Shoigu: Israel Is FULLY RESPONSIBLE for Killing Russian Servicemen
Il-20: No Apology From Tel-Aviv! – Special Reports From Syria and Israel
Shoigu: Israel Is FULLY RESPONSIBLE for Killing Russian Servicemen
Il-20: No Apology From Tel-Aviv! – Special Reports From Syria and Israel
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Hmmm.. If Israel is to blame then what was the role of the French-Rothschild frigate?
Assuming any of this is true, losing an IL20 surveiilance plane is massive. Recall an Anotonov was also shot down as the head of the Russian military looked on several months ago.
Perhaps it was the French who were hiding behind the Israelis who actually were responsible. It would certainly fit with what we know about who wants to start a war between NATO and Russia.
Yes i am also puzzle by the role of the frenchs (who are now under full zionist control by the way).
I have read this in a comment : “Russians are now saying Israeli warplane(s) launched missiles from near the French frigate so they don’t believe the French launched anything.”
Any confirmations about this ?
if this is true, it means that Israeli aircraft have “hidden” their fire not only behind the IL20, but also behind the French frigate (which could just as easily have been hit). All they had to do was send the french frigate for a walk in this area, at that moment (on a false pretexts).
At this point, a similar additional layer of turpitude would not surprise me…
“who are now under full zionist control by the way”
Since the French Revolution actually ;) It did not begin with Herzl.
You raised an interesting point. It was stated that Russian radar detected a French frigate firing a missile, although no further details are given. What kind of missile was fired ? An AA missile, which might have hit that Russian reconnaissance aircraft ? Or a cruise missile, fired against a land target ? That attack against Syria was obviously a coordinated NATO-Israeli attack. At any rate, we have here very dangerous NATO-Israeli provocations.
Good points all.
There’s an interesting analysis which explains the French involvement and the Russian comments quite well here:
There is no question that the IL-20 was hit by a missile launched from a Syrian S-200 battery. It targeted the retreating F-16s who headed directly to the IL-20 and got behind it to hide while running away. The IL-20 suddenly appeared exactly where the targeted F-16s had been. That was the end of the story – nothing can escape the missiles from an S-200, -300, and -400 battery BUT a new target can suddenly appear right where the original target was being tracked.
To be a potential target and an excuse to involve NATO in the invasion of Syria should the Russians have retaliated on the missile launchers as previously stated if there was an attack on Russians.
If the Kremlin fumbles this one it has the potential to become Russia’s USS Liberty.
For those who came in late, in brief, the USS Liberty is about a US spy ship that was deliberately targeted by Israel in 1967 false flag, and laid to waste to be blamed on Egypt.
What followed is to date, a despicable and cowardly cover-up that have seen US officials absolve the Zionist entity of blame while sticking their middle fingers to the victims, survivors, and their families.
Russia should not give Israel a free pass on this crime.
If the Kremlin chooses to look the other way on this, it will be to Russia’s eternal detrement
The Kremlin does not have a John McCain type traitor to cover for Israeli murders of the crew of the USS Liberty.
The situation makes one want to puke. The Israelis have hidden behind a century of guilting everyone for hating them and their ideology, for the deaths of Jews, for all that is “anti-Semitic”. All the while, killing people all over the globe with Mossad assassinations and bombings, terrorism pure and simple. And war after war, atrocity after atrocity, as bad as any other psychotic terrorism, under their flag.
Time for Justice. Righteous retribution.
Time to cull the world of the psychotic ideology hiding in Tel Aviv.
Yes fully agree.
For me too, I come to a point of disgust, and HATE for Israel… a deep hatred that increases with all these unpunished crimes. It can’t last forever.
The Tel-Aviv / Riyadh / Washington / London / Vatican Axis of Satanic Cultists. These people are not just insane, they are divinely inspired to enslave us all. The world must wake up to the machinations of the Synagogue of Satan. See Eustace Mullins / Kevin MacDonald / Michael Hoffman
You cannot blame a criminal for being a criminal, he is greedy, psychopath, whatever!
You blame the stupid idiots who let the criminal have his ways, you blame the fools who do not preserve and implement justice and law.
You blame the cowards that are much powerful than the criminal for not making stance and doing what is morally right.
You blame the insane for befriending the criminal, believing that he will respect you or not turn against you. I can never truely respect Putin as long as he doesnt stand up to Zionists
And you also blame the electorate that voted them into power! The old saying goes: you get the government you deserve. Unfortunately now many other countries suffer from the ignorance of the electorate in a few others.
Yes and they (Zionist) even hide behind the Jewish, non- Zionist Jewish sheeple.
And the non-zionist jewish sheeple let them, for gain and advantage.
Is that being sheeple, or is it a calculated decision that belonging to the club is just too lucrative to worry about right and wrong, or even their own long term self interest?
Hi i belive that russian could delivery s-400 and s-500 and s-800 tô Syria army to detect all at long distante. A potent s-200 is no good to dismatle an israel attack. This show an increasing distain from Putin? Would this cost his carrier
Putin plays chess – this is their move (Israhel)
Now its Russia’s move – but may take a while – there will be other moves – but this one move – will never be forgotten and it will be avenged. Perfectly and in perfect timing. I can’t wait.
Putin meets Erdogan, and they make a deal regarding Idlib. It’s besides the point that both know this deal is short lived and that it cannot last, as it suites nobody. However, a deal has been struck, and it will be “respected” for a short period of time. Neither Israel nor the US are happy about it, as militants will have to leave the province (the probably won’t). Worse, the Russian Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Defense have exposed the planned false flag attack in Idlib, involving the White helmets, where Assad would again be accused of using gas against his own civilians, as if he had nothing better to do, than incriminate himself and give NATO an excuse to attack him. Will this false flag go ahead ? Maybe. We shall see. If it does, who is going to believe it ?
So, what happens next ? Israel launches an attack against Syria, using a Russian reconnaissance aircraft as cover, in order to fool the Syrian radar operators. The plane is shot down. Nothing but a provocation. Israel (and probably the neocons in the US) were hoping that Russia would respond, attacking Israel. After that Israel would scream for American help, and in the process setting up Russia against the US. It used this trick once before, in 1967, during the Six Day War, when Israeli planes attacked the US reconnaissance ship USS Liberty, hoping to frame Egypt for the attack, and thus bring the US on it’s side. It did not work, although many American sailors were killed and wounded. It will not work on this occasion, as Putin does not fall for provocations and end up being called an “aggressor”. Israel would just love it if he launched a retaliatory attack. Well, he will not. He will apply subtle methods, as he has done so far.
In the thermonuclear age, Israel is playing a VERY dangerous game. Maybe they believe their God will protect them.
A couple of Sarmats and it would all be over for them.
With such “subtle methods” the Russian soldiers are sliced one by one, an old Israeli salami method, which is very well known. I think that Putin will came at a stage where he will have to act. That stage is not yet (it seems) but that doesn’t mean it will not come. What I’m trying to say, is that a bear can take punch after punch but when he reacts, that will not be an easy-to-bear-it for his “counterpart”. Maybe some idiots in Te-Aviv, London, Washington, Paris, are eager to see their wet dreams about Armageddon come true, willing to see their Savior approaching and reigning in Jerusalem after beating Gog and Magog(according to their interpretation), or, they really believe that they can defeat Russia – at least in Syria – and make her surrender, make a deal with her in one way or another (sic). Meanwhile, the salami-taktik is going on, putting an ever growing burden to bear on the shoulders of Putin. What is going on, is a slow disintegration of Putin’s energy and the energy of Russian people, and a disintegration of our energy, of those who seek the truth and still struggle with these demonic people.
If you have the means and don’t fight back – after a while – you’ll see that your means will be poorer and poorer, the moral of your fighters will descend while that of your enemies will grow. It is that simple.
Do they want war ? they will have it ! maybe the last one, at least it will be peace on Terra…for long…and will not belong to any “chosen people”.
Premillenial dispensationalism is a complete hoax, finally obvious to all with eyes to see. The Hal Lindsey fable of Late Great Planet Earth made Hal a pile of money, led millions of phony Christians astray, but now its 70 years since the fake Israel has been established in 1948, much more than a generation.
Jesus is not going to perform for the fake Armageddon of the “Left Behind” and Hal Lindsey crowd. All that was fulfilled in the final destruction of national Israel in AD 70 after they crucified The Messiah at the hands of the Romans and said let his blood be on us and on our children.
I’d say they got their wish in the ensuing millenia.
Meahwhile, God is not finished making new Christians and he is not consulting Hal Lindsey or any of the rest of the Dallas Dispensational Seminary professors about when he is going to finish.
What can possibly be Israel’s motive in this?
Can this shootdown drive a nail in the coffin of the Israel-Russian relationship?
Too many Russians in Israel?
How can such an incident be explained to the families of the dead servicemen?
How can Russia *not* respond aggressively?
Is this Israel “kicking sand” and seeing how far it can go?
What if the Russians send one of their smart missiles into an Israeli camp on the Golan Heights and blow it up?
Or, take out an Israeli recon aircraft?
The (former) Russians in Israel are there on their own will. Why should Russia care for them? In particular years after the Russian government invited all of its expats to seek refuge in their home country. I may have missed its cancellation, but I think this recommendation still stands.
Israels motive in this was to provoke Russia into attacking it, and thus set up Russia against the US, as the neocons in the US would demand that the US protect Israel. Well, as I have already written, Putin will not fall for this cheap provocation. However, Israel is playing a dangerous game.
In my opinion, we need to keep in mind that the long term strategic goals of Israel in Syria include the removal of the Assad government and the partition of Syria. The Russian presence in Syria complicates this. Up to this point, a direct attack on Russian servicemen has been taboo. The possibility of Russian casualties a restriction on Israel’s freedom of action. This incident breaches that taboo. The terrorists are close to being defeated but Israel’s goals remain. Israel now has an enhanced confidence for independent action to achieve them.
Israel’s motive was, as always, to invoke the US military under the umbrella of NATO to fight whoever Israel wants destroyed. 9/11 worked to get the US to destroy Iraq and Libya and disrupt Afghanistan for 13 years, now Israel needs a pretext to rally US public support for the destruction of the Syrian government.
Il-20 Accidentally Downed by Syria: Putin Calls Incident Tragic Chain of Events
Nessun dorma, Puccini Turandot – Alexandrov Red Army Choir
Soloist Ladislav Golikov died in the Tu-154 crash on December 25, 2016 near Sochi
No doubt the Israelis are hoping that Russia will hit them during Yom Kippur. Wouldn’t that make for nice headlines for the Western presstitutes?
We cannot go down the road of making excuses, this was a coordinated deliberate attack by AngloZionists. The French and Israelis both knew of Russian presence in the area.
I know it is a provocation but how long can Russia convince others it means business when it’s people are killed with impunity. That’s the humiliation message here.
And Putin has already deviated from the MoD line. He calls , what is an obvious deliberate attack, a tragedy and series of mistakes.
This is instead an interesting opportunity to a) close Syrian air space to Israel and Anglos and formally abandon the ‘if you don’t hit us we look the other way’ policy b) destroy a few dozen Israeli strategic assets at Syria’s southern border
Anything short of that will simply send the wrong message.
Putin’s remarks are diplomatic. He said in the press conference that he approved the earlier hardline remarks of the MOD.
As for a kinetic response, we may never know what action is taken against the IDF.
What we will see is Syria will be given S-300 and S-400 coverage. That is inevitable for the safety of Russian bases and personnel.
This is the response to look for.
Agreed , that would be a solid response but lets see if it happens.
Anything short of closing Syrian air space to Israel will only encourage more hostility by a perception of a weak Russia. If Russia cannot act here how exactly will it help in the liberation of Idlib or the NE of Syria.
I personally think that this will escalate to a major regional war, there is no way the AngloZionist alliance will abandon their multi billion dollar 70,000 strong Jihadi horde. Just a matter of time.
Too expensive in more ways than one to wage a regional war.
They are using insurgency and hybrid warfare on Syria and Iran respectively.
This allows a long grind and continuous war that they cannot lose in geopolitical terms. It is chaos that stunts BRI in the ME and makes Trillions for MIC. It also suits the A-Z ideology of preventing any Shia or Christian leverage in the region.
So, constant war, but not a regional war pitting Centcom versus Iran directly, or US vs Russia directly.
The Hegemon fears having to put hundreds of thousands of boots on the ground. They have 100,000 proxies and all they need is money, arms and meth to keep them in the field, be it Syria, Iraq or NA or South Asia.
No, Putin strayed into being an apologist for Israel’s actions with regards to this particular incident. He went too far. He’s brilliant but he’s still a mortal; perhaps he thought he was being diplomatic but it came across as a lame excuse.
Russia is on a mission in Syria to free it of terrorists. Russia is not at war with any of the states involved in this incident. So therefore, it would be wise and consistent for Putin to demand compensation for the state and the families involved, from Israel and France, after a thorough investigation. It would be a better option. Failing that that sanctions….etc
Since the Russian leadership won’t confront Israel directly, then would it at least make life harder for Russians with dual Russian/Israeli citizenship? Would the Russian elite make it harder for 5th column citizens living in Russia that have pro-Israeli sympathies?
5th column citizens living in Russia that have pro-Israeli sympathies, ARE the Russian elite.
Did anyone catch this statement in the 2nd video? (Paraphrased) “…all Israeli infrastructure will cease to work including Ben Gurion airport for 24 hours…” What do you think that means?
It’s Yom Kippur holiday. They close for the holiday. The reporter mentioned that.
Yom Kippur is the Shabbats of Shabbats and is a major 24 hour fast where the Book of Life is opened for the next year as people are judged by the Almighty for the last year and their names written or not for the next. That is the operating metaphor for the day. It’s like a dry run for the Day of Judgement.
Don’t expect the prayer for forgiveness of sins “we have committed through abuse of power” to be applied universally and, not to worry, the goy-force ( US army) will be on alert to protect the chosen people. It’s a tribal religion and not a “world religion” after all. If you are kin then you are “in” .
US Builds Israeli Nuke Bunkers and Bio-War Labs. —
Russia, USA, Israel, Iran and Syria: a continuous struggle to trigger or avoid war.
Read Elijah’s latest, folks. Informative, calm, and to the point.
I am a bit concerned by a glitch here I have not yet seen anyone address.
It’s my understanding that Russia has stated that she knows that Israel and Syria have a long standing split between them, and she doesn’t want to and will not get involved in that.
We know that America has not given up her hopes of destroying Syria and then invading.
We know that Israel and America are BFF, and recently America poured yet more money into Israeli coffers.
What is the likelihood that Israel will launch all out war on Syria in order to do the American Deep STate dirty work for it – a pattern we know common to the Fascist Empire of Cowards – and using US backing destroy Syria, confident that Russia will refuse to get involved. ??
Could Russia allow this – that Syria turn into a combination of Libya and Iraq on her doorstep, and start feeding thousands and thousands of Proxy Arm of the US forces into Russia – which is what America has wanted all along. ??
Would Russia be prepared to help Syria in a “behind the scenes” way by supplying her most advanced Defence Batteries??
I just dont know.
Good questions, Isabella.
Russia is in Syria forever. 50 year leases for the bases. Blood in the sand and waters. Flesh investment of soldiers and civilians dead and wounded. Culturally, it’s a Christian landmark state. Russian Sunnis (from Chechnya) are welcomed by Syrian Sunnis as brothers who are there to fight and protect them. Mostly as MPs.
But also as elite fighters.
Russia has broken out of the Black Sea to build an Eastern Med flotilla if not a full fleet.
Russia is selling billions of dollars military equipment because they are winning.
Russia is already moving ahead into Egypt. And are welcomed to come (urgently) to Libya.
They are building bases in Africa. Thus the Mediterranean is crucial for them. (and so, Syria is vital).
The Israelis have only proxies for a Syrian war. They are al Nusra. Now trapped in Idlib. Blown out of Lebanon and part of the Golan by Hezbollah and Syrian Army, as well as Lebanon’s Army elites.
Israel is about to be shut out of the air war on Syria (attacking Iranian assets). Russia will close it off.
The 15 lost lives are going to be magnified by the results. Russia will dig in deeper, harder and more thoroughly. The loser is Israel. It will be like they killed 1500 Russians.
Syria gains, Iran gains and Russia will be stronger. The first nation (Russia) to force the IDF AF to the ground.
First, Putin took Turkey out of the equation. Now, the Israelis will be throttled.
Then, with the utter decimation of the crazies (Idlib later, not right now), the CENTCOM will have only some Kurds and a few thousand AQ/ISIS leftovers to fight for them.
It will be a year or so more of hell for Syrians, but Russia is going nowhere. They came to fight and win and stay.
It was in the Chechen War that Putin turned over “control” to Kadyrov and his father. That worked. At first people thought Russia was leaving. They didn’t. They trusted the strategy and it was successful. Good Chechens destroyed the insurgency of radical Chechens and Wahhabi freaks from all over.
Russia has Hezbollah, Iranian militias, Syrian Army, some Kurds and some of the Turkish Army to use for its goals. That’s why they are winning it all. It’s just not near the end yet.
Larchmonter445, I agree with almost everything you state, however I do recall that following the downing of the SU24 by a Turkish F16, President Putin clearly stated that the Russian forces in Syria had the permission to counter-attack any force which threatened Russian forces in Syria. Flying behind a Russian Aircraft to attract defensive fire while attacking Syrian forces is definitely an act of aggression, especially when the aircraft is shot down with such grievous loss. I do think that there has been a massive failure of the Russian forces here. My questions are: why wasn’t such an important and vulnerable aircraft not accompanied by fighters, especially in a war zone? secondly, why weren’t the S400s turned on the Israelis following the loss of the plane. F16s are vulnerable to even the ancient S200s operated by the Syrians, so downing (say) 2 F16s should have been relatively easy. The loss of a couple of F16s by Israel would have to have been accepted given the illegal and aggressive mission they were flying. Thirdly: What is the relationship between President Putin and Netanyahu? I was very surprised to see Netanyahu as the guest of honour at the May Victory parade in Moscow.
I disagree with the hotheads who wanted immediate wholesale retaliation – that would most likely have initiated WW3. I think President Putin must now give S300s (and even S400s) to the Syrians (after all – he is selling them to the Turks and the Saudi head choppers) and make it clear to the Israelis that not only flights over Syria by stand-off attacks from Lebanon and the sea must stop or face retaliation. He should also tear up the agreement regarding the Iranians. This will hurt the Israelis more than anything.
I agree that the Russians will stay on until Syria is finally freed. That stay will be shortened considerably if he can deter the Israelis.
The Israelis had their attacking guided bombs in action, the French missiles from a frigate and God only knows what EW efforts from US capabilities to Fog the Moment for the Russians to react.
Then at full power on the F-16s, the four IDF jets got into Israeli air space fairly quickly. 190 miles roughly.
F-16’s fly at 1300 mph top speed.
They would be home in less than 9 minutes. Certainly, 80-90 miles away in 4.5 minutes, and 40 miles away in 2.5 minutes.
Probably, they were not the first thought of the Russians. The sudden loss of a plane on its landing approach gave the Israelis all the time to be out of consideration for ten or fifteen minutes. Thus, out of the air, safely home.
It was a well-planned, coordinated operation by IDF, France, US and probably UK, all doing something to cover the truth of the situation. The goal was to get the Russian plane shot down. It worked.
Thanks for your reply. Trying to be positive here – if what you say is correct, then the western AFs and the IAF have shot their bolt so to speak. There certainly can’t be any doubts in future about the intentions of western/Israeli planes attacking Syria, whether in their air space or outside of it. I realise there was confusion at the time, but I have been led to believe that S400s can catch an F16 without much trouble.
The issue I did not mention was the effect of Russian morale. These guys are getting hit from all sides and seemingly cannot or will not retaliate. I have read that Russian SU35 pilots in Syria are itching to have a go at the Israeli F16s. Maybe the time has come…….
Israel News Live
Russian Down Plays the Downing of its Own Plane
Read the two comments!
It is a mistake of Israeli generals, probably will end “free hand” actions of IDF over Syria.
Я.Кедми: Роковая ошибка израильских генералов
The context of this event is very murky, with a fluid and even contradictory political situation:
4 Sept: Putin, Rouhani, Erdogan meet to discuss Idlib liberation. Russian diplomacy goes into overdrive to warn the world of a false flag attack being prepared in Idlib as Syrian forces on the ground assemble for battle and Russian planes attack from the above.
11 Sept: Erdogan gets cold feet and writes an article about how the world “must stop Assad”
17 Sept: Putin and Erdogan agree to indefinitely suspend Idlib liberation in exchange for a demilitarised zone. Supposedly to give Turkey “time” to find a solution for its proxy head choppers.
18 Sept: Israeli attacks Latakia. Russian plane shot down.
Something doesn’t add up. The fact that Idlib will not be liberated now plays into Israel’s hands so why attack? Why take risk of baiting Putin if he has folded? Why did Putin call off the Idlib offensive after all the build-up? Did he realise it was a trap ?
a large-scale intervention of the US/Sioniste empire was planned, following a false flag orchestrated by the jiadists in Idlib. That’s where the trap was. The timing of this Western attack was perfect to further support Trump’s internal politics as the mid-term elections approached.
Buying some time right now is very opportune.
In the agreement with Erdogan there is an important point.
An additional ‘demilitarized area’ with 15-25 kilometer depth will be created and patrolled by Turkish and Russian forces. This area will allow transports on the M5 highway. It is of high value for Syria and its economy. It was one of the Syrian government’s important goals to regain access to this highway. Now it’s done… without a fight!
The Russian army also happens to have access to 15/20 kilometres inside Idlib territory… and this too, without having to fight!
The Idlib mousetrap is gradually shrinking…
Moreover (according to the well informed Elihah J. Magnier : “what was not announced officially is Turkey’s guarantee that no chemical attack will be staged in Idlib to “provoke” the long-heralded US-EU bombing of Syria.”
So once again, the Russian strategy has undermined a very vicious plan, orchestrated by the US Zionist empire. which is why Israel is not very happy.
Excellent points you make!
Tozak, wow!! thanks a lot!
You sure are right about the M5:
“The M5 highway is the main north-south artery of Syria. It connects Gaziantep in Turkey with Amman in Jordan. The highway runs through the main Syrian cities of Aleppo, Hama, Homs and Damascus. Before the war started all transit traffic between Turkey and the rich Gulf countries as well as most of the internal Syrian commerce ran along this road. Turkey, Syria and Jordan have a common economic interest in securing and reopening this important lifeline.”
Apparently the demilitarised zone includes both M5 AND M4 highways which will be open to traffic before year end.
Missing point:
According to Elijah Magnier, Erdogan (secretly) guaranteed that there won’t be any chemical attacks in Indlib.
Thanks for these translations and videos.
It did not take long guys…what a ‘surprise’:
Two of the largest jihadist groups in northwest Syria have allegedly rejected the Idlib agreement that was established by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday in Sochi.
According to opposition activists via social media, both Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (formerly Jaysh Al-Fateh) and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) have rejected the Idlib demilitarized zone agreement.
A very small consolation but at least some kind of victory for Russia:
Russian stock market hits all-time high as ruble strengthens despite US sanctions pressure
The recent growth in the Russian currency has helped the ruble-traded MOEX index reach an all-time high on Tuesday.
I wouldn’t cheer about that, obviously some entity is buying Ruble to then dump at once just like they did with Argentine, guess who that entity could be, at best the Jewish – Russo – Mafia, but then still it’s basically the same (there is no Russian – Mafia, only a jewish one), ammunition to jerk Russia to it’s knees. Russia is wide open to financial attacks exactly as Argentina or any other country running an ‘independent’ central bank….at the end it will all just be oil-cartell monopoly play between their subsidairy dependences all run by basically one cartel, russian people or any other people are only standing on the sidelines and provide the necessary blood spilling which is a must in these kind of games.
At the risk of being labeled a ” hooray patriot “, if I were a certain Russian leader I would make a quick phone call to Bibi and say ” Bibi, you have one hour to pick a target with 15 IDF soldiers in it. Or I will. *click* “
I am convinced that this so called “fifth column” or the pro Atlanticists are embodied in Putin himself. I have no regard for him any longer. The Russian Military have been sacrificed in Syria with no hope of defence or reprisal – they are shooting ducks. For Putin to contradict his defence minister Shoigu was the last straw. Shoigu was right when he accused the Israelis of deliberate actions resulting in the loss of the IL-20 and its crew. Putin comes out and meekly claims it was all a big mistake. What a wanker.
I don’t know what conditions Russian servicemen and woman serve in Syria but I would be seriously considering resignation under these circumstances.
“For Putin to contradict his defence minister Shoigu was the last straw.”
Except he didn’t (Removed insult to fellow poster,MOD).
Il-20 Accidentally Downed by Syria: Putin Calls Incident Tragic Chain of Events
“Most certainly, we have to sort the case out most seriously. And our attitude to the tragedy is outlined in the Russian Defense Ministry’s statement,” he stressed.”
(Removed insult to fellow poster,MOD)
Are we missing one actor here, the syrians ? Could it be that they are sending a message to Putin ? Tired of being attacked by Israel with no help from Russia they decide to shoot their missiles against incoming F16s, fully aware of that their S200s will lock on the russian plane. Full plausible deniability and making Putin look very bad.
I suspect the IL-20 was actually shot down by either the Israeli F-16s or the French frigate. Reason being that missiles are equipped with IFF (Identification Friend/Foe) electronics that query the target as to whether it is “ours” or “theirs” precisely to avoid shooting down your own aircraft when firing missiles into a mixed aircraft battle situation. Although the old Vietnam war era Syrian S-200s may not have been updated to current IFF codes.
However, if the French or Israelis did shoot down the IL-20, their purpose would have been to generate a response that could be spun into the start of a full-scale NATO invasion of Syria. Hence Putin’s assigning the blame to a “friendly fire error”; thereby not requiring a response and not providing the desired excuse for widening the war.
What the Russia leadership says publicly about its Western Imperialist “partners” and what they believe and say privately are two completely different things. Their objective is to quietly and steadily change the “facts on the ground” in their favour while denying their ever more frantic opponents their pretext to launch a full scale attack in Syria or Ukraine. Sometimes this means absorbing losses without directly responding, knowing the loss of the occasional aircraft or platoon of troops is minor in comparison to the losses that would be incurred in a full scale war even if restricted to the local theatre.
But, I wouldn’t assume that IFF is part of S-200 export version, as it would be exposed to reverse engineering by third-party.
Lada Ray has written a superb analysis.
” Russia managed to have a decent rapport with Israel, despite differences, until now. This was necessary and continues being necessary to keep the fragile balance in the region, which otherwise would plunge into a full-scale war. It is clear what forces want that war, and therefore, these are the forces who are behind this Israeli provocation. I want to emphasize that such Dark State forces exist in the US and Israel, but there are also forces that want better relations with Russia in Israel. [..]”
Note to _smr … long cut/paste from other articles are not allowed by Saker’s moderation rule #9 … removed remaining cut/paste from comment … mod
Yom Kippur is imminent, the Day of Atonement. But I seriously doubt Israel has any moral regrets about the loss of the Russian airplane and the 15 lives lost.
I understand, Netaniahu has extended some words of sorrow, but yes no apology. Israel never apologizes, for obvious reasons.
Israel says: Syria did it! Even though Syria May Not have done it. Judging from the noise and finger pointing, I would say: Syria did not do it. It was the usual culprits trying for the WWIII.
Does anyone know how many IL-20 surveillance aircraft of this type Russia operates/owns?
“So far the plans involved the supply to the Air Force of five such aircraft.
Tests of the complex were scheduled to be completed by the end of 2014.”
source dated 13-11-2016 :
So they ordered 5 and delivery probably started somewhere around 2015/16 and might have not been completed fully.