This was sent to me by a friend (thanks A.!) – the lastest news from Egypt:
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Could the key Egyptian domino really fall this easily? If I was a member of the US government, I would argue that it simply mustn’t happen, not only because of Israel, but also because of the display of US impotence, plus you would have to expect similar outbursts all over the world, perhaps even (gasp!) right here, down by the farm. So I would counsel the following strategy: “Now, let there be blood, let there be brutal repression while we shed crocodile tears, and in the coming years let’s see if we can groom a fake democratic opposition that is to our liking…
(I have the flu, I always get delirious when I have the flu…).
Hi Saker! I’ve been following events on my phone all day and have been eager to comment. But was stuck in a 15 hour work day. Finally back home and exhausted but I have to write this.
As I may have mentioned before, I’m a transplanted Egyptian living in the US since the age of 2. I’m afraid I have have no special insight or any news beyond what is in the media. But here goes.
1) As you know, internet is totally down and so are mobile phones (attempts to call relatives have failed.) These people will happily destroy the Egyptian economy to keep their fat a$$es in power.
2) Copts are participating fully in the revolution according to my Coptic friends here in the US. Some are quite wary of the MB, and I don’t blame them, but EVERYBODY hates Mubarak.
3) Notice how in Iran the government was able to get millions to rally in their support. Notice how Ben Ali, and now Mubarak, can’t get three supporters in one place.
4) My gut feeling is that the Army will not shoot at its own people. Tienanmen, was more like the Green revolt in Iran, it had a lot of support but not majority support. After about 7-8 weeks, the public was sick of them. That’s when the Army moved in. Also, you could see clearly that China had been making great strides in the previous decade. People are more patient when they can see improvement.
5) Mubarak is a goner but this is nowhere near over. The Empire will fight tooth and nail to keep Egypt in shackles. Too much is riding on it. They will try to parade a general in front of cameras and call him the next president. I’d like to say this wont work, but it could.
6) Finally, the empire will try to stop this here, because already Jordan and Yemen are at risk. And if this were to spread to Saudi Arabia, the whole US/Israeli project will collapse like a house of cards in a hurricane.
If I manage to get through to relatives with any news, I’ll be sure to post it here.
Here’s some latest news you might be interested in, Saker…
“Iran calls on Egypt not to use force against protesters”
That’s so nice isn’t it? I was just about to renounce all my criticism of AN when this little gem crossed the wire, right after the link above…
“Iran hangs Dutch woman arrested after protests”
Will you join me in condemning this blood-soaked hypocrisy?
Dear Saker;
This is what’s circulating today among Middle eastern sources on the ground….
The ONLY public support that Mubarak’s regime got today came from Saudi King Abdullah…and Abu Mazen/Mahmud Abbas….two Zionist Lackeys….
Revolution in Egypt : At least 62 deaths yesterday only in Suez, Cairo, Alexandria. Hundreds of Martyrs this morning all over the country. The Police station in Rafah, border of Gaza was deserted by the police, same in the port of Al Arish. Gaza border reopened nearly fully… !!!
Massive and general upraising all over Egypt according to reliable intelligence sources: USS carrier in the Red Sea to help Mubarak flee… American war boats pre-positioned in the Mediterranean sea with NATO, Israel is in full ‘war alert’ in the North, South and the West bank, Israelis complaining about top Egyptian army brass not executing correctly orders as planned, possible failure of the coup D’état led by Mohamed Suleiman…. Egypt’s intelligence chief.
Intelligence general Suleiman with army chief of staff are now in full charge of the army and dealing with the Obama administration. Total confusion on the ground as there is a massive unexpected rebellion of young Egyptian policemen and army soldiers in the Sinai, Suez and many other cities in the South of Egypt. Rafah border nearly fully reopened…. Egyptian people took the police station, same in Al Arish. British, French, Canadian, German embassies are beginning to evacuate in emergency their staff. According to our source Mubarak will leave towards the Red Sea first, if not, possibly CIA will collect him in the Mediterranean Sea, near the Libyan border. Angela Merkel offered asylum to Mubarak in Germany.
I get bombarded with Islamophobic emails on a regular basis. Most of the culprits, believe it or not, are sympathetic to the cause of truth – yet at an unconscious level they have been programmed by the 9/11 public relations stunt and other Zionist media propaganda to fear and loathe Islam….
Hi Saker,
Just a Correction….
In my previous communication, it should read “Omar Suleiman” instead of Mohamed Suleiman….as Egypt’s Intelligence Chief…
Omar Suleiman JUST sworn in as Vice President in Egypt….he is as close to MOSSAD, CIA, DIA as you can get….
A most significant incident happened in Northern SINAI…where heavy clashes took place between Bedouin Tribes and Egyptian Police units….with 12 DEAD Bedouins so far… as well as clashes on the RAFAH borders…
Bedouins have been alleged to be associated with Arms smuggling into GAZA….
Latest from DC about Egypt…
The Washington Fossil Joe Biden declaring publicly on TV that MUBARAK is No Dictator…..LOL.
Then after the appointment of Omar Suleiman as Vice President…we got wind from DC that Washington is Unhappy with that appointment because they preferred Egypt’s Army Chief of Staff instead…who happened to be visiting DC this week and who had cut short his US visit to come back to Cairo in a Hurry….
Interesting times… to say the least,
I guess the White House is not too thrilled about Omar Suleiman’s choice… Gen. Sami Anan remains America’s choice and the Pentagon’s… ?
Take this with a grain of salt:
Egypt protests: America’s secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising
The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning “regime change” for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
Egypt protests: secret US document discloses support for protesters
Here is the secret document sent from the US Embassy in Cairo to Washington disclosing the extent of American support for the protesters behind the Egypt uprising.
I havent followed the news today (Saturday) but I hope the protests have continued with increased intensity.