by Larchmonter445 for the Saker blog
Ramzan Kadyrov, President Putin and the Moral Sensibilities of Russian Society are the targets du jour of the Rabid Russophobes and the Khazarian-American-Rothschild Globalists. Sanctions and outrageous cultural warfare are the weapons flung against these targets.
The RRs and KARGs have been working assiduously in all sectors of Russian society, especially Media, Athletics and Arts, to achieve the destruction of these men and others, as well as to uproot the cohesive unity of Russian nationhood. These Hybrid War tools of remote manipulation are headlined as Human Rights and Sanctions, the new “Rules” that Russia (and China, but that is for a later exposition) violates.
We see the devastation of Russian Athletics with completely fraudulent doping charges from the corrupt IOC and WADA, the discredited agency of lies and fabrications of “evidence”. Perhaps, in a later article I’ll dismantle that brew of Canadian and U.S. paid for calumny. But, its work is done. Russian athletes have been smeared and tarred with accusations without proof or due process.
The intent is clear. Destroy the self-image of triumphant excellence and post-facto ruin the Olympics of Sochi when all their efforts including war in Donbass could not stop its greatness in real time.
In the arts, what we have today is an onslaught of urine, feces, menstrual fluids, and laws (the Rules) passed by a totally corrupt American Congress, pronouncements from the various UN resolutions of the General Assembly subsets, and the enormous MSM of the West, owned and operated by and for the RRs and KARGs.
The first big sensation was the Crucifix in urine. That began with Andres Serrano, American photographer, Moscow, December 2005. An aberration? No, it was the breakthrough for the hybrid attack on Christianity. Testing Human Rights, no less.
Pussy Riot in Orthodox Church where they sang an a cappella version of a song entitled “Holy Sh*t” at the cathedral.
Importance of this cathedral? The Christ the Savior Cathedral hosts part of the Holy Tunic, a robe which is said to have been worn by Jesus Christ before his crucifixion.
Primary target for Pussy Riot is President Putin’s relationship with the Orthodox Church.
The Pussy Riot used the crude epithet “Sran Gospodnya“, which has been used to translate “holy shit” in Hollywood movies, but is rarely used in idiomatic Russian; it literally translates as “shit of the Lord”. They later explained “It is an idiomatic expression, related to the previous verse – about the fusion of Moscow patriarchy and the government. ‘Holy shit’ is our evaluation of the situation in the country.” They referred to Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill I, as a “suka” (bitch) and accused him of believing more in Putin than in God.
Then there is Natalia Poklonskaya and her defense of Nicholas II who is defiled in the Russian film “Matilda”. She has condemned the film and worked to prevent its screenings in Russia.
Here are her charges against the production.
The trailer insulted Orthodox Christians and even Muslim residents of the North Caucasus;
— Russia is presented in “Matilda” as “the country of gallows, drunkenness and fornication”;
— the purpose of the film to make a “Russian Maidan”;
— the main character look like a rat;
— Lars Eidinger starred in porn;
— the wife of Nicholas II shows the hysterical witch;
— “Matilda” discredited Russian saints;
— screening of the film will cause the Apocalypse;
in “Matilda” a lot of “Hollywood scenes”, including shows bare breasts ballerina.
She is mocked in caricature art. Of course, obscene with a dildo replicate. What else?
The highest art forms of Russian culture are savaged. The ballet, just recently, in honor of the greatest male dancer, Nureyev, offered a sensationalist rendition of the dancer’s life and loves with other males, adorned with full frontal nude Richard Avedon photos.
Then recorded in the world’s press as heroic art honoring forgotten or forbidden “heroes” of Russia. A ballet dancer without peer, but not a hero by any measure. Except to the RRs and KARGs.
One might suppose that consuming bodily fluids of another male that carried AIDS virus was somehow “heroic”. Or perhaps being impaled and inseminated with the deadly spores was patriotic. That of course is the Western culture’s new Rules to live by.
Only the deviant and pathological could construe Nureyev’s greatness in his personal sex acts, active or passive. Thus, the NYTimes immortalizes the abomination in its review.
I would post photos of the performance but the reader might be at a meal table.
As for Ramzan Kadyrov, declared by the RRs and KARGs the menace of LBGT and minister of torture who is President of the rebuilt and resplendent Grozny and generally peaceful Chechen Republic of R.F.:
This “monster: has been rescuing women and children from Syria and Iraq and reuniting them using a clever (and obvious to the sanction-slingers at U.S. Treasury) trick. He asks people to search photographs of refugees and imprisoned in Syria and Iraq, in camps and jails and hospitals for signs of their missing. Then he arranges for their safety and transport back home to family and village. The absolute terror of family reunification! Quick, Sanctions!
Added to that is his advance of millions of dollars to rebuild mosques destroyed in Syria by godless radical terrorists paid for by the RRs and KARGs and their security agencies and militaries. Imagine the dastardly human rights violations of rebuilding houses of worship.
And then, the red berets of the Russian Military, the Military Police—many of whom are Chechen’s Spetsnaz integrated into the full military police units, most of which are now led by Kadyrov’s men. These Chechens are inserted into the big cities and towns to liaison with the locals and, as Sunnis, create an easy bridge with the vast majority of Syrians. Trained to Kadyrov’s standards of loyalty and self-discipline, the military police have made 2500 reconciliation agreements and vast swaths of De-Escalation Zones (DEZs) work to end the Syrian war for tens of millions of Syrians and all the great cities of the nation. (One can easily see how this is a violation of human rights, fostered by Kadyrov, no?)
The dread of having powerful men as security assurance, self-disciplined soldiers, whose honor and integrity is unquestioned—well, this is an abomination to the West.
America and Europe has no equivalent force. Their troops rape children in Africa, women in Okinawa (sometimes killing the unwilling females who resist the Exceptional hegemonic fornication by force), and generally fail to secure peace anywhere.
I can’t think of a single place, since WWII. Dominican Republic, Haiti, any African nation, any Asian nation, nowhere in Central Asia, and South Asia. Where the hell has the US and its vassals or the UN done a clean, honest job of peace-keeping or policing? But Kadyrov is the problem for Human Rights?
The RRs and KARGs are sucking for air. They are hypo-ventilating at the thought of a man of dignity become emblematic to young Sunnis beyond the Chechen borders.
Not only is there Putin’s image and reputation as savior of the Middle East and Syria, but now there is Ramdan Kadyrov who is a superhero in the flesh to women and children and Imams and believers, all of whom want peace and friendship with Russia.
“May God Forbid”, the godless RRs and KARGs pray aloud, and wail at the thought of another good Russian on the world stage. Sanction this bastard! And demonize him in every way possible.
Merry Christmas to all. Especially, to all believers whatever your Faith.
Putin and Kadyrov have come to town. And they are bringing Peace, Truth and Joy to many tonight. And putting lumps of Donbass coal in the stockings of the Rabid Russophobes and the KARGs.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
I think that those of us who follow the Saker and understand this article, must come to the conclusion that the Western regime in all its aspects – religious, social, political and economic – is completely and utterely decadent and degraded. As a believer, I would go even further and contend, without reservations of any kind, that it is Satanic. The late Pope John Paull II spoke of a “culture of death” but I have a feeling he did not locate it in the West!!!
Western Christianity and all of Judaism – Orthodoxy, Zionism and Secular Jews – represent a total inversion of the moral and spiritual values of Christian Orthodoxy and Sunni and Shia Islam – with Kazyrov being an exemplar.
There seems to be no possibility of any kind of conciliation – because their white is our black.
The attacks on Russian culture are disgusting by those least entitled to cast stones at anyone. Nothing is sacred to these demons of war and degradation. Those with no principles of their own seek to revile those who have such principles.
I completely agree with you. For those of us who live in the west, one thing we can do is to refuse to accept all of these abominations. I’ve done so with my vote, the way I speak, dress and conduct myself day to day. I use my honorific married title of Mrs in every email, every letter and every time I speak with someone that I’m not acquainted with on a first name basis. I ensure that I do not engage in any conversation that is ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ and when I’m asked why, my answer promptly addresses the issue at hand, without offence but most definitely without excuse for my own position. I do attend a local Catholic Church, and I do pray it will one day return to the true Church.
That is correct. If immorality and soul-lessness is the new norm, then the immoral and the soul-less have to drag the rest of the world into their domain, convert the rest of the world to their new infernal religion, in order to feel secure. Otherwise they themselves would have to change, confess their wrongs and mend their ways. Impossible. A big war is in the equation
Well, actually Pope John Paul II was referring to the West, principally to abortion, but also the climate of sin and degradation that leads to it, when he spoke of the Culture of Death. So it was primarily aimed at the west.
The Mother of God prophecied all that would occur to the Church, no different than the corruption that infested ancient Jerusalem prior to its exile.
That there would be an eclipse and a great apostasy where it would become difficult to find the Truth and that the Church would shrink to a remnant. That there were dangers that would threaten the liturgy and morality and priesthood of the Catholic Church and turn many away from her.
But in time, God would restore it after a great worldwide chastisement, a punishment of fire greater than the deluge of Noah.
If we are to discern what is occurring in our time, then we would be fools for ignoring the warnings of Heaven.
A few of her messages, from Quito, La Sallette and Fatima:
“Shortly after the mid-Twentieth Century, the passions will erupt and there will be a total corruption of customs for Satan will reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sect.
The Sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with His Church, will be attacked and deeply profaned. Freemasonry, which will then in power, will approve iniquitous laws with the aim of doing away with this Sacrament. Moreover, in these unhappy times, there will be unbridled lust … Innocence will almost no longer be found in children nor modesty in women. In this supreme moment of need of the Church, that one who should speak will fall silent.
During this epoch, the Church will find Herself attacked by terrible hordes of the Masonic sect … The vices of impurity, of blasphemy and sacrilege will dominate, in these times of depraved desolation and that one who should speak will fall silent.
The fury of the devil, in trying to raze the Catholic Church, would be served by Her children who would lose their faith. They would work to oppress the Church, and prevent public devotion for they would have already entered the party of Satan, by becoming members of Masonic Lodges… and the loathsome and pestiferous wild boar of Freemasonry would enter the beautiful and flourishing vineyard of the Church, leaving it in complete ruins and destroyed.
The Masonic Sect will be so subtle as to penetrate into the heart of families in order to corrupt the children, and the Devil will pride himself in dining upon the exquisite delicacy of the hearts of children.
Know that the Divine Justice sends terrible punishments on entire nations, not only for the sins of the people, but above all for the sins of Priests and Religious… Deviating from their sublime mission they will deteriorate to the point where that, in the eyes of God, they are the ones to accelerate the severity of punishment.”
“The priests, ministers of My Son for their evil life, for their irreverence and their impiety in celebrating the Holy Mysteries, for the love of money, honors and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity. Yes, the priests ask for their revenge and revenge is suspended over their heads.
Woe to the Princes of the Church who think only of piling riches, to protect their authority and dominate with pride. The Church will be abandoned to great persecutions, that one will be the time of darkness, and the Church will have a horrible crisis….
Tremble, earth, and you who proclaim yourselves to worship Jesus Christ, but, on the inside, only worship yourselves, tremble, for God will hand you over to His enemy because the holy places are in the state of corruption… ROME WILL LOSE THE FAITH AND BECOME THE SEAT OF THE ANTICHRIST! The Church will be eclipsed…
It’s time. The sun is darkening, Faith alone will survive! Now is the time, the abyss is opening. Here is the king of darkness, here is the Beast with his subjects, calling himself the Savior of the world. He will rise proudly into the air to go up to Heaven… Then water and fire will purge the earth and will consume all the works of men’s pride and all will be renewed: God will be served and glorified.”
“A great chastisement will fall on the entire human race; not today, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the Twentieth Century.
No longer does order reign anywhere. and Satan will reign over the highest places and directs the course of events. He (Satan) really will succeed in infiltrating to the top of the Church.”
“Also for the Church a time of Her greatest trials will come. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals Bishops will oppose Bishops and Satan will march amid their ranks, and in Rome great changes will occur. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall will never rise again. The Church will be darkened, and the world will be deranged by terror.
A great war will break out within the second half of the Twentieth Century. Fire and smoke will fall from Heaven… the foam of the the oceans will rise up all overturning and sinking. Millions and millions of people will die by the hour And the survivors will envy the dead.
Death will reign everywhere for the errors, committed by the foolish and by the partisans of Satan, who, then and only then, will reign over the world.
At last, those who will survive all of these events will once more proclaim God and His Glory and will serve Him like before, when the world was not so corrupted.”
You seem to be unaware of President Trump’s election. It has released the wickedness with the US society and bureaucracy for all to see. There is a reason why Putin and Trump have chemistry and an affinity for each other.
Tamerlan Tsarnaeu, his younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaeu, and his friend Ibragim Todashev were all Chechens residing in America. Tamerlan was employed by the FBI to be an undercover ‘recruiter’ of Islamists. In 2012, from January to June, Tamerlan was sent to Georgia, and I believe met with another Chechen, Dmytro Yarosh. Whatever was said at that meeting it caused the deaths of four men, Tamerlan Tsarnaeu, Todashev and the two FBI agents, Lorek and Shaw who saved Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s life. Two other Chechens who had been studying with the younger Tsarnaeu were interrogated by the FBI and then deported.
I believe the man who murdered Todashev, was Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s superior, James Yacone, who also ordered the deaths of the other three men. The American Sec. of State, John Kerry virtually tells us that when he said “Tsarnaev returned from Russian trip “with a willingness to kill people.”
If you then consider what was said to VV Putin by the King of Saudi Arabia in regard to turning loose the ISIS in the ME back home in Russia, we can comprehend that the American use of ‘dissidents’ of whatever country is that of a ‘disposable’ napkin.
But it is not just Russia that wears the brunt of all of these ‘attacks’ on their churches and religions. These attacks also occur within ‘Western society’ itself, which must indeed tell you that the religious fibre of our society’s is to be totally destroyed. Once that occurs, then it will be replaced by an inferior brand that suits ‘our masters’.
Welcome to Christmas without one iota of news of the ‘birth of Christ, but everywhere that symbol of Mammon, ‘Santa Claus’ who was invented by the Coca Cola company in 1934 to sell more fizzy drinks.
On the 10th anniversary of 9-11, 3 young men, close associates of the Tsarnaev brothers and of Todashev, were murdered in Waltham MA. Their throats were cut, and a little marijuana was sprinkled around as an excuse for the police/fbi to explain it as a ‘drug deal gone bad’ I doubt these characters were ever even questioned.
This is from an article I wrote some time ago:
From Wikipedia “The investigators later said that Todashev implicated both himself and Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the (the 2011 Waltham murders) murders during the questioning soon after midnight. They reported that Todashev was beginning to write a formal statement when he asked to take a break, and then suddenly attacked the agent.[5][21] Todashev was shot multiple times and killed”
This is not correct for so many reasons. Firstly if Todashev was to be ‘interviewed in regard to the 2011 triple murders at Waltham, then he would be interviewed at a proper facility and permitted legal assistance.
So just after midnight, after 8 hours of being ‘interviewed by the FBI, Todashev has started to write a ‘formal statement’. Again, this is not proper practice. If this was correct, then all parties should have adjourned to the nearest police station.
Now, how does one write a ‘formal statement’? How about by sitting at a table with pen and paper. What a wonderful position in which to launch an attack!
From Wikipedia “According to the account of an unnamed law enforcement official, Todashev knocked the interrogating agent to the ground with a table, and then lunged at him with a metal pole, or possibly a broomstick.[27] In this account there was one detective in the room—who did not fire—besides the FBI agent.[27]The agent sustained minor injuries requiring stitches.”
I shall be nice here. It would be assumed that the FBI agent was also seated at the table, when Todashev pushes the table into the FBI agent, knocking both the agent and his chair over and the table on top of him. We have one of the Massachusetts State Police troopers watching over this event. His reaction at this incident is to simply stand back and watch and in his best ‘Gomer Pyle’ accent says, “Oh golly gosh! Lookout Agent Yacone, Todashev is going to attack you!
A normal trooper would have moved in to prevent the ‘attack’.
The FBI agent ensnared by the chair and the table has to extradite himself, reach for his handgun, aim and then shoot Todashev several times whilst still lying on the floor.
But before Yacone could murder Todashev, he needed to remove two FBI agents, Lorek and Shaw,
On the 22nd of May 2013, the headlines stated “2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Arrest “FALL” Out of Helicopter and Die”.
On Friday the 17th May 2013, Special Agents Christopher Lorek and Stephen Shaw died when they apparently fell from a helicopter during a maritime counterterrorism exercise. They were killed when they fell into the water.
“The FBI agents were participating in a maritime counterterrorism exercise involving helicopters and a ship,” said Special Agent Ann Todd. “The agents were in the process of fast-roping from the aircraft onto the ship when the helicopter encountered difficulties. The agents fell a significant distance and suffered fatal injuries.” “The incident occurred about 20 kilometres from the coastline. The Coast Guard was not involved.”
“Both were members of the bureau’s elite hostage rescue team.”
Hostage Rescue Team members do not participate in ‘Anti-terrorism’ exercises 20 km off shore. Anti-terrorism equates to FBI Agent James Yacone. Remember Mogadishu? Remember ‘Black Hawk Down’? Remember Captain James Yacone? Remember how the Yanks used to interrogate their VC and North Vietnamese prisoners?
The reason, I believe that Yacone murdered Todashev was that Todashev passed on information to his father and thus Yacone would have believed Todashev to be a Russian Intel officer.
Now why would Tamerlan Tsarnaev whilst employed by the FBI be involved in the murder of three other Chechens?
Were these three Chechens also possible FSB Intel officers? Were they really ‘drug-pushers’? Is there any further information available in regard to these men?
From Wikipedia. A triple homicide was committed in Waltham, Massachusetts, on the evening of September 11, 2011.[2][3] Brendan Mess, Erik Weissman, and Raphael Teken were murdered in Mess’s apartment. All had their throats slit from ear to ear, with such great force that they were nearly decapitated. Thousands of dollars’ worth of marijuana and money were left covering their mutilated bodies, and $5,000 was left at the scene. The local district attorney said that it appeared that the killer and the victims knew each other, and that the murders were not random.
Is that a ‘little’ marijuana? $5,000 just left at the scene!
All three victims were Jewish according to a number of sources.
Brendan Mess had been described by Tamerlan Tsarnaev as his best friend
From Who what why: prosecutors in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have delivered a shocking reversal. They admit to having no evidence that his dead brother, Tamerlan, was involved in the slayings.
So let’s get this straight. Tamerlan only knew Brendan Mess, he didn’t know the other two men. All three men had priors in regards to drugs. There was never any evidence in regard to what Todashev said to the FBI agent (Yacone) and once Todashev was dead the FBI and the police could assert anything they wanted to.
Here is one last question for you.
Is there any evidence whatsoever to link Ibragim Todashev with any of these three murdered men (Mess, Weismann and Teken) ? If not. then how could the FBI make comments alluding to such a connection?
Do you understand the manipulations carried out by corrupt officers?
Thank you for laying out the details of this case and the connections. I never swallowed the official story because the official story wasn’t very good.
However the death from a fall of the FBI guys sure sounds made-up. I suspect the guys did not want to play-ball and may have spoken to people with whom they should have not done so. Thus the order to eliminate them.
Lorek and Shaw would have made a report questioning the attempted murder of Dzhokhar Tsarnaeu to their superiors. That signed their death warrants. What I believe Dmytro Yarosh told Tamerlan Tsarnaev would have been the plan to take over the Ukraine as well as being supported by NATO.
That information may also have included details of the hijacking of MH370. Yarosh tells Tsarnaeu, Tsarnaeu tells Todashev, and Todashev tells his father in Grozny, and Dad tells the FSB.
The clues to this is that when MH370 went missing with two supposedly Iranian terrorists with false passports on board, is that the FBI CIRG were called in, but they were already in KL. Again, the FBI CIRG equates to James Yacone, and Joe Quin from SOTT has told us all about James Yacone in regard to the Aurora Theatre massacre at Colorado.
What does the book, ‘An incident at Simonka’ tell us? It tells us that NATO were in the Crimea, Why? How about the original plan was to use Crimea to stage attacks on Iran?
Why? Because of the ‘terrorist’ attack using MH370.
But MH370 was not used in any ‘terrorist’ attack. Of course not it was stopped in a typically Russian manner, without any fuss or ado.
The Americans on the other hand made very loud noises and couldn’t find the missing plane even after at least three Military Radar tracking stations told them where it was ditched in the Andaman Sea; that is Butterworth, Kota Baru and a Thai Radar Tracking Station. Can you follow that
Then there was the little old housewife returning from a trip from Mecca to KL, flying on a Saudi flight who actually saw MH370 in the water near the Andaman Islands, which simply means that her flight had been ordered to check out the ditching site, and to really cement this scenario there is the report that the Saudi Royal family gave the PM of Malaysia, Najib Razak $1B and Razak spent the lot.
“What does the book, ‘An incident at Simonka’ tell us? It tells us that NATO were in the Crimea, Why? How about the original plan was to use Crimea to stage attacks on Iran? ”
Crimea as a staging point for attacks on Iran (and the Middle East and the Stan-Belt) makes PERFECT sense. You are the first that I have read to suggest this. Never crossed my mind as I was always focused on the Russian angle. Crimea would have been a huge win for the Zio-Anglo Empire.
I assume you are writing @ me, although I fully understand ‘ manipulations carried out by corrupt officers’. My saying ‘sprinkled some marijuana’ comes from the constant barrage of news broadcasts that day; I was in the Boston area at the time. The impression from the stories was that there was ‘some marijuana’ at the scene. The 3 men killed ( I had read that 2 were jews) were dojo compadres of the Tsarnaev brothers and Todashev. They were known to work out together regularly. The reason I think the three were involved is one of logistics; imagining how this could have taken place. I don’t claim to have been there. From what I’ve read, the interrogation where Todashev was executed was conducted (at the time of the killing) without an accompanying officer, either fbi or MA Trooper, in the room, in violation of fbi regulations. Also, I read that one of the shots was to the top of the skull, which seems difficult for a person lying on the floor. I had not read anything about the fbi agents who ‘fell from a helicopter’; thanks for that info. I would have assumed that climbing down from a chopper would be conducted at heights not lethal to a slip-up. Sounds like they were SealTeamSixed.
Dear Larry,
Yours was a normal question and it made me get off my arse so to speak and gather just a bit more information. That information is useful, so thanks for the question.
My full article was sent to ‘Old Dick Eastman’ who passed it on far and wide, including Dzhokhar Tsarnaeu’s lawyer who simply had a go at my English (Australian) and apparent spelling.
Andrew, I found your writing here,
Do you discuss / contribute anywhere else ?
No. This is the first time I’ve actually been on a discussion site, though I have been following the Saker for some time and always enjoyed his writings.
I was into ‘gun control’, I started looking in 1998, and I’ve had a good apprenticeship. Most of my work is collating other people’s information and putting it all together.
I’ve had some articles put on Nick Kollerstrom’s site, “Terror on the Tube”, but I think I’ve frightened poor Nick off. I also think that Nick is somewhat naïve in regard to how some spooks work. He will learn though. It’s only logic.
I have also done a couple of articles on the Zimmerman telegram and the Balfour Declaration.
My last couple of articles came about after a friend sent me an email criticising Jim Fetzer’s work on the JFK assassination, which was really off in so many areas, and from the information from that email it didn’t take too long too work out who shot Kennedy, Officer JD Tippit and of course Lee Harvey Oswald.
For MH370 look for ‘Understanding the tyranny of terrorism’ but I have some new info and the article really does need updating.
Ah yes, JFK. If people were to look at this case closer they might have a very good chance to understand that we are being lied to in the most obscene way possible. For me it was a big eye opener when I found out that Oswald was in the Soviet Union and returned without landing in Jail. Now imagine that, right in the middle of the Cold War, after returning his passport to the US embassy in Moscow and then, NOTHING. No Jail time.
My go to website for JFK is
Merry Christmas to all, This message is basically for Alex.
In about 2005/6 I was in contact with Sandra Uttley of ‘Dunblane unburied’ who was having problems with her blog site at the time and she asked me to help. The main antagonist was a ‘Steve Walker’ who claimed to be employed in a ‘legal firm’.
Steve Walker later stated that he had been a Det/Sgt with the Bradford Police (I think) in England, and whose son along with his half brother had been murdered in a flat; single shot to the head in both cases; one in the bedroom and the other in the bath. The two brother had recently swapped flats with the so-called murderer, who was later found by police at his new flat with a single shot to the head with the same murder weapon, an Uzi machine pistol.
To swap flats, I felt that there was a ‘friendship between the two brothers and their ‘so-called’ murderer.
And then we get to the really interesting part. The ‘named’ murderer who had apparently committed suicide had previously written a letter to MI5 in regard to corrupt police officers which had in turn been handed over to the appropriate Constabulary. It also doesn’t take too much thinking to realise who at least one of the bent policemen was, the boys father, for had Steve Walker been legitimate, then that information would have been passed onto him, but even more, where would ‘outsiders’ have learnt information about corruption within the force? From the policeman’s son of course.
So the patsy realising that a letter to the Chief Constable couldn’t prevail, he sent it off to MI5, which was just as bad.
MI5 alerts the bent police that they have been fingered, so it doesn’t take much to understand that those bent police then sent a hit man to resolve their leak, only the hit went off at the old address now occupied by Steve Walkers son and his younger half brother. The hit goes off, and it was a professional hit, with the older lad in bed and his younger brother in the bath, and it was only later when Walker was informed of his son’s death, does the realisation sink in that the hit has gone bad.
Now normally when a policeman’s family is hit, the heavies move extremely fast and very heavy, but in this instance it took three days to locate the patsy still residing in the brothers previous flat. You have to be joking! The ‘heavies’ gave the professional sufficient time to hit the proper target before going in and declaring it a ‘suicide’.
So I wrote this up for Sandra and told her to be very careful with it, but she immediately put it up on her site anyway and within a couple of hours her site was attacked and closed down illegitimately. Had I been wrong then the attack would have been through all the proper channels and we would still be going to court.
Now what was really interesting about Sandra Uttley’s book, ‘Dunblane Unburied’ was that although she continually believed that Thomas Hamilton was the guilty person, she was able to demonstrate that Hamilton had been shot in the head with his Smith & Wesson revolver twice, both bullets ending up lodged in the wall behind his head. That also meant that Hamilton supposedly shot himself whilst lying on the gym floor.
There were then two statements, one witch was and one witch was not heard by the Cullen Inquiry. The off-duty, Constable McCutcheon, who was taking his children to the school that day was the first policeman to enter the gym and saw the Janitor ‘Curries’ standing over the still dying body of Hamilton with one of two Browning automatic pistols in his hand, and McCutcheon told Currie to put the pistol down.
McCutcheon also noted that Hamilton’s brain had exited the cranium, but his body was still breathing heavily. He also noted that there were only two Browning automatic pistols at the scene. There were no Smith & Wesson revolvers. (Things were to change once the ‘Scene of Crime’ investigator Chisholm came onto the scene).
The other statement, and this was given to the Cullen Enquiry was from the ‘Trainee teacher’ David Duke Scott who stated that he saw Hamilton commit suicide by placing the Smith & Wesson in his mouth.
So what do we have? Considering that all of the victims had been shot with only one of the two Browning pistols, we have the school janitor, John Currie seen placing the second Browning pistol at the crime scene. What don’t we have? We do not have the second murder weapon, the Smith & Wesson revolver, and we do not have David Duke Scott, who stated that he saw Hamilton shoot himself. What does this mean?
The answer is simple; Scott is escorting the shooter away from the gym and has the Smith & Wesson with him. It is only after the Scene of Crime Investigator clears the room that two Smith & Wesson revolvers appear in the crime scene,
The janitor would have been the person who threw Hamilton to the floor and held him there, while Scott placed the barrel of the Smith & Wesson in Hamilton’s mouth and pulled the trigger, and then stuffed up by having a second discharge (puller the trigger again) with both bullets ending up in the wall behind Hamilton’s head.
Duke then leaves the gym to escort the ‘hired assassin’ away from the school, and takes the murder weapon, the Smith & Wesson with him.
Much later, I identified the shooter at Dunblane as a little round or rotund person by the name of Joe Vialls.
Good analysis.
“Welcome to Christmas without one iota of news of the ‘birth of Christ, but everywhere that symbol of Mammon, ‘Santa Claus’ who was invented by the Coca Cola company in 1934 to sell more fizzy drinks.”
… without white snow.
How much freedom is there in our society when one has to choose their words extremely carefully for fear of offending a wanker.
Santa Claus . Now that the culture war against Russia is undeniable for anyone with eyes to see I think that Santa Claus is one of the first examples of this. Saint Nicholas is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church and (I think) the patron saint of Russia. Also the name of the last tsar. Turning him into the caricature figure of Santa Claus was very likely a calculated cultural attack orthodox christianity.
St Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland, of Russia and of all seamen.
May the Joy of Christmas be with you and every reader, and may the birth of every child be as though another gift from God himself, and remember that God never recognised any religion, but rather all men of good will.
Same here Andrew. Thank You for taking the time to elaborate so much information on a subject which has been deep-6ed by nearly everyone.
Have a Merry White Christmas and a Happy New Years with some good Scotch :-)
I am a ‘good’ Presbyterian, no drinking, no smoking, no swearing, etc.
My favourite drink was a Chivas ‘Loch an Ora’, but as that is no unavailable in Australia, I’ll have to settle for a Drambuie, just a wee dram, and a bottle will last a year, unless my wife gets to it first.
Besides that, I stupid enough sober.
@‘Loch an Ora’, but as that is no(w?) unavailable in Australia?
You are wrong mate. Try Dan Murphy ($64.99 per bottle, $386.05 per case, $64.35 in any six).
Of course Drambuie would do as fine. I have more snobbish tastes, I go for single malts, Glenfiddich or Glenlivet. They are expensive enough to last many years (three times more expensive, therefore three years)!
Anyhow, cheers and Merry Christmas.
Too late! I’ve tried and so has my Pipe Major. Not even at my local Dan Murphy’s @ Newcomb
I like Cuban Rum and this particular brand I find in some airport duty-free ,
3 yrs. is perfect for me. Sweet and mellow.
St. Andrew and St. Nicholas are both patron saints of Russia so we can happily agree to agree. Happy holy days
You must be right! Russia is too big to have only one patrol saint.
I thoroughly enjoy chatting with strangers and people of other backgrounds and nationalities. They can teach you so much.
Don’t forget to celebrate Hogmanay!
My boss was a Scott and never mentioned this. Make sure it is White and with plenty of Scotch :-)
Dear Alex,
Here are some Chrissie presents for you and yours:
The Corries sing ‘Such a parcel o’ rogues in the nation.’ Nothing much has changed since the 1790’s
Then how about this Irish song, and look at the eyes of the chorale.
Then lastly, a modern version of the piobaireahd, MacKintosh’s Lament. If you like I can tell you a story, told to me by my Pipe Major, Ron Carver that links the MacKintosh’s Lament to Dvorak’s Largo (Going Home)
I hope you all enjoy the music.
Since it’s racially insensitive to hope for snow, I’m dreaming of a hard edged, morally crisp Christmas, and this article puts me in the Right Holiday Mood.
Just wondering which Empire Whore the article’s last three words denounce…..Vicky?? Nikki???….oh, I almost forgot….prostitutes can also be male………………. McCain?? Mueller???
Or how about McFaul for that absurd outrage he expressed, that the presidents of two nations might actually talk to each other about that recently prevented act of terror in St Petersburg…….
Blessed be the peacemakers,
The children of God.
An explanation of the initials RRs and KARGs would be appreciated.
Rabid Russophobes and the Khazarian-American-Rothschild Globalists.
Opening sentence of the article: “Rabid Russophobes and the Khazarian-American-Rothschild Globalists”.
Yes, Russia and its people are being assailed on many fronts, yet Russia, to its credit, refuses to play the victim. That is a very attractive quality for the rest of the world growing weary of the empire.
I dare say that these attacks are being seen for the pathetic death throes of an empire past its “sell by” date. The world is waking up, thanks to Russia (and China) to an alternative way to be. At some point, rejection of US-styled values and democracy will be widespread.
Just this week we see Nikki Haley threatening to “take names”) of those that vote against the US on the Jerusalem issue. This, after unanimous rejection in the Security Council. How much more of this boorishness will the world take before major blowback? My guess is not much.
“Nikki Haley threatening to “take names”
The chutzpah of this woman is off the scale even for a zionist.
Does she really think this is going to fly?
She is a huge embarrassment to this country. And, BTW, a liability even for Trump.
When does someone stand up and demand her removal from the UN?
If she can threaten UN members, then I think they can push back and demand her removal.
She is incompetent and she is abusing her right to speak at the UN in the way she is making it a bully pulpit for scofflaw-ism. Why doesn’t someone openly challenger her and demand her removal from her post?
That would sure send a “message.”
I think this is all planned to make UN finally appear what it is, a joke. This is the end of UN as we know it, it has no role, it is owned by zionists and its place is Israel. Since there is no need for UN any more, this is clear message pax judaica is here, this is a way to tell the world Israel is ruling the world.
Relax, it’s probably not the end of the U.N. In spite of Nutty Nikki’s threats and antics, the vote was 128-9 to call on Trump to withdraw his Jerusalem declaration — even Britain, Germany, and France voted against the U.S. I guess Nikki is going to “take their names”.
“A Stunning Rebuke”
As a sane and decent person that I think you are, you are absolutely right and I agree.
Unfortunately the people that are calling the shots are not. Don’t underestimate the evilness of them. The anglozionist forces seek for no less than total submission of the world to them. Any sacrifice and destruction is allowed and means nothing to them.
Nimrata Randhawa, aka Nikki Haley, doesn’t understand the Talmudic interpretation of the people she’s dealing with. She may be thinking that a reward is waiting for her, but eventually she will only be used as a means to come to their goal and be wasted.
The UN, once regarded after WW2 as a means to discuss disagreements, is being used and put aside by forces that only want to be regarded as superior beings.
This is a very dangerous development, that can only end with a surprise movement: the refusal of Janissarian soldiers to fight and die for filthy rich and uninterested satanists.
Remember the mutiny some years ago in the US forces, when in a Mexican standoff at the coast of Syria?
Maybe I’m wrong -somewhere I hope I do- but I’ll drop it anyway.
Cheers, Rob
One cannot argue that Russia is promoting or protecting Christianity and at the same time decry the US recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Remember that the Bible states that God promised a land for the Jews. And remember that the Bible also stated that the Jews were God’s chosen people.
And it is quite alarming that you would prefer the operation of the UN before Nikki Haley showed up. Wow, what an uncontrolled mess it was – very anti-Christian and very anti-Israel.
Thanks Larchmonter445.
It continues:
1) Paralympians still suspended and have to wait till January – the month before the Winter Olympics to find out their fate.
2) Kadyrov sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act – his response:
3) UN resolution on Crimea (70 votes – how they call that a majority…) followed by State Department sanctioning lethal weapons to Ukraine – all fits in nicely. Looks like war is coming to Donbass again:
However, today President Putin speaking at a gala event dedicated to the Day of Russia’s Security Services Personnel, said that the Russian intelligence community should “curb the activity of foreign special services that attempt to enhance their activity in Russia, which is not a secret.”
I love Kadyrov’s reply to the US! I don’t wish to go to America either. There is too much crime and death over there.
In real life however there is no longer any such thing as ‘sport’; it is now ‘big business’. Anything and everything that can make a ‘buck’ has been usurped for big business and that includes every sport seen on television.
And America, ‘The land of the Free’ had to win at everything, to demonstrate their superiority. As most people are aware, Americans would frequently cheat to win. So who created the need for drugs in sports? Whose athletes have been dying too young because of the ingestion of forbidden drugs?
And who creates the new drugs, or the ‘untraceable’ drugs for todays performers? Not in the second world, only in the first, the West.
What was it a Russian dissident once said; “Everything they told us about the USSR was a lie; everything they told us about the US was true”
And this is just another example.
I was deeply angered by the Crucifix in urine. It seems offending has become a discipline of art in the west. This time they used the religious symbol of Christians, next time they will use a muslim symbol or a symbol from another religion.
I came to know that the traditional dress of the russian women include a headscarf. Just look at the picture of Natalia Poklonskaya, properly dressed and covered in traditional manner unlike women in west exposing their skin to men. She looks so graceful and dignified. No man will have any ill intent towards her. The spiritual power that women project is veiled when they seek to attract men, who are filled with lust, using the power of their physical attraction.
The persian poet Jami has some thing to say on this,
“To my rosy cheeked lovely I said: ‘O, you with a mouth like a rosebud!
Do not always hide your face as if you are a flirting girl!’
She laughed and said: ‘Unlike the beauties of this world,
In the curtain I am manifest and without the curtain I am hidden”
Beautiful verses.
Thanks for the quote.
“No man will have any ill intent towards her.”
Oh sure. We know that “properly dressed” women are never abused! Riiiight… What color is the sky in your world, by the by?
Even in Catholic (on paper) Poland disrespect to Christianity was no problem.
” Polish death metal singer cleared over Bible-ripping act
Judge considers actions of Adam ‘Nergal’ Darski, frontman of Behemoth, a form of artistic expression”
The attack on Christianity is a coordinated attack. No doubt in my mind. And to really test this try tearing “artistically” the Torah in Public. Wink wink ….
western elite behavior .. how to predict it? – Just ask: How would a small, badly behaved, petulant child behave.
Russia, militarily, economically and politically is “anti-fragile”. This strengthening-due-to-assault will emerge in the social and cultural dimensions.
What frightens me is that in Australia we used to know how to be a military force. We used to have our own music both folk and classical; our own poets Paterson and Lawson and our own history. We used to be!
Now we are nought but a copy of America. Our constabulary are now ‘Law enforcement officers’; Our army followers the American style. Brigadier Ted Serong (both ASIS & CIA) would be mortified.
We have become ‘deputy Dawgs’, and our pollies just can’t get enough of Obama and Co.
We learnt our lessons in WW1 to never let the English lead us and so in WW2 we swapped holding the petticoats to holding the coattails of the US. My mother told me that in Wau, the Americans went in first followed by the Aussies, and the Yanks were told that the Aussies had orders to shoot any Yank that ran. Perhaps they were aware of ‘The Battle of Brisbane’!
My Uncle Herb didn’t think much of them either. He served in the 2/2nd Commando in Timor, and whilst on leave in Melbourne frogmarched a loud-mouthed Yank from Young and Jacksons to the Swanston Street Bridge and chucked him into the Yarra River below. He was arrested for D&D (drunk and disorderly) for that.
Now America is desperate to start another war, be it with North Korea, or anyone else they can bluff, and our stupid pollies will follow on the ridiculous belief that we need America..
Like Hell we do!
Australia have right next door to us a Muslim country called Indonesia. America thinks they have Indonesia in the bag. They’ve forgotten history. Indonesia has always chosen the side they believe will win. Indonesia still has not forgotten Timor or the bombing in Bali; they know their enemy and it isn’t China or Russia.
New York is following in Rome’s footsteps, all the way to the gallows.
But Australia may take pride that she was one of the first countries to organize LGBT ‘pride parades’! (erh, in imitation of ‘commemorations’ of Stonewall riots). 40 Mardis Gras so far, no mean feat !It lagged behind in the matter of ‘same-sex marriage’ but eventually ‘Love won’!!! It’s back to ‘Rainbow time’! The Rainbow flag should be the new flag. We don’t need the Southern “Cross” anymore.
They had the ‘Gay Mardi Gra’s’ in Sydney first and then when Labor appointed the NSW policewoman, Christine Nixon as the first female CCP (Chief Commissioner of Police) of Victoria, she led the parade and required the Police Pipe Band to participate which was an unlawful instruction.
Most of our pollies holiday in Israel and attend at the Wailing Wall. Why even Peter Costello was photographed with Julia Gillard at the wall. Peter Costello’s brother, the Reverend Tim Costello was and still may be a spokesperson for George Soros’ Coalition against firearms, and it was as Treasurer that Peter Costello dumped most of Australia’s gold reserve on the world market on request from George Soros, an act which reduced the price of gold and instigated Soros’ attack on the & Asian Tigers.
As the CCP Christine Nixon was made a scapegoat for the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria that killed over 100 people. Her last foray into political psy-ops was in January this year when she was a ‘witness’ in the ‘James Gargasoulas’ psy-ops in Bourke Street Melbourne, but one of the attending police stated to the media while his back was turned that this was not a ‘terrorist’ event. In other words it was a ‘police exercise’, used by the Premier ‘Dopey’ Dan Andrews and the media to continue the world terror trauma.
And Melbourne has just experienced another such incident, be it real or not I cannot yet tell.
Although I agree with the author on almost everything, I don‘t share his assessment of Natalia Poklonskaya.
Personally, I concluded a while ago that this woman is a nutcase. There is no other way to describe it. Her unhealthy obsession with the last tsar is much more than just a little bit whacky.
I mean, carrying his (tsar Nicholas‘, that is) picture – proudly, as if he was her own relative… and then, this incessant and frenetic lobbying for the ban of a movie – a freaking movie! She made over 40 (!) petitions at the courts to make them persecute the producers of the film. If this is not obsessed, then tell me what is. Actually, she must have done little else since she became a member of the Duma.
From what I understood, many Crimeans are already asking themselves why they elected her. Her good looks made her extremely popular with many gullible men, but obviously politicians should not be judged by their looks. Poklonskaya seems to forget that she got elected to do a *job*. But instead, she is pursuing her own whimsical interests. Even the current members of the Romanov family (like this adipose ,Grand duchess‘) don‘t take her seriously, and think it is counterproductive to try and ban „Matilda“!
Not so long ago, Natalia Poklonskaya was said to be a serious contender for the next presidential elections. Total fail. Now, she is more of an embarrassment. Allegedly, some of her own colleagues are already trying to think of a way to kick her out of the Duma.
Maybe she understands better than you the social degeneration caused by such movies and the deliberate and insidious attack on her motherland and culture.
In Thailand it is still common for people to wear pendants with pictures of past revered kings. Wearing the pendant displays love of an entire culture of which the king is the figurehead.
Exactly !!!!!!
It’s a Glue That Binds The People. Those who do not understand these little details are ripe for Cultural Destruction.
You are right. Except she is not “her own woman,” but is doing someone else’s bidding. This pro-Mathilda/anti-Mathilda kerfuffle is totally manufactured, in order to instigate strife and confuse people. The film is quite innocuous. I haven’t seen it, cannot be bothered to, but read some reviews. And yes, the Tsars did fornicate – and how. What’s new?
Mish wrote, ‘…she is not “her own woman,” but is doing someone else’s bidding’.
Well, maybe, but whose?
So far the only ones to clearly benefit from this artificially created scandal are Mr. Uchitel and the producers of the film.
“Mathilda” is all but innocuous. A work of destruction. A work of the “Left Hand Path.”
And if Larchmonter445’s article means nothing to you, evokes no movement in you heart and mind, then you’ve lost your cultural sensitivity and have eschewed the Russian worldview – and set out on the left path.
Putin: “Culture concerns our worldview and is primarily a multipurpose instrument for the preservation and maintenance of traditional moral, spiritual and aesthetic values. It is also the basis of a harmonious and free society capable of maintaining its integrity while remaining open and appreciative of global development trends of our civilisation.” (Address to the Presidential Council for Culture and Art –
Or perhaps you are not Russian? I hope so.
” “Culture concerns our worldview and is primarily a multipurpose instrument for the preservation and maintenance of traditional moral, spiritual and aesthetic values. It is also the basis of a harmonious and free society capable of maintaining its integrity while remaining open and appreciative of global development trends of our civilisation.””
In a nutshell it is a Stabilizer of Society. It is a compass for the Young in a (in their view) New World.
> Personally, I concluded a while ago that this woman is a nutcase.
She is not.
Poklonskaya is political clone of Savchenko, same formula just Russia-specific values in variables.
They both are very practically smart and do very rational thing for their benefits.
You say that from *your* point of view, towards *your* goals and values Poklonskaya’s act is crazy.
…but what makes you assume Poklonskaya does pursues your goals not hers?
Please don‘t misquote me.
Nowhere did I talk about my own values, and I certainly did not say that Mrs. Poklonskaya should pursue my goals. Read more carefully before you are trying to refute other people’s opinions.
Oh, and do you have any argument for your claim that “Poklonskaya is political clone of Savchenko“? What does this even mean?
If you do not assume *your* goals and values in Poklonskaya then you do not have grounds to name her a “nutcase”. She is very successful woman, which means quite “genre savvy” and situationally smart, the opposite to the nutcase.
It means that with respect to Russian society the politician Poklonskaya is in the same position and she prospers using the same methods as the politician Savchenko with respect to EuroUkrainian society. ->
Anon 10:15
I doubt very much that you have met the lady, but I have and must disagree with your assessment of the lady.
She came to Krimu after a stint in Prokuratura in Kiev, during which she was one of the few who could not be bought, so much so that she was beaten half to death and her jaw was broken so badly that even today all you have to do is watch her speak and know that.
During our Russian Spring and shortly after, many prominent and not so prominent lawyers were offered the job of Head of Prokuratura for Krimu by Oksyanov in Simferopol. Each and every man asked turned the employ down out of fear of Kiev. When Oksyanov finally got to her at almost the bottom of the list, she did not turn it down, ergo she has more courage than all the at the time turncoats who were massively pledging their allegiance to Republic of Krimea as they hurriedly changed their lapel pins from the orc flag to the Flag of Rossiya.
She is well regarded in Krimu and I’ve never heard of any attempts to get her out of the legislature except by the Tatar ‘government in exile’, IOW those Tatari who ran as Krimea and Sevastopol returned to Rossiya and know they will be in restricted freedom for many years if they ever cross our border with the entity to the north.
I would suggest that you study our history and culture a bit more before you make pronouncements you apparently have minimal informations about. You might start with a study of Byzantium and go from there and also you must understand that no Czar since Ivan Grozny had anywhere near absolute power, witness the numbers who died an untimely death. However, whether or not a century has dimmed memories of those turbulent times the Czar is to this day respected by many and revered by some. So be it, it is not for us to judge the many or some on their likes or dislikes of a Czar who was killed almost a century ago.
Kindest regards
And anon used the ‘allegedly’ thing too. bit of a flag, one of the techniques.
> She came to Krimu after a stint in Prokuratura in Kiev, during which she was one of the few who could not be bought, so much so that she was beaten half to death and her jaw was broken so badly
1) she had not jaw problems after Maidan and her leaving Kiev. If there was anything, it was BEFORE she was promoted to the capital attorneys headquaters.
2) this whole story about heroic fight with criminals leading to jaw trauma is based upon a SINGLE ANONYMOUS comment in someone’s blog. The comment you reply to is exactly equally reliable that this jaw story.
Think how all the MSM were concerted to reprint that comment but verbatim without ever challenging it.
Think how same MSM were concerted to create Girkin’s personality cult, shortlived.
3) during her serving as Ukrainian Crimea attorney she was sentencing pro-Russian activists in full compliance with Yanukovich policy. And she supposedly was so good in it that she got her Kiev promotion in her so young age.
> offered the job of Head of Prokuratura for Krimu by Oksyanov in Simferopol.
0) Aksyonov, nor Oksyanov
1) i don’t think regional leaders have authority to assign law enforcement officers, that i guess is prerogative of the centralized attorneys ministry.
2) looking how Moscow-appointed officials are murdered in Crimea this year – that surely was a dangerous assignment. However her personal courage does not mean she is pro-Russia or has deep knowledge about Russian history. She is courageous, that goes without asking. She is smart and strong-willed too. And here it stops. The rest should be discussed as a separate issue.
1. She was beaten in Kiev, when I don’t know exactly but it was before our Russian Spring of early ’14.
2. This is the only ‘blog’ I read. Having spoken to her personally I did not have the bad manners to comment on her health problems, it’s none of my business. When she took the Prokuratura her life histrory was laid out chapter and verse to anyone interested.
3. What ‘pro Russian’ activists? Everything was dead calm down here until the maidan mess started and there was little, if any, turmoil until February ’14 and the real gig started the morning after the coup in Kiev.
4. I know the official spelling of his name and I know how he pronounced it when we met him in late ’14, ergo me writing ‘Oksyanov’.
5. In ’14 during the turmoil and confusion of who could to what, with which and to whom, she was way down on the list of possible candidates for Head Prokuratura. She accepted the position after many others would not.
5. Give me names, dates and positions of the Moscow appointed officials murdered in Krimu and/or Sevastopol this year and last year and the year before and ’14. If you can’t, you don’t know what you are talking about.
What is being attempted against Russia is the zionazi/nazi full spectrum dominance where they essentially weaponize everything to completely destroy a people or a country.
They will fail. Their weapons are too gross to achieve anything but self-defeat and subsequent self-harm.
All Putin has to do is pursue his course with his characteristic “heroic patience” (Ph. Grasset dixit, in “Poutine, ou l’éloge de la prudence” –
Russiagate’s New Front: Al Franken Resignation Now a Kremlin Psy-Op
“By now, it’s common knowledge that anything that goes wrong in the US is actually the work of a vast Russian conspiracy. Step on a Lego? The FSB put it there. Can’t connect to the internet? You’ve been hacked by Russian trolls. Get a parking ticket? Putin was the meter maid.
Among the achievements of these dastardly Russians? Forcing Sen. Al Franken’s (D-MN) to resign (or, er, promise to resign; he hasn’t stepped down just yet) from the Senate after a bevy of women accused him of sexual misconduct. No, the women who accused Franken aren’t being labeled Russian shills — yet — but the liberals and Democrats who pushed Franken to resign are.”
The zionazi govno is now literally at pindo grocery store tabloid level.
we are watching a real-time slow-motion mental breakdown of the entire US.
It should be sad and tragic, but at times it sure gives us some chuckles.
We are watching the creation of the appearance of the slow-motion breakdown of the..
Not real, entirely manufactured, pseudo-reality of the USA as presented on teevee and conceived by CIA-MI6-Hollywood-Tavistock &etc cultural programmers and psychological warfare experts.
Good god man, cancel your cable subscription immediately.
Everyone — Please
Stop paying for the priviledge of having Zionists f**k with your head.
If Clinton and Trump are the thesis, then Putin and Kadyrov are the antithesis, while the synthesis will delivered to you, fully developed after you have been sufficiently disassembled by an organized program of psychological warfare.
Think of it — a Zionist prison planet with Dawkinesqe Darwinist Technocrats presiding over Ortho-Christian working class slaves, and all ultimately answering to a Priesthood of Brahmin-Abrahamites. When the Brits went to India, and following closely in the footsteps of Jesuits — hmm, what an amazing thing this caste system would be, if we could only create a world culture with perfect class stratification and an ‘untouchable’ class that never complains.
Everything you are witnessing is a carefully planned aspect of the organized and exceedingly well thought out Zionist grab for Absolute Power.
“Good god man, cancel your cable subscription immediately. ”
Best Christmas gift one could give oneself.
It must be rather fascinating to imagine the reality of Russia as battle between “chaste noble traditions respecting Orthodox Russia” and “decadent postmodern Pussy Riot scruffs”. Reality is much more complex. Let’s forget those days of ultra patriotism of 1941-45 and will to sacrifice your life for Mother Russia. They have gone forever. Modern western people just like modern Russians are much more focusing life of luxury, commercialism, materialism, individualism than romantic nationalists are dreaming. Huge majority of Russians have fallen in love with consumerism, many to extreme point of vulgarity and perversion. Besides what really matters now it’s fertility rate. Those who have faith are breeding. Those who have lost it contracept. Make no mistakes – Sub Saharan Africans are winning this battle for future.
Exactly! From central European point of view (we see a lot of people form “both sides” here) it seems more obvious, that both alleged western consumerism+ “human rightism” and eastern patriotism + “christian valuism” are mostly artificial constructs hyped up by both sides propaganda machines to extreme. On personal level, we people are mostly the same- somewhere in the middle, while deviations on both directions exist pretty much on both sides.
It doesn’t take much observation to find out that cultural differences between Russians and Americans are by order of magnitude smaller than those between Russians and Chinese. If the former is exaggerated and the latter mitigated, it is for common Sino- Russian political interests (and western politics are benefiting from this fake narrative too), but it doesn’t represent reality other than on the highest political level.
There is no attempt to destroy specifically Russian traditional values, there is an attempt to destroy simply traditional values worldwide, because those, who performing such actions believe, that these values are empty and no longer needed. While such effort has quite broad political support in the west and very little in the east, this is the only real difference and it does not apply to the people on the ground.
Those, who claim otherwise are just arming for the future wars, feeding differences and erasing common values. Dear western MSM presstitutes proclaiming the human rights for child molesters and silencing their own peoples national pride, Dear eastern fighters for the purity setting up their high standards for clean faith, clean sexuality and clean art, F*CK you both! You should be isolated on unpopulated island together, solving forever your cultural differences with stones and sticks. Rest of us could live peacefully without you, east with west, north with south.
One huge different though which none of you can deny:
“Eastern Europe” has volunteered to become Uncle Sam’s loyal and subservient servant.
Russia is resisting.
The Saker
I’m not denying the fact. As for Russia, firstly she decided to be also loyal and subservient servant- which was seen at the moment as the only way to prevent extinction, and then, when even that didn’t work, was still strong enough to go for option “B” which was to resist. Something you, Saker, wouldn’t deny, because you frequently calling that a miracle, and I totally agree.
We are not that strong, and choosing to be loyal and subservient servant for east or west when both options doesn’t work well, we traditionally going for option “C” which is to be loyal, but somehow troublesome servant.
And for Russian resistance, I’m not fully convinced, that it cannot work without installing the nationalistic and religious myths. I even see such attempt as an evolutional step back. I know, there is a sharp edge where we have to find balance between defending your cultural values, which I see as obligation for any culture with a bit of common sense and promoting nazi fashioned self elevation. For me is calling your culture in any way superior to any other sign of crossing the line. I’m not speaking about the performance, it’s measurable (we have this number of highways , schools, inventions etc., you’ve got this numbers…), I’m not speaking about genetic differences (average height, strength, IQ…), not about performance of ruling class, only about comparing the people (we Germans are chosen to rule…, we Americans are indispensable nation…, Moskali are quasi Mongolian sub-people, herojam slava!, etc.). For me to state, that Russian values, spiritual heritage and nationality are superior to western, is exactly such statement and I would always oppose that.
Shortly back to elites, the ones currently in charge in Russia have superior performance, and nobody in the west can’t match, but it is speaking only about a very top level. Shall we go regional? I would suggest, that right there quality level of public governing becoming quite opposite.
We are at war. Russia is under assault on all fronts, sanctions, steadily creeping buildups of nato bases, troops and ‘defensive’ missile systems on the europe borders, southern and eastern Black Sea, budding ‘insurrections’ in the ‘stans, open and blatant build up of troops, naval assets and ‘defensive’ missile systems in Korea with Japan ‘militarizing’ again. Speaking of Japan, make no mistake, Japan can be a nuclear power virtually overnight, I have no doubts they can construct a nuke or two with ready made parts instantly.
The latest, and probably one of the more foolish, sanction ‘victim’ is R. Kadyrov, the head of Republic of Chechnya, a member of Russian Federation. His crimes read as a litany of the degradation of what used to be called ‘western culture’. He refuses to grant any special privileges and rights to some whose sexual practices have nothing to do with the reproduction of our species. He sent his highly trained and intensely loyal Military Police Battalion to the conflict in Syria as part of the Syrian Government requested assistance from Russia. This particular battalion was an instant success with the Syrian populace and because of their unique abilities this battalion was instrumental in the establishment of many of the ‘deconfliction zones’ that the west so hates. He had the temerity to rebuild Grozny, the capitol of Chechnya, almost from the ground up after it’s near total destruction in the two Chechnyan wars. He has unified the citizens of Chechnya and ruthlessly stopped any attacks against Chechnya and Russia. My my my, such a worthy personage to be sanctioned.
Now we have that running sore, Ukraine. Some of the latest news from Foggy Bottom and Five Points is a breathless report in WP about the approval of ‘lethal’ weapons sales to Ukraine. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? What weapon isn’t lethal? And this is a first? Not bleedin’ hardly, Uncle Sugar has been supplying the orcs with weapons and ‘advisers’ since maidan debacle. At the Debaltsyevo Cauldron, there was a 24 hour stand down by Novorossiya, this brokered (and not by Novorossiya) to allow the golden pheasants to leave the AO without the embarrassment of captivity. However, they were allowed to take only their personal ruck and one weapon and the rucks were inspected before they set off. This little stand down resulted in some pretty nifty devices being left, some new and pristine, in the cauldron.
The breathless report in WP stated that US had approved a 14.7 million dollar delivery of Barrett 50 caliber sniping rifles. The end result will be, since the weapon costs upwards of 20 grand each when all the accessories are tacked on and there will be numerous ‘instructors’ to facilitate training on and use of the weapon, perhaps 100 very good weapons used for long distance killing in the hands of the orcs. The previous sale of ‘lethal weapons’ was two months ago when a company in US provided ‘new and upgraded’ RPG launchers to the orc army. When this news hit, the company, and I don’t remember who they were, said it was far from the first batch sent to the orcs. Of interest today is a report in RT that stated that DoS in Foggy Bottom said they have approved sales of weapons to the orc army since after maidan and each case is treated individually. The fop from DoS did not provide a list of previous sales to the orcs.
Bottom line, Foggy Bottom and Five Points are, and have been, themselves supplying ‘lethal’ weapons to the orcs for over 3 years. They have also facilitated extensive transfers of left over Soviet weapons from various eastern european countries to the orcs. They have supplied various other terrorists all kinds of weapons up to and including tanks for well over a decade. So, who is the terrorist facilitator, US or Russian Federation? Who is doing the most on this rock we live on to promulgate peace and calm as opposed to chaos, mayhem death and destruction? Talk about a tough question to answer.
Never The Last One A Deep Look In To Russia, Her Culture And Her Armed Forces
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Thanks for your post Larchmonter445, at the point and essence. Meanwhile, in the west, in Germany, almost every week they show in repetition some documentaries about Putin. One of them not so long ago, with title “Putin-Die Geheimnisse des Russischen Presidenten” (Putin-The secrets of the Russian President) made in 2014, presented on german ZDF channel.Here, a man Ben Judah, presented himself as Putin biograf, another, a woman Masva Gedsen, presented herself also as Putin biograf. You must see the documentary to have an idea on how these people – an others in that documentary – spread dirt on Putin and everything he did. One may ask who appointed them ? but we know the answers. Watching this film and listening to what they say, is sickening. And, there are a people in Germany who believe it.
“Ben Judah and Masva Gedsen” — reality is more intense than fiction. The ziocons are itchng for a final solution
“Watching this film …. —–> And, there are a people in Germany who believe it.”
That’s how it works. That is why in any revolution or coupe they always have Radio and TV on the top of the list of what needs to be taken over FIRST.
The Light always rises from the East and sets in the West. This is also true on a spiritual level. What we see is the dawn of the Hindus’ Kali Yuga, represented by the accelerating decay of the West, and the rise of the next age, a wiser and more spiritual one, represented here by the Rise of the East. These transitions spans decades and were foretold thousands of years ago. The Wheel keeps turning.
Exactly, ManTheMan.
The sun is setting on the West. Their actions are fittingly crepuscular.
Those of the Easterners are, equally fittingly, “matutinal”.
> War On The Cultural Fabric of Russian Society
Indeed there is.
Tzar idolatry, part of which Poklonskaya is, is one of spearheads of that war.
Induced by USA/Canada hosted pro-nazi “Russian Church Abroad”
The one, that hosts sermons together with Ukrainan “Kiev Patriarchate”.
> Then there is Natalia Poklonskaya and her defense of Nicholas II who is defiled in the Russian film “Matilda”.
Maybe he was, maybe he was not. The Romanov’s family do not think so.
Anyway, Nicholas II is not some founding cornerstone of “Russian Society”.
Attempts to enforce him as all-Russia idol do split Russian Society apart.
Actually Poklonskaya was advertising this movie. If not for her – few would even know about it. Poklonskaya made and maintained scandals to keep this movie in the top news headlines.
> She has condemned the film and worked to prevent its screenings in Russia.
…..basically promoting violent lawless acts like threats and arsons.
She promoted Maidan methods to avert Maidan? O’RLY ?
> The trailer insulted Orthodox Christians and even Muslim residents of the North Caucasus;
And Poklonskaya was authorized to claim this on behalf of all Eastern Christians and N.C.Muslims?
Ahead of their religious organizations and themselves?
> — Russia is presented in “Matilda” as “the country of gallows, drunkenness and fornication”;
1) Russia? or decadent and ultimately inept and corrupt “1%” of top Russian aristocracy in 1910-s ?
2) how does it affect Russia of today, that passed three revolutions since then (pro-Western 1917, pro-Bolsheviks 1917 and pro-Western 1992) ?
> — the purpose of the film to make a “Russian Maidan”;
…so it should be suppressed by arsons and threats, Maidan-like methods. Sounds like a plan.
> — the main character look like a rat;
> — Lars Eidinger starred in porn;
> — the wife of Nicholas II shows the hysterical witch;
So, how does it affect Russian society?
Nicholas cultists surely are affected and aggravated, but what about Russia?
> — “Matilda” discredited Russian saints;
which ones ?
also, Russian saints or Christian saints?
one may argue how much Eastern Christian church of today is the structural part of Russia. But they are NOT the same thing.
> — screening of the film will cause the Apocalypse;
This is outright witchery to claim mortals might command god’;s plans and decisions by doing some magic rituals like screening of films.
If Poklonskaya claimed it right how it was translated here – i think she should commence her heresy now.
> in “Matilda” a lot of “Hollywood scenes”, including shows bare breasts ballerina.
So what? One more pathetic third-rate replica of Hollywood soap drama.
> She is mocked in caricature art.
Because of many scandalous and disruptive moves she made, “Matilda” issue is just one of those.
> The highest art forms of Russian culture are savaged.
They are. And one of the tricks to do it, is “forcing memes”, inflating pathetic failures as important, crucial, trendsetting and so forth.
> The ballet, just recently, in honor of the greatest male dancer, Nureyev, offered a sensationalist rendition of the dancer’s life and loves with other males, adorned with full frontal nude Richard Avedon photos.
And we all know how “sensationalists” it was, because media keeps telling it,
Like about naked breasts in Matilda.
You know what?
It actually shows how pathetic and weak those “creative arts” were, if the only way to make people buy tickets to this samples of “historical drama” is making porno scandals about naked breasts and naked penises.
“The only bad advertisement is necrology” – and that is what scandals about “Matilda” or “Nuriev” do, they are not “preventing” those events but saving them, they falsely inflate that “trash no one cares about” into some significant symbolic events.
And Poklonskaya – politically being Russian clone of Savchenko – is just fanning those flames for her own benefits.
Next 3-4 years are crucial. If Russia can resist western aggression until early 2020’s it has won. I think Johan Galtung got point: US Global Empire is now if not in free downfall then clearly weakening relatively fast. Trump has even fastened it just like GWB did. European Union is facing similar process. I never really believed it stay less than 50 years and saw it as a wet dream of one generation. 35-45 years from 1992. We are very close now. I’m 100% sure the world in 2030 will look much different than our current shrinking “Pax Americana”. Future of America will be isolation. Europe will move to just one part of large Eurasian integration process which is not any kind of Globalization 2.0. Just co-operation. China will not take the role of new Uncle Sam, it’s history tells that story.
> Next 3-4 years are crucial. If Russia can resist western aggression until early 2020’s it has won.
provided “zero sum game”, etc
there are wars without winners, though
WW1 is the example: Russian Empire fallen. But did this mean RI’s adversary Germany won? No, she did neither.
> US Global Empire is now …. clearly weakening relatively fast.
Agree. But i was making a point about wrong attributing actons and perosnality of Poklonskaya, not of USA
> Trump has even fastened it just like GWB did.
Trump is pro-nationalist, pro-sovereignty, pro-isolation.
He hits “global hegemon” role of USA whenever he can.
However this again is not about Poklonskaya and the marginal fierce movement of Nicholas idolatry that she represents.
@which ones ?
But the Tzar himself! The Tzar was a peacemaker. He will be called a ‘son of God’.
“The tzar himself” is one person, the article speaks about some many saints, but failes to name even one, when promised at very least two saints.
“The tzar himself” is by rumours a saint of Serbian Church but is not and never been a saint of Russian Church, so article means some other persons, when it talked about “Russian saints”.
Again you have clearly know idea what you are talking about. Dude, just use a search engine and look up “New Martyrs of Russia” or something similar. Read a little. Get basic facts. Think about them. Right now you are just polluting this conversation with your sophomoric grandstanding. Go away and come back once you learn something.
The Saker
Induced by USA/Canada hosted pro-nazi “Russian Church Abroad”
The one, that hosts sermons together with Ukrainan “Kiev Patriarchate”.
You really should not express opinion on topics you clearly know nothing about.
I recommend you first actually *study* something, then offer opinion and when you do that, try to do that with less hyperbole as the latter does not do a good job of hiding your lack of actual knowledge.
The Saker
And you, Arioch, fanning your irritation for whose benefits?
On a lighter side, could you mention a single movie that exposes such important figures as Berman (GULAG), Frenkel (GULAG), Zemlyachka (elimination of Russian officer corps) or the bloody Golda Meir and other beings of specific ethnicity — where these beings are depicted with the same vigor and “creative force” that the murdered Russian monarch and his family have been depicted in the work by a Jewish/Ukrainian movie maker? Why did not he look at his ethnic roots? – The Bolshevik crowd was made of adulterers, thieves, traitors, and egomaniacs. The more you and like you squeal about the alleged suppression of creative freedom in Russia, the more glaring is the curtain over Jewish malfeasance. Take, for instance, the Jewish-American family of Schiff, including the patriarch Yakob Schiff who promoted a war between Russia and Japan and then financed Bronstein (Trotsky) — all these expenses not spared in order to destroy Russia…. Could you imagine a truthful documentary about Jewish Lobby in the US and UK, which would be allowed for viewers anywhere in the western world? For a starter, learn about Nekrasov’s documentary about Jewish Browder. – Don’t you like this amazing story? What about a complete sequestration of “Two Hundred Years Together” – a documentary about Jews in Russia – by all US/UK publishing houses? ALL of them! – Still you are not convinced?
> And you, Arioch, fanning your irritation for whose benefits?
Or, he we go, shoot the messenger.
> could you mention a single movie that exposes such important figures as Berman (GULAG), Frenkel (GULAG), Zemlyachka
The concept of ZOG does not make царь-расстрига automatically saint.
> where these beings are depicted with the same vigor and “creative force” that the murdered Russian monarch
sorry, i did not watch that movie. Poklonskaya’s campaing to advertize it failed on me.
> the murdered Russian monarch
he was NOT monarch. He was dethroned by White Russia. And he betrayed his oaths to god during it.
you have quite a selective lapse of memory.
and i suppose that is exactly the goal of this fierce fanning of “reds killed tzar” concepts – to whitewash and sweep under the rag the simple facts: it was White Guards movement which destroyed Russian Empire and annihilated monarchism in Russia. Bolsheviks came to the empty ashes-covered remain of the monarchy and Empire. And being tiny marginal group they were – total annihilation of state structures by White Guards was the only possible condition Bolsheviks every could come out of the fridge.
> The Bolshevik crowd was made of adulterers, thieves, traitors, and egomaniacs.
There was no croud. There was between 1 to 10 thousands for 200 millions population of Russia.
This myth about strong demonic Bolsheviks seems conveniently soothing to some, but they only were (at the MOST) 1 against every 20 000. Between 0,5% and 0,05%
The only condition such a small weak marginal group could lead Russia was the annihilation of Russian Empire statehood and monarchy by White Guards liberal pro-Western movement.
> you squeal about the alleged suppression of creative freedom in Russia
i squeal what???
may you support your lie with any direct quote from me where i “squeal about suppression of creative freedom” w.r.t. Matilda or Nuriev ?
> about a complete sequestration of “Two Hundred Years Together”
complete WHAT ???
those huge talmuds were stacked in every book shop and someone sponsored them to be printed MUCH more than people wanted to buy.
again, whatever fear and contempt, substantiated or not, you have towards Jews, is plainly IRRELEVANT to the question of citizens Romanov being or no more being tzar, less so being saint, martyr and other honorable Russian Church titles that are so convenient to stir-not-shake until no one can say what title exactly is under scrutiny.
Subscribe to all of yours remarks.
I just like to add:
“screening of the film will cause the Apocalypse”
That’s not just LOL. I was totally WTF’ed when I read that. That’s scary, coming from someone who used to be Crimea’s chief prosecutor.
And I can’t believe that any rational thinker could give a pass without a hitch to such a moronic allegation.
“Lars Eidinger starred in porn”
Yeah, a nude scene in a Peter Greenaway’s biographic movie of a XVI century Dutch artist.
Greenaway and porn: Tiffany jewels and bijoutry in surprise eggs. Besides, the screenshots from the damning scene are proof-positive that Eidinger CAN’T be a pornstar (he’s too short – that’s not *vertical* measuring).
Putin was asked about Matilda and replied it’s not his business to comment (Ministry of Culture gave clearance to the release). Russian Church’s official position on the matter is cautious at best (vague hints to aim for better understanding between the envolved parties).
Canonization is an umbrella term, but sainthood and martyrdom are different beasts.
All Romanov’s – plus their servants killed that same night – were *controvesially* canonized. But they’re not even “martyrs in faith”, in that their death was not *because* of the faith. They’re canonized as “passion bearers”: a sort of “junior martyrdom” for innocents believers suffering the ultimate hardship at hands of infidels. That’s all.
You could not be more wrong. First, the Royal Martyrs we glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCA) as part of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. The ROCA correctly made no difference in categories of saints. The Sergianist Moscow Patriarchate came up with the silly theory you mention (passion bearers as junior saints) counting on the ignorance of the people and, sadly, they were right. Passion bearers in Church history were never considered as a separate, much less so inferior, category to other saints. That is all Sergianist causuistics. Also, basic Orthodox theology clearly states that when a martyr is glorified for his/her martyrdom it is because she/he died for his/her faith. Your argument is thus completely nonsensical and you are talking with a great deal of certitude about a topic you clearly know nothing about. Stick to porn, there you do sound like an expert :-)
The Saker
224 Russians killed on Sinai could well be canonized – the Christians among them, at least – with the same status of Nikolai II and for the same reason. The Czar is “worthier” from a political – not spiritual – PoV.
That a Christian deliberately mismatches passion bearers and Saints in order to stir controversy speaks volumes on the religious good-faith (no pun) around this Matilda Affair.
In the meanwhile long-bearded weirdos have been menacing the audience going at the cinema show; a radical Orthodox has rammed in a theatre with a minibus and arsoned it; movie director’s lawyer’s car was set ablaze… no shudders up the spine?
There IS a cultural war against Russia.
Yet my enemy’s enemy is not *automatically* a friend. Syrian (and Lybian, and Egyptian) delusional protesters for democracy learned that the hard way.
> but sainthood and martyrdom are different beasts.
not for cultists who use semantic tricks to get approval on one term than grab privileges and opportunities form another concept
I am still waiting for anyone who “created oneself an idol” out of Poklonskaya and Romanov to start getting any attention to the points i made rather than my “public enemy” personality…
> The ROCA correctly made no difference in categories of saints. The Sergianist Moscow Patriarchate came up with the silly theory you mention
So, basically, the unification of ROC and ROCA should be the same “obey our views” as USSR and ex-Soviet Russia “reconciliation with civilized world” in “holy 1990-s” was
Talk about “ripping fabric of Russian society”
“Maybe he was, maybe he was not. The Romanov’s family do not think so.
Anyway, Nicholas II is not some founding cornerstone of “Russian Society”.
Attempts to enforce him as all-Russia idol do split Russian Society apart.”
But he is a symbol of what was done to Russia by the Money Changers in the West and New York in particular. Nicholas II minister Pyotr Stolypin started to move the country in the right direction. What happened ? He was eliminated. By who ?
What happened to Pyotr Stolypin is always a reminder for me what “they” want for Russia. Nothing but Pain.
“Note: In the half-year since The Wanderer (September 30, 1999) publicized journalist Anne Williamson’s testimony to the House Banking Committee on how the Clinton regime and its friends in the banking community plundered the Russian economy and looted billions of taxpayers’ dollars funneled through the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other major U.S. banks, and the Harvard Institute for International Development, and mentioned her forthcoming book, Contagion: The Betrayal of Liberty — Russia and the United States in the 1990s, many Wanderer readers have been wondering when, if ever, the book would appear.
Last week, Miss Williamson provided this reporter with a copy of the now-completed and edited manuscript, along with an interview in which the distinguished reporter recounts the enormous controversy — and fear, in some circles — surrounding the manuscript, which, if not published soon, will be self-published and posted on the Internet.”'90S/48111/0/38/38/Y/M.html
It is well spent time to read what Mrs. Williamson wrote/said back then.
The hatred of Tsar Nicholas, inherited by all those brainwashed by a more than a century old campaign of lies and calumnies meant to justify his murder, has obscured the fact that it was him who proposed an international Conference to “put an end to these incessant armaments, and to seek the means of warding off the calamities which are threatening the whole world.”
“At the dawn of the 20th century, European nations invested heavily in building professional armies and marine fleets. All experimented with the development of newer and faster weapons that could be used on a wider scale. From the years 1891 to 1919, a real arms race between Germany, France and Russia took place. Specifically, Germany’s envy of Britain’s superior navy resulted in a costly building competition of Dreadnought-class ships. Unfortunately, one year after the inauguration of the Peace Palace in 1913, World War I broke out.
Against this backdrop, the Russian Tsar Nicholas II took a remarkable initiative. On 24 August 1898, at their weekly reception at the Foreign Office in St. Petersburg, the ambassadors and ministers of the major nations accredited to the Russian Court were presented a written statement to be forwarded to their respective governments. In it, the Tsar invited the governments to join an international conference on peace and disarmament. According to the Tsar, he thought it would be better for the prosperity and progress of mankind if governments sat down and talked and concluded agreements instead of being divided and hostile towards one another.
Initially, his call met with a great deal of disbelieve and scepticism. After all, Nicholas II was one of the many European rulers who were building up their military power. And how noble and great-hearted were the motives really that prompted this autocratic despot and monarch, who never felt the pressure from constitution or parliament, to call for peace? It was only after the United States reacted positively that the Russian initiative gained momentum.
At Russia’s request, The Hague was chosen as the venue for this First Peace Conference. Several reflections may have been taken into consideration. The Netherlands had the right profile. Dutch humanists and jurists like Erasmus, Grotius and Van Bynckershoek had stood at the cradle of international law and the Netherlands had always stayed relatively neutral in European conflicts. Furthermore, The Hague had proven to be a good host city for the 1893 and 1894 conferences of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Friedrich Fromhold Martens, diplomat and jurist in service of the Russian Empire, had been very much pleased by the way the Dutch had organized the meetings…
The ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone of the Peace Palace was scheduled at the same time as the Second Peace Conference of 1907. The nations represented at the peace conference were asked to contribute to the new to be built ‘Temple of Peace’. Many countries responded positively to this call and donated a work of art or a national product to decorate the building. Tsar Nicholas II donated an impressive vase made of green jasper adorned with gilded ornaments”.
Another motive for the seething hatred of the Tsar was his
“decree of July 31, 1914, banning the manufacture and sale of alcohol in Russia. Originally, the ban was due to hold during mobilization, as Russia was entering the First World War. However, almost immediately it was extended for the duration of hostilities.
In early 1914, the tsar sent a rescript to the Ministry of Finance with an instruction to “improve the economic wellbeing of the people, notwithstanding financial losses,” since budget revenues should be coming not from the sale of something that destroys “the spiritual and economic powers” of the people but from other, healthier sources…
That was a truly radical step, as revenues from vodka sales made up no less than one third of the state budget. Yet, when putting together the budget for 1915 and in spite of the fact that Russia was at war, the State Duma totally excluded vodka revenues. British politician David Lloyd George described it as “the single greatest act of national heroism.” The very possibility of such a move testifies to the enormous economic potential that Russia had at the time…
The Soviet authorities abolished prohibition in 1925, as they needed money to modernize the country’s economy. According to contemporary accounts of the day, when distilleries were put back in operation, people in the streets wept with joy, hugging and kissing each other”.
Only the fact that the Tsar Nicholas was the initiator of the First Peace Conference, initiative born from a deep Christian faith, would be sufficient to make him a saint, not only for the Orthodox Christians, but for all the peaceniks in the world. He really was a peacemaker.
A former history teacher Justin Trudeau should have done his homework on the background of his new Nazi sympathizer Foreign Minister. Chrystia Freeland’s maternal grandfather Michael (Mikhailo) Chomiak who was a Nazi collaborator. He stole his printing plant from a Jewish owner who eventually died in German-Ukrainian run extermination camps. He used the printing plant to support the Nazi cause that killed millions of Soviet citizens. These same Soviet Citizens that gave us in the west unions, healthcare, better schools, better working conditions and rights which we would never have if the Russian revolution did not make the exploiters of the working class take notice what will happen to them if another depression hit. Her grandfather was in the German SS and participated in the Holocaust. Present regime in Kiev celebrated her grandfather as a national hero but Freeland hid this from the Canadian voter and people. Justin do the right thing get rid of Freedland and don’t be associated with such low life. Freeland, this Nazi spawn sees literally dozens of US interventions to overthrow democratic governments and install dictators the epitome of US leadership?
The Canadian Parliament needs to be disinfected from the likes of Poroshenko and the evil Ukrainian female pilot that was welcomed by Trudeau and Freeland.
Once they let in the disease called “14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS” elements it was just a matter of time until it would start to attack the body politics of Canada. They were let in willingly and with the blessing of the Devils in the US, because the same element was taken in there. Now we have what we have. Psychopathic governance with the likes of Trudeau who is God knows what but most certainly not a friend of peaceful coexistence.
Russians have a saying, which goes like this:”You cannot rule Russia without the Lord and the Tsar”. This means that traditionally the Russian Orthodox Church and the Tsar (Government) have always been connected. Its this fact which needed to be destroyed. When the Western bankers financed the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the Bolsheviks killed the Tsar and went after the Russian Orthodox Church, destroying churches and monasteries and killing priests. The aim was to destroy the cultural basis of Russia. It failed, although considerable damage was done.
The present attempts to subvert Russian culture will also fail, as history, religion and tradition are strong in Russia. For example, Western NGO’s tried to introduce feminism in Russia. The attempt failed, as the bulk of Russian girls rejected it, wanting to get married and have kids. In fact Russian girls have created an association for the promotion of the family and increase of the birth rate.
One of the reasons Putin is vilified is because he rebuilt 30.000 churches in Russia, a fact rarely mentioned in the West. The West on the other hand likes to portray Putin “as that KGB guy”, always forgetting to mention his academic qualifications: Putin has a degree in law and a Phd in economics, which no doubt contributed to Russia’s economic and industrial achievements. He also studied chemistry, but never finished it.
The point is that the West is again trying to subvert Russia from within, as it did in 1917, so that it can break it up and plunder it. The attempt will again fail. Russia is on the rise. Looking at the situation in Europe, one comes to the remarkable conclusion that Russia is now becoming the champion of Christianity, while Christianity in Western Europe is not what it used to be, being half forgotten.
> the Bolsheviks killed the Tsar
they did not, they killed citizen Romanov, who betrayed all his oathes to god back when when he was tzar, and who denounced his crown for the sake of pro-Western liberals that made that revolution of 1917
> This means that traditionally the Russian Orthodox Church and the Tsar (Government) have always been connected
“traditionally” means “since pro-Western emperor Peter the 1st, who grew in German tavern, broke all Russian traditions in his urge to westernize Russia at all costs, and as part of this move turned the church into a department of state government”
I am having trouble believing what you wrote. The Bolsheviks who killed the Tsar were NOT Russians. You know who they were. Not only did they kill the Tsar, they butchered his wife and all the kids, to ensure there would be no heirs. You know who gave the order to Lenin for this deed to be done.
Peter the Great NEVER had any intention of westernizing Russia, as that would have been absurd. He was interested in introducing reforms, whose aim was for Russia to catch up with the West. Russian development was stopped with the Mongol invasions. Before the Mongol invasions, Russia did NOT lag behind Western Europe. Perhaps it was even ahead of it.
The Western elites were hoping to break up Russia and plunder it. Putin prevented this. He reversed the situation. Now the Western elites are, as far as I can see, becoming split. The elite in the US wants to continue with its anti-Russian policies at any price. The elites in the West, on the other hand, are showing signs of insecurity, not knowing whether to go with the US elite or accept Russia. Well, they will accept Russia in the end.
Kievan Rus
Kiev was a city of some 100,000 people when it was destroyed by the Mongols. It was the major trading center between Constantinople and Northern Europe. London at that time was a village in comparison. Nobility ate with knives and forks. The nobility and even the women were literate. The princesses that married into Western European houses could read and write while their husbands could not.
they did not, they killed citizen Romanov,
You are both right and wrong. True, by the time Nicholas II was murdered he was not Czar in a legal sense at all and the Bolshevik did call him “citizen Romanov”. But what you are completely missing is that this makes his executing even more evidently a mystical murder, because it cannot be justified on pragmatic, worldly, political grounds. At the time of his murder he was even more Czar of Russia than during anytime in his life and that is what these servants of Satan knew, or at least felt, hence the ritual character of this satanic murder.
“traditionally” means “since pro-Western emperor Peter the 1st, who grew in German tavern, broke all Russian traditions in his urge to westernize Russia
You are again both right and wrong. Yes, Peter I was a rabid westernizer. But not all his successors and least of all Czar Nicholas II who did everything to de-westernize Russia, from restoring the Patriarchate to designing what later became known as the Budennovka.
The Saker
The Saker
The point is that the Tsar was a deadly enemy to the so-called Bolsheviks. The fact that he was overthrown meant nothing. He was still the Tsar in the eyes of the people. He had to be destroyed, like the Russian Orthodox Church. Everybody knows that he and his family were killed in that cellar. Its only recently that I read that the Tsar was killed in a barbaric, ritualistic manner. I didn’t know that. However, this explains much, namely its proof that Russia had to be destroyed, broken up and plundered. It would appear that the Almighty prevented this, with plenty of help by his believers.
Over here in Serbia I have heard that its common knowledge in the Russian Orthodox Church that its only a matter of time before the monarchy is restored. I was half expecting that news of this would be announced in 2017, on the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. However, analyzing things, its quite apparent that the time for this has not yet come, especially in current turbulent times.
I see that descendants of Romanovs, who live in the West, have started arriving in Crimea, no doubt looking forward to the restoration of the monarchy. I presume there is little doubt that these descendants are under the supervision of Western governments, who are also expecting the event. However, when the event does occur, I doubt if any of these people will be appointed to the monarchical role. According to unconfirmed reports, a candidate has apparently been selected, but one who does not reside in the West, which is logical. Time will tell if this particular piece of news is indeed accurate.
Honesty compels me to say here monarchy is not a function of family, but something a nation can develop at a specific moment in history. Right now, Russia is light-years away from being a country which could produce a real monarchy. A buffoonery-like pseudo-monarchy like in the UK or under His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa I in Central Africa, maybe. But not a real monarchy in a Russian or East Roman (Byzantine) sense of the word. As for the relatives of the Romanovs, they are mostly clueless clowns. Finally, even in theory a Russian monarchy would not have to be linked to any one family, not even the Romanovs.
A Russian monarchy would have to be based on the spirituality of the Russian people. Right now only about 2%-5% are practicing Orthodox Christians, that should tell you how far we are from the kind of society which could produce a real monarchy.
Please get me right: I consider myself a monarchist (that being an inevitable consequence of being a traditionalist Orthodox Christian), but it is precisely for that reason that I can tell apart the fake from the real thing.
I recommend revisiting this topic in 100-150 years, if the 2nd Coming does not happen before that, but for the time being, a Russian monarchy is completely impossible. Sorry!
The Saker
Thank you for your answer. Yes, a monarchy right now would be highly impractical, as the West would use such a restoration for more anti-Russian propaganda. But, we shall see what the future brings.
I think that the longing for monarch is hard-coded in the Russian soul. A search for monarchy is also a natural consequence of the study and understanding of real (Patristic) Orthodoxy. That is the positive aspect. 300 years of elite-imposed secularism and 80 years of rabid atheism did leave their mark, alas. Solzhenitsyn once said that it would take Russia 200 years to heal from these wounds. We are only 17 years into this process and doing, I think, remarkably well. Will it take us another 183 year to come back to our own identity? I don’t know.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Well, I don’t think that we shall have to wait another 183 years. During the communist terror in Russia, 80 % of Commissars were Zionists. During that period we had Orwellian “double think”. Those communists who were members of the Communist party said one thing openly, but privately thought something completely different, not daring to say it publicly. As somebody once said, religion and faith have always been above political rhetoric. The mere fact that Putin rebuilt 30.000 churches says plenty. Putin will certainly win the 2018 presidential election, as he is too popular. He too knows this. However, he will not be President for ever, now will he live for ever. Somebody one day will, ofcourse, have to replace him, somebody who has authority. Since he will be President for another five years, there will be plenty of time to train his successor. We shall see who that will be. Greetings.
The Tzar was not the enemy of anyone. The Bolsheviks were his deadly enemies and the Jews the deadliest.
An example: in 1917 the Rabbi Eleazar Shapira (a Kabbalist ‘Tsadik’ from Munkacs renowned for his ability to impose curses), identifying the WWI with the war of Gog and Magog preceding the coming of the Messiah, devoted himself to the goal of preparing the messianic era. So, he duly cursed the Tsar, and lo and behold, “the same year the dominion of the mighty King of Russia, may the name of the evil rot, was cut short”. Next year the Rabbi cursed the “princes of the nations” and his disciples watched in awe the fall of many kings and dukes.
I see this subject is still making headlines in 2017 !!!
Is there any good book/web site that discusses this ?
And then they created the myth of Anastasia.
A big buster of the myth that Nicolas II was responsible for the downfall of Romanov’s and Russian Empire is this book,
“Nikolaus II: Feigheit, Lüge und Verrat : Leben und Ende des letzten russischen Zaren (German Edition) – 1992”
“Nicholas II: Cowardice, Lie and Betrayal: Life and End of the Last Russian Tsar (German Edition) Paperback – 1992”
This book takes a close look ,using documents and interviews, at the internal and external “agents” who were out to eliminate the Romanov Dynasty and bring Russia to its knees in particular.
Sorry to say but there is no English version.
You are 100% correct
Evgeny Fedorov – The Jews seized the power in the country. Putin can do nothing.
Video – English subtitles available
Pussy Riot – Nadezhda/Nadya Tolokonnikova and Mariya/Masha Alyokhina (both chosen)
Vladimir Putin – What if “Pussy Riot” occured in Israel?
Matilda (2017 film)
Producer – Aleksey Efimovich Uchitel (chosen); production costs rouble
Film industry 99% in chosen hands
(Uchitel means in English teacher)
Official Trailer
Killer rant and not off topic, on the results the zionazis attacking Russia have effected in the usa.
Whose and What Agenda does the Russia-gate Yarn Serve?
When the Unthinkable Becomes Quotidian: Thermic Runaway and Strangelovian Palaver
This is how it begins:
“The effects of humankind created Climate Chaos are proving to be more devastating than even the most grim predictions. Wealth inequity is worse than in the Gilded Age. The US empire wages perpetual war, hot and cold, overt and covert, including military brinksmanship with the nuclear power, The Russian Federation.
Speaking of the latter, the US media, retails a storyline that would be considered risible if it was not so dangerously inflammatory i.e., L’affaire du Russia-gate, wherein, according to the lurid tale, the sinister Vladimir Putin, applying techniques from the Russian handbook for international intrigue, Rasputin Mind Control For Dummies, has wrested control of the US Executive Branch of government and bends its policies to his diabolical will.
Ridiculous, huh? Yet the mainstream press promulgates and a large section of the general public believes what is clearly a reality-bereft storyline, as all the while, ignoring circumstances crucial for their own economic well being; their safety, insofar as a catastrophic nuclear exchange; and the steps required to maintain the ecological criteria crucial for allowing the continued viability of human beings on planet earth.
A socio-cultural-political structure is in place wherein the individual is bombarded, to the point of psychical saturation, with self-serving, elitist manufactured media content. Decades back, news and entertainment merged thus freedom of choice amounts to psychical wanderings in a wilderness of empty, consumer cravings and unquenchable longings. Moreover, personas are forged upon the simulacrum smithy of pop/consumer culture, in which, image is reality, salesmanship trumps (yes, Trumps) substance. Among the repercussions: A reality television con man gains the cultural capital to mount a successful bid for the US presidency.
Trump’s ascendency should not come as a shock. Nor should desperate Democrat’s embrace of Russia-gate/The Russians Are Coming (fool’s) mythos. In essence, US citizens/consumers are the most successfully psychologically colonised people on planet earth. In the realm of the political, Democratic and Republican partisans alike, on cue, are prone to parrot the self-serving lies of their party’s cynical elite, who, it is evident, by the utter disregard they hold towards the prerogatives of their constituency, view the influence-bereft hoi polloi with abiding distain…that is, in the rare event they regard them at all.
The crucial question is: Whose and what agenda does the Russia-gate yarn serve? The answer is hidden in plain sight: the profiteers of US economic and militarist hegemony. The demonisation and diminution of Russian power and influence is essential in order to maintain and expand US dominance and the attendant maintenance and expansion of the already obscene wealth of capitalism’s ruling elite.”
non believer [ but study Jesus teaching] ; Seek and find the true, and the true make you FREE!!!!!] THANK YOU
Here’s a good example of how the game is played at the mild level, politics.
“Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations ”
Any of you remember the Niemtzov visit to the US embassy in Moscow ? If not here it is.
The Clinton/Soros/Obama Globalists have declared war on Christians in Russia, the U.S., And Europe. Not surprising, Globalism functions as a cult that does not accept divided loyalties.
This represents an opportunity for Trump and Putin to join forces. Protestant and Orthodox working together to suppress Soros and his minions.
The petty tactics of the U.S.A. against Russia et al. have become apparent to me, some time ago, from my perch in The Great White North.
A sure sign of weakness…
As the Saker has mentioned, correctly, more than once, these, more and more impotent antics, strongly suggest feelings of less and less security by the national actor, the USA; and for the observers who are not completely under the brainwashing of the ‘western’ media/propaganda perception management program, it looks as if collapse, and a hard-landing, will not be avoidable for much longer.
(The threatening, bullying of the US by Niki Haley at the UN over the resolution rejecting Washington’s recognition of the the capital of the occupation entity, is actually truly pathetic, almost provoking pity)
Become strong, getting stronger
Therefore, we can expect Vlad Putin and Xi to recognize the same thing, non?
Evidence for pragmatic leadership decisioning by the aforementioned Russia and Chinese heads of state extrapolates to containment and best securement of their own ‘ships’, to optimize the management the ensuing global collateral damage as possible.
Anyone viewing relevant world events and activities, unfiltered by the ‘western’ media/propaganda perception management program, could see that China, in particular, is the country leading the way in long term strategic visioning, and the infrastructure activities to support it, to best prepare for future conditions. Russia was subjected to the pillaging after losing the international finance wars, due to inferior ‘magic tricks’ by the accounting agents, and have been forced to harden, the forced to re-establish a viable national economic infrastructure, in the face of these escalating pressures; under these conditions, the rebirth of Russia as an internationally prime influencer is nothing less than truly remarkable; thus many around here would agree with the favorable assessment of Vladimir Putin’s leadership and management credentials. It may be that Russia, in particular, looks back upon the escalating propaganda and sanctions campaign as germane in making them stronger, and sheds all doubt about the weakness and vulnerability of the ‘western empire’.
For me, and I must admit that I only look at the ‘western’ mainstream media (a sad job they did on the formerly okay CBC), insomuch as to see what they are telling people to believe at the point in time, the sanctioning of Russians on ‘wafer thin’ pretexts only presents us with the corruption and mechanics used to manipulate those ‘international’ bodies, i.e. the International Olympic Committee.
While I had severe reservations about the entire current ‘Olympics movement’, I am relieved to not consider anything about it as relevant to anything but propaganda and cheating (negative sum gaming the system).
I think these ‘hybrid warfare tactics’ are failing ‘in the west’, what’s more, I think they are in the process of back-firing!
Even among the majority (here in ‘the west’) dysfunctionally over-connected to their personal devices/perception feed apparatus, there seems a growing uneasiness, what I suspect is a cognitive dissonance between what their enthralled ‘waking-consciousness’ minds perceive, and what their more objective, though also under targeted manipulative bombardment, sub-conscious minds know; the gap is so large, it necessitates an ongoing cost/burn to support.
The method has been burned out. This utterly ridiculous ‘Russia-gate’ ‘scandal’ (the scandal is that they have so brazenly pushed the method of perception manipulation so far this time, perhaps trying to bridge a gap too far), is testing even the most zombified allegiance. Still the ‘media’ and the talking heads of the empire mechanically spout the almost laughable narratives.
Just like when the rats start fleeing mirage petro-dollar, people will be questioning everything they’ve been told!
Do we see a trend here?
Are the nation-state actors (“premier-dictators”) so ‘assimilated’ into their sublimation that they are openly displaying the hallmark social behavioural programming of their masters?
I am hoping the premier-dictator (and his crew) vote better, rather than worse on this issue, happening now (2017.12.21.11h02EST); and it will stand as a litmus test for any kind of independence that remains in under this regime.
…and concerning the attack on the (Russian) Christian religion…
Well… we’ve seen this all before, over here, in so many ways, carpet-bombed through the media, on and on, about the wickedness and perversion of ‘the western Christian’ religion.
I must say that personally, I am not an believer/adherent of any institutionalized religions, but where their fundamental core precepts, even if only myth (as the all are), support the universality of people under a ‘higher consciousness/power’, thus do not systemically practice discrimination against all out-group peoples, people may be free to believe what they like.
Here again, we can look at the history of the Russian revival from c 1999, and see activities made to strengthen this institution, long before I had connected the dots of the systemic war on corresponding institutions in ‘the west’.
A very clear trend in alignment with an existing, documented (effectively) a political manifesto.
I don’t mean to dismiss these ongoing ‘hybrid warfare tactics’…
…and the points you include are relevant and accurate (as typical of the author), however:
a. the overlay of the system used in the subversion of ‘the western empire’ is clear; the trend and thus the tactics are available for scrutiny by the unsubordinated investigator, the trend of application on Russia (in particular) and China, which I believe is likely to follow a repeat of the Russian-aimed tactics, and thus further demonstrate the trend/approach/methods, enables coherent, well-reasoned counter-measures
b. the exposure of the weaknesses of the beast/empire is crucial, enabling contingency ‘best defense’ strategy/tactics, if required (likely to create a magnitude of less containable ‘collateral damage’, yet one could view the imminent braking of the petro-dollar tyranny as both defense and offense).
c. further weakening the empire by discrediting the empire in the perceptions of the masses. The process of people ‘waking up’ in the west, though contested by keen and cogent contributors on this site, I believe that it is likely that this ‘process’ has a milestone point beyond which it will be self-sustaining and exponentially accelerating, I believe this tipping point has already been passed! This will inevitably lead to the breaking down of the social order (already in-progress), and likely mass revolt.
This internal deterioration, under global over-projection will almost certainly lead to potentially catastrophic failure, also likely to undermine the entire perception-management program.
As for Ramzan Kadyrov…
Just a feeling… but I feel that this person still has a significant role to place in the larger picture. While this, superficially anyhow, conflicts with the reports of his wanting to ‘retire’/step down, one could yet imagine im leaving his current job, and starting an even more significant one on the world stage.
Like I said, it is ‘only’ a feeling, but a noticeably impressive one.
In summary…
1. We’ve seen this before, enables counter-measures
2. It further exposes the weakness of the empire, and suggests some level of … perhaps ‘panic’ is too strong a word, but close to it, at the hidden upper echelons of the empire control structure
3. These antics will eventually backfire, it may be happening now, exposing the ‘alternative reality’ creation of the media/propaganda perception-management program, disenfranchising the citizenry, and degrading the already weak social fabric, likely to so undermine global over-reach, so as to make a catastrophic failure much, much more likely.
4. Outcomes in Russia: it doesn’t look like Russia is getting weaker.
5. Outcomes for China: more data to formulate counter-measures, higher effectiveness, lower domestic and foreign population disenfranchizement.
Yes the culture wars…wait until they home in like vultures on Tchaikovsky’s life which they will label “based on true events” and then distort facts and people to the max. The dress and scenery might be correct if they import British stage crews.
It is all part of the big lie and the denigration of anyone with heart for who could watch RT’s little lost Muslim child, Khadija, who was rescued from Iraq and not be moved by her courage, the devotion of her rescuers and the fortitude of her grandparents. ? That is people “stuff”, human “stuff”, but something is dead within the cultural leaders of the West and they want to kill it in all of us. or, worse, stage it to be agenda ridden maudlin or sloppy or poor-me victimology. Add a CNN-CIA anchor crying and that is their stage craft. It’s all about me.
It is enough to make you cynical but then that means they have won, too.
RT: Eleven quotes that show how Vladimir Putin sees world
Well said. The evil of the AZE has many aspects, but its moral degradation is especially vile and that by design.
Heavy attacks on ballet. The release of Black Swan, made by several kazarian types, should have been a sign that Russian ballet would be under bombardment in the coming years.
Are there any Russian news sites that aren’t run by disgusting liberal freaks? Interesting, the darlings at Tass news reported that the homosexual bolshoi show was a stunning success, playing it up like it had accomplished something, made a big leap for mankind. Being a rectum rodent and dying from aids is a giant leap off a cliff.
Don’t know how to protect the ballet from these monsters. I hope there is someone left willing to seek beauty. You can’t expect these people to understand cultural warfare, but they will have to.
Russian ballet still is the best in the world – which is no surprise, considering the significance which this form of art has in Russian cultural life.
But please, could you elaborate on what you mean by „attacks on ballet“? Do you mean attacks on Russian ballet from *outside* Russia?
Yes, I also noticed – to my dismay – that the current director of the Bolshoi seems to be heavily influenced by Western „liberal“ ideas.
But isn‘t this more proof of a cultural war/struggle *within* Russia (“Western vs genuine Russian”) – just like it has been for hundreds of years?
As a sidenote: VV Putin according to his own statements, fully supports the management of both of the Bolshoi theatre and the famous Mariinsky theatre – which, if I‘m not mistaken, gave a helping hand in the creation of the disputed film „Matilda“…
“But please, could you elaborate on what you mean by „attacks on ballet“? Do you mean attacks on Russian ballet from *outside* Russia?”
Of course, the West funds and encourages the breakdown of Russian Society. They encourage the debasement and highlight the product and producers of the garbage.
Within Russia are fifth columnists not just political or media cadre. The point of my article was to focus for the length of it on all the pulse points of Society and Culture that are perverted. Nureyev as a homo is what they applaud. Not his dance. Not his beauty and artistry. His sexuality and genitals are the focus. Understand?
This debasement is what the West calls its Values. Liberalism is in power and the Cult Elites must tear apart any pillars of Civilization that confronts their depravity. Church, Arts, Sports, Family, Gender, Excellence, even Science are all “pissed” on. Nothing is sacred, nothing is hallow.
Reread slowly if you must, and think of Europe and how it has fallen since EU. Think of the US and how it is broken at its core. Those were all internal. No outside forces influencing the Fall.
With Russia, a different Civilization, a unique religion, a resistant people requires decades and decades and billions of dollars and millions of traitors to wreck havoc and ruin upon its soul, mind and heart. Yet, Mother Russia stands, stained, yes, but still powerful.
Putin their vocal and intellectual symbol of strength. Shoigu and the sign of the cross signaling Military and Orthodox Church united. The rebound under sanctions of the economy. The triumph in Donbass at Debaltsevo. The victory in saving Syria.
Russia is too tough to knock over like every other target of hybrid war. But damage is being done. Be cognizant of the evil perpetrated against the Russian psyche. It came first as consumerism. It comes now as unabashed degeneracy robed as ‘values’ and ‘rights’.
My post was directed at paul (referring to his words „attacks on the … Russian ballet“) but thank you for your response, Larchmonter445, and thank you for your article, by the way.
Generally I agree with your points of view and I believe that I do understand the essence of your writing quite well. So maybe there‘s no need to „reread slowly“…
I responded to paul‘s post in particular because it sounded like he has some specific information on *how* exactly Russian ballet is attacked from outside the country. This is because I am a) very interested in ballet and b) I find matter-of-fact information (who did what? to whom? when?) more valuable than general assertions.
Think of Mr.Putin and the West. The West: „Russia is meddling with our elections“. Putin: „Do you have proof? Could you please give us a specific example?“. Which the West of course can‘t.
In our case it‘s the other way round. So, if paul says: „The West is attacking our ballet“, then I‘m saying, „ok, I am inclined to believe you – what are your examples, and where is your proof?“
Facts are facts, and is so much easier to argue by means of verifiable facts rather than just beliefs. I think that most of the readers of this website, including you and me, are disgusted by the direction the Western world took in the last years, and are pinning their hopes and their sympathies on an alternative – which Russia, under a very credible leader increasingly seems to offer. Still, I believe we must stick to the objective truth and verify all the arguments that seem to support our point of view. If we don‘t do that, if we believe what we *want* to believe and mistake these beliefs for facts, we are no better than the Haileys and Powers and Obamas.
Don‘t misunderstand me – I agree with your opinion on Nureyev and your disgust over the fact that his homosexuality rather than his artistic accomplisments, is what is being celebrated.
But is there any proof that the West is behind the „Nureyev“ ballet production? After all, the Bolshoi theatre is in Russia, not in Boston or New York, and it‘s a very successful, state financed theatre which does not owe its existence to some sponsors from the West. Also, the Bolshoi is a very important Russian institution, and a source of great pride. As I said, Mr. Putin personally stated during a press conference which was dedicated to the financing of the 2 most prominent Russian theatres that he fully supports this theatre and its management. (Could you imagine the American president publicly speaking in support the Metropolitan Opera?)
The thing is, that the director of the Bolshoi, as I mentioned before, quite obviously is heavily infected by certain „liberal“ (or whatever you may call them) ideas, exactly the kind of ideas that are presently standard in the Western world. From my point of view that is deplorable but is something that I have noticed long ago.
This of course, makes the assertion that there is some kind of outside pressure, or some kind of foul play behind the „Nureyev“ production, not more likely. Still: if there is, I am all ears; please give us the details.
There is something else, and this is my belief that the existence of a „fifth colum“ in Russia is nothing new at all. On the contrary, it seems to have a great tradition, and I am certainly not the first person to state that! In fact, the history of the various forms of art proves that there always seems to have been a discussion about what is genuinely Russian; there always seems to have been a fight between those who emulated the refinement of the French or even German culture and those who tried to create something uniquely Russian.
I am mainly talking about the world of arts now; however, as far as I know, it was always the Russian upper classes who generally tended to idealize and imitate the West. Finally, let me give a very short example to make my point:
This is from Tchaikovskys opera „Pique dame“ (1890): 1st act, Nr.9: the angry Gouvernantka interrupts the young girls who have just been singing and dancing a joyful peasant dance: „Are you not ashamed to dance in the Russian way!“
What does this prove? It does not prove that Tchaikovsky himself despised being a Russian (although undoubtedly he was influenced by Western European, especially French, composition techniques). But it proves that this kind of contemptuously looking down at one‘s own country and its traditions, was perfectly normal in the Russian High society. As I said, this was in the 19th century.
So what’s new?
How can be any doubt that the ‘West’ was behind the blatant homo propaganda (which is banned in Russia – it seems that this aspect was lost on the strident defenders of ‘free speech’) of the ‘Nureyev’? The ‘West’ is desperate to push the homo agenda in Russia (and everywhere).
Thank you, Larchmonter 445, for a very interesting article.
The article is set upon an attack on Russian values. It is, but imho it is far broader. There is an attack going on at Christian values overall. If you are ‘white, Christian, western, male’ then anger shall be upon you. I’m already shivering and in reality laughing because I believe in the truth of Christ.
These ‘accusations’ are from people that want destruction. Destruction of values, to be replaced with artificial NWO slogans, to meet their goal. Goyim shall only exist to serve them.
(Disclaimer: Jews, inhabitants of the state of Israel, and zionists are 3 different things imho.)
Cheers, Rob
From the article: “The highest art forms of Russian culture are savaged.”
What does Russia plan on doing about it?
From the article: “The highest art forms of Russian culture are savaged.”
When is Russia going to solve this problem?
On another note, why do the Russian elites allow drugs to flow freely into their country from Eurasia. How many Russian oligarchs and Russian government agencies are getting wealthy by drug smuggling and by getting Russians addicted?
America stands for universal rights!
This means any country that rejects things like tranny bathrooms must be destabilized, regime changed, or bombed back to the stone age.
Cis-gendered nations must embrace these universal Western values–or else!
A first time post, I wanted to send an urgent message to Australians and New Zealand friends of Russia, that the international criminal Bill Browder has started tweeting to find so-called Human Right’s lawyers who can promote the Magnitsky Act in both Australia and New Zealand. After changing my mind about sending a very insulting tweet to tell him to fuck off, that we don’t want any part of his grand deception, I reconsidered, I wouldn’t be much help to offer myself and my twitter followers, many of whom are Russian, to be blown away off twitter and God knows where else by Browder’s well connected thought police.
Any advice on how to stop this menace and come out alive?
Let them read this
They are doing to Russia what they have done to other western countries.
It is time to unite against the enemy and strike back.
Russia’s leaders are showing the strength that has been sadly lacking elsewhere for decades.
As Poklonskaya is the subject of some of L445’s article here, these two articles might be of interest.
Pro-Putin MP prepares bill decriminalizing household use of spy equipment
“The man idea behind this bill is protecting ordinary citizens who use special technical means for private or household purposes, like providing safety for their children or keeping their property safe and secure,” Poklonskaya said in comments with RIA Novosti on Monday.
She said that if her amendments are passed into law, they will still allow those who purchase special equipment for illegal eavesdropping to be punished. In such cases, investigators would have to prove that suspects intended this purpose.
The lawmaker added that an expert commission with the lower house committee for security and countering corruption had already looked into the draft and approved it. Poklonskaya is deputy chair of this committee.
In mid-December one of the reporters told Vladimir Putin about the problem at the president’s major annual press conference. Putin said that he was not aware of the restrictions and promised to look into the problem and regulate it.”
Less than 2 weeks, not bad, to prepare a fix.
‘Disrespect for own motherland’: pro-Putin MP blasts presidential hopeful over Crimea comments
“A former Crimean prosecutor has accused presidential hopeful Kseniya Sobchak of showing disrespect for her own people by referring to Crimea as “Ukrainian territory” at a recent press conference.
“This could only be said by a person who sees nothing outside their ‘party crowd’ and ‘creative minority’ world,” said Natalia Poklonskaya, a Duma deputy and former chief prosecutor of Crimea.
“The status of Crimea cannot be discussed, I cannot believe that there are some people left who do not know that Crimea and Sevastopol are in Russia,” she told RIA Novosti.
“Such statements coming from public figures who lack foresight and deal mostly with reality shows, can prove only one thing – their disrespect for people and own motherland.”
Poklonskaya said she considered that the people of Ukraine and Russia were “brothers” and “a single identity”, and that only enemies of the two nations attempted to disprove this.”