This is part one of a three part interview I recently made with the Poland based website Foreign Policy Matters ( Enjoy!
The Saker
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The Saker
I would mostly agree with the views expressed in this interview, except for the biased part with respect to the USSR.
The USSR as an empire was inherited by the Bolsheviks as a whole from the overthrown Tsarist Empire, thus, in case nowadays Russian would reject going back to any other Imperial era, they would be rejecting both Tsarist Empire and subsequent Soviet Empire.
Related to an existing nomenclature at elite level benefitting mainly, that was not only an evil in the former USSR, but in every system and country in the world has been and is. There was a elite benefitting during the Tsarist times, indeed further more than in Soviet times, since they were a tinier minority at those times than during Soviet times. As it is an elite benefitting everywhere in the West at government level, as well as at Russian current government level. That evil, seems very difficult to erradicate, and, as history shows, since it was existing before and after them, was not in any way invented out of nowhere by the Soviets…..
Yes, Russia and Russian’s would never recreate the Tsarist empire as it existed in 1914, with the exception of the reunification of Belarus and historic Russian lands of Ukraine, which in the end will probably be inevitable.
What in the end will also be inevitable is the restoration of the monarchy. As the old Russian saying goes, you cannot rule Russia without God and the Tsar. A few years ago Romanov descendants from the West started moving to the Crimea, hardly a coincidence. Of course, it is open to debate whether they came of their own initiative or if someone sent them there, anticipating changes in Russia.
Oh wonderful. So, in the future, Russia can look forward to the fact that sooner or later a monarchy with inheritence succession will kick up an incompetent idiot who becomes the ruler of the land simply because they are the oldest child of a previous ruler.
I did not say that. I stated that “Romanov descendants from the West started moving to the Crimea”. I did not state that one of them will take over the Romanov crown. You also have Romanov descendants living in Russia. Patience. We shall see what will happen.
If the Monarchy is restored, there is nothing that says it must be by the Romanovs. Dynasties also change; the Ruriks gave way to the Romanovs who could, after a century-long interregnum of republicanism, either be restored, or replaced by another family.
One of the problems with elected governments, is that the central feature, the election itself is a weak point, a chink in the armour in which various parasites of all types can insinuate themselves and corrupt the governing structure. In the West currently, this is primarily the lobbies of various multi-national banks and corporations and the Zionist lobby.
Another problem with elected government is the near-impossibility of long-term thinking and planning. To the elected politician everything hinges on winning re-election. Getting re-elected means not seriously pissing off any of the larger special-interest lobbyists; one has to govern with one finger held skyward, to sense which way the current political winds are blowing. Since there are numerous constituencies, often with contrary goals, the only way to avoid alienating these is to avoid decisive action; problems are tweaked, tinkered with around the edges, but not meaningfully confronted. The need to be constantly fundraising for the next campaign locks this dynamic into place. The big campaign donors are those who are most in need of regulating and it becomes impossible to solicit funds from them while at the same time trying to rein them in. Even Nancy Pelosi complained about this; she said: “As soon as I win an election, the first thing I have to do, even before attending to government business, is to set up my campaign committee for the next election.” The need to be constantly electioneering also means that any in-depth intellectual honesty goes out the window, and everything is reduced to platitudes and slogans. Elected politicians have in effect a collar around their necks, and the other end of the leash is held by the various special interests and lobbies described above.
A hereditary set-up has the great advantage of de-politicizing the transfer of power from one ruler to the next. A monarch owes his or her throne to nobody, therefore he needn’t pander or grovel before various interest groups.
Antoinetta III
On the other hand, with monarchies, a society eventually ends up governed by an incomptent idiot who rules simply because they are the oldest child and next in line. Its either that, or its the sort of dog-eat-dog competition where the most ruthless contender kills the others, and while that may lead to a ‘strong’ ruler, it also brings the worst people available to the leadership of the society.
Thus, its either luck fo the draw as to whether the oldest is competent or an idiot, or its rule by Scarface and whomever is the most ruthless in a progression that brings evil to the top.
Every country ruled at one time by a monarchy has decided that its a bad idea to give them any more power than to wave at the crowds in parades.
“On the other hand”
It seems many in humanity prefer grovelling on their knees.
You clearly are not aware of the stable of middle class inbred morons which the West has thrown up in the last few years. The established dynastic ones: Clinton, Bush and certainly Trump and even Bardak [sic] Obama have dynastic ambitions, though unrealized for now. I guess you are looking forward to the Bush, Clinton and Obama children ripening. Care to bet on which one will take power first?
Then there are the non-dynastic inbreds; Tudeau fils, the dynast, Macron, Sarkozy, May, Cameron, Netanyahu (king of a permanent, racist theocracy).
I would welcome the Kings back.
The Soviet Union was relentlessly attacked by the West from its inception, including intervention (replete with chemical warfare!!) in the Russian Civil War, the Nazi attack, the most destructive war in history, then the Cold War and finally the Gorbachev/Yeltsin/Harvard looting of the USSR and its vivisection. Not to forget the ceaseless brutal propaganda barrage and the support for fascist butchers of the filthiest type, in Europe, Ukraine, the Baltics, Croatia, Spain, Latin America etc.
Yet despite that, the Soviets provided their people with free or cheap education of the highest quality, free or cheap housing, transport, health services and a very high standard of culture, also at very low cost. After WW2 the Soviet subsidised its satellites states, while the USA kept up the brutal exploitation of its colonies throughout Latin America, complete with endless death-squad rampages and brutal repression by fascist regimes armed, trained and financed from the USA. The rest of the world was less directly looted by the organs of the ‘Washington Consensus’ of the IMF, World Bank, WTO, etc. Moreover, compare that degree of social support for the populace with the stinking dystopias of the West today, with their mass poverty, burgeoning populations of working poor, record inequality, record debt, falling life expectancy, unaffordable health-care and pig ignorant, thuggish, crude and exploitative popular culture.
And the Soviet helped a few countries, like Vietnam and Cuba escape the deadly embrace of what Chomsky called ‘The Real Evil Empire’, at least for a time. Others like Iraq, built a good quantity of social capital in education, health etc, only to have the Zionazis and their US stooges destroy the lot in an orgy of hate-crazed destruction and genocide, the fate that the Soviet people suffered in WW2.
Well said, Mulga Mumblebrain.
“I hold that it is bad as far as we are concerned
if a person, a political party, an army or a school is not attacked by the enemy,
for in that case it would definitely mean that we have sunk to the level of the enemy.
It is good if we are attacked by the enemy,
since it proves that we have drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves.
It is still better if the enemy attacks us wildly and paints us as utterly black and without a single virtue;
it demonstrates that we have not only drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves but achieved a great deal in our work.”
— Mao, 1939
In this interview the host mistook the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (made up of six republics) with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (made up of Serbia and Montenegro). The first one was broken up during 1991/1992, while the second one was attacked by NATO in 1999, without declaration of war.
Both Yugoslavia’s had to be broken up, so that Russia could not gain a foothold in the Adriatic and Mediterranean, leading to the encirclement and breakup of Russia.
In 2014 we had the EU and NATO coup d ‘etat in Kiev, when Yanukovich was overthrown. The aim was to bring NATO missile systems close to Russian borders and give NATO an advantage in a possible conflict. What this meant was that Russia would be given an ultimatum: Surrender or perish. The second aim of the coup was for NATO to grab the Russian naval base at Sevastopol and end up controlling the Black Sea.
The breakup of Russia was planned in the same manner as the breakup of Yugoslavia. The country would be destabilized after which NATO would march in to maintain “law and order” and guarantee “human rights”, after which Russia would, in the name of “democracy”, be broken up with Western corporations and banks marching in and plundering the newly created entities. As political economist Lyndon LaRouche has stated, the only thing which can save the US dollar is the plunder of Siberia and the Caspian region.
Well, it did not come to that. Putin brought Russia back to the world stage. The Russian military is strong enough to defeat any conventional attack which NATO could launch, and Pentagon generals have admitted this fact. The Russian military does not have the men for any military aggression against Western Europe, nor does it have any intention of launching any imperial adventures which would gain it absolutely nothing, except vast expenditures leading to bankruptcy. No European country possess Russia’s vast energy and mineral reserves, including agricultural potential. Russia needs Western Europe for trade, not for war. The whole of Europe needs Russia for energy and exports.
And NATO ? It must by now know that there is no chance what so ever of Russia being broken up. NATO has been reduced to the level of a Praetorian Guard ensuring that Western Europe stays in both NATO and the EU and does not move towards the East. Even this is not working out too well. Sanctions have done immense damage to the EU, which by the second half of 2016 lost 100 billion euros in trade with Russia, bitterly resented. Brussels is losing control over EU member states as far as foreign policy goes. For example, Germany bypassed sanctions by opening subsidiaries in Russia, while even France participated in the building of the Yamal gas project in the Arctic. Washington demanded that the construction of the Nord Stream – 2 gas pipeline be terminated. Germany refused.
The overall result ? Both NATO and the EU are becoming increasingly unpopular, losing authority. Individual EU members will continue to defy Brussels, whether immigration is in question or trade with Russia. In the end the existence of both NATO and the EU will become pointless. The Saker is certainly correct. The Empire is losing ground rapidly.
You’re right. I didn’t get into the details of Yugoslavia in the early and mid-90’s because of time constraints and wanting to keep a Poland-centric focus. Perhaps it would have been better to say that 1999 was the final blow to what was once known as Yugoslavia, rather than implying that 1999 was the only blow. I will make a note of that though on the video description in Youtube. Thanks, should have known that the Saker folks would pick up on that!
NATO cannot surrive a schism between “Europe” and America. And under Trump, such a schism is rapidly occurring.
After one of the times when Trump gave the finger to Europe, Merkle and Macron got together and created a European mililtary force. Of course, so soon after the announcement, its still in the planning stages. But I believe it is an important event.
The Pentagon has always opposed the idea of an EU Army, as they viewed the idea as a competitor and threat to the NATO they dominated. And, yet now there is a EU Army.
And, note, there really are no NATO military units. There are German units, and Dutch units, and French units etc. And promises have been made that in the event of a war that these units will be part of a NATO force. There is a NATO staff that makes plans on what they can do with these units. But its not like German money or Polish money has gone into funding a NATO armored division that is no longer under their control.
Thus, as the idea and general staff of this EU force starts to take place, it could very quickly take the place of NATO. All that needs to happen is that in a crisis the european nations tell NATO “No, you cannot have the units we promised” while instead letting the new EU force have command of them. Promises can be broken very quickly, and new ones made just as fast.
As I have written many times before, there is no mood in Europe for World War Three, certainly not against Russia. The only European troops the US can, perhaps, count on are British and Polish, and even this is debatable. NATO belongs to the history books. It has been reduced to an invading army keeping Western Europe from joining the Russian-Chinese economic camp. This cannot last too long.
All true, B.F, but the Real Evil Empire based in Thanatopolis DC and controlled from Tel Aviv, consists of psychopaths driven by diabolical forces. You can conceive of this Satanic tendency as a manifestation of the root psychopathies of gigantic egomania, insatiable greed, love of violence and killing, hatred of others etc, all the stigmata of a class of serial killers, or as the evidence of direct inspiration or control from the infernal regions, if that’s your preference, but, undoubtedly, the ‘West’ today represents Evil in all its manifestations.
I know from personal experience here in Austfailure that public life in politics, business, the brainwashing systems of the media, advertising, PR, think-tanks and ‘entertainment’, are today dominated by moral monsters. Most are outright racists, bullying (bullying is epidemic across society)thugs, imbeciles, ignoramuses and greed obsessed parasites, while a few are simply opportunists or cowardly compradores too frightened to object, lest they be ejected from the gravy train, that carries fewer and fewer, but fatter and fatter, passengers.
Real intellectual (are you kidding!!??)and moral, let alone spiritual (all the religions, more or less, have been disgraced by the Royal Commission into Child Abuse)exemplars and leaders are as rare as hens-teeth. If any emerge, say among the Indigenous, who still exist under the most debased and cruel circumstances, deliberately created by a succession of racist regimes, State and Federal, the fakestream media hate-machine, led by the Murdoch cancer, will hound them, mercilessly, while promoting the most sordid Uncle and Aunty Toms as supposed ‘leaders’, whose real constituency is the White, racist, Right.
The sordid apotheosis of the process of moral, intellectual and spiritual collapse can be seen in the rapidly worsening ecological collapse. The Eastern half of the country is gripped in a ferocious drought, almost certainly worsened by climate destabilsation, as predicted twenty or thirty years ago by climate scientists. The response is STILL vehement denial on the far Right, led by the Murdoch cancer and the ruling Federal regime in Canberra. They want more coal-mining and less renewable energy, while the Great Barrier Reef dies in less than a decade. The ‘Opposition’ is gutless and frozen in fear of losing the votes of the pig ignorant and vicious, a typical triumph of ‘demo-crazy’. And the ‘liberal’ fakestream media, united in adoration of the USA, the jihadist child-killers in Syria (the ‘rebels’ or the adored ‘White Helmets’)and, most of all, ‘beautiful Israel’, simply ignore the whole question of climate change. To see the gymnastics they go through to ignore the truth while reporting the drought, or the burning and baking of the entire Northern Hemisphere, is a horrible wonder to behold.
As to why and how a country can collapse so completely, morally and intellectually, in just a few decades, I would posit two or three prime drivers. First, the triumph of cancerous neo-liberal capitalism, with its death-wish of infinite growth on a finite planet, plus the purging of the universities and the media of any dissenting voices. Then there is our craven supplication to the USA, and feverish eagerness to join any US aggression and genocide. The local, 100% US-controlled political elites, are almost uniformly united in a ferocious campaign of hatred against China, our primary trading partner, and, naturally, hate Putin and Russia, and Iran, which we have already volunteered to help destroy if ‘our great and powerful friend’ demands it, with histrionic fury.
And then there is Israel, the local Zionist Lobby controlling both major parties, as throughout the West, and reflex Islamophobia, hatred of Arabs and particularly of the Palestinians being mandatory in politics (save for a fondness for the Sordid Barbarians who have been allowed to finance Islamic ‘schools’ where Wahhabist Evil is high on the ‘curriculum’). Any serious deviation, say like supporting BDS, brings the usual furious vilification as ‘antisemites’. And finally there is Rupert Murdoch and his hate-machine. Forty years of one relentless hate or fear campaign after another against, for example, climate science, renewable energy, environmentalists, unionists, refugees, Moslems, welfare recipients, the Indigenous, China, Russia, Iran, ‘do-gooders’, ‘nanny state busybodies’, ‘post-Modernists’, teachers etc, etc, and vicious vendettas against public figures, often for decades, sometimes continuing post-mortem, by the Murdoch cancer has driven this country to the far Right, internally, and among the countries of the world. And just as Murdoch prepares to meet His Maker in Hades, the country he has done so much to destroy, faces its own End Times. What an epitaph for a monster.
Speed of the trajectory to the End of Empire/Hegemony:
At present rate, it seems to be accelerating, but actually, it is a steady, slow speed with a long timeline of descent.
This is giving the hegemonists plenty of time to destabilize many regions simultaneously, and to disrupt many participants in the Multi-Polar World Order agenda.
We see how they have taken down the Brazilian and Argentinian leadership who were supporters of the Multi-Polar concept. The hegemonists have stimulated the racism of Black South Africa, taken out Malaysian, South Korean and Thai leaders with corruption scandals, expanded the wars of terror deep into Africa, from West to East, and now are boosting the chaos in Afghanistan, parts of Pakistan with ISIS and AQ proxies and adding more US and NATO troops, though retreating into “defense of the big cities”.
This will buy them another decade of Military campaigns and huge defense budgets across the Empire and Vassals.
Thus, we won’t see a retrenchment until post-2024, if then.
To judge the “collapse” or “disassembly” of the US Empire and Hegemony, you must look at the economic signs that “restrict” and change policies. The debt, the deficits, the low growth, the malaise, the corruption, the despair of the internal reality is meaningless. The government is a tool of tyranny now and these signs do not relate to Empire. There is plenty of “money” to create. Now it will be crypto-currency.
The menace of American Power is virtually controlled, like Augmented Reality.
Finance, Corporate Influence and the voracious Pentagon are beyond influences like normal nations might be.
Predictions are wild guesses with such a beast.
In short term, the Hegemon is 80 years old. Older by other measures.
But it’s full development is but 30 years. So, it might take another half century or more to begin accelerating into shambles.
Eurasia, gold-backed currencies (yuan and ruble), substitutes for all the institutions of post-War international trade and banking are absolute necessities to accelerate the end.
We are coming upon the last six years of Putin, and then the question is will he stay or not.
Putin, Xi, Russia-China are absolute necessities to force all the issues with the Hegemon and Empire.
But, to say the Empire is coming apart at the seams, we shall see.
Maybe trade with Iran is the EU’s redline.
We should watch the major states of the EU to take the temperature of the Empire.
Can the EU hold and free itself?
Must the EU breakup for escape from vassalage?
What seems to be the enticement to break free from Empire is Eurasia. That market and business opportunities is too large to ignore. 4.5 Billion mouths to feed, households to build, roads, rail, airports, planes, ports, ships, clothes, machines, autos, trucks, all are a dream for commerce.
So far, only the Hegemon does not want Eurasian development, nor BRI and EAEU free trade zones.
As more and more trains link from China to Europe, the pipeline of expectations feeds the imaginations of millions of European businessmen. They may soon have a choice.
That will turbocharge the acceleration of the end of Empire.
I rather suspect that Thanatopia will choose war, in the end, and it will be The End. As the West, particularly the Anglosphere, are now totally controlled by the Likudnik Zionazis led by Bibi, King of the Jews, those slave states are clearly adopting Beautiful Israel’s ‘Samson Doctrine’, aka ‘We’ll Take the World Down With Us’. As you can see from the deranged frenzy of lying, vilification and bullying thuggery destroying UK Labour and Corbyn, the Zionazis are supremely confident in their power and total impunity, and they will NEVER tolerate a world led by ‘mere Asiatics’ like the Chinese who treat Israelis, not as ‘Gods Upon the Earth’ as Begin declared his people to be, but just as human beings like the rest of us. THAT is simply intolerable to all Talmudic dogma.
Yes, their latest bleatings:
“The Palestinians should disappear.”
Then, “Iran should disappear.”
Two calls for genocide by the “suffering Jews of their Holocaust.”
They have no shame, no moral standards, no connection with the rest of humankind.
Don’t blame ALL the Jews. In the UK very many Jews support Corbyn, but go unreported, or abused by the Zionazi elites in a fury of real ‘antisemitism’ as ‘self-hating Jews’. And in the US Diaspora support for Israel, particularly among the young is plummeting, as it should, despite great social pressure. Inside Israel the hard Right, racist, majority comprises, in my opinion, the most deadly dangerous population on Earth, save for the very top of the global parasite elite. Calls for the forced expulsion of the Palestinians, including the Israeli Arabs, or worse, are growing in intensity, and reaching right into the highest levels of the Knesset, and are rampant among the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox goy-haters. These monsters will bring us all down, including the good Jews, who are in the position of anti-Nazi Germans under Nazism, although not in the same physical peril from the Zionazi regime-yet.
By 2024 there will be one or more events in the military, political, economic or diplomatic spheres similar to what Suez was for the British Empire.
From there on it will be a sharp ride downhill.
They will be coming for the Saker too, probably quite soon. Just make sure all the preparations are made.
One suggestion is to have a backup in mind for using embeds of Youtube to show videos. Youtube has made that easy to implement, so it makes sense for now. But if Big Tech decides to boot you off that platform, there should be other ways of inserting a video into your website and not relying on Youtube.
I haven’t figured out if its a joke or not, but Alex Jones has a link on his website that says it explains why youtube banned them. It likes to a youtube video that says its currently unavailable. Maybe that’s a joke, but its also a warning to be prepared with a plan B to put videos up in a different manner some day in the future.
And of course, anything that is uploaded to Youtube should be backed up elsewhere, with offline being more secure.
I read the other day that larger numbers of refugees are starting to return to Syria.
So, if immigration is the biggest threat to Europe, then Russia has done more to help with that problem than anyone else.
Sometimes in life you need to realize who is really helping you and who is not.
As far as Europe and immigration are concerned, Putin and Russia pose a very real threat: If the West and its warmongering are defeated, the intended by-product of immigrant/refugee torrents heading north will end too. It’s easy to envisage what that would do to Europe’s demographics, given its abysmal birth rates. Zio-gays are not that good at reproduction, after all.
Thanks to Foreign Policy Matters and to the Saker for this recording – eagerly anticipating Part 2. And thanks to all of the “Saker followers”. I have learned a lot about Russian and European history from reading your posts. There are many folks here with obvious factual knowledge of history. And, unlike Facebook, I believe I know how to separate “the wheat from the chaff”, from those who are just here to promote their own agenda.
I personally think the unraveling will happen quicker than some of you. We are, as the Saker says, on the backside of the bell curve. It seems in the events that are unfolding are happening like the increase in knowledge – exponentially. The ludicrous rhetoric coming out of the State Department is getting more desperate on a daily basis. Just today we have more sanctions on Russia because of its guilty sentence over the Skripal case. The world knows this is pure crap, and just an excuse for another poke at the bear. NATO is prodding continuously as well. But sooner or later, NATO will have taken in every country it can up to Russia’s border, and the US will have exhausted the list of sanctions it could possibly put on Russia. What then? Another errant missile firing or false flag will force the Russians to take action. That action on NATO will be swift and complete. It is at that point that I worry. Either the US will withdraw (unlikely), or the $&it will hit the fan. I’m thinking I would rather be in Moscow then.
One event that could circumvent all of this is for the US dollar to lose its “world reserve” status. The CIA is throwing borrowed/taxpayer money at every scumbag on the planet to do its dirty work. If that money lost its value, so the ability to coerce and bribe would fail, and so would the effectiveness of US sanctions.
“Thanks to Foreign Policy Matters and to the Saker for this recording – eagerly anticipating Part 2.”
That gets an “Amen brother” from the peanut gallery. :)
just bookmarked fpm. com.
how is this a “Poland based” website please?
the domaine name ( accrues to John’s Hopkins SAIS.