Trump is the last chance for american to have a future as glorious as her past, instead of becoming a third-world-cesspool under demented cultural marxists, ranting about “queer theory” and “whiteness studies”.
If you want nativism then get out of usa.
Usa belongs to red indians and not to anglo invaders and mass murderers.
Usa never had glorious history -has always been a cessful of low bred ugy criminal anglosaxon scumbags.
Firstly, USA is a political-economical-social structure created by Christian Europeans not by indians.
Secondly, whites were in America before the indians, but were exterminated when the indians came, so by your logic, America actually belongs to whites and not -by your own words- asiatic “invaders” and “mass murderers”. Thought I wouldnt use such terms myself, as not only are they racist, refering to entire groups of people as “low bred” “ugy criminal”, “mass murderers”, “invaders”, but also infantil with a complete lack of historical awareness that few beyond a liberal could display, all populations made war and conquest against one another in old times, I doubt there is any land today that has not switched hands several times already.
So spare us your anti-white nonsense. Not even in your own twisted culturalmarxist logic are you in the right.
The new and unfortunate twist (of lemon) is Zionism.
Added to the old Anglo-Fascist exceptionalism cocktail, it has created a truly toxic witch’s brew and many Americans now drink it instead of the old, less harmful, Cool-Aid.
“It remains unclear what exactly the NATO advisors’ tasks will be in the Donbass, given the unstable situation there, but Kiev’s guests assured their hosts that they have “a lot of ideas on the exchange of experience and the development of bilateral relations.”
Observers have described the advisors’ presence and their focus on the situation in the Donbass as “alarming,” adding that these NATO officials could “advise President Poroshenko to repeat the 2008 Georgian scenario in the Donets Basin,” i.e. to restart the war in the east.”
The latest I saw was even though Poro personally agreed to the latest Steinmeier proposals, written into Minsk….Kiev now refuses it, saying it not valid………so, the usual stalling, re-arming, relocating armaments and military, will only continue, just like sabotage attempts in Crimea this week…..Zakharchenko says Kiev is awaiting new instructions, so Minsk is on hold til then meanwhile more drones etc from afu…and claims are made that Head of Ukraine security in Donetsk region any is directly involved in murder of Motorola…….??keep up to date with dninews and anna-news I advise…Ukraine’s troubles continue………….
Yes, Roberts writes good articles. (the demockrats/Nazi establishment totally rigged the election especially in the major cities – see e.g. Jim Stone’s site – that’s the only reason the Atlantic Northeast & the Pacific West “supported” Hitlery). Roberts is right about the un-Americans, hopefully Russia’s international media also becomes a bit more Russian & less un-American (= un-Russian).
Please keep posting this guy’s views..or have a link at the top in brothers in arms?????
My mrs is always listening to him plus Rostislav Rochenko-?- we do not seem to here much of these days…….
Donald Trump’s Presidency is New Hope for the World.
But has he lied?
Will he be just as ineffective and Satanic as Obama?
Here are some of Donald Trump’s many campaign promises
Rebuild the country’s aging infrastructure – Hold His Feet to the Fire!! especially bridges and airports that look like they belong in a third-world country — for one-third of what the United States is currently paying for such projects. Perhaps the old Kennedy NAWAPA Project where water is brought down from Alaska to irrigate California and Arizona Desret to allow the birth of 300 million more Americans. Perhaps the old JFK Kennedy Project to create 200 Fusion Power Generation Plants by 1980 for free energy.
Glass-Steagall – Hold His Feet to the Fire!! Donald Trump The GOP candidate’s pledge to bring back Glass-Steagall in line with Larouche – Wall Street is not pleased. A top advisor to presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Monday that the party wants to reimplement Glass-Steagall, legislation that was designed to separate investment from the stock market casino but which was repealed in 1999 by Bill Clinton and which was responsible for the 2008 crash.
Take over the Federal Reserve – Hold His Feet to the Fire!! The Republican Congress is likely to consider legislation to reform the central bank. “It’s been a priority for Republicans and I am assuming it is going to come up in the coming year,” The House last year passed legislation that would require the Fed to set a policy rule. The 2016 Republican platform called for an annual audit of the central bank’s interest rate decisions,
Unravel NAFTA and TPP – Hold His Feet to the Fire!!
Trump’s win on Tuesday was driven in large part by his triumph in the Rust Belt, with states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania going to the GOP for the first time since the 1980s, and Trump leading in a third, Michigan. He inspired voters there with a populist message on free trade, promising to return their communities to the golden years by scrapping what he described as horrible deals for workers.
The two deals in question, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), gave Trump an opening with Rust Belt voters — and proved to be a political weak spot for Clinton. She came out against TPP, which is opposed by many Democrats, after previously describing the measure as a “gold standard” — a shift for which Trump took credit. And Clinton’s position on NAFTA, which was signed into law by her husband former President Bill Clinton, was difficult to pin down.
In contrast, Trump has been resolute in his opposition to both. He has vowed to renegotiate the terms of NAFTA with Mexico and Canada, leaving open the possibility of pulling out entirely, and has said he will not approve TPP as president. Replace “free trade” with “fair trade.” Gather together the “smartest negotiators in the world,” assign them each a country and renegotiate all foreign trade deals.
‘Lock the Wicked Witch up’ – Hold His Feet to the Fire!!
The chants began during the Republican National Convention. Soon, “lock her up” became a ritual at each of Trump’s rallies. And at the second presidential debate, Trump told Hillary Clinton that, were he to win, he would “instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your (missing email and Clinton pay for play foundation) situation.” Clinton responded by saying it’s “just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.”
Trump shot back: “Because you’d be in jail.”
Trump’s vow to revisit the matter became a main theme of his closing argument, and one not likely to be forgotten by his supporters.
Build a wall along the southern border that’s taller than the arenas where Trump holds his rallies, taller than any ladder and one foot taller than the Great Wall of China. This “artistically beautiful” wall will be constructed out of hardened concrete, rebar and steel, and it will be “the greatest wall that you’ve ever seen” — so great that the nation will likely one day name it “The Trump Wall.”
“If I become a Christian President, we’re all going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”
Get rid of Common Core because it’s “a disaster” and a “very bad thing.” Trump says he wants to give local school districts more control and might even eliminate the Department of Education.
Get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something “terrific” that is “so much better, so much better, so much better.” Knock down the regulatory walls between states for health insurance, making plans available nationally instead of regionally. Make medical marijuana widely available to patients, and allow states to decide if they want to fully legalize pot or not.Save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cutting benefits.
Defund Planned Parenthood. “I will take care of women, and I have great respect for women. I do cherish women, and I will take care of women.”
“radical Islamic terrorism.” Temporarily ban most foreign Muslims from entering the United States “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Trump would allow exceptions for dignitaries, business people, athletes and others. Bar Syrian refugees from entering the country and kick out any who are already living here. Trump says wealthy Persian Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia should pay to set up a heavily guarded “safe zone” in Syria. Heavily surveil mosques in the United States. Trump has said he’s open to the idea of closing some mosques. Create a database of Syrian refugees. Trump hasn’t ruled out creating a database of Muslims in the country.
Pick Supreme Court justices who are “really great legal scholars.”
Strengthen the military so that it’s “so big and so strong and so great” that “nobody’s going to mess with us.”
Allow Russia to deal with the Islamic State in Syria and/or work with Russian President Vladimir Putin to wipe out shared enemies.
“Bomb the s— out of ISIS.” Also bomb oil fields controlled by the Islamic State, then seize the oil and give the profits to military veterans who were wounded while fighting.
Ban Islamic State terrorists on the Internet so that Islamic State terrorists cannot use it to recruit American children.
Leave troops in Afghanistan because it’s such “a mess.” Protect Israel. And increase U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas.
Find an “out” clause in the Iran deal and then “totally” renegotiate the whole thing. Negotiate the release of all U.S. prisoners held in Iran before taking office. (Five hostages were recently released, including Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian; Trump has taken some credit for this.)
Fire “the corrupt and incompetent” leaders of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and dramatically reform the agency. Allow veterans to take their military identification card to any medical facility that accepts Medicaid patients to receive care. Embed satellite VA clinics in rural hospitals and underserved areas, and ensure than every VA hospital is permanently staffed with OBGYN doctors.
Invest more heavily in programs that help military veterans transition back to civilian life, including job training and placement services. Also increase funding for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries and mental health issues. Veterans who apply for a job at a VA facility will have five points added to their qualifying scores.
Bring back jobs from China — and Mexico, Japan and elsewhere. “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Trump says cities like Reno, Nev., will “be a big fat beautiful beneficiary” of these new jobs. Students at Wofford College in South Carolina, where Trump attended a town hall, will all have jobs at graduation.
Aggressively challenge China’s power in the world by declaring the country a currency manipulator, adopting a “zero tolerance policy on intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer” and cracking down on China’s “lax labor and environmental standards.” Tell Ford Motor Co.’s president that unless he cancels plans to build a massive plant in Mexico, the company will face a 35 percent tax on cars imported back into the United States. Trump is confident he can get this done before taking office. Force Nabisco to once again make Oreos in the United States. And bully Apple into making its “damn computers” and other products here by imposing new taxes on many imports into the country. Numbers thrown around have included 32 percent, 34 percent and 35 percent.
Grow the nation’s economy by at least 6 percent and Reduce the $18 trillion national debt by “vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government, ending redundant government programs and growing the economy to increase tax revenues.”
Simplify the U.S. tax code and reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to four. The highest earners would pay a 25-percent tax. The corporate tax rate would fall to 15 percent. Eliminate the “marriage penalty” for taxpayers and get rid of the alternate minimum tax.
No longer charge income tax to single individuals earning less than $25,000 per year or couples earning less than $50,000. These people will, however, be required to file a one-page form with the Internal Revenue Service that states: “I win.” Ensure that Americans can still afford to golf.
Allow corporations a one-time window to transfer money being held overseas, charging a much-reduced 10 percent tax. Get rid of most corporate tax loopholes or incentives, but continue to allow taxpayers to deduct mortgage interest and charitable donations from their taxes.
Trump would get rid of gun-free zones at military bases and in schools. Use “common sense” to fix the mental health system prescribing mass shooting pills. Find ways to arm more of the “good guys” like him who can take out the “sickos.” Get rid of bans on certain types of guns and magazines so that “good, honest people” can own the guns of their choice. Impose a minimum sentence of five years in federal prison for any violent felon who commits a crime using a gun, with no chance for parole or early release. Fix the background check system used when purchasing guns to ensure states are properly uploading criminal and health records. Allow concealed-carry permits to be recognized in all 50 states. Sign an executive order calling for the death penalty for anyone found guilty of killing a police officer. Provide more funding for police training. And provide more funding for drug treatment, especially for heroin addicts.
Terminate President Obama’s executive orders related to immigration. This includes getting rid of “sanctuary cities” that Trump says have become refuges for criminals.
Make America great again — and strong again, as it has become too weak. Be a cheerleader for America and bring the country’s spirit back. “Take the brand of the United States and make it great again.” Bring back the American Dream. Start winning again. “We’re going to win so much — win after win after win — that you’re going to be begging me: ‘Please, Mr. President, let us lose once or twice. We can’t stand it any more.’ And I’m going to say: ‘No way. We’re going to keep winning. We’re never going to lose. We’re never, ever going to lose.”
Good points here Anonymous. In holding Trump fully to account I would expect you’ve also “walked your own talk”, and against all odds actually got out of your chair to go to the poles and cast a ballot to vote Trump IN and Hillary OUT. As the heart of middle America had the courage and fortitude to do for the sake of all humanity. God bless them.
Some good points here to hold Trump’s to account for all his election promises. I trust that you walked your own talk and voted Trump in so as to stop Hillary in her tracks. As did middle Americas in the heart of the empire in a spectacular display of courage and fortitude in the face of some 20 billion dollars worth and 3 months of unrelenting brainwashing propaganda.
As far as I’m concerned, if Trump does nothing else but stops US’s wars and averts us from getting into a thermonuclear exchange with Russia, he will have earned the Noble Peace Prize and the title of a Savior and Saint to all of humanity.
If in addition to that, he kills the Globalist Neo Liberal agenda and their devastating “Free Trade Deals”, he’ll be an International Hero to billions of people around the entire globe.
And if he can do that and survive without prematurely joining MLK and JFK in the great above, it will be nothing short of a Divine Miracle!
Witness how the globalist force’s are already inciting riots across the nation, before he even gets a chance to grip his hands onto the reins of power.
Let’s all just pray for another Divine Intervention to happen here again EH!
Yes, this would be the only good news from the election of The Donald, but, I would wait to see if, definitelly, the Ukrainian junta will be left to fall by the US. Kinda poetic justice, yes, it would be….only in that case, oligarchs, as has happened with those who reigned in Donbass will flew with the so much they could save, leaving the worst for the population.
Only to add that the news about oligarch Pinchuk having financial ties with the Clintons is quite old, I remember myself bringing it here about three years ago, in the old blog ( search in the archives ), it was an article from Voltairenet, and then nobody here gave it the slightest importance nor attention. This was the article, attention to the date….
I do not remember Sharii either denouncing this at that time.
But, well, it would be lucky for the Ukrainians if this would be a matter of one oligarch only, since there is a bunch of them there.
This is why I do not see any joy in being governed by an oligarch, since for me they are all the same, and, moreover, always part of the game.
At least, people in Donbass have the opportunity, after having lost all and the so much they have fought and have suffered, of liberate themselves from oligarchs from once for all. They really deserve it.
I wish them and I hope so.
“It has been established that all terrorist and subversive actions in the DPR and LPR are carried out by the SBU in the framework of an approved operational plan, the purpose of which is to intensify internal contradictions between the leaders of the Donbass republics, creating the preconditions and circumstances for confrontation between them,” the Ministry of State Security emphasized, adding that the detainees are being further investigated. “
So, does this not seem another case of intended “congnitive dissonance”?
In this line, inI what direction do you think the claims against Motorola were made, to help Donbass/ Novorossiya or to create confussion/contradiction?
Obama was seen as a dramtic change for the good of the Bushes. He took on Neocons and Israel Firsters as advisors and heads of departments. We know where that led. Wait until Trump has appointed his people. I fear the Anglo-Zionists are very skilled at getting their men into key positions.
Just they are analizing the possible candidatesfor his government in the 24h channel on RTVE and they are saying that for having presented himself as anti-stablishment, all those considered as nominable are or tycoons or old republicans, neither any representive of the Agrarian Unions nor any association of housewives, when his support has been mainly from the counties, not having won in any city with more of a million and a half of population ( btw, that they have said that in popular vote is Hillary who has won, having won in the main cities ).
So, he has signed a contract with all those people, and now, where are their representatives?
Soon, the people of the “deep US” who have voted for him in mass would, sadly, test that what The Donadl worries is for his business.
Neither I agree with Sharii in that US people has resisted the brainwashing, since he has performed such a theater and they have trusted him.
So sorry for the people, battered once after other, since the same 2008 crisis we are here in Europe.
I do not know when the people is going to understand that anybody coming from the elites will care a damn for them. That they must elect their own representatives fron their people. A hard work for the US people since organization at working people level has been dismantled there as in nowhere else. Now, it is needed to start from zero, but someone need to give the first step, and then the rest follow, unite and fight.
Working people is so, rise after fall once after another, do not despair. You have now 4 years to prepare.
No, house negro and CIA agent Ziobama was very much part of the same Nazi system. You and elsi do not see the big picture, which is that Marxism & Western imperialism (= Nazism) are two sides of the same coin.
Marxism (as by the Trotskyite-Bolsheviks) was devised as ‘communism’ for the tribe/sect of Phariseic Talmudists, and Western imperialism (starting with the trans-Atlantic slave trade & exploitation, e.g. Columbus) was also mostly organized by, and on behalf of them.
This is your version of history but only yours, Laika von old Monkhusen.
I do not know you, but can remember you from RI.
From which part of Germany is this surname? Bavaria, perhaps?
My pessimistic half tends to think, that the whole Trump phenomenon is a plan B for the masterminds. When “they” realized, they face an “opposition tsunami”, rather than fight against it, it’s more efficient to turn and hijack that wave into “their” direction…
My optimistic half hopes, above is wrong and I will see a bright future. My guts disagree…
*Trump’s first day at the Oval Office after being elected President.*
First briefing by the CIA, Pentagon, FBI:
Trump: We must destroy ISIS immediately. No delays.
CIA: We cannot do that, sir. We created them along with Turkey, Saudi, Qatar and others.
Trump: The Democrats created them.
CIA: We created ISIS, sir. You need them or else you would lose funding from the natural gas lobby.
Trump: Stop funding Pakistan. Let India deal with them.
CIA: We can’t do that.
Trump: Why is that?
CIA: India will cut Balochistan out of Pak.
Trump: I don’t care.
CIA: India will have peace in Kashmir. They will stop buying our weapons. They will become a superpower. We have to fund Pakistan to keep India busy in Kashmir.
Trump: But you have to destroy the Taliban.
CIA: Sir, we can’t do that. We created the Taliban to keep Russia in check during the 80s. Now they are keeping Pakistan busy and away from their nukes.
Trump: We have to destroy terror sponsoring regimes in the Middle East. Let us start
Pentagon: Sir, we can’t do that. We created those regimes because we wanted their oil. We can’t have democracy there, otherwise their people will get that oil – and we cannot let their people own it.
Trump: Then, let us invade Iran.
Pentagon: We cannot do that either, sir.
Trump: Why not?
CIA: We are talking to them, sir.
Trump: What? Why?
CIA: We want our Stealth Drones back. If we attack them, Russia will obliterate us as they did to our buddy ISIS in Syria. Besides we need Iran to keep Israel in check.
Trump: Then let us invade Iraq again.
CIA: Sir, our friends (ISIS) are already occupying 1/3rd of Iraq.
Trump: Why not the whole of Iraq?
CIA: We need the Shi’ite govt of Iraq to keep ISIS in check.
Trump: I am banning Muslims from entering US.
FBI: We can’t do that.
Trump: Why not?
FBI: Then our own population will become fearless.
Trump: I am deporting all illegal immigrants to south of the border.
Border patrol: You can’t do that, sir.
Trump: Why not?
Border patrol: If they’re gone, who will build the wall?
Trump: I am banning H1B visas.
USCIS: You cannot do that.
Trump: Why?
Chief of Staff: If you do so, we’ll have to outsource White House operations to Bangalore. Which is in India.
Trump (sweating profusely by now): What the hell should I do as President???
CIA: Enjoy the White House, sir! We will take care of the rest!
Trump won’t be taking advice. He will be giving orders.
Trump has Gen. Flynn for Intel. CIA is an action agency. It has a very bad performance record.
Trump will be avoiding neocons, Khazarians and failures who led to the situations of disasters around the world.
Do not underestimate Trump. He just taught the Globalists in their various forms a very stern lesson. They underestimated him. He won.
Hard to do very much with a population that has been dead asleep. There are signs old Rip is stirring, however. A psychological comparison between him and Oblomov, the Russian sleeper portrayed by Gogol might be very interesting……
Oh, also FDR and JFK were from the Eastern US elites, but neither of them was committed to oligarchy. Both were committed to the Republic, and the US population. And much of the world population.
Solon, reality is more cynical than you can ever imagine. Don’t put your faith ih human beings. They have proven during 1000s years, they are not capable to govern themselves in a fair & peaceful way. And they will never ever be. Just deal with that and become an adult personality…
Cheers ;)
I am not optimist about Trump. We know that the foreign policies of America are run by the deep state and the powerful lobbies that thrive under this kind of rude business. Maybe, who konws, all that we saw and read is simply a sophisticated and giant psyop. We have signs of this, in relation of the american elections, since the first campaign for election of Obama. He simply deluded the hope of those who gave credit to his speechs. He made almost the perfect opposite. Thus, like we say here: “caution and a soup of chicken soup do not make harm to no one”.
American foreign ,defence and economic policies are dictated by england and her agents inside usa.
America must get rid of english spies theere and should have distant contact only with parasitic england.
And “I love Americans”, as long as they stay home on their side of the boarder, mind their own business and fix the mess in their own country without interfering any more in ours and the rest of the worlds.
And we’ll start by getting a down payment from all those 35 rich and famous anti Trump liberal US Hollywood movie star celebrities, that want to invade us up here, while they don’t give a dam that their own American empire is destroying the rest of the planet. They got the president that they deserve. Now just live with it EH!
Trump is the last chance for american to have a future as glorious as her past, instead of becoming a third-world-cesspool under demented cultural marxists, ranting about “queer theory” and “whiteness studies”.
“The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities”
If you want nativism then get out of usa.
Usa belongs to red indians and not to anglo invaders and mass murderers.
Usa never had glorious history -has always been a cessful of low bred ugy criminal anglosaxon scumbags.
Firstly, USA is a political-economical-social structure created by Christian Europeans not by indians.
Secondly, whites were in America before the indians, but were exterminated when the indians came, so by your logic, America actually belongs to whites and not -by your own words- asiatic “invaders” and “mass murderers”. Thought I wouldnt use such terms myself, as not only are they racist, refering to entire groups of people as “low bred” “ugy criminal”, “mass murderers”, “invaders”, but also infantil with a complete lack of historical awareness that few beyond a liberal could display, all populations made war and conquest against one another in old times, I doubt there is any land today that has not switched hands several times already.
So spare us your anti-white nonsense. Not even in your own twisted culturalmarxist logic are you in the right.
“Stone-age Europeans ‘were the first to set foot on North America’ ”
Socho, it quite rare that I completely, wholeheartedly, 100%, agree with an opinion. But, I totally agree with yours!
The new and unfortunate twist (of lemon) is Zionism.
Added to the old Anglo-Fascist exceptionalism cocktail, it has created a truly toxic witch’s brew and many Americans now drink it instead of the old, less harmful, Cool-Aid.
maybe, the portrait we where given by MSM does not really fit the man?
Thanks for the post
Great stuff!
From the Moon of Alabama comments: She ran; they voted; she lost.
And she is dead!
OT, but can’t see where else to put this article about a possible attack on the Donbass in the works.
Obama’s Parting Gift to Kiev? NATO ‘Strategic Advisors’ Set Up Shop in Ukraine
“It remains unclear what exactly the NATO advisors’ tasks will be in the Donbass, given the unstable situation there, but Kiev’s guests assured their hosts that they have “a lot of ideas on the exchange of experience and the development of bilateral relations.”
Observers have described the advisors’ presence and their focus on the situation in the Donbass as “alarming,” adding that these NATO officials could “advise President Poroshenko to repeat the 2008 Georgian scenario in the Donets Basin,” i.e. to restart the war in the east.”
The latest I saw was even though Poro personally agreed to the latest Steinmeier proposals, written into Minsk….Kiev now refuses it, saying it not valid………so, the usual stalling, re-arming, relocating armaments and military, will only continue, just like sabotage attempts in Crimea this week…..Zakharchenko says Kiev is awaiting new instructions, so Minsk is on hold til then meanwhile more drones etc from afu…and claims are made that Head of Ukraine security in Donetsk region any is directly involved in murder of Motorola…….??keep up to date with dninews and anna-news I advise…Ukraine’s troubles continue………….
God Bless America and God Bless Russia
Awesome! God bless you too.
Paul Craig Roberts on the lefties who still hang on with the insults:
Yes, Roberts writes good articles. (the demockrats/Nazi establishment totally rigged the election especially in the major cities – see e.g. Jim Stone’s site – that’s the only reason the Atlantic Northeast & the Pacific West “supported” Hitlery). Roberts is right about the un-Americans, hopefully Russia’s international media also becomes a bit more Russian & less un-American (= un-Russian).
Please keep posting this guy’s views..or have a link at the top in brothers in arms?????
My mrs is always listening to him plus Rostislav Rochenko-?- we do not seem to here much of these days…….
Hold Donald Trump’s Feet to the Fire!!
Donald Trump’s Presidency is New Hope for the World.
But has he lied?
Will he be just as ineffective and Satanic as Obama?
Here are some of Donald Trump’s many campaign promises
Rebuild the country’s aging infrastructure – Hold His Feet to the Fire!! especially bridges and airports that look like they belong in a third-world country — for one-third of what the United States is currently paying for such projects. Perhaps the old Kennedy NAWAPA Project where water is brought down from Alaska to irrigate California and Arizona Desret to allow the birth of 300 million more Americans. Perhaps the old JFK Kennedy Project to create 200 Fusion Power Generation Plants by 1980 for free energy.
Glass-Steagall – Hold His Feet to the Fire!! Donald Trump The GOP candidate’s pledge to bring back Glass-Steagall in line with Larouche – Wall Street is not pleased. A top advisor to presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Monday that the party wants to reimplement Glass-Steagall, legislation that was designed to separate investment from the stock market casino but which was repealed in 1999 by Bill Clinton and which was responsible for the 2008 crash.
Take over the Federal Reserve – Hold His Feet to the Fire!! The Republican Congress is likely to consider legislation to reform the central bank. “It’s been a priority for Republicans and I am assuming it is going to come up in the coming year,” The House last year passed legislation that would require the Fed to set a policy rule. The 2016 Republican platform called for an annual audit of the central bank’s interest rate decisions,
Unravel NAFTA and TPP – Hold His Feet to the Fire!!
Trump’s win on Tuesday was driven in large part by his triumph in the Rust Belt, with states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania going to the GOP for the first time since the 1980s, and Trump leading in a third, Michigan. He inspired voters there with a populist message on free trade, promising to return their communities to the golden years by scrapping what he described as horrible deals for workers.
The two deals in question, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), gave Trump an opening with Rust Belt voters — and proved to be a political weak spot for Clinton. She came out against TPP, which is opposed by many Democrats, after previously describing the measure as a “gold standard” — a shift for which Trump took credit. And Clinton’s position on NAFTA, which was signed into law by her husband former President Bill Clinton, was difficult to pin down.
In contrast, Trump has been resolute in his opposition to both. He has vowed to renegotiate the terms of NAFTA with Mexico and Canada, leaving open the possibility of pulling out entirely, and has said he will not approve TPP as president. Replace “free trade” with “fair trade.” Gather together the “smartest negotiators in the world,” assign them each a country and renegotiate all foreign trade deals.
‘Lock the Wicked Witch up’ – Hold His Feet to the Fire!!
The chants began during the Republican National Convention. Soon, “lock her up” became a ritual at each of Trump’s rallies. And at the second presidential debate, Trump told Hillary Clinton that, were he to win, he would “instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your (missing email and Clinton pay for play foundation) situation.” Clinton responded by saying it’s “just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.”
Trump shot back: “Because you’d be in jail.”
Trump’s vow to revisit the matter became a main theme of his closing argument, and one not likely to be forgotten by his supporters.
Build a wall along the southern border that’s taller than the arenas where Trump holds his rallies, taller than any ladder and one foot taller than the Great Wall of China. This “artistically beautiful” wall will be constructed out of hardened concrete, rebar and steel, and it will be “the greatest wall that you’ve ever seen” — so great that the nation will likely one day name it “The Trump Wall.”
“If I become a Christian President, we’re all going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again.”
Get rid of Common Core because it’s “a disaster” and a “very bad thing.” Trump says he wants to give local school districts more control and might even eliminate the Department of Education.
Get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something “terrific” that is “so much better, so much better, so much better.” Knock down the regulatory walls between states for health insurance, making plans available nationally instead of regionally. Make medical marijuana widely available to patients, and allow states to decide if they want to fully legalize pot or not.Save Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security without cutting benefits.
Defund Planned Parenthood. “I will take care of women, and I have great respect for women. I do cherish women, and I will take care of women.”
“radical Islamic terrorism.” Temporarily ban most foreign Muslims from entering the United States “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Trump would allow exceptions for dignitaries, business people, athletes and others. Bar Syrian refugees from entering the country and kick out any who are already living here. Trump says wealthy Persian Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia should pay to set up a heavily guarded “safe zone” in Syria. Heavily surveil mosques in the United States. Trump has said he’s open to the idea of closing some mosques. Create a database of Syrian refugees. Trump hasn’t ruled out creating a database of Muslims in the country.
Pick Supreme Court justices who are “really great legal scholars.”
Strengthen the military so that it’s “so big and so strong and so great” that “nobody’s going to mess with us.”
Allow Russia to deal with the Islamic State in Syria and/or work with Russian President Vladimir Putin to wipe out shared enemies.
“Bomb the s— out of ISIS.” Also bomb oil fields controlled by the Islamic State, then seize the oil and give the profits to military veterans who were wounded while fighting.
Ban Islamic State terrorists on the Internet so that Islamic State terrorists cannot use it to recruit American children.
Leave troops in Afghanistan because it’s such “a mess.” Protect Israel. And increase U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas.
Find an “out” clause in the Iran deal and then “totally” renegotiate the whole thing. Negotiate the release of all U.S. prisoners held in Iran before taking office. (Five hostages were recently released, including Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian; Trump has taken some credit for this.)
Fire “the corrupt and incompetent” leaders of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and dramatically reform the agency. Allow veterans to take their military identification card to any medical facility that accepts Medicaid patients to receive care. Embed satellite VA clinics in rural hospitals and underserved areas, and ensure than every VA hospital is permanently staffed with OBGYN doctors.
Invest more heavily in programs that help military veterans transition back to civilian life, including job training and placement services. Also increase funding for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries and mental health issues. Veterans who apply for a job at a VA facility will have five points added to their qualifying scores.
Bring back jobs from China — and Mexico, Japan and elsewhere. “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.” Trump says cities like Reno, Nev., will “be a big fat beautiful beneficiary” of these new jobs. Students at Wofford College in South Carolina, where Trump attended a town hall, will all have jobs at graduation.
Aggressively challenge China’s power in the world by declaring the country a currency manipulator, adopting a “zero tolerance policy on intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer” and cracking down on China’s “lax labor and environmental standards.” Tell Ford Motor Co.’s president that unless he cancels plans to build a massive plant in Mexico, the company will face a 35 percent tax on cars imported back into the United States. Trump is confident he can get this done before taking office. Force Nabisco to once again make Oreos in the United States. And bully Apple into making its “damn computers” and other products here by imposing new taxes on many imports into the country. Numbers thrown around have included 32 percent, 34 percent and 35 percent.
Grow the nation’s economy by at least 6 percent and Reduce the $18 trillion national debt by “vigorously eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government, ending redundant government programs and growing the economy to increase tax revenues.”
Simplify the U.S. tax code and reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to four. The highest earners would pay a 25-percent tax. The corporate tax rate would fall to 15 percent. Eliminate the “marriage penalty” for taxpayers and get rid of the alternate minimum tax.
No longer charge income tax to single individuals earning less than $25,000 per year or couples earning less than $50,000. These people will, however, be required to file a one-page form with the Internal Revenue Service that states: “I win.” Ensure that Americans can still afford to golf.
Allow corporations a one-time window to transfer money being held overseas, charging a much-reduced 10 percent tax. Get rid of most corporate tax loopholes or incentives, but continue to allow taxpayers to deduct mortgage interest and charitable donations from their taxes.
Trump would get rid of gun-free zones at military bases and in schools. Use “common sense” to fix the mental health system prescribing mass shooting pills. Find ways to arm more of the “good guys” like him who can take out the “sickos.” Get rid of bans on certain types of guns and magazines so that “good, honest people” can own the guns of their choice. Impose a minimum sentence of five years in federal prison for any violent felon who commits a crime using a gun, with no chance for parole or early release. Fix the background check system used when purchasing guns to ensure states are properly uploading criminal and health records. Allow concealed-carry permits to be recognized in all 50 states. Sign an executive order calling for the death penalty for anyone found guilty of killing a police officer. Provide more funding for police training. And provide more funding for drug treatment, especially for heroin addicts.
Terminate President Obama’s executive orders related to immigration. This includes getting rid of “sanctuary cities” that Trump says have become refuges for criminals.
Make America great again — and strong again, as it has become too weak. Be a cheerleader for America and bring the country’s spirit back. “Take the brand of the United States and make it great again.” Bring back the American Dream. Start winning again. “We’re going to win so much — win after win after win — that you’re going to be begging me: ‘Please, Mr. President, let us lose once or twice. We can’t stand it any more.’ And I’m going to say: ‘No way. We’re going to keep winning. We’re never going to lose. We’re never, ever going to lose.”
I am Donald J. Trump, and I approve these promises. 100%!
I was in it to win it. MAGA. America First!
Good points here Anonymous. In holding Trump fully to account I would expect you’ve also “walked your own talk”, and against all odds actually got out of your chair to go to the poles and cast a ballot to vote Trump IN and Hillary OUT. As the heart of middle America had the courage and fortitude to do for the sake of all humanity. God bless them.
@Anonymous re..”Holding Trumps feet to the fire”
Some good points here to hold Trump’s to account for all his election promises. I trust that you walked your own talk and voted Trump in so as to stop Hillary in her tracks. As did middle Americas in the heart of the empire in a spectacular display of courage and fortitude in the face of some 20 billion dollars worth and 3 months of unrelenting brainwashing propaganda.
As far as I’m concerned, if Trump does nothing else but stops US’s wars and averts us from getting into a thermonuclear exchange with Russia, he will have earned the Noble Peace Prize and the title of a Savior and Saint to all of humanity.
If in addition to that, he kills the Globalist Neo Liberal agenda and their devastating “Free Trade Deals”, he’ll be an International Hero to billions of people around the entire globe.
And if he can do that and survive without prematurely joining MLK and JFK in the great above, it will be nothing short of a Divine Miracle!
Witness how the globalist force’s are already inciting riots across the nation, before he even gets a chance to grip his hands onto the reins of power.
Let’s all just pray for another Divine Intervention to happen here again EH!
@ Anonymous on November 12, 2016 · at 4:36 am UTC
Forgot to sign above post as… RayB
Yes, this would be the only good news from the election of The Donald, but, I would wait to see if, definitelly, the Ukrainian junta will be left to fall by the US. Kinda poetic justice, yes, it would be….only in that case, oligarchs, as has happened with those who reigned in Donbass will flew with the so much they could save, leaving the worst for the population.
Only to add that the news about oligarch Pinchuk having financial ties with the Clintons is quite old, I remember myself bringing it here about three years ago, in the old blog ( search in the archives ), it was an article from Voltairenet, and then nobody here gave it the slightest importance nor attention. This was the article, attention to the date….
I do not remember Sharii either denouncing this at that time.
But, well, it would be lucky for the Ukrainians if this would be a matter of one oligarch only, since there is a bunch of them there.
This is why I do not see any joy in being governed by an oligarch, since for me they are all the same, and, moreover, always part of the game.
At least, people in Donbass have the opportunity, after having lost all and the so much they have fought and have suffered, of liberate themselves from oligarchs from once for all. They really deserve it.
I wish them and I hope so.
BTW, forgot to add, notice, in the background, holding the flag of ISIS, the most famous member of the White Helmets.
Loved your speech!
“Zakharchenko reveals names of Motorola assassins”
“6 neo-Nazis arrested in Motorola assassination case, SBU plot exposed”
“It has been established that all terrorist and subversive actions in the DPR and LPR are carried out by the SBU in the framework of an approved operational plan, the purpose of which is to intensify internal contradictions between the leaders of the Donbass republics, creating the preconditions and circumstances for confrontation between them,” the Ministry of State Security emphasized, adding that the detainees are being further investigated. “
So, does this not seem another case of intended “congnitive dissonance”?
In this line, inI what direction do you think the claims against Motorola were made, to help Donbass/ Novorossiya or to create confussion/contradiction?
Obama was seen as a dramtic change for the good of the Bushes. He took on Neocons and Israel Firsters as advisors and heads of departments. We know where that led. Wait until Trump has appointed his people. I fear the Anglo-Zionists are very skilled at getting their men into key positions.
Just they are analizing the possible candidatesfor his government in the 24h channel on RTVE and they are saying that for having presented himself as anti-stablishment, all those considered as nominable are or tycoons or old republicans, neither any representive of the Agrarian Unions nor any association of housewives, when his support has been mainly from the counties, not having won in any city with more of a million and a half of population ( btw, that they have said that in popular vote is Hillary who has won, having won in the main cities ).
So, he has signed a contract with all those people, and now, where are their representatives?
Soon, the people of the “deep US” who have voted for him in mass would, sadly, test that what The Donadl worries is for his business.
Neither I agree with Sharii in that US people has resisted the brainwashing, since he has performed such a theater and they have trusted him.
So sorry for the people, battered once after other, since the same 2008 crisis we are here in Europe.
I do not know when the people is going to understand that anybody coming from the elites will care a damn for them. That they must elect their own representatives fron their people. A hard work for the US people since organization at working people level has been dismantled there as in nowhere else. Now, it is needed to start from zero, but someone need to give the first step, and then the rest follow, unite and fight.
Working people is so, rise after fall once after another, do not despair. You have now 4 years to prepare.
No, house negro and CIA agent Ziobama was very much part of the same Nazi system. You and elsi do not see the big picture, which is that Marxism & Western imperialism (= Nazism) are two sides of the same coin.
Marxism (as by the Trotskyite-Bolsheviks) was devised as ‘communism’ for the tribe/sect of Phariseic Talmudists, and Western imperialism (starting with the trans-Atlantic slave trade & exploitation, e.g. Columbus) was also mostly organized by, and on behalf of them.
This is your version of history but only yours, Laika von old Monkhusen.
I do not know you, but can remember you from RI.
From which part of Germany is this surname? Bavaria, perhaps?
Well said, Laika.
My pessimistic half tends to think, that the whole Trump phenomenon is a plan B for the masterminds. When “they” realized, they face an “opposition tsunami”, rather than fight against it, it’s more efficient to turn and hijack that wave into “their” direction…
My optimistic half hopes, above is wrong and I will see a bright future. My guts disagree…
*Trump’s first day at the Oval Office after being elected President.*
First briefing by the CIA, Pentagon, FBI:
Trump: We must destroy ISIS immediately. No delays.
CIA: We cannot do that, sir. We created them along with Turkey, Saudi, Qatar and others.
Trump: The Democrats created them.
CIA: We created ISIS, sir. You need them or else you would lose funding from the natural gas lobby.
Trump: Stop funding Pakistan. Let India deal with them.
CIA: We can’t do that.
Trump: Why is that?
CIA: India will cut Balochistan out of Pak.
Trump: I don’t care.
CIA: India will have peace in Kashmir. They will stop buying our weapons. They will become a superpower. We have to fund Pakistan to keep India busy in Kashmir.
Trump: But you have to destroy the Taliban.
CIA: Sir, we can’t do that. We created the Taliban to keep Russia in check during the 80s. Now they are keeping Pakistan busy and away from their nukes.
Trump: We have to destroy terror sponsoring regimes in the Middle East. Let us start
Pentagon: Sir, we can’t do that. We created those regimes because we wanted their oil. We can’t have democracy there, otherwise their people will get that oil – and we cannot let their people own it.
Trump: Then, let us invade Iran.
Pentagon: We cannot do that either, sir.
Trump: Why not?
CIA: We are talking to them, sir.
Trump: What? Why?
CIA: We want our Stealth Drones back. If we attack them, Russia will obliterate us as they did to our buddy ISIS in Syria. Besides we need Iran to keep Israel in check.
Trump: Then let us invade Iraq again.
CIA: Sir, our friends (ISIS) are already occupying 1/3rd of Iraq.
Trump: Why not the whole of Iraq?
CIA: We need the Shi’ite govt of Iraq to keep ISIS in check.
Trump: I am banning Muslims from entering US.
FBI: We can’t do that.
Trump: Why not?
FBI: Then our own population will become fearless.
Trump: I am deporting all illegal immigrants to south of the border.
Border patrol: You can’t do that, sir.
Trump: Why not?
Border patrol: If they’re gone, who will build the wall?
Trump: I am banning H1B visas.
USCIS: You cannot do that.
Trump: Why?
Chief of Staff: If you do so, we’ll have to outsource White House operations to Bangalore. Which is in India.
Trump (sweating profusely by now): What the hell should I do as President???
CIA: Enjoy the White House, sir! We will take care of the rest!
Very cynical.
Trump won’t be taking advice. He will be giving orders.
Trump has Gen. Flynn for Intel. CIA is an action agency. It has a very bad performance record.
Trump will be avoiding neocons, Khazarians and failures who led to the situations of disasters around the world.
Do not underestimate Trump. He just taught the Globalists in their various forms a very stern lesson. They underestimated him. He won.
I agree, Solon. It is stupid to underestimate Trump or overestimate Trump.
What he can be very much depends on the awakening of the American people from their 53 year Rip Van Winkle trance
since Nov 22, 1963.
Hard to do very much with a population that has been dead asleep. There are signs old Rip is stirring, however. A psychological comparison between him and Oblomov, the Russian sleeper portrayed by Gogol might be very interesting……
Oh, also FDR and JFK were from the Eastern US elites, but neither of them was committed to oligarchy. Both were committed to the Republic, and the US population. And much of the world population.
Solon, reality is more cynical than you can ever imagine. Don’t put your faith ih human beings. They have proven during 1000s years, they are not capable to govern themselves in a fair & peaceful way. And they will never ever be. Just deal with that and become an adult personality…
Cheers ;)
I am not optimist about Trump. We know that the foreign policies of America are run by the deep state and the powerful lobbies that thrive under this kind of rude business. Maybe, who konws, all that we saw and read is simply a sophisticated and giant psyop. We have signs of this, in relation of the american elections, since the first campaign for election of Obama. He simply deluded the hope of those who gave credit to his speechs. He made almost the perfect opposite. Thus, like we say here: “caution and a soup of chicken soup do not make harm to no one”.
American foreign ,defence and economic policies are dictated by england and her agents inside usa.
America must get rid of english spies theere and should have distant contact only with parasitic england.
How stupid is being politically correct?
Saker thanks so much for putting this wonderful guy on your site so often…he’s so great – I love this guy….
I feel the same way too…I’m so proud of America ! We’ve passed through the bottleneck unscathed…
I love America. God bless America today.
Ann – from Canada
Hi I’m from Canada too..
And “I love Americans”, as long as they stay home on their side of the boarder, mind their own business and fix the mess in their own country without interfering any more in ours and the rest of the worlds.
“God Bless Americans” in that endeavor EH!
Perhaps building a wall would help to keep US citizens on their side?
Y’gonna make us pay for it? : )
Absolutely! GrandmaR :
And we’ll start by getting a down payment from all those 35 rich and famous anti Trump liberal US Hollywood movie star celebrities, that want to invade us up here, while they don’t give a dam that their own American empire is destroying the rest of the planet. They got the president that they deserve. Now just live with it EH!