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Hugs and cheers,
The Saker
Thank you very much for this. Lot’s and lot’s food for thought.
Here’s one of the most deeply ignorant — or pernicious — Russophobic articles that I have ever seen on mainstream media. It’s written by Ariel Cohen. It appeared on Fox News today. Good God. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it before.
According Cohen, Vladimir Putin is attempting to “turn back 300 years of Westernization, which started under Peter the Great.” I thought Putin was just against the West turning Russia into a dependency. Or that he is rightfully preventing the West from impinging Russia’s historical security zones. These are both issues that Peter the Great stood for. What’s Cohen thinking?
Additionally, Cohen writes that Russia is “destroying the security system in Europe that resulted from the U.S. and Soviet victory in World War Two.” I thought that security system was being destroyed by NATO expansion, not Russia.
Absolutely nuts…or incredible deceitfulness. I’m not sure which.
BTW, Cohen works for the Atlantic Council.
More Zionazi mayhem and ravings from a Jewish Fascist Banderite.
In a warped act of ritual self-smearing with feces, people like Cohen want to ethnically cleanse the Middle East… of Semites! Thus emulating their alter-egos of the Third Reich’s policy of Lebensraum.
I am hard-pressed to come up with a nastier 21st century vision than a Jew in full Reich’s regalia.
Although, Jozef Goebbels, springs to mind as a precedent.
That has to be one of the “worst” and most “dangerous” articles I’ve ever seen.Worst,because the entire article is full ,from beginning to end, of out and out lies. Mixed with a few half-truths,just to confuse people more.But dangerous,because the author “knows” his audience.Anyone with “any” knowledge of Russian history,could easily point out his lies. But he knows that “maybe” 5% of Americans (at best) know anything of Russian history.Except what they get from the US media and TV shows or movies.Since only 16% of Americans could even find Ukraine on a map in 2014. Russia being so much bigger,I’d say maybe 30% could find Russia.But still a pathetic number,considering, I believe, almost 100% of Russians could probably locate the US on a map.The author and his neo-con masters,are certain he will be believed by a majority of Americans.Frankly,unless Trump is elected,and means what he says about building good relations between the US and Russia.We are on a path to war between the US and Russia under a Clinton regime. I see no other possibility available. The only question will be if it can be kept non-nuclear. Or it brings full out nuclear war.The only way, with the neo-cons in power to stop them.Is a huge military defeat of the US forces,and the total destruction of NATO.While I’ve thought this for years now.Current events,and articles like that one,only confirm it more.Russia can do as she has done and try to stall it. But a Clinton win,is the crossing of the Rubicon.Only abject surrender by Russia. Or a military victory by Russia can stop the empire after a Clinton win.
The late great philosopher and secular saint Simone Weill turned her mind to creating a post-WW2 order, in France primarily.
Fresh from seeing the results of pernicious and unchecked lies, she proposed that lies should be actionable as crimes.
Certainly, the hate literature penned by Cohen, could have served as a model of what she had in mind.
I give this quote, from one of her many biographies, in full, as it seems to really go the heart of this sub-topic from the Saker’s podcast.
For Weill, truth is one of the most important needs of the soul. She says that all people should be nurtured in truth and be protected from sources of untruth, such as newspapers, false media accounts, and propaganda. Her main focus seems to be on the laborers again. She notes that a laborer who spends 8 hours a day working must not be expected to be able to have to distinguish between what is true and false in the papers or other media. They must expect that what they see, hear, or read is invariably true. To ensure truth in the media, she suggests setting up special courts to which those who believe that someone is spreading falsehoods can present their case, their evidence, and at which a determination on the evidence can be made. For Weill, the dissemination of lies and falsehoods is a crime as dangerous as any other, if not worse than others because it attacks the human soul’s “most sacred need — protection against suggestion and falsehood.”
– Religion Wiki
Because most people live in China and India, I very much hope that Putin pays more attention to these countries, that are Russian allies, than to European Union and USA, that provoke him and his people all day long. Have a nice day!
This is the kind of poisonous and toxic drivel drip fed to Americans 24/7.
The MSM’s job, as designated by the Zionist elite that has total control of it, is to deliberately:
Deceive and
Western audiences, especially Americans.
Americans are hopeless clueless and because of this they ignorantly support policies that are diametrically opposed to their interests. This is so because of guys like Ariel Cohen who laugh at them behind their backs, while confusing them with lies and disinformation.
“Absolutely nuts…or incredible deceitfulness. I’m not sure which.”
Zionism, or Talmudo-Satanism, combines both.
The Ukrainians claim to have hacked Surkov’s email.
Just as in other leaks the mails are released in batches.
Hahaha, what nonsense. That is obviously Ukrainian propaganda, the content of the mails make no sense. But at the same time it seems to revael a new Ukrainian narrative. They seem to have dropped the “Russia will annex” Donbass bit and now says that Russia actually wants to put Donbass back into Ukraine. Which, lol, Russia has been saying for two years now.
1. Surkov claims they need to destabilize Ukraine to get favorably political forces into power in Ukraine, but as anyone knows, destabilizing a country only helps the current president and extremist to get into power.. So we can then assume that the “leak” was a fake done by Poroshenko and his block and he intends some false-flag event during nov-march to try to maintain power and rally support.
2. It is interesting, the letter says Surkov wants to put Donbass “back into Ukraine” it is interesting to see that Ukrainian propaganda has dropped the entire “Russia wants to annex Donbass” line.
3. Another interesting thing is that in the letter it says that Surkov wants to put Donbass back into Ukraine “under circumstance beneficial to Russia”. This is of course nonsense as the entire Minsk 2 agreement is beneficial to Russia and was created by Russia and NAF after UAF was defeated as terms of surrender. So there is no need for Russia to change everything, as long as Ukraine follows the Minsk 2 agreement, Russia gets all she wants, and Donbass gets full-autonomy. Which, is kinda what she wants, thought some obviously want to join Russia and others create a new country.
something re Surkov here??
About hacked correspondence Surkov and confession, as the new “State crime” in Ukraine
“Today, in the studio of the Internet channel Anna News Director of a fund to support the Christian Churches’ International Fund for Christian solidarity “Dmitry Pakhomov and his guest the head of the department for relations with the Russian Orthodox Church of the CIS Institute, a former head of Ukraine the same institute – Kirill Frolov. We continue to talk about it in modern Ukraine Orthodox context, as Ukraine is a native Russian land on which they live Russian people with the same cultural traditions and spiritual values.”
Saker – or maybe Auslander – is this true?:
This evening: ‘YALTA (Crimea) (Sputnik) — The energy blockade and a water outage in the Russian peninsula of Crimea borders on crimes against humanity whose masterminds are “incredible idiots,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday.’
Read more:
Why wouldn’t it be true? What Putin said is self evident. Anyway, Google translation of the title of the video says “Putin about the “amazing idiots” who organized the energy blockade of the Crimea”
Alt-right is certainly no Hillary creation! It is an very ideologically broad pro-white movement that aims in the short term to overthrow the multicultural states in USA and the western world and in the long run of establishing white-ethno states in their place. Trump is currently a sort of unoffical leadfigure of the alt-right movement. It is really nothing special if you look at it from a global perspective, the alt-right just wants to make the western world like say Japan or South korea or any other normal country.
“In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called “the alternative right”.[26] In 2009, two more posts at Taki’s Magazine, by Patrick J. Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative right.[27] The term, however, is most commonly attributed to Richard B. Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute and founder of Alternative Right.[7][28]”
Saker, I noticed a comment on how people were smarter in previous centuries — here is how that comes to pass:
Humans aren’t different from other creatures in matters of natural selection. It’s really only in hard times that such selection takes place.
Mind and heart wide open, blown away again. Thank you Sir !
The neocon dominated American MSM follows exactly what it is told. No Russia is not the imperial power with an inferiority complex; the US is. It needs to tell itself constantly how exceptional and indispensable it is while all it can do is destroy any country, no matter how small that dares to have its own opinion. If russia only spends 8% of what the US does on military issue and its GDP is the same small %, why is the US so paranoid itself. Clearly it has realized it can hold onto its crumbling power by ever more violent means. An indispensable nation would be convinced of its own claim and lead by example. No, the US wants total world dominance: it is too weak and ignorant to achieve it, but powerful enough to cause massive worldwide destruction before it fizzles.
I quite strongly agree with your statement
“I think if someone wants to find truth he or she can”
(40min07sec in your podcast)
I can relate to it from my experience with western christians.
To me the decision to chase absolute truth is the decider
between heaven and hell.
The verse below shows us that the ability to discern is
directly tied to our desire to obey the Christ (the Truth)
John 7:17 if any man will do his will, he shall know of
the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of
but beyond the christian sphere this principle holds true:
the ability to discern is directly tied to our desire for truth.
thessalonians reveals God has special interest in peoples
response to truth
2 Thessalonian 2:(10) And with all deceivableness of
unrighteousness in them that perish; because
they received not the love of the truth, that they might be
(11) And for this cause God shall send them strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie:
(12) That they all might be damned who believed not the
truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Some would accuse God of deceiving people based on
verse 11 above but in really he will amplify your decision
(send strong delusion), fence sitting is not allowed.
But what does seeking the truth involve?
I have found that to follow this path people must be willing
to sacrifice any belief that stands in the way of the quest.
changing a paradigm can be very difficult for various
reasons (in no particular order):
-previous heavy investment in the old world-view would be
lost (emotional,intellectual,financial, and time)
-people have connected their identity (self worth) to the
world-view and feel threatened by any challenge to it
(a great insecurity that is very common – I have
experienced it as well)
– coming out from the common narrative and thinking
independently requires a recognition of personal
responsibility (people accept an overlord as they can blame
them for negative outcomes)
-people are just plain lazy and don’t give a damn as long as
their immediate needs are met (very common selfishness)
The verse below sums up many christians I know
Luke 5:37 And no man putteth new wine into old
bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be
spilled, and the bottles perish
39 No man also having drunk old wine straightway
desireth new: for he saith the old is better.
Because they worship their church brand (commandments
of men) more they revere the Christ (the truth).
This can be seen with the constant frustration of the
Apostles because people don’t want to face up to personal
Hebrews 5:10 Called of God an high priest after the order
of Melchisedec.
11 Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be
uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.
12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have
need that one teach you again which be the first principles
of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need
of milk, and not of strong meat.
(new understanding only comes when you choose to grow
in truth)
The churches refusal to follow the truth has a very clear
outcome as can be seen in romans
Romans 1:(25) Who changed the truth of God into a lie,
and worshipped and served the creature
more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
(26) For this cause God gave them up unto vile
affections: for even their women did change the natural use
into that which is against nature:
rejection of truth is linked to the proliferation of sexual
perversion – homosexuality appears more of a judgement
than a sin.
the church which claims to be the pillar of truth fails to do
this and the structure of society follows suit (the west in a
The church (well some of them) crusades against
homosexuality but fails to see that its own failure is the
Sheikh Imran Hosein nails it in this video
There is no need to chase people, As an old friend said “lay
it on the table, what people do with it is their responsibility”
“One of my favorite philosophical tenets is that people will
agree with you only if they already agree with you. You do
not change people’s minds” -frank zappa