So now we finally have the answer to the key question whether Trump was for real of a fake: he has just ordered a cruise missile attack on Syria. Words fail me to express my total disgust with Trump.
All I will say is this: this is a moment as crucial as the US/NATO aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999. When that happened, Evgenii Primakov, then Prime Minister of Russia, who was in an aircraft on the way to an official visit to Washington DC, ordered his pilot to turn around.
Russia needs to cancel the planned visit of Rex Tillerson to Moscow scheduled for April 11-12.
This is not a time for business as usual. There can be no excuses.
The Saker
Well, I hope President Xi will go to plan B, or C, or even D…
What is the Chinese perspective on the insulting slap in the face to President Xi of launching this attack while he was on an official state visit?
RT is reporting that Trump has used the strike on Syria to threaten China and President Xi directly about the US administrations seriousness about striking North Korea.
This is a double slap in China’s face, what do you think will be China’s reaction?
I read you other post. all of them are not worth responding…
So what you’re saying is that the insult to President Xi and China was so deep that you cannot bring yourself to respond. You have answered my question. You have my sympathies and my intent was not to insult you and your country, no disrespect was intended but a genuine question of cultural nuance from a native of China such as yourself (assumed). No matter, I can infer from your response that Trumps actions were really considered insulting according to Chinese diplomatic & cultural etiquette.
I am shocked at Trump’s lack of foresight. He seems to reflect the real attitude of the US Deep State towards China; total arrogance and disrespect towards China while frustrated fear and anger towards Russia.
That is terrible! Trump has really shown tremendous arrogance. He must really feel that China is still a 2nd rate power to treat President Xi in such a shoddy manner. This means the US Deep State respects the military Superpower (Russia) more than an economic Major power (China). They seem to be unconcerned about China’s economic leverage and ability to crash the bond market.
That is my interpretation but I could be wrong.
The problem is your understanding or lack of understanding of Chinese culture. Loss face or humiliation is not in the consideration.
As J.L.S. pointed out, it is gain of knowledge, and have a plan to counter him that matters.
China will continue engage him, but he will not get away with what he is doing. Remember, Chinese think in long term, not only that line under one’s nose (short sighted).
I understand what you mean. Pres. Xi will digest and as you say gain knowledge– there’s nor rush. Pres Putin is very much of the same bent of mind — he too is not pressured by global opinion at all– Great men have deep awareness of the wisdom unfolded by time … Trump does not have the depth of character which Pres Xi and Pres Putin possess. These two leaders will bide their time, because as you rightly said, they think long term and clearly — not shortsighted, but longsighted.
I didn’t find your first comment offensive, I don’t know what J meant –
You’re right, this is an incredible message to the president of China – I’m sure it must be on purpose – Trump has turned into a lizard overnight..sadly I thought he was what he said he was…but it seems that he is another obama.
What keeps bothering me too, is that Ron Paul said all along, during the election that Hilary would be better than Trump because she would have had the whole senate (?) against her with that Republican majority – and cooler voices would have prevailed…
Trump perhaps is the worst of the worst, and nothing more.
Thank you Ann, (btw my username is TYS, but I typo-ed and it came out TYD.
I was simply pointing out the facts as they have been presented on RT. Despite what J has said, it is clear that Trump’s “in your face” disrespect of President Xi and China is pretty blatant: he wouldn’t dare do this with Putin or even the German leader. As you can see from the initial hostile reaction from J, to a simple question on the topic, that it has obviously offended and embarrassed the Chinese at a common man cultural level. It has even offended those that pretend to be Chinese and sinophiles.
I think it is very worrying for global financial markets that the US Deep State is sending signals that they don’t have any respect for their creditors (like China) that implies a threat of default. It seems that the only power that the Deep State respects is any power they fear, in this that seems to be exclusively Russia (they clearly don’t fear or respect China and regard it as a militarily minor low tech 3rd or 2nd world power). Many heads of state in Asia, particularly Japan, are going to be laughing at President Xi. It is obvious that if he does nothing he will appear weak and that will see many mbers of ASEAN balk at relying of China for security and many will be forced back into US orbit (like philipines and Malaysia).
Since you insist on Xi and China is feeling losing face over this, and ashamed ourselves in front of Japan and etc, we must do…
hi TYS – well I think the deep state creeps are also afraid of death…but I suppose we have to deal with them until they can really be dealt with over there.David Rockefeller had 6 heart transplants I heard. hahahahaha and he still died…there’s no hope for them. But now its a big problem
I was thinking the same as you.
Let us just imagine that the Chinese announce that they are building an airbase somewhere in Latakia, they have already delivered 3-shiploads of buldozers, machinery and personnel, and the base would be operational in 20 days, with several air wings of the latest Chinese aircraft exterminating the Chinese takfiris in Idlib. That would be a message.
Chinese peacekeeping forces, deployed to the big cities away from the frontline, would also free up significant forces and serve as a secure rear for the gov forces. Given the size of China’s army and economic and logistic capabilities, a contingent of 10-15 000 troops (even 5000 would suffice) would be a significant step to achieving peace in Syria somewhere along the road. And let us remember who China is – no state entity would be willing to confront them in plain sight.
The above may sound very-far fetched, but I think it would serve best Chinese long-term interests.
I agree, China needs to do something concrete and tangible.
This strike against Syria was also a strike against Russian, Iranian and Chinese interests.
Iran and Russia are already overtly supporting Syria, and China needs to find a way to do likewise.
I know you are very angry as rest of us because we were hopeful that Mr.Trump will change the course of the world from wars to peace.
Obviously we can see this is NOT happening…This site is labeled and it is the signal that it is under watchful eye of the parasites,anyway.The all world was disappointed with Mr. Trump’s action except the deep state idiots.They really,really have to remove Mr.Trump from the position of the president. We still don’t know what was behind this decision maybe it was directed from the Pentagon and he was put at the front /maybe some extortion?/who knows.
Definitely you can see from his speech here and there that he is surrounded by these parasitic idiots.These hyenas are working really,really hard to create the world outrage regarding to Mr.Trump to have a reason to impeach him because of the world outrage not just Americans. You have to understand the absolutely disgusting cony methods what are these world parasites are using for a centuries and laughing behind the scene on the naivity of the population of this earth.
Let’s wait what is going to happen next /I have a feeling hid did regret this division if it was his decision at all /I would’nt surrender yet because it is a veryig battle over the power around the world right now.He will learn his very hard lesson by his way to remove the swamp.
Let’s hope for the best because this very quick conclusion can mislead to get the right point where we want to achieve as a humanity.
There will be more and more disgusting and newly invented accusation / see the Russian connection,it is more important for these parasites then to start to solve the problems of the US citizens/it is intentional and very well orchestrated,unfortunately.
Peace and Love on this earth for everyone
By the way, I do not think you need to worry about loss face or humiliation. If Xi is a president worth his salt, he will not be offended so easily, if at all, but he will take action at time of his choice.
I fully agree with you TYS, in fact I was surprised Xi did not just cancel on Trumps face and went home. This is utterly rude, to start WWIII during his visit.
I think Russia, China and Iran should open a military base in Venezuela now. Send some war ships over and let them feel the pressure we are all experiencing.
Erdogan, true to his nature has already dropped Russia and started is marketlike own war in Syria. Beyond disgust.
Vercia V.
Doing this to Xi is the equivalent of Trump being shown the full Magruder tapes in the basement of the Shitehouse. Xi will respond in his own time. Revenge is a dish best taken cold.
And in case you think this is not WW3, Erdogan is back in bed with NATO and Duterte has just occupied an island in the South China Sea.
I agree with you about Xi, Franz.
Some times, you have to give the small countries their benefit of doubt. There is nothing much they can do but play along when some one’s big army park right in your yard.
I know you hate Erdogan, but think rationally, who benefit when Turkey and Russia does not get along? Russian and Turkey both will not benefit. They are neighbors, and big market to each other. So IMHO, it is the empire trying very hard to put wedge between the two nations, and many Russians and Russian friendly nations and people fell right for it.
Same with Iran and Pakistan. Think who benefit when thew do not get along, not Iran, not Pakistan for sure.
Anyone that thinks that any relationship with Erdogan will bear fruit cannot be Chinese: China despises him and turkey for their open support of Uyghur terrorist Sunni Islamist terrorist savages.
There are only a limited category of people that support Erdogan and try to win sympathy for him, these are:
1) The fools in the Turkish electorate that voted for him.
2) The Anglo and the extreme racist rightwing portion of the Israeli establishment that love the chaos that he creates in the region.
3) Islamist fools and aholes in the Pakistani public and establishment that moronically and maliciously believe in the myth of Sunni pan-Islamist supremacy and Sunni Islamic chauvinism.
4)Ditto point 3 for Islamist idiots in the Turkic world and the caucuses.
The above lists a pretty demonic group of people.
Nobody trusts Erdogan and thinks that he is capable of anything other than treachery and bungling stability, this includes:
1)The Russians, The EU, The Iranians, The Indians, The Chinese, The Indinesians, The South Americans, [even] the USA, the Saudis, the Qataris, all of Africa and even the UAE. Pretty much the entire world knows that Erdogan is a buffoonish cretinous self-styled little mini-me “caliph” – a laughing stock of the entire world.
To put hope that this treacherous Islamist creep can be relied upon in capacity of positive mutual benefit requires one to get their head examined.
Ou come on, did anyone really believe that Putin would shoot down USA missiles? Really? You think Putin would place Russia between USA and Syria? Of course Russia did not shoot down USA missiles, that would be like saying, if you want to attack Syria you will have to destroy Russia first.
Is Putin’s responsibility towards the Syrian arab muslims, or towards the European christian Russians? If USA decides to go all in in Syria, Russia will of course back away, Syria is not Russia “redline” Ukraine is.
Russia always is at an disadvantage at any stand-off, because Russia is rational and Liberals-neocons are insane.
The end result of the attack.
1. Russia was warned and we can assume Russia warned Assad, so no Russian or Syrian troops harmed.
2. A small airbase was destroyed, it can be rebuilt in a few months.
3. Russia looks weak and impotent that does sacrifice its own citizens to defend its friends, but then again, any rational person knows that states has no friends and Putin resposibility is towards his people not the Syrian people.
4.Trump looks strong/crazy.
5. Soon the investigation will show it was an al-qaeda weapons store, then USA will retract their demand that “Assad must go” and everything will be back to normal except Trump has gain a psychological advantage because he now seems like a strong man/crazy man.
Also, Putin wont cancel the meeting with USA, because Russia wants a good relationship with USA and want to solve the Ukrainian situation. And they wont sacrifice that for Syria.
Good call Vel; just theatre. Not even an Act; just a Scene.
@Vel That was a pretty good wrap-up, even if it reflects your Anglo-Zionist neocon perspective.
Time and time again Russia has shown to be the only adult in the room in the sense of its respect for international law and abiding to all of the responsibilities it has taken upon itself as a signatory of Conventions, Treaties and other positive acts.
This time the orange Zio-wig was able to perform his act of aggression over a sovereign country unpunished only because Russia complied to the MoU signed with the Pentagram in october of 2015. Right after the attack occured, Russian MoD announced its withdrawal from the MoU.
Please tell the zionist puppets occupying your .gov to proceed with the aggression of Syria, as we’re getting tired over here waiting for the rest of the World to unite against the terrorist neo-nazi United States of America and their ZATO vassal henchmen. It’s about time they get their collective butt kicked!
@Vel, I agree with you in spirit. However, I am not sure I agree with you on who is more dangerous to Russia: Ukraine or Syria. Since Russia did not overtly send troops to Ukraine, I assume Syria is more of a danger to Russia Federation than Ukraine.
No. Syria is a ‘red-line’. It will not fail, or fall. Where do you think the CIA/Mossad Wahhabi hordes are going to go after they are done in Syria and Iraq? To Russia’s soft underbelly, that’s where. And that’s the grand plan. Send the ‘jihad’ to Russias caucuses and Northwest China.
Besides the oil-piplines and ‘greater Israel’ dreams. That’s another story.
Russia, Iran, Iraq, China will not allow Syria to fall. And btw, the U.S. is in no position to go ‘all in’. It doesn’t have the logistical, nor operational capability right now, exept air strikes and small units of a few marines. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have assessed that the U.S. cannot engage in a new war until 2022 unless the whole country was put on a war footing.
Trump looks desperate, not strong. The people he speaks for are very desperate. Once the One-Road , One -Belt really kicks off, its game over for Israel, western hegemony and belligerence.
Its something else, it really is.
The Deep State is going va banque! The US Deep State may end as it began, with the phrase: “We stand together or we hang separately.”
I agree BM, If ISIS get through Syria, then it will spread into sparsely populate central Asia. Russia should prepare to say good bye to its central Asia republics, Iran will be likely overwhelmed. China will have big fights in hand if central Asia is taking over by ISIS.
Ukraine can not compare the ISIS in the level of threat it pose to Russia.
I think you are right. Especially regarding the US’s ability to wage a land war. I say it is near impossible for the simple reason that the US society has lost it’s cultural soul. The men in the military here truly have nothing to fight for other than purely be a mercenary pawn. These old generals just can’t wake up to the current reality. The years of social engineering our society has destroyed the character of fighting men. When push comes to shove, they will get shredded in any kind of land battle. Not even in 2022 will they be ready to fight and die for a country which is constantly making the social contract worse and worse.
@ Franz
” But I recall that Josif Vissarionovich did not believe, almost until the troops of the Third Reich were at the outskirts of Moscow, that there was a war on. ”
If anyone repeats that meme from the anti-Stalin stock of lies propounded ad nauseum by revisionists and capitalists alike since Khrushchev’s secrete report, that person shows, not only the ulterior motive of insulting the memory of Stalin but also the Russian people the majority of whom hold him one of the greatest Russians of all time (and he was not Russian-born!). That incompetent Stalin managed to lead the Soviet Union and the Red Army to Berlin and victory, not a mean feat for someone who did not believe that a war was on.
It also shows the ignorance of those who learned the history of the USSR from the standard textbook of capitalist propaganda and are incapable of telling a lie from a slanderous porky.
@Anon. You have a tough row to hoe if you plan to defend Stalin on his performance in Barbarossa. Perhaps you are confusing him with General Kutuzov who would no doubt be deeply insulted by the comparison.
Like my folks used to say, Stalin’s, possibly inadvertent, greatest boon to Russia was the destruction of the Khazar fake-jew Bolsheviks/Trotskyites. That he drove them all to Israel and the USA, where they are repeating the Russian experiment, is playing out now.
But even there it is unclear whether his motives were any more than self-preservation.
In your stock Stalinist version, Stalin saved Russia by almost killing it.
From where I am sitting in the Far East, the China-NK relationship is similar to Russia-Syria. China is not used to Trump’s level of big talk, nor is anyone else. But NK is not a vulnerable strategic asset for China (like the waters around the Senkakus are). NK is a client state. It pays at this point for China to speak softly and carry a big stick.
The big stick, in this case, is the fact that America would lose a conventional war against China. It would decimate the world economy, end the country, and the heads of those who ordered the war would be up on ISIS-style sticks in front of the White House lawn. China doesn’t need to threaten that openly — that’s not their style. Instead, they will be quietly factoring in this new knowledge that Trump is a manipulated fool.
I find myself agreeing with you that Trump is a manipulated fool; may I add the term “Buffoon” with the vocabulary of 7 year old and someone who has proven to be very weak or very treacherous.
Trump channels his inner Ronnie Raygun.
The timing of US attack while Xi is in USA is odd. Xi children go to school in USA. Xi is Pharisee puppet. But many nationalists in China support DPRK .
Keep hoping….like you hoped with Trump.
You would prefer to hope with Clinton? As if there were or are any good alternatives?
Anyone who thinks Assad used chemical weapons is out of their mind. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose. This was a setup like Racak, like Merkale, like Majdan and hundred other false flags that people ignore and move on to other realities created by the criminal gang in the US Military Industrial Complex. Trump was set up by the CIA , Assad bombed the facility all right but whose chemicals were there and who put them in that location and who told Assad’s people that this was a weapons storage facility and who benefits from it being blown up. American government is like a rogue elephant gone crazy and it does not seem to matter Republican or Democrat same s— different assholes.
Trump attacks Syria in surprise attack . US condemned surprise attack of Japan in WWII. But its business for Trump. Trump sells anyone out to highest bidder. .Any target is for sale by Trump.
The Russians should never have permitted Assad to rub Obama’s nose in it. President Trump gives notice those days are over. Hopefully T-Rex and Lavrov can start hammering out a new relationship based on mutual respect. We are now more likely to have a lasting, and realistic understanding.
Sick with disgust.
The vileness spewing from Aussie politicians supporting our great friend ‘USA’ and demonising Syria and Russia is beyond words… they are all citing ‘our’ past success as in ‘look we did to Iraq and Libya’ …
has WW3 just started?
Yes, I am an Aussie and I can only look on in disgust at our spineless, and much more dangerous, out clueless politicians
@clueless politicians?
Why do you think Rhodes Scholars are foisted upon our heads?
because Cecil Rhodes had an agenda that all American men between the ages of 20 and 30 should go to Oxford to get brainwashed about Anglo superiority ?
Bullseye, Ann! And when you think that the Rhodes Scholar in question was once a ‘republican’!
But does anyone remember, if they knew it at all, Keating’s assessment of the man in question? ‘He was brilliant, he was utterly fearless, but he has no judgement’. Notice the use of tenses. “Keating must be feeling vindicated today” (that was in 2009, check Today he is loosing some of his brilliance, is utterly feckless, but he did not loose any of his lack of judgement!
I have to join the choir. I am sitting in Sydney looking out over the city with clear skies today but feel very very sad. I am ashamed that we tolerate the politicians and fat bureaucrats that will kiss the behind of the ‘yanks’ & the ‘blue bloods’ that still run our nation. This is not my war nor that of my sons but when push becomes shoved the Australian Government may get a shock at the direction of my barrel… I could not stomach Russia selling out Syria, nor sit idle and watch neocons sharpen their knives to devour another meal.
I am sitting in Perth and sick in my stomach. Evil, evil men, it seems that all western politicians a puppets and prostitutes. Have they got no pride? Or is it the balls which are missing? The Australian government I am sure, will soon announce with glee that we will harbour a new US base somewhere in the country and perhaps even warships in Fremantle, and our intake of the F-35 duck will increase. Today’s Tomahawks blowing cost a cool AU$ 94 million according to local news. But there is no money for education, no money for health and all commodity price is sky rocketing.
We are civilised.
And I am in Melbourne. A very sad day.
I have visited Syria many years ago – a great place. I wish them the best.
I have also worked in Saudi Arabia – a real shit-hole. I was given 24 hours to leave the country – because I had dinner with a charming BA stewardess at my hotel in Dhahran.
Same experience here – except I couldn’t get into Saudia because I was an unaccompanied woman at a land border crossing. Damascus was always my favourite Middle Eastern city.
It is to be expected from that sycophantic two-faced blood sucking political class of weasels … what is much more worrying is the total 100% mainstream media compliance with the evidence-free PR spin. If one worked backwards from the fact of media subservience then we are definitely in a time of war. Total orchestrated and controlled with ‘reality’ TV working the White House. I say disband the UN — it is totally worthless and gutted as a public utility. We’ll have another ‘MH17’ investigation effort and then onto the next stage.
Trump’s military $budget pump can only be seen as a preparation for war (and drop in unemployment in certain demographics).
I had no expectations for Trump other than he kept Clinton out — and I’m not surprised at the dropping of the facade — only a little earlier than I expected. This whole ‘foreign’ policy gambit is oozing out of occupied lands west of the Jordan. Notice the little dwarf had to step up on a box at the big fork-tongue presser with Trump? When ever they drag out that half-bread there is trouble brewing. And ‘Kurdistan’ was always in the scenario but I fear they are going to be badly duped.
Yeah, so am I, and I’ve pretty much had enough of the the Australian fascist lapdog state, it isn’t the country I grew up in. Will be moving to Asia soon, pretty corrupt there there but for all that more freedom.
And lovely food, not rancid like some I had experienced at times in Oz.
Having recently moved to Russia from Australia by way of Ecuador, I can testify to the difference in people, in atmosphere, in culture.
Russian kindness and consideration keeps knocking my socks of after the indifference and often open hostility I lived with in Aus for over 40 yrs. The graciousness of people and their civilised manners, their belief in their country in spite of the many criticisms they have of their government [which, unlike the propaganda pushed, they are free to voice whenever they like. And they do].
They have some of the old Soviet bureaucracy left in some of the rules and paperwork, but I never felt free-er in my life than since coming here, nor safer.
I can only repeat the words of a letter to “the Australian” which I read many years ago – when that paper was new and worth reading – by a man back on a visit, enumerating the many ways that Aus had had promise and ruined it all:
“too bad Australia. You took Paradise and turned it into a used car lot. I, for one, wont be back”.
Can’t agree with you enough Babushka in Oz! Convenient that VP Pence will be making a visit soon so expect our Prime Minister to quickly jump aboard any expanded military strikes against Syria. With dismal approval ratings for both President Trump and PM Turnball, what better than start a new war and whip the masses into patriotic frenzy!!!
Truly a sickening day for humanity and international law. Hoping Putin and his advisors have learned the lessons of Yugoslavia 1999, Iraq 2003 and Libya 2011 because the time for looking away has passed and Russia needs to defend it’s true allies in the region (Syria, Iran, Hezbollah).
And to think I actually thought things would change with Trump :(
another thing off the topic but tragic too, is that South Africa has today allowed the hunting and poaching and extinction of rhinos – they have allowed the rhino horn trade to become legal again…
Rhinos are on the very brink of extinction now…before the ruling today –
What a day for our dear earth and her inhabitants…crime wins again.
But if one thinks about it…crime nailed Christ to the cross – what a victory for crime that day …
And yet He lives.
May we and the dear rhinos and elephants and tigers and orangutans and giraffes – all near extinction – may we all survive this epoch of crime and evil.
Excellent comment.
He would ask ‘How high should I jump?’. Well, it’s up to you mate, you are an independent, sovereign country of Her Majesty. She will tell you.
Agreed, sickening in the extreme. Another Aussie.
Same here in Poland. I’m disgusted about actions of our politics. Not only recent one with Syria.
I would like to know how many of those missiles were shot down. If the answer is none, it is a direct invitation to NATO to turn Syria into a pile of smoking rubble. If the answer is all, anything fine. If the defense was tried but failed in parts, I suggest to complete the reply by sinking the ships that fired the rockets.
My thoughts exactly! I sure hope Russia did try her best to stop these cruise missile attacks (in technical terms, this should have been easy).
But if the Russians did nothing, then there is no excuse.
I guess we will find out soon.
Again, words fail me to express my disgust.
The Saker
Hi Saker, I’d like to think Russian did this time. Why fight the battle at place and method of your enemy’s choice. I’d like to think Russians and Syrians had their people out of harm’s way, and prepare to fight at the place of their choice. After all, the enemy is inside Syria.
According to some Twitter posts (I know you don’t like them ;-) ), Russian fighter jets downed a few of the missiles.
And, en passant, many disgusted Trump supporters, all turning against him.
Trump does not care. The US has been a regime based on a revolving dictatorship since the Barracks Officers’ Revolt (‘revolution’) in 1767. The people of the US are slaves. The Whites even more than the Blacks. Useless nation with no longer either the right or any reason to go on existing.
The “US” did not exist in 1767 either. The Boston Tea Party was still just a dream of the local terrorists (as King George would have called them) in 1767,
Sorry. You are right. In 1776 the Independent States were constituted. I should have checked.
They did nothing to stop the slow easy to hit missiles according to live coverage from RT. 59 out the 60 missiles struck their target airbase.
So not only did President Xi get slapped and humiliated but it looks like Russia was overtly ignored like an impotent player and pointedly disrespected too.
I wonder if some of the people killed by the Syrian Airforce in idlib (where the al-Quaida staged gas attack happened) might have been US/NATO and other US ally intelligence & military advisors helping the terrorists?
And more important question is about safety of Russian personnel that was inside the attacked military base/airfield. Very curious to hear Kremlin response on this criminal act by Washington.
Update RT and I stand corrected: Russia and Syria apparently did shoot down/disable the majority of the cruise missiles; 36 missiles did not complete their life and were cut down prematurely.
According to RT quoting the Russian MoD, only 23 out the 59 tomohawk missiles made it to their target. so that means that either their missiles are really low quality and unreliable $million dollar flying waste (doubtful unless they are past their use by date) or they were brought down by various air defense systems and counter measures. So if the neo-idiots were trying to show their manhood, they only succeeded in showing their own flaccid half “virility” with this total failure in neutralizing that airbase.
Perhaps Putin should send a crate of cialis or Viagra to the neo-idiots in the White House 10 Downing st, and the war faction of usual cowards and perverts.
Military guru says : area (Homs) in question is too far from S-400 battery in order for them to intercept very low flying cruise missiles. The Russian air defense system would have to be very near the target area in order to intercept those Tomahawks and there is no such Russian air defense system in that area.
They don’t need the S-400 to shoot down these missiles a much older air defense system could do the job including fighter jets that can intercept and destroy these subsonic turbofan propelled “cruise” (in the true sense). Using the S-400 to take out these slow clod like tomahawk missiles is like using a cannon to kill a fly.
President Trump is an inattentive child who acts impulsively and belligerently. He is dangerous, but not necessarily always capable of acting in his own or the United States’ interests. President Putin is calculating and thoughtful. From the U.S. perspective, he is dangerous too, but quite capable of acting in his own interests. As you have pointed out in the past, he has more limited options than the Americans in the short term. So I suspect Mr. Putin will act as forcefully as Mr. Trump, but deliberately, at a time and in a place of his choosing. After all, as Mr. Putin understands, reacting tonight at best gives away military secrets (effectiveness of S-300s and S-400s, etc.) and at worst risks nuclear holocaust. My guess is he will act asymmetrically, perhaps in Europe, perhaps at sea, perhaps in the Western news media. Wait and see. Mr. Putin plays the long game well and, I wager, he will.
My understanding is that the Russians were informed in advance (and as a result the Syrians were probably warned as well. No missiles were shot down. But I suspect bigger things are to come. Recently the US announced that it would no longer tell people how many troops it had on the ground in Syria and Iraq. Shortly after that they began building up the Syrian airbase they occupied in the north of Syria to accommodate larger planes, like military troop carriers and equipment. So expect a rapid build-up of forces in the north. In the meantime Germany had received a huge shipment of combat vehicles from the US (it is said that the shipment represented largest build-up of military equipment in the Europe since WWII). Many thought this was to assist NATO in the Baltic countries. Soon after they arrived in Germany, they were sent on the Poland. But after that they were diverted to Romania. Apparently, they were placed on transport ships destined for Beirut, which of course, has a direct road to Damascus. Further, it was reported in the last few days that Israel, the US and others are undergoing war games in the vicinity of Greece the purpose of which is to train to avoid S-300 anti-missile defences.
And now the false flag in Syria and resulting missile attack on Syria to kick off the effort.
I believe America and Israel are about to invade Syria.
I do not think they had time to make a decision. Remember, Russian forces were not targeted and they only have a few minutes to make a MOMUMENTAL decision.
According to TASS – the official Russian Federation news agency, they were warned.
Here TASS quotes the US dept of defence:
The US Department of Defense said “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line.” “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield,” it said in a statement.
Here’s the reason why the airbase was not more protected.
It was essentially a breaker-yard for decommissioned planes/equipment. The few planes there were being rebuilt from parts scavenged from worn-out/wrecked units. It is unfortunate some Syrian military had to die for Trump’s idiocy, but they can take some honour from the fact this strike adds DJT to the long list of POTUS war criminals.
When Chomsky recently said the world is laughing at the US, this Keystone Kops episode just adds to the exposition of how stupid the US really is, spying, militarily and politically. The article points out it cost the US about $90million to do $3million in damage. But no fear, the US will order another 60 cruise missiles to replace the old stock they just wasted. The MIC profits.
In response, Syria/Russia have rescinded the agreement where US/NATO/EU/Israeli/Turkish airforces can fly over Syria if “coordinated” with Syria/Russia. US military in Syria now have zero air-cover. Is this also diplomatic code for “the S-400’s are now fully on attack/standby status”? And Russia is moving in ships that will make a similar cruise-missile attack more difficult.
The Zionists/Rothschilds have created/unleashed a US MIC monster they cannot control. I think even the Rothschilds realized that the Clintons were too dangerous to occupy the Oval Office again. They thought they had control of the US military/Executive Branch via the Deep State/Congress, but maybe not.
Unfortunately, Russia is weak and doesn’t have the means of dictating policy on Syria or anywhere else for that matter.
Russian military is just strong enough to protect Russian borders. The limited engagement in Syria is a show of hardware and a training exercise, nothing more.
If Russia had the capability to dictate policy, the U.S. strike would not have occurred. Nor would the U.S. be mobilizing in the north east of Syria.
Putin will make some noise but there won’t be any retaliation.
This is nothing more that a show.
I’d imagine that tracking those missiles was a good exercise for the air defense crews. Hopefully they got lots of interesting data. But, even if they could shoot them down, I’m not so sure that I’d have revealed that with a demonstration today. That’s a card I’d keep up my sleave.
I strongly disagree. Perpetually bluffing eventually leads to your opponents (and sadly all of your partners) to assume you have nothing. If that is the case Russia will find itself isolated and the opponents more eager to go in for the spoils. Now would have been the time to show attacks as futile and consequences real enough.
Here, a lot of missiles didn’t make it. Some say they were shot down.
I am beginning to suspect that Russia’s air defences are shitty
Everybody and their cousin do whatever they want in Syria
Russia shall just stop pretending to be a global superpower
And return to its borders
“L.E.O” usually means “Law Enforcement Officer” in American slang ….. so the attack on Russia was rather expected after I first saw the ‘handle’. For Americans reading this … .your tax dollars hard at work.
military guru says: If Russian fighter jets were operating in the area, then, they could have had the chance to shoot down some of the 59 missiles.
the only way the Syrians to intercept missiles would be to have Pantsir air defense system on location. And it is unlikely that they could get all 59 unless they had 5 Pantsir systems . They launch two missiles to intercept each incoming Tomahawk
Tillerson says Putin not given advanced warning and he blamed the russians either as incompetent or complicit. In Texas these are fighting words.
The US also claimed the site was totally destroyed. They are bullshitters of the highest order.
Putin states openly that 95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA.
Trump Has Surrendered. Will Putin Be The Next To Surrender?
anon – you belong with L.E.O.
Have you read the article he links to?
I think it a valid analysis.
Analysis not so bad. Maybe Putin is now working on the Duma to get all them all lined up in a row.
Putin is not nearly enough of the dictator he is accused of being to be able to react quickly and decisively all the time.
(I’ve got RT Live on right now, and again heard Trup and his ‘beautiful babies’ line — ignoring all the babies and civilians he has been killing on Mosul (and Yemen, and I guess elsewhere).
I pray he can get them in line in the time, and neutralize the Atlanticists enough to move a truly Russian agenda.
No, he’s not, Ann. Paul Craig Roberts writes beautiful articles and simply tells it like it is. (of course trolls try to attack him for that). One can have minor differences of opinion with him of course, but he’s really independent, never says crazy things, one of the very few well-known truthful analysts, not so unlike The Saker actually.
He’s a bit panicky and overanxious about Russia once in a while maybe, but he is right. The Nazi run West, as the psychopathic bum Trump just proved, needs to be fought by all means, there’s no cooperation possible with Nazi psychopaths. America and the world needs to be liberated.
Kuwait incubator babies, a CIA Black Psy Op, Part 2.
These zionazis are using essentially the same strategy they used a couple of years ago. Chen weapon pretext to attack Syria. Last time they blinked, this time israel’s quislings took no chances and attacked straight away.
“So now we finally have the answer to the key question whether Trump was for real of a fake”
If any are still still drinking the kool-aid now…
Last time Obama and Kerry bit hard on the bait.
But, they had a vague respect for the Constitution. So, they were going to go to Congress to get some sort of fig leaf for their attacks. And that gave the American people a chance to say no so loudly that even the Members of the Knesset on Capital Hill and made even Obama and Kerry back off.
With Trump, there was no debate, no discussion … just a strike timed for the evening propaganda broadcasts.
Beyond the foreign implications, this two decades of never-ending war has provided a nice map of the decline of the constitution in America.
That’s what Ron Paul warned all along about Trump – no respect for the constitution.
And he’s such a hard head that he will go where angels fear to tread….poor world….
Your use of the word ‘Knesset’ to describe the US Congress is priceless.
It marches in lock-step to the Zionist orders issued to it, with almost 100% unanimity – at times outdoing even its sister organization located in Occupied Palestine.
Did you know that AIPAC actually generates a lot of the motions that are raised and bills that are passed by the members, especially those affecting the Foreign Relations of the US?
Members of the US Knesset simply do as they are told when AIPAC sends its orders because those who refused know that, as night follows day, they will be “replaced” at the next election cycle.
Look out for the joint resolution supporting Trump’s war on Syria. It will be unanimously supported.
With your permission, I think I will adapt your usage of thecword ‘knesset’ from now on and use the word accordingly, because it is fitting.
Ahhh, the Russians are failing at every front… Paul Craig Roberts mentioned it in a right way. I think the Russians will keep quiet and keep selling the RD-180 rocket engines to the neocons to install satellites to spy on Russia… I, I am sorry, i sometimes do not understand Putin… We know nothing about what’s going on behind the curtains, but his erratic behaviour in Syria only gives me impression that he keeps gaining time… Until when? Why do not Russians develop their own commercial electronics the world would want as China does? Why do they always put themselves into this awkward position throughout the history?
lmimkac: Good points and you can add several more such questions.
Because they are not materialists. And Talmudo-Satanism (The West) is about nothing but material. Still, when the time comes they win at Stalingrad.
Russians are masters of the soul… and of matter, in the end.
Reading Chinese social media, I was surprised to read that they think Russian is stab China in the back by leasing Indian Russia’s nuclear submarine…
I guess it is something along same line.
Syrian Forign Minister claims that reports of Idlib chemical weapon attacks started coming in hours before airstrike:
You may recall that months ago photos were released of Sukhoi jets painted in Russian Colors at a US base in Turkey. Clearly the makings of a false flag attack. Let us see how that plays out.
This is an “attack” that has only been reported by prostitute media, SO HOLD YOUR HORSES, MIGHT BE ANOTHER LIE.
Russia WILL respond if it becomes nessessary but meantime keep your cool. The neocon garbage will be shown (and given) a lesson to pull their effing heads in or these will be KICKED IN!
Trump ordered the attack on a country that can not defend itself, at the same time that it was going to meet with the Chinese president.
Maybe he did it just to show strength, at a time when the US seems more weak.
If there were still doubt that Trump is weak, this surely removes all doubt.
I hope the Syrian FM’s statement gets some coverage. Not only does it indicate that it wasn’t Assad, but it raises the uncomfortable spectre that the chemical attack was a false flag – remember Obama’s red line? This POTUS, being dumb as a rock, fell for it.
yeah, I read an article yesterday and the day before about the false flag chemical weapon attack
Well it could at least try to defend itself – the Serb anti-aircraft and pilots did continually fight over a dozen NATO countries bombing it and all the cruise missiles. And Russia there could have done something.
What do the Russian warships do at their base in Syria – they just come and go back and forth to Russia. Why didn’t they launch more attacks at the terrorist. Why did Russia bring in more anti-missile and anti-aircraft for Syria or itself. It has been over 6 years since that war started. If they are too passive then U.S. takes advantage.
“Russia needs to cancel the planned visit of Rex Tillerson to Moscow scheduled for April 11-12.”
What is the USA thinking?
It is not thinking.
Is it possible Trump will start WW3 faster than Killery would have done?
The UN appears to be stymied.
Was the Porter in Syrian waters when it launched the missiles?
Isn’t this an act of war against Syria and its ally, Russia?
What now?
A Russian overnight phone call to their Chinese allies to see if they can get Mr. Xi to board an airplane and leave Florida early would be another interesting step.
I wonder if the Chinese are worried about where their president is now – I think he should return home immediately – but I’m not sure if that’s the Chinese way –
Ann, Chinese is not worried. I just checked Weibo. They are not felling loss face either. The over all impression I have is they are not interjecting China into this event in their discussion.
Two small points, Katherine. From my vantage, it appears the UN has been stymied since, say, 1945. As to an act of war, an act of war is in the eye of the beholder. It does neither Syria nor Russia any good to perceive the American attack as an act of war. If either did so, every jingoist in America–about 100% of the population–would start screaming for “us” to nuke Russia. Better to be like Br’er Fox and just lay low.
Henry Miller said it best in 1935: :America is the epitome of doom. It will drag the whole world down into the bottomless pit.” It’s better that that be a Randian, Atlas Shrugged, infrastructure and economic collapse than a nuclear Armageddon.
That is the “Munich ” argument. Its “better to let Mr Hitler have a slice of the Czech pie” and lay low for “peace in our time”.Than to “oppose him for the sake of a land we know nothing about”.After all what bad could come from appeasing a tyrant ?
That’s ahistorical, not to mention irrational, mate. Don’t let floods of irrational emotions, pessimism and hormonal squirtings rule your mind. That never, ever, works out well.
White people have been busy wrecking what was once a great civilisation for some time now. It is to the good that President Putin and President Xi keep their powder dry and not react with emotionalism to the situation. They appear to understand the stakes. This is a time for sane cool heads to prevail. Perhaps it is possible for a better outcome than widespread destruction and death all over the show.
While the new US President appeared at one point to offer hope for the future, it seems now that either he was a con-man or the swamp drained him rather than the other way around. Who knows which?
The fundamental problem is this. Several parties possess weapons which can render civilisation, as presently understood, void. That would mean everyone, every individual, loses. Given the stakes it is preferable to avoid hormonal ejaculations and emotion clouding judgement. Play the long game. Play for time. Avoid such nonsense as raving about “acts of war” and using that to justify irrational decisions.
Quoting, ” It’s better that that be a Randian, Atlas Shrugged, infrastructure and economic collapse than a nuclear Armageddon.”
True. For that leaves at least the possibility for productive survivors to have the chance to build life. The other leaves not.
Well, Hitler was actually the ISIS of that time. They handled him as they handle ISIS now. The analogy seems a bit off, although i’m tempted that way, too
Your analogy is ahistorical nonsense. Where do you get such mush?
Quoting, “The analogy seems a bit off”. Yes, it sure is. So given that you understand it to be wrong, why embrace it in the first place?
Agreed, I think the US is on the verge of a collapse under its own corrupt weight, Lord willing that it happens before irreversable damage occurs.
I actually strongly disagree.
This moment is every bit as “precipice” as Cuban Middle crisis and other moments of “at the brink”.
We need a lot more talking and striving for mutual understanding.
Let Tillerson meet with Lavrov. Maybe he will learn what a false flag event looks like.
Maybe the Russians can teach some US war history:
Lusitania= WW1/
Pearl harbour = WW2
Gulf of Tonkin = Vietnam
To name just three false flag war-starters.
Just to clarify, this^ was a comment in reply to @Katherine on April 07, 2017 · at 2:49 am UTC
“Russia needs to cancel the planned visit of Rex Tillerson to Moscow scheduled for April 11-12.”
They need to talk. Once the talking stops, well then, the shooting starts…, and that is to be avoided.
Tillerson is the recent CEO of an environmentally criminal organization, one of the most predatory corporations on the planet. Suppose Lavrov schools him on false flags, and Tillerson says, “yeah, so what, Russkie?, You think I didn’t know that?”
Is this just a political move, a small attack on one airfield to show his domestic audience that he isn’t influenced by Russia?
RT reported that the US notified Russia beforehand and didn’t target positions that had known Russian personnel. No idea if that’s true.
What Russian assets are currently available to defend Syria?
Looks more like a slap in Kremlin’s face to me. Don’t want to use the word ‘humiliation’.
Putin(Mister ”our partners’) has now lost all credibility,this was their plan to humiliate him and Russia.
It is more than stupid for Putin and Lavrov to expect ANYTHING from the West.They got their reward tonight.This is also the money back from Bibi..very sad but it is not really a surprise.Trump is a joke and not only in FP,in with this present to the neocon crowd he probably hopes to get more support for his domestic policies which are also falling apart(immigration,wall,tax reform,trumpcare..he delivered nothing).But he will fail as the neocon will double down as usual.His mistake(was it really a mistake,who knows?)was to fir Flynn.It is over for Trump even if believes the opposite.
What should urgently be done by the Kremlin is to hire a very good PR COM agency,as they don’t understand the way to talk to these people.
With even more humiliation as Trump just said he ”advised” Putin…the way you adise ‘your employee’
Odessa..Odessa….pay time..weakness only brings defeats
Question: What will Russia’s response be?
I am going to assume that this wasn’t a ‘fake’ response on a deserted airbase and that there are real casualties and that the entire ‘white Helmet’ orchestrated nonsense and sarin was a deliberate false flag or as Russia has indicated, a conventional bombing of head-chopper chemical weapon manufacturing facility and storage.
I have read that SU-22s cannot carry any binary chemical bombs -not that the Syrian military would have any strategic advantage in doing so -the opposite in fact. Does anyone think otherwise?
Simply. no. One cannot think and come to any other conclusion that the gassing (if that was the cause of death) of civilians is a political act. No military advantage could possibly be gained by such an event.
Al Qaida and ISIS both certainly gained a ‘military advantage’ tonight.
They’ve come a step closer to drawing the US and EU into their war as allies.
And the Syrian air force as been a key bit of fire power in fighting the terrorist. So, a key air base was destroyed and some of their limited number of aircraft destroyed.
Al Qaida and ISIS are both partying tonight.
That’s what I can’t fathom, Assad had absolutely nothing to gain by using chemical weapons. This must be a false flag to motivate public support to put boots on the ground in Syria, but for what purpose? Ousting IS or ousting Assad? Trump has seriously let me down if it’s the latter.
The Russians were given advanced warning of the U.S. strike, according to a military official. There were Russians at the base during the strike. The U.S. did not target Russian assets, and the two nations communicated all day.
Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said: “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike … U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield. We are assessing the results of the strike. Initial indications are that this strike has severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at Shayrat airfield, reducing the Syrian government’s ability to deliver chemical weapons. The use of chemical weapons against innocent people will not be tolerated.”
It seems that the comments by Jeff Davis have been edited by the Fake News.
Here are the unredacted comments by Davis:
“We are assessing the results of the illegal strike, which was not authorized by the United Nations. Initial indications are that this strike has severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at Shayrat airfield, reducing the Syrian government’s ability to deliver chemical weapons, which it completely gave up in 2013-14 as verified by the UN’s OPCW. The use of chemical weapons against innocent people will not be tolerated–except in the case of false flag WMD attacks staged by our beloved moderate jihadists in Syria, who have been procuring, preparing, and deploying WMDs taken from Libya–thanks to our unprovoked attack on that nation and the overthrow of Muammar Quadaffi in 2011.
Thank you. And God Bless America (and Israel)”
Evidence Calls Western Narrative About Syrian Chemical Attack Into Question
Announcement to media on last consignment of chemicals leaving Syria
There is a Chinese expression: Kill chicken to show the monkey”. So it is Trump’s way to intimidating China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. I hope President Xi has planned for this to happen, and do not give into Trump’s black mail.
My hope too.
After this illegal act of war China should now know what they’re dealing with. I expect Russia and China to ramp up co-operation. It’s their only way to survive.
Hopefully Russian and Chinese solidarity can put an end to this madness.
Dented. One need to engage others, in order to avoid conflicts. Let the others be America, or India. The difference is the kind and the level of engagement.
So China will not shut out America, but I assume that Xi will have different plan for different situation.
I do not think Russians need to worry about China not working with them.
RT is emphasizing that this strike is really directed at threatening China and NK (which the US consider to be China’s cats paw). An unprecedented put down of China and reflective of the Deep State. It shows that they are capable of defaulting on their debt obligations to China since the US has firepower to do so (and they believe that they can do so) without consequence from China (the way the US behaved with Japan in the 1980s).
The strike on Syria is being characterized as militarily insignificant and RT reports that just in the last 30 minutes the Syrian Army has just begun a massive assault on ISIL positions in Homs.
If President Xi does not make a strong statement (backed with action) on this incident, when back in China, he will look weak and cowed.
There is no doubt that Russian try to play up their point. But it is as simple as “Kill the Chicken to scare the monkey”. They monkey are us all. We do not need talking heads to tell us.
I am glad to see there is not much damage to the ground, but I guess Trump send a message to every one he intended to send. But how they interpret it is a different story.
I think we will find out fast enough.
Such a ‘threat’ is pointless because the situation in Syria is fluid and everyone is bombing them. Put simply: North Korea will retaliate.
LOL. I agree with you Jodan.
I am disgusted. What a transformation. Trump had an obvious respect for Putin during the election, but the 4-month Russophobia campaign has probably wrecked that permanently. The neocons who Trump hired figured out how to control him with their “alternative facts,” and he is now their puppet.
Now we are entering a dangerous zone. A new stage is beginning in the crisis. As I mentioned in the cafe last week, I took a morose break from the news for a couple of weeks, but now I feel rallied to the cause. We must do everything we can to prevent the Anglo-Zionist Empire from murdering more in Syria, and from roping their fair-weather allies into this conflict.
Hey Seagull
A comment you posted here is at the center of my next article, stay tuned ;-)
Kind regards,
The Saker
wow – a mystery guest – stay tuned
It is impossible to cut any more slack for Trump. I am sick of hearing apologetics that this or that development is some kind of masterful Trumpian decoy operation or sleight-of-hand, or something transient to prove Trump’s tough-guy bona fides, or perhaps buy him some relief from the neocon assault on his fledgling administration. Look: it does not matter if he did this for reason A or reason B. He did it. On that basis he must be judged, in legal terms. Regardless of whether he meant to start a war, or how harmless the underlying reason is conjured to be, let’s get a grip and understand: Trump started a war.
Externally speaking, on the political-foreign affairs front as well, this needs to be taken for what it is. The neocons are undertaking a modern test of the tolerance and resolve of Russia, China, and Iran, in addition to world’s general solidarity in this matter. They always do this kind of thing! They gained their first and most important license from Yugoslavia. Next from Libya. This testing is a type of fringe benefit of the aggression itself, a kind of corollary insight.
The most successful warrior is usually he who attacks without warning. The next most successful warrior is he who attacks without being recognized as attacking. The neocons are deceivers first, foremost, and forever. No one will defeat them who does not understand this concept. Does no one remember why Satan’s title is Father of Lies? Does no one understand why Satan is so successful in this earthly realm?
And I will say something else. Washington’s deep state operatives are of course, at this time, giddy with glee at these developments, but now all the more so for another ascendant reason: they have proven to themselves they can do absolutely anything at all. They can be giddy as well with the confirmation of their power. Look at Trump. Not only was he castrated and pushed about like a rag doll, he is now stripped of his personnel assets, and he is alone. Flynn is gone. Bannon too. Post-Flynn, Saker predicted exactly this. Once installed inside a non-business environment, where business-executive privilege means nothing (his mistake), all Trump had going for him was who he surrounded himself with. So, the usurpers, understanding this, worked first on his people, and not just because that was easiest. Plus, incredibly, over in the House, the suddenly-gone-limp D. Nunes stepped down (and on that subject, I will only ask, WHY?). So, no more investigation into Obama’s political usage of surveillance.
With this attack on the maybe-sovereign nation of Syria, the fool-in-chief has just made of himself a war criminal. Wait until his enemies in Congress decide to turn on him and use that fact to throw him to the wolves. He is now a formal candidate for impeachment. And people still think that he is clever? It seems he has shit for brains.
And, why is it so difficult for Russia to act on the sobering understanding of how much time has been lost to their unfounded credulity with the Empire? Am I missing something about the great Russian capability for the patient exercise of reason and logic? Is there an agenda here that requires a greater mental gymnast that little me to conceptualize? Or are the bad guys just plain winning?
They’re plain winning.
Russia will analyze the attack and see what to upgrade their S-300 and up.
does anybody fathom the possibility that the president is chemically and by other means brainwashed and subverted and the possible fact that this strike was done before even he knew of this ? so, seeing the fait accomplit the guy could say nothing publicly? i still believe in him but i expect him either to turn things around somehow or give up and resign … the way he is attacked with lies by the barking hyenas would’ve turn around even a lion never mind a simple guy who has nothing to gain in this disgusting political struggle for power.
@nobody. Your theory does not fit the facts.
Trump asked for military options – was offered several.
There was the security council bun-fight Wednesday and Bannon was reported as being “dumped. ”
He then attends a security council meting in the morning, and trump sends the missiles flying that evening.
Premeditated, on trumps orders.
He is now a war criminal, twice over (see Yemen). And not 100 days in office.
just read someone’s take that he was given the choice – you do that or your whole family will be killed — is it all planned and in time?
why should i bother moving from here there?
just like in the fifties’ jokes – put a sheet on my head and slowly go towards cemetery?
you r all so smart in questions, how about some answers and actions?
i am so sick of this ill world, i cannot do much but waste my soul trying to guess what’s life all about!
The neo-cons wont stop until they have won or killed in their bunkers. Any chance of them being taken down internally seems to be gone.
It seems the fight is inevitable.
What does President Xi think of all this show of bravado? If I were in his shoes, I would be so disgusted with my host.
Trump is a first-class sell-out moron.
Waiting for Moscow’s response.
re: missile strikes in Syria. I feel a deep, deep sadness for my country and the world. Someone posed the question to “those in the wealthy countries” of how much we would sacrifice for a peaceful world and he put it in economic terms–30%, 40% or 90%.
I would give 100% of everything I have which really is only on loan from the creative force of the universe anyway. sigh.
Must put in a call to my military Guru who is fast asleep across the world.
When Trump said he didn’t want to hurt the Clintons because they were “good people” I figured he had been owned. Now I have proof positive. Just another lying sack of scum.
Now there is no doubt in anyone’s mind who has one. Trump is OWNED by the same groups that OWN almost all American politicians.
This is very alarming — both the US action and the Syrian – Russian lack of defensive response.
Pressure is building to a critical level, and something has to blow.
It’s naked aggressive war, and a harbinger — terrible things to come.
Unfortunately, I believe you are correct.
First we had a white horse call al-buraq aka barack O.
Now we have a red horse with Mars as its ruler and its name is Trump…he takes peace from the Earth.
Moscow has just said it will recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of Isreal…and Jerusalem is torn in half on a line running north to south as a result of a huge tumult…in line with Christ’s words on the coming of the end.
It has begun…
I beg to correct ‘Anonymous’ mistaken comment about Russia’s proposal for sovereignty over Jerusalem here :
Russia will recognize W Jerusalem as Israel’s capital only if E Jerusalem becomes Palestine’s – FM Published time: 6 Apr, 2017 22:53
Edited time: 7 Apr, 2017 09:55
This, among many other things, proves that there is no true ‘choice’ or democracy in the USA at all. US voters rejected this new criminal war by voting against Hillary and the fat traitor Trump stabbed them all in the back. I’m very thankful that I voted for a third party candidate and not that mindless, traitorous slug.
Russia should respond by conducting a regime change in Kiev. The supply lines to Syria are long and pass through NATO territory so it would obviously not be a favorable location to respond directly to the US imperialists. Russia should also pound the terrorists in Idlib province harder than ever before. The terrorists ought to lose 100 times more men than the Syrian army lost during Trump’s illegal Pearl Harbor style attack.
And last, but not least, a sobering thought: this is truly the closest that the planet has ever been to World War III. Perhaps humanity is on the verge of flushing itself down the toilet. Time shall tell.
According to the Atomic Scientists, we are ‘almost’ as close, but not quite as close as we’ve ever been.
The record for as close as we’ve ever been is 1953, when the US was exploding their megaton hydrogen bombs, and the Soviets were quickly building their own. The Doomsday clock was then at 2 minutes to midnight. Currently, its at 2:30 to midnight.
Still, I much preferred 1991, when the clock was at 17 minutes to midnight, and we had the last serious adults in the White House with Daddy Bush and James Baker. Never would have imagined at the time that those would be ‘the good old days’.
Barf. Bush and Baker had the Operation Storm in Iraq where they blitzkrieged it, then bombed miles of highway out of Kuwait killing retreating soldiers and civilians “Highway of Death” which was actually a message to Russia to show what NATO forces could do, then they invaded Iraq and bulldozed Iraqi soldiers alive in their trenches.
Baker and Bush were setting up the Yugoslav separatist wars too then.
In fact how they did Iraq and started with Yugoslav has been a template for the later wars.
While I agree with the sentiment that it’d be better to sit at 17mins to midnight on the atomic clock, the “reason” 1991 was so “safe” was the USSR had been brought down/subjugated and US carpet baggers were running amok, cheating and robbing. In cahoots with the oligarchs.
It was a “safe” time for us in the west, but a pretty despicable time for the people of the former soviets, from what I understand. Russian male life expectancy at 55 years, just one consequence of those “safe” times.
‘Democracy’ – I’m weary beyond words of hearing the word. It means two wolves and a sheep voting on who is for dinner.
As my dad ( a zek ) told me: there’s no rule in america. ‘V Ameriki vlasti nyet’. It’s been 40 years and I miss his wisdom.
As an aside, I could have arranged a meeting with my dad and Solzhrnitzyn. His response was: What’s there to talk about?
sorry – I don’t know what a zek is ?
I seem to remember from reading Solzhenitsyn, slang for prisoner in a Soviet era prison camp.
We must be missing some crucial piece of the puzzle. I wonder if the photos, released just last week by the FBIVault, of the Pentagon taken on and immediately after the 9/11 are related to this week’s events in anyway. Blackmail maybe? But used to prevent or to provoke today’s attack? Warning Russia about the strike beforehand, followed by the success of said strike, would seem to imply Russia’s acceptance thereof. Prevention of a strike would be easy if one were to know it was coming, so what gives?
This is what makes me suspicious too. Something else is going on. If they warned Russia, and therefore Syria too, does it not mean that the intention was to have missiles strike an empty airfield? This is not the action of a serious attack or starting a war, where you call ahead and warn the enemy. For whose benefit is this show of muscle flexing?
Russia and/or Syria could have shot down the missiles with or without a warning. Why didn’t they? At least I haven’t yet seen anything that suggests they did. Does that mean they allowed the attack, agreed to let it happen? Was that the whole purpose of the call ahead warning? I don’t believe they are weak or afraid to defend against a real attack.
So what was this about? Maybe I’m just being hopeful that there is more to this, based on the warning and the lack of defense.
And President Xi Jinping must leave inmedaitely. This a complete disrespect of the Diplomatic Protocol.
agreed. 100%
wow this is all falling into place now – war –
Romania – US troops unloading – Poland full up with US troops – etc etc etc.
Saker I think you should be disgusted by the lack of action on the part of VV Putin. The Russian word is not worth much at this point. According to reports, Putin gave russian forces coordinates and position to the Pentagon, that means he probably intends to completely fold and betray Assad and the syrian people. As I’m typing I can hear assorted neo-cons and zionists smelling blood and demanding a wider air campaign to completely degrade the Syrian arab army. The ultimate prize is the Golan, followed by a the destruction of Iran. The Russian bluff’s been called….
You do realise that Mr Putin is the president of Russia. His sole role in the world is to protect Russia and look out for it’s interests.
Throwing your country into war over an airfield is not a very smart move.
Have faith. The Russians are always one step ahead and I am sure they have a plan in the background.
Gotta say
As soon as I read about it, muttered, WTF!!
Then went straight to the Saker for information
Glad I am giving my pittance each month …. all this scares the cr… out of me
I am grateful I have a reliable source of information in the Saker
So far it appears to be more of a cosmetic attack as the Russians were tipped off to it before hand which means the Syrians were as well. Maybe some old non functioning planes were destroyed along with some fuel dumps and an air strip. Any holes in the air strip can be filled in and repaired in a week or so. Apparently no Syrian or Russian military personnel were killed.
A cosmetic war crime — aggressive war is the greatest war crime, remember.
Twice over for Trump now — Yemen also.
The death toll is rising, and the total count may take a while. (Just like after an earthquake – there is usually just a very tiny number of deaths reported at first, and then, oftentimes, it gets larger.)
From Leith at Al Masdar News:
“Unfortunately no good news from Homs. Bodies of dead soldiers found amid the large fires at the Shayrat Airbase. Death toll for now is 4”
A multi lateral response to this act of aggression is the only solution. The missile attack is designed to provoke, nothing more. Let us have patience and let cool heads prevail.
My initial impression is this is for US domestic consumption and not part of a larger attack as they didn’t target Syria’s air defenses, which would be the first to be hit if it was a prelude to a larger bombing campaign or invasion. Basically Trump showing “he means what he says”, etc., to silence his critics on the ultra-right, which includes the misnamed “Democrats”. All US presidents have to kill a bunch of people in another country to show they are Hollywood style “Real Men”.
As to Russia and Syria’s response, Russia *might* have shot down a few of the cruise missiles as a token face saving response, and it will have little effect on the Syrian army’s overall strength. I think they will brush it off as another US show of force. The cruise missiles could have been targeted on the Presidential Residence in Damascus or Syrian army positions in critical sectors of the front, but they weren’t. That means the US wasn’t actually trying to attack Syria to cause optimal damage, but merely to puff up Trump’s “Tough Guy” image at home.
As to the S400’s and S-300s, they are in limited supply. Unless they are the target of the strikes, you save them for shooting at piloted aircraft in a real attack, not cruise missiles in a “show the flag” exercise. As always some front line soldiers and Syrian air force personnel will be the sacrificial victims, but from the upper echelon perspective, soldiers get killed in wars, whether by cruise missiles, mines, or snipers. A few pawns got knocked over, but the main pieces are all still standing.
The asymmetrical response would be for Russia to ship in a lot more AA missiles systems and some Iskander missiles that can hit Tel Aviv and Ankara and put them under Syrian control. In the Vietnam war the Soviet supplied AA and the tiny Vietnamese air force shot down around 10,000 (that’s ten thousand) US aircraft, about half of them helicopters. Syria needs a similar capability.
You have provided a sliver of hope. But I recall that Josif Vissarionovich did not believe, almost until the troops of the Third Reich were at the outskirts of Moscow, that there was a war on.
On the other hand, even within the bubble of the CIANN-controlled mass media it was ‘getting hard’ for the presstitutes (no pun intended) to make the US look good in Syria. The narrative and the initiative had gone to Assad and Putin. Perhaps it was this act of lese majeste which demanded a show of force by the mentally challenged Superpower called the USA. The next few days should tell.
I take it that you play chess or go .
Thanks, Terry, and everyone else for your valuable insights. I find it very interesting as I read Mr. Trump’s supposed outrage over the “gassing of children” that the mainstream news media is predictably silent about the use of depleted uranium in Iraq and Afghanistan, and silent about the horrifying birth defects DU has caused.-An entire generation is being wiped out in the Middle East (genocide?-yes, it certainly is) but never mind all of that….but keep in mind that US servicemen returning from those areas have fathered children with horrible birth defects. .If I had the opportunity to speak to Trump I would tell him that what he has done has not helped the people and the children of Syria one damn bit. Meanwhile here in the good old USA there are 3,000 towns and counties (besides Flint, Michigan) that have excessive levels of lead and other pollutants in their drinking water–could this possibly be another form or type of “poison attack against the children” of those communities? And what is the solution to that?–missile attacks against the water treatment facilities of those towns? I don’t know what others are going to do as a result of all of this, but I am going to continue speaking out against these terrible policies and mindless actions as long as I live.
These points by Terry make a lot of sense to me.
There are so many layers of perception and deception that at risk of being “insensitive” to the atrocities that get Paul Craig Roberts and The Saker justifiably outraged, disgusted, and alarmed, I find myself opting out of these feelings and deciding not to decide much of anything.
First of all , if we are all doomed, because Putin will surrender next (PCR) I’d rather do something other than wallow in my remaining hours or months.
Second of all, I always look for some humour and and creativity to endure “THE END” —SATFU (Situation Abnormal*** Terminally F*cked Up) preferring to go out with a grin than a grimace.
So what came to mind is that Trump is possibly playing POSSUM. President of the Stupid States of United Morons. And his stupid babies/incubators speech is setting up neocons for overconfident mistakes……not likely…but he is either crazy or “crazy like a fox” …and I guess we’ll find out soon enough!
And third of all, if he isn’t playing POSSUM, but was just a lucky enough Moron to get into the White House because there weren’t quite enough Zombies to put Hitlery in,and he agrees with Clinton that more Americans should be given pre-frontal lobotomies with the tried and true ole babies/incubators/Saddam/Assad Must Go Neocon Con Job, then well………it isn’t working:
Here’s a US Marine calling The Donald out for being as dumb as a goddamned post, on Syria, and reminding POSSUM who he’s supposed to be working for. Multiply that Marine’s sentiments times a big chunk of Trump voters, and I am not all that unhappy with the change in consciousness underway.
If the Donald is succumbing to senile dementia but millions of Americans are waking up and smelling the coffee, it’s not a horrible trade off. So long as the world doesn’t end before they can beat some sense into him:
“You work for us, Mr. President – we voted for you because you were supposed to take care of us – none of us want to go to Syria….even if it was true it has nothing to do with us,” added Gage, opining that the jihadist rebels were the likely culprits behind the gas attack.
“You should know better, you’re supposed to be the strategic mastermind, but you’re falling for the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen…….”
I would give this a 10% chance — the same odds I am giving to the idea that Trump purposefully let his health care bill fail so that he could bring in single payer.
Trump loves his three act plays, so a dark moment like this could be Act 2. That’s how he pulled off the election. But it is a big gamble to say that the American public is looking forward to an abrupt about-face and alliance with Russia. I encourage you to look at what CNN and NYT are saying about this attack. They love war! They are eating it up. And Trump loves it when the press loves him. There’s a good chance that war in Syria is the only Act 3 he needs.
Good analysis, Terry. I might add, however, that things appear to be in the works that were started some weeks ago and might well represent a new initiative to invade Syria once for all. Recently Trump announced that the US would no longer advertise troop strength in Syria and Iraq, supposedly for security reasons. Concurrent with that statement soon after the US announced that it was building up its capability at the airbase it took over in northern Syria so that it could accommodate larger military aircraft (think combat vehicles and troops). In the meantime Germany had received a huge shipment of military combat vehicles from the US (so large that it was considered the largest such build-up since WWII). These were thought to be support for NATO in the Baltics, so when this equipment was subsequently shipped to Poland, no one raised an eyebrow. But then something strange happened. The equipment was immediately sent to Romania! When it arrived at Romania it was loaded onto transport ships apparently destined for Beirut, Lebanon, which as you might be aware, has a direct road to Damascus.
During this we were recently informed that war games conducted by the US, Israel and others near Greece – the objective? To determine how to avoid S-300 anti-missile systems.
And now this – a false flag event in Syria to provide an excuse for what appears to me to be a major invasion of Syria.
The question – what will Russia, China and Iran do about it?
Hopefully, we will get an analysis by the Saker soon.
Did you hear Tillerson? ‘Assad must go’ is back, and US has started a Geneva process to get rid of him.
It’s back to the old PNAC dominate the world stuff.
I actually don’t think Syria is going to ‘brush this off’ – this is too far –
Assad and Putin may fall out over this – Peskov says that the Russian support for Assad is not 100%
Its in RT –
Assad must be livid. Soldiers and pilots dead…the only fighters of ISIS – yes, disgusting.
Actually, Peskov responded to a question referred to Russian support for Assad : ” We are not supporting President Assad unconditionally…” I agree, that such words can be easily misinterpreted, cause is a typical political answer – Russian style.
Report from that details the damage of the unprovoked America attack on Syria, which includes 1 Syrian pilot killed, several injured and at least 15 planes destroyed. Also, Russians were on the base when the attack occurred.
The “news” that Russia was notified of this attack beforehand and thus allowed it to occur may be disinformation.
Also, the idea that this attack was merely for show is belied by the actual damage and casaulties caused:
AlBEIRUT, LEBANON (6:25 A.M.) – The U.S. Navy fired more than 50 tomahawk cruise missiles at the Shayrat Airbase this morning, causing significant damage to this military installation in the eastern countryside of the Homs Governorate.
What we know so far:
U.S. missiles struck Shayrat’s airfields, aircraft hangar, and fuel tankers
Destroyed fuel tankers caused several explosions and a large fire that has not been put out yet
At least 15 fighter jets have been damaged or destroyed
One fighter pilot was killed – several others wounded
Russians were present at the airbase when it was attacked
It figures that the Zionist swamp would swallow Trump. Observe him well, and see that under all that extrovert personality hides in a corner, a very insecure man. A man easily led by those whom he believes to know more than him. He has no moral fortitude to fight such sinister group.
Talmudic Jared’s Tribe are in charge. May God continue to guide Putin & protect the innocents.
Good night all & be well.
Carmel by the Sea
Agreed, having pinned all of my hopes on Trump as being the only viable half-sane alternative to warmongering psychopath Hillary, I’m now totally stumped, although I’ve always known that the man’s not very smart. I still believe that he has a big heart, that’s now been totally manipulated by fake social media and all the neocon scum that surrounds him. All of which only proves that the man’s an idiot and complete fool and much more profoundly stupid than I ever gave him credit for. I only pray that Putin will yet pull something out of his hat to save the day at the very last moment. Else expect an escalation leading to a world war three confrontation scenario between the US and Russia. I bet Hillary and Obama are now reeling in orgasmic delight and mutual satisfaction seeing Trump swallow whole hog their CIA anti Russia and Assad warmongering plot and bait hook line and sinker.
“When that happened, Evgenii Primakov, then Prime Minister of Russia, who was in an aircraft on the way to an official visit to Washington DC, ordered his pilot to turn around.
Russia needs to cancel the planned visit of Rex Tillerson to Moscow scheduled for April 11-12.”
But this doesn’t do anything anyway. Russia did not stop 78 days-and-nights bombing of Yugoslavia. Nor did it step in, after the bombing, to help repair all the NATO bombing to civilian infrastructure.
Just stopping “business as usual” is not enough. It is simply staying out of the way.
And why would Russia step in to help rebuild what NATO destroyed in Yugoslavia??!!
First of all !! Jelcin was still in power!
Second ! Russia was too weak back then!!
Third!!! Shortly after the NATO aggression coup happened and traitors and Western puppets came in power!!
It should be clear by now: Trump is a business person. When he cannot beat the Deep State, he Joined the Deep State. End of Story.
Yes Alan,
And his disrespect of President Xi and China is also reflective of the assessment of the Deep State that they believe China is militarily insignificant and the US is capable of stealing Chinese money by defaulting on their debt obligations. This is not the first time the US has made it clear to China that they consider China to be a junior power: during the bombing of Yugoslavia, the US/NATO deliberately bombed (missile strike) the Chinese embassy in Belgrade – killing the a diplomat’s wife and several other Chinese citizens. China did nothing then other than complain loudly.
It seems that not much has changed: Today China has been slapped in the face and we have not seen any action from China. This was a serious loss of face for China. Perhaps once President Xi is back in China we might see action. However, his staying in the US on this state visit rather than cutting it short seems to indicate that President Xi & China seems to be in a weak position and other than some meaningless protestations from his foreign ministry, he will fold and do nothing.
I am curious as to what actions that China could even take: China does not seem to have any power projection capability to speak off. Unlike Russia, China is not in the same league. So I can’t see what they can do.
Any thoughts on what actions China can take?
China can call in its debt from the U.S.
The U.S. can repay by printing currency to repay the debt, thus devaluing the $U.S.
As a result Chinese exports to the U.S. become less competitive, unless China devalues the renminbi.
No winners there, right?
That’s not the way it works. Money would just be transferred from one Fed account to another. For China to ‘call in the debt’ it would need to sell its T-bills to someone else. US currency would likely not be devalued because it depends not on quantity but on it’s status as petrodollar and the military and political pressure it exerts on those who use it.
What China could do, much to its own harm as well as to the US, would be to stop shipping product leaving the US with massive shortages, and hence domestic inflation. It would also interrupt many supply chains crippling manufacturing. Walmart might go under, and black and gray markets would emerge. Interactions and side effects would be massively complex.
How it would work could be similar to the difference between Hong Kong and Macau: The Hong Kong is withering, the Macau gets a lot of investments, prize, and tourists.
Or it is like Xi’s visit of India in 2014, the media was hype 100 billion investment, int the end, only about 40 B was signed, and even that was not act on in most cases.
There are many way to get things done without be in your face.
Here is another way of retaliation: After India said it will retaliate Iran for a failed gas deal, here is what really happened today:
India says Iran already ‘retaliated’ against its oil import cut plan–
here an interest news >>
“Eyewitness says Syrian military anticipated U.S. raid”
“Syrian military officials appeared to anticipate Thursday’s night raid on Syria’s Shayrat airbase, evacuating personnel and moving equipment ahead of the strike, according to an eyewitness to the strike.
Dozens of Tomahawk missiles struck the airbase near Homs damaging runways, towers and traffic control buildings, a local resident and human rights activist living near the airbase told ABC News via an interpreter.”
I don’t know…. there’s something weird in this whole story… sometimes looks like a staged attack…
remember that it happens just after Trump said that Assad don’t have to go anymore… maybe too much for the deep state to deal with..
ideas, ideas…
The death toll is rising and this air base was used against ISIS. So U.S. has purposely crippled the Syrian Air Force against ISIS. It is NOT cosmetic like people say. It is strategic to U.S. designs.
“Unfortunately no good news from Homs. Bodies of dead soldiers found amid the large fires at the Shayrat Airbase. Death toll for now is 4”
Tillerson: ‘Steps Underway’ to Depose Assad
There have been a succession of people who have said that ‘Assad must go’. So far they themselves have all gone and Assad has not.
There was one website that seemed to verge on hyperbole that said that leaving the olive green stuff, all the desert camo tanks etc. that went to Poland were then transferred to Romania and on to a ship bound for Beirut for a ground invasion of Syria. I could see Jaffa and through Israel to Syria, but Beirut? Hezbollah might take offence at that.
Does anyone have any info to substantiate this?
I voted for Trump specifically and only to avoid this. I’m so outraged I can hardly speak.
Me too.
But guys, Trump was a reality TV star pretending to be a businessman (with multiple bankruptcies) who was prepared to make a laughing stock of himself for money. I just don’t understand why you would believe him? It doesn’t really matter in the end because Hillary would have done the same thing. I’m afraid we are all going to have to fight for ourselves – it is the result of handing over the decision making to those prepared take it.
This is a dark day in human history. National sovereignty wasn’t much of a hat to hang hopes for a human future on, but it was what we were down to. Now that too is gone. The powerful nations call the shots. The little nations fall in line. If you don’t fall in line you will be accused of awful stuff and made to fall in line.
Above the powerful nations stand the international corporations and above those stand the international banks. A transhumanist world beckons.
Highly unlikely, I’d say, that this Trumpian act of war on Syria was done without tacit consent, at least, from Moscow. I think Putin was ready to throw Assad under the bus and I think we’ll see that play out, though no doubt there will be some semi-tuff words from Russia at the UNSC.
Assad should insist that all US troop get out of Syria, and this should be formally done at the UNSC. Russia and China should back Syria in this.
I called my local radio station today to speak against the war drums. Almost everyone calling in was against strikes. This was a Texas conservative talk show.
The American people are against this. I would point out the below zerohedge article. Zerohedge readers have been very strong supporters of Trump. Read their comments.
The first comment says “F*ck Trump” and has 443 upvotes compred to 3 down votes. He has lost big time support from people that voted for him. I posted there too and said he has forever lost my support.
This strike was done tonight because they KNOW the people do not support this and they are trying to draw us into war before we can mobilize and voice opposition to it.
What does Syria and Russia do with this information?
I know enough about my country to know this is not the end of it. As others have stated, we are at the precipice of war. It is foolhardy to deny it now. Everyone needs to prepare accordingly.
Again my message to intelligence and deep state scum: what you have been pushing is coming to pass and I pray you choke on it.
Yes, people who supported Trump are very much against this. I subscribe to the Boston Globe and the Left is very much against this as well. So it is really people who support the Neocons who are pushing this insanity.
Any possibility that one goal of this attack is to provoke Russia into actually using their missile defense system to sniff out its capabilities for future war fighting?
for sure they wouldn’t lose the opportunity, and the russians knows it…
As usual, the U.S believes it can attack a sovereign nation, without a declaration of war, without involving the United Nations, without having and showing evidence of their reasons for their attack. This makes the U.S a rogue nation again, as with Iraq, Libya, etc.
My support and condolences to the Syrian people and the government of Syria.
Very sad morning here in Switzerland. What a moron POTUS.
In geopolitical arena war was initiated today night.
I had a blink of hope for humanity, sadly, again to be dissapointed.
poka, tanto
Two days before, Hillary came out of the wood and gave the “order” to bomb the Syrian airfields. Today Trump “took” her order seriously. Any doubt?
Can you really blame the people who are saying “we told you so” about Trump?
Once a Zionist always a Zionist.
Why don’t these naive and foolish people hope for something better.
Like lets hope that Trump will be the last US president :-)
Anyways, as usual the coward Russian and Chinese will not do anything or stand up for anyone except themselves.
Cowards who do not stand up for others deserve what they get as much the oppressors deserve what they get.
Oh get off your sick and high horse and put on a uniform, sling a rifle over your shoulder and get into the dirty muddy trenches to fight for whatever you profess to believe in like a real man, instead of cowardly boring us here with endless empty armchair general bravado heroic sounding rhetoric eh!
My country was destroyed by your scum of a Western governments…
And God knows how many countries will be destroyed by our governments.
Not only Russia and China are cowards but all the societies of the West are cowards for allowing this Western Zionist on slot unslaught on the nations of this Earth.
correction: destroyed by **your** governments.
*Reluctant Ex Trump Supporter*
sorry but trump just lost me
supported him mostly bc of syria and russia
hes just hillary/obama lite
*f..k trump*
( I know you are upset about Trump,I am too.But sentences in caps are against the blog rules. As is direct cussing.I edited the post for you this time. But please refrain in the future from rule breaking.MOD)
And at the same time an uptick in terrorist attacks inside Russia.
No coincidence there.
“Only a God can save us”- Martin Heidegger
From Pepe Escobar
The Russian S-400s in Syria could have easily disabled those lumbering Tomahawks.
The order came from above – and they didn’t.
The Pentagon gave Moscow the heads up because they knew what was at stake.
So Moscow decided to back off – in exchange of SOMETHING every one of the key players is mum about.
The Tomahawk show was the Pentagon way of smashing the credibility of the Russian Ministry of Defense – which explained the “chemical attack” was actually the result of the bombing of a secret Jabhat al-Nusra warehouse manufacturing sarin gas.
Now the Russian Ministry of Defense is naked.
There will be a response.
Not now. A few moves later in the game.
Well that is good news Anne.
Now Graeme-Australia can settle down and watch the Super Rugby for this evening . . . . an Australian team being handed their rses by some Kiwis.
This is a moment of truth for Russia in the most emphatic way imaginable.
Either Russia finds a way to respond, or we (humanity and above all Great Russia) suffer a catastrophic defeat.
It’s as simple as that.
russia should deliver the same number of cruise missiles on isis targets.
There are 2 ships in the Mediterranean that be easy targets – possibly exactly what pindostan wants
Russia needs to announce an immediate joint defence treaty with Syria along the same lines as NATO’s article 5. An attack on Syria is the same as an attack on Russia. They also need to give Syria a whole bunch of S-400 systems and shoot down everything that moves across Syrian airspace.Then install the Bastion coastal defence system and take out several american ships that launched the cruise missiles.
The time has come for the world to stand up to this aggression. Enough is enough.
Daesh Militants Attacked Syrian Army Positions Simultaneously With US Strike
Daesh Militants Attacked Syrian Army Positions Simultaneously With US Strike
Middle East
09:03 07.04.2017
(updated 09:11 07.04.2017) Get short URL
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Daesh Militants Attacked Syrian Army Positions Simultaneously With US Strike
Well there you have it. The exact same zionazi stacking Syria in concert with a daesh ground offensive.
Nothing has changed.
The above article has been updated with more info.
“Daesh (banned in numerous countries) terrorist fighters had attacked the Syrian armed forces at the same time and in the same vicinity as the US missile strike on its airfield near Homs, an informed source told Sputnik on Friday.
The source said the terrorists launched an attack on a Homs-Sha’irat stretch of highway at around 23:00 GMT and held their territory for over an hour until the arrival of reinforcements.
“Is it a coincidence that the IS [Daesh] fighters attacked one of the defensive positions of the Homs-Palmyra route simultaneously with the US attack on Sha’irat?” the source said.”
No, it is not a coincidence. That is what israeli quislings do.
RT is just getting the info now:
ISIS used US missile strike to launch new offensive near Palmyra, Homs governor tells RT
“Islamic State took advantage of the US missile strike to try to seize oil areas near Palmyra, but failed, a local governor told RT.
At least 2 civilians, 3 soldiers killed by US missile strike on Syrian airbase – Homs governor
“The governor of Homs province, Talal Barazi, said the US strike on a Syrian airfield has led to civilian casualties in a village near the base, as well as the airbase itself. At least five people have been left dead and seven wounded, he told RT.
Two civilians and three military personnel were killed in the strike.
Barazi said Washington’s escalation of the conflict in Syria only served terrorist groups such as Islamic State.
The governor said that the base played a significant role in the recent capture of the city of Palmyra from IS.
The Syrian state TV called the attack “American aggression”.
Putin Considers US Attack in Syria Aggression Against Sovereign State – Kremlin
“The US launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian military airfield in Ash Sha’irat near Homs late Thursday. US President Donald Trump said the attack was a response to the alleged chemical weapon use in Idlib on Tuesday, which Washington blames on Damascus.
“President [Vladimir] Putin regards the US attacks on Syria as an aggression against a sovereign state in violation of the norms of international law, and under a trumped-up pretext at that,” Pesov told reporters.
Russian President Vladimir Putin also sees the latest US missile strikes on a military airfield in Syria as an attempt to distract from the mounting civilian casualties in Iraq, the Kremlin added.
“Putin also sees the attacks on Syria by the US as an attempt to divert the international community’s attention from the numerous casualties among civilians in Iraq.”
thanks vt – yes that’s real news. so that’s how Putin is dealing with this.
Now what about Xi ?
Indeed and Trump’s been royalty played by the CIA and yet another social media heart string pulling hoax White Helmet chemical attack PR stunt. Let’s hope that Putin can pull this one out of the bag at the last minute as he has in the past before we reach the stage of an Armageddon playing out between two super powers threatening nuclear extinction of all life on planet earth.
” aggression against a sovereign state in violation of the norms of international law ” – this has to be accentuated even more loudly. It is not enough to say “aggression” in a low voice embedded in ambiguity, it must be said : ” an act of war ” and brought right up to the UN Security Council now ! By maintaining continuously a low pace, a low voice, prolongs the status-quo of the Empire and their vassals.
Ioan, you are on the right track. Those voices saying aggression are saying that in a low voice-for now, but are here to stay and will only grow louder. As the time goes by many more will pick the chant up. Only thing now that can shut that chant is full blown escalation, conventional and/or nuclear and USA did not follow up this attack with escalation so aggression is here to stay and Russia will surely act on it.
As for maintaining the status-quo, majority of the citizens of the Empire and their vassals are not yet ready to be free. Only they can change things, otherwise MSM will portray liberation as occupation. So, status-quo until critical mass can be reached and the low voice chanting aggression wakes them up. Raising that voice should only be done by those who were harmed directly by those actions and those in whose names this crime was perpetrated.
This bombing is plain stupidity if you look at it. Nothing that actually help the Empire but just the opposite. Is it overconfident stupidity or some kind of culling? We hear both versions and both can turn out to be true. Probably both at the same time. Overconfident stupidity to use world stage for domestic policy points here and there and on deeper level a culling? But who is doing the fighting and for what and who is culling whom? My take is that even those closely involved do not know anymore. Chaos sowed abroad have come home to roost. Strings are jumbled and puppets jerk on inertia.
Russia to Demand Urgent UN SC Meeting Following US Missile Strike on Syria
“Russia will demand an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC) in connection with the Thursday missile strike launched by the United States on a military airfield in Syria’s Homs province, Victor Ozerov, the chairman of the Russian Federation Council’s Committee on Defense and Security, told Sputnik.
“After this incident the already clouded relations with the US will somewhat worsen,” Victor Ozerov told Sputnik on Friday, adding that the missile attack will likely be “a very bad example for the armed opposition in Syria, which could put under question the agreements reached with the opposition, including in Geneva.”
Ozerov stressed that military cooperation between Russia and the United States could be at risk because of the Thursday strike as US had failed to communicate properly on the matter.
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said in a statement after the US attack that there were no discussions or prior contacts between the United States and Moscow ahead of the missile strike on the Syrian base.”
Well nothing is true until it has been officially denied. So there is your official denial that Russia was forewarned.
Once again we see the two “arms” of the US MIC don’t know what each is doing/saying.
Tillerson says the Russians weren’t warned.
According to a statement appearing on TASS – the official Russian news agency:
The US Department of Defense said “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line.” “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield,” it said in a statement.
With the Deep State refusing to accept Trump as president and acting to undermine and sabotage his presidency, I knew that he was coming under pressure to dump the policies that he campaigned on and fall in line.
I must concede that I thought that he would withstand the pressure for sometime -say a year at least – before he eventually caved in.
But, if someone had told me that he would not only cave in, but collapse completely and start a war, less than 100 days into his presidency, I would never have believed it.
Trump has turned out to be a complete dissapointment to all those who voted for him.
A war in less than 100 days?
Maybe now he will get the love and positive coverage from the MSM that he so desperately wanted..
An interesting comment from Sputnik. Worth posting here I thought.
Antonio Kekistani
It’s the globalist liberal neocon cucks who thought they had Trump in a checkmate.
>false flag attack against civilians
>who were probably already dead and just placed there by Soros Funded White Helmets
>Start railing on Trump to act
>SJWs and betas and bluepilled populace wants blood
>50 TedCruz Missiles launched
>lets Russians know ahead of time where they gonna land
>Russians make popcorn and watch the same patch of grass get hit 50 times
Trump escapes the checkmate looking like he’s serious while avoiding the WWIII the establishment wants.
We can all commence breathing again.
Let’s hope so – but the signs don’t look good.
Let’s also at least hope this boosts Le Pen/ Fillon against the pro-war Macron.
no – all trumph had to do was demand a UN investagation. Lets not make excuses for him. We want to belive hes not crazy but its wishful thinking.
Now will he launch a ground invason !
The man dosnt look evil,just stupid. But all the evidence points otherwise – its time to assume the worst ! China may be the key here, but as usual it will sell out anyone for money.
Have we seen pictures of the airfield being hit? Where are the images of the damage? Did they “really” hit the airfield?
I think we need to wait for more information.
Moment of truth. If Russia backs down now, it bodes great evil ahead. It sure isn’t going to be pretty if they do what must be done. Didn’t Putin say if a fight is inevitable then get in first and hard? We shall see. I do not like the look of it. There have npot even been any strong words of condemnation forthcoming from the Kremlin yet.
Homs Governor: Airfield Attacked by US Plays Key Role in Fight Against Daesh
Syrian Sha’irat Airbase Heavily Damaged After US Strike, All Planes Out of Order
The zionazis are back to openly supporting daesh. Meanwhile, goatsodland is openly cheering their quislings:
US Missile Strike on Syria Airfield ‘Example to Free World’ – Israeli President
And turkey joins in, showing they have not changed:
Ankara Views US Missile Strike on Syria Airfield as Positive Step – Deputy PM
So Vlad said to Donald: ” Your move”.
So Donald used a Knight to take out a pawn.
Now it’s Vlad’s move.
Except he didn’t take the pawn. It is still there…
As a little bit cynical person (blame me for my Finnish heritage) i see this as Trump bloody show. Few Syrian soldiers had deceased (they claim 5). Did Russians give advice to Syrian airforce to take their aircraft out there? And then some good news: the price of oil and gold is rising. So in reality paper-dollar-USA shot to his own leg. And our “nice” EU? Well they are dying there in Brussels anyway.
My biggest guess now is: what is Peking thinking?
PS. We are still living and i have learnt to like Russia even more. :)
Trump Violates Constitution by Ordering Syria Strike Without Asking Congress
“US President Donald Trump should have asked for authorization from Congress before launching the Thursday missile strike against a military field in Syria, as required by the US Constitution, Senator Rand Paul said in a statement.
“The President needs Congressional authorization for military action as required by the Constitution,” Paul wrote in a message via Twitter on Thursday. “Our prior interventions in this region have done nothing to make us safer and Syria will be no different.”
The tuppence quislings need to be hit from every possible angle.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Trump’s Military Strikes in Syria Are Reckless and Short-Sighted
“It angers and saddens me that President Trump has taken the advice of war hawks and escalated our illegal regime change war to overthrow the Syrian government. This escalation is short-sighted and will lead to more dead civilians, more refugees, the strengthening of al-Qaeda and other terrorists, and a direct confrontation between the United States and Russia—which could lead to nuclear war.
“This Administration has acted recklessly without care or consideration of the dire consequences of the United States attack on Syria without waiting for the collection of evidence from the scene of the chemical poisoning. If President Assad is indeed guilty of this horrible chemical attack on innocent civilians, I will be the first to call for his prosecution and execution by the International Criminal Court. However, because of our attack on Syria, this investigation may now not even be possible. And without such evidence, a successful prosecution will be much harder.”
Naturally, the shultz mole at RT left out Gabbard’s condemnation in his write up on congressional reaction to the war crime.
‘US was not attacked’: Strike on Syria divides US lawmakers in both parties
I supported this traiterous shabbat goy during the elections and i dont regret it since he was the only hope for change.
He betrayed his nationalist/patriotic base and he will regret this.
I will activly support Russia and Assad now.
His presidency is done for.His base will melt like snow in hell.
We nationalists are done with him.Game over likudnik shabbes goy Trump.
Turkey calls for no-fly zone over Syria – president’s spokesman
“Turkey has called for no-fly and safe zones to be urgently established in Syria, according to the country’s presidential spokesman.
The game is on.
The Russian Foreign Ministry today announced the suspension of its memorandum of understanding on air safety over Syria with the United States.
Breaking news re: Sputnk – Russia has suspended its memorandum of understanding on air safety over Syria with the United States following the deadly US missile attack on the Sha’irat airfield, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Friday.
This is serious folks. This means that the US can no longer count on the Russians trying to avoid flight incidents over the Syrian skies.
Also, contrary to initial reports, Tillerson stated plainly that Russia was NOT advised in advance of the attack, nor has the US talked to Russia since the attack. Plainly, the US is looking for a fight.
US Attack in Syria a Show of Force – Russian Foreign Ministry
“The US missile strikes on Syria airfield os a clear act of aggression against sovereign Syria, the Russia Foreign Ministry said.
It is obvious that the US missile attack in Syria was prepared “in advance,” the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.
“It is clear that the decision to conduct the strike [in Syria] was made in Washington before the incident in Idlib, which was used as a pretext for this demonstration of strength,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.”
Russia Suspends Memorandum With US on Flight Safety in Syria – Foreign Ministry
“Russia suspends the memorandum on the prevention of incidents and ensuring air safety during operations in Syria reached with the US,” the ministry said in a statement.”
“Show of force” …
The atack wiped out 15 planes ad an airfield which were being used effectively to destroy the Al-Nusra terrorists supported and used by the US. Trump gave the terrorist air support, and the terrorists attacked the area, similar to after the attack on — forget the name de-azor or something like that — where Syrian troops were killed. The problem is that Syria was winning against the terrorists, and neither the US nor Israel want anyone to win and the fighting to stop.
Make use of TASS, Russia’s official news agency site.
There are pictures. Statements of confirmation.
It’s as real as it gets.
Deir ez ezzor.
Or Dayr az Zawr
Is the place.
Here’s an extract from The Duran – September 2016.
….”….. Besides it is not clear why the US is carrying out air strikes against ISIS in the area of Deir Ezzor at all, when the only force which is fighting ISIS in this area is not any one of the US’s allies or supposed allies but the Syrian army.
As it happens, the Russians and the Syrians say the attack was made near a Syrian air force base which ISIS was attacking, enabling ISIS to capture a defence line near the base. If so, it is all but inconceivable the US didn’t know this, and didn’t know who it was attacking.
The second point to make about this attack is that it appears to have been followed almost immediately by an ISIS attack on the Syrian troops who were targeted by the air strike.
On the face of it that makes it look like a US military air strike carried out to provide air support to an attack on the Syrian army carried out by ISIS troops.
Though that would be shocking if it were true, it is not the first time that there has been an air attack by US led coalition aircraft on Syrian troops fighting ISIS in this area. Exactly the same thing happened in this same area on 6th December 2015.
On that occasion the Russians did not disclose the nationality of the aircraft that attacked the Syrian army positions near Deir Ezzor on 6th December 2015, though they made it fairly clear that they knew who they were. They did however say that the aircraft belonged to the US led coalition. The US denied carrying out the strike, and claimed that the Russians had carried out the strike by mistake themselves.
On this latest occasion the Russians have publicly identified the attacking aircraft as American. It seems four aircraft were involved: two F16s and two A10s. Moreover the US on this occasion has admitted carrying out the strike……
The gloves are off… ‘enter at your own peril’.
I assume that is the subtext of cancelling this memorandum.
Putin has called for an emergency UNSC meeting but looks like the others are in no hurry to meet.
I couldn’t help but notice how quickly the ‘chemical weapons’ story replaced the news of the terrorist attack in St Petersburg. Quick let’s divert attention away to – can’t have too much sympathy for the ‘evil ruskies’.
Stay strong Syria and Russia.
Paul Craig Roberts:
Trump Has Surrendered. Will Putin Be The Next To Surrender?
“By ignoring all of these US advantages, the Russian government dithered in completing the liberation of Syria from Washington-backed ISIS. The Russians dithered, because they had totally unrealistic hopes of achieving a partnership with Washington via a joint effort against terrorism.
This was a ridiculous idea as terrorism is Washington’s weapon. If Washington can move Russia out of the way with threats or more Russian misplaced hopes of “cooperation” with Washington, terrorism will next be directed against Iran on a large scale. When Iran falls, terrorism will start to work on the Russian Federation and on the Chinese province that borders Kazakhstan. Washington has already given Russia a taste of US-supported terrorism in Chechnya. More is to come.
If the Russian government had not dithered in cleaning out ISIS from Syria when Russia unexpectedly took the lead from the West, Syria would not face partition or renewed US determination to overthrow Assad for the reasons given above. But the Russians, mesmerized by dreams of cooperating with Washington, have put both Syria and themselves in a difficult position.
The Russians grabbed the initiative and surprised the world by accepting the Syrian government’s invitation and entering the conflict. Washington was helpless. The Russian intervention immediately turned the tide against ISIS. Then suddenly Putin accounced a Russian pullout, claiming like Bush on the aircraft carrier, “Mission Accomplished.”
But mission wasn’t accomplished, and Russia reentered, still with the initiative but set back somewhat from the irrational withdrawal. If memory serves, this in and out business happened a couple of times. Then when Russia has the war agains ISIS won, they hold back on the finish in the vain belief that now Washington will finally cooperate with Russia in eliminating the last ISIS stronghold. Instead, the US sent in military forces to block the Russian/Syrian advances. The Russian Foreign Minister complained, but Russia did not use its superior power on the scene to move aside the token US forces and bring the conflict to an end.”
I think if you are going to cut and paste the entirety (or really substantial) of someone’s work onto Saker site, ethics behooves that you also provide the link:
The point of US entry into direct aggression against Syria was the impending collapse of Al Nusra/IS – it would have happened regardless of when that point was reached. Islamic extremism is a British/US fostered phenomenon and has been since Versailles. They will not let it fail.
A decisive test for Russia. They cannot just allow this unanswered or their credibility as an ally will be damaged. I am a Trump supporter no more. God Bless Putin.
Donald Trump has now joined the ranks of the criminals.
Trump must go.
President Putin must be prepared for increased action by Ukraine against Donbass…surely Poro will seek to build on the situation where western powers are firmly linking Russia to Assad as “chemical child killers’………with no proven evidence as yet. As UN Haley said…the UN has failed-Russia should accept this, declare it dead and powerless as the strikes were launched before any UN Resolution and Trump has acted constitutionally illegally by launching missiles without congress approval totally remove itself from it, establish its own set-up…remove any co-operation with USA.
no matter what Russia does to try to find peaceful solutions…….Astana has failed and probably white helmet provocations planned to work along side withdrawal from negotiations of western powers sponsored rebels,Minsk has failed and Normandy Format with Merkel and Hollande has been proven totally pointless as they well knew and never ever will those people want to work with Russia, although Putin originally gave Poro a chance to try and prove himself, Ukraine is a wild animal and the focus of western powers still intending to damage Russia with only a few bleating lambs saying sanctions against Russia must be dropped, still military build up against Russia continues. Coupla days ago Putin said Russia must be prepared for infinite sanctions against it…………..stop selling weapons to anyone who has western associations it may need them for itself. Russia is to be publicly associated with Assad and as guilty, and that goes for any other opportunity like the Donbass that western powers think they can provoke against Russia and get away with.The west has been manipulated so truth has no chance any more in their persepective, only the promotion of their own agendas: confront, humiliate, break up anything that can be used in this hybrid warfare, whether or not their own lies re russian hackers, western democracy is under threat, extension of russian interests………russia supports ISIS has even been tried……………
Absolutely there is no [point trying to present real evidence to UN etc, they are powerless, governments and the peoples are powerless now Trump is locked into the same pattern as before when Iraq “weapons of mass destruction” were fixed up as a total hoax despite public protestation: nothing has changed in the way western powers duplicity operate, and will operate.
Putin has repeatedy stated space must not be weaponised, the arctic regions etc must be diplomatically settled……..does he really believe that this has a chance?
You painted very well the dangers Russia faces in even accelerating steps. If somebody stoped or delayed the world war, then that is Putin. I don’t know at what stage the large public realize this reality. The mounting provocations and pressure which hangs on Putin’s shoulders are not easy at all, yet he still has the cool head and faith to believe in awakening of sanity in the minds of his “partners”. For how long and what would be the real red-line for Putin is up to him but there must be a limit.
The DNR military reserves give a big FU to the Anglo-Zionist regimes.
Updated thoughts:
I believe this is for US domestic consumption rather than the prelude to a larger attack as they didn’t attempt to destroy Syria’s air defenses, which would be the number one target if it was to be followed by a larger bombing campaign or invasion. Trump thumping his chest and showing “he means what he says”, etc., to silence his critics on the ultra-right, which includes the misnamed “Democrats”. All incoming US presidents have to murder people in another country to show they are Hollywood style “Real Men”, aka thugs, preferably during their first few months in office. It plays well back in Amerikkka even if the rest of the world isn’t impressed. USA #1! and all that imperial jingoism that people with an IQ smaller than their shoe size love to chant.
As to Russia and Syria’s response, I think they will brush it off as just another US war crime. It will have little effect on the Syrian army’s overall strength.. The cruise missiles could have been targeted on the Presidential Residence in Damascus or key Syrian army positions in critical sectors of the front, but they weren’t. That means the US wasn’t attacking Syria with the intent to cause optimal damage, but merely to puff up Trump’s “Tough Guy” image at home.
As to why the Russians and/or Syrians didn’t use any of their S400 and S-300 anti-aircraft missiles, they are in limited supply in Syria. Unless they are the target of the strikes, you save them for shooting at piloted aircraft in a real attack, not at expendable cruise missiles which are going to self-destruct anyway. Front line Syrian soldiers and air force personnel were the sacrificial victims, but from the army command’s perspective, soldiers get killed in wars, whether by cruise missiles, mines, or snipers. At the risk of sounding cynical, a few pawns were sacrificed, but the main pieces are all still standing. If the US was hoping Syria and Russia would fire off most of their high-end AA missiles at unmanned cruise missiles, it didn’t work.
The most likely asymmetrical Russian response would be to ship in a lot more AA missiles systems and some Iskander tactical missiles that can hit Tel Aviv and Ankara and put them under Syrian control. In the Vietnam war the Soviet supplied anti-aircraft defenses and the tiny North Vietnamese air force shot down around 10,000 (that’s ten thousand) US aircraft, including B-52s flying at 60,000 feet. Syria needs a similar defense capability.
An alternative Russian response, but very unlikely, would be for the Russians to take out the illegal airbase the Americans are building to support their illegal troops in eastern Syria with their own cruise missiles. I don’t see that happening, though. Putin is a calm and rational player, not inclined to rash reactions. As he said recently, distinguishing the Russian actions on the world stage from those of the US, “We don’t do stupid things”.
Likely out of main issue but we just have remember that most of battle deaths are caused by artillery firepower. Air power plays much smaller role unlike common wisdom is suggesting. It’s amazing how year after year this air power hype has mesmerised media and folks. And even some military experts.
Yes, this is it. The Saker was right, and so were the other analysts like Enghahl who know US policies inside out. Trump has basically defaulted to Obama foreign policy in Syria, but there’s no doubt this is only the first step.
The rabid warmongers in Washington have succeeded in subverting Trump and bringing him in line with their policies. Flynn’s out, Bannon’s marginalized, and the only remaining person who gave some kind of hope is Rex Tillerson, but he alone plays no crucial role, if he was ever genuinely for reducing tensions with Russia at all.
To be honest, I’ve always had reserves (to put it mildly) over Trump’s intention, ability and strength to pursue any kind of rapprochement with Russia in Syria. All he had were some of his statements, but these really carried little weight, coming from a man who is spouting incoherent incoherently whenever he thinks it suits him.
As soon as he picked Pence as his Vice President, the situation became cleared, but many still kept some hopes.
Then we all know the men he appointed to some of the key posts in his administration.
In the end, I see this as a logical progression of the development in the inner circle around Trump.
Whether he himself was ever sincere doesn’t really matter much, the neo-cons have conquered him and they got what they wanted – a continuity with their policies.
Russia has no reason to hope for anything other than the continuation of Washington’s foreign policy in Syria, and elsewhere.
The real good thing is here that the Empire has lost some time and lost some a fraction of its strength. Yet, they will be extremely dangerous, more so than ever before when they were cornered.
But Russia has made steps, serious steps, to defend itself. This is a turning point, but we finally can say goodbye to Trump.