Dear friends,
Today I am launching my Spring fundraiser because the current situation is an emergency on many levels.
First and foremost, there is a very real risk of war. Let me rephrase that, I think that we can say that we have a certitude that another war is imminent. The only question is where (Iran? Syria? the Ukraine? the DPRK?) and whether it will escalate to a direct nuclear war between the USA and Russia.
Second, the AngloZionist Empire is really “going ugly”, as shown by the Skripal case and the following “unity in spite of logic and international law” demonstrated by the (re-)united West. Make no mistake – Russia and everything Russian is now a target. Including this blog.
Fourth, my IT expenditures have gone up and might go up even higher. I cannot go into the details here, but let’s just say that in the current context redundancy and high performance are key: just in the month of March we expect about 3 million pages (or more) to be served (that doubles our typical stats). That, in the context of concerted attacks against “resistance” websites. Do I need to say more?
Fifth, I am planning a trip to Russia for this summer, including a lot of internal travel. I already purchased the tickets early on to get the best prices. I was hoping to get some help from Russia but I got nothing. Not a single penny. So I now vitally depend on you to make this trip what I hope it will be: a possibility to establish crucial contacts face-to-face and to meet the right people. Unless the Saker community makes a very strong effort to help, I will be facing a financial crisis (no income for 1 month, for starters) and I will be severely limited on my ability to operate inside Russia. Yup, this time around I really need some serious help!
Please keep the following in mind: besides the blog and the Unz Review, my articles are being reposted in really large amounts all over the Internet. For example of my “A truly historical month for the future of our planet” analysis. Just take a look at the collage I did of the resposts of this article elsewhere: (Russia Insider, Informationclearinghouse, ZeroHedge, The Ugly Truth, South Front, Russia Insight, Sign of the Times, Global Research)
These reposts don’t even include the translations in languages other than English (Spanish, Russian, Czech, etc.)!
In case you wonder, no, I don’t get paid for any of these. Everything I write is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license ( meaning that they all are in their full right when they repost my article and that, in fact, I am grateful to them when they do so! Still, that does not pay the bills.
These examples also illustrate another important point: by helping me you make it possible for my blog to have a “ripple effect” on the rest of the Internet, thus reaching far beyond the actual readership of his blog.
And here is the key thing I beg you to consider. Unlike the vast majority of, shall we say, pro-Russian or anti-Empire websites out there:
- I am doing all this alone, a one man show (yes, I do have wonderful volunteers who help me on their limited free time. But it just so happens that all of them are financially doing well. So I only have one person I actually pay a salary to). What I don’t have, unlike everybody else, is a team of paid collaborators who can take some of the burden of the work for me.
- I don’t have any corporate sponsor. No Russian oligarch is paying me. For all my statements that I am a self-confessed Putin-groupie and Kremlin-fanboy, I never got a single penny from the Russian government. Not even a “thank you” for that matter.
- I truly ONLY rely on voluntary donations. Even though I get offers in the mail every day, I never accepted a single advertisement. No ads, no paywalls, no commercials, no annoying pop-ups. Nothing except your good will.
- I offer truly original content. The Saker blog is not a news aggregation site. Nothing wrong with them, but let’s just say that my work involves *a lot* more than a simple copy-paste of articles written by others.
- I don’t cater to any one group: the Saker blog has true political, philosophical and religious diversity.
- I foster educated, intelligent discussions thanks to a strictly moderated comments section which does not allow trolls and nutcases to hijack the conversation.
- I provide a safe haven for groups which are normally ostracized elsewhere: anti-Wahabi traditionalist Muslims, traditionalist Christians, non-racist anti-Zionists, genuine Marxists – these groups (and others) have “no place to go” because their point of view lacks powerful sponsors (like the KSA, the Vatican, Alt-Right, neo-Trotskyists, etc.).
By the way, do you realize that from a purely “pragmatic” point of view (i.e. one centered on maximizing your income) the list above breaks every single rule and that I am doing the exact polar opposite of what pretty much everybody else is doing?
And then there is this: most of my readers are US Americans, Canadians and Europeans who are often retired and live on limited means. What brings them to my blog is precisely that they are mature, educated and experienced enough to remember the Cold War, or even WWII, that they have seen the dramatic changes which have taken place in the USA, Canada and Europe over the past decades and that they fully realize that their countries have been taken over by an occupation government which does not represent them. Do you think that kind of profile fits a wealthy person with a lot of disposable income available to make donations? Of course not! Many, maybe most, are barely making ends meet on their social security and/or retirement checks! Oh, I am sure that there are wealthy people reading this blog, but for some reason only a very small number of them actually help me on a regular basis. The sad and depressing reality is this: were it not for 3 (three!!!) kind donors I would not be able to run this blog the way I do it.
Here I want to make a special appeal to those who, by the will of God, are not living from paycheck to paycheck. Friends, I *know* that you are reading this blog simply because statistical averages tell me that in the 1-3 MILLION pages served each month here, some must be read in beautiful homes and elegant offices, right? Okay, well then, let me submit the following to you: God has given you the means to easily do that which hundred of thousands of your fellow readers cannot. There are A LOT of “poor widows” out there who donate to me “in all that they have, even all their living” (the vast majority of donations are less than 5 dollars). You know that my efforts are aimed at counter-acting multi-billion dollar propaganda campaigns (special appropriations for that have been passed in many western countries recently!) and you expect me to counter that with donations coming only from poor widows? Really?
The bottom line is this: I hate doing these appeals, I always feel deeply embarrassed and I wish I had a way to never, ever, have to ask for anything, especially not money. But the reality is what it is: I badly need your help especially in a context where a major war is a very real possibility (have I not been warning about that since 2014!?).
Please click here on the big “Support the Saker” button on the right, or go directly here: and send me the “ammunition” I need to fight this battle and this war. Make a difference! Join the struggle! Hit back! Resist!
Thank you,
The Saker
I was in doubt, whether I should post this, or not. That you allready have bought the tickets made it.
I will send you another 500,- USD, and hopefully more before you leave.
I do sincerely ask all of US to do their outmost to get him there (and back). We will ALL benefit from that journey, and so will he.
So, please. do your very best!
Thank you
wow Kent – that is so cool – thank you so much for helping our dear and darling friend Saker – he’s all of our best friend in these difficult times. And I’m sure he’ll put the money to good use in Russia – he really is causing something of a Tsunami – much bigger than a ripple anyways.
Love to you Kent….
Thank you Kent from a anno reader!
I will donate too when my salery comes end of the month, you really inspired me, in this time I think this is a way to take a stand against what the anglozios are doing and have a effective way to push back.
Please rank the payment services in terms of the agip they charge…
I will make a small donation based on how much you will get and how easy it is to effect.
Did not get a response, so just used paypal. Don’t like them much….. Have a good trip.
Roger that, Saker! G-dSpeed!
Done. (US $5,00 [I am a poor brazilian men :-) ]) Thank for your great job!
In a way, at this moment, it is your advantage not being paid by Russia, else, you would fall into category …
Brothers and sisters, fight the power!
Sent 100$.
You sure know war is about to begin when they try having us believe North Korea is actually buried in Syria working on developing chemical weapons (WHAT???). Can’t make this up: complete total craziness has taken control. Anything goes now!! Very scary times ahead indeed… Thanks for putting some sanity in the world Saker.
I will pray for your work, each morning, bro. God’s will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Donation sent.
Thank you for your insights and great effort.
I sent $20.
You’re right. Your very recent posts have been excellent. How anyone can see that war is not coming, it’s like a hellish table is being set for human kind. And only ‘silly old fools’ on fixed small incomes have the time or inclination to notice–or care!
The latest huge demonstrations for gun control in the socalled Homeland while totally overlooking Guncontrol for outside the homeland—nary a word or a care. At least in the 60’s we kids noticed…now same people just 50 years older and not so blessed by Global Capitalism.
Jut sent a small donation via paypal.
@EVERYBODY: I should have mentioned that in the text of my appeal for help: if you are living from check to check, do NOT send me any money! Really, I mean it. First, there are others who can easily afford that which for you is a major sacrifice. Second, you can do two another things which would be a tremendous help for me: first, send me an email with your thoughts about what I do and, especially, what I could do better. Not only do such emails help me on my “D days” (disgust, depression, despondency, despair) but they also give me some much needed advice. My psychological profile is one of an advisor, a student and an analyst – but most definitely not an activist. So your advice could really be priceless for me. Second, if you are religious, say a simple super short prayer for me “Lord have mercy on your servant Andrei”. Really, I mean it – that is most definitely the biggest help you can give me. I struggle with prayer, it is really really hard for me. So pray for me, and you will help me more than an avalanche of dollars ever could!
I know that the above will sound weird in our 21st century! But I don’t belong here (see here for what I mean by that: So, please, play by my ‘alien’ ‘rules’ :-)
Frankly, I don’t belong here. I am the ultimate “alien”. So if you really want to help me, toss all that “pragmatic” stuff in the trash bin and help me in my own, weird, alien, way. Give me your kind words of support or, even better, your one-sentence prayer and I will be forever in your debt. Thank you for your kindness,
The Saker
Dear Saker… I already am sponsoring you… starting last week!! And more to come.
While revving your energy to travel to Russia etc… do you connect with other people of similar mind?
I asked before if you felt any affinity to Robert David Steele but I was erased from the board.
Whatever Robert David Steele stands for… he is not far from your ideas except he, like me, still believe that there is some small hope (hand of God) that could make him the “trump card – Joker” that could turn things around in one move… like a Check Mate type of situation with the Deep State cabal.
the seagull
Dear Saker,
I sent you a 45 for the trip … yanqi dollars, that is …
“And open our hearts this blessed day, touch our bodies and our minds, walk with us through the gates of power
In shadow and starlight, in fire meeting the earth, in the wind on the ocean, and in the sweet kiss of life
Blessed be our journey.”
Dios enfrente hermano,
Dear Saker,
You are the best analyst of the geopolitical situation that I know – much better than all those guys on RT, Russia Insider, LewRockwell and even better than Dmitry Orlov and London Paul.
Your writings are great but your interviews even better. Your interview with the Free Slovak radio was the real gem but listening to all those translations into Slovak was quite exhausting. Posting just your answers would have been quite extraordinary. You’ve showed so much wisdom and insight. You should consider weekly videoblogs/reviews. Unfortunately your YouTube channel doesn’t have frequent postings. If you post updates/reviews every week you would develop huge following (I work as a web publisher but publish only spiritual content).
I don’t have any doubt that God/Spirit/Universe keeps you gently in His hand and blesses and inspires you because you provide invaluable service to humanity. You help people more than you can ever imagine. Being knowledgeable and prepared will ease peoples shock of what is coming and give people better chance of surviving.
Of course you don’t belong here. You are here to help others and share with them your luminous mind and love. When you travel don’t forget to recharge yourself with the incredibly spiritual power that resides in the soil, earth, water, rivers, lakes and mountains of Mother Russia.
You already have all the answers, even the deepest: “one soul is more precious then the entire universe“. As a matter of fact there is only One Soul.
All the Blessings of the Universe are always with you.
The Messenger Dove
Since it means so much to you – I’ll tell the only religious member in my family to pray for you – he loves your articles (which I forward him). He was born in Paris to Serbian parents but is married to a Swedish girl and lives in Stockholm.
He loves Russians and their churches (when he lived in London with me he always used to go the Russian church in Kensington and rarely to the Serbian one on Portobello).
Saker you do a brilliant job! I am sending you a donation from New Zealand, yes even here we know about you and approve mightily of your incisive analysis. May your words spread far and wide and help open many minds to what is right and true.
Agree. Strongly ! New Zealand is small, but has some fierce intellects. I’m in Nelson. Sending what I can afford to help this blog… we need independent blogs of this calibre now more than ever.
Good trip to Russia and thank you for your work!
Just sent $25.
Andrei, though not a Christian, I do follow a daily routine of shamanic communion (call it that; a pagan or Druidic equivalent of prayer, let’s say). I will include you from today in my innermost circle of people for whom I hold unbending intent for blessing by Big Mind. I’ll also send you £20 next Monday – and don’t worry, though old and – as overstuffed Britain currently reckons these things – poor (not really; not in the Mumbai-street-dweller sense), I can afford it, thanks to one of the still-surviving remnants of the post-WW2 social-democracy that began flowering here when I was a tot: the old-age pension. Thank heaven for that! It means that I always have a bit to spare for my younger family-members; and for damn’ good causes like The Vineyard of the Saker.
Andrei, you are a uniquely important thinker and commentator for our time; and a Russian despite everything, remember; and Russians don’t crack. So don’t you dare. We need you! The world needs you! Just as the world needed the great Russian people so desperately in the dark days of the early 1940s. Keep sluggin’, good brother!
An eclectic but ‘Alternative’ site, some of you may be familiar with, ‘Xymphora’ dot blogspot has apparently been deactivated/taken down, ie very likely censored and removed. Any news?
All the best from NYC.
As of this time (Tues P.M. EST) that – -blog is back on line. (Mayb it was down for maintenance, etc.). A good thing. Given the current potential censorship concerns one overreacted. No harm done. Fare well all.
this is a re-post… And I think it is relevant from the bottom of my heart.
A comment to your March-month analysis and “strong” warning of war…” on March 23.
Thanks so much Saker for your clear cut analysis of what is going on RIGHT NOW!!!
I turned to you when I saw that McMaster was being replaced by Bolton.
Now, I know that my prayers are useful. And my prayers are “affirmative co-creating thoughts”.
I “still dare believe” that President Trump is a “trump card”, a joker, and I put a lot of my prayers on the “uranus surprise” that can happen when the “chess board” will be in place.
One thing you say “the empire is now in a serious mode of fold or double down”.
I second that, I feel it in my bones as strong as when USA worked its way into the war on Iraq.
I kept saying in my head: “No! it is so not necessary and a bad choice”. It was a gut feeling just like some millions of people around the world felt, I’m sure.
Now, I’m praying that somehow, somewhere, someways, “the Empire” will have “some” sense and realize that it is not constructive to double down and destroy the planet while it goes down.
That’s my prayer, and call me “idealist” if any of you want, I am totally focused on that “vision”.
It will be a surprise to everyone, it will come from a left and right, above and below, and all the people who have been stirred since President Trump got into the electoral race.
And it is much bigger than Trump himself. I dare believe that the swamp can be drained by people, small people like you and me and all your followers who “have heart”.
I totally believe in that! Because “love” is a mighty power that can easily overcome “Fear”.
And I put my $$$ behind my words donating $50 right now for your dedicated work.
Thanks so much Saker, and please keep doing those interviews with Catherine Austin Fitts and the likes!!
Gabriel… the seagull… who dare believe!
Dear Saker, for some reason Patreon blocked my donation to you. I donated with PayPal. Hope it will go through.
Don’t have enough words to express my respect and gratitude to you. Dear Saker, all your posts are dear to me. But your religious posts changed my life.
Valentina, if you are still there, tell me more about your lifechange. I´m Christian and one reason I´m here is that Saker is also a Christian. I know that we (Saker and me) have just a little bit different views about Christianity, but that´s not crucial. You see, I grew up in a western, so called charismatic Christianity and Saker is an orthodox. Orthodox Christianity is suspicious against western forms of Christianity, and for a good reason. It´s true that some Christian ministries are infected by CIA and Putin did right when he limited the influence of those organisations. In fact they are nothing but a trojan horse inside every country that lacks “democracy”. As every NGO.
But I don´t belong to those whose first priority is so called “western values”. In fact I hate those values more than anything else. And some Christians spread the values of Sodoma in the name of the Jesus! If that´s not sickening, then what is? Valentina is a Russian name, are you from Russia? If so: SLAVA BOGU.
Saker. I don´t fully get this: “First and foremost, there is a very real risk of war.”
What has changed so fundamentally, right now, that makes this statement valid? I mean that these provocations has been going on for last four years, and is there anything new or unexpected in this Skripral case? What´s the new danger? All I can see is that Empire is collapsing rapidly. The expulsion of some Russian diplomats is not a big thing. In many EU-countries that meant only 1 diplomat! That´s clearly a sign, but not a sign of an united and strong western front against Russia, it´s a sign of a hesitating and weakening western camp. I think it´s not a dangerous development, it´s pathetic and tells much about this so called West. And I also think that this is good for Russia, again, because now Putin can weaken the western influence in Russia by kicking out more western “diplomats”. It´s a blessing in disguise. We have seen many blessings in disguise for Russia in recent years, and this trend seems to continue.
Why don´t you mention the concentration of US/NATO naval forces in East-Mediterranean? Why don´t you write an analysis about that? And is even that so alarming anymore. US/Israel has been targeting Iran and Syria for years. But will they succeed in it? I doubt that. The West is not going to succeed in anything anymore. They are too slow to react, and it´s too late for them. Eurasia is rising and they can´t stop it. If they start the major war in their desperation, they will lose it badly because now they are on the wrong side of the history.
What has changed so fundamentally, right now, that makes this statement valid?
Important and valid question: what changed right now is that the Anglosphere as successfully re-taken control of Europe and forced most the Europeans to follow a course which is fundamentally contrary to their own national interest. This, by itself, is not evidence that a war is imminent, but it would be one of the conditions for a war to start.
So, as I wrote, look not where we are now but where this is all headed.
Unless some diversion comes in, on the current course we are headed for war.
Let’s hope and pray that some diversion does occur.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Saker, I read that today Germany further approved Nord Stream 2, that is, some paperwork was signed off for it to continue. Not sure of the reliability of the source, perhaps others have read of this too?
Another source, also don’t know about its reliability too:
I would expect as a minimum for Russia to have S400 north and south of the Donbass, just in case…as well as a full suite of EW etc with regular satellite overpasses, given that the US continues its provocative Global Hawk flights in that region.
As it is Saker, you are being prayed for regularly.
P.S. If you are heading into Moscow, maybe take a trip down to Rostov where it’s only about 3 hrs to Uspenka (but if it’s the same, you would have to get a double visa), then on to Donetsk where I am sure you would be welcomed – can maybe get to see Grisha & the DNI plus maybe Basurin.
Re Nord Stream (and perhaps by extension) the World Cup:
German politicians are not enthusiastic about boycotting the world Cup.
Despite the actions of Great Britain and Iceland.
Me: WTF is up with Iceland???? I thought that country was managed by *sensible* women.
I think the Iceland PM is a lesbian.
So she has a ‘dog in the hunt’ according to the agit – prop in Anglo – American media.
A combo of bafflement and disgust has greeted the Irish – actually Indian – PM’s violating of our legal neutrality with his jumping on the anti – Russian bandwagon.
Of course, he’s gay, wasn’t elected, but selected following a party putsch.
So no one is particularly surprised.
He’ll get his comeuppance soon…
I have to agree with Annomynity. It is not in opinion serious, do not get me wrong. This development is bad. Really bad. Last years Trump launching of Tomahawk missiles was way way scarier. I mean I remember reading articles back then. It seems US came literally within an inch of clash with Russia. And even shut off deconfliction channels. I remember my sister even saying that she was fearing WW 3 was about to start. And that is not worst of it. Check out this article:
This is on eve of presidential election. Imagine if this happened back then. I shudder to even think about.
And another thing. I read PCR article from last summer “No, Washington empire not imploding”. In it PCR states that any politian in Europe going against US interests will removed shortly. And demonized. They are in a very difficult position. They did it symbolically to satisfy uncle sam. And there is caricature of Uncle Sam and Israel and whole bunch of poodles. Did you really expect vassals to behave differently. Hopefully however trade with Russia is still outgoing.
And as you stated before. Empire will double down, create provocations, and they were preparing for war for many years now. As one commenter said. As Empire goes down, they will lash out in many different directions. It will be difficult time. And as you stated: going to get a lot worse, before it gets better. I am afraid. I pray to God we will make it through. Keep up you work. You are a great person
I could have placed about $90-$100 per month at the disposal of the Saker blog, if ideological leftists who control it had not wrecked the Saker Community and run out anyone they disagreed with.
I don’t think it was the ideological left that disturbed you but the fact that posters don’t always post what perhaps are not post that fit your own ideology, and that I suppose is human nature,why take it out on the Saker, after all opposing views are simply another way in the learning process….
Really?? – – – Could have?? – WOW!!
That being said, and forget about the “ideological leftists”, I do actually worry about posters/commenters disappearing from this blog -” Blue”- “Elsie” – “White Whale” – “Helen”, just to mention a few.
What happened??
I know the rules, and accept them. Then again, it is hard/difficult for me to adjust to rules of “Not free speech” when some “invisible” hands decide what is posted/visible. (I do know all the arguments in favor of moderation policy on this blog, and I strongly disagree). WE, as very powerful intellectuals, where some of us analyses very complex Geo-Political/psychological/historical contexts are not allowed to fend of/fight/diminish idiots and bot’s??. You can analyse Evil/the enemy(s) of humanity here, but you are not allowed to fight them?
Does that makes sense?
For me as a warrior, it is a bit boring at times, because there is no one to fight.
Don’t get me wrong. I do sincerely enjoy all of the in depth comments/analysis by various posters (I read them all), BUT, where is the challenge to rebut/confront/discuss opposing views if it’s not there??
In many respects I am a very “simple” individual (like the 10 commandments sort of thing).Not as easy as it sounds, because IMO, if you have strong opinions about ANYTHING, you have to have been there (Maelstroem) and learnt how to swim, experience it from the inside so to speak. Not for the faint at heart individuals, and definitely not for cowards . (the risk of loosing or damaging your soul is real).
I go there. All of the time, Dungeon it is. I have to.
For the armchair warriors here, (not the poets), the ones who post anonymously, however brilliant their analysis/comments are or seem to be. I have no respect whatsoever, disgust even.
Put you face where your mouth is. There is no excuse anymore, NONE!’
I know all the excuses. “I am a VIP who cannot reveal my real identity, or even hint it” – “my career would be jeopardized, my family would suffer etc. etc.”
I don’t give a flying frick about that, Period.
Now is the time, or never. STAND UP!! PLEASE.
Now back to some details that has been nagging me for many month’s.
Scott, please forgive me. I have learned a lot from your corner, your analysis and rants for years. But, ever since your comment on Maria Zacharova as a traitor, based on a low res photograph from her own face book account, anything you write/say/state for my part HAVE to be accompanied by not a bucket, but a barrel of salt, always.
Your “Mojo working” Oracle didn’t help either, nor did your very emotional responses to Elsie.
End of rant.
You say: ‘…if you have strong opinions about ANYTHING, you have to have been there (Maelstrom) and learnt how to swim, experience it from the inside so to speak. Not for the faint at heart individuals, and definitely not for cowards (the risk of losing or damaging your soul is real).’
Yes. The turmoil can be anywhere, though; including inside oneself. Additionally, even after having ‘been there’ and having developed ‘strong opinions’, we should not stop from proceeding with our learning – strong opinions that are not challenged become dogmas.
So, although you seem to be a very opinionated person (and quite a daunting one, methinks), would you consider reflecting again on two other points you raised after assessing my comments below?
1) You say that, as a consequence of moderations, the blog ‘is a bit boring at times, because there is no one to fight’.
Perhaps, for you, it is OK to engage in disagreements with trolls (without moderators, almost certainly trolls would take a significant part of our conversations). As to myself, I would not be very pleased… and probably I would avoid reading through the comments, missing many very interesting and knowledgeable contributions.
I have never had any of my comments removed by the moderators, here. I may not be brilliant; but, certainly, I am not a troll. There is a difference! Mind you, there are those very sophisticated trolls who pass as genuine contributors, but who, eventually, distort the totality of their thought, making a deceiving inversion of cause and effect, in (I believe) an attempt at demoralising the blog or diverting the readers to other camps. Several of these ‘contributors’ make slight notes, in the middle of their comments, whose contradiction is apparent – aren’t they aware of the fact that most of us can immediately recognise the ploy? So, I am very glad that MODERATORS are around doing the hard work of filtering the most damaging of the comments and keeping the blog as good as it is – my deepest thanks to them!
2) As to your suggestion that ‘armchair warriors’ should use their names in the blog, I disagree with you. Why should we? Why not a nickname (Albert, Rick, John…)?
We are told that the Big Brother could easily find out who we are; so, our reasons are beyond the danger of being identified by that murderous entity.
No, it is not because I am a VIP either that I use a nickname; it is exactly because I am not one that I do. I use a nickname of my choice, or even the ‘better safer than sorry’ Anonymous nickname when I am a bit concerned about the strength of my comment.
I am here to learn, to contribute when I feel I have something I consider relevant to say, to engage with those that I believe think like me. I am STANDING UP like many Unknown Soldiers did. Actually, I believe in this blog; it is indeed the best I have read, with brilliant people contributing to articles and comments. I offer my sincere ‘thank you’ to The Saker and to all of those (Anonymous or not) that contribute to the key discussions that take place here!
Sent 100 USD. Tickets from the US to Russia are bloody expensive…
Small contribution from Poland (another country enslaved by Empire). Not too much, but from the heart. Thank you very much for sharing your inspirational thoughts with us. All the best!
I’ve winced more than once at the way the Polish have been conflated with their quisling elites on this blog. I suppose it’s an inevitable consequences of geopolitics, which paints with a broad brush…
But it is far too pangloss for my liking, so its especially good to see a Polish poster is not deterred.
Thank you, Saker, for your excellent work. I love the insights you deliver in each of your articles. You are one of the few voices of sanity in the increasingly deranged Western world, and I am happy to support your work. 125 USD is on its way to you already.
Done. Thanks for all you do!
Re “The bottom line is this: I hate doing these appeals, I always feel deeply embarrassed ”
Far be it from me to tell another how to feel.
Hating doing the appeals: Copy.
Feeling deeply embarrassed: IMO no reason.
The community needs you to bite the bullet and say when funds are needed.
And IMO it is a good idea to present the points as you do above: delineating the character of this blog.
That makes it easier to forward to others who may be occasional readers or perhaps even rare readers, but may decide to contribute, without having to add complicated explanations.
Will we be able to learn more about the Russia trip? Or are plans and aims under wraps?
Thank you again for creating this space where square peg in round hole US Americans and others can get access to unusual views and material, such as the Putin documentary, express their views, speak their minds, get info from other posters, and learn learn learn (was tempted to test the envelope by putting “learn” in caps, but decided against it . . . !
Will we be able to learn more about the Russia trip? Or are plans and aims under wraps?
Oh yes, I plan to blog from Russia, in fact :-)
Also, I hope to meet some interesting people which I can’t name, but with whom I have good hopes to get important things done.
So yes, I will keep the community informed.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Будь осторожен, Saker : много гиен нынче прячется под овечьей шкурой. Да хранит и поможет тебе Бог, ты нам нужен.
Signed up for modest regular donations. It Might not help with immediate crisis but openfully more of us lurkers will do same.
Sent you a small gift Saker.
May God bless you with a long healthy life and may He have mercy on you and help you immensely to stay strong on the noble fight that you do.
With lov and Respect
An Indian
This is being read in a studio apartment with two cats, but I will send you something.
Dear Saker,
I’m launching an ICO, if I get funded, I will be making a large donation to you, as a way to thank the cosmos.
However, government is cracking down on ICOs, even though mine is legit, so I truly don’t know what will happen.
Cheers, keep up the great work!
Paypaled a modest $50. All the best.
Donated $75. Great work. Thank you. Can’t wait your report from Russia. All the best.
Saker, I send you 80 bucks, small amount for the kind and the quality of the job that you are doing.
I sent you 100$. Keep up the good work
Dear Saker, I just made a Paypal donation for your work and upcoming trip. I really look forward to your blogging from Russia. When you need extra support like now, I really appreciate you letting us know. I like to feel that I am able to help and contribute – even in this small way (I am also making a monthly donation). It makes me feel less useless in these frightening times :)
100$ pending PayPal acceptable use review… anybody else get that?
I told PayPay to eff-off some years back when they tried that trick.
Try deleting your account — good luck with that.
You just gotta jump through their hoops or wait until your credit cards expire.
Looks like the payment went through.
God bless you and your work, Andrei. Now and always.
One thought : The more fear, anxiety and misery “they” can generate, the more people withdraw from human contact (children against parents, women against men, students against school officials/teachers, red states against blue states) and turn to the escapes they market (drugs legal and illegal, sports, entertainment as diversion from life, porn, political controversy, TV/movies, etc.) for relief (futile attempts to buy happiness to relieve misery). They use control of the media/media content to keep anxiety levels as high as possible because they profit from this. Create anxiety so you can sell medicine to treat anxiety !
Certainly the situation is gravely serious. But it is not beyond liars to exaggerate this whenever possible. Are they so honest about other matters that their depiction of the situation is trustworthy ? Despair is what they want to instill. Let us not despair. Greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world.
Onward and Upward !!
Dear Saker,
sent you 250 USD to cool off the current crisis. Admittedly, I could afford more but I would feel like I would buy your blog. Instead, please feel free to use it as you wish. ;-)
Wish you well.
“Admittedly, I could afford more”
Do it then. Thank you.
Dear Saker,
I appreciate what you do and the information you provide, since it is difficult to get good information elsewhere or from the lamestream media. I sent you a 50 dollar amazon gift card. Safe travels and thank you. Mark
Thanks for all you do! Small donation sent.
Dear Saker,
sending you some 20$ worth of BTC right now. From the comment I see you should be well on the trip, so at least spend mine to have shot of vodka while you are in the Great Rus!
1. Fine glass of vodka there make you feeling Russian in no time :)
2. Having a glass or two with the locals works well to “break the ice”. Russians are healthy suspictious of anyone foreign and mostly when coming from “da pindoland” :))
3. Being modest, socialize and vodka drinking are best ways to find common language with Russian.
4. God bless you and enjoy the trip.
And please continue what you are doing the best: Speaking the voice of reason.
Because nothing can ever beat two things: the truth and voice of reason.
If all goes well, I will sign my new work contract today or next week the latest. Then I will start with a weekly donation with my first salary.
Cheers & talk to to you soon,
Sergio from Hamburg
Thank you for the many new and regular donations that are coming in through Patreon.
Please know that your Patreon account is yours only, and we cannot change anything on your account. So, you may increase your regular pledge, or you may decrease it, or even set it to 0 for that month where you cannot afford a donation or pledge to The Saker.
If you have any problem with your Patreon Pledge Account to The Saker, then please write to us first. We can usually solve a problem if we are aware of it. The email address is at the bottom of each page but I give it here again.
I still have a few Patreon accounts that I blocked from people who bought The Essential Saker II. If you find your account is blocked, write me a quick email with the exact email address that you used to open your Patreon account, and I can unblock your account for you.
If you want to make a one time donation or pledge to The Saker through Patreon, it is quite easy. You make your pledge and at the end of the month set your pledge to 0 again. Then your account stays in good shape and you can use it again the next time that you feel you can donate.
Just a BUMP, since there currently are 66 replies on this thread.
We will get him there, and back. In style, if at all possible.
Thanks for countless very important infos and insights,
I’m praying for peace and that God may keep a protective hand over you and your beloveds.
If it still can happen, little-dragon wishes the saker a safe trip to and an enlightening and joyful time in Russia.
I have sent you some extra-ammo on top of my little monthly donation.
Herzliche Grüsse,
from a swiss currently being in Vietnam
Come on guys, this was a farse. What really matters is what happened inside the US government.
sorry I posted in the wrong place
I love your work and learn so much from you. Will contribute when I can. I too understand and fight the”Ds” taking it one day at a time.