Thanks to Kent for pointing out this superb video to me. I would call this video “a look inside the soul of the Russian solider”. Whoever has ears, let them hear!
The Saker
Thanks to Kent for pointing out this superb video to me. I would call this video “a look inside the soul of the Russian solider”. Whoever has ears, let them hear!
The Saker
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Something about this video just puts me off
1. The guy has no voice and his performance is terrible
2. Lyrics. He literally says
“come and watch how Russians are dying…”
Hearing this I want to come and punch this guy in his face. How would he feel if people were calling to see him die?
You know, Russia went through horrible wars in 20 century. We had 15 tear long war with jihadi terror army in Chechnya.
If you listen to the lyrics of Russian war songs they are all about love, love of a man and a woman, love of a mother, love of Motherland. Men at war were singing about death as never seeing their loved ones. That’s why these songs are forever bringing us to tears.
3. Clips he uses from feature films and also videos circulating during the Donbass conflict, which I know are fake and made for the CIA. as a proof of the “Russian invasion,” which never took place.
I also see the face of Alexey Smirnov on this video.
He was arrested in Donetsk and he is now in jail for money extortionist, gun trafficking, conspiracy, and inappropriate conduct with children. He will be in jail for a very long time.
To use him as a face of “Russian heroism” is a mockery.
In essence this is an example of a sneaky horrible backhanded anti-Russian propaganda. This is coming from the new “patriotic” and “Russian nationalist” movement, which is a mirror of “Ukrainian nationalism.”
We all know who are the authors of the “Ukrainian nationalism.”
It’s hard to confront, but we absolutely have to speak against it.
People shouldn’t be fooled by this.
Hi Scott,
About your sentence:
“In essence this is an example of a sneaky horrible backhanded anti-Russian propaganda. This is coming from the new “patriotic” and “Russian nationalist” movement, which is a mirror of “Ukrainian nationalism.”
I had this thought/impression too, however vaguely. I dismissed it though, based on my perception of how this would be perceived by people not familiar with specific intimate actual details of events and knowledge of the Russian language such as yourself.
My only concern was whether the translation was ok. I asked The Saker, and he confirmed it was.
Then again we all know these, don’t we?
“A part of “Day of Russia” concert on June 12th.
“Polovitzian dances” – one of the songs strongly associated with Russia. It’s from Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor”.
Fun fact is that choosing Ossetian singer to perform it was not some coincidence. It’s a song of Polovitzian (nomad) captives – and from the lyrics it’s quite clear that they are not from central Rus, but from some mountain region. But still the song is among the best representing Russian musical tradition.
Quoting Tamonten.
Translateted partly by Tamonten
“Older generation was taught to hate US here too. Or, rather, hate the US elites and pity common people. Then 80s came with the West rapidly advancing on steroids of debt, while Soviet economy stagnated and finally crumbled under unbearable international obligations that SU took upon itself. By that time the general anti-US propaganda has crumbled to dust too: it was clear that people lived better there, so the keystone of pity was destroyed.
90s (which were horrible in Russia) passed in idolizing everything Western. Be it economy system, clothes, food or popular culture. And then 1999 came: Kosovo, bombings of Belgrade. It was a turning point. Note, that Russian people in general are more interested in international politics that American citizens. It’s a part of our mindset.
Afghanistan and Iraq followed. Then Georgia, then Lybia, Tunis, Egypt, Syria – and finally Ukraine.
As a result we are back to the square one. But this time the hate we bear to the US as a state and a pity to brainwashed population is not something taught to us, but a hard-earned experience of disappointment.
We really thought in 90s that there’s some ideal system, ideal just world that we have to join and then live happy ever after. And now we feel betrayed. That’s the huge part of current Russian position towards US and the West in geDo you have unemployment insurance?
There is, but it’s so meager it’s almost doesn’t worth mentioning.General Questions from foreigners to Tamonten.
General Questions from foreigners to Tamonten.
How about retirement benefits I.E. social security of some type?
There’s a number of social security measures. My family though have never applied to any of that. For example the pensioners (since 60 for women and since 65 for men) have a free pass on local public transportation and receive some medicines for free. If you don’t use it, you may take the money instead though. Also, the general medical service (not of a very good quality though) is free. When I was hit by the car, they made my leg into a cast and gave me a bed into a local hospital for free – not that I didn’t escape that place less than 24 hours after that.
Pensions are not high, but balanced to be not less that is needed for basic survival. Which is enough to survive, but not always enough to live a full life. It mostly depends on a region.
What do you use to protect yourself from street gangs, do you have street gangs?
I didn’t encounter any in my life. I was lucky to not encounter even some basic thugs – though some my friends did lost a cell phone or a wallet to such people. In general it’s considered by the state here (and as I believe for a good reason) that allowing people to have small arms is more dangerous for them than encountering occasional bandits. Well, and the general “self protection” laws is made in a way that if you harm the assaulter while protecting from him, it’s you who’ve may go to jail as a result. Parliament is working on this issue at the moment, but it’s quite a difficult matter.
how long do you serve in jail for a DWI(driving while intoxicated)?
For the first time you’d just be prohibited to have driving license for up to 3 years. For those caught for a second time – up to 2 years in jail. It’s the most severe measures in the both cases, the actual one is decided by the court.
do you have rehabilitation centers?, what are they like?
There are reintegration centers for people that were in jail. One of them is not far from where I live. As for drug and alcohol addicts there’s a judicial problem with them: almost all types of forced treatment were prohibited after the collapse of SU. And for the most cases it’s useless to even try to treat addicts if you can’t prohibit them to leave. So, this field is on decline here.
Do you have a opium epidemic, crack cocaine, marijuana epidemic?
I’m not really into this topic… But all such drugs are prohibited in Russia. AFAIK, opium is among the most widespread drugs here – due to closeness with Afghanistan. Also, there’s some “smoking mixtures” called “spice” usually of Chinese origin. Can’t say for sure if it’s of big enough scale to call epidemic.
Are your police mean and nasty(corrupt) or do they look out for you?
It’s difficult to answer… I’d say in general they are quite corrupt, but look out for population. For example, it’s difficult to see in Russia a scenes like what caused the whole “Black Lives Matter” thing in US. Police is not prone to shoot even if they know for sure that the criminal is armed. For the most cases they will not be as violent as their American counterparts (at least from what I’ve gathered from Internet). But yeah, they take bribes. It definitely is a bad thing, but as the say “severeness of a law is compensated by the fact you don’t always have to follow it”. You can say that it’s a part of a culture here already.
Does your new law making homosexuality a criminal offense(not sure if that’s the truth or not) how do you and your community act around them?
Well, not really. It’s more like talking about homosexuality is a public offense. In reality there’s no law prohibiting any consensual behavior in Russia as long as it remains what it was – an intimate act. But it’s a completely another story when people begin to shout about their preferences on every corner. There’s a law “on guarding children from information that may harm their development”. Under this law telling children that “it’s okay to be gay” is a crime.
Much the same is the public opinion on the matter. I’d say it’s closest to the policy that was present in US army before: “Don’t ask, don’t say” – was the name, I think?
Obviously, the open gay (or lesbian) person can’t work in school – because it will be an automatic violation of above mentioned law. But if that person is not vocal about his/her preferences, no one will do a thing to inquire what they are.
Do you have a transgender population at all, or is that entirely the west?(I’m wondering if it’s in the water so to speak)?
Well, I have several female acquaintances that identify themselves as males, or that just distinctly use male speech. In the sub-culture of Anime-fans and several adjourning ones there is a increased concentration of such people. Most of them change their minds on the matter sometimes in their mid-20s though.
I believe that in the most cases transgender and other deviations from “normality” are influenced by the society, not by genetics. Can’t exclude some inborn cases though.
Do you believe that man has landed on the moon?
Well, maybe? I don’t really care. I don’t see how it changes anything. For me it’s quite clear that if Moon will ever be colonized, all the primary works there would be done using automatic and semi-automatic machines with no people present.
But yeah, the story with the film of US landing is quite shady.
Do you know if Nibiru is real or not?
Don’t think so. Okkam’s razor forces me to ignore such speculations.
What are the large holes discovered at your northern permafrost,(any ufo evidence)?
Geological phenomena, I think. We know too little about our planet. Especially about distant regions: we really started to monitor them less than a century ago. Decades in most cases.
AFAIK, underground water reservoir was discovered under one of such holes..
I go everywhere on the internet the above quotes from Tamonten is a small extract from one of the really infested sites on the internet. I studied this site for three years (in detail) before I posted anything.
The maelstrom, and inherent evil is almost psychical. There are still pearls though to be found (big ones) sometimes .
Here is one IMO.
Enter at own risk. Frontlines are always dangerous territory, and you have no backup unless you really know what you are doing.
Take Care
“I’m Russian – ask me a question. Be it about Russia or a personal one.”
Like you Scott, a lot!
Scott, how a Russian soldier dies means he dies heroically. I know nothing about Smirnov, but there are bad apples everywhere. Both Motorola and Givi are in the video. I like to see them honoured. We see Motorolas funeral.
I concur with Saker and like the video. It is not wrong to show the face of war in this situation. Communists, nationalists and what not fight against Ukraine. I think you are right about old war songs, but I have also seen a old video in which a young boy looks at a helmet and in his imagination sees a friend fall in the war. Children sing about the war. I don’t remember the title but the word war (vajna) is in the song. It is powerful.
NAF must fight. I am not Russian, Scott.
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Well, I disagree, sorry :-)
Here is how I see it.
What makes the Russian solider so much different from the western one? First and foremost, his mindset, his soul, his willpower. And the biggest difference is that while the Russian soldier does not seek death, he will fight with all his will and he will perform miracles of survival, but he is ready and willing to die. This is why the Russian solider is formidable – he accepts the idea of death. I am finishing the book Kosovo 1999 where a Russian paratrooper explains why acceptance of death is so critical to the Russian soldier’s mind. And this is *exactly* what this video shows. This is not a morbid voyeurism about Russian soldiers dying, it is about the way in which Russians will never surrender, even when outnumbered and encircled. It’s a video to the glory of the Russian solider and one which ought to terrify anybody thinking of fighting him.
Anyway – that’s my take on it.
As we say in Russian – “for tastes and colors there are no comrades”
The Saker
Right you are, Saker!
Somebody said: “We (meaning Russia) would have been dead, if we (Russia’s soldiers) were not ready to die (to protect our Motherland)”
I totally agree with you Saker. That (and other video’s by Artem Grishanov) are patriotic pro-Russian videos. I can’t even fathom how that video could be considered anything but patriotic and pro-Russian.
Here we have a difference of opinion over the virtues of a compilation video that seems to me
to glorify war. Made by someone who probably never was in any situation like those depicted,
never had die or mutilated anyone they were close to. Discussed by people who were never in Russia. What is the value of that?
I got tears in my eyes watching this. What does that mean?
Tears are from God.
Did you get tears in your eyes watching the White Helmets’ videos of fake rescue of the same little girl with uncombed hair?
The text of this video invites to come and “to watch Russians die.” How is it different from ISIS prop videos, or interviews of the American generals calling to kill as many Russians as possible?
Please, tell me.
“Did you get tears in your eyes watching the White Helmets’ videos of fake rescue of the same little girl with uncombed hair?”
A lot of people do, most actually. That’s the whole point in that part of the war. (You do know we are at war don’t you?).
Take Care
A little bit of feminine russian grace to counterbalance :
Thanks. Just watched Евгения Медведева ice skating. Very beautiful. Before I watched Saker’s report on flash-mobs in Kiev-Ukraine singing beautiful Russian / Soviet war songs. It makes me wonder… let’s just not talk about soldiers for a moment… let’s talk about BEAUTY and FEELING. What if…. what if you use all the beauty and feeling you have among the people and send the artists, the musicians, the dancers, the painters, the poets… into the fight. Because… if you win over the hearts and minds of the people – you have won the war!!! Who knows… maybe Ukraine would be THE place for winning the war in this way because (ok, not being either Russian or Ukrainian, what do I know)… because I get the impression the large majority, the silent majority still knows where they have come from und who the belong with.
Coming to think of it… before things happened… I saw this Ukrainian sand-painter in a tv-show commemorating WW II in such a beautiful way, people in the audience were shedding tears.
This audience must still be around!!! In spite of all the meddling of the West, the oligarchs and some crazed nazis. I just can’t believe that the people are not the people any more. But maybe I’m naive, romantic or worse.
While it is clear that Russia is facing war in all its incarnations (information, economics, culture, religion, terrorism, and heavy metal) and while it is also clear that its leaders are doing, I think, a pretty good job of preparing its population for upcoming waves of destructions by trying to raise population awareness, spirit, courage, strength, resourcefulness, and while it is also clear that the current video is an attempt to do so, I am very disappointed in it. Here is why it is in fact counterproductive:
1. Audio: The “music” that accompanies this video is not a music. It is a noise which causes disorientation rather than inspiration. Unless, of course, someone designed a very bad pun that one needs heavy metal music to motivate modern youth for heavy metal reality of war.
I was disgusted with the structure of video, too. It reminded me of TV advertisements subliminal messages for selling fast cars or deodorants, by trying to pack as many examples of heroic deeds in as short time period as possible. Here, I think, a quantity obliterated quality. A nice counterexample to Marxian dialectic materialism.
There are many Russian choices available for truly inspirational music, starting with Farewell to Slavianka, Sacred War, Dark Night, Shostakovich’ Leningrad Symphony, and so on. Why the designers selected western heavy metal music is incomprehensible, unless it is a deliberate diversion, namely hostile act.
2. Graphics: The images, both historical and from the current events in Donbas and Syria, have been displayed too fast without any meaningful connection, thus creating blurring vision of what it is all about. As if someone had good ingredients for the pie, but put them together in a wrong order followed by burning it.
As far as I remember from my father ( a military neuro-psychiatrist), such motivational videos do require professional insight of well trained military psychologist, or else it will backfire.
Best regards, Spiral
“As far as I remember from my father ( a military neuro-psychiatrist), such motivational videos do require professional insight of well trained military psychologist, or else it will backfire.”
Hi there.
With all due respect, even though I do acknowledge that your father beyond doubt was(is) way ahead of me in so many aspects of behavioral psychology etc., the facts of rapidly evolving behavioral mechanisms today due to the zombified short attention span of many generations simultaneously using smartphones and tablets, desperately trying to keep up with whatever fragments of reality they are exposed to (or choose to expose themselves to) might not have entered his mind at the time.
Even here, on this blog, I have noticed that quite a few commentators seems to rely on their smart-phones as the primary device, are on face-book, twitter, etc., etc..
Rational, logical approach and intellectual “superiority” will never be understood or acknowledged by the man on the street (ordinary and decent people most of them).
The approach then has to be to use the same mechanisms, (emotional) as “the enemy”, and do it better or as good, on the same platforms.
On this blog and other web-sites, most of them on the Ukrainian “Blacklist” of some days past has a small group of excellent commentators, that more or less are speaking to the choir.
I do not seriously complain about this fact, as I personally have had and has tremendous positive experiences here, and I would argue that the quality of comments here, far exceeds most other alt. web-sites to my knowledge (most).
However, the tools proven reliable, and even enhanced by knowledge that “the other site” uses to great effect should also be part of our arsenal.
Now. let’s turn the dice regarding video and music, and look at the other side (The American, or West – critical angle with facts).
Before you look at this video, consider this.
In my opinion there is a significant difference between the values in the heart of any Russian serviceman and the equivalent American soldier/serviceman.
In short. The Russian fight with their Heart for the Motherland, and are willing to die.
The Americans fight for money/prestige, and to have a secure position (employment). They are humans though, and as all human fighting for survival in hostile environments they can fight.
However they are cannon fodder, and are treated like pariahs when they get back home with wounded souls.
Now, you can look at this video, and the facts represented therein.
Take Care
Spiral, those who made the song are young and they live with a different kind of music. I dont think the video was made of professionals, but how many of us are experts on Ukraine and Donbass? We can’t judge them. They have a message and do their best, as we do here. Military psychologists in NAF? The soldiers are yesterdays miners and tractor drivers and volunteers from several countries.
Do not tell me that among several millions of citizens of Donbas there are no good psychologists and not 1/2 a dozen military ones?
And that those are not getting necessary expertise and help from eastern brothers?
So the question is this: is this video just inept, or is it subtle counter-agitprop?
Regards, Spiral
Spiral, you have been here for a long time. Perhaps you remember the following. Strelkov was alone at the top in the beginning. There were apparently no educated officers in Donbass at that time. The ministry of defence was a one man show and he was not up to the task. Some retired Russian senior officers came to help and the situation improved. This is from Strelkov himself. That is probably the best proof Russia had nothing to do with the uprising.
There were most probably psychologists in Donbass, but millions left in fear of their lives.
I don’t like to critize amateurs. I have heard people in Church sing from their hearts without having a voice. Still I am certain the Lord listens to them, too. I get the message in the video and I like it.
As for counter-agitprop, please read what Saker wrote.
I found a short video that can serve an anti-virus to the info virus that we see in the Grishanov’s video.
Title of the video: Cossack families will never perish
Hi there.
Very nice video, for us that is.
Unfortunately, for most people in the west, this is utterly incomprehensible, and will only enhance the “feeling”, preconceived conception that these Russians are indeed weirdos of the highest order.
Take Care
Hi there
Just a little reminder. My interpretation (one of them) of what might happen to the (to) emotional of us.
Wounded Angel
Take Care
The pace – The pace – (Here) Slow motion.
Anyway, this is a warrior. (She is part Ukrainian and so what?).
Take Care
The following excerpt from an article of a WW2 battle I think is a good example of Russian soldier’s willingness to fight till the very end. A Russian tank crew held a German division for 2 days in this famous encounter.
When a single Soviet KV-2 heavy tank, blocked the supply line of the entire German Army Group ‘North’ armored division in 1941
“The Wehrmacht’s 11th Tank Regiment’s diary takes up the story, describing how the bridgehead captured by the Raus battle group was cut off by the lone KV, tying up the regiment for two critical days.
“In the afternoon, the reinforced company and the headquarters of the 65th Tank Battalion moved to the intersection to the north-east of Raseynyaya. Meanwhile, a Soviet heavy tank blocked the road, cutting off battle group Raus from the main forces. Efforts to destroy the tank through the night were unsuccessful. A battery of 88 mm anti-aircraft guns was brought up, but the 88 mm was no more effective than the 105 mm howitzers. An attempt by sappers to blow up the tank with a mine also failed.”
The German frustration grew until an entire operation was launched against the KV on June 25. Several light Czech-made PzKpfw 35 (t) tanks were sent forward to distract the Soviet crew with a barrage of fire while the 88 mm AA guns were brought to bear. Three of a dozen 88 mm rounds that were fired penetrated the KV, while infantry mounted the tank and tried to open the hatches. As the turret suddenly began to turn the Germans threw in hand grenades until the steel beast finally fell silent.
Inside the wreck the Germans found the remains of six crewmen who had halted the offensive of an entire Panzer division for 48 hours in their immobilized KV-2.”