by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog
The onslaught of western Russia bashing in the past days, since the alleged poison attack by a Soviet-era nerve agent, Novichok (the inventor of which, by the way, lives in the US), on a Russian double agent, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, has been just horrifying. Especially by the UK. Starting with PM May, who outright accused Russia of using chemical weapons (CW) on UK grounds, without delivering any evidence. Strangely, there is no indication where Skripal and his daughter are, in which hospital the pair is being treated, no poison analysis is being published, they cannot be visited; there is absolutely no evidence of the substance they allegedly have been poisoned with – do Sergei and Yulia actually exist?
As a consequence, Theresa May expels 23 Russian diplomats, who have to leave the UK within a week. Then came Boris Johnson, the Foreign Minister clown, also an abject liar. He said, no he yelled, at his fellow parliamentarians that it was “Overwhelmingly likely, that Putin personally ordered the spy attack.” This accusation out of nothing against the Russian President is way more than a deep breach in diplomatic behavior, it is a shameful insult. – And no evidence is provided. Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, in fact, said that Johnson’s personal attack on President Putin was “unforgivable”.
Not to miss out on the bashing theatre, UK Defense Secretary, Gavin Williamson, got even more insolent, Russia “should go away and shut up”. In response to all this demonizing Russia for an alleged crime, for which absolutely no proof has been provided, Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said that the undiplomatic comments meant that the British authorities are nervous and have “something to hide,”. Lavrov also strongly objected, wanted to initiate a joint UK-Russia investigation into the case – is he dreaming? – and responded to a question of diplomatic retaliation, yes, that Russia will also expel UK diplomates ‘soon’.
There is no doubt that the UK acted as Washington’s poodle. In the course of this anti-Russia tirade, Trump twittered that he fully supported UK’s position. Indeed, the European puppets, Macron, Merkel, May and their chief, The Donald, signed a joint statement blaming Russia for the nerve gas attack on the former double agent, “There is no plausible alternative explanation than that Russia was to blame for the attack”. Bingo, that says it all. The presstitute picks it up and airs it to the seven corners of this globe – and the western sheeple are brainwashed once again: The Russian did it.
Well we know that. But the real point I want to make is that Russia always reacts to such nonsensical and outright false accusations; Russia always responds, rejects of course the accusations but usually with lengthy explanations, and with suggestions on how to come to the truth – as if the UK and the west would give a shit about the truth – why are they doing that? Why are you Russia, even responding?
That is foolish sign of weakness. As if Russia was still believing in the goodness of the west, as if it just needed to be awakened. What Russia is doing, every time, not just in this Skripal case, but in every senseless and ruthless attack, accusations about cyber hacking, invading Ukraine, annexing Crimea, and not to speak about the never-ending saga of Russia-Gate, Russian meddling and hacking into the 2016 US Presidential elections, favoring Trump over Hillary. Everybody with a half brain knows it’s a load of crap. Even the FBI and CIA said that there was no evidence. So, why even respond? Why even trying to undo the lies, convince the liars that they, Russia, are not culpable?
Every time the west notices Russia’s wanting to be a “good neighbor” – about which the west really couldn’t care less, Russia makes herself more vulnerable, more prone to be accused and attacked and more slandered.
Why does Russia not just break away from the west? Instead of trying to ‘belong’ to the west? Accept that you are not wanted in the west, that the west only wants to plunder your resources, your vast landmass, they want to provoke you into a war where there are no winners, a war that may destroy entire Mother Earth, but they, the ZionAnglo handlers of Washington, dream that their elite will survive to eventually take over beautiful grand Russia. That’s what they want. The Bashing is a means towards the end. The more people are with hem, the easier it is to launch an atrocious war.
The Skripal case is typical. The intensity with which this UK lie-propaganda has been launched is exemplary. It has brought all of halfwit Europe – and there is a lot of them – under the spell of Russia hating. Nobody can believe that May Merkel, Macron are such blatant liars… that is beyond what they have been brought up with. A lifelong of lies pushed down their throats, squeezed into their brains. Even if something tells them – this is not quite correct, the force of comfort, not leaving their comfort zone- not questioning their own lives – is so strong that they rather cry for War, War against Russia, War against the eternal enemy of mankind. – I sadly remember in my youth in neutral Switzerland, the enemy always, but always came from the East. He was hiding behind the “Iron Curtain”.
The West is fabricating a new Iron Curtain. But while doing that, they don’t realize they are putting a noose around their own neck. Russia doesn’t need the west, but the west will soon be unable to survive without the East, the future is in the east – and Russia is an integral part of the East, of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), that encompasses half the world’s population and controls a third of the world’s economic output.
Mr. Putin, you don’t need to respond to insults from the west, because that’s what they are, abusive insults. The abject slander that Johnson boy threw at you is nothing but a miserable insult; you don’t need to respond to this behavior. You draw your consequences.
Dear President Putin, Dear Mr. Lavrov, Let them! Let them holler. Let them rot in their insanity. – Respond to the UK no longer with words but with deeds, with drastic deeds. Close their embassy. Give all embassy staff a week to vacate your country, then you abolish and eviscerate the embassy the same way the US abolished your consulates in Washington and San Francisco – a bit more than a year ago. Surely you have not forgotten. Then you give all Brits generously a month to pack up and leave your beautiful country (it can be done – that’s about what Washington is forcing its vassals around the globe to do with North Korean foreign laborers); block all trade with the UK (or with the entire West for that matter), block all western assets in Russia, because that’s the first thing the western plunderers will do, blocking Russian assets abroad. Stealing is in their blood.
Mr. Putin, You don’t need to respond to their lowly abusive attacks, slanders, lies. You and Russia are way above the level of this lowly western pack. Shut your relation to the west. You have China, the SCO, the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), Russia is part of the OBI – President Xi’s One Belt Initiative – the multi-trillion development thrive, emanating from China, connecting continents – Asia, Africa, Europe, South America – with infrastructure, trade, creating hundreds of millions of decent jobs, developing and promoting science and culture and providing hundreds of millions of people with a decent life.
What would the west do, if suddenly they had no enemy, because the enemy has decided to ignore them and take a nap? China will join you.
Everything else, responding, justifying, explaining, denying the most flagrant lies, trying to make them believe in the truth is not only a frustrating waste of time, it’s committing political suicide. You will never win. The west gives a hoot about the truth – they have proven that for the last two thousand years or more. And in all that time, not an iota of conscience has entered the west’s collective mind. The west cannot be trusted. Period.
Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Vineyard of The Saker Blog; and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.
As the Saker often points out, this is largely an information war, and that is why Russia replies to the empire’s lies.
I think that Russia could do better by communicating directly with the world using the media – give someone like the Saker a tv channel based in Russia or let him run Sputnik or RT.
Hoping that the western media will broadcast Russia’s side of the story or give the Russian narrative equal air time is a waste of time.
The Russian Government and its Ministries have been very active today and for a few days – RT has been updating on their hourly news and all the Russian sites have been updating too. Lots of interviews with both Western tv channels/Russian and other countries too.
Its obvious they have had enough:
Pretty blunt from the Ambassador of the UK.
Yes, I also noticed that they were on a counter-offensive today.
And, on the front that seems to actually matter right now. You can find recent reports on
1) Chem weapons lab found in recently liberated terrorist territory in Syria.
2) Russia directly warning that the US is training terrorists in Al-Tanf in Syria to stage the next fake-false-flag chem weapons incident in Syria.
3) And the latest report was specifically noting that the US is now massing carriers and cruise missile launchers in the eastern med and red sea to strike Syria after the false flag.
That rattlesnake is rattling as hard as it can to try to get the message to the drunk that he needs to back off.
That’s where the war apparently is going to start. They even got Trump to calm down the talk about a war on the other side of the world in North Korea so that they can have their war in Syria.
Another report today, I think on PressTV, was that Trump has asked the Saudi crown prince for $4 bln to fund war and terror in Syria. $4 bln is a lot more than the terorrists funding schemes in Syria would normally need. That’s more like asking the Saudis to pay for this coming war in advance.
That’s the reason they shouldn’t respond — because it is an information war. Are you a lefty, by chance?
Article is basically spot on. I think they’ve handled things a little better than in the past. They always offer to solve the crime. Worked with the Boston thing. Not alway a bad tactic. But in this case, how did we get to crime from hoax? They are letting themselves be put in a corner on this. Do they not understand that no response doesn’t mean you stop breathing. It just means the accusation doesn’t exist. Don’t give it air. It’s a car backfiring, or a person sneezing. There’s lots that can be said, otherwise. An anglo person sneezed on you. Alright, so take liberties with them. Why not start talking Jimmy Saville and child molestation being out of control in the UK. Why not quote Churchill’s greatest words of racism? Compare Churchill to Hitler. Something. Anything. But stop getting cornered.
Too much respect. Too much reverence. Where are the Cossacks?
Churchill received a report of the Great Bengal Famine in the 1940s, during WW2 (one on many Great Famines under English rule in India, that killed tens of millions). Churchill deliberately worsened the famine, that killed six to ten million, by shipping food to the UK, for ‘reserves’, and by forbidding Australian grain ships to land their cargoes in Calcutta. At one place in this Report, Churchill appended, in his own writing, this comment-‘Why has Gandhi not been killed yet?’.
Brilliant idea!🍀🍀🍀
I rather think that Russia needs to cut off from the ruling Western elites, those psychopaths owned and controlled by the worst of the Jews, particularly the Likudnik monsters ruling Israel, the Wahhabist butchers of the Saud Mafia family and their own hereditary parasite ruling classes. They are, in fact, Evil personified, and I rather think they are SO rabid that they seek war simply because it will destroy Life on Earth, a Life that they despise because their own tenure is so brief, and their dreadful parody of ‘religion’ is simply the denial of Death, which they so dread that they worship it in a perverse over-reaction.
Moreover I think Russia and China and the SCOs must make their pact a military one, based on immediate mutual self-defence if any one is attacked by the rabid dogs of the ‘(Un)Free World’. Furthermore I would launch investigations and trials into Crimes Against Humanity committed by the Western thanatocrats, such as the illegal aggression against Iraq, the consequent ‘Salvador Option’ death-squad rampage there, the Yemen genocide, the various mass butcheries in Gaza, the genocide and destruction in Libya and the takfiri assault on Syria etc ad infinitum. When suitable judgments are reached, Interpol warrants could be applied for to detain the guilty. Of course the Western psychos would return the compliment, but the Truth of Western barbarity will begin to filter out.
And lastly, I’d keep up the work to alert the intelligent, non brainwashed, Western people to the reality of their societies, the crimes against humanity committed in their names and the psychotic Evil of their ruling castes. Westerners ought to be always welcome in Russia, although NOT interfering ‘NGOs’ and other subversives, who must be banned, or VERY tightly monitored and controlled. And I’d get tough with internal traitors like Navalny et al, who can be put on flights to their spiritual homelands in the West, NEVER to return unless they make full confessions and ask for forgiveness. (I like it. MOD-pd)
Your chip on your shoulder is weighing you down.
Russia does not believe in the goodness of the west. It has stated that the US is ‘non negotiation capable’. It does believe in the rule of law, and follows its principles. It is fully aware that the west wants war and will ensure i) that if the west wants war, it will have to start it it and ii) the west (US, UK) will be hit hard once that happens. The western economies are in dire straights relying on massive injections of fiat to keep the charade going. That can only work for so long, and the desperation of the west shows that end point is near.
“It does believe in the rule of law, and follows its principles.”
My thoughts exactly. Russia has elevated its status worldwide by following the rule of law and established protocol in its international relations. It is leading by example and providing a path for other nations to follow.
Rather than saying what “Russia should do”, I would say that it’s high time for other nations to stand with Russia and for the rule of law. Russia should not have to stand alone time after time with no more support other than a few abstentions at the UN. If we are ever to see a true multi-polar world order, then some of these other nations that stand to benefit need to grow a pair and stand up!!
It’s not what Russia should do ….. Russia’s gonna Russia. It’s what others should do.
Precisely, if the West wants war the West will have to start it. In the meantime Russia must just keep on meekly tolerating the verbal abuse and whatever to delay the start of the conflict. In fact Russia should grovel to the West even more. For instance, Russia must take Putin’s dog to the UK and have the dog do its business on the pavement there. Then Russia must apologize loudly, profusely and at length for Putin’s dog’s misdemeanour, even make claims that the dogs do was toxic and radioactive, and offer to repave that square meter of pavement where the dreadful deed was done, etc.
And make sure that piece of pavement occupies the Western media’s attention like forever. Nonsense must be fought with nonsense, the analysts there in Russia must come up with avalanches of nonsense to drown the West with. Each day’s delay to the start of the conflict means a stronger Russia and a weaker NATO.
Very good comments above: Anonymous,Woogs, gt at the beginning… I hope I can read more. If somebody is a hiena, behaves like a hiena, if a rat,like a rat,if a snake like a snake…if a bear like a bear,if a man,like a man.
I think Russia and Putin act like this because they are what they are, for the sake of Russian people, Syrian people, others, they try to reach the common sense people in the west and they are a lot, a delay is good for Russia and for us too…
I keep forgetting to write my name , I’m the one with the hiena &Co.
+Anonymous, I think you made the most sense of all…. why should Russian do anything, the old adage, give USA/UK=west enough rope and they will hang themselves. All the time Russia has been quietly and smartly improving their resources, keeping their mouth shut and not bragging, Russian could be self sufficient today, but maybe they are playing chess and letting the West annihialate themselves, or push for war, and then be wiped out, as the west doesnt have the means to fight any war,,,, they are braggots who are possible good as terrorists but WAR,,, they are yellow bellied, dont know how to fight and too scared of real war, just talk to people who fought alongside them in ww1&2, Vietnam etc…. West is all mouth and terrorism, and their people will suffer…
Never know maybe USA will go the way of Sodom & Gomorrah????
I agree 1000 times.Enough is enough.
Us missiles will fall this night over Damas after new false flags according to Lavrov and Shoigu.When are you going to wake up President?We don’t care about the world cup,its is lost already.Send them a real ultimatum,they have no balls,they will be so afraid that..
They deserve a good lesson,a very stong one.
Yeah, but it is not so simple. If Russia cocks a snook at the west, and turns east, will those customers act with honour, or expect a discount, now knowing that they are the last remaining customers?
I do appreciate what the author is saying though, and in connection to Russia vs ZOG, the fable of the frog and the scorpion is apropos.
For those who don’t know it, it goes like this. A scorpion (scorpions cannot swim) asks a frog, for a lift to the other side of the river. Fearing the scorpion, he asks ‘how do I know you will not sting me?’
‘Why but if I stung you, then I would myself drown.’ said the scorpion.
Falling for this seemingly evident logic, and overlooking the scorpion’s nature, the frog agrees to ferry the scorpion.
In the middle of the river, against all self interest, the scorpion stings the frog, thus condemning himself also.
With his dying breath, the frog asks ‘but why?’
‘I couldn’t help it’ said his passenger. ‘I am a scorpion.’
So… seems like the missile-attack was cancelled, as was the whole “Assad-uses-chems-to-enable-a-US-attack-right-on-himself”-buisness…
And that’s the thing about them Russians still answering to our western CIC-morons: there most obviously is a layer beneath those idiots that does not want to be cannonfodder just now.
I do not see any good coming from this enough-is-enough talk. That’s the way our western so-called-elite is handling affairs. But that way is coming to a stuttering stopp more often than not these days.
And I tend to give all credit to Russia for this fact.
Excelente!!! Acredito que o pensamento de Putin e dos dirigentes da Federação Russa, está apenas se segurando para conseguir chegar até a Copa de futebol Fifa.. após esse evento haverá um rompimento total da Rússia com o Ocidente…
Eu concordo com o Sr Peter, que a Rússia deveria romper totalmente e agora com o Ocidente, pois, o que esses Estados Falidos da UE fariam?
Putin deveria fechar as torneiras de Gás para a Europa… suspensão total da cooperação Aeroespacial…etc…
Sanções contra o Ocidente!!!
Mod-to translation: Excellent!!! I believe that the thinking of Putin and the leaders of the Russian Federation, is to just get to the World Cup football (Fifa).. after this event, there will be a break between all of Russia and the West…
I agree with Mr. Peter, that Russia should break away completely and immediately with the West. So what to be done with these Failed States of the EU?
Putin should close the taps of Gas to Europe… full suspension of cooperation, Aerospace…etc…
Sanctions against the West!!!
That’s probably what ZOG wants. Zog’s strategic imperative, is to strangle what was the increasing drift of Europe to its East.
Zog would like more than anything, for Russia to make the decision. Though the European leaderships are bought and paid for, they would have a tough time selling to their citizens, why they should pay twice as much for their energy else freeze (which many will). A high energy price could also tip the fragile western economies into a depression. It is therefore extremely desirable for ZOG, that Russia itself tips over the table, and walks away. This leaves ZOG and its quisling vassal politicians, off the hook.
Zog’s provocations will now come with increasing tempo and severity; I have seen it all before with the Balkans, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Expect a Ukrainian war, with outrageous and hysterical reporting, false flag chemical attacks, maimed children and so on.
Russia’s immediate action ought be to get the rest of the SCO to stand by it, because of cause, if Russia is quarantined, then they will be next.
I think you are right there and I think Putin knowing all this is preparing Russia for this since many years
Russian military technology is very strong but maybe they dont have enough hardware yet but they are building it up recently faster and more efficient
And I guess Putins patience has limits too
Not being a diplomat, it’s hard for me to think through all the consequences of expelling the British embassy and all consulates, but that is exactly what I was hoping Russia would do. After the Borris Johnson accusation, it seemed like a necessity.
There is no need to ban private UK citizens. In fact they should be welcomed, including soccer players and fans. But no official British government presence should be tolerated in Russia.
That said, there is probably a reason why Russia did not do this. I’m curious what it is.
“It has brought all of halfwit Europe – and there is a lot of them – under the spell of Russia hating.”
Excuse me, Pete, but this European halfwit for one hasn’t bought into the bullshit.
Well, the exceptions are still confirming the rule, as ever… ;-)
Putin: West Will At The End Swallow Their Own Poison, They Prepared For Russia
COMING SOON! New Putin’s Blochbuster Documentary Trailer – World Order 2018
Ex-mayor of London Ken Livingstone comments on UK-Russia scandal over Skripal case
The ultimate weapon in the hands of Russia and China …. cease trade with the West. Russian has the land and China has the people. Neither actually need fake American dollars. The Americans have shown a bankrupt country can live high on the hog for decades by printing official counterfeit money. Without a flow of Eastern goods to the service economy of the West, the mass unemployed will finish the job. This will hit the Americans particularly hard, they (we) do not make anything ….. The infrastructure is in sad shape as witnessed by a bridge falling down in less than twenty four hours, after it had been set in place, killing six people.
Agreed — and get rid of the banksters running Russian banks!
He’s damn right. I got so mad every time that Russian politicians call the West ‘our partners.’ When the heck are they going to wake up?
mod-to note: Perhaps they have but are playing the long game.
All politicians lie, and I’d guess the Russians can also do it, in their own way !
Mr 3rdeye:
Re the “partners” – this is what is known as “taking the piss”.
Thanks for that comment, Moderator.
I recommend to the author and many commentators above to avoid trading the markets. Anyone who does, and reacts on the basis of either a) how they feel, or b) how they will look, is pretty much dead meat.
How many lives are turning on Putin’s reactions? He must play the long game no matter how it looks. Time is on his side for many reasons, and pride does not trump real consequences for him.
Sorry, but the word “Novichok” (Новичок) reminds me of “Kazachok” (Казачок)
Lasst euch nicht irren des Pőbels Geschrei, nicht den Missbrauch rasender Toren.
IMHO it is to early to close the Britisch embassy in Moscow and leave the diplomatic traffic to the Swiss. Reduce the number of persons Britain can have there and otherwise let them feel how unimportant they are. It’s effective and humiliating.
Anyone who can interprete maps should start Google Earth and turn the globe so that Britain is at the very western rim. That is where Russia’s and Europe’s musik plays. In one Year Great Britain or what is left of her will be out of the EU and in desperate need for trading partners and allies.
Smack in the middle of the western part of Eurasia sits Germany. I do not believe that the Germans want to commit economic self mutilation by dumping Russia (irrespective of the rabid foaming of HuffPost de).
The Russian General Staff has not had a night of sleep in month due to the huge military buildup on Russa’s western borders. They still remember that Poland occupied Moscow 400 years ago and how Napoleon was shown the door in 1812; crossing of the Beresina.
Advanced congratulations to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to your re-election. One day I hope to come back as a tourist. I was in Moscow and Tblisi in 1984 flying a Caravelle with the 1st. FC Köln for a match against Dynamo Moscow.
China needs Russia as a gateway to Europe. A Russia which does not trade with Europe is much less interesting to China than a Russia which has good trade relations with Europe. So Russia needs to keep links with the UK and the EU.
I’m going to have to disagree with PK about Russia’s reactions to these various zionazi provocations.
First, though, it is important to understand these provocations are not ordered by washington, but by tel aviv. Trump, may, merkel, macron are all loyal quislings of zionazi, inc.
Second, the target of these provocations is not Russia, but westerners. The zionazis are running a psywar campaign on western people. The goal of which is to demonise Russia, obviously, but also raise faultering support for their quislings running these western zio-colonies. They are trying to bolster the image of these quislings so that further down the line when these traitors initiate more aggressive economic and war moves.
One economic example of which is to gain euro acceptance of switching from cheap energy from Russia, to more expensive energy from zionazia’s colonies, like the usa and canada. European people will not put up with “leaders” who willfully impoverish them further in that manner unless they can be convinced it is of dire need.
A military example would be increased nato aggression against Syria, or israeli direct aggression. Or setting the ukronazis upon Novorussia again, and backing them openly.
Keep in mind that what zionazia is doing with this psywar is not actually something threatening Russia directly, something that would require a strong response to protect Russia and their geopolitical interests. It is akin to schoolyard taunting.
With such understanding of zionazi method and goals, a strong, matching response from Russia would only increase the effectiveness of this zionazi psywar war on their intended western “marks”. The calm, measured Russian response, pointing out the childishness of this nonsense, comes across to others observing as the reaction of an adult to a child’s tantrum. The zionazis may be impressing the other kiddies with this behaviour, but thinking people, those who no longer pay much attention to what the zionazi-gay madia spews out, are seeing it for what it is and making judgements accordingly.
Very, very shrewd comment.
Thank you.
Most notably the correction to American-initiated plans/aggressions, clearly the U.S.A. is blatantly an occupied national entity.
Also, that the provocations are not aimed at Russian or Russians, who, according to Charles Bausman, have a much more sober, physical-reality based perception of the ‘western’ puppet government antics.
The parody, charade-like narrative in the UK sets a new extreme level of ridiculousness, we wonder how come crowds don’t gather in huge number, just to laugh publicly about it, and demand the resignation of the governments and the round up of all the media/propaganda agency directors for crimes against humanity?
When is the bubble going to break?
It is difficult to know the best approach/response to these, truly incredible, narratives coming from the propaganda/perception management program, but based on record to date, the Russian leadership is doing as good a job as possible.
China is quite quiet, aren’t they; even though, aren’t they the ultimate target here?
Without Russia, won’t China be compromised?
China is the Zionazis Number One target of all time. The Chinese treat Jews just like every other group on Earth, and that lack of due deference and servility is the very worst sort of ‘antisemitism’ there is.
English plot all wars and then blame jews if found out.
I don’t think you quite understand how enduring power came to be so.
There is an amusing Monty Python video called ‘How not to be seen.’
It shows the perils of being visible. I recommend the first couple of minutes to all; many a true word is spoken in jest.
Let kings, queens and politicians face the guillotine and the uprising. True power, the real head of the snake, stays behind the curtain, and is not of any nation state.
Furthermore, and in this I speculate, it is a dynasty that has enjoyed uninterrupted power since Babylonian times.
But hey, what do I know.
And while in Monty Python mood, who are of course Britain at its best, I was reminded while witnessing Theresa May’s and Boris’ provocation of Russia of the fish slapping dance.
The article about whitewashing Anglo Saxons had some truth to it. The point I want to make here is that it is strange that the Left wing Jews he mentioned don’t get promoted, only the right wing ones do. So the imperialist DNA of the USA seems to turn everyone who come close to the seat of power into a neocon or neoliberal.
How did Emma Goldman and Helen Keller (left wing Jewish peace activists)end up as Victoria Nuland and Madeline Albright (Neo con and neo liberal warmongers?
Specifically, how did we get from Frederick Douglas, to Martin Luther King and from there, to Colin Powell and Barak Obama? How did Susan B Anthony and Sojourner Truth and Jeanette Rankin morph into Hillary Clinton, Madeline Albright, Samantha Powell and now to ‘top it all off’, the new purported head of the CIA, noted for her past activities in torture and coverup?
Something happens that brings out the worst in whatever marginalized demographic manages to make it to a policy making position. Whether Jewish, Black, Female. It is also worth noting that Jewish history books took pride in noting the guy who financed the Revolution was Jewish. But who was he financing? Anglo Saxon slave owners whose actual concern was not freedom from the British but freedom to continue slavery, which the British were in the process of ending. Frankly, I find this all embarrassing if not horrifying. What ever happened to basic human decency? Aristocracy at least in the USA and pretty much elsewhere is supposed to be based on merit, but it obviously usually doesn’t turn out that way.
The problem with the emotions is that they oversimplify reality.
If you’ve thought about this civilizational crisis long and hard enough, your emotions are already steeled. You realize that war may be forced on Russia, that they won’t start it, and that these provocateurs are not only Russia’s enemy, but YOUR enemy. The enemy of truth and goodness itself.
I share many of PK’s emotions as well as those of “war is coming”….or PCR who feels about the same. But I would hardly say that the Russian leadership is suicidal. I would say that PK and “war is coming” strike me as far, far more suicidal than Putin or Lavrov. I know that those two men have feelings also. But they don’t let their feelings run away with their minds. They use those feelings to motivate their minds to operate on the highest possible level.
They already have preparations under way and increasing for the worst possible scenario: That Russia is struck not with just words, but sticks and stones of existence threatening scale. Meanwhile their emotions are moderated, governed, more restrained by their formidable intellects as they work for a happier outcome than “No Russia, No World”.
Putin and Lavrov are more ready for thinking and action than people running on more emotion (fully justified outrage, indignation, etc) than calm intellect and ice cold nerves…..who frankly worry me more…as far as “suicidal tendencies” are concerned.
Our emoting over here is useful if we have been dead asleep since 911 and need to kick our brains into gear…or a few seconds worth if we are trying to communicate what the dead asleep should be feeling, but don’t yet feel. But if you reading woke up more than a few days ago, I would urge to settle down and start thinking better how to assist other sane, good forces make vital headway, than to further indulge your outtraged, indignant “feeling state”.
If it starts fading on you and you’re thinking about getting cable TV again, go for it! Not the BoobTube, the moral indignation, to recharge your resolve!
But otherwise, I would urge careful monitoring and management of emotion and more engagement of intellect.
This is more complicated than simple emotions, and while I share them with you when my Russian wife thrusts her smart phone under my nose with Trump saying, “It looks like the Russians did it…” that made me think more about what he said about North Korea…and what he has achieved on that flank….whereas she has to get back to raising our American sons….and her emotion is correct….but her ntellectual preparation for this scale of crisis……understandably, forgiveably, incomplete.
And I have not even had time to finsih the entirety of this video:
Did The Deep State Just Hint At Their Next Targeted Event – Episode 1522b
But I post it here because many, many of the same thoughts that Dave shares….occurred to me before I watched it this morning.
Be on your toes, False flag preparations by the Deep State in New York City if Trump does not go for pushing Russia out of the UNSC….as his carefully worded “looks like” phrase IN NO WAY guarantees!
Short circuiting that kind of desperate tactic takes all of your heart…..but also all of your MIND.
It is why usa is continuing to publish cyber attacks they believe these are occuring..even uk National grid warning that a cyber attack- obviously hinting at Russia – could shut uk down for days catastrophically(presumably with no electricity we could not get tv or radio showing the extent of UK “replies “whether non nuclear or not.) some batteries for the radio folks…I have a bit of parafin for the hurricanelamp in the garage enough for a couple of weeks….just imagine you could not charge your mobile phone… a wind up radio….. I still have an analogue phone …
There comes a point !- maybe,surely-when so claimed hysteria becomes directed panic?
Report from the Big Satan: lies, lies and more lies…
Russians with money abroad: Who has your back?
It appears that Russia needs to get through their election period so that the national ritual is observed and national will reaffirmed and consolidated.. And then, and then we shall see. As my mother who chose her battles carefully said, ” I am just going to have to put my foot down.”
Now that is an apt metaphor for a genetically astrologically Pisces nation.
The author is missing the point with the Russians – the Russian government is fully aware that they are dealing with vassal imbeciles. The vassal imbeciles of the west know that they are vassal imbeciles but that awareness is tempered by the pay cheques that they receive from their anglo/zionist masters.
It is a slow game but the propaganda effectiveness of the zionists has been exponentially diminished – not just by the trolling of the western MSM by RT but mostly by the inability of the MSM presstitutes to maintain a consistant flow of disinformation to the masses.
The British hysteria for yet another fake false flag farce is best played out – allowing the zionists to fall on their own sword of stupidity. The Russians know that if not the poisoning of some who ever Russian traitor douchebag today it will be some other ridiculous narrative next week – so why bother getting upset. Getting upset just shows weakness.
I’ve come to watching RT latterly, and the standard of intellect on display, Russian and Western ‘colluders’ is SO very far above that of the moronic, ranting, ignoramuses that infest the fakestream media that you would surely imagine them to be different species, if you were a Venusian anthropologist doing field research. I have not heard a dissenting opinion from a local fakestream media droog for years and years. The Groupthink is ABSOLUTE, on every topic. One recent development, however, is that the occasional dissenting opinion, from a not properly vetted outsider, now often elicits looks not of surprise, but of fear, as if the Badthink might prove contagious, or the presstitute itself be considered ‘unreliable’ in future, due only to proximity to Thought Crime.
@ Mulga,
you are clearly of open mind, so consider this.1984 is always considered to be a warning, of where we could end up, if we let our guard down. And with censorship and group-think rapidly on the rise, the fear is that we are heading there fast. But…. I moot Orwell was not describing what COULD come to pass, but what had ALREADY came to pass. Orwell could not say that, he would not be allowed. He took us to the parapet to see a scene, and invited us to work out the rest.
‘He who controls the past, controls the present. He who controls the present, controls the past.’
What do we truly know of the past? Who among your or my circle knows of Khazaria? Or what happened to Babylon’s bankers or the Phoenecians? Did they really disappear? Who is taught what price Cromwell had to pay for funding, and to whom? The Turkish sailor, Piri Reis, acquired in the 16th century, a map of Antarctica, with it’s actual shoreline, the one hidden by hundreds of miles of ice extending into the sea; who produced this map? How? How much history is totally missing from our view, ripped out of the books and now ring-fenced.Were it not for the internet, who would know now of Nikola Tesla; and in spite of the internet, 99% of people still don’t know his name. They are struggling to edit him out of history.
On the flip-side, How much history we are taught, is just fiction? Did ancient Israel ever exist? Did dinosaurs exist? For any incredulous about dinosaurs, do you believe that oil is actually dead dinosaurs as we are told?
Of what’s left for us to view, it is re-written as it happens, e.g. WW2, and 9/11, but this is not new. I just heard from Wayne Jett on youtube (reluctant preppers) that 3million Americans died of hunger in the great depression, and that the bankers and Roosevelt did everything possible to strangle the money supply and destroy the middle class, buying up everything for pennies on the dollar. It was on purpose,as was the 1929 crash, and the same political class and power structures are still in power.
So group-think is based on both ignorance of truth, and disinterest in the truth. But I moot that those of us who are interested, are still struggling to understand the scale of it; what do we truly know about human past.What we are taught has already been hijacked.
If war breaks out tomorrow, and the TV and radio go dead, the power is switched off, and phones stop working, and there is zero information available to us, can you imagine how scary that would be? Knowing nothing beyond what is happening in our own street? In terms of history, perhaps we have already been living that way all our lives.
It’s the Matrix indeed.
I also think winning or even fighting the information war is important. Which of course doesn’t exclude the other options. There is a saying in Spanish that goes “el que calla, otorga” translated as “silence is consent” (no idea if that’s a common English saying). Awakening happens, and spreads. I feel Russian reactions are good, seem mature. In the end rationale will succeed because that’s what we all prefer as intelligent beings: rationale and predictability. Only a few will remain comfortably in the state of craziness.
“Everything else, responding, justifying, explaining, denying the most flagrant lies, trying to make them believe in the truth is not only a frustrating waste of time, it’s committing political suicide. You will never win. The west gives a hoot about the truth – they have proven that for the last two thousand years or more. And in all that time, not an iota of conscience has entered the west’s collective mind. The west cannot be trusted. Period.”
The US and U.K are some of the most litigious societies in the world. Very often big law firms win only because they have bigger resources and can suffocate other law firms with an endless stream of pointless documents. These documents are designed to confuse, obfuscate and ultimately to ware out a less powerful firm. The west has developed an enormous media webs and who ever get caught in them simply has no chance of survival. All of that to say, is that I also agree with the author of this article; Russia should avoid stepping into this diarrhea. It just makes the stench of lies more potent. In case if the response is absolutely necessary it should not be defensive – it should be proactive and it should discourage the West from committing these crimes. As of this time, Russian reaction is only playing into the zionist’s grabby hands.
”Why are you Russia, even responding?
That is foolish sign of weakness.”
Russia has, in fact, responded with utmost — tacit — resolve as per Putin’s March 1st speech. As with all these premeditated, imbecilic displays of ’holy rage’ among the West’s mental and moral midgets, I would say that Russia not responding at all is not such a good idea. And please consider too that Russia did really take action by deciding to expel an equal amount of buggered UK diplomats from Russia, which is great.
What I personally would love to see is the Russian government and the Russian media treating the West’s degenerates, swine, and scum with top-class refined, contemptuous amusement all along the line. But, again, as long as Mother Russia sincerely cares for her scientific and military prowess, her politeness and discretion won’t pose any threat to her. The adversaries are screaming from a vile, smelly gutter and, no, Russia is not contemplating any surrendering of Crimea or Syria so as to please this gentry. Remember the incredibly ”committed” Australian Tony Abbott and his awesome pronunciamento to Putin?
”Well I guess I’ll shake your hand, but I only have one thing to say: You need to get out of Ukraine!”
Did Putin respond in a similar manner? No. Was Putin impressed? No. But, yes, I would have found it truly hilarious had Putin responded to this utter nobody by a loud WOOF!
May I respectfully correct you Nussiminen?
It was our former canadian and “lustrous” prime minister S Harper famous statement. I would hate to see the credit for this dubious statement to be denied to him.
Noticeably he is being well outperfomed by the current one.
Well, I’ll be damned!
Just came across this disclaimer :
”The ’shirtfront’ that was supposed to have been delivered to Vladimir Putin by Tony Abbott appears instead to have been dealt out, at least in verbal form, by ice hockey fan Stephen Harper, the prime minister of Canada.”
That makes the pronunciamento ”more to the point” so to speak, given the significant Ukronazi diaspora in Canada!
Anonymous… a correction : it was our PM Tony Abbott who made the infamous ‘shirt front’ insult (as in a thuggish rugby league threat – I’ll kick your head in) just before G20 Brisbane meeting. “He wanted Putin to confess to downing MH17.”
If Harper used it later, then he was parroting Abbott.
”If Harper used it later, then he was parroting Abbott.”
And, still, infinitely evil Putin refused to comply! The honourable ”International Community” had better confront him ’au grand complet’ , yelling right in his face BOOO for Russia!!!.
Now we shall see the — probably horrific — impact of the Skripal-Novichok media garbage upon Putin’s domestic stature. Anything above 20% in favour of Putin for president is to be dismissed as election fraud, all well rehearsed by The Kremlin’s meddling in the US, right?
They are both parroting Goebbels. And yes, we are indeed knee deep in Ukronazis in Canada. They were brought over after WW II to bolster the right wing and act as strikebreakers. Our beloved Foreign Minister’s grandparents were bona fide Bandaraite Nazis literally on the SS payroll. She is indeed a “foreign” minister -foreign to everything Canada once stood for.
I live in WA and well remember that whole sorry and embarrassing saga. I seem to remember that Julie Bishop flew off to meet President Putin on the sidelines of some meeting somewhere. Presumably to apologize for Abbott’s boorish remark and to ask him to attend the G20 summit regardless. The “shirt-fronting” was eventually done, but with a cuddly koala. I watched Putin on TV, barely tolerating Abbott’s puerile hosting of the meeting, and then flew home early as he had real work to do rather than wasting his precious time in that political kindergarten. His patient, civil reaction to the provocations of the howling rabble reminds me of the non-violent approaches of Ghandi and Martin Luther King. I just hope his security is better.
Regarding our Tony, you might find this news item interesting. It’s footage from the D-Day anniversary commemorations in Normandy on 6 June 2014. It’s only 10 seconds from about 5:13 to 5:23, but is “very interesting”. Five weeks later MH17 was shot down and the explosion of Russophobic hysteria began within hours, joined enthusiastically by Tony Abbott.
You know, I’ve been thinking about the permanent Russophobic hysteria in the Anglosphere. Being of Russian extraction myself I have experienced it all my life, and I am 71. I’ve finally concluded that it’s just rank Anglo-American racism. To them Russians are (and I apologise for using the phrase but it’s appropriate under the circumstances) “white niggers”. Our skins are white but to them we are Blacks, Asiatics, Indians, Latinos and anyone else who is not pure Anglo White, and hence “subhuman”.
The seemingly weak, adaptive response is the best in the long run. Also I really believe, just judging from appearances and available footage, that russian officials are quite upright and hold empiric and moral truth very high.
As long as there aren’t any major changes in the russian government, that won’t change in the next years.
They will always appeal to logic and reason, while preparing for the worst, since the empire has made it clear that they aren’t to be trusted at all.
Maybe my judgement is clouded by being a child of the GDR (east germany), but I perceived the eastern culture as way more reasonable and scientific.
“What would the west do, if suddenly they had no enemy, because the enemy has decided to ignore them and take a nap? China will join you.”
Launch a sneak attack. Directly or in Syria. Never nap in this situation! Unfortunately these things simply cannot be ignored.
Completely agree, President Putin and Russia need to take the high road. Responding only encourages more infantile behavior. If the west choose to remain in kindergarten mode let them. I would like to remind President Putin that his schools days are long past. Leave the playground they drag try you into. Demonstrate as you have on so many occasions that you are a LEADER and a STATESMAN.
Expect a response from Russia. They always respond. It will be well thought out and at a time of their choosing. It will be simple and stunning. They will first get through the election and the World Cup.
The question remains: when should the rest of us living in the West start packing our bags?
If I answer that with my own actions I would say in 2010 – all this was obviously in the pipework then one way or another. When the economy fails they take you to war, always have and always will, and the western economy is on the brink of collapse. Get out now if you can, property in the country is still cheap in Russia & Belarus.
this is only partly true,Russia ,under evilputin is telegraphing its present stance very clearly,”we lost our ally Irag,Libiya,Servia,Afghanistan & Ukrine but now we are ready to fight if we must,we stand ready in Seria & Crimea .It took sometime for russia to get ready and arm itself ,now will the western evil empire put the money where it’s mouth is, bomb damascus and ask its zionist upstarts in what is left of ukrine to strike crimea?they are lost which ever way they choose.
mod-to note: Please, absolutely no use of capitals (Mod Policy Rule #1). Use bold, italics, underline or any combination thereof to emphasize.
Okay… I am going to stick a spanner in this cog here…. I’m not sure this is an “attack on Russia” per se. I think perhaps that Russia is the convenient scapegoat which the “official” already prevalent high-Russophobia makes such a nice bullseye. Kinda, Russia is the name of the lamb you slaughter – but it’s the ritual that matters. … I think the actual target is to boost May’s utterly deplorable ratings and, perhaps as a bonus, bring down Corbyn’s.
May was not elected, she inherited her position when Cameron stepped down and she has NOT done a good job. I mean sucky bad. She’s also been facing a number of calls/petitions for a vote of no confidence even from her own side. This affair has changed all that to a veritable ooze of warm smelly brown sludge creamed fondly and loudly all over her by the whole House – even “Proof? Good relations?” Corbyn is dutifully pointing the Russia finger.
Allies: Look at Macron’s first response to this affair…. “fantasy politics?” And the US and Germany and NATO – originally silence, … stunned silence. They really weren’t ready for this stunt. Even now that they’ve changed their tune NATO is jumping up and down squeaking “NOT N ARTICLE 5!” and Merkel still hasn’t graced our TV screens to get her dutiful “Evil Putin” bit in. …And all this “highly likely” in political-speak means only “We’re pretending we believe.” Hey – what terrifies the British and EU establishments more than the thought of the Queen asking that old communist hippy to form her govt?
And sheesh man! “At long living last we’ve got that horrid Saudi kingling and Our Weapons killing poor damned starving cholera-infested not-even-got-water Yemeni children off the front pages!” That one was a serious May downer voter-wise.
So they’ve broken relations with Russia – but so what.
The Russians are pragmatic, practical and sensible – okay they’re upset now but when the time comes to rebuild relations Russia will rebuild. But there’s no rebuilding relations for the Tories or current Establishment status quo if they lose and Corbyn tops the pops.
So ackshully – it’s all a masterful piece of British political deception. No-one’s falling for it – but equally, no-one can say anything against it. Dirty tricks at their finest.
Just a thought….
Although your thought is absolutely logical from that point of view – namely, the re-invention of May – I think that there is a long list of happenings which lead to this “low level” in relation with Russia. The latest manifestation is yet another step in a direction worked upon long ago in the shadowy caves of their mind. What will follow we can guess, we can speculate but not know. By the way, the Donald (the other, Tusk) has called for a meeting of the EU leaders next week, on which they will try to express a common stance regarding this issue.
I will just agree with your point that nobody’s falling for it, or ad afondly remembered Texas lady politician once said, “that dog won’t hunt.”
Nonetheless, I hope Russia will continue to take the high road as a record needs to be established on each claim, no matter how outrageous that claim may be. I use as an example the many wonderful speeches of Martin Luther King. Still today rightminded US citizens turn to his messages for inspiration, and so it must be for Russia’s youth. Do not deny them a voice among the powerful!
Latest US Isolationist Policy. From analyst Canthama 2hr ago on SyrPer:
“Trump regime: We will impose sanctions on all countries that intend to buy Russia’s S-400 Air Defense syst.m.. This is the list —
Saudi Arabia
The US is moving a few morem steps toward completely isolating itself. To the List above, one can add Egypt, Algeria, and few more interested countries.
The end is really getting closer. The Trump regime is also threatening Russia with financial sanctions for selling an advanced air defense system to weak countries.”
mod-to note: Interesting that a nation would be sanctioned for wanting only to adequately defend itself
All North Korea wants is to protect itself and look how upset the US becomes.
I cannot agree with this article. Russians know what they are doing. They handled this whole false flag affair with tact and dignity, which will earn them even more prestige.
This false flag attack was a timed provocation prior to the elections in Russia. The intent was to provoke the Russians into doing something rash and create an atmosphere of insecurity, so Putin might lose. This pathetic and highly transparent attempt failed.
Old Russian saying: Russians saddle their horses very slowly, but they ride very fast. The West better not forget this.
While you are correct with regard to Russia’s tact and dignity, I don’t believe for a second this silly premeditated Western shitstorm is about Russia’s Presidential Elections tomorrow. Even the most arrogant Zionazis cannot possibly expect any rewards from such an obviously futile effort, especially not after Putin’s speech on March 1st. After all, it is ”most unfortunately” the Russians and not the zombified Euro-trash who will be casting the votes. Otherwise, it could very well have worked.
Most likely, what we see now is the long awaited attempt to relocate the FIFA World Cup. That, by contrast, has a fair chance of succeeding. If the Zionazis really were thinking about influencing the Presidential Elections, they would have openly threatened to trash the games months in advance, in which case this false flag nonsense wouldn’t have started within only a fortnight of the election.
Well, not quite. The World Cup is of limited importance. Yes, the elites in the West are not happy with the event taking place in Russia, but the actual event is nothing more than international entertainment. Who rules Russia is what is important. I have been watching the situation with interest. The West tried pulling off their usual stunts through NGO’s, recruiting suitable candidates for the role of stooges. They ended up with a clown called Sobchak and a semi-clown called Navalny, who last year tried a Maidan in Moscow, failing quite miserably. Since that did not work, we now have a false flag. I wonder how many people in the world believe this piece of propaganda nonsense.
B.F, it is long past time that Quisling agents of a genocidal foreign enemy, bent on Russia’s enslavement and vivisection, were put on planes or trains or missiles, and delivered to their real Homelands in the glorious West. If the West refuses to take them, they can be pushed out of planes-with parachutes, of course.
It’s ALL about the FIFA World Cup, the biggest international celebration of common humanity. What is the one country that rejects football as a veritable religion for a united mankind? The USA, of course-it’s Exceptional, after all. The sight of Russia hosting the FIFA World Cup was behind the US attack on FIFA, using its extra-territorial police state thuggery, as usual. And, never forget-this Crusade is being driven by the Zionazis, for whom hatred has been their existential fuel for millennia. Once Putin stopped the Oded Yinon Plan in Syria, he was a marked man. Note, also, that the raving hate-mongers of the Western fakestream media asylum are more and more ranting that Putin and Xi, the twin devils, are acting as they are (all the invented drivel) because they PHYSICALLY FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES, from ‘rivals’. That tells me that the West are preparing to attempt to physically liquidate both these leaders.
Europe will naturally gravitate into orbit around Russia. But the US Empire is desperate to block that natural process. These Spy-Movie theatrics are not really aimed at Russia, they are aimed at Europe – a psychological barrier (one of a continuing sequence) to keep Europe from becoming coherent with Russia.
I have to disagree with Peter here. Russia is operating on the basis that the West is already done for. All they need to do is take it on the chin for a little longer, which hurts in the short term, but will pay off in the long term, all they need to do is outlast them. They do these things you criticized so much for the benefit of future relations with nations around the globe, not for short term goals like “trying to make them see the truth,” that’s frankly nonsense. Russia has been nothing if not incredibly smart in their foreign policy decisions and conduct, they absolutely know what they are doing. Others notice how they conduct themselves, believe me, there are a lot of countries just waiting patiently for the US to crumble, so they can come out from under the empires scathing shadow and build a fruitful relationship with the east. We see this everywhere, a few voices here and there, saying they need better relations with Russia, but no action following the few scattered voices, because the empire rules with an iron fist over those it tricked into occupation under the guise of protection.
Russia is presenting itself as a very mature, honest, pragmatic, relaxed and open country, fine qualities one looks for in a leader. I’m not saying they are looking to replace the US empire with their own, but they are very interested in playing a role fit for their countries size and historic relevance to this planet.
The Russians don’t believe for a second that anything they say or do will affect relations with the West for the better, I think that much became clear over a decade ago already. They are doing this to set a new standard, a post-West standard of diplomatic relations.
The next financial crisis is looming, it will finish off the dollar, the US and their hegemony with it. It’s already set in stone, just a little longer.
Great post – Thx.
I understand what Peter Koenigis saying but, he underestimates the power of the fifth column in Russia which control the finance and the economy of Russia. These people have to be handled carefully and should they act against Russia, every one in Russia will recognize them as treators..
Putin knows that time is in favor of Russia and China. The zionist empire may implode and war may be avoided . If the Empire starts the war then the world will go through major destruction.
Putin is facing the zionist empire which is runned by mad men. Direct confrontation is the worst solution.
Eventually Trump with all his sanctions and his new approach to world trade is going to hasten the implosion of the Empire, so doing nothing is probably the best solution.
The US itself is a divided country and there is no reason to believe that Nato and EU are of one mind. Which is really is the achilles heel of any alliance – married today, divorced tomorrow. May’s cry to her allies makes her look incredibly weak and their rather cool response is an attempt to appear united. The western block could not have replied other than they did or it would have appear divided. May wasn’t kind to candidate Trump so it’s hard to see why President Trump would offer her more than the obligatory lip service which played well to his interests in US. I can’t see US citizens supporting serious military engagement against Russia over a incident that occurred on British soil and is of no importance to them. I think the whole affair makes the British state look foolish and the Russia state reasonable. I suspect May was set up and fell into the trap and escape will cost her. Poison is the traditional weapon of women and men have generally preferred combat so it is ironic for Boris Johnson to suggest the Putin is sending a message to Russian traitors. Also humorous is the attention drawn to the 86 year old Russian defector who invented Novichok who appears quite healthy living in New Jersey. It is completely unfortunate politics in Britain have fallen to this level and one cannot escape what history dictates – as one power falls another rises.
I believe your views are on a premise shared by many, but not correct.
The plurality of actors in a western ‘alliance’ is nothing of the sort. They all report to ZOG, they are all vassal states, including the US, and possibly even Israel itself. The nation state, in the case of the west, was hijacked long ago. The hierarchy in which the decision makers sit, has many levels above it, and hidden from us.
I will give you one example; read between the lines. Just before the second gulf war, 2003 or thereabouts, the execrable UK defence minister, Geoff Hoon, was asked by a reporter whether we would support the US invasion of Iraq. His response was an outburst of unguarded candour….. he confidently said that it was ‘inconceivable that UK foreign policy would differ from that of the US.’
Now, if inconceivable, then why did the UK have the pretense of an independent foreign policy at all? But I detract; if we take his words at face value, then what is the hierarchy?
1) UK serves USA (possible)
2) US secretly serves UK (unlikely)
3) both kneel to some higher power – BINGO!
Maybe that higher power is Israel, maybe Israel kneels with them to ZOG.
The idea that UK has to lobby support from allies is just wrong. That is theatre for the electorates. Political professionalism, in reality, is all about perpetuating an illusion, one that strokes the dumb electorate.
Occasional, if you think the Pommies are groveling arse-kissers to the Exceptionalist Reich, I invite you to visit Austfailure, where our elites would crawl for miles over broken glass dipped in sheep poo, to lick any Yankee, or Zionazi, jack-boot. The Exceptionals just appointed a RABID Sinophobe thug, Harris as ‘Ambassador’ or Viceroy to be more accurate,(the best appointment since they sent the genocidal coup-meister Marshall Green to oversee the removal of the Whitlam Government)and, as he spews hatred and threats at China, our political, fakestream media and other elites are wetting themselves in ecstasy at the display.
@ Mulga, indeed, that’s the essence of it, but the dreary game, abetted by the hysterical MSM, is to make-believe a vanilla version of international affairs, where our leaders are first and foremost, patriots, who need to be persuaded by argument and the merits of each situation. That’s why I was disturbed to read above in CC’s post “and there is no reason to believe that Nato and EU are of one mind. Which is really is the achilles heel of any alliance – married today, divorced tomorrow.”
I do not subscribe to such a view; Vassals do wriggle and bleat sometimes, but are quickly whacked back into shape. When Norway moaned about carrying an unfair share of the burden in NATO, (Afghanistan & Libya) and its share of an international bank bail-out slush fund, as if on cue, Anders Breivik appears, targeting the children of the political class. I think Norwegian leadership got the message.
When the message is stubbornly not heard, the gloves come off. Olaf Palme anyone?
Perhaps I am naive but I have never of ZOG . I’m posting from wilds of Canada and ZOG is unknown in this part of the world. However at the time of the 2nd Gulf War Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien refused the American request to engage Canada’s forces . (To Canada’s shame he did allow US aircraft to refuel in Gander Newfoundland before heading to the Gulf) Some folks in US were angry, disgusted and considered Canada traitorous for opting out of the Gulf War but never the less trade between the 2 countries continued unabated. The Harper (2006-2015) years saw a more aggressive Canada in terms of military support for the US. What few people realize during the Harper administration was if the Northern Gate Way pipeline had being approved and built transporting Alberta bitumen to the west coast and on to China the sale would have being in yuan and not the US dollar! The point I’m trying to make is countries have trading partners and allies but most importantly they have interests and interest do not always align with their allies and trading partners. Generally in the democratic nations, politicians who mistake what their countries interests are, eventually find themselves kicked out of office like what happened to Hillary Clinton. Personally I can’t fathom how the May government’s behaviour toward Russia is in any way shape or form in Britain’s best interest. Trump is reported to have said something along the line of “it looks like the russians did it” but he could have equally mumbled unheard to the camera,” but then again it could of been the georgians ,or the poles, or maybe a 500 pound guy.” Boris Johnson’s plea for help from his allies (US) in his opinion piece in the Washington Post is pathetic. The Americans have problems of their own to deal with as the latest Florida school shooting attest too. A British double agent and his Russian daughter found unconscious on a park bench in Salisbury isn’t going to register with the American public period. Personally, I can’t see how it is in Trump’s interest to aid May other than assisting in the investigation and dragging it out as long as possible. Sure the rhetoric is welcome – it keeps the neocons fed – but Joe average USA doesn’t give a shit .
Sure in Canada we have a russiaphobe in high office but Canada considers Russia a competitor in our export markets.
Russia has called the words spoken to them by the May government “unforgivable”. This would concern me if I were British and didn’t feel like forking out extra cash for gas and other resources currently imported from Russia. You bet Britian’s North American allies will goad British bombast towards Russia with a goal to replace cheaper imported Russian resources with more expensive North American ones. I personally don’t believe the Brit’s should count on the US calvary arriving to defend British honour any time soon.
@CC, all good points.
I would square the circle as follows. In the absence of direct orders, the actors concentrate on vote winning politics, and parochial interests. The following of such ‘independent policies,’ can be considered allowing a dog to run on a long lead.Each political class has to deal with and placate its own nationalists, and influential class.
That said, when it comes to the crunch, direct orders from above will be obeyed. The EU sanctions Russia against its own interest, and against fierce resistance from industry, especially in Germany and Italy. The floodgates are opened to migrants without any caution or logic, not just in Sweden and Germany, but in all except the visegrad states.
That is encouraging; there is dissent. But Western Europe, UK, US, Canada, OZ, NZ, Japan, these are all captured states.
I don’t know where I first heard the term ZOG, but it is fittingly vague. We can see its effect, but can only speculate its actual form. Is zionism at the top, or is it just the next rung up? I don’t know.
Our population is over 7 billion people who each act in largely in way that benefits themselves and their families. Instead of dogs on a short lease think independently minded cats. Just try to herd 7 billion cats in one direction. It cannot be done. That is why we see the hysteria in the MSM and the clown show in Britian. As long as the cats are happy and fed they are amiable creatures. Cats are also know to be picky eaters and they soon start to howl when they don’t like what is being fed to them.
we fundamentally disagree. You think of people of cats, but we are thought of by our owners in camp West, as cattle, and organised to behave as such through a variety of structures.
No further discussion required; there is a spectrum of opinion on the nature of our social structure, be aware of this spectrum. If going forward, events and behaviours are not explained by your view, then revisit your assumptions. But it must be said, that over 99% are with you; that our notional leaders, are actually the ones indeed in charge. Because if not, then the 99% would surely have spotted that, right?
National leader are not really in charge in the that – ” they say we do”. Any good politician licks his/her finger sticks it in the air and checks which way the wind blows. A politician can lead only if the majority of the people agree to their leadership. Ancient Chinese Emperors well understood the concept of “death by a thousand cuts” meaning that they needed the support of the mandarins or their policies would be subtlety undermined a thousands times by those they depended on to carry them out. No different today as we saw in Hillary Clinton email leaks that the “power’s the shouldn’t be” feebly tried to pin on Russian hackers.
Nothing in what you just said, about checking which way the wind is blowing, explains why all western mainstream political parties are falling over themselves to boost immigration from 3rd world countries.
Which wind is it that is motivating them to do this? Taking Ireland as an example, they have announced a program, Ireland 2040, in which a country of 5m wants to import another million by 2040. Nothing in what you post, explains that to me, so I invite you to set me straight.
Note that my world view totally explains it; they do what they are told, by people who are not patriots.
@Occasional Good insight here. The commonly held view, particularly regarding foreign policy is that the US President is the most influential and powerful individual in the world. This is the Chomsky world-view. The chain of responsibility must always terminate in Washington. It’s not false, strictly speaking, the office of the Presidency does have vast powers. But this viewpoint is incomplete. The President is constrained in his actions in many ways. Assuming the Chomsky viewpoint leads to a number of apparent paradoxes such as why US foreign policy remains so consistent despite Presidents of very different apparent character and goals. Or why US foreign policy appears to be written by people not under the apparent direction of the President such as Paul Wolfowitz, (Wolfowitz Doctrine) William Kristol/Robert Kagan (Project for the New American Century).
In fact, the real power in the world is held by private wealth, ultimately the owners of the central banks. This includes ownership of the multinational corporate complex. Some interesting references:
John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman
L. Fletcher Prouty the Secret Team also see “How the CIA Controls President Ford” here:
Nicholas Shaxson Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World.
@ David,
If that is indeed, Chomsky’s view, then he is wrong. The President has become just a ceremonial post, like a boy king that is sent to bed when the grown ups talk business. If Trump is so inclined, he may fight to reverse that, but since his administration is so full of neocons and Goldmanites, he would have a mountain to climb.
Bill Clinton said he was shocked. once in office, how little there was for him to do. He had plenty of time to play with Monica.
I doubt Bush 2 did anything at all except photo ops.
Obama played golf, and did fund raisers.
Paul Craig Roberts, if I remember correctly, said that the running of the country falls to about ten thousand senior officials. Does the president even know how this machinery works, and who is doing what and why?
The President now has just one job; to continue to fool the people that ‘their choice’ is in power.
Finally, Russia itself called the USA ‘non agreement capable.’ Who can possibly know when dealing with the US, who is really in charge, and does the left hand know what the right is doing. Lavrov agrees one thing with Kerry, while the CIA and other agencies continue to do their own thing.
Excellent article.
The author wrote, “Everybody with a half brain knows it’s a load of crap.”
That is part of the problem. The majority of the American people have allowed their intellect to atrophy. They can’t think, reason, analyze, challenge or offer one measure of cogent thought in opposition to the continuous onslaught of political lies and embellishment of false truth. The hoi polloi have allowed their mental acumen to mummify and deteriorate into a neural network akin to single-cell amoebas. The population of the USA has become a controlled laboratory on a macro scale where specific, controlled inputs guarantee desired outputs. Politicians, “experts” in various disciplines of the economy, healthcare, education, financial investment, social reforms, the sciences and foreign policy including members of the U.S. military speak their self-serving agendas to a willing public conditioned to listen. Even media entertainment and sports celebrities are given some credibility though they have little knowledge or training outside their professions.
“You can’t fix stupid.” That is a phrase that elicits humor but is exactly what President Putin faces when trying to communicate with an intelligentsia that cannot comprehend commonsense, logic or see events unfold that repeat world history. The American people are stupid when it comes to foreign affairs. That is why when the U.S. and European fascists declare military conscription is necessary because there aren’t enough mercenaries or proxy soldiers to fight for Israel or in Eastern Europe they will go and they will die, just like after 9/11 and during my era, the Vietnam War.
It’s hopeless. No matter how many gatekeepers host websites like The Vineyard of the Saker, Unz Review, Moon of Alabama, SouthFront, etc. and the dozens of authors and the hundreds of regular contributors who offer insightful and meaningful comments who “get it”, nothing will change.
Why is that? Because we have no political power to alter the future, we are not a coalescent force and we have no national voice either. We are the watchers of impending doom, nothing more. War will come to Eastern Europe or the Korean Peninsula and perhaps the disputed Islands in the South China Sea. The Middle East is already in flames and will become a cauldron of death worse than it is today. The U.S. will experience an unimaginable hell, too.
Some may reply to my comment that I should do something rather than show pessimism. Okay, what would you have me do? Make a plan to neutralize some politician, foreign State lobbyist, high-ranking military officer, A CEO of a weapons manufacturer, a prominent, national television newsperson or perhaps a Wall Street financier who provides funding for wars? The result would be a twisted story and probably point the finger back at Russia, the current whipping boy of the Pentagon war machine. No, that is not the answer to stop this evil. Shall I “spread the word” to my neighbors, and social groups that I may have some influence over? Refer to my thoughts in the first paragraph.
What then? The only thing I can do is pray, for I have my faith in prayer. It is powerful, indefatigable and fills me with divine hope. In this time of the Great Lent we pray today for the dead on the second Saturday of Souls. “All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord I repulsed them. They completely compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord I repulsed them. They compassed me about as bees do a honeycomb, and they burst into flame as fire among thorns: but in the name of the Lord I repulsed them. I was thrust, and sorely shaken, that I might fall: but the Lord helped me.”
Holy Pascha is coming again in 22 days and on April 8 I am reminded of the great sacrifice of our Lord and Savior for my soul. Such comfort gives me the spiritual strength not to fear death but to embrace eternal life. That is all I can do.
I understand why you have a pessimistic world view . It is important not to let the events of the world interfere with the creative aspects of our being. If you are a lover of God realized the divine aspect of creation is with in us at all times. The important thing is to allow love to flow through you in all your thoughts and deeds. In this way we can overcome any of the stones that litter our paths. The youth of today have challenges that may seem unsurmountable from an elder’s perspective but it is important to have faith that the majority the youth are born with the creative tools to overcome the challenges life presents . It is hard not to cast our shadows on their sunshine. Fear is often a like a bad habit and is used by the “powers that shouldn’t be” to keep folks in a state of helpless. This gong show presented to us by the British “powers that shouldn’t be ” is plain fear mongering and it’s totalitarian nature exposed for all it see.
I am a big fan of the Latvian born Russia Ukraine singer Vitas. If you have any teeny bopper friends in your life text them this video of Vitas rapping – they love it. Speak to the youth in a language they can understand.
I’m not sure how the order my posts will occur but I talked of bridging the culture divide between the Russia and the US and using creativity .
Well I just ran across a group of Americans that have just done so in their lip sink of the great Russia singer Vita’s “7 element song”
Again here is a link to Vitas singing the “7 th element”
Next is link to folks in the US lip sinking the Vita’s 7 th element song – this lip-sink has version has a beauty to expresses human love that is beyond what words can comprehend .
One more comment before I go away. When the country folk – of whom Hillary referred to the ………. – start dancing around the in the bush to Russian pop music one must realize the Russaphobe narrative of the war mongering MSM is being totally rejected. Like disgruntled ancient Chinese Mandarins there are a thousand thousand ways to undermine the “powers that shouldn’t be.” All free thinking people have a responsibility to undermine the “power’s that shouldn’t be”. Be creative ,have fun and may the blessing be. Thank you Saker.
Because the execution blocks have been set up in the correct locations. That is why Russia responds as it does. The appointed place is Syria. The talking will inevitably lead to this location. There the king of the south meets his fate. There is no hurry. Everything according to it’s time. The souls pile up under the altar. Surely you know where all this is going.?
Its pretty obvious given the initial response by Macron to the Salisbury hoax that he was blind sided and mouse trapped into this upcoming assault on Syria by his security chief Drian as per the meetings in January. Macron Jupiter…non…le janitor per favore
this article in Russian claims that ‘Novichok’ never actually existed, neither manufactured. Instead, it has been a KGB operation to feed fake info to the West and at the same time unearth the moles and information leakers in the USSR.
Sooner of later, the Russians will have to take the psy-ops war, already initiated against them for quite some tome, to the real battlefield, the minds and perceptions of the perceptually compromised people living under the psychological tyranny of the empire.
Above, vot tak has pointed out that these ridiculous media narratives are aimed at the people living in ‘the west’
Just how difficult is it to knock down this house of cards?
Now, we, most of us, have come in from the fog, and … if you had a similar experience to me, it was a little… disorienting, having to understand that much of the history that has been mercilessly carpet-bombed into your historic awareness is … part of a fictional reality to enable the onslaught of the ‘special interest‘ agenda, and how, emerging from the fog, one cannot help but notice activities supporting the ‘special interest‘ agenda, all over the place.
It makes one so cynical.
But certainly, with the resources of RF, they could conduct psychological experiments (nothing nasty, just run-of-the-mill social sciences experimentation (nobody gets hurt), and find the soft spots in the insane, internally incoherent, physically ridiculous narrative ecosystem, and begin a campaign to ‘gently as possible’ open the doors of perception of more people?!
Anyhow, spreading the word to as many people as possible, while exposing oneself, as little as possible, is key, and everyone here who is not in the fog, and not part of creating the fog, can do.
Please spread the word.
btw: I’m hatching a google boycott; more latter probably at the cafe
In a chess match, to become emotional and lose one’s cool, leads to defeat.
Yes, well, I for one admit to sharing Mr Koenigs frustrations. But that is perhaps because I live in the UK where the rule of law has died. It is in fact heartening to see Russias’ high officials adhering to those International norms long abandoned by the West. Good for you Russia.
I personally think that Russia needs to shut down any communication with the UK and down the road with the US.
Use your RT and other channels to tell the truth to the world. No all people on this planet believe the BS that the West puts out there. Close the boarders to the West, then look how fast Europe will come on the knees to beg for business. You the Russian people know what hunger is, but not the West. And yes same as Mr. Koenig i too was grown up in Switzerland and now life in Canada and yes the only boggie man was and is still the East and for all the Russian and China. How stupid we are here in the West to believe this propaganda from the US, Uk Germany and France and some of the eastern States in Europe. I really think the “big guy’s” in this countries believe they will survive a hot war. Nope you will follow us the normal folks who has nothing to say on this childish game.
Press the bottom and see what happen. Nobody will survive and for all the chosen ones will perhaps life a couple of months until they too will find a gruesome end.
I’ve read all the comments – excellent! Thinking people come here to read, think, and comment.
I think that a very possible narrative could be this – the US asked the Brits to put Skripal and his daughter to sleep in a public place, whisk them away, and then make a hysterical circus show about Russian poison. May did a great job, as did Johnson – they are great actors. Why would the US ask for this show? To be the opening act of the coming staged chemical event in Syria that will be used as a pretext for launching missiles on Damascus. The US media will go hysterically apeshit over that staged event, and then the two (US and UK) will combine to make an even more hysterical circus side show of accusations against Russian for a couple days. Why? So that Russia won’t blow up the guided missile destroyers in the Mediterranean after they launch 100 cruise missiles on Damascus, because they will feel ashamed.
That’s the only thing that makes sense to me. All these staged events seem to follow that kind of thinking and manipulation of western opinion. I hope it doesn’t work, and that those destroyers get blown out of the water and then sink to the bottom, if they fire on Damascus. I hope Russia stays strong. The world needs Russia.
Je voudrai juste ajouter un commentaire, je lis beaucoup de ricains donner des conseils aux russes de couper court aux discussions et d’agir. Or un russe est différent d’un américain, un américain a grandi avec une arme et l’idée de régler les problèmes à coup de fusils, or un russe traite les choses avec plus de subtilités, en Asie, on ne tire pas tout de suite, on parlemente, c’est aussi comme cela que les iraniens font, c’est une civilisation qui est là depuis 3000 ans au moins, les américains sont jeunes, encore enfants, ile ne comprennent pas la discussion, le raisonnement, l’intelligence, le long terme, ce sont des opportunistes, des penseurs à court terme, je tire et après je réfléchis. Ils sont immatures, je lis beaucoup de ricains parler de répondre durement, mais justement quand on répond sèchement et durement, c’est que l’on n’est pas en mesure de se contrôler, le contrôle ne fait pas partie de la culture américaine, c’est plutôt la force, l’instinct, le bang bang bang, et les commentateurs américains, ils sont tous pareils, ils ont été élevés comme cela, or l’Est, les grandes civilisations qui durent depuis des siècles et des siècles, ont intégré cette notion de respect, de parlementarisme, de discussion d’intérêt commun. Il faudrait que le Saker écrive un article la-dessus.
This is the proof that Putin did it:
Carmel by the Se
That was rather disappointing. At the very least, I had expected to see Putin’s passport with a ”Salisbury UK, March 4, 2018” stamp in it!
Don’t despair so quickly. Give me a few days. Maybe I bring you a photo with the second ” proof” ( Putin’s passport) that you are requesting. Be well and God bless.
Carmel by the Sea
It could be called the Jesus effect. By taking the increasingly violent and unfair hits and responding with moderation, Russia is entering into the hearts of millions in the West. It’s actions in Syria and in the Donbass are a show wisdom, restraint, and care for the common people that we have never witnessed before from a major power.
The anglo-zionists are provoking by design, they need to split Russia from western europe, they want to avoid a Eurasian union which they see as an existential threat to their folly of full-spectrum dominance. I can’t count how many times I felt angry that Russia didn’t strike back hard against the never ending calomnies, boycotts, and aggressions it has been subjected to by the anglo-zionists.
If Russia shuts itself out from Western Europe as a reaction to these provocations, the anglos win. By holding its ground, controlling its emotions, and acting morally and justly, Russia’s leadership is becoming the reference point by which people in the west judge their own governments. The picture isn’t pretty, and we need to keep seeing it.
With time populations are wisening up, a significant and growing percentage do not believe our media and government propaganda any more. Our zionist controlled governments are inevitably weakening and making mistakes. They will be replaced, and Russia needs to be there, ready to form a Eurasian union as it happens.
From Lisbon to Vladivostok we have a common enemy, the anglo-zionist globalists, time is on our side as long as a strong and moral Russia persists.
During WW2, while a young Croat was killing a group of Serbs – mostly women and older men – by cutting their throats, an old man – St.Vukashin from Klepci, was sitting calm, waiting for his turn. A boy asked him if he wasn’t afraid, ad he replied:
– Just do your business, boy!
After that day, a boy got crazy and asked the doctor for a help. And the doctor wrote it into his diary.
Vukashin was proclaimed as a Saint a few years ago.
Those throat-cutting Croats were made welcome in Austfailure after WW2, and praised as ‘Captive Nations’. Just like the Baltic, Ukrainian and Slovene Nazis they later returned to their ‘homelands’ to kill again, and install new fascist regimes, to the West’s delight. Yesterday I saw the latest emigre fascists here, the detritus of the ‘South Vietnamese’ death-squad regime created by the USA, demonstrating in our streets, with the loathsome banner of that murderous puppet-state flying aloft. The Government owned ABC feminazi presstitute ‘reporting’ was almost hysterical (as the presstitutes all are these days) in her joy at this display of murderous fascists’ dedication to ‘human rights’. Evil never rests.
this is really sweet! I thought that I am one of a few who thought this way about the west and its relationship with Russia. I have been stunned by Russian behavior in response to non top western insults and lies and incredible betrayals of Russia. I mean they have surrounded Russia with potential first strike weaponry, expanded all into Russian regions when they promised not to do that.
Putin’s response is the most incredible subservience I have ever seen. I cant believe Putin/Russia! what in heavens name does Putin want to convince him of the utterly rabid nature of the western elites? it is as if a passing space ship zapped Russian/Russians with ray of stupidity.
Suddenly Gorbachez arrives and blows up Russia for no good reason that any commentator and researcher I have read can find, passes.
on the Yeltsin in a carnival of corruption giving away the Russian patrimony to Jewish bandit oligarchs and foreigners.
Putin arrives and stops the rot, right side up the Russian ship, but still to this day coddles some oligarchs, and is is besides himself, driven to have a relationship with the west..the west that is only flawlessly contemptuous of Russia and Russians. that is impossible,one of the most incredible realities in the world at the moment. the west is heartless, without conscience, absolutely murderous..has no intention relative to Russia but to consume it. and yet there is Putin with his hand stretched out and no westerner is taking it.
I have looked as hard as I can at the situation. trying to discover the Putin motivation and all I can up with is racism….Putin’s racism. Putin wants to unite the worlds white people..cannot imagine a Russia abandoning the western white world and uniting with the world of color.
that is where I think the trouble lies. and I think the Saker and this Blog are in the same place with Putin which is why Putin can do now wrong for the Saker..why the Saker Blog tolerates no questioning and criticism of Putin
whether Putin is racist or not he clearly does not understand the western elites..the Anglo Saxons and the Jews.
from my understanding or Russian/Khazar history the Khazar Jews hold Russia responsible for the much destruction of their old kingdom of Khazaria in league with the Byzantine empire. I could be wrong but tome that seems the case. the Jews do not forget and forgive. is my sense that the destruction of Russia is a deeply held revenge potential among the Ashkanaze/Khazars and they will not rest until that revenge is expiated.
Putin is engaged in a dance with his own interlocutor and potential destroyer Bibi Netanyahu and Israel. I am no expert in eastern history, but I am expert in understanding the western elites, ordinary white people..indeed all of the western populations. I am a black man of the New world and grew up in the stew the western elites built. I know them intimately and I know they will never change, that they are without conscience, determined to control and consume the whole planet and will probably take us all down with them regardless.
and if successful in planetary control they do intend to kill off the human population of the world, reducing us to some level they desire. they are in fact doing so currently with poisoned food, bad medicines and medical culture, poisoned water, pollution, general social pressure etc. simple observant day to day experience surviving in the west is like a school that teaches reality accurately, 100% of thetime
I know that the Jews collectively will never be the friend of Russia no matter how it looks to the contrary at any moment. never! that is how I see it.
Peter Koenig is absolutely right. the west has treated Russia so atrociously, there is no alternative to break the toxic dialog and take Russia totally into the east, focused on the truly amazing, proper and positive Chinese BRI or OBOR program.
the Chinese currently are like the Egyptians or Kemet of the ancient world..positive and humanistic, offering the world a progressive way forward, with its enormous foreign currency surpluses and its bank of technological skills
it is time to leave the west, let the stew in its own crap. driven from the world, its empire done, the west will retreat in reaction, and extreme exploitation and punishment of/for the people of the western nations. the western elites will complete their police states and continue to build-up horrific anti human social structures. the people of the west will have to revolutionize the west or be reduced to forms of engineered rabble, by the numbers.
the East successful, democratic etc’ would be an example for the struggle of the people or the west, to deal faithfully with the western elites, ultimately bringing a reformed west to join up the east in global success
. .Russia to cut defense spending, capital construction outlays, vows presidential aide
Military & Defense
In the middle of hot war russia wants to cut defence soending ?
Instead of runbing a war econony russia us acting like a mad greedy niser business man ?
March 16, 19:23UTC+3
Defense spending will be cut in line with GDP
The writer of this article is passionate and frustrated. But the Russian leadership knows that they must be patient.
The annexation of Crimea was orchestrated brilliantly. About 75% of the population supported it.So it took no great risk to go for it. The United States and -even more so- Ukraine, were totally unprepared for it.
But in order to convert the eastern Ukraine into a loyal buffer state -a la Belarus- Russia needed to take swift action on a much higher level of risk. A significant majority -55% to 60%- of the Ukrainians from Kharkov to Odessa were deeply offended by the Maidan riots, which ended in the overthrow of a government for which the majority of these citizens had voted. Putin thought about it; talked about it; but dallied long enough to let the opportunity pass. (I hope that this missed opportunity will not prove to be as tragic for the Russians as the failure of the Germans to act at Dunkirk was for them.) Now the Russians must play for time.
Russian General Gerasimov gave a very clear warning to the United States last week. Russia will defend itself and the Syrian positions, wherein Russian personnel are stationed, should the US launch attacks against Syria. Pointedly, Gerasimov warned that the ships and planes, from which these attacks are launched, would themselves be targets of any counterattack. This is very strong stuff. I hope that the Unite States does not overplay its hand. (As do I – MOD pd)
West as eupherism -the real meaning.
Ever wondered what word “the west” really means? It is not Mediterranean civilisation of greece, Italy,spain or even France. it is not north western european civilisation of germany or scandinavia. In fact all these countries have been spied upon by the nations who call and self designate themselves “the west” -a nation otherwise known as 5 Eyes !- A combination of england, usa,canada ,newzealand and australia- disparate nations geographically and not even european but esssentially anglosaxon race nations. A race based concept really.West is euphemism for anglos- it does not include any of other white european nations not even the msot westerly european nation of Ireland! The word “west” is a fraud to distract from real actors behind the scene-the 5 eyes.
�Those with a sense of irony may recall that Benjamin Franklin, one of the leading figures of the Enlightenment, warned that the newly liberated colonies should be wary of allowing Germans to immigrate, because they were too swarthy; Swedes as well. Into the twentieth century, ludicrous myths of Anglo-Saxon purity were common in the U.S., including among presidents and other leading figures.�
Hence comes the myth of white-where white is a code word for English and English scumbag�s derived anglosaxon race who incidentally are much more swarthy than the Irish and Germans who were declared non-whites in usa according to their vocabulary.
In other words anglosaxons though in minority have been able to get hold of power only by myth of white which is to pit one against another while they really mean it for the benefit of not all white races but anglosaxon race only.
The anglos dictated west.
The anglos evil empire so called West is founded on theft and murder, and its ruling Elite remains as dearly infatuated with this behaviour as ever. pirate films are very popular amongst the anglo thieves. Forms a key part of this Elite’s very class consciousness, the more so since without the loot there’ll be no way for them to buy domestic social peace and chauvinistic cohesion.
Unlike their grovelling subjects, however, the Western Elite knows it’s deeply hated throughout most of the world. Hence, they’re constantly raging and fuming in accordance with what seems most threatening to them at any given moment. At present, it is the aspirations of Russia to put an end to Western financial parasitism, but being at odds with an ever growing majority of the world’s population could bring about changed priorities instantly. The corporate media duly passes on the new “party line” to the Western zombies without much difficulty
Heard another reason why the Anglos (English speaking so called “West”) wanted to destabilize Ukraine: it’s because of the natural symbiosis that’s getting stronger and stronger between Germany (engineering, industry) and Russia (resources). A match made in heaven (well … sort of …) that is a direct threat to the Anglo thieving and piracy directed economic supremacy.
England always hated, hates and will hate Russia!!!
So true, they invaded in 1918 to, as that racist thug and mass murderer churchill said “Strangle bolshevism in it’s cradle”.
English caused mass starvation during the civil war when they withheld food supplies that were paid for , and without our weapons, army and help the racist monsters of the White guard could not have fought against the people.
Stalins forced collectivization only happened because the british threatened to invade again in 1929.
The Brits re-colonized the USA during/after the Civil war and finished the coup in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Banking Act. Along with the income tax, IRS, and property taxes. All in the same year.
The only elections the anglosaxon controlled so called West respects are the elections they control.
By what right are the british english coward troops are in afgansitan?
Even after the ouster of Taliban the then govt. of afgansitan(installed by west) refused to allow the british troops to enter and stay in Afghanistan. But british pressure on America made sure that british troops were allowed there in Kabul.
Since then coward british English troops many times bribed Taliban with money pleading with Taliban not to attack british troops_the implication being that other nato troops can be attacked.!
Mind you it was the british who created Taliban in the first place where ever is rotten smell you find the English rotten scumbags!
The English strategy is to involve others like usa and even Europeans to destabilise other nations through any means so that leader of such nations will flee with stolen money to london on which depends the money laundering economy of enlgand �real pirate which must be killed now.
The strategy has always been to make countries unstable and ungovernable. Subjected to internal/external conflict/aggression till they are weakened to accept handing over effective power, control to the new world criminals. You only have to look at the template being used in various countries in the world,�Nato�
There is a confusion among many that USA uses Nato exert her influence in Europe. In fact USA does not need nato . But that entity is needed by a third rate country which after second world war found herself without real power so nato was created by that country to keep Germans down and Russians out using American arms and money.. Since early 90s that same country manoeuvred to keep Nato alive and install her stooges in European commission like british spy barrasso and English pirate witch cathertine ashton and many more inside European beaurocracy to make Europe follow one and only one policy to be dictated by that same country.
Name of the evil country? Of course it is england the centre of money laundering and all spying in the world and most evil entity in the history of world.
For Russia the easiest way to tackle the problem is to support Scottish
independence because that would good for scots and it would ruin england and her position in the world. Scots don�t like parasitical existence as English lead so once Russia discloses how england is sitting on black box and not saying anything(after all hue and cry within 24 hours of Malaysian plane crash) that will show to world and scots how low lifes these English are. Russia should disclose barrasso talk with Putin aswell because that pest Barroso is an English spy who should be hanged for his war crimes just like war criminal blair must be publicly hanged AFTER BRUTAL BEATING after a fail trial for his war crimes.
Russia should hurry to annihilate the English empire of evil pirate pests.
Don’t forget that Putin jailed Khodorkovsky, one of the many Oligarchs who had raped Russia’s resources after Glasnost, nationalised his oil and gas fields and paid off the debts of the Russian Federation in 5 years. Just before his arrest Khodorkovsky wired all his money to Jacob Rothschild who runs the corrupt City of London, without proper financial regulation, so that 60% of the UK GDP is fraud.
According to the IMF, the global elite are holding a total of 18 trillion dollars in offshore banking havens such as the british controlled the Cayman Islands.
England as pirate rogue state today and yesterday.
Just as Britain is the save heaven for all kinds of wanted top political and financial criminals.
==60% of the UK’s GDP is financial fraud, dabbling in stolen money from the third world with help of british approved dictators in those nations.-otherwise humanitarian bombing is coming your Way!
Money laundering is the business of English race-they never graduated from the piracy days.
Usual suspects of the rogue states pretending to be democracies: UK, usa and 5 spying evil eyes.
When it comes to Orwellian double-speak, outright lying, obfuscation and pure propaganda, no one does it better than the Brits (Anglanders).
Anglosaxons led by england and her vassal usa want russia and germany to fight each other just like it was plotted in both world wars ( by satanic england ) and destroy each others.
World must unite to destroy anglo cabal of 5 evil eyes.
Nato was created by english race to occupy germany and bully europe and russia with help of american arms and resources.
Nato serves england only.
That is why europe must kick out england with no deal but also kick out nato and create european alliance of militaries without anglosaxon pirate.
English are not a white race if by white race you mean caucasuans.
Bu defebition the english are not caucasian race as defined by the original german scientist who coibed the word caucasians.
The genetic research proves that english race is not even ibdo europeans let alobe aryans .so callibg white to english race is wrong.
The irony is that during not cold war started by the British thatcher in early 80 s it is 4th rate power england which was taunting Russia with being backward in electronics while the great advanced nation england had Sinclair and BBC super computers with 4 K memory !
That propaganda was used many times by British so much that thather dared say that she was ready to bomb Russia with her AmericAn nukes !!
That made her more popular..
Now we see the reality.
Now may is too g the same and racist brexit types English are liking her
Russia is so stupid to have liked brexit scumbags.
British have no nukes- theirs is nuke who they begged from the Americans..
As long as ruusiians will act as idiot traitors the English enemy of Russia will take full advantage of russian weakness.
The fact that even england dared threaten l against russia means that their spy agencies have good assessment that Russia is rotten coward inside with no guts to win any war.
Full spectrum war is already being waged by England on Russia _ only Russian are too stupid to realise that.
No wonder Russians always have to lose so many people in all her wars because Russian are that stupid not to have any foresight as to who their enemies are !
England needs to be sorted out finally. Enough of these Anglo parasites.
Democracy” is a farce; there’s no point praising it, . The “vibrancy” of “democracy” in the West serves a lot, but to cover up for and mediatically/academically ignore a terrorist Western foreign policy of geopolitical opportunism, curruption and exploitation;
It was stated that Britain and it’s successor the United Kingdom, are enemies of Europe, seen during WW11 as well.
that anglosaxon controlled so called “west’s” foreign policy have long relied on hatred and utter violence towards the “others”, Russians were hated because they were considered “semi-asiatic”. Racism is at the heart of western foreign policy.
We most certainly have not been “imposing our way of life” of any other such rosy nonsense. We’re just a bunch of thieves and murderers. We want stuff for free and we will kill you and take it. Period. End of story. Everything else they say is just window dressing.
As Charles Bronson said in “Telefon”:
Everyone Must Do What They Do Best
And so do the British English race extremely well: they lie.
Remember Bliar’s “Dossier” that led to the destruction and occupation of natural-resource-rich Afghanistan while all the terrorists were in Pakistan?
His “Dossier” on Iraq that was used as cover for that invasion?
In the diplomatic world, Britain’s ambassador to Washington, Sir Kim Darroch,believes that “Trump inexperience will be able to be exploited by the UK.” Usual cunning for Britain to have a diplomat there that thinks like that?
Leaked memo reveals UK planning to exploit Donald Trump’s inexperience
Sir Kim Darroch reported as saying the President-elect’s ‘tub-thumping’ campaign had revealed his true instincts
Here’s How the Trump Presidency Will Play Out.
That tactics is typical English one That is what england has always been doing in Europe.
Side with the 2nd most powerful country in Europe against the most powerful country in Europe and plot wars in which those two nations fight like two lions while the hyena in form of england is watching a side show ready to feast on the kill whosoever does it.
That is why russia must attack england massively to destroy English ability to plot wars as they have plotted syrian war and both world wars.
From Syria to Yemen, wherever there is bloodshed and massacre in the Middle East, Saudi money and guns are never far away. But behind the Saudis lies Anglo-American power. The deal today – as it has been for over a hundred years – is that, in exchange for a Western guarantee of their own security, the Al Sauds effectively cede control of their country’s foreign policy to the West. And the architect of that deal was the British state.
Question is why is Russia not massively arming the hauthis to weaken the America and British slave the Saudis who cart all their money to London rather than give to their own people ? Killing enemies proxi is better for Russia but Russia wants to act too gentle with her enemies.
Have you ever seen west betraying Saudis for her aggression against syria ? Any in resolution ? Unlike many against syria and Iran which Russia helped her passed on In UNSC ?
US/UK combo has been trying to invade Russia since 1991. They first tricked Yeltsin into allowing britush and US Atlanticists and neocons in forming Russian government then they installed their ‘boys’ into offices of influence. Then along came Putin who spoiled everything for them, hence the anti Putin movement and demonization. Putin is in a class of his own and when Yeltsin handed over his power to Putin he stated “take care of Russia”, which Putin has done.
All of these False Flags like the Olympics doping scandal, Russian bombing civilians, hacking, MH17, Crimea and “Russian Aggression
It is so presumptous of anglosaxon pirates to compare themselves with Roman empire. They always try to promote their low status to higher level through lies and deception.
Anglos are descendents of Phoenicians from carriage bred with Neanderthals in boglands of North Holland. And they have same characteristic as pirate turned shopkeepers.
are gravely mistaken.
The British Empire never ceased to exist contrary to the created artificial appearances. It’s been controlling the world for centuries (see the “Opium wars”) through its puppets, even at this moment – Saudia, Israel, Australia, Canada, Pakistan, Bahrein, Ukraine, UAE, Qatar, Azarbajan, Colombia, Mexico, New Zealand, Afghanistan. It lost control over Turkey in September, and started loosing over the US 4 years ago (regaining sovereignty of the US will be finalized with Trump assuming the presidency in January, God willing).
The City of London and Tavistock are the source of that evil encompassing the world,and the final battle will be between the Perfidious Albion and Russia soon…
When the above mentioned proxies start to abandon their London masters in droves the mask will go completely off
England set up Israel to be an Anglo colony on the Western flank of the highly profitable Middle Eastern oil fields that England grabbed from Turkey in WW1.
“… His Majesty’s government looks with favour….” English Lord Milner, the banker who drafted the Balfour Declaration, was a Christian. So is Tony BLiar the Rothschild bank employee, very much a Christian – he says. So is Gordon Brown “a son of the church” – he says . Camoron’s family are Christian bankers. Don’t be taken in by their religious masks: these Anglo Capitalists worship Mammon. First BLiar and B.Clinton stirred up hate against Christian Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo, for money. Then BLiar and Bush did the opposite and stirred up hate against Muslims in Iraq, the so-called “clash of Cultures”, again for money. To understand Anglo policy, don’t get sidetracked by ideology. Follow the money.
In the diplomatic world, Britain’s ambassador to Washington, Sir Kim Darroch,believes that “Trump inexperience will be able to be exploited by the UK.” Usual cunning for Britain to have a diplomat there that thinks like that?
Leaked memo reveals UK planning to exploit Donald Trump’s inexperience
Sir Kim Darroch reported as saying the President-elect’s ‘tub-thumping’ campaign had revealed his true instincts
And scheming english are still hoping to change trump as rhey did bill clinton soon after his election in 1992.
Trump must keep distance from english race.
The Great Britain has long turned not only into a cozy nest for defectors from all over the world but also into a hub for all sorts of fake news-producing agencies: from the British “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” to the created by a British intelligence officer pseudo-Syrian “White Helmets”.
(Is it possible you are interpreting Russian behavior as stupid because you don’t understand her behavior? -MOD pd)
“Russia always responds, rejects of course the accusations but usually with lengthy explanations, and with suggestions on how to come to the truth – as if the UK and the west would give a shit about the truth – why are they doing that? Why are you Russia, even responding?”
Because not everyone in the “West” believes any of this rubbish about Russia. Russia’s temperate denials and calm reactions give us the chance to point out to as many as possible that Russia is NOT the aggressor here. A complete abandonment of a response by Russia would not stop the war rhetoric from the west it would only leave it as the single voice we hear with no recourse to reason. (Thank you. MOD-pd.)
Interesting viewpoint and your frustration shows through.
You blame Russia for following the rules of diplomacy and insisting that others follow the rules of law.
What happens when people don’t? They undermine themselves.
How can you trust when rules are not followed?
The United Nations undermined itself by being bought by Americans
The OSCE – lies about Donbass exposes themselves as a useless organisation
PACE another useless European body that supports ( neo Nazi) Ukraine took away Russia’s vote – Russia took away its money.
The OPCW – organisation oversaw the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons and Russia’s – yet has never spoken up to emphasise this when Syria is attacked and Russia is now attacked. They should have spoken up and insisted the UK follow the rules regarding an alleged chemical attack.
Why the silence? We can guess.
This organisation undermines itself
What is the point of gaining verification from this body? if they then do not act to guarantee their certification is trusted?
All these organisations fail because they do not follow their own rules.
Regarding the British – I am in the uk and it’s clear they are playing this for domestic purposes and using Russophobia as a political tool.
Russia has responded with reciprocal sanctions – the UK said they are going to respond with more.
Now we will see what Russia does next
Why is it that blowhard westerners manage to recognize these acts as provocations, but they still insist like bad characters in a bad hollywood gansta flick that the only possible choice is to respond to the provocation?
Its usually a bad thing to do what your opponent is attempting to drive you or goad you into doing.
Fortunately, having some experience in martial arts, Mr. Putin seems to understand this.
The strategists in the US are morons who think everything is going to happen the way they’ve planned it. But in that case, following along and doing what they’ve planned for you to do is absolutely the wrong move. Its the one thing that they’ve planned for and can certainly handle.
But take your typical westerner who’s never been around a peace or non-violence movement and they instantly take the bad hollywood gangsta movie attitude that you have to respond to their insults and provocations in a violent, stupid and escalatory way because otherwise you look weak and you must be some sort of wimp.
Putin and Lavrov have gained a lot of respect in the world by always staying calm and reasonable and talking logic and proof and sense. And for those obsessed with the nonsense of the press and politicians in the west, they should take careful note that the Chinese have stayed loyal and have been dropping hints that they know they have to stand with Russia. A stance undoubtedly formed and helped by the long stretch of Putin and Lavrov remaining calm and senseable in the face of provocations.
And oh, BTW, Russia did close the UK consolate in St. Petersberg as well as a cutural exchange/spy post known as ‘The British Council’. Thus, matching the sorts of actions the US took in closing consulates (but never the embassy.) But they did it with calmness and reason and logical explanations instead of doing it western blowhard style.
A simple 2c – Russia is currently doing everything right, ie. Make your defences strong – apparently done; Listen to foreign input, be polite in response and with all your actions, if said foreign input is hostile be polite & thereafter ignore them – If such people in future want to make contact or do business it’s up to them to change their ways, or, to return to diplomatic norms between nations.
Surely these responses are the Chinese way too.
If it’s possible to have relationships, excellent this is life. If it’s not possible then move on, other better saner opportunities will come naturally. Correct action is life itself.
The author cannot get rid of the meme that Russia craves for ‘recognition’ by the West. He cannot get rid of the Western habit of hectoring Russia of what she should do or not do. Russia is the eternal child that must be shown the way.
Absolutely true, I can’t get how, why, on what purpose is it that Russia, with her bright mind’s cabinet on the overall, still persist, insist, or try even to deny what the west is aiming at Russia, regime change for a traitor soft pro-western government happy to deliver Russian resources and land to western corporations while Russia seems unable to get the point insisting almost obsessively how to like and move the tail to the west. It seems that American aims at Russia is basically well understood in Moscow no matter who rules in DC (democrats or republicans), Putin himself has said it many times, so why the Kremlin can’t get that the western European stance against Russia as an extension of the American one?
Of course, the Skripal saga was a trap set up against Moscow and Moscow ingenously bite it, and bite it quite easily, as the author shows it. Now that the Russians bite the trap this will close ingenously let the Russians being trapped and subjected to internarional scoff, once again.
Russia’s superpower is the military only, Russia’s regional power is her military supported by her brilliant diplomacy and anti-americanism in regions where the American expansionism wars have eroded American stance leaving a vacuum of power. In this terms, Russia’s only REAL leverage against the west is her military only with a little bit of energy feeding the European markets. However, the energy is not really a Russian leverage as energy deals are common benefit for both sides and therefore subject to negotiations. That lead us to the acceptance that Russia’s only real leverage against the west is its military, that hasn’t been used in Europe, fortunately, but that must be used if not physically at least as a Fear Tool to let Europe and the west warned of apocalyptic consequences if the west keep messing around with this zoo bear trapped in a cage. Not leveraging Russian military against the enemy (yes, enemy, not partners not adversaries) will mean the second and possible last Russian collapse in history.
The author elaborates quite well on how shoyld be Russian reaction against this last humiliation and prooves right as Russia’s future is Asia, European Membirships are V.I.P. not feasible for Russia until dismantle, partitioned and empoverished.
Putin will win his fourth term today on an extreme complicated international environment. The last time the West provoked Russia to the limit Putin reacted fast and vigorously and won the bet against the West, kept Crimea but loose a strategic ally in the Ukraine though. Times today are even more extreme, these are aimed frontally and unequivocally to the destruction (physical or political and economical) of Russia.
I’m going to say something really serious but please don’t think I lost my mind: For the time being, at this very precise moment of history, the Russian political elite might require being refreshed by a more strong stance. Putin must realise that for his next term he will be challenged to the limit, he will need a stronger team (not as nice and reasonable) able to fight back the next push from the West that promises to be fatal for Russia. An emergency cabinet for reorienting Russian economical chains to the East while comforming a militarized stance against Europe. Let’s inject fear and panic in Europe, prepare Russia for the ultimate war as Machiavelo said once: “If you don’t want war, be ready for it”, and be so ready and keen until you push the Europeans back to the negotiation table and set up the new ‘Yes’ and ‘No’s while you divert out the West the way the author addressed.
Good article Peter. In a moment of frustration with all the recent anti-Rus goings on, my thoughts were totally aligned with what you had written.
Then, I began to think about the future of Russia, the next leaders to replace Putin, Lavrov, et al. The next generation of engineers, scientists, the artists and musicians, the doctors, and the teachers.
Those of us outside of Russia clearly see the difference Russia is making in the world. We can see its intrinsic value as we look from the outside, in. But what of those looking from the inside, out?
The West has always been appealing…everything is bigger, better, cooler, etc… in the West. The grass is greener…particularly when looking from behind an iron curtain. I think this is one of the issues Mr Putin must contend with. I’m not suggesting there is presently in place an iron curtain, I would suggest the opposite is what Mr Putin has been attem to achieve. Openly discussing the issues, openly putting forward positive ‘solutions’ rather than doing what the UK Def Sec Williamson suggested…”go away and shut up!”. What a tightrope to walk for the leader of a country that is being labelled a rogue state!
Remember the G20 in Brisbane Australia, where our (I’m an Aussie) PM at the time wanted to shirt-front Putin. With great humility Putin came to the G20, shook everyone’s hands, including that hack of a PM from Canada, and got on with business. Check out You-Tube, there’s a vid of Mr Putin arriving at Brisbane airport heading back to Russia. He gets out of his limo, and walks up to the two Aussie motorbike cops leading his entourage and shakes their hand to thank them. I was proud to be a Russian (well, a first generation Aussie russian)
I agree with Occassional Poster’s earlier comments, the West continues to show its ‘nature’, and Russia must continue to do what it does and participate in world affairs, outing the West for the scorpions that they are.
Notice how Putin, Lavrov, Zaharova, etc… are not holding back their punches, I certainly don’t see them rolling over and saying “rub my tummy” (like Macron, May and Merkel); they continue to maintain their dignity and fight on. Perhaps, after the way Russia fell to bolshevikism (is that a word?) this situation we see today is Russia’s подвиг (“podvig” a spiritual term which I can’t translate – some one pls help?).
It’s painful to watch, but, when you step back for a moment, I can’t help but feel great respect for these Russians.
I hope and pray the youth of Russia see the West for what it is behind the glitz and glamour.
PS> is it ‘timely’ that Tillerson is fired, Pompeo is brought across from the CIA, and some crazy torture hag is now heading up the CIA, all during the Skripal case? Macron changed his tune very quickly. Is Skripal a warning from the US to its puppets? Apologies, I now sound like one of those crazy conspiracy theorist – God forbid!!
It only takes one two to three years to see through the Potemkin Village of US and British Pinocchio’s. The ones you hear from most often are the Bandera supporters. North and South America are repositories of the like of Canada’s foreign Minister Christia Freeland whose grandfather was a Nazi propagandist. Her grandfather Chomiak took over a Jewish Newspaper whose owner was gassed in Auschwitz. Chomiak was a little Eichmann whose words killed many allied soldiers and civilians . Freedlan called him a patriot and she carries Canada’s Foreign Policy to the World. The number of Freelands in the Americas is in the millions and you know the rest of the story.
Peter – in this I completely disagree with you – you sound like Paul Craig Roberts – who never stops thinking that he knows better how Russia should respond – than Russia does –
Russia needs to honor the truth – the same as what happened to Rudolf Steiner when he was lied about and attacked non- stop 100 years ago – when he was telling the truth about many different things.
He always took the time and the trouble to refute every accusation against him – like the Kremlin is today –
You think they should just lie down and lap it up Peter ? Just ignore the lies ? they have to refute every lie – otherwise its lies upon lies that will happen.
Someone has to protect the truth – or shall we even capitalize it ? the Truth –
It won’t be you today Peter – you’re attacking the victim instead of protecting the victim…shame on you.
What Russia should do?
“Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself” is a maxim attributed to Napoleon.
Very interestingly this maxim was used in 1932:
“Russia seems to have adopted a maxim quoted by Charles E. Mitchell, head of New York’s big National City bank, “never interfere with the enemy while he is in the process of making a mistake.”
Good catch!
Really good.
Thank you.
This is not a sign of weakness. Quite the opposite.
There is no need for the Russians to stoop to the same level as their opponents.
Maintaining civility and decorum and playing by the book only highlights the hysteria of their opponents.
Well played, Russia.
1000% agree with you.
While in this matter I agree in general with the line of arguing of vot tak and others – namely that RU on the whole seems to know what they do and do their thing well, so that it is likely that they act skillfully again here – one point has been overlooked in most commentaries here: the placing within the time space.
With gov crime it is more the rule than the exception that acts have an impact in several directions by what they are – here a big lie, an insult, a war threat – but also a practical or a symbolical value (or both) by what their date of issue says in relation to other dates. Some commentors have thought of it and mentioned the RU prez elections and the coming football games.
I have to offer two more time implications of Frau Mai’s (and her propaganda amplifiers’) ridiculous behaviour.
The first is that Mai’s nonsense was launched immediately after the reelection of the english nazi secret service crap puppet Angela Hitler as german fuehreress, who then immediately joined in the threats against one of the four post WW II besatzungsmaechte – very probably alone a crime worth hanging her at Nuremberg. Without this aw so credible voice Mai’s attack would have been just laughable – with Frau Hitler joining that threatening of Russia with war gets more serious. The reelection of this utterless brain- and useless thing endorsed Englands self-picture of being an important nation with the best and strongest being on its side. In short: Mai got the courage for uttering this bullshit only thanks to the black moerkl pill… or: how guilty are the eternal german war mongers and nazi rats in ALL parties (namely the “social democrats”) for doing again and again what after WWII is strictly forbidden for them: to even think of attacking their former victims and later victors.
Second: Frau Mai, a typical victim of the structures described by the sociologist of the 60s, Peter (The Peter Principle), had just everything she needed for having someone make her fuehreress of England, but does not possess the qualities needed for doing that job. Her most important task for the last months was to invent a formula (plus tons of new laws) for engineering the brexit. The EU’s man for that, Barnier, complained already months ago that the english side is too bloody stupid for offering the least little bit worth talking about. Around the end of March (if memory serves) Mai is due to deliver her complete works – and she does not even have one line of it so far. So: if you are out of other options, make a war, or create a pre-war tension where everybody will agree that “in this surprising new situation we have to care about more important things” a/ as an excuse for Mai for not having done her homework and b/ for flushing brexit altogether, meaning… hold your breath and accept everything coming.
I just heard that or read somewhere that the whole Brexit consultations will be postponed for a year. We will find out soon this one too.
Not everyone in the UK is insane (just most of them!)
PETER HITCHENS: The ‘patriotic’ thought police came for Corbyn. You are next
“Dmitry Peskov, in fact, said that Johnson’s personal attack on President Putin was “unforgivable”.”
In fact what he should have said is that it would be unforgivable in someone of normal intelligence. Boris could be forgiven because he really belongs in a secure hospital where his ravings would no doubt be quite entertaining for the staff and fellow mental patients.
In the west we thrive on lies. We employ millions in the media to lie. They need to lie, spin, falsify, and incriminate in order to say anything. They need this o be employed. News outlets are closing down every day. People are fed up. The editors . The editors ask what can we do. Well tell the truth. They force feed the consumer with mindless s@#% to the point where even a new computer is rigged to feed you simple s%^$ from MSNBC. Most people need to hire a computer nerd to get rid of the search engine which they force on you when you purchase a new machine, or they even breach your firewall to install things only an idiot would watch.
Is telling lies, that lead/encourage to war a war crime?
(genuine question!)
Putin should be able to sue Boris Johnson for libel. Boris the idiot was on BBC pretending to be intelligent. His comments were scripted eliminating mod’s question. We have evidence well so did McCarthy, so did Adolf, so did Nixon, so did Bush, so did Reagan,. They all have evidence like the shameful Colin Powel. The most despicable human action is to accuse others knowing that your accusation is false. We have had 2000 years of this but what can one do when you can go to church on Sunday and repent and all your sins are forgiven.
The West’s ideology towards Russian/s and Slavs in general is a mirror of that of Hitler, they see us as an inferior race to be exploited and disposed of as they see fit – there is no world in which Slavs and Anglo-Saxons can live as equals and there are of course their Zionist overlords and puppet-master who sure as hell won’t allow any peaceful cooperation between the East and the West.
This is 1937-38 all over again with largely the same actors at it again wanting to get the “unfinished business” of WW2 done. The Western bankers who propped Hitler up where probably counting on him to destroy the Slavic peoples completely they did not expect Russia to be left standing after WW2, this is why the “Cold War” happened and this is what they are trying to accomplish now – the total subjugation and annihilation of all nations East of the Oder river.
The 2nd World War was already to get the “unfinished business” of the 1st World War and the 1917 Revolution, which was financed by Wall Street and supported by western intelligence. The coming War will be the 3rd attempt. However it will be the last attempt. Russia will survive without subjugation or none of us will.
There is no recipe for reacting to psychopaths – individual or collective – they are not only unpredictable, they are fearless vicious. My inner child reacts like yours, but over the last few years I got convinced, that the Russian “policy” made it possible that we still are able to hope — at least.
This article shows that even the best minds of the west do not understand what is Russia and who are Russians:
– Russia is not a part of the west, of the east, of the north, of the south, and etc., Russia is an autonomous, self-efficient, self-reliant, and independent civilization;
– It would be culturally impossible (unacceptable) for any Russian male (including V. Putin) to behave like a hysterical female overreacting to all this hot air coming from English sodomites;
– If Russia were to lose Europe as its market, then China would have too much leverage and bargaining power, and many people in Russia understand it very well.
It is understandable that Peter Koenig cares for Russia and doesn’t want us to lose, but in my opinion there’s no danger whatsoever anymore – the Anglo-Zionists have lost their war on Russia already…
The Brits want to boycott the World Cup for fear that they could be exposed to the commemoration of hundred years of the murder of the Tsar, where there is expected an unprecedented popular participation. It would be too painful to watch with their own eyes the complete unraveling of their secular efforts to undermine Russia. The more that their bloody hand in the murder would be again exposed. The ‘Great Game’ is finished for them.
Totally disagree.
The Slavic method is working a treat. They have projected themselves for what they really are. It does not matter that the majority of the sheeple are drinking the kool-aid . It is a dying paradigm.Let ud reflect. Everytime the Russians get blamed for anything it is the whole washington consensus mob/ango-zionist western so called liberal democracies that all like robots blather the senseless meme the Russians the Russians.
More and more even if it is a minority but at the 20 percent margin / IE Just like Israel hasbra has intoxicated any debate with regards to the Palestinian question the western meme of goodness liberalism freedom and morality are starting to ring hollow in the west and the rest of the majority world can read the lies for what it is. Lies obfuscation and gaslighting from the realities of their dying perceived exceptionalism.
See the west want the Russians to over react and the Russian are not taking the bait.
Hence all their false flags are becoming more predictable and blatantly obvious that my neighbors cat can even smell the rat.
Historical context since 2008 these vile creatures have been trying to bait Russia and at every false flag come up empty. Remember that in the end it is the sheeple in the west that r buying the lies. From the maghreb to asia africa and south america not one person with any gray matter r buying the novella.
Outstanding commentary! This has put into print the thoughts of millions of people even in the West.
I have to disagree, it doesn’t matter how Russia responds to western attacks, because the western media will always paint Russia as the villain. But there are a lot more people in the world than the rabid bloodthirsty west.
Russia is addressing the free world, that’s where the future lies. The despots in New York and London will go to their graves hating anyone that does not submit to them, and cannot be converted with facts. Their belief in their superiority is a belief like religion, they cannot be converted.
So, just ignore them, the more they rant and rave, the crazier they look to people who are not trapped within the American reality bubble.
Red is coming from the East, it’s tanks crossed the border near Constanz one week ago. They now come down the Plateau in the size of 3 armored divisions. Enemy patrols have been spotted in your sector…. That meant that we’ll spend a day laying in the snow practicing ambush, frozen to the bone. The good old days, I was young. Now we are all Americans, eh?
Note that Angela Merkel is a chemist…
Mr. Konig. I’ve heard this argument before. That Putin is trying to play nice with the west but keeps getting his teeth kicked in. I don’t know. He seems too clever for that. More Dostoyevski that Machiavelli. Maybe you’re familiar with the Dune science fiction series by Frank Herbert? In it, the boy, Paul, is ‘tested’ by having his hand placed in a box full of pain. A poison needle is at his neck. Remove his hand and he will die. Paul wins, of course, but the explanation is that a genuine human being will endure the pain, wait it out, come back later, and kill the pain giver to remove its menace once and for all.
Please consider the following letter I wrote to the Saker last month. Thank you,
Saker, I read your analysis of the latest Russian doping scandal in Korea. A few things stood out. One, that the average Russian can be naive in thinking they will be treated fairly in an arena advertised to be non-political. I don’t know if that in itself is a bad thing. We are so desensitized that we cannot see all of the horrors and theft going on in our names but would gladly act outraged were we told that a shoe shine boy in Moscow, who had polished both Putin and Trump’s shoes, should be on the FBI’s most wanted list. I’m glad that average Russians are not that cynical, even if it’s justified. And certainly I’m glad they’re not that hypocritical. They are still decent human beings. Americans are decent human beings, too. But we’re being manipulated to tolerate indecent things. The next is to commit indecent things, which, of course, we are seeing. I would not wish that on anybody.
My second thought is about the actions of the Russian government. Paul Craig Roberts is of the opinion that the Russian gov’t and Putin are duped into thinking that they can, on some level, work with the west. Your comment echoes that a bit. I’m thinking something different.
Putin has several tigers by the tail. He can’t defeat all of them at once. So what does he do? He bides his time and neutralizes the tigers one by one, keeps some at bay, feeds some and turns them into pets, and tries not to get mauled by the rest. My very limited observations going back to the Kennedy assassination have taught me that there is always something going on back stage. Espionage, back house deals, quid quo pros, etc.
I personally think he is biding his time building a world that will be able to, one day, deliver mandates to the west and there will be no recourse. Since I don’t believe he wants to conquer or destroy the west, and I don’t think he is naive enough to think they will ever give up their insanity, what’s left? He’s not building a Wehrmacht. He’s not propagandizing his people towards war, turning their minds into mush that will be good for nothing even if he wins. He’s not creating an us vs. them, ubermann/untermenchen, climate like we are doing here. He’s continuing to engage in events like the Olympics in good faith. But he is also building a much more powerful weapon. A replacement.
I’m sure you’re familiar with Churchill’s nonuse of the German enigma technology? He had the technique to decrypt the German military orders, but to use them would alert the Germans to that fact. So, ironically, he had to ignore intelligence that he had if the target was deemed ‘too small.’ He wanted to wait until the cost of revealing that knowledge was worth the target saved. Cynical as this was, it was also pragmatic. I doubt that Putin is knowingly letting athletes be humiliated in this way, but there are parallels. While the west can childishly laugh about inflicting canker soars on Russia, Russia is preparing to give the west cancer.
Whether it’s BRICS, the New Silk Road, wooing away American allies, just being a more reliable partner, etc., he’s building a replacement. As that edifice grows, the flow of money and power will naturally flow into it. Money, after all, is the ultimate pragmatist. At that point the west will have run out of gas. When empires run out of gas it usually means war. But if Putin, Xi, etc., can tell the west, Look. You’re done. There will be no fighting over scraps. If you want any piece of the pie we have built you will play by our rules.
I also think this way the west can save face. We don’t get defeated. We don’t get ‘advisors’ coming in to loot the country. We don’t get hostile groups that prey on our misery to foment their next rebellion. A lot of our crimes will probably be swept under the rug in the interest of ‘going forward.’ Back room deals will be made while the world’s leaders smile and shake hands in public. This is unfair but it is pragmatic. There will be hardship, of course, but there probably won’t be humiliation on a whole country basis. And people can be reprogrammed to believe whatever the new reality is called. Now we have a ready-made scape goat to throw our anger at when the whole thing collapses. Elites love that, of course. It keeps us looking the wrong way, though it eventually backfires.
This is spasmodically optimistic, I know. It ignores a lot of factors like what a population turns into when it gets hungry and dissatisfied with their gov’t. But maybe he’s thinking along these lines. If so he’s either a genius or insane.
Maybe Russia is talking to the people in the West rather than the corrupt politicians
The politicians do not represent us.
Many Western people do still belive the MSM and Russia does need to educate them. It is doing us a service for which we thank it and apologise for the behaviour of our corrupt elites.