This is the website of the radio which interviewed me:
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You can also listen to the show here:
The Saker
This is the website of the radio which interviewed me:
This is their download page:
You can also listen to the show here:
The Saker
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If possible, could you please post a transcript of this interview? Many thanks!
The Saker is correct, the elite in the US has lost all sense of reality, still living in the past. As for the internal situation in the US, The Saker is partially correct to state that things will get a lot worse before they get better. Yes, things will get worse, but I have my doubts if they will get any better, as I think that the US has passed the point of no return politically and financially.
I think the Saker means that things will get better for the listeners of Free Slovak Radio and other recipients of the gifts of ‘regime change’. It may still take decades, however.
It looks like the decline proces, which has already been going on for several decades, will get worse for those inside the empire. If Rome is any indication, it may take centuries before the ‘better’ part begins…
The situation in the USA and the West in general is caused by all non-psychotic persons having been driven from public life. I mean, a society run by the likes of the harridan Harpy May and the narcissistic poltroon Johnson, is dead at the core. Which the UK is with its social viciousness to the weak, poor and defenceless, and forelock groveling subservience to its ruling elites and Imperial nostalgic delusional hyper-belligerence.
The reasons for this deracination and moral and spiritual debacle are many, I would say, but a few stand out. The dominance of totally parasitic capitalists is one such influence, with ‘democratic’ politics a sick, hypocritical and fraudulent farce, behind which psychopaths who HATE other people pull all the strings. Then there is the rise of China, promising the end of the 500 year reign of terror over the world by the Western ubermenschen. They are not taking this racial, cultural and civilizational insult at all well, and are DETERMINED to ‘bring China down’, one way or another. Then there is the RAPIDLY worsening ecological Holocaust, which the elites plainly see as a means to be rid of 90% of the Earth’s human population, the ‘useless eaters’ that they despise and fear. And last, but by no means least, is the dominance of the Zionazi elites over Western states, bought by direct bribery, and enforced through the ‘antisemitism’ industry, which makes anyone who even mentions a Jew in any but the most groveling fashion, an ‘antisemitic’ bigot, and brings instant ostracism, and, increasingly, criminal sanction. Personally I have no doubt that the Zionazis are behind the Salisbury false flag operation, and if I had to pick faces, those of Bibi and Browder come immediately to mind.
“Want to know who’s behind the Russia scandals? He’s right here.
Fox News conducts an interview blissfully unaware of any need for burden of proof as Bill Browder establishes his propaganda line that Vladimir Putin is the source of all the world’s problems” by Seraphim Hanisch, March 22, 2018
Browder has appeared more than once in the last few weeks, on our Government owned, but Murdochite run, ABC. He is treated like a demi-God, of course, with full arse-kissing and deference, and lovely leading questions so he can spew his trade-mark belligerent vomitus.
It’s on Mankind ! It is ON ! Expect the Turks to betray Russia in the most critical moment hence the civil war prophecy in turkey and the REAL Conquest of Constantinople by REAL MUSLIMS , help Rum/Russian Christians and give back their Church Hagia Sophia :))
Says the Kurd from KURDISTAN
KurdiXu dear: the moscovites since long have a clear idea of what Turks behave and are capable of – they got even popular proverbs on this issue.
So they russians use a double tool with ankara: solid pressures and a plan B.
Don’t you – yet – know, that the US Government has betrayed the Kurds? The USG makes use of various peoples and countries for its own selfish interests, it can never be trusted – see how the USG is helping you against Turkey?
The rumour was accurate. Good news, right?
HR McMaster Out as White House National Security Adviser
“HR McMaster will exit the role of National Security Adviser to United States President Donald Trump. Former UN Ambassador John Bolton, a prominent war hawk, will replace McMaster, Trump announced on Twitter Thursday evening.”
Yup, trump really meant what he said about ending the wars to get elected.
Though listening through the translations is tough going, the questions were excellent, topical, highly relevant and Saker handled them patiently and well.
This dialogue strengthens my high regard for people and their intellect in parts of the world that struggle to get “air time” and their voices heard.
Slovak citizens are almost never seen in the US.
It is work for us to patiently get through the broadcast, but uplifting to know we have allies who pursue the same truths as we do.
A stunning interview by Saker. Enlightening and authoritative.
It is interesting – actually, scary – to see how Saker’s Geo-political viewpoints have shifted from alert level 4 (very concerned) to level 99 (words fail to describe the situation) since spring 2014, in the midst of the Zion staged Ukrainian putsch.
Excellent summary of the situation in Syria at the end of the interview, that could be described as a life or death situation for Syria, very tricky for Russia, a potential nightmare for Israel and an almost guaranteed tragedy for the US corporation no matter which lazy trick it pulls.
Needless to say that in a perfect world : ) this interview would get easily a million+ listeners.
This was one of the most informative interviews I’ve enjoyed from The Saker – perhaps because the pace is slow with translation, so I processed more.
Really good!
Much appreciated
Would you mind telling me the host or the name of the person who interviewed you?
Thank You
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