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Buffon in White House desires to burn his fingers in ridiculous war crime adventure on a par with Superman comics.
Of course it won’t be his fingers that will suffer, but his favourite goons and the goons of the UK special goons (red beret variety), replete with dimbo Sandhurst trained King of Jordan (vainly hoping to become King of Syria as well)!
The full Jared Kushner White House ‘stupidity’ is my middle name avec dimbo (I really am a hypocritical idiot) Trumpenmeister.
Who can trust Trump now? No one but an idiot or Netanyahu!
Zionists no longer rule in Israel. Herzl wrote that he wanted Arabs and Jews to live together in peace sharing government, life and happiness as one family. This was the Zionist ideal.
Israel is no longer a Zionist state and its ‘big stick’ aka Kushner/Trump is nothing more than murdering theives!
@Pirouette: How do you figure “Israel is no longer a Zionist state”? No matter what Herzl claims he wanted, the Zionist “brand” has moved far from any “peace-sharing” gov’t. Herzl was also an atheist, but when has Zionism ever been linked with anything but Judaism, and the fundamentalist Christians who can so blithely ignore the core peace/socialist messages in the New Testament?
So in esoteric theory your statement may be defensible, but in actual practice it is not. If you can get the current appropriators of the Zionist brand to agree with you, you may have a leg to stand on here at Saker. Good luck with that.
The “Christian” national leaders who originally went along with the Zionist agenda did so in an effort to rid their countries of the endless annoyance “God’s Chosen People” always managed to incite in the cultures they landed in. That idea, that any religion gives a particular group of believers a superior place in the universe, is the core problem with religion.
Peace on earth will begin to be be possible when the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Khrishas etc. get the simple fact that while on this earth, they are equal humans, homo sapiens, all genetically homogeneous members of one species/race, no more, no less. What else the universe has in store for our life-energy after we die is currently unknown. But manipulating that unknown into a claim that some made-up “god” allows your to displace or brutalize others while alive is BS on a grand scale.
“The “Christian” national leaders who originally went along with the Zionist agenda did so in an effort to rid their countries of the endless annoyance “God’s Chosen People” always managed to incite in the cultures they landed in. That idea, that any religion gives a particular group of believers a superior place in the universe, is the core problem with religion. ”
I believe that most Christians, including leaders, equate the Jews of today with those of the Old Testament. I doubt that many Christians are aware that prior to the 1909 publication of the Scofield bible, the OT (Torah, the books of Moses, and including the books of the prophets) taught that the Jews were exiled from Israel due to their violations of Torah, and couldn’t return until the coming of the Messiach. The Scofield bible was written by an unqualified member of the Illuminati. It contains footnotes linked to irrelevant citations and text that is fabricated and has no biblical basis.
Judaism today relies on the Babylonian Talmud, Kabbalah and Zohar as references, not the written Torah that was used in Josiah’s reforms during the 7th century BC. Rabbinical Talmudism teaches that Moses was given both the written and oral Torah (Talmud), and that the written Torah states that rabbinical interpretation is required for am’ haaretz understanding of written Torah, but neither fact is supported in the written Torah.
The Pharisees who first converted oral Torah (Talmud) to writing in the 1-2 centuries AD also supported Hitler’s genocide of Jews who refused to violate Torah by immigrating to eretz-Israel prior to the arrival of the Messiach, and who considered the word of Yahweh in Torah as their authority, rather than the rabbis’ oral teaching, which is explicitly stated in the Mishnah as superior to God’s in the written Torah.
The Babylonian Talmud is referred to as Torah today, and is a rabbinical creation that contradicts, disputes, and adds rabbinical teachings to the Old Testament bible that Christians misinterpret as the beliefs of modern Judaism, and bears very little resemblance to it. The bible of the ‘thousands of years old’ religion of the tribes of Israel doesn’t include any mention of racial or religious superiority. If it did, semitic Arabs; descendants of the tribe of Ishmael, would be a ‘superior’ race comparable to Jews.
God’s Chosen people, those who acknowledge both the covenant of faith between Abraham and Yahweh, a blood covenant established by Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son, and the New Covenant, in which the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was willing to sacrifice his life in obedience to God, are Christians.
The religion of todays Jews is essentially the pagan religion that resulted in their exile from Israel, with the addition of the rabbinical teaching that the pharisees’ teachings are an authority that’s superior to that of the OT; the written Torah.
actually the Milner Group – which was the anglos behind the Palestine-take-over were not anti-Jewish as far as I know. Many Jews are very wealthy, dating from the Middle Ages – and Jews are always over-acheivers – so they make it into the secret societies – Masons use the Jewish Mystical books as their bible – so to speak.
So although much of your comment is unknown to me, I don’t agree with England wanting to rid itself of the unwanted Jews, so they make Palestine into Israel – Quigley speaks of a gateway into the East via Palestine, and the Zionists would be willing tools of the Brits….many of them were Brits –
@ John and Ann: In the broad sweep of history, sub-groups who insisted on remaining separate and considered themselves “superior” by dint of racial/religious purity were/are problematic for the leaders of those countries/regions. Also, any political/religious leadership will use any convenient scapegoat when things go poorly… Jews were an easy historical target. This because the Jews willingly occupied a financial niche, alternately aided or hindered by usury laws which came and went since ancient times. So the Jews were often hated and persecuted for their preferential lending practices set out as:
“The Hebrew Bible regulates interest taking. Interest can be charged to strangers but not between Hebrews.
Deuteronomy 23:19 Thou shalt not lend upon interest to thy brother: interest of money, interest of victuals, interest of any thing that is lent upon interest.
Deuteronomy 23:20 Unto a foreigner thou mayest lend upon interest; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon interest; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou puttest thy hand unto, in the land whither thou goest in to possess it.”
It is not unusual for well-meaning groups from other religious/cultural frames buying into the Jewish plight/victim-hood, without full comprehension of the real background. If the only source these groups knew was Biblical (even if Christian) and (proto-)Zionist accounts of dispossession and persecution, their sympathies are easy to understand. Propaganda, even in “ancient” texts and history is a powerful thing. Modern archeology backs up little of Biblical claims, both Jewish and Christian.
I’m not saying all treatment of the Jews from ancient times was fair or just, but the Jews seldom did themselves any favours. Adhering to scriptures that gave them the “right” to evict anyone living in the “promised land” in perpetuity is not going to make a lot of friends in those other cultures/religions.
Giving the Zionists Israel was supposed to “fix” that ancient problem once and for all, no matter the pro- or anti- Jewish sentiment behind it. That worked out well.
“Breaking Reports: U.S. Forces Entering Syria From Jordanian Border”
“Reports coming in from Lebanon and Syria are indicating that the United States is not done with its direct assault on Syria even as the al-Sha’aryat airbase that was targeted by American Tomahawk missiles is back up and running.
As independent journalist, Sarah Abdallah, reports, around 20 U.S. armored vehicles have poured across the Jordanian border into Syria. At this time, it remains unclear as to what the purpose of the vehicles might be. Abdallah is based in Lebanon.
Some suggest that the vehicles may simply yet another illegal American incursion into Syria of the routine variety, a prospect that is dangerous enough given current circumstances. However, there is also the possibility that the vehicles are part of something much larger such as an invasion of Syria by the United States, thus putting the U.S. in direct odds and likely military confrontation with both Syrian and Russian forces.
As of yet, there is no clear reason being cited for the incursion.”
If this is true info, the US has bitten off more than it can chew, and will get it’s teeth kicked in for being so stupid.
Of course, the intent is to have US troops killed to give the US an excuse to invade Syria, crying victim before the Rubber-Stamp UN. Syria/Russia’s best plan is to arm Hezbolla to the teeth and have them engage and liquidate any US incursion. Hezbolla is not a nation-state, so doesn’t have to legally declare war on the US. Russian and Syrian air forces and artillery should drop curtains of shells/missiles/bombs around the 20 US armoured vehicles so they have to stay still or retreat. If they choose to “just follow orders” and drive into a bombardment, they are as stupid as the morons in Washington and Tel Aviv who thought this was a good idea.
This update is already out of date: RT has reported since yesterday that Rex Tillerson has once again reversed position (from Assad must go) to back to: ” it’s up to the Syrian people whether Assad stays or goes and it’s the Syrians that will decide their own government” (a report by RT reporter Murad Gazdiev).
Tillerson’s antics have made me lose all hope in the Corporate sector which I previously loathed but grudgingly believed they were not incompetent, shape-shifters, if only out of pure self-interest
Agreed. I doubt Tillerson or Trump really has any idea what is going on, they are being told what the Zionist Deep State wants them to know…
Is this “US incursion” a “retaliation” to the fake news story that ” about 20-30 ISIS fighters attacked US special forces operating in Syria”? As if ISIS is going to bite the hand that feeds them. And if the big-tough US Special (as in snowflake “special”?) Forces can’t shrug off 20-30 ISIS irregulars, they are going to be some kind of surprised when they come up against Hezbolla.
The “Assad uses phosphorus bombs” is a nice touch of lying propaganda too, recycled from a similar attempt couple years ago.
More tiddly winks from the US brain trust. They couldn’t find the Grand Chessboard if someone bashed them over the head with it. PNAC has a new meaning, Project for a Nutty-yahoo Ass-kissing Century.
@nice try and Franz
Yes but it is quite funny and enjoyable to see the coterie of cock-eyed idiots in that power structure become unhinged and scrambled like decapitated chickens running in circles. Russian media is lampooning the policy switching back and forth.
In any case this south front update is out of date and at variance with live RT reports. I am curious which way the schizophrenic Trump regime will bend by end of this week.
Trump coddling and favoring his daughter (and his tag-along son in law) was, at minimum, tacky, unprofessional and kitschy, at first, now it’s screwing with policy stability and is no longer trivial. The harm monarchies have done, due to their incompetent and impetuous favored progeny being given unearned keys to power, is massive.
Trump has proven to be weak: he should have mapped out strategy to considered power before barging ahead like a bulldozer, allowing his agenda to be derailed before he had all the levers of power the presidency & cabinet control.
Which aspects are outdated, beside the local particulars of which alphabet-soup groups are sniping at each other? Which RT articles diverge greatly from the US build-up/incursions info? Links please.
Russia has acknowledged it has suspended the airspace “deconfliction’ agreement with the US “coalition”, which means the declaration of a de facto no-fly zone in Syrian airspace. This outlaws all US/NATO/EU/Israeli/Turkish air incursions, potentially on pain of being shot down without warning. Notice it is Russia and Iran denying the “force will be used” statement, but Syria is not. Will the US test this detail in Syrian sovereign skies or realize the illegality of their agenda will not be acceptable even at the rubber-stamp UN?
Ya, incompetent nepotism in business is not a good strategy, and in gov’t just plain stupid.
To borrow a Gumpism: “Stupid is as stupid does”.
Again, Trump’s only role scripted by the Zionist Deep State was to be the candidate Killary Clinton could beat. That is why he was under surveillance, to gauge his suitability to play a certain part. Whatever other info came to light was held in reserve against any unintended outcomes. Like Wikileaks et. al. scuppering the Clinton victory romp. So Plan B, the the limiting of Trump’s power must be done in a way that does not inhibit any other unconstitutional powers incrementally added to the POTUS brand over many administrations.
Trump is no “weaker” or “stronger” than any other POTUS. he was just elected on war-policies at odds with certain aspects of the generational Zionist Deep State agenda. His weakness (ego, gross ignorance, blackmailable?) “levers” have been found and are being exploited.
The US brainwashed neo-cons are getting the wars they don’t really know why they want. The POTUS/Pentagon/CIA can still wage wars without Constitutionally-required, specific Congressional approval.
Combine this information with the below news and there is the roadmap for U.S. entry into Syria
Based on this how likely do you think it is that we will soon do another strike on an airbase supporting Palmyra and Deir ez Zur?
Just an amateur guess but, I expect a front to open in Daraa and Turkey to make a large move into Syria from the north down to Raqqa. But the objective remains the same for the West and corrupt gulf powers – shut down support for Palmyra and Deir ez Zur. Without the chemical weapons/banned munitions narrative, they have no excuses to go after Syrian government forces. This will be without UNSC approval since Russia and China will veto such a resolution. This paves the way for the UN to kick Russia and China off the UNSC. When this happens, then the UN will officially be just a Western sham organization and we will have fully departed from any type on valid international law/oversight. As I have said before, welcome to the 21st century medieval times 2.0.
There are no political ways out of this. Voices of reason such as Tulsi Gabbard and Rand Paul are getting trashed by their own party leadership. Anyone sane is getting sidelined. Trump is in love with saving babies from Assad even if he has to kill some himself to do it.
Thankfully we recognize use of white phosphorous in dense urban areas as a war crime now, convenient how we didn’t recognize that when we burned Fallujah to the ground with it a few years ago. Maybe Assad needs to switch to using depleted uranium munitions since we still find it humane to use that to poison the people of the middle east while we save them from their ignorant, savage selves.
Will Americans wake up and stop their own government from this madness? I’m afraid we all know the answer to that.
Russia and China will never get “kicked off” the UNSC. There’s about 150 countries that will not abide it. A handful of US/NATO total-vassal states will not be enough to get that done. Unless the US simply barricades the UN building and deems the UN finished. I would expect the nukes to fly shortly after that.
The US MSM would have you believe Gabbard has been totally gagged, but I think there is a growing US support for plain-talking, honest leaders. Especially now Trump has proven to be yet another “No I Can’t” POTUS.
The main reason the US is dodging a direct confrontation with either Syria or Russia is because the situation has been wrangled by Putin to require a formal declaration of war… which Dumb Donald has to get from Congress.. y’know that same bunch who just trashed his ObomberCare replacement and his tax plan… the whole “war on terror” and R2P nonsense (replacing “police actions” as the excuse du jour) was to avoid the little Constitutional requirement about Declarations of War.
Putin has carefully made it clear the US is simply illegally invading a sovereign country, not any of the other BS rationales used post-WW2. He repeatedly challenged the US to identify and provide locations for their “moderate rebels”… when the US (w)couldn’t produce, invited said “rebels” to the negotiating table… those that showed up stopped supporting the US scam.
So now to salvage the “we were attacked” scam, the US has either sent their own black-ops to spoof “ISIS attacks” on US troops in Syria, or duped some actual ISIS stooges to do it. Idiots.
In South Western Syria, the US will find Hezbolla standing in their way. Hezbolla fighters are tough, and if Syria/Russia/Iran arms them to the teeth, the US can-only-beat-Grenada-police-force troops will not best them. Add in the US troops will not have air cover, unless Trumpty Dumbdy and his merry band of fools want to find out just how well the Syrians have been taught to use Russian air defense systems. The Zionist airforce found out…
The Russian military will avoid directly confronting the US military… unless the US is moronic, idiotic, lacking two active synapses to rub together dense enough to attack Russian facilities or field operations. The excuse of the US chasing ISIS all over Syria is getting beyond silly. I recall a Monty Python catch-phrase for that.
As for Assad using chemical weapons of any kind, anywhere. DIDN’T HAPPEN. Only US/NATO scum do that, or teach terrorists how to do it. And advise/help the terrorists to hide chemical stashes/manufacturing in residential areas.
I like this Blog and it is good to see most people here are not under any illusion about Trump. Trump is clearly gearing up for a global conflict- the man who claimed ‘we will not impose our will by force on other countries’ – has ordered a naval force to be sent to the seas near North Korea. North Korea is considered likely do another Nuclear Test very soon to coincide with the birth day of Kim Il Sung- Trump wants this as his excuse to get rid of NK. In his fantasy view of war, Trump thinks that within hours of the test, a hail of missiles from the ships will take out the North Korean facilities, Korea gets unified as a vassal and its a BIG WIN for the Trump regime etc. All he cares is that he goes down in history as a hero who made it big, got the world scared of America and set up for his successor Queen Ivanka and Prince Kushner and their descendants.
And doesnt care how many South Koreans and Japanese get killed by the conventional artillery that NK will launch. The global nature of this Trumpist agression is clear, Venezuela is on the edge of becoming another civil war, they want to make Maduro the next Assad. They are moving against Lukashenko with puppet Ultranationalists and Nazarbayev with Islamists. Macedonia is being attacked from within by Albanian seperatists against Orthodox Christians. Now color-revolution style protests even against Vucic (who for years bent over backwards for the West) just because he spoke with Putin in a friendly way. There is no end to this.
it is a satanic desire to destroy any form of Christianity, culture and tradition. We are not fighting against humans, but evil zombies programmed to kill and pillage.
Easter Saturday.
How poetic.
Good to see that Southfront has explained that the alleged statement does NOT represent official Russian or Iranian governments. The “we will respond with force” statement has been repeated endlessly by the mainstream media as a direct Russian threat, which it is not.
I expect Russia WILL respond with force at some point, but that time is not yet. Putin has moves he can make prior to the US being able to launch any real military incursion into Syria and he will no doubt take them (indeed, already is such as sending more air defenses to Syria as well as a newer Russian cruise missile ship.) The more Putin can make a US incursion very expensive in terms of US media nightly news, the less likely Trump will try it.
The only question remaining is how far Trump is willing to go.
Gabbard isn’t the only u.s. congress person speaking out.
Syria Could Be ‘Fundamentally Less Violent Place’ if US Stopped Backing Rebels
“US Senator Chris Murphy claimed Monday that Washington’s policies regarding Syria have prolonged the “carnage” inside the Middle-Eastern country, saying had America stopped supporting so-called moderate rebels in Syria, the civil war would end.
Murphy also argued that the United States should be militarily out of Syria.
“We should be focused on defeating ISIS [Daesh] but we should not be engaged in the ultimate fight over who controls the Syrian regime,” he explained.
When asked what he would do about the situation in Syria, Murphy said, that he would pull the support from the rebels.”
I believe a senator Black, from one of the eastern states, is record opposing the american involvement in israel’s cowardly war by proxy against Syria.
Senator Richard Black from Virginia (State Senator).
He even went to Syria and met with Assad I believe.
There are a few sane people in elected office in the US. Unfortunately, vanishingly few in reality.
Any takers for the Russian response next time round?
I’d suggest a barrage of Kaliber missiles cluttering into the various US “air” bases in Northern Kurdish Syria and yes, destroying the runways.
Also, maybe a green light for the Turks to go after Manbij?
USAF builds massive airbase in Northern Syria to replace Turkey’s Incirlik
As the White House parried those questions, the Trump administration was going full steam ahead on the massive project of preparing to pull US air force units out of the Incirlik air base in southern Turkey, in active American use since 2002 [editor’s Note: nukes have already been relocated from Incirlik to Romania in August 2016 following the failed “coup attempt” in Turkey]. Those units were in the middle of a big moving job to the five new and expanded air bases in Syria. Their hub is to be Tabqa, which is just 110km west of the Islamic State’s Syrian capital, Raqqa. The other five are Hajar airport in the Rmelan region, two small air fields serving farm transport in Qamishli, which have been converted to military us; and a fifth in the Kurdish Kobani enclave north of Aleppo near the Syrian-Turkish border.
If that’s really the reason – to replace Incirlik – then that is also a great reason to give the Turks the green light to grind the perfidious Kurds.
Surely this is the sort of direct asymmetrical response we should be looking for – and perhaps an offer for the Kurds. Kick out the Americans and this bombardment ends.
The other reason to turn on the Kurds is because it keeps the Turks relatively “neutral” vis-a-vis Russia/USA and it also allows them to keep their hold on their bargaining chip/ ransom hostage Incirlik airbase.
Sorry Kurds. You made your choice. You must lie in it or quickly wisen up.
This also ensures the Straits of Bosporus won’t be closed off at the first sign of trouble.
Once that happens, what does Russia do? Blast it’s way through? That’s a direct attack on NATO and Article 5 will be immediately invoked.
Handy there are all those troops in the Baltics isn’t it.