad taste out of my mouth:
Aware, but not in control,
Awaiting an easy fix.
To prevent a terrible toll
as the timer slowly ticks.
Counting down, we’re far too late,
to stem the rising tide.
Hoping for a change of fate-
we’ve realized – They lied.
Powers do not seek the change.
It’s how they always act.
To them, this problem is quite strange,
Understanding do they lack.
Peddling a cheap solution,
which does not address the fault.
Seeking complete absolution,
sidestepping our assault.
The people lash out from the fear
that good times must always end.
Holding loved ones very near
as collapse lies around the bend.
A silver bullet must be found,
they trumpet in the wind.
So they can keep us tied and bound,
Trapped because “we’ve sinned.”
The greatest sin is ignorance
but they will never act.
For that would require better sense
the very thing they lack.
So watch along as waves crash in
and sweep us out to sea.
They hold the chips, but can’t cash in-
Failure’s always free.
Reasonable summary of empire’s Iran fiasco (fairly long, however):
Meanwhile, Iran continues developing its trade and infrastructure agreements with other nations. A small sample of which includes: exports to Iraq will be raised $20 billion a year; in a trilateral meeting between Iran, India, and Afghanistan, a new transportation corridor via Iran’s port of Chabahar was discussed that would facilitate international transit and transport by bypassing Western control of the sea-lane chokepoints in the Red Sea, Mediterranean, and North Sea; and India, Iran and Russia will soon come together to discuss the operation of a 7,200 km trade and transport corridor.
It is clear that the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel are the only countries that stand to benefit from harsh sanctions against Iran, but even then the motivation is largely ideological. In a recent moral and political victory for Iran, the International Court of Justice ordered the US to lift sanctions linked to humanitarian goods and civil aviation.
What effect US sanctions against Iran will actually have remains to be seen, but the Trump administration’s isolationist foreign policy, while popular with many Americans, implies a significant reduction in America’s ability to impose its will on other nations. In addition, a scaling-down of ‘Pax Americana’ will only accelerate the rise of large, energy and resource-rich nations like Iran, Russia, China and India, and (heaven forbid!) encourage the traditionally Westward-looking nations of Europe to look East.
What is the significance of the letter O with 3 vertical lines in it?
Just curious as it seems odd. Was it a translation or did he post it in English?
He is imitating a tv show poster. Thatsvthe font they use the original quote is winter is coming…. I dont think there is any sophisticated hidden meaning behind this one…
People don’t get it. Trump silly sanctions achieve the opposite what they are advertised to do, thus strengthening the the federalist forces worldwide – including in the USA – while challenging the overwhelming powerful globalists. Exactly what we need.
I do. A few others do also. When Saker says,
“If that is what leads the Empire, expect the latter to tank very fast.”
only a very few here seem to consider that PRECISELY that tanking and all the foul Empire flotsam and jetsam with it…… might actually be DJT’s mid-range intent.
With a longer range intent of restoring the Republic, sinking The Empire and The SPECIAL Relationship with The British …..the people behind Christopher Steele and The Pissing Dossier…..REMEMBER????……. is a necessary first step.
That’s no “Walk in the Park”….is it? The Skirpals can tell you about those English parks.
We may know soon who the real DJT..or 5 -10-20 or 45…. is..or we may never know.
ONE thing is for certain, however: In or to get “from here to there”, like any vessel, no matter what it is filled with and steered by ultimately (now we are in the middle of a mutiny of confusion) the first priority of the Man More At The Helm At Any Given Moment Than Anyone Else On Board…..is to NOT be decapitated as opposed to fulfilling anyone’s other fondest dreams instantly.
The proof of the DJT pudding is three days from now and beyond.
If the mid-terms were a Blue Wave. we’ll never find out what’s in that DJT pudding and will be headed for World War…with the War Party in full control.
If midterms are to be a Red Wave there MIGHT be a different direction. The best and ONLY shot we have, near term.
Amazing that people can’t wait 3 days to ridicule the Orangutan in the White House (Abraham Lincoln….who I DO NOT compare DJT to in any other sense was lampooned as a “Gorilla” by his Empire Bankster Enemies in Manhattan that wanted no interruption of their alliance with the Confederacy and Great Britain ……in Slavery and King Cotton….but.Lincoln was a poet….Trump…. A Wild Card) but fall for the bait instantaneously to feel smarter and morally superior as a Big Group……and that’s a common human frailty: gregariousness…..the need to be comforted by much social agreement …particularly in tense times like these.
There’s a sequence of prerequisite events that must occur before Trump DARE show his true, true colors.
If he’s ultimately a false flag Empire Pirate….you must keep your powder dry….so that if he tries any tricks…He Knows He Will Die….but in the meantime, consider how long you, with your purity and much, much more intelligent brains…..whatever your intentions…..would have lasted, had you been in HIS shoes.
And Keep Your Powder Dry.
Impatience may cause you to be eating crow as soon as Trump’s November 11 meeting with Putin and his meeting with Xi AND Putin Nov 20 at G-20. IF there is a Red Wave Nov 6.
If not, keeping your powder dry Russia, China, Iran,etc is something you should always do in any case because you cannot and should not EVER pin too many hopes on one human heart and pair of lungs.
All the rest, prior to Tuesday is nervous, gregarious chatter, as far as I am concerned.
If Red Wave Arrives and the Guy in the Orangutan Costume does NOT change his tune, I WILL change mine.
But only in the proper sequence. Why rush things out of sequence???
ALL of us, including such a fine leader as Vladimir Putin would require far, far greater IQ than the average I see here to last a week in the DC Swamp Trump landed in 2 years ago. You underestimate the depth of its evil and the constraints it has imposed on that man or any man in his position walking too straight of a line.
That’s the reality that Trumps all the opinions in the world about just how DJT (or anyone else in his current position, facing what he faces) should maneuver without even considering how to keep the scope off of his back…or head. IMHO.
Hi Bro,
I knew you would appear on this side, sooner or later. While I waited for your comment, I enjoyed the comments posted by Larchmonter, Full Spectrum Domino, Andrew S Macgregor, Little Black Duck and BaronAsh. You guys said it so much better than I would have. (I am from natural sciences, and English is my second language.) Needless to say that I agree with the essence of what you say, and, in my words: DJT is absolutely no full; he is astute, schrewd, he is a quick study, and is becoming a master player in all the games he plays, Survivor, Thrones, and whatever.
I am just a little bit disappointed because my idol, the Saker, sees things differently, while I am having so much fun and laugh following DJT and watching how he mocks his opponents (porn lady, minority speaker, “pocahontas”, etc.)
I would enjoy this show (what we see is just a show, we don’t know what is really going on) much more if there weren’t that “what if WW III breaks now?” Yet, I don’t sense that terrible, paralyzing, gut feeling of fear and helplessness that I had a while ago, when I had to escape from the horrors of a real war. Maybe I am numb and desensitised (an epidemic in North A.), but I’m enjoying the show while it lasts.
Anyway, I want to thank you Saker for doing everything that you are doing (I am a donor btw), and I want to thank you guys that I mentioned above and Auslander, and a number of other commentators, for contributing to this blog in which we are finding so much information, deep insights into existential questions, political and philosophical essays, while, at the same time, getting so much fun and positive energy.
Oops, seventh row from the top should have been fool, not full.
If the us were to be seen an an organism, say as species of mycelium, then Trump might be seen as an expression of sporocarp. Seen this way Trump is merely the latest expression – either functional or not functional. Trump is a creation of the several factors, an expression, and an icon.
But what’s the character of this expression?
The description, and augury, said of the Shaw, also fits Trump…
This is: “Two things destroy a weak man, money and status. After that he goes blind.”
It is not “high” IQ and ruthless cunning that matters, it is weakness and ignorance, twin sources for defeat.
Iranian “man of the year” posts GoT themed sanction thingy and its identified as by author as a sign of sense of humour (along with “who knew they had a sense of humor” kicker…)
When trump posts it its *orange man bad*
And anyways aren’t israelis encouraging usa to get off the saudi news cycle and back on iran – isnt this just following orders ?
so whats up ?
Next up, HBO sues both Trump and Iran for encroaching on their IP.
Donald Trump is actually a brilliant comedian who is doing a highly sophisticated satire of a prototypical American patriot/neanderthal buffoon.
He is much better than Sacha Baron Cohen.
The Trumptards haven’t quite figured out yet that he is playing their patriotic, Support-the-Stormtroopers asses, and mocking them even as he panders to their every infantile “Make America Great Again” delusion.
In the process, Trump will do his part to implode and shatter this benighted America into a million pieces.
Good bye, and good riddance to the United Snakes.
All Hail the Emperor-Comedian Trump!
Reminder: The man is not a professional diplomat or professional politician.
(Thats why some of us like him.)
Doesnt break my threshold – sorry. Better than bombs.
And looks like it was well received.
As far as IQ – Richard Feynman was one of the smartest around and quite fantastic personality wise.
And then there’s the picture of EInstein with his tongue sticking out and no socks.
Could tell you a half dozen Norbert Weiner stories.
Meme choice isnt the only factor in determining IQ…
Shoigu should post one too, “the north rulz!” :)
For those readers who do not happen the reside in the US, considerable insight into Trump’s persona and demeanor can be gained from some familiarity with US professional wrestling, with which Trump has been involved for some time. A compilation of several videos is here:
Of particular note is Trump shaving the head of Vince McMahon in the “Battle of the Billionaires” at Wrestlemania XXIII. Professional wrestling is a staged performance art and hence not “real”, No one really gets hurt aside from accidents and the results are scripted in advance.
Other presidents may have been members of the Council of Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones or have advanced degrees from Harvard or Yale but only Trump has been inducted into the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) Hall of Fame.
Yeah. They were absolutely scared stiff of our last president. He drew a line in the sand don’tcha know. Eight long years of a muslum president.