Sheikh Imran Hosein has traveled to Belgrade, Serbia, and has addressed the students and faculty at the Law School on the topic “The Kuranic foundations of the need for an alliance between Islam and Orthodoxy”.
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Good Lord the Muses have visited me today, when I came upon this psyop from Belgrade.
It occurrs to me Christianity was invented to give Jews a refuge from themselves.
And Islam, conceived in and around the entirely Jewish city of Medina, was invented as a response to Christianity, to make Judaism inescapable.
An alliance between Islam and Orthodox Christianity indeed. Talk about dialectics!
Whereas every white Buddhist I have ever known was a Jew, and now we have Nikki Nimrata Haley (née Randhawa), a British Hindu (a.k.a. Sikh) immigrant to the USA, and fairly recent convert to Christianity, whose political career has been sponsered by none other than Sheldon Adelson, spouting off unimaginable nonsense as the US Ambassador to the United Nations — as the enveloping Zionist madness takes hold of just about everyone.
It was Jiddu Krishnamurti, who eventually rebelled against his invariably Jewish Theosopic sponsers, who surely had it right when he said it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
And the Sage Krishnamurthi was himself unknowingly following in the footsteps of the Cromwellian-Elizabethan-Shakespearean writing committee when they put the following words into the mouth of their great protagonist Piglet, although unfortunately editors subsequently lopped off the last several words…
To be, or not to be —
A Mad Zionist Jew!
All of which puts me puts me in the mind of Political Technologist and Mad Zionist Vladislav Surkov, although this one proclaims himself to be a half-Chechen.
Please do yourself a favour and read the following article, and don’t let the source throw you off.
The Hidden Author of Putinism
How Vladislav Surkov invented the new Russia
My dear Serbian brothers, I am so sorry but absolutely no one is coming to your rescue, and by the way did you know, any Albanian post secondary graduate can apply to Sandhurst for a 100% free military education.
you do realize that a sequence of unsubstantiated slogans is not an argument, right?
also, say away from trying to predict the future, you ain’t no prophet.
next, empty sentences like “An alliance between Islam and Orthodox Christianity indeed. Talk about dialectics!” don’t make you look smart.
as for recommending readings from the corporate media, that makes you look outright stupid.
Sandhurst? You mean the academy of the country which lost it’s entire empire and turned into Uncle Sam’s poodle?
I wish every Albanian would get a degree from that place as they are world-experts on being defeated.
The Saker
Well spoken. He appears to be a troll, trying to say something, which even he does not understand.
Or any US Military Academy (especially USAFA!). They’ll spend more time learning the proper pronouns to call their gender-fluid classmates than how to successfully fight. On the balance, probably a good thing.
“Any Albanian post secondary degree graduate can apply to Sandhurst for a 100% free military education”
So that explains why the UCK and other Albanian military groups only attack defenseless civilians.
Your comment appears to be a psyop, resembling disinformation. Perhaps it would be wise if you did not speak on Serbias behalf.
I wonder if this is where wolf – from a couple of years ago – definitely not making himself popular now either
Since the consummation of the Redemption, should all previous “events” be rendered to historical reference?
Islam destroyed so much of Serbian Orthodox Christianity. Some of the mosques in the Balkans were build with the stones of destroyed Serbian churches or are churches converted into mosques.
It would be impossible for an alliance to happen as it would require the truth and the truth would be too harsh for Islamists to bear.
“It would be impossible for an alliance to happen as it would require the truth and the truth would be too harsh for Islamists to bear.”
The truth should be proclaimed. Muslims don’t hide from the truth. True Muslims are against oppression even when it was caused by some of their own. As the sheikh says, 600 years of Ottoman Oppression of Orthodox Christians did happen. We Muslims do reach out to Orthodox Christians and attempt to form an alliance and try to amend the past. As the Sheikh also says, Hagia Sofia will be returned to Christians with an apology. As he says, it was to the eternal shame and disgrace of all Muslims when it was taken and converted into a Masjid. If this happened to other churches as well, it would a shameful act and must be corrected and an apology offered.
True Muslims would never follow the slogan of “My Ummah, right or wrong”. Religious peoples are all firmly against oppression. It is with that recognition of truth that we apologize and stretch out a hand and ask that the power of forgiveness and love may overcome years of hatred and suffering.
The sheikh’s message is not just to Orthodox Christians, but it is also to Muslims, especially those who are in Balkans. Sheikh Imran Hosein’s teaching is not some obscure made up interpretation of scripture. He is not making things up. He is an established Scholar of Islam who teaches things logically derived from The Quran. His arguments for an Alliance are not merely Geo-strategic or opportunistic in nature but are seen as a following of the commandments of the Quran, Hence a religious duty on the part of Muslims.
I am from Sudan and was thrilled when the Sudanese president (no matter how corrupt he maybe) visited Russia and sought help from Russia and Vladimir Putin.
As the sheikh says, Power has been restored in the region of the black sea and that power rests on the foundation of faith. If God has chosen to place that power in Orthodox Christians, then God gives power to whom He wants. We Muslims are grateful for Mr Putin for his intervention in Syria, we are closely following him and recognize him as a just man no matter how loud western propaganda gets.
We are grateful for this platform and for The Saker who is making an effort towards establishing this alliance. I realize that doubt is in the minds of Orthodox Christians about the seriousness or popularity of what this Sheikh is teaching. While I do agree that a lot of Muslims are not remotely aware or maybe even don’t care about such alliance, truth must still be proclaimed and awareness must be raised and eventually we will get there. Basically, what I am trying to say is that, for any Muslim if presented objectively with the teachings of Sheikh Imran Hosein, he would have a very hard time not accepting them. Sheikh Imran Hosein is a Giant and perhaps one of the very few if not the only remaining true scholar of Islam who is able to see reality as it is and is able to provide an explanation to it that is founded on the Quran.
With Love,
I realize that doubt is in the minds of Orthodox Christians about the seriousness or popularity of what this Sheikh is teaching
Dear Awab, assalamu alaikum w rahmatullahi wa barakatu
Let me just offer the following to you: I think that you have to separate the Balkans and the nations which were formerly occupied by Turkey and the rest of the Orthodox world. The experience of, say, Serbs and Russians have been totally different. Sure, Russia did have 12 wars against Turkey, but Russians did not live under the truly horrible persecutions of the Ottomans. You will find the strongest resistance against any form of peaceful coexistence (nevermind an alliance!) with Muslims amongst those nations which have been viciously persecuted by the Ottomans. I believe that it is therefore crucial for us, Orthodox Christians who come form countries which did NOT suffer the same persecutions to patiently share our historical experience of peaceful coexistence with Muslims (which Russians definitely have had) and repeat over and over again that the Ottoman Empire cannot be considered as representative of the much larger and immensely diverse Muslim world. That is why the “Chechen model” is so crucial: because Putin and Kadyrov did something which, alas, Serbian and, say, Bosnian-Muslim leaders currently can’t do: they lack the vision and they lack the courage (and, not to mention that current Serbian and Bosnian-Muslim leaders are NATO puppets). There is a spectrum here: it goes from Grozny to Srebrenica via Moscow and Belgrade. But we, Orthodox Christians need to clean our “house” the same way Sheikh Imran endeavors to clean the “house” of Islam.
And let us never forget the words of Christ Himself: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.“. I think that these words fully apply to Sheikh Imran and I hope that with time more and more Orthodox Christians will understand that.
Fi amanillah,
The Saker
Very well said !!
And remember, even if we don’t get there, the truth must be proclaimed even if it means they hang you on a cross, as Sheikh Imran once said.
Sheikh Imran is not just educating people about True Islam or about an alliance between people…He is also showing and teaching people how to speak the truth and how to speak it in a logic and simple way.
The Truth is as plan as day light. It is simple and clear.
May Allah guide as much of mankind as possible to the turth and may he unit them on truth.
As Christians we are supposed to imitate Christ in everything. And you are right, if we, Orthodox Christians start shaming Muslims by trying to make their ‘inventory’ (as if this was what Christ told us to do!) then yes, all we will get back is rejection and resentment. But if we convey the very same truth in a Christ-like manner, then this truth will be received with much more attention. Furthermore, the truth cannot be ignorant or stupid, and to simply conflate “Islam” with the Ottoman Empire is as wrong as conflating the Orthodox Church with the Papacy. So understanding of what really happened and why it happened is also crucial. Finally, to declare that an alliance cannot happen on the basis of past grievances says nothing about Islam, but about *us* and our own failings. Christ forgave those who crucified him *PERSONALLY* while we won’t forgive those who persecuted our ancestors?!
Let me also suggest that we live on the same planet and that we have the same enemies and that our enemies want us all dead or, at the very least, that we submit to the Antichrist. Shall we take him on divided or united? That’s how simple this is, really. And don’t think about some abstract category like “the Muslims they”. No, think of this: at least TWO Muslims, Sheikh Imran and Ahmad Kadyrov are offering us their friendship, love and respect. If you met these man face to face, would you say to their face “Muslims have persecuted my ancestors for 600 years – no peace is possible between us, I reject your offer of peace and friendship?”. I sure hope not!
Speaking of Kadyrov: not only did Chechen commit numerous absolutely unspeakable atrocities against Russians, but Russian have also committed numerous unspeakable atrocities against Chechens. And non centuries ago, but in the past two decades! Yet we are now allies, STRONG, allies. Is that not a beautiful example?!
If Russians and Chechens could forgive each other and become allies, I don’t see why Serbs and Muslims could not.
I met the Sheikh personally, I spent many hours with him, and I can vouch for the following: he is an absolutely sincere man, an absolutely principled man, a man moved by love for God and for his fellow human beings. I am honored to consider him a friend and, indeed, an ally. If you really think otherwise, then I am very sorry to say that it is your immense loss.
Kind regards,
The Saker
I should leave you with the last word, dear Saker, but I am so struck by the things you say here – I wish you would turn it into an article. You already wrote 414 words in this comment, make it 1,000 and let’s all read it!
I love this ultimate perspective that you offered: “…our enemies want us all dead or, at the very least, that we submit to the Antichrist. Shall we take him on divided or united? That’s how simple this is…”
Let’s unite against the true enemy, not be divided by his stratagems. I hope you’ll write this more, again…
okay, I will try to write a full article about that
thanks for the suggestion!
Kind regards,
The Saker
I had discovered The Saker blog just a few months ago, and what a discovery! Here I found views and opinions (supported by many facts) that I had always felt but which were shared by very few people I knew. Since I trust my judgment (while being willing to be persuaded otherwise), I could live with the situation. But now that I have found the Saker blog – it is a balm to my soul.
Then, I was taken off guard by a few posts on (and by) Sheikh Imran Hosein. I had never heard of him before. My surprise was not about the content but about the appearance of such a person on this blog. I am also not knowledgeable in some areas he addresses. But generally it all seems to make sense.
One thing I am noticing though, is that viewer comments on his posts are meager. I wonder if it because people don’t agree with him? Or is it because the readers are unfamiliar (as I am) with the issues?
Therefore, for the benefit of people like me, I’d welcome Saker (and other readers) to educate us more on related issues, even if these are suggested reading lists. For me specifically, that would include
orthodox christianity (history and interactions with catholics and muslims, fundamental religious differences between catholicism and orthodoxy, etc.).
relationship between Russia/Christianity with Chechnya/Muslims (current status, evolution, etc.).
Sheikh Imran Hosein (his origin, evolution, acceptance, controversies, etc.). Arguably this is probably the easier topic to cover by myself.
I will try to cover some of these questions in a future article, as suggested by Grieved (how could I not feel empathy with a person with that kind of alias!).
Stay tuned!
The Saker
PS: in the meantime, some light reading:
Thank you, Saker!
In my opinion the real author of the book ” The Hidden Author of Putinism” is Peter Pomerantsev but
not Vladislav Surkov.
Who is Peter Pomerantsev? Pomerantsev
All stories by Peter Pomerantsev at The Atlantic
The Atlantic
Author Michael Weiss co-author Peter Pomerantsev – Report on the Kremlin propaganda: “Not the global
opposition of the ideologies is dagerous but Putin” (in Russian)
Michael Weiss
Correction of the link to – Who is Peter Pomerantsev?
It’s an interesting idea, that Surkov is fronting for Pomerantsev. The story sorrounding him seems inauthentic, with details in his bio seemingly chosen to send certain signals, for example his apparent admiration for beatnik poets, and recitation of their poems by heart at the London Scool of Economics, which I don’t find believable.
In fact the visit of Surkov to LSE has some rather striking patallels to this event in Belgrade.
Of course we also have the staged photos of Surkov beside Putin, and a later very public ‘resignation’ of Surkov after criticism by Putin. Putin’s public performances are generally controlled by Dmitry Peskov, and some believe this is the main point of contact or even control of the Kremlin by so-called Anglo-Zionists. We should never forget Tony Blair was Putin’s biggest backer during the latter’s first years in office and the BBC did much to burnish the Russian President’s image as an ‘oligarch fighter’ including the famous humiliation of Oleg Deripaska. Most recently John Helmer has suggested Russia and France are working together to take down oligarch Kerimov.
All of which can be added to mountains of evidence suggesting a guiding hand behind all international political events, not least of which is close cooperation between Russia and the US in Syria and Iraq. Few know Russian oil firms are the number one holders and developers of easily accessed oil resources in Iraqi Kurdistan, telling much about the true nature of the conflict and competition in war theatre Syriaq. One also can’t help but recall the obvious falsity of the coup against Erdogan, the assasination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, or Trump’s cruise missile attack on an abandoned Syrian airbase, and announced by Trump to Xi Xinping whilst the two were sharing chocolate cake during a state visit and reception. It seems the politicians of the world can all call up Hollywood blockbuster events, to closely manage international perceptions, whenever the need arises.
So are Surkov, or for that matter Putin, just actors? I have little doubt this is possible but for me the question is much more about the level of coordination for our stage managed Virtual World War 3. Clearly the puppet masters have chosen to portray Russia and Putin as saviours of the world from Zionist madness, with all events dutifully reported by Tavistock conceived and London/New York based RT, while never in any way do the plotlines offered up genuinely threaten the main players of Zionist World Order.
Thanks for you comment Azorka. I still like to think Russia and the US are not quite so close, for example Putin’s recent consolidation of the security apparatus under direct control suggests the Russians don’t simply do what they are told. These are gangsters afterall, and as perhaps with Stalin there is always hopefully the possibility that Trotskyites will be herded up and shot.
Woderful approach, characteristic namely for the noble sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein- the sage whose brilliant ideas must attract millions on this imperfect Earth, to improve social relations…
We need to devise ways of reaching beyond the Abrahamic traditions to the progenitor himself, whom the Sheikh often calls the Imam of Humanity: Abraham; a man, it bears repeating, who was neither Jew nor Christian nor Muslim. Somehow he muddled through absent his namesake designations.
There is interfaith outreach however, and then there is nefarious body-snatching.
Take the Christian Zionist morons here in the States. One gets the sense you could globalize the Middle East Christian eradication project and these folks wouldn’t bat an eye so long as Israel remained unmolested. It’s both a wonderment and a sort of self-inflicted silent holocaust. Why spoil your dinner slitting throats when you can install a false consciousness compelling people to slit their own?
Asked to identify which Abrahamic tradition regards Jesus as the bastard child of a whore versus which thinks him the Messiah, how many Christian Zionists would reverse the correct answers? Even more worrying, would it alter anything if they learned the truth?
The decision-incapability that this blog has identified at the American governance and foreign policy echelons of American society permeates much of the grassroots no less.
I was amazed with Imran Hosein’s insight into history of the ottoman empire which for first time I learn. Its hidden agenda and hiding behind name islam and muslims to sabotage any friendship and alliance between muslims and orthodox christians. Another insight is about the armenian genocide carried out by the young turks who also want to appear as muslims when it fact were jews. One must wonder why would they want to sabotage such alliance between muslims and orthodox christians, the answer these two are a threat to israel which was not even born yet. Its nice to read comments under youtube video, comments by orthodox christians from both serbia and russia appreciating Imran hosein’s message. Surely our two worlds are waking up, evil never prevails.
Saker, thanks for your effort to make this alliance to be materialized.
P.S: I would avoid speaking of albanians negatively, I would do the opposite and invite them to join to see truth and reality :).
Well respected Sheikh Imran Hosein have delighted me even first time Saker pointed at him, so I ‘follow’ him since then. It was privilege to see him in Belgrade couple years ago. In a meantime, as ortodox Serbian, I got idea how good it wood be next time to see another great man beside him – (unfortunately, now ex) Belgrade Mufti Muhamed Hamdi Jusufspahić (2008—2016). Extraordinary, well educated, honorable man. As well as his predecessor was, his father Hamdija Jusufspahić.
And guess what?! Miracle happen sometimes. Sitting on Sheikhs left side, man with gray pullover is ‘the right one’.
A short biography of him (google translate from Wikipedia):
Born in Belgrade in 1968, he grew up in Dorćol (central part of Belgrade). One of the three children of Hamdija Jusufspahic, who was at that time Mufti of Belgrade, and Egyptian Arabian mother Nabili, who graduated from the first generation of Islamic faculty and was the first Islamic theologian in Yugoslavia.
He finished elementary school in Belgrade, medresa (Islamic High School) in Sarajevo, Faculty of Islamic-Arab Sciences also in Sarajevo, and then received his Master’s degree in Islamic studies in Cairo. At the beginning of the 1990s, he married Serbian girl Gordana, with whom he has two sons, Amar and Ahmed, and daughter Sarah.
He claims for himself: by faith – he is a Muslim, by the birth – Belgrader (and Dorćolac), and by the conviction – Serb. He also stated that he speaks the Serbian language and that he is the Serbian patriot “belonging to Allah”. And that he was a personal friend with the late President Slobodan Milosevic and that he is a personal friend with the leader of Serbian Radicals Vojislav Seselj and former presidents Tomislav Nikolic and Boris Tadic. Regarding the position of Muslims in Serbia, Jusufspahic claims that they are free in Serbia and enjoy all rights.
Finaly, I’d like to add: In past we have had plenty of remarkable and significant, well known persons with Muslim background but (aware of their Serbian origins) prominent Serbian patriots.
Now I will mention only one contemporary name: world known filmmaker, actor and musician Emir Kusturica ( ). His contribution to Serbian culture is immense. Let God give him long life. For his, and for common good.
Of course, I apologize for my poor English, which I never studied at the school. In ‘my time’ it used to be Russian language. And now, I consider lucky myself about that, of course ;-).
Dear Radomir!
Thanks for your interesting comments!
It is good to have you here.
Kind regards
The Saker
No, dear Saker. All pleasure is mine. It is privilege to be “soldier in Your company“. I’ve been overwhelmed and ashamed couple years ago when those bastards with Serbian names did what they did to You, exposing Your name publicly. But, You stood steel and ‘manly received a blow’. And, nevertheless, after that all, You keep Your attitude towards Serbian people and epochal injustice that being imposed on us in continuity. That especially makes You great in my eyes. So, as we use to say: You ‘bought me’ for all the times. Of course, You may count on my ‘pocket submarine’ in Your desert fleet.
I have to apologize, I’ve not mentioned second person on Sheikhs right side. American lawyer of Serbian origin Mr. Stefan Karganovic, most probably the most persistent fighter to break into the public the other side of the story of the war events in and around Srebrenica. If I am not wrong, Saker knows him in person. Seems to me, credit for this second Sheikhs visit goes to him. So, I strongly reccomend his website ”Historical project Srebrenica” to all people interested in this sensitive matter.
@Shall we take [the Antichrist] on divided or united?
United in what exactly? I would guess that in faith. More precisely in the Christian faith:
“believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world… And we [the Christians] have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. 15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God”.
Does the Sheikh ‘confesseth’ that Jesus is the Son of God? I did not hear him saying it.
Well muslims were told in their scriptures which by the way came to comfirm the corrupt scriptures before it, they were told in chapter 112 ”In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Say: He is Allah, the One! (1) Allah, the eternally Besought of all! (2) He begetteth not nor was begotten. (3) And there is none comparable unto Him. (4)”.
Doesn’t this make sense to you?
United in Abraham, the proto-monotheist.
There is too much revelatory content in the Quran for a Christian to discard it out of hand. I proceed on the notion that these Abrahamic mosaics resolve somehow at a higher dimension of understanding.
@Does the Sheikh ‘confesseth’ that Jesus is the Son of God? I did not hear him saying it.
The alliance of Russia-Syrian government-Hezbullah-Iran have tackled the forces of the Anti-Christ head on in the Syrian theater. As you may already know, the entities in this alliance do not necessarily share identical theological beliefs.
I therefore leave it to you to figure what the answer to your question is.