PRESS TV reports that the US military forces in Iraq had been authorized to cross into Iranian and Syrian borders ‘in pursuit of gunmen’, a report reveals.
A classified 2005 document which has been made public by an independent website said the US forces had been given permission to chase what it called terrorists and former members of Saddam Hussein’s government into Iran and Syria.
According to Wikileaks, US officials say the document, which contains rules of engagement for the American division that was based in Baghdad and central Iraq in 2005, appears to be authentic.
The American military command in Baghdad harshly criticized the website’s decision to post the document, describing it irresponsible.
“While we will not comment on whether this is, in fact, an official document, we do consider the deliberate release of what Wikileaks believes to be a classified document is irresponsible and, if valid, could put US military personnel at risk,” said Rear Adm. Gregory J. Smith, a spokesman for the command.
Wikileaks which encourages posting leaked information says its goal in disclosing secret documents is to reveal ‘unethical behavior’ by governments and corporations.
Read the full document (in PDF format) here.
Read New York Times original article here.
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